Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amina Ndiaye
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01714974
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amina Ndiaye. Évolutions des traumatisés crâniens : données du registre des victimes d'accidents de la circulation du Rhône. Séminaire scientifique sur la surveillance et prévention des traumatismes, May 2017, SAINT-MAURICE, France. 12 p. ⟨hal-01714974⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Important problème de santé publique mortalité: années de vies perdues Handicap: années de vies vécues en incapacités. Accident de la route, une des principales causes oe des TC graves. 2002 : Accident route, grande cause nationale dans un contexte de réduction de la traumatologie routière
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Important problème de santé publique mortalité: années de vies perdues Handicap: années de vies vécues en incapacités. Accident de la route, une des principales causes oe des TC graves. 2002 : Accident route, grande cause nationale dans un contexte de réduction de la traumatologie routière
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Kobto Ghislain Koura, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Charlène Tournier, Etienne Javouhey, Jacques Luaute
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01068050
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Kobto Ghislain Koura, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Charlène Tournier, Etienne Javouhey, et al.. Évolution de la qualité de vie après un traumatisme crânien par accident de la route. VIe Congrès International d'Épidémiologie - ADELF - EPITER, Sep 2014, France. 17 p. ⟨hal-01068050⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction : s’il est connu que le traumatisme crânien (TC) joue sur la qualité de vie (QdV) du blessé, son évolution dans le temps est peu étudiée. L’objectif de notre étude était d’évaluer l’évolution de la QdV durant cinq années suivant un TC. Méthodologie : nous avons utilisé le WhoQol-bref pour évaluer la QdV des sujets de la cohorte ESPARR (957 victimes d’accident de la route ; TC=22,7%) 1, 3 et 5 ans après l’accident. Chacun des six scores dérivant de cet outil variait de 4 à 20. Le TC a été entré comme variable explicative dans les modèles. Des analyses par classes latentes ont été réalisées afin d’identifier les trajectoires concernant chaque score et établir les associations entre chaque trajectoire et le TC. Résultats : La qualité de vie des TC était significativement altérée par rapport aux autres blessés. Deux trajectoires ont été déterminées pour le score global, et pour les scores des domaines mental, social et environnemental ; 3 trajectoires ont été définies pour le score de santé globale, et pour le score du domaine physique. Les traumatisés crâniens ont plus de chances d’appartenir à la trajectoire basse pour la QdV globale (OR= 2,2 ; 1,3 – 3,9), le domaine physique (OR=2,1 ; 1,3-3,5) et le domaine social (OR=2,2 ; 1,3- 3,5) et d’appartenir à la trajectoire moyenne°pour la santé globale (OR=2,0 ; 1,2-3,4). Discussion : Nos résultats soulignent la nécessité d’accroître les efforts pour améliorer de la qualité de vie des traumatisés crâniens, dans toutes ses dimensions.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction : s’il est connu que le traumatisme crânien (TC) joue sur la qualité de vie (QdV) du blessé, son évolution dans le temps est peu étudiée. L’objectif de notre étude était d’évaluer l’évolution de la QdV durant cinq années suivant un TC. Méthodologie : nous avons utilisé le WhoQol-bref pour évaluer la QdV des sujets de la cohorte ESPARR (957 victimes d’accident de la route ; TC=22,7%) 1, 3 et 5 ans après l’accident. Chacun des six scores dérivant de cet outil variait de 4 à 20. Le TC a été entré comme variable explicative dans les modèles. Des analyses par classes latentes ont été réalisées afin d’identifier les trajectoires concernant chaque score et établir les associations entre chaque trajectoire et le TC. Résultats : La qualité de vie des TC était significativement altérée par rapport aux autres blessés. Deux trajectoires ont été déterminées pour le score global, et pour les scores des domaines mental, social et environnemental ; 3 trajectoires ont été définies pour le score de santé globale, et pour le score du domaine physique. Les traumatisés crâniens ont plus de chances d’appartenir à la trajectoire basse pour la QdV globale (OR= 2,2 ; 1,3 – 3,9), le domaine physique (OR=2,1 ; 1,3-3,5) et le domaine social (OR=2,2 ; 1,3- 3,5) et d’appartenir à la trajectoire moyenne°pour la santé globale (OR=2,0 ; 1,2-3,4). Discussion : Nos résultats soulignent la nécessité d’accroître les efforts pour améliorer de la qualité de vie des traumatisés crâniens, dans toutes ses dimensions.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Corinne Pilorget, Robin Lagarrigue, Marie Houot, Groupe Matgéné Groupe Matgene
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02089396
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Corinne Pilorget, Robin Lagarrigue, Marie Houot, Groupe Matgéné Groupe Matgene. Évolution de l'exposition professionnelle aux solvants oxygénés, pétroliers et chlorés en France entre 1999 et 2013. Résultats du programme Matgéné. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire - BEH, 2018, 12-13, pp. 234-240. ⟨hal-02089396⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'évolution de l'exposition professionnelle aux solvants oxygénés, pétroliers et chlorés entre 1999 et 2013 en France est présentée selon le sexe et le secteur d'activité. Les expositions sont évaluées par les matrices emplois-expositions du programme Matgéné. Les données de population issues des recensements de 1999, 2007 et 2013 sont croisées avec les matrices pour estimer les prévalences d'exposition sur les trois années. Les solvants les plus fréquemment utilisés en milieu professionnel en 2013 étaient les solvants oxygénés (11,4% des travailleurs), devant les solvants pétroliers (5,3%) et les solvants chlorés (0,2%). Les femmes étaient plus exposées aux solvants oxygénés (15,4% des femmes vs 7,7% des hommes), alors que les hommes étaient plus souvent concernés par les solvants pétroliers (9,1% vs 1,1%) et chlorés (0,3% vs 0,1%). L'exposition professionnelle a diminué pour chacune des familles de solvants sur la période d'étude, de même que l'exposition à au moins un solvant de chacune des familles. Cette étude est la première à présenter l'évolution de l'exposition professionnelle à trois grandes familles de solvants sur une période de 14 ans pour l'ensemble des travailleurs en France, quels que soient leur statut et leur activité. La baisse globale observée pour l'ensemble des solvants est positive compte tenu du fait que certains de ces solvants présentent un caractère cancérogène, mutagène ou reprotoxique. Cependant, cette baisse est à étudier selon les secteurs et le sexe afin d'orienter et cibler au mieux les actions de prévention à mettre en place pour les groupes professionnels restant les plus exposés en 2013.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'évolution de l'exposition professionnelle aux solvants oxygénés, pétroliers et chlorés entre 1999 et 2013 en France est présentée selon le sexe et le secteur d'activité. Les expositions sont évaluées par les matrices emplois-expositions du programme Matgéné. Les données de population issues des recensements de 1999, 2007 et 2013 sont croisées avec les matrices pour estimer les prévalences d'exposition sur les trois années. Les solvants les plus fréquemment utilisés en milieu professionnel en 2013 étaient les solvants oxygénés (11,4% des travailleurs), devant les solvants pétroliers (5,3%) et les solvants chlorés (0,2%). Les femmes étaient plus exposées aux solvants oxygénés (15,4% des femmes vs 7,7% des hommes), alors que les hommes étaient plus souvent concernés par les solvants pétroliers (9,1% vs 1,1%) et chlorés (0,3% vs 0,1%). L'exposition professionnelle a diminué pour chacune des familles de solvants sur la période d'étude, de même que l'exposition à au moins un solvant de chacune des familles. Cette étude est la première à présenter l'évolution de l'exposition professionnelle à trois grandes familles de solvants sur une période de 14 ans pour l'ensemble des travailleurs en France, quels que soient leur statut et leur activité. La baisse globale observée pour l'ensemble des solvants est positive compte tenu du fait que certains de ces solvants présentent un caractère cancérogène, mutagène ou reprotoxique. Cependant, cette baisse est à étudier selon les secteurs et le sexe afin d'orienter et cibler au mieux les actions de prévention à mettre en place pour les groupes professionnels restant les plus exposés en 2013.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Pelletan, Emmanuel Fort, Laurène Delabre, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Corinne Pilorget
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02265979
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Pelletan, Emmanuel Fort, Laurène Delabre, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Corinne Pilorget. Évolution de l'exposition au bruit chez des salariés en France. 35e congrès national de médecine et santé au travail, Jun 2018, MARSEILLE, France. pp. 413-414, ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.459⟩. ⟨hal-02265979⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.459
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En France, la surdité professionnelle est la 3e cause de maladie professionnelle reconnue par les régimes général et agricole de la sécurité sociale. Entre 1968 et 2000, l'institut universitaire de médecine du travail de Lyon a mené des campagnes d'examens audiométriques dans des entreprises de la région Rhône-Alpes afin d'évaluer l'impact des nuisances sonores sur les travailleurs. L'exploitation de ces données permet d'appréhender l'évolution de l'exposition professionnelle au bruit lésionnel sur cette période. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre du programme Matgéné, il a pour finalité d'élaborer une matrice emploi exposition au bruit. Matériel et méthodes La base de données utilisée comporte 49 600 examens audiométriques. Les informations sur les emplois ont été codées selon la PCS 2003 (profession et catégorie socioprofessionnelle) et la NAF 2008 (nomenclature des activités française). Des critères de sélection sur l'âge, l'ancienneté dans l'emploi et l'absence de pathologies de l'oreille ont été retenus pour exploiter ces audiométries, ce qui a permis l'analyse de 8895 audiogrammes. Une perte auditive moyenne standard (PAM standard) a été estimée de manière collective, à partir des PAM calculées pour chaque salarié appartenant à un même groupe professionnel. Le niveau d'exposition sonore théorique du groupe Leq, exprimé en dB(A) est déterminé par la relation suivante : Leq=(PAM standard+43,3)/0,688. Les niveaux sonores moyens et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95 % ont été calculés selon le sexe, la profession et le secteur d'activité et déclinés sur 4 périodes distinctes : 1968-1969, 1970-1979, 1980-1989 et 1990-2000. Résultats La population est constituée majoritairement d'hommes (86,1 %), l'âge moyen est de 38,9 ans (std=9,2) et l'ancienneté moyenne de 14,4 ans (std=7,9). De manière globale, on constate une diminution significative de l'exposition sonore dans cette population : de 114,1 dB(a) (IC95 %=[112,7-115,5]) à 86,9 dB(a) (IC95 %=[85,6-88,2]) entre 1968 et 2000. Cette tendance se confirme pour tous les secteurs d'activités exceptés dans l'industrie du papier et du carton et dans la cokéfaction et raffinage pour lesquels le niveau de bruit reste stable. Conclusion L'étude de mesures audiométriques réalisées sur une longue période historique a donc permis de documenter l'évolution de l'exposition professionnelle au bruit au sein d'un groupe professionnel. La baisse constatée des niveaux d'exposition sonore au cours du temps dans cette population est à mettre en parallèle avec les actions engagées par le droit français et européen depuis 1970 visant l'amélioration des conditions de travail.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En France, la surdité professionnelle est la 3e cause de maladie professionnelle reconnue par les régimes général et agricole de la sécurité sociale. Entre 1968 et 2000, l'institut universitaire de médecine du travail de Lyon a mené des campagnes d'examens audiométriques dans des entreprises de la région Rhône-Alpes afin d'évaluer l'impact des nuisances sonores sur les travailleurs. L'exploitation de ces données permet d'appréhender l'évolution de l'exposition professionnelle au bruit lésionnel sur cette période. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre du programme Matgéné, il a pour finalité d'élaborer une matrice emploi exposition au bruit. Matériel et méthodes La base de données utilisée comporte 49 600 examens audiométriques. Les informations sur les emplois ont été codées selon la PCS 2003 (profession et catégorie socioprofessionnelle) et la NAF 2008 (nomenclature des activités française). Des critères de sélection sur l'âge, l'ancienneté dans l'emploi et l'absence de pathologies de l'oreille ont été retenus pour exploiter ces audiométries, ce qui a permis l'analyse de 8895 audiogrammes. Une perte auditive moyenne standard (PAM standard) a été estimée de manière collective, à partir des PAM calculées pour chaque salarié appartenant à un même groupe professionnel. Le niveau d'exposition sonore théorique du groupe Leq, exprimé en dB(A) est déterminé par la relation suivante : Leq=(PAM standard+43,3)/0,688. Les niveaux sonores moyens et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95 % ont été calculés selon le sexe, la profession et le secteur d'activité et déclinés sur 4 périodes distinctes : 1968-1969, 1970-1979, 1980-1989 et 1990-2000. Résultats La population est constituée majoritairement d'hommes (86,1 %), l'âge moyen est de 38,9 ans (std=9,2) et l'ancienneté moyenne de 14,4 ans (std=7,9). De manière globale, on constate une diminution significative de l'exposition sonore dans cette population : de 114,1 dB(a) (IC95 %=[112,7-115,5]) à 86,9 dB(a) (IC95 %=[85,6-88,2]) entre 1968 et 2000. Cette tendance se confirme pour tous les secteurs d'activités exceptés dans l'industrie du papier et du carton et dans la cokéfaction et raffinage pour lesquels le niveau de bruit reste stable. Conclusion L'étude de mesures audiométriques réalisées sur une longue période historique a donc permis de documenter l'évolution de l'exposition professionnelle au bruit au sein d'un groupe professionnel. La baisse constatée des niveaux d'exposition sonore au cours du temps dans cette population est à mettre en parallèle avec les actions engagées par le droit français et européen depuis 1970 visant l'amélioration des conditions de travail.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Benoit Agnani, Jean-Francois Doré, Yves Le Drean, Thierry Letertre, Fabien Ndagijimana, Martine Hours, Francine Behar-Cohen, Jean-Marc Bertho, Jean-Pierre Cesarini, Frederic Couturier, Pierre Ducimetiere, Aicha El Khatib, Nicolas Feltin, Emmanuel Flahaut, Eric Gaffet, Murielle Lafaye, Philippe Lepoutre, Christophe Martinsons, Catherine Mouneyrac, Alain Muzet, Yves Sicard, Alain Soyez, Esko Toppila, Catherine Yardin, Johanna Fite, Olivier Merckel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04813610
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Benoit Agnani, Jean-Francois Doré, Yves Le Drean, Thierry Letertre, Fabien Ndagijimana, et al.. Évaluation des risques sanitaires liés à l’utilisation du scanner corporel à ondes «millimétriques» Eqo. Saisine n°2012-SA-0063, Anses. 2012, 53 p. ⟨hal-04813610⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Eqo is a detection scanner portal used in airports for the detection of various materials on passengers. After a presentation of the context, scope and modalities of this expertise, this report presents the Eqo portal (main actors, operation, physical parameters, obtained image, control capacity, uses) and reports the assessment of the levels of electromagnetic fields emitted by this portal (measurement conditions and measurement devices, results in terms of frequency spectrum, time variations and power density) and the assessment of the exposure to millimetre-wavelength waves in relationship with the use of the Eqo portal (passengers, workers in the airports and airline personnel, operators). Then, it addresses the case of waves with a frequency higher than 1 GHz (potential biological and health effects, depth of penetration, biological studies, and epidemiological studies). The last part proposes an assessment of health risks related to the use of the Eqo portal.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Eqo is a detection scanner portal used in airports for the detection of various materials on passengers. After a presentation of the context, scope and modalities of this expertise, this report presents the Eqo portal (main actors, operation, physical parameters, obtained image, control capacity, uses) and reports the assessment of the levels of electromagnetic fields emitted by this portal (measurement conditions and measurement devices, results in terms of frequency spectrum, time variations and power density) and the assessment of the exposure to millimetre-wavelength waves in relationship with the use of the Eqo portal (passengers, workers in the airports and airline personnel, operators). Then, it addresses the case of waves with a frequency higher than 1 GHz (potential biological and health effects, depth of penetration, biological studies, and epidemiological studies). The last part proposes an assessment of health risks related to the use of the Eqo portal.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alain Muzet, Gilberte Tinguely, Michel Bérengier, Florence Coignard, Anne-Sophie Évrard, Guillaume Faburel, Joël Lelong, Philippe Lepoutre, Fanny Mietlicki, Mara Nolli, Patrick Peretti, Martine Hours, Francine Behar-Cohen, Jean-Marc Bertho, Jean-Pierre Césarini, Frédéric Couturier, Jean-François Doré, Pierre Ducimetiere, Aïcha El Khatib, Nicolas Feltin, Emmanuel Flahaut, Eric Gaffet, Murielle Lafaye, Christophe Martinsons, Catherine Mouneyrac, Alain Muzet, Yves Sicard, Alain Soyez, Esko Toppila, Catherine Yardin, Johanna Fite, Régine Boutrais, Olivier Merckel, Anthony Cadene
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04832138
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alain Muzet, Gilberte Tinguely, Michel Bérengier, Florence Coignard, Anne-Sophie Évrard, et al.. Évaluation des impacts sanitaires extra-auditifs du bruit environnemental. Saisine n°2009-SA-0333, Anses. 2013, 295 p. ⟨hal-04832138⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En dépit des nombreuses études réalisées depuis plusieurs décennies sur les effets sanitaires extra-auditifs associés à l'exposition au bruit ambiant, l'évaluation de ceux-ci s'avère encore aujourd’hui peu précise. Il existe peu de relations dose-effet documentées pour les différentes situations d’exposition au bruit. Par ailleurs, ces relations reposent essentiellement sur des indices énergétiques moyens, alors que la revue de la littérature suggère qu’il faudrait inclure certains indices évènementiels et fréquentiels dans l’évaluation des impacts sanitaires. Au-delà des difficultés liées à la caractérisation de l’exposition, les lacunes de connaissance s’expliquent également par le caractère multifactoriel des impacts sanitaires associés au bruit ainsi que par la complexité des interactions des multiples déterminants concernés. En effet, outre les déterminants acoustiques, physiologiques et physiopathologiques classiques, d’autres paramètres d’ordres psychologiques, sociaux et territoriaux entrent en ligne de compte et peuvent intervenir comme facteurs modificateurs des effets sanitaires du bruit. Parmi les effets sanitaires extra-auditifs du bruit environnemental étudiés, quatre ont été pris en compte par le groupe de travail pour la construction de la méthode d’évaluation des risques. Ce sont ceux pour lesquels des courbes dose-réponse sont disponibles dans certaines situations d’exposition et qui ont été rapportés dans le document de l’OMS Burden of diseases (OMS 2011). Il s’agit de : * effets immédiats : -- perturbations du sommeil ; * gêne -- effets à moyen et à long termes : * troubles de l'apprentissage scolaire ; * infarctus du myocarde. Cependant, la robustesse des courbes dose-réponse de ces effets reste encore discutée compte-tenu de multiples sources d’incertitude. Il faut remarquer que la gêne due au bruit est considérée comme un effet sanitaire à part entière. De plus, celle-ci peut, en tant que facteur intermédiaire, participer au développement d'autres pathologies lorsqu’elle est chronique et qu’elle constitue un facteur de stress continu. De nombreuses enquêtes psychoacoustiques ont montré qu’il est difficile de fixer un niveau précis où commence l’inconfort et ont souligné le caractère variable du lien existant entre les indicateurs de gêne et les caractéristiques physiques du bruit. La méthode proposée en vue de la réalisation d’une étude d’impact sanitaire utilise une grille-support, développée par le groupe de travail, qui permet une évaluation des risques. Cette évaluation porte sur la zone concernée par un projet d’aménagement d’infrastructures et suit les quatre étapes successives (voir en annexe le canevas de la méthode proposée d’évaluation des impacts sanitaires) : • la première étape consiste à rassembler les données d’entrée nécessaires à l’évaluation des impacts sanitaires (description de la zone géographique étudiée, de l’état sonore existant et du projet d’infrastructure) ; • l’objet de la seconde étape est la caractérisation des expositions et la détermination géographique des zones exposées à des niveaux sonores supérieurs aux seuils définis dans la littérature en dessous desquels l’OMS estime que les effets sont négligeables, afin de circonscrire l’étude à ces territoires et de dénombrer les populations probablement concernées ; • la troisième étape vise à caractériser par une analyse qualitative les impacts sanitaires possibles en modulant les relations exposition-effet connues en fonction des paramètres individuels sociaux et territoriaux reconnus par le groupe de travail comme étant pertinents (facteurs individuels, sociaux et territoriaux) ; • enfin, les incertitudes reposant sur l’évaluation des impacts sanitaires sont identifiées et discutées dans une dernière étape. L’analyse qualitative permet d’identifier les risques concernés et de répertorier les différents facteurs contextuels et individuels ainsi que les évènements à prendre en considération dans la gestion de la situation étudiée. Le passage de l’analyse de risque qualitative à l’évaluation quantitative est néanmoins possible dans certains cas mais, dans la pratique, le passage de l’une (analyse qualitative) à l’autre (évaluation quantitative) est souvent rendu difficile par le caractère très parcellaire des données disponibles.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En dépit des nombreuses études réalisées depuis plusieurs décennies sur les effets sanitaires extra-auditifs associés à l'exposition au bruit ambiant, l'évaluation de ceux-ci s'avère encore aujourd’hui peu précise. Il existe peu de relations dose-effet documentées pour les différentes situations d’exposition au bruit. Par ailleurs, ces relations reposent essentiellement sur des indices énergétiques moyens, alors que la revue de la littérature suggère qu’il faudrait inclure certains indices évènementiels et fréquentiels dans l’évaluation des impacts sanitaires. Au-delà des difficultés liées à la caractérisation de l’exposition, les lacunes de connaissance s’expliquent également par le caractère multifactoriel des impacts sanitaires associés au bruit ainsi que par la complexité des interactions des multiples déterminants concernés. En effet, outre les déterminants acoustiques, physiologiques et physiopathologiques classiques, d’autres paramètres d’ordres psychologiques, sociaux et territoriaux entrent en ligne de compte et peuvent intervenir comme facteurs modificateurs des effets sanitaires du bruit. Parmi les effets sanitaires extra-auditifs du bruit environnemental étudiés, quatre ont été pris en compte par le groupe de travail pour la construction de la méthode d’évaluation des risques. Ce sont ceux pour lesquels des courbes dose-réponse sont disponibles dans certaines situations d’exposition et qui ont été rapportés dans le document de l’OMS Burden of diseases (OMS 2011). Il s’agit de : * effets immédiats : -- perturbations du sommeil ; * gêne -- effets à moyen et à long termes : * troubles de l'apprentissage scolaire ; * infarctus du myocarde. Cependant, la robustesse des courbes dose-réponse de ces effets reste encore discutée compte-tenu de multiples sources d’incertitude. Il faut remarquer que la gêne due au bruit est considérée comme un effet sanitaire à part entière. De plus, celle-ci peut, en tant que facteur intermédiaire, participer au développement d'autres pathologies lorsqu’elle est chronique et qu’elle constitue un facteur de stress continu. De nombreuses enquêtes psychoacoustiques ont montré qu’il est difficile de fixer un niveau précis où commence l’inconfort et ont souligné le caractère variable du lien existant entre les indicateurs de gêne et les caractéristiques physiques du bruit. La méthode proposée en vue de la réalisation d’une étude d’impact sanitaire utilise une grille-support, développée par le groupe de travail, qui permet une évaluation des risques. Cette évaluation porte sur la zone concernée par un projet d’aménagement d’infrastructures et suit les quatre étapes successives (voir en annexe le canevas de la méthode proposée d’évaluation des impacts sanitaires) : • la première étape consiste à rassembler les données d’entrée nécessaires à l’évaluation des impacts sanitaires (description de la zone géographique étudiée, de l’état sonore existant et du projet d’infrastructure) ; • l’objet de la seconde étape est la caractérisation des expositions et la détermination géographique des zones exposées à des niveaux sonores supérieurs aux seuils définis dans la littérature en dessous desquels l’OMS estime que les effets sont négligeables, afin de circonscrire l’étude à ces territoires et de dénombrer les populations probablement concernées ; • la troisième étape vise à caractériser par une analyse qualitative les impacts sanitaires possibles en modulant les relations exposition-effet connues en fonction des paramètres individuels sociaux et territoriaux reconnus par le groupe de travail comme étant pertinents (facteurs individuels, sociaux et territoriaux) ; • enfin, les incertitudes reposant sur l’évaluation des impacts sanitaires sont identifiées et discutées dans une dernière étape. L’analyse qualitative permet d’identifier les risques concernés et de répertorier les différents facteurs contextuels et individuels ainsi que les évènements à prendre en considération dans la gestion de la situation étudiée. Le passage de l’analyse de risque qualitative à l’évaluation quantitative est néanmoins possible dans certains cas mais, dans la pratique, le passage de l’une (analyse qualitative) à l’autre (évaluation quantitative) est souvent rendu difficile par le caractère très parcellaire des données disponibles.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mireille Chiron, Lucie Anzivino-Viricel, J. Tieulent-Lortet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00544305
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mireille Chiron, Lucie Anzivino-Viricel, J. Tieulent-Lortet. Évaluation des expositions à la pollution atmosphérique liées à la circulation routière dans l'étude InciTra sur les malformations congénitales et la pollution atmosphérique. 2010, 52p. ⟨hal-00544305⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'étude consiste à utiliser un modèle de dispersion des gaz d'échappement des véhicules (ExTra) à 620 femmes enceintes participant à une étude cas-témoins sur les malformations congénitales urinaires (étude InciTra, dirigée par sylvaine Cordier). Son but est d'évaluer rétrospectivement leur exposition à la pollution issue du trafic, en prenant les NOx comme indicateur. Pour chaque femme et chacun de ses lieux de séjour (domicile et lieu de travail) la composante de fond et la composante locale de l'indice sont calculés. La première correspond à des teneurs mesurées ou modélisées de la pollution de fond aux NOx, la seconde à la pollution issue du trafic local. L'indice global ExTra (calculé à l'aveugle sur le statut cas ou témoin) est une moyenne pondérée sur le temps passé au travail (le cas échéant) et à domicile. Il est exprimé en teneur moyenne de NOx (μg/m3) sur la période d'intérêt de 4 mois (début de grossesse) pour chaque femme. La moyenne est à 46±36μg/m3, la médiane 40μg/m3, les premier et troisième quartiles à 20 et 60 μg/m3, le maximum à 331μg/m3. Une analyse univariée puis multivariée ne montre aucun lien entre cette exposition et l'incidence des malformations urinaires congénitales
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'étude consiste à utiliser un modèle de dispersion des gaz d'échappement des véhicules (ExTra) à 620 femmes enceintes participant à une étude cas-témoins sur les malformations congénitales urinaires (étude InciTra, dirigée par sylvaine Cordier). Son but est d'évaluer rétrospectivement leur exposition à la pollution issue du trafic, en prenant les NOx comme indicateur. Pour chaque femme et chacun de ses lieux de séjour (domicile et lieu de travail) la composante de fond et la composante locale de l'indice sont calculés. La première correspond à des teneurs mesurées ou modélisées de la pollution de fond aux NOx, la seconde à la pollution issue du trafic local. L'indice global ExTra (calculé à l'aveugle sur le statut cas ou témoin) est une moyenne pondérée sur le temps passé au travail (le cas échéant) et à domicile. Il est exprimé en teneur moyenne de NOx (μg/m3) sur la période d'intérêt de 4 mois (début de grossesse) pour chaque femme. La moyenne est à 46±36μg/m3, la médiane 40μg/m3, les premier et troisième quartiles à 20 et 60 μg/m3, le maximum à 331μg/m3. Une analyse univariée puis multivariée ne montre aucun lien entre cette exposition et l'incidence des malformations urinaires congénitales
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mounia El Yamani, Nadine Frery, Corinne Pilorget
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02265875
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mounia El Yamani, Nadine Frery, Corinne Pilorget. Évaluation des expositions professionnelles de la population des travailleurs en France : des outils et des méthodes.. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire - BEH, 2018, 12-13, pp. 216-220. ⟨hal-02265875⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'évaluation des expositions professionnelles et de leur évolution au cours du temps est une activité essentielle dans tout système de santé publique de surveillance des risques professionnels. Elle consiste à examiner, non pas la survenue des maladies, mais la fréquence et la répartition des expositions à des facteurs potentiellement pathogènes dans la population des travailleurs. Cet article s'attache à faire une brève description des principales méthodes d'évaluation des expositions professionnelles chez l'ensemble des travailleurs en France, dans une vision populationnelle. Il décrit la grande variété des outils disponibles et montre comment une collecte régulière d'information structurée permet la production de divers indicateurs utiles pour orienter et prioriser les actions de prévention.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'évaluation des expositions professionnelles et de leur évolution au cours du temps est une activité essentielle dans tout système de santé publique de surveillance des risques professionnels. Elle consiste à examiner, non pas la survenue des maladies, mais la fréquence et la répartition des expositions à des facteurs potentiellement pathogènes dans la population des travailleurs. Cet article s'attache à faire une brève description des principales méthodes d'évaluation des expositions professionnelles chez l'ensemble des travailleurs en France, dans une vision populationnelle. Il décrit la grande variété des outils disponibles et montre comment une collecte régulière d'information structurée permet la production de divers indicateurs utiles pour orienter et prioriser les actions de prévention.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Alain Cheveigné (de), David Ecotière, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Frederique Moati, David Michaud, Esko Toppila, Martine Hours, Laurent Beugnet, Alexandre Bounouh, Pierre Campo, Brigitte Debuire, Jean-Francois Dore, Thierry Douki, Pierre Ducimetiere, Nicolas Feltin, Emmanuel Flahaut, Eric Gaffet, Murielle Lafaye, Joel Lelong, Christophe Martinsons, Catherine Mouneyrac, Fabien Ndagijimana, Alain Soyez, Catherine Yardin, Anthony Cadene, Olivier Merckel, Aurelie Niaudet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04815667
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Alain Cheveigné (de), David Ecotière, Anne-Sophie Evrard, et al.. Évaluation des effets sanitaires des basses fréquences sonores et infrasons dus aux parcs éoliens. Saisine n°2013-SA-0115, Anses. 2017, 283 p. ⟨hal-04815667⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le développement des éoliennes comme source d’énergie électrique renouvelable a conduit à s’interroger sur leur potentialité à produire des sons basses fréquences (20 Hz à 200 Hz) et des infrasons (inférieurs à 20 Hz) et sur leurs éventuelles conséquences pour la santé. En mars 2006, l’Académie nationale de médecine a considéré, dans un rapport concernant le retentissement du fonctionnement des éoliennes sur la santé de l’être humain, que l’impact sonore des parcs éoliens était comparable à celui des aéroports, des infrastructures de transports ou des usines. Ce rapport recommandait une classification des parcs éoliens en « zone industrielle » et une distance minimale d’implantation de 1 500 mètres des habitations. Saisie alors par la DGPR et la DGS pour étudier les impacts sanitaires du bruit engendré par les éoliennes, l’Agence française de sécurité sanitaire environnementale (Afsse) avait conclu, dans son rapport intitulé « Impacts sanitaires du bruit généré par les éoliennes » et publié en mars 2008, que les émissions sonores des éoliennes n’avaient pas de conséquences sanitaires directes tant au niveau de l’appareil auditif que des effets liés à l’exposition aux basses fréquences et aux infrasons. Ce rapport considérait également que l’énoncé systématique d’une distance minimale d’éloignement de 1500 mètres, sans prendre en compte l’environnement (notamment topographique) du parc éolien, ne semblait pas pertinent. La réglementation française relative aux éoliennes a depuis été modifiée, avec l’introduction d’une distance minimale d’implantation des éoliennes de 500 mètres au-delà de toute habitation, puis le classement des parcs éoliens dans le régime des installations classées pour la protection de l’environnement (ICPE, arrêtés du 26 août 2011). Ces textes considèrent les bandes d’octave de 125 à 4 000 Hz. Les très basses fréquences et les infrasons, plus difficiles à mesurer, ne sont actuellement pas pris en compte. Comme l’a mis en évidence un travail spécifique sur l'encadrement réglementaire relatif au bruit des éoliennes ou aux infrasons et basses fréquences provenant de toutes sources sonores réalisé, à la demande de l’Anses, par le Centre d'information et de documentation sur le bruit (CIDB) il n’existe pas actuellement de réglementation harmonisée au sein de l’Union européenne. Seuls quelques référentiels nationaux incluent des dispositions spécifiques aux parcs éoliens. La plupart des plaintes liées à des bruits basses fréquences correspondent à des situations d’exposition à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Certains pays1 ont ainsi développé des recommandations relatives à l’exposition aux bruits basses fréquences et aux infrasons à l’intérieur des habitations, le plus souvent au voisinage des installations industrielles. En France, des plaintes de riverains concernant le bruit des éoliennes ont été signalées à la DGPR par les Directions régionales de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement (DREAL).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le développement des éoliennes comme source d’énergie électrique renouvelable a conduit à s’interroger sur leur potentialité à produire des sons basses fréquences (20 Hz à 200 Hz) et des infrasons (inférieurs à 20 Hz) et sur leurs éventuelles conséquences pour la santé. En mars 2006, l’Académie nationale de médecine a considéré, dans un rapport concernant le retentissement du fonctionnement des éoliennes sur la santé de l’être humain, que l’impact sonore des parcs éoliens était comparable à celui des aéroports, des infrastructures de transports ou des usines. Ce rapport recommandait une classification des parcs éoliens en « zone industrielle » et une distance minimale d’implantation de 1 500 mètres des habitations. Saisie alors par la DGPR et la DGS pour étudier les impacts sanitaires du bruit engendré par les éoliennes, l’Agence française de sécurité sanitaire environnementale (Afsse) avait conclu, dans son rapport intitulé « Impacts sanitaires du bruit généré par les éoliennes » et publié en mars 2008, que les émissions sonores des éoliennes n’avaient pas de conséquences sanitaires directes tant au niveau de l’appareil auditif que des effets liés à l’exposition aux basses fréquences et aux infrasons. Ce rapport considérait également que l’énoncé systématique d’une distance minimale d’éloignement de 1500 mètres, sans prendre en compte l’environnement (notamment topographique) du parc éolien, ne semblait pas pertinent. La réglementation française relative aux éoliennes a depuis été modifiée, avec l’introduction d’une distance minimale d’implantation des éoliennes de 500 mètres au-delà de toute habitation, puis le classement des parcs éoliens dans le régime des installations classées pour la protection de l’environnement (ICPE, arrêtés du 26 août 2011). Ces textes considèrent les bandes d’octave de 125 à 4 000 Hz. Les très basses fréquences et les infrasons, plus difficiles à mesurer, ne sont actuellement pas pris en compte. Comme l’a mis en évidence un travail spécifique sur l'encadrement réglementaire relatif au bruit des éoliennes ou aux infrasons et basses fréquences provenant de toutes sources sonores réalisé, à la demande de l’Anses, par le Centre d'information et de documentation sur le bruit (CIDB) il n’existe pas actuellement de réglementation harmonisée au sein de l’Union européenne. Seuls quelques référentiels nationaux incluent des dispositions spécifiques aux parcs éoliens. La plupart des plaintes liées à des bruits basses fréquences correspondent à des situations d’exposition à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Certains pays1 ont ainsi développé des recommandations relatives à l’exposition aux bruits basses fréquences et aux infrasons à l’intérieur des habitations, le plus souvent au voisinage des installations industrielles. En France, des plaintes de riverains concernant le bruit des éoliennes ont été signalées à la DGPR par les Directions régionales de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement (DREAL).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : M. Naili, E. Fort, L. Rollin, Ariane Leroyer, A. Gavoille, A. Desbas, B. Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04474595
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : M. Naili, E. Fort, L. Rollin, Ariane Leroyer, A. Gavoille, et al.. Évaluation des conditions de travail et de l’état de santé des travailleurs en entrepôts et plateformes logistiques. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2023, Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 84 (3), p.101669. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2022.10.001⟩. ⟨hal-04474595⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2022.10.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Industrie en plein essor, le secteur de la logistique est soumis à une forte sinistralité en termes d’accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles. Notre objectif était de décrire les conditions de travail et l’état de santé des travailleurs du secteur de la logistique en les comparant avec les salariés des autres secteurs professionnels.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Industrie en plein essor, le secteur de la logistique est soumis à une forte sinistralité en termes d’accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles. Notre objectif était de décrire les conditions de travail et l’état de santé des travailleurs du secteur de la logistique en les comparant avec les salariés des autres secteurs professionnels.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Fabien Ndagijimana, Jean-Benoit Agnani, Isabelle Deltour, Jean-Francois Dore, Laura Draetta, Francois Gaudaire, Dorothee Marchand, Martine Hours, Alexandre Bounouh, Brigitte Debuire, Thierry Douki, Pierre Ducimetiere, Nicolas Feltin, Emmanuel Flahaut, Murielle Lafaye, Joel Lelong, Christophe Martinsons, Frederique Moati, Catherine Mouneyrac, Alain Soyez, Esko Toppila, Catherine Yardin, Fanny Huret, Olivier Merckel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04815682
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Fabien Ndagijimana, Jean-Benoit Agnani, Isabelle Deltour, Jean-Francois Dore, Laura Draetta, et al.. Évaluation de l’exposition de la population aux champs électromagnétiques émis par les « compteurs communicants ». Saisine n°2015-SA-0210, Anses. 2016, 124 p. ⟨hal-04815682⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La loi n° 2015-992 du 17 août 2015 relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte, en modifiant le Code de l’énergie (notamment les articles L. 341-4 et L. 453-7), a inscrit dans la législation le déploiement national des compteurs communicants d’électricité (Linky) et de gaz (Gazpar). Ces compteurs permettent la relève à distance des index de consommation et leur transmission journalière aux fournisseurs d’énergie. Ceux-ci pourront ainsi mettre en place des systèmes de tarification dynamique pour les consommateurs et leur permettre d’accéder quotidiennement (sur des portails internet) à leur propres données de consommation d’énergie, avec l’objectif affiché de mieux la maîtriser. Les distributeurs d’eau ont également entamé l’équipement de leurs compteurs avec des dispositifs permettant la télé-relève, notamment dans l’objectif d’améliorer la détection des fuites. Les technologies de communication choisies pour la transmission des informations sont différentes selon les types de compteurs. Les compteurs d’électricité « Linky » communiquent via le courant porteur en ligne (CPL), sur le réseau de distribution d’électricité, alors que les compteurs de gaz « Gazpar » et les compteurs d’eau utilisent la technologie des communications radioélectriques par voie hertzienne. L’installation de ces compteurs suscite des inquiétudes auprès d’une partie de la population, notamment en matière de surfacturation pour les abonnés, de protection des données et de respect de la vie privée, mais aussi d’éventuels risques sanitaires pouvant être liés à une exposition des personnes aux champs électromagnétiques émis par ces différents compteurs. Ces craintes ont conduit certains maires, collectifs locaux et associations à se mobiliser contre l’installation de ces nouveaux compteurs. Dans ce contexte, la Direction générale de la santé (DGS) a chargé l’Anses, le 30 septembre 2015, de conduire une expertise relative à l’évaluation de l’exposition de la population aux champs électromagnétiques émis par les compteurs communicants et des effets sanitaires potentiels associés (saisine n° 2015-SA-0210 « Compteurs communicants »).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La loi n° 2015-992 du 17 août 2015 relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte, en modifiant le Code de l’énergie (notamment les articles L. 341-4 et L. 453-7), a inscrit dans la législation le déploiement national des compteurs communicants d’électricité (Linky) et de gaz (Gazpar). Ces compteurs permettent la relève à distance des index de consommation et leur transmission journalière aux fournisseurs d’énergie. Ceux-ci pourront ainsi mettre en place des systèmes de tarification dynamique pour les consommateurs et leur permettre d’accéder quotidiennement (sur des portails internet) à leur propres données de consommation d’énergie, avec l’objectif affiché de mieux la maîtriser. Les distributeurs d’eau ont également entamé l’équipement de leurs compteurs avec des dispositifs permettant la télé-relève, notamment dans l’objectif d’améliorer la détection des fuites. Les technologies de communication choisies pour la transmission des informations sont différentes selon les types de compteurs. Les compteurs d’électricité « Linky » communiquent via le courant porteur en ligne (CPL), sur le réseau de distribution d’électricité, alors que les compteurs de gaz « Gazpar » et les compteurs d’eau utilisent la technologie des communications radioélectriques par voie hertzienne. L’installation de ces compteurs suscite des inquiétudes auprès d’une partie de la population, notamment en matière de surfacturation pour les abonnés, de protection des données et de respect de la vie privée, mais aussi d’éventuels risques sanitaires pouvant être liés à une exposition des personnes aux champs électromagnétiques émis par ces différents compteurs. Ces craintes ont conduit certains maires, collectifs locaux et associations à se mobiliser contre l’installation de ces nouveaux compteurs. Dans ce contexte, la Direction générale de la santé (DGS) a chargé l’Anses, le 30 septembre 2015, de conduire une expertise relative à l’évaluation de l’exposition de la population aux champs électromagnétiques émis par les compteurs communicants et des effets sanitaires potentiels associés (saisine n° 2015-SA-0210 « Compteurs communicants »).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Minon'Tsikpo Kossi Kodji, Emilie Lanoy, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03847937
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Minon'Tsikpo Kossi Kodji, Emilie Lanoy, Anne-Sophie Evrard. Étude du rôle de médiation et de modération de la gêne due au bruit des avions et de la sensibilité au bruit dans la relation entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et l’état de santé perçu. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-03847937⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les effets néfastes du bruit des transports sur la santé identifiés par l’OMS sont les perturbations du sommeil, la gêne, les pathologies cardiovasculaires et la dégradation des performances cognitives chez les enfants. Les effets de l'exposition au bruit sur la santé peuvent être indirects, médiés par d’autres facteurs. Ils peuvent aussi interagir avec d’autres facteurs qui modifient le sens et/ou la force les effets du bruit sur la santé. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les effets médiateurs et modérateurs de la gêne due au bruit et de la sensibilité au bruit dans l’étude de l’effet des niveaux de bruit des avions et l’état de santé perçu, indicateur de santé globale. En 2009, le programme de recherche épidémiologique DEBATS a été mis en place aux abords de trois aéroports français (Paris Charles-de-Gaulle, Lyon- Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac) pour évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des populations riveraines. Des informations ont été recueillies auprès de 1244 participants en 2013 et lors des suivis en 2015 et 2017. Nous avons effectué une analyse longitudinale de l’ensemble des données. Les résultats de cette étude soutiennent l’hypothèse selon laquelle la gêne due au bruit joue un rôle médiateur dans l’association entre les niveaux de bruit et l’état de santé perçu. Ils montrent également une association entre les niveaux de bruit et la dégradation de la santé perçue plus forte chez les personnes fortement gênées par le bruit des avions, et chez les personnes fortement sensibles au bruit en général, que chez celles qui ne le sont pas, notamment chez les hommes, suggérant un rôle modérateur de la gêne et de la sensibilité au bruit. Néanmoins, d'autres études utilisant des méthodes statistiques spécifiques à la médiation et à la modération sont nécessaires pour confirmer cette conclusion.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les effets néfastes du bruit des transports sur la santé identifiés par l’OMS sont les perturbations du sommeil, la gêne, les pathologies cardiovasculaires et la dégradation des performances cognitives chez les enfants. Les effets de l'exposition au bruit sur la santé peuvent être indirects, médiés par d’autres facteurs. Ils peuvent aussi interagir avec d’autres facteurs qui modifient le sens et/ou la force les effets du bruit sur la santé. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les effets médiateurs et modérateurs de la gêne due au bruit et de la sensibilité au bruit dans l’étude de l’effet des niveaux de bruit des avions et l’état de santé perçu, indicateur de santé globale. En 2009, le programme de recherche épidémiologique DEBATS a été mis en place aux abords de trois aéroports français (Paris Charles-de-Gaulle, Lyon- Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac) pour évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des populations riveraines. Des informations ont été recueillies auprès de 1244 participants en 2013 et lors des suivis en 2015 et 2017. Nous avons effectué une analyse longitudinale de l’ensemble des données. Les résultats de cette étude soutiennent l’hypothèse selon laquelle la gêne due au bruit joue un rôle médiateur dans l’association entre les niveaux de bruit et l’état de santé perçu. Ils montrent également une association entre les niveaux de bruit et la dégradation de la santé perçue plus forte chez les personnes fortement gênées par le bruit des avions, et chez les personnes fortement sensibles au bruit en général, que chez celles qui ne le sont pas, notamment chez les hommes, suggérant un rôle modérateur de la gêne et de la sensibilité au bruit. Néanmoins, d'autres études utilisant des méthodes statistiques spécifiques à la médiation et à la modération sont nécessaires pour confirmer cette conclusion.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Lucie Anzivino, Martine Hours, Alain Bergeret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03183184
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Lucie Anzivino, Martine Hours, Alain Bergeret. Étude des risques biologiques des déchets de cabinets médicaux. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 1996, N°3 - 3ème Trimestre 1996, pp.19-25. ⟨10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.634⟩. ⟨hal-03183184⟩
DOI : 10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.634
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Une étude sur le contenu bactériologique des déchets médicaux issus de cabinets de praticiens libéraux a été menée dans le département du Rhône. Les concentrations en indicateurs de contamination (bactéries totales, coliformes totaux, streptocoques fécaux, Escherichia coli), ainsi qu'en certains germes pathogènes (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans et Aspergillus niger) ont été déterminées. La présence de virus de l'hépatite et de l'immunodéficience acquise a également été recherchée. Les déchets médicaux issus de cabinets de consultations montrent des variations allant de 0 CFU/ml (Colonies Formine Units) à plus de 69.106 CFU/ml dans leur contenu microbiologique. En général, les déchets issus des cabinets de vétérinaires sont les plus contaminés (jusqu'à 69.106 CFU/ml). Comparés à des ordures ménagères, ces déchets sont moins riches en micro-organismes (de 10. à 103 fois moins). Pseudomonas aeruginosa n'a été identifié que dans les déchets de cabinets de vétérinaires et de médecins généralistes, Candida albicans dans ceux des gynécologues (800 CFU/ml), et des dentistes (S CFU/ml). Aucun virus n'a été identifié. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les risques de contamination liés à ce type de déchets ne sont pas plus importants que ceux liés aux ordures ménagères.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Une étude sur le contenu bactériologique des déchets médicaux issus de cabinets de praticiens libéraux a été menée dans le département du Rhône. Les concentrations en indicateurs de contamination (bactéries totales, coliformes totaux, streptocoques fécaux, Escherichia coli), ainsi qu'en certains germes pathogènes (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans et Aspergillus niger) ont été déterminées. La présence de virus de l'hépatite et de l'immunodéficience acquise a également été recherchée. Les déchets médicaux issus de cabinets de consultations montrent des variations allant de 0 CFU/ml (Colonies Formine Units) à plus de 69.106 CFU/ml dans leur contenu microbiologique. En général, les déchets issus des cabinets de vétérinaires sont les plus contaminés (jusqu'à 69.106 CFU/ml). Comparés à des ordures ménagères, ces déchets sont moins riches en micro-organismes (de 10. à 103 fois moins). Pseudomonas aeruginosa n'a été identifié que dans les déchets de cabinets de vétérinaires et de médecins généralistes, Candida albicans dans ceux des gynécologues (800 CFU/ml), et des dentistes (S CFU/ml). Aucun virus n'a été identifié. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les risques de contamination liés à ce type de déchets ne sont pas plus importants que ceux liés aux ordures ménagères.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Lucie Anzivino, Juliette Asta, Philippe Berny, Mikaëline Billeret, Anne Maitre, Sylvie Parat, Muriele Stoklov, Bernard Sarrasin, Gérard Keck, Yves Perrodin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03180578
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Lucie Anzivino, Juliette Asta, Philippe Berny, Mikaëline Billeret, et al.. Étude des polluants atmosphériques émis dans deux centres de stockage des ordures ménagères. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 2001, N°24 - 4ème Trimestre 2001, pp.38-43. ⟨10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.1403⟩. ⟨hal-03180578⟩
DOI : 10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.1403
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’existence de risques pour la santé associés à l’élimination des ordures ménagères en décharge contrôlée est encore mal évaluée. Devant les données très parcellaires dont on dispose, une approche pluridisciplinaire établie en plusieurs étapes a été conçue par le Réseau Santé Déchets (RSD) et appliquée à deux sites : - métrologie chimique et microbiologique des sources d’émission ; - métrologie des polluants sélectionnés et des microorganismes aux postes de travail et en ambiance, ainsi qu’en périphérie immédiate et à proximité des premières habitations ; - mesure de ces mêmes polluants dans les lichens présents sur les sites ou transplantés ; - étude expérimentale en laboratoire sur des rats au contact des sols prélevés sur les deux sites ; - étude des paramètres de santé et de l’existence ou non de troubles chez les salariés des sites comparés à des salariés non exposés issus d’autres activités. Les concentrations mesurées dans les ambiances aériennes des sites et à proximité sont dans l’ensemble faibles. Les composés organiques volatils (COV) sont présents, à des niveaux faibles, sur l'alvéole en exploitation, liés en particulier au trafic des engins diesel. Les niveaux de HAP particulaires sont de l'ordre de ceux qui sont observés en milieu urbain. Des niveaux très élevés en poussières totales (mais faibles pour les poussières alvéolaires) ont été mesurés. Le manganèse est le métal le plus représenté, il est retrouvé également dans les lichens. Les concentrations en micro-organisme sont élevées soit 100 à 1000 fois ce que l'on retrouve en environnement classique. La flore est caractéristique des milieux de traitement du déchet avec un aspect monomorphe (champignons de type Aspergillus ou Penicillium). Une symptomatologie fonctionnelle témoignant d'une atteinte irritative ou immunoallergique des voies respiratoires et du revêtement cutanéo-muqueux est observée chez les salariés des sites étudiés, sans qu'il n'y ait perturbation de la fonction respiratoire. Aucun trouble clinique n'est mis en évidence. Les études menées sur les rats de laboratoire ont montré l'existence de foyers inflammatoires des tissus pulmonaires (chez les bêtes autopsiées) et d'une réponse en terme d'induction enzymatique (CYP1A et CYP2B) surtout respiratoire. Le test génotoxique des comètes indique une atteinte transitoire et compatible avec l'inhalation de COV. Cette étude, même si elle ne représente qu'un instantané de la situation des deux sites étudiés, apporte les premiers éléments de connaissance sur les effluents aériens de décharges d'ordures ménagères, et leurs possibles effets sur la santé. Elle ouvre sur des questions qu'il faudrait pouvoir approfondir, en particulier l'impact sanitaire des micro-organismes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’existence de risques pour la santé associés à l’élimination des ordures ménagères en décharge contrôlée est encore mal évaluée. Devant les données très parcellaires dont on dispose, une approche pluridisciplinaire établie en plusieurs étapes a été conçue par le Réseau Santé Déchets (RSD) et appliquée à deux sites : - métrologie chimique et microbiologique des sources d’émission ; - métrologie des polluants sélectionnés et des microorganismes aux postes de travail et en ambiance, ainsi qu’en périphérie immédiate et à proximité des premières habitations ; - mesure de ces mêmes polluants dans les lichens présents sur les sites ou transplantés ; - étude expérimentale en laboratoire sur des rats au contact des sols prélevés sur les deux sites ; - étude des paramètres de santé et de l’existence ou non de troubles chez les salariés des sites comparés à des salariés non exposés issus d’autres activités. Les concentrations mesurées dans les ambiances aériennes des sites et à proximité sont dans l’ensemble faibles. Les composés organiques volatils (COV) sont présents, à des niveaux faibles, sur l'alvéole en exploitation, liés en particulier au trafic des engins diesel. Les niveaux de HAP particulaires sont de l'ordre de ceux qui sont observés en milieu urbain. Des niveaux très élevés en poussières totales (mais faibles pour les poussières alvéolaires) ont été mesurés. Le manganèse est le métal le plus représenté, il est retrouvé également dans les lichens. Les concentrations en micro-organisme sont élevées soit 100 à 1000 fois ce que l'on retrouve en environnement classique. La flore est caractéristique des milieux de traitement du déchet avec un aspect monomorphe (champignons de type Aspergillus ou Penicillium). Une symptomatologie fonctionnelle témoignant d'une atteinte irritative ou immunoallergique des voies respiratoires et du revêtement cutanéo-muqueux est observée chez les salariés des sites étudiés, sans qu'il n'y ait perturbation de la fonction respiratoire. Aucun trouble clinique n'est mis en évidence. Les études menées sur les rats de laboratoire ont montré l'existence de foyers inflammatoires des tissus pulmonaires (chez les bêtes autopsiées) et d'une réponse en terme d'induction enzymatique (CYP1A et CYP2B) surtout respiratoire. Le test génotoxique des comètes indique une atteinte transitoire et compatible avec l'inhalation de COV. Cette étude, même si elle ne représente qu'un instantané de la situation des deux sites étudiés, apporte les premiers éléments de connaissance sur les effluents aériens de décharges d'ordures ménagères, et leurs possibles effets sur la santé. Elle ouvre sur des questions qu'il faudrait pouvoir approfondir, en particulier l'impact sanitaire des micro-organismes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Thomas Remen, Dominique Delmas, Martine Hours, Brigitte Lacour
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01213660
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Thomas Remen, Dominique Delmas, Martine Hours, Brigitte Lacour. Étude MOBI-KIDS : technologies de communication, expositions environnementales et tumeurs cérébrales chez les jeunes, MOBI-KIDS study: Communication technology, environment and brain tumours in young people. Revue d'oncologie hématologie pédiatrique, 2014, 2 (1), pp. 15-29. ⟨10.1016/j.oncohp.2014.01.003⟩. ⟨hal-01213660⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.oncohp.2014.01.003
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Context. - In recent years, the increasing use of mobile phone in adolescents and more recently in children has generated concern about possible health effects of exposure to radiofrequency. In this context, the aim of the MOBI-KIDS study is to investigate the potential brain tumour risk in children and adolescents related to exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phones and by other exposure sources in their environment. Method. - MOBI-KIDS is a prospective and multinational epidemiological study with a case control design. Cases are all patients aged 10-24 years, residing in one of the geographic study areas and for whom an incident primary brain tumour was diagnosed during the study period. For each case, two controls matched on age, sex and geographic area of residence are selected from subjects hospitalized for appendicitis, a common disease in the age group studied. Data collection is carried out through a detailed questionnaire administered during a face-to-face interview. Records of communications are collected from operators along with the consent of the study participants. Discussion. - The international MOBI-KIDS project as a whole, and especially in France, is a unique opportunity to analyze the relationship between the risk of brain tumours and exposure to radiofrequency and extremely low frequency generated by mobile phones and by other important sources of exposure in the environment of young people.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Context. - In recent years, the increasing use of mobile phone in adolescents and more recently in children has generated concern about possible health effects of exposure to radiofrequency. In this context, the aim of the MOBI-KIDS study is to investigate the potential brain tumour risk in children and adolescents related to exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phones and by other exposure sources in their environment. Method. - MOBI-KIDS is a prospective and multinational epidemiological study with a case control design. Cases are all patients aged 10-24 years, residing in one of the geographic study areas and for whom an incident primary brain tumour was diagnosed during the study period. For each case, two controls matched on age, sex and geographic area of residence are selected from subjects hospitalized for appendicitis, a common disease in the age group studied. Data collection is carried out through a detailed questionnaire administered during a face-to-face interview. Records of communications are collected from operators along with the consent of the study participants. Discussion. - The international MOBI-KIDS project as a whole, and especially in France, is a unique opportunity to analyze the relationship between the risk of brain tumours and exposure to radiofrequency and extremely low frequency generated by mobile phones and by other important sources of exposure in the environment of young people.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Etienne Javouhey, A Hubert, Carole Ford-Chessel, Julien Berthiller, Noël Peretti, Frédéric V. Valla
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01483660
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Etienne Javouhey, A Hubert, Carole Ford-Chessel, Julien Berthiller, Noël Peretti, et al.. État nutritionnel en unité de surveillance continue pédiatrique : évaluation à l'admission, en cours de séjour et à distance. Archives de Pédiatrie, 2016, 23 (4), pp. 333-339. ⟨10.1016/j.arcped.2015.12.014⟩. ⟨hal-01483660⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.arcped.2015.12.014
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La dénutrition, source de morbidité, a été peu étudiée en unité de surveillance continue pédiatrique (USCp). L'évolution de l'état nutritionnel en cours et au décours d'hospitalisation en USCp a été évaluée en fonction de la pathologie et de l'état nutritionnel à l'admission.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La dénutrition, source de morbidité, a été peu étudiée en unité de surveillance continue pédiatrique (USCp). L'évolution de l'état nutritionnel en cours et au décours d'hospitalisation en USCp a été évaluée en fonction de la pathologie et de l'état nutritionnel à l'admission.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charlotte Nivon, Luc Fontana, Carole Pelissier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01960605
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charlotte Nivon, Luc Fontana, Carole Pelissier. « Souffrance morale au travail » et consultation en médecine générale. 35e congrès national de médecine et santé au travail, Jun 2018, MARSEILLE, France. p. 437, ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.514⟩. ⟨hal-01960605⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.514
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les médecins généralistes sont parfois consultés par leurs patients pour une altération de l'état de santé psychique dans un contexte exprimé de souffrance au travail. L'objectif de cette étude est de décrire les modalités de prise en charge par les médecins généralistes des patients consultant pour une première fois dans le cadre d'une situation décrit par le patient de « souffrance morale au travail » en précisant la nature de l'altération de l'état de santé psychique.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les médecins généralistes sont parfois consultés par leurs patients pour une altération de l'état de santé psychique dans un contexte exprimé de souffrance au travail. L'objectif de cette étude est de décrire les modalités de prise en charge par les médecins généralistes des patients consultant pour une première fois dans le cadre d'une situation décrit par le patient de « souffrance morale au travail » en précisant la nature de l'altération de l'état de santé psychique.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : C Badie, J Bourhis, J Sobczak-Thépot, H Haddada, M Chiron, M Janicot, F Janot, T Tursz, G Vassal
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04041171
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : C Badie, J Bourhis, J Sobczak-Thépot, H Haddada, M Chiron, et al.. p53-dependent G2 arrest associated with a decrease in cyclins A2 and B1 levels in a human carcinoma cell line. British Journal of Cancer, 2000, 82 (3), pp.642-650. ⟨10.1054/bjoc.1999.0976⟩. ⟨hal-04041171⟩
DOI : 10.1054/bjoc.1999.0976
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In vivo transfer of wild-type (wt) p53 gene via a recombinant adenovirus has been proposed to induce apoptosis and increase radiosensitivity in several human carcinoma models. In the context of combining p53 gene transfer and irradiation, we investigated the consequences of adenoviral-mediated wtp53 gene transfer on the cell cycle and radiosensitivity of a human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma line (SCC97) with a p53 mutated phenotype. We showed that ectopic expression of wtp53 in SCC97 cells resulted in a prolonged G1 arrest, associated with an increased expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor WAF1/p21 target gene. A transient arrest in G2 but not in G1 was observed after irradiation. This G2 arrest was permanent when exponentially growing cells were transduced by Ad5CMV-p53 (RPR/INGN201) immediately after irradiation with 5 or 10 Gy. Moreover, levels of cyclins A2 and B1, which are known to regulate the G2/M transition, dramatically decreased as cells arrived in G2, whereas maximal levels of expression were observed in the absence of wtp53. In conclusion, adenoviral mediated transfer of wtp53 in irradiated SCC97 cells, which are mutated for p53, appeared to increase WAF1/p21 expression and decrease levels of the mitotic cyclins A2 and B1. These observations suggest that the G2 arrest resulted from a p53-dependent premature inactivation of the mitosis promoting factor.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In vivo transfer of wild-type (wt) p53 gene via a recombinant adenovirus has been proposed to induce apoptosis and increase radiosensitivity in several human carcinoma models. In the context of combining p53 gene transfer and irradiation, we investigated the consequences of adenoviral-mediated wtp53 gene transfer on the cell cycle and radiosensitivity of a human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma line (SCC97) with a p53 mutated phenotype. We showed that ectopic expression of wtp53 in SCC97 cells resulted in a prolonged G1 arrest, associated with an increased expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor WAF1/p21 target gene. A transient arrest in G2 but not in G1 was observed after irradiation. This G2 arrest was permanent when exponentially growing cells were transduced by Ad5CMV-p53 (RPR/INGN201) immediately after irradiation with 5 or 10 Gy. Moreover, levels of cyclins A2 and B1, which are known to regulate the G2/M transition, dramatically decreased as cells arrived in G2, whereas maximal levels of expression were observed in the absence of wtp53. In conclusion, adenoviral mediated transfer of wtp53 in irradiated SCC97 cells, which are mutated for p53, appeared to increase WAF1/p21 expression and decrease levels of the mitotic cyclins A2 and B1. These observations suggest that the G2 arrest resulted from a p53-dependent premature inactivation of the mitosis promoting factor.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuel Fort, Blandine Gadegbeku, Elodie Gat, Carole Pelissier, Martine Hours, B. Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02264286
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuel Fort, Blandine Gadegbeku, Elodie Gat, Carole Pelissier, Martine Hours, et al.. Working conditions and risk exposure of employees whose occupations require driving on public roads - Factorial analysis and classification. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2019, 131, pp. 254-267. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2019.07.001⟩. ⟨hal-02264286⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2019.07.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Several studies of the working conditions of drivers, and in particular on their pace of work, have enabled a better understanding of the risk factors for road accidents that occur during work. However, few studies are available on the risk exposure and working conditions of employees whose occupations involve driving. The purpose of this paper is to identify the different groups of employees occupationally exposed to road risk and to classify them according to working conditions. Methodology A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was implemented on the 41,727 individuals from the SUMER 2010 survey (Medical Monitoring of Occupational Risk Exposure: SUrveillance Médicale des Expositions aux Risques professionnels) and for 45 variables about working conditions. The analysis used 5 categories of weekly driving exposure as a supplementary variable (variable which is not used to perform the MCA): Non-exposure; Exposed 20?h. The results of the MCA were used to construct an ascending hierarchical classification. Results The first factorial axis differentiates between conventional and unconventional work schedules. Axis 2 differentiates modalities corresponding to the working hours of the most recent working week. The third axis chiefly contrasts persons who have rules to follow with those who have none. An ascending hierarchical classification distinguishes 10 clusters of individuals according to working conditions. Four clusters of employees were excessively exposed to occupational driving. Clusters also have distinct demographic, occupational and psychosocial characteristics. Conclusion Analysis of data from the SUMER survey confirms that employees exposed to road risk are particularly affected by atypical work time characteristics, but can be found in all activity sectors and in all types of job.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Several studies of the working conditions of drivers, and in particular on their pace of work, have enabled a better understanding of the risk factors for road accidents that occur during work. However, few studies are available on the risk exposure and working conditions of employees whose occupations involve driving. The purpose of this paper is to identify the different groups of employees occupationally exposed to road risk and to classify them according to working conditions. Methodology A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was implemented on the 41,727 individuals from the SUMER 2010 survey (Medical Monitoring of Occupational Risk Exposure: SUrveillance Médicale des Expositions aux Risques professionnels) and for 45 variables about working conditions. The analysis used 5 categories of weekly driving exposure as a supplementary variable (variable which is not used to perform the MCA): Non-exposure; Exposed 20?h. The results of the MCA were used to construct an ascending hierarchical classification. Results The first factorial axis differentiates between conventional and unconventional work schedules. Axis 2 differentiates modalities corresponding to the working hours of the most recent working week. The third axis chiefly contrasts persons who have rules to follow with those who have none. An ascending hierarchical classification distinguishes 10 clusters of individuals according to working conditions. Four clusters of employees were excessively exposed to occupational driving. Clusters also have distinct demographic, occupational and psychosocial characteristics. Conclusion Analysis of data from the SUMER survey confirms that employees exposed to road risk are particularly affected by atypical work time characteristics, but can be found in all activity sectors and in all types of job.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuel Fort, Sheba Ndagire, Blandine Gadegbeku, Martine Hours, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01353510
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuel Fort, Sheba Ndagire, Blandine Gadegbeku, Martine Hours, Barbara Charbotel. Working conditions and occupational risk exposure in employeesdriving for work. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2016, 89, pp. 118-127. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2016.01.015⟩. ⟨hal-01353510⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2016.01.015
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: An analysis of the occupational constraints and exposures to which employees facing roadrisk at work are subject was performed, with comparison versus non-exposed employees. Objectivewas to improve knowledge of the characteristics of workers exposed to road risk in France and of theconcomitant occupational constraints. The descriptive study was based on data from the 2010 SUMERsurvey (Medical Monitoring of Occupational Risk Exposure: Surveillance Médicale des Expositions auxRisques professionnels), which included data not only on road risk exposure at work but also on a rangeof socio-occupational factors and working conditions.Materials and methods: The main variable of interest was 'driving (car, truck, bus, coach, etc.) on publicthoroughfares' for work (during the last week of work). This was a dichotomous 'Yes/No' variable,distinguishing employees who drove for work; it also comprised 4-step weekly exposure duration:
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: An analysis of the occupational constraints and exposures to which employees facing roadrisk at work are subject was performed, with comparison versus non-exposed employees. Objectivewas to improve knowledge of the characteristics of workers exposed to road risk in France and of theconcomitant occupational constraints. The descriptive study was based on data from the 2010 SUMERsurvey (Medical Monitoring of Occupational Risk Exposure: Surveillance Médicale des Expositions auxRisques professionnels), which included data not only on road risk exposure at work but also on a rangeof socio-occupational factors and working conditions.Materials and methods: The main variable of interest was 'driving (car, truck, bus, coach, etc.) on publicthoroughfares' for work (during the last week of work). This was a dichotomous 'Yes/No' variable,distinguishing employees who drove for work; it also comprised 4-step weekly exposure duration:
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuel Fort, Nicolas Connesson, Julien Brière, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04718143
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuel Fort, Nicolas Connesson, Julien Brière, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, et al.. Work-related road traffic accidents: emergence of new modes of personal journey – analysis based on data from a register of road traffic accidents in France. Injury Prevention, 2024, ip-2023-045102. ⟨10.1136/ip-2023-045102⟩. ⟨hal-04718143⟩
DOI : 10.1136/ip-2023-045102
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : According to the 2018–2019 People Mobility Survey, work-related journeys (commuting and on-duty journeys) account for approximately 25% of all journeys. The use of non-motorised (nm) and motorised (m) personal mobility devices (PMDs) has steadily increased since their introduction into the French market in the last decade. Objective This study aimed to describe the characteristics of work-related road accidents and their evolution since the introduction of new PMDs in France and the increase in the use of scooters. Materials and methods This was a retrospective, cross-sectional study using data from the Rhône Road Trauma Registry. Data were collected from 2015 to 2020. We included the data for the victims aged 18–70 years who were injured in work-related road accidents. Results We identified 11 296 individuals aged 18–70 years who experienced work-related road accidents. An injury report was provided for a total of 11 277 patients. A total of 546 passengers and 78 drivers of other motorised vehicles (buses/trams, construction equipment and tractors) were excluded from the analysis. Seven patients died at the time of the accident and seven died after hospitalisation. Of the 10 653 (94.4%) victims, there were pedestrians (5.1%) or riders of bicycles (16.9%), scooters (3.8%), other PMDs (roller blades, skateboards, monowheels, gyropods and hoverboards; 0.4%) and motorised two wheelers (21.4%), or drivers of car (45.3%), and truck (1.5%). More than half of the scooter riders and 80% of other PMD riders were men. More than 60% of other PMD riders and 53% of scooter riders were under 34 years of age. Most scooter road accidents occurred during commuting (95.6%). 65% of the scooter accidents and 50% of other PMD accidents did not have opponents. Overall, one-quarter of the victims experienced accidents without opponents. Most scooter riders had injuries to their upper limbs (59.2%), lower limbs (46.8%), face (21.2%) or head (17.9%). Discussion This original study on work-related road accidents allowed us to characterise the increase in work-related road accidents associated with new modes of travel, particularly scooters. The results observed for users of scooters and other PMDs in this study were generally consistent with those found in the scientific literature. Despite limited data, the results suggest that accidents involving scooters or other PMDs are of low severity. Conclusion Many head injuries could be prevented with more widespread use of helmets, among scooter and other PMD users and bicycle users.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : According to the 2018–2019 People Mobility Survey, work-related journeys (commuting and on-duty journeys) account for approximately 25% of all journeys. The use of non-motorised (nm) and motorised (m) personal mobility devices (PMDs) has steadily increased since their introduction into the French market in the last decade. Objective This study aimed to describe the characteristics of work-related road accidents and their evolution since the introduction of new PMDs in France and the increase in the use of scooters. Materials and methods This was a retrospective, cross-sectional study using data from the Rhône Road Trauma Registry. Data were collected from 2015 to 2020. We included the data for the victims aged 18–70 years who were injured in work-related road accidents. Results We identified 11 296 individuals aged 18–70 years who experienced work-related road accidents. An injury report was provided for a total of 11 277 patients. A total of 546 passengers and 78 drivers of other motorised vehicles (buses/trams, construction equipment and tractors) were excluded from the analysis. Seven patients died at the time of the accident and seven died after hospitalisation. Of the 10 653 (94.4%) victims, there were pedestrians (5.1%) or riders of bicycles (16.9%), scooters (3.8%), other PMDs (roller blades, skateboards, monowheels, gyropods and hoverboards; 0.4%) and motorised two wheelers (21.4%), or drivers of car (45.3%), and truck (1.5%). More than half of the scooter riders and 80% of other PMD riders were men. More than 60% of other PMD riders and 53% of scooter riders were under 34 years of age. Most scooter road accidents occurred during commuting (95.6%). 65% of the scooter accidents and 50% of other PMD accidents did not have opponents. Overall, one-quarter of the victims experienced accidents without opponents. Most scooter riders had injuries to their upper limbs (59.2%), lower limbs (46.8%), face (21.2%) or head (17.9%). Discussion This original study on work-related road accidents allowed us to characterise the increase in work-related road accidents associated with new modes of travel, particularly scooters. The results observed for users of scooters and other PMDs in this study were generally consistent with those found in the scientific literature. Despite limited data, the results suggest that accidents involving scooters or other PMDs are of low severity. Conclusion Many head injuries could be prevented with more widespread use of helmets, among scooter and other PMD users and bicycle users.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Nathalie Havet, Marie Lefèvre
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00950017
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Nathalie Havet, Marie Lefèvre. Willingness-to-pay for road safety improvement. 2014. ⟨halshs-00950017⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Few studies have explored, to date, the issue of the monetary valuation of non-fatal injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The present paper arises interest in this question and aims to estimate, by means of the contingent valuation, the willingness to pay (WTP) of French households to improve their road safety level and reduce their risk of non-fatal injuries following a road accident. More precisely, Logit and Tobit models will be estimated to identify the factors influencing the individual will to pay. The results highlight the significant and positive influence of the injury severity on the WTP of the participants. The direct or indirect experience of road traffic accidents seems to play an important role and positively influences the valuation of the non-fatal injuries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Few studies have explored, to date, the issue of the monetary valuation of non-fatal injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The present paper arises interest in this question and aims to estimate, by means of the contingent valuation, the willingness to pay (WTP) of French households to improve their road safety level and reduce their risk of non-fatal injuries following a road accident. More precisely, Logit and Tobit models will be estimated to identify the factors influencing the individual will to pay. The results highlight the significant and positive influence of the injury severity on the WTP of the participants. The direct or indirect experience of road traffic accidents seems to play an important role and positively influences the valuation of the non-fatal injuries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación :
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mouloud Haddak, Nathalie Havet, Marie Lefèvre
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01237566
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mouloud Haddak, Nathalie Havet, Marie Lefèvre. Willingness-to-pay for road safety improvement. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016, 87, pp.1-10. ⟨10.1016/j.tra.2016.01.010⟩. ⟨halshs-01237566⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.tra.2016.01.010
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Few studies have explored, to date, the issue of the monetary valuation of non-fatal injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The present paper seeks to raise interest in this question and to estimate, by contingent valuation, French households' willingness-to-pay (WTP) to improve their road safety level and reduce their risk of non-fatal injuries following a road accident. More precisely, a Tobit and a type-II Tobit model were estimated to identify factors for WTP. The results highlighted the significant positive influence of injury severity on WTP. Experience of road traffic accidents seemed to play an important role, positively influencing valuation of non-fatal injury.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Few studies have explored, to date, the issue of the monetary valuation of non-fatal injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The present paper seeks to raise interest in this question and to estimate, by contingent valuation, French households' willingness-to-pay (WTP) to improve their road safety level and reduce their risk of non-fatal injuries following a road accident. More precisely, a Tobit and a type-II Tobit model were estimated to identify factors for WTP. The results highlighted the significant positive influence of injury severity on WTP. Experience of road traffic accidents seemed to play an important role, positively influencing valuation of non-fatal injury.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aymery Constant, Gaelle Encrenaz, Marie Zins, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Emmanuel Lagarde, Antoine Messiah
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00688442
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aymery Constant, Gaelle Encrenaz, Marie Zins, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, et al.. Why drivers start drinking and driving--a prospective study over a 6-year period in the GAZEL cohort.. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2011, 46 (6), pp.729-33. ⟨10.1093/alcalc/agr126⟩. ⟨hal-00688442⟩
DOI : 10.1093/alcalc/agr126
pubmedId_s : 21890484
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : AIMS: To estimate the frequency with which a group of formerly safe drivers adopt driving while alcohol-intoxicated (DWI), and to determine the factors associated with DWI adoption. METHODS: Participants were current employees or recent retirees of the French national electricity and gas company. An annual cohort questionnaire that includes two questions about overall alcohol consumption is sent each year to participants. A Driving Behaviour and Road Safety (DBRS) questionnaire was administered in 2001, 2004 and 2007. Only drivers who participated in the 2001 survey received the 2004 and 2007 questionnaires. RESULTS: More than 462 participants ceased DWI between 2001 and 2007, while 511 adopted this behaviour for the first time. Multivariate analysis showed that the risk of adopting DWI was associated with male gender and with several changes over the preceding years: increased alcohol consumption, increased number of close friends, decreased number of close relatives and decreased attitudes in favour of strict enforcement/regulations. CONCLUSION: A large number of offenders stopped DWI between 2001 and 2007, concomitantly with an increased crackdown on road violations in France. But this success was compromised by the occurrence of new drunk drivers. Preventive strategies should target factors that facilitate DWI adoption-in particular, increased alcohol consumption and low acceptance of law enforcement initiatives.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : AIMS: To estimate the frequency with which a group of formerly safe drivers adopt driving while alcohol-intoxicated (DWI), and to determine the factors associated with DWI adoption. METHODS: Participants were current employees or recent retirees of the French national electricity and gas company. An annual cohort questionnaire that includes two questions about overall alcohol consumption is sent each year to participants. A Driving Behaviour and Road Safety (DBRS) questionnaire was administered in 2001, 2004 and 2007. Only drivers who participated in the 2001 survey received the 2004 and 2007 questionnaires. RESULTS: More than 462 participants ceased DWI between 2001 and 2007, while 511 adopted this behaviour for the first time. Multivariate analysis showed that the risk of adopting DWI was associated with male gender and with several changes over the preceding years: increased alcohol consumption, increased number of close friends, decreased number of close relatives and decreased attitudes in favour of strict enforcement/regulations. CONCLUSION: A large number of offenders stopped DWI between 2001 and 2007, concomitantly with an increased crackdown on road violations in France. But this success was compromised by the occurrence of new drunk drivers. Preventive strategies should target factors that facilitate DWI adoption-in particular, increased alcohol consumption and low acceptance of law enforcement initiatives.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mireille Matrat, Florence Guida, Francesca Mattei, Sylvie Cenée, Diane Cyr, Joelle Fevotte, Marie Sanchez, Gwenn Menvielle, Loredana Radoï, Annie Schmaus, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Danièle Luce, Isabelle Stücker
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01274887
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mireille Matrat, Florence Guida, Francesca Mattei, Sylvie Cenée, Diane Cyr, et al.. Welding, a risk factor of lung cancer: the ICARE study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2016, 73 (4), pp.254-61. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2015-102964⟩. ⟨hal-01274887⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2015-102964
pubmedId_s : 26865654
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: We investigated the relationship between lung cancer and occupational exposure to welding activity in ICARE, a population-based case-control study. METHODS: Analyses were restricted to men (2276 cases, 2780 controls). Welding exposure was assessed through detailed questionnaires, including lifelong occupational history. ORs were computed using unconditional logistic regression, adjusted for lifelong cigarette smoking and occupational exposure to asbestos. RESULTS: Among the regular welders, welding was associated with a risk of lung cancer (OR=1.7, 95% CI 1.1 to 2.5), which increased with the duration (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.0 to 3.9 when duration \textgreater10 years), and was maximum 10-20 years since last welding. The risk was more pronounced in case of gas welding (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.2 to 3.3), when the workpiece was covered by paint, grease, or other substances (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.2 to 3.4) and when it was cleaned with chemical substances before welding. No statistically significant increase in lung cancer risk was observed among occasional welders. CONCLUSIONS: Although these results should be confirmed, we showed that type of welding and mode of workpiece preparation are important determinants of the lung cancer risk in regular welders
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: We investigated the relationship between lung cancer and occupational exposure to welding activity in ICARE, a population-based case-control study. METHODS: Analyses were restricted to men (2276 cases, 2780 controls). Welding exposure was assessed through detailed questionnaires, including lifelong occupational history. ORs were computed using unconditional logistic regression, adjusted for lifelong cigarette smoking and occupational exposure to asbestos. RESULTS: Among the regular welders, welding was associated with a risk of lung cancer (OR=1.7, 95% CI 1.1 to 2.5), which increased with the duration (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.0 to 3.9 when duration \textgreater10 years), and was maximum 10-20 years since last welding. The risk was more pronounced in case of gas welding (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.2 to 3.3), when the workpiece was covered by paint, grease, or other substances (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.2 to 3.4) and when it was cleaned with chemical substances before welding. No statistically significant increase in lung cancer risk was observed among occasional welders. CONCLUSIONS: Although these results should be confirmed, we showed that type of welding and mode of workpiece preparation are important determinants of the lung cancer risk in regular welders
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Maud Ranchet, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Stéphanie Bordel, Clara Gasne, Claire Pillet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04442551
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Maud Ranchet, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Stéphanie Bordel, Clara Gasne, et al.. WP 8.2 Livrable final. Analyse des besoins des usagers âgés et acceptabilité des véhicules automatisés. Université Gustave Eiffel (Site de Bron, France). 2022. ⟨hal-04442551⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans le projet SURCA, le Work-Package 8 s’est intéressé à l’acceptabilité de la conduite automatisée par les usagers âgés avec deux approches complémentaires, l’une épidémiologique et l’autre expérimentale. Il s’est également intéressé aux capacités de reprise en main d’un véhicule dans différentes conditions (avec ou sans engagement dans une tâche) dans un groupe de conducteurs âgés par rapport à un groupe de conducteurs jeunes. Le présent rapport concerne le volet expérimental (L8.2). Cette sous-tâche poursuit deux objectifs correspondant à deux expérimentations différentes. Il s’agit de mieux comprendre l’acceptabilité et l’acceptation du véhicule à délégation de conduite de niveau 3 (désigné dans ce rapport par « véhicule automatisé ») par des conducteurs âgés et d’étudier leur capacité de reprise en main du véhicule, notamment lorsque celle-ci fait suite à une phase de conduite autonome durant laquelle le participant est engagé dans une tâche non liée à la conduite. Vingt-neuf personnes jeunes d’âge moyen (25 ± 3 ans) et 21 personnes âgées d’âge moyen (70 ± 4 ans) ont été incluses dans l’étude. Tous les participants ont réalisé des tests neuropsychologiques pour évaluer leur niveau cognitif et complété des questionnaires concernant leurs habitudes de conduite. Ils ont ensuite réalisé deux mises en situation sur simulateur de conduite. Dans la première, les participants devaient conduire un véhicule autonome. Des questionnaires concernant l’acceptabilité du véhicule automatisé leur était proposé avant et après la conduite sur simulateur. La comparaison des deux réponses avant et après permet d’évaluer un éventuel changement sur l’acceptation du véhicule automatisé. Dans la deuxième mise en situation, les participants devaient reprendre en main le véhicule suite à des événements inattendus sur la route (ex. : travaux ou obstacle sur la route). Pendant la phase autonome, et avant la reprise en main, le participant pouvait être amené à réaliser une tâche non liée à la conduite (tâche d’empan dans la présente étude) pour évaluer l’impact d’une activité avec une charge cognitive forte sur la performance de reprise en main. Les résultats ont montré que le critère principal d’acceptabilité et d’acceptation pour les conducteurs âgés est la confiance. Cela montre qu’il est vraiment important de permettre aux futurs usagers de ces systèmes de se familiariser en amont avant toute utilisation. Les résultats de la mise en situation sur simulateur de conduite pour évaluer la performance de reprise en main montrent que les personnes âgées ont des temps de reprise en main plus longs que les jeunes. De plus, l’engagement dans la tâche d’empan pendant la phase autonome modifie le comportement de conduite pendant et après la reprise en main des conducteurs âgés. Ces études soulignent la nécessité de réaliser d’autres études sur les conducteurs âgés et le véhicule automatisé. Des pistes de recherches à mener dans le futur sont discutées.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans le projet SURCA, le Work-Package 8 s’est intéressé à l’acceptabilité de la conduite automatisée par les usagers âgés avec deux approches complémentaires, l’une épidémiologique et l’autre expérimentale. Il s’est également intéressé aux capacités de reprise en main d’un véhicule dans différentes conditions (avec ou sans engagement dans une tâche) dans un groupe de conducteurs âgés par rapport à un groupe de conducteurs jeunes. Le présent rapport concerne le volet expérimental (L8.2). Cette sous-tâche poursuit deux objectifs correspondant à deux expérimentations différentes. Il s’agit de mieux comprendre l’acceptabilité et l’acceptation du véhicule à délégation de conduite de niveau 3 (désigné dans ce rapport par « véhicule automatisé ») par des conducteurs âgés et d’étudier leur capacité de reprise en main du véhicule, notamment lorsque celle-ci fait suite à une phase de conduite autonome durant laquelle le participant est engagé dans une tâche non liée à la conduite. Vingt-neuf personnes jeunes d’âge moyen (25 ± 3 ans) et 21 personnes âgées d’âge moyen (70 ± 4 ans) ont été incluses dans l’étude. Tous les participants ont réalisé des tests neuropsychologiques pour évaluer leur niveau cognitif et complété des questionnaires concernant leurs habitudes de conduite. Ils ont ensuite réalisé deux mises en situation sur simulateur de conduite. Dans la première, les participants devaient conduire un véhicule autonome. Des questionnaires concernant l’acceptabilité du véhicule automatisé leur était proposé avant et après la conduite sur simulateur. La comparaison des deux réponses avant et après permet d’évaluer un éventuel changement sur l’acceptation du véhicule automatisé. Dans la deuxième mise en situation, les participants devaient reprendre en main le véhicule suite à des événements inattendus sur la route (ex. : travaux ou obstacle sur la route). Pendant la phase autonome, et avant la reprise en main, le participant pouvait être amené à réaliser une tâche non liée à la conduite (tâche d’empan dans la présente étude) pour évaluer l’impact d’une activité avec une charge cognitive forte sur la performance de reprise en main. Les résultats ont montré que le critère principal d’acceptabilité et d’acceptation pour les conducteurs âgés est la confiance. Cela montre qu’il est vraiment important de permettre aux futurs usagers de ces systèmes de se familiariser en amont avant toute utilisation. Les résultats de la mise en situation sur simulateur de conduite pour évaluer la performance de reprise en main montrent que les personnes âgées ont des temps de reprise en main plus longs que les jeunes. De plus, l’engagement dans la tâche d’empan pendant la phase autonome modifie le comportement de conduite pendant et après la reprise en main des conducteurs âgés. Ces études soulignent la nécessité de réaliser d’autres études sur les conducteurs âgés et le véhicule automatisé. Des pistes de recherches à mener dans le futur sont discutées.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00511787
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros. Vélo et casque, journée spécialisée jeudi 28 mai 2009, actes. 2009, pp.50. ⟨hal-00511787⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Proceedings of a one-day seminar « bicycle and helmet » Session 1 : Mobility using bicycles and accident risk Session 2 : the bicycle helmet Session 3 : Attitudes, behaviours and safety prevention The seminar aimed at sharing current scientific knowledge about the bicycle and the helmet, from different approaches: traumatology, epidemiology, biomechanics, sociology, .. Scientific committee: Emmanuelle Amoros, coordinator; epidemiology and road safety, UMRESTTE, INRETS Mireille Chiron, epidemiology and road safety, UMRESTTE, INRETS Francis Papon, economics and sociology, mobility, DEST, INRETS Thierry Serre, biomechanics and road safety, LBA, INRETS François Tasseau, physician in rehabilitation, France Traumatisme Crânien Bertrand Thélot, epidemiologist, unité Traumatismes, InVS
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Proceedings of a one-day seminar « bicycle and helmet » Session 1 : Mobility using bicycles and accident risk Session 2 : the bicycle helmet Session 3 : Attitudes, behaviours and safety prevention The seminar aimed at sharing current scientific knowledge about the bicycle and the helmet, from different approaches: traumatology, epidemiology, biomechanics, sociology, .. Scientific committee: Emmanuelle Amoros, coordinator; epidemiology and road safety, UMRESTTE, INRETS Mireille Chiron, epidemiology and road safety, UMRESTTE, INRETS Francis Papon, economics and sociology, mobility, DEST, INRETS Thierry Serre, biomechanics and road safety, LBA, INRETS François Tasseau, physician in rehabilitation, France Traumatisme Crânien Bertrand Thélot, epidemiologist, unité Traumatismes, InVS
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pieter Fraaij, Martin Schutten, Etienne Javouhey, Laura Burleigh, Russell Outlaw, Deepali Kumar, Charles Boucher
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02486235
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pieter Fraaij, Martin Schutten, Etienne Javouhey, Laura Burleigh, Russell Outlaw, et al.. Viral shedding and susceptibility to oseltamivir in hospitalized immunocompromized patients with influenza in the Influenza Resistance Information Study (IRIS). Antiviral therapy, 2015, 20, pp. 633-642. ⟨10.3851/IMP2957⟩. ⟨hal-02486235⟩
DOI : 10.3851/IMP2957
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Immunocompromised patients are at greater risk of complicated influenza and may be more likely to develop antiviral resistance. This observational substudy of the Influenza Resistance Information Study (NCT00884117) aimed to study antiviral resistance in immunocompromised patients with influenza and characterize its effect on clinical and virological outcomes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Immunocompromised patients are at greater risk of complicated influenza and may be more likely to develop antiviral resistance. This observational substudy of the Influenza Resistance Information Study (NCT00884117) aimed to study antiviral resistance in immunocompromised patients with influenza and characterize its effect on clinical and virological outcomes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Baudin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160471
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Baudin. Viral Bronchiolitis in PICUs: Looking Further Than the Acute Phase!. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2017, 18 (12), pp. 1178-1179. ⟨10.1097/PCC.0000000000001353⟩. ⟨hal-02160471⟩
DOI : 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001353
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Acute viral bronchiolitis (AVB) is the leading cause of acute respiratory distress and is a serious global public health problem, not because of mortality but rather by the sheer number of children infected and requiring hospitalization in all developed countries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Acute viral bronchiolitis (AVB) is the leading cause of acute respiratory distress and is a serious global public health problem, not because of mortality but rather by the sheer number of children infected and requiring hospitalization in all developed countries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Clémentine Cavelier, Paul Vercherin, Frédéric Roche, Hugues Patural, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03184646
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Clémentine Cavelier, Paul Vercherin, Frédéric Roche, Hugues Patural, et al.. Vigilance and sleepiness in nurses working 12-hr shifts and their coping strategies. Journal of Nursing Management, 2020, ⟨10.1111/jonm.13233⟩. ⟨hal-03184646⟩
DOI : 10.1111/jonm.13233
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : AIM: To describe the progression of vigilance and sleepiness over the shift and the coping strategies of nurses working 12-hr day or night shifts. BACKGROUND: The spread of 12-hr shift work in nursing raises the question of whether sufficient vigilance can be maintained to ensure quality of care. METHOD: 18 nurses working 12-hr shifts filled out a Karolinska Sleepiness Scale questionnaire and a Brief Psychomotor Vigilance Test, at the beginning of the shift and then every 3hr. Coping strategies and quality of care were assessed on self-administered questionnaires, filled out at 3hr, 6hr, 9hr and 12hr after the start of the shift. RESULTS: The present investigation did not show significantly excessive sleepiness or vigilance impairment or poor self-perception of quality of work during 12-hr nursing work shifts, although Psychomotor Vigilance Test results gradually deteriorated slightly over duty time (from start to end of shift). Certain coping strategies were preferred such as 'having a nap' later in the night shift. CONCLUSION: Attention needs to be paid to the health status of nurses working 12-hr shifts, with regular medical monitoring by the occupational health service. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Coping strategies to maintain sufficient vigilance to ensure quality of care should be facilitated.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : AIM: To describe the progression of vigilance and sleepiness over the shift and the coping strategies of nurses working 12-hr day or night shifts. BACKGROUND: The spread of 12-hr shift work in nursing raises the question of whether sufficient vigilance can be maintained to ensure quality of care. METHOD: 18 nurses working 12-hr shifts filled out a Karolinska Sleepiness Scale questionnaire and a Brief Psychomotor Vigilance Test, at the beginning of the shift and then every 3hr. Coping strategies and quality of care were assessed on self-administered questionnaires, filled out at 3hr, 6hr, 9hr and 12hr after the start of the shift. RESULTS: The present investigation did not show significantly excessive sleepiness or vigilance impairment or poor self-perception of quality of work during 12-hr nursing work shifts, although Psychomotor Vigilance Test results gradually deteriorated slightly over duty time (from start to end of shift). Certain coping strategies were preferred such as 'having a nap' later in the night shift. CONCLUSION: Attention needs to be paid to the health status of nurses working 12-hr shifts, with regular medical monitoring by the occupational health service. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Coping strategies to maintain sufficient vigilance to ensure quality of care should be facilitated.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01714674
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont. Vieillissement, modification de l'activité de conduite et auto-évaluation de ses capacités. Jeudi de l'INSERR, Mar 2017, Nevers, France. 44 p. ⟨hal-01714674⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ces rencontres seront l'occasion de dresser un bilan de l'accidentalité des conducteurs âgés, de rappeler quelles sont les aptitudes nécessaires à l'activité de conduite, et de montrer en quoi le vieillissement peut modifier ces aptitudes. La conduite automobile est pour beaucoup de personnes âgées cruciales pour assurer leur mobilité et leur autonomie. Cependant, comme à d'autres âges de la vie, pour conduire en assurant sa propre sécurité, celle de ses passagers et celle des autres usagers de la route, il faut adapter ses habitudes de conduite et sa façon de conduire aux modifications de ses capacités. Pour cela, il est essentiel d'avoir une bonne auto-estimation de ses propres capacités.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ces rencontres seront l'occasion de dresser un bilan de l'accidentalité des conducteurs âgés, de rappeler quelles sont les aptitudes nécessaires à l'activité de conduite, et de montrer en quoi le vieillissement peut modifier ces aptitudes. La conduite automobile est pour beaucoup de personnes âgées cruciales pour assurer leur mobilité et leur autonomie. Cependant, comme à d'autres âges de la vie, pour conduire en assurant sa propre sécurité, celle de ses passagers et celle des autres usagers de la route, il faut adapter ses habitudes de conduite et sa façon de conduire aux modifications de ses capacités. Pour cela, il est essentiel d'avoir une bonne auto-estimation de ses propres capacités.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01237563
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat. Vieillissement et Responsabilité dans l'accident : Estimation du Risque pour autrui des conducteurs âgés. Séminaire d'échanges scientifiques du département TS2. Vieillisssement : concilier mobilité, santé et sécurité, Nov 2015, BRON, France. 24 p. ⟨hal-01237563⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Il s'agit d'estimer la dangerosité vis à vis des autres usagers que peut entraîner la conduite des séniors.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Il s'agit d'estimer la dangerosité vis à vis des autres usagers que peut entraîner la conduite des séniors.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Catherine Gabaude, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01292697
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Catherine Gabaude, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont. Vieillir et conduire : une question d'adaptation. IFSTTAR, 50 ans de recherche en sécurité routière, Oct 2015, Bron, France. 22 p. ⟨hal-01292697⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation à trois voix dans le cadre des décennies de l'IFSTTAR
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation à trois voix dans le cadre des décennies de l'IFSTTAR
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Maxime Large, Jean-Louis Martin, Laurent Carnis, Dominique Mignot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01713565
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Maxime Large, Jean-Louis Martin, Laurent Carnis, Dominique Mignot. Valorisation socio-économique de la morbidité routière. Comité des études DSR, Jan 2018, PARIS, France. 19 p. ⟨hal-01713565⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectif : meilleure connaissance du coût de la morbidité routière intérêts : Appréciation de l'impact des accidents de route sur la société / Priorisation des investissements en sécurité routière
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectif : meilleure connaissance du coût de la morbidité routière intérêts : Appréciation de l'impact des accidents de route sur la société / Priorisation des investissements en sécurité routière
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Isabelle Deltour, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Brigitte Schlehofer, Klaus Schlaefer, Martine Hours, Joachim Schuz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02476217
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Isabelle Deltour, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Brigitte Schlehofer, Klaus Schlaefer, Martine Hours, et al.. Validation of self-reported occupational noise exposure in participants of a French case-control study on acoustic neuroma. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2019, 92 (7), pp. 991-1001. ⟨10.1007/s00420-019-01427-2⟩. ⟨hal-02476217⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s00420-019-01427-2
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : To validate self-reported occupational loud noise exposure against expert evaluation of noise levels in a French case-control study on acoustic neuroma and to estimate the impact of exposure misclassification on risk estimation.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : To validate self-reported occupational loud noise exposure against expert evaluation of noise levels in a French case-control study on acoustic neuroma and to estimate the impact of exposure misclassification on risk estimation.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Geertje Goedhart, Martine Vrijheid, Joe Wiart, Martine Hours, Hans Kromhout, Ellisabeth Cardis, Chelsea Eastman Langer, Patricia de Llobet Viladoms, Amelie Massardier-Pilonchery, Roel Vermeulen
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01213808
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Geertje Goedhart, Martine Vrijheid, Joe Wiart, Martine Hours, Hans Kromhout, et al.. Using software-modified smartphones to validate self-reported mobile phone use in young people: A pilot study. Bioelectromagnetics, 2015, 36 (7), pp. 538-543. ⟨10.1002/bem.21931⟩. ⟨hal-01213808⟩
DOI : 10.1002/bem.21931
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A newly developed smartphone application was piloted to characterize and validate mobile phone use in young people. Twenty-six volunteers (mean age 17.3 years) from France, Spain, and the Netherlands used a software-modified smartphone for 4 weeks; the application installed on the phone recorded number and duration of calls, data use, laterality, hands-free device usage, and communication system used for both voice calls and data transfer. Upon returning the phone, participants estimated their mobile phone use during those 4 weeks via an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Results indicated that participants on average underestimated the number of calls they made, while they overestimated total call duration. Participants held the phone for about 90% of total call time near the head, mainly on the side of the head they reported as dominant. Some limitations were encountered when comparing reported and recorded data use and speaker use. When applied in a larger sample, information recorded by the smartphone application will be very useful to improve radiofrequency (RF) exposure modeling from mobile phones to be used in epidemiological research.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A newly developed smartphone application was piloted to characterize and validate mobile phone use in young people. Twenty-six volunteers (mean age 17.3 years) from France, Spain, and the Netherlands used a software-modified smartphone for 4 weeks; the application installed on the phone recorded number and duration of calls, data use, laterality, hands-free device usage, and communication system used for both voice calls and data transfer. Upon returning the phone, participants estimated their mobile phone use during those 4 weeks via an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Results indicated that participants on average underestimated the number of calls they made, while they overestimated total call duration. Participants held the phone for about 90% of total call time near the head, mainly on the side of the head they reported as dominant. Some limitations were encountered when comparing reported and recorded data use and speaker use. When applied in a larger sample, information recorded by the smartphone application will be very useful to improve radiofrequency (RF) exposure modeling from mobile phones to be used in epidemiological research.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Laure Guittard, Béatrice Fervers, Sabrina Rouat, Philippe Sarnin, Julien Carretier, Guillaume Broc, Laurent Letrilliart, Julien Péron, Marion Lamort-Bouché
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04707791
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Laure Guittard, Béatrice Fervers, Sabrina Rouat, Philippe Sarnin, et al.. Using intervention mapping to facilitate and sustain return-to work after breast cancer: protocol for the FASTRACS multicentre randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer, 2024, 24 (1), pp.1107. ⟨10.1186/s12885-024-12796-4⟩. ⟨hal-04707791⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12885-024-12796-4
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Women with breast cancer face many barriers to return to work (RTW) after their cancer. The main objective of the FASTRACS-RCT is to evaluate the impact of the FASTRACS (Facilitate and Sustain Return to Work after Breast Cancer) intervention on the sustainable RTW of breast cancer patients, 12 months after the end of active treatment. Methods: FASTRACS-RCT is a prospective, national, multicentre, randomized, controlled and open-label study. A total of 420 patients with early breast cancer scheduled for surgery and (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy, will be randomly assigned (1:1 ratio) to: (i) the intervention arm comprising four steps over 6 months : Handing over the intervention tools; transitional medical consultation with the general practitioner (GP); pre-RTW visit with the company's occupational physician (OP); catch-up visit with a hospital-based RTW expert (if sick leave > 10 months) (ii) the control arm to receive usual care. The design of the FASTRACS intervention was informed by intervention mapping for complex interventions in health promotion planning, and involved patients and representatives of relevant stakeholders. Specific tools were developed to bridge the gap between the hospital, the GP, the OP and the workplace: a toolkit for breast cancer patients comprising a theory-based guide; specific checklists for the GP and the OP, respectively; and a theory-based guide for workplace actors (employer, manager, colleagues). The primary endpoint will associate sustainable RTW (full-time or part-time work at 50% or more of working time, for at least 28 consecutive days) and days off work. It will be assessed at 4, 8 and 12 months after the end of active oncological treatment. Secondary endpoints will include quality of life, anxiety, depression, RTW self-efficacy, physical activity, social support, job accommodations, work productivity, job status, and the usefulness and acceptability of the intervention's tools. Discussion: FASTRACS-RCT will be supplemented by a realist evaluation approach aimed at understanding the influence of context in activating the intervention's mechanisms and effects. If the expected impact of the intervention is confirmed, the intervention will be adapted and scaled-up for other cancers and chronic diseases to better integrate healthcare and work disability prevention. Trial registration: NCT04846972 ; April 15, 2021.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Women with breast cancer face many barriers to return to work (RTW) after their cancer. The main objective of the FASTRACS-RCT is to evaluate the impact of the FASTRACS (Facilitate and Sustain Return to Work after Breast Cancer) intervention on the sustainable RTW of breast cancer patients, 12 months after the end of active treatment. Methods: FASTRACS-RCT is a prospective, national, multicentre, randomized, controlled and open-label study. A total of 420 patients with early breast cancer scheduled for surgery and (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy, will be randomly assigned (1:1 ratio) to: (i) the intervention arm comprising four steps over 6 months : Handing over the intervention tools; transitional medical consultation with the general practitioner (GP); pre-RTW visit with the company's occupational physician (OP); catch-up visit with a hospital-based RTW expert (if sick leave > 10 months) (ii) the control arm to receive usual care. The design of the FASTRACS intervention was informed by intervention mapping for complex interventions in health promotion planning, and involved patients and representatives of relevant stakeholders. Specific tools were developed to bridge the gap between the hospital, the GP, the OP and the workplace: a toolkit for breast cancer patients comprising a theory-based guide; specific checklists for the GP and the OP, respectively; and a theory-based guide for workplace actors (employer, manager, colleagues). The primary endpoint will associate sustainable RTW (full-time or part-time work at 50% or more of working time, for at least 28 consecutive days) and days off work. It will be assessed at 4, 8 and 12 months after the end of active oncological treatment. Secondary endpoints will include quality of life, anxiety, depression, RTW self-efficacy, physical activity, social support, job accommodations, work productivity, job status, and the usefulness and acceptability of the intervention's tools. Discussion: FASTRACS-RCT will be supplemented by a realist evaluation approach aimed at understanding the influence of context in activating the intervention's mechanisms and effects. If the expected impact of the intervention is confirmed, the intervention will be adapted and scaled-up for other cancers and chronic diseases to better integrate healthcare and work disability prevention. Trial registration: NCT04846972 ; April 15, 2021.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Frédéric Dutheil, Lucile Rouanet, Aurélien Mulliez, Geraldine Naughton, Luc Fontana, Michel Druet-Cabanac, Farès Moustafa, Alain Chamoux
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01650820
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Frédéric Dutheil, Lucile Rouanet, Aurélien Mulliez, Geraldine Naughton, Luc Fontana, et al.. Urine cytology screening of French workers exposed to occupational urinary tract carcinogens: a prospective cohort study over a 20-year period. BMJ Open, 2017, 7 (9), pp.e016238. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016238⟩. ⟨hal-01650820⟩
DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016238
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: To demonstrate that urine cytology screening can provide relevant epidemiological data for earlier detection of urothelial cancer caused by occupational exposure. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Industries using urothelial carcinogens in France. Urine samples were collected on site, after a work week and were analysed at the University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand, France. Participants: Participants were workers exposed to urothelial carcinogens. Women and current smokers at time of study recruitment were exclusion criteria. Outcomes :Urine cells atypia were ranged into three classes: negative/normal, atypical/suspicious/dysplasia or positive/malignant. Results We included 2020 workers over a period of 20 years from 1993 to 2013: 606 worked in rubber manufacturing, 692 from metal processing, 245 in chemical industry and 477 in roadwork and building industry. Workers had a mean exposure of 15.2±10.4 years before their first urine cytology screening. There was a mean of 3.4±4.3 urine cytology screenings per worker between 1993 and 2013. 6478 cytology were normal, 462 suspicious and 13 malignant. Suspicious and malignant cytology occurred in 4.8% of workers exposed for 1–10 years, 6.2% for 11–20 years of exposure, 7.6% for 21–30 years and 8.6% for >30 years (p<0.001). Using exposure for 1–10 years as reference, the adjusted OR of receiving a suspicious or malignant diagnosis increased with duration of exposure: OR=1.50 (95% CI 1.10 to 2.05, p=0.01) for 21–30 years and OR=1.78 (95% CI 1.23 to 2.56, p=0.002) for >30 years of exposure. Using metal processing as reference, the risk of pathological urine cytology results increased for rubber manufacturing (OR=1.32, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.65, p=0.02), with a trend for roadwork and building industry (OR=1.39, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.97, p=0.07) and for chemical industry (OR=1.34, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.93, p=0.11). Conclusions Urine cytology is a useful tool in occupational medicine. We promote new guidelines with an early screening of urothelial cancer by cytology, starting with beginning of exposure.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: To demonstrate that urine cytology screening can provide relevant epidemiological data for earlier detection of urothelial cancer caused by occupational exposure. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Industries using urothelial carcinogens in France. Urine samples were collected on site, after a work week and were analysed at the University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand, France. Participants: Participants were workers exposed to urothelial carcinogens. Women and current smokers at time of study recruitment were exclusion criteria. Outcomes :Urine cells atypia were ranged into three classes: negative/normal, atypical/suspicious/dysplasia or positive/malignant. Results We included 2020 workers over a period of 20 years from 1993 to 2013: 606 worked in rubber manufacturing, 692 from metal processing, 245 in chemical industry and 477 in roadwork and building industry. Workers had a mean exposure of 15.2±10.4 years before their first urine cytology screening. There was a mean of 3.4±4.3 urine cytology screenings per worker between 1993 and 2013. 6478 cytology were normal, 462 suspicious and 13 malignant. Suspicious and malignant cytology occurred in 4.8% of workers exposed for 1–10 years, 6.2% for 11–20 years of exposure, 7.6% for 21–30 years and 8.6% for >30 years (p<0.001). Using exposure for 1–10 years as reference, the adjusted OR of receiving a suspicious or malignant diagnosis increased with duration of exposure: OR=1.50 (95% CI 1.10 to 2.05, p=0.01) for 21–30 years and OR=1.78 (95% CI 1.23 to 2.56, p=0.002) for >30 years of exposure. Using metal processing as reference, the risk of pathological urine cytology results increased for rubber manufacturing (OR=1.32, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.65, p=0.02), with a trend for roadwork and building industry (OR=1.39, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.97, p=0.07) and for chemical industry (OR=1.34, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.93, p=0.11). Conclusions Urine cytology is a useful tool in occupational medicine. We promote new guidelines with an early screening of urothelial cancer by cytology, starting with beginning of exposure.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : P. Mestayer, Abdelhamid Abidi, Michel André, Erwan Bocher, Jacques Bougnol, Bernard Bourges, Dorothée Brécard, Jean-Sébastien Broc, Julie Bulteau, Mireille Chiron, Pierre-Yves Fadet, Guillaume Faburel, Jacques Fialaire, Nicolas Fortin, Annie Freneau, Bernard Fritsch, Nathalie Gourlot, Patricia Herbez, Robert Joumard, Thomas Leduc, Yannick Le Pen, Valérie Lépicier, Sylvie Leveaux, Jean-Pierre Orfeuil, Frédéric Penven, Gwendall Petit, Judicaël Picaut, Arnaud Rebours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00614951
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : P. Mestayer, Abdelhamid Abidi, Michel André, Erwan Bocher, Jacques Bougnol, et al.. Urban mobility plan environmental impacts assessment: a methodology including socio-economic consequences - The Eval-PDU project. 10th Urban Environment Symposium, Urban Futures for a Sustainable World, Jun 2010, Göteborg, Sweden. 11 p. ⟨hal-00614951⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The project objective is to develop an optimized methodology to assess the environmental impacts of urban mobility plans (UMP, in French PDU), taking into account their social and economic consequences. The main proposed methodology is based on a systemic approach: multi-factor (air quality, noise, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emission) numerical simulations with a chain of physically-based models, based on alternative and comparative scenarios. The social and economic consequences of these alternative simulations are assessed by means of econometric models. Two alternative approaches are explored: (i) the use of composite environmental indicators to correlate the sources to the impacts, especially health impacts, and (ii) the analysis of sample surveys on what makes inhabitants' quality of life, well-being and territorial satisfaction and on citizens' behavioral changes linked to transport offer changes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The project objective is to develop an optimized methodology to assess the environmental impacts of urban mobility plans (UMP, in French PDU), taking into account their social and economic consequences. The main proposed methodology is based on a systemic approach: multi-factor (air quality, noise, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emission) numerical simulations with a chain of physically-based models, based on alternative and comparative scenarios. The social and economic consequences of these alternative simulations are assessed by means of econometric models. Two alternative approaches are explored: (i) the use of composite environmental indicators to correlate the sources to the impacts, especially health impacts, and (ii) the analysis of sample surveys on what makes inhabitants' quality of life, well-being and territorial satisfaction and on citizens' behavioral changes linked to transport offer changes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Khalis, Vanessa Garcia-Larsen, Hafida Chakara, Meimouna Mint Sidi Deoula, Khaoula El Kinany, Abdelilah Benslimane, Barbara Charbotel, Amr S. Soliman, Inge Huybrechts, Ghada A. Soliman, Nadia Slimani, Karima El Rhazi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03612737
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Khalis, Vanessa Garcia-Larsen, Hafida Chakara, Meimouna Mint Sidi Deoula, Khaoula El Kinany, et al.. Update of the Moroccan food composition tables: Towards a more reliable tool for nutrition research. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2020, 87, ⟨10.1016/j.jfca.2019.103397⟩. ⟨hal-03612737⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.jfca.2019.103397
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The last food composition table (FCT) for Morocco was published in 1984 and has not been updated since. Our study aimed at bringing this FCT up to date, taking into account the current Moroccan population's diet. To collate nutrient information, we used the indirect method based on existing data published in the scientific literature. The primary data sources for compiling this table were local FCTs. International food composition data were used as an alternative source when Moroccan data were not available. This updated FCT includes information on 38 nutrient components, for 587 food items commonly consumed in Morocco. These foods represent an addition of 79 % of foods in the FCT. About 7 % of nutritional values were derived from Moroccan data sources and about 93 % from international sources, namely Tunisia, West Africa, France, UK, and USA. We were unable to find approximately 20 % of nutrient estimates. This updated FCT provides information on foods and dishes commonly consumed in Morocco and it can be used as a tool to foster nutritional research and to design public health strategies in Morocco. This work is a first step towards updating a standardized Moroccan FCT, which will need to be complemented with high-quality composition data.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The last food composition table (FCT) for Morocco was published in 1984 and has not been updated since. Our study aimed at bringing this FCT up to date, taking into account the current Moroccan population's diet. To collate nutrient information, we used the indirect method based on existing data published in the scientific literature. The primary data sources for compiling this table were local FCTs. International food composition data were used as an alternative source when Moroccan data were not available. This updated FCT includes information on 38 nutrient components, for 587 food items commonly consumed in Morocco. These foods represent an addition of 79 % of foods in the FCT. About 7 % of nutritional values were derived from Moroccan data sources and about 93 % from international sources, namely Tunisia, West Africa, France, UK, and USA. We were unable to find approximately 20 % of nutrient estimates. This updated FCT provides information on foods and dishes commonly consumed in Morocco and it can be used as a tool to foster nutritional research and to design public health strategies in Morocco. This work is a first step towards updating a standardized Moroccan FCT, which will need to be complemented with high-quality composition data.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Boisset, Mitra Saadatian-Elahi, Caroline Landelle, Michèle Bes, Claude-Alexandre Gustave, Anne Tristan, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Frédéric Laurent, Jacqueline Grando, François Vandenesch, Coralie Bouchiat
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02352128
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Boisset, Mitra Saadatian-Elahi, Caroline Landelle, Michèle Bes, Claude-Alexandre Gustave, et al.. Unexpected categories at risk of S. aureus nasal carriage among hospital workers. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2019, 222 (8), pp.1093-1097. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.08.003⟩. ⟨hal-02352128⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.08.003
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: Thirty percent of the general population are Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriers. It has been shown that this increases with repeated contact with patients, but it is not known whether all categories of healthcare workers are at equal risk of carriage. We aimed to explore S. aureus nasal carriage among healthcare professionals. Methods: Prospective study conducted in two French university hospitals in 2014 and 2016. Volunteers were screened for S. aureus nasal carriage. Profession and hygiene habits were collected. Based on the results of this initial study, a second study focused on semi-skilled workers and biomedical equipment technicians (BETs) only; participants were given education on the basic rules of hygiene, then re-screened three months later. Results: In the initial study, 38.8% of the 436 participants were detected as nasal carriers. There was a significant difference in nasal carriage according to professional category (p < 0.0001); the lowest was found among administrative agents (17.3%), followed by healthcare providers (37.4%), laboratory technicians (37.6%). The greatest proportion was found among semi-skilled workers and BETs (52.9%). Spa-typing ruled out the hypothesis of a single clone dissemination among colleagues. After the three-month hygiene awareness campaign, all re-screened individuals remained positive, and with their respective initial strain. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge we report here for the first time that semi-skilled workers and BETs are specifically more at risk of S. aureus nasal colonisation. This striking finding urges hospital hygiene departments to evaluate this specific professional category and implement strategies to improve hygiene awareness.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: Thirty percent of the general population are Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriers. It has been shown that this increases with repeated contact with patients, but it is not known whether all categories of healthcare workers are at equal risk of carriage. We aimed to explore S. aureus nasal carriage among healthcare professionals. Methods: Prospective study conducted in two French university hospitals in 2014 and 2016. Volunteers were screened for S. aureus nasal carriage. Profession and hygiene habits were collected. Based on the results of this initial study, a second study focused on semi-skilled workers and biomedical equipment technicians (BETs) only; participants were given education on the basic rules of hygiene, then re-screened three months later. Results: In the initial study, 38.8% of the 436 participants were detected as nasal carriers. There was a significant difference in nasal carriage according to professional category (p < 0.0001); the lowest was found among administrative agents (17.3%), followed by healthcare providers (37.4%), laboratory technicians (37.6%). The greatest proportion was found among semi-skilled workers and BETs (52.9%). Spa-typing ruled out the hypothesis of a single clone dissemination among colleagues. After the three-month hygiene awareness campaign, all re-screened individuals remained positive, and with their respective initial strain. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge we report here for the first time that semi-skilled workers and BETs are specifically more at risk of S. aureus nasal colonisation. This striking finding urges hospital hygiene departments to evaluate this specific professional category and implement strategies to improve hygiene awareness.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie Lefèvre, Agnès Chaumond, Patricia Champelovier, Lise Giorgis Allemand, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03491393
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie Lefèvre, Agnès Chaumond, Patricia Champelovier, Lise Giorgis Allemand, Jacques Lambert, et al.. Understanding the relationship between air traffic noise exposure and annoyance in populations living near airports in France. Environment International, 2020, 144, pp.106058 -. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2020.106058⟩. ⟨hal-03491393⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106058
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Claire Colas, Audrey Jumel, Marie-Pierre Vericel, Nathalie Barth, Jessica Manzanares, Julie Goutte, Luc Fontana, Léonard Feasson, David Hupin, Jessica Guyot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03372975
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Claire Colas, Audrey Jumel, Marie-Pierre Vericel, Nathalie Barth, Jessica Manzanares, et al.. Understanding Experiences of Fibromyalgia Patients Involved in the Fimouv Study During COVID-19 Lockdown. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12, 9p. ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645092⟩. ⟨hal-03372975⟩
DOI : 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645092
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic implied a period of lockdown for the general population, increasing the risk to develop some physical or mental disorders. In fibromyalgia patients, these disorders are part of the large clinical picture of the syndrome. Fibromyalgia management is especially based on a regular practice of physical activity. Lockdown imposed a break in rhythms, requiring a restructuring of scheduling. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the experiences of fibromyalgia patients during COVID-19 lockdown using a qualitative analysis. Method: 19 patients (52 ± 9 years old) who completed a 3-month therapeutic education and/or supervised physical activity program were invited to participate (Fimouv study, Trial registration: NCT04107948). A sociologist collected data by means of semi-structured interviews and analyzed them using thematic content analysis. Results: Lockdown exacerbated the main symptoms of fibromyalgia, but adjusting the rhythms of life to fluctuations of these symptoms allowed a better quality of life. Patients felt the lack of physical activity and 68% found alternatives to remain physically active. The reduction of social constraints allowed them to better contend with their pathology. Fibromyalgia stopped being a main priority. Conclusion: Lockdown was positively experienced by fibromyalgia patients. They linked the absence of physical activity with increased pain and fatigue. Nevertheless, reducing social constraints could be a key for fibromyalgia management, where symptoms seemed to take less space in everyday life. Clinical Trial Registration:, identifier: NCT04107948.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic implied a period of lockdown for the general population, increasing the risk to develop some physical or mental disorders. In fibromyalgia patients, these disorders are part of the large clinical picture of the syndrome. Fibromyalgia management is especially based on a regular practice of physical activity. Lockdown imposed a break in rhythms, requiring a restructuring of scheduling. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the experiences of fibromyalgia patients during COVID-19 lockdown using a qualitative analysis. Method: 19 patients (52 ± 9 years old) who completed a 3-month therapeutic education and/or supervised physical activity program were invited to participate (Fimouv study, Trial registration: NCT04107948). A sociologist collected data by means of semi-structured interviews and analyzed them using thematic content analysis. Results: Lockdown exacerbated the main symptoms of fibromyalgia, but adjusting the rhythms of life to fluctuations of these symptoms allowed a better quality of life. Patients felt the lack of physical activity and 68% found alternatives to remain physically active. The reduction of social constraints allowed them to better contend with their pathology. Fibromyalgia stopped being a main priority. Conclusion: Lockdown was positively experienced by fibromyalgia patients. They linked the absence of physical activity with increased pain and fatigue. Nevertheless, reducing social constraints could be a key for fibromyalgia management, where symptoms seemed to take less space in everyday life. Clinical Trial Registration:, identifier: NCT04107948.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Thibault Battail, Emmanuel Fort, Marie-Agnès Denis, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Vincent Bonneterre, Frédéric Dutheil, Luc Fontana, Adèle Paul, Elsa Botokeky, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03851673
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Thibault Battail, Emmanuel Fort, Marie-Agnès Denis, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Vincent Bonneterre, et al.. Underreporting of occupational blood and body fluid exposure in French university hospitals in 2017. WORK, 2022, pp.1-11. ⟨10.3233/WOR-210007⟩. ⟨hal-03851673⟩
DOI : 10.3233/WOR-210007
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Occupational blood and body fluid exposures (OBBFEs) are one of the biological risks run by health professionals, especially in hospitals. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to assess the occurrence and reporting of occupational blood and body fluid exposures (OBBFEs) in university hospital medical staff and to investigate factors associated to declared OBBFE and factors associated to reported OBBFE. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire has been e-mailed to all junior and senior medical staff in four university hospital centers in one administrative region of France in 2017. RESULTS: 292 of the 1,228 respondents declared at least one OBBFE. More than two-thirds (70.2%) were under-reporters and more than half (53.8%) non-reporters. Younger subjects, surgical specialties and other associated work accidents were risk factors for OBBFE. Considering the reporting procedure too complex was a risk factor for underreporting. CONCLUSIONS: Underreporting by hospital medical staff was a persistent phenomenon, with a high rate. The OBBFE reporting procedure needs rethinking.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Occupational blood and body fluid exposures (OBBFEs) are one of the biological risks run by health professionals, especially in hospitals. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to assess the occurrence and reporting of occupational blood and body fluid exposures (OBBFEs) in university hospital medical staff and to investigate factors associated to declared OBBFE and factors associated to reported OBBFE. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire has been e-mailed to all junior and senior medical staff in four university hospital centers in one administrative region of France in 2017. RESULTS: 292 of the 1,228 respondents declared at least one OBBFE. More than two-thirds (70.2%) were under-reporters and more than half (53.8%) non-reporters. Younger subjects, surgical specialties and other associated work accidents were risk factors for OBBFE. Considering the reporting procedure too complex was a risk factor for underreporting. CONCLUSIONS: Underreporting by hospital medical staff was a persistent phenomenon, with a high rate. The OBBFE reporting procedure needs rethinking.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Donnay, Marie-Agnès Denis, Renée Magis, Joëlle Fevotte, Nicole Massin, Orianne Dumas, Isabelle Pin, Dominique Choudat, Francine Kauffmann, Nicole Le Moual
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00744554
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Donnay, Marie-Agnès Denis, Renée Magis, Joëlle Fevotte, Nicole Massin, et al.. Under-estimation of self-reported occupational exposure by questionnaire in hospital workers.. Occup Environ Med, 2011, 68 (8), pp.611-7. ⟨10.1136/oem.2010.061671⟩. ⟨inserm-00744554⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oem.2010.061671
pubmedId_s : 21515550
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to determine whether self-reported occupational exposure to cleaning/disinfecting agents in hospital workers is accurate, in comparison to expert assessment, taken to be the gold standard. METHODS: In the Epidemiological Study of the Genetics and Environment of Asthma (EGEA), participants were interviewed on occupation with a specific questionnaire for hospital workers regarding tasks and cleaning/disinfecting agents. Two estimates of exposure were available: self-report and expert assessment. The expert assessment involved a standardised procedure to estimate intensity, frequency and probability of exposure for each job. The present analysis focused on eight exposures: formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bleach/chlorine, alcohol, quaternary ammonium components, ammonia, sprays and latex gloves. Agreement and differences between self-reported and expert estimates were studied by kappa and phi coefficients and McNemar tests, respectively. RESULTS: In the survey of 1571 adults, 176 ever hospital workers (327 occupations) with both self-reported and expert exposure assessments were studied. An underestimation of self-reported exposure was observed especially for formaldehyde (26.5% vs 32.7%, p=0.01), ammonia (7.4% vs 18.8%, p<0.0001), alcohol (64.9% vs 93.0%, p<0.0001) and quaternary ammonium components (16.6% vs 70.9%, p<0.0001), compared to expert assessment. CONCLUSION: Occupational exposure to disinfecting/cleaning agents is common and high in hospitals. A large underestimation of self-reported exposure and a lack of knowledge of product components was observed. Our results show the relevance of expert assessment in epidemiological studies to limit measurement bias. This work underlines the need for health education programmes on the occupational risks induced by these types of products.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to determine whether self-reported occupational exposure to cleaning/disinfecting agents in hospital workers is accurate, in comparison to expert assessment, taken to be the gold standard. METHODS: In the Epidemiological Study of the Genetics and Environment of Asthma (EGEA), participants were interviewed on occupation with a specific questionnaire for hospital workers regarding tasks and cleaning/disinfecting agents. Two estimates of exposure were available: self-report and expert assessment. The expert assessment involved a standardised procedure to estimate intensity, frequency and probability of exposure for each job. The present analysis focused on eight exposures: formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bleach/chlorine, alcohol, quaternary ammonium components, ammonia, sprays and latex gloves. Agreement and differences between self-reported and expert estimates were studied by kappa and phi coefficients and McNemar tests, respectively. RESULTS: In the survey of 1571 adults, 176 ever hospital workers (327 occupations) with both self-reported and expert exposure assessments were studied. An underestimation of self-reported exposure was observed especially for formaldehyde (26.5% vs 32.7%, p=0.01), ammonia (7.4% vs 18.8%, p<0.0001), alcohol (64.9% vs 93.0%, p<0.0001) and quaternary ammonium components (16.6% vs 70.9%, p<0.0001), compared to expert assessment. CONCLUSION: Occupational exposure to disinfecting/cleaning agents is common and high in hospitals. A large underestimation of self-reported exposure and a lack of knowledge of product components was observed. Our results show the relevance of expert assessment in epidemiological studies to limit measurement bias. This work underlines the need for health education programmes on the occupational risks induced by these types of products.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Maud Ranchet, Catherine Gabaude
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02625684
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Maud Ranchet, Catherine Gabaude. Un siècle d'utilisation de l'automobile : regards sur les conducteurs âgés. In : La sécurité routière en France: quand la recherche fait son bilan et trace des perspectives. Un siècle d'utilisation de l'automobile : regards sur les conducteurs âgés. In : La sécurité routière en France: quand la recherche fait son bilan et trace des perspectives, L'Harmattan, 2 p., 2018. ⟨hal-02625684⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En France, le nombre de personnes âgées de 75 ans ou plus augmentera de 31 % en 10 ans (entre 2020 et 2030), et de 57 % en seulement 20 ans (2020-2040) (INED, Or, si la mobilité est restée stable entre 1994 et 2008 dans l'ensemble de la population (environ trois déplacements par jour), celle des personnes de plus de 75 ans a augmenté d'environ 20 % chez les hommes et de 33 % chez les femmes, celles-ci étant de plus en plus nombreuses à accéder à la conduite (23 % en 1994, 45 % en 2007) (Armoogum et al. 2010). Même s'il est difficile de projeter la mobilité de demain sur celle d'aujourd'hui, des questions de recherche en sécurité routière se posent sur les pratiques futures de déplacements des personnes âgées. Des changements vont-ils s'opérer avec l'émergence des véhicules automatisés ? Les personnes âgées vont-elles s'adapter et maintenir leur mobilité en toute sécurité ? Il est encore prématuré de répondre à ces questions mais un regard à la fois rétrospectif et prospectif peut contribuer à mieux éclairer l'évolution des enjeux de sécurité routière. L'objectif de ce chapitre est de proposer un panorama sur un siècle d'utilisation de l'automobile par des conducteurs âgés. L'histoire de l'évaluation de l'aptitude à la conduite fera l'objet d'une première partie, puis suivra un bilan actualisé des enjeux en termes d'accidentologie routière des conducteurs âgés. Enfin, les questions d'autorégulation de l'activité de conduite en réponse aux effets du vieillissement seront explorées dans un contexte de bouleversement technologique.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En France, le nombre de personnes âgées de 75 ans ou plus augmentera de 31 % en 10 ans (entre 2020 et 2030), et de 57 % en seulement 20 ans (2020-2040) (INED, Or, si la mobilité est restée stable entre 1994 et 2008 dans l'ensemble de la population (environ trois déplacements par jour), celle des personnes de plus de 75 ans a augmenté d'environ 20 % chez les hommes et de 33 % chez les femmes, celles-ci étant de plus en plus nombreuses à accéder à la conduite (23 % en 1994, 45 % en 2007) (Armoogum et al. 2010). Même s'il est difficile de projeter la mobilité de demain sur celle d'aujourd'hui, des questions de recherche en sécurité routière se posent sur les pratiques futures de déplacements des personnes âgées. Des changements vont-ils s'opérer avec l'émergence des véhicules automatisés ? Les personnes âgées vont-elles s'adapter et maintenir leur mobilité en toute sécurité ? Il est encore prématuré de répondre à ces questions mais un regard à la fois rétrospectif et prospectif peut contribuer à mieux éclairer l'évolution des enjeux de sécurité routière. L'objectif de ce chapitre est de proposer un panorama sur un siècle d'utilisation de l'automobile par des conducteurs âgés. L'histoire de l'évaluation de l'aptitude à la conduite fera l'objet d'une première partie, puis suivra un bilan actualisé des enjeux en termes d'accidentologie routière des conducteurs âgés. Enfin, les questions d'autorégulation de l'activité de conduite en réponse aux effets du vieillissement seront explorées dans un contexte de bouleversement technologique.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Inès Khati, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00924873
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Inès Khati, Martine Hours. Un an après un accident de la route peu grave, existe-t-il une spécificité du coup du lapin ? Cohorte ESPARR. Congrès ADELF-SFSP. Santé Publique et Prévention, Oct 2013, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-00924873⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le risque de chronicisation du “coup du lapin “ est connu. Peu d’études se sont intéressées à mettre en perspective les conséquences du coup du lapin par rapport à celles liées à d’autres lésions peu graves afin d’en rechercher l’éventuelle spécificité. Objectifs : décrire les conséquences un an après l’accident de la route et son impact sur la qualité de vie du blessé du coup du lapin en les comparant à celles d’une autre population de blessés légers et explorer la relation entre la lésion initiale et la qualité de vie. Méthodologie : L’étude est réalisée à partir des données de la cohorte ESPARR (une cohorte représentative de victimes d’accidents de la route); elle inclue 173 victimes souffrant d’un coup du lapin pur et les compare à 207 autres victimes souffrant de lésions légères (MAIS1). La qualité de vie à un an est étudiée à travers l’usage du WhoQol-bref. Les associations entre les facteurs prédictifs et la qualité de vie sont explorées à l’aide de modèles en régression de Poisson modifié et par des analyses de variance (scores de qualité de vie explorés : physique, mental, social, environnemental).Résultats : Un an après l’accident, les victimes de coup du lapin se plaignent plus que les autres victimes d’un état de santé non récupéré (56% vs 43%) et d’un retentissement de la douleur sur l’activité professionnelle (31% vs 23%). Une qualité de vie dégradée n’est cependant pas liée au coup du lapin. Les facteurs sociodémographiques et la présence d’antécédents psychologiques sont les principaux facteurs prédictifs: quelle que soit la lésion initiale, la présence d’un stress post traumatique est un élément déterminant. Conclusions: le coup du lapin n’intervient pas en tant que tel dans la dégradation de la qualité de vie des victimes : celle-ci passe par l’existence d’un stress post-traumatique.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le risque de chronicisation du “coup du lapin “ est connu. Peu d’études se sont intéressées à mettre en perspective les conséquences du coup du lapin par rapport à celles liées à d’autres lésions peu graves afin d’en rechercher l’éventuelle spécificité. Objectifs : décrire les conséquences un an après l’accident de la route et son impact sur la qualité de vie du blessé du coup du lapin en les comparant à celles d’une autre population de blessés légers et explorer la relation entre la lésion initiale et la qualité de vie. Méthodologie : L’étude est réalisée à partir des données de la cohorte ESPARR (une cohorte représentative de victimes d’accidents de la route); elle inclue 173 victimes souffrant d’un coup du lapin pur et les compare à 207 autres victimes souffrant de lésions légères (MAIS1). La qualité de vie à un an est étudiée à travers l’usage du WhoQol-bref. Les associations entre les facteurs prédictifs et la qualité de vie sont explorées à l’aide de modèles en régression de Poisson modifié et par des analyses de variance (scores de qualité de vie explorés : physique, mental, social, environnemental).Résultats : Un an après l’accident, les victimes de coup du lapin se plaignent plus que les autres victimes d’un état de santé non récupéré (56% vs 43%) et d’un retentissement de la douleur sur l’activité professionnelle (31% vs 23%). Une qualité de vie dégradée n’est cependant pas liée au coup du lapin. Les facteurs sociodémographiques et la présence d’antécédents psychologiques sont les principaux facteurs prédictifs: quelle que soit la lésion initiale, la présence d’un stress post traumatique est un élément déterminant. Conclusions: le coup du lapin n’intervient pas en tant que tel dans la dégradation de la qualité de vie des victimes : celle-ci passe par l’existence d’un stress post-traumatique.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie-Pierre Bruyas, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00874129
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie-Pierre Bruyas, Jean-Louis Martin. Téléphoner au volant : impact sur la conduite et risque d'accident. Une revue de la littérature. RTS. Recherche, transports, sécurité, 2012, 28 (3-4), pp. 167-180. ⟨10.1007/s13547-012-0043-7⟩. ⟨hal-00874129⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s13547-012-0043-7
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce papier propose une revue de la littérature issue des études expérimentales, épidémiologiques et naturalistes ayant tenté de mesurer d’une part, l’impact de l’usage du téléphone sur la conduite automobile et, d’autre part, le risque d’accident associé à cette pratique. La combinaison de ces différentes études a permis tout d’abord de montrer que la tâche de conduite était bien altérée lorsque l’on utilise son téléphone au volant et de quantifier cette perturbation (études expérimentales) puis de vérifier que cette perturbation était bien susceptible d'être à l'origine d'accidents et de quantifier le risque encouru (études épidémiologiques). Les études naturalistes de suivi de flottes de véhicules, tout en apportant certaines précisions, tendent à confirmer ces résultats. Avantages et limites de chaque approche sont également discutés.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce papier propose une revue de la littérature issue des études expérimentales, épidémiologiques et naturalistes ayant tenté de mesurer d’une part, l’impact de l’usage du téléphone sur la conduite automobile et, d’autre part, le risque d’accident associé à cette pratique. La combinaison de ces différentes études a permis tout d’abord de montrer que la tâche de conduite était bien altérée lorsque l’on utilise son téléphone au volant et de quantifier cette perturbation (études expérimentales) puis de vérifier que cette perturbation était bien susceptible d'être à l'origine d'accidents et de quantifier le risque encouru (études épidémiologiques). Les études naturalistes de suivi de flottes de véhicules, tout en apportant certaines précisions, tendent à confirmer ces résultats. Avantages et limites de chaque approche sont également discutés.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Corinne Brusque, Marie-Pierre Bruyas, Colette Fabrigoule, Fabrice Hamelin, Martine Hours, Emmanuelle Lagarde, Jean-Louis Martin, Dominique Mignot, Pierre van Elslande
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-02102576
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Corinne Brusque, Marie-Pierre Bruyas, Colette Fabrigoule, Fabrice Hamelin, Martine Hours, et al.. Téléphone et sécurité routière. [Rapport de recherche] Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM). 2011, Paris : Inserm : Éditions EDP Sciences (ISSN 1264-1782) / 269 p. ⟨inserm-02102576⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Depuis les années 1970 en France, la sécurité routière fait l’objet d’une politique soutenue. La conduite d’un véhicule est une tâche complexe dont la performance dépend de nombreux facteurs individuels et environnementaux. Téléphoner pendant la conduite est une distraction susceptible d’augmenter le risque d’accidents. L’usage du téléphone tenu en main en conduisant est interdit en France depuis 2003. Le développement de nouveaux systèmes télématiques et en particulier de téléphonie, embarqués dans les véhicules justifie d’évaluer le risque réel associé à l’utilisation de ces nouveaux systèmes de communication. Cette expertise collective demandée par le Délégation à la sécurité et à la circulation routières rassemble les connaissances visant à comprendre comment téléphoner agit sur les processus d’attention pendant la conduite. Elle propose une estimation du risque d’accident lié à cette distraction à partir des données nationales et internationales et ouvre la voie à différentes perspectives d’actions et de recherche pour éclairer la décision publique.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Depuis les années 1970 en France, la sécurité routière fait l’objet d’une politique soutenue. La conduite d’un véhicule est une tâche complexe dont la performance dépend de nombreux facteurs individuels et environnementaux. Téléphoner pendant la conduite est une distraction susceptible d’augmenter le risque d’accidents. L’usage du téléphone tenu en main en conduisant est interdit en France depuis 2003. Le développement de nouveaux systèmes télématiques et en particulier de téléphonie, embarqués dans les véhicules justifie d’évaluer le risque réel associé à l’utilisation de ces nouveaux systèmes de communication. Cette expertise collective demandée par le Délégation à la sécurité et à la circulation routières rassemble les connaissances visant à comprendre comment téléphoner agit sur les processus d’attention pendant la conduite. Elle propose une estimation du risque d’accident lié à cette distraction à partir des données nationales et internationales et ouvre la voie à différentes perspectives d’actions et de recherche pour éclairer la décision publique.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Vivian Viallon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01063742
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Vivian Viallon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. Typology of bicycle crashes from a survey addressed to injured people: some hints for safety advices.. Transport Research Arena 2014, Apr 2014, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-01063742⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En termes de santé, l’usage du vélo est encouragé. Pourtant, pédaler n’est pas sans risque et comporte jusqu’à 8 fois plus de risque qu’en voiture à exposition égale. La plupart des études reposent sur les données policières, peu adaptées à l’étude des cyclistes à cause du sous-enregistrement et des biais sur le type d’accidents (collision vs. chute). Ici, nous proposons d’améliorer les connaissances sur les circonstances d’accidents cyclistes en construisant une typologie. Pour cela 3300 cyclistes blessés en 2009-2011 selon le Registre médical du Rhône ont été contactés; 1078 ont répondu. Grâce à des méthodes de classification, une typologie multifactorielle de 17 configurations a été obtenue. Les variables les plus discriminantes sont le type d’accident (collision vs. chute ou évitement), le motif du trajet (utilitaire, sport, loisir) et le groupe d’âge. Les analyses suggèrent que les évitements d’un autre usager et les collisions de senior engendrent plus de blessures graves que les collisions en intersection. Le lien avec la région corporelle atteinte est aussi présenté.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En termes de santé, l’usage du vélo est encouragé. Pourtant, pédaler n’est pas sans risque et comporte jusqu’à 8 fois plus de risque qu’en voiture à exposition égale. La plupart des études reposent sur les données policières, peu adaptées à l’étude des cyclistes à cause du sous-enregistrement et des biais sur le type d’accidents (collision vs. chute). Ici, nous proposons d’améliorer les connaissances sur les circonstances d’accidents cyclistes en construisant une typologie. Pour cela 3300 cyclistes blessés en 2009-2011 selon le Registre médical du Rhône ont été contactés; 1078 ont répondu. Grâce à des méthodes de classification, une typologie multifactorielle de 17 configurations a été obtenue. Les variables les plus discriminantes sont le type d’accident (collision vs. chute ou évitement), le motif du trajet (utilitaire, sport, loisir) et le groupe d’âge. Les analyses suggèrent que les évitements d’un autre usager et les collisions de senior engendrent plus de blessures graves que les collisions en intersection. Le lien avec la région corporelle atteinte est aussi présenté.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01228661
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. Typology of bicycle crashes based on a survey of a thousand of injured cyclists from a road trauma registry.. International Conference Road Safety and Simulation, Oct 2013, ROME, Italy. 14 p. ⟨hal-01228661⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Bicycle is an alternative transportation mode promoted for health benefits. However, cycling is somewhat risky. In France we estimate an annual incidence rate of 70 injured per 100,000 inhabitants. Most of the existing cycling safety studies are police data based which is inappropriate for cyclist safety research because it is biased on accident type (single vs. multi vehicle crash) and registers up to 10 times less cyclists than a road trauma registry on the same area. That is why in this work we identified injured cyclists in 2009-2011 through a road trauma registry, and conducted a postal survey on them. The survey study sample contains 1078 injured cyclists. This article exposes a Typology of Bicycle Crashes (TBC) construction. In this typology, a multifactorial approach is adopted and the Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm is used. Seventeen crash configurations compose our TBC: 7 utilitarian trips, 3 leisure rides and 7 sport practices. TBC has been constructed with 35 variables; the most discriminatory variables are "collides with another road user", "commutes", "practices sport" and "aged 60 and over". Each accident configuration is described by the proportion of its main characteristics in comparison with the one in the overall survey sample. Some factors such as "avoids another road user" (10%), "bad weather" (13%), "riding at night" (14%), "off-road ride" (20%), "slips on the road" (40%) are other accident characteristics discriminant for collisions with another road user or with an obstacle. Injury severity in the 17 configurations is explored.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Bicycle is an alternative transportation mode promoted for health benefits. However, cycling is somewhat risky. In France we estimate an annual incidence rate of 70 injured per 100,000 inhabitants. Most of the existing cycling safety studies are police data based which is inappropriate for cyclist safety research because it is biased on accident type (single vs. multi vehicle crash) and registers up to 10 times less cyclists than a road trauma registry on the same area. That is why in this work we identified injured cyclists in 2009-2011 through a road trauma registry, and conducted a postal survey on them. The survey study sample contains 1078 injured cyclists. This article exposes a Typology of Bicycle Crashes (TBC) construction. In this typology, a multifactorial approach is adopted and the Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm is used. Seventeen crash configurations compose our TBC: 7 utilitarian trips, 3 leisure rides and 7 sport practices. TBC has been constructed with 35 variables; the most discriminatory variables are "collides with another road user", "commutes", "practices sport" and "aged 60 and over". Each accident configuration is described by the proportion of its main characteristics in comparison with the one in the overall survey sample. Some factors such as "avoids another road user" (10%), "bad weather" (13%), "riding at night" (14%), "off-road ride" (20%), "slips on the road" (40%) are other accident characteristics discriminant for collisions with another road user or with an obstacle. Injury severity in the 17 configurations is explored.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Vivian Viallon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01063646
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Vivian Viallon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. Typology of bicycle crashes based on a survey of a thousand injured cyclists from a road trauma registry. Advances in Transportation Studies, 2014, 2 (Special Issue), pp.17-28. ⟨10.4399/97888548735373⟩. ⟨hal-01063646v2⟩
DOI : 10.4399/97888548735373
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Bicycles are an alternative means of transport, promoted for health benefits. However, cycling is risky. In France the annual incidence of cycling injuries is estimated at 70 per 100,000. Most existing cycling safety studies are based on police data, which is inappropriate to cyclist safety research, being biased as to accident type (single vs. multi-vehicle crash) and recording as much as 10 times fewer cyclists than a road trauma registry for the same geographical area. The present study therefore used a postal survey sent to victims injured while cycling in 2009-2011 and identified in a road trauma registry. The survey sample comprised 1,078 injured cyclists. This article presents the construction of a Typology of Bicycle Crashes. A multifactorial approach is adopted with the Partitioning Around Medoids algorithm. Seventeen crash configurations compose the typology (7 utilitarian trips, 3 leisure rides and 7 sport practices), with 35 variables; the most discriminatory variables were "collide with another road user", "commutes", "practices sport" and "aged 60 and over". Each accident configuration is described by the proportion of its main characteristics in comparison with that in the overall sample. Some other factors, such as 'avoids another road user' (10%), "bad weather" (13%), "riding at night" (14%), "off-road ride" (20%) and "slips on the road" (40%), discriminated for collisions with another road user or obstacle. Injury severity in the 17 configurations is explored.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Bicycles are an alternative means of transport, promoted for health benefits. However, cycling is risky. In France the annual incidence of cycling injuries is estimated at 70 per 100,000. Most existing cycling safety studies are based on police data, which is inappropriate to cyclist safety research, being biased as to accident type (single vs. multi-vehicle crash) and recording as much as 10 times fewer cyclists than a road trauma registry for the same geographical area. The present study therefore used a postal survey sent to victims injured while cycling in 2009-2011 and identified in a road trauma registry. The survey sample comprised 1,078 injured cyclists. This article presents the construction of a Typology of Bicycle Crashes. A multifactorial approach is adopted with the Partitioning Around Medoids algorithm. Seventeen crash configurations compose the typology (7 utilitarian trips, 3 leisure rides and 7 sport practices), with 35 variables; the most discriminatory variables were "collide with another road user", "commutes", "practices sport" and "aged 60 and over". Each accident configuration is described by the proportion of its main characteristics in comparison with that in the overall sample. Some other factors, such as 'avoids another road user' (10%), "bad weather" (13%), "riding at night" (14%), "off-road ride" (20%) and "slips on the road" (40%), discriminated for collisions with another road user or obstacle. Injury severity in the 17 configurations is explored.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A Billot-Grasset, V Viallon, E Amoros, M Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04809875
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A Billot-Grasset, V Viallon, E Amoros, M Hours. Typology of bicycle crashes based on a survey of a thousand injured cyclists from a road trauma registry. Advances in Transportation Studies, 2014, ⟨10.4399/97888548735373⟩. ⟨hal-04809875⟩
DOI : 10.4399/97888548735373
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Bicycles are an alternative means of transport, promoted for health benefits. However, cycling is risky. In France the annual incidence of cycling injuries is estimated at 70 per 100,000. Most existing cycling safety studies are based on police data, which is inappropriate to cyclist safety research, being biased as to accident type (single vs. multi-vehicle crash) and recording as much as 10 times fewer cyclists than a road trauma registry for the same geographical area. The present study therefore used a postal survey sent to victims injured while cycling in 2009-2011 and identified in a road trauma registry. The survey sample comprised 1,078 injured cyclists. This article presents the construction of a Typology of Bicycle Crashes. A multifactorial approach is adopted with the Partitioning Around Medoids algorithm. Seventeen crash configurations compose the typology (7 utilitarian trips, 3 leisure rides and 7 sport practices), with 35 variables; the most discriminatory variables were "collide with another road user", "commutes", "practices sport" and "aged 60 and over". Each accident configuration is described by the proportion of its main characteristics in comparison with that in the overall sample. Some other factors, such as "avoids another road user" (10%), "bad weather" (13%), "riding at night" (14%), "off-road ride" (20%) and "slips on the road" (40%), discriminated for collisions with another road user or obstacle. Injury severity in the 17 configurations is explored.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Bicycles are an alternative means of transport, promoted for health benefits. However, cycling is risky. In France the annual incidence of cycling injuries is estimated at 70 per 100,000. Most existing cycling safety studies are based on police data, which is inappropriate to cyclist safety research, being biased as to accident type (single vs. multi-vehicle crash) and recording as much as 10 times fewer cyclists than a road trauma registry for the same geographical area. The present study therefore used a postal survey sent to victims injured while cycling in 2009-2011 and identified in a road trauma registry. The survey sample comprised 1,078 injured cyclists. This article presents the construction of a Typology of Bicycle Crashes. A multifactorial approach is adopted with the Partitioning Around Medoids algorithm. Seventeen crash configurations compose the typology (7 utilitarian trips, 3 leisure rides and 7 sport practices), with 35 variables; the most discriminatory variables were "collide with another road user", "commutes", "practices sport" and "aged 60 and over". Each accident configuration is described by the proportion of its main characteristics in comparison with that in the overall sample. Some other factors, such as "avoids another road user" (10%), "bad weather" (13%), "riding at night" (14%), "off-road ride" (20%) and "slips on the road" (40%), discriminated for collisions with another road user or obstacle. Injury severity in the 17 configurations is explored.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Vivian Viallon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01073646
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Vivian Viallon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. Typology of bicycle collisions and falls from a survey of 1078 injured people: some hints for safety advices. Transport Research Arena 2014, Apr 2014, France. 10 p. ⟨hal-01073646⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En termes de santé, l‟usage du vélo est encouragé. Pourtant, pédaler n‟est pas sans risque et comporte jusqu‟à 8 fois plus de risque qu‟en voiture à exposition égale. La plupart des études reposent sur les données policières, peu adaptées à l‟étude des cyclistes à cause du sous-enregistrement et des biais sur le type d‟accidents (collision vs. chute). Ici, nous proposons d‟améliorer les connaissances sur les circonstances d‟accidents cyclistes en construisant une typologie. Pour cela 3300 cyclistes blessés en 2009-2011 selon le Registre médical du Rhône ont été contactés; 1078 ont répondu. Grâce à des méthodes de classification, une typologie multifactorielle de 17 configurations a été obtenue. Les variables les plus discriminantes sont le type d‟accident (collision vs. chute ou évitement), le motif du trajet (utilitaire, sport, loisir) et le groupe d‟âge. Les analyses suggèrent que les évitements d‟un autre usager et les collisions de senior engendrent plus de blessures graves que les collisions en intersection. Le lien avec la région corporelle atteinte est aussi présenté.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En termes de santé, l‟usage du vélo est encouragé. Pourtant, pédaler n‟est pas sans risque et comporte jusqu‟à 8 fois plus de risque qu‟en voiture à exposition égale. La plupart des études reposent sur les données policières, peu adaptées à l‟étude des cyclistes à cause du sous-enregistrement et des biais sur le type d‟accidents (collision vs. chute). Ici, nous proposons d‟améliorer les connaissances sur les circonstances d‟accidents cyclistes en construisant une typologie. Pour cela 3300 cyclistes blessés en 2009-2011 selon le Registre médical du Rhône ont été contactés; 1078 ont répondu. Grâce à des méthodes de classification, une typologie multifactorielle de 17 configurations a été obtenue. Les variables les plus discriminantes sont le type d‟accident (collision vs. chute ou évitement), le motif du trajet (utilitaire, sport, loisir) et le groupe d‟âge. Les analyses suggèrent que les évitements d‟un autre usager et les collisions de senior engendrent plus de blessures graves que les collisions en intersection. Le lien avec la région corporelle atteinte est aussi présenté.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Grasset-Billot, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04809878
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Grasset-Billot, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. Typologie des configurations d’accidents cyclistes : enjeux de prévention primaire et secondaire. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2013, 61 (S4), pp.S285. ⟨10.1016/j.respe.2013.07.269⟩. ⟨hal-04809878⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2013.07.269
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01324112
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. Typologie des configurations d'accidents cyclistes: enjeux de prévention primaire et secondaire.. Congrès ADELF-SFSP. Santé Publique et Prévention, Oct 2013, BORDEAUX, France. pp. 3-13. ⟨hal-01324112⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : CONTEXTE - La pratique de la bicyclette est encouragée par des politiques publiques pour ses avantages vis-à-vis du développement durable et de la santé publique. Toutefois, l'on estime que les cyclistes ont 8 fois plus de chances d'être blessé qu'un automobiliste par heure passée sur la route. La plupart des travaux utilisent des données policières, fortement biaisées, notamment sur le type d'accident avec ou sans tiers : on y compte 90% de collisions contre 30% dans le Registre des accidents du Rhône (données médicales). Nous utilisons ce registre pour enquêter 3300 cyclistes blessés en 2009-2011. OBJECTIFS - L'objectif principal est la construction d'une typologie de configurations d'accidents cyclistes. Le deuxième objectif est la compréhension des liens entre les variables constructives et explicatives de la typologie. L'étude des facteurs humains dans le type d'accident sera privilégié (genre, âge, type de pratique,...) et le lien entre type d'accident et blessures sera exploité. METHODE ET RESULTATS - L'enquête pilote menée en 2012 a obtenu un taux de réponse de 18%. Suite à son analyse, le questionnaire a été amélioré et le taux de réponse de l'enquête principale a atteint 42% (n=1076). Les répondants sont plus âgés, plus souvent des femmes et ont des accidents plus graves que la population du Registre. Les accidents ont lieu lors d'un trajet utilitaire (42%) dont la moitié entre le domicile et travail, d'une pratique sportive (37%) ou d'une balade (19%). Les collisions (33%), ou évitements (16%) entre usagers indiquent que la moitié des accidents sont liés a au moins un antagoniste, souvent une voiture (70%). Un obstacle est régulièrement mis en cause (40%) mais plus rarement heurté (26%). Ceci souligne l'importance des pertes de contrôles (23%) ou des problèmes mécaniques (19%). Des méthodes de classifications non supervisées sont testées afin de construire la typologie. L'ensemble des résultats sera présenté.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : CONTEXTE - La pratique de la bicyclette est encouragée par des politiques publiques pour ses avantages vis-à-vis du développement durable et de la santé publique. Toutefois, l'on estime que les cyclistes ont 8 fois plus de chances d'être blessé qu'un automobiliste par heure passée sur la route. La plupart des travaux utilisent des données policières, fortement biaisées, notamment sur le type d'accident avec ou sans tiers : on y compte 90% de collisions contre 30% dans le Registre des accidents du Rhône (données médicales). Nous utilisons ce registre pour enquêter 3300 cyclistes blessés en 2009-2011. OBJECTIFS - L'objectif principal est la construction d'une typologie de configurations d'accidents cyclistes. Le deuxième objectif est la compréhension des liens entre les variables constructives et explicatives de la typologie. L'étude des facteurs humains dans le type d'accident sera privilégié (genre, âge, type de pratique,...) et le lien entre type d'accident et blessures sera exploité. METHODE ET RESULTATS - L'enquête pilote menée en 2012 a obtenu un taux de réponse de 18%. Suite à son analyse, le questionnaire a été amélioré et le taux de réponse de l'enquête principale a atteint 42% (n=1076). Les répondants sont plus âgés, plus souvent des femmes et ont des accidents plus graves que la population du Registre. Les accidents ont lieu lors d'un trajet utilitaire (42%) dont la moitié entre le domicile et travail, d'une pratique sportive (37%) ou d'une balade (19%). Les collisions (33%), ou évitements (16%) entre usagers indiquent que la moitié des accidents sont liés a au moins un antagoniste, souvent une voiture (70%). Un obstacle est régulièrement mis en cause (40%) mais plus rarement heurté (26%). Ceci souligne l'importance des pertes de contrôles (23%) ou des problèmes mécaniques (19%). Des méthodes de classifications non supervisées sont testées afin de construire la typologie. L'ensemble des résultats sera présenté.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Alice Billot-Grasset, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01212304
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Alice Billot-Grasset, Martine Hours. Typologie des Accidents Cyclistes. 2ème séminaire EPAC-ORAT, May 2015, SAINT-MAURICE, France. 14 p. ⟨hal-01212304⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'usage du vélo est en hausse en ville ; cette pratique est encouragée dans le cadre du développement durable et de la lutte contre la sédentarité. Pour accompagner cela, il faut réduire les risques d'accident, et pour ce faire, mieux les connaître. Nous utilisons le Registre des victimes de la circulation routière du Rhône, basé sur les services hospitaliers (dont les urgences) ; il est quasi-exhaustif : env. 1100 blessés à vélo/an versus 120 dans les données officielles. L'ensemble des cyclistes ainsi identifiés sur 2009-2011 ont été contactés pour une enquête complémentaire. Un auto-questionnaire, rempli par 43% des sondés (n=1078), a permis de construire, par méthode de classification, une typologie en 17 groupes homogènes : 7 sur trajet utilitaire (domicile-travail ou autre), 3 en pratique de loisirs, et 7 en pratique sportive ; le type d'accident (accident seul ou avec antagoniste) est très discriminant. Les accidents seuls de cyclistes se caractérisent surtout par : mauvais temps, défaillance mécanique, manque d'expérience, vitesse, obstacle, et/ou alcool. Les collisions de cyclistes avec un antagoniste motorisé (en général) se caractérisent par : conflit de trajectoires, ne pas avoir été vu, de nuit ou de jour. Les facteurs de risque du côté des antagonistes ne pouvaient pas être étudiés ici car seul le point de vue des cyclistes était disponible.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'usage du vélo est en hausse en ville ; cette pratique est encouragée dans le cadre du développement durable et de la lutte contre la sédentarité. Pour accompagner cela, il faut réduire les risques d'accident, et pour ce faire, mieux les connaître. Nous utilisons le Registre des victimes de la circulation routière du Rhône, basé sur les services hospitaliers (dont les urgences) ; il est quasi-exhaustif : env. 1100 blessés à vélo/an versus 120 dans les données officielles. L'ensemble des cyclistes ainsi identifiés sur 2009-2011 ont été contactés pour une enquête complémentaire. Un auto-questionnaire, rempli par 43% des sondés (n=1078), a permis de construire, par méthode de classification, une typologie en 17 groupes homogènes : 7 sur trajet utilitaire (domicile-travail ou autre), 3 en pratique de loisirs, et 7 en pratique sportive ; le type d'accident (accident seul ou avec antagoniste) est très discriminant. Les accidents seuls de cyclistes se caractérisent surtout par : mauvais temps, défaillance mécanique, manque d'expérience, vitesse, obstacle, et/ou alcool. Les collisions de cyclistes avec un antagoniste motorisé (en général) se caractérisent par : conflit de trajectoires, ne pas avoir été vu, de nuit ou de jour. Les facteurs de risque du côté des antagonistes ne pouvaient pas être étudiés ici car seul le point de vue des cyclistes était disponible.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Barbara Charbotel, Sophie Gad, Delphine Caïola, Christophe Béroud, Joëlle Févotte, Alain Bergeret, Sophie Ferlicot, Stéphane Richard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01681863
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Barbara Charbotel, Sophie Gad, Delphine Caïola, Christophe Béroud, Joëlle Févotte, et al.. Trichloroethylene exposure and somatic mutations of the VHL gene in patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 2007, 2 (1), pp.13. ⟨10.1186/1745-6673-2-13⟩. ⟨hal-01681863⟩
DOI : 10.1186/1745-6673-2-13
pubmedId_s : 17997830
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background We investigated the association between exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE) and mutations in the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene and the subsequent risk for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Methods Cases were recruited from a case-control study previously carried out in France that suggested an association between exposures to high levels of TCE and increased risk of RCC. From 87 cases of RCC recruited for the epidemiological study, 69 were included in the present study. All samples were evaluated by a pathologist in order to identify the histological subtype and then be able to focus on clear cell RCC. The majority of the tumour samples were fixed either in formalin or Bouin's solutions. The majority of the tumours were of the clear cell RCC subtype (48 including 2 cystic RCC). Mutation screening of the 3 VHL coding exons was carried out. A descriptive analysis was performed to compare exposed and non exposed cases of clear cell RCC in terms of prevalence of mutations in both groups. Results In the 48 cases of RCC, four VHL mutations were detected: within exon 1 (c.332G>A, p.Ser111Asn), at the exon 2 splice site (c.463+1G>C and c.463+2T>C) and within exon 3 (c.506T>C, p.Leu169Pro). No difference was observed regarding the frequency of mutations in exposed versus unexposed groups: among the clear cell RCC, 25 had been exposed to TCE and 23 had no history of occupational exposure to TCE. Two patients with a mutation were identified in each group. Conclusion This study does not confirm the association between the number and type of VHL gene mutations and exposure to TCE previously described.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background We investigated the association between exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE) and mutations in the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene and the subsequent risk for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Methods Cases were recruited from a case-control study previously carried out in France that suggested an association between exposures to high levels of TCE and increased risk of RCC. From 87 cases of RCC recruited for the epidemiological study, 69 were included in the present study. All samples were evaluated by a pathologist in order to identify the histological subtype and then be able to focus on clear cell RCC. The majority of the tumour samples were fixed either in formalin or Bouin's solutions. The majority of the tumours were of the clear cell RCC subtype (48 including 2 cystic RCC). Mutation screening of the 3 VHL coding exons was carried out. A descriptive analysis was performed to compare exposed and non exposed cases of clear cell RCC in terms of prevalence of mutations in both groups. Results In the 48 cases of RCC, four VHL mutations were detected: within exon 1 (c.332G>A, p.Ser111Asn), at the exon 2 splice site (c.463+1G>C and c.463+2T>C) and within exon 3 (c.506T>C, p.Leu169Pro). No difference was observed regarding the frequency of mutations in exposed versus unexposed groups: among the clear cell RCC, 25 had been exposed to TCE and 23 had no history of occupational exposure to TCE. Two patients with a mutation were identified in each group. Conclusion This study does not confirm the association between the number and type of VHL gene mutations and exposure to TCE previously described.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nathalie Havet, Alexis Penot, Morgane Plantier, Magali Morelle, Béatrice Fervers, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02476291
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nathalie Havet, Alexis Penot, Morgane Plantier, Magali Morelle, Béatrice Fervers, et al.. Trends in the Control Strategies for Occupational Exposure to Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, and Reprotoxic Chemicals in France (2003-2010). Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2019, 63 (5), pp.488-504. ⟨10.1093/annweh/wxz021⟩. ⟨hal-02476291⟩
DOI : 10.1093/annweh/wxz021
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : European directives stipulate that French employers take all available measures to reduce the use of carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxic (CMR) chemicals. Our study explores the trends for the various control measures that are available to employees exposed to CMR agents, at two time points (2003 and 2010).Our study assessed data from the 2003 and the 2010 French national cross-sectional survey of occupational hazards (SUMER). The availability of collective protections (source-based controls and general ventilation) and personal protective equipment (PPE) was explored. Trends in the availability of protective measures were studied using multilevel logistic regressions.Exposure situations without any protective measures decreased considerably between 2003 and 2010 (29.9% versus 17.9%, respectively). The increase in the proportion of exposure situations involving source-based controls (e.g. an isolation chamber and local exhaust ventilation) was, however, much less. Multiple regression analysis showed that the protection strategies depended on the job characteristics (e.g. work schedules, the employment contract, and the occupation) as well as the size of the company. There were noticeable changes between 2003 and 2010. For example, differences in protections available between full-time and part-time workers disappeared in the 7-year period, whereas those between executives/managers and other employees increased, as did the gaps between large and small companies.Although the overall increase in exposure situations involving protective measures masks a number of differences in exposure between employee categories, it is a step in the right direction. Source-based controls appeared to be implemented more for exposures with the longest durations, and PPE was very often combined with collective protections, which is what is currently recommended.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : European directives stipulate that French employers take all available measures to reduce the use of carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxic (CMR) chemicals. Our study explores the trends for the various control measures that are available to employees exposed to CMR agents, at two time points (2003 and 2010).Our study assessed data from the 2003 and the 2010 French national cross-sectional survey of occupational hazards (SUMER). The availability of collective protections (source-based controls and general ventilation) and personal protective equipment (PPE) was explored. Trends in the availability of protective measures were studied using multilevel logistic regressions.Exposure situations without any protective measures decreased considerably between 2003 and 2010 (29.9% versus 17.9%, respectively). The increase in the proportion of exposure situations involving source-based controls (e.g. an isolation chamber and local exhaust ventilation) was, however, much less. Multiple regression analysis showed that the protection strategies depended on the job characteristics (e.g. work schedules, the employment contract, and the occupation) as well as the size of the company. There were noticeable changes between 2003 and 2010. For example, differences in protections available between full-time and part-time workers disappeared in the 7-year period, whereas those between executives/managers and other employees increased, as did the gaps between large and small companies.Although the overall increase in exposure situations involving protective measures masks a number of differences in exposure between employee categories, it is a step in the right direction. Source-based controls appeared to be implemented more for exposures with the longest durations, and PPE was very often combined with collective protections, which is what is currently recommended.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Orriols, Gwladys Nadia Gbaguidi, Benjamin Contrand, Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02265746
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Orriols, Gwladys Nadia Gbaguidi, Benjamin Contrand, Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuel Lagarde. Trends in benzodiazepine anxiolytics and z-hypnotics use among French drivers involved in road traffic crashes from 2005 to 2015: a responsibility case-control study. Injury Epidemiology, 2019, 6, pp.32. ⟨10.1186/s40621-019-0209-8⟩. ⟨hal-02265746⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s40621-019-0209-8
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: In France, benzodiazepine anxiolytics and z-hypnotics (zolpidem and zopiclone) account for the largest share of road traffic crash risk attributable to exposure to prescription drugs. The aim of this study was to monitor the evolution of the use of these prescription drugs and their association with crash risk over a period that began before the implementation of a color-graded pictogram system printed on prescription drug boxes. Methods: Data from three French national databases were extracted and linked: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. Drivers involved in an injurious crash in France, from July 2005 to December 2015, and identified by their national identifier were included. The association with crash risk was estimated using a responsibility analysis comparing the use of benzodiazepines and z-hypnotics among drivers responsible or not for the crash. Results: A total of 97,936 responsible and 103,522 non-responsible drivers involved in an injurious crash were included. The proportion of drivers exposed to benzodiazepine anxiolytics or z-hypnotics remained stable among responsible and non-responsible drivers. Among controls from the general population, the proportion of exposed individuals tended to increase. The association with crash risk remained almost constant over the study period. The odds-ratio for benzodiazepines ranged between 1.42 [1.24–1.62] at the beginning of the study period and 1.27 [1.09–1.47] at the end. Conclusion: Given the increase in exposure in the control group from the general population, the stability of exposure for responsible and non-responsible drivers can be interpreted as a relative effectiveness of the pictogram on driver exposure levels. On the other hand, while the intrinsic effect of a prescription drug cannot be modified, a decrease in risk could have been expected if drivers adapted their behavior as promoted by the pictogram. Our results therefore suggest that no significant change occurred in driving behaviors or consumption patterns.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: In France, benzodiazepine anxiolytics and z-hypnotics (zolpidem and zopiclone) account for the largest share of road traffic crash risk attributable to exposure to prescription drugs. The aim of this study was to monitor the evolution of the use of these prescription drugs and their association with crash risk over a period that began before the implementation of a color-graded pictogram system printed on prescription drug boxes. Methods: Data from three French national databases were extracted and linked: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. Drivers involved in an injurious crash in France, from July 2005 to December 2015, and identified by their national identifier were included. The association with crash risk was estimated using a responsibility analysis comparing the use of benzodiazepines and z-hypnotics among drivers responsible or not for the crash. Results: A total of 97,936 responsible and 103,522 non-responsible drivers involved in an injurious crash were included. The proportion of drivers exposed to benzodiazepine anxiolytics or z-hypnotics remained stable among responsible and non-responsible drivers. Among controls from the general population, the proportion of exposed individuals tended to increase. The association with crash risk remained almost constant over the study period. The odds-ratio for benzodiazepines ranged between 1.42 [1.24–1.62] at the beginning of the study period and 1.27 [1.09–1.47] at the end. Conclusion: Given the increase in exposure in the control group from the general population, the stability of exposure for responsible and non-responsible drivers can be interpreted as a relative effectiveness of the pictogram on driver exposure levels. On the other hand, while the intrinsic effect of a prescription drug cannot be modified, a decrease in risk could have been expected if drivers adapted their behavior as promoted by the pictogram. Our results therefore suggest that no significant change occurred in driving behaviors or consumption patterns.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Romain Caillierez, Georges Romero, Thomas Lieutaud
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01816133
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Romain Caillierez, Georges Romero, Thomas Lieutaud. Travail précaire et parcours de formation en anesthésie-réanimation : engagements ou opportunités ?. Anesthésie & Réanimation, 2018, 4 (3), pp. 234-240. ⟨10.1016/j.anrea.2017.02.003⟩. ⟨hal-01816133⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.anrea.2017.02.003
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'emploi précaire est en augmentation y compris dans le travail intellectuel. Il s'exprime sous la forme d'instabilités géographiques, statutaires, financières. Il peut néanmoins constituer une opportunité de formation ou de revenus et représenter un objectif professionnel à l'issue de la formation
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'emploi précaire est en augmentation y compris dans le travail intellectuel. Il s'exprime sous la forme d'instabilités géographiques, statutaires, financières. Il peut néanmoins constituer une opportunité de formation ou de revenus et représenter un objectif professionnel à l'issue de la formation
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bernard Laumon, Hélène Tardy, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04061390
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bernard Laumon, Hélène Tardy, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Sylviane Lafont. Traumatologie routière pendant la première période de confinement pour cause de pandémie de Covid-19 Registre du Rhône. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire - BEH, 2022. ⟨hal-04061390⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La pandémie de Covid-19 a contraint la France à un confinement strict du 17 mars au 10 mai 2020. Les accidents de la route et la mortalité routière ont alors fortement diminué, mais que dire des blessés et de la gravité de leurs atteintes ? L'objectif est d'évaluer l'impact du confinement sur la morbidité routière. Article accessible sur le portail de sante publique france.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La pandémie de Covid-19 a contraint la France à un confinement strict du 17 mars au 10 mai 2020. Les accidents de la route et la mortalité routière ont alors fortement diminué, mais que dire des blessés et de la gravité de leurs atteintes ? L'objectif est d'évaluer l'impact du confinement sur la morbidité routière. Article accessible sur le portail de sante publique france.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01215722
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku. Traumatismes crâniocérébraux graves consécutifs à un accident de la route. Registre du Rhône 1996-2012
. 2ème séminaire EPAC - ORAT, 21 mai 2015, InVS, St Mauric, May 2015, SAINT-MAURICE, France. 23 p. ⟨hal-01215722⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Communication dans le cadre du 2è séminaire EPAC-ORAT. Description des traumatismes crâniens graves consécutifs à un accident de la route à partir du Registre du Rhône.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Communication dans le cadre du 2è séminaire EPAC-ORAT. Description des traumatismes crâniens graves consécutifs à un accident de la route à partir du Registre du Rhône.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Hélène Tardy, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04034532
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Hélène Tardy, Bernard Laumon. Traumatismes crânio-faciaux chez les usagers de trottinette électrique. Journées Mobilités du Réseau Scientifique et Technique 2022, Jun 2022, Rouen, France. ⟨hal-04034532⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : G. Bagou, Amina Ndiaye, D. Hugenschmitt, G. Ebroussard, C. Gerbaud, K. Tazarourte
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04094155
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : G. Bagou, Amina Ndiaye, D. Hugenschmitt, G. Ebroussard, C. Gerbaud, et al.. Traumatismes consécutifs aux accidents de trottinettes. Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence, 2021, 11 (3), pp.144-149. ⟨10.3166/afmu-2021-0325⟩. ⟨hal-04094155⟩
DOI : 10.3166/afmu-2021-0325
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les trottinettes connaissent un engouement croissant avec la mise en place des trottinettes en libre-service. Toutefois, leur usage n'est pas sans conséquence sur le risque traumatique. Cette étude a pour objectif de décrire la population et les types de lésions des usagers de trottinettes.Matériel et méthode : Les données proviennent du registre des victimes d'accident de la circulation du département du Rhône qui inclut toute personne blessée ou tuée à la suite d'un accident de la route survenu dans le département du Rhône et pris en charge dans une structure sanitaire privée ou publique. La période étudiée concerne l'année 2019. Les informations recueillies concernent les caractéristiques individuelles, accidentelles, lésionnelles de la victime ainsi que son devenir. Les lésions sont codées grâce à l'Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). Les blessés graves sont définis par des lésions d'AIS 3 et plus.Résultats : Au total, 1 186 accidents de trottinette ayant entraîné 1 197 usagers blessés ont été recensés, dont 90 % dans l'hypercentre urbain, avec un nombre d'accidents de trottinettes multiplié par 7,3 entre 2018 et 2019. Cette augmentation a été observée depuis l'été 2018 avec l'introduction de sociétés proposant des locations de trottinettes. L'accident s'est produit seul, sans antagoniste dans 77 % des cas (n = 920). Le port du casque était rare (n = 72 ; 6 %). La grande majorité (n = 869 ; 73 %) des blessés était âgée de 10 à 34 ans, et les 20 à 24 ans (n = 301) représentaient le quart de l'effectif. Pour 11 accidents, il y avait deux blessés usagers de la même trottinette. Il y avait en moyenne deux lésions par victime. Les atteintes graves (MAIS 3 et plus) représentaient 3,8 % des lésions, et il n'y avait pas de différence statistiquement significative pour les lésions graves entre trottinette électrique et trottinette à propulsion humaine (p = 0,20). Comparées aux lésions des cyclistes dont les caractéristiques des accidents sont proches, les blessures de l'extrémité céphalique prédominent chez les usagers de trottinette (37 vs 27 % ; p < 0,001).Conclusion : Devant l'utilisation grandissante des trottinettes parmi les modes de déplacement, une évaluation scientifique des victimes de traumatismes est nécessaire pour proposer des recommandations visant à limiter les traumatismes graves. Ce travail constitue une première étape vers la surveillance épidémiologique tant en termes de recommandations que d'évolution.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les trottinettes connaissent un engouement croissant avec la mise en place des trottinettes en libre-service. Toutefois, leur usage n'est pas sans conséquence sur le risque traumatique. Cette étude a pour objectif de décrire la population et les types de lésions des usagers de trottinettes.Matériel et méthode : Les données proviennent du registre des victimes d'accident de la circulation du département du Rhône qui inclut toute personne blessée ou tuée à la suite d'un accident de la route survenu dans le département du Rhône et pris en charge dans une structure sanitaire privée ou publique. La période étudiée concerne l'année 2019. Les informations recueillies concernent les caractéristiques individuelles, accidentelles, lésionnelles de la victime ainsi que son devenir. Les lésions sont codées grâce à l'Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). Les blessés graves sont définis par des lésions d'AIS 3 et plus.Résultats : Au total, 1 186 accidents de trottinette ayant entraîné 1 197 usagers blessés ont été recensés, dont 90 % dans l'hypercentre urbain, avec un nombre d'accidents de trottinettes multiplié par 7,3 entre 2018 et 2019. Cette augmentation a été observée depuis l'été 2018 avec l'introduction de sociétés proposant des locations de trottinettes. L'accident s'est produit seul, sans antagoniste dans 77 % des cas (n = 920). Le port du casque était rare (n = 72 ; 6 %). La grande majorité (n = 869 ; 73 %) des blessés était âgée de 10 à 34 ans, et les 20 à 24 ans (n = 301) représentaient le quart de l'effectif. Pour 11 accidents, il y avait deux blessés usagers de la même trottinette. Il y avait en moyenne deux lésions par victime. Les atteintes graves (MAIS 3 et plus) représentaient 3,8 % des lésions, et il n'y avait pas de différence statistiquement significative pour les lésions graves entre trottinette électrique et trottinette à propulsion humaine (p = 0,20). Comparées aux lésions des cyclistes dont les caractéristiques des accidents sont proches, les blessures de l'extrémité céphalique prédominent chez les usagers de trottinette (37 vs 27 % ; p < 0,001).Conclusion : Devant l'utilisation grandissante des trottinettes parmi les modes de déplacement, une évaluation scientifique des victimes de traumatismes est nécessaire pour proposer des recommandations visant à limiter les traumatismes graves. Ce travail constitue une première étape vers la surveillance épidémiologique tant en termes de recommandations que d'évolution.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hélène Amieva, Mélanie Le Goff, Ralitsa Stoykova, Sylviane Lafont, Karen Ritchie, Christophe Tzourio, Colette Fabrigoule, Jean-François Dartigues
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01213505
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hélène Amieva, Mélanie Le Goff, Ralitsa Stoykova, Sylviane Lafont, Karen Ritchie, et al.. Trail Making Test A et B - version sans correction des erreurs : normes en population chez des sujets âgés, issues de l'étude des trois Cités. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 2009, 3 (1), pp. 210-220. ⟨10.1684/nrp.2009.0031⟩. ⟨hal-01213505⟩
DOI : 10.1684/nrp.2009.0031
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le Trail Making Test constitue, aujourd'hui, l'une des épreuves clés de l'examen des fonctions exécutives en particulier chez des personnes âgées, venant en consultation pour une suspicion de troubles cognitifs. Ce test a l'avantage d'être simple et rapide de passation mais aussi de pouvoir être reproduit sans autorisation préalable. Bien que de nombreux articles rapportant des normes à ce test soient disponibles, plusieurs études ont montré la variabilité importante de ces normes en fonction du pays et de la culture, y compris après ajustement sur des variables de confusion potentielles, ce qui laisse à penser qu'un mauvais usage de ces normes du fait d'un choix non adéquat de la population de référence peut conduire à des erreurs d'interprétation. Cette étude a donc pour but d'établir des scores normatifs au Trail Making Test (version sans correction des erreurs par l'examinateur) auprès d'une population âgée française. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé les données de l'étude des trois Cités, une étude en population générale. L'échantillon analysé inclut 8 995 personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus, non institutionnalisées et non démentes. Ces normes ont été calculées en fonction de l'âge (65-69 ans, 70-74 ans, 75-79 ans, 80 ans et plus), du sexe et du niveau d'études des sujets ; elles ont pour but de servir aux cliniciens de balise permettant de situer le score d'un patient par rapport à ceux de sujets âgés normaux.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le Trail Making Test constitue, aujourd'hui, l'une des épreuves clés de l'examen des fonctions exécutives en particulier chez des personnes âgées, venant en consultation pour une suspicion de troubles cognitifs. Ce test a l'avantage d'être simple et rapide de passation mais aussi de pouvoir être reproduit sans autorisation préalable. Bien que de nombreux articles rapportant des normes à ce test soient disponibles, plusieurs études ont montré la variabilité importante de ces normes en fonction du pays et de la culture, y compris après ajustement sur des variables de confusion potentielles, ce qui laisse à penser qu'un mauvais usage de ces normes du fait d'un choix non adéquat de la population de référence peut conduire à des erreurs d'interprétation. Cette étude a donc pour but d'établir des scores normatifs au Trail Making Test (version sans correction des erreurs par l'examinateur) auprès d'une population âgée française. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé les données de l'étude des trois Cités, une étude en population générale. L'échantillon analysé inclut 8 995 personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus, non institutionnalisées et non démentes. Ces normes ont été calculées en fonction de l'âge (65-69 ans, 70-74 ans, 75-79 ans, 80 ans et plus), du sexe et du niveau d'études des sujets ; elles ont pour but de servir aux cliniciens de balise permettant de situer le score d'un patient par rapport à ceux de sujets âgés normaux.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mireille Chiron, Marlène Bernard, Sylviane Lafont, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00202476
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mireille Chiron, Marlène Bernard, Sylviane Lafont, Emmanuel Lagarde. Tiring job and work related injury road crashes in the GAZEL cohort.. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2008, 40 (3), pp.1096-1104. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2007.12.001⟩. ⟨inserm-00202476⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2007.12.001
pubmedId_s : 18460378
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The objective was to describe at-work and commuting crashes occurring in a cohort of French employees and to investigate occupational risk factors. The subjects were employees of the French national electricity and gas companies, Electricit?e France and Gaz de France (EDF-GDF), who volunteered to join a research cohort (the GAZEL cohort which included 20,625 participants in 1989). Only crashes with injuries were considered. Crashes for the periods 1989-2001 were recorded together with the type of journey (commuting, work, private), the type of road-user, self-estimated responsibility, and injuries sustained by the subject. Annual incidences for gender/age groups and socio-occupational groups were computed for each of the two types of work related crashes. Occupational risk factor analyses were conducted using a Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-dependent covariates adjusting for the main confounders. A total of 146,285 person years at work were observed. Two indicators of self-reported work fatigue were associated with the occurrence of at-work crashes: "nervously tiring work" for males (RR=1.6, 95% CI [1.1; 2.3]), sustained standing for females (RR=3.0, 95% CI [1.0; 8.4]), adjusting for health status, location of residence, type of family, transport mode and mileage. As regards crashes while commuting, a self-reported uncomfortable position at work was a risk factor among women (RR=1.9, 95% CI [1.1; 3.3]). On the other hand, these occupational factors were not linked to road crashes in private trips. Work related road crashes seem then to be a matter for a specific prevention. Preventing employees from becoming exhausted should be considered as the first way to initiate such a prevention.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The objective was to describe at-work and commuting crashes occurring in a cohort of French employees and to investigate occupational risk factors. The subjects were employees of the French national electricity and gas companies, Electricit?e France and Gaz de France (EDF-GDF), who volunteered to join a research cohort (the GAZEL cohort which included 20,625 participants in 1989). Only crashes with injuries were considered. Crashes for the periods 1989-2001 were recorded together with the type of journey (commuting, work, private), the type of road-user, self-estimated responsibility, and injuries sustained by the subject. Annual incidences for gender/age groups and socio-occupational groups were computed for each of the two types of work related crashes. Occupational risk factor analyses were conducted using a Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-dependent covariates adjusting for the main confounders. A total of 146,285 person years at work were observed. Two indicators of self-reported work fatigue were associated with the occurrence of at-work crashes: "nervously tiring work" for males (RR=1.6, 95% CI [1.1; 2.3]), sustained standing for females (RR=3.0, 95% CI [1.0; 8.4]), adjusting for health status, location of residence, type of family, transport mode and mileage. As regards crashes while commuting, a self-reported uncomfortable position at work was a risk factor among women (RR=1.9, 95% CI [1.1; 3.3]). On the other hand, these occupational factors were not linked to road crashes in private trips. Work related road crashes seem then to be a matter for a specific prevention. Preventing employees from becoming exhausted should be considered as the first way to initiate such a prevention.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Paul Blanche, Aurélien Latouche, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00924087
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Paul Blanche, Aurélien Latouche, Vivian Viallon. Time-dependent AUC with right-censored data:a survey. In: Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Predictions. Time-dependent AUC with right-censored data:a survey. In: Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Predictions, SPRINGER, pp. 239-252, 2013. ⟨hal-00924087⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The ROC curve and the corresponding AUC are popular tools for the evaluation of diagnostic tests. They have been recently extended to assess prognostic markers and predictive models. However, due to the many particularities of time-to-event outcomes, various definitions and estimators have been proposed in the literature. This review article aims at presenting the ones that accommodate to right-censoring, which is common when evaluating such prognostic markers.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The ROC curve and the corresponding AUC are popular tools for the evaluation of diagnostic tests. They have been recently extended to assess prognostic markers and predictive models. However, due to the many particularities of time-to-event outcomes, various definitions and estimators have been proposed in the literature. This review article aims at presenting the ones that accommodate to right-censoring, which is common when evaluating such prognostic markers.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Frederic V. Valla, David K. Young, Muriel Rabilloud, Uvaraj Periasami, Manoj John, Florent Baudin, Carole Vuillerot, Aurélie Portefaix, Deborah White, Jenna A. Ridout, Rosan Meyer, Bénédicte Gaillard Le Roux, Etienne Javouhey, Nazima Pathan
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01714646
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Frederic V. Valla, David K. Young, Muriel Rabilloud, Uvaraj Periasami, Manoj John, et al.. Thigh Ultrasound Monitoring Identifies Decreases in Quadriceps Femoris Thickness as a Frequent Observation in Critically Ill Children. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2017, 18 (8), pp.e339-e34. ⟨10.1097/PCC.0000000000001235⟩. ⟨hal-01714646⟩
DOI : 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001235
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Significant muscle wasting develops in critically ill adults, with subsequent worse outcomes. In the pediatric setting, occurrence and effects of muscle wasting are undescribed; this is in part due to a lack of validated, objective methods for assessing muscle wasting. A single measurement of quadriceps femoris thickness has failed to show consistent eproducibility.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Significant muscle wasting develops in critically ill adults, with subsequent worse outcomes. In the pediatric setting, occurrence and effects of muscle wasting are undescribed; this is in part due to a lack of validated, objective methods for assessing muscle wasting. A single measurement of quadriceps femoris thickness has failed to show consistent eproducibility.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Minon'Tsikpo Kossi Kodji, Emilie Lanoy, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04100167
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Minon'Tsikpo Kossi Kodji, Emilie Lanoy, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard. The role of noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the effect of aircraft noise on self-reported health: the results of the DEBATS longitudinal study in France. Noise and Health, 2023, 25 (117), ⟨10.4103/nah.nah_1_23⟩. ⟨hal-04100167⟩
DOI : 10.4103/nah.nah_1_23
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Transportation noise seems to impair self-reported health status (SRHS). However, only a few studies have considered the role of noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in this deleterious effect. This study aims investigating mediator and moderator roles of noise annoyance and noise sensitivity. Methods: The DEBATS longitudinal study included in 2013, 1,244 participants aged over 18 years and living around three French airports. These participants were followed up in 2015 and 2017. They self-reported their perceived health status, aircraft noise annoyance, and their noise sensitivity via a questionnaire during the three visits. Noise maps were used to estimate aircraft noise levels at the facade of participants' residence. Generalized linear mixed models with a random intercept at the participant level were used. Results: Aircraft noise levels were associated with severe annoyance. Severe annoyance tent to be associated, with impaired SRHS. Aircraft noise levels were associated with impaired SHRS only in men (OR = 1.47, 95% CI = (1.02, 2.11), for a 10-dBA Lden increase in aircraft noise levels) with a weaker association adjusted for annoyance (OR = 1.36, 95% CI = (0.94, 1.98)). The association was stronger in men who reported high noise sensitivity (OR = 1.84, 95% CI = (0.92, 3.70), versus OR = 1.39, 95% CI = (0.90, 2.14), for men who were not highly sensitive to noise). Conclusion: From our results, the deleterious effect of aircraft noise on SRHS could be mediated by noise annoyance and moderated by noise sensitivity. Further studies using causal inference methods are needed for identifying causal effect of exposure, mediator and moderator.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Transportation noise seems to impair self-reported health status (SRHS). However, only a few studies have considered the role of noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in this deleterious effect. This study aims investigating mediator and moderator roles of noise annoyance and noise sensitivity. Methods: The DEBATS longitudinal study included in 2013, 1,244 participants aged over 18 years and living around three French airports. These participants were followed up in 2015 and 2017. They self-reported their perceived health status, aircraft noise annoyance, and their noise sensitivity via a questionnaire during the three visits. Noise maps were used to estimate aircraft noise levels at the facade of participants' residence. Generalized linear mixed models with a random intercept at the participant level were used. Results: Aircraft noise levels were associated with severe annoyance. Severe annoyance tent to be associated, with impaired SRHS. Aircraft noise levels were associated with impaired SHRS only in men (OR = 1.47, 95% CI = (1.02, 2.11), for a 10-dBA Lden increase in aircraft noise levels) with a weaker association adjusted for annoyance (OR = 1.36, 95% CI = (0.94, 1.98)). The association was stronger in men who reported high noise sensitivity (OR = 1.84, 95% CI = (0.92, 3.70), versus OR = 1.39, 95% CI = (0.90, 2.14), for men who were not highly sensitive to noise). Conclusion: From our results, the deleterious effect of aircraft noise on SRHS could be mediated by noise annoyance and moderated by noise sensitivity. Further studies using causal inference methods are needed for identifying causal effect of exposure, mediator and moderator.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Claude Marin-Lamellet, Sylviane Lafont, Catherine Thomas-Antérion, Bernard Laurent
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01358201
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Claude Marin-Lamellet, Sylviane Lafont, Catherine Thomas-Antérion, Bernard Laurent. The role of navigation instruction at intersections for older drivers and those with early Alzheimer's disease. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2016, 96, pp.249-254. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2016.08.013⟩. ⟨hal-01358201v2⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2016.08.013
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Aims: Our purpose was to explore the effect of navigation instruction on older drivers' driving performance at left turn intersections. Left turns at intersections are particularly complex because they require many perceptive and cognitive abilities under considerable time pressure. Methods: Fifty-four participants were recruited: 18 drivers with early-stage Alzheimer's disease (AD),18 neurologically healthy older drivers and 18 younger individuals. Various cognitive processes were measured, and 9 left turn maneuvers with or without navigation instruction were evaluated during an in-traffic road test. The psychomotor, planning and decision-making components involved in left turn were also analyzed closely. Results: Only older drivers (both healthy drivers and those with AD) were negatively affected by navigation instruction during the maneuver. The planning and decision-making components were more likely to be affected by the navigation instruction. Conclusion: This finding highlights the importance of carefully considering the use of navigation instructions when developing navigation systems. Adapting this instruction is necessary to simplify our understanding of the real-world driving environment and to avoid increasing the cognitive load of older drivers.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Aims: Our purpose was to explore the effect of navigation instruction on older drivers' driving performance at left turn intersections. Left turns at intersections are particularly complex because they require many perceptive and cognitive abilities under considerable time pressure. Methods: Fifty-four participants were recruited: 18 drivers with early-stage Alzheimer's disease (AD),18 neurologically healthy older drivers and 18 younger individuals. Various cognitive processes were measured, and 9 left turn maneuvers with or without navigation instruction were evaluated during an in-traffic road test. The psychomotor, planning and decision-making components involved in left turn were also analyzed closely. Results: Only older drivers (both healthy drivers and those with AD) were negatively affected by navigation instruction during the maneuver. The planning and decision-making components were more likely to be affected by the navigation instruction. Conclusion: This finding highlights the importance of carefully considering the use of navigation instructions when developing navigation systems. Adapting this instruction is necessary to simplify our understanding of the real-world driving environment and to avoid increasing the cognitive load of older drivers.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, Patricia Champelovier, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Danny Houthuijs, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Goran Pershagen, Stephen Stansfeld, Venetia Velonaki, Anna L. Hansell, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03188271
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, Patricia Champelovier, et al.. The role of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the association between aircraft noise levels and medication use: results of a pooled analysis from seven European countries. BMC Public Health, 2021, 300 (21), 15p. ⟨10.1186/s12889-021-10280-3⟩. ⟨hal-03188271⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12889-021-10280-3
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Few studies have considered aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in analyses of the health effects of aircraft noise, especially in relation to medication use. This study aims to investigate the moderating and mediating role of these two factors in the relationship between aircraft noise levels and medication use among 5860 residents of ten European airports included in the HYENA and DEBATS studies. Methods: Information on aircraft noise annoyance, noise sensitivity, medication use, and demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected during a face-to-face interview at home. Medication was coded according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification. Outdoor aircraft noise exposure was estimated by linking the participant's home address to noise contours using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) methods. Logistic regressions with adjustment for potential confounding factors were used. In addition, Baron and Kenny's recommendations were followed to investigate the moderating and mediating effects of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity. Results: A significant association was found between aircraft noise levels at night and antihypertensive medication only in the UK (OR = 1.43, 95%CI 1.19-1.73 for a 10 dB(A)-increase in Lnight). No association was found with other medications. Aircraft noise annoyance was significantly associated with the use of antihypertensive medication (OR = 1.33, 95%CI 1.14-1.56), anxiolytics (OR = 1.48, 95%CI 1.08-2.05), hypnotics and sedatives (OR = 1.60, 95%CI 1.07-2.39), and antasthmatics (OR = 1.44, 95%CI 1.07-1.96), with no difference between countries. Noise sensitivity was significantly associated with almost all medications, with the exception of the use of antasthmatics, showing an increase in ORs with the level of noise sensitivity, with differences in ORs among countries only for the use ofantihypertensive medication. The results also suggested a mediating role of aircraft noise annoyance and a modifying role of both aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the association between aircraft noise levels and medication use.Conclusions: The present study is consistent with the results of the small number of studies available to date suggesting that both aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity should be taken into account in analyses of the health effects of exposure to aircraft noise.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Few studies have considered aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in analyses of the health effects of aircraft noise, especially in relation to medication use. This study aims to investigate the moderating and mediating role of these two factors in the relationship between aircraft noise levels and medication use among 5860 residents of ten European airports included in the HYENA and DEBATS studies. Methods: Information on aircraft noise annoyance, noise sensitivity, medication use, and demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected during a face-to-face interview at home. Medication was coded according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification. Outdoor aircraft noise exposure was estimated by linking the participant's home address to noise contours using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) methods. Logistic regressions with adjustment for potential confounding factors were used. In addition, Baron and Kenny's recommendations were followed to investigate the moderating and mediating effects of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity. Results: A significant association was found between aircraft noise levels at night and antihypertensive medication only in the UK (OR = 1.43, 95%CI 1.19-1.73 for a 10 dB(A)-increase in Lnight). No association was found with other medications. Aircraft noise annoyance was significantly associated with the use of antihypertensive medication (OR = 1.33, 95%CI 1.14-1.56), anxiolytics (OR = 1.48, 95%CI 1.08-2.05), hypnotics and sedatives (OR = 1.60, 95%CI 1.07-2.39), and antasthmatics (OR = 1.44, 95%CI 1.07-1.96), with no difference between countries. Noise sensitivity was significantly associated with almost all medications, with the exception of the use of antasthmatics, showing an increase in ORs with the level of noise sensitivity, with differences in ORs among countries only for the use ofantihypertensive medication. The results also suggested a mediating role of aircraft noise annoyance and a modifying role of both aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the association between aircraft noise levels and medication use.Conclusions: The present study is consistent with the results of the small number of studies available to date suggesting that both aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity should be taken into account in analyses of the health effects of exposure to aircraft noise.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, Patricia Champelovier, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Danny Houthuijs, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Göran Pershagen, Stephen Stansfeld, Venetia Velonaki, Anna Hansell, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02996381
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, Patricia Champelovier, et al.. The role of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the association between aircraft noise levels and hypertension risk: Results of a pooled analysis from seven European countries. Environmental Research, 2020, 191, p110179. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2020.110179⟩. ⟨hal-02996381⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110179
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction Many studies, including the HYENA and the DEBATS studies, showed a significant association between aircraft noise exposure and the risk of hypertension. Few studies have considered aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity as factors of interest, especially in relation to hypertension risk, or as mediating or modifying factors. The present study aims 1) to investigate the risk of hypertension in relation to aircraft noise annoyance or noise sensitivity; and 2) to examine the role of modifier or mediator of these two factors in the association between aircraft noise levels and the risk of hypertension. Methods This study included 6,105 residents of ten European airports from the HYENA and DEBATS studies. Information on aircraft noise annoyance, noise sensitivity, and demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected during an interview performed at home. Participants were classified as hypertensive if they had either blood pressure levels above the WHO cut-off points or physician-diagnosed hypertension in conjunction with the use of antihypertensive medication. Outdoor aircraft noise exposure was estimated for each participant's home address. Poisson regression models with adjustment for potential confounders were used. Interactions between noise exposure and country were tested to consider possible differences between countries. Results An increase in aircraft noise levels at night was weekly but significantly associated with an increased risk of hypertension (RR=1.03, 95% CI 1.01-1.06 for a 10-dB(A) increase in Lnight). A significant association was found between aircraft noise annoyance and hypertension risk (RR=1.06, 95%CI 1.00-1.13 for highly annoyed people compared to those who were not highly annoyed). The risk of hypertension was slightly higher for people highly sensitive to noise compared to people with low sensitivity in the UK (RR=1.29, 95%CI 1.05-1.59) and in France (RR=1.11, 95%CI 0.68-1.82), but not in the other countries. The association between aircraft noise levels and the risk of hypertension was higher among highly sensitive participants (RR=1.00, 95%CI 0.96-1.04; RR=1.03, 95%CI 0.90-1.11; RR=1.12, 95%CI 1.01-1.24, with a 10-dB(A) increase in Lnight for low, medium, and high sensitive people respectively) or, to a lesser extent, among highly annoyed participants (RR=1.06, 95%CI 0.95-1.18 for a 10-dB(A) increase in Lnight among highly annoyed participants, and RR=1.02, 95%CI 0.99-1.06 among those not highly annoyed). Conclusions The present study confirms findings in the small number of available studies to date suggesting adverse health effects associated with aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity. The findings also indicate possible modifier effects of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the relationship between aircraft noise levels and the risk of hypertension. However, further investigations are needed to better understand this role using specific methodology and tools related to mediation analysis and causal inference.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction Many studies, including the HYENA and the DEBATS studies, showed a significant association between aircraft noise exposure and the risk of hypertension. Few studies have considered aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity as factors of interest, especially in relation to hypertension risk, or as mediating or modifying factors. The present study aims 1) to investigate the risk of hypertension in relation to aircraft noise annoyance or noise sensitivity; and 2) to examine the role of modifier or mediator of these two factors in the association between aircraft noise levels and the risk of hypertension. Methods This study included 6,105 residents of ten European airports from the HYENA and DEBATS studies. Information on aircraft noise annoyance, noise sensitivity, and demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected during an interview performed at home. Participants were classified as hypertensive if they had either blood pressure levels above the WHO cut-off points or physician-diagnosed hypertension in conjunction with the use of antihypertensive medication. Outdoor aircraft noise exposure was estimated for each participant's home address. Poisson regression models with adjustment for potential confounders were used. Interactions between noise exposure and country were tested to consider possible differences between countries. Results An increase in aircraft noise levels at night was weekly but significantly associated with an increased risk of hypertension (RR=1.03, 95% CI 1.01-1.06 for a 10-dB(A) increase in Lnight). A significant association was found between aircraft noise annoyance and hypertension risk (RR=1.06, 95%CI 1.00-1.13 for highly annoyed people compared to those who were not highly annoyed). The risk of hypertension was slightly higher for people highly sensitive to noise compared to people with low sensitivity in the UK (RR=1.29, 95%CI 1.05-1.59) and in France (RR=1.11, 95%CI 0.68-1.82), but not in the other countries. The association between aircraft noise levels and the risk of hypertension was higher among highly sensitive participants (RR=1.00, 95%CI 0.96-1.04; RR=1.03, 95%CI 0.90-1.11; RR=1.12, 95%CI 1.01-1.24, with a 10-dB(A) increase in Lnight for low, medium, and high sensitive people respectively) or, to a lesser extent, among highly annoyed participants (RR=1.06, 95%CI 0.95-1.18 for a 10-dB(A) increase in Lnight among highly annoyed participants, and RR=1.02, 95%CI 0.99-1.06 among those not highly annoyed). Conclusions The present study confirms findings in the small number of available studies to date suggesting adverse health effects associated with aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity. The findings also indicate possible modifier effects of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the relationship between aircraft noise levels and the risk of hypertension. However, further investigations are needed to better understand this role using specific methodology and tools related to mediation analysis and causal inference.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nicolas Guibert, Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuel Lagarde, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04274064
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nicolas Guibert, Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuel Lagarde, Barbara Charbotel. The risk of road traffic crashes for occupational drivers: A responsibility study with comparison to the general population. Work, 2023, 12 p. ⟨10.3233/WOR-220578⟩. ⟨hal-04274064⟩
DOI : 10.3233/WOR-220578
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The main objective of the present study was to assess drivers' relative road accident risk between work-related and personal journeys. A responsible/non-responsible case-control study was performed on a sample of 7,051 road accidents in France from the VOIESUR project. Logistic regression determined odds-ratios according to work-related versus personal travel, and identified risk factors for responsibility, specific to each of the two sub-groups.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The main objective of the present study was to assess drivers' relative road accident risk between work-related and personal journeys. A responsible/non-responsible case-control study was performed on a sample of 7,051 road accidents in France from the VOIESUR project. Logistic regression determined odds-ratios according to work-related versus personal travel, and identified risk factors for responsibility, specific to each of the two sub-groups.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Frédéric Moisan, Johan Spinosi, Jean-Luc Dupupet, Laurène Delabre, Jean-Louis Mazurie, Marcel Goldberg, Ellen Imbernon, Christophe Tzourio, Alexis Elbaz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00578148
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Frédéric Moisan, Johan Spinosi, Jean-Luc Dupupet, Laurène Delabre, Jean-Louis Mazurie, et al.. The relation between type of farming and prevalence of Parkinson's disease among agricultural workers in five french districts.. Movement Disorders, 2011, 26 (2), pp.271-9. ⟨10.1002/mds.23370⟩. ⟨inserm-00578148⟩
DOI : 10.1002/mds.23370
pubmedId_s : 21412834
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Retrospective assessment of pesticide exposure is complex; however, patterns of pesticide use strongly depend on farming type, which is easier to assess than pesticide exposure. Our aim was to estimate Parkinson's disease (PD) prevalence in five French districts in 2007 among affiliates of Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) and to investigate the relation between PD prevalence and farming type. We identified PD cases from administrative files as persons who used levodopa and/or benefited from free health care for PD. Densities of 16 farming types were defined at the canton of residence level (1988 French agricultural census). We used logistic regression to study the relation between PD prevalence and density of farming types and a semi-Bayes approach to deal with correlated exposures. We identified 1,659 PD cases, yielding an age- and sex-standardized PD prevalence of 3.01/1,000. Prevalence increased with age and was higher in men than women. We found a higher PD prevalence among affiliates living in cantons characterized by a higher density of farms specialized in fruits and permanent crops (multivariable semi-Bayes model: OR(4+5 vs 1+2+3 quintiles) = 1.21, 95% CI = 1.08-1.36; test for trend, P = 0.035). In France, farms specialized in fruits and permanent crops rank first in terms of insecticide use per hectare. Our findings are consistent with studies reporting an association between PD and insecticide use and show that workers in farms specialized in fruits or permanent crops may be an occupational group at higher PD risk. © 2010 Movement Disorder Society.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Retrospective assessment of pesticide exposure is complex; however, patterns of pesticide use strongly depend on farming type, which is easier to assess than pesticide exposure. Our aim was to estimate Parkinson's disease (PD) prevalence in five French districts in 2007 among affiliates of Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) and to investigate the relation between PD prevalence and farming type. We identified PD cases from administrative files as persons who used levodopa and/or benefited from free health care for PD. Densities of 16 farming types were defined at the canton of residence level (1988 French agricultural census). We used logistic regression to study the relation between PD prevalence and density of farming types and a semi-Bayes approach to deal with correlated exposures. We identified 1,659 PD cases, yielding an age- and sex-standardized PD prevalence of 3.01/1,000. Prevalence increased with age and was higher in men than women. We found a higher PD prevalence among affiliates living in cantons characterized by a higher density of farms specialized in fruits and permanent crops (multivariable semi-Bayes model: OR(4+5 vs 1+2+3 quintiles) = 1.21, 95% CI = 1.08-1.36; test for trend, P = 0.035). In France, farms specialized in fruits and permanent crops rank first in terms of insecticide use per hectare. Our findings are consistent with studies reporting an association between PD and insecticide use and show that workers in farms specialized in fruits or permanent crops may be an occupational group at higher PD risk. © 2010 Movement Disorder Society.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Frédéric Moisan, Johan Spinosi, Jean-Luc Dupupet, Laurène Delabre, Jean-Louis Mazurie, Marcel Goldberg, Ellen Imbernon, Christophe Tzourio, Alexis Elbaz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00550264
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Frédéric Moisan, Johan Spinosi, Jean-Luc Dupupet, Laurène Delabre, Jean-Louis Mazurie, et al.. The relation between type of farming and prevalence of Parkinson's disease among agricultural workers in five French districts.. Movement Disorders, 2011, 26 (2), pp.271-9. ⟨10.1002/mds.23370⟩. ⟨inserm-00550264⟩
DOI : 10.1002/mds.23370
pubmedId_s : 21412834
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Retrospective assessment of pesticide exposure is complex; however, patterns of pesticide use strongly depend on farming type, which is easier to assess than pesticide exposure. Our aim was to estimate Parkinson's disease (PD) prevalence in five French districts in 2007 among affiliates of Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) and to investigate the relation between PD prevalence and farming type. We identified PD cases from administrative files as persons who used levodopa and/or benefited from free health care for PD. Densities of 16 farming types were defined at the canton of residence level (1988 French agricultural census). We used logistic regression to study the relation between PD prevalence and density of farming types and a semi-Bayes approach to deal with correlated exposures. We identified 1,659 PD cases, yielding an age- and sex-standardized PD prevalence of 3.01/1,000. Prevalence increased with age and was higher in men than women. We found a higher PD prevalence among affiliates living in cantons characterized by a higher density of farms specialized in fruits and permanent crops (multivariable semi-Bayes model: OR(4+5 vs 1+2+3 quintiles) = 1.21, 95% CI = 1.08-1.36; test for trend, P = 0.035). In France, farms specialized in fruits and permanent crops rank first in terms of insecticide use per hectare. Our findings are consistent with studies reporting an association between PD and insecticide use and show that workers in farms specialized in fruits or permanent crops may be an occupational group at higher PD risk.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Retrospective assessment of pesticide exposure is complex; however, patterns of pesticide use strongly depend on farming type, which is easier to assess than pesticide exposure. Our aim was to estimate Parkinson's disease (PD) prevalence in five French districts in 2007 among affiliates of Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) and to investigate the relation between PD prevalence and farming type. We identified PD cases from administrative files as persons who used levodopa and/or benefited from free health care for PD. Densities of 16 farming types were defined at the canton of residence level (1988 French agricultural census). We used logistic regression to study the relation between PD prevalence and density of farming types and a semi-Bayes approach to deal with correlated exposures. We identified 1,659 PD cases, yielding an age- and sex-standardized PD prevalence of 3.01/1,000. Prevalence increased with age and was higher in men than women. We found a higher PD prevalence among affiliates living in cantons characterized by a higher density of farms specialized in fruits and permanent crops (multivariable semi-Bayes model: OR(4+5 vs 1+2+3 quintiles) = 1.21, 95% CI = 1.08-1.36; test for trend, P = 0.035). In France, farms specialized in fruits and permanent crops rank first in terms of insecticide use per hectare. Our findings are consistent with studies reporting an association between PD and insecticide use and show that workers in farms specialized in fruits or permanent crops may be an occupational group at higher PD risk.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aymery Constant, Louis Rachid Salmi, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00182651
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aymery Constant, Louis Rachid Salmi, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Emmanuel Lagarde. The recent dramatic decline in road mortality in France: how drivers' attitudes towards road traffic safety changed between 2001 and 2004 in the GAZEL cohort.. Health Education Research, 2008, 23 (5), pp.848-58. ⟨10.1093/her/cym072⟩. ⟨inserm-00182651⟩
DOI : 10.1093/her/cym072
pubmedId_s : 18063651
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A very significant decline in the number of road casualties has been observed recently in France, concomitantly with a dramatic increase in law enforcement. The aim of this study was (i) to assess changes in attitudes about road traffic accident (RTA) prevention initiatives in France from 2001 to 2004 and (ii) to identify factors associated with an increase in positive attitudes towards RTA prevention initiatives. In 2001 and 2004, 9216 participants reported their attitudes towards traffic safety using the same self-administered Driving Behaviour and Road Safety Questionnaire. Sociodemographic, psychological and behavioural data were also available. The mean change in scores analysis showed that support for relaxing existing regulations decreased significantly during this period, while support for heightened enforcement and stricter regulations showed some decrease but remained high overall, especially concerning blood alcohol content and speed controls. Multivariate analyses suggest that highly educated drivers changed their attitudes towards road safety regulations more than other categories. Our results suggest that increased traffic law enforcement measures led to increasing support for current restrictions. Even if support for additional traffic law enforcement began to wane slightly in 2004, a large part of our population remained in favour of strengthening law enforcement related to speeding and drunk driving.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A very significant decline in the number of road casualties has been observed recently in France, concomitantly with a dramatic increase in law enforcement. The aim of this study was (i) to assess changes in attitudes about road traffic accident (RTA) prevention initiatives in France from 2001 to 2004 and (ii) to identify factors associated with an increase in positive attitudes towards RTA prevention initiatives. In 2001 and 2004, 9216 participants reported their attitudes towards traffic safety using the same self-administered Driving Behaviour and Road Safety Questionnaire. Sociodemographic, psychological and behavioural data were also available. The mean change in scores analysis showed that support for relaxing existing regulations decreased significantly during this period, while support for heightened enforcement and stricter regulations showed some decrease but remained high overall, especially concerning blood alcohol content and speed controls. Multivariate analyses suggest that highly educated drivers changed their attitudes towards road safety regulations more than other categories. Our results suggest that increased traffic law enforcement measures led to increasing support for current restrictions. Even if support for additional traffic law enforcement began to wane slightly in 2004, a large part of our population remained in favour of strengthening law enforcement related to speeding and drunk driving.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Thierry Serre, Catherine Masson, Christophe Perrin, Jean-Louis Martin, Aurélie Moskal, Maxime Llari
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00956470
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Thierry Serre, Catherine Masson, Christophe Perrin, Jean-Louis Martin, Aurélie Moskal, et al.. The motorcyclist impact against a light vehicle: Epidemiological, accidentological and biomechanic analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2012, 49, pp.223-228. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2012.08.013⟩. ⟨hal-00956470⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2012.08.013
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This paper summarizes the results obtained within the framework of the French PROMOTO Project (PROtection of the MOTOrcyclist). The aim of this project was to analyze the impact between a motorcycle and a light vehicle from an epidemiological, accidentological and biomechanical point of view. The results have made it possible to outline the most frequent accident configurations such as the “turn on the left” and the most common injuries sustained by motorized two-wheelers (head and trunk). The biomechanic analysis has enabled a better understanding of the kinematics involved in an impact between a motorized two-wheeler and a light vehicle in various accident configurations (chronology and speed impact). While it is well known that motorcyclists frequently receive life threatening injuries to the head, spine and torso, this paper has been able to observe specific injury mechanisms such as pelvis impacts against the vehicle fuel tank and hyper-extension of the neck due to head impact on passenger cars.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This paper summarizes the results obtained within the framework of the French PROMOTO Project (PROtection of the MOTOrcyclist). The aim of this project was to analyze the impact between a motorcycle and a light vehicle from an epidemiological, accidentological and biomechanical point of view. The results have made it possible to outline the most frequent accident configurations such as the “turn on the left” and the most common injuries sustained by motorized two-wheelers (head and trunk). The biomechanic analysis has enabled a better understanding of the kinematics involved in an impact between a motorized two-wheeler and a light vehicle in various accident configurations (chronology and speed impact). While it is well known that motorcyclists frequently receive life threatening injuries to the head, spine and torso, this paper has been able to observe specific injury mechanisms such as pelvis impacts against the vehicle fuel tank and hyper-extension of the neck due to head impact on passenger cars.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01479032
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Fassier. The law, the researcher, and occupational health. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2016, 42 (1), pp. 1-2. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.3543⟩. ⟨hal-01479032⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.3543
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The primary role of law in society is to protect people, ensure a common good, settle disagreements, and persuade people to do the right thing. In the field of occupational health and safety (OHS), employees should be guaranteed a safe place to work by law, protecting them from occupational hazards, accidents, and disease. However, it is estimated that 2.3 million workers die annually for reasons attributed to work, mainly due to work-related diseases (1). As important as this number appears, it is likely to be a considerable underestimate of the true number of deaths due to shortcomings in the available data (2). This gap inevitably brings into question the effectiveness of OHS legislation, the process in which it is formulated, and the extent to which it is enforced.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The primary role of law in society is to protect people, ensure a common good, settle disagreements, and persuade people to do the right thing. In the field of occupational health and safety (OHS), employees should be guaranteed a safe place to work by law, protecting them from occupational hazards, accidents, and disease. However, it is estimated that 2.3 million workers die annually for reasons attributed to work, mainly due to work-related diseases (1). As important as this number appears, it is likely to be a considerable underestimate of the true number of deaths due to shortcomings in the available data (2). This gap inevitably brings into question the effectiveness of OHS legislation, the process in which it is formulated, and the extent to which it is enforced.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Gwenn Menvielle, Aurore Fayossé, Loredana Radoï, Florence Guida, Marie Sanchez, Matthieu Carton, Diane Cyr, Annie Schmaus, Sylvie Cenée, Joelle Fevotte, Patricia Delafosse, Isabelle Stücker, Danièle Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01269904
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Gwenn Menvielle, Aurore Fayossé, Loredana Radoï, Florence Guida, Marie Sanchez, et al.. The joint effect of asbestos exposure, tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking on laryngeal cancer risk: evidence from the French population-based case–control study, ICARE. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2016, 73 (1), pp.28--33. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2015-102954⟩. ⟨hal-01269904⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2015-102954
pubmedId_s : 26403532
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective The objective of the study was to investigate the joint effect of occupational exposure to asbestos, and tobacco and alcohol consumption, on the risk of laryngeal cancer among men. Methods We used data from a large population-based case–control study conducted in France. We estimated two-way and three-way interactions between asbestos exposure (never vs ever exposed), tobacco consumption (\textless20 vs ≥20 pack-years) and alcohol consumption (\textless5 vs ≥5 drinks per day). The interaction on an additive scale was assessed by estimating the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI) and the attributable proportion due to interaction, and the interaction on a multiplicative scale was assessed by estimating the multiplicative interaction parameter (ψ). Multiplicative interactions were also assessed using fractional polynomials for alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and asbestos exposure. Results When compared with light-to-moderate smokers and drinkers never exposed to asbestos, the increase in laryngeal cancer risk was smallest among light-to-moderate drinkers and smokers exposed to asbestos (OR=2.23 (1.08 to 4.60)), and highest among heavy smokers and drinkers ever exposed to asbestos (OR=69.39 (35.54 to 135.5)). We found an additive joint effect between asbestos exposure and alcohol consumption (RERI=4.75 (−4.29 to 11.12)), whereas we observed a more than additive joint effect between asbestos exposure and tobacco consumption (RERI=8.50 (0.71 to 23.81)), as well as between asbestos exposure, and tobacco and alcohol consumption (RERI=26.57 (11.52 to 67.88)). However, our results did not suggest any interaction on a multiplicative scale. Conclusions Our results suggest that asbestos exposure, in combination with tobacco and alcohol exposure, accounted for a substantial number of laryngeal cancer cases. Our findings therefore highlight the need for prevention in activities, such as construction work, where exposure to asbestos-containing materials remains
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective The objective of the study was to investigate the joint effect of occupational exposure to asbestos, and tobacco and alcohol consumption, on the risk of laryngeal cancer among men. Methods We used data from a large population-based case–control study conducted in France. We estimated two-way and three-way interactions between asbestos exposure (never vs ever exposed), tobacco consumption (\textless20 vs ≥20 pack-years) and alcohol consumption (\textless5 vs ≥5 drinks per day). The interaction on an additive scale was assessed by estimating the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI) and the attributable proportion due to interaction, and the interaction on a multiplicative scale was assessed by estimating the multiplicative interaction parameter (ψ). Multiplicative interactions were also assessed using fractional polynomials for alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and asbestos exposure. Results When compared with light-to-moderate smokers and drinkers never exposed to asbestos, the increase in laryngeal cancer risk was smallest among light-to-moderate drinkers and smokers exposed to asbestos (OR=2.23 (1.08 to 4.60)), and highest among heavy smokers and drinkers ever exposed to asbestos (OR=69.39 (35.54 to 135.5)). We found an additive joint effect between asbestos exposure and alcohol consumption (RERI=4.75 (−4.29 to 11.12)), whereas we observed a more than additive joint effect between asbestos exposure and tobacco consumption (RERI=8.50 (0.71 to 23.81)), as well as between asbestos exposure, and tobacco and alcohol consumption (RERI=26.57 (11.52 to 67.88)). However, our results did not suggest any interaction on a multiplicative scale. Conclusions Our results suggest that asbestos exposure, in combination with tobacco and alcohol exposure, accounted for a substantial number of laryngeal cancer cases. Our findings therefore highlight the need for prevention in activities, such as construction work, where exposure to asbestos-containing materials remains
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Kathrine Grell, Kirsten Frederiksen, Joachim Schuz, Elisabeth Cardis, Bruce K. Armstrong, Jack Siemiatycki, Daniel Krewski, Mary L. Mcbride, Christopher Johansen, Anssi Auvinen, Martine Hours, Maria Blettner, Siegal Sadetzki, Susanna Lagorio, Naohito Yamaguchi, Alistair Woodward, Tore Tynes, Maria Feychting, Sarah J Flemming, Anthony Swerdlow, Per K Andersen
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01486723
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Kathrine Grell, Kirsten Frederiksen, Joachim Schuz, Elisabeth Cardis, Bruce K. Armstrong, et al.. The intracranial distribution of gliomas in relation to exposure from mobile phones: analyses from the Interphone Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, 184 (11), pp. 818-828. ⟨10.1093/aje/kww082⟩. ⟨hal-01486723⟩
DOI : 10.1093/aje/kww082
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : When investigating the association between brain tumors and use of mobile telephones, accurate data on tumor position are essential, due to the highly localized absorption of energy in the human brain from the radio-frequency fields emitted. We used a point process model to investigate this association using information that included tumor localization data from the INTERPHONE Study (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). Our main analysis included 792 regular mobile phone users diagnosed with a glioma between 2000 and 2004. Similar to earlier results, we found a statistically significant association between the intracranial distribution of gliomas and the self-reported location of the phone. When we accounted for the preferred side of the head not being exclusively used for all mobile phone calls, the results were similar. The association was independent of the cumulative call time and cumulative number of calls. However, our model used reported side of mobile phone use, which is potentially inuenced by recall bias. The point process method provides an alternative to previously used epidemiologic research designs when one is including localization in the investigation of brain tumors and mobile phone use.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : When investigating the association between brain tumors and use of mobile telephones, accurate data on tumor position are essential, due to the highly localized absorption of energy in the human brain from the radio-frequency fields emitted. We used a point process model to investigate this association using information that included tumor localization data from the INTERPHONE Study (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). Our main analysis included 792 regular mobile phone users diagnosed with a glioma between 2000 and 2004. Similar to earlier results, we found a statistically significant association between the intracranial distribution of gliomas and the self-reported location of the phone. When we accounted for the preferred side of the head not being exclusively used for all mobile phone calls, the results were similar. The association was independent of the cumulative call time and cumulative number of calls. However, our model used reported side of mobile phone use, which is potentially inuenced by recall bias. The point process method provides an alternative to previously used epidemiologic research designs when one is including localization in the investigation of brain tumors and mobile phone use.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Awena John, Jean-Baptiste Bouillon-Minois, Reza Bagheri, Carole Pélissier, Barbara Charbotel, Pierre-Michel Llorca, Marek Zak, Ukadike Ugbolue, Julien Baker, Frederic Dutheil
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04809630
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Awena John, Jean-Baptiste Bouillon-Minois, Reza Bagheri, Carole Pélissier, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. The influence of burnout on cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2024, 15, ⟨10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1326745⟩. ⟨hal-04809630⟩
DOI : 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1326745
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Burnout is a public health problem with various health consequences, among which cardiovascular disease is the most investigated but still under debate. Our objective was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on the influence of burnout on cardiovascular disease. Methods Studies reporting risk (odds ratio, relative risk, and hazard ratio) of cardiovascular disease following burnout were searched in PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane, Embase, and ScienceDirect. We performed a random-effect meta-analysis stratified by type of cardiovascular disease and searched for putative influencing variables. We performed sensitivity analyses using the most adjusted models and crude risks. Results We included 25 studies in the systematic review and 9 studies in the meta-analysis (4 cross-sectional, 4 cohort, and 1 case–control study) for a total of 26,916 participants. Burnout increased the risk of cardiovascular disease by 21% (OR = 1.21, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.39) using the most adjusted risks and by 27% (OR = 1.27, 95% CI 1.10 to 1.43) using crude risks. Using stratification by type of cardiovascular disease and the most adjusted risks, having experienced burnout significantly increased the risk of prehypertension by 85% (OR = 1.85, 95% CI 1.00 to 2.70) and cardiovascular disease-related hospitalization by 10% (OR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.18), whereas the risk increase for coronary heart disease (OR = 1.79, 95% CI 0.79 to 2.79) and myocardial infarction (OR = 1.78, 95% CI 0.85 to 2.71) was not significant. Results were also similar using crude odds ratio. The risk of cardiovascular disease after a burnout was not influenced by gender. Insufficient data precluded other meta-regressions. Conclusions Burnout seems to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, despite the few retrieved studies and a causality weakened by cross-sectional studies. However, numerous studies focused on the pathophysiology of cardiovascular risk linked to burnout, which may help to build a preventive strategy in the workplace.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Burnout is a public health problem with various health consequences, among which cardiovascular disease is the most investigated but still under debate. Our objective was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on the influence of burnout on cardiovascular disease. Methods Studies reporting risk (odds ratio, relative risk, and hazard ratio) of cardiovascular disease following burnout were searched in PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane, Embase, and ScienceDirect. We performed a random-effect meta-analysis stratified by type of cardiovascular disease and searched for putative influencing variables. We performed sensitivity analyses using the most adjusted models and crude risks. Results We included 25 studies in the systematic review and 9 studies in the meta-analysis (4 cross-sectional, 4 cohort, and 1 case–control study) for a total of 26,916 participants. Burnout increased the risk of cardiovascular disease by 21% (OR = 1.21, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.39) using the most adjusted risks and by 27% (OR = 1.27, 95% CI 1.10 to 1.43) using crude risks. Using stratification by type of cardiovascular disease and the most adjusted risks, having experienced burnout significantly increased the risk of prehypertension by 85% (OR = 1.85, 95% CI 1.00 to 2.70) and cardiovascular disease-related hospitalization by 10% (OR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.18), whereas the risk increase for coronary heart disease (OR = 1.79, 95% CI 0.79 to 2.79) and myocardial infarction (OR = 1.78, 95% CI 0.85 to 2.71) was not significant. Results were also similar using crude odds ratio. The risk of cardiovascular disease after a burnout was not influenced by gender. Insufficient data precluded other meta-regressions. Conclusions Burnout seems to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, despite the few retrieved studies and a causality weakened by cross-sectional studies. However, numerous studies focused on the pathophysiology of cardiovascular risk linked to burnout, which may help to build a preventive strategy in the workplace.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jérémy Gaudel, Saloua Ahalli, Emmanuel Fort, Yamina Bridai, Nicole Baborier, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04139715
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jérémy Gaudel, Saloua Ahalli, Emmanuel Fort, Yamina Bridai, Nicole Baborier, et al.. The impact of lockdown on mental health in PhD students, a cohort study in a French university]. L'Encéphale, 2023, 10 p. ⟨10.1016/j.encep.2022.11.002⟩. ⟨hal-04139715⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.encep.2022.11.002
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : IntroductionFew studies are available on the health status of doctoral students. This position at the border between university studies and a professional activity presents specific risk factors, especially in terms of psychosocial constraints. The lockdowns implemented worldwide to control the COVID-19 pandemic are potentially worsening factors.MethodsAt Lyon 1 University, a systematic medical follow-up of first year PhD students had been set up by the occupational health service in 2019. In the context of the lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, a telephonic interview was proposed to the same PhD students in order to assess the impact of the lockdown on working conditions and health and to provide possible assistance. During this interview, a standardized questionnaire was used to collect information about the conditions during the lockdown, doctoral work during this period and the consequences on research progress, as well as possible financial difficulties due to the lockdown. In addition, questions were asked about the perceived general health conditions and consultation with a health practitioner during this period. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) were used to assess depression and anxiety. Questions on lifestyle during lockdown, changes in diet during the period, weight change, and changes in the quantity and quality of their sleep were also asked. Comparisons of perceived health status, the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms at baseline and during the follow-up survey were made by MacNemar Chi2 tests, as the data were repeated ones. The students were informed orally and in writing that their data would be entered anonymously into a computer and that they could have access to their data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They were all informed by e-mail about the study results at the end of the study. The data collection process was registered with the National Institute for Health Data (INDS) and with the university's register under reference no. 2020/002 by the university's data protection officer in compliance with the French data protection laws (CNIL). The protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the Lyon University College of General Medicine (notification number: 2020-10-29-02).ResultsOf the 161 PhD students initially interviewed, 149 underwent a second interview. In total, 89.2% of the students assessed their health as good or very good. Regarding the answers to the GAD-7 questionnaire, 8.1% had a score equal to or higher than 10, corresponding to moderate to severe anxiety. Regarding the answers to PHQ-9, 19.6% of the PhD students had a score equal to or higher than 9 corresponding to moderate to severe depressive syndromes. The prevalence of an anxiety disorder was significantly associated with the absence of an outside private access in the place of residence during lockdown (75% vs. 37%), an increase in coffee consumption (33% vs. 5%), an increase in the quantity of food consumed (50% vs. 12%), weight gain (50% vs. 19%) and a deterioration in sleep quality (75% vs. 28%). The prevalence of a depressive symptom was significantly associated with lockdown in an urban area (89% vs. 70%), the occurrence of financial difficulties (7% vs. 1%), the consultation of a health professional during the period (34% vs. 15%), smoking cessation (14% vs. 1%), changes in the quantity (31% vs. 9%) and deterioration (59% vs. 25%) of the quality of sleep, and diet changes (66% vs. 43%). GAD-7 scores were unchanged for 90% of participants between the two surveys, but they were higher for 6.8% of doctoral students and lower for 2.7% (P=0.1). A deterioration of the PHQ-9 scores, i.e. higher scores in the second survey compared to the first, was observed for 15.5% of the PhD students while an improvement of the scores was observed for 1.4% (P=0.0001).DiscussionA number of studies have been published on the impact of lockdown on mental health, but few of them focused specifically on PhD students and even fewer were prospective studies. Their results are therefore difficult to compare with ours; they generally show GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores that are similar to those of our population, or even higher. The impact of lockdown on the mental health of doctoral students highlighted in our study therefore justifies an appropriate follow-up of this population, particularly in the case of former psychiatric disorders.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : IntroductionFew studies are available on the health status of doctoral students. This position at the border between university studies and a professional activity presents specific risk factors, especially in terms of psychosocial constraints. The lockdowns implemented worldwide to control the COVID-19 pandemic are potentially worsening factors.MethodsAt Lyon 1 University, a systematic medical follow-up of first year PhD students had been set up by the occupational health service in 2019. In the context of the lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, a telephonic interview was proposed to the same PhD students in order to assess the impact of the lockdown on working conditions and health and to provide possible assistance. During this interview, a standardized questionnaire was used to collect information about the conditions during the lockdown, doctoral work during this period and the consequences on research progress, as well as possible financial difficulties due to the lockdown. In addition, questions were asked about the perceived general health conditions and consultation with a health practitioner during this period. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) were used to assess depression and anxiety. Questions on lifestyle during lockdown, changes in diet during the period, weight change, and changes in the quantity and quality of their sleep were also asked. Comparisons of perceived health status, the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms at baseline and during the follow-up survey were made by MacNemar Chi2 tests, as the data were repeated ones. The students were informed orally and in writing that their data would be entered anonymously into a computer and that they could have access to their data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They were all informed by e-mail about the study results at the end of the study. The data collection process was registered with the National Institute for Health Data (INDS) and with the university's register under reference no. 2020/002 by the university's data protection officer in compliance with the French data protection laws (CNIL). The protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the Lyon University College of General Medicine (notification number: 2020-10-29-02).ResultsOf the 161 PhD students initially interviewed, 149 underwent a second interview. In total, 89.2% of the students assessed their health as good or very good. Regarding the answers to the GAD-7 questionnaire, 8.1% had a score equal to or higher than 10, corresponding to moderate to severe anxiety. Regarding the answers to PHQ-9, 19.6% of the PhD students had a score equal to or higher than 9 corresponding to moderate to severe depressive syndromes. The prevalence of an anxiety disorder was significantly associated with the absence of an outside private access in the place of residence during lockdown (75% vs. 37%), an increase in coffee consumption (33% vs. 5%), an increase in the quantity of food consumed (50% vs. 12%), weight gain (50% vs. 19%) and a deterioration in sleep quality (75% vs. 28%). The prevalence of a depressive symptom was significantly associated with lockdown in an urban area (89% vs. 70%), the occurrence of financial difficulties (7% vs. 1%), the consultation of a health professional during the period (34% vs. 15%), smoking cessation (14% vs. 1%), changes in the quantity (31% vs. 9%) and deterioration (59% vs. 25%) of the quality of sleep, and diet changes (66% vs. 43%). GAD-7 scores were unchanged for 90% of participants between the two surveys, but they were higher for 6.8% of doctoral students and lower for 2.7% (P=0.1). A deterioration of the PHQ-9 scores, i.e. higher scores in the second survey compared to the first, was observed for 15.5% of the PhD students while an improvement of the scores was observed for 1.4% (P=0.0001).DiscussionA number of studies have been published on the impact of lockdown on mental health, but few of them focused specifically on PhD students and even fewer were prospective studies. Their results are therefore difficult to compare with ours; they generally show GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores that are similar to those of our population, or even higher. The impact of lockdown on the mental health of doctoral students highlighted in our study therefore justifies an appropriate follow-up of this population, particularly in the case of former psychiatric disorders.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Damien Leger, Marie Lefevre, Maxime Elbaz, Fanny Mietlicki, Philippe Nguyen, Carlos Ribeiro, Matthieu Sineau, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01980952
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Damien Leger, Marie Lefevre, Maxime Elbaz, Fanny Mietlicki, et al.. The impact of aircraft noise exposure on objective parameters of sleep quality: Results of the DEBATS study in France. Sleep Medicine, 2019, 54, pp. 70-77. ⟨10.1016/j.sleep.2018.10.013⟩. ⟨hal-01980952v2⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.sleep.2018.10.013
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Noise in the vicinity of airports is a crucial public health issue. Exposure to aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health and particularly on sleep. Many studies support the hypothesis that noise at night can affect subjective sleep quality. Fewer studies, however, have performed objective measurements of sleep. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and objective parameters assessed by actigraphy of sleep quality in the population living near two French airports. Methods: This study includes 112 participants living in the vicinity of Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Toulouse-Blagnac airports. Wrist actigraphy measurements were performed during eight nights to evaluate objective parameters of sleep quality such as sleep onset latency (SOL), wake after sleep onset (WASO), total sleep time (TST), time in bed (TB) and sleep efficiency (SE). Acoustic measurements were made simultaneously both inside the participants' bedrooms and outside (at the exterior frontage) in order to estimate aircraft noise levels. Energy indicators related to the sound energetic average for a given period of time, as well as indicators related to noise events (such as the number of events that exceed a given threshold for example) were estimated. Logistic and linear regression models were used, taking into account potential confounders: age; gender; marital status; education; and body mass index (BMI). Results: Energy indicators, and more particularly indicators related to noise events, were significantly associated with objective parameters of sleep quality. Increased levels of aircraft noise and increased numbers of aircraft noise events increased the time required for sleep onset (SOL) and the total wake time after sleep onset (WASO), and decreased sleep efficiency (SE). An association was also observed between aircraft noise exposure and an increase in total sleep time (TST) and time in bed (TB). Conclusion: The findings of the present study contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that nocturnal aircraft noise exposure may decrease objective quality of sleep. Aircraft noise exposure affects objective parameters of sleep quality, not only in terms of noise levels but also in terms of number of events. Mechanisms for adapting to sleep deprivation could be observed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Noise in the vicinity of airports is a crucial public health issue. Exposure to aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health and particularly on sleep. Many studies support the hypothesis that noise at night can affect subjective sleep quality. Fewer studies, however, have performed objective measurements of sleep. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and objective parameters assessed by actigraphy of sleep quality in the population living near two French airports. Methods: This study includes 112 participants living in the vicinity of Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Toulouse-Blagnac airports. Wrist actigraphy measurements were performed during eight nights to evaluate objective parameters of sleep quality such as sleep onset latency (SOL), wake after sleep onset (WASO), total sleep time (TST), time in bed (TB) and sleep efficiency (SE). Acoustic measurements were made simultaneously both inside the participants' bedrooms and outside (at the exterior frontage) in order to estimate aircraft noise levels. Energy indicators related to the sound energetic average for a given period of time, as well as indicators related to noise events (such as the number of events that exceed a given threshold for example) were estimated. Logistic and linear regression models were used, taking into account potential confounders: age; gender; marital status; education; and body mass index (BMI). Results: Energy indicators, and more particularly indicators related to noise events, were significantly associated with objective parameters of sleep quality. Increased levels of aircraft noise and increased numbers of aircraft noise events increased the time required for sleep onset (SOL) and the total wake time after sleep onset (WASO), and decreased sleep efficiency (SE). An association was also observed between aircraft noise exposure and an increase in total sleep time (TST) and time in bed (TB). Conclusion: The findings of the present study contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that nocturnal aircraft noise exposure may decrease objective quality of sleep. Aircraft noise exposure affects objective parameters of sleep quality, not only in terms of noise levels but also in terms of number of events. Mechanisms for adapting to sleep deprivation could be observed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Paul Schepers, Niels Agerholm, Emmanuelle Amoros, Rob Benington, Torkel Bjornskau, Stijn Dhondt, Bas de Geus, Carmen Hagemeister, Becky P.Y. Loo, Anna Niska
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01431757
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Paul Schepers, Niels Agerholm, Emmanuelle Amoros, Rob Benington, Torkel Bjornskau, et al.. The frequency of single-bicycle crashes (SBCs) in countries with varying bicycle mode shares. ICSC2013 - International Cycling Safety Conference, Nov 2013, HELMOND, France. 7 p. ⟨hal-01431757⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In order to encourage cycling, we need to reduce the hazards that cyclists face. Single-bicycle crashes or 'bicycle-only crashes' are falls and obstacle collisions in which only one cyclist is involved. Between 60 and 95% of cyclists admitted to hospital or treated at an emergency department are victims of single-bicycle crashes. As proportion of the total number of traffic casualties the share exceeds 20% in most countries with medium to high levels of cycling. This paper discusses the prevalence of the problem and describes measures that may both reduce the risks and make cycling a more attractive transport choice at the same time.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In order to encourage cycling, we need to reduce the hazards that cyclists face. Single-bicycle crashes or 'bicycle-only crashes' are falls and obstacle collisions in which only one cyclist is involved. Between 60 and 95% of cyclists admitted to hospital or treated at an emergency department are victims of single-bicycle crashes. As proportion of the total number of traffic casualties the share exceeds 20% in most countries with medium to high levels of cycling. This paper discusses the prevalence of the problem and describes measures that may both reduce the risks and make cycling a more attractive transport choice at the same time.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ivana Kulhanova, Xavier Morelli, Alain Le Tertre, Dana Loomis, Barbara Charbotel, Sylvia Medina, Jean-Nicolas Ormsby, Johanna Lepeule, Rémy Slama, Isabelle Soejormataram
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02089354
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ivana Kulhanova, Xavier Morelli, Alain Le Tertre, Dana Loomis, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. The fraction of lung cancer incidence attributable to fine particulate air pollution in France: Impact of spatial resolution of air pollution models. Environment International, 2018, 121 (Part 2), pp.1079-1086. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2018.09.055⟩. ⟨hal-02089354⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envint.2018.09.055
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Outdoor air pollution is a leading environmental cause of death and cancer incidence in humans. We aimed to estimate the fraction of lung cancer incidence attributable to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure in France, and secondarily to illustrate the influence of the input data and the spatial resolution of information on air pollution levels on this estimate. The population attributable fraction (PAF) was estimated using a nationwide spatially refined chemistry-transport model with a 2-km spatial resolution, neighbourhood-scale population density data, and a relative risk from a published meta-analysis. We used the WHO guideline value for PM2.5 exposure (10??g/m3) as reference. Sensitivity analyses consisted in attributing the nation-wide median exposure to all areas and using alternative input data such as reference of PM2.5 exposure level and relative risk. Population-weighted median PM2.5 level in 2005 was 13.8??g/m3; 87% of the population was exposed above the guideline value. The burden of lung cancer attributable to PM2.5 exposure corresponded to 1466 cases, or 3.6% of all cases diagnosed in 2015. Sensitivity analyses showed that the use of a national median of PM2.5 exposure would have led to an underestimation of the PAF by 11% (population-weighted median) and by 72% (median of raw concentration), suggesting that our estimates would have been higher with even more finely spatially-resolved models. When the PM2.5 reference level was replaced by the 5th percentile of country-scale exposure (4.9??g/m3), PAF increased to 7.6%. Other sensitivity analyses resulted in even higher PAFs. Improvements in air pollution are crucial for quantitative health impacts assessment studies. Actions to reduce PM2.5 levels could substantially reduce the burden of lung cancer in France.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Outdoor air pollution is a leading environmental cause of death and cancer incidence in humans. We aimed to estimate the fraction of lung cancer incidence attributable to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure in France, and secondarily to illustrate the influence of the input data and the spatial resolution of information on air pollution levels on this estimate. The population attributable fraction (PAF) was estimated using a nationwide spatially refined chemistry-transport model with a 2-km spatial resolution, neighbourhood-scale population density data, and a relative risk from a published meta-analysis. We used the WHO guideline value for PM2.5 exposure (10??g/m3) as reference. Sensitivity analyses consisted in attributing the nation-wide median exposure to all areas and using alternative input data such as reference of PM2.5 exposure level and relative risk. Population-weighted median PM2.5 level in 2005 was 13.8??g/m3; 87% of the population was exposed above the guideline value. The burden of lung cancer attributable to PM2.5 exposure corresponded to 1466 cases, or 3.6% of all cases diagnosed in 2015. Sensitivity analyses showed that the use of a national median of PM2.5 exposure would have led to an underestimation of the PAF by 11% (population-weighted median) and by 72% (median of raw concentration), suggesting that our estimates would have been higher with even more finely spatially-resolved models. When the PM2.5 reference level was replaced by the 5th percentile of country-scale exposure (4.9??g/m3), PAF increased to 7.6%. Other sensitivity analyses resulted in even higher PAFs. Improvements in air pollution are crucial for quantitative health impacts assessment studies. Actions to reduce PM2.5 levels could substantially reduce the burden of lung cancer in France.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A Ndiaye, M Chambost, M Chiron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00951887
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A Ndiaye, M Chambost, M Chiron. The fatal injuries of car drivers. Forensic Science International, 2009, 184 (1-3), pp.21-27. ⟨10.1016/j.forsciint.2008.11.007⟩. ⟨hal-00951887⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.forsciint.2008.11.007
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We often refer to road fatalities without knowing exactly what injuries are responsible for them. Based on the Rhone Road Trauma Registry this paper sets out to describe the topography, nature and frequency of the fatal injuries sustained by car drivers. Mean annual mortality at the wheel of a car, computed by dividing the total number of drivers killed(n = 383) by the population of the Rhone Department (1.6 million) during the period 1996–2004 was5.41 males per 100,000 and 1.41 females per 100,000, with 78% of the casualties residing in the Department. A reduction has been observed since 2003.Three-quarters of the casualties died at the scene of the crash. The results confirm the effectiveness of seat belts. The observed lethality was 0.43% for unbelted drivers and 2.7% for belted drivers (RR = 0.16 [0.12; 0.21]).The injuries were analyzed for the 287 killed drivers whose deaths could be explained by the described injuries (at least one AIS 4+ injury). Of these, 41% had an ISS of 75 (at least one AIS 6 injury), 21%had an ISS of between 40 and 74, 33% an ISS of between 25 and 40, and 6% an ISS of between 16 and 24.In the case of all the AIS 4+ injuries, the three most frequent locations for injuries were the thorax only(30% of casualties), the head only (23%) and a combination of the two (18%). Abdominal injuries occurred in only 10% of casualties and spinal injuries in 9% of casualties. In the thorax, the most common injury was flail chest with haemothorax or pneumothorax. In the case of the head, the most frequent injuries were to the brain (haemorrhage, haematoma and axonal injuries). Complex fractures of the base of the skull were the second most common craniocephalic injuries. In spite of the use of restraint devices, the thorax and head are still the priority vital areas for protection in the case of car drivers. For one in four of the fatalities, death cannot be explained by any of the injuries we know about. As road traffic accidents are considered to be a cause of death in their own right, autopsies are rarely performed in France on such fatalities. This means we do not know about any injuries that cannot be detected by an external examination of the cadaver.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We often refer to road fatalities without knowing exactly what injuries are responsible for them. Based on the Rhone Road Trauma Registry this paper sets out to describe the topography, nature and frequency of the fatal injuries sustained by car drivers. Mean annual mortality at the wheel of a car, computed by dividing the total number of drivers killed(n = 383) by the population of the Rhone Department (1.6 million) during the period 1996–2004 was5.41 males per 100,000 and 1.41 females per 100,000, with 78% of the casualties residing in the Department. A reduction has been observed since 2003.Three-quarters of the casualties died at the scene of the crash. The results confirm the effectiveness of seat belts. The observed lethality was 0.43% for unbelted drivers and 2.7% for belted drivers (RR = 0.16 [0.12; 0.21]).The injuries were analyzed for the 287 killed drivers whose deaths could be explained by the described injuries (at least one AIS 4+ injury). Of these, 41% had an ISS of 75 (at least one AIS 6 injury), 21%had an ISS of between 40 and 74, 33% an ISS of between 25 and 40, and 6% an ISS of between 16 and 24.In the case of all the AIS 4+ injuries, the three most frequent locations for injuries were the thorax only(30% of casualties), the head only (23%) and a combination of the two (18%). Abdominal injuries occurred in only 10% of casualties and spinal injuries in 9% of casualties. In the thorax, the most common injury was flail chest with haemothorax or pneumothorax. In the case of the head, the most frequent injuries were to the brain (haemorrhage, haematoma and axonal injuries). Complex fractures of the base of the skull were the second most common craniocephalic injuries. In spite of the use of restraint devices, the thorax and head are still the priority vital areas for protection in the case of car drivers. For one in four of the fatalities, death cannot be explained by any of the injuries we know about. As road traffic accidents are considered to be a cause of death in their own right, autopsies are rarely performed in France on such fatalities. This means we do not know about any injuries that cannot be detected by an external examination of the cadaver.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01839936
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard. The effects of annoyance due to aircraft noise on psychological distress: Results of the DEBATS study in France. EUROEPI 2018, European Congress of Epidemiology, Jul 2018, Lyon, France. EUROEPI 2018, European Congress of Epidemiology, 1 p, 2018. ⟨hal-01839936v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background : Many studies have evidenced adverse effects of exposure to aircraft noise on health, such as annoyance, sleep disturbance, cardiovascular diseases or altered cognitive performance. Mental health has been less investigated. In France, about 18% of the population suffer from mental disorders. The effects of noise annoyance on psychological distress have rarely been evaluated, and no study exists in France. We investigated associations between annoyance due to aircraft noise and psychological distress for people living near airports in France. Methods : The DEBATS longitudinal study included 1,244 residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon-Saint-Exupéry. Information about psychological distress was assessed by a face-to-face questionnaire, including a single question about the feeling of depression, and the 12-version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Annoyance due to aircraft noise was assessed with the following question 'Thinking about the last 12 months, when you are at home, how much does aircraft noise annoy you?' The five-point verbal scale proposed by the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise was used: extremely, very, moderately, slightly or not at all. Associations with psychological distress were investigated using logistic regressions including relevant confounders such as gender, age, country of birth, occupational activity, marital status, alcohol consumption, smoking, sleep duration, number of stressful life events, education, income, and antidepressant use. Results : About 13% of the participants reported depression and 22% were considered to have psychological distress according to the GHQ-12. Significant associations were found between annoyance due to aircraft noise and the feeling of depression, and between annoyance due to aircraft noise and psychological distress evaluated with the GHQ-12. The Odds Ratio (OR) for the feeling of depression ranged from 0.89 (95% CI 0.50-1.59) to 2.61 (95% CI 1.09-6.23). The OR for the GHQ-12 ranged from 1.49 (95% CI 0.94-2.39) to 3.64 (95% CI 1.70-7.78). For the both outcomes, OR reached the maximum estimate for people reporting to be extremely annoyed compared to those who are not at all annoyed. Discussion : The present study found significant associations between annoyance due to aircraft noise and psychological distress assessed both with a single question about the feeling of depression and with the GHQ-12, with gradual ORs according to the different categories of noise annoyance. This result is in line with the findings of a cross-sectional study performed in Minneapolis. However the direction of the association can be questioned. Extremely annoyed people might be more at risk to have psychological disorders, and it is also possible that people with psychological disorders might be more at risk to be annoyed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background : Many studies have evidenced adverse effects of exposure to aircraft noise on health, such as annoyance, sleep disturbance, cardiovascular diseases or altered cognitive performance. Mental health has been less investigated. In France, about 18% of the population suffer from mental disorders. The effects of noise annoyance on psychological distress have rarely been evaluated, and no study exists in France. We investigated associations between annoyance due to aircraft noise and psychological distress for people living near airports in France. Methods : The DEBATS longitudinal study included 1,244 residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon-Saint-Exupéry. Information about psychological distress was assessed by a face-to-face questionnaire, including a single question about the feeling of depression, and the 12-version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Annoyance due to aircraft noise was assessed with the following question 'Thinking about the last 12 months, when you are at home, how much does aircraft noise annoy you?' The five-point verbal scale proposed by the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise was used: extremely, very, moderately, slightly or not at all. Associations with psychological distress were investigated using logistic regressions including relevant confounders such as gender, age, country of birth, occupational activity, marital status, alcohol consumption, smoking, sleep duration, number of stressful life events, education, income, and antidepressant use. Results : About 13% of the participants reported depression and 22% were considered to have psychological distress according to the GHQ-12. Significant associations were found between annoyance due to aircraft noise and the feeling of depression, and between annoyance due to aircraft noise and psychological distress evaluated with the GHQ-12. The Odds Ratio (OR) for the feeling of depression ranged from 0.89 (95% CI 0.50-1.59) to 2.61 (95% CI 1.09-6.23). The OR for the GHQ-12 ranged from 1.49 (95% CI 0.94-2.39) to 3.64 (95% CI 1.70-7.78). For the both outcomes, OR reached the maximum estimate for people reporting to be extremely annoyed compared to those who are not at all annoyed. Discussion : The present study found significant associations between annoyance due to aircraft noise and psychological distress assessed both with a single question about the feeling of depression and with the GHQ-12, with gradual ORs according to the different categories of noise annoyance. This result is in line with the findings of a cross-sectional study performed in Minneapolis. However the direction of the association can be questioned. Extremely annoyed people might be more at risk to have psychological disorders, and it is also possible that people with psychological disorders might be more at risk to be annoyed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Anne Sophie Evrard, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01833488
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Anne Sophie Evrard, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, et al.. The effects of annoyance due to aircraft noise on psychological distress.. 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (inter-noise 2018), Aug 2018, CHICAGO, United States. 7 p. ⟨hal-01833488⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background : The effects of annoyance due to aircraft noise on psychological distress have not been largely investigated, and remain discussed. The present study aimed to investigate the association between aircraft noise annoyance and psychological distress among people living near French airports. Methods : The DEBATS study included 1,244 residents around three major French airports. Information about psychological distress was provided by a face-to-face questionnaire including the 12-version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Annoyance due to aircraft noise was assessed through the verbal 5-point ICBEN scale. The association with psychological distress was investigated using logistic regressions. Results : About 22% of the participants were considered to have psychological distress according to the GHQ-12. A significant association was found between aircraft noise annoyance and psychological distress. The ORs ranged from 1.49 (95%CI=0.94-2.39) to 3.64 (95%CI=1.70-7.78), with gradual ORs across the different categories of annoyance. Conclusions : This study found a significant association between aircraft noise annoyance and psychological distress confirming the findings found in the literature. However the direction of the association can be questioned: annoyed people might be more prone to have psychological distress, but it is also possible that people with psychological distress might be more prone to be annoyed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background : The effects of annoyance due to aircraft noise on psychological distress have not been largely investigated, and remain discussed. The present study aimed to investigate the association between aircraft noise annoyance and psychological distress among people living near French airports. Methods : The DEBATS study included 1,244 residents around three major French airports. Information about psychological distress was provided by a face-to-face questionnaire including the 12-version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Annoyance due to aircraft noise was assessed through the verbal 5-point ICBEN scale. The association with psychological distress was investigated using logistic regressions. Results : About 22% of the participants were considered to have psychological distress according to the GHQ-12. A significant association was found between aircraft noise annoyance and psychological distress. The ORs ranged from 1.49 (95%CI=0.94-2.39) to 3.64 (95%CI=1.70-7.78), with gradual ORs across the different categories of annoyance. Conclusions : This study found a significant association between aircraft noise annoyance and psychological distress confirming the findings found in the literature. However the direction of the association can be questioned: annoyed people might be more prone to have psychological distress, but it is also possible that people with psychological distress might be more prone to be annoyed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Damien Leger, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01635810
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Damien Leger, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard. The effects of aircraft noise exposure on subjective sleep quality: the results of the DEBATS study in France. 12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Jun 2017, ZURICH, Switzerland. 6 p. ⟨hal-01635810⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: Exposure to aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health and particularly on sleep. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and subjective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France. Methods: Sleep interview was made through a questionnaire administered to 1,244 residents of three major French airports: Paris-CDG, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry and Toulouse-Blagnac. For each participant, aircraft noise exposure was estimated at home using noise maps. Logistic regression models were used with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: Aircraft noise exposure was associated with the risk of being a short sleeper (sleep duration £ 6h), and with the feeling of tiredness while awakening in the morning. An increase of 10 dBA in aircraft noise level at night was respectively associated with an OR of 1.66 (95% CI: 1.16 to 2.35) and an OR of 1.24 (95% CI: 1.00 to 1.63). Conclusion: These findings contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that aircraft noise exposure at nighttime may decrease subjective quality of sleep.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: Exposure to aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health and particularly on sleep. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and subjective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France. Methods: Sleep interview was made through a questionnaire administered to 1,244 residents of three major French airports: Paris-CDG, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry and Toulouse-Blagnac. For each participant, aircraft noise exposure was estimated at home using noise maps. Logistic regression models were used with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: Aircraft noise exposure was associated with the risk of being a short sleeper (sleep duration £ 6h), and with the feeling of tiredness while awakening in the morning. An increase of 10 dBA in aircraft noise level at night was respectively associated with an OR of 1.66 (95% CI: 1.16 to 2.35) and an OR of 1.24 (95% CI: 1.00 to 1.63). Conclusion: These findings contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that aircraft noise exposure at nighttime may decrease subjective quality of sleep.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01635783
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard. The effects of aircraft noise exposure on psychological distress: the results of the DEBATS study in France. 12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Jun 2017, ZURICH, Switzerland. 5 p. ⟨hal-01635783⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : 18% of the French population suffer from mental disorders. Some studies suggested that aircraft noise exposure may increase psychological distress, but the number of these studies is limited and no one exists in France. We investigated associations between aircraft noise exposure and psychological distress for people living near airports in France. The DEBATS longitudinal study included 1,244 residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon-Saint-Exupéry. Information about psychological distress was assessed by a face-to-face questionnaire, including the 12-version of the General Health Questionnaire. Aircraft noise exposure was evaluated for each participant's home address using the integrated noise model. Associations with psychological distress were investigated using logistic and linear regressions including relevant confounders. 13% of the participants reported symptom of depression and 22% were considered to have psychological distress according the GHQ-score. No association was found between exposure to aircraft noise and symptom of depression or psychological distress. This result partly confirms the findings of the few studies investigating this association.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : 18% of the French population suffer from mental disorders. Some studies suggested that aircraft noise exposure may increase psychological distress, but the number of these studies is limited and no one exists in France. We investigated associations between aircraft noise exposure and psychological distress for people living near airports in France. The DEBATS longitudinal study included 1,244 residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon-Saint-Exupéry. Information about psychological distress was assessed by a face-to-face questionnaire, including the 12-version of the General Health Questionnaire. Aircraft noise exposure was evaluated for each participant's home address using the integrated noise model. Associations with psychological distress were investigated using logistic and linear regressions including relevant confounders. 13% of the participants reported symptom of depression and 22% were considered to have psychological distress according the GHQ-score. No association was found between exposure to aircraft noise and symptom of depression or psychological distress. This result partly confirms the findings of the few studies investigating this association.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Maxime Elbaz, Fanny Mietlicki, Philippe Nguyen, Carlos Ribeiro, Matthieu Sineau, Damien Leger, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01839946
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Maxime Elbaz, Fanny Mietlicki, Philippe Nguyen, et al.. The effects of aircraft noise exposure on objective sleep quality: the results of the DEBATS study in France.. EUROEPI 2018, European Congress of Epidemiology, Jul 2018, Lyon, France. EUROEPI 2018, European Congress of Epidemiology, 1 p, 2018. ⟨hal-01839946v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Noise in the areas near airports is considered as a public health issue. Exposure to aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health and particularly on sleep. Sleep disturbances are the most investigated health effects related to environmental noise. Many studies support that noise at night can affect subjective and objective sleep quality. If habituation to noise can be observed for subjective sleep quality, no habituation has been shown with objective sleep quality. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality with objective measurements at home. No such studies have been performed around French airports. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure and objective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France. Methods: Our study includes 112 people living around Paris-CDG and Toulouse-Blagnac airports. Actimetric measurements were performed during eight nights to objectively evaluate the sleep quality of the participants in terms of sleep onset latency, wake time, total sleep time and sleep efficiency. Simultaneously, acoustic measurements were performed inside and outside (at the bedroom façade) the participants' bedroom in order to identify aircraft noise and to evaluate the impact of this noise in the participants' bedroom. Thus, integrated (that is related to energetic average for a given period of time) as well as noise event indicators (that is the number of events that exceed a given threshold) were estimated. Logistic regression models taking into account measurements repetition were used with adjustment for potential confounders: age, gender, marital status, education and body mass index (BMI). Results and discussion: Integrated indicators as well as noise event indicators were significantly associated with objective sleep quality. Increased levels of aircraft noise or increased numbers of aircraft noise events increased time to fall asleep, total wake time and decreased sleep efficiency. Unexpectedly, they also increased total sleep time, time in bed and delayed get up time. This latter result can be interpreted as an adaptation mechanism to sleep deprivation. If deterioration of the sleep quality has been observed with an increase in time to fall asleep and in total wake time, a process of recovery and sleep maintenance has been shown with an increase in total sleep time. Noise event indicators seemed to be more often associated with sleep disturbances than integrated indicators. Increased numbers of noise events during the sleep period have been found to degrade objective sleep quality. Conclusion: The present study is the first one to investigate the effects of aircraft noise exposure around French airports on sleep quality evaluated with objective measurements. The findings contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that aircraft noise exposure at nighttime may decrease objective quality of sleep. Aircraft noise exposure affects objective sleep quality whatever the type of noise indicator. In front of this nuisance, adaptation mechanisms to sleep deprivation could be observed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Noise in the areas near airports is considered as a public health issue. Exposure to aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health and particularly on sleep. Sleep disturbances are the most investigated health effects related to environmental noise. Many studies support that noise at night can affect subjective and objective sleep quality. If habituation to noise can be observed for subjective sleep quality, no habituation has been shown with objective sleep quality. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality with objective measurements at home. No such studies have been performed around French airports. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure and objective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France. Methods: Our study includes 112 people living around Paris-CDG and Toulouse-Blagnac airports. Actimetric measurements were performed during eight nights to objectively evaluate the sleep quality of the participants in terms of sleep onset latency, wake time, total sleep time and sleep efficiency. Simultaneously, acoustic measurements were performed inside and outside (at the bedroom façade) the participants' bedroom in order to identify aircraft noise and to evaluate the impact of this noise in the participants' bedroom. Thus, integrated (that is related to energetic average for a given period of time) as well as noise event indicators (that is the number of events that exceed a given threshold) were estimated. Logistic regression models taking into account measurements repetition were used with adjustment for potential confounders: age, gender, marital status, education and body mass index (BMI). Results and discussion: Integrated indicators as well as noise event indicators were significantly associated with objective sleep quality. Increased levels of aircraft noise or increased numbers of aircraft noise events increased time to fall asleep, total wake time and decreased sleep efficiency. Unexpectedly, they also increased total sleep time, time in bed and delayed get up time. This latter result can be interpreted as an adaptation mechanism to sleep deprivation. If deterioration of the sleep quality has been observed with an increase in time to fall asleep and in total wake time, a process of recovery and sleep maintenance has been shown with an increase in total sleep time. Noise event indicators seemed to be more often associated with sleep disturbances than integrated indicators. Increased numbers of noise events during the sleep period have been found to degrade objective sleep quality. Conclusion: The present study is the first one to investigate the effects of aircraft noise exposure around French airports on sleep quality evaluated with objective measurements. The findings contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that aircraft noise exposure at nighttime may decrease objective quality of sleep. Aircraft noise exposure affects objective sleep quality whatever the type of noise indicator. In front of this nuisance, adaptation mechanisms to sleep deprivation could be observed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurent Carnis, Maxime Large, Jean-Louis Martin, Dominique Mignot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02265815
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurent Carnis, Maxime Large, Jean-Louis Martin, Dominique Mignot. The cost of road injuries in France: some preliminary outcomes. 18th International Conference Road Safety on Five Continents (RS5C 2018), May 2018, JEJU, South Korea. 14 p. ⟨hal-02265815⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The expected total cost of accidents for France amounted between 37.5 and 50 billion Euros in 2014. It would represent between 1.5 % and 2 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). At the European level, the total costs of crashes vary between 0.4% and 4.1% of the GDP and the total costs related to serious injuries vary between 0.04% of the GDP for Ireland and 2.7% for Poland, according figures advanced by a recent European research project (Safetycube). For France, the total costs of serious injury crashes/serious injuries is estimated at 10.5 billion Euros in 2014 and the total costs of slight injury crashes/slight injuries is estimated at 0,7 billion Euros. However,, the monetary values used for valuing the different types of injury are estimated by applying a simple percentage of the Statistical Value Of Life (VOSL) (3 billion Euros per fatality, 2010 value), aligned with the HEATCO or CEMT recommendations. Consequently, in France, there is no real and accurate knowledge of the amount of costs for the different components of the total costs of road injuries and there is a relative uncertainty concerning the assessment of that cost. However, that figure is quite crucial, because it could help the public decision maker in deciding to implement or not some road safety countermeasures, but also in establishing some hierarchies among the efficient road safety measures. That contribution proposes first a state of the art related to the estimation of the cost of the road injuries for the French case, the different components, and the potential sources of information and methods of estimation and second few methodological propositions in order to better identify the costs of injuries. It would sum-up the crucial information dealing with the cost of injuries, and especially the personal damage. In some way, it will propose for the first time in France a survey and a critical analysis of the most recent information available on that question. It would provide additional information collected from on-going projects.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The expected total cost of accidents for France amounted between 37.5 and 50 billion Euros in 2014. It would represent between 1.5 % and 2 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). At the European level, the total costs of crashes vary between 0.4% and 4.1% of the GDP and the total costs related to serious injuries vary between 0.04% of the GDP for Ireland and 2.7% for Poland, according figures advanced by a recent European research project (Safetycube). For France, the total costs of serious injury crashes/serious injuries is estimated at 10.5 billion Euros in 2014 and the total costs of slight injury crashes/slight injuries is estimated at 0,7 billion Euros. However,, the monetary values used for valuing the different types of injury are estimated by applying a simple percentage of the Statistical Value Of Life (VOSL) (3 billion Euros per fatality, 2010 value), aligned with the HEATCO or CEMT recommendations. Consequently, in France, there is no real and accurate knowledge of the amount of costs for the different components of the total costs of road injuries and there is a relative uncertainty concerning the assessment of that cost. However, that figure is quite crucial, because it could help the public decision maker in deciding to implement or not some road safety countermeasures, but also in establishing some hierarchies among the efficient road safety measures. That contribution proposes first a state of the art related to the estimation of the cost of the road injuries for the French case, the different components, and the potential sources of information and methods of estimation and second few methodological propositions in order to better identify the costs of injuries. It would sum-up the crucial information dealing with the cost of injuries, and especially the personal damage. In some way, it will propose for the first time in France a survey and a critical analysis of the most recent information available on that question. It would provide additional information collected from on-going projects.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Olivier Berné, Lydiane Agier, Antoine Hardy, Emmanuel Lellouch, Olivier Aumont, Jérôme J. Mariette, Tamara Ben-Ari
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-03864094
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Olivier Berné, Lydiane Agier, Antoine Hardy, Emmanuel Lellouch, Olivier Aumont, et al.. The carbon footprint of scientific visibility. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17 (12), pp.124008. ⟨10.1088/1748-9326/ac9b51⟩. ⟨halshs-03864094⟩
DOI : 10.1088/1748-9326/ac9b51
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Abstract In face of global warming, academics have begun to consider and analyze the environmental and carbon footprints associated with their professional activity. Among the several sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from research activities, air travel - one of the most visible and unequal fraction of this footprint - has received much attention. Of particular interest is the question of how air travel may be related to scientific success or visibility as defined by current academic evaluation norms, notably bibliometric indicators. Existing studies, conducted over a small sample of individuals or within specific disciplines, have demonstrated that the number of citations may be related to air travel frequency, but have failed to identify a link between air-travel and publication rate or h -index. Here, using a comprehensive dataset aggregating the answers from over 6000 respondents to a survey sent to randomly selected scientists and staff across all research disciplines in France, we show that a strong publication rate and h -index are significantly associated with higher individual air travel. This relationship is robust to the inclusion of the effects of gender, career stage and disciplines. Our analysis suggests that flying is a mean for early career scientists to obtain scientific visibility, and for senior scientist to maintain this visibility.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Abstract In face of global warming, academics have begun to consider and analyze the environmental and carbon footprints associated with their professional activity. Among the several sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from research activities, air travel - one of the most visible and unequal fraction of this footprint - has received much attention. Of particular interest is the question of how air travel may be related to scientific success or visibility as defined by current academic evaluation norms, notably bibliometric indicators. Existing studies, conducted over a small sample of individuals or within specific disciplines, have demonstrated that the number of citations may be related to air travel frequency, but have failed to identify a link between air-travel and publication rate or h -index. Here, using a comprehensive dataset aggregating the answers from over 6000 respondents to a survey sent to randomly selected scientists and staff across all research disciplines in France, we show that a strong publication rate and h -index are significantly associated with higher individual air travel. This relationship is robust to the inclusion of the effects of gender, career stage and disciplines. Our analysis suggests that flying is a mean for early career scientists to obtain scientific visibility, and for senior scientist to maintain this visibility.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Annabelle Lapostolle, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Alfred Spira, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00663588
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Annabelle Lapostolle, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, et al.. The burden of road traffic accidents in a French Departement: the description of the injuries and recent changes.. BMC Public Health, 2009, 9 (1), pp.386. ⟨10.1186/1471-2458-9-386⟩. ⟨inserm-00663588⟩
DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-9-386
pubmedId_s : 19825170
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: A significant reduction in road traffic accidents has been observed since prevention measures were introduced by the French public authorities in 2002. The goals of this study are to describe the burden of road traffic accidents in a French Departement, and to identify changes if any between the periods 1997-2001 and 2002-2006 on the basis of the disability adjusted life years (DALY). METHODS: Years of lost life (YLL) and years lived with disability (YLD) were calculated for two periods using the mortality and incidence data in the Rhone Departement Registry of Road Traffic Accident Casualties. RESULTS: YLD and YLL that are related to road traffic accidents are at their maximum value between 15 and 24 years of age. For men, intracranial fractures and intracranial injuries dominate, and for women it is spinal cord injuries that account for highest rates of YLD. A reduction in the rates of YLL and YLD has been observed for both genders and all age groups between 1997-2001 and 2002-2006. CONCLUSION: The reduction in DALY between the two periods is explained both by the reduction in the number of fatalities and injuries but also by an increase in the age at which they occur.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: A significant reduction in road traffic accidents has been observed since prevention measures were introduced by the French public authorities in 2002. The goals of this study are to describe the burden of road traffic accidents in a French Departement, and to identify changes if any between the periods 1997-2001 and 2002-2006 on the basis of the disability adjusted life years (DALY). METHODS: Years of lost life (YLL) and years lived with disability (YLD) were calculated for two periods using the mortality and incidence data in the Rhone Departement Registry of Road Traffic Accident Casualties. RESULTS: YLD and YLL that are related to road traffic accidents are at their maximum value between 15 and 24 years of age. For men, intracranial fractures and intracranial injuries dominate, and for women it is spinal cord injuries that account for highest rates of YLD. A reduction in the rates of YLL and YLD has been observed for both genders and all age groups between 1997-2001 and 2002-2006. CONCLUSION: The reduction in DALY between the two periods is explained both by the reduction in the number of fatalities and injuries but also by an increase in the age at which they occur.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A. Lapostolle, B. Gadegbeku, A. Ndiaye, E. Amoros, M. Chiron, A. Spira, B. Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00506612
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A. Lapostolle, B. Gadegbeku, A. Ndiaye, E. Amoros, M. Chiron, et al.. The burden of road traffic accidents in a French Departement: the description of the injuries and recent changes. BMC Public Health, 2009, Vol9,n386, 29p. ⟨hal-00506612⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: A significant reduction in road traffic accidents has been observed since prevention measures were introduced by the French public authorities in 2002. The goals of this study are to describe the burden of road traffic accidents in a French Departement, and to identify changes if any between the periods 1997-2001 and 2002-2006 on the basis of the disability adjusted life years (DALY). Methods: Years of lost life (YLL) and years lived with disability (YLD) were calculated for two periods using the mortality and incidence data in the Rhone Departement Registry of Road Traffic Accident Casualties. Results: YLD and YLL that are related to road traffic accidents are at their maximum value between 15 and 24 years of age. For men, intracranial fractures and intracranial injuries dominate, and for women it is spinal cord injuries that account for highest rates of YLD. A reduction in the rates of YLL and YLD has been observed for both genders and all age groups between 1997-2001 and 2002-2006. Conclusion: The reduction in DALY between the two periods is explained both by the reduction in the number of fatalities and injuries but also by an increase in the age at which they occur.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: A significant reduction in road traffic accidents has been observed since prevention measures were introduced by the French public authorities in 2002. The goals of this study are to describe the burden of road traffic accidents in a French Departement, and to identify changes if any between the periods 1997-2001 and 2002-2006 on the basis of the disability adjusted life years (DALY). Methods: Years of lost life (YLL) and years lived with disability (YLD) were calculated for two periods using the mortality and incidence data in the Rhone Departement Registry of Road Traffic Accident Casualties. Results: YLD and YLL that are related to road traffic accidents are at their maximum value between 15 and 24 years of age. For men, intracranial fractures and intracranial injuries dominate, and for women it is spinal cord injuries that account for highest rates of YLD. A reduction in the rates of YLL and YLD has been observed for both genders and all age groups between 1997-2001 and 2002-2006. Conclusion: The reduction in DALY between the two periods is explained both by the reduction in the number of fatalities and injuries but also by an increase in the age at which they occur.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Nadine Poussin, Philippe Davezies, Marie Bellemare, Alain Garrigou, Fabien Coutarel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00984063
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Nadine Poussin, Philippe Davezies, Marie Bellemare, Alain Garrigou, et al.. The activity development of occupational health physicians can improve the efficiency of MSD prevention. Congress PREMUS, Jul 2013, Busan, South Korea. pp.192. ⟨halshs-00984063⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Amoros
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01574816
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Amoros. The Rhône Trauma Registry. IRTAD 24th meeting, Apr 2017, PARIS, France. 20 p. ⟨hal-01574816⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The Rhône trauma Registry, its specificity and interest for a public health approach in road safety.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The Rhône trauma Registry, its specificity and interest for a public health approach in road safety.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Amoros
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01704816
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Amoros. The Rhone trauma Registry. 24th Meeting of the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), Apr 2018, PARIS, France. 20 p. ⟨hal-01704816⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : What is a Registry ? Definition : A registry is an organization for the systematic collection, storage, analysis, interpretation and reporting of data on subjects with a specific disease. Essentially morbidity registries on cancer and cardiovascular diseases The Rhône Trauma registry is a population-based registry which collects data on all new cases of injuries occurring in the 'département du Rhône', following a road crash. Certified by the relevant French authority (CER)
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : What is a Registry ? Definition : A registry is an organization for the systematic collection, storage, analysis, interpretation and reporting of data on subjects with a specific disease. Essentially morbidity registries on cancer and cardiovascular diseases The Rhône Trauma registry is a population-based registry which collects data on all new cases of injuries occurring in the 'département du Rhône', following a road crash. Certified by the relevant French authority (CER)
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nicole Muhlrad
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01037862
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nicole Muhlrad. The Past and The Future of Pedestrian Comfort and Safety in Europe, In MJ Ramos, MJ Alves (Eds), The Walker and the City. The Past and The Future of Pedestrian Comfort and Safety in Europe, In MJ Ramos, MJ Alves (Eds), The Walker and the City, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, pp73-95, 2010. ⟨hal-01037862⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Since the early stages of motorisation, the place and role of pedestrians on the roads and in traffic have varied a lot, especially in urban areas. Changes reflect the evolution of our societies, in particular the new mobility practices introduced by the generalization of individual motorisation as well as the planning and transport policies which have promoted or accompanied these new practices. Setting up a historical perspective is useful in order to understand the present mobility conditions of pedestrians as well as to anticipate, and possibly guide, future changes. Most of the following overview of time-related changes in the pedestrian situation is based on researchers' experience in transport and planning spanning the last four decades. This is therefore not an academic history paper, but a contribution by participants in the historical process.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Since the early stages of motorisation, the place and role of pedestrians on the roads and in traffic have varied a lot, especially in urban areas. Changes reflect the evolution of our societies, in particular the new mobility practices introduced by the generalization of individual motorisation as well as the planning and transport policies which have promoted or accompanied these new practices. Setting up a historical perspective is useful in order to understand the present mobility conditions of pedestrians as well as to anticipate, and possibly guide, future changes. Most of the following overview of time-related changes in the pedestrian situation is based on researchers' experience in transport and planning spanning the last four decades. This is therefore not an academic history paper, but a contribution by participants in the historical process.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Damien M Mcelvenn, Martie van Tongeren, Michelle C Turner, Genza Benke, Jordi Figuerola, Sarah Fleming, Martine Hours, Laurel Kincl, Daniel Krewski, Dave Mclean, Marie-Elise Parent, Lesley Richardson, Brigitte Schlehofer, Klaus Schlaefer, Siegal Sadetzki, Joachim Schuz, Jack Siemiatycky, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01687751
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Damien M Mcelvenn, Martie van Tongeren, Michelle C Turner, Genza Benke, Jordi Figuerola, et al.. The INTEROCC case-control study: risk of meningioma and occupational exposure to selected combustion products, dusts and other chemical agents. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2018, 1 (75), 31 p. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2016-104280⟩. ⟨hal-01687751⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2016-104280
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Little is known about occupational risk factors for meningioma. OBJECTIVES: To study whether risk of meningioma is associated with several occupational exposures, including selected combustion products, dusts and other chemical agents. METHODS: The INTEROCC study was an international case-control study of brain cancer conducted in seven countries. Data collection by interview included lifetime occupational histories. A job exposure matrix was used to derive estimates of exposure for the 12 agents. ORs for ever versus never exposed and for exposure-response using duration of exposure and cumulative exposure were derived using conditional logistic regression stratified by sex, age group, country/region, adjusted for education. RESULTS: These analyses included 1906 cases and 5565 controls. For 11 of the 12 agents, no excess risk was found for ever exposed. For ever exposure to oil mists, an elevated OR of 1.57 (95% CI 1.10 to 2.22, 51 exposed cases) was found. Statistically significant exposure-response relationships were observed with cumulative exposure (p=0.01) and duration of exposure (p=0.04). Among women, there were also significant trends for cumulative and duration of exposure to asbestos and excesses in the highest exposure categories for formaldehyde. CONCLUSIONS: Most agents examined did not provoke excess risks of meningioma. The main finding from this study is that it is the first study to identify a statistical association between exposure to oil mists and meningioma. This may be a chance finding or could be due to confounding with iron exposure and further research is required to understand whether the relationship is causal.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Little is known about occupational risk factors for meningioma. OBJECTIVES: To study whether risk of meningioma is associated with several occupational exposures, including selected combustion products, dusts and other chemical agents. METHODS: The INTEROCC study was an international case-control study of brain cancer conducted in seven countries. Data collection by interview included lifetime occupational histories. A job exposure matrix was used to derive estimates of exposure for the 12 agents. ORs for ever versus never exposed and for exposure-response using duration of exposure and cumulative exposure were derived using conditional logistic regression stratified by sex, age group, country/region, adjusted for education. RESULTS: These analyses included 1906 cases and 5565 controls. For 11 of the 12 agents, no excess risk was found for ever exposed. For ever exposure to oil mists, an elevated OR of 1.57 (95% CI 1.10 to 2.22, 51 exposed cases) was found. Statistically significant exposure-response relationships were observed with cumulative exposure (p=0.01) and duration of exposure (p=0.04). Among women, there were also significant trends for cumulative and duration of exposure to asbestos and excesses in the highest exposure categories for formaldehyde. CONCLUSIONS: Most agents examined did not provoke excess risks of meningioma. The main finding from this study is that it is the first study to identify a statistical association between exposure to oil mists and meningioma. This may be a chance finding or could be due to confounding with iron exposure and further research is required to understand whether the relationship is causal.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Jacques Luaute, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01824956
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Jacques Luaute, Martine Hours. The ESPARR cohort: the future of the serious injured aged 16 years and over (MAIS3=) with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) three years after the crash.. 19th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, May 2014, MARSEILLE, France. 19th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 1 p, 2014. ⟨hal-01824956⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction Few longitudinal studies investigated the long-term future of road accident victims. The ESPARR cohort has been followed for five years after the crash occurred. Objective To study the future of serious injured with TBI three years after their road accident. Methods The ESPARR cohort comprises 324 serious injured including 72 mild TBI (AIS2) and 70 moderate/severe TBI (AIS3+). 51 TBI2 and 49 TBI3+ responded to the questionnaire at three years. They are compared to 131 serious injured who have not had TBI (noTBI). Results The same proportion of victims declares a non-recovered health status three years after the accident (TBI2=69%, TBI3+=65%, noTBI=68%). Compared to noTBI, TBI3+ report more neurological sequelae, headache, sensory disorders, or psychocognitive. Only psychocognitive sequelae are more frequent for TBI2. 12% of TBI3+ (TBI2=4%, noTBI=5%) declare a poor quality of life. 14% of TBI3+ (TBI2=4%, noTBI=8%) are still off work due to the accident. TBI3+ report more frequently than other a disturbance of their family and friendly relations. Discussion TBI3+ still suffer serious consequences three years after the accident, resulting in a lower quality of life.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction Few longitudinal studies investigated the long-term future of road accident victims. The ESPARR cohort has been followed for five years after the crash occurred. Objective To study the future of serious injured with TBI three years after their road accident. Methods The ESPARR cohort comprises 324 serious injured including 72 mild TBI (AIS2) and 70 moderate/severe TBI (AIS3+). 51 TBI2 and 49 TBI3+ responded to the questionnaire at three years. They are compared to 131 serious injured who have not had TBI (noTBI). Results The same proportion of victims declares a non-recovered health status three years after the accident (TBI2=69%, TBI3+=65%, noTBI=68%). Compared to noTBI, TBI3+ report more neurological sequelae, headache, sensory disorders, or psychocognitive. Only psychocognitive sequelae are more frequent for TBI2. 12% of TBI3+ (TBI2=4%, noTBI=5%) declare a poor quality of life. 14% of TBI3+ (TBI2=4%, noTBI=8%) are still off work due to the accident. TBI3+ report more frequently than other a disturbance of their family and friendly relations. Discussion TBI3+ still suffer serious consequences three years after the accident, resulting in a lower quality of life.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Adèle Paul, Johan Spinosi, Mounia El Yamani, Anne Maitre, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03372794
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Adèle Paul, Johan Spinosi, Mounia El Yamani, Anne Maitre, Barbara Charbotel. The ED/TEG Indicator for the Identification of Endocrine Disrupting or Toxic Effects on Endocrine Glands of Crop Protection Products Used in Organic and Conventional Agriculture in France. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (7), pp.3477. ⟨10.3390/ijerph18073477⟩. ⟨hal-03372794⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph18073477
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Studying the human health impacts of pesticides and their endocrine disruptor (ED) effects is a public health concern. The aim of this study is to identify phytopharmaceutical active substances (PAS) that are an ED or are toxic on endocrine glands (TEG), and to propose an ED/TEG effect indicator. Five international official databases were analyzed to identify the occurrence of health outcomes for 458 PAS. Health outcomes targeting seven endocrine systems were selected. For each substance, the level of evidence of the collected information and the number of outcomes were used to affect a level of concern about ED/TEG effects. Among the substances studied, 10% had a global ED/TEG effect classified as 'high concern', 55% as 'medium concern', 9% as 'low concern', and 26% as 'unknown'. Ten of the high ED/TEG concern substances and 170 medium or low concern substances were licensed in 2018 in France. The outcomes were mainly on the reproductive organs, thyroid, and adrenal glands. Eight of the 41 biocontrol products studied were classified: 5 were 'high' or 'medium concern' and 3 had 'unknown effect'. Although the proposed ED/TEG indicator is not an official classification, it can be used as an epidemiological tool for classifying the occupational and environmental risks of substances in retrospective population studies and be useful for occupational health physicians.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Studying the human health impacts of pesticides and their endocrine disruptor (ED) effects is a public health concern. The aim of this study is to identify phytopharmaceutical active substances (PAS) that are an ED or are toxic on endocrine glands (TEG), and to propose an ED/TEG effect indicator. Five international official databases were analyzed to identify the occurrence of health outcomes for 458 PAS. Health outcomes targeting seven endocrine systems were selected. For each substance, the level of evidence of the collected information and the number of outcomes were used to affect a level of concern about ED/TEG effects. Among the substances studied, 10% had a global ED/TEG effect classified as 'high concern', 55% as 'medium concern', 9% as 'low concern', and 26% as 'unknown'. Ten of the high ED/TEG concern substances and 170 medium or low concern substances were licensed in 2018 in France. The outcomes were mainly on the reproductive organs, thyroid, and adrenal glands. Eight of the 41 biocontrol products studied were classified: 5 were 'high' or 'medium concern' and 3 had 'unknown effect'. Although the proposed ED/TEG indicator is not an official classification, it can be used as an epidemiological tool for classifying the occupational and environmental risks of substances in retrospective population studies and be useful for occupational health physicians.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Thomas Lieutaud, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Mireille Chiron, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01478318
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Thomas Lieutaud, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Mireille Chiron, Vivian Viallon. The Decrease in Traumatic Brain Injury Epidemics Deriving from Road Traffic Collision Following Strengthened Legislative Measures in France. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11 (11), pp.e0167082. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0167082⟩. ⟨hal-01478318⟩
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0167082
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Since 2002, France has been strengthening legislation on road traffic. This study is intended to evaluate the changes in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) incidence and mortality resulting from Road Traffic Collision (RTC) in the two 6-year periods before and after 2002. We used a Registry of all RTC casualties in the RhoÃne Department of France. Each casualty was coded according to the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). The study describes changes in demographic variables, TBI (AIS 2) incidence and mortality, other body lesions (AIS 3) associated with TBI, road user types, seatbelt and helmet wearing. - RTC casualty occurrences decreased by 21% (from 64,312 to 50,746) during the period after 2002. TBI occurrence accounted for 8.6% and 6.7% of all RTC in both periods. This corresponds to a reduction of TBI casualty incidence (-42%), which was much more pronounced than RTC casualty incidence (-25%) (p < 0.0001). Severe and critical TBI (AIS-4 and -5) incidences were reduced by half as much (-21%), compared to TBI incidence. TBI mortality rate (among population) and lethality (among TBI related to RTC casualties) decreased 56% and 23%, respectively. This reduction particularly affected car occupants and victims who deceased. TBI incidence decreased 43% in all 10-year age classes until 60 on average, this decrease declining with age in the period after 2002. After adjustment for age, sex, road user types, and severity of lesions at the head and other body regions, logistic regression analysis displayed a protective effect of the period following 2002, on the risk of death after RTC-related TBI.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Since 2002, France has been strengthening legislation on road traffic. This study is intended to evaluate the changes in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) incidence and mortality resulting from Road Traffic Collision (RTC) in the two 6-year periods before and after 2002. We used a Registry of all RTC casualties in the RhoÃne Department of France. Each casualty was coded according to the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). The study describes changes in demographic variables, TBI (AIS 2) incidence and mortality, other body lesions (AIS 3) associated with TBI, road user types, seatbelt and helmet wearing. - RTC casualty occurrences decreased by 21% (from 64,312 to 50,746) during the period after 2002. TBI occurrence accounted for 8.6% and 6.7% of all RTC in both periods. This corresponds to a reduction of TBI casualty incidence (-42%), which was much more pronounced than RTC casualty incidence (-25%) (p < 0.0001). Severe and critical TBI (AIS-4 and -5) incidences were reduced by half as much (-21%), compared to TBI incidence. TBI mortality rate (among population) and lethality (among TBI related to RTC casualties) decreased 56% and 23%, respectively. This reduction particularly affected car occupants and victims who deceased. TBI incidence decreased 43% in all 10-year age classes until 60 on average, this decrease declining with age in the period after 2002. After adjustment for age, sex, road user types, and severity of lesions at the head and other body regions, logistic regression analysis displayed a protective effect of the period following 2002, on the risk of death after RTC-related TBI.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Laure Barthelemy, Patricia Champelovier, Mireille Chiron, Heikki Jahi, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00988258
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Laure Barthelemy, Patricia Champelovier, Mireille Chiron, Heikki Jahi, et al.. The DEBATS Study: Health effects of aircraft noise near three French airports.. 10th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Jul 2011, Londres, France. 3 p. ⟨hal-00988258⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION : A national survey carried out in 2005 by INRETS shows that 6.6% of the French population are annoyed by aircraft noise. While many surveys carried out both in France and abroad address aircraft noise annoyance or report adverse effects on sleep quality, much fewer consider at the same time the physiological effects of this noise exposure. OBJECTIVES : DEBATS aims to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of the French population living in the vicinity of airports, both physically and mentally but also in terms of annoyance. METHODS : DEBATS is an on-going research program (2011-2016) involving residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry. It includes an ecological study based on drug prescriptions, and on nonprescription drug sales, as well as a longitudinal field study following-up approximately 1,200 of these residents for four years. This study addresses the existence of a link between aircraft noise exposure (measured or calculated) and the measurements of different parameters related to health. In particular, annoyance and health status (current and past) are assessed by questionnaires, and physiological variables like blood-pressure or salivary cortisol are also considered within the frame of the study. EXPECTED RESULTS : While contributing to a wider and deeper knowledge of the French sanitary situation resulting from aircraft noise exposure, DEBATS will make it possible to assess the expected health benefits of the implementation of aircraft noise abatement policies around airports.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION : A national survey carried out in 2005 by INRETS shows that 6.6% of the French population are annoyed by aircraft noise. While many surveys carried out both in France and abroad address aircraft noise annoyance or report adverse effects on sleep quality, much fewer consider at the same time the physiological effects of this noise exposure. OBJECTIVES : DEBATS aims to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of the French population living in the vicinity of airports, both physically and mentally but also in terms of annoyance. METHODS : DEBATS is an on-going research program (2011-2016) involving residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry. It includes an ecological study based on drug prescriptions, and on nonprescription drug sales, as well as a longitudinal field study following-up approximately 1,200 of these residents for four years. This study addresses the existence of a link between aircraft noise exposure (measured or calculated) and the measurements of different parameters related to health. In particular, annoyance and health status (current and past) are assessed by questionnaires, and physiological variables like blood-pressure or salivary cortisol are also considered within the frame of the study. EXPECTED RESULTS : While contributing to a wider and deeper knowledge of the French sanitary situation resulting from aircraft noise exposure, DEBATS will make it possible to assess the expected health benefits of the implementation of aircraft noise abatement policies around airports.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nicole Muhlrad
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00614537
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nicole Muhlrad. The "doom scenario" (... or can we avoid it?). Methorst R., Monterde i Bort H., Risser R., Sauter D., Tight M. & Walker J. Pedestrians' Quality Needs Final Report of the COST project 358, Cheltenham: Walk21, p55-68, 2010, COST Report. ⟨hal-00614537⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We live in uncertain times and present trends seem to lead to a gloomy future. The promotion of walking as a transport mode is described here as an essential element of policies aimed at avoiding increased social inequalities, poorer life quality, economic slump, deteriorating health and rising violence, which could all be the consequences of higher petrol prices in anticipation of a final oil shortage. What we now know of global warming similarly leads to considering that walking and, more generally, non-motorised transport modes will have to grow. The optimistic vision is that reducing the dependency on oil of the transport system by developing new forms of mobility through combining non-motorised and collective modes can be made desirable through adequate policies. The pessimistic vision or "doom scenario" is what will happen if such policies do not develop. The policy-areas involved include urban planning and design, transport planning and operations, work organisation, access to services. Such policies will involve public and private stakeholders. They will have a cost for the tax payer, but doing nothing may cost even more. A most important point is that working on such policies should start now as the time-schedule for the unwanted changes promised by the current trends are to be expected in the short-term.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We live in uncertain times and present trends seem to lead to a gloomy future. The promotion of walking as a transport mode is described here as an essential element of policies aimed at avoiding increased social inequalities, poorer life quality, economic slump, deteriorating health and rising violence, which could all be the consequences of higher petrol prices in anticipation of a final oil shortage. What we now know of global warming similarly leads to considering that walking and, more generally, non-motorised transport modes will have to grow. The optimistic vision is that reducing the dependency on oil of the transport system by developing new forms of mobility through combining non-motorised and collective modes can be made desirable through adequate policies. The pessimistic vision or "doom scenario" is what will happen if such policies do not develop. The policy-areas involved include urban planning and design, transport planning and operations, work organisation, access to services. Such policies will involve public and private stakeholders. They will have a cost for the tax payer, but doing nothing may cost even more. A most important point is that working on such policies should start now as the time-schedule for the unwanted changes promised by the current trends are to be expected in the short-term.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, Marie Lefevre, Floriane Deygas, Aurélie Danjou, Shukrullah Ahmadi, Brigitte Dananche, Olivia Perol, Helen Boyle, Joachim Schuz, Louis Bujan, Catherine Metzler-Guillemain, Sandrine Giscard d'Estaing, Marius Teletin, Berengere Ducrocq, Cynthia Frapsauce, Ann Olsson, Barbara Charbotel, Béatrice Fervers Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04141516
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, Marie Lefevre, Floriane Deygas, Aurélie Danjou, et al.. Testicular germ cell tumour risk by occupation and industry: a French case-control study - TESTIS. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2023, 80 (7), 11 p. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2022-108601⟩. ⟨hal-04141516⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2022-108601
pubmedId_s : 37230752
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most common cancer in men of working age and its incidence has increased notably over the past 40 years. Several occupations have been identified as potentially associated with TGCT risk. The aim of this study was to further explore the relationship between occupations, industries and TGCT risk in men aged 18-45 years.Methods The TESTIS study is a multicenter case-control study conducted between January 2015 and April 2018 in 20 of 23 university hospital centers in metropolitan France. A total of 454 TGCT cases and 670 controls were included. Full job histories were collected. Occupations were coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupation 1968 version (ISCO-1968) and industry according to the 1999 version of Nomenclature d'Activités Française (NAF-1999). For each job held, ORs and 95% CIs were estimated using conditional logistic regression.Results A positive association was observed between TGCT and occupation as agricultural, animal husbandry worker (ISCO: 6-2; OR 1.71; 95%?CI (1.02 to 2.82)), as well as salesman (ISCO: 4-51; OR 1.84; 95%?CI (1.20 to 2.82)). An increased risk was further observed among electrical fitters and related, electrical and electronics workers employed for 2?years or more (ISCO: 8-5; OR?2 years 1.83; 95%?CI (1.01 to 3.32)). Analyses by industry supported these findings.Conclusions Our findings suggest that agricultural, electrical and electronics workers, and salesmen workers experience an increased risk of TGCT. Further research is needed to identify the agents or chemicals in these high-risk occupations which are relevant in the TGCT development.Trial registration number NCT02109926.Data are available on reasonable request. The data collection process is described in the Method section of this article.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most common cancer in men of working age and its incidence has increased notably over the past 40 years. Several occupations have been identified as potentially associated with TGCT risk. The aim of this study was to further explore the relationship between occupations, industries and TGCT risk in men aged 18-45 years.Methods The TESTIS study is a multicenter case-control study conducted between January 2015 and April 2018 in 20 of 23 university hospital centers in metropolitan France. A total of 454 TGCT cases and 670 controls were included. Full job histories were collected. Occupations were coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupation 1968 version (ISCO-1968) and industry according to the 1999 version of Nomenclature d'Activités Française (NAF-1999). For each job held, ORs and 95% CIs were estimated using conditional logistic regression.Results A positive association was observed between TGCT and occupation as agricultural, animal husbandry worker (ISCO: 6-2; OR 1.71; 95%?CI (1.02 to 2.82)), as well as salesman (ISCO: 4-51; OR 1.84; 95%?CI (1.20 to 2.82)). An increased risk was further observed among electrical fitters and related, electrical and electronics workers employed for 2?years or more (ISCO: 8-5; OR?2 years 1.83; 95%?CI (1.01 to 3.32)). Analyses by industry supported these findings.Conclusions Our findings suggest that agricultural, electrical and electronics workers, and salesmen workers experience an increased risk of TGCT. Further research is needed to identify the agents or chemicals in these high-risk occupations which are relevant in the TGCT development.Trial registration number NCT02109926.Data are available on reasonable request. The data collection process is described in the Method section of this article.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, Mireille Chiron, Yves Crozet, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00069078
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, et al.. Ten Years of Valuation of the Local Impact of Atmospheric Pollution: from Scientific Assessments to Political Decisions. Atmospheric environment, 2005, 39 (13), pp. 2475-2482. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.09.089⟩. ⟨halshs-00069078⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.09.089
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This paper focuses on the economic valuation of the impact of local air pollution. Two main issues are considered: 1. The scientific issue: what is estimated, how and why? The main studies from the nineties are presented here. Two strong issues are stressed, with the diversity of valuation methods, on the one hand, and the debates on how to take the long term into account and the discount technique, on the other. 2. The political issue: how the results from the economic field are analysed and used to establish official values for public policies? The methods used in the transport sector in three different European countries (France, Sweden and Switzerland) are studied here. To conclude, we highlight the discrepancy between these two processes and, wherever possible, offer solutions to reach better synergy.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This paper focuses on the economic valuation of the impact of local air pollution. Two main issues are considered: 1. The scientific issue: what is estimated, how and why? The main studies from the nineties are presented here. Two strong issues are stressed, with the diversity of valuation methods, on the one hand, and the debates on how to take the long term into account and the discount technique, on the other. 2. The political issue: how the results from the economic field are analysed and used to establish official values for public policies? The methods used in the transport sector in three different European countries (France, Sweden and Switzerland) are studied here. To conclude, we highlight the discrepancy between these two processes and, wherever possible, offer solutions to reach better synergy.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Joelane Paredes, Martine Moulin, Thierry Bitot, Eric Fakra, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03773223
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Joelane Paredes, Martine Moulin, Thierry Bitot, Eric Fakra, et al.. Telework and Psychological Health in Hospital Staff during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Epidemic in France. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (19), pp.10433. ⟨10.3390/ijerph181910433⟩. ⟨hal-03773223⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph181910433
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a change in work organization with the development of telework. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in teleworking staff in a university hospital center in France during the first lockdown, and to identify personal, medical and occupational factors associated with anxiety disorder.METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted in 474 hospital staff working from home during the first lockdown. The sociodemographic, occupational and medical information (anxiety and depressive disorders measured on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale) was collected by an anonymous online self-administered questionnaire. The variables associated with anxiety disorder were investigated by a univariate analysis (chi² and Fisher tests) and a multivariate analysis (logistic regression model).RESULTS: Three hundred and forty hospital staff participated in the study (72% response rate). Of the participants, 106 subjects (32.1%) showed signs of an anxiety disorder and 26 (7.65%) of a depressive disorder. An anxiety disorder was significantly associated with mental workload, changes in working hours, difficulties in teleworking due to issues of internet connection or due to noise, difficulties in combining family and occupational life, sleep disturbance, worry about media information and worry about the health of a loved one. An anxiety disorder remained associated with occupational stress and personal stress during lockdown after a multivariate logistic regression.CONCLUSIONS: This study highlighted the association between an anxiety disorder and perceived occupational and personal stress levels in hospital staff teleworking during the first lockdown. Stress management workshops could be proposed to hospital staff. Prevention of anxiety requires reinforced medical monitoring and reduced stress.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a change in work organization with the development of telework. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in teleworking staff in a university hospital center in France during the first lockdown, and to identify personal, medical and occupational factors associated with anxiety disorder.METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted in 474 hospital staff working from home during the first lockdown. The sociodemographic, occupational and medical information (anxiety and depressive disorders measured on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale) was collected by an anonymous online self-administered questionnaire. The variables associated with anxiety disorder were investigated by a univariate analysis (chi² and Fisher tests) and a multivariate analysis (logistic regression model).RESULTS: Three hundred and forty hospital staff participated in the study (72% response rate). Of the participants, 106 subjects (32.1%) showed signs of an anxiety disorder and 26 (7.65%) of a depressive disorder. An anxiety disorder was significantly associated with mental workload, changes in working hours, difficulties in teleworking due to issues of internet connection or due to noise, difficulties in combining family and occupational life, sleep disturbance, worry about media information and worry about the health of a loved one. An anxiety disorder remained associated with occupational stress and personal stress during lockdown after a multivariate logistic regression.CONCLUSIONS: This study highlighted the association between an anxiety disorder and perceived occupational and personal stress levels in hospital staff teleworking during the first lockdown. Stress management workshops could be proposed to hospital staff. Prevention of anxiety requires reinforced medical monitoring and reduced stress.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clara Gasne, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Stéphanie Bordel, Sylviane Lafont, Maud Ranchet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03776676
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clara Gasne, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Stéphanie Bordel, Sylviane Lafont, Maud Ranchet. Take-over performance of older drivers in automated driving: A review. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2022, 87, pp 347-364. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2022.04.015⟩. ⟨hal-03776676⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.trf.2022.04.015
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: The introduction of automated vehicles to the road environment brings new challenges for older drivers. Level 3 of conditional automation requires drivers to take over control of their vehicle whenever the automated system reaches its limits. Even though autonomous vehicles may be of great benefit to older drivers in terms of safely maintaining their mobility, a better understanding of their take-over performance remains crucial. The objective of this review of the literature is to shed more light on the effects that aging has on take-over performance during automated driving. Methods: Three database searches were conducted: PsychINFO, Web Of Sciences, and TRID. Studies from the last decade which included groups of older drivers were reviewed. Results: After checking through abstracts and texts of articles, 9 articles, 4 proceedings papers, and 1 technical report were included in this review. All studies included a driving simulator that refers to level 3 of automation (which requires supervision by the driver). Five out of fourteen studies showed that older adults had poorer take-over performances (in terms of take-over time and take-over quality) than younger adults. However, several factors, such as the type of non-driving related task (NDRT), were seen to influence take-over performance in older adults. Speed, type and duration of notification interval, distribution and duration of driving modes, and number of take-overs were all also factors of influence. Conclusion: Findings from the studies selected yield divergent results, probably due to differences in their methodology or in the demographic characteristics of participants. This literature review highlights the need to develop new research on the impact of aging on take-over performance.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: The introduction of automated vehicles to the road environment brings new challenges for older drivers. Level 3 of conditional automation requires drivers to take over control of their vehicle whenever the automated system reaches its limits. Even though autonomous vehicles may be of great benefit to older drivers in terms of safely maintaining their mobility, a better understanding of their take-over performance remains crucial. The objective of this review of the literature is to shed more light on the effects that aging has on take-over performance during automated driving. Methods: Three database searches were conducted: PsychINFO, Web Of Sciences, and TRID. Studies from the last decade which included groups of older drivers were reviewed. Results: After checking through abstracts and texts of articles, 9 articles, 4 proceedings papers, and 1 technical report were included in this review. All studies included a driving simulator that refers to level 3 of automation (which requires supervision by the driver). Five out of fourteen studies showed that older adults had poorer take-over performances (in terms of take-over time and take-over quality) than younger adults. However, several factors, such as the type of non-driving related task (NDRT), were seen to influence take-over performance in older adults. Speed, type and duration of notification interval, distribution and duration of driving modes, and number of take-overs were all also factors of influence. Conclusion: Findings from the studies selected yield divergent results, probably due to differences in their methodology or in the demographic characteristics of participants. This literature review highlights the need to develop new research on the impact of aging on take-over performance.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sophie Deneuve, Barbara Charbotel, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Emmanuel Fort, Charlotte Milliet-Baude, Olivia Perol, Jérome Fayette, Philippe Zrounba, Béatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160452
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sophie Deneuve, Barbara Charbotel, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Emmanuel Fort, Charlotte Milliet-Baude, et al.. Systematic screening for occupations and occupational exposures in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2019, 276 (3), pp. 857-864. ⟨10.1007/s00405-018-05275-7⟩. ⟨hal-02160452⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s00405-018-05275-7
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The importance of occupational exposures in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) has received little attention.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The importance of occupational exposures in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) has received little attention.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Olivia Pérol, Barbara Charbotel, Lionel Perrier, Sandrine Bonnand, Elodie Belladame, Virginie Avrillon, Paul Rebattu, Frédéric Gomez, Géraldine Lauridant, Maurice Pérol, Béatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01704517
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Olivia Pérol, Barbara Charbotel, Lionel Perrier, Sandrine Bonnand, Elodie Belladame, et al.. Systematic Screening for Occupational Exposures in Lung Cancer Patients: A Prospective French Cohort. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(1) (65), 13 p. ⟨10.3390/ijerph15010065⟩. ⟨halshs-01704517⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph15010065
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Gilberte Tinguely, Anne Pereira De Vasconcelos, Thomas Claudepierre, Brigitte Debuire, Jean-François Doré, Thierry Douki, Jack Falcón, Emmanuel Flahaut, François Gaudaire, Martine Hours, Chaker Larabi, Joël Lelong, Frédérique Moati, Catherine Mouneyrac, Fabien Ndagijimana, Anne-Lise Paradis, Marie-Pierre Rols, Valérie Simonneaux, Alain Soyez, Esko Toppila, Alicia Torriglia, Françoise Viénot, Catherine Yardin, Anthony Cadene, Olivier Merckel, Aurélie Niaudet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-04510113
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Gilberte Tinguely, Anne Pereira De Vasconcelos, Thomas Claudepierre, Brigitte Debuire, Jean-François Doré, et al.. Synthèse des connaissances scientifiques concernant les effets sur la santé liés à l’exposition au bruit issu du trafic aérien. Saisine n°2020-SA-0053, Anses. 2020, 86 p. ⟨anses-04510113⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Des enquêtes réalisées régulièrement auprès de la population montrent que les impacts du bruit sur la santé constituent toujours une préoccupation importante pour les Français. Parmi les bruits qui génèrent le plus d’inquiétudes quant à leurs effets sur la santé figure celui lié au trafic aérien, pour les riverains des plateformes aéroportuaires. Lors des récentes réunions publiques concernant le projet de construction d'un quatrième terminal (T4) sur l'aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle (Paris-CDG) et le projet d’aménagement et d’extension de l’aéroport Nantes-Atlantique, les riverains de ces plateformes aéroportuaires et les associations de protection de riverains ont fait part de leurs fortes attentes en matière d’informations sur les impacts pour leur santé liés au bruit du trafic aérien actuel et sur les éventuels impacts supplémentaires attendus avec ces projets. De telles attentes sont également exprimées par les riverains d’autres plateformes aéroportuaires françaises, notamment lors des commissions consultatives de l’environnement (CCE). En 2013, l’Anses a publié, suite à une saisine de la Direction générale de la santé (DGS) et de la Direction générale de la prévention des risques (DGPR), un avis et un rapport d’expertise relatifs à l’évaluation des impacts sanitaires extra-auditifs du bruit environnemental. Les principales sources de bruit considérées dans cette expertise étaient les transports terrestres et aériens, ainsi que les activités industrielles et de loisir. Compte tenu notamment de la faible robustesse des relations dose-effet documentées pour les différentes situations d’exposition au bruit, et de la complexité des interactions entre divers paramètres : physiques, physiologiques, cognitifs et socio-économiques impliqués dans les relations bruit-santé, il n’avait pas été possible de déterminer des indicateurs reliant l’exposition aux bruits des transports, des activités et événementiels et ses effets sur la santé. L’agence avait alors proposé, dans le cadre de cette expertise, une méthode d’évaluation des risques sanitaires extra auditifs basée sur une grille-support. Depuis l’expertise de l’Anses publiée en 2013, de nouvelles connaissances ont été produites et plusieurs publications scientifiques sur ce sujet sont parues et notamment : - en France, une partie des résultats du programme de recherche scientifique DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé), cofinancé par la DGS, la DGPR, la Direction générale de l’aviation civile (DGAC) et l’Autorité de contrôle des nuisances sonores aéroportuaires (ACNUSA). Lancé en 2012 et coordonné par l’Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (Ifsttar1), DEBATS étudie les effets sur la santé du bruit des aéronefs sur les riverains des aéroports de Paris-CDG, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. - au niveau international, certaines études plus récentes ont alimenté les travaux menés par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) dans le cadre de sa mise à jour, en 2018, des valeurs guides relatives au bruit environnemental.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Des enquêtes réalisées régulièrement auprès de la population montrent que les impacts du bruit sur la santé constituent toujours une préoccupation importante pour les Français. Parmi les bruits qui génèrent le plus d’inquiétudes quant à leurs effets sur la santé figure celui lié au trafic aérien, pour les riverains des plateformes aéroportuaires. Lors des récentes réunions publiques concernant le projet de construction d'un quatrième terminal (T4) sur l'aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle (Paris-CDG) et le projet d’aménagement et d’extension de l’aéroport Nantes-Atlantique, les riverains de ces plateformes aéroportuaires et les associations de protection de riverains ont fait part de leurs fortes attentes en matière d’informations sur les impacts pour leur santé liés au bruit du trafic aérien actuel et sur les éventuels impacts supplémentaires attendus avec ces projets. De telles attentes sont également exprimées par les riverains d’autres plateformes aéroportuaires françaises, notamment lors des commissions consultatives de l’environnement (CCE). En 2013, l’Anses a publié, suite à une saisine de la Direction générale de la santé (DGS) et de la Direction générale de la prévention des risques (DGPR), un avis et un rapport d’expertise relatifs à l’évaluation des impacts sanitaires extra-auditifs du bruit environnemental. Les principales sources de bruit considérées dans cette expertise étaient les transports terrestres et aériens, ainsi que les activités industrielles et de loisir. Compte tenu notamment de la faible robustesse des relations dose-effet documentées pour les différentes situations d’exposition au bruit, et de la complexité des interactions entre divers paramètres : physiques, physiologiques, cognitifs et socio-économiques impliqués dans les relations bruit-santé, il n’avait pas été possible de déterminer des indicateurs reliant l’exposition aux bruits des transports, des activités et événementiels et ses effets sur la santé. L’agence avait alors proposé, dans le cadre de cette expertise, une méthode d’évaluation des risques sanitaires extra auditifs basée sur une grille-support. Depuis l’expertise de l’Anses publiée en 2013, de nouvelles connaissances ont été produites et plusieurs publications scientifiques sur ce sujet sont parues et notamment : - en France, une partie des résultats du programme de recherche scientifique DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé), cofinancé par la DGS, la DGPR, la Direction générale de l’aviation civile (DGAC) et l’Autorité de contrôle des nuisances sonores aéroportuaires (ACNUSA). Lancé en 2012 et coordonné par l’Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (Ifsttar1), DEBATS étudie les effets sur la santé du bruit des aéronefs sur les riverains des aéroports de Paris-CDG, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. - au niveau international, certaines études plus récentes ont alimenté les travaux menés par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) dans le cadre de sa mise à jour, en 2018, des valeurs guides relatives au bruit environnemental.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01212505
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours. Synthèse des connaissances concernant les effets des radiofréquences sur la santé. ARET 2015 - Colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche en Toxicologie, Jun 2015, PARIS, France. 6 p. ⟨hal-01212505⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'exposé proposera une synthèse des différents travaux parus à ce jour, portant sur les effets des radiofréquences sur la santé de l'Homme mais n'abordera pas les mécanismes ni les effets in vivo sur l'animal, ou in vitro.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'exposé proposera une synthèse des différents travaux parus à ce jour, portant sur les effets des radiofréquences sur la santé de l'Homme mais n'abordera pas les mécanismes ni les effets in vivo sur l'animal, ou in vitro.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pierre Jacquenod, Mathilde Cattenoz, Guillaume Canu, Elodie Bois, Thomas Lieutaud
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01808472
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pierre Jacquenod, Mathilde Cattenoz, Guillaume Canu, Elodie Bois, Thomas Lieutaud. Syndrome coronarien aigu après injection de carbétocine 100 µg au cours d'une césarienne en urgence. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia / Journal canadien d'anesthésie, 2015, 62 (5), pp. 513-517. ⟨10.1007/s12630-015-0344-9⟩. ⟨hal-01808472⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s12630-015-0344-9
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'hémorragie du post-partum affecte 5 % des parturientes. Sa prévention repose entre autres, sur l'administration de dérivés ocytociques. La carbétocine est une molécule analogue de l'ocytocine, récemment disponible mais qui présente une fréquence d'évènements secondaires importante.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'hémorragie du post-partum affecte 5 % des parturientes. Sa prévention repose entre autres, sur l'administration de dérivés ocytociques. La carbétocine est une molécule analogue de l'ocytocine, récemment disponible mais qui présente une fréquence d'évènements secondaires importante.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Glenn S. Pransky, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Elyssa Besen, Peter Blanck, Kerstin Ekberg, Michael Feuerstein, Fehmidah Munir
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02486244
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Glenn S. Pransky, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Elyssa Besen, Peter Blanck, Kerstin Ekberg, et al.. Sustaining Work Participation Across the Life Course. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2016, 26 (4), pp. 465-479. ⟨10.1007/s10926-016-9670-1⟩. ⟨hal-02486244⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10926-016-9670-1
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction Many disability prevention strategies are focused on acute injuries and brief illness episodes, but there will be growing challenges for employers to manage circumstances of recurrent, chronic, or fluctuating symptoms in an aging workforce. The goal of this article is to summarize existing peer-review research in this area, compare this with employer discourse in the grey literature, and recommend future research priorities. Methods The authors participated in a year-long sponsored collaboration that ultimately led to an invited 3-day conference, "Improving Research of Employer Practices to Prevent Disability", held October 14-16, 2015, in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, USA. The collaboration included a topical review of the scientific and industry literature, group discussion to identify key areas and challenges, drafting of initial documents, and feedback from peer researchers and a special panel of experts with employer experience. Results Cancer and mental illness were chosen as examples of chronic or recurring conditions that might challenge conventional workplace return-to-work practices. Workplace problems identified in the literature included fatigue, emotional exhaustion, poor supervisor and co-worker support, stigma, discrimination, and difficulties finding appropriate accommodations. Workplace intervention research is generally lacking, but there is preliminary support for improving workplace self-management strategies, collaborative problem-solving, and providing checklists and other tools for job accommodation, ideas echoed in the literature directed toward employers. Research might be improved by following workers from an earlier stage of developing workplace concerns. Conclusions Future research of work disability should focus on earlier identification of at-risk workers with chronic conditions, the use of more innovative and flexible accommodation strategies matched to specific functional losses, stronger integration of the workplace into on-going rehabilitation efforts, and a better understanding of stigma and other social factors at work.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction Many disability prevention strategies are focused on acute injuries and brief illness episodes, but there will be growing challenges for employers to manage circumstances of recurrent, chronic, or fluctuating symptoms in an aging workforce. The goal of this article is to summarize existing peer-review research in this area, compare this with employer discourse in the grey literature, and recommend future research priorities. Methods The authors participated in a year-long sponsored collaboration that ultimately led to an invited 3-day conference, "Improving Research of Employer Practices to Prevent Disability", held October 14-16, 2015, in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, USA. The collaboration included a topical review of the scientific and industry literature, group discussion to identify key areas and challenges, drafting of initial documents, and feedback from peer researchers and a special panel of experts with employer experience. Results Cancer and mental illness were chosen as examples of chronic or recurring conditions that might challenge conventional workplace return-to-work practices. Workplace problems identified in the literature included fatigue, emotional exhaustion, poor supervisor and co-worker support, stigma, discrimination, and difficulties finding appropriate accommodations. Workplace intervention research is generally lacking, but there is preliminary support for improving workplace self-management strategies, collaborative problem-solving, and providing checklists and other tools for job accommodation, ideas echoed in the literature directed toward employers. Research might be improved by following workers from an earlier stage of developing workplace concerns. Conclusions Future research of work disability should focus on earlier identification of at-risk workers with chronic conditions, the use of more innovative and flexible accommodation strategies matched to specific functional losses, stronger integration of the workplace into on-going rehabilitation efforts, and a better understanding of stigma and other social factors at work.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A. Gallet, Emmanuel Fort, M. Ottavy, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04146112
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A. Gallet, Emmanuel Fort, M. Ottavy, Jean-Baptiste Fassier. Supporting a laundry in the acquisition of professional exoskeletons. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2023, 84 (4), 13 p. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2023.101795⟩. ⟨hal-04146112⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2023.101795
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The inter-hospital laundry of the Hospices de Lyon employs 103 workers, a large proportion of whom are subject to medical restrictions on their ability to work. There is a high rate of absenteeism, which has an impact on production. The laundry managers considered exoskeletons as a solution to reduce musculoskeletal disorders and improve working conditions. In this context, the medical team of the occupational health department initiated a process to support the laundry in the acquisition of professional exoskeletons. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interest of acquiring professional exoskeletons: to identify the workstations perceived as the most likely to cause pain or discomfort, to evaluate the prevalence of MSDs among the personnel and to identify their impact on the health of the workers in order to estimate the relevance of equipping agents with exoskeletons on certain workstations. A Nordic-type questionnaire was proposed and completed by 46 agents. An ergonomic study was carried out on the different workstations. The results show that the agents describe pain mainly located in the shoulders and lumbar spine. These pains or discomforts have impacts on the health of the agents: recourse to work stoppages, consumption of analgesics. The jobs perceived as causing the most discomfort or pain were the engagement of sheets, the sorting of clothes and the hanging of full bags of linen. This difficulty was corroborated by the ergonomic study, which identified repetitive movements and a high rate of work. This study identified a need for assistance for several workstations on which exoskeletons could be tested with the involvement of the agents and their hierarchy. These tests will have to evaluate precisely the added value of such equipment. The integration of an exoskeleton is not without consequences on the work group and the health of the equipped agent. An individual and collective longitudinal follow-up by the occupational health service is essential. La blanchisserie inter-hospitalière des hospices de Lyon emploie 103 agents dont une fraction importante est soumise à des restrictions médicales d'aptitude à leur poste. Il existe un taux d'absentéisme important, non sans conséquence sur la production. Les responsables de la blanchisserie ont envisagé les exosquelettes comme solution pour réduire les troubles musculosquelettiques et améliorer les conditions de travail. Dans ce contexte, l'équipe médicale du service de santé au travail a initié une démarche d'accompagnement de la blanchisserie sur les enjeux de l'acquisition d'exosquelettes professionnels. L'objectif de cette étude était de suivre une démarche d'évaluation de l'intérêt de l'acquisition d'exosquelettes professionnels: identifier les postes de travail perçus comme les plus pourvoyeurs de douleurs ou d'inconfort, évaluer la prévalence des TMS au sein du personnel et identifier leur impact sur la santé des travailleurs afin d'estimer la pertinence d'équiper les agents d'exosquelettes sur certains postes de travail. Un questionnaire type nordique a été proposé, complété par 46 agents. Une étude ergonomique a été réalisée sur les différents postes de travail. Les résultats montrent les agents décrivent des douleurs principalement localisées aux épaules et au rachis lombaire. Ces douleurs ou gênes ont des impacts sur la santé des agents: recours à des arrêts de travail, consommation d'antalgiques. Les postes perçus comme provoquant le plus d'inconfort ou de douleurs étaient l'engagement des draps, le tri des vêtements et l'accrochage des sacs de linge pleins. Cette difficulté est corroborée par l'étude ergonomique qui identifiait des gestes répétitifs et une cadence importante sur ces postes. Cette étude a permis d'identifier un besoin d'assistance pour plusieurs postes sur lesquels des exosquelettes pourraient être testés avec l'implication des agents et leur hiérarchie. Ces tests devront évaluer précisément la plus-value d'un tel équipement. L'intégration d'exosquelette n'est pas sans conséquence sur le collectif de travail et la santé de l'agent équipé. Un suivi longitudinal individuel et collectif par le service de santé au travail est essentiel.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The inter-hospital laundry of the Hospices de Lyon employs 103 workers, a large proportion of whom are subject to medical restrictions on their ability to work. There is a high rate of absenteeism, which has an impact on production. The laundry managers considered exoskeletons as a solution to reduce musculoskeletal disorders and improve working conditions. In this context, the medical team of the occupational health department initiated a process to support the laundry in the acquisition of professional exoskeletons. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interest of acquiring professional exoskeletons: to identify the workstations perceived as the most likely to cause pain or discomfort, to evaluate the prevalence of MSDs among the personnel and to identify their impact on the health of the workers in order to estimate the relevance of equipping agents with exoskeletons on certain workstations. A Nordic-type questionnaire was proposed and completed by 46 agents. An ergonomic study was carried out on the different workstations. The results show that the agents describe pain mainly located in the shoulders and lumbar spine. These pains or discomforts have impacts on the health of the agents: recourse to work stoppages, consumption of analgesics. The jobs perceived as causing the most discomfort or pain were the engagement of sheets, the sorting of clothes and the hanging of full bags of linen. This difficulty was corroborated by the ergonomic study, which identified repetitive movements and a high rate of work. This study identified a need for assistance for several workstations on which exoskeletons could be tested with the involvement of the agents and their hierarchy. These tests will have to evaluate precisely the added value of such equipment. The integration of an exoskeleton is not without consequences on the work group and the health of the equipped agent. An individual and collective longitudinal follow-up by the occupational health service is essential. La blanchisserie inter-hospitalière des hospices de Lyon emploie 103 agents dont une fraction importante est soumise à des restrictions médicales d'aptitude à leur poste. Il existe un taux d'absentéisme important, non sans conséquence sur la production. Les responsables de la blanchisserie ont envisagé les exosquelettes comme solution pour réduire les troubles musculosquelettiques et améliorer les conditions de travail. Dans ce contexte, l'équipe médicale du service de santé au travail a initié une démarche d'accompagnement de la blanchisserie sur les enjeux de l'acquisition d'exosquelettes professionnels. L'objectif de cette étude était de suivre une démarche d'évaluation de l'intérêt de l'acquisition d'exosquelettes professionnels: identifier les postes de travail perçus comme les plus pourvoyeurs de douleurs ou d'inconfort, évaluer la prévalence des TMS au sein du personnel et identifier leur impact sur la santé des travailleurs afin d'estimer la pertinence d'équiper les agents d'exosquelettes sur certains postes de travail. Un questionnaire type nordique a été proposé, complété par 46 agents. Une étude ergonomique a été réalisée sur les différents postes de travail. Les résultats montrent les agents décrivent des douleurs principalement localisées aux épaules et au rachis lombaire. Ces douleurs ou gênes ont des impacts sur la santé des agents: recours à des arrêts de travail, consommation d'antalgiques. Les postes perçus comme provoquant le plus d'inconfort ou de douleurs étaient l'engagement des draps, le tri des vêtements et l'accrochage des sacs de linge pleins. Cette difficulté est corroborée par l'étude ergonomique qui identifiait des gestes répétitifs et une cadence importante sur ces postes. Cette étude a permis d'identifier un besoin d'assistance pour plusieurs postes sur lesquels des exosquelettes pourraient être testés avec l'implication des agents et leur hiérarchie. Ces tests devront évaluer précisément la plus-value d'un tel équipement. L'intégration d'exosquelette n'est pas sans conséquence sur le collectif de travail et la santé de l'agent équipé. Un suivi longitudinal individuel et collectif par le service de santé au travail est essentiel.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana, Emmanuel Fort, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01809177
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana, Emmanuel Fort, Barbara Charbotel. Subjective hardship and training by female staff working in direct contact with the elderly in nursing homes: a cross-sectional study. Gériatrie et psychologie & neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement, 2015, 13 (4), pp. 396-406. ⟨10.1684/pnv.2015.0572⟩. ⟨hal-01809177⟩
DOI : 10.1684/pnv.2015.0572
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : To describe training given and training desired and to assess the relation between training and perceived hard working conditions as experienced by female staff working in direct contact with the elderly in nursing homes. A transverse descriptive study was conducted with the involvement of 78 occupational physicians, and included staff in 105 nursing homes in the Rhône-Alpes Region of France. Data on training received during the previous 5 years and on training needs were collected from staff by self-administered questionnaire. 1,446 nursing assistants, 667 housekeepers and 348 nurses were included. The most frequent form of training during the previous 5 years was in handling. Staff most frequently desired training in palliative care and psychological approaches to residents. Part-time workers had less frequently had training during the previous 5 years. Staff with daytime hours significantly more often had training in the reception of and activities for the elderly and in hygiene than did night-staff. Almost half of respondents reported very hard working conditions related to physical handling of residents or to the physical deterioration of elderly persons. More than two-thirds reported very hard working conditions related to death. In all occupational categories, respondents who had had training in palliative care less often reported experiencing very hard working conditions related to death. Better adaptation of the training offer to the needs expressed by employees could improve the experience of working conditions in nursing homes. A longitudinal study could assess the impact of training in palliative care on reported hard working conditions related to death.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : To describe training given and training desired and to assess the relation between training and perceived hard working conditions as experienced by female staff working in direct contact with the elderly in nursing homes. A transverse descriptive study was conducted with the involvement of 78 occupational physicians, and included staff in 105 nursing homes in the Rhône-Alpes Region of France. Data on training received during the previous 5 years and on training needs were collected from staff by self-administered questionnaire. 1,446 nursing assistants, 667 housekeepers and 348 nurses were included. The most frequent form of training during the previous 5 years was in handling. Staff most frequently desired training in palliative care and psychological approaches to residents. Part-time workers had less frequently had training during the previous 5 years. Staff with daytime hours significantly more often had training in the reception of and activities for the elderly and in hygiene than did night-staff. Almost half of respondents reported very hard working conditions related to physical handling of residents or to the physical deterioration of elderly persons. More than two-thirds reported very hard working conditions related to death. In all occupational categories, respondents who had had training in palliative care less often reported experiencing very hard working conditions related to death. Better adaptation of the training offer to the needs expressed by employees could improve the experience of working conditions in nursing homes. A longitudinal study could assess the impact of training in palliative care on reported hard working conditions related to death.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Blandine Gadegbeku, Jean-Louis Martin, Emmanuelle Amoros, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01228508
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Blandine Gadegbeku, Jean-Louis Martin, Emmanuelle Amoros, Bernard Laumon. Stupéfiants, alcool et accidents de la route mortels : étude cas-témoins en population. Ve Congrès International d'Épidémiologie - ADELF - EPITER, Sep 2012, BRUXELLES, Belgique. 15 p. ⟨hal-01228508⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Au cours des années 1990, la consommation de drogues a augmenté, particulièrement chez les jeunes, en France comme dans la plupart des pays européens. Le cannabis est la drogue illicite la plus fréquente. Parallèlement, des études expérimentales ont montré que la consommation de cannabis diminuait les facultés de conduite. En 1999, avant d'envisager une modification de la législation sur les stupéfiants, le gouvernement français a requis une grande étude nationale. Entre octobre 2001 et septembre 2003, tous les conducteurs impliqués dans un accident mortel de la circulation routière ont subi un dépistage des drogues. Dans cette analyse, l'objectif est d'estimer le risque, pour un conducteur de voiture sous influence, d'être responsable d'un accident de la route mortel. L'étude se réfère au cadre méthodologique des enquêtes cas-témoins. Les cas sont les conducteurs de voiture responsables de l'accident. Les témoins sont sélectionnés parmi les non-responsables. Les drogues sont dépistées par test urinaire puis par test sanguin en cas de positivité. Après ajustement sur l'alcool ou le cannabis, l'âge et le moment de l'accident, le sur-risque de responsabilité attaché au cannabis est de 1.9 [1.4-2.4] et celui attaché à l'alcool de 8.1 [6.7-9.8]. Ces effets restent significatifs même après introduction de facteurs spécifiques aux conducteurs de voiture. Il est observé un effet-dose, mais pas d'interaction entre l'alcool et le cannabis. Cette étude confirme le rôle prépondérant de l'alcool dans le risque d'accident. Pour le cannabis, le sur-risque significatif ainsi que l'effet dose permettent d'envisager une relation causale entre cannabis et risque d'accident.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Au cours des années 1990, la consommation de drogues a augmenté, particulièrement chez les jeunes, en France comme dans la plupart des pays européens. Le cannabis est la drogue illicite la plus fréquente. Parallèlement, des études expérimentales ont montré que la consommation de cannabis diminuait les facultés de conduite. En 1999, avant d'envisager une modification de la législation sur les stupéfiants, le gouvernement français a requis une grande étude nationale. Entre octobre 2001 et septembre 2003, tous les conducteurs impliqués dans un accident mortel de la circulation routière ont subi un dépistage des drogues. Dans cette analyse, l'objectif est d'estimer le risque, pour un conducteur de voiture sous influence, d'être responsable d'un accident de la route mortel. L'étude se réfère au cadre méthodologique des enquêtes cas-témoins. Les cas sont les conducteurs de voiture responsables de l'accident. Les témoins sont sélectionnés parmi les non-responsables. Les drogues sont dépistées par test urinaire puis par test sanguin en cas de positivité. Après ajustement sur l'alcool ou le cannabis, l'âge et le moment de l'accident, le sur-risque de responsabilité attaché au cannabis est de 1.9 [1.4-2.4] et celui attaché à l'alcool de 8.1 [6.7-9.8]. Ces effets restent significatifs même après introduction de facteurs spécifiques aux conducteurs de voiture. Il est observé un effet-dose, mais pas d'interaction entre l'alcool et le cannabis. Cette étude confirme le rôle prépondérant de l'alcool dans le risque d'accident. Pour le cannabis, le sur-risque significatif ainsi que l'effet dose permettent d'envisager une relation causale entre cannabis et risque d'accident.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nadim Ballout, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02441836
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nadim Ballout, Vivian Viallon. Structure estimation of binary graphical models on stratified data: Application to the description of injury tables for victims of road accidents. Statistics in Medicine, 2019, 38 (14), pp. 2680-2703. ⟨10.1002/sim.8138⟩. ⟨hal-02441836⟩
DOI : 10.1002/sim.8138
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Graphical models are used in many applications such as medical diagnostics and computer security. Increasingly often, the estimation of such models has to be performed on several predefined strata of the whole population. For instance, in epidemiology and clinical research, strata are often defined according to age, gender, treatment, or disease type. In this article, we propose new approaches dedicated to the estimation of binary graphical models on such strata. These approaches are implemented by combining well-known methods that have been developed in the context of a single binary graphical model, with penalties encouraging structured sparsity, which have recently been shown to be appropriate when dealing with stratified data. Empirical comparisons on synthetic data highlight that our approaches generally outperform its competitors. We present an application of the approach to study associations among the injuries suffered by victims of road accidents according to road user type.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Graphical models are used in many applications such as medical diagnostics and computer security. Increasingly often, the estimation of such models has to be performed on several predefined strata of the whole population. For instance, in epidemiology and clinical research, strata are often defined according to age, gender, treatment, or disease type. In this article, we propose new approaches dedicated to the estimation of binary graphical models on such strata. These approaches are implemented by combining well-known methods that have been developed in the context of a single binary graphical model, with penalties encouraging structured sparsity, which have recently been shown to be appropriate when dealing with stratified data. Empirical comparisons on synthetic data highlight that our approaches generally outperform its competitors. We present an application of the approach to study associations among the injuries suffered by victims of road accidents according to road user type.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Elisabeth Algava, Dominique Chouanière, Cohidon Christine, Jean-Yves Dubré, France Kittel, Annette Leclerc, Michel Le Moal, Marc Loriol, Marie-Pierre Moisan, Isabelle Niedhammer, Valérie Pezet-Langevin, Catherine Sermet, Hélène Sultan-Taieb, Laurence Weibel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-02102646
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Elisabeth Algava, Dominique Chouanière, Cohidon Christine, Jean-Yves Dubré, France Kittel, et al.. Stress au travail et santé : situation chez les indépendants. [Rapport de recherche] Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM). 2011, Paris : Inserm : Éditions EDP Sciences (ISSN 1264-1782) / 495 p. ⟨inserm-02102646⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans le cadre de l'activité professionnelle, des facteurs de stress d'ordre psychologique, social, et liés à l'organisation du travail, peuvent induire des réponses physiologiques et comportementales impliquées dans la survenue de pathologies comme les maladies cardiovasculaires, les troubles de la santé mentale et les troubles musculosquelettiques. Le Régime social des indépendants (RSI) a sollicité l'Inserm afin de disposer d'un bilan des connaissances sur le stress d'origine professionnelle chez les travailleurs indépendants et ses répercussions sur la santé. Regroupant à la fois des compétences en biologie, psychologie, sociologie et économie de la santé, cette expertise collective présente les modèles et les mécanismes explicatifs mettant en relation le stress au travail et les principales pathologies. Les stratégies de prévention individuelle et collective qui se développent dans le milieu des travailleurs salariés peuvent-elles être adaptées aux travailleurs indépendants?
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans le cadre de l'activité professionnelle, des facteurs de stress d'ordre psychologique, social, et liés à l'organisation du travail, peuvent induire des réponses physiologiques et comportementales impliquées dans la survenue de pathologies comme les maladies cardiovasculaires, les troubles de la santé mentale et les troubles musculosquelettiques. Le Régime social des indépendants (RSI) a sollicité l'Inserm afin de disposer d'un bilan des connaissances sur le stress d'origine professionnelle chez les travailleurs indépendants et ses répercussions sur la santé. Regroupant à la fois des compétences en biologie, psychologie, sociologie et économie de la santé, cette expertise collective présente les modèles et les mécanismes explicatifs mettant en relation le stress au travail et les principales pathologies. Les stratégies de prévention individuelle et collective qui se développent dans le milieu des travailleurs salariés peuvent-elles être adaptées aux travailleurs indépendants?
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Thomas Lieutaud, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon, Mireille Chiron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01010845
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Thomas Lieutaud, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon, Mireille Chiron. Spinal Cord Injuries Sustained in Road Crashes Are Not on the Decrease in France: A Study Based on Epidemiological Trends. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2012, 29 (3), pp. 479-487. ⟨10.1089/neu.2011.1880⟩. ⟨hal-01010845⟩
DOI : 10.1089/neu.2011.1880
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCI) are rare but extremely costly. In order to improve the modelling of inclusion criteria for studies of SCI it is necessary to determine what epidemiological trends affect SCI. Using the Rhone Registry, which contains all the casualties resulting from road crashes in the Rhône département of France and codes their injuries using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), we describe the epidemiological trends that affect spinal cord injury (SCI), major spinal trauma (MST) and severe injuries (AIS4+) to other body regions between two periods 1996-2001 and 2003-2008. Although there has been a marked decrease (35%) in the incidence of casualties after a road traffic crash, and reductions of 22% in the incidence of MST and 33% in that of severe injuries (AIS4+) (p<0.001), for SCI the incidence rate and number of casualties have remained surprisingly stable. In the second period, there was no change in the incidence of SCI resulting from road traffic crashes, nor in the associated fatality, mortality and survival rates. The incidence for car users was significantly lower in the second period. This contrasts with the incidences for motorcyclists and for the group including pedestrians and cyclists which were respectively 47% and 77% higher in the second period. The median age of the casualties, the age-adjusted incidence of SCI and the number of associated injuries were also higher in the second period. We have observed a marked reduction in the incidence of road trauma including the most severe injuries, but not SCI. The higher proportion of motorcyclists, the increase in the age of casualties and the greater presence of multiple injuries are new factors in the epidemiology of SCI after a road crash.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCI) are rare but extremely costly. In order to improve the modelling of inclusion criteria for studies of SCI it is necessary to determine what epidemiological trends affect SCI. Using the Rhone Registry, which contains all the casualties resulting from road crashes in the Rhône département of France and codes their injuries using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), we describe the epidemiological trends that affect spinal cord injury (SCI), major spinal trauma (MST) and severe injuries (AIS4+) to other body regions between two periods 1996-2001 and 2003-2008. Although there has been a marked decrease (35%) in the incidence of casualties after a road traffic crash, and reductions of 22% in the incidence of MST and 33% in that of severe injuries (AIS4+) (p<0.001), for SCI the incidence rate and number of casualties have remained surprisingly stable. In the second period, there was no change in the incidence of SCI resulting from road traffic crashes, nor in the associated fatality, mortality and survival rates. The incidence for car users was significantly lower in the second period. This contrasts with the incidences for motorcyclists and for the group including pedestrians and cyclists which were respectively 47% and 77% higher in the second period. The median age of the casualties, the age-adjusted incidence of SCI and the number of associated injuries were also higher in the second period. We have observed a marked reduction in the incidence of road trauma including the most severe injuries, but not SCI. The higher proportion of motorcyclists, the increase in the age of casualties and the greater presence of multiple injuries are new factors in the epidemiology of SCI after a road crash.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : William Mouton, Christelle Compagnon, Kahina Saker, Soizic Daniel, Sophia Djebali, Xavier Lacoux, Bruno Pozzetto, Guy Oriol, Daphné Laubreton, Margaux Prieux, Jean‐baptiste Fassier, Nicolas Guibert, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, Dulce Alfaiate, Franck Berthier, Thierry Walzer, Jacqueline Marvel, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Sophie Trouiller-Assant
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04892570
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : William Mouton, Christelle Compagnon, Kahina Saker, Soizic Daniel, Sophia Djebali, et al.. Specific detection of memory T‐cells in COVID‐19 patients using standardized whole‐blood Interferon gammarelease assay. European Journal of Immunology, 2021, 51 (12), pp.3239-3242. ⟨10.1002/eji.202149296⟩. ⟨hal-04892570⟩
DOI : 10.1002/eji.202149296
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : William Mouton, Christelle Compagnon, Kahina Saker, Soizic Daniel, Sophia Djelabi, Xavier Lacoux, Bruno Pozzetto, Guy Oriol, Daphné Laubreton, Margaux Prieux, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Nicolas Guibert, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Dulce Alfaiate, Franck Berthier, Thierry Walzer, Jacqueline Marvel, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Sophie Trouiller-Assant
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03363725
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : William Mouton, Christelle Compagnon, Kahina Saker, Soizic Daniel, Sophia Djelabi, et al.. Specific detection of memory T-cells in COVID-19 patients using standardized whole-blood Interferon gammarelease assay. Letter to the editor. European Journal of Immunology, 2021, 4p. ⟨10.1002/eji.202149296⟩. ⟨hal-03363725⟩
DOI : 10.1002/eji.202149296
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Antigen-specific T-cells are essential for protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2. We set up a semi-automated whole-blood Interferon-gamma release assay (WB IGRA) to monitor the T-cell response after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 peptide pools. We report that the WB IGRA is complementary to serological assays to assess SARS-CoV-2 immunity.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Antigen-specific T-cells are essential for protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2. We set up a semi-automated whole-blood Interferon-gamma release assay (WB IGRA) to monitor the T-cell response after stimulation with SARS-CoV-2 peptide pools. We report that the WB IGRA is complementary to serological assays to assess SARS-CoV-2 immunity.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nadim Ballout, Cédric Garcia, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02938775
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nadim Ballout, Cédric Garcia, Vivian Viallon. Sparse estimation for case-control studies with multiple disease subtypes. Biostatistics, 2020, 33p. ⟨10.1093/biostatistics/kxz063⟩. ⟨hal-02938775⟩
DOI : 10.1093/biostatistics/kxz063
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The analysis of case-control studies with several disease subtypes is increasingly common, e.g. in cancer epidemiology. For matched designs, a natural strategy is based on a stratified conditional logistic regression model. Then, to account for the potential homogeneity among disease subtypes, we adapt the ideas of data shared lasso, which has been recently proposed for the estimation of stratified regression models. For unmatched designs, we compare two standard methods based on L1 -norm penalized multinomial logistic regression. We describe formal connections between these two approaches, from which practical guidance can be derived. We show that one of these approaches, which is based on a symmetric formulation of the multinomial logistic regression model, actually reduces to a data shared lasso version of the other. Consequently, the relative performance of the two approaches critically depends on the level of homogeneity that exists among disease subtypes: more precisely, when homogeneity is moderate to high, the non-symmetric formulation with controls as the reference is not recommended. Empirical results obtained from synthetic data are presented, which confirm the benefit of properly accounting for potential homogeneity under both matched and unmatched designs, in terms of estimation and prediction accuracy, variable selection and identification of heterogeneities. We also present preliminary results from the analysis of a case-control study nested within the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition) cohort, where the objective is to identify metabolites associated with the occurrence of subtypes of breast cancer.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The analysis of case-control studies with several disease subtypes is increasingly common, e.g. in cancer epidemiology. For matched designs, a natural strategy is based on a stratified conditional logistic regression model. Then, to account for the potential homogeneity among disease subtypes, we adapt the ideas of data shared lasso, which has been recently proposed for the estimation of stratified regression models. For unmatched designs, we compare two standard methods based on L1 -norm penalized multinomial logistic regression. We describe formal connections between these two approaches, from which practical guidance can be derived. We show that one of these approaches, which is based on a symmetric formulation of the multinomial logistic regression model, actually reduces to a data shared lasso version of the other. Consequently, the relative performance of the two approaches critically depends on the level of homogeneity that exists among disease subtypes: more precisely, when homogeneity is moderate to high, the non-symmetric formulation with controls as the reference is not recommended. Empirical results obtained from synthetic data are presented, which confirm the benefit of properly accounting for potential homogeneity under both matched and unmatched designs, in terms of estimation and prediction accuracy, variable selection and identification of heterogeneities. We also present preliminary results from the analysis of a case-control study nested within the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition) cohort, where the objective is to identify metabolites associated with the occurrence of subtypes of breast cancer.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Lamri Naidja, Hocine Ali-Khodja, Salah Khardi, Fairouz Bencharif-Madani, Ahmed Terrouche, Kanza Lokorai, Mokhtar Bouziane, Aurélie Charron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04045347
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Lamri Naidja, Hocine Ali-Khodja, Salah Khardi, Fairouz Bencharif-Madani, Ahmed Terrouche, et al.. Source apportionment of PM2.5 and their associated metallic elements by positive matrix factorization at a traffic site in Constantine, Algeria. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2022, 15 (12), pp.2137 - 2155. ⟨10.1007/s11869-022-01241-9⟩. ⟨hal-04045347⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s11869-022-01241-9
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Chemical characterization of PM2.5 (major and trace elements) was carried out for a source apportionment study of PM2.5 at a traffic site in Constantine, Algeria, from March 2017 to March 2018. For this purpose, several tools were used of which PMF, CPF, PSCF, Spearman correlation matrix and HYSPLIT back trajectories. The mean annual concentration of PM2.5 at the sampling site was 54.07 ± 28.81 µg/m3. This value is much higher than the annual threshold recommended by the WHO of 10 μg/m3. Based on the PMF modelling, five sources were identified: sea salts (15.1%), industrial activities (18.9%), non-exhaust emissions (wear of brakes, tires and road surfaces) (24.2%), exhaust emissions (mixed diesel and gasoline engine exhaust) (15.8%) and mineral dust (25.9%) as the main sources of metallic aerosols at the sampling site in Constantine. Our results revealed that anthropogenic activities (traffic and industry) contributed 59% to all emissions, while natural sources (mineral dust and sea salt) accounted for 41%. Traffic-related sources are the major contributor to anthropogenic emissions (40%) with non-exhaust emissions being the dominant source. As anthropogenic emissions are the leading sources, their control is of utmost importance for improving air quality. The concentrations of PM2.5 tend to increase appreciably with temperature and wind speed for a relative humidity less than 60%. The contribution of vehicular emissions is affected by relative humidity and temperature while industrial emissions are affected mainly by wind intensity and direction. Relative humidity, temperature and wind speed are determining parameters of mineral dust. There are seasonal variations in the contributions of the PMF-derived sources. Summer undergoes significant contributions of three factors: sea salts, industrial emissions and mineral dust. Spring is affected mainly by industrial emissions and non-exhaust emissions. Winter experiences a drastic contribution of the exhaust emission factor. Autumn is the least affected season by mineral dust and sea salts. It is rather affected by industrial and traffic emissions.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Chemical characterization of PM2.5 (major and trace elements) was carried out for a source apportionment study of PM2.5 at a traffic site in Constantine, Algeria, from March 2017 to March 2018. For this purpose, several tools were used of which PMF, CPF, PSCF, Spearman correlation matrix and HYSPLIT back trajectories. The mean annual concentration of PM2.5 at the sampling site was 54.07 ± 28.81 µg/m3. This value is much higher than the annual threshold recommended by the WHO of 10 μg/m3. Based on the PMF modelling, five sources were identified: sea salts (15.1%), industrial activities (18.9%), non-exhaust emissions (wear of brakes, tires and road surfaces) (24.2%), exhaust emissions (mixed diesel and gasoline engine exhaust) (15.8%) and mineral dust (25.9%) as the main sources of metallic aerosols at the sampling site in Constantine. Our results revealed that anthropogenic activities (traffic and industry) contributed 59% to all emissions, while natural sources (mineral dust and sea salt) accounted for 41%. Traffic-related sources are the major contributor to anthropogenic emissions (40%) with non-exhaust emissions being the dominant source. As anthropogenic emissions are the leading sources, their control is of utmost importance for improving air quality. The concentrations of PM2.5 tend to increase appreciably with temperature and wind speed for a relative humidity less than 60%. The contribution of vehicular emissions is affected by relative humidity and temperature while industrial emissions are affected mainly by wind intensity and direction. Relative humidity, temperature and wind speed are determining parameters of mineral dust. There are seasonal variations in the contributions of the PMF-derived sources. Summer undergoes significant contributions of three factors: sea salts, industrial emissions and mineral dust. Spring is affected mainly by industrial emissions and non-exhaust emissions. Winter experiences a drastic contribution of the exhaust emission factor. Autumn is the least affected season by mineral dust and sea salts. It is rather affected by industrial and traffic emissions.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Carlos Ribeiro, Inès Khati, Patricia Champelovier, Maxime Elbaz, Jacques Lambert, Damien Leger, Fanny Mietlicki, Matthieu Sineau, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00854163
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Carlos Ribeiro, Inès Khati, Patricia Champelovier, Maxime Elbaz, et al.. Sleep effects of aircraft noise near Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport: results from the pilot study of the DEBATS research program.. INTER-NOISE 2013, the 42st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering., Sep 2013, Austria. 6 p. ⟨hal-00854163⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : DEBATS is an on-going research program aiming to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of French residents around airports. In particular, it includes a sleep study whose objective is to characterize specifically acute effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality using precise noise exposure measurements. A pilot study was performed in 2011 in order to test and validate the protocol. Twelve individuals have worn an actiwatch for seven nights and have completed a sleep diary in order to evaluate their sleep quality. An actiwatch detects wrist movement and is useful for discriminating sleep from wake activity. Then, the actimetric measurements make it possible to derive sleep indicators. Simultaneously, a sonometer located in the participants’ bedroom has recorded their noise exposure during these nights. A second sonometer set up outside (at the bedroom façade) has allowed us to identify aircraft noise and to evaluate acoustic impact of this noise in the participants’ bedroom. Thus, energetic as well as event acoustic indicators have been estimated and a link between these indicators and sleep quality has been investigated. The results of this pilot study will be presented and discussed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : DEBATS is an on-going research program aiming to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of French residents around airports. In particular, it includes a sleep study whose objective is to characterize specifically acute effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality using precise noise exposure measurements. A pilot study was performed in 2011 in order to test and validate the protocol. Twelve individuals have worn an actiwatch for seven nights and have completed a sleep diary in order to evaluate their sleep quality. An actiwatch detects wrist movement and is useful for discriminating sleep from wake activity. Then, the actimetric measurements make it possible to derive sleep indicators. Simultaneously, a sonometer located in the participants’ bedroom has recorded their noise exposure during these nights. A second sonometer set up outside (at the bedroom façade) has allowed us to identify aircraft noise and to evaluate acoustic impact of this noise in the participants’ bedroom. Thus, energetic as well as event acoustic indicators have been estimated and a link between these indicators and sleep quality has been investigated. The results of this pilot study will be presented and discussed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Antonin Bal, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Muriel Rabilloud, Kahina Saker, Carole Langlois-Jacques, Nicolas Guibert, Adèle Paul, Dulce Alfaiate, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Virginie Pitiot, Florence Morfin-Sherpa, Bruno Lina, Bruno Pozzetto, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Adnot Jérôme, Alfaiate Dulce, Bal Antonin, Bergeret Alain, Boibieux André, Bonnet Florent, Bourgeois Gaëlle, Brunel-Dalmas Florence, Caire Eurydice, Charbotel Barbara, Chiarello Pierre, Cotte Laurent, Constance d'Aubarede, Durupt François, Escuret Vanessa, Fascia Pascal, Fassier Jean-Baptiste, Fontaine Juliette, Gaillot-Durand Lucie, Gaymard Alexandre, Gillet Myriam, Godinot Matthieu, Gueyffier François, Guibert Nicolas, Josset Laurence, Lahousse Matthieu, Lina Bruno, Lozano Hélène, Makhloufi Djamila, Massardier-Pilonchéry Amélie, Milon Marie-Paule, Moll Frédéric, Morfin Florence, Narbey David, Nazare Julie-Anne, Oria Fatima, Paul Adèle, Perry Marielle, Pitiot Virginie, Prudent Mélanie, Rabilloud Muriel, Samperiz Audrey, Schlienger Isabelle, Simon Chantal, Trabaud Mary-Anne, Trouillet-Assant Sophie, Valette Martine
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04755397
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Antonin Bal, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Muriel Rabilloud, Kahina Saker, et al.. Six-month antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers assessed by virus neutralization and commercial assays. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2021, 27 (6), pp.933-935. ⟨10.1016/j.cmi.2021.01.003⟩. ⟨hal-04755397⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.cmi.2021.01.003
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Antonin Bal, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Muriel Rabilloud, Kahina Saker, Carole Langlois-Jacques, Nicolas Guibert, Adèle Paul, Dulce Alfaiate, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Virginie Pitiot, Florence Morfin-Sherpa, Bruno Lina, Bruno Pozzetto, Sophie Trouillet-Assan
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03187610
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Antonin Bal, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Muriel Rabilloud, Kahina Saker, et al.. Six-month antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers assessed by virus neutralization and commercial assays. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2021, 3p. ⟨10.1016/j.cmi.2021.01.003⟩. ⟨hal-03187610⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.cmi.2021.01.003
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Since the SARS-CoV-2 emergence in December 2019, one of the major concerns has been the duration of immune protection after a first episode. This question is of paramount importance for healthcare workers (HCWs), who are a highly exposed population and among the first targets of vaccination programmes. To date, the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in HCWs 6 months after disease onset (ADO) has not been studied with both a virus neutralisation btest and commercial assays.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Since the SARS-CoV-2 emergence in December 2019, one of the major concerns has been the duration of immune protection after a first episode. This question is of paramount importance for healthcare workers (HCWs), who are a highly exposed population and among the first targets of vaccination programmes. To date, the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in HCWs 6 months after disease onset (ADO) has not been studied with both a virus neutralisation btest and commercial assays.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Corentin Tanne, Etienne Javouhey, Anne Millet, Fabienne Bordet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01488294
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Corentin Tanne, Etienne Javouhey, Anne Millet, Fabienne Bordet. Severe tramadol overdoses in children: a Case series admitted to paediatric intensive care unit. Journal of Clinical Toxicology, 2016, 6 (5), pp.1000317. ⟨10.4172/2161-0495.1000317⟩. ⟨hal-01488294⟩
DOI : 10.4172/2161-0495.1000317
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Tramadol misuse can lead to severe intoxication in which respiratory failure and seizures are frequent. We reviewed 7 paediatric cases of patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. We reported unusual hypertonia and chest rigidity leading to ventilator difficulties. None of the children were suspected to be ultra-rapid etabolizers, and one case led to death. Overdoses can lead to death and must maintain practitioners on alert because of the increasing use of tramadol in the paediatric population. The handling of the bottles should be explained to families and Naloxone could be efficient when opioids signs.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Tramadol misuse can lead to severe intoxication in which respiratory failure and seizures are frequent. We reviewed 7 paediatric cases of patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. We reported unusual hypertonia and chest rigidity leading to ventilator difficulties. None of the children were suspected to be ultra-rapid etabolizers, and one case led to death. Overdoses can lead to death and must maintain practitioners on alert because of the increasing use of tramadol in the paediatric population. The handling of the bottles should be explained to families and Naloxone could be efficient when opioids signs.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Wendy Weijermars, Niels Bos, Annelies Schoeters, Jean-Christophe Meunier, Nina Nuyttens, Emmanuelle Dupont, Klaus Machata, Robert Bauer, Katherine Perez, Jean-Louis Martin, Heiko Johansson, Ashleigh Filtness, Laurie Brown, Pete Thomas
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02265869
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Wendy Weijermars, Niels Bos, Annelies Schoeters, Jean-Christophe Meunier, Nina Nuyttens, et al.. Serious Road Traffic Injuries in Europe, Lessons from the EU Research Project SafetyCube. Transportation Research Record, 2018, 2672 (32), pp. 1-9. ⟨10.1177/0361198118758055⟩. ⟨hal-02265869⟩
DOI : 10.1177/0361198118758055
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The EU research project SafetyCube pays specific attention to serious road injuries, defined as nonfatal road traffic casualties with an injury severity level of MAIS3+. By means of surveys, information was collected on current practices concerning the estimation of the number of MAIS3+ casualties and on costs related to serious road injuries in different European countries. Moreover, the effect of differences in practices on the estimated number of MAIS3+ casualties was investigated by applying different methods to the same data. Finally, by means of a literature review, analysis of additional case studies, and burden of injury calculations, health impacts of serious road injuries were investigated. This paper presents six main lessons learned from these activities. Practices concerning the estimation of the number of MAIS3+ casualties differ between countries; some countries apply correction factors to police data, other countries use hospital data, and a third group of countries uses linked police and hospital data. Practices also differ concerning the selection of MAIS3+ road traffic injuries within hospital data. Differences in methodology appear to affect the MAIS3+ estimate. Therefore, one should be careful when comparing figures from different countries. The SafetyCube guidelines can support further harmonization. It is important to reduce the number of serious road injuries because injuries can have major impacts on a casualty?s life and pose a burden to society. About 75% of the MAIS3+ road traffic casualties are not fully recovered 3 years postcrash. Moreover, serious road injuries cost countries up to 2.7% of their gross domestic product.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The EU research project SafetyCube pays specific attention to serious road injuries, defined as nonfatal road traffic casualties with an injury severity level of MAIS3+. By means of surveys, information was collected on current practices concerning the estimation of the number of MAIS3+ casualties and on costs related to serious road injuries in different European countries. Moreover, the effect of differences in practices on the estimated number of MAIS3+ casualties was investigated by applying different methods to the same data. Finally, by means of a literature review, analysis of additional case studies, and burden of injury calculations, health impacts of serious road injuries were investigated. This paper presents six main lessons learned from these activities. Practices concerning the estimation of the number of MAIS3+ casualties differ between countries; some countries apply correction factors to police data, other countries use hospital data, and a third group of countries uses linked police and hospital data. Practices also differ concerning the selection of MAIS3+ road traffic injuries within hospital data. Differences in methodology appear to affect the MAIS3+ estimate. Therefore, one should be careful when comparing figures from different countries. The SafetyCube guidelines can support further harmonization. It is important to reduce the number of serious road injuries because injuries can have major impacts on a casualty?s life and pose a burden to society. About 75% of the MAIS3+ road traffic casualties are not fully recovered 3 years postcrash. Moreover, serious road injuries cost countries up to 2.7% of their gross domestic product.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : F. Facy, B. Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00546001
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : F. Facy, B. Laumon. Sensibilisation au risque d'alcool dans les ecoles de conduite. Synthèse du rapport d'enquête 2003-2004. 2005, 14p. ⟨hal-00546001⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Elle est la poursuite de deux études préliminaires qualitatives menées en 2001-2002 dans les départements du Rhône et de la Loire auprès d'échantillons d'enseignants de la conduite et d'étudiants pour décrire leurs attentes et leurs besoins respectifs en matière de connaissances et de pratiques sur les risques routiers consécutifs aux usages d'alcool. Ces études préliminaires avaient permis d'éclairer l'importance de la formation des enseignants d'un côté et l'implicationdes futurs conducteurs dans leur propre apprentissage d'un autre côté (au niveau des informations attendues et de leur participation effective dans des actions de prévention collective). Il importait de confirmer ces données sur un échantillon élargi à la région Rhône-Alpes. Responsables scientifiques : F. Facy – B. Laumon. Groupe de travail : DRASS-ANPAA –ANPER (Rhône-Alpes)
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Elle est la poursuite de deux études préliminaires qualitatives menées en 2001-2002 dans les départements du Rhône et de la Loire auprès d'échantillons d'enseignants de la conduite et d'étudiants pour décrire leurs attentes et leurs besoins respectifs en matière de connaissances et de pratiques sur les risques routiers consécutifs aux usages d'alcool. Ces études préliminaires avaient permis d'éclairer l'importance de la formation des enseignants d'un côté et l'implicationdes futurs conducteurs dans leur propre apprentissage d'un autre côté (au niveau des informations attendues et de leur participation effective dans des actions de prévention collective). Il importait de confirmer ces données sur un échantillon élargi à la région Rhône-Alpes. Responsables scientifiques : F. Facy – B. Laumon. Groupe de travail : DRASS-ANPAA –ANPER (Rhône-Alpes)
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01635790
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard. Self-reported health and aircraft noise exposure: the results of the DEBATS study in France. 12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Jun 2017, ZURICH, Switzerland. 4 p. ⟨hal-01635790⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The impact of exposure to aircraft noise on health is of growing concern because of a steady rise in flights. While many studies address the annoyance associated with aircraft noise, very few studies consider the health status perceived by the population itself. We investigated associations between aircraft noise exposure and perceived health for people living near airports in France. The DEBATS longitudinal study included 1,244 residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon-Saint-Exupéry. Information about perceived health was assessed by a face-to-face questionnaire. Aircraft noise exposure was evaluated for each participant's home address. Associations with perceived health were investigated using logistic regressions including relevant confounders. No association was found between aircraft noise exposure and perceived health. After stratification on gender, significant associations were observed for men: OR=1.55 (95%CI=1.02-2.35) per 10-dB(A) Lnight-increase. The associations observed in this study could be due to residual confounding or to declaration bias which cannot be excluded. Further studies are necessary in order to better understand these associations.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The impact of exposure to aircraft noise on health is of growing concern because of a steady rise in flights. While many studies address the annoyance associated with aircraft noise, very few studies consider the health status perceived by the population itself. We investigated associations between aircraft noise exposure and perceived health for people living near airports in France. The DEBATS longitudinal study included 1,244 residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon-Saint-Exupéry. Information about perceived health was assessed by a face-to-face questionnaire. Aircraft noise exposure was evaluated for each participant's home address. Associations with perceived health were investigated using logistic regressions including relevant confounders. No association was found between aircraft noise exposure and perceived health. After stratification on gender, significant associations were observed for men: OR=1.55 (95%CI=1.02-2.35) per 10-dB(A) Lnight-increase. The associations observed in this study could be due to residual confounding or to declaration bias which cannot be excluded. Further studies are necessary in order to better understand these associations.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clemence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03207082
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clemence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, et al.. Self-rated health status in relation to aircraft noise exposure, noise annoyance or noise sensitivity: the results of a cross-sectional study in France. BMC Public Health, 2021, 21 (116), 11p. ⟨10.1186/s12889-020-10138-0⟩. ⟨hal-03207082⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12889-020-10138-0
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background : Noise is a major public health issue because of its negative impacts on health, including annoyance, sleep disturbance, cardiovascular diseases and altered cognitive performance among children. Self-rated health status (SRHS) can be considered as a reliable indicator of quality of life, morbidity and mortality but few studies have considered SRHS in relation to aircraft noise exposure. The present study aims to investigate the association between this exposure and SRHS of people living near airports in France, and to consider the mediating or moderating role of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in this association. Methods : This cross-sectional study included 1242 participants older than 18 and living near three major French airports. Information on their SRHS, aircraft noise annoyance, noise sensitivity and demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected during a face-to-face interview performed at home. Outdoor aircraft noise levels were estimated for each participant’s home address using noise maps. Logistic regressions with adjustment for potential confounders were used. The moderating and mediating effects of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity were investigated following Baron and Kenny’s recommendations. Results : A significant association was shown between aircraft noise levels and a fair/poor SRHS, only in men (OR=1.55, 95%CI 1.01–2.39, for a 10 dB(A)-increase in Lden). This relationship was higher in men highly sensitive to noise (OR=3.26, 95%CI 1.19–8.88, for a 10 dB(A)-increase in Lden). Noise sensitivity was associated with a fair/poor SRHS significantly in women (OR=1.74, 95%CI 1.12–2.68) and at the borderline of significance in men (OR=1.68, 95% CI 0.94–3.00), whereas aircraft noise annoyance was associated with a fair/poor SRHS only in men (OR=1.81, 95%CI 1.00–3.27). Conclusion : The present study confirms findings in the small number of available studies to date suggesting a positive association between aircraft noise levels and a fair/poor SRHS. These results also support the hypothesis that noise sensitivity would moderate this association. However, a mediating effect of annoyance cannot be excluded.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background : Noise is a major public health issue because of its negative impacts on health, including annoyance, sleep disturbance, cardiovascular diseases and altered cognitive performance among children. Self-rated health status (SRHS) can be considered as a reliable indicator of quality of life, morbidity and mortality but few studies have considered SRHS in relation to aircraft noise exposure. The present study aims to investigate the association between this exposure and SRHS of people living near airports in France, and to consider the mediating or moderating role of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in this association. Methods : This cross-sectional study included 1242 participants older than 18 and living near three major French airports. Information on their SRHS, aircraft noise annoyance, noise sensitivity and demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected during a face-to-face interview performed at home. Outdoor aircraft noise levels were estimated for each participant’s home address using noise maps. Logistic regressions with adjustment for potential confounders were used. The moderating and mediating effects of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity were investigated following Baron and Kenny’s recommendations. Results : A significant association was shown between aircraft noise levels and a fair/poor SRHS, only in men (OR=1.55, 95%CI 1.01–2.39, for a 10 dB(A)-increase in Lden). This relationship was higher in men highly sensitive to noise (OR=3.26, 95%CI 1.19–8.88, for a 10 dB(A)-increase in Lden). Noise sensitivity was associated with a fair/poor SRHS significantly in women (OR=1.74, 95%CI 1.12–2.68) and at the borderline of significance in men (OR=1.68, 95% CI 0.94–3.00), whereas aircraft noise annoyance was associated with a fair/poor SRHS only in men (OR=1.81, 95%CI 1.00–3.27). Conclusion : The present study confirms findings in the small number of available studies to date suggesting a positive association between aircraft noise levels and a fair/poor SRHS. These results also support the hypothesis that noise sensitivity would moderate this association. However, a mediating effect of annoyance cannot be excluded.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat, Fanny Conte, Cécilia Gabel, Colette Mintsa-Eya
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01349888
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat, Fanny Conte, Cécilia Gabel, et al.. Self-estimation of driving performances in older drivers who over or under estimate their cognitive abilities: Safe move study. BAST - Ageing and Safe Mobility Conference, Nov 2014, BERGISCH GLADBACH, Germany. 17 p. ⟨hal-01349888⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Most older drivers are able to efficiently self-regulate their own driving practices, that means reducing driving exposure and avoiding the most challenging driving conditions such as driving at night or in poor weather or at complex intersections. We hypothesized that this self-regulation might exist only if older drivers have accurate insight into their own age-related functional and cognitive decline. This study aims to evaluate how well self-estimation of cognitive ability of older corresponds to their actual driving performance, as assessed under in-traffic conditions. Seventy five current older drivers, men and women aged 70 and more, were recruited from a 1200 cohort study according three cognitive profiles: 25 drivers who correctly estimated their cognitive abilities, 25 drivers who under estimated and 25 drivers who over estimated their cognitive abilities. Driving performance (objective data) was assessed in on-road traffic situation under both driving instructor and experiment evaluations. Auto-estimation of driving abilities was evaluated trough several questions (subjective data) such as: Compared with when you were aged 40 years, how do you drive today? Participants had to respond on a 5-points scale from worse to better. Crossing objective and subjective data will allow to determine if drivers estimate correctly or not their driving performance. It is expected that drivers who overestimate their cognitive abilities also overestimate their driving abilities (similar relation would hold for drivers who under or correctly estimate). The question is how to help drivers who have poor insight of their cognitive and driving abilities in order to maintain their mobility. This would prevent them from a premature driving cessation or from dangerous driving resulting from a lack of awareness of the limitations related to age.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Most older drivers are able to efficiently self-regulate their own driving practices, that means reducing driving exposure and avoiding the most challenging driving conditions such as driving at night or in poor weather or at complex intersections. We hypothesized that this self-regulation might exist only if older drivers have accurate insight into their own age-related functional and cognitive decline. This study aims to evaluate how well self-estimation of cognitive ability of older corresponds to their actual driving performance, as assessed under in-traffic conditions. Seventy five current older drivers, men and women aged 70 and more, were recruited from a 1200 cohort study according three cognitive profiles: 25 drivers who correctly estimated their cognitive abilities, 25 drivers who under estimated and 25 drivers who over estimated their cognitive abilities. Driving performance (objective data) was assessed in on-road traffic situation under both driving instructor and experiment evaluations. Auto-estimation of driving abilities was evaluated trough several questions (subjective data) such as: Compared with when you were aged 40 years, how do you drive today? Participants had to respond on a 5-points scale from worse to better. Crossing objective and subjective data will allow to determine if drivers estimate correctly or not their driving performance. It is expected that drivers who overestimate their cognitive abilities also overestimate their driving abilities (similar relation would hold for drivers who under or correctly estimate). The question is how to help drivers who have poor insight of their cognitive and driving abilities in order to maintain their mobility. This would prevent them from a premature driving cessation or from dangerous driving resulting from a lack of awareness of the limitations related to age.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie-Agnès Denis, Jean Iwaz, Fabienne Dumetier, Ghislaine Poyard-Berger, Michel Vezina
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04274123
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie-Agnès Denis, Jean Iwaz, Fabienne Dumetier, Ghislaine Poyard-Berger, Michel Vezina. Screening for psychosocial risks among physicians in a pediatric hospital. Archives de pediatrie organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie, 2023, pp.S0929-693X(23)00150-1. ⟨10.1016/j.arcped.2023.09.004⟩. ⟨hal-04274123⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.arcped.2023.09.004
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Over the past decades, productivity practices at hospital resulted in staff overload and burnout. Prompted by physicians' complaints, this study assessed the level of psychosocial risk among senior pediatricians in a university hospital. The survey used the checklist of Quebec's National Institute of Public Health that comprises two six-indicator parts: "Context" and "Key Components" of the Organization. The psychosocial risk level was evaluated by a physician-psychologist duo during interviews of homogeneous groups of workers. The indicators were scored, tabulated, and discussed. The survey led to a substantial qualitative and quantitative clarification of physicians' working conditions, claims, and needs. Regarding Context, the staff reported mainly: (a) cumbersome organization and norms vs. limited human resources (lack of stability, incentives, and promotions); (b) absenteeism and presenteeism; (c) reluctance to seek care or advice for fear of discredit; (d) presence of verbal violence; (e) self-imposed harsh returns-to-work; (f) work-life conflicts and difficult mental disconnection from work. Regarding the Key Components, the staff reported mainly: (a) work overload (physical, mental, psychological, and relational/social), continuous stress, and perceived exhaustion; (b) low job satisfaction and insufficient recognition; (c) inconstant support by their superiors; (d) poor job relationships and colleagues' support; (e) occasional participation and lack of real autonomy and/or strategy sharing. The survey succeeded in underlining concerning issues that required the immediate attention of occupational physicians and managers. It proved the method feasible and valuable in the medical context despite a high diversity of staff functions and degrees.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Over the past decades, productivity practices at hospital resulted in staff overload and burnout. Prompted by physicians' complaints, this study assessed the level of psychosocial risk among senior pediatricians in a university hospital. The survey used the checklist of Quebec's National Institute of Public Health that comprises two six-indicator parts: "Context" and "Key Components" of the Organization. The psychosocial risk level was evaluated by a physician-psychologist duo during interviews of homogeneous groups of workers. The indicators were scored, tabulated, and discussed. The survey led to a substantial qualitative and quantitative clarification of physicians' working conditions, claims, and needs. Regarding Context, the staff reported mainly: (a) cumbersome organization and norms vs. limited human resources (lack of stability, incentives, and promotions); (b) absenteeism and presenteeism; (c) reluctance to seek care or advice for fear of discredit; (d) presence of verbal violence; (e) self-imposed harsh returns-to-work; (f) work-life conflicts and difficult mental disconnection from work. Regarding the Key Components, the staff reported mainly: (a) work overload (physical, mental, psychological, and relational/social), continuous stress, and perceived exhaustion; (b) low job satisfaction and insufficient recognition; (c) inconstant support by their superiors; (d) poor job relationships and colleagues' support; (e) occasional participation and lack of real autonomy and/or strategy sharing. The survey succeeded in underlining concerning issues that required the immediate attention of occupational physicians and managers. It proved the method feasible and valuable in the medical context despite a high diversity of staff functions and degrees.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Jenny Selander, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, Marie-Christine Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Danny Huithuijs, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Goran Pershagen, Tores Theorell, Venetia Velonaki, Anna Hansell, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02414656
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Jenny Selander, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, et al.. Saliva cortisol in relation to aircraft noise exposure: pooled-analysis results from seven European countries. Environmental Health, 2019, 18 (102), ⟨10.1186/s12940-019-0540-0⟩. ⟨hal-02414656⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12940-019-0540-0
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Many studies have demonstrated adverse effects of exposure to aircraft noise on health. Possible biological pathways for these effects include hormonal disturbances. Few studies deal with aircraft noise effects on saliva cortisol in adults, and results are inconsistent. Objective: We aimed to assess the effects of aircraft noise exposure on saliva cortisol levels and its variation in people living near airports. Methods: This study focused on the 1300 residents included in the HYENA and DEBATS cross-sectional studies, with complete information on cortisol sampling. All the participants followed a similar procedure aiming to collect both a morning and an evening saliva cortisol samples. Socioeconomic and lifestyle information were obtained during a face-to-face interview. Outdoor aircraft noise exposure was estimated for each participant's home address. Associations between aircraft noise exposure and cortisol outcomes were investigated a priori for male and female separately, using linear regression models adjusted for relevant confounders. Different approaches were used to characterize cortisol levels, such as morning and evening cortisol concentrations and the absolute and relative variations between morning and evening levels. Results: Statistically significant increases of evening cortisol levels were shown in women with a 10-dB(A) increase in aircraft noise exposure in terms of LAeq, 16h (exp(?) = 1.08; CI95% = 1.00-1.16), Lden (exp(?) = 1.09; CI95% = 1.01-1.18), Lnight (exp(?) = 1.11; CI95% = 1.02-1.20). A statistically significant association was also found in women between a 10-dB(A) increase in terms of Lnight and the absolute variation per hour (exp(?) = 0.90; CI95% = 0.80-1.00). Statistically significant decreases in relative variation per hour were also evidenced in women, with stronger effects with the Lnight (exp(?) = 0.89; CI95% = 0.83-0.96) than with other noise indicators. The morning cortisol levels were unchanged whatever noise exposure indicator considered. There was no statistically significant association between aircraft noise exposure and cortisol outcomes in men. Conclusions: The results of the present study show statistically significant associations between aircraft noise exposure and evening cortisol levels and related flattening in the (absolute and relative) variations per hour in women. Further biological research is needed to deepen knowledge of the pathway between noise exposure and disturbed hormonal regulation, and specially the difference in effects between genders.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Many studies have demonstrated adverse effects of exposure to aircraft noise on health. Possible biological pathways for these effects include hormonal disturbances. Few studies deal with aircraft noise effects on saliva cortisol in adults, and results are inconsistent. Objective: We aimed to assess the effects of aircraft noise exposure on saliva cortisol levels and its variation in people living near airports. Methods: This study focused on the 1300 residents included in the HYENA and DEBATS cross-sectional studies, with complete information on cortisol sampling. All the participants followed a similar procedure aiming to collect both a morning and an evening saliva cortisol samples. Socioeconomic and lifestyle information were obtained during a face-to-face interview. Outdoor aircraft noise exposure was estimated for each participant's home address. Associations between aircraft noise exposure and cortisol outcomes were investigated a priori for male and female separately, using linear regression models adjusted for relevant confounders. Different approaches were used to characterize cortisol levels, such as morning and evening cortisol concentrations and the absolute and relative variations between morning and evening levels. Results: Statistically significant increases of evening cortisol levels were shown in women with a 10-dB(A) increase in aircraft noise exposure in terms of LAeq, 16h (exp(?) = 1.08; CI95% = 1.00-1.16), Lden (exp(?) = 1.09; CI95% = 1.01-1.18), Lnight (exp(?) = 1.11; CI95% = 1.02-1.20). A statistically significant association was also found in women between a 10-dB(A) increase in terms of Lnight and the absolute variation per hour (exp(?) = 0.90; CI95% = 0.80-1.00). Statistically significant decreases in relative variation per hour were also evidenced in women, with stronger effects with the Lnight (exp(?) = 0.89; CI95% = 0.83-0.96) than with other noise indicators. The morning cortisol levels were unchanged whatever noise exposure indicator considered. There was no statistically significant association between aircraft noise exposure and cortisol outcomes in men. Conclusions: The results of the present study show statistically significant associations between aircraft noise exposure and evening cortisol levels and related flattening in the (absolute and relative) variations per hour in women. Further biological research is needed to deepen knowledge of the pathway between noise exposure and disturbed hormonal regulation, and specially the difference in effects between genders.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Chantal Chavoix, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01470219
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Chantal Chavoix, et al.. Safe Move: Factors leading to a strong overestimation of cognitive performances in older drivers: first results from a cohort study in France. ICAP 2014 - 28th international congress of Applied Psychology, Jul 2014, PARIS, France. 18 p. ⟨hal-01470219⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In the course of aging, a number of physical and cognitive changes, as well as health problems, may affect driving ability. Driving in elderly is only a problem of concern if those presenting cognitive deficits do not adapt their driving behaviour in accordance. Compensatory strategies such as reduction of miles driven, avoidance of difficult driving situations and ultimately driving cessation are frequent among older drivers. The hypothesis of the SAFE MOVE project is that the intermediate variable between cognitive decline and an adapted driving regulation is awareness of troubles, overestimation may potentially lead to accident risk, and underestimation to premature driving cessation. In order to design preventive action, it is then crucial to understand the factors associated with self-estimation. In the present study, factors associated with a strong overestimation of cognitive abilities are explored. The study population comprised 1204 car drivers aged 70 and over. They were chosen at random from electoral list of 2 administrative areas in France, contacted by mail, and asked to agree in writing to participate to the study. Individuals were seen at home by a psychologist who completed a questionnaire and two cognitive tests. The self-estimation of cognitive abilities, over, under, and correct estimation of cognitive abilities, was built by comparing objective and subjective evaluations of these capabilities. The objective evaluation was based on a combination of speed and error measurements to the cognitive tests (Trail Making Test A and B, Wechsler codes). Subjective assessment was constructed by 4 questions in which drivers compared their cognitive abilities than other people their age. Thus, 8.2% strongly overestimate their cognitive abilities. Various factors will be analyzed to explain this strong overestimation: age, gender, living arrangement, socioeconomic status, educational level, social support, depression, personality. Some drivers will be submitted to an on-road driving evaluation. This will allow determining if overestimations of cognitive and driving abilities are correlated.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In the course of aging, a number of physical and cognitive changes, as well as health problems, may affect driving ability. Driving in elderly is only a problem of concern if those presenting cognitive deficits do not adapt their driving behaviour in accordance. Compensatory strategies such as reduction of miles driven, avoidance of difficult driving situations and ultimately driving cessation are frequent among older drivers. The hypothesis of the SAFE MOVE project is that the intermediate variable between cognitive decline and an adapted driving regulation is awareness of troubles, overestimation may potentially lead to accident risk, and underestimation to premature driving cessation. In order to design preventive action, it is then crucial to understand the factors associated with self-estimation. In the present study, factors associated with a strong overestimation of cognitive abilities are explored. The study population comprised 1204 car drivers aged 70 and over. They were chosen at random from electoral list of 2 administrative areas in France, contacted by mail, and asked to agree in writing to participate to the study. Individuals were seen at home by a psychologist who completed a questionnaire and two cognitive tests. The self-estimation of cognitive abilities, over, under, and correct estimation of cognitive abilities, was built by comparing objective and subjective evaluations of these capabilities. The objective evaluation was based on a combination of speed and error measurements to the cognitive tests (Trail Making Test A and B, Wechsler codes). Subjective assessment was constructed by 4 questions in which drivers compared their cognitive abilities than other people their age. Thus, 8.2% strongly overestimate their cognitive abilities. Various factors will be analyzed to explain this strong overestimation: age, gender, living arrangement, socioeconomic status, educational level, social support, depression, personality. Some drivers will be submitted to an on-road driving evaluation. This will allow determining if overestimations of cognitive and driving abilities are correlated.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Catherine Gabaude, Marion Hay, Thierry Bellet, Jean-Christophe Paris, Claude Marin-Lamellet, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01292761
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Catherine Gabaude, Marion Hay, Thierry Bellet, et al.. Safe Move for older drivers : pour une mobilité sûre des conducteurs âgés. In Vieillissement et mobilité. Safe Move for older drivers : pour une mobilité sûre des conducteurs âgés. In Vieillissement et mobilité, LA DOCUMENTATION FRANCAISE, pp. 121-141, 2015, 978-2-11-010114-3. ⟨hal-01292761⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Pour une mobilité sure et durable des conducteurs âgés Quelles relations entre les auto-estimations de la cognition et de la capacité de conduite ? Aider les conducteurs les plus âgés à garder leur mobilité sans augmenter le risque d'accident est un défi majeur à relever. Il s'agit là de maintenir la conduite aussi longtemps qu'il est raisonnable compte tenu de l'état cognitif et, dans le même temps, d'aider les personnes âgées à prendre conscience de la réduction de certaines de leurs performances cognitives, et à mettre en place une régulation adaptée de la conduite. L'hypothèse de SAFE MOVE est qu'une bonne auto estimation de ses capacités cognitives est nécessaire pour adapter ses habitudes de conduite aux changements liés au vieillissement. Si certains conducteurs prennent conscience de la réduction de leurs performances cognitives et régulent leur activité de conduite de façon adaptée, d'autres n'en sont pas capables et surestiment leurs capacités, conduisent d'une manière qui peut surpasser leurs capacités réelles. SAFE MOVE avait comme objectifs d'étudier les liens entre l'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives et de conduite des personnes âgées, l'impact des programmes de stimulations cognitives accompagnées ou non de séances de conduite sur simulateur et enfin l'apport des technologies embarquées de type ADAS permettant le monitoring de l'activité du conducteur. L'approche pluridisciplinaire de SAFE MOVE combinant l'épidémiologie, la psychologie Cognitive, l'Ergonomie, l'Ingénierie Cognitive et l'Ingénierie Plusieurs avancées méthodologiques importantes ont été réalisées à l'occasion de ce projet : - une cohorte de 1204 conducteurs âgés de plus de 70 ans, avec un recueil initial très complet grâce à des entretiens en face à face avec un psychologue et un suivi à deux ans par voie postale. - une expérimentation sur route avec 145 conducteurs visant à déterminer trois profils de conducteurs : ceux qui surestiment, sous-estiment ou estiment correctement leurs capacités de conduite à partir d'une double évaluation objective de leur performance de conduite (moniteur auto-école et observateur dans le véhicule) - l'évaluation de l'impact d'un programme d'entrainement cognitif pur comparé à un entrainement cognitif associé à des exercices sur simulateur auprès de 100 conducteurs de 70 ans et plus surestimant ou sous-estimant leurs capacités cognitives. - Le développement de fonctions de monitoring basé sur les données collectées à bord d'un véhicule instrumenté immergé dans le trafic, auprès d'un panel de 76 conducteurs âgés surestimant et sous-estimant leurs capacités cognitives. - Le développement de deux démonstrateurs, l'un sur simulateur de conduite et l'autre sur véhicule Résultats majeurs du projet (environ 600 caractères espaces compris) Les résultats obtenus ont confirmé que l'auto-estimation cognitive était déterminée par des variables de personnalité, de genre, de mode de vie et qu'elle était bien reliée à l'auto estimation de la performance de conduite. Cette auto-estimation cognitive présente un caractère dynamique car elle peut être modulée par un training cognitif, même aspécifique, surtout chez les conducteurs sous estimateurs. La spécification, la conception et le développement de démonstrateurs de fonctions d'assistances pour les séniors sur simulateur et sur véhicule réel réalisés dans ce projet ont démontré l'intérêt des conducteurs âgés pour ces technologies et identifié les situations critiques pour lesquelles une aide serait utile.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Pour une mobilité sure et durable des conducteurs âgés Quelles relations entre les auto-estimations de la cognition et de la capacité de conduite ? Aider les conducteurs les plus âgés à garder leur mobilité sans augmenter le risque d'accident est un défi majeur à relever. Il s'agit là de maintenir la conduite aussi longtemps qu'il est raisonnable compte tenu de l'état cognitif et, dans le même temps, d'aider les personnes âgées à prendre conscience de la réduction de certaines de leurs performances cognitives, et à mettre en place une régulation adaptée de la conduite. L'hypothèse de SAFE MOVE est qu'une bonne auto estimation de ses capacités cognitives est nécessaire pour adapter ses habitudes de conduite aux changements liés au vieillissement. Si certains conducteurs prennent conscience de la réduction de leurs performances cognitives et régulent leur activité de conduite de façon adaptée, d'autres n'en sont pas capables et surestiment leurs capacités, conduisent d'une manière qui peut surpasser leurs capacités réelles. SAFE MOVE avait comme objectifs d'étudier les liens entre l'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives et de conduite des personnes âgées, l'impact des programmes de stimulations cognitives accompagnées ou non de séances de conduite sur simulateur et enfin l'apport des technologies embarquées de type ADAS permettant le monitoring de l'activité du conducteur. L'approche pluridisciplinaire de SAFE MOVE combinant l'épidémiologie, la psychologie Cognitive, l'Ergonomie, l'Ingénierie Cognitive et l'Ingénierie Plusieurs avancées méthodologiques importantes ont été réalisées à l'occasion de ce projet : - une cohorte de 1204 conducteurs âgés de plus de 70 ans, avec un recueil initial très complet grâce à des entretiens en face à face avec un psychologue et un suivi à deux ans par voie postale. - une expérimentation sur route avec 145 conducteurs visant à déterminer trois profils de conducteurs : ceux qui surestiment, sous-estiment ou estiment correctement leurs capacités de conduite à partir d'une double évaluation objective de leur performance de conduite (moniteur auto-école et observateur dans le véhicule) - l'évaluation de l'impact d'un programme d'entrainement cognitif pur comparé à un entrainement cognitif associé à des exercices sur simulateur auprès de 100 conducteurs de 70 ans et plus surestimant ou sous-estimant leurs capacités cognitives. - Le développement de fonctions de monitoring basé sur les données collectées à bord d'un véhicule instrumenté immergé dans le trafic, auprès d'un panel de 76 conducteurs âgés surestimant et sous-estimant leurs capacités cognitives. - Le développement de deux démonstrateurs, l'un sur simulateur de conduite et l'autre sur véhicule Résultats majeurs du projet (environ 600 caractères espaces compris) Les résultats obtenus ont confirmé que l'auto-estimation cognitive était déterminée par des variables de personnalité, de genre, de mode de vie et qu'elle était bien reliée à l'auto estimation de la performance de conduite. Cette auto-estimation cognitive présente un caractère dynamique car elle peut être modulée par un training cognitif, même aspécifique, surtout chez les conducteurs sous estimateurs. La spécification, la conception et le développement de démonstrateurs de fonctions d'assistances pour les séniors sur simulateur et sur véhicule réel réalisés dans ce projet ont démontré l'intérêt des conducteurs âgés pour ces technologies et identifié les situations critiques pour lesquelles une aide serait utile.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Amandine Coquillat, Fanny Conte, Cécilia Gabel, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Chantal Chavoix, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01237125
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Amandine Coquillat, Fanny Conte, Cécilia Gabel, et al.. Safe Move - Epidemiological results about profiles of cognitive over and under estimators ; Experimental results about relationship between cognitive and driving self-awareness. Seminar on ageing society, Nov 2015, GOTEBORG, France. 25 p. ⟨hal-01237125⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le projet SAFE MOVE for older drivers (2011-2015), a été financé par l'ANR. Il impliquait des partenaires industriels (Continental, PSA et OKTAL), le CNRS, l'INSERM le LESCOT, l'UMRESTTE et le LEPSIS et comportait un projet « jumeau » en Suède avec le VTI et Volvo Cars. Il visait à identifier les déterminants d'une mobilité sure et durable chez les conducteurs âgés et à proposer des solutions appropriées en matière de formation et d'assistance à la conduite. Avec une approche de type cohorte conjuguée à une approche expérimentale, les résultats obtenus ont confirmé que l'auto-estimation cognitive était déterminée par des variables de personnalité, de genre, de mode de vie et qu'elle était bien associée à l'auto-estimation de la performance de conduite.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le projet SAFE MOVE for older drivers (2011-2015), a été financé par l'ANR. Il impliquait des partenaires industriels (Continental, PSA et OKTAL), le CNRS, l'INSERM le LESCOT, l'UMRESTTE et le LEPSIS et comportait un projet « jumeau » en Suède avec le VTI et Volvo Cars. Il visait à identifier les déterminants d'une mobilité sure et durable chez les conducteurs âgés et à proposer des solutions appropriées en matière de formation et d'assistance à la conduite. Avec une approche de type cohorte conjuguée à une approche expérimentale, les résultats obtenus ont confirmé que l'auto-estimation cognitive était déterminée par des variables de personnalité, de genre, de mode de vie et qu'elle était bien associée à l'auto-estimation de la performance de conduite.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie-Josèphe Challamel, René Clarisse, Francis Lévi, Bernard Laumon, François Testu, Yvan Touitou
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01571640
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie-Josèphe Challamel, René Clarisse, Francis Lévi, Bernard Laumon, François Testu, et al.. Rythmes de l'enfant : de l'horloge biologique aux rythmes scolaires. [Rapport de recherche] Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale(INSERM). 2001, 106 p., figures, graphiques. ⟨hal-01571640⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les rythmes biologiques sont présents dans les règnes animal et végétal à tousles stades d’organisation, de la cellule à l’organisme dans son entier. Lapréservation des rythmes biologiques est une composante de la bonne santé del’individu. À cette question se rattache une question d’actualité et d’importance,les rythmes scolaires qui s’organisent évidemment dans la journée, lasemaine et l’année.Un rythme biologique se définit comme une suite de variations physiologiquesstatistiquement significatives, déterminant en fonction du temps des oscillationsde forme reproductible. Quatre paramètres caractérisent un rythmebiologique. La période représente la durée d’un cycle complet de la variationrythmique étudiée. Les rythmes sont appelés circadiens (du latin circa diem,environ un jour) si leur période est d’environ 24 heures. Des rythmes ultradiens(période comprise entre 1 milliseconde et 20 heures) et infradiens (périodecomprise entre 28 heures et 1 an) ont pu également être mis en évidence.Le mésor est le niveau moyen ajusté du rythme et correspond à lamoyenne arithmétique lorsque les données (prélèvements sanguins, par exemple)sont équidistantes et couvrent un cycle complet. L’amplitude correspondà la moitié de la variabilité totale du rythme. C’est donc la moitié de ladifférence entre le pic et le creux d’une fonction étudiée. Enfin, l’acrophase estla localisation du sommet de la fonction (sinusoïdale, par exemple) et correspond,pour un rythme circadien, à l’heure du pic dans l’échelle des 24 heures. (...) Un grand nombre de fonctions physiologiques présentent une rythmicitécircadienne : on peut citer la température corporelle, la sécrétion de nombreuseshormones comme le cortisol, la thyrotropine, la mélatonine. (...) Les rythmes circadiens de la température, du cortisol, de la mélatonine apparaissentau cours des premiers mois de la vie du nourrisson en même tempsqu’apparaît un rythme veille-sommeil stable. (...)
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les rythmes biologiques sont présents dans les règnes animal et végétal à tousles stades d’organisation, de la cellule à l’organisme dans son entier. Lapréservation des rythmes biologiques est une composante de la bonne santé del’individu. À cette question se rattache une question d’actualité et d’importance,les rythmes scolaires qui s’organisent évidemment dans la journée, lasemaine et l’année.Un rythme biologique se définit comme une suite de variations physiologiquesstatistiquement significatives, déterminant en fonction du temps des oscillationsde forme reproductible. Quatre paramètres caractérisent un rythmebiologique. La période représente la durée d’un cycle complet de la variationrythmique étudiée. Les rythmes sont appelés circadiens (du latin circa diem,environ un jour) si leur période est d’environ 24 heures. Des rythmes ultradiens(période comprise entre 1 milliseconde et 20 heures) et infradiens (périodecomprise entre 28 heures et 1 an) ont pu également être mis en évidence.Le mésor est le niveau moyen ajusté du rythme et correspond à lamoyenne arithmétique lorsque les données (prélèvements sanguins, par exemple)sont équidistantes et couvrent un cycle complet. L’amplitude correspondà la moitié de la variabilité totale du rythme. C’est donc la moitié de ladifférence entre le pic et le creux d’une fonction étudiée. Enfin, l’acrophase estla localisation du sommet de la fonction (sinusoïdale, par exemple) et correspond,pour un rythme circadien, à l’heure du pic dans l’échelle des 24 heures. (...) Un grand nombre de fonctions physiologiques présentent une rythmicitécircadienne : on peut citer la température corporelle, la sécrétion de nombreuseshormones comme le cortisol, la thyrotropine, la mélatonine. (...) Les rythmes circadiens de la température, du cortisol, de la mélatonine apparaissentau cours des premiers mois de la vie du nourrisson en même tempsqu’apparaît un rythme veille-sommeil stable. (...)
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emilie Rulliat, Amina Ndiaye, Jean-Stéphane David, Eric Voiglio, Thomas Lieutaud
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01010774
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emilie Rulliat, Amina Ndiaye, Jean-Stéphane David, Eric Voiglio, Thomas Lieutaud. Rupture de l’artère sous-clavière après un accident de la route : de nombreuses similitudes !. Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation, 2011, 30 (12), pp. 909-913. ⟨10.1016/j.annfar.2011.05.010⟩. ⟨hal-01010774⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.annfar.2011.05.010
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction Les ruptures traumatiques de l’artère sous-clavière (RTASC) sont rares et de pronostic péjoratif. L’objectif de ce travail est de décrire l’épidémiologie et les caractéristiques de la prise en charge clinique des RTASC chez les victimes d’accident de la circulation. Méthodes Grâce au registre des accidents de la circulation du département du Rhône (France), toutes les victimes de RTASC ont été identifiées à l’aide du code AIS entre 1996 et 2008. Les dossiers cliniques, biologiques, radiologiques et la survie à j60 des patients ont été analysés rétrospectivement durant les phases pré- et intrahospitalières. Résultats Parmi les 1181 patients avec un traumatisme thoracique grave identifiés dans le registre, une RTASC a été observée chez cinq patients (0,4 %). Quatre des cinq patients sont décédés par choc hémorragique précoce et réfractaire. De nombreuses similarités ont été mises en évidence entre ces patients : 1) les victimes arrivées vivantes à l’hôpital étaient toutes des motards ayant eu un accident sans antagoniste ; 2) le bilan lésionnel retrouvait un polytraumatisme sévère, thoracique et 3) orthopédique ; 4) cliniquement et biologiquement, il existait des signes de choc hémorragique grave ; 5) radiologiquement, il existait toujours des signes de dissociation scapulothoracique. Conclusion Les RTASC sont des lésions rares, mais de pronostic sombre. La reconnaissance de ces lésions doit être précoce chez un motard accidenté seul, devant une triade clinique associant, un état de choc hémorragique, un traumatisme sévère du thorax et des membres supérieurs. La radiographie thoracique montrant une dissociation scapulothoracique doit conduire à une prise en charge médicochirurgicale rapide dans un centre adapté.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction Les ruptures traumatiques de l’artère sous-clavière (RTASC) sont rares et de pronostic péjoratif. L’objectif de ce travail est de décrire l’épidémiologie et les caractéristiques de la prise en charge clinique des RTASC chez les victimes d’accident de la circulation. Méthodes Grâce au registre des accidents de la circulation du département du Rhône (France), toutes les victimes de RTASC ont été identifiées à l’aide du code AIS entre 1996 et 2008. Les dossiers cliniques, biologiques, radiologiques et la survie à j60 des patients ont été analysés rétrospectivement durant les phases pré- et intrahospitalières. Résultats Parmi les 1181 patients avec un traumatisme thoracique grave identifiés dans le registre, une RTASC a été observée chez cinq patients (0,4 %). Quatre des cinq patients sont décédés par choc hémorragique précoce et réfractaire. De nombreuses similarités ont été mises en évidence entre ces patients : 1) les victimes arrivées vivantes à l’hôpital étaient toutes des motards ayant eu un accident sans antagoniste ; 2) le bilan lésionnel retrouvait un polytraumatisme sévère, thoracique et 3) orthopédique ; 4) cliniquement et biologiquement, il existait des signes de choc hémorragique grave ; 5) radiologiquement, il existait toujours des signes de dissociation scapulothoracique. Conclusion Les RTASC sont des lésions rares, mais de pronostic sombre. La reconnaissance de ces lésions doit être précoce chez un motard accidenté seul, devant une triade clinique associant, un état de choc hémorragique, un traumatisme sévère du thorax et des membres supérieurs. La radiographie thoracique montrant une dissociation scapulothoracique doit conduire à une prise en charge médicochirurgicale rapide dans un centre adapté.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Corsenac, Emmanuel Lagarde, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Delorme, Aurore Tricotel, Anne Castot, Nicholas Moore, Pierre Philip, Bernard Laumon, Ludivine Orriols
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01027574
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Corsenac, Emmanuel Lagarde, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Delorme, Aurore Tricotel, et al.. Road traffic crashes and prescribed methadone and buprenorphine: A french registry-based case–control study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2012, 1 (123), pp. 91-97. ⟨10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2011.10.022⟩. ⟨hal-01027574⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2011.10.022
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Opioids have been shown to impair psychomotor and cognitive functioning in healthy volunteers with no history of opioid abuse. Few or no significant effects have been found in opioid-dependant patients in experimental or driving simulation studies. The risk of road traffic crash among patients under buprenorphine or methadone has not been subject to epidemiological investigation so far. The objective was to investigate the association between the risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash and the use of buprenorphine and methadone. Methods: Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. Case-control analysis comparing responsible versus non responsible drivers was conducted. Results: 72,685 drivers identified by their national health care number, involved in an injurious crash in France over the July 2005 to May 2008 period. The 196 drivers exposed to buprenorphine or methadone on the day of crash were young, essentially males, with an important co-consumption of other substances (alcohol and benzodiazepines). Injured drivers exposed to buprenorphine or methadone on the day of crash, had an increased risk of being responsible for the crash (odds ratio (OR)=2.02, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.40, 2.91). Conclusions: Users of methadone and buprenorphine were at increased risk of being responsible for injurious road traffic crashes. This risk is probably the combined result of risky behaviors and treatments.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Opioids have been shown to impair psychomotor and cognitive functioning in healthy volunteers with no history of opioid abuse. Few or no significant effects have been found in opioid-dependant patients in experimental or driving simulation studies. The risk of road traffic crash among patients under buprenorphine or methadone has not been subject to epidemiological investigation so far. The objective was to investigate the association between the risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash and the use of buprenorphine and methadone. Methods: Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. Case-control analysis comparing responsible versus non responsible drivers was conducted. Results: 72,685 drivers identified by their national health care number, involved in an injurious crash in France over the July 2005 to May 2008 period. The 196 drivers exposed to buprenorphine or methadone on the day of crash were young, essentially males, with an important co-consumption of other substances (alcohol and benzodiazepines). Injured drivers exposed to buprenorphine or methadone on the day of crash, had an increased risk of being responsible for the crash (odds ratio (OR)=2.02, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.40, 2.91). Conclusions: Users of methadone and buprenorphine were at increased risk of being responsible for injurious road traffic crashes. This risk is probably the combined result of risky behaviors and treatments.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Orriols, Audrey Luxcey, Benjamin Contrand, Anne Benard-Laribiere, Antoine Pariente, Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02159443
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Orriols, Audrey Luxcey, Benjamin Contrand, Anne Benard-Laribiere, Antoine Pariente, et al.. Road traffic crash risk associated with prescription of hydroxyzine and other sedating H1-antihistamines: A responsibility and case-crossover study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017, 106, pp. 115-121. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2017.05.030⟩. ⟨hal-02159443⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2017.05.030
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background H1 antihistamines differ from each other by their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. The resulting sedating effect can be sought in therapy but may be a driving hazard. The aim of this study was to estimate the impact of sedating H1-antihistamines on the risk of road traffic crash, with a particular focus on hydroxyzine which is also indicated as an anxiolytic in France. Methods The study consisted in extracting and matching data from three French nationwide databases: the national healthcare insurance database, police reports and the police national database of injurious crashes. All sedating H1-antihistamines, including hydroxyzine, were considered in the study. A case-control analysis, in which responsible drivers were cases and non-responsible were controls was performed. A case-crossover analysis, comparing for the same subject exposure during a period immediately before the crash with exposure during an earlier period, was also conducted. Results The extraction and matching procedures over the July 2005-December 2011 period led to the inclusion of 142,771 drivers involved in an injurious road traffic crash. The responsibility study found an increased risk of being responsible for an injurious road traffic crash in hydroxyzine users who were registered with a long-term chronic disease (mostly psychiatric disorders) on the day of the crash (OR=1.67 [1.22-2.30]). Among them, the risk was even higher in drivers with highest exposure levels (OR=2.60 [1.23-5.50]). There was no impact of sedating H1 antihistamine treatment initiation on the risk of crash. Conclusion Even if it is difficult to disentangle the part of the increased risk that would be causally related to hydroxyzine and the part related to behaviours of patients with a heavy psychiatric disorder, our study raises the alarm on the crash risk linked to hydroxyzine utilization in countries in which the anxiolytic indication is widespread.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background H1 antihistamines differ from each other by their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. The resulting sedating effect can be sought in therapy but may be a driving hazard. The aim of this study was to estimate the impact of sedating H1-antihistamines on the risk of road traffic crash, with a particular focus on hydroxyzine which is also indicated as an anxiolytic in France. Methods The study consisted in extracting and matching data from three French nationwide databases: the national healthcare insurance database, police reports and the police national database of injurious crashes. All sedating H1-antihistamines, including hydroxyzine, were considered in the study. A case-control analysis, in which responsible drivers were cases and non-responsible were controls was performed. A case-crossover analysis, comparing for the same subject exposure during a period immediately before the crash with exposure during an earlier period, was also conducted. Results The extraction and matching procedures over the July 2005-December 2011 period led to the inclusion of 142,771 drivers involved in an injurious road traffic crash. The responsibility study found an increased risk of being responsible for an injurious road traffic crash in hydroxyzine users who were registered with a long-term chronic disease (mostly psychiatric disorders) on the day of the crash (OR=1.67 [1.22-2.30]). Among them, the risk was even higher in drivers with highest exposure levels (OR=2.60 [1.23-5.50]). There was no impact of sedating H1 antihistamine treatment initiation on the risk of crash. Conclusion Even if it is difficult to disentangle the part of the increased risk that would be causally related to hydroxyzine and the part related to behaviours of patients with a heavy psychiatric disorder, our study raises the alarm on the crash risk linked to hydroxyzine utilization in countries in which the anxiolytic indication is widespread.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Orriols, Audrey Luxcey, Benjamin Contrand, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Delorme, Aurore Tricotel, Nicholas Moore, Louis-Rachid Salmi, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01525885
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Orriols, Audrey Luxcey, Benjamin Contrand, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Delorme, et al.. Road traffic crash risk associated with benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic use after implementation of a colour-graded pictogram: a responsibility study. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2016, 6 (82), p. 1625-1635. ⟨10.1111/bcp.13075⟩. ⟨hal-01525885⟩
DOI : 10.1111/bcp.13075
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Aims To assess potential change in medicine exposure and association with the risk of road traffic crash across a time period that started before the implementation of a grading system warning of the effect of medicine on driving performance. Methods Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports and the national police database of injurious crashes. Drivers involved in such crashes in France, from July 2005 to December 2011 and identified by their national identifier, were included. Association with the risk of crash was estimated using a case?control analysis comparing benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic use among drivers responsible or not responsible for the crash. Results Totals of 69?353 responsible and 73?410 non-responsible drivers involved in an injurious crash were included. Exposure to benzodiazepine anxiolytics was associated with an increased risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash during the pre-intervention period (OR=1.42 [1.24?1.62]). The association disappeared in the post-intervention period, but became significant again thereafter. The risk of being responsible for a crash increased in users of z-hypnotics across the study period. Conclusions Our results question the efficacy of the measures implemented to promote awareness about the effects of medicines on driving abilities. Prevention policies relating to the general driving population, but also to healthcare professionals, should be reviewed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Aims To assess potential change in medicine exposure and association with the risk of road traffic crash across a time period that started before the implementation of a grading system warning of the effect of medicine on driving performance. Methods Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports and the national police database of injurious crashes. Drivers involved in such crashes in France, from July 2005 to December 2011 and identified by their national identifier, were included. Association with the risk of crash was estimated using a case?control analysis comparing benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic use among drivers responsible or not responsible for the crash. Results Totals of 69?353 responsible and 73?410 non-responsible drivers involved in an injurious crash were included. Exposure to benzodiazepine anxiolytics was associated with an increased risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash during the pre-intervention period (OR=1.42 [1.24?1.62]). The association disappeared in the post-intervention period, but became significant again thereafter. The risk of being responsible for a crash increased in users of z-hypnotics across the study period. Conclusions Our results question the efficacy of the measures implemented to promote awareness about the effects of medicines on driving abilities. Prevention policies relating to the general driving population, but also to healthcare professionals, should be reviewed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Li Lu, Benjamin Contrand, Blandine Gadegbeku, Louis-Rachid Salmi, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03128906
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Li Lu, Benjamin Contrand, Blandine Gadegbeku, Louis-Rachid Salmi, Emmanuel Lagarde. Road traffic crash characteristics of drivers who take prescription medicines that carry a risk to driving. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2020, 85, pp.P102929. ⟨10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102929⟩. ⟨hal-03128906⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102929
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background The specific features of crashes involving an alcohol-intoxicated driver have been extensively characterized, but no such data are available for crashes involving a driver who has used a prescription medicine, which could help to plan and target prevention and control initiatives. This study aimed to describe the characteristics of crashes involving drivers under the influence of prescription medicines. Methods We took advantage of CESIR, a French record linkage study for which data were extracted and matched from three French national databases: police reports, the national police database of injurious crashes and the national health care insurance database (HCI database). The drivers included in the study were those involved in an injurious road crash in France from July 1, 2005 to December 31, 2015, whose national identity number, date of birth and sex allowed matching. Prescription medicines considered were those with the two highest levels of warning. Results Similar crash profiles were found when drivers used alcohol or medicines, particularly with respect to injury severity, type of vehicle, type of collision, type of road and cross-track profile. Alcohol-related crashes were over-represented during weekends and in low-density areas and medicine-related crashes were over-represented during weekdays and in cities of fewer than 300 000 inhabitants. While a much higher strength of association with responsibility was found for alcohol than for medicines, the proportion of crashes with drivers using medicines was twice as high as crashes with drivers using alcohol. Conclusion The lower risk carried by medicines is therefore in part compensated by a higher prevalence of use, making medicines one of the hidden factors of road risk. Characterizing these crashes will therefore be useful to better focus road safety intervention on the prevention of driving under the influence of psychotropic medicines.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background The specific features of crashes involving an alcohol-intoxicated driver have been extensively characterized, but no such data are available for crashes involving a driver who has used a prescription medicine, which could help to plan and target prevention and control initiatives. This study aimed to describe the characteristics of crashes involving drivers under the influence of prescription medicines. Methods We took advantage of CESIR, a French record linkage study for which data were extracted and matched from three French national databases: police reports, the national police database of injurious crashes and the national health care insurance database (HCI database). The drivers included in the study were those involved in an injurious road crash in France from July 1, 2005 to December 31, 2015, whose national identity number, date of birth and sex allowed matching. Prescription medicines considered were those with the two highest levels of warning. Results Similar crash profiles were found when drivers used alcohol or medicines, particularly with respect to injury severity, type of vehicle, type of collision, type of road and cross-track profile. Alcohol-related crashes were over-represented during weekends and in low-density areas and medicine-related crashes were over-represented during weekdays and in cities of fewer than 300 000 inhabitants. While a much higher strength of association with responsibility was found for alcohol than for medicines, the proportion of crashes with drivers using medicines was twice as high as crashes with drivers using alcohol. Conclusion The lower risk carried by medicines is therefore in part compensated by a higher prevalence of use, making medicines one of the hidden factors of road risk. Characterizing these crashes will therefore be useful to better focus road safety intervention on the prevention of driving under the influence of psychotropic medicines.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Axel Benhamed, Amina Ndiaye, Marcel Emond, Thomas Lieutaud, Valérie Boucher, Amaury Gossiome, Bernard Laumon, Blandine Gadegbeku, Karim Tazarourte
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04050832
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Axel Benhamed, Amina Ndiaye, Marcel Emond, Thomas Lieutaud, Valérie Boucher, et al.. Road traffic accident-related thoracic trauma: Epidemiology, injury pattern, outcome, and impact on mortality?A multicenter observational study. PLoS ONE, 2022, 17 (5), pp.e0268202. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0268202⟩. ⟨hal-04050832⟩
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0268202
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Thoracic trauma is a major cause of death in trauma patients and road traffic accident (RTA)-related thoracic injuries have different characteristics than those with non-RTA related thoracic traumas, but this have been poorly described. The main objective was to investigate the epidemiology, injury pattern and outcome of patients suffering a significant RTA-related thoracic injury. Secondary objective was to investigate the influence of serious thoracic injuries on mortality, compared to other serious injuries. Methods We performed a multicenter observational study including patients of the Rhône RTA registry between 1997 and 2016 sustaining a moderate to lethal (Abbreviated Injury Scale, AIS?2) injury in any body region. A subgroup (AISThorax?2 group) included those with one or more AIS?2 thoracic injury. Descriptive statistics were performed for the main outcome and a multivariate logistic regression was computed for our secondary outcome. Results A total of 176,346 patients were included in the registry and 6,382 (3.6%) sustained a thoracic injury. Among those, median age [IQR] was 41 [25-58] years, and 68.9% were male. The highest incidence of thoracic injuries in female patients was in the 70-79 years age group, while this was observed in the 20-29 years age group among males. Most patients were car occupants (52.3%). Chest wall injuries were the most frequent thoracic injuries (62.1%), 52.4% of which were multiple rib fractures. Trauma brain injuries (TBI) were the most frequent concomitant injuries (29.1%). The frequency of MAISThorax = 2 injuries increased with age while that of MAISThorax = 3 injuries decreased. A total of 16.2% patients died. Serious (AIS?3) thoracic injuries (OR = 12.4, 95%CI [8.6;18.0]) were strongly associated with mortality but less than were TBI (OR = 27.9, 95%CI [21.3;36.7]). Conclusion Moderate to lethal RTA-related thoracic injuries were rare. Multiple ribs fractures, pulmonary contusions, and sternal fractures were the most frequent anatomical injuries. The incidence, injury pattern and mechanisms greatly vary across age groups.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Thoracic trauma is a major cause of death in trauma patients and road traffic accident (RTA)-related thoracic injuries have different characteristics than those with non-RTA related thoracic traumas, but this have been poorly described. The main objective was to investigate the epidemiology, injury pattern and outcome of patients suffering a significant RTA-related thoracic injury. Secondary objective was to investigate the influence of serious thoracic injuries on mortality, compared to other serious injuries. Methods We performed a multicenter observational study including patients of the Rhône RTA registry between 1997 and 2016 sustaining a moderate to lethal (Abbreviated Injury Scale, AIS?2) injury in any body region. A subgroup (AISThorax?2 group) included those with one or more AIS?2 thoracic injury. Descriptive statistics were performed for the main outcome and a multivariate logistic regression was computed for our secondary outcome. Results A total of 176,346 patients were included in the registry and 6,382 (3.6%) sustained a thoracic injury. Among those, median age [IQR] was 41 [25-58] years, and 68.9% were male. The highest incidence of thoracic injuries in female patients was in the 70-79 years age group, while this was observed in the 20-29 years age group among males. Most patients were car occupants (52.3%). Chest wall injuries were the most frequent thoracic injuries (62.1%), 52.4% of which were multiple rib fractures. Trauma brain injuries (TBI) were the most frequent concomitant injuries (29.1%). The frequency of MAISThorax = 2 injuries increased with age while that of MAISThorax = 3 injuries decreased. A total of 16.2% patients died. Serious (AIS?3) thoracic injuries (OR = 12.4, 95%CI [8.6;18.0]) were strongly associated with mortality but less than were TBI (OR = 27.9, 95%CI [21.3;36.7]). Conclusion Moderate to lethal RTA-related thoracic injuries were rare. Multiple ribs fractures, pulmonary contusions, and sternal fractures were the most frequent anatomical injuries. The incidence, injury pattern and mechanisms greatly vary across age groups.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Grégory Parmentier, Jean-François Chastang, Hermann Nabi, Mireille Chiron, Sylviane Lafont, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00000032
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Grégory Parmentier, Jean-François Chastang, Hermann Nabi, Mireille Chiron, Sylviane Lafont, et al.. Road mobility and the risk of road traffic accident as a driver. The impact of medical conditions and life events.. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2005, 37, pp.1121-34. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2005.06.012⟩. ⟨inserm-00000032⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2005.06.012
pubmedId_s : 16043106
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : STUDY OBJECTIVE: We conducted a longitudinal investigation of the impact of self-reported life events and medical conditions on changes in road mobility on the wheel between 2000 and 2002 in order to assess whether these changes would affect the risk of road traffic accident (RTA). METHODS: Data are from a cohort of workers and retirees from the French national gas and electricity companies (the Gazel cohort). In the present study, 10,483 participants were included (7843 men aged 51-61 years and 2640 women aged 46-61 years, in 2000). The link between mobility and the risk of RTA was approximated using data on RTA number during lifetime and reported mobility in 2000. We then compared changes in road mobility between 2000 and 2002 resulting from life events and medical conditions reported to have occurred in the year 2001 or changed when compared to year 2000. We also compared road mobilities in 2000 in order to assess any pre-existing differences before life events and medical conditions. This led to estimation of the effect of road mobility changes on the risk of RTA. RESULTS: Changes in road mobility associated with life events and medical conditions were only found among men. These changes in road mobility were minimal. Ensuing changes in the risk of RTA were estimated to be small (odds-ratios ranged from 0.94 to 1.01). The only life events found to be associated with increased road mobility was an important purchase. Hospitalization, serious RTA, and retiring were associated with reduced road mobility. Concerning medical conditions, men who reported cataract, angina pectoris, diabetes, anxiety and stress, sleep disorder, and depression decreased their road mobility. CONCLUSION: We found no or moderate changes in road mobility resulting from life events and medical conditions, suggesting that results from previous published studies that assessed the impact of life events or medical conditions on RTA were not jeopardized by improper adjustment for road mobility.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : STUDY OBJECTIVE: We conducted a longitudinal investigation of the impact of self-reported life events and medical conditions on changes in road mobility on the wheel between 2000 and 2002 in order to assess whether these changes would affect the risk of road traffic accident (RTA). METHODS: Data are from a cohort of workers and retirees from the French national gas and electricity companies (the Gazel cohort). In the present study, 10,483 participants were included (7843 men aged 51-61 years and 2640 women aged 46-61 years, in 2000). The link between mobility and the risk of RTA was approximated using data on RTA number during lifetime and reported mobility in 2000. We then compared changes in road mobility between 2000 and 2002 resulting from life events and medical conditions reported to have occurred in the year 2001 or changed when compared to year 2000. We also compared road mobilities in 2000 in order to assess any pre-existing differences before life events and medical conditions. This led to estimation of the effect of road mobility changes on the risk of RTA. RESULTS: Changes in road mobility associated with life events and medical conditions were only found among men. These changes in road mobility were minimal. Ensuing changes in the risk of RTA were estimated to be small (odds-ratios ranged from 0.94 to 1.01). The only life events found to be associated with increased road mobility was an important purchase. Hospitalization, serious RTA, and retiring were associated with reduced road mobility. Concerning medical conditions, men who reported cataract, angina pectoris, diabetes, anxiety and stress, sleep disorder, and depression decreased their road mobility. CONCLUSION: We found no or moderate changes in road mobility resulting from life events and medical conditions, suggesting that results from previous published studies that assessed the impact of life events or medical conditions on RTA were not jeopardized by improper adjustment for road mobility.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Erik Lenguerrand, Jean-Louis Martin, Mireille Chiron, Emmanuel Lagarde, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00170620
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Erik Lenguerrand, Jean-Louis Martin, Mireille Chiron, Emmanuel Lagarde, Bernard Laumon. Road crash involvement and professional status: A prospective study using the French Gazel cohort.. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2008, 40 (1), pp.126-136. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2007.04.009⟩. ⟨inserm-00170620⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2007.04.009
pubmedId_s : 18215540
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: To assess professional status (PS) differences in the risk of road crash involvement (RCI) (irrespective of crash severity), and to examine the underlying mechanism by evaluating the role of exposure to road risk (ERR). METHOD: A total of 15,271 subjects selected from the French GAZEL cohort were studied. A proportional hazard model for recurrent events was used to calculate the relative risks (RR) of RCI associated with PS. The associations between RCI and PS were investigated by adjusting for ERR (kilometers travelled and risk behaviors on the road). RESULTS: In all, 1890 RCI were reported. Managers have greater crude RCI risk than unskilled workers (male, RR=1.30; female, RR=1.44). This difference was no longer statistically significant when adjusting for factors describing the drivers' behaviors. Female managers' risks were also insignificant when adjusted for vehicle kilometers travelled (VKT). Managers seemed at lower risk of injury when involved in a crash. CONCLUSION: Socially advantaged subjects have the greatest RCI risk. Qualitative and quantitative ERR factors explain these disparities. These results highlight the importance to focus on ERR when studying the effect of an individual characteristic on RCI. They also highlight the importance to analyse separately the "RCI" and the "susceptibility to injury".
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: To assess professional status (PS) differences in the risk of road crash involvement (RCI) (irrespective of crash severity), and to examine the underlying mechanism by evaluating the role of exposure to road risk (ERR). METHOD: A total of 15,271 subjects selected from the French GAZEL cohort were studied. A proportional hazard model for recurrent events was used to calculate the relative risks (RR) of RCI associated with PS. The associations between RCI and PS were investigated by adjusting for ERR (kilometers travelled and risk behaviors on the road). RESULTS: In all, 1890 RCI were reported. Managers have greater crude RCI risk than unskilled workers (male, RR=1.30; female, RR=1.44). This difference was no longer statistically significant when adjusting for factors describing the drivers' behaviors. Female managers' risks were also insignificant when adjusted for vehicle kilometers travelled (VKT). Managers seemed at lower risk of injury when involved in a crash. CONCLUSION: Socially advantaged subjects have the greatest RCI risk. Qualitative and quantitative ERR factors explain these disparities. These results highlight the importance to focus on ERR when studying the effect of an individual characteristic on RCI. They also highlight the importance to analyse separately the "RCI" and the "susceptibility to injury".
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuel Fort, Carole Pelissier, Alexandre Fanjas, Pierrette Charnay, Barbara Charbotel, Alain Bergeret, Luc Fontana, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02089845
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuel Fort, Carole Pelissier, Alexandre Fanjas, Pierrette Charnay, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. Road casualties in work-related and private contexts: occupational medical impact. Results from the ESPARR cohort. WORK, 2018, 60 (1), pp. 117-128. ⟨10.3233/WOR-182720⟩. ⟨hal-02089845⟩
DOI : 10.3233/WOR-182720
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Road accidents may impact victims' physical and/or mental health and socio-occupational life, notably including return to work. OBJECTIVES: To assess whether the occupational medical consequences sustained by subjects injured in road accidents occurring in a work-related context differ from those associated with private accidents.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Road accidents may impact victims' physical and/or mental health and socio-occupational life, notably including return to work. OBJECTIVES: To assess whether the occupational medical consequences sustained by subjects injured in road accidents occurring in a work-related context differ from those associated with private accidents.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A Constant, Lr Salmi, S Lafont, M Chiron, E Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00952068
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A Constant, Lr Salmi, S Lafont, M Chiron, E Lagarde. Road casualties and changes in risky behaviour in France between 2001 and 2004 among participants in the Gazel cohort. American Journal of Public Health, 2009, 99 (7), pp.1247-1253. ⟨10.2105/AJPH.2007.126474⟩. ⟨hal-00952068⟩
DOI : 10.2105/AJPH.2007.126474
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We investigated behavioral changes in a large cohort of drivers to identify underlying causes of the decline in road casualties in France. In 2001 and 2004, 11240 participants used self-administered questionnaires to report attitudes toward road safety and driving behaviors. Injury road traffic collisions were recorded from 2001 to 2005 through the cohort's annual questionnaire. Between 2001 and 2004, speeding and cell phone use decreased concomitantly with a decrease in injury road traffic collision rates among participants. Reported driving while sleepy remained unchanged and driving while alcohol intoxicated was reported by a higher proportion in 2004 than in 2001. Decreases in speeding between 2001 and 2004 were strongly linked with positive attitudes toward road safety in 2001. In this cohort, speeding and using a cell phone while driving decreased over the 2001 to 2004 period concomitantly with increases in traffic law enforcement and a dramatic decline in road mortality in France. However, the deterrent effect of traffic enforcement policies may have been reduced by negative attitudes toward traffic safety and having had a history of traffic penalty cancellations.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We investigated behavioral changes in a large cohort of drivers to identify underlying causes of the decline in road casualties in France. In 2001 and 2004, 11240 participants used self-administered questionnaires to report attitudes toward road safety and driving behaviors. Injury road traffic collisions were recorded from 2001 to 2005 through the cohort's annual questionnaire. Between 2001 and 2004, speeding and cell phone use decreased concomitantly with a decrease in injury road traffic collision rates among participants. Reported driving while sleepy remained unchanged and driving while alcohol intoxicated was reported by a higher proportion in 2004 than in 2001. Decreases in speeding between 2001 and 2004 were strongly linked with positive attitudes toward road safety in 2001. In this cohort, speeding and using a cell phone while driving decreased over the 2001 to 2004 period concomitantly with increases in traffic law enforcement and a dramatic decline in road mortality in France. However, the deterrent effect of traffic enforcement policies may have been reduced by negative attitudes toward traffic safety and having had a history of traffic penalty cancellations.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuel Fort, Laure Pourcel, Philippe Davezies, Camille Renaux, Mireille Chiron, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04583646
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuel Fort, Laure Pourcel, Philippe Davezies, Camille Renaux, Mireille Chiron, et al.. Road accidents, an occupational risk. Safety Science, 2010, 48 (10), pp.1412-1420. ⟨10.1016/j.ssci.2010.06.001⟩. ⟨hal-04583646⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.ssci.2010.06.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Road accidents sustained at work represent between 20% and 40% of work fatalities in most industrialised countries, yet few data on occupational road accident risk factors have been published. A case control study was performed to assess the role of work-related risk factors in the occurrence of occupational road accidents. A preliminary qualitative study was carried out to identify possible occupational factors in occupational road accidents, and to draw up the case control study. Cases were recruited from the Rhône road trauma registry (France), controls from voting lists. A telephone interview was performed. Exposure to road risk was measured as a percentage of work time. One hundred and forty-six cases and 440 matched controls were interviewed. Accident risk was found to increase with exposure. Driving was associated with more difficult working conditions than found in jobs not involving driving. These difficulties, however, were not systematically associated with increased occupational road accident risk. Among factors which still emerge after adjustment for road risk exposure, there are scheduling issues (inflexible schedule organisation, lack of consecutive rest-days, lack of flexibility in performing the work), difficulties of communication with superiors, low seniority in the activity, low educational level and physical constraints at work. This study highlights some possible occupational road accident risk factors. Given the chosen case/control methodology, the findings may be considered as advancing our knowledge of the subject, but need confirmation by further studies.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Road accidents sustained at work represent between 20% and 40% of work fatalities in most industrialised countries, yet few data on occupational road accident risk factors have been published. A case control study was performed to assess the role of work-related risk factors in the occurrence of occupational road accidents. A preliminary qualitative study was carried out to identify possible occupational factors in occupational road accidents, and to draw up the case control study. Cases were recruited from the Rhône road trauma registry (France), controls from voting lists. A telephone interview was performed. Exposure to road risk was measured as a percentage of work time. One hundred and forty-six cases and 440 matched controls were interviewed. Accident risk was found to increase with exposure. Driving was associated with more difficult working conditions than found in jobs not involving driving. These difficulties, however, were not systematically associated with increased occupational road accident risk. Among factors which still emerge after adjustment for road risk exposure, there are scheduling issues (inflexible schedule organisation, lack of consecutive rest-days, lack of flexibility in performing the work), difficulties of communication with superiors, low seniority in the activity, low educational level and physical constraints at work. This study highlights some possible occupational road accident risk factors. Given the chosen case/control methodology, the findings may be considered as advancing our knowledge of the subject, but need confirmation by further studies.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aissata Diakite, Blandine Gadegbeku, Sébastien Djédjé Dano, Hélène Yapo Ette, Koffi Botti, Anglade Kla Malan, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01428753
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aissata Diakite, Blandine Gadegbeku, Sébastien Djédjé Dano, Hélène Yapo Ette, Koffi Botti, et al.. Road Traffic Injuries Involving Illegal Blood Alcohol Levels and Psychoactive Drug Use in Côte d'Ivoire: A Hospital-based Study. Universal Journal of Public Health, 2014, 2 (5), pp. 154-162. ⟨10.13189/ujph.2014.020503⟩. ⟨hal-01428753⟩
DOI : 10.13189/ujph.2014.020503
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In Côte d'Ivoire alcohol and drugs consumption in the general population is a serious issue. However, their role in Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) has never been investigated. Our study aimed to estimate the prevalence of alcohol-impaired road users at the time of the RTA and report psychoactive drug use, in various categories of casualties, and in various circumstances of the crash. We conducted a cross-sectional study including 893 casualties involved in fatal or non-fatal RTAs and admitted at the Emergency Room or the Forensic Institute from March to September 2012. Blood alcohol dosage (BAC) and urine drug screening were carried out, and results were linked with hospital and police crash report data. The mean BAC in positive cases indicated heavy drinking before the crash: drivers (1.9 g/L), pedestrians (2.1 g/L), passengers (1.5 g/L). The prevalence of alcohol-impairment was significantly higher in drivers (41%) and riders (27%) compared to pedestrians (17%) and passengers (13%). Over 75% of casualties that tested positive for alcohol had a BAC largely above the legal limit. Psychoactive drug use was twice more prevalent in alcohol-impaired drivers than in sober drivers (20% vs 10%). Binge drinking is an emerging issue in African countries, which should be taken into account in the management or prevention of road traffic injuries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In Côte d'Ivoire alcohol and drugs consumption in the general population is a serious issue. However, their role in Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) has never been investigated. Our study aimed to estimate the prevalence of alcohol-impaired road users at the time of the RTA and report psychoactive drug use, in various categories of casualties, and in various circumstances of the crash. We conducted a cross-sectional study including 893 casualties involved in fatal or non-fatal RTAs and admitted at the Emergency Room or the Forensic Institute from March to September 2012. Blood alcohol dosage (BAC) and urine drug screening were carried out, and results were linked with hospital and police crash report data. The mean BAC in positive cases indicated heavy drinking before the crash: drivers (1.9 g/L), pedestrians (2.1 g/L), passengers (1.5 g/L). The prevalence of alcohol-impairment was significantly higher in drivers (41%) and riders (27%) compared to pedestrians (17%) and passengers (13%). Over 75% of casualties that tested positive for alcohol had a BAC largely above the legal limit. Psychoactive drug use was twice more prevalent in alcohol-impaired drivers than in sober drivers (20% vs 10%). Binge drinking is an emerging issue in African countries, which should be taken into account in the management or prevention of road traffic injuries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Stéphanie Blaizot, Francis Papon, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Emmanuelle Amoros
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01066898
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Stéphanie Blaizot, Francis Papon, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Emmanuelle Amoros. Risk of road traffic injuries for pedestrians, cyclists, car occupants and powered two-wheel users, based on a road trauma registry and travel surveys, Rhône, France. TRA - Transport Research Arena, Apr 2014, Paris, France. 10p. ⟨hal-01066898⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We estimate the risk of traffic injuries as the ratio of amount of casualties and mobility. Crash data come from a road trauma Registry, including outpatients and inpatients, on the Rhône county (1.6 M inhabitants, including Lyon). These data are far more complete than police data, in particular for cyclist crashes. Mobility comes from travel surveys. Compared with car occupants and with regards to time spent travelling, the all-injury rate was twice lower for pedestrians, 8 times higher for cyclists, and 42 times higher for powered two-wheel (PTW) riders. For serious injuries, compared to car occupants, the risk is respectively 2, 16 and 120 times higher for pedestrians, cyclists and PTW users. For car occupants, pedestrians and cyclists, the age group 18-25 years had the highest all-injury rate. For cyclists, the injury rates seemed higher in non-dense areas than in dense areas. Between 1996-1997 and 2005-2006 and with regards to time spent travelling, the all-injury, and serious-injury rates seems to have decreased for car occupants and cyclists, and even more so for cyclists.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We estimate the risk of traffic injuries as the ratio of amount of casualties and mobility. Crash data come from a road trauma Registry, including outpatients and inpatients, on the Rhône county (1.6 M inhabitants, including Lyon). These data are far more complete than police data, in particular for cyclist crashes. Mobility comes from travel surveys. Compared with car occupants and with regards to time spent travelling, the all-injury rate was twice lower for pedestrians, 8 times higher for cyclists, and 42 times higher for powered two-wheel (PTW) riders. For serious injuries, compared to car occupants, the risk is respectively 2, 16 and 120 times higher for pedestrians, cyclists and PTW users. For car occupants, pedestrians and cyclists, the age group 18-25 years had the highest all-injury rate. For cyclists, the injury rates seemed higher in non-dense areas than in dense areas. Between 1996-1997 and 2005-2006 and with regards to time spent travelling, the all-injury, and serious-injury rates seems to have decreased for car occupants and cyclists, and even more so for cyclists.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Orriols, Raphaëlle Queinec, Pierre Philip, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Delorme, Nicholas Moore, Samy Suissa, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01010743
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Orriols, Raphaëlle Queinec, Pierre Philip, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Delorme, et al.. Risk of injurious road traffic crash after prescription of antidepressants. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2012, 8 (73), pp. 1088-1094. ⟨10.4088/JCP.11m07624⟩. ⟨hal-01010743⟩
DOI : 10.4088/JCP.11m07624
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: To estimate the risk of road traffic crash associated with prescription of antidepressants. Methods: Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. A case-control analysis comparing 34,896 responsible versus 37,789 nonresponsible drivers was conducted. Case-crossover analysis was performed to investigate the acute effect of medicine exposure. Results: 72,685 drivers, identified by their national health care number, involved in an injurious crash in France over the July 2005 to May 2008 period, were included. 2,936 drivers (4.0%) were exposed to at least one antidepressant on the day of the crash. The results showed a significant association between the risk of being responsible for a crash and prescription of antidepressants (odds ratio (OR)=1.34, 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.22-1.47]). The case-crossover analysis showed no association with treatment prescription, but the risk of road traffic crash increased after an initiation of antidepressant treatment (OR=1.49 [1.24-1.79]) and after a change in antidepressant treatment (OR=1.32 [1.09-1.60]). Conclusions: Patients and prescribers should be warned about the risk of crash during periods of antidepressant medication and about particularly high vulnerability periods such as those when a treatment is initiated or modified.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: To estimate the risk of road traffic crash associated with prescription of antidepressants. Methods: Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. A case-control analysis comparing 34,896 responsible versus 37,789 nonresponsible drivers was conducted. Case-crossover analysis was performed to investigate the acute effect of medicine exposure. Results: 72,685 drivers, identified by their national health care number, involved in an injurious crash in France over the July 2005 to May 2008 period, were included. 2,936 drivers (4.0%) were exposed to at least one antidepressant on the day of the crash. The results showed a significant association between the risk of being responsible for a crash and prescription of antidepressants (odds ratio (OR)=1.34, 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.22-1.47]). The case-crossover analysis showed no association with treatment prescription, but the risk of road traffic crash increased after an initiation of antidepressant treatment (OR=1.49 [1.24-1.79]) and after a change in antidepressant treatment (OR=1.32 [1.09-1.60]). Conclusions: Patients and prescribers should be warned about the risk of crash during periods of antidepressant medication and about particularly high vulnerability periods such as those when a treatment is initiated or modified.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : E. Cardis, B. K. Armstrong, J. D. Bowman, G. G. Giles, M. Hours, D. Krewski, M. Mcbride, M. E. Parent, S. Sadetzki, A. Woodward, J. Brown, A. Chetrit, J. Figuerola, C. Hoffmann, A. Jarus-Hakak, L. Montestruq, L. Nadon, L. Richardson, R. Villegas, M. Vrijheid
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : pasteur-00722973
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : E. Cardis, B. K. Armstrong, J. D. Bowman, G. G. Giles, M. Hours, et al.. Risk of brain tumours in relation to estimated RF dose from mobile phones: results from five Interphone countries.. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2011, 68 (9), pp.631-40. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2011-100155⟩. ⟨pasteur-00722973⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2011-100155
pubmedId_s : 21659469
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to examine the associations of brain tumours with radio frequency (RF) fields from mobile phones. METHODS: Patients with brain tumour from the Australian, Canadian, French, Israeli and New Zealand components of the Interphone Study, whose tumours were localised by neuroradiologists, were analysed. Controls were matched on age, sex and region and allocated the 'tumour location' of their matched case. Analyses included 553 glioma and 676 meningioma cases and 1762 and 1911 controls, respectively. RF dose was estimated as total cumulative specific energy (TCSE; J/kg) absorbed at the tumour's estimated centre taking into account multiple RF exposure determinants. RESULTS: ORs with ever having been a regular mobile phone user were 0.93 (95% CI 0.73 to 1.18) for glioma and 0.80 (95% CI 0.66 to 0.96) for meningioma. ORs for glioma were below 1 in the first four quintiles of TCSE but above 1 in the highest quintile, 1.35 (95% CI 0.96 to 1.90). The OR increased with increasing TCSE 7+ years before diagnosis (p-trend 0.01; OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.05 to 3.47 in the highest quintile). A complementary analysis in which 44 glioma and 135 meningioma cases in the most exposed area of the brain were compared with gliomas and meningiomas located elsewhere in the brain showed increased ORs for tumours in the most exposed part of the brain in those with 10+ years of mobile phone use (OR 2.80, 95% CI 1.13 to 6.94 for glioma). Patterns for meningioma were similar, but ORs were lower, many below 1.0. CONCLUSIONS: There were suggestions of an increased risk of glioma in long-term mobile phone users with high RF exposure and of similar, but apparently much smaller, increases in meningioma risk. The uncertainty of these results requires that they be replicated before a causal interpretation can be made.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to examine the associations of brain tumours with radio frequency (RF) fields from mobile phones. METHODS: Patients with brain tumour from the Australian, Canadian, French, Israeli and New Zealand components of the Interphone Study, whose tumours were localised by neuroradiologists, were analysed. Controls were matched on age, sex and region and allocated the 'tumour location' of their matched case. Analyses included 553 glioma and 676 meningioma cases and 1762 and 1911 controls, respectively. RF dose was estimated as total cumulative specific energy (TCSE; J/kg) absorbed at the tumour's estimated centre taking into account multiple RF exposure determinants. RESULTS: ORs with ever having been a regular mobile phone user were 0.93 (95% CI 0.73 to 1.18) for glioma and 0.80 (95% CI 0.66 to 0.96) for meningioma. ORs for glioma were below 1 in the first four quintiles of TCSE but above 1 in the highest quintile, 1.35 (95% CI 0.96 to 1.90). The OR increased with increasing TCSE 7+ years before diagnosis (p-trend 0.01; OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.05 to 3.47 in the highest quintile). A complementary analysis in which 44 glioma and 135 meningioma cases in the most exposed area of the brain were compared with gliomas and meningiomas located elsewhere in the brain showed increased ORs for tumours in the most exposed part of the brain in those with 10+ years of mobile phone use (OR 2.80, 95% CI 1.13 to 6.94 for glioma). Patterns for meningioma were similar, but ORs were lower, many below 1.0. CONCLUSIONS: There were suggestions of an increased risk of glioma in long-term mobile phone users with high RF exposure and of similar, but apparently much smaller, increases in meningioma risk. The uncertainty of these results requires that they be replicated before a causal interpretation can be made.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Stéphanie Blaizot, Francis Papon, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Emmanuelle Amoros
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01351114
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Stéphanie Blaizot, Francis Papon, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Emmanuelle Amoros. Risk of Road Traffic Injuries for Pedestrians, Cyclists, Car Occupants and Powered Two-Wheel Users, based on a Road Trauma Registry and Travel Surveys, Rhône, France, In: Traffic Safety. Risk of Road Traffic Injuries for Pedestrians, Cyclists, Car Occupants and Powered Two-Wheel Users, based on a Road Trauma Registry and Travel Surveys, Rhône, France, In: Traffic Safety, John Wiley & Sons, chapitre 5, 2016, 978-1-78630-030-0. ⟨10.1002/9781119307853.ch5⟩. ⟨hal-01351114⟩
DOI : 10.1002/9781119307853.ch5
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This chapter evaluates the risk of traffic injuries as the ratio between amount of casualties and mobility in the Rhône County, using medical crash data and travel surveys. Rates are estimated for car occupants, pedestrians, cyclists and powered two-wheeler (PTW) riders, separately for three injury categories. The exposure measures are number of trips, distance traveled or time spent traveling with a given means of transport. These are obtained from a regional travel survey (RTS). A road trauma registry has been in operation since 1996 and has been certified by the relevant French authority. Crash data is sourced from a road trauma registry, including outpatients and inpatients, in the Rhône county. Ratios between injury rates for each user type and for car occupants showed differences according to which exposure measure is used. The amount of excess risk for PTW riders is quantified and is very high.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This chapter evaluates the risk of traffic injuries as the ratio between amount of casualties and mobility in the Rhône County, using medical crash data and travel surveys. Rates are estimated for car occupants, pedestrians, cyclists and powered two-wheeler (PTW) riders, separately for three injury categories. The exposure measures are number of trips, distance traveled or time spent traveling with a given means of transport. These are obtained from a regional travel survey (RTS). A road trauma registry has been in operation since 1996 and has been certified by the relevant French authority. Crash data is sourced from a road trauma registry, including outpatients and inpatients, in the Rhône county. Ratios between injury rates for each user type and for car occupants showed differences according to which exposure measure is used. The amount of excess risk for PTW riders is quantified and is very high.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Michel Vohito, Emmanuel Fort, Brigitte Sellier, Jean-Pierre Agard, Luc Fontana, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01814001
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Michel Vohito, Emmanuel Fort, Brigitte Sellier, Jean-Pierre Agard, et al.. Risk factors for work-related stress and subjective hardship in health-care staff in nursing homes for the elderly: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Occupational Health, 2015, 57 (3), pp. 285-296. ⟨10.1539/joh.14-0090-OA⟩. ⟨hal-01814001⟩
DOI : 10.1539/joh.14-0090-OA
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: This study aimed to explore potential risk factors for work-related stress by, detailing working conditions and subjective hardship according to occupational category in health-care staff working with elderly patients. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted in 105 nursing homes for the elderly in France. Data on nursing home working conditions were collected by occupational physicians. The study population was limited to those in direct contact with the elderly, who were divided into 3 occupational groups defined by qualifications and tasks: housekeepers (HKs), nursing assistants (NAs) and nurses (Ns). Employees answered a questionnaire on their perceived working conditions and vocational training courses. Psychosocial stress was assessed with the Siegrist questionnaire. Results: The subjects included 706 HKs, 1,565 NAs and 378 Ns, and the findings showed confusion of tasks and responsibilities in the study population. Verbal abuse by residents was reported by 60.9% of HKs (versus 76.2% of NAs and 76.7% of Ns, p
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: This study aimed to explore potential risk factors for work-related stress by, detailing working conditions and subjective hardship according to occupational category in health-care staff working with elderly patients. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted in 105 nursing homes for the elderly in France. Data on nursing home working conditions were collected by occupational physicians. The study population was limited to those in direct contact with the elderly, who were divided into 3 occupational groups defined by qualifications and tasks: housekeepers (HKs), nursing assistants (NAs) and nurses (Ns). Employees answered a questionnaire on their perceived working conditions and vocational training courses. Psychosocial stress was assessed with the Siegrist questionnaire. Results: The subjects included 706 HKs, 1,565 NAs and 378 Ns, and the findings showed confusion of tasks and responsibilities in the study population. Verbal abuse by residents was reported by 60.9% of HKs (versus 76.2% of NAs and 76.7% of Ns, p
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Loredana Radoi, Christine Barul, Gwenn Menvielle, Matthieu Carton, Mireille Matrat, Marie Sanchez, Corinne Pilorget, Michel Velten, Isabelle Stucker, Danièle Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01795276
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Loredana Radoi, Christine Barul, Gwenn Menvielle, Matthieu Carton, Mireille Matrat, et al.. Risk factors for salivary gland cancers in France Results from a case-control study, the ICARE study. Oral Oncology, 2018, 80, pp. 56-63. ⟨10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.03.019⟩. ⟨hal-01795276⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.03.019
pubmedId_s : 29706189
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives Epidemiological studies on the risk factors for salivary gland cancers (SGC) are rare, concern a small sample size, and show inconsistent results. The aim of the present work was to analyze several risk factors for SGC, using the data from the ICARE study, a multicenter, population-based case-control study. Materials and methods Data from 73 SGC cases and 3555 controls were collected using a standardized questionnaire on lifestyle habits, personal and family medical history, and lifetime occupational history. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using unconditional logistic regressions. Results Tobacco use and alcohol consumption were not associated with the risk of SGC. A history of head and neck cancer or that of cervicofacial radiotherapy was associated with a higher risk of SGC (OR = 17.06, 95% CI 4.34-67.05, and OR = 31.74, 2.48-405.25, respectively). Significantly increased risks were observed for some occupations waiter (OR = 2.94, 1.11-7.78), charworker (OR = 3.02, 1.38-6.60), electrical and electronic equipment assembler (OR = 7.16, 2.02-25.38), plumber (OR = 3.95, 1.33-11.67), electric arc welder (OR = 6.15, 1.76-21.48), sheet-metal worker (OR = 2.89, 1.01-8.32), building painter (OR = 3.42, 1.01-11.49), and material handling equipment operator (OR = 5.05, 1.71-14.84). Results for industries were consistent with those observed for occupations. Conclusion Our results showed that a history of head and neck cancer, cervicofacial radiotherapy, and several occupations and industries, were associated with an increased risk of SGC. Further studies with larger sample sizes are indicated to confirm our results.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives Epidemiological studies on the risk factors for salivary gland cancers (SGC) are rare, concern a small sample size, and show inconsistent results. The aim of the present work was to analyze several risk factors for SGC, using the data from the ICARE study, a multicenter, population-based case-control study. Materials and methods Data from 73 SGC cases and 3555 controls were collected using a standardized questionnaire on lifestyle habits, personal and family medical history, and lifetime occupational history. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using unconditional logistic regressions. Results Tobacco use and alcohol consumption were not associated with the risk of SGC. A history of head and neck cancer or that of cervicofacial radiotherapy was associated with a higher risk of SGC (OR = 17.06, 95% CI 4.34-67.05, and OR = 31.74, 2.48-405.25, respectively). Significantly increased risks were observed for some occupations waiter (OR = 2.94, 1.11-7.78), charworker (OR = 3.02, 1.38-6.60), electrical and electronic equipment assembler (OR = 7.16, 2.02-25.38), plumber (OR = 3.95, 1.33-11.67), electric arc welder (OR = 6.15, 1.76-21.48), sheet-metal worker (OR = 2.89, 1.01-8.32), building painter (OR = 3.42, 1.01-11.49), and material handling equipment operator (OR = 5.05, 1.71-14.84). Results for industries were consistent with those observed for occupations. Conclusion Our results showed that a history of head and neck cancer, cervicofacial radiotherapy, and several occupations and industries, were associated with an increased risk of SGC. Further studies with larger sample sizes are indicated to confirm our results.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Dan Wu, Martine Hours, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01664444
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Dan Wu, Martine Hours, Jean-Louis Martin. Risk factors for motorcycle loss-of-control crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2017, 15 p. ⟨10.1080/15389588.2017.1410145⟩. ⟨hal-01664444⟩
DOI : 10.1080/15389588.2017.1410145
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: The present paper identifies and assesses the effect of critical factors on the risk of motorcycle loss-of-control (LOC) crashes. Method: Data come from a French project on road crashes, which comprises all fatal road crashes and a random sample of 1/20th of non-fatal crashes in France in 2011, based on police reports. A case-control study was carried out on a sample of 903 crashes for 444 LOC motorcycle riders (case) and 470 non-LOC and non-responsible motorcycle riders (control). The sample was weighted due to the randomization of non-fatal crashes. Missing values were imputed using multiple imputation. Results: Road alignment and surface conditions, human factors and motorcycle type played important roles in motorcycle LOC crashes. Riding in a curve was associated with a 3-fold greater risk of losing control of motorcycle than riding in a straight line. Poor road adhesion significantly increased the risk of losing control; the risk increased more than 20-fold when deteriorated road adhesion was encountered unexpectedly, due to loose gravel, ice, oil, bumps, road-marking, metal plates, etc. For motorcyclists, riding with a positive blood alcohol concentration (over or equal to the legal limit of 0.5g/l) was very dangerous, often resulting in losing control. The risk of LOC crash varied for different types of motorcycle: riders of roadsters and sports bikes were more likely to have a LOC crash than riders of basic or touring motorcycles. In addition, LOC risk increased with speed; a model using the square of the traveling speed showed better fit than one using speed itself. Conclusion: The LOC crash factors related to riders, vehicles and road infrastructure identified here were expected, but were rarely identified and taken simultaneously into account in previous studies. They could be targeted by countermeasures to improve motorcyclist safety.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: The present paper identifies and assesses the effect of critical factors on the risk of motorcycle loss-of-control (LOC) crashes. Method: Data come from a French project on road crashes, which comprises all fatal road crashes and a random sample of 1/20th of non-fatal crashes in France in 2011, based on police reports. A case-control study was carried out on a sample of 903 crashes for 444 LOC motorcycle riders (case) and 470 non-LOC and non-responsible motorcycle riders (control). The sample was weighted due to the randomization of non-fatal crashes. Missing values were imputed using multiple imputation. Results: Road alignment and surface conditions, human factors and motorcycle type played important roles in motorcycle LOC crashes. Riding in a curve was associated with a 3-fold greater risk of losing control of motorcycle than riding in a straight line. Poor road adhesion significantly increased the risk of losing control; the risk increased more than 20-fold when deteriorated road adhesion was encountered unexpectedly, due to loose gravel, ice, oil, bumps, road-marking, metal plates, etc. For motorcyclists, riding with a positive blood alcohol concentration (over or equal to the legal limit of 0.5g/l) was very dangerous, often resulting in losing control. The risk of LOC crash varied for different types of motorcycle: riders of roadsters and sports bikes were more likely to have a LOC crash than riders of basic or touring motorcycles. In addition, LOC risk increased with speed; a model using the square of the traveling speed showed better fit than one using speed itself. Conclusion: The LOC crash factors related to riders, vehicles and road infrastructure identified here were expected, but were rarely identified and taken simultaneously into account in previous studies. They could be targeted by countermeasures to improve motorcyclist safety.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Olivia Vassal, Francois-Pierrick Desgranges, Sylvain Tosetti, Stéphanie Burgal, Frédéric Dailler, Etienne Javouhey, Carmine Mottolese, Dominique Chassard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01488431
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Olivia Vassal, Francois-Pierrick Desgranges, Sylvain Tosetti, Stéphanie Burgal, Frédéric Dailler, et al.. Risk factors for intraoperative allogeneic blood transfusion during craniotomy for brain tumor removal in children. Pediatric Anesthesia, 2016, 26 (2), pp. 199-206. ⟨10.1111/pan.12810⟩. ⟨hal-01488431⟩
DOI : 10.1111/pan.12810
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Several clinical and surgical factors can influence the occurrence of allogeneic blood transfusion (ABT) during oncologic neurosurgery. OBJECTIVES: To identify the potential predictive factors of ABT during craniotomy for the removal of brain tumors in children and the potential impact of intraoperative ABT on early postoperative outcome. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in all pediatric patients younger than 18 years who underwent craniotomy for brain tumor removal from December 2009 to December 2012 in our institution. Pre-, intra-, and postoperative data were collected from medical and stored electronic anesthesia records. The predictors of intraoperative ABT were determined using multivariate logistic regression.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Several clinical and surgical factors can influence the occurrence of allogeneic blood transfusion (ABT) during oncologic neurosurgery. OBJECTIVES: To identify the potential predictive factors of ABT during craniotomy for the removal of brain tumors in children and the potential impact of intraoperative ABT on early postoperative outcome. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in all pediatric patients younger than 18 years who underwent craniotomy for brain tumor removal from December 2009 to December 2012 in our institution. Pre-, intra-, and postoperative data were collected from medical and stored electronic anesthesia records. The predictors of intraoperative ABT were determined using multivariate logistic regression.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A. Moskal, Jl Martin, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00543304
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A. Moskal, Jl Martin, Bernard Laumon. Risk factors for injury accidents among moped and motorcyle riders. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2010, 15p. ⟨hal-00543304⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : To study and quantify the effect of factors related to the riders of powered two-wheelers on the risk of injury accident involvement. Based on national data held by the police from 1996 to 2005, we conducted a case–control study with responsibility for the accident as the event of interest. We estimated the odds ratios for accident responsibility. Making the hypothesis that the non-responsible riders in the study are representative of all the riders on the road, we thus identified risk factors for being responsible for injury accidents. The studied factors are age, gender, helmet wearing, alcohol consumption, validity of the subject's driving licence and for how long it has been held, the trip purpose and the presence of a passenger on the vehicle. Moped and motorcycle riders are analyzed separately, adjusting for the main characteristics of the accident. For both moped and motorcycle riders, being male, not wearing a helmet, exceeding the legal limit for alcohol and travelling for leisure purposes increased the risk of accident involvement. The youngest and oldest users had a greater risk of accident involvement. The largest risk factor was alcohol, and we identified a dose–effect relationship between alcohol consumption and accident risk, with an estimated odds ratio of over 10 for motorcycle and moped riders with a BAC of 2 g/l or over. Among motorcycle users, riders without a licence had twice the risk of being involved in an accident than those holding a valid licence. However, the number of years the rider had held a licence reduced the risk of accident involvement. One difference between moped and motorcycle riders involved the presence of a passenger on the vehicle: while carrying a passenger increased the risk of being responsible for the accident among moped riders, it protected against this risk among motorcycle riders. This analysis of responsibility has identified the major factors contributing to excess risk of injury accidents, some of which could be targeted by prevention programme
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : To study and quantify the effect of factors related to the riders of powered two-wheelers on the risk of injury accident involvement. Based on national data held by the police from 1996 to 2005, we conducted a case–control study with responsibility for the accident as the event of interest. We estimated the odds ratios for accident responsibility. Making the hypothesis that the non-responsible riders in the study are representative of all the riders on the road, we thus identified risk factors for being responsible for injury accidents. The studied factors are age, gender, helmet wearing, alcohol consumption, validity of the subject's driving licence and for how long it has been held, the trip purpose and the presence of a passenger on the vehicle. Moped and motorcycle riders are analyzed separately, adjusting for the main characteristics of the accident. For both moped and motorcycle riders, being male, not wearing a helmet, exceeding the legal limit for alcohol and travelling for leisure purposes increased the risk of accident involvement. The youngest and oldest users had a greater risk of accident involvement. The largest risk factor was alcohol, and we identified a dose–effect relationship between alcohol consumption and accident risk, with an estimated odds ratio of over 10 for motorcycle and moped riders with a BAC of 2 g/l or over. Among motorcycle users, riders without a licence had twice the risk of being involved in an accident than those holding a valid licence. However, the number of years the rider had held a licence reduced the risk of accident involvement. One difference between moped and motorcycle riders involved the presence of a passenger on the vehicle: while carrying a passenger increased the risk of being responsible for the accident among moped riders, it protected against this risk among motorcycle riders. This analysis of responsibility has identified the major factors contributing to excess risk of injury accidents, some of which could be targeted by prevention programme
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Julie Leduc, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03847940
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Julie Leduc, Anne-Sophie Evrard. Revue systématique de la littérature sur les effets cardio métaboliques du bruit des
transports (période 2014-2021). 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-03847940⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cette présentation détaillera les résultats d’une revue systématique de la littérature sur les effets cardio métaboliques du bruit des transports (période 2014-2021). Nous actualisons ainsi les travaux ayant contribué à la production des lignes directrices sur le bruit dans l’environnement par l’OMS en 2018. Les maladies cardio métaboliques, tels les troubles cardiaques, le diabète ou l’hypertension sont des pathologies à large prévalence populationnelle. Elles entraînent des coûts sociaux importants du fait des soins de longue durée qu’elles engendrent. La moitié des Européens étant exposée à des niveaux de bruit considérés néfastes pour la santé, la quantification de l’accroissement du risque cardio métabolique engendré par cette pollution est un enjeu de santé publique. Cette revue de littérature constitue la base d’une méta-analyse réalisée dans le cadre d’une thèse portant sur l’évaluation du coût social sanitaire de la pollution sonore des transports en France. La revue des évidences scientifiques disponibles permettra aux décideurs publics d’identifier et de pondérer les niveaux d’émissions pour lesquelles la collectivité subit un préjudice supérieur au coût engendré par des mesures de prévention, de protection ou de réduction du bruit dans l’environnement.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cette présentation détaillera les résultats d’une revue systématique de la littérature sur les effets cardio métaboliques du bruit des transports (période 2014-2021). Nous actualisons ainsi les travaux ayant contribué à la production des lignes directrices sur le bruit dans l’environnement par l’OMS en 2018. Les maladies cardio métaboliques, tels les troubles cardiaques, le diabète ou l’hypertension sont des pathologies à large prévalence populationnelle. Elles entraînent des coûts sociaux importants du fait des soins de longue durée qu’elles engendrent. La moitié des Européens étant exposée à des niveaux de bruit considérés néfastes pour la santé, la quantification de l’accroissement du risque cardio métabolique engendré par cette pollution est un enjeu de santé publique. Cette revue de littérature constitue la base d’une méta-analyse réalisée dans le cadre d’une thèse portant sur l’évaluation du coût social sanitaire de la pollution sonore des transports en France. La revue des évidences scientifiques disponibles permettra aux décideurs publics d’identifier et de pondérer les niveaux d’émissions pour lesquelles la collectivité subit un préjudice supérieur au coût engendré par des mesures de prévention, de protection ou de réduction du bruit dans l’environnement.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florian Vanco, Cécile Coquelet, Amina Ndiaye
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04550362
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florian Vanco, Cécile Coquelet, Amina Ndiaye. Revue de données en sécurité routière au Cameroun. Banque mondiale. 2023. ⟨hal-04550362⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florian Vanco, Cécile Coquelet, Amina Ndiaye
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04555781
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florian Vanco, Cécile Coquelet, Amina Ndiaye. Revue de données en sécurité routière au Cameroun. Workshop Banque Mondiale, Banque Mondiale, Sep 2023, Distanciel, France. ⟨hal-04555781⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : R Varnier, A Moskal, A Dima, C Bodelet, J Péron, M Lamort-Bouché, Jb Fassier, M Viprey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04337450
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : R Varnier, A Moskal, A Dima, C Bodelet, J Péron, et al.. Return to work trajectories after early breast cancer diagnosis: A population-based cohort study in the French National Healthcare Insurance database.. ESMO Congresss, Sep 2022, Paris, France. 33, pp.S1281 - S1282, 2022, ⟨10.1016/j.annonc.2022.07.1921⟩. ⟨hal-04337450⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.annonc.2022.07.1921
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Return to work (RtW) is important for quality of life after breast cancer (BC), and a difficult challenge for many patients (pts). Current evidence relies mainly on selected populations and limited indicators. We aimed to construct RtW indicators based on sickness leave (SL) and disability pension (DP) benefits, and to explore RtW trajectories.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Return to work (RtW) is important for quality of life after breast cancer (BC), and a difficult challenge for many patients (pts). Current evidence relies mainly on selected populations and limited indicators. We aimed to construct RtW indicators based on sickness leave (SL) and disability pension (DP) benefits, and to explore RtW trajectories.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marion Lamort-Bouché
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-03346016
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marion Lamort-Bouché. Retour au travail après un cancer du sein : évaluation des besoins dans le cadre d’un protocole d’Intervention Mapping. Santé. Université de Lyon, 2020. Français. ⟨NNT : 2020LYSE1144⟩. ⟨tel-03346016⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte: Le cancer du sein est au premier rang des cancers incidents chez la femme en France avec une incidence estimée de 58 459 nouveaux cas par an. L'espérance de vie à 5 ans est élevée (87 %). La prévalence partielle à 5 ans est 220 000 cas, dont 123 000 ont moins de 65 ans. Ainsi 123 000 femmes sont en âge de travailler en France et ont eu un cancer dans les 5 dernières années. Le retour au travail et le maintien dans l'emploi après un cancer améliorent la qualité de vie et réduisent les dépenses de la protection sociale. Le retour au travail dépend de facteurs médicaux, démographiques et socioprofessionnels ; il se heurte à plusieurs barrières et inégalités sociales. Aucune intervention développée pour répondre à cet enjeu n'a montré d'efficacité à ce jour. MéthodeLe programme de recherche FASTRACS vise à développer, implanter et évaluer une intervention pour faciliter et soutenir le retour au travail après un cancer du sein avec le protocole de l'Intervention Mapping. Ce travail s'inscrit dans la première étape du protocole : création d'un comité stratégique, évaluation des besoins, élaboration du modèle logique du problème. RésultatsDeux revues systématiques de la littérature ont été conduites pour préciser les intérêts et limites du protocole de l'Intervention Mapping dans le champ du cancer et du retour au travail. Elles ont montré que le recours à un comité stratégique participatif complet était inégal, ainsi que le développement de composante visant à modifier l'environnement (par exemple dans l'entreprise). Enfin, l'usage des théories n'était pas systématique. Dans le programme FASTRACS, un comité stratégique a été rassemblé représentant l'ensemble des parties prenantes du retour au travail après un cancer du sein : les patientes et associations, les professionnels de santé, les entreprises, les institutions. Une charte comprenant neuf valeurs et quatre engagements a été élaborée, pour structurer le fonctionnement du comité stratégique. L'analyse des besoins auprès des cancérologues et des femmes a identifié un écart entre les besoins exprimés de soutien des patientes et les ressources des cancérologues (manque de temps et de connaissances). Une analyse de l'activité des médecins généralistes en France a déterminé une fréquence de 2,3 % des consultations comportant des éléments de suivi du cancer. Un modèle logique du problème du retour au travail après un cancer du sein a été élaboré. Il inscrit la femme dans un parcours temporel de préparation à la reprise du travail selon le modèle transthéorique du changement. Les rôles des acteurs clés dans l'environnement des femmes ont été identifiés pour faciliter leur retour au travail : les professionnels de santé (cancérologues, médecins généralistes, médecins du travail) et les personnes de l'entreprise (employeur, encadrant de proximité et collègues).ConclusionLes études conduites ont initié l'élaboration d'une intervention complexe destinée aux femmes ayant eu un cancer du sein et aux acteurs de leur environnement médical et de travail. Cette intervention sera précoce dans le parcours pour répondre à la nécessité d'anticiper tout en soutenant les femmes dans leurs choix propres. Il est prévu une évaluation des effets de l'intervention par un essai contrôlé randomisé, une évaluation réaliste du processus et des mécanismes, et une évaluation économique. Ces données scientifiques solides pourront guider les politiques publiques et les pratiques professionnelles autour du retour à l'emploi après un cancer du sein et plus généralement d'autres cancers
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte: Le cancer du sein est au premier rang des cancers incidents chez la femme en France avec une incidence estimée de 58 459 nouveaux cas par an. L'espérance de vie à 5 ans est élevée (87 %). La prévalence partielle à 5 ans est 220 000 cas, dont 123 000 ont moins de 65 ans. Ainsi 123 000 femmes sont en âge de travailler en France et ont eu un cancer dans les 5 dernières années. Le retour au travail et le maintien dans l'emploi après un cancer améliorent la qualité de vie et réduisent les dépenses de la protection sociale. Le retour au travail dépend de facteurs médicaux, démographiques et socioprofessionnels ; il se heurte à plusieurs barrières et inégalités sociales. Aucune intervention développée pour répondre à cet enjeu n'a montré d'efficacité à ce jour. MéthodeLe programme de recherche FASTRACS vise à développer, implanter et évaluer une intervention pour faciliter et soutenir le retour au travail après un cancer du sein avec le protocole de l'Intervention Mapping. Ce travail s'inscrit dans la première étape du protocole : création d'un comité stratégique, évaluation des besoins, élaboration du modèle logique du problème. RésultatsDeux revues systématiques de la littérature ont été conduites pour préciser les intérêts et limites du protocole de l'Intervention Mapping dans le champ du cancer et du retour au travail. Elles ont montré que le recours à un comité stratégique participatif complet était inégal, ainsi que le développement de composante visant à modifier l'environnement (par exemple dans l'entreprise). Enfin, l'usage des théories n'était pas systématique. Dans le programme FASTRACS, un comité stratégique a été rassemblé représentant l'ensemble des parties prenantes du retour au travail après un cancer du sein : les patientes et associations, les professionnels de santé, les entreprises, les institutions. Une charte comprenant neuf valeurs et quatre engagements a été élaborée, pour structurer le fonctionnement du comité stratégique. L'analyse des besoins auprès des cancérologues et des femmes a identifié un écart entre les besoins exprimés de soutien des patientes et les ressources des cancérologues (manque de temps et de connaissances). Une analyse de l'activité des médecins généralistes en France a déterminé une fréquence de 2,3 % des consultations comportant des éléments de suivi du cancer. Un modèle logique du problème du retour au travail après un cancer du sein a été élaboré. Il inscrit la femme dans un parcours temporel de préparation à la reprise du travail selon le modèle transthéorique du changement. Les rôles des acteurs clés dans l'environnement des femmes ont été identifiés pour faciliter leur retour au travail : les professionnels de santé (cancérologues, médecins généralistes, médecins du travail) et les personnes de l'entreprise (employeur, encadrant de proximité et collègues).ConclusionLes études conduites ont initié l'élaboration d'une intervention complexe destinée aux femmes ayant eu un cancer du sein et aux acteurs de leur environnement médical et de travail. Cette intervention sera précoce dans le parcours pour répondre à la nécessité d'anticiper tout en soutenant les femmes dans leurs choix propres. Il est prévu une évaluation des effets de l'intervention par un essai contrôlé randomisé, une évaluation réaliste du processus et des mécanismes, et une évaluation économique. Ces données scientifiques solides pourront guider les politiques publiques et les pratiques professionnelles autour du retour à l'emploi après un cancer du sein et plus généralement d'autres cancers
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : C. Dupoyet, L. Guittard, S. Rouat, L. Letrilliart, J. Carretier, Marion Lamort-Bouché, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03492803
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : C. Dupoyet, L. Guittard, S. Rouat, L. Letrilliart, J. Carretier, et al.. Retour à l’emploi après cancer du sein : apports de la recherche collaborative en santé au travail et d’une charte de partenariat entre acteurs concernés. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2020, 81 (6), pp.797 - 810. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2020.01.002⟩. ⟨hal-03492803⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2020.01.002
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marie-José Durand, Jean-François Caillard, Yves Roquelaure, Patrick Loisel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01392360
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marie-José Durand, Jean-François Caillard, Yves Roquelaure, Patrick Loisel. Results of a feasibility study: barriers and facilitators in implementing the Sherbrooke model in France.. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2015, 41 (3), pp.223-233. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.3489⟩. ⟨hal-01392360⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.3489
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Y. Crosson Du Cormier, M. Prudent, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, E. Stauffer
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04147076
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Y. Crosson Du Cormier, M. Prudent, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, E. Stauffer. Respiratory function and physical fitness of Hospices Civils de Lyon staff with a long COVID; Effects of an exercise rehabilitation program. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2023, 84 (2), 9 p. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2022.101701⟩. ⟨hal-04147076⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2022.101701
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on hospital staff. At the Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), after a physiological evaluation an exercise rehabilitation program was proposed to hospital staff with suggestive symptoms of long COVID. The objective of our study was to evaluate the physiological impact of SARS-COV-2 infection in HCL employees presenting symptoms of long COVID and to evaluate the effects of an exercise rehabilitation program. Methods: Twenty-nine employees who consulted for symptoms of long COVID were included. Physiological evaluation (EFRs, 6-minute walk test [TM6], exercise tests) was used to measure the impact of COVID-19 on the respiratory function and physical fitness of these employees. A rehabilitation program was then proposed. At the end of the program, the TM6 and exercise tests were repeated in order to evaluate the effects of the program on the level of physical fitness. A subjective feeling questionnaire at the end of the program was proposed to the participants. Results: Respiratory function was preserved in participants with normal EFRs. The level of physical fitness was lowered with a TM6 in the lower limits of normal, as well as a lowered maximal power and VO2 max. The exercise rehabilitation program showed a significant improvement in TM6 and maximal power in the exercise test, suggesting a progression in the participants' muscle conditioning. The perception of the effects of the program by the questionnaire was positive. Conclusion: The follow-up of hospital staff with long forms of COVID should draw the attention of occupational physicians to the importance of a referral to a physiological evaluation, possibly leading to inclusion in an exercise rehabilitation program. This treatment is likely to improve work capacity and encourage job retention. © 2023 Elsevier Masson SASIntroduction: La pandémie de Covid-19 a fortement impacté le personnel hospitalier. Aux Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), un programme de réhabilitation à l'effort a été proposé à des personnels hospitaliers présentant des symptômes évocateurs de Covid long, après une évaluation physiologique. L'objectif de notre étude était d'évaluer l'impact physiologique d'une infection au SARS-COV-2 chez des salariés les HCL présentant des symptômes de Covid long, et les effets d'un programme de réhabilitation à l'effort. Méthodes: Il s'agit d'une étude observationnelle rétrospective incluant 29 salariés ayant consulté pour symptômes de Covid long. L'évaluation physiologique (EFR, test de marche de 6 minutes [TM6], épreuves d'efforts) permettait de mesurer l'impact de la Covid-19 sur la fonction respiratoire et l'aptitude physique de ces salariés. Un programme de réhabilitation était ensuite proposé. À la fin du programme, les TM6 et épreuves d'effort étaient renouvelés afin d'évaluer les effets du programme sur le niveau d'aptitude physique. Un questionnaire de ressenti subjectif à distance du programme était proposé aux participants. Résultats: La fonction respiratoire était préservée chez les participants avec des EFR normales. Le niveau d'aptitude physique était abaissé avec un TM6 dans les limites inférieures de la normale, ainsi qu'une puissance maximale et un VO2 max abaissées. Le programme de réhabilitation à l'effort montrait une amélioration significative du TM6 et de la puissance maximale à l'épreuve d'effort, suggérant une progression sur le conditionnement musculaire des participants. La perception des effets du programme par le questionnaire était positive. Conclusion: Le suivi du personnel hospitalier présentant des formes de Covid long doit attirer l'attention des médecins du travail sur l'importance d'une orientation vers une évaluation physiologique, conduisant éventuellement à inclure dans un programme de réhabilitation à l'effort. Cette prise en charge est susceptible d'améliorer les capacités de travail, et de favoriser le maintien dans l'emploi.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on hospital staff. At the Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), after a physiological evaluation an exercise rehabilitation program was proposed to hospital staff with suggestive symptoms of long COVID. The objective of our study was to evaluate the physiological impact of SARS-COV-2 infection in HCL employees presenting symptoms of long COVID and to evaluate the effects of an exercise rehabilitation program. Methods: Twenty-nine employees who consulted for symptoms of long COVID were included. Physiological evaluation (EFRs, 6-minute walk test [TM6], exercise tests) was used to measure the impact of COVID-19 on the respiratory function and physical fitness of these employees. A rehabilitation program was then proposed. At the end of the program, the TM6 and exercise tests were repeated in order to evaluate the effects of the program on the level of physical fitness. A subjective feeling questionnaire at the end of the program was proposed to the participants. Results: Respiratory function was preserved in participants with normal EFRs. The level of physical fitness was lowered with a TM6 in the lower limits of normal, as well as a lowered maximal power and VO2 max. The exercise rehabilitation program showed a significant improvement in TM6 and maximal power in the exercise test, suggesting a progression in the participants' muscle conditioning. The perception of the effects of the program by the questionnaire was positive. Conclusion: The follow-up of hospital staff with long forms of COVID should draw the attention of occupational physicians to the importance of a referral to a physiological evaluation, possibly leading to inclusion in an exercise rehabilitation program. This treatment is likely to improve work capacity and encourage job retention. © 2023 Elsevier Masson SASIntroduction: La pandémie de Covid-19 a fortement impacté le personnel hospitalier. Aux Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), un programme de réhabilitation à l'effort a été proposé à des personnels hospitaliers présentant des symptômes évocateurs de Covid long, après une évaluation physiologique. L'objectif de notre étude était d'évaluer l'impact physiologique d'une infection au SARS-COV-2 chez des salariés les HCL présentant des symptômes de Covid long, et les effets d'un programme de réhabilitation à l'effort. Méthodes: Il s'agit d'une étude observationnelle rétrospective incluant 29 salariés ayant consulté pour symptômes de Covid long. L'évaluation physiologique (EFR, test de marche de 6 minutes [TM6], épreuves d'efforts) permettait de mesurer l'impact de la Covid-19 sur la fonction respiratoire et l'aptitude physique de ces salariés. Un programme de réhabilitation était ensuite proposé. À la fin du programme, les TM6 et épreuves d'effort étaient renouvelés afin d'évaluer les effets du programme sur le niveau d'aptitude physique. Un questionnaire de ressenti subjectif à distance du programme était proposé aux participants. Résultats: La fonction respiratoire était préservée chez les participants avec des EFR normales. Le niveau d'aptitude physique était abaissé avec un TM6 dans les limites inférieures de la normale, ainsi qu'une puissance maximale et un VO2 max abaissées. Le programme de réhabilitation à l'effort montrait une amélioration significative du TM6 et de la puissance maximale à l'épreuve d'effort, suggérant une progression sur le conditionnement musculaire des participants. La perception des effets du programme par le questionnaire était positive. Conclusion: Le suivi du personnel hospitalier présentant des formes de Covid long doit attirer l'attention des médecins du travail sur l'importance d'une orientation vers une évaluation physiologique, conduisant éventuellement à inclure dans un programme de réhabilitation à l'effort. Cette prise en charge est susceptible d'améliorer les capacités de travail, et de favoriser le maintien dans l'emploi.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Francois Viel, Stephanie Clerc, Coralie Barrera, Raouchan Rymzhanova, Monika Moissonnier, Martine Hours, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00404563
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Francois Viel, Stephanie Clerc, Coralie Barrera, Raouchan Rymzhanova, Monika Moissonnier, et al.. Residential exposure to radiofrequency fields from mobile-phone base stations, and broadcast transmitters: a population-based survey with personal meter.. Occup Environ Med, 2009, epub ahead of print. ⟨10.1136/oem.2008.044180⟩. ⟨hal-00404563⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oem.2008.044180
pubmedId_s : 19336431
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: Both the public perceptions, and most published epidemiologic studies, rely on the assumption that the distance of a particular residence from a base station or a broadcast transmitter is an appropriate surrogate for exposure to radiofrequency fields, although complex propagation characteristics affect the beams from antennas. The main goal of this study was to characterise the distribution of residential exposure from antennas using personal exposure meters. METHODS: A total of 200 randomly selected people was enrolled. Each participant was supplied with a personal exposure meter for 24 hour measurements, and kept a time-location-activity diary. Two exposure metrics for each radiofrequency were then calculated: the proportion of measurements above the detection limit (0.05 V/m), and the maximum electric field strength. Residential address was geocoded, and distance from each antenna was calculated. RESULTS: Much of the time the recorded field strength was below the detection level (0.05 V/m), the FM band standing apart with a proportion above the detection threshold of 12.3%. The maximum electric field strength was always lower than 1.5 V/m. Exposure to GSM and DCS waves peaked around 280 m and 1000 m from the antennas. A downward trend was found within a 10 km range for FM. Conversely, UMTS, TV 3, and TV 4&5 signals did not vary with distance. CONCLUSIONS: Despite numerous limiting factors entailing a high variability in RF exposure assessment, but owing to a sound statistical technique, we found that exposures from GSM and DCS base stations increase with distance in the near source zone, to a maximum where the main beam intersects the ground. We believe these results will contribute to the on-going public debate over the siting of base stations and their associated emissions.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: Both the public perceptions, and most published epidemiologic studies, rely on the assumption that the distance of a particular residence from a base station or a broadcast transmitter is an appropriate surrogate for exposure to radiofrequency fields, although complex propagation characteristics affect the beams from antennas. The main goal of this study was to characterise the distribution of residential exposure from antennas using personal exposure meters. METHODS: A total of 200 randomly selected people was enrolled. Each participant was supplied with a personal exposure meter for 24 hour measurements, and kept a time-location-activity diary. Two exposure metrics for each radiofrequency were then calculated: the proportion of measurements above the detection limit (0.05 V/m), and the maximum electric field strength. Residential address was geocoded, and distance from each antenna was calculated. RESULTS: Much of the time the recorded field strength was below the detection level (0.05 V/m), the FM band standing apart with a proportion above the detection threshold of 12.3%. The maximum electric field strength was always lower than 1.5 V/m. Exposure to GSM and DCS waves peaked around 280 m and 1000 m from the antennas. A downward trend was found within a 10 km range for FM. Conversely, UMTS, TV 3, and TV 4&5 signals did not vary with distance. CONCLUSIONS: Despite numerous limiting factors entailing a high variability in RF exposure assessment, but owing to a sound statistical technique, we found that exposures from GSM and DCS base stations increase with distance in the near source zone, to a maximum where the main beam intersects the ground. We believe these results will contribute to the on-going public debate over the siting of base stations and their associated emissions.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard, Paul Avan, Patricia Champelovier, Benjamin Cotté, David Ecotiere, Benoit Gauvreau, L Giorgis-Allemand, Catherine Marquis-Favre, Sabine Meunier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03616730
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard, Paul Avan, Patricia Champelovier, Benjamin Cotté, David Ecotiere, et al.. Research on the impacts of wind turbine noise on humans: sound, perception, health (RIBEolH). Proc. 13th ICBEN, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨hal-03616730⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Wind energy is expanding rapidly in France as elsewhere in the world, but the population is worried about the health impacts of wind turbine noise and some people are more annoyed than the sound field measurements would suggest. The annoyance is often described as resulting from infrasounds (IS) whereas the acoustic pressures of IS emitted by wind turbines would be below the perception thresholds. However, the possible inaudibility of IS does not exclude their action on the inner ear or the central nervous system (CNS). In this context, we propose a Research project on the Impacts of wind turbine noise on humans, in terms of sound simulation/synthesis and perception, and its effects on human Health (“RIBEolH”). The objectives of RIBEolH project are: - To assess the health effects of audible noise, low-frequency sounds (LFS) particularly, and IS, emitted by wind turbines. - To better understand the auditory mechanisms associated with the perception of IS and LFS emitted by wind turbines. - To better understand the effects of IS on the inner ear or CNS. To address these objectives, RIBEolH is based on two complementary parts: an epidemiological study and a psychoacoustic and physiological study.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Wind energy is expanding rapidly in France as elsewhere in the world, but the population is worried about the health impacts of wind turbine noise and some people are more annoyed than the sound field measurements would suggest. The annoyance is often described as resulting from infrasounds (IS) whereas the acoustic pressures of IS emitted by wind turbines would be below the perception thresholds. However, the possible inaudibility of IS does not exclude their action on the inner ear or the central nervous system (CNS). In this context, we propose a Research project on the Impacts of wind turbine noise on humans, in terms of sound simulation/synthesis and perception, and its effects on human Health (“RIBEolH”). The objectives of RIBEolH project are: - To assess the health effects of audible noise, low-frequency sounds (LFS) particularly, and IS, emitted by wind turbines. - To better understand the auditory mechanisms associated with the perception of IS and LFS emitted by wind turbines. - To better understand the effects of IS on the inner ear or CNS. To address these objectives, RIBEolH is based on two complementary parts: an epidemiological study and a psychoacoustic and physiological study.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Elodie Faure, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Bruno Vincent, Fanny Mietlicki, Guy Fagherazzi, Gianluca Severi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03233761
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Elodie Faure, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Bruno Vincent, Fanny Mietlicki, Guy Fagherazzi, et al.. Research on environmental exposure to noise and risk of cardiometabolic diseases (type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases) through devices connected to the E3N-E4N cohort in Ile-de-France and Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (2000-2018) - France. Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.3347-3348, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.0940⟩. ⟨hal-03233761⟩
DOI : 10.48465/fa.2020.0940
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The World Health Organization's (WHO) guidelines for environmental noise (2018) outline the evidence on the health effects of transport noise. The main associated effects are annoyance, sleep disturbance or cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We are currently implementing a project called "BROUHAHA", which will aim to study the association between exposure to transport noise and the risk of cardiometabolic diseases: type 2 diabetes, hypertension or CVD. Component A will be conducted with 35,000 women from the E3N cohort ( who resided in Ile-de-France (IdF) or Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (AuRA) (2000-2018). The second component B will be a pilot study conducted with 240 subjects from the E4N ( cohort residing in IdF or AuRA. The objective will be to study the effects of short-term noise exposure on heart rate, sleep parameters, hypertension and glycemia. Acoustic and physiological parameters will be measured via an e-health device. This multidisciplinary project is in accordance with WHO recommendations and with the 2002/49/EC Directive on the assessment and management of environmental noise. BROUHAHA will make it possible to complete scientific knowledge on health-related exposure to transport noise and to adapt public health policies in this field.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The World Health Organization's (WHO) guidelines for environmental noise (2018) outline the evidence on the health effects of transport noise. The main associated effects are annoyance, sleep disturbance or cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We are currently implementing a project called "BROUHAHA", which will aim to study the association between exposure to transport noise and the risk of cardiometabolic diseases: type 2 diabetes, hypertension or CVD. Component A will be conducted with 35,000 women from the E3N cohort ( who resided in Ile-de-France (IdF) or Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (AuRA) (2000-2018). The second component B will be a pilot study conducted with 240 subjects from the E4N ( cohort residing in IdF or AuRA. The objective will be to study the effects of short-term noise exposure on heart rate, sleep parameters, hypertension and glycemia. Acoustic and physiological parameters will be measured via an e-health device. This multidisciplinary project is in accordance with WHO recommendations and with the 2002/49/EC Directive on the assessment and management of environmental noise. BROUHAHA will make it possible to complete scientific knowledge on health-related exposure to transport noise and to adapt public health policies in this field.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Katherine Perez, Emmanuelle Amoros, Niels Bos, Branka Leskovsek, Klaus Machata, Nina Nuyttens, Pete Thomas, Wouter van den Berghe, Wendy Weijermars
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02120990
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Katherine Perez, Emmanuelle Amoros, Niels Bos, Branka Leskovsek, Klaus Machata, et al.. Reporting road traffic serious injuries in Europe. Guidelines from the safetycube project (h2020). Safety 2016 World Conference, Sep 2016, TAMPERE, Finland. pp.A29 LP - A30, ⟨10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.77⟩. ⟨hal-02120990⟩
DOI : 10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.77
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Reliable data on the number of serious road injuries is a prerequisite for monitoring and evaluation purposes. In January 2013, the High Level Group on Road Safety representing all EU Member States established the definition of serious injuries as in-patients with an injury level of MAIS3+ (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale). Since then it is recommended that all EU countries provide data of serious injuries. The High Level Group identified three main ways Member States can estimate the number of serious road traffic injuries: 1) by applying correction factors on police data, 2) by using hospital data and 3) by using linkage between police and hospital data. Quality of data and method differ between Member States. The impact of this heterogeneity on final estimations is unknown. We aim to analyse the impact of a) the criteria used to select hospital casualties, b) on the converter to derive MAIS, and c) on the method used on the reliability of the estimation and the comparability across countries.Methods Three sub-studies will be carried out:A cross-sectional study of Hospital Discharge Data. This study will define criteria for inclusion/exclusion based on codes of the classification of diseases/injuries used (ICD9, ICD10, and AIS).A sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of obtaining MAIS from different methods (codifying directly with AIS, or converting from ICD diagnosis with Icdpic (stata), ICDMAP-90, ECIP-Apollo, or EU-AAAM).Comparison of the three methods to estimate number of serious injured.Results The future results will help to report serious road traffic injuries by EU Member States with standard criteria that would allow comparisons.Conclusions It is expected to provide specific guidelines for reporting serious road traffic injuries and to allow comparability between countries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Reliable data on the number of serious road injuries is a prerequisite for monitoring and evaluation purposes. In January 2013, the High Level Group on Road Safety representing all EU Member States established the definition of serious injuries as in-patients with an injury level of MAIS3+ (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale). Since then it is recommended that all EU countries provide data of serious injuries. The High Level Group identified three main ways Member States can estimate the number of serious road traffic injuries: 1) by applying correction factors on police data, 2) by using hospital data and 3) by using linkage between police and hospital data. Quality of data and method differ between Member States. The impact of this heterogeneity on final estimations is unknown. We aim to analyse the impact of a) the criteria used to select hospital casualties, b) on the converter to derive MAIS, and c) on the method used on the reliability of the estimation and the comparability across countries.Methods Three sub-studies will be carried out:A cross-sectional study of Hospital Discharge Data. This study will define criteria for inclusion/exclusion based on codes of the classification of diseases/injuries used (ICD9, ICD10, and AIS).A sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of obtaining MAIS from different methods (codifying directly with AIS, or converting from ICD diagnosis with Icdpic (stata), ICDMAP-90, ECIP-Apollo, or EU-AAAM).Comparison of the three methods to estimate number of serious injured.Results The future results will help to report serious road traffic injuries by EU Member States with standard criteria that would allow comparisons.Conclusions It is expected to provide specific guidelines for reporting serious road traffic injuries and to allow comparability between countries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Yann Loiseau, Justine Bacchetta, Amna Klich, Bruno Ranchin, Delphine Demede, Audrey Laurent, Florent Baudin, Florentine Garaix, Pascal Roy, Pierre Cochat
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02486259
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Yann Loiseau, Justine Bacchetta, Amna Klich, Bruno Ranchin, Delphine Demede, et al.. Renal transplantation in children under 3years of age: Experience from a single-center study. Pediatric Transplantation, 2018, 22 (2), p. e13116. ⟨10.1111/petr.13116⟩. ⟨hal-02486259⟩
DOI : 10.1111/petr.13116
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : RTx remains challenging in children under 3years of age. This single-center study reviewed the medical records of children
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : RTx remains challenging in children under 3years of age. This single-center study reviewed the medical records of children
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Christophe Vinsonneau, Emma Allain-Launay, Clarisse Blayau, Michael Darmon, Damien Ducheyron, Theophile Gaillot, Patrick M. Honore, Etienne Javouhey, Thierry Krummel, Annie Lahoche, Serge Letacon, Matthieu Legrand, Mehran Monchi, Christophe Ridel, Rene Robert, Frédérique Schortgen, Bertrand Souweine, Patrick Vaillant, Lionel Velly, David Osman, Ly Van Vong
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01274913
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Christophe Vinsonneau, Emma Allain-Launay, Clarisse Blayau, Michael Darmon, Damien Ducheyron, et al.. Renal replacement therapy in adult and pediatric intensive care: Recommendations by an expert panel from the French Intensive Care Society (SRLF) with the French Society of Anesthesia Intensive Care (SFAR) French Group for Pediatric Intensive Care Emergencies (GFRUP) the French Dialysis Society (SFD). Annals of Intensive Care, 2015, 5 (1), pp.58. ⟨10.1186/s13613-015-0093-5⟩. ⟨hal-01274913⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s13613-015-0093-5
pubmedId_s : 26714808
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Acute renal failure (ARF) in critically ill patients is currently very frequent and requires renal replacement therapy (RRT) in many patients. During the last 15 years, several studies have considered important issues regarding the use of RRT in ARF, like the time to initiate the therapy, the dialysis dose, the types of catheter, the choice of technique, and anticoagulation. However, despite an abundant literature, conflicting results do not provide evidence on RRT implementation. We present herein recommendations for the use of RRT in adult and pediatric intensive care developed with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system by an expert group of French Intensive Care Society (SRLF), with the participation of the French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SFAR), the French Group for Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergencies (GFRUP), and the French Dialysis Society (SFD). The recommendations cover 4 fields: criteria for RRT initiation, technical aspects (access routes, membranes, anticoagulation, reverse osmosis water), practical aspects (choice of the method, peritoneal dialysis, dialysis dose, adjustments), and safety (procedures and training, dialysis catheter management, extracorporeal circuit set-up). These recommendations have been designed on a practical point of view to provide guidance for intensivists in their daily practice
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Acute renal failure (ARF) in critically ill patients is currently very frequent and requires renal replacement therapy (RRT) in many patients. During the last 15 years, several studies have considered important issues regarding the use of RRT in ARF, like the time to initiate the therapy, the dialysis dose, the types of catheter, the choice of technique, and anticoagulation. However, despite an abundant literature, conflicting results do not provide evidence on RRT implementation. We present herein recommendations for the use of RRT in adult and pediatric intensive care developed with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system by an expert group of French Intensive Care Society (SRLF), with the participation of the French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SFAR), the French Group for Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergencies (GFRUP), and the French Dialysis Society (SFD). The recommendations cover 4 fields: criteria for RRT initiation, technical aspects (access routes, membranes, anticoagulation, reverse osmosis water), practical aspects (choice of the method, peritoneal dialysis, dialysis dose, adjustments), and safety (procedures and training, dialysis catheter management, extracorporeal circuit set-up). These recommendations have been designed on a practical point of view to provide guidance for intensivists in their daily practice
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Marion Hay, Amandine Coquillat, Colette Fabrigoule, Chantal Chavoix
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03097642
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Marion Hay, Amandine Coquillat, Colette Fabrigoule, et al.. Relationships Between Cognitive and Driving Self-Awareness in Older Drivers. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 2020, 27 p. ⟨10.1093/geronb/gbaa224⟩. ⟨hal-03097642⟩
DOI : 10.1093/geronb/gbaa224
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: Many older drivers incorrectly estimate their driving ability. The present study aimed to determine whether, and if so, to what extent unawareness of cognitive abilities affects self-awareness of driving ability. Methods: Two successive studies were conducted. A cohort study investigated cognitive self-awareness and an experimental study examined driving self-awareness in older drivers. In each one, self-awareness was assessed by cross-analyzing objective (respectively Trail-Making Tests A & B and the Digit Symbol Substitution Test and driving performance of on-road assessment) and subjective data (responses about everyday cognitive skills and driving ability). Older drivers were then classified as being over-, correct or underestimators. The three cognitive and driving self-awareness profiles were then cross-analyzed. Results: In the cohort study, 1,190 drivers aged 70 years or older were included. The results showed that 42.7% of older drivers overestimated their cognitive ability, 42.2% estimated it correctly, and 15.1% underestimated it. The experimental study included 145 participants from the cohort. The results showed that 34% of participants overestimated, 45% correctly estimated, and 21 % underestimated their driving ability. There was a significant relationship between cognitive and driving self-awareness profiles (p=0,02). This overlap was more marked in overestimators. Discussion: Significant overlap between cognitive and driving self-awareness provides useful and new knowledge about driving in the aging population. Misestimation of cognitive ability could hamper self-awareness of driving ability, and consequently self-regulation of driving. It is now crucial to develop measures that promote self-awareness of ability.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: Many older drivers incorrectly estimate their driving ability. The present study aimed to determine whether, and if so, to what extent unawareness of cognitive abilities affects self-awareness of driving ability. Methods: Two successive studies were conducted. A cohort study investigated cognitive self-awareness and an experimental study examined driving self-awareness in older drivers. In each one, self-awareness was assessed by cross-analyzing objective (respectively Trail-Making Tests A & B and the Digit Symbol Substitution Test and driving performance of on-road assessment) and subjective data (responses about everyday cognitive skills and driving ability). Older drivers were then classified as being over-, correct or underestimators. The three cognitive and driving self-awareness profiles were then cross-analyzed. Results: In the cohort study, 1,190 drivers aged 70 years or older were included. The results showed that 42.7% of older drivers overestimated their cognitive ability, 42.2% estimated it correctly, and 15.1% underestimated it. The experimental study included 145 participants from the cohort. The results showed that 34% of participants overestimated, 45% correctly estimated, and 21 % underestimated their driving ability. There was a significant relationship between cognitive and driving self-awareness profiles (p=0,02). This overlap was more marked in overestimators. Discussion: Significant overlap between cognitive and driving self-awareness provides useful and new knowledge about driving in the aging population. Misestimation of cognitive ability could hamper self-awareness of driving ability, and consequently self-regulation of driving. It is now crucial to develop measures that promote self-awareness of ability.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Valérie Forest, Jérémie Pourchez, Carole Pélissier, Sabyne Audignon Durand, Jean-Michel Vergnon, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03330892
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Valérie Forest, Jérémie Pourchez, Carole Pélissier, Sabyne Audignon Durand, Jean-Michel Vergnon, et al.. Relationship between occupational exposure to airborne nanoparticles, nanoparticle lung burden and lung diseases. Toxics, 2021, 9 (9), pp.204. ⟨10.3390/toxics9090204⟩. ⟨hal-03330892⟩
DOI : 10.3390/toxics9090204
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The biomonitoring of nanoparticles in patients' broncho-alveolar lavages (BAL) could allow getting insights into the role of inhaled biopersistent nanoparticles in the etiology/development of some respiratory diseases. Our objective was to investigate the relationship between the biomonitoring of nanoparticles in BAL, interstitial lung diseases and occupational exposure to these particles released unintentionally. We analyzed data from a cohort of 100 patients suffering from lung diseases (NanoPI clinical trial, Identifier: NCT02549248) and observed that most of the patients showed a high probability of exposure to airborne unintentionally released nanoparticles (>50%), suggesting a potential role of inhaled nanoparticles in lung physiopathology. Depending on the respiratory disease, the amount of patients likely exposed to unintentionally released nanoparticles was variable (e.g., from 88% for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis to 54% for sarcoidosis). These findings are consistent with the previously performed mineralogical analyses of BAL samples that suggested (i) a role of titanium nanoparticles in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and (ii) a contribution of silica submicron particles to sarcoidosis. Further investigations are necessary to draw firm conclusions but these first results strengthen the array of presumptions on the contribution of some inhaled particles (from nano to submicron size) to some idiopathic lung diseases.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The biomonitoring of nanoparticles in patients' broncho-alveolar lavages (BAL) could allow getting insights into the role of inhaled biopersistent nanoparticles in the etiology/development of some respiratory diseases. Our objective was to investigate the relationship between the biomonitoring of nanoparticles in BAL, interstitial lung diseases and occupational exposure to these particles released unintentionally. We analyzed data from a cohort of 100 patients suffering from lung diseases (NanoPI clinical trial, Identifier: NCT02549248) and observed that most of the patients showed a high probability of exposure to airborne unintentionally released nanoparticles (>50%), suggesting a potential role of inhaled nanoparticles in lung physiopathology. Depending on the respiratory disease, the amount of patients likely exposed to unintentionally released nanoparticles was variable (e.g., from 88% for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis to 54% for sarcoidosis). These findings are consistent with the previously performed mineralogical analyses of BAL samples that suggested (i) a role of titanium nanoparticles in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and (ii) a contribution of silica submicron particles to sarcoidosis. Further investigations are necessary to draw firm conclusions but these first results strengthen the array of presumptions on the contribution of some inhaled particles (from nano to submicron size) to some idiopathic lung diseases.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Chantal Chavoix, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04441522
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Chantal Chavoix, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont. Relationship between Walking and Driving, and Cognitive Functioning Common to Both Modes of Mobility, in Healthy Older Adults. Gerontology, 2023, 70 (2), pp.184-192. ⟨10.1159/000535115⟩. ⟨hal-04441522⟩
DOI : 10.1159/000535115
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: Driving and walking, the two main modes of mobility, require numerous common skills in the motor, sensory, and cognitive domains that deteriorate with age. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between walking and driving in healthy older drivers and to determine whether certain cognitive processes are involved in both modes of mobility. Method: Seventy-six older drivers from the Safe Move cohort were assessed in the following three domains: (1) cognition, using parts A and B of the Trail Making Test (TMT), the digit symbol substitution test (DSST), the Stroop test, and the Digit span; (2) gait, using a dual-task (DT) paradigm with a counting task; and (3) driving, assessed via a 40–50 min on-road test. Analyses were also performed on 2 subgroups: young-old (70–74 years old; n = 43) and old-old (≥75 years; n = 33). Results: Four significant correlations were found across the whole sample between gait performance under DT conditions and driving scores. One correlation was also found in old-old adults. None were found in young-old adults. Furthermore, several cognitive measures were significantly correlated to both modes of mobility: TMT-A and B completion time in the whole sample, and DSST performance in the whole sample and old-old adults. Discussion/Conclusion: Walking in complex conditions and on-road driving performance are closely related in healthy older drivers. Visuospatial attention, processing speed, and executive function are crucial and common cognitive processes to both modes of mobility in this population. Impairment in these cognitive functions should thus alert health professionals as it can quickly lead to mobility disorders, loss of autonomy and social isolation. Developing specific preventive programs and mobility support systems for healthy older adults is also crucial.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: Driving and walking, the two main modes of mobility, require numerous common skills in the motor, sensory, and cognitive domains that deteriorate with age. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between walking and driving in healthy older drivers and to determine whether certain cognitive processes are involved in both modes of mobility. Method: Seventy-six older drivers from the Safe Move cohort were assessed in the following three domains: (1) cognition, using parts A and B of the Trail Making Test (TMT), the digit symbol substitution test (DSST), the Stroop test, and the Digit span; (2) gait, using a dual-task (DT) paradigm with a counting task; and (3) driving, assessed via a 40–50 min on-road test. Analyses were also performed on 2 subgroups: young-old (70–74 years old; n = 43) and old-old (≥75 years; n = 33). Results: Four significant correlations were found across the whole sample between gait performance under DT conditions and driving scores. One correlation was also found in old-old adults. None were found in young-old adults. Furthermore, several cognitive measures were significantly correlated to both modes of mobility: TMT-A and B completion time in the whole sample, and DSST performance in the whole sample and old-old adults. Discussion/Conclusion: Walking in complex conditions and on-road driving performance are closely related in healthy older drivers. Visuospatial attention, processing speed, and executive function are crucial and common cognitive processes to both modes of mobility in this population. Impairment in these cognitive functions should thus alert health professionals as it can quickly lead to mobility disorders, loss of autonomy and social isolation. Developing specific preventive programs and mobility support systems for healthy older adults is also crucial.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Chantal Chavoix, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01470258
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Chantal Chavoix, Laurence Paire-Ficout, et al.. Relation entre traits de personnalité et estimation de ses propres capacités cognitives : résultats de la cohorte SAFE MOVE. International conference on the BFI : Round and about the Big Five Inventory for Personality, Sep 2015, TOURS, France. 2 p. ⟨hal-01470258⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Beaucoup de conducteurs modifient leurs habitudes de conduite en réponse aux changements sensori-moteurs et cognitifs du vieillissement. L'hypothèse du projet SAFE MOVE est qu'une correcte auto-estimation de ses capacités cognitives est nécessaire pour assurer cette adaptation. Objectif : étudier l'effet de l'âge, du sexe et du statut socio-économique sur cette auto-estimation, en prenant en compte les dimensions de la personnalité, rarement étudiées chez les conducteurs âgés. Méthode : population de 1204 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans et plus. Les performances à 3 tests cognitifs ont été mises en regard de l'auto-estimation des personnes de leurs capacités cognitives, afin de déterminer trois groupes : sur-estimateurs, sous-estimateurs et estimateurs corrects. Une version raccourcie de la Big Five Inventory a permis d'identifier les 5 traits de personnalité : extraversion, amabilité, contrôle/conscience, névrotisme, ouverture. Résultats : chez les hommes la surestimation des capacités cognitives est associée à un âge éleÎ, une très bonne audition, et une personnalité extravertie. Chez les femmes elle est associée à une personnalité ouverte. La sous-estimation est associée chez les hommes à un âge plus jeune et chez les femmes à un bas niveau socioéconomique et une personnalité intravertie. Conclusion : les facteurs qui modulent l'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives sont différents chez les hommes et chez les femmes, en particulier au niveau des traits de la personnalité. Cela souligne l'intérêt de les prendre en compte dans les études sur les conducteurs âgés. Le suivi de la cohorte permettra d'étudier s'ils sont associés aux changements de mobilité.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Beaucoup de conducteurs modifient leurs habitudes de conduite en réponse aux changements sensori-moteurs et cognitifs du vieillissement. L'hypothèse du projet SAFE MOVE est qu'une correcte auto-estimation de ses capacités cognitives est nécessaire pour assurer cette adaptation. Objectif : étudier l'effet de l'âge, du sexe et du statut socio-économique sur cette auto-estimation, en prenant en compte les dimensions de la personnalité, rarement étudiées chez les conducteurs âgés. Méthode : population de 1204 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans et plus. Les performances à 3 tests cognitifs ont été mises en regard de l'auto-estimation des personnes de leurs capacités cognitives, afin de déterminer trois groupes : sur-estimateurs, sous-estimateurs et estimateurs corrects. Une version raccourcie de la Big Five Inventory a permis d'identifier les 5 traits de personnalité : extraversion, amabilité, contrôle/conscience, névrotisme, ouverture. Résultats : chez les hommes la surestimation des capacités cognitives est associée à un âge éleÎ, une très bonne audition, et une personnalité extravertie. Chez les femmes elle est associée à une personnalité ouverte. La sous-estimation est associée chez les hommes à un âge plus jeune et chez les femmes à un bas niveau socioéconomique et une personnalité intravertie. Conclusion : les facteurs qui modulent l'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives sont différents chez les hommes et chez les femmes, en particulier au niveau des traits de la personnalité. Cela souligne l'intérêt de les prendre en compte dans les études sur les conducteurs âgés. Le suivi de la cohorte permettra d'étudier s'ils sont associés aux changements de mobilité.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Chantal Chavoix, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01366539
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Chantal Chavoix, Laurence Paire-Ficout, et al.. Relation entre personnalité et estimation de ses propres capacités cognitives chez des conducteurs âgés. VIIème Congrès international d'Epidémiologie ADELF-EPITER, Epidémiologie et Santé Publique, Sep 2016, RENNES, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-01366539⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Beaucoup de conducteurs modifient leurs habitudes de conduite en réponse aux changements sensori-moteurs et cognitifs du vieillissement. L'hypothèse de l'étude SAFE MOVE est qu'une correcte auto-estimation de ses capacités cognitives est nécessaire pour assurer cette adaptation. Objectif : étudier l'effet de l'âge, du sexe et du statut socio-économique sur cette auto-estimation, en prenant en compte les dimensions de la personnalité, rarement étudiées chez les conducteurs âgés. Méthode : population de 1204 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans et plus. Les performances à 3 tests cognitifs ont été mises en regard de l'auto-estimation des personnes de leurs capacités cognitives, afin de déterminer trois groupes : sur-estimateurs, sous-estimateurs et estimateurs corrects. Une version raccourcie de la Big Five Inventory a permis d'identifier les 5 traits de personnalité : extraversion, amabilité, contrôle/conscience, névrotisme, ouverture. Résultats : chez les hommes la surestimation des capacités cognitives est associée au fait de vivre seul, de présenter une très bonne audition, une personnalité extravertie ou consciencieuse. Chez les femmes elle est associée à une très bonne santé relative et à une personnalité ouverte. La sous-estimation est associée chez les hommes au fait de vivre en couple et chez les femmes à un bas niveau socioéconomique et à un faible niveau d'extraversion. Conclusion : les facteurs qui modulent l'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives sont différents chez les hommes et chez les femmes, en particulier au niveau des traits de la personnalité. Cela souligne l'intérêt de les prendre en compte dans les études sur les conducteurs âgés. Le suivi de la cohorte permettra d'étudier s'ils sont associés aux changements de mobilité.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Beaucoup de conducteurs modifient leurs habitudes de conduite en réponse aux changements sensori-moteurs et cognitifs du vieillissement. L'hypothèse de l'étude SAFE MOVE est qu'une correcte auto-estimation de ses capacités cognitives est nécessaire pour assurer cette adaptation. Objectif : étudier l'effet de l'âge, du sexe et du statut socio-économique sur cette auto-estimation, en prenant en compte les dimensions de la personnalité, rarement étudiées chez les conducteurs âgés. Méthode : population de 1204 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans et plus. Les performances à 3 tests cognitifs ont été mises en regard de l'auto-estimation des personnes de leurs capacités cognitives, afin de déterminer trois groupes : sur-estimateurs, sous-estimateurs et estimateurs corrects. Une version raccourcie de la Big Five Inventory a permis d'identifier les 5 traits de personnalité : extraversion, amabilité, contrôle/conscience, névrotisme, ouverture. Résultats : chez les hommes la surestimation des capacités cognitives est associée au fait de vivre seul, de présenter une très bonne audition, une personnalité extravertie ou consciencieuse. Chez les femmes elle est associée à une très bonne santé relative et à une personnalité ouverte. La sous-estimation est associée chez les hommes au fait de vivre en couple et chez les femmes à un bas niveau socioéconomique et à un faible niveau d'extraversion. Conclusion : les facteurs qui modulent l'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives sont différents chez les hommes et chez les femmes, en particulier au niveau des traits de la personnalité. Cela souligne l'intérêt de les prendre en compte dans les études sur les conducteurs âgés. Le suivi de la cohorte permettra d'étudier s'ils sont associés aux changements de mobilité.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Edouard Ollier, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01509933
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Edouard Ollier, Vivian Viallon. Regression modeling on stratified data with the lasso. Biometrika, 2017, 1 (104), pp.83-96. ⟨10.1093/biomet/asw065⟩. ⟨hal-01509933⟩
DOI : 10.1093/biomet/asw065
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We consider the estimation of regression models on strata defined using a categorical covariate, in order to identify interactions between this categorical covariate and the other predictors. A basic approach requires the choice of a reference stratum. We show that the performance of a penalized version of this approach depends on this arbitrary choice. We propose a refined approach that bypasses this arbitrary choice, at almost no additional computational cost. Regarding model selection consistency, our proposal mimics the strategy based on an optimal and covariate-specific choice for the reference stratum. Results from an empirical study confirm that our proposal generally outperforms the basic approach in the identification and description of the interactions. An illustration on gene expression data is provided.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We consider the estimation of regression models on strata defined using a categorical covariate, in order to identify interactions between this categorical covariate and the other predictors. A basic approach requires the choice of a reference stratum. We show that the performance of a penalized version of this approach depends on this arbitrary choice. We propose a refined approach that bypasses this arbitrary choice, at almost no additional computational cost. Regarding model selection consistency, our proposal mimics the strategy based on an optimal and covariate-specific choice for the reference stratum. Results from an empirical study confirm that our proposal generally outperforms the basic approach in the identification and description of the interactions. An illustration on gene expression data is provided.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martin C. J. Kneyber, Daniele De Luca, Edoardo Calderini, Pierre-Henri Jarreau, Etienne Javouhey, Jesus Lopez-Herce, Jürg Hammer, Duncan Macrae, Dick G. Markhost, Alberto Medina, Marti Pons-Odena, Fabrizio Racca, Gerhard Wolf, Paolo Biban, Joe Brierley, Peter C. Rimensberger
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01777725
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martin C. J. Kneyber, Daniele De Luca, Edoardo Calderini, Pierre-Henri Jarreau, Etienne Javouhey, et al.. Recommendations for mechanical ventilation of critically ill children from the Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference (PEMVECC). Intensive Care Medicine, 2017, 43 (12), pp. 1764-1780. ⟨10.1007/s00134-017-4920-z⟩. ⟨hal-01777725⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s00134-017-4920-z
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Much of the common practice in paediatric mechanical ventilation is based on personal experiences and what paediatric critical care practitioners have adopted from adult and neonatal experience. This presents a barrier to planning and interpretation of clinical trials on the use of specific and targeted interventions. We aim to establish a European consensus guideline on mechanical ventilation of critically children.MethodsThe European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care initiated a consensus conference of international European experts in paediatric mechanical ventilation to provide recommendations using the Research and Development/University of California, Los Angeles, appropriateness method. An electronic literature search in PubMed and EMBASE was performed using a combination of medical subject heading terms and text words related to mechanical ventilation and disease-specific terms.ResultsThe Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference (PEMVECC) consisted of a panel of 15 experts who developed and voted on 152 recommendations related to the following topics: (1) general recommendations, (2) monitoring, (3) targets of oxygenation and ventilation, (4) supportive measures, (5) weaning and extubation readiness, (6) normal lungs, (7) obstructive diseases, (8) restrictive diseases, (9) mixed diseases, (10) chronically ventilated patients, (11) cardiac patients and (12) lung hypoplasia syndromes. There were 142 (93.4%) recommendations with ?strong agreement?. The final iteration of the recommendations had none with equipoise or disagreement.ConclusionsThese recommendations should help to harmonise the approach to paediatric mechanical ventilation and can be proposed as a standard-of-care applicable in daily clinical practice and clinical research.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Much of the common practice in paediatric mechanical ventilation is based on personal experiences and what paediatric critical care practitioners have adopted from adult and neonatal experience. This presents a barrier to planning and interpretation of clinical trials on the use of specific and targeted interventions. We aim to establish a European consensus guideline on mechanical ventilation of critically children.MethodsThe European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care initiated a consensus conference of international European experts in paediatric mechanical ventilation to provide recommendations using the Research and Development/University of California, Los Angeles, appropriateness method. An electronic literature search in PubMed and EMBASE was performed using a combination of medical subject heading terms and text words related to mechanical ventilation and disease-specific terms.ResultsThe Paediatric Mechanical Ventilation Consensus Conference (PEMVECC) consisted of a panel of 15 experts who developed and voted on 152 recommendations related to the following topics: (1) general recommendations, (2) monitoring, (3) targets of oxygenation and ventilation, (4) supportive measures, (5) weaning and extubation readiness, (6) normal lungs, (7) obstructive diseases, (8) restrictive diseases, (9) mixed diseases, (10) chronically ventilated patients, (11) cardiac patients and (12) lung hypoplasia syndromes. There were 142 (93.4%) recommendations with ?strong agreement?. The final iteration of the recommendations had none with equipoise or disagreement.ConclusionsThese recommendations should help to harmonise the approach to paediatric mechanical ventilation and can be proposed as a standard-of-care applicable in daily clinical practice and clinical research.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Karine Chassaing, François Daniellou, Philippe Davezies
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00776242
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Karine Chassaing, François Daniellou, Philippe Davezies. Recherche-Action "Prévenir les risques psychosociaux dans l'industrie automobile : élaboration d'une méthode d'action syndicale ". Emergences, pp.360, 2012. ⟨hal-00776242⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le présent rapport présente le travail le dispositif de recherche-action déployé du mois du 1er mai 2008 au 31 octobre 2009, puis prolongé jusqu'en janvier 2010 sur les 13 établissements de Renault maison mère et le réseau commercial. IL en tire des enseignements. Il analyse ce qu'il a pu produire, notamment en termes de renouvellement des pratiques sociales, et ce qu'il ouvre comme perspectives : - pour l'élaboration de mesures préventives en matière de risques organisationnels à effets psychosociaux ; - pour conduire le dialogue social et faire ou non aboutir des négociations sur de réelles transformations de l'organisation du travail ; - pour améliorer les conditions de travail, écarter et réduire les risques, faire reculer le mal-être et la pathogénie du travail. Ce rapport rend compte du déroulement des travaux et des hypothèses peu à peu élaborées au fil de l'expérimentation par les équipes de militants. Il apporte des éclairages sur ce qui se joue dans diverses dimensions relationnelles, notamment entre scientifiques et syndicalistes, pour la construction d'une relation féconde en matière d'élaboration commune de connaissances utilisables et généralisables. Il présente aussi des éléments d'analyse sur les nouvelles pratiques sociales pour lesquelles les travailleurs se manifestent mobilisables, même dans les circonstances qui paraissent les plus difficiles, et sur la nature des moyens qu'ils mettent en oeuvre pour résister, par et dans l'activité de travail, aux situations les plus délétères qu'ils peuvent être amenés à rencontrer et à vivre. Les difficultés et limites de cette expérience sont également analysées.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le présent rapport présente le travail le dispositif de recherche-action déployé du mois du 1er mai 2008 au 31 octobre 2009, puis prolongé jusqu'en janvier 2010 sur les 13 établissements de Renault maison mère et le réseau commercial. IL en tire des enseignements. Il analyse ce qu'il a pu produire, notamment en termes de renouvellement des pratiques sociales, et ce qu'il ouvre comme perspectives : - pour l'élaboration de mesures préventives en matière de risques organisationnels à effets psychosociaux ; - pour conduire le dialogue social et faire ou non aboutir des négociations sur de réelles transformations de l'organisation du travail ; - pour améliorer les conditions de travail, écarter et réduire les risques, faire reculer le mal-être et la pathogénie du travail. Ce rapport rend compte du déroulement des travaux et des hypothèses peu à peu élaborées au fil de l'expérimentation par les équipes de militants. Il apporte des éclairages sur ce qui se joue dans diverses dimensions relationnelles, notamment entre scientifiques et syndicalistes, pour la construction d'une relation féconde en matière d'élaboration commune de connaissances utilisables et généralisables. Il présente aussi des éléments d'analyse sur les nouvelles pratiques sociales pour lesquelles les travailleurs se manifestent mobilisables, même dans les circonstances qui paraissent les plus difficiles, et sur la nature des moyens qu'ils mettent en oeuvre pour résister, par et dans l'activité de travail, aux situations les plus délétères qu'ils peuvent être amenés à rencontrer et à vivre. Les difficultés et limites de cette expérience sont également analysées.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Ouvrages
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Paul Avan, Patricia Champelovier, Benjamin Cotté, David Ecotière, Benoit Gauvreau, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Catherine Marquis-Favre, Sabine Meunier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03847950
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Paul Avan, Patricia Champelovier, Benjamin Cotté, David Ecotière, et al.. Recherche sur les impacts du bruit des éoliennes sur l'Humain : son, perception, santé (RIBEolH). CFA2022 - 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-03847950⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'énergie éolienne est en pleine expansion en France comme ailleurs dans le monde, mais la population s'inquiète des impacts sanitaires du bruit des éoliennes et certaines personnes expriment une gêne plus importante que ne le laissent supposer les mesures du champ acoustique. La gêne est souvent décrite comme résultant des infrasons (IF) alors que les pressions acoustiques des IF émis par les éoliennes sont inférieures aux seuils d’audition. Cependant, l'inaudibilité possible des IF n'exclut pas leur action sur l'oreille interne ou le système nerveux central. Dans ce contexte, nous construisons un protocole de recherche sur les impacts du bruit des éoliennes sur l'Humain, en termes de simulation/synthèse sonore, perception, et ses effets sur la santé humaine ("RIBEolH"). Les objectifs du projet RIBEolH sont : - D'évaluer les effets sur la santé du bruit audible, des sons de basse fréquence (SBF) en particulier, et des IF, émis par les éoliennes, et de mieux comprendre la gêne exprimée. - Mieux comprendre les mécanismes auditifs associés à la perception des IF et des SBF émis par les éoliennes. - Mieux comprendre les effets des IF sur l'oreille interne ou le système nerveux central. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, RIBEolH s'appuie sur deux volets complémentaires : une étude épidémiologique et une étude psychoacoustique et physiologique qui seront présentées.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'énergie éolienne est en pleine expansion en France comme ailleurs dans le monde, mais la population s'inquiète des impacts sanitaires du bruit des éoliennes et certaines personnes expriment une gêne plus importante que ne le laissent supposer les mesures du champ acoustique. La gêne est souvent décrite comme résultant des infrasons (IF) alors que les pressions acoustiques des IF émis par les éoliennes sont inférieures aux seuils d’audition. Cependant, l'inaudibilité possible des IF n'exclut pas leur action sur l'oreille interne ou le système nerveux central. Dans ce contexte, nous construisons un protocole de recherche sur les impacts du bruit des éoliennes sur l'Humain, en termes de simulation/synthèse sonore, perception, et ses effets sur la santé humaine ("RIBEolH"). Les objectifs du projet RIBEolH sont : - D'évaluer les effets sur la santé du bruit audible, des sons de basse fréquence (SBF) en particulier, et des IF, émis par les éoliennes, et de mieux comprendre la gêne exprimée. - Mieux comprendre les mécanismes auditifs associés à la perception des IF et des SBF émis par les éoliennes. - Mieux comprendre les effets des IF sur l'oreille interne ou le système nerveux central. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, RIBEolH s'appuie sur deux volets complémentaires : une étude épidémiologique et une étude psychoacoustique et physiologique qui seront présentées.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Geertje Goedhart, Luuk van Wel, Chelsea Langer, Patricia de Llobet Viladoms, Joe Wiart, Martine Hours, Hans Kromhout, Geza Benke, Evdoxia Bouka, Revital Bruchim, Kyung-Hwa Choi, Amanda Eng, Mina Ha, Anke Huss, Kosuke Kiyohara, Noriko Kojimahara, Daniel Krewski, Brigitte Lacour, Andrea ‘t Mannetje, Milena Maule, Enrica Migliore, Charmaine Mohipp, Franco Momoli, Eleni Th. Petridou, Katja Radon, Thomas Rémen, Siegal Sadetzki, Malcolm Sim, Tobias Weinmann, Elisabeth Cardis, Martine Vrijheid, Roel Vermeulen
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02097837
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Geertje Goedhart, Luuk van Wel, Chelsea Langer, Patricia de Llobet Viladoms, Joe Wiart, et al.. Recall of mobile phone usage and laterality in young people: The multinational Mobi-Expo study. Environmental Research, 2018, 165, pp.150-157. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2018.04.018⟩. ⟨hal-02097837⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envres.2018.04.018
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Vivian Viallon, Marine Dufournet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160403
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Vivian Viallon, Marine Dufournet. Re: Collider Bias Is Only a Partial Explanation for the Obesity Paradox. Epidemiology, 2017, 28 (5), pp. e43-e45. ⟨10.1097/EDE.0000000000000691⟩. ⟨hal-02160403⟩
DOI : 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000691
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Recently, Sperrin et al claim that collider bias is unlikely to be the main explanation for the 'obesity paradox.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Recently, Sperrin et al claim that collider bias is unlikely to be the main explanation for the 'obesity paradox.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01211392
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre. Rapport-bilan de la phase d'inclusion de l'étude sommeil. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2015, 39 p. ⟨hal-01211392⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif de l'étude sommeil du programme de recherche épidémiologique DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit. Cette étude permettra également de comparer la pertinence d'indicateurs évènementiels (nombre de survols dépassant 65 dBA par exemple) à celle des indicateurs énergétiques (Lden 1 par exemple) pour caractériser plus finement l'exposition au bruit des avions et sa relation avec la qualité du sommeil. Le présent rapport dresse le bilan de la phase d'inclusion des 110 participants.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif de l'étude sommeil du programme de recherche épidémiologique DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit. Cette étude permettra également de comparer la pertinence d'indicateurs évènementiels (nombre de survols dépassant 65 dBA par exemple) à celle des indicateurs énergétiques (Lden 1 par exemple) pour caractériser plus finement l'exposition au bruit des avions et sa relation avec la qualité du sommeil. Le présent rapport dresse le bilan de la phase d'inclusion des 110 participants.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pascal de Giudici, Jean-Christian Genier, Sylvie Martin, Jean-François Dore, Pierre Ducimetiere, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Thierry Letertre, Claire Segala
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03026498
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pascal de Giudici, Jean-Christian Genier, Sylvie Martin, Jean-François Dore, Pierre Ducimetiere, et al.. Radiofrequency exposure of people living near mobile-phone base stations in France. Environmental Research, 2020, 8 p. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2020.110500⟩. ⟨hal-03026498⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110500
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In response to the demand from a growing number of people concerned about the possible impact of RF-EMF on health, the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) has published a standardized protocol for in-situ measurements of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). This protocol was based on the search for the point of highest field strength and the use of spot measurement. In the framework of an epidemiological study, such spot measurements were implemented in the homes of 354 participants located in urban areas within 250 m of a mobile-phone base station (MPBS) and in the main beam direction of the antenna. Among the participants, more than half accepted to be enrolled in a longer-term study, among whom 152 were equipped with a personal exposure meter (PEM) for 48 h and 40 for seven continuous days. Both spot and PEM measurements quantified downlink field strengths, i.e. FM, TV3-4-5, TETRA I-II-III, 2 GHz-5GHz Wi-Fi, WiMax, GSM900, GSM1800, UMTS900, UMTS 2100, LTE800, LTE1800, and LTE2600. Spot measurements showed a mean/median field strength of 0.58/0.44 V/m for total RF-EMF and 0.43/0.27 V/m from the MPBS. RF-EMF from the MPBS was the dominant source of exposure in 64% of households. Exposure to RF-EMF was influenced by the position of the windows with respect to the MPBS, in particular line-of-site visibility, the distance of the antenna and the floor of the apartment. The PEM surveys showed the measured exposure to be higher during outings than at home and during the day than at night, but there was no difference between the weekends and working days. There was a strong correlation between exposure quantified by both spot and PEM measurements, although spot measures were approximately three times higher than those by PEMs. This study is the first to assess exposure to RF-EMF of people living near a MPBS in urban areas in France. These preliminary results suggest the value of using spot measurements to estimate the impact of the evolution of the mobile-phone network and technology on the exposure of populations to RF-EMF. The low levels of RF-RMF expressed as mean values do not necessarily rule out possible health effects of this exposure.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In response to the demand from a growing number of people concerned about the possible impact of RF-EMF on health, the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) has published a standardized protocol for in-situ measurements of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). This protocol was based on the search for the point of highest field strength and the use of spot measurement. In the framework of an epidemiological study, such spot measurements were implemented in the homes of 354 participants located in urban areas within 250 m of a mobile-phone base station (MPBS) and in the main beam direction of the antenna. Among the participants, more than half accepted to be enrolled in a longer-term study, among whom 152 were equipped with a personal exposure meter (PEM) for 48 h and 40 for seven continuous days. Both spot and PEM measurements quantified downlink field strengths, i.e. FM, TV3-4-5, TETRA I-II-III, 2 GHz-5GHz Wi-Fi, WiMax, GSM900, GSM1800, UMTS900, UMTS 2100, LTE800, LTE1800, and LTE2600. Spot measurements showed a mean/median field strength of 0.58/0.44 V/m for total RF-EMF and 0.43/0.27 V/m from the MPBS. RF-EMF from the MPBS was the dominant source of exposure in 64% of households. Exposure to RF-EMF was influenced by the position of the windows with respect to the MPBS, in particular line-of-site visibility, the distance of the antenna and the floor of the apartment. The PEM surveys showed the measured exposure to be higher during outings than at home and during the day than at night, but there was no difference between the weekends and working days. There was a strong correlation between exposure quantified by both spot and PEM measurements, although spot measures were approximately three times higher than those by PEMs. This study is the first to assess exposure to RF-EMF of people living near a MPBS in urban areas in France. These preliminary results suggest the value of using spot measurements to estimate the impact of the evolution of the mobile-phone network and technology on the exposure of populations to RF-EMF. The low levels of RF-RMF expressed as mean values do not necessarily rule out possible health effects of this exposure.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-François Viel, Elisabeth Cardis, Monika Moissonnier, René de Seze, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00412043
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-François Viel, Elisabeth Cardis, Monika Moissonnier, René de Seze, Martine Hours. Radiofrequency exposure in the French general population: Band, time, location and activity variability.. Environment International, 2009, 35 (8), pp.1150-1154. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2009.07.007⟩. ⟨hal-00412043⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envint.2009.07.007
pubmedId_s : 19656570
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Information on the exposure of individual persons to radiofrequency (RF) fields is scarce, although such data are crucial in order to develop a suitable exposure assessment method, and frame the hypothesis and design of future epidemiological studies. The main goal of this survey is to assess individual RF exposure on a population basis, while clarifying the relative contribution of different sources to the total exposure. A total of 377 randomly selected people were analyzed. Each participant was supplied with a personal exposure meter for 24-hour measurements (weekday), and kept a time-location-activity diary. Electric field strengths were recorded in 12 different RF bands every 13s. Summary statistics were calculated with the robust regression on order statistics method. Most of the time, recorded field strengths were not detectable with the exposure meter. Total field, cordless phones, WiFi-microwave, and FM transmitters stood apart with a proportion above the detection threshold of 46.6%, 17.2%, 14.1%, and 11.0%, respectively. The total field mean value was 0.201V/m, higher in urban areas, during daytime, among adults, and when moving. When focusing on specific channels, the highest mean exposure resulted from FM sources (0.044V/m), followed by WiFi-microwaves (0.038V/m), cordless phones (0.037V/m), and mobile phones (UMTS: 0.036V/m, UMTS: 0.037V/m). Various factors, however, contributed to a high variability in RF exposure assessment. These population-based estimates should therefore be confirmed by further surveys to better characterize the exposure situation in different microenvironments.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Information on the exposure of individual persons to radiofrequency (RF) fields is scarce, although such data are crucial in order to develop a suitable exposure assessment method, and frame the hypothesis and design of future epidemiological studies. The main goal of this survey is to assess individual RF exposure on a population basis, while clarifying the relative contribution of different sources to the total exposure. A total of 377 randomly selected people were analyzed. Each participant was supplied with a personal exposure meter for 24-hour measurements (weekday), and kept a time-location-activity diary. Electric field strengths were recorded in 12 different RF bands every 13s. Summary statistics were calculated with the robust regression on order statistics method. Most of the time, recorded field strengths were not detectable with the exposure meter. Total field, cordless phones, WiFi-microwave, and FM transmitters stood apart with a proportion above the detection threshold of 46.6%, 17.2%, 14.1%, and 11.0%, respectively. The total field mean value was 0.201V/m, higher in urban areas, during daytime, among adults, and when moving. When focusing on specific channels, the highest mean exposure resulted from FM sources (0.044V/m), followed by WiFi-microwaves (0.038V/m), cordless phones (0.037V/m), and mobile phones (UMTS: 0.036V/m, UMTS: 0.037V/m). Various factors, however, contributed to a high variability in RF exposure assessment. These population-based estimates should therefore be confirmed by further surveys to better characterize the exposure situation in different microenvironments.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Patricia Champelovier, David Ecotiere, Benoit Gauvreau, Catherine Marquis-Favre, Sabine Meunier, Benjamin Cotte, Paul Avan
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02415609
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Patricia Champelovier, David Ecotiere, Benoit Gauvreau, et al.. RIBEolh : Recherche des impacts du bruit éolien sur l'humain : son, perception, santé. Séminaire du projet fédérateur "Infrastructures et Transition Energétique", Nov 2019, Marne-la-Vallée, France. Séminaire du projet fédérateur "Infrastructures et Transition Energétique", 1 p, 2019. ⟨hal-02415609⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'énergie éolienne est en pleine expansion en France et ailleurs dans le monde mais la population s'interroge sur les impacts sanitaires du bruit émis par les éoliennes et certains se plaignent d'une gêne importante. L'objectif de RIBEolh est d'évaluer les effets sur la santé (effets sur le système cochléo-vestibulaire, perturbations du sommeil, stress, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles psychologiques, perception et gêne) du bruit audible ainsi que des infrasons (IF) et des sons de basse fréquence (SBF) produits par les éoliennes. Il propose une double approche complémentaire avec la mise en place d'une étude épidémiologique destinée à quantifier les effets sur la santé du bruit des éoliennes, et d'une étude menée en laboratoire avec des mesures psychoacoustiques et physiologiques dans un environnement maîtrisé à l'aide de signaux mesurés et synthétisés par un modèle physique, pour comprendre les mécanismes auditifs associés à la gêne due aux IF et aux SBF émis par les éoliennes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'énergie éolienne est en pleine expansion en France et ailleurs dans le monde mais la population s'interroge sur les impacts sanitaires du bruit émis par les éoliennes et certains se plaignent d'une gêne importante. L'objectif de RIBEolh est d'évaluer les effets sur la santé (effets sur le système cochléo-vestibulaire, perturbations du sommeil, stress, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles psychologiques, perception et gêne) du bruit audible ainsi que des infrasons (IF) et des sons de basse fréquence (SBF) produits par les éoliennes. Il propose une double approche complémentaire avec la mise en place d'une étude épidémiologique destinée à quantifier les effets sur la santé du bruit des éoliennes, et d'une étude menée en laboratoire avec des mesures psychoacoustiques et physiologiques dans un environnement maîtrisé à l'aide de signaux mesurés et synthétisés par un modèle physique, pour comprendre les mécanismes auditifs associés à la gêne due aux IF et aux SBF émis par les éoliennes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Cédric Garcia, Vivian Viallon, Liacine Bouaoun, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02092500
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Cédric Garcia, Vivian Viallon, Liacine Bouaoun, Jean-Louis Martin. REPAS : Responsabilité estimée par apprentissage statistique - Rapport final. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2018, 29 p. ⟨hal-02092500⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'analyse de responsabilité permet d'estimer les facteurs de risque d'accident à partir des données d'accident uniquement. Une condition nécessaire pour atteindre cet objectif est de disposer d'une évaluation fiable de la responsabilité. L'objectif de la présente étude était de prédire l'attribution de la responsabilité des experts (considérée comme l'étalon-or) à partir des données d'accidents régulièrement enregistrées par la police. L'objectif final était d'estimer la responsabilité du conducteur en cas d'accident selon un processus guidé par des données et des règles explicites. La responsabilité du conducteur a été attribuée par les experts à la lumière de l'ensemble des informations contenues dans les rapports de police, y compris les schémas d'accidents et les photographies pour un échantillon de 5 000 accidents corporels survenus en France en 2011. Cette responsabilité d'expert a été transformée en variable binaire (1 si totalement ou plutôt responsable, 0 si totalement ou plutôt non responsable). Des variables explicatives ont été trouvées dans la base de données qui inclut chaque année des informations informatisées issues des rapports de police pour l'ensemble de la France. En tant que prédicteurs potentiels de l'attribution par des experts, nous avons pris en compte des variables se référant à des actions inappropriées, telles que conduire dans le mauvais sens, excès de vitesse, ne pas céder le passage, faire un demi-tour ou un dépassement, etc. Nous avons également inclus comme prédicteurs potentiels certaines variables se rapportant aux conditions externes au moment de l'accident, comme les conditions météorologiques ou l'état de la route. L'ensemble des variables explicatives pouvant varier selon le type d'accident, les trois configurations d'accident les plus fréquentes ont été considérées séparément : (1) accident impliquant uniquement des véhicules à moteur, 2 ou plus ; (2) accident impliquant un véhicule à moteur et un piéton ou un cycliste ; (3) accident impliquant un seul véhicule à moteur. Trois méthodes statistiques différentes ont été mises en oeuvre pour chaque configuration d'accident afin de prédire l'attribution de la responsabilité des experts : régression logistique avec pénalité L1, forêts aléatoires et boosting. Après validation croisée pour la régression logistique et le boosting, et l'estimation "out-of-bag" pour les forêts aléatoires, les trois méthodes statistiques ont montré des performances similaires en termes de précision, de sensibilité, de spécificité et de fiabilité pour les configurations 1 et 2 des accidents. Nous avons donc choisi la régression logistique, qui convient aux prédictions basées sur un score risque/prévision. Le score de prédiction a également été validé en estimant et en comparant les odds-ratios (OR) obtenus pour certains facteurs de risque, en utilisant les prédictions et les évaluations de responsabilité des experts. Les ORs pour les prédictions et les attributions d'experts étaient très proches, sauf en cas d'alcoolémie élevée, où ils étaient plus faibles en utilisant les prédictions. En nous fondant sur les décisions d'experts d'un assez grand nombre de rapports d'accident de la police, nous avons établi un score pour évaluer la responsabilité des conducteurs et des conducteurs dans les accidents impliquant un ou plusieurs véhicules automobiles, un cycliste ou un piéton. Le score pourrait être directement applicable aux données des forces de l'ordre françaises. La méthodologie pourrait être adaptée à d'autres données policières, et des scripts R sont disponibles sur demande auprès des auteurs. Des travaux supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour valider cette évaluation de la responsabilité, notamment en utilisant des données policières similaires telles que celles de la base de données européenne CARE.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'analyse de responsabilité permet d'estimer les facteurs de risque d'accident à partir des données d'accident uniquement. Une condition nécessaire pour atteindre cet objectif est de disposer d'une évaluation fiable de la responsabilité. L'objectif de la présente étude était de prédire l'attribution de la responsabilité des experts (considérée comme l'étalon-or) à partir des données d'accidents régulièrement enregistrées par la police. L'objectif final était d'estimer la responsabilité du conducteur en cas d'accident selon un processus guidé par des données et des règles explicites. La responsabilité du conducteur a été attribuée par les experts à la lumière de l'ensemble des informations contenues dans les rapports de police, y compris les schémas d'accidents et les photographies pour un échantillon de 5 000 accidents corporels survenus en France en 2011. Cette responsabilité d'expert a été transformée en variable binaire (1 si totalement ou plutôt responsable, 0 si totalement ou plutôt non responsable). Des variables explicatives ont été trouvées dans la base de données qui inclut chaque année des informations informatisées issues des rapports de police pour l'ensemble de la France. En tant que prédicteurs potentiels de l'attribution par des experts, nous avons pris en compte des variables se référant à des actions inappropriées, telles que conduire dans le mauvais sens, excès de vitesse, ne pas céder le passage, faire un demi-tour ou un dépassement, etc. Nous avons également inclus comme prédicteurs potentiels certaines variables se rapportant aux conditions externes au moment de l'accident, comme les conditions météorologiques ou l'état de la route. L'ensemble des variables explicatives pouvant varier selon le type d'accident, les trois configurations d'accident les plus fréquentes ont été considérées séparément : (1) accident impliquant uniquement des véhicules à moteur, 2 ou plus ; (2) accident impliquant un véhicule à moteur et un piéton ou un cycliste ; (3) accident impliquant un seul véhicule à moteur. Trois méthodes statistiques différentes ont été mises en oeuvre pour chaque configuration d'accident afin de prédire l'attribution de la responsabilité des experts : régression logistique avec pénalité L1, forêts aléatoires et boosting. Après validation croisée pour la régression logistique et le boosting, et l'estimation "out-of-bag" pour les forêts aléatoires, les trois méthodes statistiques ont montré des performances similaires en termes de précision, de sensibilité, de spécificité et de fiabilité pour les configurations 1 et 2 des accidents. Nous avons donc choisi la régression logistique, qui convient aux prédictions basées sur un score risque/prévision. Le score de prédiction a également été validé en estimant et en comparant les odds-ratios (OR) obtenus pour certains facteurs de risque, en utilisant les prédictions et les évaluations de responsabilité des experts. Les ORs pour les prédictions et les attributions d'experts étaient très proches, sauf en cas d'alcoolémie élevée, où ils étaient plus faibles en utilisant les prédictions. En nous fondant sur les décisions d'experts d'un assez grand nombre de rapports d'accident de la police, nous avons établi un score pour évaluer la responsabilité des conducteurs et des conducteurs dans les accidents impliquant un ou plusieurs véhicules automobiles, un cycliste ou un piéton. Le score pourrait être directement applicable aux données des forces de l'ordre françaises. La méthodologie pourrait être adaptée à d'autres données policières, et des scripts R sont disponibles sur demande auprès des auteurs. Des travaux supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour valider cette évaluation de la responsabilité, notamment en utilisant des données policières similaires telles que celles de la base de données européenne CARE.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Gwenn Menvielle, Jeanna-Eve Franck, Loredana Radoï, Marie Sanchez, Joëlle Févotte, Anne-Valérie Guizard, Isabelle Stücker, Danièle Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01360240
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Gwenn Menvielle, Jeanna-Eve Franck, Loredana Radoï, Marie Sanchez, Joëlle Févotte, et al.. Quantifying the mediating effects of smoking and occupational exposures in the relation between education and lung cancer: the ICARE study. European Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, 31 (12), pp.1213-1221. ⟨10.1007/s10654-016-0182-2⟩. ⟨hal-01360240⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10654-016-0182-2
pubmedId_s : 27417979
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Smoking only partly explains the higher lung cancer incidence observed among socially deprived people. Occupational exposures may account for part of these inequalities, but this issue has been little investigated. We investigated the extent to which smoking and occupational exposures to asbestos, silica and diesel motor exhaust mediated the association between education and lung cancer incidence in men. We analyzed data from a large French population-based case–control study (1976 lung cancers, 2648 controls). Detailed information on lifelong tobacco consumption and occupational exposures to various carcinogens was collected. We conducted inverse probability-weighted marginal structural models. A strong association was observed between education and lung cancer. The indirect effect through smoking varied by educational level, with the strongest indirect effect observed for those with the lowest education (OR = 1.34 (1.14–1.57)). The indirect effect through occupational exposures was substantial among men with primary (OR = 1.22 (1.15–1.30) for asbestos and silica) or vocational secondary education (OR = 1.18 (1.12–1.25)). The contribution of smoking to educational differences in lung cancer incidence ranged from 22 % (10–34) for men with primary education to 31 % (−3 to 84) for men with a high school degree. The contribution of occupational exposures to asbestos and silica ranged from 15 % (10–20) for men with a high school degree to 20 % (13–28) for men with vocational secondary education. Our results highlight the urgent need for public health policies that aim at decreasing exposure to carcinogens at work, in addition to tobacco control policies, if we want to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in the cancer field.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Smoking only partly explains the higher lung cancer incidence observed among socially deprived people. Occupational exposures may account for part of these inequalities, but this issue has been little investigated. We investigated the extent to which smoking and occupational exposures to asbestos, silica and diesel motor exhaust mediated the association between education and lung cancer incidence in men. We analyzed data from a large French population-based case–control study (1976 lung cancers, 2648 controls). Detailed information on lifelong tobacco consumption and occupational exposures to various carcinogens was collected. We conducted inverse probability-weighted marginal structural models. A strong association was observed between education and lung cancer. The indirect effect through smoking varied by educational level, with the strongest indirect effect observed for those with the lowest education (OR = 1.34 (1.14–1.57)). The indirect effect through occupational exposures was substantial among men with primary (OR = 1.22 (1.15–1.30) for asbestos and silica) or vocational secondary education (OR = 1.18 (1.12–1.25)). The contribution of smoking to educational differences in lung cancer incidence ranged from 22 % (10–34) for men with primary education to 31 % (−3 to 84) for men with a high school degree. The contribution of occupational exposures to asbestos and silica ranged from 15 % (10–20) for men with a high school degree to 20 % (13–28) for men with vocational secondary education. Our results highlight the urgent need for public health policies that aim at decreasing exposure to carcinogens at work, in addition to tobacco control policies, if we want to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in the cancer field.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : David Ecotière, Patrick Demizieux, Gwenael Guillaume, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03616708
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : David Ecotière, Patrick Demizieux, Gwenael Guillaume, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Anne-Sophie Evrard. Quantification of sound exposure from wind turbines in France. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19 (1), 14 p. ⟨10.3390/ijerph19010023⟩. ⟨hal-03616708⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph19010023
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The WHO guidelines on environmental noise highlight that evidence on the health effects of wind turbine sound levels is either non-existent or of poor quality. In this context, a feasibility study was conducted in France in 2017. The objective was to suggest a methodology for calculating wind turbine sound levels in order to quantify the number of windfarms’ residents exposed to this sound. Based on a literature review, the Harmonoise model was selected for sound exposure calculation. It was validated by quantifying its uncertainties, and finally used to estimate the population exposed to wind turbine sound in metropolitan France. Compared to other environmental noise sources (e.g., transportation), sound exposure is very moderate, with more than 80% of the exposed people exposed to sound levels below 40 dBA. The total number of people exposed to more than 30 dBA is about 686,000 and 722,000 people for typical daytime and night-time meteorological conditions respectively, i.e., about 1% of the French population in 2017. These results represent the first ever assessment of sound exposure from wind turbines at the scale of the entire metropolitan France.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The WHO guidelines on environmental noise highlight that evidence on the health effects of wind turbine sound levels is either non-existent or of poor quality. In this context, a feasibility study was conducted in France in 2017. The objective was to suggest a methodology for calculating wind turbine sound levels in order to quantify the number of windfarms’ residents exposed to this sound. Based on a literature review, the Harmonoise model was selected for sound exposure calculation. It was validated by quantifying its uncertainties, and finally used to estimate the population exposed to wind turbine sound in metropolitan France. Compared to other environmental noise sources (e.g., transportation), sound exposure is very moderate, with more than 80% of the exposed people exposed to sound levels below 40 dBA. The total number of people exposed to more than 30 dBA is about 686,000 and 722,000 people for typical daytime and night-time meteorological conditions respectively, i.e., about 1% of the French population in 2017. These results represent the first ever assessment of sound exposure from wind turbines at the scale of the entire metropolitan France.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : David Ecotiere, Patrick Demizieux, Gwenael Guillaume, Patricia Champelovier, L Giorgis-Allemand, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03616737
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : David Ecotiere, Patrick Demizieux, Gwenael Guillaume, Patricia Champelovier, L Giorgis-Allemand, et al.. Quantification of noise exposure from wind turbines in France. Proc. 13th ICBEN, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨hal-03616737⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The WHO guidelines on environmental noise highlight that evidence on the health effects of wind turbine noise is either non-existent or of poor quality. In this context, a feasibility study was conducted in France. The objective was to suggest a methodology for calculating wind turbine noise in order to quantify the number of windfarms' residents exposed to different levels of this noise. Based on a literature review, the Harmonoise model was selected for noise exposure calculation. The contribution of a wind farm varies from 35 dB(A) to 45 dB(A) for distances from 500m to 1500m, depending on weather conditions. Compared to other environmental noise sources (e.g. transportation), the noise exposure is very moderate and the total number of exposed people is very low: about 262,000 people during the day and 363,000 people at night, i.e. about 0.4% and 0.5% of the French population in 2017. Nearly 85% of the exposed population is exposed to levels below 40 dB(A). These results are the first ever assessment of noise exposure from wind turbines on the scale of the entire metropolitan French territory.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The WHO guidelines on environmental noise highlight that evidence on the health effects of wind turbine noise is either non-existent or of poor quality. In this context, a feasibility study was conducted in France. The objective was to suggest a methodology for calculating wind turbine noise in order to quantify the number of windfarms' residents exposed to different levels of this noise. Based on a literature review, the Harmonoise model was selected for noise exposure calculation. The contribution of a wind farm varies from 35 dB(A) to 45 dB(A) for distances from 500m to 1500m, depending on weather conditions. Compared to other environmental noise sources (e.g. transportation), the noise exposure is very moderate and the total number of exposed people is very low: about 262,000 people during the day and 363,000 people at night, i.e. about 0.4% and 0.5% of the French population in 2017. Nearly 85% of the exposed population is exposed to levels below 40 dB(A). These results are the first ever assessment of noise exposure from wind turbines on the scale of the entire metropolitan French territory.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Dan Wu
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-02006570
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Dan Wu. Quantification des causes des accidents de deux / trois-roues motorisés et de leurs conséquences corporelle (approche épidémiologique)s. Santé. Université de Lyon, 2018. Français. ⟨NNT : 2018LYSE1175⟩. ⟨tel-02006570⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte : les deux-roues motorisés (2RM) sont en forte évolution et la vulnérabilité de leurs usagers est de plus en plus manifeste. En 2013, dans le monde, les usagers de 2RM ont compté pour 23 % de la mortalité routière, devant les piétons (22 %). Dans ce contexte, la sécurité des usagers de 2RM est devenue une préoccupation sérieuse dans la plupart des pays. Contrairement à beaucoup de problèmes de santé publique, les principaux facteurs de l'insécurité routière en 2RM sont connus. L'enjeu d'aujourd'hui est surtout de quantifier leur effet sur la survenue d'accidents et d'évaluer les effets des quelques dispositifs de protection disponibles. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de mieux connaitre les problèmes d'interaction entre les conducteurs de 2RM et les automobilistes selon différentes situations accidentelles (en particulier en intersection), de quantifier les effets des facteurs à l'origine de la survenue des accidents issus de la perte de contrôle du 2RM, et de mesurer l'efficacité des dispositifs de protection portés par les usagers de 2RM (casque intégral, blouson de moto, pantalon de moto, gants, bottes ou chaussures montantes et protection dorsale). Données : la réalisation des objectifs de la thèse s'appuie sur les données du projet VOIESUR, les données du Registre des accidents de la circulation du Rhône et les données recueillies au moyen d'une enquête postale réalisée auprès de 7 148 usagers de 2RM accidentés entre 2010 et 2014 identifiés par le Registre du Rhône. Résultats : Le problème de détectabilité des motos au niveau des intersections est confirmé. Dans la même situation d'interaction entre deux véhicules en intersection, un automobiliste a plus de difficulté à détecter une moto qu'à détecter un véhicule léger. Les facteurs suivants sont associés à la survenue des accidents de type perte de contrôle : alcool, type de moto, jour de l'accident, sinuosité de la route, adhérence de la route et vitesse. Nous soulignons le fait qu'une mauvaise adhérence de la route augmente considérablement le risque de perte de contrôle, en particulier lorsque la dégradation de l'adhérence est inattendue pour les motocyclistes en raison de la présence de gravillons, de corps gras, de nids de poule, etc. sur la route. En cas d'accident, les vêtements dédiés à la moto protègent les usagers des blessures. Ils sont efficaces pour éviter les dermabrasions et les plaies cutanées, mais ne semblent pas protéger des blessures plus graves telles que fracture, luxation ou entorse, sauf pour les bottes ou chaussures montantes qui réduisent le risque de fracture de la cheville ou du pied. Concernant les plaques dorsales, aucune efficacité n'a été montrée. Les casques intégraux protègent mieux le visage de l'usager du 2RM comparés aux non-intégraux, alors qu'aucune différence de protection du crâne ou du cerveau n'est mise en évidence entre les deux types de casques. Conclusion : Nos résultats mettent en évidence le problème de détectabilité d'un 2RM par les automobilistes en intersection et l'importance de l'état de la chaussée dans les accidents associés à une perte de contrôle du 2RM par son conducteur. Il est fortement recommandé pour les automobilistes de bien faire attention aux véhicules prioritaires venant de la gauche ou d'en face avant de tourner à gauche, particulièrement aux 2RM venant d'en face. L'amélioration de l'état de la chaussée et une signalisation adaptée représentent aussi un enjeu fort pour la sécurité des usagers de 2RM. Nos résultats soutiennent la recommandation faite par les organismes de sécurité routière du port plus systématique des équipements vestimentaires chez les usagers de 2RM. Enfin, nos résultats encouragent l'utilisation d'un casque intégral chez les usagers de 2RM afin de mieux protéger le visage
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte : les deux-roues motorisés (2RM) sont en forte évolution et la vulnérabilité de leurs usagers est de plus en plus manifeste. En 2013, dans le monde, les usagers de 2RM ont compté pour 23 % de la mortalité routière, devant les piétons (22 %). Dans ce contexte, la sécurité des usagers de 2RM est devenue une préoccupation sérieuse dans la plupart des pays. Contrairement à beaucoup de problèmes de santé publique, les principaux facteurs de l'insécurité routière en 2RM sont connus. L'enjeu d'aujourd'hui est surtout de quantifier leur effet sur la survenue d'accidents et d'évaluer les effets des quelques dispositifs de protection disponibles. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de mieux connaitre les problèmes d'interaction entre les conducteurs de 2RM et les automobilistes selon différentes situations accidentelles (en particulier en intersection), de quantifier les effets des facteurs à l'origine de la survenue des accidents issus de la perte de contrôle du 2RM, et de mesurer l'efficacité des dispositifs de protection portés par les usagers de 2RM (casque intégral, blouson de moto, pantalon de moto, gants, bottes ou chaussures montantes et protection dorsale). Données : la réalisation des objectifs de la thèse s'appuie sur les données du projet VOIESUR, les données du Registre des accidents de la circulation du Rhône et les données recueillies au moyen d'une enquête postale réalisée auprès de 7 148 usagers de 2RM accidentés entre 2010 et 2014 identifiés par le Registre du Rhône. Résultats : Le problème de détectabilité des motos au niveau des intersections est confirmé. Dans la même situation d'interaction entre deux véhicules en intersection, un automobiliste a plus de difficulté à détecter une moto qu'à détecter un véhicule léger. Les facteurs suivants sont associés à la survenue des accidents de type perte de contrôle : alcool, type de moto, jour de l'accident, sinuosité de la route, adhérence de la route et vitesse. Nous soulignons le fait qu'une mauvaise adhérence de la route augmente considérablement le risque de perte de contrôle, en particulier lorsque la dégradation de l'adhérence est inattendue pour les motocyclistes en raison de la présence de gravillons, de corps gras, de nids de poule, etc. sur la route. En cas d'accident, les vêtements dédiés à la moto protègent les usagers des blessures. Ils sont efficaces pour éviter les dermabrasions et les plaies cutanées, mais ne semblent pas protéger des blessures plus graves telles que fracture, luxation ou entorse, sauf pour les bottes ou chaussures montantes qui réduisent le risque de fracture de la cheville ou du pied. Concernant les plaques dorsales, aucune efficacité n'a été montrée. Les casques intégraux protègent mieux le visage de l'usager du 2RM comparés aux non-intégraux, alors qu'aucune différence de protection du crâne ou du cerveau n'est mise en évidence entre les deux types de casques. Conclusion : Nos résultats mettent en évidence le problème de détectabilité d'un 2RM par les automobilistes en intersection et l'importance de l'état de la chaussée dans les accidents associés à une perte de contrôle du 2RM par son conducteur. Il est fortement recommandé pour les automobilistes de bien faire attention aux véhicules prioritaires venant de la gauche ou d'en face avant de tourner à gauche, particulièrement aux 2RM venant d'en face. L'amélioration de l'état de la chaussée et une signalisation adaptée représentent aussi un enjeu fort pour la sécurité des usagers de 2RM. Nos résultats soutiennent la recommandation faite par les organismes de sécurité routière du port plus systématique des équipements vestimentaires chez les usagers de 2RM. Enfin, nos résultats encouragent l'utilisation d'un casque intégral chez les usagers de 2RM afin de mieux protéger le visage
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Fabrigoule, Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01213461
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Fabrigoule, Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse. Quand penser à l'arrêt de la conduite ? Comment le préparer ?. 6e congrès pluridisciplinaire Route et Médecine, Nov 2014, PARIS, France. 24 p. ⟨hal-01213461⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La communication fait le point sur la question de l'arrêt de la conduite et de l'accompagnement des conducteurs âgés.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La communication fait le point sur la question de l'arrêt de la conduite et de l'accompagnement des conducteurs âgés.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Inès Khati, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Dominique Boisson, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00850859
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Inès Khati, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, et al.. Quality of life one year after a road accident: Results from the adult ESPARR cohort. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Surgery, 2013, 74 (1), pp. 301-311. ⟨10.1097/TA.0b013e318270d967⟩. ⟨hal-00850859⟩
DOI : 10.1097/TA.0b013e318270d967
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: There are a few studies assessing repercussions in road accident victims, which reported their results in quality of life (QoL), on an epidemiologic point of view. METHODS: ESPARR (follow-up of victims of road accident in the Rhône) is a prospective cohort study of 1,168 individuals (age ≥ 16 years) involved in road traffic accidents, having been admitted to one of the hospitals in the Rhône département (France). The World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-Brief Version (WHOQOL-Bref) was used to assess QoL at the 1-year follow-up.χ analysis was performed to test differences between groups, logistic regression was performed to examine predictors of global QoL and health, and linear regression was performed to examine predictors of the four functioning domains of the WHOQOL-Bref. RESULTS: Lesion severity (New Injury Severity Index ≥ 16; odds ratio, 2.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.7-3.9) and presence of head lesions (odds ratio, 1.5; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-2.2) were predictive of unsatisfactory QoL. Female sex, educational level lower than school graduation, severe injury, intention to lodge a complaint, early postaccident medical complications were predictive of health dissatisfaction. Several factors seemed to be associated to a poor QoL; notably, posttraumatic stress disorder was associated with low scores in all four WHOQOL-Bref domains. Socioeconomic factors were also significant, notably financial problems. CONCLUSION: The strong points of the present study lie in the fact that it is based on a representative cohort of road accident victims in an area in which all those treated within the hospital system after a road accident have been registered. The present study shows the strong correlation between QoL and posttraumatic stress disorder. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: prospective study, all patients enrolled at the same point, 76% follow-up.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: There are a few studies assessing repercussions in road accident victims, which reported their results in quality of life (QoL), on an epidemiologic point of view. METHODS: ESPARR (follow-up of victims of road accident in the Rhône) is a prospective cohort study of 1,168 individuals (age ≥ 16 years) involved in road traffic accidents, having been admitted to one of the hospitals in the Rhône département (France). The World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-Brief Version (WHOQOL-Bref) was used to assess QoL at the 1-year follow-up.χ analysis was performed to test differences between groups, logistic regression was performed to examine predictors of global QoL and health, and linear regression was performed to examine predictors of the four functioning domains of the WHOQOL-Bref. RESULTS: Lesion severity (New Injury Severity Index ≥ 16; odds ratio, 2.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.7-3.9) and presence of head lesions (odds ratio, 1.5; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-2.2) were predictive of unsatisfactory QoL. Female sex, educational level lower than school graduation, severe injury, intention to lodge a complaint, early postaccident medical complications were predictive of health dissatisfaction. Several factors seemed to be associated to a poor QoL; notably, posttraumatic stress disorder was associated with low scores in all four WHOQOL-Bref domains. Socioeconomic factors were also significant, notably financial problems. CONCLUSION: The strong points of the present study lie in the fact that it is based on a representative cohort of road accident victims in an area in which all those treated within the hospital system after a road accident have been registered. The present study shows the strong correlation between QoL and posttraumatic stress disorder. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: prospective study, all patients enrolled at the same point, 76% follow-up.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Antonin Bal, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Alexandre Gaymard, Grégory Quéromès, Nicolas Guibert, Emilie Frobert, Maude Bouscambert, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Florence Allantaz-Frager, Guy Oriol, Valérie Cheynet, Constance d'Aubarede, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Marlyse Buisson, Julien Lupo, Bruno Pozzetto, Pascal Poignard, Bruno Lina, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Florence Morfin, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Jerôme Adnot, Dulce Alfaiate, Alain Bergeret, André Boibieux, Florent Bonnet, Florence Brunel-Dalmas, Eurydice Caire, Barbara Charbotel, Pierre Chiarello, Laurent Cotte, Constance d'Aubarede, François Durupt, Vanessa Escuret, Pascal Fascia, Juliette Fontaine, Lucie Gaillot-Durand, Myriam Gillet, Matthieu Godinot, François Gueyffier, Laurence Josset, Matthieu Lahousse, Hélène Lozano, Djamila Makhloufi, Marie-Paule Milon, Frédéric Moll, David Narbey, Julie-Anne Nazare, Fatima Oria, Marielle Perry, Virginie Pitiot, Mélanie Prudent, Muriel Rabilloud, Audrey Samperiz, Isabelle Schlienger, Chantal Simon, Martine Valette
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04832645
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Antonin Bal, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Alexandre Gaymard, Grégory Quéromès, Nicolas Guibert, et al.. Publisher correction: Clinical and laboratory characteristics of symptomatic healthcare workers with suspected COVID-19: a prospective cohort study. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11 (1), pp.19317. ⟨10.1038/s41598-021-99051-z⟩. ⟨hal-04832645⟩
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-021-99051-z
pubmedId_s : 34556795
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Luc Fontana, A. Rojo Romeo, Carole Pelissier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03372847
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Luc Fontana, A. Rojo Romeo, Carole Pelissier. Psycho-organizational and medical factors in burnout in French medical and surgery residents. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2021, 11 p. ⟨10.1080/13548506.2021.1916960⟩. ⟨hal-03372847⟩
DOI : 10.1080/13548506.2021.1916960
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Hospital residency is stressful, with a risk of burnout. To assess the prevalence of burnout in medical and surgical residents and identify psycho-organizational and medical risk factors with a view to prevention. A transverse study was conducted in France between September 2018 and November 2018, targeting 633 hospital residents. A self-administered questionnaire was delivered by e-mail. Burnout was assessed on the Maslach Burnout Inventory, anxiety/depression on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and stress on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Two-hundred and sixteen of the targeted residents (34%) responded. Twenty-three (12%) showed severe burnout in all three dimensions, severe loss of empathy being the most frequent. Almost one-third showed symptoms of anxiety. Residents exposed to psycho-organizational constraints (stress, time pressure, intense work rhythm) and/or with symptoms of anxiety/depression more frequently showed burnout. Prevention of burnout requires reinforced medical monitoring and reduced psycho-organizational constraints.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Hospital residency is stressful, with a risk of burnout. To assess the prevalence of burnout in medical and surgical residents and identify psycho-organizational and medical risk factors with a view to prevention. A transverse study was conducted in France between September 2018 and November 2018, targeting 633 hospital residents. A self-administered questionnaire was delivered by e-mail. Burnout was assessed on the Maslach Burnout Inventory, anxiety/depression on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and stress on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Two-hundred and sixteen of the targeted residents (34%) responded. Twenty-three (12%) showed severe burnout in all three dimensions, severe loss of empathy being the most frequent. Almost one-third showed symptoms of anxiety. Residents exposed to psycho-organizational constraints (stress, time pressure, intense work rhythm) and/or with symptoms of anxiety/depression more frequently showed burnout. Prevention of burnout requires reinforced medical monitoring and reduced psycho-organizational constraints.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00985913
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon. Présentation de DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé).. Congrès de l’Association des Epidémiologistes de Langue Française - ADELF, Sep 2012, Bruxelles, Belgique. 17 p. ⟨hal-00985913⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION – L’exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l’Acnusa a donc sollicité l’Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. OBJECTIF – L’objectif est de mieux connaître et d’évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d’aéroports. MÉTHODES – Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 200 sujets. La gêne et l’état de santé seront évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). Une étude complémentaire portant sur un sous-échantillon d’une centaine de sujets et dont l’objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l’exposition au bruit. Une étude pilote a été réalisée en 2011. Elle avait pour objectif de tester le protocole auprès d’une centaine de riverains de l'aéroport de Paris-Charles de Gaulle. L’objectif consistait également à valider une cadence de recrutement, à évaluer le taux de réponse selon différents niveaux d’exposition au bruit et à déterminer les caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques des sujets qui acceptent de participer à l’étude. RÉSULTATS – Les résultats de l’étude pilote seront présentés au congrès. Ils seront également discutés.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION – L’exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l’Acnusa a donc sollicité l’Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. OBJECTIF – L’objectif est de mieux connaître et d’évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d’aéroports. MÉTHODES – Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 200 sujets. La gêne et l’état de santé seront évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). Une étude complémentaire portant sur un sous-échantillon d’une centaine de sujets et dont l’objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l’exposition au bruit. Une étude pilote a été réalisée en 2011. Elle avait pour objectif de tester le protocole auprès d’une centaine de riverains de l'aéroport de Paris-Charles de Gaulle. L’objectif consistait également à valider une cadence de recrutement, à évaluer le taux de réponse selon différents niveaux d’exposition au bruit et à déterminer les caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques des sujets qui acceptent de participer à l’étude. RÉSULTATS – Les résultats de l’étude pilote seront présentés au congrès. Ils seront également discutés.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01073435
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, et al.. Présentation de DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé).. 7èmes Assises nationales de la qualité de l'environnement sonore organisées par le Centre d’information et de documentation sur le bruit (CIDB), Oct 2014, France. 8 p. ⟨hal-01073435⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION – L’exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l’Acnusa a donc sollicité l’Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. OBJECTIF – L’objectif est de mieux connaître et d’évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d’aéroports. MÉTHODES – Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude écologique consistant à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l’échelle de la commune (consommations de soins prescrits et remboursés par l’assurance maladie, vente de médicaments par les pharmacies hors remboursements, mortalité toutes causes et pour certaines causes spécifiques) avec le niveau moyen pondéré d’exposition au bruit des avions des communes concernées. Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 244 sujets. La gêne et l’état de santé sont évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). Une étude complémentaire portant sur un sous-échantillon d’une centaine de sujets et dont l’objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l’exposition au bruit.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION – L’exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l’Acnusa a donc sollicité l’Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. OBJECTIF – L’objectif est de mieux connaître et d’évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d’aéroports. MÉTHODES – Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude écologique consistant à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l’échelle de la commune (consommations de soins prescrits et remboursés par l’assurance maladie, vente de médicaments par les pharmacies hors remboursements, mortalité toutes causes et pour certaines causes spécifiques) avec le niveau moyen pondéré d’exposition au bruit des avions des communes concernées. Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 244 sujets. La gêne et l’état de santé sont évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). Une étude complémentaire portant sur un sous-échantillon d’une centaine de sujets et dont l’objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l’exposition au bruit.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01357461
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard. Présentation de DEBATS. ACNUSA, Autorité de contrôle des nuisances aéroportuaires, May 2016, Paris, France. 58 p. ⟨hal-01357461⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation du protocole de DEBATS, de l'avancement et des premiers résultats dont certains sont confidentiels car non publiés
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation du protocole de DEBATS, de l'avancement et des premiers résultats dont certains sont confidentiels car non publiés
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Sandrine Basagia-Pappas, Bernard Laurent
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00937266
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Sandrine Basagia-Pappas, Bernard Laurent. Prédire le risque de la conduite automobile chez le sujet âgé déficitaire est-ce possible ?. Douleur et Analgésie, 2013, 26 (1), pp. 3-11. ⟨10.1007/s11724-013-0357-5⟩. ⟨hal-00937266⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s11724-013-0357-5
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les fonctions cognitives et perceptives sont déterminantes dans la conduite automobile. Les sujets âgés sont à risque plus élevé d'accidentologie, particulièrement en cas de démence débutante où le risque est multiplié par 2 à 5 selon les études. Les travaux neuropsychologiques sur l'aptitude à conduire de ces populations ont sous-estimé l'expertise des fonctions exécutives. Cette revue des travaux de l'Inrets analyse les possibilités d'expertise de ces fonctions en comparant la conduite en situation réelle, ou avec le simulateur de conduite, avec les résultats des tests classiques de la psychométrie de laboratoire.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les fonctions cognitives et perceptives sont déterminantes dans la conduite automobile. Les sujets âgés sont à risque plus élevé d'accidentologie, particulièrement en cas de démence débutante où le risque est multiplié par 2 à 5 selon les études. Les travaux neuropsychologiques sur l'aptitude à conduire de ces populations ont sous-estimé l'expertise des fonctions exécutives. Cette revue des travaux de l'Inrets analyse les possibilités d'expertise de ces fonctions en comparant la conduite en situation réelle, ou avec le simulateur de conduite, avec les résultats des tests classiques de la psychométrie de laboratoire.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Davezies, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01574830
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Davezies, Barbara Charbotel. Pré enquête sur les accidents de la route dans le cadre du travail. Préparation d'une enquête épidémiologique. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2005, 72 p. ⟨hal-01574830⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'étude présente une analyse bibliographique sur les facteurs de risque des accidents de la route en population générale, et des accidents du travail, en particulier pour ce qui concerne l'organisation du travail. Puis sont présentés des entretiens auprès d'accidentés de la route dans le cadre du travail, détaillant les circonstances de l'accident lui-même, les conditions de travail susceptibles d'avoir contribué à l'accident, le rapport subjectif au travail. Les éléments à prendre en compte dans une étude épidémiologique ressortent de l'analyse, concernant les Îhicules, les conditions de conduite, les horaires de travail, les tensions et conflits, les rapports subjectifs au travail, la gestion de la fatigue. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'étude présente une analyse bibliographique sur les facteurs de risque des accidents de la route en population générale, et des accidents du travail, en particulier pour ce qui concerne l'organisation du travail. Puis sont présentés des entretiens auprès d'accidentés de la route dans le cadre du travail, détaillant les circonstances de l'accident lui-même, les conditions de travail susceptibles d'avoir contribué à l'accident, le rapport subjectif au travail. Les éléments à prendre en compte dans une étude épidémiologique ressortent de l'analyse, concernant les Îhicules, les conditions de conduite, les horaires de travail, les tensions et conflits, les rapports subjectifs au travail, la gestion de la fatigue. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A. Massardier-Pilonchery, S. Croidieu, F. Gaudaire, Christophe Martinsons, F. Ndagijimana, E. Nerriere, N. Noé, T. Tho
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04695418
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A. Massardier-Pilonchery, S. Croidieu, F. Gaudaire, Christophe Martinsons, F. Ndagijimana, et al.. Protocole de mesure de l’exposition professionnelle aux champs électromagnétiques en conditions réelles de travail : étude Expo@Lyon. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2015, 76 (4), pp.405-406. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2015.04.039⟩. ⟨hal-04695418⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2015.04.039
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectifs La caractérisation des expositions aux champs électromagnétiques est une demande sociétale pour garantir la qualité des systèmes et faire face aux inquiétudes de l’opinion publique liée à la multiplication des émetteurs. En milieu professionnel, il est nécessaire de caractériser un possible risque et assurer un suivi adéquat des populations de travailleurs possiblement exposées. Les personnels de médiathèque et bibliothèque présentent des expositions multiples (wifi, téléphonie, portique de sécurité…). L’objectif principal de ce projet est de décrire précisément les conditions d’exposition aux champs électromagnétiques pour différents postes de travail en conditions réelles dans cette profession. Méthodes Sept bibliothèques lyonnaises (taille, architecture et situation géographique contrastées) ont été retenues pour l’étude. Le protocole a été conçu afin de permettre des mesures discriminant les multiples fréquences auxquelles les travailleurs sont exposés au cours d’une journée. Sur chacun des sites, 2 types de mesures sont réalisées de manière simultanée : l’une au moyen d’exposimètres portés par les travailleurs eux même tout au long de leur journée de travail, l’autre par sonde fixe en de nombreux points du site. L’exploitation de ces données est faite en parallèle d’un questionnaire budget espace–temps complété par les travailleurs investigués. Résultats Ce travail en cours de réalisation permet dès à présent de fournir des premiers éléments descriptifs des niveaux d’exposition des travailleurs. Dans l’ensemble, ils sont relativement faibles et bien en dessous des normes en vigueur. Quelques niveaux observés se révèlent cependant plus élevés et méritent une investigation complémentaire notamment en ce qui concerne la technologie radio frequency identification (RFID). Conclusions Cette étude est une contribution aux méthodes d’évaluation des situations d’exposition à de multiples sources de champs électromagnétiques. Nous proposons une discussion autour de la démarche d’élaboration du protocole de mesures, les difficultés et les limites techniques des différentes méthodes possibles à travers un exemple concret de mesures d’exposition sur un site. Ce travail aboutira à une méthodologie combinant mesures et simulation numérique spécifiquement dédiée aux études de l’exposition à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Le protocole pourra être transposé à d’autres professions, et permettre une matrice emploi/exposition sur les radiations non ionisantes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectifs La caractérisation des expositions aux champs électromagnétiques est une demande sociétale pour garantir la qualité des systèmes et faire face aux inquiétudes de l’opinion publique liée à la multiplication des émetteurs. En milieu professionnel, il est nécessaire de caractériser un possible risque et assurer un suivi adéquat des populations de travailleurs possiblement exposées. Les personnels de médiathèque et bibliothèque présentent des expositions multiples (wifi, téléphonie, portique de sécurité…). L’objectif principal de ce projet est de décrire précisément les conditions d’exposition aux champs électromagnétiques pour différents postes de travail en conditions réelles dans cette profession. Méthodes Sept bibliothèques lyonnaises (taille, architecture et situation géographique contrastées) ont été retenues pour l’étude. Le protocole a été conçu afin de permettre des mesures discriminant les multiples fréquences auxquelles les travailleurs sont exposés au cours d’une journée. Sur chacun des sites, 2 types de mesures sont réalisées de manière simultanée : l’une au moyen d’exposimètres portés par les travailleurs eux même tout au long de leur journée de travail, l’autre par sonde fixe en de nombreux points du site. L’exploitation de ces données est faite en parallèle d’un questionnaire budget espace–temps complété par les travailleurs investigués. Résultats Ce travail en cours de réalisation permet dès à présent de fournir des premiers éléments descriptifs des niveaux d’exposition des travailleurs. Dans l’ensemble, ils sont relativement faibles et bien en dessous des normes en vigueur. Quelques niveaux observés se révèlent cependant plus élevés et méritent une investigation complémentaire notamment en ce qui concerne la technologie radio frequency identification (RFID). Conclusions Cette étude est une contribution aux méthodes d’évaluation des situations d’exposition à de multiples sources de champs électromagnétiques. Nous proposons une discussion autour de la démarche d’élaboration du protocole de mesures, les difficultés et les limites techniques des différentes méthodes possibles à travers un exemple concret de mesures d’exposition sur un site. Ce travail aboutira à une méthodologie combinant mesures et simulation numérique spécifiquement dédiée aux études de l’exposition à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Le protocole pourra être transposé à d’autres professions, et permettre une matrice emploi/exposition sur les radiations non ionisantes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, G Coquillat, Bernard Laumon, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00932493
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, G Coquillat, Bernard Laumon, Colette Fabrigoule. Protocole cognitif en médecine générale pour les conducteurs seniors et évolution de la mobilité à 2 ans. Congrès ADELF-SFSP Santé Publique et Prévention, Sep 2013, France. 13 p. ⟨hal-00932493⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La conduite automobile est une activité complexe qui requiert, en plus des capacités sensorielles et fonctionnelles de l’appareil locomoteur, des capacités cognitives qui peuvent diminuer avec l’âge. En France où il n’existe pas de procédure spécifique de suivi des conducteurs âgés, les médecins ont une obligation de conseil en matière de contre-indications médicales à la conduite. Or ils ne disposent pas d‘outils cognitifs validés leur permettant d’apprécier les répercussions éventuelles des troubles cognitifs sur l’aptitude à la conduite automobile. L’étude MG-CogCAPA (ANR PREDIT) a pour but d’étudier la faisabilité par les médecins et l’acceptation par les conducteurs âgés d’un protocole permettant de détecter des déficits cognitifs pouvant perturber la conduite automobile, et d’étudier l’évolution de leur mobilité en fonction de leur niveau cognitif. Méthode : 92 médecins généralistes tirés au sort sur des listes professionnelles ont accepté de participer à l’étude. Ils ont inclus 541 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans ou plus. Ils ont proposé à leurs patients un questionnaire de mobilité routière, deux tests cognitifs, le TMT A et B et le test des Codes de Wechsler, l’échelle des 4-IADL et le test de Up and Go. Résultats : les outils cognitifs proposés ont été jugés satisfaisants quant à leur faisabilité et leur utilité clinique. Une bonne validité de la passation des tests cognitifs a été observée et 70% des médecins se sont déclarés prêts à utiliser ce protocole dans leur pratique courante. Les performances cognitives ont été mises en relation avec le ressenti des personnes sur leurs propres performances d’une part, et avec l’évolution de leur mobilité d’autre part. Conclusion : L’étude montre la faisabilité par les médecins et l’acceptation par les patients âgés d’un tel protocole. Elle permet également de mieux comprendre les interactions entre déficits cognitifs, ressenti des déficits et adaptation des habitudes de conduite.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La conduite automobile est une activité complexe qui requiert, en plus des capacités sensorielles et fonctionnelles de l’appareil locomoteur, des capacités cognitives qui peuvent diminuer avec l’âge. En France où il n’existe pas de procédure spécifique de suivi des conducteurs âgés, les médecins ont une obligation de conseil en matière de contre-indications médicales à la conduite. Or ils ne disposent pas d‘outils cognitifs validés leur permettant d’apprécier les répercussions éventuelles des troubles cognitifs sur l’aptitude à la conduite automobile. L’étude MG-CogCAPA (ANR PREDIT) a pour but d’étudier la faisabilité par les médecins et l’acceptation par les conducteurs âgés d’un protocole permettant de détecter des déficits cognitifs pouvant perturber la conduite automobile, et d’étudier l’évolution de leur mobilité en fonction de leur niveau cognitif. Méthode : 92 médecins généralistes tirés au sort sur des listes professionnelles ont accepté de participer à l’étude. Ils ont inclus 541 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans ou plus. Ils ont proposé à leurs patients un questionnaire de mobilité routière, deux tests cognitifs, le TMT A et B et le test des Codes de Wechsler, l’échelle des 4-IADL et le test de Up and Go. Résultats : les outils cognitifs proposés ont été jugés satisfaisants quant à leur faisabilité et leur utilité clinique. Une bonne validité de la passation des tests cognitifs a été observée et 70% des médecins se sont déclarés prêts à utiliser ce protocole dans leur pratique courante. Les performances cognitives ont été mises en relation avec le ressenti des personnes sur leurs propres performances d’une part, et avec l’évolution de leur mobilité d’autre part. Conclusion : L’étude montre la faisabilité par les médecins et l’acceptation par les patients âgés d’un tel protocole. Elle permet également de mieux comprendre les interactions entre déficits cognitifs, ressenti des déficits et adaptation des habitudes de conduite.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Audrey Lardy, Dan Wu, Vivian Viallon, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01212490
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Audrey Lardy, Dan Wu, Vivian Viallon, Jean-Louis Martin. Projet VOIESUR - Livrable L3 - Méthodologie : redressement et extrapolation, projet VOIESUR - ANR. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2015, 63 p. ⟨hal-01212490v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif de cette tâche est de fournir les facteurs de pondération permettant de travailler sur l'ensemble des accidents corporels et d'extrapoler les résultats à l'ensemble de la France métropolitaine pour l'année 2011. Les PV informatisés de VOIESUR sont dans un premier temps comparés à l'ensemble des BAAC d'accidents corporels. Comme ils différent, notamment sur la répartition des forces de l'ordre, du type d'usager, d'un tiers impliqué (oui/non), des coefficients de redressement Rl estimés par post-stratification sont fournis pour redresser l'échantillon. Pour tenir compte du sous enregistrement biaisé des blessés par les forces de l'ordre, des coefficients de correction Cj sont ensuite estimés par méthode de capture-recapture pour les années 2006 à 2012, en se basant sur la co-existence dans le Rhône des BAAC et du Registre médical du Rhône. Leurs valeurs dépendent de la gravité de l'accident (mortel /corporel), du type de force de l'ordre, du type de route, du type d'accident (avec ou sans tiers), du type d'usager (automobiliste/usager de 2RM/cycliste/piéton/autre), de la gravité du blessé (hospitalisé ou non), et de l'année. Ces estimations permettent de proposer une pondération égale au produit du poids de sondage (1 pour les accidents mortels, 20 pour les accidents corporels), du coefficient de redressement Rl (des PV vers les BAAC) et du coefficient de correction Cj, corrigeant des biais d'enregistrement. Dans les analyses statistiques, cette variable poids doit être déclarée dans les procédures d'estimations pour fournir les estimations de variance tenant compte des données réellement observées. L'utilisation de ces pondérations permet d'obtenir des résultats représentatifs de la réalité de l'accidentalité sur la France entière à partir des données du projet.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif de cette tâche est de fournir les facteurs de pondération permettant de travailler sur l'ensemble des accidents corporels et d'extrapoler les résultats à l'ensemble de la France métropolitaine pour l'année 2011. Les PV informatisés de VOIESUR sont dans un premier temps comparés à l'ensemble des BAAC d'accidents corporels. Comme ils différent, notamment sur la répartition des forces de l'ordre, du type d'usager, d'un tiers impliqué (oui/non), des coefficients de redressement Rl estimés par post-stratification sont fournis pour redresser l'échantillon. Pour tenir compte du sous enregistrement biaisé des blessés par les forces de l'ordre, des coefficients de correction Cj sont ensuite estimés par méthode de capture-recapture pour les années 2006 à 2012, en se basant sur la co-existence dans le Rhône des BAAC et du Registre médical du Rhône. Leurs valeurs dépendent de la gravité de l'accident (mortel /corporel), du type de force de l'ordre, du type de route, du type d'accident (avec ou sans tiers), du type d'usager (automobiliste/usager de 2RM/cycliste/piéton/autre), de la gravité du blessé (hospitalisé ou non), et de l'année. Ces estimations permettent de proposer une pondération égale au produit du poids de sondage (1 pour les accidents mortels, 20 pour les accidents corporels), du coefficient de redressement Rl (des PV vers les BAAC) et du coefficient de correction Cj, corrigeant des biais d'enregistrement. Dans les analyses statistiques, cette variable poids doit être déclarée dans les procédures d'estimations pour fournir les estimations de variance tenant compte des données réellement observées. L'utilisation de ces pondérations permet d'obtenir des résultats représentatifs de la réalité de l'accidentalité sur la France entière à partir des données du projet.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Chantal Chavoix, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01237325
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Chantal Chavoix, et al.. Projet Safe move for older drivers - SP1 Cohort study. Final Meeting of the Safe Move Project, Nov 2015, GOTEBORG, France. 22 p. ⟨hal-01237325⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Meeting final du projet Safe Move
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Meeting final du projet Safe Move
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Martine Hours, Laetitia Chossegros, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Jean-Louis Martin, Jean-Michel Mazaux, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00866403
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Martine Hours, Laetitia Chossegros, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, et al.. Prognosis of outcome in adult survivors of road accidents in France: 1-year follow-up in the ESPARR cohort. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2013, 40p. ⟨10.1080/15389588.2013.804180⟩. ⟨hal-00866403⟩
DOI : 10.1080/15389588.2013.804180
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives The consequences of road crashes are various, and few studies have dealt with the multidimensionality of outcomes. The aim of the present study was to assess the multidimensional nature of outcomes one year after a crash and to determine predictive factors which could help in adapting medical and social care to prevent such consequences to improve road-crash victims’ prognosis. Methods The study population was the 886 respondents to the one year follow-up from the ESPARR cohort, aged ≥16 years; the analysis was carried out only on the 616 subjects who fully completed a self-report questionnaire on health, social, emotional and financial status 1 year after a crash. Multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering was implemented to produce homogeneous groups according to differences in outcome. Groups were compared using the WHOQol-Bref (a standard instrument of quality of life, assessing physical health, psychological health, social relationships and environment) and the IIS (Injury Impairment Scale), a tool to predict road-crash sequelae. Baseline predictive factors for group attribution were analyzed by weighted multinomial logistic regression models. Results 370 of the 616 subjects (60.1%) were men. Mean age was 36.9 years (standard deviation=16.5). Five victim groups were identified in terms of consequences at 1 year: one group (206 subjects, 33.4%) with few problems, one with essentially physical sequelae, one with problems that were essentially both physical and social, and two groups with a wider range of problems (one including psychological problems but fewer environmental problems, and the last one reported negative physical, psychological, social and environmental impact; notably, all had PCS). There were significant differences between groups in terms of family status, injury severity and certain types of injury (thorax, spine, lower limbs). Comparison on the WHOQol-Bref confirmed that groups reporting more adverse outcomes had a lower quality of life. Description of the 5 groups by IIS indicators showed that IIS underestimated physical consequences 1 year after the crash. Beside the known prognostic factors such as age, initial injury severity and lesion type, socioeconomic fragility and having a relative involved in the accident emerged as predictive of poor outcome at one year. Conclusions One year after the crash, victims may still be experiencing multiple problems in terms not only of physical health but also of mental health, social life and environment. Poor outcome may be predicted from both accident-related factors and socioeconomic fragility. Our results are useful in catching the attention of both clinicians and the public administration regarding victims at risk of suffering from important consequences after an accident. If those suffering head injuries are recognized, it would be very important to better consider and treat PTSD or PCS. Furthermore, subjects from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, with or without lower limb lesions have numerous difficulties after an accident, notably for returning to work: an objective would be to provide them more specific support.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives The consequences of road crashes are various, and few studies have dealt with the multidimensionality of outcomes. The aim of the present study was to assess the multidimensional nature of outcomes one year after a crash and to determine predictive factors which could help in adapting medical and social care to prevent such consequences to improve road-crash victims’ prognosis. Methods The study population was the 886 respondents to the one year follow-up from the ESPARR cohort, aged ≥16 years; the analysis was carried out only on the 616 subjects who fully completed a self-report questionnaire on health, social, emotional and financial status 1 year after a crash. Multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering was implemented to produce homogeneous groups according to differences in outcome. Groups were compared using the WHOQol-Bref (a standard instrument of quality of life, assessing physical health, psychological health, social relationships and environment) and the IIS (Injury Impairment Scale), a tool to predict road-crash sequelae. Baseline predictive factors for group attribution were analyzed by weighted multinomial logistic regression models. Results 370 of the 616 subjects (60.1%) were men. Mean age was 36.9 years (standard deviation=16.5). Five victim groups were identified in terms of consequences at 1 year: one group (206 subjects, 33.4%) with few problems, one with essentially physical sequelae, one with problems that were essentially both physical and social, and two groups with a wider range of problems (one including psychological problems but fewer environmental problems, and the last one reported negative physical, psychological, social and environmental impact; notably, all had PCS). There were significant differences between groups in terms of family status, injury severity and certain types of injury (thorax, spine, lower limbs). Comparison on the WHOQol-Bref confirmed that groups reporting more adverse outcomes had a lower quality of life. Description of the 5 groups by IIS indicators showed that IIS underestimated physical consequences 1 year after the crash. Beside the known prognostic factors such as age, initial injury severity and lesion type, socioeconomic fragility and having a relative involved in the accident emerged as predictive of poor outcome at one year. Conclusions One year after the crash, victims may still be experiencing multiple problems in terms not only of physical health but also of mental health, social life and environment. Poor outcome may be predicted from both accident-related factors and socioeconomic fragility. Our results are useful in catching the attention of both clinicians and the public administration regarding victims at risk of suffering from important consequences after an accident. If those suffering head injuries are recognized, it would be very important to better consider and treat PTSD or PCS. Furthermore, subjects from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, with or without lower limb lesions have numerous difficulties after an accident, notably for returning to work: an objective would be to provide them more specific support.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Chantal Chavoix, Damien Davenne, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01467734
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Chantal Chavoix, et al.. Profils d'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives des conducteurs âgés et impact sur la régulation de la conduite à deux ans. REIACTIS 2016, Réseau d'Études International sur l'Âge, la CitoyenneTé et l'Intégration Socio-économique, Feb 2016, LAUSANNE, Suisse. 24 p. ⟨hal-01467734⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif est étudier les effets de l'âge, du sexe, du statut socio-économique, de la santé déclarée, de la dépression et des traits de personnalité sur cette auto-estimation. Une cohorte de 1204 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans et plus a été constituée. Les performances à 3 tests cognitifs ont été mises en regard de l'auto-estimation des personnes de leurs capacités cognitives, afin de déterminer trois groupes : sur-estimateurs, sous-estimateurs et estimateurs corrects. Dans l'étude, 15 % des conducteurs sous-estimaient leurs capacités cognitives, 43 % les surestimaient, et 42 % les estimaient correctement. Un sur-risque de surestimation des capacités cognitives était obserÎ chez les hommes, chez celles et ceux qui vivaient seuls, qui se sentaient en meilleure santé que les personnes de leur âge, ou qui avaient un score éleÎ aux dimensions extraversion ou conscienciosité de l'échelle de personnalité. L'analyse séparée chez les hommes et les femmes mettait en évidence des facteurs différents, en particulier en ce qui concerne les traits de personnalité : extraversion et conscienciosité chez les hommes, ouverture à l'expérience chez les femmes. Peu de facteurs étaient associés à la sous-estimation des capacités cognitives, habiter dans le département le plus urbain, et avoir un score bas d'agréabilité. Chez les hommes, ceux qui vivaient accompagnés sous-estimaient plus leurs capacités cognitives et chez les femmes, celles qui n'avaient pas un très haut revenu ou qui avaient un score bas à la dimension extraversion sous-estimaient plus leurs capacités cognitives. Un auto-questionnaire a été envoyé par voie postale 2.5 ans plus tard (84 % participation). Des résultats sur les habitudes de conduite conformes à ceux de la littérature étaient retrouÎs : les hommes conduisent beaucoup plus que les femmes, 169 km/semaine contre 96 pour les femmes, et la quantité de kilomètres conduits diminue avec l'âge, chez les hommes comme chez les femmes. Au moment du recueil initial, les profils cognitifs ne différaient pas significativement en termes de distances conduites, de ressentis et de comportements de conduite. Deux ans et demi plus tard, les sur-estimateurs de la cognition étaient plus nombreux à ne déclarer aucune difficulté en conduisant par rapport aux estimateurs corrects, ce qui confortait l'hypothèse de recherche du projet. Toutefois les autres indicateurs de régulation (distances parcourues, arrêt) étaient presque inchangés dans les trois groupes. Un délai de 2.5 ans étant très court, il est nécessaire de poursuivre le suivi de la cohorte pour observer des changements dans les habitudes de conduite.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif est étudier les effets de l'âge, du sexe, du statut socio-économique, de la santé déclarée, de la dépression et des traits de personnalité sur cette auto-estimation. Une cohorte de 1204 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans et plus a été constituée. Les performances à 3 tests cognitifs ont été mises en regard de l'auto-estimation des personnes de leurs capacités cognitives, afin de déterminer trois groupes : sur-estimateurs, sous-estimateurs et estimateurs corrects. Dans l'étude, 15 % des conducteurs sous-estimaient leurs capacités cognitives, 43 % les surestimaient, et 42 % les estimaient correctement. Un sur-risque de surestimation des capacités cognitives était obserÎ chez les hommes, chez celles et ceux qui vivaient seuls, qui se sentaient en meilleure santé que les personnes de leur âge, ou qui avaient un score éleÎ aux dimensions extraversion ou conscienciosité de l'échelle de personnalité. L'analyse séparée chez les hommes et les femmes mettait en évidence des facteurs différents, en particulier en ce qui concerne les traits de personnalité : extraversion et conscienciosité chez les hommes, ouverture à l'expérience chez les femmes. Peu de facteurs étaient associés à la sous-estimation des capacités cognitives, habiter dans le département le plus urbain, et avoir un score bas d'agréabilité. Chez les hommes, ceux qui vivaient accompagnés sous-estimaient plus leurs capacités cognitives et chez les femmes, celles qui n'avaient pas un très haut revenu ou qui avaient un score bas à la dimension extraversion sous-estimaient plus leurs capacités cognitives. Un auto-questionnaire a été envoyé par voie postale 2.5 ans plus tard (84 % participation). Des résultats sur les habitudes de conduite conformes à ceux de la littérature étaient retrouÎs : les hommes conduisent beaucoup plus que les femmes, 169 km/semaine contre 96 pour les femmes, et la quantité de kilomètres conduits diminue avec l'âge, chez les hommes comme chez les femmes. Au moment du recueil initial, les profils cognitifs ne différaient pas significativement en termes de distances conduites, de ressentis et de comportements de conduite. Deux ans et demi plus tard, les sur-estimateurs de la cognition étaient plus nombreux à ne déclarer aucune difficulté en conduisant par rapport aux estimateurs corrects, ce qui confortait l'hypothèse de recherche du projet. Toutefois les autres indicateurs de régulation (distances parcourues, arrêt) étaient presque inchangés dans les trois groupes. Un délai de 2.5 ans étant très court, il est nécessaire de poursuivre le suivi de la cohorte pour observer des changements dans les habitudes de conduite.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Véronique Barateau, Loïc Peyrot, Carla Saade, Bruno Pozzetto, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Mad-Hélénie Elsensohn, Omran Allatif, Nicolas Guibert, Christelle Compagnon, Natacha Mariano, Julie Chaix, Sophia Djebali, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Bruno Lina, Katia Lefsihane, Maxime Espi, Olivier Thaunat, Jacqueline Marvel, Manuel Rosa-Calatrava, Andres Pizzorno, Delphine Maucort-Boulch, Laetitia Henaff, Mitra Saadatian-Elahi, Philippe Vanhems, Stéphane Paul, Thierry Walzer, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Thierry Defrance
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04144641
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Véronique Barateau, Loïc Peyrot, Carla Saade, Bruno Pozzetto, Karen Brengel-Pesce, et al.. Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection enhances and reshapes spike protein-specific memory induced by vaccination. Science Translational Medicine, 2023, 15 (687), 17 p. ⟨10.1126/scitranslmed.ade0550⟩. ⟨hal-04144641⟩
DOI : 10.1126/scitranslmed.ade0550
pubmedId_s : 36921035
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The diversity of vaccination modalities and infection history are both variables that have an impact on the immune memory of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. To gain more accurate knowledge of how these parameters imprint on immune memory, we conducted a long-term follow-up of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific immune memory in unvaccinated and vaccinated COVID-19 convalescent individuals as well as in infection-naïve vaccinated individuals. Here, we report that individuals from the convalescent vaccinated (hybrid immunity) group have the highest concentrations of spike protein-specific antibodies at 6 months after vaccination. As compared with infection-naïve vaccinated individuals, they also display increased frequencies of an atypical mucosa-targeted memory B cell subset. These individuals also exhibited enhanced TH1 polarization of their SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific follicular T helper cell pool. Together, our data suggest that prior SARS-CoV-2 infection increases the titers of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific antibody responses elicited by subsequent vaccination and induces modifications in the composition of the spike protein-specific memory B cell pool that are compatible with enhanced functional protection at mucosal sites.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The diversity of vaccination modalities and infection history are both variables that have an impact on the immune memory of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. To gain more accurate knowledge of how these parameters imprint on immune memory, we conducted a long-term follow-up of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific immune memory in unvaccinated and vaccinated COVID-19 convalescent individuals as well as in infection-naïve vaccinated individuals. Here, we report that individuals from the convalescent vaccinated (hybrid immunity) group have the highest concentrations of spike protein-specific antibodies at 6 months after vaccination. As compared with infection-naïve vaccinated individuals, they also display increased frequencies of an atypical mucosa-targeted memory B cell subset. These individuals also exhibited enhanced TH1 polarization of their SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific follicular T helper cell pool. Together, our data suggest that prior SARS-CoV-2 infection increases the titers of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific antibody responses elicited by subsequent vaccination and induces modifications in the composition of the spike protein-specific memory B cell pool that are compatible with enhanced functional protection at mucosal sites.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Angélique Savall, Rodolphe Charles, Béatrice Trombert, Luc Fontana, Frédéric Roche, Carole Pelissier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02998541
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Angélique Savall, Rodolphe Charles, Béatrice Trombert, Luc Fontana, Frédéric Roche, et al.. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in a population of French firefighters. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 2020, 7p. ⟨10.1080/19338244.2020.1779017⟩. ⟨hal-02998541⟩
DOI : 10.1080/19338244.2020.1779017
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Firefighters' activities increase the risk of sudden cardiac events. The main objective of this study was to describe the Loire firefighters' cardiovascular risk factors according to their cardiovascular risk and to their professional status. A retrospective study of the entire population of firefighters of the Loire department was conducted. Risk factors derived from the data collected during the occupational health follow-up medical examinations were described and the cardiovascular risk was assessed for 417 firefighters. The most frequent cardiovascular risk factors were: overweight and obesity (62.1%), high blood pressure (27.8%) and active smoking (16,1%). There were no significant differences between career firefighters and volunteers. The prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is less than in the general population. Obesity remains the most common risk factor, especially among firefighters with high cardiovascular risk.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Firefighters' activities increase the risk of sudden cardiac events. The main objective of this study was to describe the Loire firefighters' cardiovascular risk factors according to their cardiovascular risk and to their professional status. A retrospective study of the entire population of firefighters of the Loire department was conducted. Risk factors derived from the data collected during the occupational health follow-up medical examinations were described and the cardiovascular risk was assessed for 417 firefighters. The most frequent cardiovascular risk factors were: overweight and obesity (62.1%), high blood pressure (27.8%) and active smoking (16,1%). There were no significant differences between career firefighters and volunteers. The prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is less than in the general population. Obesity remains the most common risk factor, especially among firefighters with high cardiovascular risk.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Angélique Savall, Rodolphe Charles, Béatrice Trombert, Luc Fontana, Frédéric Roche, Carole Pelissier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04812891
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Angélique Savall, Rodolphe Charles, Béatrice Trombert, Luc Fontana, Frédéric Roche, et al.. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in a population of French firefighters. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 2020, 76 (1), pp.45-51. ⟨10.1080/19338244.2020.1779017⟩. ⟨hal-04812891⟩
DOI : 10.1080/19338244.2020.1779017
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuel Fort, Thierry Lassiege, Alain Bergeret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01479017
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuel Fort, Thierry Lassiege, Alain Bergeret. Prevalence of cannabis and cocaine consumption in French fishermen in South Atlantic region in 2012-2013 and its policy consequences. International maritime health, 2016, 67 (2), pp. 88-96. ⟨10.5603/IMH.2016.0018⟩. ⟨hal-01479017⟩
DOI : 10.5603/IMH.2016.0018
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of cannabis and cocaine among fishermen followed in occupational medicine in the ports of Aquitaine and Charente-Maritime (Direction interrégionale de la mer Sud-Atlantique [DIRM-SA]). Materials and methods: Thousand fishermen could be recruited during medical regulatory examination by the occupational physicians and nurses of Occupational Health Department for seamen. Results: About 20% of fishermen were former smokers. A third of the fishermen are at risk for excessive drinking according to the AUDIT-C. The prevalence of cannabis experimentation was estimated at 58%. The prevalence of positive urine test for cannabis was 28%. The prevalence of experimentation with cocaine was about 16%. The prevalence of positive urine test for cocaine was 4.5%. Conclusions: In accordance with its objectives, this study allows objectifying cannabis and cocaine consumption among fishermen. The national rules for fitness at sea have to be modified by introducing the use of urinary tests by occupational physician.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of cannabis and cocaine among fishermen followed in occupational medicine in the ports of Aquitaine and Charente-Maritime (Direction interrégionale de la mer Sud-Atlantique [DIRM-SA]). Materials and methods: Thousand fishermen could be recruited during medical regulatory examination by the occupational physicians and nurses of Occupational Health Department for seamen. Results: About 20% of fishermen were former smokers. A third of the fishermen are at risk for excessive drinking according to the AUDIT-C. The prevalence of cannabis experimentation was estimated at 58%. The prevalence of positive urine test for cannabis was 28%. The prevalence of experimentation with cocaine was about 16%. The prevalence of positive urine test for cocaine was 4.5%. Conclusions: In accordance with its objectives, this study allows objectifying cannabis and cocaine consumption among fishermen. The national rules for fitness at sea have to be modified by introducing the use of urinary tests by occupational physician.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Orriols, Alexandra Foubert-Samier, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Delorme, Aurore Tricotel, Pierre Philip, Nicholas Moore, Emmanuelle Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00937083
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Orriols, Alexandra Foubert-Samier, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Delorme, Aurore Tricotel, et al.. Prescription of antiepileptics and the risk of road traffic crash.. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2013, 53 (3), pp.339-44. ⟨10.1002/jcph.10⟩. ⟨hal-00937083⟩
DOI : 10.1002/jcph.10
pubmedId_s : 23426609
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Studies assessing the impact of epilepsy and its medication on the risk of road traffic crashes have shown inconsistent results. The aim in this study was to assess this risk using French databases. Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. Only antiepileptics prescribed predominantly in epilepsy were studied (phenobarbital, phenytoin, ethosuximide, valproic acid, vigabatrin, tiagabin, levitiracetam, zonisamide, and lacosamide). A case-control analysis comparing responsible and non-responsible drivers and a case-crossover analysis were performed. Drivers (72 685) involved in an injurious crash in France between July 2005 and May 2008, were included. Drivers exposed to prescribed antiepileptic medicines (n = 251) had an increased risk of being responsible for a crash (OR 1.74 [1.29-2.34]). The association was also significant for the most severe epileptic patients (n = 99; OR = 2.20 [1.31-3.69]). Case-crossover analysis found no association between crash risk and treatment prescription. Patients with prescription of antiepileptic drugs should be cautioned about their potential risk of road traffic crash. This risk is however more likely to be related to seizures than to the effect of antiepileptic medicines.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Studies assessing the impact of epilepsy and its medication on the risk of road traffic crashes have shown inconsistent results. The aim in this study was to assess this risk using French databases. Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. Only antiepileptics prescribed predominantly in epilepsy were studied (phenobarbital, phenytoin, ethosuximide, valproic acid, vigabatrin, tiagabin, levitiracetam, zonisamide, and lacosamide). A case-control analysis comparing responsible and non-responsible drivers and a case-crossover analysis were performed. Drivers (72 685) involved in an injurious crash in France between July 2005 and May 2008, were included. Drivers exposed to prescribed antiepileptic medicines (n = 251) had an increased risk of being responsible for a crash (OR 1.74 [1.29-2.34]). The association was also significant for the most severe epileptic patients (n = 99; OR = 2.20 [1.31-3.69]). Case-crossover analysis found no association between crash risk and treatment prescription. Patients with prescription of antiepileptic drugs should be cautioned about their potential risk of road traffic crash. This risk is however more likely to be related to seizures than to the effect of antiepileptic medicines.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Orriols, Bernard Delorme, Blandine Gadegbeku, Aurore Tricotel, Benjamin Contrand, Bernard Laumon, Louis-Rachid Salmi, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00700891
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Orriols, Bernard Delorme, Blandine Gadegbeku, Aurore Tricotel, Benjamin Contrand, et al.. Prescription medicines and the risk of road traffic crashes: a French registry-based study.. PLoS Medicine, 2010, 7 (11), pp.e1000366. ⟨10.1371/journal.pmed.1000366⟩. ⟨inserm-00700891⟩
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000366
pubmedId_s : 21125020
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: In recent decades, increased attention has been focused on the impact of disabilities and medicinal drug use on road safety. The aim of our study was to investigate the association between prescription medicines and the risk of road traffic crashes, and estimate the attributable fraction. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We extracted and matched data from three French nationwide databases: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. Drivers identified by their national health care number involved in an injurious crash in France, between July 2005 and May 2008, were included in the study. Medicines were grouped according to the four risk levels of the French classification system (from 0 [no risk] to 3 [high risk]). We included 72,685 drivers involved in injurious crashes. Users of level 2 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.31 [1.24-1.40]) and level 3 (OR = 1.25 [1.12-1.40]) prescription medicines were at higher risk of being responsible for a crash. The association remained after adjustment for the presence of a long-term chronic disease. The fraction of road traffic crashes attributable to levels 2 and 3 medications was 3.3% [2.7%-3.9%]. A within-person case-crossover analysis showed that drivers were more likely to be exposed to level 3 medications on the crash day than on a control day, 30 days earlier (OR = 1.15 [1.05-1.27]). CONCLUSION: The use of prescription medicines is associated with a substantial number of road traffic crashes in France. In light of the results, warning messages appear to be relevant for level 2 and 3 medications and questionable for level 1 medications. A follow-up study is needed to evaluate the impact of the warning labeling system on road traffic crash prevention.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: In recent decades, increased attention has been focused on the impact of disabilities and medicinal drug use on road safety. The aim of our study was to investigate the association between prescription medicines and the risk of road traffic crashes, and estimate the attributable fraction. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We extracted and matched data from three French nationwide databases: the national health care insurance database, police reports, and the national police database of injurious crashes. Drivers identified by their national health care number involved in an injurious crash in France, between July 2005 and May 2008, were included in the study. Medicines were grouped according to the four risk levels of the French classification system (from 0 [no risk] to 3 [high risk]). We included 72,685 drivers involved in injurious crashes. Users of level 2 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.31 [1.24-1.40]) and level 3 (OR = 1.25 [1.12-1.40]) prescription medicines were at higher risk of being responsible for a crash. The association remained after adjustment for the presence of a long-term chronic disease. The fraction of road traffic crashes attributable to levels 2 and 3 medications was 3.3% [2.7%-3.9%]. A within-person case-crossover analysis showed that drivers were more likely to be exposed to level 3 medications on the crash day than on a control day, 30 days earlier (OR = 1.15 [1.05-1.27]). CONCLUSION: The use of prescription medicines is associated with a substantial number of road traffic crashes in France. In light of the results, warning messages appear to be relevant for level 2 and 3 medications and questionable for level 1 medications. A follow-up study is needed to evaluate the impact of the warning labeling system on road traffic crash prevention.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Née Mélanie, Marta Fernandez Avalos, Audrey Luxcey, Benjamin Contrand, L Rachid Salmi, Annie Fourrier-Reglat, B. Gadegbeku, Emmanuel Lagarde, Ludivine Orriols
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01577941
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Née Mélanie, Marta Fernandez Avalos, Audrey Luxcey, Benjamin Contrand, L Rachid Salmi, et al.. Prescription medicine use by pedestrians and the risk of injurious road traffic crashes: A case-crossover study. PLoS Medicine, 2017, pp.1-19. ⟨10.1371/journal.pmed.1002347⟩. ⟨hal-01577941⟩
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002347
pubmedId_s : 28719606
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND:While some medicinal drugs have been found to affect driving ability, no study has investigated whether a relationship exists between these medicines and crashes involving pedestrians. The aim of this study was to explore the association between the use of medicinal drugs and the risk of being involved in a road traffic crash as a pedestrian.METHODS AND FINDINGS:Data from 3 French nationwide databases were matched. We used the case-crossover design to control for time-invariant factors by using each case as its own control. To perform multivariable analysis and limit false-positive results, we implemented a bootstrap version of Lasso. To avoid the effect of unmeasured time-varying factors, we varied the length of the washout period from 30 to 119 days before the crash. The matching procedure led to the inclusion of 16,458 pedestrians involved in an injurious road traffic crash from 1 July 2005 to 31 December 2011. We found 48 medicine classes with a positive association with the risk of crash, with median odds ratios ranging from 1.12 to 2.98. Among these, benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-related drugs, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs were among the 10 medicines most consumed by the 16,458 pedestrians. Study limitations included slight overrepresentation of pedestrians injured in more severe crashes, lack of information about self-medication and the use of over-the-counter drugs, and lack of data on amount of walking.CONCLUSIONS:Therapeutic classes already identified as impacting the ability to drive, such as benzodiazepines and antihistamines, are also associated with an increased risk of pedestrians being involved in a road traffic crash. This study on pedestrians highlights the necessity of improving awareness of the effect of these medicines on this category of road user.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND:While some medicinal drugs have been found to affect driving ability, no study has investigated whether a relationship exists between these medicines and crashes involving pedestrians. The aim of this study was to explore the association between the use of medicinal drugs and the risk of being involved in a road traffic crash as a pedestrian.METHODS AND FINDINGS:Data from 3 French nationwide databases were matched. We used the case-crossover design to control for time-invariant factors by using each case as its own control. To perform multivariable analysis and limit false-positive results, we implemented a bootstrap version of Lasso. To avoid the effect of unmeasured time-varying factors, we varied the length of the washout period from 30 to 119 days before the crash. The matching procedure led to the inclusion of 16,458 pedestrians involved in an injurious road traffic crash from 1 July 2005 to 31 December 2011. We found 48 medicine classes with a positive association with the risk of crash, with median odds ratios ranging from 1.12 to 2.98. Among these, benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-related drugs, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs were among the 10 medicines most consumed by the 16,458 pedestrians. Study limitations included slight overrepresentation of pedestrians injured in more severe crashes, lack of information about self-medication and the use of over-the-counter drugs, and lack of data on amount of walking.CONCLUSIONS:Therapeutic classes already identified as impacting the ability to drive, such as benzodiazepines and antihistamines, are also associated with an increased risk of pedestrians being involved in a road traffic crash. This study on pedestrians highlights the necessity of improving awareness of the effect of these medicines on this category of road user.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01492763
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard. Premiers résultats de DEBATS. Assemblée Générale de l'association "Pusignan CRIE : Contrôle les Risques Industriels et l'Environnement", Sep 2015, PUSIGNAN, France. 32 p. ⟨hal-01492763⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Un des objectifs de l'étude écologique du programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) était de mettre en relation la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire (en particulier par infarctus du myocarde) des communes riveraines des aéroports français avec l'exposition moyenne de ces communes au bruit des avions. La zone d'étude comprend 161 communes situées à proximité de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions pondérée par la population a été calculée au niveau de chaque commune à partir des cartes de bruit établies par la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC). Le Centre d'épidémiologie des causes médicales de décès de l'Inserm a transmis à l'Ifsttar les données de mortalité de la période 2007-2010 qui ont été utilisées dans cette étude. Les facteurs pouvant avoir un effet sur la mortalité cardiovasculaire ont été pris en compte à l'échelle de chaque commune : proportion de femmes/hommes, âge, densité de population, défaveur sociale, mortalité par cancer du poumon (utilisée comme variable d'approximation de la consommation de tabac) et pollution de l'air. Une relation statistique significative a été mise en évidence entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire (et en particulier par infarctus du myocarde). La mortalité s'aÏre en effet plus éleÎe dans les communes les plus exposées au bruit des avions que dans les communes moins exposées : pour des niveaux d'exposition au bruit des avions supérieurs à 45 dBA, une augmentation de 10 dBA des niveaux d'exposition sur une journée augmente le risque de mortalité par infarctus du myocarde de 28%. Ces associations ne sont pas atténuées lorsque la pollution de l'air est prise en compte. Il n'a par ailleurs pas été possible de savoir si ces associations pouvaient être, au moins pour une part, expliquées par l'exposition au bruit routier et/ou ferré des communes concernées, car des données homogènes et de bonne qualité ne sont actuellement pas disponibles pour les communes de la zone d'étude de DEBATS. L'étude écologique de DEBATS confirme ainsi les résultats de deux autres études européennes récentes (l'une à proximité de l'aéroport de Heathrow à Londres et l'autre aux alentours de l'ensemble des aéroports suisses) qui indiquent que les niveaux éleÎs d'exposition au bruit des avions sont associés avec la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire. Cependant, cette mortalité plus éleÎe dans les communes les plus exposées peut être liée au fait qu'il y ait davantage de personnes ayant des troubles cardiovasculaires préexistants ou des comportements à risque dans ces communes que dans les communes moins exposées. Par ailleurs, comme l'exposition au bruit a été moyennée à l'échelle de la commune, on ne peut pas savoir à quel niveau de bruit des avions chaque personne décédée a été réellement exposée. Il n'est donc pas possible d'inférer sans précautions ces résultats à l'échelle individuelle. C'est la raison pour laquelle une étude individuelle longitudinale a également été mise en place.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Un des objectifs de l'étude écologique du programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) était de mettre en relation la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire (en particulier par infarctus du myocarde) des communes riveraines des aéroports français avec l'exposition moyenne de ces communes au bruit des avions. La zone d'étude comprend 161 communes situées à proximité de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions pondérée par la population a été calculée au niveau de chaque commune à partir des cartes de bruit établies par la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC). Le Centre d'épidémiologie des causes médicales de décès de l'Inserm a transmis à l'Ifsttar les données de mortalité de la période 2007-2010 qui ont été utilisées dans cette étude. Les facteurs pouvant avoir un effet sur la mortalité cardiovasculaire ont été pris en compte à l'échelle de chaque commune : proportion de femmes/hommes, âge, densité de population, défaveur sociale, mortalité par cancer du poumon (utilisée comme variable d'approximation de la consommation de tabac) et pollution de l'air. Une relation statistique significative a été mise en évidence entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire (et en particulier par infarctus du myocarde). La mortalité s'aÏre en effet plus éleÎe dans les communes les plus exposées au bruit des avions que dans les communes moins exposées : pour des niveaux d'exposition au bruit des avions supérieurs à 45 dBA, une augmentation de 10 dBA des niveaux d'exposition sur une journée augmente le risque de mortalité par infarctus du myocarde de 28%. Ces associations ne sont pas atténuées lorsque la pollution de l'air est prise en compte. Il n'a par ailleurs pas été possible de savoir si ces associations pouvaient être, au moins pour une part, expliquées par l'exposition au bruit routier et/ou ferré des communes concernées, car des données homogènes et de bonne qualité ne sont actuellement pas disponibles pour les communes de la zone d'étude de DEBATS. L'étude écologique de DEBATS confirme ainsi les résultats de deux autres études européennes récentes (l'une à proximité de l'aéroport de Heathrow à Londres et l'autre aux alentours de l'ensemble des aéroports suisses) qui indiquent que les niveaux éleÎs d'exposition au bruit des avions sont associés avec la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire. Cependant, cette mortalité plus éleÎe dans les communes les plus exposées peut être liée au fait qu'il y ait davantage de personnes ayant des troubles cardiovasculaires préexistants ou des comportements à risque dans ces communes que dans les communes moins exposées. Par ailleurs, comme l'exposition au bruit a été moyennée à l'échelle de la commune, on ne peut pas savoir à quel niveau de bruit des avions chaque personne décédée a été réellement exposée. Il n'est donc pas possible d'inférer sans précautions ces résultats à l'échelle individuelle. C'est la raison pour laquelle une étude individuelle longitudinale a également été mise en place.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Auriault, Charlotte Brandt, Aurélie Chopin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, M P Balzing, Lionel Thollon, Michel Behr
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01356106
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Auriault, Charlotte Brandt, Aurélie Chopin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, et al.. Pregnant women in vehicles: Driving habits, position and risk of injury. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2016, 89, pp. 57-61. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2016.01.003⟩. ⟨hal-01356106⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2016.01.003
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : tThis study proposed to broadly examine vehicle use by pregnant women in order to improve realismof accident simulations involving these particular occupants. Three research pathways were developed:the first consisted in a questionnaire survey examining the driving habits of 135 pregnant women, thesecond obtained measurements of 15 pregnant women driving position in their own vehicle from the6th to the 9th month of pregnancy by measuring distances between body parts and vehicle parts, and thethird examined car accidents involving pregnant occupants. Results obtained indicate that between 90%and 100% of pregnant women wore their seat belts whatever their stage of pregnancy, although nearlyone third of subjects considered the seat belt was dangerous for their unborn child. The measurementsobtained also showed that the position of the pregnant woman in her vehicle, in relation to the variouselements of the passenger compartment, changed significantly during pregnancy. In the studied acci-dents, no correlation was found between the conditions of the accident and the resulting fetal injury.Results reveal that pregnant women do not modify significantly the seat setting as a function of preg-nancy stage. Only the distance between maternal abdomen and steering wheel change significantly, from16 cm to 12 cm at 6 and 9 month respectively. Pregnant women are mainly drivers before 8 months ofpregnancy, passengers after that. Car use frequency falls down rapidly from 6 to 9 months of pregnancy.Real crashes investigations indicate a low rate of casualties, i.e. 342 car accidents involving pregnantwomen for a period of 9 years in an approximately 1.7 million inhabitants area. No specific injury wasfound as a function of stage of pregnancy.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : tThis study proposed to broadly examine vehicle use by pregnant women in order to improve realismof accident simulations involving these particular occupants. Three research pathways were developed:the first consisted in a questionnaire survey examining the driving habits of 135 pregnant women, thesecond obtained measurements of 15 pregnant women driving position in their own vehicle from the6th to the 9th month of pregnancy by measuring distances between body parts and vehicle parts, and thethird examined car accidents involving pregnant occupants. Results obtained indicate that between 90%and 100% of pregnant women wore their seat belts whatever their stage of pregnancy, although nearlyone third of subjects considered the seat belt was dangerous for their unborn child. The measurementsobtained also showed that the position of the pregnant woman in her vehicle, in relation to the variouselements of the passenger compartment, changed significantly during pregnancy. In the studied acci-dents, no correlation was found between the conditions of the accident and the resulting fetal injury.Results reveal that pregnant women do not modify significantly the seat setting as a function of preg-nancy stage. Only the distance between maternal abdomen and steering wheel change significantly, from16 cm to 12 cm at 6 and 9 month respectively. Pregnant women are mainly drivers before 8 months ofpregnancy, passengers after that. Car use frequency falls down rapidly from 6 to 9 months of pregnancy.Real crashes investigations indicate a low rate of casualties, i.e. 342 car accidents involving pregnantwomen for a period of 9 years in an approximately 1.7 million inhabitants area. No specific injury wasfound as a function of stage of pregnancy.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charly Empereur-Mot, Hélène Guillemain, Aurélien Latouche, Jean-François Zagury, Vivian Viallon, Matthieu Montes
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01808396
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charly Empereur-Mot, Hélène Guillemain, Aurélien Latouche, Jean-François Zagury, Vivian Viallon, et al.. Predictiveness curves in virtual screening. Journal of Cheminformatics, 2015, 7 (1), pp.52. ⟨10.1186/s13321-015-0100-8⟩. ⟨hal-01808396⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s13321-015-0100-8
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In the present work, we aim to transfer to the field of virtual screening the predictiveness curve, a metric that has been advocated in clinical epidemiology.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In the present work, we aim to transfer to the field of virtual screening the predictiveness curve, a metric that has been advocated in clinical epidemiology.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laetitia Chossegros, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Marlène Bernard, Emmanuel Fort, Dominique Boisson, Pierre-Olivier Sancho, Sai Nan Yao, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00988156
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laetitia Chossegros, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Marlène Bernard, Emmanuel Fort, et al.. Predictive factors of chronic post-traumatic stress disorder 6 months after a road traffic accident. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2011, 43 (1), pp. 471-477. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2010.10.004⟩. ⟨hal-00988156⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2010.10.004
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: This study sets out to identify risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a road traffic accident with a view to improving prevention. Methods: The study used a prospective cohort of road traffic accident casualties. All subjects over 15 years of age were recruited in the course of an interview conducted while they were receiving care in a hospital of the Rhône area administrative département. Six months after their accident, they answered a self-administered postal questionnaire that included the Post-traumatic Check-List Scale (PCLS) in order to evaluate PTSD. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to compare those subjects with a PCLS score of 44 or over with those with a lower score, in order to identify factors that might be associated with PTSD. Results: 592 subjects (out of 1168) returned the 6-month questionnaire and 541 completed the PCLS test. One hundred subjects had a PCLS score ≥44, suggesting PTSD, and 441 subjects did not. The factors associated with PTSD were initial injury severity, post-traumatic amnesia, the feeling of not being responsible for their accident and persistent pain 6 months after it. A lower odds-ratio was associated with users of two-wheel than four-wheel motor vehicles (OR = 0.4; 0.2-0.9). Conclusion: Besides predictive factors for PTSD (injury severity, post-traumatic amnesia and the feeling of not being responsible for their accident), our study suggested a reduced risk of PTSD among two-wheel motor vehicle users.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: This study sets out to identify risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a road traffic accident with a view to improving prevention. Methods: The study used a prospective cohort of road traffic accident casualties. All subjects over 15 years of age were recruited in the course of an interview conducted while they were receiving care in a hospital of the Rhône area administrative département. Six months after their accident, they answered a self-administered postal questionnaire that included the Post-traumatic Check-List Scale (PCLS) in order to evaluate PTSD. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to compare those subjects with a PCLS score of 44 or over with those with a lower score, in order to identify factors that might be associated with PTSD. Results: 592 subjects (out of 1168) returned the 6-month questionnaire and 541 completed the PCLS test. One hundred subjects had a PCLS score ≥44, suggesting PTSD, and 441 subjects did not. The factors associated with PTSD were initial injury severity, post-traumatic amnesia, the feeling of not being responsible for their accident and persistent pain 6 months after it. A lower odds-ratio was associated with users of two-wheel than four-wheel motor vehicles (OR = 0.4; 0.2-0.9). Conclusion: Besides predictive factors for PTSD (injury severity, post-traumatic amnesia and the feeling of not being responsible for their accident), our study suggested a reduced risk of PTSD among two-wheel motor vehicle users.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Inès Khati, Laetitia Chossegros, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Anne-Laure Perrine, Bernard Laumon, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01064022
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Inès Khati, Laetitia Chossegros, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Anne-Laure Perrine, et al.. Predictive factors for persistent pain and poor recovery of health status 1 year after whiplash injury (Quebec grade 1 and 2): results from the ESPARR cohort. Pain Studies and Treatment, 2014, 2 (2), pp. 36-49. ⟨10.4236/pst.2014.22008⟩. ⟨hal-01064022⟩
DOI : 10.4236/pst.2014.22008
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: A large number of studies have addressed whiplash injury, and many meta-analyses have sought to highlight chronicity factors; the implicated processes, however, remain a matter of debate. The present study used data from the ESPARR cohort (an on-going prospective study of a representative cohort of road accident victims in the Rhône administrative département of France). The objectives were to describe the consequences of whiplash injury and to determine prognostic factors for poor recovery and persistent pain at 1 year post-accident. Methods: The cohort included 255 “pure” whiplash victims, 173 of whom responded to the 1-year follow-up questionnaire. Correlations between explanatory variables and health and pain status were explored by modified Poisson regression to provide adjusted relative risk (RR) values. Results: Half of the victims had not fully recovered health status by 1 year. The main factor associated with non-recovery was pain (RR=1.3; 1-0-1.7). A birth in the family preceding the accident emerged as another factor (RR=1.5; 1-2-1.9). Victims responsible for their accident were twice as likely to report being free of pain as those not responsible (RR=0.5; 0.3-0.8). No correlation emerged with accident-related characteristics or PTSD. Conclusions: The present results extend our understanding of whiplash injury. Residual pain is the fundamental factor causing whiplash victims to feel they have not recovered good health. Our findings suggest this may be bound up with physical factors (gender susceptibility); external factors such as having to carry weights (such as a baby) and with perceiving oneself as a victim are not incompatible with this hypothesis.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: A large number of studies have addressed whiplash injury, and many meta-analyses have sought to highlight chronicity factors; the implicated processes, however, remain a matter of debate. The present study used data from the ESPARR cohort (an on-going prospective study of a representative cohort of road accident victims in the Rhône administrative département of France). The objectives were to describe the consequences of whiplash injury and to determine prognostic factors for poor recovery and persistent pain at 1 year post-accident. Methods: The cohort included 255 “pure” whiplash victims, 173 of whom responded to the 1-year follow-up questionnaire. Correlations between explanatory variables and health and pain status were explored by modified Poisson regression to provide adjusted relative risk (RR) values. Results: Half of the victims had not fully recovered health status by 1 year. The main factor associated with non-recovery was pain (RR=1.3; 1-0-1.7). A birth in the family preceding the accident emerged as another factor (RR=1.5; 1-2-1.9). Victims responsible for their accident were twice as likely to report being free of pain as those not responsible (RR=0.5; 0.3-0.8). No correlation emerged with accident-related characteristics or PTSD. Conclusions: The present results extend our understanding of whiplash injury. Residual pain is the fundamental factor causing whiplash victims to feel they have not recovered good health. Our findings suggest this may be bound up with physical factors (gender susceptibility); external factors such as having to carry weights (such as a baby) and with perceiving oneself as a victim are not incompatible with this hypothesis.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Cédric Garcia, Vivian Viallon, Liacine Bouaoun, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02264456
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Cédric Garcia, Vivian Viallon, Liacine Bouaoun, Jean-Louis Martin. Prediction of responsibility for drivers and riders involved in injury road crashes. Journal of Safety Research, 2019, 70, pp.159-167. ⟨10.1016/j.jsr.2019.07.001⟩. ⟨hal-02264456⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.jsr.2019.07.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Responsibility analysis allows the evaluation of crash risk factors from crash data only, but requires a reliable responsibility assessment. The aim of the present study is to predict expert responsibility attribution (considered as a gold-standard) from explanatory variables available in crash data routinely recorded by the police, according to a data-driven process with explicit rules. Method: Driver responsibility was assessed by experts using all information contained in police reports for a sample of about 5000 injury crashes that occurred in France in 2011. Three statistical methods were used to predict expert responsibility attribution: logistic regression with L1 penalty, random forests, and boosting. Potential predictors of expert attribution referred to inappropriate driver actions and to external conditions at the time of the crash. Logistic regression was chosen to construct a score to assess responsibility for drivers and riders in crashes involving one or more motor vehicles, or involving a cyclist or pedestrian. Results: Cross-validation showed that our tool can predict expert responsibility assessments on new data sets. In addition, responsibility analyses performed using either the expert responsibility or our predicted responsibility return similar odds ratios. Our scoring process can then be used to reliably assess responsibility based on national police report databases, provided that they include the information needed to construct the score.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Responsibility analysis allows the evaluation of crash risk factors from crash data only, but requires a reliable responsibility assessment. The aim of the present study is to predict expert responsibility attribution (considered as a gold-standard) from explanatory variables available in crash data routinely recorded by the police, according to a data-driven process with explicit rules. Method: Driver responsibility was assessed by experts using all information contained in police reports for a sample of about 5000 injury crashes that occurred in France in 2011. Three statistical methods were used to predict expert responsibility attribution: logistic regression with L1 penalty, random forests, and boosting. Potential predictors of expert attribution referred to inappropriate driver actions and to external conditions at the time of the crash. Logistic regression was chosen to construct a score to assess responsibility for drivers and riders in crashes involving one or more motor vehicles, or involving a cyclist or pedestrian. Results: Cross-validation showed that our tool can predict expert responsibility assessments on new data sets. In addition, responsibility analyses performed using either the expert responsibility or our predicted responsibility return similar odds ratios. Our scoring process can then be used to reliably assess responsibility based on national police report databases, provided that they include the information needed to construct the score.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Dominique Boisson, Jacques Luaute, Etienne Javouhey, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00988253
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Dominique Boisson, et al.. Predicting self-reported recovery one year after major road traffic accident trauma. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2011, 43 (9), pp. 776-782. ⟨hal-00988253⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the selfreported health status of road traffic accident victims and the predictors of self-assessed recovery 1 year after major trauma in a French population. Design: A follow-up study. Methods: The cohort comprised 276 seriously injured victims of road traffic accidents, aged > 16 years from the Rhône administrative department, France. Victim characteristics at the time of the crash and self-reported health status 1 year after trauma were collected. Predictive factors for self-assessed recovery were examined using a Poisson regression approach. Results: The majority of victims were male (76%); most had severe injuries (76%), involving mainly the lower limbs and the head (68% and 55%, respectively). At 1-year follow-up, 80% reported being not fully recovered. Self-reported health status was not significantly associated with age, gender, being in employment, type of road user, or health status during the year preceding the accident, but rather with low socioeconomic status, high injury severity, and presence of lower limb injury. Conclusion: Care for subjects who are at high risk of not fully recovering (manual workers, the very seriously injured, and those with lower limb injury) needs to be extended and improved. Longer follow-up studies on the risk factors for not fully recovering are needed in order to reduce harmful consequences for victims.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the selfreported health status of road traffic accident victims and the predictors of self-assessed recovery 1 year after major trauma in a French population. Design: A follow-up study. Methods: The cohort comprised 276 seriously injured victims of road traffic accidents, aged > 16 years from the Rhône administrative department, France. Victim characteristics at the time of the crash and self-reported health status 1 year after trauma were collected. Predictive factors for self-assessed recovery were examined using a Poisson regression approach. Results: The majority of victims were male (76%); most had severe injuries (76%), involving mainly the lower limbs and the head (68% and 55%, respectively). At 1-year follow-up, 80% reported being not fully recovered. Self-reported health status was not significantly associated with age, gender, being in employment, type of road user, or health status during the year preceding the accident, but rather with low socioeconomic status, high injury severity, and presence of lower limb injury. Conclusion: Care for subjects who are at high risk of not fully recovering (manual workers, the very seriously injured, and those with lower limb injury) needs to be extended and improved. Longer follow-up studies on the risk factors for not fully recovering are needed in order to reduce harmful consequences for victims.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Francois Gehanno, Isabelle Thaon, Carole Pelissier, Laetitia Rollin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04139540
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Francois Gehanno, Isabelle Thaon, Carole Pelissier, Laetitia Rollin. Precision and Recall of Search Strategies for Identifying Studies on Work-Related Psychosocial Risk Factors in PubMed. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2023, 9 p. ⟨10.1007/s10926-023-10110-w⟩. ⟨hal-04139540⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10926-023-10110-w
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This study aims to report on the effectiveness of various search strategies and keywords to find studies on work-related psychosocial risk factors (PRF) in the PubMed bibliographic database.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This study aims to report on the effectiveness of various search strategies and keywords to find studies on work-related psychosocial risk factors (PRF) in the PubMed bibliographic database.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Céline Cholez, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Karine Chassaing, Alain Garrigou, Nadine Poussin, Gabriel Fernandez, Fabien Coutarel, Marie Bellemare
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01122434
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Céline Cholez, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Karine Chassaing, et al.. Pratiques de l'intervention des médecins du travail dans la prévention des TMS. 31ème Congrès de Médecine du Travail, Jun 2010, Toulouse, France. pp.377. ⟨halshs-01122434⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Katherine Perez, Wendy Weijermars, Emmanuelle Amoros, Robert Bauer, Niels Bos, Emmanuelle Dupont, Ashleigh Filtness, Sjoerd Houwing, Heiko Johannsen, Branka Leskovsek, Klaus Machata, Jean-Louis Martin, Nina Nuyttens, Marta Olabarria, Léa Pascal, Wouter van den Berghe
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01428634
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Katherine Perez, Wendy Weijermars, Emmanuelle Amoros, Robert Bauer, Niels Bos, et al.. Practical guidelines for the registration and monitoring of serious traffic injuries.. [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2016, 220 p. ⟨hal-01428634v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Safety CaUsation, Benefits and Efficiency (SafetyCube) is a European Commission supported Horizon 2020 project. The project's main objective is the development of an innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS) that will enable policy-makers and stakeholders to select and implement the most appropriate and cost-effective strategies, measures and approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types and of all severities.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Safety CaUsation, Benefits and Efficiency (SafetyCube) is a European Commission supported Horizon 2020 project. The project's main objective is the development of an innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS) that will enable policy-makers and stakeholders to select and implement the most appropriate and cost-effective strategies, measures and approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types and of all severities.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Johannes R. Anema, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04131203
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Johannes R. Anema, Jean-Baptiste Fassier. Pr. Patrick Loisel (1943-2022): A Pioneer, a Visionary Man, and Founding Father of Work Disability Prevention Research Field and Community. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2023, 33 (1), pp.1-3. ⟨10.1007/s10926-023-10106-6⟩. ⟨hal-04131203⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10926-023-10106-6
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : About Patrick Loisel father of the work disability prevention (WDP) research field and community.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : About Patrick Loisel father of the work disability prevention (WDP) research field and community.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Johanna Galmès, Yongjun Li, Alain Rajoharison, Lili Ren, Sandra Dollet, Nathalie Richard, Guy Vernet, Etienne Javouhey, Jianwei Wang, Jean-Noël Telles, Gláucia Paranhos-Baccalà
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00965860
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Johanna Galmès, Yongjun Li, Alain Rajoharison, Lili Ren, Sandra Dollet, et al.. Potential implication of new torque teno mini viruses in parapneumonic empyema in children.. European Respiratory Journal, 2013, 42 (2), pp.470-9. ⟨10.1183/09031936.00107212⟩. ⟨hal-00965860⟩
DOI : 10.1183/09031936.00107212
pubmedId_s : 23060626
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : An unexplained increase in the incidence of parapneumonic empyema (PPE) in pneumonia cases has been reported in recent years. The present study investigated the genetic and biological specifications of new isolates of torque teno mini virus (TTMV) detected in pleural effusion samples from children hospitalised for severe pneumonia with PPE. A pathogen discovery protocol was applied in undiagnosed pleural effusion samples and led to the identification of three new isolates of TTMV (TTMV-LY). Isolated TTMV-LY genomes were transfected into A549 and human embryonic kidney 293T cells and viral replication was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR and full-length genome amplification. A549 cells were further infected with released TTMV-LY virions and the induced-innate immune response was measured by multiplex immunoassays. Genetic analyses of the three TTMV-LY genomes revealed a classic genomic organisation but a weak identity (<64%) with known sequences. We demonstrated the in vitro replication of TTMV-LY in alveolar epithelial cells and the effective release of infectious viral particles. We also showed a selective production of inflammatory mediators in response to TTMV infection. This study reports the description of replicative TTMV-LY isolated from parapneumonic effusions of children hospitalised with PPE, suggesting a potential role of the virus in the pathogenesis of pneumonia.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : An unexplained increase in the incidence of parapneumonic empyema (PPE) in pneumonia cases has been reported in recent years. The present study investigated the genetic and biological specifications of new isolates of torque teno mini virus (TTMV) detected in pleural effusion samples from children hospitalised for severe pneumonia with PPE. A pathogen discovery protocol was applied in undiagnosed pleural effusion samples and led to the identification of three new isolates of TTMV (TTMV-LY). Isolated TTMV-LY genomes were transfected into A549 and human embryonic kidney 293T cells and viral replication was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR and full-length genome amplification. A549 cells were further infected with released TTMV-LY virions and the induced-innate immune response was measured by multiplex immunoassays. Genetic analyses of the three TTMV-LY genomes revealed a classic genomic organisation but a weak identity (<64%) with known sequences. We demonstrated the in vitro replication of TTMV-LY in alveolar epithelial cells and the effective release of infectious viral particles. We also showed a selective production of inflammatory mediators in response to TTMV infection. This study reports the description of replicative TTMV-LY isolated from parapneumonic effusions of children hospitalised with PPE, suggesting a potential role of the virus in the pathogenesis of pneumonia.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marc Brink, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Dirk Schreckenberg, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03621727
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marc Brink, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Dirk Schreckenberg, Anne-Sophie Evrard. Pooling and comparing noise annoyance scores and High Annoyance (HA) responses on the 5-point and 11-point scales: principles and practical advice.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (14), pp.7339. ⟨10.3390/ijerph18147339⟩. ⟨hal-03621727v2⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph18147339
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The use of different noise annoyance scales across studies and socio-acoustic surveys, in particular the popular 5-point verbal and 11-point numerical scales, has made the evaluation, comparison, and pooling of noise annoyance responses among studies a taxing issue. This is particularly the case when ?high annoyance? (HA) responses need to be compared and when the original studies used different scales; thus, there are different so-called cutoff points that define the part of the scale that indicates the HA status. This paper provides practical guidance on pooling and comparing the respective annoyance data in both the linear and logistic regression context in a statistically adequate manner. It caters to researchers who want to carry out pooled analyses on annoyance data that have been collected on different scales or need to compare exposure-HA relationships between the 5-point and 11-point scales. The necessary simulation of a cutoff point non-native to an original scale can be achieved with a random assignment approach, which is exemplified in the paper using original response data from a range of recent noise annoyance surveys. A code example in the R language is provided for easy implementation of the pertinent procedures with one's own survey data. Lastly, the not insignificant limitations of combining and/or comparing responses from different noise annoyance scales are discussed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The use of different noise annoyance scales across studies and socio-acoustic surveys, in particular the popular 5-point verbal and 11-point numerical scales, has made the evaluation, comparison, and pooling of noise annoyance responses among studies a taxing issue. This is particularly the case when ?high annoyance? (HA) responses need to be compared and when the original studies used different scales; thus, there are different so-called cutoff points that define the part of the scale that indicates the HA status. This paper provides practical guidance on pooling and comparing the respective annoyance data in both the linear and logistic regression context in a statistically adequate manner. It caters to researchers who want to carry out pooled analyses on annoyance data that have been collected on different scales or need to compare exposure-HA relationships between the 5-point and 11-point scales. The necessary simulation of a cutoff point non-native to an original scale can be achieved with a random assignment approach, which is exemplified in the paper using original response data from a range of recent noise annoyance surveys. A code example in the R language is provided for easy implementation of the pertinent procedures with one's own survey data. Lastly, the not insignificant limitations of combining and/or comparing responses from different noise annoyance scales are discussed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Stanislas Bataille, Jean-François Landrier, Julien Astier, Sylvie Cado, Jérôme Sallette, Marianne Serveaux, Stéphane Burtey, Julien Cohen, Charlène Tournier, Franck Tourniaire, Patrice Darmon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01771210
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Stanislas Bataille, Jean-François Landrier, Julien Astier, Sylvie Cado, Jérôme Sallette, et al.. Plasma Retinol Concentration Is Mainly Driven by Transthyretin in Hemodialysis Patients.. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 2017, 27 (6), pp.395-401. ⟨10.1053/j.jrn.2017.05.001⟩. ⟨hal-01771210⟩
DOI : 10.1053/j.jrn.2017.05.001
pubmedId_s : 28688921
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: Micronutrients deficiencies in hemodialysis patients are due to low dietary intakes and intradialytic losses for hydrophilic micronutrients. Conversely, lipophilic nondialyzable compounds might accumulate because of a lack of elimination through renal metabolism or dialysis. Other compounds have complex metabolism: their concentration is not explained by these phenomenons. The aim of this study was to report plasma concentrations of lipophilic micronutrients in hemodialysis patients and to analyze if these concentrations were predictive of mortality. Design: The design was monocentric observational longitudinal study. Subjects: A total of 123 hemodialysis patients included in this observational study. Main Outcome Measure: Plasma concentration of lipophilic micronutrients retinol and its two co-transporters transthyretin and retinol-binding protein 4, tocopherol, and carotenoids (α-carotene and β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin), and all factors associated with 1-year mortality. Results: Within the 123 patients of the study, median age (interquartile range) was 77.5 (69.5-84.5) years and 58.5% were male. Median retinol plasma concentration was 4.07 (2.65-5.51) μmol/L, and 91.9% of patient had high plasma retinol concentrations. In monovariate analysis, retinol levels were inversely correlated with mortality (hazard ratio = 0.57 [0.45-0.72]; P < .001). This effect remained significant after adjustment with several parameters. Nevertheless, the correlation between retinol and mortality disappeared as soon as transthyretin was added in the statistical model, suggesting an effect of transthyretin as confusing bias. Median tocopherol plasma concentration was 34.8 (28.3-42.9) μmol/L and 72.4% of patients had high plasma tocopherol concentration. Neither tocopherol plasma levels nor carotenoids concentrations were correlated with death in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: In hemodialysis patients, the correlation between retinol plasma concentration and mortality represents the nutritional status but not a direct biological effect of retinol. Retinol is only a surrogate predictor of mortality. It might not represent vitamin A levels, but likely the transthyretin level. Plasma retinol levels should be interpreted cautiously in hemodialysis patients.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: Micronutrients deficiencies in hemodialysis patients are due to low dietary intakes and intradialytic losses for hydrophilic micronutrients. Conversely, lipophilic nondialyzable compounds might accumulate because of a lack of elimination through renal metabolism or dialysis. Other compounds have complex metabolism: their concentration is not explained by these phenomenons. The aim of this study was to report plasma concentrations of lipophilic micronutrients in hemodialysis patients and to analyze if these concentrations were predictive of mortality. Design: The design was monocentric observational longitudinal study. Subjects: A total of 123 hemodialysis patients included in this observational study. Main Outcome Measure: Plasma concentration of lipophilic micronutrients retinol and its two co-transporters transthyretin and retinol-binding protein 4, tocopherol, and carotenoids (α-carotene and β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin), and all factors associated with 1-year mortality. Results: Within the 123 patients of the study, median age (interquartile range) was 77.5 (69.5-84.5) years and 58.5% were male. Median retinol plasma concentration was 4.07 (2.65-5.51) μmol/L, and 91.9% of patient had high plasma retinol concentrations. In monovariate analysis, retinol levels were inversely correlated with mortality (hazard ratio = 0.57 [0.45-0.72]; P < .001). This effect remained significant after adjustment with several parameters. Nevertheless, the correlation between retinol and mortality disappeared as soon as transthyretin was added in the statistical model, suggesting an effect of transthyretin as confusing bias. Median tocopherol plasma concentration was 34.8 (28.3-42.9) μmol/L and 72.4% of patients had high plasma tocopherol concentration. Neither tocopherol plasma levels nor carotenoids concentrations were correlated with death in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: In hemodialysis patients, the correlation between retinol plasma concentration and mortality represents the nutritional status but not a direct biological effect of retinol. Retinol is only a surrogate predictor of mortality. It might not represent vitamin A levels, but likely the transthyretin level. Plasma retinol levels should be interpreted cautiously in hemodialysis patients.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Guillaume Broc, Jean Baptiste Fassier, Stéphane Raffard, Olivier Lareyre
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04690000
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Guillaume Broc, Jean Baptiste Fassier, Stéphane Raffard, Olivier Lareyre. Planning Individual and Population-Based Interventions in Global Health: Applying the DEA-A Framework to Promote Behavioral, Emotional, and/or Cognitive Change among Stakeholders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2024, 21 (3), pp.378. ⟨10.3390/ijerph21030378⟩. ⟨hal-04690000⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph21030378
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Addressing health challenges that impact human well-being requires a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach that would be at the crossroad of population-based prevention and individual-level clinical care, which is in line with a Global Health perspective. In the absence of a unifying theoretical framework to guide such interventions, a Dynamic Ecosystem Adaptation through the Allostasis (DEA-A) framework has been proposed, emphasizing the functional adaptation of individuals and organizations in symbiosis with their living ecosystem. While a conceptual model has been presented, this methodological contribution aims at illustrating the practical application of the DEA-A framework for planning Global Health interventions. The methodology combines Intervention Mapping and Cognitive and Behavioral Theory, extended to the ecosystem. Practical guidelines and supporting tools are provided to help public health providers and clinicians in establishing a functional ecosystem diagnosis of the issue; defining not only behavioral, but also emotional and cognitive change objectives (allostasis targets) expected for each stakeholder; and designing intervention plans targeting determinants of these allostasis. The discussion addresses implementation and evaluation perspectives of interventions based on the DEA-A framework, emphasizing the importance of considering change in its processual and ecosystem complexity. Lastly, encouragements for a deeper understanding of individual and ecosystem homeostasis/allostasis processes are made in order to promote more functional interventions.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Addressing health challenges that impact human well-being requires a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach that would be at the crossroad of population-based prevention and individual-level clinical care, which is in line with a Global Health perspective. In the absence of a unifying theoretical framework to guide such interventions, a Dynamic Ecosystem Adaptation through the Allostasis (DEA-A) framework has been proposed, emphasizing the functional adaptation of individuals and organizations in symbiosis with their living ecosystem. While a conceptual model has been presented, this methodological contribution aims at illustrating the practical application of the DEA-A framework for planning Global Health interventions. The methodology combines Intervention Mapping and Cognitive and Behavioral Theory, extended to the ecosystem. Practical guidelines and supporting tools are provided to help public health providers and clinicians in establishing a functional ecosystem diagnosis of the issue; defining not only behavioral, but also emotional and cognitive change objectives (allostasis targets) expected for each stakeholder; and designing intervention plans targeting determinants of these allostasis. The discussion addresses implementation and evaluation perspectives of interventions based on the DEA-A framework, emphasizing the importance of considering change in its processual and ecosystem complexity. Lastly, encouragements for a deeper understanding of individual and ecosystem homeostasis/allostasis processes are made in order to promote more functional interventions.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Baudin, Guillaume Emeriaud, Sandrine Essouri, Jennifer Beck, Aurelie Portefaix, Etienne Javouhey, Claude Guerin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02089408
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Baudin, Guillaume Emeriaud, Sandrine Essouri, Jennifer Beck, Aurelie Portefaix, et al.. Physiological Effect of Prone Position in Children with Severe Bronchiolitis: A Randomized Cross-Over Study (BRONCHIO-DV). The Journal of Pediatrics, 2018, 205, pp. 112-119.e4. ⟨10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.09.066⟩. ⟨hal-02089408⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.09.066
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective To assess the effect of the prone position on physiological measures, including inspiratory effort, metabolic cost of breathing, and neural drive to the diaphragm as compared with the supine position in infants with severe bronchiolitis requiring noninvasive ventilation. Study design Fourteen infants, median age 33 days (IQR [first and third quartiles], 25-58) were randomized to receive 7 cmH2O continuous positive airway pressure for 1 hour in the prone position or in the supine position, which was followed by cross-over to the supine position and the prone position for 1 hour, respectively. Flow, esophageal, airway, gastric, and transdiaphragmatic pressures, as well as electrical activity of the diaphragm were simultaneously recorded. The modified Wood clinical asthma score was also assessed. Results Median esophageal pressure-time product per minute was significantly lower in the prone position than in the supine position (227 cmH2O*s/minute [IQR, 156-282] cmH2O*s/minute vs 353 cmH2O*s/minute [IQR, 249-386 cmH2O*s/minute]; P?=?.048), as were the modified Wood clinical asthma score (P?=?.033) and electrical activity of the diaphragm (P?=?.006). The neuromechanical efficiency of the diaphragm, as assessed by transdiaphramagtic pressure to electrical activity of the diaphragm swing ratio, was significantly higher in the prone position than in the supine position (1.1 cmH2O/µV [IQR, 0.9-1.3 cmH2O/µV] vs 0.7 cmH2O/µV [IQR, 0.6-1.2 cmH2O/µV], respectively; P?=?.022). Conclusions This study suggests a benefit of the prone position for infants with severe bronchiolitis requiring noninvasive ventilation by significantly decreasing the inspiratory effort and the metabolic cost of breathing. Further studies are needed to evaluate the potential impact of these physiological findings in a larger population. Trial registration NCT02602678.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective To assess the effect of the prone position on physiological measures, including inspiratory effort, metabolic cost of breathing, and neural drive to the diaphragm as compared with the supine position in infants with severe bronchiolitis requiring noninvasive ventilation. Study design Fourteen infants, median age 33 days (IQR [first and third quartiles], 25-58) were randomized to receive 7 cmH2O continuous positive airway pressure for 1 hour in the prone position or in the supine position, which was followed by cross-over to the supine position and the prone position for 1 hour, respectively. Flow, esophageal, airway, gastric, and transdiaphragmatic pressures, as well as electrical activity of the diaphragm were simultaneously recorded. The modified Wood clinical asthma score was also assessed. Results Median esophageal pressure-time product per minute was significantly lower in the prone position than in the supine position (227 cmH2O*s/minute [IQR, 156-282] cmH2O*s/minute vs 353 cmH2O*s/minute [IQR, 249-386 cmH2O*s/minute]; P?=?.048), as were the modified Wood clinical asthma score (P?=?.033) and electrical activity of the diaphragm (P?=?.006). The neuromechanical efficiency of the diaphragm, as assessed by transdiaphramagtic pressure to electrical activity of the diaphragm swing ratio, was significantly higher in the prone position than in the supine position (1.1 cmH2O/µV [IQR, 0.9-1.3 cmH2O/µV] vs 0.7 cmH2O/µV [IQR, 0.6-1.2 cmH2O/µV], respectively; P?=?.022). Conclusions This study suggests a benefit of the prone position for infants with severe bronchiolitis requiring noninvasive ventilation by significantly decreasing the inspiratory effort and the metabolic cost of breathing. Further studies are needed to evaluate the potential impact of these physiological findings in a larger population. Trial registration NCT02602678.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Wendy Weijermars, Niels Bos, Gert Jan Wijlhuizen, J Meunier, Nina Nuyttens, E Dupont, J Barnes, L Brown, C Quigley, A Filtness, K Perez, M Olabarria, X Duran, Martine Hours, Jean-Louis Martin, Robert Bauer, H Johansson
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01574759
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Wendy Weijermars, Niels Bos, Gert Jan Wijlhuizen, J Meunier, Nina Nuyttens, et al.. Physical and psychological consequences of serious road traffic injuries, Deliverable 7.2 of the H2020 project SafetyCube. [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 150 p. ⟨hal-01574759⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : SafetyCube aims to develop an innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS) that will enable policy-makers and stakeholders to select the most appropriate strategies, measures and cost-effective approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types and all severities. Work Package 7 of SafetyCube is dedicated to serious road traffic injuries, their health impacts and their costs. This Deliverable discusses health impacts of (serious) road traffic injuries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : SafetyCube aims to develop an innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS) that will enable policy-makers and stakeholders to select the most appropriate strategies, measures and cost-effective approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types and all severities. Work Package 7 of SafetyCube is dedicated to serious road traffic injuries, their health impacts and their costs. This Deliverable discusses health impacts of (serious) road traffic injuries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Yves Roquelaure, Ronan Garlantezec, Bradley A Evanoff, Alexis Descatha, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Julie Bodin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02441220
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Yves Roquelaure, Ronan Garlantezec, Bradley A Evanoff, Alexis Descatha, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, et al.. Personal, biomechanical, psychosocial, and organizational risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome: a structural equation modeling approach. Pain, 2020, 161 (4), pp.749-757. ⟨10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001766⟩. ⟨hal-02441220⟩
DOI : 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001766
pubmedId_s : 31815912
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This longitudinal study aimed at exploring the direct and indirect relationships between organizational, psychosocial, biomechanical, and personal factors and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in French workers. Between 2002 and 2005, 3710 workers were included in the Cosali cohort. Between 2007 and 2010, 1611 workers were re-examined using the same standardized clinical protocol. Subjects free from CTS at baseline were studied (804 men and 563 women). We used structural equation models to examine the relationships between incident CTS cases and organizational (machine-paced work or work pace dependent on customers' demand), psychosocial (job strain model), biomechanical (Borg's rating perceived exertion, wrist bending, pinching, and hand-transmitted vibrations), and personal factors at baseline. Symptomatic CTS risk was directly increased by biomechanical factors (standardized coefficient = 0.19, P = 0.011), female gender (0.25, P < 0.001), and age (0.15, P = 0.042). No psychosocial factors had a direct impact on CTS, but decision authority and skill discretion had an indirect impact by influencing biomechanical exposure. Exposure to machine-paced work had an indirect impact on increasing CTS, either by raising biomechanical exposure (0.19, P < 0.001) or by lowering decision authority (-0.18, P < 0.001) and skill discretion (-0.20, P < 0.001), which in turn increased biomechanical exposure. Similar complex relationships were observed between risk factors and CTS defined by a more strict case definition. Biomechanical exposure had a direct impact on CTS, while organizational factors and psychosocial factors had an indirect impact on CTS. The findings support conceptual models linking work organization to CTS.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This longitudinal study aimed at exploring the direct and indirect relationships between organizational, psychosocial, biomechanical, and personal factors and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in French workers. Between 2002 and 2005, 3710 workers were included in the Cosali cohort. Between 2007 and 2010, 1611 workers were re-examined using the same standardized clinical protocol. Subjects free from CTS at baseline were studied (804 men and 563 women). We used structural equation models to examine the relationships between incident CTS cases and organizational (machine-paced work or work pace dependent on customers' demand), psychosocial (job strain model), biomechanical (Borg's rating perceived exertion, wrist bending, pinching, and hand-transmitted vibrations), and personal factors at baseline. Symptomatic CTS risk was directly increased by biomechanical factors (standardized coefficient = 0.19, P = 0.011), female gender (0.25, P < 0.001), and age (0.15, P = 0.042). No psychosocial factors had a direct impact on CTS, but decision authority and skill discretion had an indirect impact by influencing biomechanical exposure. Exposure to machine-paced work had an indirect impact on increasing CTS, either by raising biomechanical exposure (0.19, P < 0.001) or by lowering decision authority (-0.18, P < 0.001) and skill discretion (-0.20, P < 0.001), which in turn increased biomechanical exposure. Similar complex relationships were observed between risk factors and CTS defined by a more strict case definition. Biomechanical exposure had a direct impact on CTS, while organizational factors and psychosocial factors had an indirect impact on CTS. The findings support conceptual models linking work organization to CTS.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sélilah Amour, Khaled Djhehiche, Adeline Zamora, Alain Bergeret, Philippe Vanhems
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01809939
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sélilah Amour, Khaled Djhehiche, Adeline Zamora, Alain Bergeret, Philippe Vanhems. Perception of the A/H1N1 influenza pandemic and acceptance of influenza vaccination. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 2015, 11 (3), pp. 727-731. ⟨10.1080/21645515.2015.1008887⟩. ⟨hal-01809939⟩
DOI : 10.1080/21645515.2015.1008887
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We assessed the perception and attitudes of university staff, including medical school and other science specialties, toward the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic and influenza vaccination program. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among 4,529 university personnel on October 19-20, 2009. Seven hundred (15%) employees participated in the study. Only 18% were willing to be vaccinated, men more than women (29% versus 9%, P < 0.001), and professors/researchers more than administrative/technical staff (30% vs. 6%, P < 0.001). Intention to be vaccinated was insufficient. Additional efforts are needed to improve information dissemination among university staff. Medical university personnel should receive more information to increase vaccine coverage and protect them as well as patients.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We assessed the perception and attitudes of university staff, including medical school and other science specialties, toward the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic and influenza vaccination program. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among 4,529 university personnel on October 19-20, 2009. Seven hundred (15%) employees participated in the study. Only 18% were willing to be vaccinated, men more than women (29% versus 9%, P < 0.001), and professors/researchers more than administrative/technical staff (30% vs. 6%, P < 0.001). Intention to be vaccinated was insufficient. Additional efforts are needed to improve information dissemination among university staff. Medical university personnel should receive more information to increase vaccine coverage and protect them as well as patients.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Rémi Duclaux-Loras, Justine Bacchetta, Julien Berthiller, Christine Rivet, Delphine Demede, Etienne Javouhey, Rémi Dubois, Frédérique Dijoud, Alain Lachaux, Lionel Badet, Olivier Boillot, Pierre Cochat
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01488334
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Rémi Duclaux-Loras, Justine Bacchetta, Julien Berthiller, Christine Rivet, Delphine Demede, et al.. Pediatric combined liver-kidney transplantation: a single-center experience of 18 cases. Pediatric Nephrology, 2016, 31 (9), pp. 1517-1529. ⟨10.1007/s00467-016-3324-6⟩. ⟨hal-01488334⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s00467-016-3324-6
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Experience in combined liver-kidney transplantation (CLKT) in children is limited. Methods We conducted a retrospective study of all pediatric CLKTs performed at our medical institution between 1992 and 2013.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Experience in combined liver-kidney transplantation (CLKT) in children is limited. Methods We conducted a retrospective study of all pediatric CLKTs performed at our medical institution between 1992 and 2013.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Audrey Lardy, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00988269
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Audrey Lardy, Bernard Laumon. Pedestrian injury patterns according to car and casualty characteristics in France. Annals of advances in automotive medicine, Oct 2011, Paris, France. pp. 137-146. ⟨hal-00988269⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This paper describes the injury patterns of pedestrians involved in collisions with cars, compares them with other road casualties and estimates the possible effect of car front profile on injury location. Injury patterns were identified using the Rhône Road Trauma Registry which covers all the casualties resulting from crashes in the Rhône Département (1.6 million inhabitants) who seek medical care in health facilities. Fatality rates were estimated from national police reports for the same years (1996-2007), and the two data sources were linked to obtain information on the front profile of the striking car. As with all groups of road users, most of the pedestrians involved in car crashes were young. However elderly people were overrepresented when the size of the exposed population was taken into account. The most frequently injured body regions were the lower extremities (50% of victims), the head/face/neck (38%) and the upper extremities (27%). Pelvic injuries were much more common for women. The most severe injuries (AIS4+) were mostly to the head and thorax, for all groups of road users. However, pedestrians sustained twice as many head injuries as thoracic injuries. When the front profiles were grouped together according to the most common car types in Europe, the risk of being killed was higher for MPVs. More specifically, the risk of sustaining an AIS2+ thoracic injury was higher in a collision with an MPV. Our study confirms that it is quite justified for the tests based on European Enhanced Vehicle-afety Committee guidelines to be focused on the head and the lower extremities. However, no test procedure exists for thoracic injuries, which is the body region with the second highest number of severe or fatal injuries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This paper describes the injury patterns of pedestrians involved in collisions with cars, compares them with other road casualties and estimates the possible effect of car front profile on injury location. Injury patterns were identified using the Rhône Road Trauma Registry which covers all the casualties resulting from crashes in the Rhône Département (1.6 million inhabitants) who seek medical care in health facilities. Fatality rates were estimated from national police reports for the same years (1996-2007), and the two data sources were linked to obtain information on the front profile of the striking car. As with all groups of road users, most of the pedestrians involved in car crashes were young. However elderly people were overrepresented when the size of the exposed population was taken into account. The most frequently injured body regions were the lower extremities (50% of victims), the head/face/neck (38%) and the upper extremities (27%). Pelvic injuries were much more common for women. The most severe injuries (AIS4+) were mostly to the head and thorax, for all groups of road users. However, pedestrians sustained twice as many head injuries as thoracic injuries. When the front profiles were grouped together according to the most common car types in Europe, the risk of being killed was higher for MPVs. More specifically, the risk of sustaining an AIS2+ thoracic injury was higher in a collision with an MPV. Our study confirms that it is quite justified for the tests based on European Enhanced Vehicle-afety Committee guidelines to be focused on the head and the lower extremities. However, no test procedure exists for thoracic injuries, which is the body region with the second highest number of severe or fatal injuries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Dan Wu
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01557978
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Dan Wu. Pedestrian fatality and impact speed squared: Cloglog modeling from French national data. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2017, ⟨10.1080/15389588.2017.1332408⟩. ⟨hal-01557978⟩
DOI : 10.1080/15389588.2017.1332408
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The present study estimates pedestrians' risk of death according to the impact speed when hit by a passenger car in a frontal collision.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The present study estimates pedestrians' risk of death according to the impact speed when hit by a passenger car in a frontal collision.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Chelsea E. Langer, Patricia de Llobet, Albert Dalmau, Joe Wiart, Geertje Goedhart, Martine Hours, G Benke, E Bouka, Revital Bruchim, Kyung-Hwa Choi, Amanda Eng, Mina Ha, Maria Karalexi, Kosuke Kiyohara, Noriko Kojimahara, Daniel Krewski, Hans Kromhout, Brigitte Lacour, Andrea'T Mannet, Enrica Migliore, Charmaine Mohipp, Franco Momoli, Eleni Petridou, Katja Radon, Thomas Remen, Siegal Sadetzki, Malcolm R. Sim, Tobias Weinmann, Roel Vermeulen, Elisabeth Cardis, Martine Vrijheid
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01804572
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Chelsea E. Langer, Patricia de Llobet, Albert Dalmau, Joe Wiart, Geertje Goedhart, et al.. Patterns of cellular phone use among young people in 12 countries: Implications for RF exposure. Environment International, 2017, 107, pp. 65-74. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2017.06.002⟩. ⟨hal-01804572⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envint.2017.06.002
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Characterizing exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields from wireless telecommunications technologies during childhood and adolescence is a research priority in investigating the health effects of RF. The Mobi-Expo study aimed to describe characteristics and determinants of cellular phone use in 534 young people (10-24years) in 12 countries. The study used a specifically designed software application installed on smartphones to collect data on the use of wireless telecommunications devices within this age group. The role of gender, age, maternal education, calendar period, and country was evaluated through multivariate models mutually adjusting for all variables. Call number and duration were higher among females compared to males (geometric mean (GM) ratio 1.17 and 1.42, respectively), among 20-24year olds compared to 10-14year olds (GM ratio 2.09 and 4.40, respectively), and among lowest compared to highest social classes (GM ratio 1.52 and 1.58, respectively). The number of SMS was higher in females (GM ratio 1.46) and the middle age group (15-19year olds: GM ratio 2.21 compared to 10-14year olds) and decreased over time. Data use was highest in the oldest age group, whereas Wi-Fi use was highest in the middle age group. Both data and Wi-Fi use increased over time. Large differences in the number and duration of calls, SMS, and data/Wi-Fi use were seen by country, with country and age accounting for up to 50% of the variance. Hands-free and laterality of use did not show significant differences by sex, age, education, study period, or country. Although limited by a convenience sample, these results provide valuable insights to the design, analysis, and interpretation of future epidemiological studies concerning the health effects of exposure resulting from cellular phone use in young people. In addition, the information provided by this research may be used to design strategies to minimize RF exposure
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Characterizing exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields from wireless telecommunications technologies during childhood and adolescence is a research priority in investigating the health effects of RF. The Mobi-Expo study aimed to describe characteristics and determinants of cellular phone use in 534 young people (10-24years) in 12 countries. The study used a specifically designed software application installed on smartphones to collect data on the use of wireless telecommunications devices within this age group. The role of gender, age, maternal education, calendar period, and country was evaluated through multivariate models mutually adjusting for all variables. Call number and duration were higher among females compared to males (geometric mean (GM) ratio 1.17 and 1.42, respectively), among 20-24year olds compared to 10-14year olds (GM ratio 2.09 and 4.40, respectively), and among lowest compared to highest social classes (GM ratio 1.52 and 1.58, respectively). The number of SMS was higher in females (GM ratio 1.46) and the middle age group (15-19year olds: GM ratio 2.21 compared to 10-14year olds) and decreased over time. Data use was highest in the oldest age group, whereas Wi-Fi use was highest in the middle age group. Both data and Wi-Fi use increased over time. Large differences in the number and duration of calls, SMS, and data/Wi-Fi use were seen by country, with country and age accounting for up to 50% of the variance. Hands-free and laterality of use did not show significant differences by sex, age, education, study period, or country. Although limited by a convenience sample, these results provide valuable insights to the design, analysis, and interpretation of future epidemiological studies concerning the health effects of exposure resulting from cellular phone use in young people. In addition, the information provided by this research may be used to design strategies to minimize RF exposure
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Shukrullah Ahmadi, Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, Liacine Bouaoun, Aurélie Danjou, Marie Lefevre, Brigitte Dananche, Delphine Praud, Martie van Tongeren, Louis Bujan, Olivia Perol, Joachim Schuz, Barbara Charbotel, Béatrice Fervers, Ann Olsson
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04051027
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Shukrullah Ahmadi, Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, Liacine Bouaoun, Aurélie Danjou, et al.. Paternal Occupational Exposure to Heavy Metals and Welding Fumes and Testicular Germ Cell Tumours in Sons in France. Cancers, 2022, 14 (19), pp.4962. ⟨10.3390/cancers14194962⟩. ⟨hal-04051027⟩
DOI : 10.3390/cancers14194962
pubmedId_s : 36230885
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men. Its causes are largely unknown, although prenatal occupational and environmental exposures have been suggested. We investigated paternal occupational exposure to heavy metals and welding fumes and the risk of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) in their offspring. A total of 454 cases and 670 controls were included from a French nationwide case-control study. The INTEROCC job exposure matrix was used to assign occupational exposures (cadmium, chromium, iron, nickel, lead, and welding fumes) to the fathers' jobs. Odds ratios (ORs) for TGCT were estimated using conditional logistic regression models for frequency-matched sets. Three complementary analytical approaches were used: (1) single-agent analysis, (2) analysis by groups, and (3) principal component analysis (PCA). The proportion of paternal exposure to different heavy metals and welding fumes ranged from 0.7% (cadmium) to 11.3% (lead). Based on PCA, three principal components explained 93.5% of the cumulative variance. No associations were found between heavy metals or welding fumes and TGCT. In this study, paternal occupational exposure to heavy metals or welding fumes was not associated with TGCT development in their sons.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men. Its causes are largely unknown, although prenatal occupational and environmental exposures have been suggested. We investigated paternal occupational exposure to heavy metals and welding fumes and the risk of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) in their offspring. A total of 454 cases and 670 controls were included from a French nationwide case-control study. The INTEROCC job exposure matrix was used to assign occupational exposures (cadmium, chromium, iron, nickel, lead, and welding fumes) to the fathers' jobs. Odds ratios (ORs) for TGCT were estimated using conditional logistic regression models for frequency-matched sets. Three complementary analytical approaches were used: (1) single-agent analysis, (2) analysis by groups, and (3) principal component analysis (PCA). The proportion of paternal exposure to different heavy metals and welding fumes ranged from 0.7% (cadmium) to 11.3% (lead). Based on PCA, three principal components explained 93.5% of the cumulative variance. No associations were found between heavy metals or welding fumes and TGCT. In this study, paternal occupational exposure to heavy metals or welding fumes was not associated with TGCT development in their sons.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Adèle Paul, Aurélie M N Danjou, Floriane Deygas, Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, Marie Lefevre, Brigitte Dananche, Hans Kromhout, Johan Spinosi, Rémi Béranger, Olivia Pérol, Helen Boyle, Christel Hersant, Vanessa Loup‐cabaniols, Ségolène Veau, Louis Bujan, Ann Olsson, Joachim Schüz, Béatrice Fervers, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04444096
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Adèle Paul, Aurélie M N Danjou, Floriane Deygas, Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, et al.. Parental occupations at birth and risk of adult testicular germ cell tumors in offspring: a French nationwide case-control study. Frontiers in Public Health, 2023, Frontiers in Public Health, 11, pp.1303998. ⟨10.3389/fpubh.2023.1303998⟩. ⟨hal-04444096⟩
DOI : 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1303998
pubmedId_s : 38292387
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are the most frequent cancer in young men in developed countries. Parental occupational exposures during early-life periods are suspected to increase TGCT risk. The objective was to estimate the association between parental occupations at birth and adult TGCT. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted, including 454 TGCT cases aged 18-45 from 20 French university hospitals, matched to 670 controls based on region and year of birth. Data collected from participants included parental jobs at birth coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupation-1968 and the French nomenclature of activities-1999. Odds ratios (OR) for TGCT and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using conditional logistic regression, adjusting for TGCT risk factors. RESULTS: Paternal jobs at birth as service workers (OR = 1.98, CI 1.18-3.30), protective service workers (OR = 2.40, CI 1.20-4.81), transport equipment operators (OR = 1.96, CI 1.14-3.37), specialized farmers (OR = 2.66, CI 1.03-6.90), and maternal jobs as secondary education teachers (OR = 2.27, CI 1.09-4.76) or in secondary education (OR = 2.35, CI 1.13-4.88) were significantly associated with adult TGCT. The risk of seminoma was increased for the above-mentioned paternal jobs and that of non-seminomas for public administration and defence; compulsory social security (OR = 1.99, CI 1.09-3.65); general, economic, and social administration (OR = 3.21, CI 1.23-8.39) for fathers; and secondary education teacher (OR = 4.67, CI 1.87-11.67) and secondary education (OR = 3.50, CI 1.36-9.01) for mothers. CONCLUSION: Some paternal jobs, such as service workers, transport equipment operators, or specialized farmers, and maternal jobs in secondary education seem to be associated with an increased risk of TGCT with specific features depending on the histological type. These data allow hypotheses to be put forward for further studies as to the involvement of occupational exposures in the risk of developing TGCT, such as exposure to pesticides, solvents, or heavy metals.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are the most frequent cancer in young men in developed countries. Parental occupational exposures during early-life periods are suspected to increase TGCT risk. The objective was to estimate the association between parental occupations at birth and adult TGCT. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted, including 454 TGCT cases aged 18-45 from 20 French university hospitals, matched to 670 controls based on region and year of birth. Data collected from participants included parental jobs at birth coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupation-1968 and the French nomenclature of activities-1999. Odds ratios (OR) for TGCT and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using conditional logistic regression, adjusting for TGCT risk factors. RESULTS: Paternal jobs at birth as service workers (OR = 1.98, CI 1.18-3.30), protective service workers (OR = 2.40, CI 1.20-4.81), transport equipment operators (OR = 1.96, CI 1.14-3.37), specialized farmers (OR = 2.66, CI 1.03-6.90), and maternal jobs as secondary education teachers (OR = 2.27, CI 1.09-4.76) or in secondary education (OR = 2.35, CI 1.13-4.88) were significantly associated with adult TGCT. The risk of seminoma was increased for the above-mentioned paternal jobs and that of non-seminomas for public administration and defence; compulsory social security (OR = 1.99, CI 1.09-3.65); general, economic, and social administration (OR = 3.21, CI 1.23-8.39) for fathers; and secondary education teacher (OR = 4.67, CI 1.87-11.67) and secondary education (OR = 3.50, CI 1.36-9.01) for mothers. CONCLUSION: Some paternal jobs, such as service workers, transport equipment operators, or specialized farmers, and maternal jobs in secondary education seem to be associated with an increased risk of TGCT with specific features depending on the histological type. These data allow hypotheses to be put forward for further studies as to the involvement of occupational exposures in the risk of developing TGCT, such as exposure to pesticides, solvents, or heavy metals.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Luregn J. Schlapbach, Etienne Javouhey, Nicolaas J. G. Jansen
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01822939
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Luregn J. Schlapbach, Etienne Javouhey, Nicolaas J. G. Jansen. Paediatric sepsis: old wine in new bottles?. Intensive Care Medicine, 2017, 43 (11), pp. 1686-1689. ⟨10.1007/s00134-017-4800-6⟩. ⟨hal-01822939⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s00134-017-4800-6
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The recent year marked a milestone in the field of sepsis in adults, with the revised Sepsis-3 definitions [1] and the updated Surviving Sepsis Campaign [2] published. But what about paediatric sepsis: how does Sepsis-3 fit in with what we know on paediatric sepsis and can we relate it to the way we treat children with sepsis?
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The recent year marked a milestone in the field of sepsis in adults, with the revised Sepsis-3 definitions [1] and the updated Surviving Sepsis Campaign [2] published. But what about paediatric sepsis: how does Sepsis-3 fit in with what we know on paediatric sepsis and can we relate it to the way we treat children with sepsis?
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jl Martin, B. van Kampen, C. Perez
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00545956
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jl Martin, B. van Kampen, C. Perez. PENDANT final report, deliverable D9 WP3 - data analysis. 2006, 103p. ⟨hal-00545956⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This document includes three chapters. The first one compares the patterns of injuries between the three countries, according to severity of injuries and types of users. The second chapter focuses on the different methodologies of linkage between hospital and police data, in addition to the main part of the deliverable D7. The third chapter shows several analyses dealing with linked data. It includes the analysis of injuries and risk factors in car to car crashes, whiplash in car to car and pedestrian injuries in car to pedestrian collisions
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This document includes three chapters. The first one compares the patterns of injuries between the three countries, according to severity of injuries and types of users. The second chapter focuses on the different methodologies of linkage between hospital and police data, in addition to the main part of the deliverable D7. The third chapter shows several analyses dealing with linked data. It includes the analysis of injuries and risk factors in car to car crashes, whiplash in car to car and pedestrian injuries in car to pedestrian collisions
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Laetitia Chossegros, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Dominique Boisson, Jacques Luaute, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00874500
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Laetitia Chossegros, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, et al.. Outcomes one year after a road accident: results from the ESPARR cohort. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2013, 50, pp 92-102. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2012.03.037⟩. ⟨hal-00874500⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2012.03.037
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: Reducing the rates of death, trauma and sequelae associated with road accidents is the prime goal of road safety authorities, and success requires having data on victims' outcomes in the long term. The present study examined the outcome of adult road accident victims one year after their accident. Design: A follow-up study. Methods: The cohort comprised 886 injured road-accident victims, aged ≥ 16 years, and living in the Rhône administrative Département, France (taken from the ESPARR Cohort). Data were collected on victim characteristics at the time of crash, and self-reported outcomes one year later. The population of respondents at the one-year questionnaire follow-up was divided into two categories according to injury severity, as mild-to-moderate (M.AIS<3) or severe (M.AIS3+). Qualitative variables were compared between these 2 groups using chi² or Fisher exact tests. Results: At one year post-accident, 45% of the mild-to-moderate injury group versus only 20% of severely injured subjects reported full recovery of health (p<0.001). 20% of the cohort, as a whole, reported permanent pain. More than half of the severely injured subjects reported that the accident had had an impact on the everyday life of their family; this was twice as many as in the mild-to-moderate injury group (55% vs. 22%). Most of the severely injured reported impact on leisure, projects and emotional life : 20% reported relational difficulties in the couple, 16% reported impaired sexual life, and the rate of separation was significantly higher than in the mild-to-moderate injury group (5% vs. 1%; p<0.001). Mean time off work was significantly longer in the severe injury group: 245±158 days vs. 75±104 days (p<0.001); and 32% of the severe injury group (p<0.001) who had stopped work had not returned at 1 year, compared to 5% of the mild-to-moderate injury group. Conclusions: One year after a road accident, the consequences for victims remain significant. In terms of physical impact, pain frequently persists, impairing daily life for many. There is an elevated rate of chronic PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) and a non-negligible impact on affective and occupational life.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: Reducing the rates of death, trauma and sequelae associated with road accidents is the prime goal of road safety authorities, and success requires having data on victims' outcomes in the long term. The present study examined the outcome of adult road accident victims one year after their accident. Design: A follow-up study. Methods: The cohort comprised 886 injured road-accident victims, aged ≥ 16 years, and living in the Rhône administrative Département, France (taken from the ESPARR Cohort). Data were collected on victim characteristics at the time of crash, and self-reported outcomes one year later. The population of respondents at the one-year questionnaire follow-up was divided into two categories according to injury severity, as mild-to-moderate (M.AIS<3) or severe (M.AIS3+). Qualitative variables were compared between these 2 groups using chi² or Fisher exact tests. Results: At one year post-accident, 45% of the mild-to-moderate injury group versus only 20% of severely injured subjects reported full recovery of health (p<0.001). 20% of the cohort, as a whole, reported permanent pain. More than half of the severely injured subjects reported that the accident had had an impact on the everyday life of their family; this was twice as many as in the mild-to-moderate injury group (55% vs. 22%). Most of the severely injured reported impact on leisure, projects and emotional life : 20% reported relational difficulties in the couple, 16% reported impaired sexual life, and the rate of separation was significantly higher than in the mild-to-moderate injury group (5% vs. 1%; p<0.001). Mean time off work was significantly longer in the severe injury group: 245±158 days vs. 75±104 days (p<0.001); and 32% of the severe injury group (p<0.001) who had stopped work had not returned at 1 year, compared to 5% of the mild-to-moderate injury group. Conclusions: One year after a road accident, the consequences for victims remain significant. In terms of physical impact, pain frequently persists, impairing daily life for many. There is an elevated rate of chronic PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) and a non-negligible impact on affective and occupational life.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Maraya N. Camazine, Oliver Karam, Ryan Colvin, Stephane Leteurtre, Pierre Demaret, Marisa Tucci, Jennifer A. Muszynski, Simon Stanworth, Philip C. Spinella, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01915295
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Maraya N. Camazine, Oliver Karam, Ryan Colvin, Stephane Leteurtre, Pierre Demaret, et al.. Outcomes Related to the Use of Frozen Plasma or Pooled Solvent/detergent-treated Plasma in Critically Ill Children. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2017, 18 (5), pp.e215-e223. ⟨10.1097/PCC.0000000000001149⟩. ⟨hal-01915295⟩
DOI : 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001149
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : To determine if the use of fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours compared to solvent detergent plasma is associated with international normalized ratio reduction or ICU mortality in critically ill children. This is an a priori secondary analysis of a prospective, observational study. Study groups were defined as those transfused with either fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours or solvent detergent plasma. Outcomes were international normalized ratio reduction and ICU mortality. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine independent associations. One hundred one PICUs in 21 countries. All critically ill children admitted to a participating unit were included if they received at least one plasma unit during six predefined 1-week (Monday to Friday) periods. All children were exclusively transfused with either fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours or solvent detergent plasma. None. There were 443 patients enrolled in the study. Twenty-four patients (5%) were excluded because no plasma type was recorded; the remaining 419 patients were analyzed. Fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours group included 357 patients, and the solvent detergent plasma group included 62 patients. The median (interquartile range) age and weight were 1 year (0.2-6.4) and 9.4 kg (4.0-21.1), respectively. There was no difference in reason for admission, severity of illness score, pretransfusion international normalized ratio, or lactate values; however, there was a difference in primary indication for plasma transfusion (p < 0.001). There was no difference in median (interquartile range) international normalized ratio reduction, between fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours and solvent detergent plasma study groups, -0.2 (-0.4 to 0) and -0.2 (-0.3 to 0), respectively (p = 0.80). ICU mortality was lower in the solvent detergent plasma versus fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours groups, 14.5% versus 29.1%%, respectively (p = 0.02). Upon adjusted analysis, solvent detergent plasma transfusion was independently associated with reduced ICU mortality (odds ratio, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.16-0.99; p = 0.05). Solvent detergent plasma use in critically ill children may be associated with improved survival. This hypothesis-generating data support a randomized controlled trial comparing solvent detergent plasma to fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : To determine if the use of fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours compared to solvent detergent plasma is associated with international normalized ratio reduction or ICU mortality in critically ill children. This is an a priori secondary analysis of a prospective, observational study. Study groups were defined as those transfused with either fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours or solvent detergent plasma. Outcomes were international normalized ratio reduction and ICU mortality. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine independent associations. One hundred one PICUs in 21 countries. All critically ill children admitted to a participating unit were included if they received at least one plasma unit during six predefined 1-week (Monday to Friday) periods. All children were exclusively transfused with either fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours or solvent detergent plasma. None. There were 443 patients enrolled in the study. Twenty-four patients (5%) were excluded because no plasma type was recorded; the remaining 419 patients were analyzed. Fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours group included 357 patients, and the solvent detergent plasma group included 62 patients. The median (interquartile range) age and weight were 1 year (0.2-6.4) and 9.4 kg (4.0-21.1), respectively. There was no difference in reason for admission, severity of illness score, pretransfusion international normalized ratio, or lactate values; however, there was a difference in primary indication for plasma transfusion (p < 0.001). There was no difference in median (interquartile range) international normalized ratio reduction, between fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours and solvent detergent plasma study groups, -0.2 (-0.4 to 0) and -0.2 (-0.3 to 0), respectively (p = 0.80). ICU mortality was lower in the solvent detergent plasma versus fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours groups, 14.5% versus 29.1%%, respectively (p = 0.02). Upon adjusted analysis, solvent detergent plasma transfusion was independently associated with reduced ICU mortality (odds ratio, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.16-0.99; p = 0.05). Solvent detergent plasma use in critically ill children may be associated with improved survival. This hypothesis-generating data support a randomized controlled trial comparing solvent detergent plasma to fresh frozen plasma/frozen plasma 24 hours.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Celine Vernet, Megan Johnson, Katherine Kogut, Carly Hyland, Julianna Deardorff, Asa Bradman, Brenda Eskenazi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03372755
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Celine Vernet, Megan Johnson, Katherine Kogut, Carly Hyland, Julianna Deardorff, et al.. Organophosphate pesticide exposure during pregnancy and childhood and onset of juvenile delinquency by age 16 years: The CHAMACOS cohort. Environmental Research, 2021, 197, 22 p. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2021.111055⟩. ⟨hal-03372755⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111055
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Though prenatal organophosphate pesticide (OP) exposure has been associated with lower intellectual quotient and behavioral disorders in childhood, factors related to later delinquency, no research has directly evaluated the impact of OPs on delinquency. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between prenatal and childhood OP exposure and juvenile delinquency in Mexican-American youth in the Center for Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas (CHAMACOS). METHODS: We measured dialkyl phosphate (DAPs) urinary metabolites of OPs in two prenatal maternal samples and in five child samples collected between six months and five years of age. Youth completed delinquency questionnaires at 16 years. We examined associations of prenatal and childhood DAPs with several delinquency outcomes (n=313) using survival and generalized linear models. RESULTS: Almost 60% of youth reported delinquent acts (mostly minor), and 8% reported a police arrest. We observed largely null results of prenatal or childhood DAP concentrations and delinquency outcomes, with some isolated associations. A ten-fold increase in maternal dimethylphosphate (DM) concentrations measured after 20 weeks gestation was associated with an earlier age of first delinquent act (Hazard Ratio=1.38, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.88) and an increased Odds Ratio (OR) of having committed 1-3 or ?4 delinquent acts, compared to the no delinquency reference group (OR=1.77, 95% CI: 1.01-3.08 and 2.17, 95% CI: 1.13-4.17, respectively). Higher childhood diethylphosphate (DE) concentrations were associated with a later age of first delinquent act (HR: 0.67; 95% CI: 0.46-0.97). DISCUSSION: We did not find strong evidence of association between prenatal or childhood OP exposure and juvenile delinquency in the present cohort. There is an increasing literature that relates OP exposure to neurobehavioral impairments in childhood, and there is a need to understand long-term potential neurodevelopmental effects of early-life OP exposure.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Though prenatal organophosphate pesticide (OP) exposure has been associated with lower intellectual quotient and behavioral disorders in childhood, factors related to later delinquency, no research has directly evaluated the impact of OPs on delinquency. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between prenatal and childhood OP exposure and juvenile delinquency in Mexican-American youth in the Center for Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas (CHAMACOS). METHODS: We measured dialkyl phosphate (DAPs) urinary metabolites of OPs in two prenatal maternal samples and in five child samples collected between six months and five years of age. Youth completed delinquency questionnaires at 16 years. We examined associations of prenatal and childhood DAPs with several delinquency outcomes (n=313) using survival and generalized linear models. RESULTS: Almost 60% of youth reported delinquent acts (mostly minor), and 8% reported a police arrest. We observed largely null results of prenatal or childhood DAP concentrations and delinquency outcomes, with some isolated associations. A ten-fold increase in maternal dimethylphosphate (DM) concentrations measured after 20 weeks gestation was associated with an earlier age of first delinquent act (Hazard Ratio=1.38, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.88) and an increased Odds Ratio (OR) of having committed 1-3 or ?4 delinquent acts, compared to the no delinquency reference group (OR=1.77, 95% CI: 1.01-3.08 and 2.17, 95% CI: 1.13-4.17, respectively). Higher childhood diethylphosphate (DE) concentrations were associated with a later age of first delinquent act (HR: 0.67; 95% CI: 0.46-0.97). DISCUSSION: We did not find strong evidence of association between prenatal or childhood OP exposure and juvenile delinquency in the present cohort. There is an increasing literature that relates OP exposure to neurobehavioral impairments in childhood, and there is a need to understand long-term potential neurodevelopmental effects of early-life OP exposure.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01215726
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku. Organisation de l'Observatoire Rhône-Alpes du Traumatisme - ORAT
. 2ème séminaire EPAC - ORAT, May 2015, SAINT-MAURICE, France. 17 p. ⟨hal-01215726⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation du dispositif de recueil des victimes d'accidents de la route dans le Rhône (Registre) et des victimes d'accidents de la vie courante, du travail et de la route dans le département de l'Ain, dans le cadre du 2è séminaire EPAC-ORAT qui s'est tenu le 21 mai 2015 à Saint-Maurice.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation du dispositif de recueil des victimes d'accidents de la route dans le Rhône (Registre) et des victimes d'accidents de la vie courante, du travail et de la route dans le département de l'Ain, dans le cadre du 2è séminaire EPAC-ORAT qui s'est tenu le 21 mai 2015 à Saint-Maurice.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Inès Khati, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, Charlène Tournier, Anne-Laure Perrine, Jacques Luaute, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01071244
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Inès Khati, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, et al.. One year after mild injury: comparison of health status and quality of life between casualties with whiplash versus other injuries. Journal of Rheumatology, 2014, 41 (3), pp. 528-538. ⟨10.3899/jrheum.130406⟩. ⟨hal-01071244⟩
DOI : 10.3899/jrheum.130406
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: To compare health status, family and occupational impact and quality of life one year after an accident between casualties with whiplash versus other mild injuries, and to explore the relation between initial injury (whiplash vs. other) and quality of life. Design: Prospective cohort study. Subjects: The study used data from the ESPARR cohort (a representative cohort of road accident casualties) and included 173 casualties with “pure” whiplash and a population of 207 casualties with other mild injuries (MAIS-1). Quality of life at 1-year follow-up was assessed on the WHOQoL-Bref questionnaire. Methods: Correlations between explanatory variables and quality of life were explored by Poisson regression to provide adjusted relative risks, with analysis of variance for the various quality of life scores explored. Results: One year post-accident, more whiplash than other casualties complained of non-recovery of health status (56% vs. 43%) and of occupational impact of pain (31% vs. 23%). Quality of life and post-traumatic stress disorder were similar in the two groups. Impaired quality of life did not correlate with whiplash when models were adjusted on sociodemographic variables and history of psychological distress. Whatever the initial lesion, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was a determining factor for poorer quality of life. Conclusions: Sociodemographic factors, pre-accident psychological history prior and post-traumatic stress disorder were the main factors influencing quality of life, rather than whether or not the injury was whiplash. PTSD may also be related to pain.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: To compare health status, family and occupational impact and quality of life one year after an accident between casualties with whiplash versus other mild injuries, and to explore the relation between initial injury (whiplash vs. other) and quality of life. Design: Prospective cohort study. Subjects: The study used data from the ESPARR cohort (a representative cohort of road accident casualties) and included 173 casualties with “pure” whiplash and a population of 207 casualties with other mild injuries (MAIS-1). Quality of life at 1-year follow-up was assessed on the WHOQoL-Bref questionnaire. Methods: Correlations between explanatory variables and quality of life were explored by Poisson regression to provide adjusted relative risks, with analysis of variance for the various quality of life scores explored. Results: One year post-accident, more whiplash than other casualties complained of non-recovery of health status (56% vs. 43%) and of occupational impact of pain (31% vs. 23%). Quality of life and post-traumatic stress disorder were similar in the two groups. Impaired quality of life did not correlate with whiplash when models were adjusted on sociodemographic variables and history of psychological distress. Whatever the initial lesion, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was a determining factor for poorer quality of life. Conclusions: Sociodemographic factors, pre-accident psychological history prior and post-traumatic stress disorder were the main factors influencing quality of life, rather than whether or not the injury was whiplash. PTSD may also be related to pain.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nadim Ballout, Lola Etievant, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04138647
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nadim Ballout, Lola Etievant, Vivian Viallon. On the use of cross-validation for the calibration of the adaptive lasso. Biometrical Journal, 2023, 65 (5), pp.e2200047. ⟨10.1002/bimj.202200047⟩. ⟨hal-04138647⟩
DOI : 10.1002/bimj.202200047
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cross-validation is the standard method for hyperparameter tuning, or calibration, of machine learning algorithms. The adaptive lasso is a popular class of penalized approaches based on weighted L1 -norm penalties, with weights derived from an initial estimate of the model parameter. Although it violates the paramount principle of cross-validation, according to which no information from the hold-out test set should be used when constructing the model on the training set, a "naive" cross-validation scheme is often implemented for the calibration of the adaptive lasso. The unsuitability of this naive cross-validation scheme in this context has not been well documented in the literature. In this work, we recall why the naive scheme is theoretically unsuitable and how proper cross-validation should be implemented in this particular context. Using both synthetic and real-world examples and considering several versions of the adaptive lasso, we illustrate the flaws of the naive scheme in practice. In particular, we show that it can lead to the selection of adaptive lasso estimates that perform substantially worse than those selected via a proper scheme in terms of both support recovery and prediction error. In other words, our results show that the theoretical unsuitability of the naive scheme translates into suboptimality in practice, and call for abandoningit.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cross-validation is the standard method for hyperparameter tuning, or calibration, of machine learning algorithms. The adaptive lasso is a popular class of penalized approaches based on weighted L1 -norm penalties, with weights derived from an initial estimate of the model parameter. Although it violates the paramount principle of cross-validation, according to which no information from the hold-out test set should be used when constructing the model on the training set, a "naive" cross-validation scheme is often implemented for the calibration of the adaptive lasso. The unsuitability of this naive cross-validation scheme in this context has not been well documented in the literature. In this work, we recall why the naive scheme is theoretically unsuitable and how proper cross-validation should be implemented in this particular context. Using both synthetic and real-world examples and considering several versions of the adaptive lasso, we illustrate the flaws of the naive scheme in practice. In particular, we show that it can lead to the selection of adaptive lasso estimates that perform substantially worse than those selected via a proper scheme in terms of both support recovery and prediction error. In other words, our results show that the theoretical unsuitability of the naive scheme translates into suboptimality in practice, and call for abandoningit.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Vivian Viallon, Sophie Lambert-Lacroix, Holger Höfling, Franck Picard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01067903
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Vivian Viallon, Sophie Lambert-Lacroix, Holger Höfling, Franck Picard. On the robustness of the generalized fused lasso to prior specifications. Statistics and Computing, 2016, 26 (1), pp.285-301. ⟨10.1007/s11222-014-9497-6⟩. ⟨hal-01067903v2⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s11222-014-9497-6
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Using networks as prior knowledge to guide model selection is a way to reach structured sparsity. In particular, the fused lasso that was originally designed to penalize differences of coefficients corresponding to successive features has been generalized to handle features whose effects are structured according to a given network. As any prior information, the network provided in the penalty may contain misleading edges that connect coefficients whose difference is not zero, and the extent to which the performance of the method depend on the suitability of the graph has never been clearly assessed. In this work we investigate the theoretical and empirical properties of the adaptive generalized fused lasso in the context of generalized linear models. In the fixed p setting, we show that, asymptotically, adding misleading edges in the graph does not prevent the adaptive generalized fused lasso from enjoying asymptotic oracle properties, while forgetting suitable edges can be more problematic. These theoretical results are complemented by an extensive simulation study that assesses the robustness of the adaptive generalized fused lasso against misspecification of the network as well as its applicability when theoretical coefficients are not exactly equal. Our contribution is also to evaluate the applicability of the generalized fused lasso for the joint modeling of multiple sparse regression functions. Illustrations are provided on two real data examples.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Using networks as prior knowledge to guide model selection is a way to reach structured sparsity. In particular, the fused lasso that was originally designed to penalize differences of coefficients corresponding to successive features has been generalized to handle features whose effects are structured according to a given network. As any prior information, the network provided in the penalty may contain misleading edges that connect coefficients whose difference is not zero, and the extent to which the performance of the method depend on the suitability of the graph has never been clearly assessed. In this work we investigate the theoretical and empirical properties of the adaptive generalized fused lasso in the context of generalized linear models. In the fixed p setting, we show that, asymptotically, adding misleading edges in the graph does not prevent the adaptive generalized fused lasso from enjoying asymptotic oracle properties, while forgetting suitable edges can be more problematic. These theoretical results are complemented by an extensive simulation study that assesses the robustness of the adaptive generalized fused lasso against misspecification of the network as well as its applicability when theoretical coefficients are not exactly equal. Our contribution is also to evaluate the applicability of the generalized fused lasso for the joint modeling of multiple sparse regression functions. Illustrations are provided on two real data examples.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Nohales, Emmanuel Fort, Sophie Pelloux, Clio Coste, Pierre Leblanc, Julia de Ternay, Martine Wallon, Benjamin Rolland, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04583435
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Nohales, Emmanuel Fort, Sophie Pelloux, Clio Coste, Pierre Leblanc, et al.. Occupational, academic, and personal determinants of wellbeing and psychological distress in residents: results of a survey in Lyon, France. Frontiers in Psychology, 2024, 15, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1347513⟩. ⟨hal-04583435⟩
DOI : 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1347513
pubmedId_s : 38770261
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction The mental health of residents is a growing significant concern, particularly with respect to hospital and university training conditions. Our goal was to assess the professional, academic, and psychological determinants of the mental health status of all residents of the academy of Lyon, France. Materials and methods The Health Barometer of Lyon Subdivision Residents (BASIL) is an initiative which consists in proposing a recurrent online survey to all residents in medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry, belonging to the Lyon subdivision. The first of these surveys was conducted from May to July 2022. Participants should complete a series of validated questionnaires, including the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6), respectively, and ad-hoc questions assessing their global health and hospital and academic working conditions. A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) analysis was conducted prior to multivariable analyses, to explore the determinants associated with low wellbeing (WEMWBS <43) and high psychological distress (K6 ≥ 13). Results A total of 904 residents (response rate: 46.7%) participated in the survey. A low level of wellbeing was observed in 23% of participants, and was significantly associated to job strain (OR = 2.18; 95%CI = [1.32–3.60]), low social support (OR = 3.13; 95%CI = [2.05–4.78]) and the experience of very poor university teaching (OR = 2.51; 95%CI = [1.29–4.91]). A high level of psychological distress was identified for 13% of participants, and associated with low social support (OR = 2.41; 95%CI = [1.48–3.93]) and the experience of very poor university teaching (OR = 2.89, 95%CI = [1.16–7.21]). Conclusion Hospital working conditions, social support, and the perception of teaching quality, were three major determinants of wellbeing and psychological distress among health profession residents. Demographic determinants, personal life and lifestyle habits were also associated. This supports a multilevel action in prevention programs aiming to enhance wellbeing and reduce mental distress in this specific population and local organizational specificities.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction The mental health of residents is a growing significant concern, particularly with respect to hospital and university training conditions. Our goal was to assess the professional, academic, and psychological determinants of the mental health status of all residents of the academy of Lyon, France. Materials and methods The Health Barometer of Lyon Subdivision Residents (BASIL) is an initiative which consists in proposing a recurrent online survey to all residents in medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry, belonging to the Lyon subdivision. The first of these surveys was conducted from May to July 2022. Participants should complete a series of validated questionnaires, including the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6), respectively, and ad-hoc questions assessing their global health and hospital and academic working conditions. A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) analysis was conducted prior to multivariable analyses, to explore the determinants associated with low wellbeing (WEMWBS <43) and high psychological distress (K6 ≥ 13). Results A total of 904 residents (response rate: 46.7%) participated in the survey. A low level of wellbeing was observed in 23% of participants, and was significantly associated to job strain (OR = 2.18; 95%CI = [1.32–3.60]), low social support (OR = 3.13; 95%CI = [2.05–4.78]) and the experience of very poor university teaching (OR = 2.51; 95%CI = [1.29–4.91]). A high level of psychological distress was identified for 13% of participants, and associated with low social support (OR = 2.41; 95%CI = [1.48–3.93]) and the experience of very poor university teaching (OR = 2.89, 95%CI = [1.16–7.21]). Conclusion Hospital working conditions, social support, and the perception of teaching quality, were three major determinants of wellbeing and psychological distress among health profession residents. Demographic determinants, personal life and lifestyle habits were also associated. This supports a multilevel action in prevention programs aiming to enhance wellbeing and reduce mental distress in this specific population and local organizational specificities.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Michel Lutz, Ian Cree, Svend Sabroe, Tine Kajsa Kvist, Lene Bjørk Clausen, Noemia Afonso, Wolfgang Ahrens, Terri J Ballard, Janine Bell, Diane Cyr, Mikael Eriksson, Joëlle Févotte, Pascal Guénel, Lennart Hardell, Karl-Heinz Jöckel, Ana Miranda, Franco Merletti, Maria M Morales-Suarez-Varela, Aivars Stengrevics, Elsebeth Lynge
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00266706
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Michel Lutz, Ian Cree, Svend Sabroe, Tine Kajsa Kvist, Lene Bjørk Clausen, et al.. Occupational risks for uveal melanoma results from a case-control study in nine European countries.. Cancer Causes and Control, 2005, 16 (4), pp.437-47. ⟨10.1007/s10552-004-5029-6⟩. ⟨inserm-00266706⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10552-004-5029-6
pubmedId_s : 15953986
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVE: Uveal melanoma is a rare disease with poor prognosis and largely unknown etiology. We studied potential occupational risk factors. METHODS: A population based case-control study was undertaken during 1995-1997 in nine European countries using population and colon cancer controls with personal interviews. Occupational exposure to sunlight and artificial UV radiation was assessed with a job exposure matrix. In total, 320 uveal melanoma cases were eligible at pathology review, and 292 cases were interviewed, participation 91%. Out of 3357 population controls, 2062 were interviewed, 61%, and out of 1272 cancer controls 1094 were interviewed, 86%. RESULTS: Using population controls, occupational exposure to sunlight was not associated with an increased risk (RR=1.24, 95% CI=0.88-1.74), while an excess risk found with use of colon cancer controls was attributed to confounding factors. An excess risk in welders was restricted to the French part of the data. Cooks, RR=2.40; cleaners, RR 2.15; and laundry workers, RR=3.14, were at increased risk of uveal melanoma. CONCLUSION: Our study does overall not support an association between occupational sunlight exposure and risk of uveal melanoma. The finding of an excess risk of eye melanoma in cooks in several European countries is intriguing.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVE: Uveal melanoma is a rare disease with poor prognosis and largely unknown etiology. We studied potential occupational risk factors. METHODS: A population based case-control study was undertaken during 1995-1997 in nine European countries using population and colon cancer controls with personal interviews. Occupational exposure to sunlight and artificial UV radiation was assessed with a job exposure matrix. In total, 320 uveal melanoma cases were eligible at pathology review, and 292 cases were interviewed, participation 91%. Out of 3357 population controls, 2062 were interviewed, 61%, and out of 1272 cancer controls 1094 were interviewed, 86%. RESULTS: Using population controls, occupational exposure to sunlight was not associated with an increased risk (RR=1.24, 95% CI=0.88-1.74), while an excess risk found with use of colon cancer controls was attributed to confounding factors. An excess risk in welders was restricted to the French part of the data. Cooks, RR=2.40; cleaners, RR 2.15; and laundry workers, RR=3.14, were at increased risk of uveal melanoma. CONCLUSION: Our study does overall not support an association between occupational sunlight exposure and risk of uveal melanoma. The finding of an excess risk of eye melanoma in cooks in several European countries is intriguing.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pascal Guénel, L. Laforest, Diane Cyr, Joëlle Févotte, Svend Sabroe, C Dufour, Jean-Michel Lutz, Elsebeth Lynge
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01839007
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pascal Guénel, L. Laforest, Diane Cyr, Joëlle Févotte, Svend Sabroe, et al.. Occupational risk factors, ultraviolet radiation, and ocular melanoma: a case-control study in France. Cancer Causes and Control, 2001, 12 (5), pp.451--459. ⟨10.1023/A:1011271420974⟩. ⟨hal-01839007⟩
DOI : 10.1023/A:1011271420974
pubmedId_s : 11545460
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Ultraviolet radiation has been suspected as a possible cause of ocular melanoma. Because this association is controversial, we examine the role of occupational exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the occurrence of this rare cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A population-based case-control study was conducted in 10 French administrative areas (départements). Cases were 50 patients with uveal melanoma diagnosed in 1995-1996. Controls were selected at random from electoral rolls, after stratification for age, gender, and area. Among 630 selected persons, 479 (76%) were interviewed. Data on personal characteristics, occupational history, and detailed information on each job held were obtained from face-to-face interviews using a standardized questionnaire. Estimates of occupational exposure to solar and artificial ultraviolet light were made using a job exposure matrix. RESULTS: Results show elevated risks of ocular melanoma for people with light eye color, light skin color, and for subjects with several eye burns. The analysis based on the job exposure matrix showed a significantly increased risk of ocular melanoma in occupational groups exposed to artificial ultraviolet radiation, but not in outdoor occupational groups exposed to sunlight. An elevated risk of ocular melanoma was seen among welders (odds ratio = 7.3; 95% confidence interval = 2.6-20.1 for men), and a dose-response relationship with job duration was observed. The study also showed increased risk of ocular melanoma among male cooks, and among female metal workers and material handling operators. CONCLUSION: Following the present study, the existence of an excess risk of ocular melanoma in welders may now be considered as established. Exposure to ultraviolet light is a likely causal agent, but a possible role of other exposures in the welding processes should not be overlooked.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Ultraviolet radiation has been suspected as a possible cause of ocular melanoma. Because this association is controversial, we examine the role of occupational exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the occurrence of this rare cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A population-based case-control study was conducted in 10 French administrative areas (départements). Cases were 50 patients with uveal melanoma diagnosed in 1995-1996. Controls were selected at random from electoral rolls, after stratification for age, gender, and area. Among 630 selected persons, 479 (76%) were interviewed. Data on personal characteristics, occupational history, and detailed information on each job held were obtained from face-to-face interviews using a standardized questionnaire. Estimates of occupational exposure to solar and artificial ultraviolet light were made using a job exposure matrix. RESULTS: Results show elevated risks of ocular melanoma for people with light eye color, light skin color, and for subjects with several eye burns. The analysis based on the job exposure matrix showed a significantly increased risk of ocular melanoma in occupational groups exposed to artificial ultraviolet radiation, but not in outdoor occupational groups exposed to sunlight. An elevated risk of ocular melanoma was seen among welders (odds ratio = 7.3; 95% confidence interval = 2.6-20.1 for men), and a dose-response relationship with job duration was observed. The study also showed increased risk of ocular melanoma among male cooks, and among female metal workers and material handling operators. CONCLUSION: Following the present study, the existence of an excess risk of ocular melanoma in welders may now be considered as established. Exposure to ultraviolet light is a likely causal agent, but a possible role of other exposures in the welding processes should not be overlooked.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mireille Matrat, Loredana Radoï, Joëlle Févotte, Florence Guida, Sylvie Cénée, Diane Cyr, Marie Sanchez, Gwenn Menvielle, Annie Schmaus, Emilie Marrer, Daniele Luce, Isabelle Stucker
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02304998
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mireille Matrat, Loredana Radoï, Joëlle Févotte, Florence Guida, Sylvie Cénée, et al.. Occupational exposure to wood dust and risk of lung cancer the ICARE study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2019, 76 (12), pp.901-907. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2019-105802⟩. ⟨hal-02304998⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2019-105802
pubmedId_s : 31537717
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives - In a previous analysis of data from a French population-based case-control study (the Investigation of occupational and environmental CAuses of REspiratory cancers (ICARE) study), 'having ever worked' in wood-related occupations was associated with excess lung cancer risk after adjusting for smoking but not for occupational factors. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between lung cancer risk and wood dust exposure after adjusting for occupational exposures. Methods - Data were obtained from 2276 cases and 2780 controls on smoking habits and lifelong occupational history, using a standardised questionnaire with a job-specific questionnaire for wood dust exposure. Logistic regression models were used to calculate ORs and 95% CIs adjusted for age, area of residence, tobacco smoking, the number of job periods and exposure to silica, asbestos and diesel motor exhaust (DME). Results - No significant association was found between lung cancer and wood dust exposure after adjustment for smoking, asbestos, silica and DME exposures. The risk of lung cancer was slightly increased among those who were exposed to wood dust more than 10 years, and had over 40 years since the first exposure. Conclusion - Our findings do not provide a strong support to the hypothesis that wood dust exposure is a risk factor for lung cancer. This study showed the importance of taking into account smoking and occupational coexposures in studies on lung cancer and wood dust exposure. Further studies evaluating the level and frequency of exposure during various tasks in woodwork are needed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives - In a previous analysis of data from a French population-based case-control study (the Investigation of occupational and environmental CAuses of REspiratory cancers (ICARE) study), 'having ever worked' in wood-related occupations was associated with excess lung cancer risk after adjusting for smoking but not for occupational factors. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between lung cancer risk and wood dust exposure after adjusting for occupational exposures. Methods - Data were obtained from 2276 cases and 2780 controls on smoking habits and lifelong occupational history, using a standardised questionnaire with a job-specific questionnaire for wood dust exposure. Logistic regression models were used to calculate ORs and 95% CIs adjusted for age, area of residence, tobacco smoking, the number of job periods and exposure to silica, asbestos and diesel motor exhaust (DME). Results - No significant association was found between lung cancer and wood dust exposure after adjustment for smoking, asbestos, silica and DME exposures. The risk of lung cancer was slightly increased among those who were exposed to wood dust more than 10 years, and had over 40 years since the first exposure. Conclusion - Our findings do not provide a strong support to the hypothesis that wood dust exposure is a risk factor for lung cancer. This study showed the importance of taking into account smoking and occupational coexposures in studies on lung cancer and wood dust exposure. Further studies evaluating the level and frequency of exposure during various tasks in woodwork are needed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Matthieu Carton, Christine Barul, Gwenn Menvielle, Diane Cyr, Marie Sanchez, Corinne Pilorget, Brigitte Trétarre, Isabelle Stücker, Danièle Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01438872
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Matthieu Carton, Christine Barul, Gwenn Menvielle, Diane Cyr, Marie Sanchez, et al.. Occupational exposure to solvents and risk of head and neck cancer in women: a population-based case–control study in France. BMJ Open, 2017, 7 (1), pp.e012833. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012833⟩. ⟨hal-01438872⟩
DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012833
pubmedId_s : 28069619
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective Our objective was to investigate the association between head and neck cancer and occupational exposure to chlorinated, oxygenated and petroleum solvents in women.Methods Investigation of occupational and environmental CAuses of REspiratory cancers (ICARE), a French population-based case–control study, included 296 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (HNSCC) in women and 775 female controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. Job-exposure matrices allowed to assess exposure to 5 chlorinated solvents (carbon tetrachloride; chloroform; methylene chloride; perchloroethylene; trichloroethylene), 5 petroleum solvents (benzene; special petroleum product; gasoline; white spirits and other light aromatic mixtures; diesel, fuels and kerosene) and 5 oxygenated solvents (alcohols; ketones and esters; ethylene glycol; diethyl ether; tetrahydrofuran). OR and 95% CIs, adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking, age and geographical area, were estimated with logistic models.Results Elevated ORs were observed among women ever exposed to perchloroethylene (OR=2.97, 95% CI 1.05 to 8.45) and trichloroethylene (OR=2.15, 95% CI 1.21 to 3.81). These ORs increased with exposure duration (OR=3.75, 95% CI 0.64 to 21.9 and OR=4.44, 95% CI 1.56 to 12.6 for 10 years or more, respectively). No significantly increased risk of HNSCC was found for occupational exposure to the other chlorinated, petroleum or oxygenated solvents.Conclusions These findings suggest that exposure to perchloroethylene or trichloroethylene may increase the risk of HNSCC in women. In our study, there is no clear evidence that the other studied solvents are risk factors for HNSCC.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective Our objective was to investigate the association between head and neck cancer and occupational exposure to chlorinated, oxygenated and petroleum solvents in women.Methods Investigation of occupational and environmental CAuses of REspiratory cancers (ICARE), a French population-based case–control study, included 296 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (HNSCC) in women and 775 female controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. Job-exposure matrices allowed to assess exposure to 5 chlorinated solvents (carbon tetrachloride; chloroform; methylene chloride; perchloroethylene; trichloroethylene), 5 petroleum solvents (benzene; special petroleum product; gasoline; white spirits and other light aromatic mixtures; diesel, fuels and kerosene) and 5 oxygenated solvents (alcohols; ketones and esters; ethylene glycol; diethyl ether; tetrahydrofuran). OR and 95% CIs, adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking, age and geographical area, were estimated with logistic models.Results Elevated ORs were observed among women ever exposed to perchloroethylene (OR=2.97, 95% CI 1.05 to 8.45) and trichloroethylene (OR=2.15, 95% CI 1.21 to 3.81). These ORs increased with exposure duration (OR=3.75, 95% CI 0.64 to 21.9 and OR=4.44, 95% CI 1.56 to 12.6 for 10 years or more, respectively). No significantly increased risk of HNSCC was found for occupational exposure to the other chlorinated, petroleum or oxygenated solvents.Conclusions These findings suggest that exposure to perchloroethylene or trichloroethylene may increase the risk of HNSCC in women. In our study, there is no clear evidence that the other studied solvents are risk factors for HNSCC.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Christine Barul, Matthieu Carton, Loredana Radoï, Gwenn Menvielle, Corinne Pilorget, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Isabelle Stücker, Danièle Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02020721
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Christine Barul, Matthieu Carton, Loredana Radoï, Gwenn Menvielle, Corinne Pilorget, et al.. Occupational exposure to petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents and oral and oropharyngeal cancer risk in men A population-based case-control study in France. Cancer Epidemiology, 2019, 59, pp.22-28. ⟨10.1016/j.canep.2019.01.005⟩. ⟨hal-02020721⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.canep.2019.01.005
pubmedId_s : 30658217
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective - To examine the association between occupational exposure to petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents and the risk of oral and oropharyngeal cancer.Methods - The ICARE study is a large population-based case-control study conducted in France between 2001 and 2007. This present analysis was restricted to men and included 350 and 543 cases of squamous cell-carcinoma of the oral cavity and oropharynx, respectively, and 2780 controls. Lifetime tobacco, alcohol consumption and complete occupational history were assessed through detailed questionnaires. Job-exposure matrices allowed us to assess occupational exposure to five petroleum-based solvents (white spirits; diesel/fuel oils/kerosene; gasoline; benzene; special petroleum products) and five oxygenated solvents (diethyl ether; tetrahydrofuran; ketones and esters; alcohols; ethylene glycol). Odds-ratios (ORs), adjusted for age, smoking, alcohol consumption and socioeconomic status, and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using unconditional logistic models.Results - Associations between oral cancer risk and exposure to white spirits and diesel/fuel oils/kerosene were suggested, but there was no exposure-response trend. Concerning exposure to oxygenated solvents, participants with the highest levels of cumulative exposure to diethyl ether had a significant excess risk of oropharyngeal cancer (OR = 7.78, 95%CI 1.42 to 42.59; p for trend = 0.04). Ever exposure to tetrahydrofuran was associated with a borderline significant increased risk of oral cancer (OR = 1.87, 95%CI 0.97 to 3.61), but no exposure-response trend was observed. Additional adjustments for exposure to other solvents did not substantially change the results.Conclusion - Our results do not provide evidence for a major role of petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents in the occurrence of oral and oropharyngeal cancers in men.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective - To examine the association between occupational exposure to petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents and the risk of oral and oropharyngeal cancer.Methods - The ICARE study is a large population-based case-control study conducted in France between 2001 and 2007. This present analysis was restricted to men and included 350 and 543 cases of squamous cell-carcinoma of the oral cavity and oropharynx, respectively, and 2780 controls. Lifetime tobacco, alcohol consumption and complete occupational history were assessed through detailed questionnaires. Job-exposure matrices allowed us to assess occupational exposure to five petroleum-based solvents (white spirits; diesel/fuel oils/kerosene; gasoline; benzene; special petroleum products) and five oxygenated solvents (diethyl ether; tetrahydrofuran; ketones and esters; alcohols; ethylene glycol). Odds-ratios (ORs), adjusted for age, smoking, alcohol consumption and socioeconomic status, and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using unconditional logistic models.Results - Associations between oral cancer risk and exposure to white spirits and diesel/fuel oils/kerosene were suggested, but there was no exposure-response trend. Concerning exposure to oxygenated solvents, participants with the highest levels of cumulative exposure to diethyl ether had a significant excess risk of oropharyngeal cancer (OR = 7.78, 95%CI 1.42 to 42.59; p for trend = 0.04). Ever exposure to tetrahydrofuran was associated with a borderline significant increased risk of oral cancer (OR = 1.87, 95%CI 0.97 to 3.61), but no exposure-response trend was observed. Additional adjustments for exposure to other solvents did not substantially change the results.Conclusion - Our results do not provide evidence for a major role of petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents in the occurrence of oral and oropharyngeal cancers in men.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Christine Barul, Matthieu Carton, Loredana Radoï, Gwenn Menvielle, Corinne Pilorget, Simona Bara, Isabelle Stücker, Danièle Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01780221
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Christine Barul, Matthieu Carton, Loredana Radoï, Gwenn Menvielle, Corinne Pilorget, et al.. Occupational exposure to petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents and hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer in France the ICARE study. BMC Cancer, 2018, 18 (1), pp.388. ⟨10.1186/s12885-018-4324-7⟩. ⟨hal-01780221⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12885-018-4324-7
pubmedId_s : 29621977
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND:To examine associations between occupational exposure to petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents and the risk of hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer.METHODS:ICARE is a large, frequency-matched population-based case-control study conducted in France. Lifetime occupational history, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption were collected. Analyses were restricted to men and included 383 cases of hypopharyngeal cancer, 454 cases of laryngeal cancer, and 2780 controls. Job-exposure matrices were used to assess exposure to five petroleum-based solvents (benzene; gasoline; white spirits; diesel, fuels and kerosene; special petroleum products) and to five oxygenated solvents (alcohols; ketones and esters; ethylene glycol; diethyl ether; tetrahydrofuran). Odds ratios (ORs) adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking and other potential confounders and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated with unconditional logistic models.RESULTS:No significant association was found between hypopharyngeal or laryngeal cancer risk and exposure to the solvents under study. Non-significantly elevated risks of hypopharyngeal cancer were found in men exposed to high cumulative levels of white spirits (OR = 1.46; 95% CI: 0.88-2.43) and tetrahydrofuran (OR = 2.63; 95CI%: 0.55-12.65), with some indication of a dose-response relationship (p for trend: 0.09 and 0.07 respectively).CONCLUSION:This study provides weak evidence for an association between hypopharyngeal cancer and exposure to white spirits and tetrahydrofuran, and overall does not suggest a substantial role of exposure to petroleum-based or oxygenated solvents in hypopharyngeal or laryngeal cancer risk.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND:To examine associations between occupational exposure to petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents and the risk of hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer.METHODS:ICARE is a large, frequency-matched population-based case-control study conducted in France. Lifetime occupational history, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption were collected. Analyses were restricted to men and included 383 cases of hypopharyngeal cancer, 454 cases of laryngeal cancer, and 2780 controls. Job-exposure matrices were used to assess exposure to five petroleum-based solvents (benzene; gasoline; white spirits; diesel, fuels and kerosene; special petroleum products) and to five oxygenated solvents (alcohols; ketones and esters; ethylene glycol; diethyl ether; tetrahydrofuran). Odds ratios (ORs) adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking and other potential confounders and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated with unconditional logistic models.RESULTS:No significant association was found between hypopharyngeal or laryngeal cancer risk and exposure to the solvents under study. Non-significantly elevated risks of hypopharyngeal cancer were found in men exposed to high cumulative levels of white spirits (OR = 1.46; 95% CI: 0.88-2.43) and tetrahydrofuran (OR = 2.63; 95CI%: 0.55-12.65), with some indication of a dose-response relationship (p for trend: 0.09 and 0.07 respectively).CONCLUSION:This study provides weak evidence for an association between hypopharyngeal cancer and exposure to white spirits and tetrahydrofuran, and overall does not suggest a substantial role of exposure to petroleum-based or oxygenated solvents in hypopharyngeal or laryngeal cancer risk.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nasser Laoulali, Corinne Pilorget, Diane Cyr, Monica Neri, Linda Kaerlev, Svend Sabroe, Giuseppe Gorini, Lorenzo Richiardi, Maria Morales-Suarez-Varela, Agustin Llopis-Gonzalez, Wolfgang Ahrens, Karl-Heinz Jockel, Noemia Afonso, Mikael Eriksson, Eriksson Merletti, Jørn Olsen, Elsebeth Lynge, Pascal Guenel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02051513
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nasser Laoulali, Corinne Pilorget, Diane Cyr, Monica Neri, Linda Kaerlev, et al.. Occupational exposure to organic solvents and risk of male breast cancer: a European multicenter case-control study. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2018, 44 (3), pp. 310-322. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.3717⟩. ⟨hal-02051513⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.3717
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The etiology of male breast cancer (MBC) is largely unknown but a causal role of exposure to organic solvents has been suggested. Previous studies on occupational risk factors of breast cancer were often restricted to women who are frequently exposed to lower levels and at a lower frequency than men. We investigated the association between MBC and occupational exposure to petroleum and oxygenated and chlorinated solvents in a multicenter case-control study of rare cancers in Europe. METHODS: The study included 104 MBC cases and 1901 controls. Detailed lifetime work history was obtained during interviews, together with sociodemographic characteristics, medical history and lifestyle factors. Occupational exposures to solvents were estimated from a job-exposure matrix. Odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using unconditional logistic regression models. RESULTS: Lifetime cumulative exposure to trichloroethylene >23.9 ppm years was associated with an increased MBC risk, compared to non-exposure [OR (95% CI): 2.1 (1.2-4.0); P trend
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The etiology of male breast cancer (MBC) is largely unknown but a causal role of exposure to organic solvents has been suggested. Previous studies on occupational risk factors of breast cancer were often restricted to women who are frequently exposed to lower levels and at a lower frequency than men. We investigated the association between MBC and occupational exposure to petroleum and oxygenated and chlorinated solvents in a multicenter case-control study of rare cancers in Europe. METHODS: The study included 104 MBC cases and 1901 controls. Detailed lifetime work history was obtained during interviews, together with sociodemographic characteristics, medical history and lifestyle factors. Occupational exposures to solvents were estimated from a job-exposure matrix. Odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using unconditional logistic regression models. RESULTS: Lifetime cumulative exposure to trichloroethylene >23.9 ppm years was associated with an increased MBC risk, compared to non-exposure [OR (95% CI): 2.1 (1.2-4.0); P trend
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Siegal Sadetzki, Angela Chetrit, Michelle C Turner, Martie van Tongeren, Geza Benke, Jordi Figuerola, Sarah Fleming, Martine Hours, Laurel Kincl, Daniel Krewski, Dave Mclean, Marie-Elise Parent, Lesley Richardson, Brigitte Schlehofer, Klaus Schlaefer, Maria Blettner, Joachim Schüz, Jack Siemiatycki, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : pasteur-01421241
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Siegal Sadetzki, Angela Chetrit, Michelle C Turner, Martie van Tongeren, Geza Benke, et al.. Occupational exposure to metals and risk of meningioma: a multinational case-control study.. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 2016, 130 (3), pp.505-515. ⟨10.1007/s11060-016-2244-4⟩. ⟨pasteur-01421241⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s11060-016-2244-4
pubmedId_s : 27664150
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The aim of the study was to examine associations between occupational exposure to metals and meningioma risk in the international INTEROCC study. INTEROCC is a seven-country population-based case-control study including 1906 adult meningioma cases and 5565 population controls. Incident cases were recruited between 2000 and 2004. A detailed occupational history was completed and job titles were coded into standard international occupational classifications. Estimates of mean workday exposure to individual metals and to welding fumes were assigned based on a job-exposure-matrix. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using conditional logistic regression. Although more controls than cases were ever exposed to metals (14 vs. 11 %, respectively), cases had higher median cumulative exposure levels. The ORs for ever vs. never exposure to any metal and to individual metals were mostly greater than 1.0, with the strongest association for exposure to iron (OR 1.26, 95 % CI 1.0-1.58). In women, an increased OR of 1.70 (95 % CI 1.0-2.89) was seen for ever vs never exposure to iron (OR in men 1.19, 95 % CI 0.91-1.54), with positive trends in relation with both cumulative and duration of exposure. These results remained after consideration of other occupational metal or chemical co-exposures. In conclusion, an apparent positive association between occupational exposure to iron and meningioma risk was observed, particularly among women. Considering the fact that meningioma is a hormone dependent tumor, the hypothesis that an interaction between iron and estrogen metabolism may be a potential mechanism for a carcinogenic effect of iron should be further investigated.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The aim of the study was to examine associations between occupational exposure to metals and meningioma risk in the international INTEROCC study. INTEROCC is a seven-country population-based case-control study including 1906 adult meningioma cases and 5565 population controls. Incident cases were recruited between 2000 and 2004. A detailed occupational history was completed and job titles were coded into standard international occupational classifications. Estimates of mean workday exposure to individual metals and to welding fumes were assigned based on a job-exposure-matrix. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using conditional logistic regression. Although more controls than cases were ever exposed to metals (14 vs. 11 %, respectively), cases had higher median cumulative exposure levels. The ORs for ever vs. never exposure to any metal and to individual metals were mostly greater than 1.0, with the strongest association for exposure to iron (OR 1.26, 95 % CI 1.0-1.58). In women, an increased OR of 1.70 (95 % CI 1.0-2.89) was seen for ever vs never exposure to iron (OR in men 1.19, 95 % CI 0.91-1.54), with positive trends in relation with both cumulative and duration of exposure. These results remained after consideration of other occupational metal or chemical co-exposures. In conclusion, an apparent positive association between occupational exposure to iron and meningioma risk was observed, particularly among women. Considering the fact that meningioma is a hormone dependent tumor, the hypothesis that an interaction between iron and estrogen metabolism may be a potential mechanism for a carcinogenic effect of iron should be further investigated.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Javier Vila, Michelle C. Turner, Esther Garcia-Lavedan, Jordi Figuerola, Joseph D. Bowman, Laurel Kincl, Lesley Richardson, Geza Benke, Martine Hours, Daniel Krewski, Dave Mclean, Marie-Elise Parent, Siegal Sadetzki, Klaus Schaefer, Brigitte Schlehofer, Joachim Schuz, Jack Siemiatycki, Martie van Tongeren, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02499997
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Javier Vila, Michelle C. Turner, Esther Garcia-Lavedan, Jordi Figuerola, Joseph D. Bowman, et al.. Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach. Environment International, 2018, 119, pp. 353-365. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2018.06.038⟩. ⟨hal-02499997⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envint.2018.06.038
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B), although the epidemiological evidence for the association between occupational exposure to RF-EMF and cancer was judged to be inadequate, due in part to limitations in exposure assessment. This study examines the relation between occupational RF and intermediate frequency (IF) EMF exposure and brain tumor (glioma and meningioma) risk in the INTEROCC multinational population-based case-control study (with nearly 4000 cases and over 5000 controls), using a novel exposure assessment approach. Methods Individual indices of cumulative exposure to RF and IF-EMF (overall and in specific exposure time windows) were assigned to study participants using a source-exposure matrix and detailed interview data on work with or nearby EMF sources. Conditional logistic regression was used to investigate associations with glioma and meningioma risk. Results Overall, around 10% of study participants were exposed to RF while only 1% were exposed to IF-EMF. There was no clear evidence for a positive association between RF or IF-EMF and the brain tumors studied, with most results showing either no association or odds ratios (ORs) below 1.0. The largest adjusted ORs were obtained for cumulative exposure to RF magnetic fields (as A/m-years) in the highest exposed category (?90th percentile) for the most recent exposure time window (1-4?years before the diagnosis or reference date) for both glioma, OR?=?1.62 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.86, 3.01) and meningioma (OR?=?1.52, 95% CI: 0.65, 3.55). Conclusion Despite the improved exposure assessment approach used in this study, no clear associations were identified. However, the results obtained for recent exposure to RF electric and magnetic fields are suggestive of a potential role in brain tumor promotion/progression and should be further investigated.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B), although the epidemiological evidence for the association between occupational exposure to RF-EMF and cancer was judged to be inadequate, due in part to limitations in exposure assessment. This study examines the relation between occupational RF and intermediate frequency (IF) EMF exposure and brain tumor (glioma and meningioma) risk in the INTEROCC multinational population-based case-control study (with nearly 4000 cases and over 5000 controls), using a novel exposure assessment approach. Methods Individual indices of cumulative exposure to RF and IF-EMF (overall and in specific exposure time windows) were assigned to study participants using a source-exposure matrix and detailed interview data on work with or nearby EMF sources. Conditional logistic regression was used to investigate associations with glioma and meningioma risk. Results Overall, around 10% of study participants were exposed to RF while only 1% were exposed to IF-EMF. There was no clear evidence for a positive association between RF or IF-EMF and the brain tumors studied, with most results showing either no association or odds ratios (ORs) below 1.0. The largest adjusted ORs were obtained for cumulative exposure to RF magnetic fields (as A/m-years) in the highest exposed category (?90th percentile) for the most recent exposure time window (1-4?years before the diagnosis or reference date) for both glioma, OR?=?1.62 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.86, 3.01) and meningioma (OR?=?1.52, 95% CI: 0.65, 3.55). Conclusion Despite the improved exposure assessment approach used in this study, no clear associations were identified. However, the results obtained for recent exposure to RF electric and magnetic fields are suggestive of a potential role in brain tumor promotion/progression and should be further investigated.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Matthieu Carton, Gwenn Menvielle, Diane Cyr, Marie Sanchez, Corinne Pilorget, Anne-Valérie Guizard, Isabelle Stücker, Daniele Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01888612
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Matthieu Carton, Gwenn Menvielle, Diane Cyr, Marie Sanchez, Corinne Pilorget, et al.. Occupational exposure to flour dust and the risk of head and neck cancer. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2018, 61 (10), pp.869-873. ⟨10.1002/ajim.22899⟩. ⟨hal-01888612⟩
DOI : 10.1002/ajim.22899
pubmedId_s : 30124232
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background - To investigate the association between head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) risk and occupational exposure to flour dust in women and men, using data from ICARE, a French population-based case-control study. Methods - The analysis included 2053 cases of HNSCC and 3507 controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. A job-exposure matrix was used to assess exposure to flour dust. Odds-ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking, and asbestos exposure, were estimated with logistic regression models. Results - Ever exposure to flour dust was associated with elevated ORs in women (OR = 2.15, 95%CI: 1.01 4.55) and in men (OR = 1.55, 95%CI: 1.11 2.17). In women, the risk increased with the probability, the duration, and the cumulative level of exposure. No dose-response relationships were observed in men. Conclusions - Although the results were less conclusive in men than in women, overall, these findings provide some support to the hypothesis of a role of flour dust in the occurrence of HNSCC.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background - To investigate the association between head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) risk and occupational exposure to flour dust in women and men, using data from ICARE, a French population-based case-control study. Methods - The analysis included 2053 cases of HNSCC and 3507 controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. A job-exposure matrix was used to assess exposure to flour dust. Odds-ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking, and asbestos exposure, were estimated with logistic regression models. Results - Ever exposure to flour dust was associated with elevated ORs in women (OR = 2.15, 95%CI: 1.01 4.55) and in men (OR = 1.55, 95%CI: 1.11 2.17). In women, the risk increased with the probability, the duration, and the cumulative level of exposure. No dose-response relationships were observed in men. Conclusions - Although the results were less conclusive in men than in women, overall, these findings provide some support to the hypothesis of a role of flour dust in the occurrence of HNSCC.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Michelle C. Turner, Geza Benke, Joseph D. Bowman, Jordi Figuerola, Sarah Fleming, Martine Hours, Laurel Kincl, Daniel Krewski, Dave Mclean, Marie-Elise Parent, Lesley Richardson, Siegal Sadetzki, Klaus Schlaefer, Brigitte Schlehofer, Joachim Schüz, Jack Siemiatycki, Martie van Tongeren, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : pasteur-01137291
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Michelle C. Turner, Geza Benke, Joseph D. Bowman, Jordi Figuerola, Sarah Fleming, et al.. Occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and brain tumor risks in the INTEROCC study.. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 2014, 23 (9), pp.1863-72. ⟨10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-14-0102⟩. ⟨pasteur-01137291⟩
DOI : 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-14-0102
pubmedId_s : 24935666
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF) is a suspected risk factor for brain tumors, however the literature is inconsistent. Few studies have assessed whether ELF in different time windows of exposure may be associated with specific histologic types of brain tumors. This study examines the association between ELF and brain tumors in the large-scale INTEROCC study. Cases of adult primary glioma and meningioma were recruited in seven countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom) between 2000 and 2004. Estimates of mean workday ELF exposure based on a job exposure matrix were assigned. Estimates of cumulative exposure, average exposure, maximum exposure, and exposure duration were calculated for the lifetime, and 1 to 4, 5 to 9, and 10+ years before the diagnosis/reference date. There were 3,761 included brain tumor cases (1,939 glioma and 1,822 meningioma) and 5,404 population controls. There was no association between lifetime cumulative ELF exposure and glioma or meningioma risk. However, there were positive associations between cumulative ELF 1 to 4 years before the diagnosis/reference date and glioma [odds ratio (OR) ≥ 90th percentile vs. < 25th percentile, 1.67; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.36-2.07; PLinear trend < 0.0001], and, somewhat weaker associations with meningioma (OR ≥ 90th percentile vs. < 25th percentile, 1.23; 95% CI, 0.97-1.57; PLinear trend = 0.02). Results showed positive associations between ELF in the recent past and glioma. Occupational ELF exposure may play a role in the later stages (promotion and progression) of brain tumorigenesis.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF) is a suspected risk factor for brain tumors, however the literature is inconsistent. Few studies have assessed whether ELF in different time windows of exposure may be associated with specific histologic types of brain tumors. This study examines the association between ELF and brain tumors in the large-scale INTEROCC study. Cases of adult primary glioma and meningioma were recruited in seven countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom) between 2000 and 2004. Estimates of mean workday ELF exposure based on a job exposure matrix were assigned. Estimates of cumulative exposure, average exposure, maximum exposure, and exposure duration were calculated for the lifetime, and 1 to 4, 5 to 9, and 10+ years before the diagnosis/reference date. There were 3,761 included brain tumor cases (1,939 glioma and 1,822 meningioma) and 5,404 population controls. There was no association between lifetime cumulative ELF exposure and glioma or meningioma risk. However, there were positive associations between cumulative ELF 1 to 4 years before the diagnosis/reference date and glioma [odds ratio (OR) ≥ 90th percentile vs. < 25th percentile, 1.67; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.36-2.07; PLinear trend < 0.0001], and, somewhat weaker associations with meningioma (OR ≥ 90th percentile vs. < 25th percentile, 1.23; 95% CI, 0.97-1.57; PLinear trend = 0.02). Results showed positive associations between ELF in the recent past and glioma. Occupational ELF exposure may play a role in the later stages (promotion and progression) of brain tumorigenesis.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Christine Barul, Aurore Fayossé, Matthieu Carton, Corinne Pilorget, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Isabelle Stücker, Danièle Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-01570445
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Christine Barul, Aurore Fayossé, Matthieu Carton, Corinne Pilorget, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, et al.. Occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents and risk of head and neck cancer in men: a population-based case-control study in France. Environmental Health, 2017, 16 (1), pp.77. ⟨10.1186/s12940-017-0286-5⟩. ⟨inserm-01570445⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12940-017-0286-5
pubmedId_s : 28738894
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background - Few epidemiological studies have investigated the link between occupational exposure to solvents and head and neck cancer risk, and available findings are sparse and inconsistent. The objective of this study was to examine the association between occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents and head and neck cancer risk. Methods - We analyzed data from 4637 men (1857 cases and 2780 controls) included in a population-based case-control study, ICARE (France). Occupational exposure to five chlorinated solvents (perchloroethylene [PCE], trichloroethylene [TCE], methylene chloride [MC], chloroform [CF], and carbon tetrachloride [CT]) was assessed through job-exposure matrices. Odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals (95% CI) were estimated by unconditional logistic regression, adjusted for age, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, asbestos exposure, and other potential confounders. Results - We observed no association between chlorinated solvent exposure and head and neck cancer risk, despite a non-significant increase in risk among subjects who had the highest cumulative level of exposure to PCE, (OR = 1.81; 95% CI = 0.68 to 4.82). In subsite analysis, the risk of laryngeal cancer increased with cumulative exposure to PCE (p for trend = 0.04). The OR was 3.86 (95% CI = 1.30 to 11.48) for those exposed to the highest levels of PCE. A non-significant elevated risk of hypopharyngeal cancer was also observed in subjects exposed to the highest levels of MC (OR = 2.36; 95% CI = 0.98 to 5.85). Conclusion - Our findings provide evidence that high exposure to PCE increases the risk of laryngeal cancer, and suggest an association between exposure to MC and hypopharyngeal cancer. Exposure to other chlorinated solvents was not associated with the risk of head and neck cancer.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background - Few epidemiological studies have investigated the link between occupational exposure to solvents and head and neck cancer risk, and available findings are sparse and inconsistent. The objective of this study was to examine the association between occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents and head and neck cancer risk. Methods - We analyzed data from 4637 men (1857 cases and 2780 controls) included in a population-based case-control study, ICARE (France). Occupational exposure to five chlorinated solvents (perchloroethylene [PCE], trichloroethylene [TCE], methylene chloride [MC], chloroform [CF], and carbon tetrachloride [CT]) was assessed through job-exposure matrices. Odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals (95% CI) were estimated by unconditional logistic regression, adjusted for age, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, asbestos exposure, and other potential confounders. Results - We observed no association between chlorinated solvent exposure and head and neck cancer risk, despite a non-significant increase in risk among subjects who had the highest cumulative level of exposure to PCE, (OR = 1.81; 95% CI = 0.68 to 4.82). In subsite analysis, the risk of laryngeal cancer increased with cumulative exposure to PCE (p for trend = 0.04). The OR was 3.86 (95% CI = 1.30 to 11.48) for those exposed to the highest levels of PCE. A non-significant elevated risk of hypopharyngeal cancer was also observed in subjects exposed to the highest levels of MC (OR = 2.36; 95% CI = 0.98 to 5.85). Conclusion - Our findings provide evidence that high exposure to PCE increases the risk of laryngeal cancer, and suggest an association between exposure to MC and hypopharyngeal cancer. Exposure to other chlorinated solvents was not associated with the risk of head and neck cancer.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hugo Noelle, Olivia Perol, Maurice Perol, Virginie Avrillon, Elodie Belladame, Jérôme Fayette, Françoise Fournie, Aurélie Swalduz, Juliette Dessemon, Jean-Yves Blay, Eve-Marie Neidhardt, Pierre Saintigny, Mayeul Tabutin, Maxime Boussageon, Delphine Praud, Barbara Charbotel, Beatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04131402
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hugo Noelle, Olivia Perol, Maurice Perol, Virginie Avrillon, Elodie Belladame, et al.. Occupational asbestos exposure and survival among lung cancer patients. Lung Cancer, 2023, 179, pp.107182. ⟨10.1016/j.lungcan.2023.107182⟩. ⟨hal-04131402⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.lungcan.2023.107182
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the association between occupational asbestos exposure (OAE) and survival in patients with histologically confirmed lung cancer (LC).METHODS: This monocentric study was conducted in the Comprehensive Cancer Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France. A systematic screening has been in place since 2014 for occupational exposure to carcinogens using a self-assessment questionnaire sent to all patients newly diagnosed with histologically confirmed LC identified through the multidisciplinary LC board from 2014 to 2019. When the physician suspected a work-related exposure from the questionnaire including job history, an occupational cancer consultation was carried out to detail carcinogen exposures and assess if the LC was work-related. Demographics, clinical characteristics and survival data were extracted from medical records. The association between asbestos exposure and overall survival (hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals) was estimated by Cox proportional hazards regression.RESULTS: Overall, 702 patients were eligible to the present study, including 180 patients with OAE. In the crude analysis, LCs assessed as moderately or highly attributable to OAE were associated with decreased overall survival (HR=1.32, 95%CI 1.04-1.67) compared to LC without OAE or with a low degree of imputability to OAE (median follow-up 28.8months). After adjustment for confounding (age at diagnosis, smoking status, stage, brain metastasis at diagnosis, and histology), the association of OAE with overall survival was no longer statistically significant (HR=1.21, 95%CI 0.94-1.56).CONCLUSION: Overall survival in occupationally asbestos exposed LC patients may be decreased in comparison with non-exposed LC patients, warranting further investigations in larger studies.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the association between occupational asbestos exposure (OAE) and survival in patients with histologically confirmed lung cancer (LC).METHODS: This monocentric study was conducted in the Comprehensive Cancer Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France. A systematic screening has been in place since 2014 for occupational exposure to carcinogens using a self-assessment questionnaire sent to all patients newly diagnosed with histologically confirmed LC identified through the multidisciplinary LC board from 2014 to 2019. When the physician suspected a work-related exposure from the questionnaire including job history, an occupational cancer consultation was carried out to detail carcinogen exposures and assess if the LC was work-related. Demographics, clinical characteristics and survival data were extracted from medical records. The association between asbestos exposure and overall survival (hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals) was estimated by Cox proportional hazards regression.RESULTS: Overall, 702 patients were eligible to the present study, including 180 patients with OAE. In the crude analysis, LCs assessed as moderately or highly attributable to OAE were associated with decreased overall survival (HR=1.32, 95%CI 1.04-1.67) compared to LC without OAE or with a low degree of imputability to OAE (median follow-up 28.8months). After adjustment for confounding (age at diagnosis, smoking status, stage, brain metastasis at diagnosis, and histology), the association of OAE with overall survival was no longer statistically significant (HR=1.21, 95%CI 0.94-1.56).CONCLUSION: Overall survival in occupationally asbestos exposed LC patients may be decreased in comparison with non-exposed LC patients, warranting further investigations in larger studies.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Barbara Charbotel, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Emmanuel Fort, Brigitte Dananche, Joelle Fevotte, Claire Confavreux-Romestaing, Alain Bergeret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02414763
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Barbara Charbotel, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Emmanuel Fort, Brigitte Dananche, Joelle Fevotte, et al.. Occupational Trichloroethylene Exposure and Cervical Pathology: A Case-Control Study. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2013, 57 (3), pp. 407-416. ⟨10.1093/annhyg/mes075⟩. ⟨hal-02414763⟩
DOI : 10.1093/annhyg/mes075
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Trichloroethylene (TCE) is suspected of association with elevated risk of cervical cancer. A case-control study was performed in a geographical area in which occupational TCE exposure is high. The study objective was to analyze the correlation between occupational TCE exposure and cervical cancer (including precancerous conditions).Case and control subjects were recruited by gynecologists. General and occupational data were collected by telephonic interviews. An industrial hygienist assessed occupational TCE exposure on a task-exposure matrix. Analysis focused on occupational TCE exposure at various levels and on cumulative dose. Multivariate analysis was performed to take account of the various risk factors.In total, 67 case and 67 age-matched control subjects were included. Mean age was 36 years in both groups. Five of the possible general risk factors correlated significantly with cervical dysplasia or cancer: number of partners, history of genital or anal wart, interval between first period and first sexual relation, parity, and body mass index, the last three showing inverse correlation. Elevated risk was found in women who had had jobs as manual workers according to the PCS French classification (professions and socioprofessional categories), and production and related workers according to ISCO classification (International Standard Classification of Occupations), with odds ratios (ORs), adjusted on general and medical risk factors, of 7.68 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.39-42.54] and 7.48 (1.30-43.24), respectively, among skilled service sector workers; the adjusted OR was close to significance, at 4.67 (95% CI: 0.92-23.67). No occupational sectors were significantly associated with elevated risk. In all, 17 (25.4%) case and 15 (22.4%) control subjects were exposed to TCE: raw OR = 1.17 (95% CI: 0.54-2.52), adjusted OR = 1.51 (95% CI: 0.42-5.41). There was no significant correlation between cumulative dose and exposure time.The study found no significantly increased risk of cervical dysplasia or cancer associated with occupational TCE exposure.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Trichloroethylene (TCE) is suspected of association with elevated risk of cervical cancer. A case-control study was performed in a geographical area in which occupational TCE exposure is high. The study objective was to analyze the correlation between occupational TCE exposure and cervical cancer (including precancerous conditions).Case and control subjects were recruited by gynecologists. General and occupational data were collected by telephonic interviews. An industrial hygienist assessed occupational TCE exposure on a task-exposure matrix. Analysis focused on occupational TCE exposure at various levels and on cumulative dose. Multivariate analysis was performed to take account of the various risk factors.In total, 67 case and 67 age-matched control subjects were included. Mean age was 36 years in both groups. Five of the possible general risk factors correlated significantly with cervical dysplasia or cancer: number of partners, history of genital or anal wart, interval between first period and first sexual relation, parity, and body mass index, the last three showing inverse correlation. Elevated risk was found in women who had had jobs as manual workers according to the PCS French classification (professions and socioprofessional categories), and production and related workers according to ISCO classification (International Standard Classification of Occupations), with odds ratios (ORs), adjusted on general and medical risk factors, of 7.68 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.39-42.54] and 7.48 (1.30-43.24), respectively, among skilled service sector workers; the adjusted OR was close to significance, at 4.67 (95% CI: 0.92-23.67). No occupational sectors were significantly associated with elevated risk. In all, 17 (25.4%) case and 15 (22.4%) control subjects were exposed to TCE: raw OR = 1.17 (95% CI: 0.54-2.52), adjusted OR = 1.51 (95% CI: 0.42-5.41). There was no significant correlation between cumulative dose and exposure time.The study found no significantly increased risk of cervical dysplasia or cancer associated with occupational TCE exposure.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Luther Dogbla, Cédric Gouvenelle, Florence Thorin, François-Xavier Lesage, Marek Zak, Ukadike Chris Ugbolue, Barbara Charbotel, Julien S Baker, Bruno Pereira, Frédéric Dutheil
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04005731
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Luther Dogbla, Cédric Gouvenelle, Florence Thorin, François-Xavier Lesage, Marek Zak, et al.. Occupational Risk Factors by Sectors: An Observational Study of 20,000 Workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20 (4), pp.3632. ⟨10.3390/ijerph20043632⟩. ⟨hal-04005731⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph20043632
pubmedId_s : 36834326
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: We aimed to assess the prevalence of exposure by sector and the sectors of activity most exposed to each exposure, using routine occupational health data, and to quantify the risk of being exposed. Method: Occupational risk factors were assessed by workers followed by the Occupational Health Service of Cher, using self-reported questionnaires. The sectors of activity were grouped into seven sectors, and the risks were grouped into six occupational exposure groups. Comparisons were made using the Chi-squared test and Cramer’s V, and the odds ratios were calculated by using logistic regression. Results: We included 19,891 workers. The construction sector had the highest prevalence (p < 0.05 vs. all other sectors) of exposure to physical (76%) and biomechanical factors (82%), as well as chemical risks (75%). Human health and social work was the sector with the highest prevalence of exposure to biological factors (69%), psychosocial factors (90%), and atypical working hours (61%). With workers from administrative and support sectors as the reference, construction workers had more chance of declaring exposure to physical factors (OR = 3.28, 95%CI = 2.89 to 3.72), biomechanical factors (1.82, 1.58 to 2.09), and chemical agents (3.83, 3.38 to 4.33). Workers from the human health and social sectors had more chance of being exposed to biological agents (13.4, 11.9 to 15.2), atypical working hours (1.93, 1.75 to 2.14), and psychosocial factors (2.74, 2.38 to 3.16). Conclusion: Psychosocial risk factors were commonly reported in all sectors. Workers in the construction, human health, and social sectors seem to report more exposures than those in other sectors. The analysis of occupational exposures is a necessary basis to build an efficient preventive strategy for occupational health.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: We aimed to assess the prevalence of exposure by sector and the sectors of activity most exposed to each exposure, using routine occupational health data, and to quantify the risk of being exposed. Method: Occupational risk factors were assessed by workers followed by the Occupational Health Service of Cher, using self-reported questionnaires. The sectors of activity were grouped into seven sectors, and the risks were grouped into six occupational exposure groups. Comparisons were made using the Chi-squared test and Cramer’s V, and the odds ratios were calculated by using logistic regression. Results: We included 19,891 workers. The construction sector had the highest prevalence (p < 0.05 vs. all other sectors) of exposure to physical (76%) and biomechanical factors (82%), as well as chemical risks (75%). Human health and social work was the sector with the highest prevalence of exposure to biological factors (69%), psychosocial factors (90%), and atypical working hours (61%). With workers from administrative and support sectors as the reference, construction workers had more chance of declaring exposure to physical factors (OR = 3.28, 95%CI = 2.89 to 3.72), biomechanical factors (1.82, 1.58 to 2.09), and chemical agents (3.83, 3.38 to 4.33). Workers from the human health and social sectors had more chance of being exposed to biological agents (13.4, 11.9 to 15.2), atypical working hours (1.93, 1.75 to 2.14), and psychosocial factors (2.74, 2.38 to 3.16). Conclusion: Psychosocial risk factors were commonly reported in all sectors. Workers in the construction, human health, and social sectors seem to report more exposures than those in other sectors. The analysis of occupational exposures is a necessary basis to build an efficient preventive strategy for occupational health.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mireille Matrat, Florence Guida, Sylvie Céné, Joëlle Fevotte, Matthieu Carton, Diane Cyr, Gwenn Menvielle, Sophie Paget-Bailly, Loredana Radoi, Annie Schmaus, Simona Bara, Michel Velten, Danièle Luce, Isabelle Stücker, The Icare Study Group
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01205352
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mireille Matrat, Florence Guida, Sylvie Céné, Joëlle Fevotte, Matthieu Carton, et al.. Occupational Exposure to Diesel Motor Exhaust and Lung Cancer: A Dose-Response Relationship Hidden by Asbestos Exposure Adjustment? The ICARE Study. Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, 2015, 2015, pp.e879302. ⟨10.1155/2015/879302⟩. ⟨hal-01205352⟩
DOI : 10.1155/2015/879302
pubmedId_s : 26425123
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background. In a French large population-based case-control study we investigated the dose-response relationship between lung cancer and occupational exposure to diesel motor exhaust (DME), taking into account asbestos exposure. Methods. Exposure to DME was assessed by questionnaire. Asbestos was taken into account through a global indicator of exposure to occupational carcinogens or by a specific JEM. Results. We found a crude dose response relationship with most of the indicators of DME exposure, including with the cumulative exposure index. All results were affected by adjustment for asbestos exposure. The dose response relationships between DME and lung cancer were observed among subjects never exposed to asbestos. Conclusions. Exposure to DME and to asbestos is frequently found among the same subjects, which may explain why dose-response relationships in previous studies that adjusted for asbestos exposure were inconsistent.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background. In a French large population-based case-control study we investigated the dose-response relationship between lung cancer and occupational exposure to diesel motor exhaust (DME), taking into account asbestos exposure. Methods. Exposure to DME was assessed by questionnaire. Asbestos was taken into account through a global indicator of exposure to occupational carcinogens or by a specific JEM. Results. We found a crude dose response relationship with most of the indicators of DME exposure, including with the cumulative exposure index. All results were affected by adjustment for asbestos exposure. The dose response relationships between DME and lung cancer were observed among subjects never exposed to asbestos. Conclusions. Exposure to DME and to asbestos is frequently found among the same subjects, which may explain why dose-response relationships in previous studies that adjusted for asbestos exposure were inconsistent.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Khalis, Karima El Rhazi, Emmanuel Fort, Véronique Chajes, Hafida Charaka, Inge Huybrechts, Aurélie Moskal, Carine Biessy, Isabelle Romieu, Fouad Abbass, Boujemaa El Marnissi, Nawfel Mellas, Chakib Nejjari, Amr S Soliman, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03231641
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Khalis, Karima El Rhazi, Emmanuel Fort, Véronique Chajes, Hafida Charaka, et al.. Occupation and risk of female breast cancer: A case-control study in Morocco. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2019, 62 (10), p846. ⟨10.1002/ajim.23027⟩. ⟨hal-03231641⟩
DOI : 10.1002/ajim.23027
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among Moroccan women. Environmental and occupational factors may play a role in breast cancer etiology. This study aimed to investigate the association between occupation, industry, and breast cancer risk among Moroccan women. Methods A total of 300 breast cancer cases and 300 controls (matched by age and area of residence) were included in this study. Full occupational history was collected, with a detailed description of each job held for at least 6 months. Occupations were coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO 08) and the Moroccan Analytical Classification of Professions (2001). Industries were coded according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (2008). Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusted for potential confounders were estimated by using conditional logistic regression. Results An overall decreased risk of breast cancer was observed among women doing only household work (OR = 0.32; 95% CI = 0.18-0.55). An increased risk of breast cancer was observed among women in agricultural occupations, particularly those employed as agricultural laborers (ISCO 08 code: 921; OR = 2.91; 95% CI = 1.51-5.60) and the risk increased with duration of employment (P trend = .01). Analyses by industry corroborated these findings. Conclusions Our findings suggest that occupational exposures may be associated with increased risk of breast cancer among female agricultural workers in this population. Further investigations, with advanced methods of occupational exposure assessment, are warranted to clarify the role of chemicals involved in this high-risk occupation and to suggest preventive actions and screening.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among Moroccan women. Environmental and occupational factors may play a role in breast cancer etiology. This study aimed to investigate the association between occupation, industry, and breast cancer risk among Moroccan women. Methods A total of 300 breast cancer cases and 300 controls (matched by age and area of residence) were included in this study. Full occupational history was collected, with a detailed description of each job held for at least 6 months. Occupations were coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO 08) and the Moroccan Analytical Classification of Professions (2001). Industries were coded according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (2008). Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusted for potential confounders were estimated by using conditional logistic regression. Results An overall decreased risk of breast cancer was observed among women doing only household work (OR = 0.32; 95% CI = 0.18-0.55). An increased risk of breast cancer was observed among women in agricultural occupations, particularly those employed as agricultural laborers (ISCO 08 code: 921; OR = 2.91; 95% CI = 1.51-5.60) and the risk increased with duration of employment (P trend = .01). Analyses by industry corroborated these findings. Conclusions Our findings suggest that occupational exposures may be associated with increased risk of breast cancer among female agricultural workers in this population. Further investigations, with advanced methods of occupational exposure assessment, are warranted to clarify the role of chemicals involved in this high-risk occupation and to suggest preventive actions and screening.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sara Villeneuve, Diane Cyr, Elsebeth Lynge, Laurent Orsi, Svend Sabroe, Franco Merletti, Giuseppe Gorini, Maria Morales-Suarez-Varela, Wolfgang Ahrens, Cornelia Baumgardt-Elms, Linda Kaerlev, Mikael Eriksson, Lennart Hardell, Joëlle Févotte, Pascal Guénel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00530267
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sara Villeneuve, Diane Cyr, Elsebeth Lynge, Laurent Orsi, Svend Sabroe, et al.. Occupation and occupational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in male breast cancer: a case-control study in Europe.. Occup Environ Med, 2010, 67 (12), pp.837-44. ⟨10.1136/oem.2009.052175⟩. ⟨inserm-00530267⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oem.2009.052175
pubmedId_s : 20798010
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : These findings suggest that some environmental chemicals are possible mammary carcinogens. Petrol, organic petroleum solvents or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are suspect because of the consistent elevated risk of male breast cancer observed in motor vehicle mechanics. Endocrine disruptors such as alkylphenolic compounds may play a role in breast cancer.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : These findings suggest that some environmental chemicals are possible mammary carcinogens. Petrol, organic petroleum solvents or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are suspect because of the consistent elevated risk of male breast cancer observed in motor vehicle mechanics. Endocrine disruptors such as alkylphenolic compounds may play a role in breast cancer.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Matthieu Carton, Florence Guida, Sophie Paget-Bailly, Diane Cyr, Loredana Radoi, Marie Sanchez, Annie Schmaus, Sylvie Cenee, Alexandra Papadopoulos, Gwenn Menvielle, Joëlle Fevotte, Corinne Pilorget, Florence Molinie, Simona Bara, Isabelle Stucke, Danièle Luce
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02486091
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Matthieu Carton, Florence Guida, Sophie Paget-Bailly, Diane Cyr, Loredana Radoi, et al.. Occupation and head and neck cancer in women. Results of the ICARE study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2014, 57 (12), pp. 1386-1397. ⟨10.1002/ajim.22394⟩. ⟨hal-02486091⟩
DOI : 10.1002/ajim.22394
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Few occupational studies have addressed head and neck cancer, and these studies have been predominantly conducted in men. Accordingly, our objective was to investigate the association between head and neck cancer and occupation in women. Methods ICARE, a French population-based case?control study, included 296 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck in women and 775 controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking and education level, were estimated for occupations and industries. Results An elevated OR was observed for working proprietors working for 10 years or more (OR?=?3.83, 95% CI: 1.12?13.0) with a significant trend with duration of employment (P?=?0.047). Elevated but non-significant ORs were observed for street vendors (OR?=?3.76, 95% CI: 0.99?14.3, P for trend?=?0.13), bakers (OR?=?4.19, 95% CI: 0.63?27.9, P for trend?=?0.06), and welders and flame cutters (OR?=?2.18, 95% CI: 0.33?14.4, P for trend?=?0.05). Conclusions This exploratory study suggests a role of occupational exposures in the development of HN cancer in women. Further investigations of exposures to specific agents are needed. Am. J. Ind. Med. 57:1386?1397, 2014. ? 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Few occupational studies have addressed head and neck cancer, and these studies have been predominantly conducted in men. Accordingly, our objective was to investigate the association between head and neck cancer and occupation in women. Methods ICARE, a French population-based case?control study, included 296 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck in women and 775 controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking and education level, were estimated for occupations and industries. Results An elevated OR was observed for working proprietors working for 10 years or more (OR?=?3.83, 95% CI: 1.12?13.0) with a significant trend with duration of employment (P?=?0.047). Elevated but non-significant ORs were observed for street vendors (OR?=?3.76, 95% CI: 0.99?14.3, P for trend?=?0.13), bakers (OR?=?4.19, 95% CI: 0.63?27.9, P for trend?=?0.06), and welders and flame cutters (OR?=?2.18, 95% CI: 0.33?14.4, P for trend?=?0.05). Conclusions This exploratory study suggests a role of occupational exposures in the development of HN cancer in women. Further investigations of exposures to specific agents are needed. Am. J. Ind. Med. 57:1386?1397, 2014. ? 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Khalis, Barbara Charbotel, Emmanuel Fort, Véronique Chajes, Samitha Charaka, Karima El Rhazi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02486269
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Khalis, Barbara Charbotel, Emmanuel Fort, Véronique Chajes, Samitha Charaka, et al.. Occupation and female breast cancer: A case-control study in Morocco. EUROEPI 2018, European Congress of Epidemiology, Jul 2018, Lyon, France. p. S302, ⟨10.1016/j.respe.2018.05.172⟩. ⟨hal-02486269⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2018.05.172
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among Moroccan women. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study aimed to investigate the risk of breast cancer among different occupational categories in Morocco. Methods A case-control study was conducted in Fez region - Morocco, from February 2016 to August 2017. Cases were women newly diagnosed with histologically confirmed breast cancer at the University Hospital of Fez, and controls were healthy women recruited at one of six outpatient primary health centers randomly selected from the Fez region. Controls were matched to cases on age (± 5 years) and area of residence. Data were collected on occupational history and other breast cancer risk factors from cases and controls using a structured questionnaire. The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO 08) was used to classify occupations into categories. Odds ratios and corresponding 90% confidence intervals were calculated using multiple conditional logistic regression adjusting for potential confounding factors. Results A total of 300 cases and 300 controls were recruited in the study. An increased risk of breast cancer was observed for workers in elementary occupations (9) (adjusted OR=6.11, 95% CI: 3.41-10.96), particularly among women employed as Mixed crop and livestock farm workers (9213) (adjusted OR=4.26, 95% CI: 2.09-8.67). Conclusion Our findings indicate some occupational categories susceptible to the high-risks of breast cancer. Further investigations are warranted to clarify the role of chemical products involved in these occupations. Moreover, these occupational categories need more preventive actions and screening.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among Moroccan women. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study aimed to investigate the risk of breast cancer among different occupational categories in Morocco. Methods A case-control study was conducted in Fez region - Morocco, from February 2016 to August 2017. Cases were women newly diagnosed with histologically confirmed breast cancer at the University Hospital of Fez, and controls were healthy women recruited at one of six outpatient primary health centers randomly selected from the Fez region. Controls were matched to cases on age (± 5 years) and area of residence. Data were collected on occupational history and other breast cancer risk factors from cases and controls using a structured questionnaire. The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO 08) was used to classify occupations into categories. Odds ratios and corresponding 90% confidence intervals were calculated using multiple conditional logistic regression adjusting for potential confounding factors. Results A total of 300 cases and 300 controls were recruited in the study. An increased risk of breast cancer was observed for workers in elementary occupations (9) (adjusted OR=6.11, 95% CI: 3.41-10.96), particularly among women employed as Mixed crop and livestock farm workers (9213) (adjusted OR=4.26, 95% CI: 2.09-8.67). Conclusion Our findings indicate some occupational categories susceptible to the high-risks of breast cancer. Further investigations are warranted to clarify the role of chemical products involved in these occupations. Moreover, these occupational categories need more preventive actions and screening.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, Bertrand Thelot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00937342
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, et al.. Observatoire Rhône-Alpes du traumatisme. Congrès Association des Epidémiologistes de Langue Française (ADELF) - Société Française de Santé Publique (SFSP) Santé Publique et Prévention, Oct 2013, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-00937342⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Depuis 1995, fonctionne dans le département du Rhône, le Registre des victimes d’accidents de la circulation routière. Seul outil épidémiologique fiable, il représente un atout pour la France, à l’heure où l’Europe souhaite engager chaque pays dans la détermination du nombre de blessés graves basée sur un indicateur de réelle gravité lésionnelle. Afin d’améliorer les estimations nationales effectuées à partir de ce registre départemental, une extension géographique s’imposait. Par ailleurs, le dispositif constitué pour le recueil des accidents de la route pouvait aisément être étendu au recueil des autres types d’accidents : les accidents de la vie courante et les accidents du travail. C’est ainsi qu’en janvier 2013, est né le recueil de l’Observatoire Rhône-Alpes du traumatisme dont l’un des objectifs est la surveillance sanitaire systématique et continue de l’ensemble des victimes d’accidents sur une zone géographique délimitée : le département de l’Ain. Encadrés par le réseau des services d’urgences de la vallée du Rhône, des enquêteurs postés dans les services d’urgence des hôpitaux de l’Ain recueillent, auprès des victimes, des caractéristiques générales, celles de leur accident ainsi qu’un bilan précis de leurs lésions et de leur parcours hospitalier. Les victimes sont suivies jusqu’à leur retour à domicile ou leur décès. A termes, les informations seront saisies au moyen d’une application développée sur tablettes tactiles. L’Observatoire Rhône-Alpes du traumatisme permettra de répondre à des objectifs de recherche (définition de groupes à risque, base de sondage pour d’autres études) et à des objectifs de santé publique (surveillance, définition d’enjeux, évaluation de mesures). Ainsi, près de 60 000 cas sont attendus chaque année : environ 8 000 victimes d’accidents de la route dans le Rhône, et dans l’Ain : 42 000 victimes d’accidents de la vie courante, 7 000 d’accidents du travail et 2 000 d’accidents de la route.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Depuis 1995, fonctionne dans le département du Rhône, le Registre des victimes d’accidents de la circulation routière. Seul outil épidémiologique fiable, il représente un atout pour la France, à l’heure où l’Europe souhaite engager chaque pays dans la détermination du nombre de blessés graves basée sur un indicateur de réelle gravité lésionnelle. Afin d’améliorer les estimations nationales effectuées à partir de ce registre départemental, une extension géographique s’imposait. Par ailleurs, le dispositif constitué pour le recueil des accidents de la route pouvait aisément être étendu au recueil des autres types d’accidents : les accidents de la vie courante et les accidents du travail. C’est ainsi qu’en janvier 2013, est né le recueil de l’Observatoire Rhône-Alpes du traumatisme dont l’un des objectifs est la surveillance sanitaire systématique et continue de l’ensemble des victimes d’accidents sur une zone géographique délimitée : le département de l’Ain. Encadrés par le réseau des services d’urgences de la vallée du Rhône, des enquêteurs postés dans les services d’urgence des hôpitaux de l’Ain recueillent, auprès des victimes, des caractéristiques générales, celles de leur accident ainsi qu’un bilan précis de leurs lésions et de leur parcours hospitalier. Les victimes sont suivies jusqu’à leur retour à domicile ou leur décès. A termes, les informations seront saisies au moyen d’une application développée sur tablettes tactiles. L’Observatoire Rhône-Alpes du traumatisme permettra de répondre à des objectifs de recherche (définition de groupes à risque, base de sondage pour d’autres études) et à des objectifs de santé publique (surveillance, définition d’enjeux, évaluation de mesures). Ainsi, près de 60 000 cas sont attendus chaque année : environ 8 000 victimes d’accidents de la route dans le Rhône, et dans l’Ain : 42 000 victimes d’accidents de la vie courante, 7 000 d’accidents du travail et 2 000 d’accidents de la route.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Jean-Luc Novella
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01807831
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Jean-Luc Novella. Observation de l'activité de conduite de patients Alzheimer : Approche en naturalistic driving. RFMASA, Jun 2016, LYON, France. 23 p. ⟨hal-01807831⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La question de l'aptitude à la conduite des conducteurs présentant une maladie d'Alzheimer débutante est au coeur des préoccupations des praticiens et des familles. S'il est bien admis que l'activité doit cesser quand la maladie est avancée, certains conducteurs peuvent conduire en sécurité en phase débutante car les déficits attentionnels et exécutifs restent modérés. Il importe cependant de pouvoir identifier les signaux qui témoignent d'une conduite dégradée nécessitant une réduction voire un arrêt de la conduite. Deux techniques d'observation sont souvent employées pour évaluer la performance de conduite : le simulateur de conduite et le véhicule instrumenté équipé de caméras permettant une évaluation d'une heure environ par un expert. Une approche plus récemment utilisée consiste à placer un dispositif d'enregistrement vidéo directement dans le véhicule personnel du participant pendant un mois environ. Cette approche, dite naturelle (naturalistic driving) fait l'objet de la présente étude. Elle permet d'étudier l'activité de conduite « au plus près » c'est-à-dire dans des conditions réelles et familières des participants (parcours quotidiens). Ainsi l'activité de conduite de 20 patients et 21 contrôles a été analysée sur une période d'un mois. Les patients ont été recrutés dans trois centres hospitaliers (Reims, Paris et Strasbourg). Les enregistrements ont été codés à l'aide d'un outil spécialement conçu pour cette étude : le Naturalistic Driving Assessment Scale (NaDAS). Les événements critiques (accidents, presqu'accidents, incidents) ont également été comptabilisés. Les difficultés les plus significatives chez les patients ont été observées aux niveaux du maintien sur la voie, du contrôle de la vitesse, du traitement des informations visuelles et des manoeuvres de tourne-à-gauche. Les patients comptabilisaient également un plus grand nombre d'événements critiques. Ils ne déclaraient cependant pas plus de difficultés que les contrôles et ne déclaraient pas avoir changé leurs habitudes de conduite par rapport à avant (40 ans). L'approche en naturalistic driving est prometteuse car elle permet une analyse approfondie de l'activité des conducteurs.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La question de l'aptitude à la conduite des conducteurs présentant une maladie d'Alzheimer débutante est au coeur des préoccupations des praticiens et des familles. S'il est bien admis que l'activité doit cesser quand la maladie est avancée, certains conducteurs peuvent conduire en sécurité en phase débutante car les déficits attentionnels et exécutifs restent modérés. Il importe cependant de pouvoir identifier les signaux qui témoignent d'une conduite dégradée nécessitant une réduction voire un arrêt de la conduite. Deux techniques d'observation sont souvent employées pour évaluer la performance de conduite : le simulateur de conduite et le véhicule instrumenté équipé de caméras permettant une évaluation d'une heure environ par un expert. Une approche plus récemment utilisée consiste à placer un dispositif d'enregistrement vidéo directement dans le véhicule personnel du participant pendant un mois environ. Cette approche, dite naturelle (naturalistic driving) fait l'objet de la présente étude. Elle permet d'étudier l'activité de conduite « au plus près » c'est-à-dire dans des conditions réelles et familières des participants (parcours quotidiens). Ainsi l'activité de conduite de 20 patients et 21 contrôles a été analysée sur une période d'un mois. Les patients ont été recrutés dans trois centres hospitaliers (Reims, Paris et Strasbourg). Les enregistrements ont été codés à l'aide d'un outil spécialement conçu pour cette étude : le Naturalistic Driving Assessment Scale (NaDAS). Les événements critiques (accidents, presqu'accidents, incidents) ont également été comptabilisés. Les difficultés les plus significatives chez les patients ont été observées aux niveaux du maintien sur la voie, du contrôle de la vitesse, du traitement des informations visuelles et des manoeuvres de tourne-à-gauche. Les patients comptabilisaient également un plus grand nombre d'événements critiques. Ils ne déclaraient cependant pas plus de difficultés que les contrôles et ne déclaraient pas avoir changé leurs habitudes de conduite par rapport à avant (40 ans). L'approche en naturalistic driving est prometteuse car elle permet une analyse approfondie de l'activité des conducteurs.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Barbara Charbotel, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Emmanuel Fort, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01879746
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Barbara Charbotel, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Emmanuel Fort, Luc Fontana. Nurses' Occupational and Medical Risks Factors of Leaving the Profession in Nursing Homes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15 (9), pp.1850. ⟨10.3390/ijerph15091850⟩. ⟨hal-01879746⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph15091850
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This study aimed to evaluate the association between intention to leave work, and working conditions and health status among female care-staff in nursing homes. A multicenter cross-sectional study included female care-staff in 105 nursing homes for the elderly. We used validated questionnaires to assess occupational, psychosocial and medical data in a multicenter transverse study. Univariate analysis on chi² test was performed with stratification according to job (nurse, nursing assistant), and variables found to be significant on each dimension were included on multivariate models. 1428 nursing assistants and 342 registered nurses were included. 391 nursing assistants and 85 registered nurses intended to leave their work with the elderly. The registered nurses' intention to leave was associated with deteriorated care-team or residents relations, and with perceived elevated hardship due to the proximity of residents' death. The nursing assistants' intention to leave was associated with deteriorated management relation, with job insecurity and elevated hardship due to the residents' intellectual deterioration. Impaired physical or psychological health status also correlated with this intention. Policy to reduce voluntary turnover of care-staff in nursing homes for the elderly could be based on multifactorial management, acting on work organization and reducing psychosocial stress.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This study aimed to evaluate the association between intention to leave work, and working conditions and health status among female care-staff in nursing homes. A multicenter cross-sectional study included female care-staff in 105 nursing homes for the elderly. We used validated questionnaires to assess occupational, psychosocial and medical data in a multicenter transverse study. Univariate analysis on chi² test was performed with stratification according to job (nurse, nursing assistant), and variables found to be significant on each dimension were included on multivariate models. 1428 nursing assistants and 342 registered nurses were included. 391 nursing assistants and 85 registered nurses intended to leave their work with the elderly. The registered nurses' intention to leave was associated with deteriorated care-team or residents relations, and with perceived elevated hardship due to the proximity of residents' death. The nursing assistants' intention to leave was associated with deteriorated management relation, with job insecurity and elevated hardship due to the residents' intellectual deterioration. Impaired physical or psychological health status also correlated with this intention. Policy to reduce voluntary turnover of care-staff in nursing homes for the elderly could be based on multifactorial management, acting on work organization and reducing psychosocial stress.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Damien Bourgeois, Christophe Yrieix, Alain Aymard, Luc Belzunces, Nicolas Bertrand, Isabelle Billault, Isabelle Deportes, Jérôme Husson, Guillaume Karr, Alexandra Leiterer, Jean-Pierre Lepoittevin, Mélanie Nicolas, Adèle Paul, Catherine Pecquet, Sophie Robert, Patrick Rousseaux, Jean-Marc Sapori, Céline Dubois, Aurélie Mathieu-Huart
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-04370689
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Damien Bourgeois, Christophe Yrieix, Alain Aymard, Luc Belzunces, Nicolas Bertrand, et al.. Note d’appui scientifique et technique de l’Anses relative au projet de décret relatif à l’information sur les produits de protection intime. Saisine n°2022-SA-0106, Anses. 2022, pp.22. ⟨anses-04370689⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En 2019, l’Anses a publié un avis et un rapport sur la sécurité des protections intimes. Cette expertise n’a pas mis en évidence de préoccupation sanitaire liée aux substances chimiques présentes dans ces produits. Cependant, le principal risque documenté lié au port de protections intimes internes (tampon, coupe menstruelle) est le syndrome de choc toxique menstruel (SCT) qui, bien que rare, peut entrainer de graves conséquences sur la santé des femmes qui en sont victimes. Les protections intimes externes (serviettes, protège-slips) n’ont jamais été impliquées dans le SCT menstruel. Depuis cette expertise, des actions ont été mises en œuvre par le Gouvernement afin d’inciter les industriels à mettre en place des autocontrôles périodiques des produits et à améliorer leur processus d’approvisionnement et de fabrication de façon à supprimer ou limiter autant que possible la présence de substances chimiques préoccupantes (HAP, dioxines, furanes, phtalates, pesticides notamment). D’autre part, des contrôles périodiques ont été diligentés sur ces produits par la DGS et la DGCCRF dont les derniers résultats d’enquête sur les nouveaux produits de protection intime (serviettes réutilisables ou culottes menstruelles, tampons à usage unique dits « biologiques » ou réutilisables) ont été publiés en mars 2022. La DGCCRF et la DGS ont rédigé conjointement un projet de décret qui vise à renforcer la protection et l’information des consommatrices et en particulier l’information spécifique sur les produits de protection intime sur les trois points essentiels suivants : la composition de ces produits, les modalités et précautions d’utilisation et les risques sanitaires associés à la composition ou l’utilisation de ces produits. Dans ce contexte, la DGCCRF et la DGS souhaitent disposer d’un avis de l’Anses sur le projet de décret relatif à l’information sur les produits de protection intime, en particulier sur les modalités et précautions d’utilisation mentionnées en annexe de ce projet, telles que notamment le temps de port maximal recommandé des produits de protection intime à usage interne et la recommandation d’utilisation des produits de protection intime à usage externe la nuit.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En 2019, l’Anses a publié un avis et un rapport sur la sécurité des protections intimes. Cette expertise n’a pas mis en évidence de préoccupation sanitaire liée aux substances chimiques présentes dans ces produits. Cependant, le principal risque documenté lié au port de protections intimes internes (tampon, coupe menstruelle) est le syndrome de choc toxique menstruel (SCT) qui, bien que rare, peut entrainer de graves conséquences sur la santé des femmes qui en sont victimes. Les protections intimes externes (serviettes, protège-slips) n’ont jamais été impliquées dans le SCT menstruel. Depuis cette expertise, des actions ont été mises en œuvre par le Gouvernement afin d’inciter les industriels à mettre en place des autocontrôles périodiques des produits et à améliorer leur processus d’approvisionnement et de fabrication de façon à supprimer ou limiter autant que possible la présence de substances chimiques préoccupantes (HAP, dioxines, furanes, phtalates, pesticides notamment). D’autre part, des contrôles périodiques ont été diligentés sur ces produits par la DGS et la DGCCRF dont les derniers résultats d’enquête sur les nouveaux produits de protection intime (serviettes réutilisables ou culottes menstruelles, tampons à usage unique dits « biologiques » ou réutilisables) ont été publiés en mars 2022. La DGCCRF et la DGS ont rédigé conjointement un projet de décret qui vise à renforcer la protection et l’information des consommatrices et en particulier l’information spécifique sur les produits de protection intime sur les trois points essentiels suivants : la composition de ces produits, les modalités et précautions d’utilisation et les risques sanitaires associés à la composition ou l’utilisation de ces produits. Dans ce contexte, la DGCCRF et la DGS souhaitent disposer d’un avis de l’Anses sur le projet de décret relatif à l’information sur les produits de protection intime, en particulier sur les modalités et précautions d’utilisation mentionnées en annexe de ce projet, telles que notamment le temps de port maximal recommandé des produits de protection intime à usage interne et la recommandation d’utilisation des produits de protection intime à usage externe la nuit.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01840486
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard. Niveau tensionnel moyen et risque d'hypertension chez les riverains des aéroports en France. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire - BEH, 2018, 18, pp. 364-372. ⟨hal-01840486⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectif - En 2009, une méta-analyse a mis en évidence une augmentation du risque d'hypertension artérielle (HTA) avec l'exposition au bruit des avions. Un des objectifs de l'étude Debats (Discussion sur les effets du bruit des aéronefs touchant la santé), réalisée en 2013, était de décrire la prévalence de l'HTA et de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et le risque d'HTA chez les riverains des aéroports en France. Méthodes - La pression artérielle a été mesurée chez 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Des informations relatives aux facteurs de risque potentiels d'HTA ont été recueillies, soit via un questionnaire administré en face-à-face par un enquêteur, soit grâce à des mesures objectives réalisées par cet enquêteur. L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir de cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. Les facteurs de risque potentiels de l'HTA ont été inclus dans des modèles de régression logistique comme facteurs de confusion. Résultats - La prévalence de l'HTA est significativement plus élevée chez les hommes (37,0%) que chez les femmes (30,5%). Une augmentation significative du risque d'HTA est observée chez les hommes (ORa=1,34, IC95%: [1,00-1,97]), mais pas chez les femmes (ORa=0,90 [0,66-1,22]) pour une augmentation de 10 dB(A) de l'exposition au bruit des avions pendant la nuit. Conclusion - Ces résultats confirment ceux de la plupart des études antérieures, qui suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions pendant la nuit augmenterait le risque d'HTA chez les hommes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectif - En 2009, une méta-analyse a mis en évidence une augmentation du risque d'hypertension artérielle (HTA) avec l'exposition au bruit des avions. Un des objectifs de l'étude Debats (Discussion sur les effets du bruit des aéronefs touchant la santé), réalisée en 2013, était de décrire la prévalence de l'HTA et de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et le risque d'HTA chez les riverains des aéroports en France. Méthodes - La pression artérielle a été mesurée chez 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Des informations relatives aux facteurs de risque potentiels d'HTA ont été recueillies, soit via un questionnaire administré en face-à-face par un enquêteur, soit grâce à des mesures objectives réalisées par cet enquêteur. L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir de cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. Les facteurs de risque potentiels de l'HTA ont été inclus dans des modèles de régression logistique comme facteurs de confusion. Résultats - La prévalence de l'HTA est significativement plus élevée chez les hommes (37,0%) que chez les femmes (30,5%). Une augmentation significative du risque d'HTA est observée chez les hommes (ORa=1,34, IC95%: [1,00-1,97]), mais pas chez les femmes (ORa=0,90 [0,66-1,22]) pour une augmentation de 10 dB(A) de l'exposition au bruit des avions pendant la nuit. Conclusion - Ces résultats confirment ceux de la plupart des études antérieures, qui suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions pendant la nuit augmenterait le risque d'HTA chez les hommes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Baudin, Guillaume Emeriaud, Sandrine Essouri, Jennifer Beck, Etienne Javouhey, Claude Guerin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03223958
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Baudin, Guillaume Emeriaud, Sandrine Essouri, Jennifer Beck, Etienne Javouhey, et al.. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist decreases work of breathing during non-invasive ventilation in infants with severe bronchiolitis. Critical Care, 2019, 23 (1), 3 p. ⟨10.1186/s13054-019-2379-8⟩. ⟨hal-03223958⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s13054-019-2379-8
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Though neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is known to improve patient-ventilator interactions in infants with bronchiolitis [1, 2], its impact on respiratory muscles unloading has not previously been studied.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Though neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is known to improve patient-ventilator interactions in infants with bronchiolitis [1, 2], its impact on respiratory muscles unloading has not previously been studied.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Baudin, Robin Pouyau, Fleur Cour-Andlauer, Julien Berthiller, Dominique Robert, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160272
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Baudin, Robin Pouyau, Fleur Cour-Andlauer, Julien Berthiller, Dominique Robert, et al.. Neurally adjusted ventilator assist (NAVA) reduces asynchrony during non-invasive ventilation for severe bronchiolitis. Pediatric Pulmonology, 2015, 50 (12), pp. 1320-1327. ⟨10.1002/ppul.23139⟩. ⟨hal-02160272⟩
DOI : 10.1002/ppul.23139
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : To determine the prevalence of main inspiratory asynchrony events during non-invasive intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (NIV) for severe bronchiolitis. Ventilator response time and asynchrony were compared in neurally adjusted ventilator assist (NAVA) and in pressure assist/control (PAC) modes. Methods This prospective physiological study was performed in a university hospital's paediatric intensive care unit and included 11 children (aged 35.2?±?23 days) with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis with failure of nCPAP. Patients received NIV for 2?hr in PAC mode followed by 2?hr in NAVA mode. Electrical activity of the diaphragm and pressure curves were recorded for 10?min. Trigger delay, main asynchronies (auto-triggering, double triggering, or non-triggered breaths) were analyzed, and the asynchrony index was calculated for each period. Results The asynchrony index was lower during NAVA than during PAC (3?±?3% vs. 38?±?21%, P?
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : To determine the prevalence of main inspiratory asynchrony events during non-invasive intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (NIV) for severe bronchiolitis. Ventilator response time and asynchrony were compared in neurally adjusted ventilator assist (NAVA) and in pressure assist/control (PAC) modes. Methods This prospective physiological study was performed in a university hospital's paediatric intensive care unit and included 11 children (aged 35.2?±?23 days) with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis with failure of nCPAP. Patients received NIV for 2?hr in PAC mode followed by 2?hr in NAVA mode. Electrical activity of the diaphragm and pressure curves were recorded for 10?min. Trigger delay, main asynchronies (auto-triggering, double triggering, or non-triggered breaths) were analyzed, and the asynchrony index was calculated for each period. Results The asynchrony index was lower during NAVA than during PAC (3?±?3% vs. 38?±?21%, P?
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Baudin, Alexandra Buisson, Blandine Vanel, Bruno Massenavette, Robin Pouyau, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01714376
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Baudin, Alexandra Buisson, Blandine Vanel, Bruno Massenavette, Robin Pouyau, et al.. Nasal high flow in management of children with status asthmaticus: a retrospective observational study. Annals of Intensive Care, 2017, 7, pp.55. ⟨10.1186/s13613-017-0278-1⟩. ⟨hal-01714376⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s13613-017-0278-1
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Asthma is the most common obstructive airway disease in children and adults. Nasal high flow (NHF) is a recent device that is now used as a primary support for respiratory distress. Several studies have reported use of NHF as a respiratory support in status asthmaticus; however, there are no data to recommend such practice. We therefore conducted this preliminary study to evaluate NHF therapy for children with status asthmaticus admitted to our PICU in order to prepare a multicentre randomized controlled study. Results: Between November 2009 and January 2014, 73 patients with status asthmaticus were admitted to the PICU, of whom 39 (53%) were treated with NHF and among these 10 (26%) presented severe acidosis at admission (pH < 7.30). Thirty-four less severe children (41%) were treated with standard oxygen. For one child (2.6%) NHF failed and was then switched to non-invasive ventilation. NHF was discontinued in another patient because of the occurrence of pneumothorax after 31 h with NHF; the patient was then switched to standard oxygen therapy. Mean ± SD heart rate (165 ± 21 vs. 141 ± 25/min, p < 0.01) and respiratory rate (40 ± 13 vs. 31 ± 8/min, p < 0.01) decreased significantly, and blood gas improved in the first 24 h. In the subgroup of patients with acidosis, median [IQR] pH increased significantly between hour 0 and 2 (7.25 [7.21–7.26] vs. 7.30 [7.27–7.33], p = 0.009) and median [IQR] pCO2 decreased significantly (7.27 kPa [6.84–7.91 vs. 5.85 kPa [5.56–6.11], p = 0.007). No patient was intubated. Conclusion: This retrospective study showed the feasibility and safety of NHF in children with severe asthma. Blood gas and clinical parameters were significantly improved during the first 24 h. NHF failed in only two patients, and none required invasive ventilation.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Asthma is the most common obstructive airway disease in children and adults. Nasal high flow (NHF) is a recent device that is now used as a primary support for respiratory distress. Several studies have reported use of NHF as a respiratory support in status asthmaticus; however, there are no data to recommend such practice. We therefore conducted this preliminary study to evaluate NHF therapy for children with status asthmaticus admitted to our PICU in order to prepare a multicentre randomized controlled study. Results: Between November 2009 and January 2014, 73 patients with status asthmaticus were admitted to the PICU, of whom 39 (53%) were treated with NHF and among these 10 (26%) presented severe acidosis at admission (pH < 7.30). Thirty-four less severe children (41%) were treated with standard oxygen. For one child (2.6%) NHF failed and was then switched to non-invasive ventilation. NHF was discontinued in another patient because of the occurrence of pneumothorax after 31 h with NHF; the patient was then switched to standard oxygen therapy. Mean ± SD heart rate (165 ± 21 vs. 141 ± 25/min, p < 0.01) and respiratory rate (40 ± 13 vs. 31 ± 8/min, p < 0.01) decreased significantly, and blood gas improved in the first 24 h. In the subgroup of patients with acidosis, median [IQR] pH increased significantly between hour 0 and 2 (7.25 [7.21–7.26] vs. 7.30 [7.27–7.33], p = 0.009) and median [IQR] pCO2 decreased significantly (7.27 kPa [6.84–7.91 vs. 5.85 kPa [5.56–6.11], p = 0.007). No patient was intubated. Conclusion: This retrospective study showed the feasibility and safety of NHF in children with severe asthma. Blood gas and clinical parameters were significantly improved during the first 24 h. NHF failed in only two patients, and none required invasive ventilation.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Françoise Facy
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00908361
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Françoise Facy. Médicaments psychotropes : consommations et pharmacodépendances. Médicaments psychotropes : consommations et pharmacodépendances, INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE - INSERM, 586 p, 2012, Expertise Collective. ⟨hal-00908361⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie (MILDT) a sollicité l’Inserm pour la réalisation d’une expertise collective sur les consommations de ces médicaments, leurs mésusages et les pharmacodépendances associés. L’objectif était de bénéficier d’un éclairage scientifique sur ces phénomènes, assorti de recommandations utiles à l’amélioration des dispositifs réglementaires, de prévention et de soin existant en France. Pour répondre à cette demande, l’Inserm a réuni un groupe pluridisciplinaire de 11 experts dans les champs de l’épidémiologie, la pharmacovigilance, la santé publique, la sociologie, l’anthropologie, la toxicologie, la psychiatrie, la neurobiologie qui ont analysé plus de 1100 publications scientifiques internationales permettant de dresser les principaux constats sur la situation française dans ce domaine.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie (MILDT) a sollicité l’Inserm pour la réalisation d’une expertise collective sur les consommations de ces médicaments, leurs mésusages et les pharmacodépendances associés. L’objectif était de bénéficier d’un éclairage scientifique sur ces phénomènes, assorti de recommandations utiles à l’amélioration des dispositifs réglementaires, de prévention et de soin existant en France. Pour répondre à cette demande, l’Inserm a réuni un groupe pluridisciplinaire de 11 experts dans les champs de l’épidémiologie, la pharmacovigilance, la santé publique, la sociologie, l’anthropologie, la toxicologie, la psychiatrie, la neurobiologie qui ont analysé plus de 1100 publications scientifiques internationales permettant de dresser les principaux constats sur la situation française dans ce domaine.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Françoise Facy
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00908362
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Françoise Facy. Médicaments psychotropes : consommations et pharmacodépendances. Médicaments psychotropes : consommations et pharmacodépendances, INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE - INSERM, 586 p, 2012, Expertise Collective. ⟨hal-00908362⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie (MILDT) a sollicité l’Inserm pour la réalisation d’une expertise collective sur les consommations de ces médicaments, leurs mésusages et les pharmacodépendances associés. L’objectif était de bénéficier d’un éclairage scientifique sur ces phénomènes, assorti de recommandations utiles à l’amélioration des dispositifs réglementaires, de prévention et de soin existant en France. Pour répondre à cette demande, l’Inserm a réuni un groupe pluridisciplinaire de 11 experts dans les champs de l’épidémiologie, la pharmacovigilance, la santé publique, la sociologie, l’anthropologie, la toxicologie, la psychiatrie, la neurobiologie qui ont analysé plus de 1100 publications scientifiques internationales permettant de dresser les principaux constats sur la situation française dans ce domaine.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie (MILDT) a sollicité l’Inserm pour la réalisation d’une expertise collective sur les consommations de ces médicaments, leurs mésusages et les pharmacodépendances associés. L’objectif était de bénéficier d’un éclairage scientifique sur ces phénomènes, assorti de recommandations utiles à l’amélioration des dispositifs réglementaires, de prévention et de soin existant en France. Pour répondre à cette demande, l’Inserm a réuni un groupe pluridisciplinaire de 11 experts dans les champs de l’épidémiologie, la pharmacovigilance, la santé publique, la sociologie, l’anthropologie, la toxicologie, la psychiatrie, la neurobiologie qui ont analysé plus de 1100 publications scientifiques internationales permettant de dresser les principaux constats sur la situation française dans ce domaine.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Agnès Cadet-Taïrou, Tiphaine Canarelli, Serge Escots, Françoise Facy, Laurence Lanfumey-Mongredien, Maryse Lapeyre-Mestre, Philippe Le Moigne, Florence Noble, Xavier Thirion, Marie Tournier, Florence Vorspan
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-02102985
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Agnès Cadet-Taïrou, Tiphaine Canarelli, Serge Escots, Françoise Facy, Laurence Lanfumey-Mongredien, et al.. Médicaments psychotropes : Consommations et pharmacodépendances. [Rapport de recherche] Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale(INSERM). 2012, Paris : Inserm : Éditions EDP Sciences (ISSN : 1264-1782) / 598 p. ⟨inserm-02102985⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les médicaments psychotropes, du fait de leurs propriétés psychoactives, peuvent entrainer un risque d’abus et de dépendance. Malgré des règles strictes de prescription et de délivrance, leur consommation s’effectue parfois hors prescription médicale ou sans respect des indications ou des consignes de prescription. Ces mésusages peuvent être associés à une obtention illégale du médicament. Sollicité par la Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie (Mildt), cette expertise collective fait le point sur la consommation de médicaments psychotropes en France et analyse les diverses formes de mésusage selon les populations et les contextes. L’expertise fait également le point sur la dépendance à ces médicaments, sur les règlementations et les dispositifs de surveillance de l’abus et de la dépendance, en France et au plan international.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les médicaments psychotropes, du fait de leurs propriétés psychoactives, peuvent entrainer un risque d’abus et de dépendance. Malgré des règles strictes de prescription et de délivrance, leur consommation s’effectue parfois hors prescription médicale ou sans respect des indications ou des consignes de prescription. Ces mésusages peuvent être associés à une obtention illégale du médicament. Sollicité par la Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie (Mildt), cette expertise collective fait le point sur la consommation de médicaments psychotropes en France et analyse les diverses formes de mésusage selon les populations et les contextes. L’expertise fait également le point sur la dépendance à ces médicaments, sur les règlementations et les dispositifs de surveillance de l’abus et de la dépendance, en France et au plan international.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04100407
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard. Médiation et modération dans les relations entre exposition au bruit et effets sur la santé. EPICLIN 2023 Session 9 : Exposition environnementale, May 2023, Nancy, France. 45 p. ⟨hal-04100407⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Médiation et modération dans les relations entre exposition au bruit et effets sur la santé
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Médiation et modération dans les relations entre exposition au bruit et effets sur la santé
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Frédéric V. Valla, Muriel Bost, Sylvain Roche, Marion Pitance, Charlotte Cuerq, Jenna Ridout, René Ecochard, Tiphanie Ginhoux, Amandine Bellon, Carole Ford-Chessel, Aurélie Portefaix, Etienne Javouhey, Emilie Blond
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02483514
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Frédéric V. Valla, Muriel Bost, Sylvain Roche, Marion Pitance, Charlotte Cuerq, et al.. Multiple Micronutrient Plasma Level Changes Are Related to Oxidative Stress Intensity in Critically Ill Children. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2018, 19 (9), pp.e455. ⟨10.1097/PCC.0000000000001626⟩. ⟨hal-02483514⟩
DOI : 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001626
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: Micronutrient supplementation in critically ill adults remains controversial. In the pediatric setting, the impact of oxidative stress on the overall micronutrient status has been poorly explored, due to the limited number of studies and to confounding factors (i.e., malnutrition or extra losses). In order to better understand this phenomenon, we aim to describe micronutrient status, focusing on seven micronutrients, in well-nourished critically ill children presenting with severe oxidative stress. Design: Prospective, transversal, observational, single-center study. Setting: PICU, and anesthesiology department, Lyon, France. Patients: Three groups of patients were clinically defined: severe oxidative stress PICU group (at least two organ dysfunctions), moderate oxidative stress PICU group (single organ dysfunction), and healthy control group (prior to elective surgery); oxidative stress intensity was controlled by measuring plasma levels of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione. Children presenting any former condition leading to micronutrient deficiency were excluded (malnutrition, external losses). Interventions: Plasma levels of selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, and ?-carotene were measured in PICU oxidative stress conditions and compared with those of healthy children. Measurements and Main Results: Two hundred one patients were enrolled (51, 48, and 102 in severe, moderate, and healthy control groups, respectively). Median age was 7.1 years (interquartile range, 2.1-13.8 yr). There was a significant trend (p < 0.02) toward plasma level decrease of six micronutrients (selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin E, vitamin C, and ?-carotene) while oxidative stress intensity increased. Biological markers of oxidative stress (glutathione peroxidase and glutathione) were in accordance with the clinical definition of the three groups. Conclusions: A multiple micronutrient deficiency or redistribution occurs in critically ill children presenting with severe oxidative stress. These findings will help to better identify children who might benefit from micronutrient supplementation and to design adapted supplementation trials in this particular setting.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: Micronutrient supplementation in critically ill adults remains controversial. In the pediatric setting, the impact of oxidative stress on the overall micronutrient status has been poorly explored, due to the limited number of studies and to confounding factors (i.e., malnutrition or extra losses). In order to better understand this phenomenon, we aim to describe micronutrient status, focusing on seven micronutrients, in well-nourished critically ill children presenting with severe oxidative stress. Design: Prospective, transversal, observational, single-center study. Setting: PICU, and anesthesiology department, Lyon, France. Patients: Three groups of patients were clinically defined: severe oxidative stress PICU group (at least two organ dysfunctions), moderate oxidative stress PICU group (single organ dysfunction), and healthy control group (prior to elective surgery); oxidative stress intensity was controlled by measuring plasma levels of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione. Children presenting any former condition leading to micronutrient deficiency were excluded (malnutrition, external losses). Interventions: Plasma levels of selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, and ?-carotene were measured in PICU oxidative stress conditions and compared with those of healthy children. Measurements and Main Results: Two hundred one patients were enrolled (51, 48, and 102 in severe, moderate, and healthy control groups, respectively). Median age was 7.1 years (interquartile range, 2.1-13.8 yr). There was a significant trend (p < 0.02) toward plasma level decrease of six micronutrients (selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin E, vitamin C, and ?-carotene) while oxidative stress intensity increased. Biological markers of oxidative stress (glutathione peroxidase and glutathione) were in accordance with the clinical definition of the three groups. Conclusions: A multiple micronutrient deficiency or redistribution occurs in critically ill children presenting with severe oxidative stress. These findings will help to better identify children who might benefit from micronutrient supplementation and to design adapted supplementation trials in this particular setting.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Francesca Mattei, Silvia Liverani, Florence Guida, Mireille Matrat, Sylvie Cenée, Lamiae Azizi, Gwenn Menvielle, Marie Sanchez, Corinne Pilorget, Bénédicte Lapôtre-Ledoux, Danièle Luce, Sylvia Richardson, Isabelle Stücker
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01282444
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Francesca Mattei, Silvia Liverani, Florence Guida, Mireille Matrat, Sylvie Cenée, et al.. Multidimensional analysis of the effect of occupational exposure to organic solvents on lung cancer risk: the ICARE study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2016, 73 (6), pp.368-377. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2015-103177⟩. ⟨hal-01282444⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2015-103177
pubmedId_s : 26911986
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: The association between lung cancer and occupational exposure to organic solvents is discussed. Since different solvents are often used simultaneously, it is difficult to assess the role of individual substances. OBJECTIVES: The present study is focused on an in-depth investigation of the potential association between lung cancer risk and occupational exposure to a large group of organic solvents, taking into account the well-known risk factors for lung cancer, tobacco smoking and occupational exposure to asbestos. METHODS: We analysed data from the Investigation of occupational and environmental causes of respiratory cancers (ICARE) study, a large French population-based case-control study, set up between 2001 and 2007. A total of 2276 male cases and 2780 male controls were interviewed, and long-life occupational history was collected. In order to overcome the analytical difficulties created by multiple correlated exposures, we carried out a novel type of analysis based on Bayesian profile regression. RESULTS: After analysis with conventional logistic regression methods, none of the 11 solvents examined were associated with lung cancer risk. Through a profile regression approach, we did not observe any significant association between solvent exposure and lung cancer. However, we identified clusters at high risk that are related to occupations known to be at risk of developing lung cancer, such as painters. CONCLUSIONS: Organic solvents do not appear to be substantial contributors to the occupational risk of lung cancer for the occupations known to be at risk
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: The association between lung cancer and occupational exposure to organic solvents is discussed. Since different solvents are often used simultaneously, it is difficult to assess the role of individual substances. OBJECTIVES: The present study is focused on an in-depth investigation of the potential association between lung cancer risk and occupational exposure to a large group of organic solvents, taking into account the well-known risk factors for lung cancer, tobacco smoking and occupational exposure to asbestos. METHODS: We analysed data from the Investigation of occupational and environmental causes of respiratory cancers (ICARE) study, a large French population-based case-control study, set up between 2001 and 2007. A total of 2276 male cases and 2780 male controls were interviewed, and long-life occupational history was collected. In order to overcome the analytical difficulties created by multiple correlated exposures, we carried out a novel type of analysis based on Bayesian profile regression. RESULTS: After analysis with conventional logistic regression methods, none of the 11 solvents examined were associated with lung cancer risk. Through a profile regression approach, we did not observe any significant association between solvent exposure and lung cancer. However, we identified clusters at high risk that are related to occupations known to be at risk of developing lung cancer, such as painters. CONCLUSIONS: Organic solvents do not appear to be substantial contributors to the occupational risk of lung cancer for the occupations known to be at risk
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Manon Britel, Olivia Pterol, Stéphanie Blois da Conceiçao, Manon Ficty, Houria Brunet, Virginie Avrillon, Barbara Charbotel, Béatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01714639
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Manon Britel, Olivia Pterol, Stéphanie Blois da Conceiçao, Manon Ficty, Houria Brunet, et al.. Moteurs et freins à la reconnaissance en maladie professionnelle des patients atteints de cancers bronchiques : une étude psychosociale.. Santé Publique, 2017, 29 (4), pp.569-578. ⟨10.3917/spub.174.0569⟩. ⟨hal-01714639⟩
DOI : 10.3917/spub.174.0569
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectifs : Bien que 10 à 20 % des cancers bronchopulmonaires seraient liés au travail, 60 % d'entre eux ne seraient pas indemnisés en maladie professionnelle. La démarche de reconnaissance est souvent méconnue des patients, néanmoins d'autres facteurs peuvent expliquer cette sous-déclaration. L'objectif de cette étude était d'identifier les facteurs psychosociaux pouvant influencer le souhait des patients d'entreprendre une démarche de demande de reconnaissance. Méthodes : Une étude de cas réalisée à partir d'entretiens semidirectifs, analysés thématiquement, a été menée auprès de huit patients atteints d'un cancer bronchique, inclus dans une cohorte visant à repérer systématiquement les expositions professionnelles et à proposer le cas échéant une démarche de reconnaissance. Résultats : Sept patients interrogés connaissaient les cancers professionnels, néanmoins la plupart d'entre eux ne font pas de lien entre des expositions passées et leur maladie actuelle. Les patients ont évoqué une démarche longue, complexe, pour un enjeu souvent abstrait. Un attachement fort à l'entreprise a été mentionné par plusieurs d'entre eux. Conclusion : La démarche de reconnaissance est souvent perçue comme une procédure contre l'employeur pour les patients qui ne les jugent pas responsables de leur état. Le contexte du cancer bronchique est également un frein à la démarche, tant sur le plan des traitements lourds et des effets secondaires, du pronostic sombre à moyen terme, que le poids du tabagisme dans l'origine de cette pathologie. Face aux freins identifiés, la motivation financière et le rôle d'accompagnement des professionnels de santé sont des éléments pouvant favoriser la déclaration en maladie professionnelle.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectifs : Bien que 10 à 20 % des cancers bronchopulmonaires seraient liés au travail, 60 % d'entre eux ne seraient pas indemnisés en maladie professionnelle. La démarche de reconnaissance est souvent méconnue des patients, néanmoins d'autres facteurs peuvent expliquer cette sous-déclaration. L'objectif de cette étude était d'identifier les facteurs psychosociaux pouvant influencer le souhait des patients d'entreprendre une démarche de demande de reconnaissance. Méthodes : Une étude de cas réalisée à partir d'entretiens semidirectifs, analysés thématiquement, a été menée auprès de huit patients atteints d'un cancer bronchique, inclus dans une cohorte visant à repérer systématiquement les expositions professionnelles et à proposer le cas échéant une démarche de reconnaissance. Résultats : Sept patients interrogés connaissaient les cancers professionnels, néanmoins la plupart d'entre eux ne font pas de lien entre des expositions passées et leur maladie actuelle. Les patients ont évoqué une démarche longue, complexe, pour un enjeu souvent abstrait. Un attachement fort à l'entreprise a été mentionné par plusieurs d'entre eux. Conclusion : La démarche de reconnaissance est souvent perçue comme une procédure contre l'employeur pour les patients qui ne les jugent pas responsables de leur état. Le contexte du cancer bronchique est également un frein à la démarche, tant sur le plan des traitements lourds et des effets secondaires, du pronostic sombre à moyen terme, que le poids du tabagisme dans l'origine de cette pathologie. Face aux freins identifiés, la motivation financière et le rôle d'accompagnement des professionnels de santé sont des éléments pouvant favoriser la déclaration en maladie professionnelle.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Mouloud Haddak, Liacine Bouaoun, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00930908
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Mouloud Haddak, Liacine Bouaoun, Jean-Louis Martin. Mortalité et morbidité des usagers de 2RM accidentés en France. Evolution et comparaison avec les autres usagers de la route. Journées scientifiques IFSTTAR "deux-roues motorisés", Oct 2013, France. 14 p. ⟨hal-00930908⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Au niveau national, les données d’accidentalité des forces de l’ordre donnent l’enjeu : les 2RM représentent 30% des blessés graves et 23% des tués (A. Moskal et JL Martin). Ces données indiquent aussi une baisse du nombre de blessés en 2RM depuis les années 2002-2003 bien moindre que de blessés en voiture. Ces données souffrent cependant de sous-enregistrement, qui varie selon le mode (2RM, voiture, vélo, piétons,…) ; une première modélisation nationale corrigeant cela (E. Amoros), indique qu’à partir de 2003, le nombre brut de blessés graves en 2RM évoluait peu et dépassait celui des blessés graves en voiture, en baisse, avec des effectifs de 20500 et 19300 respectivement à cette date-là. Et ceci est à mettre en regard de leur part dans le trafic : environ1-2% pour les 2RM et 70% pour les voitures. Cela se formalise en estimant les risques d’accident : le nombre de blessés est rapporté à leur exposition au risque, c’est-à-dire à leur mobilité : nombre de kilomètres parcourus, ou nombre d’heures passés (ratio des deux). Une étude récente, AVER (S. Blaizot, E. Amoros), décompte les blessés grâce au registre des victimes d’accident de la route dans le Rhône (2-3 fois plus complet que les données policières), et la mobilité grâce à l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements sur le même territoire. Le risque d’être blessé grave est alors estimé à 1,36 pour un million de kilomètres parcourus en 2RM, et à 0,02 en voiture, soit un risque 68 fois plus élevé pour les 2RM (par rapport au vélo, ce risque est 2 fois plus élevé, en termes de km parcourus, mais 8 fois plus, en termes d’heures passées) . En termes de mortalité, l’étude de L. Bouaoun et M. Haddak, à l’échelle nationale, rapporte les tués (selon les données des forces de l’ordre), à la mobilité mesurée par l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. Le risque d'être tué est estimé à 0,1 /million de kilomètres parcourus en 2RM et à 0,004 en voiture, soit un risque 31 fois plus élevé pour les 2RM (par rapport au vélo, ce risque est 5 fois plus élevé, en termes de km parcourus, mais 16 fois plus en termes d’heures passées). Des mesures de protection des usagers de 2RM existent et d’autres sont en cours d’évaluation voire d’invention, mais peuvent-elles réduire drastiquement ce sur-risque majeur, qui est intrinsèquement lié à la combinaison vitesse (même autorisée) et absence de carrosserie ?
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Au niveau national, les données d’accidentalité des forces de l’ordre donnent l’enjeu : les 2RM représentent 30% des blessés graves et 23% des tués (A. Moskal et JL Martin). Ces données indiquent aussi une baisse du nombre de blessés en 2RM depuis les années 2002-2003 bien moindre que de blessés en voiture. Ces données souffrent cependant de sous-enregistrement, qui varie selon le mode (2RM, voiture, vélo, piétons,…) ; une première modélisation nationale corrigeant cela (E. Amoros), indique qu’à partir de 2003, le nombre brut de blessés graves en 2RM évoluait peu et dépassait celui des blessés graves en voiture, en baisse, avec des effectifs de 20500 et 19300 respectivement à cette date-là. Et ceci est à mettre en regard de leur part dans le trafic : environ1-2% pour les 2RM et 70% pour les voitures. Cela se formalise en estimant les risques d’accident : le nombre de blessés est rapporté à leur exposition au risque, c’est-à-dire à leur mobilité : nombre de kilomètres parcourus, ou nombre d’heures passés (ratio des deux). Une étude récente, AVER (S. Blaizot, E. Amoros), décompte les blessés grâce au registre des victimes d’accident de la route dans le Rhône (2-3 fois plus complet que les données policières), et la mobilité grâce à l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements sur le même territoire. Le risque d’être blessé grave est alors estimé à 1,36 pour un million de kilomètres parcourus en 2RM, et à 0,02 en voiture, soit un risque 68 fois plus élevé pour les 2RM (par rapport au vélo, ce risque est 2 fois plus élevé, en termes de km parcourus, mais 8 fois plus, en termes d’heures passées) . En termes de mortalité, l’étude de L. Bouaoun et M. Haddak, à l’échelle nationale, rapporte les tués (selon les données des forces de l’ordre), à la mobilité mesurée par l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. Le risque d'être tué est estimé à 0,1 /million de kilomètres parcourus en 2RM et à 0,004 en voiture, soit un risque 31 fois plus élevé pour les 2RM (par rapport au vélo, ce risque est 5 fois plus élevé, en termes de km parcourus, mais 16 fois plus en termes d’heures passées). Des mesures de protection des usagers de 2RM existent et d’autres sont en cours d’évaluation voire d’invention, mais peuvent-elles réduire drastiquement ce sur-risque majeur, qui est intrinsèquement lié à la combinaison vitesse (même autorisée) et absence de carrosserie ?
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Mouloud Haddak, Liacine Bouaoun, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00930909
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Mouloud Haddak, Liacine Bouaoun, Jean-Louis Martin. Mortalité et morbidité des usagers de 2RM accidentés en France. Evolution et comparaison avec les autres usagers de la route. Journées scientifiques IFSTTAR "deux-roues motorisés", Oct 2013, France. 14 p. ⟨hal-00930909⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Au niveau national, les données d’accidentalité des forces de l’ordre donnent l’enjeu : les 2RM représentent 30% des blessés graves et 23% des tués (A. Moskal et JL Martin). Ces données indiquent aussi une baisse du nombre de blessés en 2RM depuis les années 2002-2003 bien moindre que de blessés en voiture. Ces données souffrent cependant de sous-enregistrement, qui varie selon le mode (2RM, voiture, vélo, piétons,…) ; une première modélisation nationale corrigeant cela (E. Amoros), indique qu’à partir de 2003, le nombre brut de blessés graves en 2RM évoluait peu et dépassait celui des blessés graves en voiture, en baisse, avec des effectifs de 20500 et 19300 respectivement à cette date-là. Et ceci est à mettre en regard de leur part dans le trafic : environ1-2% pour les 2RM et 70% pour les voitures. Cela se formalise en estimant les risques d’accident : le nombre de blessés est rapporté à leur exposition au risque, c’est-à-dire à leur mobilité : nombre de kilomètres parcourus, ou nombre d’heures passés (ratio des deux). Une étude récente, AVER (S. Blaizot, E. Amoros), décompte les blessés grâce au registre des victimes d’accident de la route dans le Rhône (2-3 fois plus complet que les données policières), et la mobilité grâce à l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements sur le même territoire. Le risque d’être blessé grave est alors estimé à 1,36 pour un million de kilomètres parcourus en 2RM, et à 0,02 en voiture, soit un risque 68 fois plus élevé pour les 2RM (par rapport au vélo, ce risque est 2 fois plus élevé, en termes de km parcourus, mais 8 fois plus, en termes d’heures passées) . En termes de mortalité, l’étude de L. Bouaoun et M. Haddak, à l’échelle nationale, rapporte les tués (selon les données des forces de l’ordre), à la mobilité mesurée par l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. Le risque d'être tué est estimé à 0,1 /million de kilomètres parcourus en 2RM et à 0,004 en voiture, soit un risque 31 fois plus élevé pour les 2RM (par rapport au vélo, ce risque est 5 fois plus élevé, en termes de km parcourus, mais 16 fois plus en termes d’heures passées). Des mesures de protection des usagers de 2RM existent et d’autres sont en cours d’évaluation voire d’invention, mais peuvent-elles réduire drastiquement ce sur-risque majeur, qui est intrinsèquement lié à la combinaison vitesse (même autorisée) et absence de carrosserie ?
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Au niveau national, les données d’accidentalité des forces de l’ordre donnent l’enjeu : les 2RM représentent 30% des blessés graves et 23% des tués (A. Moskal et JL Martin). Ces données indiquent aussi une baisse du nombre de blessés en 2RM depuis les années 2002-2003 bien moindre que de blessés en voiture. Ces données souffrent cependant de sous-enregistrement, qui varie selon le mode (2RM, voiture, vélo, piétons,…) ; une première modélisation nationale corrigeant cela (E. Amoros), indique qu’à partir de 2003, le nombre brut de blessés graves en 2RM évoluait peu et dépassait celui des blessés graves en voiture, en baisse, avec des effectifs de 20500 et 19300 respectivement à cette date-là. Et ceci est à mettre en regard de leur part dans le trafic : environ1-2% pour les 2RM et 70% pour les voitures. Cela se formalise en estimant les risques d’accident : le nombre de blessés est rapporté à leur exposition au risque, c’est-à-dire à leur mobilité : nombre de kilomètres parcourus, ou nombre d’heures passés (ratio des deux). Une étude récente, AVER (S. Blaizot, E. Amoros), décompte les blessés grâce au registre des victimes d’accident de la route dans le Rhône (2-3 fois plus complet que les données policières), et la mobilité grâce à l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements sur le même territoire. Le risque d’être blessé grave est alors estimé à 1,36 pour un million de kilomètres parcourus en 2RM, et à 0,02 en voiture, soit un risque 68 fois plus élevé pour les 2RM (par rapport au vélo, ce risque est 2 fois plus élevé, en termes de km parcourus, mais 8 fois plus, en termes d’heures passées) . En termes de mortalité, l’étude de L. Bouaoun et M. Haddak, à l’échelle nationale, rapporte les tués (selon les données des forces de l’ordre), à la mobilité mesurée par l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. Le risque d'être tué est estimé à 0,1 /million de kilomètres parcourus en 2RM et à 0,004 en voiture, soit un risque 31 fois plus élevé pour les 2RM (par rapport au vélo, ce risque est 5 fois plus élevé, en termes de km parcourus, mais 16 fois plus en termes d’heures passées). Des mesures de protection des usagers de 2RM existent et d’autres sont en cours d’évaluation voire d’invention, mais peuvent-elles réduire drastiquement ce sur-risque majeur, qui est intrinsèquement lié à la combinaison vitesse (même autorisée) et absence de carrosserie ?
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Linda Lasbeur, Julien Briere, Emmanuelle Amoros, Bertrand Thelot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02173662
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Linda Lasbeur, Julien Briere, Emmanuelle Amoros, Bertrand Thelot. Mortality by unintentional injuries in Metropolitan France, 2000-2012. Safety 2016 World Conference, Sep 2016, TAMPERE, Finland. pp.A264, ⟨10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.735⟩. ⟨hal-02173662⟩
DOI : 10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.735
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Abstract: Background In metropolitan France (63 million inhabitants), around 25,000 people die each year as a result of unintentional injuries. Deaths from home and leisure injuries (HLI) are more frequent than from road traffic injuries (RTI), followed by occupational injuries (OI). The objective of this study was to measure and describe the epidemiological characteristics of deaths due to unintentional injuries in metropolitan France from 2000 to 2012. Methods: HLI data come from death certificates, with an exhaustive collection. Causes of death are coded using the external causes of injury codes of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. The results are expressed in numbers, crude death rates, and age-adjusted death rates. RTI data come from police records[...]. The estimation of the number of fatal OI was established from the data of the social insurance compensation funds for workers. Results: In 2012, 21,470 deaths due to HLI occurred in France. Almost half of these deaths were due to falls, particularly frequent among the elderly. Between 2000 and 2012, a decrease of 2.2% (p < 0,001) of the annual mortality rate was registered. In 2011, RTI resulted in 3,793 deaths. Between 2001 and 2010, a very important reduction in road fatalities was noticed: - 52%, mostly the consequence of the large implementation of automated speed controls during that decade. As regards OI, the annual number of deaths is estimated at 1,557 (95% CI: 1,478-1,640) for the period 2002-2004. Conclusions: Despite the decrease between 2000 and 2012, injuries remain a significant cause of death in France. Most of these deaths could be avoided with adapted prevention, regulation and policy measures.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Abstract: Background In metropolitan France (63 million inhabitants), around 25,000 people die each year as a result of unintentional injuries. Deaths from home and leisure injuries (HLI) are more frequent than from road traffic injuries (RTI), followed by occupational injuries (OI). The objective of this study was to measure and describe the epidemiological characteristics of deaths due to unintentional injuries in metropolitan France from 2000 to 2012. Methods: HLI data come from death certificates, with an exhaustive collection. Causes of death are coded using the external causes of injury codes of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. The results are expressed in numbers, crude death rates, and age-adjusted death rates. RTI data come from police records[...]. The estimation of the number of fatal OI was established from the data of the social insurance compensation funds for workers. Results: In 2012, 21,470 deaths due to HLI occurred in France. Almost half of these deaths were due to falls, particularly frequent among the elderly. Between 2000 and 2012, a decrease of 2.2% (p < 0,001) of the annual mortality rate was registered. In 2011, RTI resulted in 3,793 deaths. Between 2001 and 2010, a very important reduction in road fatalities was noticed: - 52%, mostly the consequence of the large implementation of automated speed controls during that decade. As regards OI, the annual number of deaths is estimated at 1,557 (95% CI: 1,478-1,640) for the period 2002-2004. Conclusions: Despite the decrease between 2000 and 2012, injuries remain a significant cause of death in France. Most of these deaths could be avoided with adapted prevention, regulation and policy measures.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, Mireille Chiron, Yves Crozet, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00101527
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, et al.. Monétarisation des effets locaux de la pollution atmosphérique : des évaluations scientifiques aux décisions politiques. Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique, 2002, Paris, France. pp.1S63 - 1 S64. Résumé C8-6. ⟨halshs-00101527⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les impacts de la pollution atmosphérique (hors effets climatiques) concernent la santé humaine dans son sens le plus large, les bâtiments, l'agriculture comme les écosystèmes. La diversité des polluants émis et des récepteurs potentiels conduit à une extrême complexité des processus à quantifier, d'autant plus qu'il est nécessaire de jouer avec des échelles géographiques et temporelles diverses. L'évaluation monétaire permet se comparer et de sommer des impacts de nature différente. Il apparaît, dans l'état actuel des connaissances, que les impacts à long terme sur la santé humaine constituent l'enjeu majeur, économiquement parlant. Les « valeurs » accordées à tel ou tel impact, loin d'être des mesures relevant d'une science objective, découlent en partie des représentations collectives des risques environnementaux ainsi que des canaux, plus ou moins formellement institutionnalisés, qui permettent leur expression. Ces représentations évoluent au cours du temps, non seulement avec l'amélioration des connaissances scientifiques, mais aussi en fonction des contextes économiques, sociaux, sanitaires, culturels de chaque société. Quels types d'impact veut-on mettre en lumière et monétariser ? Par quelles méthodes ? Comment prendre en compte les effets à long terme ? Que représente le taux d'actualisation ? Quels débats suscite-t-il ? Quelles sont les hypothèses sous-jacentes ? Comment fonctionne le passage des valeurs monétaires ainsi définies à l'adoption de valeurs guides de nature monétaire (« valeurs tutélaires ») servant à évaluer les coûts de la pollution atmosphérique pour la société, et en particulier les coûts socio-économiques de projets de transports (infrastructures) ? Quelles différences dans ce processus selon les pays (exemple de la France, de la Suède et de la Suisse) ?
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les impacts de la pollution atmosphérique (hors effets climatiques) concernent la santé humaine dans son sens le plus large, les bâtiments, l'agriculture comme les écosystèmes. La diversité des polluants émis et des récepteurs potentiels conduit à une extrême complexité des processus à quantifier, d'autant plus qu'il est nécessaire de jouer avec des échelles géographiques et temporelles diverses. L'évaluation monétaire permet se comparer et de sommer des impacts de nature différente. Il apparaît, dans l'état actuel des connaissances, que les impacts à long terme sur la santé humaine constituent l'enjeu majeur, économiquement parlant. Les « valeurs » accordées à tel ou tel impact, loin d'être des mesures relevant d'une science objective, découlent en partie des représentations collectives des risques environnementaux ainsi que des canaux, plus ou moins formellement institutionnalisés, qui permettent leur expression. Ces représentations évoluent au cours du temps, non seulement avec l'amélioration des connaissances scientifiques, mais aussi en fonction des contextes économiques, sociaux, sanitaires, culturels de chaque société. Quels types d'impact veut-on mettre en lumière et monétariser ? Par quelles méthodes ? Comment prendre en compte les effets à long terme ? Que représente le taux d'actualisation ? Quels débats suscite-t-il ? Quelles sont les hypothèses sous-jacentes ? Comment fonctionne le passage des valeurs monétaires ainsi définies à l'adoption de valeurs guides de nature monétaire (« valeurs tutélaires ») servant à évaluer les coûts de la pollution atmosphérique pour la société, et en particulier les coûts socio-économiques de projets de transports (infrastructures) ? Quelles différences dans ce processus selon les pays (exemple de la France, de la Suède et de la Suisse) ?
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martin Koning, Laurent Carnis, Stijn Daniels, Dominique Mignot, Raschid Urmeew, Wim Wijnen, Martijn van der Horst, Maxime Large, Annelies Schoeters, Frits Bijleveld
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04575341
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martin Koning, Laurent Carnis, Stijn Daniels, Dominique Mignot, Raschid Urmeew, et al.. Monetary valuation of the prevention of road fatalities and serious road injuries. VIAS Institute (Belgium); BASt (Germany); KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (The Netherlands); Université Gustave Eiffel (France); KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis. 2021, pp.125. ⟨hal-04575341⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2022.106705
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Scope and research question The VALOR project is the first research initiative in which scientists from four European countries, namely Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands, have joined efforts in order to estimate VSL (Value of a Statistical Life), VSSI (Value of a Statistical Serious Injury) and VoT (Value of Time) by applying a common methodology. This study addresses the following research question: “What is the monetary valuation of the prevention of road fatalities and serious road injuries?” The use of the VALOR outcomes is twofold. Firstly, the VSL and VSSI are an important input for calculating the socio-economic costs of road crashes. Information on these costs is regularly used in road policy-making. For instance, information on the socio-economic burden of road crashes can be used as an input for budget allocation and helps to justify road safety investments. Also, comparisons can be made with the costs of other policy measures. Secondly, the VSL and VSSI are needed for cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of road safety measures or broader infrastructure projects with road safety impacts. Methodology This research is based on a preparatory study (Wijnen, et al., 2019) which assessed different methods for the monetary valuation of ”non-market goods”. As a result, it was decided to use a stated preference method (as opposed to revealed preference) and, more precisely, a stated choice study (as opposed to a contingent valuation study) for estimating the Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) for reducing the risk of fatal and serious injuries in road accidents. Respondents from each participating country were confronted with hypothetical route choices that differ in respect of travel costs, time, and crash risk. The survey was conducted between 22 October and 13 November 2020 and included 8,003 respondents. It comprised 2,005 Belgian respondents, 2,000 French, 2,000 from Germany and 1,998 from the Netherlands. The sample was compos d of 3,928 males (49.1%) and 4,075 females (50.9%). Within the full sample, 2,513 respondents (33.2%) were identified as lexicographic (always choosing the alternative with the best score on a particular attribute, to avoid complexity) and 445 respondents who answered irrational. Both groups were excluded from the main analysis. VALOR deployed different econometric models (mixed and binomial logit) and correspondingly produced several sets of values, the convergence of which shows the robustness of its results. However, a trade-off between reliability and performance had to be made in order to determine which model to choose. It was decided to use as a reference model the mixed logit with the panel dimension and without interactions. Results The main results are as follows: the average VSL was estimated at 6.2 Mill EUR, the VSSI at 950,000 EUR, and the VoT at 16.1 EUR/h. The VSL lies in the range between 5.3 and 7 Mill EUR and the VSSI between 0.8 and 1.1 Mill EUR. Accordingly, the ratio of values between fatalities and injuries is estimated at around 7 to 1. The experimental protocol appeared to be properly designed, and the reliability of results can be confirmed, particularly as a result of observations made while addressing hypothetical bias and lexicographic behaviour. For instance, with regard to hypothetical bias, the exclusion of 1,900 respondents who did not consider the survey design as realistic did not significantly modify the final estimates (the increases in VSL, VSSI and VoT did not exceed 3%). The study revealed some differences between countries. France shows the lowest WTP, while Germany has the highest. The difference between values of these two countries was 38%. Belgium and the Netherlands show quite similar values. For each country the new estimates of VALOR are considerably higher than earlier official values. Comparing the new estimates of this study with official values of the participating countries is difficult, because of different methodologies used. Earlier academic studies on VSL using WTP show a broad dispersion in estimates. The estimates from VALOR is at the higher end of range of VSL estimates in earlier research. Interpretation: interactions, COVID effect The models used in this study permit closer examination of the impact of variables. Correlations with variables such as age, parenthood, having a partner/relatives, income, risk assessment, experience of having accidents, and with participating countries were found. Secondly, the Covid-19 impact has been taken into account. It was assumed that the lockdown, the reduction of mobility, the prevention measures, as well as high numbers of Covid-19 victims, could affect the preferences of individuals regarding risk and their perception of road safety. However, the impact of the pandemic on the estimated values was found not to be significant since the fraction of respondents showing a sizeable effect is very small. Three latent variables - “thriftiness”, “time pressure” and “risky behaviour” - were introduced in order to gain additional information about the impact of individual preferences on VSL and VSSI. It appeared that attitude to risk is an important factor. VSL and VSSI values revealed in the group of risk-avoiding drivers are almost two times higher than those of the group of risk-takers.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Scope and research question The VALOR project is the first research initiative in which scientists from four European countries, namely Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands, have joined efforts in order to estimate VSL (Value of a Statistical Life), VSSI (Value of a Statistical Serious Injury) and VoT (Value of Time) by applying a common methodology. This study addresses the following research question: “What is the monetary valuation of the prevention of road fatalities and serious road injuries?” The use of the VALOR outcomes is twofold. Firstly, the VSL and VSSI are an important input for calculating the socio-economic costs of road crashes. Information on these costs is regularly used in road policy-making. For instance, information on the socio-economic burden of road crashes can be used as an input for budget allocation and helps to justify road safety investments. Also, comparisons can be made with the costs of other policy measures. Secondly, the VSL and VSSI are needed for cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of road safety measures or broader infrastructure projects with road safety impacts. Methodology This research is based on a preparatory study (Wijnen, et al., 2019) which assessed different methods for the monetary valuation of ”non-market goods”. As a result, it was decided to use a stated preference method (as opposed to revealed preference) and, more precisely, a stated choice study (as opposed to a contingent valuation study) for estimating the Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) for reducing the risk of fatal and serious injuries in road accidents. Respondents from each participating country were confronted with hypothetical route choices that differ in respect of travel costs, time, and crash risk. The survey was conducted between 22 October and 13 November 2020 and included 8,003 respondents. It comprised 2,005 Belgian respondents, 2,000 French, 2,000 from Germany and 1,998 from the Netherlands. The sample was compos d of 3,928 males (49.1%) and 4,075 females (50.9%). Within the full sample, 2,513 respondents (33.2%) were identified as lexicographic (always choosing the alternative with the best score on a particular attribute, to avoid complexity) and 445 respondents who answered irrational. Both groups were excluded from the main analysis. VALOR deployed different econometric models (mixed and binomial logit) and correspondingly produced several sets of values, the convergence of which shows the robustness of its results. However, a trade-off between reliability and performance had to be made in order to determine which model to choose. It was decided to use as a reference model the mixed logit with the panel dimension and without interactions. Results The main results are as follows: the average VSL was estimated at 6.2 Mill EUR, the VSSI at 950,000 EUR, and the VoT at 16.1 EUR/h. The VSL lies in the range between 5.3 and 7 Mill EUR and the VSSI between 0.8 and 1.1 Mill EUR. Accordingly, the ratio of values between fatalities and injuries is estimated at around 7 to 1. The experimental protocol appeared to be properly designed, and the reliability of results can be confirmed, particularly as a result of observations made while addressing hypothetical bias and lexicographic behaviour. For instance, with regard to hypothetical bias, the exclusion of 1,900 respondents who did not consider the survey design as realistic did not significantly modify the final estimates (the increases in VSL, VSSI and VoT did not exceed 3%). The study revealed some differences between countries. France shows the lowest WTP, while Germany has the highest. The difference between values of these two countries was 38%. Belgium and the Netherlands show quite similar values. For each country the new estimates of VALOR are considerably higher than earlier official values. Comparing the new estimates of this study with official values of the participating countries is difficult, because of different methodologies used. Earlier academic studies on VSL using WTP show a broad dispersion in estimates. The estimates from VALOR is at the higher end of range of VSL estimates in earlier research. Interpretation: interactions, COVID effect The models used in this study permit closer examination of the impact of variables. Correlations with variables such as age, parenthood, having a partner/relatives, income, risk assessment, experience of having accidents, and with participating countries were found. Secondly, the Covid-19 impact has been taken into account. It was assumed that the lockdown, the reduction of mobility, the prevention measures, as well as high numbers of Covid-19 victims, could affect the preferences of individuals regarding risk and their perception of road safety. However, the impact of the pandemic on the estimated values was found not to be significant since the fraction of respondents showing a sizeable effect is very small. Three latent variables - “thriftiness”, “time pressure” and “risky behaviour” - were introduced in order to gain additional information about the impact of individual preferences on VSL and VSSI. It appeared that attitude to risk is an important factor. VSL and VSSI values revealed in the group of risk-avoiding drivers are almost two times higher than those of the group of risk-takers.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Carre, Valérie Mermet, L. Steinberg, Marie-Laure Valdeyron, Fabrice Pirot, Marie-Agnès Denis, Dominique Vital Durand, Raphaëlle Girard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01492700
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Carre, Valérie Mermet, L. Steinberg, Marie-Laure Valdeyron, Fabrice Pirot, et al.. Mode d'analyse des dossiers techniques pour le choix des savons doux en établissement de santé. Hygiènes, 2014, 22 (1), pp. 27-36. ⟨hal-01492700⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans le cadre de l'appel d'offres «savons» passé en groupement de commandes UNIHA (Union des hôpitaux pour les achats), une méthode d'analyse des dossiers techniques a été développée pour identifier des indicateurs prédictifs de bonne tolérance. Méthodes. Les travaux ont été menés en deux temps : en pré campagne, analyse et synthèse des dossiers techniques par un étudiant en pharmacie ; au moment de l'appel d'offres, constitution du cahier des charges et analyse des offres reçues en groupe pluridisciplinaire. Résultats. L'étude de 20 dossiers a abouti à la synthèse d'informations relatives aux fournisseurs, aux tests effectués et aux compositions. Cette synthèse a permis de définir dans le cadre de l'appel d'offres, l'allotissement, le cahier des charges, et les méthodes de notation (prise en compte des tests et notation dégressive des composants). Les tests pris en compte concernaient la tolérance cutanée et oculaire, et la résistance à la contamination microbienne. Discussion. La méthode développée a permis de s'affranchir des essais de terrain tout en gardant un niveau d'exigence satisfaisant pour garantir la fourniture de savons bien tolérés. Ce travail sera complété par un suivi des cohortes d'utilisateurs et par une confrontation de l'analyse des dossiers techniques avec les résultats des essais de terrain des précédents appels d'offres locaux. Le travail doit être poursuivi afin d'évaluer la pertinence et la reproductibilité de ces critères et faire évoluer l'offre des fournisseurs.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans le cadre de l'appel d'offres «savons» passé en groupement de commandes UNIHA (Union des hôpitaux pour les achats), une méthode d'analyse des dossiers techniques a été développée pour identifier des indicateurs prédictifs de bonne tolérance. Méthodes. Les travaux ont été menés en deux temps : en pré campagne, analyse et synthèse des dossiers techniques par un étudiant en pharmacie ; au moment de l'appel d'offres, constitution du cahier des charges et analyse des offres reçues en groupe pluridisciplinaire. Résultats. L'étude de 20 dossiers a abouti à la synthèse d'informations relatives aux fournisseurs, aux tests effectués et aux compositions. Cette synthèse a permis de définir dans le cadre de l'appel d'offres, l'allotissement, le cahier des charges, et les méthodes de notation (prise en compte des tests et notation dégressive des composants). Les tests pris en compte concernaient la tolérance cutanée et oculaire, et la résistance à la contamination microbienne. Discussion. La méthode développée a permis de s'affranchir des essais de terrain tout en gardant un niveau d'exigence satisfaisant pour garantir la fourniture de savons bien tolérés. Ce travail sera complété par un suivi des cohortes d'utilisateurs et par une confrontation de l'analyse des dossiers techniques avec les résultats des essais de terrain des précédents appels d'offres locaux. Le travail doit être poursuivi afin d'évaluer la pertinence et la reproductibilité de ces critères et faire évoluer l'offre des fournisseurs.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pierrine Didier, Pascal Pochet, Ayman Zoubir, Louafi Bouzouina, Thomas Leysens, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-03539863
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pierrine Didier, Pascal Pochet, Ayman Zoubir, Louafi Bouzouina, Thomas Leysens, et al.. Mobilités spatiales et conditions de travail des soignants réalisant des soins à domicile en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. [Rapport de recherche] LAET (Lyon, France). 2022, pp.202. ⟨halshs-03539863⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce rapport présente la méthodologie et les principaux résultats des projets Santé-Mobilité et Santé-Mobilité en zones rurales, qui visent à mettre en lumière des aspects encore peu étudiés, les pratiques de mobilité et la place qu’elles occupent dans l’organisation du travail chez les soignants qui pratiquent la visite à domicile (VAD). Maillon essentiel de l’accès aux soins de personnes qui en ont fortement besoin (personnes âgées, personnes dépendantes, avec difficultés de déplacement ou ne disposant pas de moyens de transport), la visite à domicile, et les multiples déplacements induits a, par hypothèse, des implications fortes sur les journées de travail des soignants concernés. Cinq professions exerçant à leur propre compte (infirmier·e·s, masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, médecins généralistes, sages-femmes) ou au sein de structures privées ou associatives (aides-soignant·e·s) sont ainsi étudiées, dans différents territoires de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. L’approche, exploratoire et pluridisciplinaire, souhaite tirer parti d’apports et de méthodes développées en anthropologie, en aménagement, géographie et économie. Une méthodologie mixte qualitative – quantitative a été suivie pour le travail de terrain. Une part importante du travail empirique est consacrée à la collecte de données qualitatives, par le biais d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès de soignants des cinq professions. Ces entretiens ont été complétés, pour ces mêmes enquêtés, par des temps d’observation des soignants pendant les « tournées » de VAD qu’ils ont à faire pour prodiguer des soins au domicile des patients (suivant la méthode go-along ; Kusenbach, 2003). Deux terrains ont ainsi été menés à bien et analysés, le premier dans l’aire urbaine de Lyon, le second en zones rurales drômoise et ligérienne. Cette collecte qualitative cherche ainsi à aborder, dans une démarche compréhensive, les pratiques, les représentations, les ressentis et les « difficultés du métier », au plus près des conditions réelles d’exercice des soignants. La réalisation d’une enquête quantitative, par questionnaire web auprès des quatre professions exerçant en libéral dans la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes vient également nourrir l’analyse. Au total, 1524 questionnaires ont ainsi été complétés par les soignants de quatre professions – infirmier·e·s, kinésithérapeutes, médecins, sages-femmes – sur l'ensemble de la région AURA, permettant de compléter le terrain qualitatif pour chaque profession quant aux modes d’organisation, les pratiques professionnelles et les déplacements induits par la VAD, en fonction des caractéristiques de leur lieu d’exercice. Enfin, le projet a offert la possibilité de collecter des traces mobiles à l’aide d’une application dédiée, développée au LAET (MobAcess). Différents constats et analyses sont effectués, notamment quant à la mise en évidence des effets du territoire sur les conditions de déplacement et les conditions de travail au quotidien des différentes professions, les effets de la crise sanitaire sur l’activité, les difficultés rencontrées... Ces résultats permettent ainsi de documenter une question particulièrement importante dans des contextes d’inégalités croissantes d’accès aux soins et de vieillissement démographique, celle de l’investissement humain nécessaire pour apporter le soin au plus près des besoins des patients. Des pistes de réflexion pour l’action publique, pour surmonter les problèmes mis en évidence, peuvent ainsi être ébauchées à l’issue de cette recherche.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce rapport présente la méthodologie et les principaux résultats des projets Santé-Mobilité et Santé-Mobilité en zones rurales, qui visent à mettre en lumière des aspects encore peu étudiés, les pratiques de mobilité et la place qu’elles occupent dans l’organisation du travail chez les soignants qui pratiquent la visite à domicile (VAD). Maillon essentiel de l’accès aux soins de personnes qui en ont fortement besoin (personnes âgées, personnes dépendantes, avec difficultés de déplacement ou ne disposant pas de moyens de transport), la visite à domicile, et les multiples déplacements induits a, par hypothèse, des implications fortes sur les journées de travail des soignants concernés. Cinq professions exerçant à leur propre compte (infirmier·e·s, masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, médecins généralistes, sages-femmes) ou au sein de structures privées ou associatives (aides-soignant·e·s) sont ainsi étudiées, dans différents territoires de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. L’approche, exploratoire et pluridisciplinaire, souhaite tirer parti d’apports et de méthodes développées en anthropologie, en aménagement, géographie et économie. Une méthodologie mixte qualitative – quantitative a été suivie pour le travail de terrain. Une part importante du travail empirique est consacrée à la collecte de données qualitatives, par le biais d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès de soignants des cinq professions. Ces entretiens ont été complétés, pour ces mêmes enquêtés, par des temps d’observation des soignants pendant les « tournées » de VAD qu’ils ont à faire pour prodiguer des soins au domicile des patients (suivant la méthode go-along ; Kusenbach, 2003). Deux terrains ont ainsi été menés à bien et analysés, le premier dans l’aire urbaine de Lyon, le second en zones rurales drômoise et ligérienne. Cette collecte qualitative cherche ainsi à aborder, dans une démarche compréhensive, les pratiques, les représentations, les ressentis et les « difficultés du métier », au plus près des conditions réelles d’exercice des soignants. La réalisation d’une enquête quantitative, par questionnaire web auprès des quatre professions exerçant en libéral dans la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes vient également nourrir l’analyse. Au total, 1524 questionnaires ont ainsi été complétés par les soignants de quatre professions – infirmier·e·s, kinésithérapeutes, médecins, sages-femmes – sur l'ensemble de la région AURA, permettant de compléter le terrain qualitatif pour chaque profession quant aux modes d’organisation, les pratiques professionnelles et les déplacements induits par la VAD, en fonction des caractéristiques de leur lieu d’exercice. Enfin, le projet a offert la possibilité de collecter des traces mobiles à l’aide d’une application dédiée, développée au LAET (MobAcess). Différents constats et analyses sont effectués, notamment quant à la mise en évidence des effets du territoire sur les conditions de déplacement et les conditions de travail au quotidien des différentes professions, les effets de la crise sanitaire sur l’activité, les difficultés rencontrées... Ces résultats permettent ainsi de documenter une question particulièrement importante dans des contextes d’inégalités croissantes d’accès aux soins et de vieillissement démographique, celle de l’investissement humain nécessaire pour apporter le soin au plus près des besoins des patients. Des pistes de réflexion pour l’action publique, pour surmonter les problèmes mis en évidence, peuvent ainsi être ébauchées à l’issue de cette recherche.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Véronique Lepicier, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00975987
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Véronique Lepicier, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard. Mise au point d'un indicateur d'impact sanitaire chronique des émissions de polluants. 2012, 224 p. ⟨hal-00975987⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce travail vise à élaborer un indicateur des impacts sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic, basé sur les émissions des véhicules. Pour cela, une revue bibliographique a été réalisée pour identifier les actuels indicateurs et méthodes d'évaluation des risques sanitaires liés à l'environnement, et plus particulièrement ceux liés à la pollution atmosphérique. Dans un premier temps, nous définissons les différentes notions fondamentales relatives à la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic et à ses impacts sur la santé, ainsi que la notion d'indicateur. Nous présentons en outre les critères d'évaluation des indicateurs. La synthèse bibliographique traite d'une part des méthodes d'évaluations (évaluation des risques sanitaires, évaluation des impacts sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique urbaine, analyse du cycle de vie~), et d'autre part des méthodes d'agrégation des impacts sanitaires (masse équivalente de substance, années de vie ajustées sur les incapacités~). Enfin, après avoir évalué dans quelle mesure ces méthodes sont applicables à la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic, nous proposons un indicateur des impacts sanitaires chroniques des émissions de polluants (IISCEP). Il correspond aux émissions des polluants pondérées par un facteur de toxicité propre à chaque substance et par un facteur prenant en compte la dispersion et l'exposition des personnes. Cet indicateur se limite aux effets sanitaires directs chroniques par inhalation. Nous proposons une liste des substances qui peuvent être prises en compte grâce à la disponibilité des données les concernant. Deux exemples illustrent l'application de l'indicateur d'impact sanitaire : l'évaluation de différents scénarios du plan de déplacement urbain (PDU) de Nantes Métropole et la comparaison de deux types de carburants des véhicules particuliers (essence et gazole). Mots clés : impact sanitaire, pollution atmosphérique, indicateur, méthode, PDU, carburants, émissions.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce travail vise à élaborer un indicateur des impacts sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic, basé sur les émissions des véhicules. Pour cela, une revue bibliographique a été réalisée pour identifier les actuels indicateurs et méthodes d'évaluation des risques sanitaires liés à l'environnement, et plus particulièrement ceux liés à la pollution atmosphérique. Dans un premier temps, nous définissons les différentes notions fondamentales relatives à la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic et à ses impacts sur la santé, ainsi que la notion d'indicateur. Nous présentons en outre les critères d'évaluation des indicateurs. La synthèse bibliographique traite d'une part des méthodes d'évaluations (évaluation des risques sanitaires, évaluation des impacts sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique urbaine, analyse du cycle de vie~), et d'autre part des méthodes d'agrégation des impacts sanitaires (masse équivalente de substance, années de vie ajustées sur les incapacités~). Enfin, après avoir évalué dans quelle mesure ces méthodes sont applicables à la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic, nous proposons un indicateur des impacts sanitaires chroniques des émissions de polluants (IISCEP). Il correspond aux émissions des polluants pondérées par un facteur de toxicité propre à chaque substance et par un facteur prenant en compte la dispersion et l'exposition des personnes. Cet indicateur se limite aux effets sanitaires directs chroniques par inhalation. Nous proposons une liste des substances qui peuvent être prises en compte grâce à la disponibilité des données les concernant. Deux exemples illustrent l'application de l'indicateur d'impact sanitaire : l'évaluation de différents scénarios du plan de déplacement urbain (PDU) de Nantes Métropole et la comparaison de deux types de carburants des véhicules particuliers (essence et gazole). Mots clés : impact sanitaire, pollution atmosphérique, indicateur, méthode, PDU, carburants, émissions.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Julien Briere, Blandine Gadegbeku, Sabira Smaili, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01357481
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Julien Briere, Blandine Gadegbeku, Sabira Smaili, Barbara Charbotel. Mise au point d'indicateurs de surveillance des accidents de circulation liés au travail en France. 16ème colloque de ADEREST, Apr 2015, Lyon, France. 14 p. ⟨hal-01357481⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Communication portant sur la mise au point d'indicateurs de suivi des accidents de la route en lien avec le travail, dans le cadre de l'ADEREST.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Communication portant sur la mise au point d'indicateurs de suivi des accidents de la route en lien avec le travail, dans le cadre de l'ADEREST.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Nohales, P. Leblanc, L. Rodriguez-Borlado-Salazar, N. Guibert, M. Ottavy, F. Subtil, P. Michel, J.B. Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04051166
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Nohales, P. Leblanc, L. Rodriguez-Borlado-Salazar, N. Guibert, M. Ottavy, et al.. Mental health in hospitals: A cross-sectional study of the representations of professionals in a French university hospital. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2023, 84 (3), pp.101703. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2022.101703⟩. ⟨hal-04051166⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2022.101703
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Considering mental health is essential for the individual and society. Healthcare professionals are at risk of poor mental health. On the occasion of WHO World Mental Health Day on October 10th, 2021, a survey was conducted by the Occupational Health Service and the Direction of quality in Healthcare of the University Hospital of Lyon (Hospices civils de Lyon, HCL). The aim of the study was to collect the representations and beliefs of hospital staff on the/their mental health.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Considering mental health is essential for the individual and society. Healthcare professionals are at risk of poor mental health. On the occasion of WHO World Mental Health Day on October 10th, 2021, a survey was conducted by the Occupational Health Service and the Direction of quality in Healthcare of the University Hospital of Lyon (Hospices civils de Lyon, HCL). The aim of the study was to collect the representations and beliefs of hospital staff on the/their mental health.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Saloua Ahalli, Emmanuel Fort, Yamina Bridai, Nicole Baborier, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04051720
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Saloua Ahalli, Emmanuel Fort, Yamina Bridai, Nicole Baborier, Barbara Charbotel. Mental health and working constraints of first-year PhD students in health and science in a French university: a cross-sectional study in the context of occupational health monitoring. BMJ Open, 2022, 12 (6), pp.e057679. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057679⟩. ⟨hal-04051720⟩
DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057679
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: To assess the mental health and working constraints perception of first-year PhD in France.DESIGN: It is a cross-sectional study.SETTING: The study was conducted by the team of the Lyon 1 University's Occupational Health and Medical Service for Staff, from October 2019 to February 2020. First-year PhD students employed by the university were seen during the routine occupational health medical check-up.PARTICIPANTS: A total of 161 PhD students in science from the 2019 intake were included in the study (participation rate 98%).OUTCOME MEASURES: Data were collected using a self-questionnaire on psychosocial constraints at work (Job Content Questionnaire), the quality of the professional relationship with the supervisor (Advisory Working Alliance Inventory, Student perspective (AWAI-S)), medical conditions, anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7) and depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-9).RESULTS: A total of 161 PhD students from the 2019 intake were included in the study (participation rate 98%). Most of the PhD students reported high psychological demands (58%), high decision latitude (53%), high social support (55%) and good professional relationships with their supervisor (mean of global score of AWAI-S=114.5). However, 34% showed signs of at least mild depression, 19% showed signs of anxiety and 20% were referred to a mental health professional after the survey. Bivariate analyses showed that history of psychiatric disorders, their relationship with their supervisor, having complementary teaching activities and stressful working conditions contributed to anxiety and depression.CONCLUSIONS: Even in the first year of their PhD, some students had mental health issues. It seems relevant to generalise the medical follow-up of all PhD students as soon as they enter the doctoral programme in order to detect and treat their health problems and psychological disorders at an early stage.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: To assess the mental health and working constraints perception of first-year PhD in France.DESIGN: It is a cross-sectional study.SETTING: The study was conducted by the team of the Lyon 1 University's Occupational Health and Medical Service for Staff, from October 2019 to February 2020. First-year PhD students employed by the university were seen during the routine occupational health medical check-up.PARTICIPANTS: A total of 161 PhD students in science from the 2019 intake were included in the study (participation rate 98%).OUTCOME MEASURES: Data were collected using a self-questionnaire on psychosocial constraints at work (Job Content Questionnaire), the quality of the professional relationship with the supervisor (Advisory Working Alliance Inventory, Student perspective (AWAI-S)), medical conditions, anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7) and depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-9).RESULTS: A total of 161 PhD students from the 2019 intake were included in the study (participation rate 98%). Most of the PhD students reported high psychological demands (58%), high decision latitude (53%), high social support (55%) and good professional relationships with their supervisor (mean of global score of AWAI-S=114.5). However, 34% showed signs of at least mild depression, 19% showed signs of anxiety and 20% were referred to a mental health professional after the survey. Bivariate analyses showed that history of psychiatric disorders, their relationship with their supervisor, having complementary teaching activities and stressful working conditions contributed to anxiety and depression.CONCLUSIONS: Even in the first year of their PhD, some students had mental health issues. It seems relevant to generalise the medical follow-up of all PhD students as soon as they enter the doctoral programme in order to detect and treat their health problems and psychological disorders at an early stage.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Khalis, Barbara Charbotel, Véronique Chajes, Sabina Rinaldi, Aurélie Moskal, Carine Biessy, Laure Dossus, Inge Huybrechts, Emmanuel Fort, Nawfel Mellas, Samira Elfakir, Hafida Charaka, Chakib Nejjari, Isabelle Romieu, Karima Rhazi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02265817
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Khalis, Barbara Charbotel, Véronique Chajes, Sabina Rinaldi, Aurélie Moskal, et al.. Menstrual and reproductive factors and risk of breast cancer: A case-control study in the Fez region, Morocco. PLoS ONE, 2018, 13 (1), 12 p. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0191333⟩. ⟨hal-02265817⟩
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0191333
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. In the Moroccan context, the role of well-known reproductive factors in breast cancer remains poorly documented. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between menstrual and reproductive factors and breast cancer risk in Moroccan women in the Fez region. Methods A case-control study was conducted at the Hassan II University Hospital of Fez between January 2014 and April 2015. A total of 237 cases of breast cancer and 237 age-matched controls were included. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, menstrual and reproductive history, family history of breast cancer, and lifestyle factors was obtained through a structured questionnaire. Conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for breast cancer by menstrual and reproductive factors adjusted for potential confounders. Results Early menarche (OR = 1.60, 95% CI: 1.08-2.38) and nulliparity (OR = 3.77, 95% CI: 1.98-7.30) were significantly related to an increased risk of breast cancer, whereas an early age at first full-term pregnancy was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer (OR = 0.41, 95% CI: 0.25-0.65). Conclusion The results of this study confirm the role of established reproductive factors for breast cancer in Moroccan women. It identified some susceptible groups at high risk of breast cancer. Preventive interventions and screening should focus on these groups as a priority. These results should be confirmed in a larger, multicenter study.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. In the Moroccan context, the role of well-known reproductive factors in breast cancer remains poorly documented. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between menstrual and reproductive factors and breast cancer risk in Moroccan women in the Fez region. Methods A case-control study was conducted at the Hassan II University Hospital of Fez between January 2014 and April 2015. A total of 237 cases of breast cancer and 237 age-matched controls were included. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, menstrual and reproductive history, family history of breast cancer, and lifestyle factors was obtained through a structured questionnaire. Conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for breast cancer by menstrual and reproductive factors adjusted for potential confounders. Results Early menarche (OR = 1.60, 95% CI: 1.08-2.38) and nulliparity (OR = 3.77, 95% CI: 1.98-7.30) were significantly related to an increased risk of breast cancer, whereas an early age at first full-term pregnancy was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer (OR = 0.41, 95% CI: 0.25-0.65). Conclusion The results of this study confirm the role of established reproductive factors for breast cancer in Moroccan women. It identified some susceptible groups at high risk of breast cancer. Preventive interventions and screening should focus on these groups as a priority. These results should be confirmed in a larger, multicenter study.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Manon Bourdeau, Nicolas Guibert, Emmanuel Fort, Sebastien Boulogne, Emmanuel Lagarde, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03277938
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Manon Bourdeau, Nicolas Guibert, Emmanuel Fort, Sebastien Boulogne, Emmanuel Lagarde, et al.. Medicine consumptions and occupational road risk. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021, 158, pp.106202. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2021.106202⟩. ⟨hal-03277938⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106202
pubmedId_s : 34051434
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Whereas an increased risk of road traffic crashes has been highlighted as linked to some medicine consumptions, there is no available data on this risk according to the type of journey (private, commuting or mission). Drivers on occupational journey (commuting or mission) are likely to have different coping behaviors related to the use of medicines than drivers on private journey. The aim of our study was to investigate the association between exposure to ten classes of medicines and the risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash according to the type of journey (private, commuting or mission). METHODS: The data used came from three French national databases: the national police database of injurious crashes, the police reports and the national health care insurance database. A total of 179,269 drivers aged between 18 and 65 years old involved in an injurious crash in France between July 2005 and December 2015 were included in the analyses. Logistic regression models stratified by journey were used to estimate the Odds Ratios (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI), adjusted for potential confounding factors. RESULTS: Medicines exposure levels were generally lower for drivers during occupational journeys, the risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash seems to be higher on commuting or mission journeys than on private journeys for four medicines. Indeed, for antiepileptics the OR was 1.59 [1.01-2.51] for mission journeys, 1.63 [1.24-2.15] for commuting journeys, and 1.47 [1.25-1.73] for private journey. For psycholeptics the OR was 1.02 [0.80-1.28] for mission journey, 1.19 [1.03-1.39] for commuting and 1.17 [1.08-1.26] for private journey. For psychoanaleptics OR was 1.35 [1.02-1.78] for mission journeys, 1.37 [1.17-1.60] for commuting journeys and 1.26 [1.14-1.40] for private journeys. Finally, for other nervous system drugs OR reached 2.04 [1.35-3.07] for mission journeys compared to 1.43 [1.21-1.70] for private journeys. CONCLUSION: Our results encourage the implementation of preventive measures about some treatments and diseases in the context of occupational journeys.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Whereas an increased risk of road traffic crashes has been highlighted as linked to some medicine consumptions, there is no available data on this risk according to the type of journey (private, commuting or mission). Drivers on occupational journey (commuting or mission) are likely to have different coping behaviors related to the use of medicines than drivers on private journey. The aim of our study was to investigate the association between exposure to ten classes of medicines and the risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash according to the type of journey (private, commuting or mission). METHODS: The data used came from three French national databases: the national police database of injurious crashes, the police reports and the national health care insurance database. A total of 179,269 drivers aged between 18 and 65 years old involved in an injurious crash in France between July 2005 and December 2015 were included in the analyses. Logistic regression models stratified by journey were used to estimate the Odds Ratios (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI), adjusted for potential confounding factors. RESULTS: Medicines exposure levels were generally lower for drivers during occupational journeys, the risk of being responsible for a road traffic crash seems to be higher on commuting or mission journeys than on private journeys for four medicines. Indeed, for antiepileptics the OR was 1.59 [1.01-2.51] for mission journeys, 1.63 [1.24-2.15] for commuting journeys, and 1.47 [1.25-1.73] for private journey. For psycholeptics the OR was 1.02 [0.80-1.28] for mission journey, 1.19 [1.03-1.39] for commuting and 1.17 [1.08-1.26] for private journey. For psychoanaleptics OR was 1.35 [1.02-1.78] for mission journeys, 1.37 [1.17-1.60] for commuting journeys and 1.26 [1.14-1.40] for private journeys. Finally, for other nervous system drugs OR reached 2.04 [1.35-3.07] for mission journeys compared to 1.43 [1.21-1.70] for private journeys. CONCLUSION: Our results encourage the implementation of preventive measures about some treatments and diseases in the context of occupational journeys.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Emmanuel Fort, Luc Fontana, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02441999
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Emmanuel Fort, Luc Fontana, Martine Hours. Medical and socio-occupational predictive factors of psychological distress 5 years after a road accident: a prospective study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2019, 13 p, 13 p. ⟨10.1007/s00127-019-01780-0⟩. ⟨hal-02441999⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s00127-019-01780-0
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : PURPOSE: Psychosocial consequences of road accidents are a major clinical problem that incurs significant social, occupational, and economic costs. The purpose of our study was to assess medical and socio-occupational factors of psychological distress in the severely injured 5 years after a road accident. METHODS: A total of 691 of the 1168 subjects enrolled in a prospective cohort of road accident casualties (ESPARR cohort) responded to both standardized follow-up questionnaires at 1 and 5 years, assessing socio-occupational characteristics, physical and psychological sequelae, pain and perceived quality of life. RESULTS: One quarter of participants exhibited psychological distress 5 years after the road accident; most of whom are women, with low educational level,and suffering from spinal lesions. After adjusting for several factors, psychological distress at 5 years was predicted by female gender and low educational level, and by several other factors observed 1 year after the road accident: poor self-reported quality of life, attention deficit and symptoms of anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: Early-stage improvement in the screening and care of mental disorders in road accident casualties should help to reduce long-term psychological distress. Language: en
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : PURPOSE: Psychosocial consequences of road accidents are a major clinical problem that incurs significant social, occupational, and economic costs. The purpose of our study was to assess medical and socio-occupational factors of psychological distress in the severely injured 5 years after a road accident. METHODS: A total of 691 of the 1168 subjects enrolled in a prospective cohort of road accident casualties (ESPARR cohort) responded to both standardized follow-up questionnaires at 1 and 5 years, assessing socio-occupational characteristics, physical and psychological sequelae, pain and perceived quality of life. RESULTS: One quarter of participants exhibited psychological distress 5 years after the road accident; most of whom are women, with low educational level,and suffering from spinal lesions. After adjusting for several factors, psychological distress at 5 years was predicted by female gender and low educational level, and by several other factors observed 1 year after the road accident: poor self-reported quality of life, attention deficit and symptoms of anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: Early-stage improvement in the screening and care of mental disorders in road accident casualties should help to reduce long-term psychological distress. Language: en
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Johan Spinosi, Laura Chaperon, Delphine Jezewski-Serra, Mounia El Yamani
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01701314
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Johan Spinosi, Laura Chaperon, Delphine Jezewski-Serra, Mounia El Yamani. Matphyto, une approche de l'exposition aux pesticides par l'utilisation des matrices cultures expositions : cas des pesticides arsenicaux. Journée de l'Aderest, Jun 2017, PARIS, France. 18 p. ⟨hal-01701314⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'évaluation des expositions professionnelles aux pesticides est souvent complexe du fait notamment du nombre important de substances actives utilisées, de profils d'exposition très divers et de la variabilité de l'exposition individuelle sur la durée d'une carrière professionnelle. Face à ces limites, il paraît important d'étudier des approches alternatives permettant d'estimer les expositions professionnelles sans nécessiter de mesures métrologiques. Les matrices cultures expositions (MCE) du projet Matphyto sont une réponse collective à ces limites de l'évaluation individuelle. Elles permettent de caractériser de façon relativement fine les expositions aux substances actives phytopharmaceutiques selon les cultures agricoles et selon une méthode semi-automatique, garantissant une évaluation homogène au sein d'un groupe de population. Elles s'appliquent à de grands échantillons de population, en assurant une évaluation rétrospective et non différentielle.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'évaluation des expositions professionnelles aux pesticides est souvent complexe du fait notamment du nombre important de substances actives utilisées, de profils d'exposition très divers et de la variabilité de l'exposition individuelle sur la durée d'une carrière professionnelle. Face à ces limites, il paraît important d'étudier des approches alternatives permettant d'estimer les expositions professionnelles sans nécessiter de mesures métrologiques. Les matrices cultures expositions (MCE) du projet Matphyto sont une réponse collective à ces limites de l'évaluation individuelle. Elles permettent de caractériser de façon relativement fine les expositions aux substances actives phytopharmaceutiques selon les cultures agricoles et selon une méthode semi-automatique, garantissant une évaluation homogène au sein d'un groupe de population. Elles s'appliquent à de grands échantillons de population, en assurant une évaluation rétrospective et non différentielle.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylvaine Cordier, Anne Lehébel, Emmanuelle Amar, Lucie Anzivino-Viricel, Martine Hours, Christine Monfort, Cécile Chevrier, Mireille Chiron, Elisabeth Robert-Gnansia
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00518063
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylvaine Cordier, Anne Lehébel, Emmanuelle Amar, Lucie Anzivino-Viricel, Martine Hours, et al.. Maternal residence near municipal waste incinerators and the risk of urinary tract birth defects.. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2010, 67 (7), pp.493-9. ⟨10.1136/oem.2009.052456⟩. ⟨inserm-00518063⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oem.2009.052456
pubmedId_s : 20581259
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: Waste incineration releases a mixture of chemicals with high embryotoxic potential, including heavy metals and dioxins/furans, into the atmosphere. In a previous ecological study we found an association between the risk of urinary tract birth defects and residence in the vicinity of municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs). The objective of the present study was to specifically test this association. METHODS: A population-based case-control study compared 304 infants with urinary tract birth defects diagnosed in the Rhône-Alpes region (2001-2003) with a random sample of 226 population controls frequency-matched for infant sex and year and district of birth. Exposure to dioxins in early pregnancy at the place of residence, used as a tracer of the mixture released by 21 active waste incinerators, was predicted with second-generation Gaussian modelling (ADMS3 software). Other industrial emissions of dioxins, population density and neighbourhood deprivation were also assessed. Individual risk factors including consumption of local food were obtained by interviews with 62% of the case and all control families. RESULTS: Risk was increased for mothers exposed to dioxins above the median at the beginning of pregnancy (OR 2.95, 95% CI 1.47 to 5.92 for dioxin deposits). When only interviewed cases were considered, risk estimates decreased mainly because the non-interviewed cases were more likely to live in exposed residential environments (OR 2.05, 95% CI 0.92 to 4.57). The results suggest that consumption of local food modifies this risk. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms our previous observation of a link between the risk of urinary tract birth defects and exposure to MSWI emissions in early pregnancy and illustrates the effect of participation bias on risk estimates of environmental health impacts.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: Waste incineration releases a mixture of chemicals with high embryotoxic potential, including heavy metals and dioxins/furans, into the atmosphere. In a previous ecological study we found an association between the risk of urinary tract birth defects and residence in the vicinity of municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs). The objective of the present study was to specifically test this association. METHODS: A population-based case-control study compared 304 infants with urinary tract birth defects diagnosed in the Rhône-Alpes region (2001-2003) with a random sample of 226 population controls frequency-matched for infant sex and year and district of birth. Exposure to dioxins in early pregnancy at the place of residence, used as a tracer of the mixture released by 21 active waste incinerators, was predicted with second-generation Gaussian modelling (ADMS3 software). Other industrial emissions of dioxins, population density and neighbourhood deprivation were also assessed. Individual risk factors including consumption of local food were obtained by interviews with 62% of the case and all control families. RESULTS: Risk was increased for mothers exposed to dioxins above the median at the beginning of pregnancy (OR 2.95, 95% CI 1.47 to 5.92 for dioxin deposits). When only interviewed cases were considered, risk estimates decreased mainly because the non-interviewed cases were more likely to live in exposed residential environments (OR 2.05, 95% CI 0.92 to 4.57). The results suggest that consumption of local food modifies this risk. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms our previous observation of a link between the risk of urinary tract birth defects and exposure to MSWI emissions in early pregnancy and illustrates the effect of participation bias on risk estimates of environmental health impacts.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Maribel Casas, Sylvaine Cordier, David Martínez, Henrique Barros, Jens Peter Bonde, Alex Burdorf, Nathalie Costet, Ana Cristina dos Santos, Asta Danileviciute, Merete Eggesbø, Mariana Fernandez, Joelle Fevotte, Ana M García, Regina Gražuleviciene, Eva Hallner, Wojciech Hanke, Manolis Kogevinas, Inger Kull, Pernille Stemann Larsen, Vasiliki Melaki, Christine Monfort, Karl-Christian Nordby, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Evridiki Patelarou, Kinga Polanska, Lorenzo Richiardi, Loreto Santa Marina, Claudia Snijder, Adonina Tardón, Manon van Eijsden, Tanja G M Vrijkotte, Daniela Zugna, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Martine Vrijheid
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01151621
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Maribel Casas, Sylvaine Cordier, David Martínez, Henrique Barros, Jens Peter Bonde, et al.. Maternal occupation during pregnancy, birth weight, and length of gestation: combined analysis of 13 European birth cohorts.. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2015, 41 (4), pp.384-96. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.3500⟩. ⟨hal-01151621⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.3500
pubmedId_s : 25940455
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives - We assessed whether maternal employment during pregnancy - overall and in selected occupational sectors - is associated with birth weight, small for gestational age (SGA), term low birth weight (LBW), length of gestation, and preterm delivery in a population-based birth cohort design. Methods - We used data from >200 000 mother-child pairs enrolled in 13 European birth cohorts and compared employed versus non-employed women. Among employees, we defined groups of occupations representing the main sectors of employment for women where potential reproductive hazards are considered to be present. The comparison group comprised all other employed women not included in the occupational sector being assessed. We performed meta-analyses of cohort-specific estimates and explored heterogeneity. Results - Employees had a lower risk of preterm delivery than non-employees [adjusted odds ratio (OR adj) 0.86, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.81-0.91]. Working in most of the occupational sectors studied was not associated with adverse birth outcomes. Being employed as a nurse was associated with lower risk SGA infants (OR adj0.91, 95% CI 0.84-0.99) whereas food industry workers had an increased risk of preterm delivery (OR adj1.50, 95% CI 1.12-2.02). There was little evidence for heterogeneity between cohorts. Conclusions - This study suggests that, overall, employment during pregnancy is associated with a reduction in the risk of preterm birth and that work in certain occupations may affect pregnancy outcomes. This exploratory study provides an important platform on which to base further prospective studies focused on the potential consequences of maternal occupational exposures during pregnancy on child development.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives - We assessed whether maternal employment during pregnancy - overall and in selected occupational sectors - is associated with birth weight, small for gestational age (SGA), term low birth weight (LBW), length of gestation, and preterm delivery in a population-based birth cohort design. Methods - We used data from >200 000 mother-child pairs enrolled in 13 European birth cohorts and compared employed versus non-employed women. Among employees, we defined groups of occupations representing the main sectors of employment for women where potential reproductive hazards are considered to be present. The comparison group comprised all other employed women not included in the occupational sector being assessed. We performed meta-analyses of cohort-specific estimates and explored heterogeneity. Results - Employees had a lower risk of preterm delivery than non-employees [adjusted odds ratio (OR adj) 0.86, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.81-0.91]. Working in most of the occupational sectors studied was not associated with adverse birth outcomes. Being employed as a nurse was associated with lower risk SGA infants (OR adj0.91, 95% CI 0.84-0.99) whereas food industry workers had an increased risk of preterm delivery (OR adj1.50, 95% CI 1.12-2.02). There was little evidence for heterogeneity between cohorts. Conclusions - This study suggests that, overall, employment during pregnancy is associated with a reduction in the risk of preterm birth and that work in certain occupations may affect pregnancy outcomes. This exploratory study provides an important platform on which to base further prospective studies focused on the potential consequences of maternal occupational exposures during pregnancy on child development.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Solenn Remy, Morgane Gossez, Alexandre Belot, Jack Hayman, Aurelie Portefaix, Fabienne Venet, Etienne Javouhey, Guillaume Monneret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02266062
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Solenn Remy, Morgane Gossez, Alexandre Belot, Jack Hayman, Aurelie Portefaix, et al.. Massive increase in monocyte HLA-DR expression can be used to discriminate between septic shock and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis-induced shock. Critical Care, 2018, 22 (213), 2 p. ⟨10.1186/s13054-018-2146-2⟩. ⟨hal-02266062⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s13054-018-2146-2
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Clinical presentations of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) and septic shock share many similarities, including multiple organ dysfunction and overall clinical and biological symptoms. However, these life-threatening conditions require specific and opposing treatments. Currently, no single biomarker is available to differentiate septic shock from HLH at patient admission
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Clinical presentations of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) and septic shock share many similarities, including multiple organ dysfunction and overall clinical and biological symptoms. However, these life-threatening conditions require specific and opposing treatments. Currently, no single biomarker is available to differentiate septic shock from HLH at patient admission
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Thomas Geeraerts, Lionel Velly, Lamine Abdennour, Karim Asehnoune, Gérard Audibert, Pierre Bouzat, Nicolas Bruder, Romain Carrillon, Vincent Cottenceau, François Cotton, Sonia Courtil-Teyssedre, Claire Dahyot-Fizelier, Frédéric Dailler, Jean-Stéphane David, Nicolas Engrand, Dominique Fletcher, Gilles Francony, Laurent Gergelé, Carole Ichai, Etienne Javouhey, Pierre-Etienne Leblanc, Thomas Lieutaud, Philippe Meyer, Sebastien Mirek, Gilles Orliaguet, François Proust, Hervé Quintard, Catherine Ract, Mohamed Srairi, Karim Tazarourte, Bernard Vigué, Jean-François Payen
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01788068
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Thomas Geeraerts, Lionel Velly, Lamine Abdennour, Karim Asehnoune, Gérard Audibert, et al.. Management of severe traumatic brain injury (first 24 hours). Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine, 2018, 37 (2), pp.171-186. ⟨10.1016/j.accpm.2017.12.001⟩. ⟨hal-01788068⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.accpm.2017.12.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The latest French Guidelines for the management in the first 24 hours of patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) were published in 1998. Due to recent changes (intracerebral monitoring, cerebral perfusion pressure management, treatment of raised intracranial pressure), an update was required. Our objective has been to specify the significant developments since 1998. These guidelines were conducted by a group of experts for the French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (Société francaise d’anesthésie et de réanimation [SFAR]) in partnership with the Association de neuro-anesthésie-réanimation de langue française (ANARLF), The French Society of Emergency Medicine (Société française de médecine d'urgence (SFMU), the Société française de neurochirurgie (SFN), the Groupe francophone de réanimation et d’urgences pédiatriques (GFRUP) and the Association des anesthésistes-réanimateurs pédiatriques d’expression française (ADARPEF). The method used to elaborate these guidelines was the Grade® method. After two Delphi rounds, 32 recommendations were formally developed by the experts focusing on the evaluation the initial severity of traumatic brain injury, the modalities of prehospital management, imaging strategies, indications for neurosurgical interventions, sedation and analgesia, indications and modalities of cerebral monitoring, medical management of raised intracranial pressure, management of multiple trauma with severe traumatic brain injury, detection and prevention of post-traumatic epilepsia, biological homeostasis (osmolarity, glycaemia, adrenal axis) and paediatric specificities.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The latest French Guidelines for the management in the first 24 hours of patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) were published in 1998. Due to recent changes (intracerebral monitoring, cerebral perfusion pressure management, treatment of raised intracranial pressure), an update was required. Our objective has been to specify the significant developments since 1998. These guidelines were conducted by a group of experts for the French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (Société francaise d’anesthésie et de réanimation [SFAR]) in partnership with the Association de neuro-anesthésie-réanimation de langue française (ANARLF), The French Society of Emergency Medicine (Société française de médecine d'urgence (SFMU), the Société française de neurochirurgie (SFN), the Groupe francophone de réanimation et d’urgences pédiatriques (GFRUP) and the Association des anesthésistes-réanimateurs pédiatriques d’expression française (ADARPEF). The method used to elaborate these guidelines was the Grade® method. After two Delphi rounds, 32 recommendations were formally developed by the experts focusing on the evaluation the initial severity of traumatic brain injury, the modalities of prehospital management, imaging strategies, indications for neurosurgical interventions, sedation and analgesia, indications and modalities of cerebral monitoring, medical management of raised intracranial pressure, management of multiple trauma with severe traumatic brain injury, detection and prevention of post-traumatic epilepsia, biological homeostasis (osmolarity, glycaemia, adrenal axis) and paediatric specificities.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laetitia Rollin, Sophie Fantoni-Quinton, Audrey Petit, Camille Baumann, Karine Petitprez, Jean-Francois Gehanno, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02391715
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laetitia Rollin, Sophie Fantoni-Quinton, Audrey Petit, Camille Baumann, Karine Petitprez, et al.. Maintien en emploi des patients atteints de cancer. Bulletin du Cancer, 2019, 106 (11), pp. 1039-1049. ⟨10.1016/j.bulcan.2019.08.008⟩. ⟨hal-02391715⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.bulcan.2019.08.008
pubmedId_s : 31570215
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Return to work is a public health priority which led the French Health Authority to publish recommendations about "return to work and health: prevention of exclusion from work". The aim of this article is to present a literature review of return to work after cancer. Studies about medium-term and long-term effects of cancer are sparse. They suggest worker durable effects. Factors associated with return to work are linked to the patient characteristics, to characteristics of the illness and the treatment, to the workplace and to the help provided to the patient during the return to work process. A specific plan for returning to work in 3 phases (situation comprehension, identification of negative and positive factors for returning to work, implementation of measures concerning the patient, the workplace and the coordination between return to work actors) should be built for each patient, involving the worker, the occupational practitioner, the general and specialist practitioners.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Return to work is a public health priority which led the French Health Authority to publish recommendations about "return to work and health: prevention of exclusion from work". The aim of this article is to present a literature review of return to work after cancer. Studies about medium-term and long-term effects of cancer are sparse. They suggest worker durable effects. Factors associated with return to work are linked to the patient characteristics, to characteristics of the illness and the treatment, to the workplace and to the help provided to the patient during the return to work process. A specific plan for returning to work in 3 phases (situation comprehension, identification of negative and positive factors for returning to work, implementation of measures concerning the patient, the workplace and the coordination between return to work actors) should be built for each patient, involving the worker, the occupational practitioner, the general and specialist practitioners.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Djamila Meguellati-Hakkas, Diane Cyr, Isabelle Stücker, Joëlle Févotte, Corinne Pilorget, Danièle Luce, Pascal Guénel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00115650
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Djamila Meguellati-Hakkas, Diane Cyr, Isabelle Stücker, Joëlle Févotte, Corinne Pilorget, et al.. Lung cancer mortality and occupational exposure to asbestos among telephone linemen: a historical cohort study in france.. J Occup Environ Med, 2006, 48 (11), pp.1166-72. ⟨10.1097/01.jom.0000243357.70143.47⟩. ⟨inserm-00115650⟩
DOI : 10.1097/01.jom.0000243357.70143.47
pubmedId_s : 17099453
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVE:: The authors studied the mortality by lung cancer in telephone linemen exposed to asbestos at low levels during installation of telephone cables. METHODS:: Three hundred eight lung cancers deaths were identified in the cohort. Exposure to asbestos and to other occupational carcinogens was assessed using a job-exposure matrix. RESULTS:: The relative risk for lung cancer death associated with an estimated exposure of approximately 2 f/cc-years was 2.1 (95% confidence interval = 1.1-4.0) as compared with workers exposed to less than 0.5 f/cc-years. Mean annual exposure or exposure duration were not clearly related to lung cancer. Adjustment for other occupational lung carcinogens did not change this finding. CONCLUSION:: The observed mortality by lung cancer associated with asbestos exposure at low levels is higher than the prediction based on linear downward extrapolations from highly exposed occupational cohorts.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVE:: The authors studied the mortality by lung cancer in telephone linemen exposed to asbestos at low levels during installation of telephone cables. METHODS:: Three hundred eight lung cancers deaths were identified in the cohort. Exposure to asbestos and to other occupational carcinogens was assessed using a job-exposure matrix. RESULTS:: The relative risk for lung cancer death associated with an estimated exposure of approximately 2 f/cc-years was 2.1 (95% confidence interval = 1.1-4.0) as compared with workers exposed to less than 0.5 f/cc-years. Mean annual exposure or exposure duration were not clearly related to lung cancer. Adjustment for other occupational lung carcinogens did not change this finding. CONCLUSION:: The observed mortality by lung cancer associated with asbestos exposure at low levels is higher than the prediction based on linear downward extrapolations from highly exposed occupational cohorts.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marion Douplat, Marie Curtet, Anne Termoz, Fabien Subtil, Mad Hélénie Elsensohn, Stéphanie Mazza, Laurent Jacquin, Bénédicte Clément, Jean‐baptiste Fassier, Ludivine Nohales, Julien Berthiller, Julie Haesebaert, Karim Tazarourte
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04751341
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marion Douplat, Marie Curtet, Anne Termoz, Fabien Subtil, Mad Hélénie Elsensohn, et al.. Long‐term psycho‐traumatic consequences of the COVID‐19 health crisis among emergency department healthcare workers. Stress and Health, 2024, 40 (5), pp.e087444. ⟨10.1002/smi.3478⟩. ⟨hal-04751341⟩
DOI : 10.1002/smi.3478
pubmedId_s : 39243230
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Abstract Assess the changes in post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), burnout, anxiety, depression, jobstrain, and isostrain levels over time among healthcare workers in emergency departments (EDs) after successive outbreaks of COVID‐19. A prospective, multicenter study was conducted in 3 EDs and an emergency medical service. Healthcare workers who participated in our previous study were invited to participate in a follow‐up 16 and 18 months and completed the questionnaires to assess symptoms of PTSD, burnout, anxiety, depression, jobstrain, and isostrain. Among the 485 healthcare workers asked to participate, 211 (43.5%) completed the survey at inclusion (122 were followed up at 3 months) and 59 participate to the follow‐up study. At 16 months, 10.9% of healthcare workers had symptoms of PTSD and 17.4% at 18 months. At inclusion, 33.5% and 11.7% of healthcare workers had symptoms of anxiety and depression, respectively. A decrease in anxiety between inclusion and 16 months ( p = 0.02) and an increase between 16 and 18 months ( p = 0.009) was observed. At inclusion, 40.8% of all healthcare workers had symptoms of burnout. There was an increase in symptoms of burnout between inclusion and 18 months ( p = 0.006). At inclusion, 43.2% and 29.5% of healthcare workers were exposed to jobstrain and isostrain, respectively. Jobstrain were higher among paramedics and administrative staff compared to physicians ( p = 0.001 and p = 0.026, respectively). Successive outbreaks of COVID‐19 led to long‐term mental health consequences among ED healthcare workers that differed according to occupation. This must be taken into account to rethink the management of teams.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Abstract Assess the changes in post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), burnout, anxiety, depression, jobstrain, and isostrain levels over time among healthcare workers in emergency departments (EDs) after successive outbreaks of COVID‐19. A prospective, multicenter study was conducted in 3 EDs and an emergency medical service. Healthcare workers who participated in our previous study were invited to participate in a follow‐up 16 and 18 months and completed the questionnaires to assess symptoms of PTSD, burnout, anxiety, depression, jobstrain, and isostrain. Among the 485 healthcare workers asked to participate, 211 (43.5%) completed the survey at inclusion (122 were followed up at 3 months) and 59 participate to the follow‐up study. At 16 months, 10.9% of healthcare workers had symptoms of PTSD and 17.4% at 18 months. At inclusion, 33.5% and 11.7% of healthcare workers had symptoms of anxiety and depression, respectively. A decrease in anxiety between inclusion and 16 months ( p = 0.02) and an increase between 16 and 18 months ( p = 0.009) was observed. At inclusion, 40.8% of all healthcare workers had symptoms of burnout. There was an increase in symptoms of burnout between inclusion and 18 months ( p = 0.006). At inclusion, 43.2% and 29.5% of healthcare workers were exposed to jobstrain and isostrain, respectively. Jobstrain were higher among paramedics and administrative staff compared to physicians ( p = 0.001 and p = 0.026, respectively). Successive outbreaks of COVID‐19 led to long‐term mental health consequences among ED healthcare workers that differed according to occupation. This must be taken into account to rethink the management of teams.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Chaleat-Valayer, Angélique Denis, Kariman Abelin-Genevois, Amélie Zelmar, Fabienne Siani-Treben, Sandrine Touzet, Alain Bergeret, Cyrille Colin, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01522655
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Chaleat-Valayer, Angélique Denis, Kariman Abelin-Genevois, Amélie Zelmar, Fabienne Siani-Treben, et al.. Long-term effectiveness of an educational and physical intervention for preventing low-back pain recurrence: a randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2016, 43 (6), pp.510-519. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.3597⟩. ⟨hal-01522655⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.3597
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Low-back pain (LBP) is a common and recurrent condition, but the evidence is scarce about effective strategies to prevent recurrence and disability in the longer term. This study investigated the effect of a light exercise program, initiated in the workplace and continued at home, in reducing recurrence of LBP episodes among healthcare workers. A total of 353 healthcare workers from ten hospitals were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and were randomized to the intervention or control groups, the latter of which received usual care. The intervention comprised three steps: (i) a 2-hour education session, (ii) five weekly 90-minutes exercise training sessions in the workplace, and (iii) a home-based self-managed exercise program. The main outcome was recurrence of LBP with sick-leave at 24-months follow-up. At two-year follow-up, 35 workers (24%) in the intervention group and 31 workers (21%) in the control group had at least one LBP recurrence with sick leave. No effect was observed between groups [odds ratio (OR) 1.22, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.67-2.23, P=0.516]. The intervention was effective in reducing fear avoidance with a mean reduction of -3.6 (95% CI -4.8- -2.4) points on the fear-avoidance beliefs questionnaire score for physical activity (FABQ-P) in the intervention group compared with -1.3 (95% CI -2.2- -0.3) points in the control group (P
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Low-back pain (LBP) is a common and recurrent condition, but the evidence is scarce about effective strategies to prevent recurrence and disability in the longer term. This study investigated the effect of a light exercise program, initiated in the workplace and continued at home, in reducing recurrence of LBP episodes among healthcare workers. A total of 353 healthcare workers from ten hospitals were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and were randomized to the intervention or control groups, the latter of which received usual care. The intervention comprised three steps: (i) a 2-hour education session, (ii) five weekly 90-minutes exercise training sessions in the workplace, and (iii) a home-based self-managed exercise program. The main outcome was recurrence of LBP with sick-leave at 24-months follow-up. At two-year follow-up, 35 workers (24%) in the intervention group and 31 workers (21%) in the control group had at least one LBP recurrence with sick leave. No effect was observed between groups [odds ratio (OR) 1.22, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.67-2.23, P=0.516]. The intervention was effective in reducing fear avoidance with a mean reduction of -3.6 (95% CI -4.8- -2.4) points on the fear-avoidance beliefs questionnaire score for physical activity (FABQ-P) in the intervention group compared with -1.3 (95% CI -2.2- -0.3) points in the control group (P
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ludivine Orriols, Marta Avalos, Nicholas Moore, Pierre Philip, Bernard Delorme, Bernard Laumon, Blandine Gadegbeku, Louis Rachid Salmi, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01099306
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ludivine Orriols, Marta Avalos, Nicholas Moore, Pierre Philip, Bernard Delorme, et al.. Long-term chronic diseases and crash responsibility: a record linkage study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2014, 71, pp.137-43. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2014.05.001⟩. ⟨hal-01099306⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2014.05.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVE: To assess the population impact of chronic conditions on the risk of road traffic crashes. METHODS: Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports and the national police database of injurious crashes. Exposure to chronic conditions were compared between responsible and nonresponsible drivers. Analysis was performed using the Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) method. RESULTS: 69,630 drivers involved in an injurious crash in France between 2005 and 2008, were included. 6210 (8.9%) were suffering from at least one long-term disease. When adjusted for prescription of medicines, blood alcohol, demographic driver characteristics and crash characteristics, increased risk of being responsible for a crash was found in drivers registered in the French healthcare database with the following long-term diseases: epilepsy (odds ratio [OR]=2.53 [1.53-4.20]), type 1 diabetes (OR=1.47) [1.12-1.92], alcoholic liver disease (OR=3.37 [1.40-8.13]), asthma (OR=1.72 [1.13-2.60]) and specific personality disorders (OR=1.35 [1.05-1.74]). No association was found for cardiovascular diseases or Alzheimer's disease. CONCLUSION: The results update the list of medical conditions that may impair driving skills. However, results should be considered cautiously with regards to potential regulatory driving judgments that could have a negative impact on patients' social life.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVE: To assess the population impact of chronic conditions on the risk of road traffic crashes. METHODS: Data from three French national databases were extracted and matched: the national health care insurance database, police reports and the national police database of injurious crashes. Exposure to chronic conditions were compared between responsible and nonresponsible drivers. Analysis was performed using the Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) method. RESULTS: 69,630 drivers involved in an injurious crash in France between 2005 and 2008, were included. 6210 (8.9%) were suffering from at least one long-term disease. When adjusted for prescription of medicines, blood alcohol, demographic driver characteristics and crash characteristics, increased risk of being responsible for a crash was found in drivers registered in the French healthcare database with the following long-term diseases: epilepsy (odds ratio [OR]=2.53 [1.53-4.20]), type 1 diabetes (OR=1.47) [1.12-1.92], alcoholic liver disease (OR=3.37 [1.40-8.13]), asthma (OR=1.72 [1.13-2.60]) and specific personality disorders (OR=1.35 [1.05-1.74]). No association was found for cardiovascular diseases or Alzheimer's disease. CONCLUSION: The results update the list of medical conditions that may impair driving skills. However, results should be considered cautiously with regards to potential regulatory driving judgments that could have a negative impact on patients' social life.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clélia Sirami, Amélie Nespoulous, Jean-Paul Cheylan, Pascal Marty, Philippe Geniez, Bertrand Schatz, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01225986
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clélia Sirami, Amélie Nespoulous, Jean-Paul Cheylan, Pascal Marty, Philippe Geniez, et al.. Long-term anthropogenic and ecological dynamics of a Mediterranean landscape: Impacts on multiple taxa. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2010, 96, pp. 214-223. ⟨10.1016/j.landurbplan.2010.03.007⟩. ⟨halshs-01225986⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2010.03.007
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Mediterraneanlandscapesresultedfromthecomplexandancientinteractionofecosystemsandsocieties. Today they represent one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. These landscapes have a fine-grained mosaic and a high resilience to disturbances. However, during the last century, human pressures have led to new landscape structures and dynamics and an overall decrease in biological diversity. Within a Mediterranean landscape from southern France, we assessed the effects of land use changes on land cover and biodiversity over the last 60 years. The major land use changes involved a substantial decrease in sheep grazing and wood cutting corresponding to the abandonment of 70% of the study area. This resulted in a reduction in land use diversity which was usually high in the Mediterranean. Although land cover in the study area changed gradually (2.2% per year), over 74% changed between 1946 and 2002. This habitat shift had a subsequent impact on species distribution. Apart from amphibians and insects, most species of birds, reptiles, orchids and rare plants that responded positively to these changes were associated with woodlands, while species that responded negatively were associated with open habitats. In the Mediterranean, most rare and endemic species are associated with open habitats and are thus threatened by land abandonment. As a result, land abandonment is contributing to a decrease in local species richness and a decrease in rare and endemic species. Since similar patterns of change have been observed over most of the north-western Mediterranean, land abandonment represents a major threat for biodiversity in the Mediterranean.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Mediterraneanlandscapesresultedfromthecomplexandancientinteractionofecosystemsandsocieties. Today they represent one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. These landscapes have a fine-grained mosaic and a high resilience to disturbances. However, during the last century, human pressures have led to new landscape structures and dynamics and an overall decrease in biological diversity. Within a Mediterranean landscape from southern France, we assessed the effects of land use changes on land cover and biodiversity over the last 60 years. The major land use changes involved a substantial decrease in sheep grazing and wood cutting corresponding to the abandonment of 70% of the study area. This resulted in a reduction in land use diversity which was usually high in the Mediterranean. Although land cover in the study area changed gradually (2.2% per year), over 74% changed between 1946 and 2002. This habitat shift had a subsequent impact on species distribution. Apart from amphibians and insects, most species of birds, reptiles, orchids and rare plants that responded positively to these changes were associated with woodlands, while species that responded negatively were associated with open habitats. In the Mediterranean, most rare and endemic species are associated with open habitats and are thus threatened by land abandonment. As a result, land abandonment is contributing to a decrease in local species richness and a decrease in rare and endemic species. Since similar patterns of change have been observed over most of the north-western Mediterranean, land abandonment represents a major threat for biodiversity in the Mediterranean.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Clément Goubel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00854439
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Clément Goubel. Long-term analysis of the impact of longitudinal barriers on motorway safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2013, 59, pp. 443-451. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2013.06.024⟩. ⟨hal-00854439⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2013.06.024
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The objective of this study was to assess the influence of longitudinal barriers located on the medianstrips and hard shoulders of toll motorways on crash severity in vehicles running off the roadway. Thestudy was based on crashes involving injury and property damage only, recorded from 1996 to 2010 ona French toll motorway network of about 2000 km.In run-off from the roadway onto the hard shoulder, injury risk was halved by a longitudinal barrier.A specific one-sided W-beam guardrail (“GS4”) appeared to be the best solution for cars, and even forLUVs and trucks. This does not affect the advisability of specific guardrails for bridges or of concretebarriers, when narrow working widths are required. In run-off onto median strips, a specific guardrail(“GS2”) appeared to be the most efficient, followed by the three other metal guardrails currently installed.Concrete barriers, however, are much more effective in preventing complete crossing of the median,which is uncommon and mainly involves trucks, but often with very serious consequences.Longitudinal barriers make an important contribution to highway-user safety, providing a “forgiving”infrastructure in the event of a vehicle going off the road, provided that there are very few motorizedtwo-wheel vehicles using the roadway.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The objective of this study was to assess the influence of longitudinal barriers located on the medianstrips and hard shoulders of toll motorways on crash severity in vehicles running off the roadway. Thestudy was based on crashes involving injury and property damage only, recorded from 1996 to 2010 ona French toll motorway network of about 2000 km.In run-off from the roadway onto the hard shoulder, injury risk was halved by a longitudinal barrier.A specific one-sided W-beam guardrail (“GS4”) appeared to be the best solution for cars, and even forLUVs and trucks. This does not affect the advisability of specific guardrails for bridges or of concretebarriers, when narrow working widths are required. In run-off onto median strips, a specific guardrail(“GS2”) appeared to be the most efficient, followed by the three other metal guardrails currently installed.Concrete barriers, however, are much more effective in preventing complete crossing of the median,which is uncommon and mainly involves trucks, but often with very serious consequences.Longitudinal barriers make an important contribution to highway-user safety, providing a “forgiving”infrastructure in the event of a vehicle going off the road, provided that there are very few motorizedtwo-wheel vehicles using the roadway.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mélanie Yvroud, Amina Ndiaye, Jean-Louis Martin, Emmanuelle Amoros, Blandine Gadegbeku
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04093876
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mélanie Yvroud, Amina Ndiaye, Jean-Louis Martin, Emmanuelle Amoros, Blandine Gadegbeku. Linking a road trauma registry and hospital discharge data to improve the ICD-AIS mapping, France, 2015-2021. 7th IRTAD Conference: Better Road Safety Data for Better Safety Outcomes, Sep 2022, Lyon, France. 11 p. ⟨hal-04093876⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The European Commission requires its Member States to count serious road traffic casualties as ?victims with at least an AIS 3 or superior injury score? (AIS3+). Most European countries use hospital data for this purpose. However, injuries are coded according to ICD, which does not assign a severity score. A conversion tool is therefore necessary (ICD-AIS map, American Association for Automotive Medicine) to obtain injury severity. As classifications' structures are different, ICD conversion leads to an important number of undetermined AIS scores. The map converts ICD-10-CM (Clinical Modification - US coding) to AIS 2005 update 2008, but some countries use different ICD-10 modifications. In France, a road trauma registry includes all road accident casualties occurring in the Rhône county. Every injury is directly coded according to AIS 2005 (update 2008) by an expert physician. Hospital data (called PMSI in France), a national medico- administrative database, provides ICD-10 codes for all hospitalised victims. A probabilistic linkage between the registry and hospital data on the Rhône county will be performed. Around 9000 hospitalised victims are reported in the registry for 2015- 2021 and these should also be in the hospital discharge data. We hence expect a large linked sample. This linked database will provide, for injury ICD codes, the observed AIS codes (RTSN and AIS severity score), and their distribution. This will be very useful for ICD codes without a corresponding AIS3+ status in the existing mapping tool. This will also enable calculation of a concordance score between directly-coded AIS severity scores and converted ones. Furthermore, the registry AIS expert is working on a one-to-several mapping between ICD-10 and AIS (RTSN) codes. Conversion improvements could thus be proposed for French data, and probably for European ones as well. Extension to other AIS severity scores or study of sequelae (FCI) could also be possible.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The European Commission requires its Member States to count serious road traffic casualties as ?victims with at least an AIS 3 or superior injury score? (AIS3+). Most European countries use hospital data for this purpose. However, injuries are coded according to ICD, which does not assign a severity score. A conversion tool is therefore necessary (ICD-AIS map, American Association for Automotive Medicine) to obtain injury severity. As classifications' structures are different, ICD conversion leads to an important number of undetermined AIS scores. The map converts ICD-10-CM (Clinical Modification - US coding) to AIS 2005 update 2008, but some countries use different ICD-10 modifications. In France, a road trauma registry includes all road accident casualties occurring in the Rhône county. Every injury is directly coded according to AIS 2005 (update 2008) by an expert physician. Hospital data (called PMSI in France), a national medico- administrative database, provides ICD-10 codes for all hospitalised victims. A probabilistic linkage between the registry and hospital data on the Rhône county will be performed. Around 9000 hospitalised victims are reported in the registry for 2015- 2021 and these should also be in the hospital discharge data. We hence expect a large linked sample. This linked database will provide, for injury ICD codes, the observed AIS codes (RTSN and AIS severity score), and their distribution. This will be very useful for ICD codes without a corresponding AIS3+ status in the existing mapping tool. This will also enable calculation of a concordance score between directly-coded AIS severity scores and converted ones. Furthermore, the registry AIS expert is working on a one-to-several mapping between ICD-10 and AIS (RTSN) codes. Conversion improvements could thus be proposed for French data, and probably for European ones as well. Extension to other AIS severity scores or study of sequelae (FCI) could also be possible.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Cebrail Aksoy, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Laumon, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04297617
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Cebrail Aksoy, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Bernard Laumon, et al.. Linked police and health data: how to apply capture-recapture to correct for under-reporting and bias (tutorial). 7th IRTAD conference : Better road safety data for better safety outcomes, Sep 2022, Vaulx-en-velin, France. 21 p., 2022. ⟨hal-04297617⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Police data are often used to estimate the number of injured road users. However, these data suffer from under-reporting and more importantly from bias. When police data are linked with health data, one can correct for under-reporting and bias with the capture-recapture approach. We describe how. Capture-recapture is based on the condition of homogeneity of capture/recording by a given source. This is usually not satisfied, as the probability of being captured /registered in a given database (police especially) usually depends on severity, mode of transport, etc. One way to account for this is to stratify on these characteristics, and in each strata, calculate the simple Petersen estimate, and then sum over the strata. However, frequencies in some strata may be too small and/or additional variables may influence the probability of recording, at least in the police data: single /multi vehicle, driver/passenger, type of road… In this case, one should use a multivariate model and include these characteristics as covariates. The response variable is whether the injured road user is recorded in police data only, health data only, or in both. We can then estimate the number of injured road users not recorded in any database or directly estimate the total number of injured road users. Formulas will be provided; implementation with the SAS and R software will be described. Examples will be given with the French Rhône county, over 2006-2016. The police recorded 2700 injured road users on average by year, the road trauma registry 7400; 1700 were linked. This means 8400 altogether. Around 11 800 are estimated by capture-recapture, stratified on injury severity or by a multivariate capture-recapture model: it accounts for five variables strongly associated with recording probability (and 3 more). Only the multivariate model can provide unbiased estimates by injury severity, mode of transport, age, and gender.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Police data are often used to estimate the number of injured road users. However, these data suffer from under-reporting and more importantly from bias. When police data are linked with health data, one can correct for under-reporting and bias with the capture-recapture approach. We describe how. Capture-recapture is based on the condition of homogeneity of capture/recording by a given source. This is usually not satisfied, as the probability of being captured /registered in a given database (police especially) usually depends on severity, mode of transport, etc. One way to account for this is to stratify on these characteristics, and in each strata, calculate the simple Petersen estimate, and then sum over the strata. However, frequencies in some strata may be too small and/or additional variables may influence the probability of recording, at least in the police data: single /multi vehicle, driver/passenger, type of road… In this case, one should use a multivariate model and include these characteristics as covariates. The response variable is whether the injured road user is recorded in police data only, health data only, or in both. We can then estimate the number of injured road users not recorded in any database or directly estimate the total number of injured road users. Formulas will be provided; implementation with the SAS and R software will be described. Examples will be given with the French Rhône county, over 2006-2016. The police recorded 2700 injured road users on average by year, the road trauma registry 7400; 1700 were linked. This means 8400 altogether. Around 11 800 are estimated by capture-recapture, stratified on injury severity or by a multivariate capture-recapture model: it accounts for five variables strongly associated with recording probability (and 3 more). Only the multivariate model can provide unbiased estimates by injury severity, mode of transport, age, and gender.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie-Elise Parent, Michelle C. Turner, Jérôme Lavoue, Hugues Richard, Jordi Figuerola, Laurel Kincl, Lesley Richardson, Geza Benke, Maria Blettner, Sarah Fleming, Martine Hours, Daniel Krewski, David Mclean, Siegal Sadetzki, Klaus Schlaefer, Brigitte Schlehofer, Joachim Schüz, Jack Siemiatycki, Martie van Tongeren, Elisabeth Cardis, Marie-Élise Parent, Michelle Turner, Jérôme Lavoué
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01825899
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie-Elise Parent, Michelle C. Turner, Jérôme Lavoue, Hugues Richard, Jordi Figuerola, et al.. Lifetime occupational exposure to metals and welding fumes, and risk of glioma: a 7-country population-based case-control study. Environmental Health, 2017, 16 (1), pp.90. ⟨10.1186/s12940-017-0300-y⟩. ⟨hal-01825899⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12940-017-0300-y
pubmedId_s : 28841833
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Brain tumor etiology is poorly understood. Based on their ability to pass through the blood-brain barrier, it has been hypothesized that exposure to metals may increase the risk of brain cancer. Results from the few epidemiological studies on this issue are limited and inconsistent. METHODS: We investigated the relationship between glioma risk and occupational exposure to five metals - lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium and iron- as well as to welding fumes, using data from the seven-country INTEROCC study. A total of 1800 incident glioma cases and 5160 controls aged 30-69 years were included in the analysis. Lifetime occupational exposure to the agents was assessed using the INTEROCC JEM, a modified version of the Finnish job exposure matrix FINJEM. RESULTS: In general, cases had a slightly higher prevalence of exposure to the various metals and welding fumes than did controls, with the prevalence among ever exposed ranging between 1.7 and 2.2% for cadmium to 10.2 and 13.6% for iron among controls and cases, respectively. However, in multivariable logistic regression analyses, there was no association between ever exposure to any of the agents and risk of glioma with odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) ranging from 0.8 (0.7-1.0) for lead to 1.1 (0.7-1.6) for cadmium. Results were consistent across models considering cumulative exposure or duration, as well as in all sensitivity analyses conducted. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this large-scale international study provide no evidence for an association between occupational exposure to any of the metals under scrutiny or welding fumes, and risk of glioma.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Brain tumor etiology is poorly understood. Based on their ability to pass through the blood-brain barrier, it has been hypothesized that exposure to metals may increase the risk of brain cancer. Results from the few epidemiological studies on this issue are limited and inconsistent. METHODS: We investigated the relationship between glioma risk and occupational exposure to five metals - lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium and iron- as well as to welding fumes, using data from the seven-country INTEROCC study. A total of 1800 incident glioma cases and 5160 controls aged 30-69 years were included in the analysis. Lifetime occupational exposure to the agents was assessed using the INTEROCC JEM, a modified version of the Finnish job exposure matrix FINJEM. RESULTS: In general, cases had a slightly higher prevalence of exposure to the various metals and welding fumes than did controls, with the prevalence among ever exposed ranging between 1.7 and 2.2% for cadmium to 10.2 and 13.6% for iron among controls and cases, respectively. However, in multivariable logistic regression analyses, there was no association between ever exposure to any of the agents and risk of glioma with odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) ranging from 0.8 (0.7-1.0) for lead to 1.1 (0.7-1.6) for cadmium. Results were consistent across models considering cumulative exposure or duration, as well as in all sensitivity analyses conducted. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this large-scale international study provide no evidence for an association between occupational exposure to any of the metals under scrutiny or welding fumes, and risk of glioma.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Chantal Chavoix, Damien Davenne, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01237654
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amandine Coquillat, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Chantal Chavoix, et al.. Liens entre auto-évaluation des capacités cognitives, celle des capacités de conduite, et régulation de l'activité de conduite. Séminaire d'échanges scientifiques du département TS2. Vieillisssement : concilier mobilité, santé et sécurité, Nov 2015, BRON, France. 24 p. ⟨hal-01237654⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation des principaux résultats de l'approche épidémiologique de la tâche 1 du projet Safe Move
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation des principaux résultats de l'approche épidémiologique de la tâche 1 du projet Safe Move
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01292712
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont. Les usagers vulnérables. Les 20 ans Registre des victimes du Rhône, Oct 2015, Lyon, France. 14 p. ⟨hal-01292712⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Bilan sur les usagers vulnérables dans le cadre des 20 ans du Registre du Rhône
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Bilan sur les usagers vulnérables dans le cadre des 20 ans du Registre du Rhône
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Céline Cholez, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Nadine Poussin, Karine Chassaing, Fabien Coutarel, Alain Garrigou, Johann Petit, Marie Bellemare, Geneviève Baril-Gingras, Daniel Prudhomme
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01122437
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Céline Cholez, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Nadine Poussin, et al.. Les pratiques des médecins du travail dans la prévention des TMS : ressources et empêchements. Colloque ANR, Santé Environnement Santé Travail, ANR, Feb 2012, Paris, France. ⟨halshs-01122437⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen :
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen :
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Thoumelin, Gérard Keck, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03180785
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Thoumelin, Gérard Keck, Martine Hours. Les nouvelles exigences en matière d’évaluation de l’impact sur la santé des projets d’aménagement industriel et de transport. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 2001, N°22 - 2ème Trimestre 2001, pp.3-6. ⟨10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.1339⟩. ⟨hal-03180785⟩
DOI : 10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.1339
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’évaluation des possibles impacts sur la santé liés à une installation industrielle a été rendue obligatoire par divers textes réglementaires, notamment la loi du 30 décembre 1996 (dite loi sur l’air). Elle complète les études d’impact sur l’environnement. Elle s’effectue selon la démarche d’Évaluation des risques sanitaires (ERS), précisée et détaillée par diverses circulaires et guides, dont les étapes principales sont les suivantes : i) inventaire des substances polluantes et de leur flux, ii) détermination de leurs dangers, selon les données toxicologiques disponibles, incluant les relations dose/effet pour aboutir à des doses de références, iii) étude de l’exposition des populations (voies et niveaux d’exposition), iiii) caractérisation du risque sanitaire en comparant les niveaux d’exposition et les doses de référence.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’évaluation des possibles impacts sur la santé liés à une installation industrielle a été rendue obligatoire par divers textes réglementaires, notamment la loi du 30 décembre 1996 (dite loi sur l’air). Elle complète les études d’impact sur l’environnement. Elle s’effectue selon la démarche d’Évaluation des risques sanitaires (ERS), précisée et détaillée par diverses circulaires et guides, dont les étapes principales sont les suivantes : i) inventaire des substances polluantes et de leur flux, ii) détermination de leurs dangers, selon les données toxicologiques disponibles, incluant les relations dose/effet pour aboutir à des doses de références, iii) étude de l’exposition des populations (voies et niveaux d’exposition), iiii) caractérisation du risque sanitaire en comparant les niveaux d’exposition et les doses de référence.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : J. Homere, A. Fouquet, J. Plaine, L. Garras, Corinne Pilorget, J. Chatelot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02051500
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : J. Homere, A. Fouquet, J. Plaine, L. Garras, Corinne Pilorget, et al.. Les maladies à caractère professionnel chez les salariés des travaux publics et de la grande distribution. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2018, 79 (4), p. 572. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2018.05.027⟩. ⟨hal-02051500⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2018.05.027
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A work-related illness (MCP) is defined as any symptom or pathology considered in connection with work by the occupational physician and not having been the subject of a professional illness remedy.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A work-related illness (MCP) is defined as any symptom or pathology considered in connection with work by the occupational physician and not having been the subject of a professional illness remedy.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Olivier Blond, Fanny Mietlicki, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04069531
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Olivier Blond, Fanny Mietlicki, Anne-Sophie Evrard. Les effets du bruit sur la santé. Revue ADSP, 2023, 121, pp. 10-12. ⟨hal-04069531⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'excès de bruit a des effets négatifs sur la santé maintenant bien connus. (article accessible sur le site du haut conseil à la santé publique)
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'excès de bruit a des effets négatifs sur la santé maintenant bien connus. (article accessible sur le site du haut conseil à la santé publique)
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard, Lise Giorgis Allemand
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04069945
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard, Lise Giorgis Allemand. Les effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur la santé - Panorama des projets en cours.. Séminaire Mobilité sûre et durable, Apr 2023, Virtuel, France. ⟨hal-04069945⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Séminaire « Mobilité sûre et durable » de TS2 (Université Gustave Eiffel).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Séminaire « Mobilité sûre et durable » de TS2 (Université Gustave Eiffel).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ali-Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Damien Leger, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01777735
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ali-Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Damien Leger, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard. Les effets de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la qualité subjective du sommeil des riverains des aéroports français. 22ème Journée Scientifique de l'EDISS, Oct 2017, VILLEURBANNE, France. 16 p. ⟨hal-01777735⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Transports : source majeure d'exposition à des nuisances environnementales pour la population. Exposition au bruit des avions aux voisinages des aéroports engendrant des problèmes de santé publique et des perturbations du sommeil
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Transports : source majeure d'exposition à des nuisances environnementales pour la population. Exposition au bruit des avions aux voisinages des aéroports engendrant des problèmes de santé publique et des perturbations du sommeil
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Davezies
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03729173
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Davezies. Les défis de la formation des acteurs syndicaux. Quelle place du travail réel dans les processus du dialogue social ? 2022, May 2022, PARIS, France. ⟨hal-03729173v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Je me propose d'aborder la contribution possible de l'ergonomie au travail syndical, non pas en terme de transmission des analyses et des connaissances sur le travail produites par les ergonomes mais dans de ce qui, des principes de base de l'ergonomie, mériterait de trouver un écho dans la pratique syndicale. En effet, les processus d'atomisation à l'oeuvre dans la société et la fragilisation des syndicats conduisent nombre de responsables syndicaux à rechercher les moyens de réduire la distance entre, d'une part, leur action dans les institutions de l'entreprise et, d'autre part, la mobilisation des salariés face aux réalités quotidiennes du travail. Dans la mesure où les réponses sont recherchées en termes d'enquête syndicale sur le travail, la méthode d'intervention des ergonomes constitue une source importante d'inspiration.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Je me propose d'aborder la contribution possible de l'ergonomie au travail syndical, non pas en terme de transmission des analyses et des connaissances sur le travail produites par les ergonomes mais dans de ce qui, des principes de base de l'ergonomie, mériterait de trouver un écho dans la pratique syndicale. En effet, les processus d'atomisation à l'oeuvre dans la société et la fragilisation des syndicats conduisent nombre de responsables syndicaux à rechercher les moyens de réduire la distance entre, d'une part, leur action dans les institutions de l'entreprise et, d'autre part, la mobilisation des salariés face aux réalités quotidiennes du travail. Dans la mesure où les réponses sont recherchées en termes d'enquête syndicale sur le travail, la méthode d'intervention des ergonomes constitue une source importante d'inspiration.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01071610
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours. Les conséquences sociales de l’accident de la route : résultats de la cohorte ESPARR. 21èmes rencontres parlementaires de la sécurité routière, Jul 2014, Paris, France. 17 p. ⟨hal-01071610⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'accident corporel de la route a un impact sur la vie quotidienne des personnes accidentées même à distance de l'accident. Cet impact peut être physique, professionnel, familial et affective, financier. Le stress post-traumatique joue un rôle important ds les difficultés vécues après l'accident.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'accident corporel de la route a un impact sur la vie quotidienne des personnes accidentées même à distance de l'accident. Cet impact peut être physique, professionnel, familial et affective, financier. Le stress post-traumatique joue un rôle important ds les difficultés vécues après l'accident.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01027768
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon. Les conséquences des accidents de la route sur la santé. ONISR, La sécurité routière en France, bilan de l'année 2011, LA DOCUMENTATION FRANCAISE, pp. 73-84, 2012. ⟨hal-01027768⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Depuis 1995 fonctionne le Registre des victimes d'accidents de la circulation routière dans le département du Rhône. Il s'agit, pour la première fois en Europe, d'enregistrer en continu, les lésions et le parcours hospitalier de l'ensemble des victimes d'accidents de la route sur une zone géographiquement délimitée. L'ensemble des services de secours et de soins prenant en charge des victimes signale au Registre toute personne consultant à la suite d'un accident de la circulation sur une voie publique ou privée du département du Rhône (accident impliquant au moins un moyen mécanique de locomotion, y compris planches ou patins à roulettes). Des renseignements concernant la victime, son accident, ses lésions, et son devenir médical sont recueillis. Les résultats présentés concernent les 32 671 victimes recensées par le Registre pour les années 2007 à 2010.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Depuis 1995 fonctionne le Registre des victimes d'accidents de la circulation routière dans le département du Rhône. Il s'agit, pour la première fois en Europe, d'enregistrer en continu, les lésions et le parcours hospitalier de l'ensemble des victimes d'accidents de la route sur une zone géographiquement délimitée. L'ensemble des services de secours et de soins prenant en charge des victimes signale au Registre toute personne consultant à la suite d'un accident de la circulation sur une voie publique ou privée du département du Rhône (accident impliquant au moins un moyen mécanique de locomotion, y compris planches ou patins à roulettes). Des renseignements concernant la victime, son accident, ses lésions, et son devenir médical sont recueillis. Les résultats présentés concernent les 32 671 victimes recensées par le Registre pour les années 2007 à 2010.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00932474
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Fabrigoule. Les conducteurs seniors et la sécurité routière : aspects épidémiologiques. Les vingt-sixièmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier. Colloque 13 : Les Aînés et la Sécurité routière " Rester usager de la route en toute sécurité, c'est possible ! ", Nov 2013, France. 18 p. ⟨hal-00932474⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La communication aborde différents aspects de la question de la conduite automobile chez les conducteurs seniors, avec au final la proposition d’un protocole cognitif pour les médecins afin de détecter des déficits pouvant perturber la conduite.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La communication aborde différents aspects de la question de la conduite automobile chez les conducteurs seniors, avec au final la proposition d’un protocole cognitif pour les médecins afin de détecter des déficits pouvant perturber la conduite.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-01727758
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry. Les champs électromagnétiques dans les espaces multimédia. Les cahiers de la Recherche : Santé, Environnement, Travail, 2014, La santé au travail, 4, pp.24-26. ⟨anses-01727758⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En France, depuis 2001, tout employeur doit recenser les risques présents dans son entreprise, évaluer leur gravité, leur probabilité de survenue et consigner ces informations dans un document unique. De plus, il existe des contraintes réglementaires concernant l’évaluation des risques professionnels et le niveau d’exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques. Au cours de l’été 2007, à Paris, le Wi-Fi a été installé dans 59 bibliothèques puis retiré quelques mois plus tard, suite à la demande des syndicats car des employés se plaignaient de céphalées, de vertiges, etc. Le projet EXPO@LYON étudie le cas des bibliothèques et médiathèques de Lyon. L’objectif est de construire les outils techniques et méthodologiques à déployer pour permettre de réaliser une évaluation précise de cette exposition professionnelle sur ces postes de travail.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En France, depuis 2001, tout employeur doit recenser les risques présents dans son entreprise, évaluer leur gravité, leur probabilité de survenue et consigner ces informations dans un document unique. De plus, il existe des contraintes réglementaires concernant l’évaluation des risques professionnels et le niveau d’exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques. Au cours de l’été 2007, à Paris, le Wi-Fi a été installé dans 59 bibliothèques puis retiré quelques mois plus tard, suite à la demande des syndicats car des employés se plaignaient de céphalées, de vertiges, etc. Le projet EXPO@LYON étudie le cas des bibliothèques et médiathèques de Lyon. L’objectif est de construire les outils techniques et méthodologiques à déployer pour permettre de réaliser une évaluation précise de cette exposition professionnelle sur ces postes de travail.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Céline Cholez, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Nadine Poussin, Marie Bellemare, Fabien Coutarel, Alain Garrigou, Karine Chassaing, Johann Petit, Geneviève Baril-Gingras, Daniel Prudhomme, Perrine Parrel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00676973
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Céline Cholez, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Nadine Poussin, et al.. Les activités des médecins du travail dans la prévention des TMS : ressources et contraintes. [Rapport de recherche] PACTE. 2012. ⟨halshs-00676973⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les TMS constituent l'une des premières maladies professionnelles et les médecins du travail jouent un rôle important dans la prévention. Aujourd'hui les connaissances sur les facteurs de risque à l'origine de cette pathologie font l'objet de débats sur la prévention des TMS. Les recherches ont besoin d'évoluer vers une meilleure connaissance des modalités de prise en charge de ce risque par les professionnels de la prévention. L'objectif de notre recherche est donc double : comprendre les pratiques des médecins du travail et participer au développement de leur activité de prévention. Notre cadre théorique multidisciplinaire (ergonomie, clinique du travail, sociologie du travail) est celui de l'analyse du travail. Notre problématique est la production de connaissances sur l'activité réelle du médecin afin de contribuer au débat sur les évolutions de leur métier et la pluridisciplinarité en santé au travail. Plusieurs méthodologies ont été mises en œuvre selon les compétences et les disciplines de chaque équipe de recherche. Une cinquantaine de médecins volontaires ont participé à notre recherche. Nous avons fait plus de 60 jours d'observation ergonomique du travail sur le terrain, dont 200 observations de consultation avec un protocole validé par le conseil de l'ordre et la CNIL. Différentes formes d'entretiens (au total 65) ont été réalisés (semi-directif, d'explicitation, d'auto-confrontation simple et croisé). Afin de contribuer au développement de l'activité de prévention des médecins du travail, nous avons constitué quatre groupes de pairs qui ont pu échanger sur les traces de leur activité réelle (au total, 14 réunions collectives) et à partir des méthodologies d'instruction du sosie (au total, 15 réunions collectives). Nos équipes de recherche ont partagé un référentiel commun afin de faciliter l'exploitation des données. Pour ne pas perdre la spécificité de chaque discipline, chaque équipe a écrit un ou plusieurs textes (en annexes du rapport) qui constituent la base d'un document de synthèse. Premier résultat, il existe plusieurs manières et façons de faire de la prévention des TMS chez les médecins du travail. Certains médecins privilégient une action en consultation alors que d'autres sont plus dans une action en entreprise. Mais ces styles, s'ils correspondent à des postures professionnelles construites avec l'expérience et le parcours de formation, sont très dépendants du contexte de l'entreprise, des dispositifs légales de prévention et du type de relations avec les salariés, les acteurs de l'entreprise et de la prévention, qui rendent plus ou moins possibles leurs mises en œuvre. L'activité du médecin dans certaines conditions est empêchée. Les médecins du travail sont les seuls intervenants de la prévention à tenir dans la continuité l'histoire de l'entreprise, des relations, de la santé. Ils ramènent leurs connaissances sur le travail pour aider le salarié à faire les liens entre le travail et la santé. Ils mobilisent la parole des salariés issue de la consultation dans les espaces d'échanges publics de l'entreprise, tout en respectant le secret médical, afin de modifier la représentation des acteurs sur les liens travail-santé. Autrement dit, il est impossible dans l'activité de prévention du médecin de délier l'approche individuelle et collective car celles-ci sont sans arrêt articuler et combiner. Cela conduit à s'interroger sur l'évolution de la loi et à comparer les pratiques avec d'autres systèmes de prévention, comme celui du Québec.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les TMS constituent l'une des premières maladies professionnelles et les médecins du travail jouent un rôle important dans la prévention. Aujourd'hui les connaissances sur les facteurs de risque à l'origine de cette pathologie font l'objet de débats sur la prévention des TMS. Les recherches ont besoin d'évoluer vers une meilleure connaissance des modalités de prise en charge de ce risque par les professionnels de la prévention. L'objectif de notre recherche est donc double : comprendre les pratiques des médecins du travail et participer au développement de leur activité de prévention. Notre cadre théorique multidisciplinaire (ergonomie, clinique du travail, sociologie du travail) est celui de l'analyse du travail. Notre problématique est la production de connaissances sur l'activité réelle du médecin afin de contribuer au débat sur les évolutions de leur métier et la pluridisciplinarité en santé au travail. Plusieurs méthodologies ont été mises en œuvre selon les compétences et les disciplines de chaque équipe de recherche. Une cinquantaine de médecins volontaires ont participé à notre recherche. Nous avons fait plus de 60 jours d'observation ergonomique du travail sur le terrain, dont 200 observations de consultation avec un protocole validé par le conseil de l'ordre et la CNIL. Différentes formes d'entretiens (au total 65) ont été réalisés (semi-directif, d'explicitation, d'auto-confrontation simple et croisé). Afin de contribuer au développement de l'activité de prévention des médecins du travail, nous avons constitué quatre groupes de pairs qui ont pu échanger sur les traces de leur activité réelle (au total, 14 réunions collectives) et à partir des méthodologies d'instruction du sosie (au total, 15 réunions collectives). Nos équipes de recherche ont partagé un référentiel commun afin de faciliter l'exploitation des données. Pour ne pas perdre la spécificité de chaque discipline, chaque équipe a écrit un ou plusieurs textes (en annexes du rapport) qui constituent la base d'un document de synthèse. Premier résultat, il existe plusieurs manières et façons de faire de la prévention des TMS chez les médecins du travail. Certains médecins privilégient une action en consultation alors que d'autres sont plus dans une action en entreprise. Mais ces styles, s'ils correspondent à des postures professionnelles construites avec l'expérience et le parcours de formation, sont très dépendants du contexte de l'entreprise, des dispositifs légales de prévention et du type de relations avec les salariés, les acteurs de l'entreprise et de la prévention, qui rendent plus ou moins possibles leurs mises en œuvre. L'activité du médecin dans certaines conditions est empêchée. Les médecins du travail sont les seuls intervenants de la prévention à tenir dans la continuité l'histoire de l'entreprise, des relations, de la santé. Ils ramènent leurs connaissances sur le travail pour aider le salarié à faire les liens entre le travail et la santé. Ils mobilisent la parole des salariés issue de la consultation dans les espaces d'échanges publics de l'entreprise, tout en respectant le secret médical, afin de modifier la représentation des acteurs sur les liens travail-santé. Autrement dit, il est impossible dans l'activité de prévention du médecin de délier l'approche individuelle et collective car celles-ci sont sans arrêt articuler et combiner. Cela conduit à s'interroger sur l'évolution de la loi et à comparer les pratiques avec d'autres systèmes de prévention, comme celui du Québec.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : François Daniellou, Philippe Davezies, Karine Chassaing, Bernard Dugué,, Johann Petit
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00776153
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : François Daniellou, Philippe Davezies, Karine Chassaing, Bernard Dugué,, Johann Petit. Le travail vivant des agents de contrôle de l'inspection du travail. DIRECCTE, pp.117, 2012. ⟨hal-00776153⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'activité des agents de contrôle comporte de multiples facettes (permanences, contrôles et gestion de leurs suites, convocations d'acteurs, décisions administratives [IT], réunions) articulées entre elles. - Chaque intervention vis-à-vis d'une entreprise s'inscrit dans l'histoire de la relation de l'inspection avec cette entreprise. La plupart des " coups " joués par un agent de contrôle s'inscrivent dans " une partie " qui implique dans la durée lui-même, éventuellement ses prédécesseurs et successeurs de la section, et des acteurs de l'entreprise. - Cette inscription dans la durée vient interroger le système de compte rendu d'activité Cap Sitere, qui est basé sur la notion de " contrôle " élémentaire. Les contrôles n'étant ni indépendants d'autres éléments d'activité, ni équivalents en importance, en charge de travail, ou en conséquences, cette unité de compte interroge sur la vision du travail des agents dont le système est porteur, sur la représentation qu'en porte la hiérarchie, et sur les évaluations qui en résultent. - L'activité des agents de contrôle vise au respect du Code du travail par les employeurs. Dans les faits, l'application intégrale de la loi par l'ensemble des entreprises dont il a la charge ne peut être l'objectif opérationnel de l'agent de contrôle, du fait : - de la complexité de la loi, - du nombre d'entreprises concernées, - de l'état réel des pratiques de certaines d'entre elles, - de l'ampleur du travail que nécessitent certaines infractions. L'activité de l'agent comporte nécessairement différentes priorisations, en fonction des alertes qui lui parviennent, des explorations qu'il conduit, de l'évaluation qu'il fait de la gravité et des enjeux des situations, et du rapport entre l'investissement nécessaire et le résultat vraisemblable. Le coût de son activité, perçu par l'agent, concerne aussi bien ce sur quoi il intervient, que ce sur quoi il choisit de ne pas intervenir, et les dilemmes qui en résultent parfois. - L'objectif de respect du Code du travail se traduit par des actions visant : - à obtenir une meilleure application de celui-ci d'une part, - et à sanctionner les manquements, d'autre part. L'activité de tous les agents combine ainsi des formes de pression sans sanction, et le recours à la sanction. Ces deux volets sont constitutifs du statut (convention OIT 81, article 17 : Il est laissé à la libre décision des inspecteurs du travail de donner des avertissements ou des conseils au lieu d'intenter ou de recommander des poursuites.) Ces deux modes d'action, et leur articulation, reposent sur la connaissance de la loi, mais aussi sur des compétences très fines en matière de relations avec les acteurs de l'entreprise. La palette de possibilités utilisée dans la réalité par l'ensemble des agents est extrêmement large, mais elle ne fait pas l'objet de mise en commun, de mise en débats, ni de transmission formalisée aux nouveaux agents. Chacun développe son style et ses savoir-faire, dans une situation de faibles interactions avec les collègues. -L'articulation entre les pressions sans sanction et le recours à la sanction renvoie à l'identité professionnelle de l'agent de contrôle, voire à son idéal professionnel. Il semble cependant qu'il existe des oppositions beaucoup plus fortes entre les positions formelles énoncées qu'entre les pratiques effectives, qui comportent toutes des formes de priorisation, la gestion de dilemmes, et cette articulation des modes d'action. La force de ces oppositions formelles contribue probablement à la faiblesse des débats de métiers sur les pratiques effectives, et à limiter leur enrichissement mutuel et leur prise en compte dans le processus de formation. Il apparaît nécessaire que les agents de contrôle, la hiérarchie, les organisations syndicales favorisent la mise en commun et en débat de la richesse des pratiques collectivement disponibles. Sortir de deux ou trois visions figées de l'idéal professionnel, qui bloquent actuellement nombre d'échanges, pour débattre et négocier à partir de la réalité du travail et de ses difficultés est un enjeu à la fois pour la santé des agents et pour le fonctionnement de l'inspection. Ce rapport passe en revue quelques thèmes sur lesquels de tels débats pourraient s'instaurer. Pour ce faire, sur chacun des thèmes abordés, il rend d'abord compte des contradictions et stratégies mises en oeuvre par les agents. Puis le thème est illustré par des histoires d'intervention, qui montrent l'imbrication et la complexité de ces stratégies.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'activité des agents de contrôle comporte de multiples facettes (permanences, contrôles et gestion de leurs suites, convocations d'acteurs, décisions administratives [IT], réunions) articulées entre elles. - Chaque intervention vis-à-vis d'une entreprise s'inscrit dans l'histoire de la relation de l'inspection avec cette entreprise. La plupart des " coups " joués par un agent de contrôle s'inscrivent dans " une partie " qui implique dans la durée lui-même, éventuellement ses prédécesseurs et successeurs de la section, et des acteurs de l'entreprise. - Cette inscription dans la durée vient interroger le système de compte rendu d'activité Cap Sitere, qui est basé sur la notion de " contrôle " élémentaire. Les contrôles n'étant ni indépendants d'autres éléments d'activité, ni équivalents en importance, en charge de travail, ou en conséquences, cette unité de compte interroge sur la vision du travail des agents dont le système est porteur, sur la représentation qu'en porte la hiérarchie, et sur les évaluations qui en résultent. - L'activité des agents de contrôle vise au respect du Code du travail par les employeurs. Dans les faits, l'application intégrale de la loi par l'ensemble des entreprises dont il a la charge ne peut être l'objectif opérationnel de l'agent de contrôle, du fait : - de la complexité de la loi, - du nombre d'entreprises concernées, - de l'état réel des pratiques de certaines d'entre elles, - de l'ampleur du travail que nécessitent certaines infractions. L'activité de l'agent comporte nécessairement différentes priorisations, en fonction des alertes qui lui parviennent, des explorations qu'il conduit, de l'évaluation qu'il fait de la gravité et des enjeux des situations, et du rapport entre l'investissement nécessaire et le résultat vraisemblable. Le coût de son activité, perçu par l'agent, concerne aussi bien ce sur quoi il intervient, que ce sur quoi il choisit de ne pas intervenir, et les dilemmes qui en résultent parfois. - L'objectif de respect du Code du travail se traduit par des actions visant : - à obtenir une meilleure application de celui-ci d'une part, - et à sanctionner les manquements, d'autre part. L'activité de tous les agents combine ainsi des formes de pression sans sanction, et le recours à la sanction. Ces deux volets sont constitutifs du statut (convention OIT 81, article 17 : Il est laissé à la libre décision des inspecteurs du travail de donner des avertissements ou des conseils au lieu d'intenter ou de recommander des poursuites.) Ces deux modes d'action, et leur articulation, reposent sur la connaissance de la loi, mais aussi sur des compétences très fines en matière de relations avec les acteurs de l'entreprise. La palette de possibilités utilisée dans la réalité par l'ensemble des agents est extrêmement large, mais elle ne fait pas l'objet de mise en commun, de mise en débats, ni de transmission formalisée aux nouveaux agents. Chacun développe son style et ses savoir-faire, dans une situation de faibles interactions avec les collègues. -L'articulation entre les pressions sans sanction et le recours à la sanction renvoie à l'identité professionnelle de l'agent de contrôle, voire à son idéal professionnel. Il semble cependant qu'il existe des oppositions beaucoup plus fortes entre les positions formelles énoncées qu'entre les pratiques effectives, qui comportent toutes des formes de priorisation, la gestion de dilemmes, et cette articulation des modes d'action. La force de ces oppositions formelles contribue probablement à la faiblesse des débats de métiers sur les pratiques effectives, et à limiter leur enrichissement mutuel et leur prise en compte dans le processus de formation. Il apparaît nécessaire que les agents de contrôle, la hiérarchie, les organisations syndicales favorisent la mise en commun et en débat de la richesse des pratiques collectivement disponibles. Sortir de deux ou trois visions figées de l'idéal professionnel, qui bloquent actuellement nombre d'échanges, pour débattre et négocier à partir de la réalité du travail et de ses difficultés est un enjeu à la fois pour la santé des agents et pour le fonctionnement de l'inspection. Ce rapport passe en revue quelques thèmes sur lesquels de tels débats pourraient s'instaurer. Pour ce faire, sur chacun des thèmes abordés, il rend d'abord compte des contradictions et stratégies mises en oeuvre par les agents. Puis le thème est illustré par des histoires d'intervention, qui montrent l'imbrication et la complexité de ces stratégies.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Ouvrages
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Olivier Monneuse, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01794756
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Olivier Monneuse, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon. Le registre des victimes d'accidents du Rhône. E-Mémoires de l'Académie Nationale de Chirurgie, 2017, 16 (1), pp. 33-36. ⟨10.14607/emem.2017.1.033⟩. ⟨hal-01794756⟩
DOI : 10.14607/emem.2017.1.033
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Depuis 1995 fonctionne un enregistrement continu des victimes d'accidents corporels de la circulation routière se produisant dans le département du Rhône. Ses objectifs sont la connaissance du traumatisme routier et de ses conséquences, notamment grâce à une description précise des lésions des victimes. L'inclusion de victimes re-pose sur le lieu de l'accident. L'évènement de santé inventorié est l'atteinte de l'intégrité corporelle (au moins une lésion au sens de l'Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS)) lors d'un accident de la circulation routière impliquant au moins un véhicule en mouvement (y compris les patins et planches à roulettes). Le recueil repose sur l'ensemble des structures sanitaires publiques et privées, au nombre de 245, qui prennent en charge les blessés de la route du Rhône y compris dans les départements limitrophes du Rhône. Chaque service remplit une fiche pour chaque victime. Les victimes et/ou leur famille sont en outre sollicitées par voie d'affiche ou par courrier pour complé-ter certaines informations manquantes, en particulier le lieu précis de survenue de l'accident. Les informations recueillies concernent la victime, son accident, son parcours hospitalier et ses lésions. C'est au moment de la saisie informatique que les différentes fiches concernant la même victime sont regroupées sous le même identi-fiant. Ce registre est qualifié par le Comité national des Registres.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Depuis 1995 fonctionne un enregistrement continu des victimes d'accidents corporels de la circulation routière se produisant dans le département du Rhône. Ses objectifs sont la connaissance du traumatisme routier et de ses conséquences, notamment grâce à une description précise des lésions des victimes. L'inclusion de victimes re-pose sur le lieu de l'accident. L'évènement de santé inventorié est l'atteinte de l'intégrité corporelle (au moins une lésion au sens de l'Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS)) lors d'un accident de la circulation routière impliquant au moins un véhicule en mouvement (y compris les patins et planches à roulettes). Le recueil repose sur l'ensemble des structures sanitaires publiques et privées, au nombre de 245, qui prennent en charge les blessés de la route du Rhône y compris dans les départements limitrophes du Rhône. Chaque service remplit une fiche pour chaque victime. Les victimes et/ou leur famille sont en outre sollicitées par voie d'affiche ou par courrier pour complé-ter certaines informations manquantes, en particulier le lieu précis de survenue de l'accident. Les informations recueillies concernent la victime, son accident, son parcours hospitalier et ses lésions. C'est au moment de la saisie informatique que les différentes fiches concernant la même victime sont regroupées sous le même identi-fiant. Ce registre est qualifié par le Comité national des Registres.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : K. Gana, M. Gallé-Tessonneau, G. Broc
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03486430
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : K. Gana, M. Gallé-Tessonneau, G. Broc. Le protocole individuel en psychologie : tutoriel à l’usage des psychologues praticiens. Pratiques Psychologiques, 2019, 25, pp.153 - 167. ⟨10.1016/j.prps.2018.11.002⟩. ⟨hal-03486430⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.prps.2018.11.002
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Patricia Chapuis, Pierrette Charnay, Marie-Catherine Debrisay, Blandine Gadegbeku, Mouloud Haddak, Martine Hours, Etienne Javouhey, Sylviane Lafont, Jean-Louis Martin, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amina Ndiaye, Denise Perrin-Blondeau, Karine Supernant, Gilles Vallet, Marie-Pierre Verney
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01205561
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Patricia Chapuis, Pierrette Charnay, Marie-Catherine Debrisay, et al.. Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation routière: rapport d'activité année 2011. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2012, 35 p. ⟨hal-01205561⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Rapport UMRESTTE n° 1201 Le rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accident de la circulation routière rappelle le fonctionnement du dispositif, donne les principaux résultats acquis au cours de l'année et dresse un bilan des études complémentaires mises en place ou réalisées au cours de l'année.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Rapport UMRESTTE n° 1201 Le rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accident de la circulation routière rappelle le fonctionnement du dispositif, donne les principaux résultats acquis au cours de l'année et dresse un bilan des études complémentaires mises en place ou réalisées au cours de l'année.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Patricia Chapuis, Pierrette Charnay, Mireille Chiron, Blandine Gadegbeku, Mouloud Haddak, Martine Hours, Etienne Javouhey, Sylviane Lafont, Jean-Louis Martin, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amina Ndiaye, Karine Supernant, Gilles Vallet, Marie-Pierre Verney
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01205509
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Patricia Chapuis, Pierrette Charnay, Mireille Chiron, et al.. Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation routière: rapport d'activité année 2010. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2011, 32 p. ⟨hal-01205509⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Rapport UMRESTTE n° 1102 Le rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accident de la circulation routière rappelle le fonctionnement du dispositif, donne les principaux résultats acquis au cours de l'année et dresse un bilan des études complémentaires mises en place ou réalisées au cours de l'année.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Rapport UMRESTTE n° 1102 Le rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accident de la circulation routière rappelle le fonctionnement du dispositif, donne les principaux résultats acquis au cours de l'année et dresse un bilan des études complémentaires mises en place ou réalisées au cours de l'année.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Geneviève Boissier, Marie-Catherine Debrisay, Blandine Gadegbeku, Mouloud Haddak, Martine Hours, Etienne Javouhey, Sylviane Lafont, Thomas Lieutaud, Jean-Louis Martin, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amina Ndiaye, Hélène Tardy, Gilles Vallet, Marie-Pierre Verney, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01356107
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Geneviève Boissier, Marie-Catherine Debrisay, Blandine Gadegbeku, et al.. Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation routière. Rapport UMRESTTE n°1601. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2016, 53 p. ⟨hal-01356107⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Patricia Chapuis, Pierrette Charnay, Laëtitia Chossegros, Marie-Catherine Debrisay, Blandine Gadegbeku, Mouloud Haddak, Martine Hours, Etienne Javouhey, Sylviane Lafont, Thomas Lieutaud, Jean-Louis Martin, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amina Ndiaye, Denise Perrin-Blondeau, Karine Supernant, Hélène Tardy, Gilles Vallet, Marie-Pierre Verney
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01205575
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Patricia Chapuis, Pierrette Charnay, Laëtitia Chossegros, et al.. Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation routière Rapport d'activité Année 2012. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2013, 35 p. ⟨hal-01205575⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Rapport UMRESTTE n° 1301 Le rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accident de la circulation routière rappelle le fonctionnement du dispositif, donne les principaux résultats acquis au cours de l'année et dresse un bilan des études complémentaires mises en place ou réalisées au cours de l'année.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Rapport UMRESTTE n° 1301 Le rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accident de la circulation routière rappelle le fonctionnement du dispositif, donne les principaux résultats acquis au cours de l'année et dresse un bilan des études complémentaires mises en place ou réalisées au cours de l'année.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Geneviève Boissier, Patricia Chapuis, Pierrette Charnay, Marie-Catherine Debrisay, Blandine Gadegbeku, Mouloud Haddak, Martine Hours, Etienne Javouhey, Sylviane Lafont, Thomas Lieutaud, Jean-Louis Martin, Colette Mintsa-Eya, Amina Ndiaye, Hélène Tardy, Gilles Vallet, Marie-Pierre Verney, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01207632
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bernard Laumon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Geneviève Boissier, Patricia Chapuis, Pierrette Charnay, et al.. Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation routière - Rapport d'activité - Année 2014. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2015, 32 p. ⟨hal-01207632⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accident de la circulation routière rappelle le fonctionnement du dispositif, donne les principaux résultats et dresse le bilan des études complémentaires mises en place ou réalisées au cours de l'année.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le rapport annuel d'activité du Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accident de la circulation routière rappelle le fonctionnement du dispositif, donne les principaux résultats et dresse le bilan des études complémentaires mises en place ou réalisées au cours de l'année.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00997480
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. Le Registre des Victimes Corporelles d’Accidents de la Circulation Routière dans le département du Rhône.. Séminaire de l’Unité 754 de l’INSERM, Epidémiologie environnementale des cancers, Mar 2010, France. 65 p. ⟨hal-00997480⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation du Registre du Rhône.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation du Registre du Rhône.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01307745
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours. La qualité de vie après l'accident : pourquoi la mesurer ?. Assemblée Générale de l'Association 'Les amis de la Novelline', Mar 2016, Cluny, France. 18 p. ⟨hal-01307745⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La communication définit le concept de qualité de vie, né de la définition de la santé par l'OMS. Après avoir illustré le propos à partir de données de la population générale française, l'évolution de la qualité de vie après l'accident à partir de la cohorte ESPARR est présentée. Un focus sur la qualité de vie des victimes de traumatisme crânien termine l'exposé.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La communication définit le concept de qualité de vie, né de la définition de la santé par l'OMS. Après avoir illustré le propos à partir de données de la population générale française, l'évolution de la qualité de vie après l'accident à partir de la cohorte ESPARR est présentée. Un focus sur la qualité de vie des victimes de traumatisme crânien termine l'exposé.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Fabien Coutarel, Nadine Poussin, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Marie Bellemare, Céline Cholez, Alain Garrigou, Karine Chassaing, Johann Petit, Geneviève Baril-Gingras, Daniel Prudhomme
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01128391
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Fabien Coutarel, Nadine Poussin, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, et al.. La prise en compte des liens santé travail par les médecins du travail dans la consultation et les actions collectives. 32ème Congrès de médecine du travail, Jun 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France. pp.296-297. ⟨halshs-01128391⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01488454
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Etienne Javouhey. La prise en charge des méningites bactériennes graves de l'enfant en 2016. Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine, 2016, 200 (1), 14 p. ⟨hal-01488454⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les méningites bactériennes sont des infections graves du système nerveux central mettant en jeu le pronostic vital et fonctionnel. Les complications sont liées à l'inflammation générée par la libération des substances bactériennes dans l'espace méningé au contact du cerveau. Les complications sont de trois types : le choc infectieux qui altère la délivrance d'oxygène aux tissus, une hypertension intracrânienne (HTIC) qui peut altérer la perfusion cérébrale et des troubles métaboliques tels que l'hyponatrémie.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les méningites bactériennes sont des infections graves du système nerveux central mettant en jeu le pronostic vital et fonctionnel. Les complications sont liées à l'inflammation générée par la libération des substances bactériennes dans l'espace méningé au contact du cerveau. Les complications sont de trois types : le choc infectieux qui altère la délivrance d'oxygène aux tissus, une hypertension intracrânienne (HTIC) qui peut altérer la perfusion cérébrale et des troubles métaboliques tels que l'hyponatrémie.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01475296
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, et al.. La pollution de l'air modifie-t-elle l'impact du bruit des avions sur la mortalité cardiovasculaire? Résultats d'une étude écologique en France.. Congrès Société Française de Santé et Environnement, Nov 2016, STRASBOURG, France. 16 p. ⟨hal-01475296⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte / Context : La réduction des nuisances sonores dues aux avions a longtemps été considérée comme une préoccupation majeure des pouvoirs publics. Mais depuis quelques années, la problématique liée à la pollution de l'air à proximité des aéroports est venue s'ajouter à celle des nuisances sonores, ce qui soulève évidemment la question de la dissociation des effets du bruit de ceux de la pollution de l'air, en particulier sur les maladies cardiovasculaires. Méthodes / Methods : Nous avons réalisé une étude écologique s'intéressant non seulement à l'existence d'une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la mortalité cardiovasculaire, mais aussi à l'impact de la pollution de l'air sur celle-ci. Cette étude a porté sur 161 communes situées à proximité de trois aéroports français majeurs : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Les données de mortalité ont été transmises par le Centre d'épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès de l'Inserm. L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions, pondérée par la population, a été calculée au niveau de chaque commune à partir des cartes de bruit produites par la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile. L'exposition moyenne à la pollution de l'air en termes de NO2 et de PM10 a été estimée grâce à des modèles de dispersion. Résultats et discussion / Results and discussion : L'association entre la mortalité cardiovasculaire et la concentration en NO2 ou PM10 est à la limite de la signification. Une association significative a été mise en évidence entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Elle n'est pas atténuée lorsque la concentration en NO2 ou PM10 est prise en compte dans les modèles. Ces résultats confirment ainsi ceux d'études récentes qui suggèrent que la pollution de l'air ne modifie pas l'impact de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Cependant d'autres études individuelles sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre les associations mises en évidence dans cette recherche.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte / Context : La réduction des nuisances sonores dues aux avions a longtemps été considérée comme une préoccupation majeure des pouvoirs publics. Mais depuis quelques années, la problématique liée à la pollution de l'air à proximité des aéroports est venue s'ajouter à celle des nuisances sonores, ce qui soulève évidemment la question de la dissociation des effets du bruit de ceux de la pollution de l'air, en particulier sur les maladies cardiovasculaires. Méthodes / Methods : Nous avons réalisé une étude écologique s'intéressant non seulement à l'existence d'une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la mortalité cardiovasculaire, mais aussi à l'impact de la pollution de l'air sur celle-ci. Cette étude a porté sur 161 communes situées à proximité de trois aéroports français majeurs : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Les données de mortalité ont été transmises par le Centre d'épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès de l'Inserm. L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions, pondérée par la population, a été calculée au niveau de chaque commune à partir des cartes de bruit produites par la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile. L'exposition moyenne à la pollution de l'air en termes de NO2 et de PM10 a été estimée grâce à des modèles de dispersion. Résultats et discussion / Results and discussion : L'association entre la mortalité cardiovasculaire et la concentration en NO2 ou PM10 est à la limite de la signification. Une association significative a été mise en évidence entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Elle n'est pas atténuée lorsque la concentration en NO2 ou PM10 est prise en compte dans les modèles. Ces résultats confirment ainsi ceux d'études récentes qui suggèrent que la pollution de l'air ne modifie pas l'impact de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Cependant d'autres études individuelles sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre les associations mises en évidence dans cette recherche.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, Mireille Chiron, Yves Crozet, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00078351
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, et al.. La monétarisation des effets locaux de la pollution atmosphérique : des évaluations scientifiques aux décisions politiques. INRETS ; Lavoisier, 2004, Coll. Synthèse Inrets, n° 46. ⟨halshs-00078351⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cette synthèse, réalisée par le LET, le CERTU et l'INRETS dans le cadre du PREDIT 2, présente un état de l'art des méthodes de monétarisation des effets locaux de la pollution atmosphérique. Elle s'attache à l'appréhension économique de cette question en insistant non seulement sur les enjeux scientifiques (diversité des méthodes, prise en compte des impacts à long terme et débats autour de la technique de l'actualisation) , mais aussi sur les enjeux politiques (mécanismes institutionnels conduisant à l'élaboration de valeurs "tutélaires" utilisées dans les prises de décision). Enfin, les pratiques d'évaluation dans différents pays européens (France, Suède et Suisse notamment) ont été analysées, en particulier dans le cadre de l'évaluation socio-économique des projets de transport et de l'élaboration de systèmes de tarification des infrastructures de transport.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cette synthèse, réalisée par le LET, le CERTU et l'INRETS dans le cadre du PREDIT 2, présente un état de l'art des méthodes de monétarisation des effets locaux de la pollution atmosphérique. Elle s'attache à l'appréhension économique de cette question en insistant non seulement sur les enjeux scientifiques (diversité des méthodes, prise en compte des impacts à long terme et débats autour de la technique de l'actualisation) , mais aussi sur les enjeux politiques (mécanismes institutionnels conduisant à l'élaboration de valeurs "tutélaires" utilisées dans les prises de décision). Enfin, les pratiques d'évaluation dans différents pays européens (France, Suède et Suisse notamment) ont été analysées, en particulier dans le cadre de l'évaluation socio-économique des projets de transport et de l'élaboration de systèmes de tarification des infrastructures de transport.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Ouvrages
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Elodie Giroux, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00929707
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Elodie Giroux, Martine Hours. La controverse santé-radiofréquences : la science face à l'incertitude et à la partialité. Environnement, Risques & Santé, 2013, 12 (3), pp.222-230. ⟨10.1684/ers.2013.0616⟩. ⟨hal-00929707⟩
DOI : 10.1684/ers.2013.0616
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La relation entre la santé et l'usage du téléphone mobile, et plus généralement, les radiofréquences, est depuis une dizaine d'années l'objet d'un très vif débat. Comme souvent, l'incertitude dans laquelle nous sommes sur les risques encourus par une exposition environnementale, dont les niveaux sont faibles mais omniprésents, fait le lit de cette controverse. L'évaluation du risque pour la santé est ici particulièrement complexe. Elle divise les experts scientifiques et les oppose aux associations. Adoptant un double point de vue historique et épistémologique, cet article montre que cette controverse est révélatrice de rapports complexes que nous entretenons avec l'incertitude face au risque environnemental. Il propose une analyse des tentatives de réponses institutionnelles et politiques apportées en France et met en évidence défendons l'importance de renouveler notre regard sur les relations entre science et incertitude pour dépasser certaines impasses de ce genre de débats.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La relation entre la santé et l'usage du téléphone mobile, et plus généralement, les radiofréquences, est depuis une dizaine d'années l'objet d'un très vif débat. Comme souvent, l'incertitude dans laquelle nous sommes sur les risques encourus par une exposition environnementale, dont les niveaux sont faibles mais omniprésents, fait le lit de cette controverse. L'évaluation du risque pour la santé est ici particulièrement complexe. Elle divise les experts scientifiques et les oppose aux associations. Adoptant un double point de vue historique et épistémologique, cet article montre que cette controverse est révélatrice de rapports complexes que nous entretenons avec l'incertitude face au risque environnemental. Il propose une analyse des tentatives de réponses institutionnelles et politiques apportées en France et met en évidence défendons l'importance de renouveler notre regard sur les relations entre science et incertitude pour dépasser certaines impasses de ce genre de débats.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00939201
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours. La cohorte ESPARR: un exemple d'étude épidémiologique prospective sur le devenir des accidentés de la route. Bases de données médicales et épidémiologiques en lien avec le risque routier : quelle utilité pour le médecin prescripteur ?, Oct 2013, France. 18 p. ⟨hal-00939201⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Si l’on évoque souvent les décès causés par les accidents, on parle moins souvent des handicaps qui affectent de nombreuses victimes survivantes, et particulièrement jamais des handicaps "invisibles". Le blessé grave est essentiellement défini par la gravité initiale des lésions sans tenir compte de la réalité des conséquences postérieures. La cohorte ESPARR, par un suivi à moyen et long terme de 1372 accidentés, permet d’étudier les suites fonctionnelles, sociales, et familiales des accidents. Chaque suivi permet de décrire les conséquences observées (déficience, incapacité), d’identifier les facteurs pronostiques de handicap, de réinsertion sociale et professionnelle difficile. En particulier, le suivi spécifique des sujets sévèrement traumatisés et de leur famille, ou des traumatisés crâniens, permet de mieux préciser le type de séquelles (troubles cognitifs et comportementaux), à l’origine d’importantes difficultés de réinsertion et de resocialisation. Du fait de son caractère unique, la cohorte ESPARR constitue un soutien scientifique fondamental pour définir des mesures concrètes et adaptées : il est en effet important que la connaissance prenne plus de place dans les décisions politiques. Notre suivi confirme le fait qu’un accident de la route même peu grave n’est jamais un évènement anodin. Un an après, l’accident a encore un fort impact sur la vie quotidienne, les loisirs ; il perturbe l’activité professionnelle. Les victimes sont encore nombreuses à souffrir de douleurs, et de difficultés affectives et sociales. Le stress post-traumatique est un élément particulièrement majorant du retentissement sur la vie quotidienne. Les accidents peuvent laisser des séquelles graves et durables qui influent sur la vie des familles. Pourtant, l’appréciation par les blessés de leur qualité de vie un an après l’accident est relativement positive. Nos résultats sont utiles pour guider la prévention dans le meilleur environnement possible. Les résultats d’ESPARR ont fait l’objet de plusieurs publications dans les meilleures revues scientifiques du domaine. Par ailleurs, des communications dans divers congrès, nationaux ou internationaux, ont été réalisées. Enfin, un colloque organisé autour de l’étude ESPARR a permis de croiser les regards sur les résultats d’ESPARR et le vécu de divers spécialistes dans leur pratique quotidienne auprès des victimes d’accidents. Une thèse de Sciences a été soutenue et un post-doctorat est en cours sur les données de l’étude ESPARR.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Si l’on évoque souvent les décès causés par les accidents, on parle moins souvent des handicaps qui affectent de nombreuses victimes survivantes, et particulièrement jamais des handicaps "invisibles". Le blessé grave est essentiellement défini par la gravité initiale des lésions sans tenir compte de la réalité des conséquences postérieures. La cohorte ESPARR, par un suivi à moyen et long terme de 1372 accidentés, permet d’étudier les suites fonctionnelles, sociales, et familiales des accidents. Chaque suivi permet de décrire les conséquences observées (déficience, incapacité), d’identifier les facteurs pronostiques de handicap, de réinsertion sociale et professionnelle difficile. En particulier, le suivi spécifique des sujets sévèrement traumatisés et de leur famille, ou des traumatisés crâniens, permet de mieux préciser le type de séquelles (troubles cognitifs et comportementaux), à l’origine d’importantes difficultés de réinsertion et de resocialisation. Du fait de son caractère unique, la cohorte ESPARR constitue un soutien scientifique fondamental pour définir des mesures concrètes et adaptées : il est en effet important que la connaissance prenne plus de place dans les décisions politiques. Notre suivi confirme le fait qu’un accident de la route même peu grave n’est jamais un évènement anodin. Un an après, l’accident a encore un fort impact sur la vie quotidienne, les loisirs ; il perturbe l’activité professionnelle. Les victimes sont encore nombreuses à souffrir de douleurs, et de difficultés affectives et sociales. Le stress post-traumatique est un élément particulièrement majorant du retentissement sur la vie quotidienne. Les accidents peuvent laisser des séquelles graves et durables qui influent sur la vie des familles. Pourtant, l’appréciation par les blessés de leur qualité de vie un an après l’accident est relativement positive. Nos résultats sont utiles pour guider la prévention dans le meilleur environnement possible. Les résultats d’ESPARR ont fait l’objet de plusieurs publications dans les meilleures revues scientifiques du domaine. Par ailleurs, des communications dans divers congrès, nationaux ou internationaux, ont été réalisées. Enfin, un colloque organisé autour de l’étude ESPARR a permis de croiser les regards sur les résultats d’ESPARR et le vécu de divers spécialistes dans leur pratique quotidienne auprès des victimes d’accidents. Une thèse de Sciences a été soutenue et un post-doctorat est en cours sur les données de l’étude ESPARR.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard, Yiannakis Georgiades
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01253791
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard, Yiannakis Georgiades. L'élaboration des normes en pollution de l'air: l'exemple de l'automobile. Les experts sont formels, Secrétariat d'Etat à l'Environnement, association Germes, Sep 1989, Arc-en-Senans, France. ⟨hal-01253791⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les normes environnementales et les normes à l'émission visent toutes deux à diminuer les risques pour l'environnement et notamment pour l'homme de tel ou tel polluant. Le processus d'élaboration des normes est complexe, mêlant arguments scientifiques, économiques et politiques. Les experts y ont donc un rôle important. Il s'agit de résoudre les questions suivantes : - quels polluants faut-il réglementer? - quelles concentrations sont admissibles dans l'environnement pour prévenir - ou limiter -les effets indésirables? - quelles normes veut-on, doit-on et peut-on adopter, en fonction des possibilités techniques et des rapports de forces· économiques et politiques?
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les normes environnementales et les normes à l'émission visent toutes deux à diminuer les risques pour l'environnement et notamment pour l'homme de tel ou tel polluant. Le processus d'élaboration des normes est complexe, mêlant arguments scientifiques, économiques et politiques. Les experts y ont donc un rôle important. Il s'agit de résoudre les questions suivantes : - quels polluants faut-il réglementer? - quelles concentrations sont admissibles dans l'environnement pour prévenir - ou limiter -les effets indésirables? - quelles normes veut-on, doit-on et peut-on adopter, en fonction des possibilités techniques et des rapports de forces· économiques et politiques?
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01357463
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon. L'exposition au bruit des avions augmente-t-elle le risque d'hypertension des riverains des aéroports français ?. ADELF, Congrès de l'Association des Epidémiologistes de Langue Française, Sep 2016, Rennes, France. 2 p. ⟨hal-01357463⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION - Une précédente recherche, HYENA (Hypertension et exposition au bruit à proximité des aéroports) a mis en évidence un excès de risque d'hypertension lié à l'exposition au bruit des avions à proximité de six aéroports européens. OBJECTIF - L'objectif de notre étude est de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre cette exposition et le risque d'hypertension chez des riverains des aéroports français. MÉTHODES - 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry ont répondu à un questionnaire, administré par un enquêteur à leur domicile, décrivant leurs éventuels troubles de santé supposés en lien avec le bruit (perturbations du sommeil, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles anxio-dépressifs et gêne due au bruit des avions). L'enquêteur a également mesuré la pression artérielle systolique (PAS) et diastolique (PAD) des participants. Ceux-ci ont été classés comme hypertendus si leur PAS dépassait 140 mm de mercure ou leur PAD 90 mm (valeurs limites définies par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé) ou s'ils déclaraient avoir eu un diagnostic d'hypertension par un médecin et prendre un traitement antihypertenseur. L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. Les facteurs de risque connus de l'hypertension ont été inclus dans les modèles de régression logistique comme facteurs de confusion. RÉSULTATS - Une association positive significative a été obserÎe pour une augmentation de l'exposition au bruit des avions pendant la nuit de 10 dBA chez les hommes (ORadj = 1,34, IC à 95% = 1,00-1,97), mais pas chez les femmes (ORadj = 0,90, IC à 95% = 0,66-1,22). DISCUSSION - Les résultats de la présente étude confirment ceux de la plupart des études antérieures qui suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions pendant la nuit augmenterait le risque d'hypertension chez les hommes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION - Une précédente recherche, HYENA (Hypertension et exposition au bruit à proximité des aéroports) a mis en évidence un excès de risque d'hypertension lié à l'exposition au bruit des avions à proximité de six aéroports européens. OBJECTIF - L'objectif de notre étude est de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre cette exposition et le risque d'hypertension chez des riverains des aéroports français. MÉTHODES - 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry ont répondu à un questionnaire, administré par un enquêteur à leur domicile, décrivant leurs éventuels troubles de santé supposés en lien avec le bruit (perturbations du sommeil, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles anxio-dépressifs et gêne due au bruit des avions). L'enquêteur a également mesuré la pression artérielle systolique (PAS) et diastolique (PAD) des participants. Ceux-ci ont été classés comme hypertendus si leur PAS dépassait 140 mm de mercure ou leur PAD 90 mm (valeurs limites définies par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé) ou s'ils déclaraient avoir eu un diagnostic d'hypertension par un médecin et prendre un traitement antihypertenseur. L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. Les facteurs de risque connus de l'hypertension ont été inclus dans les modèles de régression logistique comme facteurs de confusion. RÉSULTATS - Une association positive significative a été obserÎe pour une augmentation de l'exposition au bruit des avions pendant la nuit de 10 dBA chez les hommes (ORadj = 1,34, IC à 95% = 1,00-1,97), mais pas chez les femmes (ORadj = 0,90, IC à 95% = 0,66-1,22). DISCUSSION - Les résultats de la présente étude confirment ceux de la plupart des études antérieures qui suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions pendant la nuit augmenterait le risque d'hypertension chez les hommes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01428762
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert. L'exposition au bruit des avions augmente-t-elle la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire dans les communes riveraines des aéroports en France ?. Environnement, Risques & Santé, 2016, 15 (6), pp.506-514. ⟨10.1684/ers.2016.0941⟩. ⟨hal-01428762v2⟩
DOI : 10.1684/ers.2016.0941
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectif : Depuis quelques années, l'impact sur la santé de l'exposition au bruit des avions fait l'objet de préoccupations grandissantes. La présente étude s'intéresse à la relation entre cette exposition et la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire, maladie cardiaque ischémique, infarctus du myocarde et accident vasculaire cérébral. Méthodes : Nous avons réalisé une étude écologique basée sur 161 communes situées à proximité de trois aéroports français majeurs : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Les données de mortalité ont été transmises pour la période 2007-2010 par le Centre d'épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès de l'Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm). L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions pondérée par la population (LdenIME) a été calculée au niveau de chaque commune à partir des cartes de bruit produites par la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile. Un modèle de régression de Poisson a été ajusté en prenant en compte des facteurs de confusion potentiels, notamment la pollution de l'air. Résultats : Des associations positives significatives ont été obserÎes entre le LdenIME et la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire (ratio des taux de mortalité ajustés (MRR) pour une augmentation de 10 dBA du LdenIME = 1,18; intervalle de confiance à 95% : 1,11-1,25), la mortalité par maladie cardiaque ischémique (MRR = 1,24 (1,12-1,36)) et la mortalité par infarctus du myocarde (MRR = 1,28 (1,11-1,46)). Ces associations significatives ne sont pas atténuées par la prise en compte de la pollution de l'air. L'association avec la mortalité par accident vasculaire cérébral n'est pas significative (MRR = 1,08 (0,97-1,21)). Conclusions : Cette étude écologique suggère l'existence d'une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire, maladie cardiaque ischémique et infarctus du myocarde. Cependant, des biais écologique et de confusion résiduels ne peuvent pas être exclus.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectif : Depuis quelques années, l'impact sur la santé de l'exposition au bruit des avions fait l'objet de préoccupations grandissantes. La présente étude s'intéresse à la relation entre cette exposition et la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire, maladie cardiaque ischémique, infarctus du myocarde et accident vasculaire cérébral. Méthodes : Nous avons réalisé une étude écologique basée sur 161 communes situées à proximité de trois aéroports français majeurs : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Les données de mortalité ont été transmises pour la période 2007-2010 par le Centre d'épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès de l'Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm). L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions pondérée par la population (LdenIME) a été calculée au niveau de chaque commune à partir des cartes de bruit produites par la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile. Un modèle de régression de Poisson a été ajusté en prenant en compte des facteurs de confusion potentiels, notamment la pollution de l'air. Résultats : Des associations positives significatives ont été obserÎes entre le LdenIME et la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire (ratio des taux de mortalité ajustés (MRR) pour une augmentation de 10 dBA du LdenIME = 1,18; intervalle de confiance à 95% : 1,11-1,25), la mortalité par maladie cardiaque ischémique (MRR = 1,24 (1,12-1,36)) et la mortalité par infarctus du myocarde (MRR = 1,28 (1,11-1,46)). Ces associations significatives ne sont pas atténuées par la prise en compte de la pollution de l'air. L'association avec la mortalité par accident vasculaire cérébral n'est pas significative (MRR = 1,08 (0,97-1,21)). Conclusions : Cette étude écologique suggère l'existence d'une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire, maladie cardiaque ischémique et infarctus du myocarde. Cependant, des biais écologique et de confusion résiduels ne peuvent pas être exclus.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Jean-Louis Martin, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00993137
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Jean-Louis Martin, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon. L'accident de piéton et la victime "piéton". 2ème colloque francophone international de la PFI COPIE, Le Piéton : Nouvelles connaissances, nouvelles pratiques et besoins de recherche, Nov 2009, Ecully, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-00993137⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le Registre des Victimes Corporelles d’Accidents de la Circulation Routière dans le département du Rhône enregistre depuis 1995 toutes les victimes prises en charge dans les services hospitaliers publics et privés, du Rhône et des proches alentours, qu’elles soient hospitalisées ou non. Parmi les victimes enregistrées dans ce Registre, près d’une victime sur dix est un piéton (10 131 / 107 670, sur onze années d'étude, 1996-2006). Leur nombre annuel serait plutôt stable (environ 1000 victimes par an avant 2000 et 800 victimes par an après 2000, année où la sécurité routière a été déclarée " grande cause nationale "). Entre 1996 et 2006, le nombre de piétons, victimes d’accidents corporels de la route a diminué de 20% (pour l'ensemble des victimes, le nombre de victimes d’accidents corporels de la route a diminué de 15%). D’une manière générale, les victimes " piétons " sont plus gravement atteintes que les autres usagers. On peut retenir que les lésions graves des piétons constituent 18,1% des lésions graves dénombrées sur l’ensemble des victimes, alors que les piétons “ne” représentent “que” 9,4% de ces victimes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le Registre des Victimes Corporelles d’Accidents de la Circulation Routière dans le département du Rhône enregistre depuis 1995 toutes les victimes prises en charge dans les services hospitaliers publics et privés, du Rhône et des proches alentours, qu’elles soient hospitalisées ou non. Parmi les victimes enregistrées dans ce Registre, près d’une victime sur dix est un piéton (10 131 / 107 670, sur onze années d'étude, 1996-2006). Leur nombre annuel serait plutôt stable (environ 1000 victimes par an avant 2000 et 800 victimes par an après 2000, année où la sécurité routière a été déclarée " grande cause nationale "). Entre 1996 et 2006, le nombre de piétons, victimes d’accidents corporels de la route a diminué de 20% (pour l'ensemble des victimes, le nombre de victimes d’accidents corporels de la route a diminué de 15%). D’une manière générale, les victimes " piétons " sont plus gravement atteintes que les autres usagers. On peut retenir que les lésions graves des piétons constituent 18,1% des lésions graves dénombrées sur l’ensemble des victimes, alors que les piétons “ne” représentent “que” 9,4% de ces victimes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01353513
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours. L'accident : Un impact qui dure sur la victime... et sur ses proches. Conférence de presse pour le lancement de la campagne de la Sécurité routière : « Onde de choc », Jan 2016, PARIS, France. 13 p. ⟨hal-01353513⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'accident de la route corporel, même peu grave, peut avoir des conséquences qui durent tant sur l'état de santé, que sur la qualité de vie et qui peuvent générer des difficultés pour le retour au travail, dans la vie familiale ou les relations sociales.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'accident de la route corporel, même peu grave, peut avoir des conséquences qui durent tant sur l'état de santé, que sur la qualité de vie et qui peuvent générer des difficultés pour le retour au travail, dans la vie familiale ou les relations sociales.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Floran A Reynard, Alexandros N Flaris, Eric R Simms, Olivier Rouviere, Pascal Roy, Nicolas J Prat, Jean-Gabriel Damizet, Jean-Louis Caillot, Eric J Voiglio
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01725308
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Floran A Reynard, Alexandros N Flaris, Eric R Simms, Olivier Rouviere, Pascal Roy, et al.. Kendrick's extrication device and unstable pelvic fractures: Should a trochanteric belt be added? A cadaveric study. Injury, 2016, 47 (3), pp. 711-716. ⟨10.1016/j.injury.2016.01.028⟩. ⟨hal-01725308⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.injury.2016.01.028
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION: Pre-hospital pelvic stabilisation is advised to prevent exsanguination in patients with unstable pelvic fractures (UPFs). Kendrick's extrication device (KED) is commonly used to extricate patients from cars or crevasses. However the KED has not been tested for potential adverse effects in patients with pelvic fractures. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the KED on pubic symphysis diastasis (SyD) with and without the use of a trochanteric belt (TB) during the extraction process following a MVC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Left-sided "open-book" UPFs were created in 18 human cadavers that were placed in seven different positions simulating pre-extraction and extraction positions using the KED with and without a TB in two different positions (through and over the thigh straps). The SyD was measured using anteroposterior radiographs. The effects of the KED with and without TB, on the SyD, were evaluated. RESULTS: The KED alone resulted in a non-significant increase of the SyD compared to baseline, whereas the addition of a TB to the KED resulted in a significant reduction of the SyD (p
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION: Pre-hospital pelvic stabilisation is advised to prevent exsanguination in patients with unstable pelvic fractures (UPFs). Kendrick's extrication device (KED) is commonly used to extricate patients from cars or crevasses. However the KED has not been tested for potential adverse effects in patients with pelvic fractures. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the KED on pubic symphysis diastasis (SyD) with and without the use of a trochanteric belt (TB) during the extraction process following a MVC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Left-sided "open-book" UPFs were created in 18 human cadavers that were placed in seven different positions simulating pre-extraction and extraction positions using the KED with and without a TB in two different positions (through and over the thigh straps). The SyD was measured using anteroposterior radiographs. The effects of the KED with and without TB, on the SyD, were evaluated. RESULTS: The KED alone resulted in a non-significant increase of the SyD compared to baseline, whereas the addition of a TB to the KED resulted in a significant reduction of the SyD (p
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Emmanuel Fort, Barbara Charbotel, Mireille Chiron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00988165
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Emmanuel Fort, Barbara Charbotel, Mireille Chiron. Jobs at risk of work-related road crashes: an analysis of the casualties from the Rhone Road Trauma Registry (France). Safety Science, 2011, 49 (8-9), pp. 1270-1276. ⟨10.1016/j.ssci.2011.04.014⟩. ⟨hal-00988165⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.ssci.2011.04.014
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In France and other European countries, employees injured in commuting crashes (travelling to and from work), like those injured in road crashes while actually on duty, are compensated for such occupational accidents. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to analyse the occupational characteristics of work-related road crash victims in the Rhône administrative area, with a view to obtaining better knowledge of the types of occupational groups and industry sectors involved. This study is based on the Rhône Road Trauma Registry for the year 2001, supplemented with data obtained by a self-administered postal questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were analysed in terms of type of journey (on duty and commuting) and crash circumstances. This study confirms the elevated crash risk (compared to the reference category) for categories of workers whose work predominantly involves driving, such as (male) truck drivers and delivery drivers. Elevated risk was also highlighted for (female) health and social workers while commuting. Taking mileage into account, other categories also seemed to be at particular risk of work-related crashes: postal workers, security guards transporting funds and technicians in the computer and telecommunications sectors.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In France and other European countries, employees injured in commuting crashes (travelling to and from work), like those injured in road crashes while actually on duty, are compensated for such occupational accidents. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to analyse the occupational characteristics of work-related road crash victims in the Rhône administrative area, with a view to obtaining better knowledge of the types of occupational groups and industry sectors involved. This study is based on the Rhône Road Trauma Registry for the year 2001, supplemented with data obtained by a self-administered postal questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were analysed in terms of type of journey (on duty and commuting) and crash circumstances. This study confirms the elevated crash risk (compared to the reference category) for categories of workers whose work predominantly involves driving, such as (male) truck drivers and delivery drivers. Elevated risk was also highlighted for (female) health and social workers while commuting. Taking mileage into account, other categories also seemed to be at particular risk of work-related crashes: postal workers, security guards transporting funds and technicians in the computer and telecommunications sectors.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : M Grataloup, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Alain Bergeret, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01807798
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : M Grataloup, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Alain Bergeret, Jean-Baptiste Fassier. Job Restrictions for Healthcare Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders: Consequences from the Superior's Viewpoint.. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 2016, 26 (3), pp. 245-252. ⟨10.1007/s10926-015-9609-y⟩. ⟨hal-01807798⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10926-015-9609-y
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective Many workers suffer from musculoskeletal disorders. In France, occupational physicians are able to set job aptitude restrictions obliging employers to adapt the worker's job. The present study explored the impact of job restriction from the point of view of the employees' supervisors. Methods A qualitative study was conducted in 3 public hospitals. 12 focus groups were organized, involving 61 charge nurses and head nurses supervising 1 or more workers restricted for heavy lifting or repetitive movements. Discussions were recorded for qualitative thematic analysis. Results Charge and head nurses complained that aptitude restrictions were insufficiently precise, could not be respected and failed to mention residual capability. A context of personnel cuts, absenteeism and productivity demands entailed a need for polyvalence and reorganization threatening the permanence of adapted jobs. Job restrictions had several negative consequences for the charge and head nurses, including overwork, increased conflict, and feelings of isolation and organizational injustice. Conclusion Protecting the individual interests of workers with health issues may infringe on the interests of their supervisors and colleagues, whose perception of organizational justice may go some way to explaining the support or rejection they show toward restricted workers. This paradox should be explicitly explored and discussed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective Many workers suffer from musculoskeletal disorders. In France, occupational physicians are able to set job aptitude restrictions obliging employers to adapt the worker's job. The present study explored the impact of job restriction from the point of view of the employees' supervisors. Methods A qualitative study was conducted in 3 public hospitals. 12 focus groups were organized, involving 61 charge nurses and head nurses supervising 1 or more workers restricted for heavy lifting or repetitive movements. Discussions were recorded for qualitative thematic analysis. Results Charge and head nurses complained that aptitude restrictions were insufficiently precise, could not be respected and failed to mention residual capability. A context of personnel cuts, absenteeism and productivity demands entailed a need for polyvalence and reorganization threatening the permanence of adapted jobs. Job restrictions had several negative consequences for the charge and head nurses, including overwork, increased conflict, and feelings of isolation and organizational injustice. Conclusion Protecting the individual interests of workers with health issues may infringe on the interests of their supervisors and colleagues, whose perception of organizational justice may go some way to explaining the support or rejection they show toward restricted workers. This paradox should be explicitly explored and discussed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, Charlène Tournier, Jacques Luaute, Etienne Javouhey, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00941267
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, Charlène Tournier, et al.. Issues around care how to manage life after a road crash ? Why ESPARR ? Étude et Suivi d’une Population d’Accidentés de la Route dans le Rhône. 14th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Working together to save lives, May 2013, France. 17 p. ⟨hal-00941267⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Si l’on évoque souvent les décès causés par les accidents, on parle moins souvent des handicaps qui affectent de nombreuses victimes survivantes, et particulièrement jamais des handicaps "invisibles". Le blessé grave est essentiellement défini par la gravité initiale des lésions sans tenir compte de la réalité des conséquences postérieures. La cohorte ESPARR, par un suivi à moyen et long terme de 1372 accidentés, permet d’étudier les suites fonctionnelles, sociales, et familiales des accidents. Chaque suivi permet de décrire les conséquences observées (déficience, incapacité), d’identifier les facteurs pronostiques de handicap, de réinsertion sociale et professionnelle difficile. En particulier, le suivi spécifique des sujets sévèrement traumatisés et de leur famille, ou des traumatisés crâniens, permet de mieux préciser le type de séquelles (troubles cognitifs et comportementaux), à l’origine d’importantes difficultés de réinsertion et de resocialisation. Du fait de son caractère unique, la cohorte ESPARR constitue un soutien scientifique fondamental pour définir des mesures concrètes et adaptées : il est en effet important que la connaissance prenne plus de place dans les décisions politiques. Notre suivi confirme le fait qu’un accident de la route même peu grave n’est jamais un évènement anodin. Un an après, l’accident a encore un fort impact sur la vie quotidienne, les loisirs ; il perturbe l’activité professionnelle. Les victimes sont encore nombreuses à souffrir de douleurs, et de difficultés affectives et sociales. Le stress post-traumatique est un élément particulièrement majorant du retentissement sur la vie quotidienne. Les accidents peuvent laisser des séquelles graves et durables qui influent sur la vie des familles. Pourtant, l’appréciation par les blessés de leur qualité de vie un an après l’accident est relativement positive. Nos résultats sont utiles pour guider la prévention dans le meilleur environnement possible. Les résultats d’ESPARR ont fait l’objet de plusieurs publications dans les meilleures revues scientifiques du domaine. Par ailleurs, des communications dans divers congrès, nationaux ou internationaux, ont été réalisées. Enfin, un colloque organisé autour de l’étude ESPARR a permis de croiser les regards sur les résultats d’ESPARR et le vécu de divers spécialistes dans leur pratique quotidienne auprès des victimes d’accidents. Une thèse de Sciences a été soutenue et un post-doctorat est en cours sur les données de l’étude ESPARR.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Si l’on évoque souvent les décès causés par les accidents, on parle moins souvent des handicaps qui affectent de nombreuses victimes survivantes, et particulièrement jamais des handicaps "invisibles". Le blessé grave est essentiellement défini par la gravité initiale des lésions sans tenir compte de la réalité des conséquences postérieures. La cohorte ESPARR, par un suivi à moyen et long terme de 1372 accidentés, permet d’étudier les suites fonctionnelles, sociales, et familiales des accidents. Chaque suivi permet de décrire les conséquences observées (déficience, incapacité), d’identifier les facteurs pronostiques de handicap, de réinsertion sociale et professionnelle difficile. En particulier, le suivi spécifique des sujets sévèrement traumatisés et de leur famille, ou des traumatisés crâniens, permet de mieux préciser le type de séquelles (troubles cognitifs et comportementaux), à l’origine d’importantes difficultés de réinsertion et de resocialisation. Du fait de son caractère unique, la cohorte ESPARR constitue un soutien scientifique fondamental pour définir des mesures concrètes et adaptées : il est en effet important que la connaissance prenne plus de place dans les décisions politiques. Notre suivi confirme le fait qu’un accident de la route même peu grave n’est jamais un évènement anodin. Un an après, l’accident a encore un fort impact sur la vie quotidienne, les loisirs ; il perturbe l’activité professionnelle. Les victimes sont encore nombreuses à souffrir de douleurs, et de difficultés affectives et sociales. Le stress post-traumatique est un élément particulièrement majorant du retentissement sur la vie quotidienne. Les accidents peuvent laisser des séquelles graves et durables qui influent sur la vie des familles. Pourtant, l’appréciation par les blessés de leur qualité de vie un an après l’accident est relativement positive. Nos résultats sont utiles pour guider la prévention dans le meilleur environnement possible. Les résultats d’ESPARR ont fait l’objet de plusieurs publications dans les meilleures revues scientifiques du domaine. Par ailleurs, des communications dans divers congrès, nationaux ou internationaux, ont été réalisées. Enfin, un colloque organisé autour de l’étude ESPARR a permis de croiser les regards sur les résultats d’ESPARR et le vécu de divers spécialistes dans leur pratique quotidienne auprès des victimes d’accidents. Une thèse de Sciences a été soutenue et un post-doctorat est en cours sur les données de l’étude ESPARR.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Elie Coureau, Luc Fontana, Céline Lamouroux, Carole Pelissier, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03772324
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Elie Coureau, Luc Fontana, Céline Lamouroux, Carole Pelissier, Barbara Charbotel. Is Isocyanate Exposure and Occupational Asthma Still a Major Occupational Health Concern? Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (24), pp.13181. ⟨10.3390/ijerph182413181⟩. ⟨hal-03772324⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph182413181
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Isocyanate, whose disease-inducing mechanism is poorly understood, with poor prognosis, is widely used. Asthma is the most frequent manifestation of prolonged exposure. We assessed the evolution of the incidence of isocyanate-induced occupational asthma over time. PubMed and Cochrane databases were systematically searched for studies published since 1990 that assessed the relationship between occupational exposure to isocyanates and asthma. We identified 39 studies: five retrospective cohort studies, seven prospective cohort studies, three of which were inception cohorts), seven observational cross-sectional studies, five literature reviews, two case series, and 13 registry studies. The incidence of occupational asthma secondary to isocyanate exposure has decreased from more than 5% in the early 1990s to 0.9% in 2017 in the United States. Despite the wide use of optimal collective and individual protection measures, the risk of occupational asthma has stabilized. Occupational asthma risk can be assessed with good sensitivity using self-questionnaires and pulmonary function tests. Occupational avoidance should be implemented as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear because the prognosis becomes increasingly poor with the persistence of exposure. It is now necessary to study specifically cutaneous sensitization to isocyanates and to define what protective equipment is effective against this mode of exposure.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Isocyanate, whose disease-inducing mechanism is poorly understood, with poor prognosis, is widely used. Asthma is the most frequent manifestation of prolonged exposure. We assessed the evolution of the incidence of isocyanate-induced occupational asthma over time. PubMed and Cochrane databases were systematically searched for studies published since 1990 that assessed the relationship between occupational exposure to isocyanates and asthma. We identified 39 studies: five retrospective cohort studies, seven prospective cohort studies, three of which were inception cohorts), seven observational cross-sectional studies, five literature reviews, two case series, and 13 registry studies. The incidence of occupational asthma secondary to isocyanate exposure has decreased from more than 5% in the early 1990s to 0.9% in 2017 in the United States. Despite the wide use of optimal collective and individual protection measures, the risk of occupational asthma has stabilized. Occupational asthma risk can be assessed with good sensitivity using self-questionnaires and pulmonary function tests. Occupational avoidance should be implemented as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear because the prognosis becomes increasingly poor with the persistence of exposure. It is now necessary to study specifically cutaneous sensitization to isocyanates and to define what protective equipment is effective against this mode of exposure.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Idlir Licaj, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00669017
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Idlir Licaj, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet. Inégalités socio-spatiales de risque routier à l'adolescence. 2010. ⟨halshs-00669017⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce 4ème rapport traite des effets du niveau socio-économique du lieu de résidence sur le risque d'accidents routiers avant 25 ans, et tout particulièrement chez les 14-17 ans. Les analyses ont été menées essentiellement par Idlir Licaj dans le cadre de sa thèse en épidémiologie, en lien étroit avec le projet Isomerr-Jeunes. Après un bref exposé des données utilisées - registre médical Arvac des accidents corporels de la route du Rhône et enquête ménages déplacements lyonnaise 2005-06 -, les taux d'accidents routiers des garçons et des filles, total et désagrégés par mode de transport, sont analysés en deux temps à l'aide de régressions logistiques : i) en les rapportant à la population résidente (nombre d'accidents annuels / 100 000 habitants de chaque catégorie d'âge/sexe). Les risques à scooter, mobylette ou moto, d'une part, et selon les autres modes (vélo, marche à pied, voiture, rollers-planches) d'autre part, ne sont pas identiquement répartis au plan territorial. Les deux-roues motorisés se révèlent, à l'inverse des autres modes, moins générateurs de risque dans les communes défavorisées. Des analyses sur les 14-17 ans précisent le diagnostic, tout comme la distinction des accidents selon leur gravité, et l'analyse du lieu d'accident en fonction du domicile. ii) en les rapportant à l'exposition au risque (nombre d'usagers de chaque mode, distances par mode de déplacement). Ces indicateurs mettent en évidence des risques " unitaires " d'accidents à deux-roues motorisé et en voiture sensiblement différents de ceux obtenus à partir des taux d'incidences bruts. En particulier, les rapports de risque concernant le deux-roues motorisé entre les deux types socio-économiques de zones s'inversent lorsque l'on prend en compte le fait que ce mode est nettement moins utilisé dans les zones avec ZUS, vraisemblablement pour des raisons économiques. Ces résultats montrent l'intérêt d'une analyse épidémiologique qui prenne en compte l'exposition réelle au risque routier, par le biais de l'accès aux modes de transport, car celui-ci est inégalement réparti entre ménages, et entre territoires.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce 4ème rapport traite des effets du niveau socio-économique du lieu de résidence sur le risque d'accidents routiers avant 25 ans, et tout particulièrement chez les 14-17 ans. Les analyses ont été menées essentiellement par Idlir Licaj dans le cadre de sa thèse en épidémiologie, en lien étroit avec le projet Isomerr-Jeunes. Après un bref exposé des données utilisées - registre médical Arvac des accidents corporels de la route du Rhône et enquête ménages déplacements lyonnaise 2005-06 -, les taux d'accidents routiers des garçons et des filles, total et désagrégés par mode de transport, sont analysés en deux temps à l'aide de régressions logistiques : i) en les rapportant à la population résidente (nombre d'accidents annuels / 100 000 habitants de chaque catégorie d'âge/sexe). Les risques à scooter, mobylette ou moto, d'une part, et selon les autres modes (vélo, marche à pied, voiture, rollers-planches) d'autre part, ne sont pas identiquement répartis au plan territorial. Les deux-roues motorisés se révèlent, à l'inverse des autres modes, moins générateurs de risque dans les communes défavorisées. Des analyses sur les 14-17 ans précisent le diagnostic, tout comme la distinction des accidents selon leur gravité, et l'analyse du lieu d'accident en fonction du domicile. ii) en les rapportant à l'exposition au risque (nombre d'usagers de chaque mode, distances par mode de déplacement). Ces indicateurs mettent en évidence des risques " unitaires " d'accidents à deux-roues motorisé et en voiture sensiblement différents de ceux obtenus à partir des taux d'incidences bruts. En particulier, les rapports de risque concernant le deux-roues motorisé entre les deux types socio-économiques de zones s'inversent lorsque l'on prend en compte le fait que ce mode est nettement moins utilisé dans les zones avec ZUS, vraisemblablement pour des raisons économiques. Ces résultats montrent l'intérêt d'une analyse épidémiologique qui prenne en compte l'exposition réelle au risque routier, par le biais de l'accès aux modes de transport, car celui-ci est inégalement réparti entre ménages, et entre territoires.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Judit Vari, Dominique Mignot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00908326
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Judit Vari, et al.. Inégalités socio-spatiales de risque routier et mobilité à l'adolescence. In : Pour une économie de la sécurité routière : Emergence d'une approche pour l'élaboration de politiques publiques.. Inégalités socio-spatiales de risque routier et mobilité à l'adolescence. In : Pour une économie de la sécurité routière : Emergence d'une approche pour l'élaboration de politiques publiques., ECONOMICA, 99-120 p, 2012, Méthodes et Approches. ⟨hal-00908326⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Un livre sur l'économie de la sécurité peut paraître bien étrange à celui qui considère que la lutte contre l'insécurité routière est d'abord l'affaire du conducteur et de sa psychologie, ou encore une question à laquelle doit répondre prioritairement l'ingénieur en intervenant sur le véhicule et l'infrastructure. En fait, même si de nombreux travaux anglo-saxons existent depuis quelques années et témoignent du contraire, il s'agit d'une approche émergente en France et riche d'enseignements pour aider le décideur politique à élaborer une politique publique. Les dix contributions qui composent cet ouvrage montrent ainsi l'importance des acteurs dans la production de sécurité routière, qu'ils soient chercheurs, industriels ou dirigeants d'école de conduite. Rien ne se fait sans eux. La politique de sécurité routière doit également composer avec les territoires : avec ses agencements institutionnels, avec les populations qui y vivent, et les infrastructures qui les façonnent. La sécurité routière, c'est aussi l'application d'un Code de la route qui produit de la dissuasion et qui exige l'élaboration d'une stratégie de contrôle et de sanction de la part du décideur. Enfin, et sans épuiser les apports de cette approche, il s'agit d'aider à la décision publique en élaborant des outils et méthodes, notamment sur la base des valeurs tutélaires (valeur de la vie humaine, valeur du temps...), pour évaluer les politiques. Cet ouvrage apporte quelques réponses aux décideurs et à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à mener des actions efficaces contre l'insécurité routière. Il soulève également de nouvelles questions et de nouveaux défis.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Un livre sur l'économie de la sécurité peut paraître bien étrange à celui qui considère que la lutte contre l'insécurité routière est d'abord l'affaire du conducteur et de sa psychologie, ou encore une question à laquelle doit répondre prioritairement l'ingénieur en intervenant sur le véhicule et l'infrastructure. En fait, même si de nombreux travaux anglo-saxons existent depuis quelques années et témoignent du contraire, il s'agit d'une approche émergente en France et riche d'enseignements pour aider le décideur politique à élaborer une politique publique. Les dix contributions qui composent cet ouvrage montrent ainsi l'importance des acteurs dans la production de sécurité routière, qu'ils soient chercheurs, industriels ou dirigeants d'école de conduite. Rien ne se fait sans eux. La politique de sécurité routière doit également composer avec les territoires : avec ses agencements institutionnels, avec les populations qui y vivent, et les infrastructures qui les façonnent. La sécurité routière, c'est aussi l'application d'un Code de la route qui produit de la dissuasion et qui exige l'élaboration d'une stratégie de contrôle et de sanction de la part du décideur. Enfin, et sans épuiser les apports de cette approche, il s'agit d'aider à la décision publique en élaborant des outils et méthodes, notamment sur la base des valeurs tutélaires (valeur de la vie humaine, valeur du temps...), pour évaluer les politiques. Cet ouvrage apporte quelques réponses aux décideurs et à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à mener des actions efficaces contre l'insécurité routière. Il soulève également de nouvelles questions et de nouveaux défis.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Judit Vari, Dominique Mignot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00687851
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Judit Vari, et al.. Inégalités socio-spatiales de risque routier et mobilité à l'adolescence. Carnis Laurent & Mignot Dominique. Pour une économie de la sécurité routière. Emergence d'une approche pour l'élaboration de politiques publiques, Economica, pp.99-120, 2012, Méthodes et approches, 978-2-7178-6116-7. ⟨halshs-00687851⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les inégalités sociales ne sont pas sans incidences sur le risque routier, mais cette question a pour l'instant été peu étudiée en France. Plus précisément, le taux élevé d'accidents routiers chez les adolescents est généralement expliqué par des facteurs comportementaux. Cependant, des études épidémiologiques menées notamment en Grande Bretagne et en Suède mettent en évidence que les enfants et les adolescents de ménages ou vivant dans des zones défavorisées subissent un sur-risque routier. Cette recherche exploratoire teste l'hypothèse d'inégalités sociales et spatiales de risque routier chez les 14-17 ans dans le département du Rhône en le rapprochant des modes de transport utilisés. Des analyses secondaires de l'enquête ménages déplacements lyonnaise de 2005-2006 et du registre Arvac des accidentés du Rhône sont menées pour cette classe d'âge. Pour les adolescents résidant dans des communes avec zones urbaines sensibles, les accidents corporels de la route apparaissent significativement plus fréquents pour les piétons (pour les deux sexes) et les usagers du vélo (pour les garçons) et significativement moins fréquents à deux-roues motorisé (pour les deux sexes). Nous montrons que ces inégalités apparaissent très liées aux conditions contrastées de mobilité et d'usage des modes de transport dans les deux types de zones, et peuvent être en partie rapprochées d'inégalités socio-spatiales. Cette étude appelle des approfondissements de façon à mieux mesurer et comprendre les inégalités socio-spatiales de risque routier à l'adolescence.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les inégalités sociales ne sont pas sans incidences sur le risque routier, mais cette question a pour l'instant été peu étudiée en France. Plus précisément, le taux élevé d'accidents routiers chez les adolescents est généralement expliqué par des facteurs comportementaux. Cependant, des études épidémiologiques menées notamment en Grande Bretagne et en Suède mettent en évidence que les enfants et les adolescents de ménages ou vivant dans des zones défavorisées subissent un sur-risque routier. Cette recherche exploratoire teste l'hypothèse d'inégalités sociales et spatiales de risque routier chez les 14-17 ans dans le département du Rhône en le rapprochant des modes de transport utilisés. Des analyses secondaires de l'enquête ménages déplacements lyonnaise de 2005-2006 et du registre Arvac des accidentés du Rhône sont menées pour cette classe d'âge. Pour les adolescents résidant dans des communes avec zones urbaines sensibles, les accidents corporels de la route apparaissent significativement plus fréquents pour les piétons (pour les deux sexes) et les usagers du vélo (pour les garçons) et significativement moins fréquents à deux-roues motorisé (pour les deux sexes). Nous montrons que ces inégalités apparaissent très liées aux conditions contrastées de mobilité et d'usage des modes de transport dans les deux types de zones, et peuvent être en partie rapprochées d'inégalités socio-spatiales. Cette étude appelle des approfondissements de façon à mieux mesurer et comprendre les inégalités socio-spatiales de risque routier à l'adolescence.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj, Judit Vari, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Martine Hours, Mireille Chiron, Dominique Mignot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00667569
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj, Judit Vari, Eliette Randriantovomanana, et al.. Inégalités sociales et territoriales de mobilité et d'exposition au risque routier chez les jeunes, état de l'art. 2009. ⟨halshs-00667569⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En France, si les inégalités sociales et spatiales de santé et d'accès à la mobilité sont reconnues ; l'influence des inégalités sociales sur le risque routier, en revanche est encore mal appréhendée. Or, les progrès, significatifs, obtenus en sécurité routière sont inégalement répartis. Ainsi, la part des accidents impliquant des jeunes et des usagers vulnérables, et celle des accidents en milieu urbain et périurbain, s'accroissent dans le total. Les liens entre les dimensions sociale et spatiale, de mobilité d'une part et les accidents de la route d'autre part, ont été peu étudiés en France, contrairement aux pays anglo-saxons ou scandinaves, comme le montre cette revue bilbiographique. Pourtant, en France les disparités sociales de morbidité et de mortalité prématurée du fait des accidents (de la route entre autres) sont importantes à toutes les échelles spatiales et persistent malgré les progrès réalisés en santé publique. Quant à la mobilité quotidienne, des recherches mettent en évidence la persistance d'inégalités dans les conditions de réalisation de la mobilité : plus faible motorisation, véhicules plus anciens, pratiques d'accompagnement des enfants en voiture moins répandues au sein des foyers à bas revenus, et recours plus général à la marche à pied.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En France, si les inégalités sociales et spatiales de santé et d'accès à la mobilité sont reconnues ; l'influence des inégalités sociales sur le risque routier, en revanche est encore mal appréhendée. Or, les progrès, significatifs, obtenus en sécurité routière sont inégalement répartis. Ainsi, la part des accidents impliquant des jeunes et des usagers vulnérables, et celle des accidents en milieu urbain et périurbain, s'accroissent dans le total. Les liens entre les dimensions sociale et spatiale, de mobilité d'une part et les accidents de la route d'autre part, ont été peu étudiés en France, contrairement aux pays anglo-saxons ou scandinaves, comme le montre cette revue bilbiographique. Pourtant, en France les disparités sociales de morbidité et de mortalité prématurée du fait des accidents (de la route entre autres) sont importantes à toutes les échelles spatiales et persistent malgré les progrès réalisés en santé publique. Quant à la mobilité quotidienne, des recherches mettent en évidence la persistance d'inégalités dans les conditions de réalisation de la mobilité : plus faible motorisation, véhicules plus anciens, pratiques d'accompagnement des enfants en voiture moins répandues au sein des foyers à bas revenus, et recours plus général à la marche à pied.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Judit Vari, Idlir Licaj, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Dominique Mignot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00668546
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Judit Vari, Idlir Licaj, Eliette Randriantovomanana, et al.. Inégalités sociales et territoriales de mobilité et d'exposition au risque routier chez les jeunes, enquêtes pilote. 2009. ⟨halshs-00668546⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce 2ème rapport intermédiaire traite des besoins d'informations concernant les facteurs sociaux, territoriaux et les caractéristiques de mobilité qui jouent sur la façon dont est distribué le risque routier parmi les populations adolescentes. Après un bref exposé des bases de données existantes en sécurité routière et en mobilité, l'accès aux bases de données administratives est présenté. Le rapport fait ensuite état des réflexions et des travaux menés en vue de réaliser une enquête ad hoc, enquête transversale auto-administrée auprès d'un vaste échantillon d'adolescents, par le biais des lycées du Rhône. L'élaboration de sa méthodologie et la réalisation de l'enquête-pilote ont permis de réfléchir à différentes options de recueil et aux thèmes à aborder. Les apports sont d'ordre méthodologique (faisabilité technique de ce type d'enquête, formulation des questions, impact sur les réponses, retours des lycéens et de leurs professeurs), comme d'une meilleure connaissance du terrain et compréhension des phénomènes étudiés (via les statistiques issues de cet échantillon test de 254 lycéens rhodaniens). Les débouchés en termes de méthodes de recueil de données rendus possibles à l'issue de cette étape du projet sont enfin présentés. En particulier sont développés la méthode et les résultats d'une enquête menée dans un collège de l'agglomération lyonnaise, mixant méthodes quantitatives (questionnaires) et qualitatives (focus group)
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce 2ème rapport intermédiaire traite des besoins d'informations concernant les facteurs sociaux, territoriaux et les caractéristiques de mobilité qui jouent sur la façon dont est distribué le risque routier parmi les populations adolescentes. Après un bref exposé des bases de données existantes en sécurité routière et en mobilité, l'accès aux bases de données administratives est présenté. Le rapport fait ensuite état des réflexions et des travaux menés en vue de réaliser une enquête ad hoc, enquête transversale auto-administrée auprès d'un vaste échantillon d'adolescents, par le biais des lycées du Rhône. L'élaboration de sa méthodologie et la réalisation de l'enquête-pilote ont permis de réfléchir à différentes options de recueil et aux thèmes à aborder. Les apports sont d'ordre méthodologique (faisabilité technique de ce type d'enquête, formulation des questions, impact sur les réponses, retours des lycéens et de leurs professeurs), comme d'une meilleure connaissance du terrain et compréhension des phénomènes étudiés (via les statistiques issues de cet échantillon test de 254 lycéens rhodaniens). Les débouchés en termes de méthodes de recueil de données rendus possibles à l'issue de cette étape du projet sont enfin présentés. En particulier sont développés la méthode et les résultats d'une enquête menée dans un collège de l'agglomération lyonnaise, mixant méthodes quantitatives (questionnaires) et qualitatives (focus group)
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nathalie Havet, Alexis Penot, Magali Morelle, Béatrice Fervers, Barbara Charbotel, Morgane Plantier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01087916
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nathalie Havet, Alexis Penot, Magali Morelle, Béatrice Fervers, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. Inégalités d’exposition aux agents cancérogènes, mutagènes ou reprotoxiques (CMR) en milieu professionnel en France : les enseignements de l'enquête SUMER. DARES, "Risques du travail", Oct 2014, Paris, France. ⟨halshs-01087916⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Elodie Moutengou, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01857686
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Elodie Moutengou, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj. Inégalités d’exposition au risque routier à l’adolescence. Facteurs de risque socio-économiques individuels et contextuels. 43èmes Journées de la Statistique, SFDS, May 2011, Gammarth, Tunisie. ⟨halshs-01857686⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Pour comprendre les liens multiples existant, à l’adolescence, entre caractéristiques contextuelles, individuelles et comportementales, mobilité quotidienne et risque d’accident de la route, une enquête CATI a été réalisée auprès de 600 individus de 14 à 18 ans résidant dans le département du Rhône, dont un tiers, accidentés de la route en 2008 ou 2009, ont été sélectionnés à partir du registre des victimes d’accidents de la route du Rhône, et les deux autres tiers sont des témoins (non accidentés), appariés par âge et sexe. Une exploration factorielle (AFCM) fait ressortir deux modes de transport très utilisés chez les 14-18 ans et qui les placent dans une situation de vulnérabilité sur la route : le deux-roues motorisé et les modes doux ou ludiques (vélo, skate…) et met en évidence le lien étroit existant entre le niveau d’utilisation de ces modes en semaine et le week-end. L’analyse croisée avec les variables sociodémographiques, territoriales et comportementales ou d’attitude révèle l’usage récurrent du deux-roues motorisé chez les garçons en lycée professionnel ou ayant un pied dans la vie active, et chez les jeunes dont les parents sont employés/ouvriers ou chômeurs et résident en zone périurbaine ou rurale. Ces usagers, bien plus souvent accidentés sur la route, sont plus nombreux à consommer de l’alcool, du tabac ou des drogues douces et attestent d’une certaine confiance en eux. Cyclistes et skateurs sont plutôt des garçons de 14-15 ans, de milieu favorisé, pratiquant plus souvent des activités extrascolaires que les autres.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Pour comprendre les liens multiples existant, à l’adolescence, entre caractéristiques contextuelles, individuelles et comportementales, mobilité quotidienne et risque d’accident de la route, une enquête CATI a été réalisée auprès de 600 individus de 14 à 18 ans résidant dans le département du Rhône, dont un tiers, accidentés de la route en 2008 ou 2009, ont été sélectionnés à partir du registre des victimes d’accidents de la route du Rhône, et les deux autres tiers sont des témoins (non accidentés), appariés par âge et sexe. Une exploration factorielle (AFCM) fait ressortir deux modes de transport très utilisés chez les 14-18 ans et qui les placent dans une situation de vulnérabilité sur la route : le deux-roues motorisé et les modes doux ou ludiques (vélo, skate…) et met en évidence le lien étroit existant entre le niveau d’utilisation de ces modes en semaine et le week-end. L’analyse croisée avec les variables sociodémographiques, territoriales et comportementales ou d’attitude révèle l’usage récurrent du deux-roues motorisé chez les garçons en lycée professionnel ou ayant un pied dans la vie active, et chez les jeunes dont les parents sont employés/ouvriers ou chômeurs et résident en zone périurbaine ou rurale. Ces usagers, bien plus souvent accidentés sur la route, sont plus nombreux à consommer de l’alcool, du tabac ou des drogues douces et attestent d’une certaine confiance en eux. Cyclistes et skateurs sont plutôt des garçons de 14-15 ans, de milieu favorisé, pratiquant plus souvent des activités extrascolaires que les autres.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Elodie Moutengou
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00676662
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Elodie Moutengou. Inégalités Sociales et territoriales de Mobilité et d'exposition au Risque Routier chez les Jeunes. Rapport de synthèse du projet Isomerr Jeunes. 2011. ⟨halshs-00676662v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le rapport de synthèse du projet Isomerr-Jeunes reprend les principaux résultats détaillés dans les cinq rapports intermédiaires du projet. L'objectif de cette recherche exploratoire est de rapprocher risque routier et données de mobilité (exposition au risque) pour mieux comprendre le risque routier à l'adolescence et les inégalités sociales et socio-territoriales existant vis-à-vis de ce risque. Nous cherchons ainsi à étudier les liens existant entre risques d'accidents et caractéristiques contextuelles, familiales et individuelles des adolescents. Les analyses secondaires de l'enquête ménages déplacements lyonnaise et du registre Arvac offrent un rapprochement partiel des données de risque et d'exposition aux jours ouvrables de semaine, hors vacances, dans le département du Rhône. La réalisation d'une enquête spécifique cas (accidentés) - témoins (de mêmes structures d'âge et sexe, non accidentés) et d'une enquête auprès des collégiens de six établissements du Rhône (questionnaires, entretiens collectifs et individuels auprès des jeunes et de leurs parents) permet de préciser ces relations entre inégalités sociales et territoriales, mobilité, comportements, représentations et risque routier. En dépit des difficultés de mesure précise des effets de facteurs socio-spatiaux, les analyses des différentes bases de données montrent que le risque par mode de transport est très différencié socialement et spatialement. Les adolescents de ménages à bas revenu, et ceux résidant dans des communes avec ZUS, ont moins accès au deux-roues moteur et à la voiture, et utilisent plus la marche, caractéristiques modales qui influent sur leur risque routier. Les risques ramenés aux utilisateurs de deux-roues motorisé ou de voiture, ou aux km parcourus selon ces modes, sont en revanche plus élevés dans les communes défavorisées. L'enquête cas-témoins confirme les tendances entrevues par le biais de l'EMD et du registre, et notamment celles d'un effet plus net des caractéristiques socioéconomiques individuelles que contextuelles. Cette enquête et l'enquête collégiens permettent d'élargir les analyses à de multiples variables de situation d'usage des modes de transport et permettent de mieux comprendre les multiples corrélations entre inégalités sociales, socio-territoriales, usages des modes de transport en semaine et le week-end, comportements, représentations du risque et influence des pairs. Adressant une question peu étudiée en France, ces résultats permettent d'envisager d'autres recherches, et suggèrent d'ores et déjà des pistes de réflexion possibles en matière de politiques de lutte contre le risque routier chez les jeunes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le rapport de synthèse du projet Isomerr-Jeunes reprend les principaux résultats détaillés dans les cinq rapports intermédiaires du projet. L'objectif de cette recherche exploratoire est de rapprocher risque routier et données de mobilité (exposition au risque) pour mieux comprendre le risque routier à l'adolescence et les inégalités sociales et socio-territoriales existant vis-à-vis de ce risque. Nous cherchons ainsi à étudier les liens existant entre risques d'accidents et caractéristiques contextuelles, familiales et individuelles des adolescents. Les analyses secondaires de l'enquête ménages déplacements lyonnaise et du registre Arvac offrent un rapprochement partiel des données de risque et d'exposition aux jours ouvrables de semaine, hors vacances, dans le département du Rhône. La réalisation d'une enquête spécifique cas (accidentés) - témoins (de mêmes structures d'âge et sexe, non accidentés) et d'une enquête auprès des collégiens de six établissements du Rhône (questionnaires, entretiens collectifs et individuels auprès des jeunes et de leurs parents) permet de préciser ces relations entre inégalités sociales et territoriales, mobilité, comportements, représentations et risque routier. En dépit des difficultés de mesure précise des effets de facteurs socio-spatiaux, les analyses des différentes bases de données montrent que le risque par mode de transport est très différencié socialement et spatialement. Les adolescents de ménages à bas revenu, et ceux résidant dans des communes avec ZUS, ont moins accès au deux-roues moteur et à la voiture, et utilisent plus la marche, caractéristiques modales qui influent sur leur risque routier. Les risques ramenés aux utilisateurs de deux-roues motorisé ou de voiture, ou aux km parcourus selon ces modes, sont en revanche plus élevés dans les communes défavorisées. L'enquête cas-témoins confirme les tendances entrevues par le biais de l'EMD et du registre, et notamment celles d'un effet plus net des caractéristiques socioéconomiques individuelles que contextuelles. Cette enquête et l'enquête collégiens permettent d'élargir les analyses à de multiples variables de situation d'usage des modes de transport et permettent de mieux comprendre les multiples corrélations entre inégalités sociales, socio-territoriales, usages des modes de transport en semaine et le week-end, comportements, représentations du risque et influence des pairs. Adressant une question peu étudiée en France, ces résultats permettent d'envisager d'autres recherches, et suggèrent d'ores et déjà des pistes de réflexion possibles en matière de politiques de lutte contre le risque routier chez les jeunes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Michelle C. Turner, Siegal Sadetzki, Chelsea E. Langer, Rodrigo Villegas, Phd, Jordi Figuerola, Bruce K. Armstrong, Angela Chetrit, Graham G. Giles, Daniel Krewski, Martine Hours, Mary L. Mcbride, Marie-Elise Parent, Lesley Richardson, Jack Siemiatycki, Alistair Woodward, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : pasteur-01421259
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Michelle C. Turner, Siegal Sadetzki, Chelsea E. Langer, Rodrigo Villegas, Phd, Jordi Figuerola, et al.. Investigation of bias related to differences between case and control interview dates in five INTERPHONE countries. Annals of Epidemiology, 2016, 26 (12), pp.827 - 832.e2. ⟨10.1016/j.annepidem.2016.09.013⟩. ⟨pasteur-01421259⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.annepidem.2016.09.013
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Associations between cellular telephone use and glioma risk have been examined in several epidemiological studies including the 13-country INTERPHONE study. Although results showed no positive association between cellular telephone use and glioma risk overall, no increased risk for long-term users, and no exposure-response relationship, there was an elevated risk for those in the highest decile of cumulative call time. However, results may be biased as data were collected during a period of rapidly increasing cellular telephone use, and as controls were usually interviewed later in time than cases.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Associations between cellular telephone use and glioma risk have been examined in several epidemiological studies including the 13-country INTERPHONE study. Although results showed no positive association between cellular telephone use and glioma risk overall, no increased risk for long-term users, and no exposure-response relationship, there was an elevated risk for those in the highest decile of cumulative call time. However, results may be biased as data were collected during a period of rapidly increasing cellular telephone use, and as controls were usually interviewed later in time than cases.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : E. Doye, F. -P. Desgranges, D. Stamm, M. de Queiroz, F. V. Valla, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02441347
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : E. Doye, F. -P. Desgranges, D. Stamm, M. de Queiroz, F. V. Valla, et al.. Intoxication grave aux anesthésiques locaux lors d'une circoncision. Archives de Pédiatrie, 2015, 22 (3), pp. 303-305. ⟨10.1016/j.arcped.2014.10.023⟩. ⟨hal-02441347⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.arcped.2014.10.023
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'intoxication est une complication rare de l'anesthésie locorégionale. Nous rapportons le cas d'un nourrisson de 4 mois ayant présenté une crise convulsive tonico-clonique généralisée compliquée d'un arrêt respiratoire secondaire à une intoxication grave aux anesthésiques locaux à l'occasion d'un bloc pénien dorsal bilatéral avec de la lidocaïne pour une circoncision réalisée hors du milieu hospitalier. Le but de ce travail est de souligner le risque potentiel de toxicité systémique des anesthésiques locaux utilisés dans ces circonstances particulières et de préciser leur prise en charge. Summary Local anesthetic intoxication is an uncommon complication of regional anesthesia. We report the case of a 4-month-old infant who presented with generalized tonic-clonic seizure complicated by cardiac arrest secondary to a severe intoxication to local anesthesia. These complications were observed after a bilateral dorsal penile nerve block with lidocaine for circumcision in a non-hospital setting. This report emphasizes the potential risk of local anesthetic systemic toxicity in such circumstances and describes its treatment.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'intoxication est une complication rare de l'anesthésie locorégionale. Nous rapportons le cas d'un nourrisson de 4 mois ayant présenté une crise convulsive tonico-clonique généralisée compliquée d'un arrêt respiratoire secondaire à une intoxication grave aux anesthésiques locaux à l'occasion d'un bloc pénien dorsal bilatéral avec de la lidocaïne pour une circoncision réalisée hors du milieu hospitalier. Le but de ce travail est de souligner le risque potentiel de toxicité systémique des anesthésiques locaux utilisés dans ces circonstances particulières et de préciser leur prise en charge. Summary Local anesthetic intoxication is an uncommon complication of regional anesthesia. We report the case of a 4-month-old infant who presented with generalized tonic-clonic seizure complicated by cardiac arrest secondary to a severe intoxication to local anesthesia. These complications were observed after a bilateral dorsal penile nerve block with lidocaine for circumcision in a non-hospital setting. This report emphasizes the potential risk of local anesthetic systemic toxicity in such circumstances and describes its treatment.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marion Lamort-Bouché, Philippe Sarnin, Gerjo Kok, Sabrina Rouat, Julien Péron, Laurent Letrilliart, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01741173
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marion Lamort-Bouché, Philippe Sarnin, Gerjo Kok, Sabrina Rouat, Julien Péron, et al.. Interventions developed with the Intervention Mapping protocol in the field of cancer: A systematic review. Psycho-Oncology, 2018, ⟨10.1002/pon.4611⟩. ⟨halshs-01741173⟩
DOI : 10.1002/pon.4611
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Philippe Sarnin, Sabrina Rouat, Julien Peron, Gerjo Kok, Laurent Letrilliart, Marion Lamort-Bouche
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02169915
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Philippe Sarnin, Sabrina Rouat, Julien Peron, Gerjo Kok, et al.. Interventions Developed with the Intervention Mapping Protocol in Work Disability Prevention: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2019, 29 (1), pp. 11-24. ⟨10.1007/s10926-018-9776-8⟩. ⟨hal-02169915⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10926-018-9776-8
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Purposes Intervention mapping (IM) is a protocol for developing effective behavior change interventions. It has been used for 10 years to develop work disability prevention (WDP) interventions, but it is not known to what extent and with what success. The main objective of this study was to review the effectiveness of these interventions. Secondary objectives were to review their fidelity to the IM protocol, their theoretical frameworks and their content. Methods A search strategy was conducted in MEDLINE, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Pascal, Francis, and BDSP. All titles and abstracts were reviewed. A standardized extraction form was developed. All included studies were reviewed by two reviewers blinded to each other. Results Eight WDP interventions were identified aimed at return to work (RTW; n = 6) and self-management at work (n = 2). RTW interventions targeted workers with stress-related mental disorders (n = 1), low back pain (n = 1), musculoskeletal disorders (n = 1), cancer (n = 2) and gynecological surgery (n = 1). The fidelity to the IM protocol was weaker for the participatory planning group. Matrices of change, change methods, and applications were systematically reported. The main theoretical frameworks used were the attitude-social influence-self efficacy model (n = 4) and the theory of planned behavior (n = 2). Half of the interventions included a workplace component (n = 4). Two interventions were reported as effective, and one partially effective. Conclusion The IM protocol is used in WDP since 2007. The participative dimension appears underused. Few theoretical frameworks were used. Implications are to better consider the stakeholders involvement, and mobilize theoretical frameworks with greater attempts to intervene on the work environment.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Purposes Intervention mapping (IM) is a protocol for developing effective behavior change interventions. It has been used for 10 years to develop work disability prevention (WDP) interventions, but it is not known to what extent and with what success. The main objective of this study was to review the effectiveness of these interventions. Secondary objectives were to review their fidelity to the IM protocol, their theoretical frameworks and their content. Methods A search strategy was conducted in MEDLINE, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Pascal, Francis, and BDSP. All titles and abstracts were reviewed. A standardized extraction form was developed. All included studies were reviewed by two reviewers blinded to each other. Results Eight WDP interventions were identified aimed at return to work (RTW; n = 6) and self-management at work (n = 2). RTW interventions targeted workers with stress-related mental disorders (n = 1), low back pain (n = 1), musculoskeletal disorders (n = 1), cancer (n = 2) and gynecological surgery (n = 1). The fidelity to the IM protocol was weaker for the participatory planning group. Matrices of change, change methods, and applications were systematically reported. The main theoretical frameworks used were the attitude-social influence-self efficacy model (n = 4) and the theory of planned behavior (n = 2). Half of the interventions included a workplace component (n = 4). Two interventions were reported as effective, and one partially effective. Conclusion The IM protocol is used in WDP since 2007. The participative dimension appears underused. Few theoretical frameworks were used. Implications are to better consider the stakeholders involvement, and mobilize theoretical frameworks with greater attempts to intervene on the work environment.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Johann Petit, Bernard Dugué, Fabien Coutarel, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Nadine Poussin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01122439
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Johann Petit, Bernard Dugué, Fabien Coutarel, Aurélie Landry, et al.. Intervenir sur le développement des collectifs métiers pour re-concevoir l'organisation du travail. Ergonomie et Développement pour tous, SELF/GEDER, Oct 2014, La Rochelle, France. ⟨halshs-01122439⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’objectif de cette communication est de montrer que la conception de l’organisation en termes de structure pourrait être enrichie par les débats sur le travail issus de collectifs de métier et par la façon dont peuvent se développer les relations entre plusieurs métiers. Dans le cadre d’une recherche sur la pluridisciplinarité dans les services de santé, nous menons plusieurs interventions sur cette problématique. A partir de trois cas d’accompagnement de services de santé au travail, nous montrerons les difficultés relatives à une intervention sur la conception de l’organisation du travail fondée sur le développement de l’activité collective pour interroger nos méthodologies de démarche participative et de simulation de l’organisation dans un contexte contraint par des exigences médico-réglementaires. Le manque de collectif de travail métier, les difficultés de construction de l’inter-métier et l’activité des directeurs ont été sous-estimés dans le processus d’intervention
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’objectif de cette communication est de montrer que la conception de l’organisation en termes de structure pourrait être enrichie par les débats sur le travail issus de collectifs de métier et par la façon dont peuvent se développer les relations entre plusieurs métiers. Dans le cadre d’une recherche sur la pluridisciplinarité dans les services de santé, nous menons plusieurs interventions sur cette problématique. A partir de trois cas d’accompagnement de services de santé au travail, nous montrerons les difficultés relatives à une intervention sur la conception de l’organisation du travail fondée sur le développement de l’activité collective pour interroger nos méthodologies de démarche participative et de simulation de l’organisation dans un contexte contraint par des exigences médico-réglementaires. Le manque de collectif de travail métier, les difficultés de construction de l’inter-métier et l’activité des directeurs ont été sous-estimés dans le processus d’intervention
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ericka L. Fink, Patrick M. Kochanek, Robert C. Tasker, John Beca, Michael J. Bell, Robert S. B. Clark, Jamie Hutchison, Monica S. Vavilala, Anthony Fabio, Derek C. Angus, R. Scott Watson, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01717475
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ericka L. Fink, Patrick M. Kochanek, Robert C. Tasker, John Beca, Michael J. Bell, et al.. International Survey of Critically Ill Children With Acute Neurologic Insults: The PANGEA study. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2017, 4 (18), pp.330-342. ⟨10.1097/PCC.0000000000001093⟩. ⟨hal-01717475⟩
DOI : 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001093
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: The international scope of critical neurologic insults in children is unknown. Our objective was to assess the prevalence and outcomes of children admitted to PICUs with acute neurologic insults. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Multicenter (n = 107 PICUs) and multinational (23 countries, 79% in North America and Europe). Patients: Children 7 days to 17 years old admitted to the ICU with new traumatic brain injury, stroke, cardiac arrest, CNS infection or inflammation, status epilepticus, spinal cord injury, hydrocephalus, or brain mass. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: We evaluated the prevalence and outcomes of children with predetermined acute neurologic insults. Child and center characteristics were recorded. Unfavorable outcome was defined as change in pre-post insult Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category score greater than or equal to 2 or death at hospital discharge or 3 months, whichever came first. Screening data yielded overall prevalence of 16.2%. Of 924 children with acute neurologic insults, cardiac arrest (23%) and traumatic brain injury (19%) were the most common. All-cause mortality at hospital discharge was 12%. Cardiac arrest subjects had highest mortality (24%), and traumatic brain injury subjects had the most unfavorable outcomes (49%). The most common neurologic insult was infection/inflammation in South America, Asia, and the single African site but cardiac arrest in the remaining regions. Conclusions: Neurologic insults are a significant pediatric international health issue. They are frequent and contribute substantial morbidity and mortality. These data suggest a need for an increased focus on acute critical neurologic diseases in infants and children including additional research, enhanced availability of clinical resources, and the development of new therapies.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: The international scope of critical neurologic insults in children is unknown. Our objective was to assess the prevalence and outcomes of children admitted to PICUs with acute neurologic insults. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Multicenter (n = 107 PICUs) and multinational (23 countries, 79% in North America and Europe). Patients: Children 7 days to 17 years old admitted to the ICU with new traumatic brain injury, stroke, cardiac arrest, CNS infection or inflammation, status epilepticus, spinal cord injury, hydrocephalus, or brain mass. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: We evaluated the prevalence and outcomes of children with predetermined acute neurologic insults. Child and center characteristics were recorded. Unfavorable outcome was defined as change in pre-post insult Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category score greater than or equal to 2 or death at hospital discharge or 3 months, whichever came first. Screening data yielded overall prevalence of 16.2%. Of 924 children with acute neurologic insults, cardiac arrest (23%) and traumatic brain injury (19%) were the most common. All-cause mortality at hospital discharge was 12%. Cardiac arrest subjects had highest mortality (24%), and traumatic brain injury subjects had the most unfavorable outcomes (49%). The most common neurologic insult was infection/inflammation in South America, Asia, and the single African site but cardiac arrest in the remaining regions. Conclusions: Neurologic insults are a significant pediatric international health issue. They are frequent and contribute substantial morbidity and mortality. These data suggest a need for an increased focus on acute critical neurologic diseases in infants and children including additional research, enhanced availability of clinical resources, and the development of new therapies.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Inès Khati, Joël Hamelin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00927026
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Inès Khati, Joël Hamelin. Interference between active implanted medical devices and electromagnetic field emitting devices is rare but real: results of an incidence study in a population of physicians in France. PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 2014, 37 (3), pp. 290-296. ⟨10.1111/pace.12269⟩. ⟨hal-00927026⟩
DOI : 10.1111/pace.12269
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background and objective: Assessing the behavior of active implanted medical devices in response to electromagnetic field (EMF) transmitters is a current issue of great importance. Given the multiplication telecommunication systems and our lack of knowledge as to the impact of electromagnetic effects, the present study investigated the reality of possible AIMD disturbance by electromagnetic fields by questioning health professionals. Method: A self-administered postal questionnaire was sent to almost 5,000 physicians in 5 specialties: cardiology, endocrinology, ENT, urology and neurology. It collected data on the existence and annual number of incidents observed and the conditions under which they occurred, the EMF sources involved, and the means of managing the malfunctions. Results: 1,188 physicians agreed to participate. 16% reported cases of implant failure, three-quarters of whom, mainly in cardiology, reported rates of at least 1 incident per year - amounting to more than 100 incidents per year in all. Severity appeared to be moderate (discomfort or transient symptoms), but frequently required resetting or, more rarely, replacing the device. Some serious incidents were, however, reported. The sources implicated were basically of 2 types: electronic security systems (antitheft and airport gates) and medical electromagnetic radiation devices. These incidents were poorly reported within the public health system, preventing follow-up and effective performance of alert and surveillance functions. Conclusion: Although minor, the risk of interference between EMF sources and AIMDs is real and calls for vigilance. It particularly concerns antitheft and airport security gates, although other sources may also cause incidents.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background and objective: Assessing the behavior of active implanted medical devices in response to electromagnetic field (EMF) transmitters is a current issue of great importance. Given the multiplication telecommunication systems and our lack of knowledge as to the impact of electromagnetic effects, the present study investigated the reality of possible AIMD disturbance by electromagnetic fields by questioning health professionals. Method: A self-administered postal questionnaire was sent to almost 5,000 physicians in 5 specialties: cardiology, endocrinology, ENT, urology and neurology. It collected data on the existence and annual number of incidents observed and the conditions under which they occurred, the EMF sources involved, and the means of managing the malfunctions. Results: 1,188 physicians agreed to participate. 16% reported cases of implant failure, three-quarters of whom, mainly in cardiology, reported rates of at least 1 incident per year - amounting to more than 100 incidents per year in all. Severity appeared to be moderate (discomfort or transient symptoms), but frequently required resetting or, more rarely, replacing the device. Some serious incidents were, however, reported. The sources implicated were basically of 2 types: electronic security systems (antitheft and airport gates) and medical electromagnetic radiation devices. These incidents were poorly reported within the public health system, preventing follow-up and effective performance of alert and surveillance functions. Conclusion: Although minor, the risk of interference between EMF sources and AIMDs is real and calls for vigilance. It particularly concerns antitheft and airport security gates, although other sources may also cause incidents.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Michelle C Turner, Geza Benke, Joseph D Bowman, Jordi Figuerola, Sarah Fleming, Martine Hours, Laurel Kincl, Daniel Krewski, Dave Mclean, Marie-Elise Parent, Lesley Richardson, Siegal Sadetzki, Klaus Schlaefer, Brigitte Schlehofer, Joachim Schüz, Jack Siemiatycki, Martie Van Tongeren, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : pasteur-01574623
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Michelle C Turner, Geza Benke, Joseph D Bowman, Jordi Figuerola, Sarah Fleming, et al.. Interactions between occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and chemicals for brain tumour risk in the INTEROCC study.. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2017, 74 (11), pp.802 - 809. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2016-104080⟩. ⟨pasteur-01574623⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2016-104080
pubmedId_s : 28600451
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In absence of clear evidence regarding possible effects of occupational chemical exposures on brain tumour aetiology, it is worthwhile to explore the hypothesis that such exposures might act on brain tumour risk in interaction with occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF). INTEROCC is a seven-country (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, New Zealand and UK), population-based, case-control study, based on the larger INTERPHONE study. Incident cases of primary glioma and meningioma were ascertained from 2000 to 2004. Job titles were coded into standard international occupational classifications and estimates of ELF and chemical exposures were assigned based on job-exposure matrices. Dichotomous indicators of cumulative ELF (≥50th vs <50th percentile, 1-4 year exposure time window) and chemical exposures (ever vs never, 5-year lag) were created. Interaction was assessed on both the additive and multiplicative scales. A total of 1939 glioma cases, 1822 meningioma cases and 5404 controls were included in the analysis, using conditional logistic regression. There was no clear evidence for interactions between ELF and any of the chemical exposures assessed for either glioma or meningioma risk. For glioma, subjects in the low ELF/metal exposed group had a lower risk than would be predicted from marginal effects. Results were similar according to different exposure time windows, to cut-points of exposure or in exposed-only analyses. There was no clear evidence for interactions between occupational ELF and chemical exposures in relation to glioma or meningioma risk observed. Further research with more refined estimates of occupational exposures is recommended. In absence of clear evidence regarding possible effects of occupational chemical exposures on brain tumour aetiology, it is worthwhile to explore the hypothesis that such exposures might act on brain tumour risk in interaction with occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In absence of clear evidence regarding possible effects of occupational chemical exposures on brain tumour aetiology, it is worthwhile to explore the hypothesis that such exposures might act on brain tumour risk in interaction with occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF). INTEROCC is a seven-country (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, New Zealand and UK), population-based, case-control study, based on the larger INTERPHONE study. Incident cases of primary glioma and meningioma were ascertained from 2000 to 2004. Job titles were coded into standard international occupational classifications and estimates of ELF and chemical exposures were assigned based on job-exposure matrices. Dichotomous indicators of cumulative ELF (≥50th vs <50th percentile, 1-4 year exposure time window) and chemical exposures (ever vs never, 5-year lag) were created. Interaction was assessed on both the additive and multiplicative scales. A total of 1939 glioma cases, 1822 meningioma cases and 5404 controls were included in the analysis, using conditional logistic regression. There was no clear evidence for interactions between ELF and any of the chemical exposures assessed for either glioma or meningioma risk. For glioma, subjects in the low ELF/metal exposed group had a lower risk than would be predicted from marginal effects. Results were similar according to different exposure time windows, to cut-points of exposure or in exposed-only analyses. There was no clear evidence for interactions between occupational ELF and chemical exposures in relation to glioma or meningioma risk observed. Further research with more refined estimates of occupational exposures is recommended. In absence of clear evidence regarding possible effects of occupational chemical exposures on brain tumour aetiology, it is worthwhile to explore the hypothesis that such exposures might act on brain tumour risk in interaction with occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bernard Laumon, Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuelle Amoros, Audrey Lardy, Emmanuel Fort, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01215719
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bernard Laumon, Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuelle Amoros, Audrey Lardy, Emmanuel Fort, et al.. Insécurité routière et travail : enjeux et déterminants. Colloque de l'ADEREST (Association pour le Développement des Études et Recherches Épidémiologiques en Santé Travail), Apr 2015, LYON, France. 63 p. ⟨hal-01215719⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Conférence invitée dans le cadre du colloque de l'ADEREST (Association pour le Développement des Études et Recherches Épidémiologiques en Santé Travail) qui s'est tenu à Lyon les 16 et 17 avril 2015.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Conférence invitée dans le cadre du colloque de l'ADEREST (Association pour le Développement des Études et Recherches Épidémiologiques en Santé Travail) qui s'est tenu à Lyon les 16 et 17 avril 2015.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Aurelie Landry, Céline Cholez, Philippe Davezies, Marie Bellemare, Nadine Poussin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00984029
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Aurelie Landry, Céline Cholez, Philippe Davezies, Marie Bellemare, et al.. Innovation in the Occupational Health Physician Profession Requires the Development of a Work Collective to Improve the Efficiency of MSD Prevention. WORK, 2012, 41 (Supplement 1), pp.5-13. ⟨10.3233/WOR-2012-0128-5⟩. ⟨halshs-00984029⟩
DOI : 10.3233/WOR-2012-0128-5
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Given the ageing population of occupational health physicians and the deteriorating situation of employee health, reforms targeting the multi-disciplinary nature of occupational health are currently being drawn up. These are of great concern to doctors in terms of the future of occupational health, notably with regard to changing medical practices. The objective of this study is to explore the actual practices of occupational health physicians within the framework of MSD prevention in France. By analysing the activity of occupational health physicians, we could gain a better understanding of the coordination between those involved in OHS with the ultimate goal being to improve prevention. Based on an analysis of peer activity, this method made it possible to push beyond pre-constructed discourse. According to activity theories, it is through others that the history and controversies of a profession can be grasped and skills developed. The results produced by these collective discussions on activity analysis contributed to establish a collective point of view about the important aspects of their profession that need defending and the variations in professional genre in relation to the current reforms, notably.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Given the ageing population of occupational health physicians and the deteriorating situation of employee health, reforms targeting the multi-disciplinary nature of occupational health are currently being drawn up. These are of great concern to doctors in terms of the future of occupational health, notably with regard to changing medical practices. The objective of this study is to explore the actual practices of occupational health physicians within the framework of MSD prevention in France. By analysing the activity of occupational health physicians, we could gain a better understanding of the coordination between those involved in OHS with the ultimate goal being to improve prevention. Based on an analysis of peer activity, this method made it possible to push beyond pre-constructed discourse. According to activity theories, it is through others that the history and controversies of a profession can be grasped and skills developed. The results produced by these collective discussions on activity analysis contributed to establish a collective point of view about the important aspects of their profession that need defending and the variations in professional genre in relation to the current reforms, notably.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Stéphanie Blaizot, Francis Papon, Mouloud Haddak, Emmanuelle Amoros
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00852588
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Stéphanie Blaizot, Francis Papon, Mouloud Haddak, Emmanuelle Amoros. Injury incidence rates of cyclists compared to pedestrians, car occupants and powered two-wheeler riders, using a medical registry and mobility data, Rhône County, France. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2013, 58, pp 35-45. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2013.04.018⟩. ⟨hal-00852588⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2013.04.018
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Purpose: In France, the bicycle’s modal share is stabilizing after a decline; in some of France’s major cities, it has even increased since the 1990s. It is hence relevant to improve the knowledge of the injury risk associated with cycling, compared with other means of transport such as car, walking and powered two-wheeler (PTW) riding. Methods: The injury incidence rates were estimated by the ratio between accident data and mobility (exposure) data. Two accident data sources were used: police data and hospital-based data (outpatients and inpatients) from the Rhône road trauma Registry. This provides four injury categories: all-injury, hospitalization, serious-injury and fatal-injury. Exposure data were estimated from a regional household travel survey (RTS), using three measures of mobility: number of trips, distance traveled and time spent traveling. The survey was carried out from November 2005 to April 2006, on week days, outside school and public holidays; this seasonality was corrected using the 2007–2008 national household travel survey (NTS) that covered an entire year. Only information involving accidents and trips in, and residents of the Rhône County (1.6 million inhabitants, including the city Lyon) were included in our study. Trends of injury rates were also evaluated in Greater Lyon, using previous travel surveys. Results: The PTW riders had the highest all-injury, hospitalization, serious-injury and fatal-injury rates,followed by cyclists, and lastly by pedestrians and car occupants. The rates between men and women seemed similar among pedestrians and among car occupants. For car occupants, pedestrians and cyclists, the age group 18–25 years had higher all-injury rate compared with the age group 25–65 years. On the contrary, the age group ≥65 years seemed to have higher hospitalization and serious-injury rates,compared with the age group 25–65 years. For cyclists, the injury rates seemed higher in non-dense areas than in dense areas. Between 1996–1997 and 2005–2006 and with regards to time spent traveling, the all-injury, serious-injury and fatal-injury rates seemed to have decreased for car occupants and cyclists. Conclusion: The higher risk for PTW riders is confirmed and quantified; it is very high. Decrease in injury rates seems more marked for cyclists; this may indicate the 'safety in numbers' effect. ounter measures for improving road safety could be implemented, especially for vulnerable road user types. However, they will not be sufficient to fill in the gap between the much higher risk for PTW riders and that of car occupants. Exposure-based injury rates can be a tool for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of policies and programs, and for comparisons between countries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Purpose: In France, the bicycle’s modal share is stabilizing after a decline; in some of France’s major cities, it has even increased since the 1990s. It is hence relevant to improve the knowledge of the injury risk associated with cycling, compared with other means of transport such as car, walking and powered two-wheeler (PTW) riding. Methods: The injury incidence rates were estimated by the ratio between accident data and mobility (exposure) data. Two accident data sources were used: police data and hospital-based data (outpatients and inpatients) from the Rhône road trauma Registry. This provides four injury categories: all-injury, hospitalization, serious-injury and fatal-injury. Exposure data were estimated from a regional household travel survey (RTS), using three measures of mobility: number of trips, distance traveled and time spent traveling. The survey was carried out from November 2005 to April 2006, on week days, outside school and public holidays; this seasonality was corrected using the 2007–2008 national household travel survey (NTS) that covered an entire year. Only information involving accidents and trips in, and residents of the Rhône County (1.6 million inhabitants, including the city Lyon) were included in our study. Trends of injury rates were also evaluated in Greater Lyon, using previous travel surveys. Results: The PTW riders had the highest all-injury, hospitalization, serious-injury and fatal-injury rates,followed by cyclists, and lastly by pedestrians and car occupants. The rates between men and women seemed similar among pedestrians and among car occupants. For car occupants, pedestrians and cyclists, the age group 18–25 years had higher all-injury rate compared with the age group 25–65 years. On the contrary, the age group ≥65 years seemed to have higher hospitalization and serious-injury rates,compared with the age group 25–65 years. For cyclists, the injury rates seemed higher in non-dense areas than in dense areas. Between 1996–1997 and 2005–2006 and with regards to time spent traveling, the all-injury, serious-injury and fatal-injury rates seemed to have decreased for car occupants and cyclists. Conclusion: The higher risk for PTW riders is confirmed and quantified; it is very high. Decrease in injury rates seems more marked for cyclists; this may indicate the 'safety in numbers' effect. ounter measures for improving road safety could be implemented, especially for vulnerable road user types. However, they will not be sufficient to fill in the gap between the much higher risk for PTW riders and that of car occupants. Exposure-based injury rates can be a tool for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of policies and programs, and for comparisons between countries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Antonin Eddi, Eric Sultan, Julien Moukhtar, Emmanuel Fort, Maurice Rossi, Yves Couder
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04030600
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Antonin Eddi, Eric Sultan, Julien Moukhtar, Emmanuel Fort, Maurice Rossi, et al.. Information stored in Faraday waves: the origin of a path memory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011, 674, pp.433--463. ⟨10.1017/S0022112011000176⟩. ⟨hal-04030600⟩
DOI : 10.1017/S0022112011000176
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : On a vertically vibrating fluid interface, a droplet can remain bouncing indefinitely. When approaching the Faraday instability onset, the droplet couples to the wave it generates and starts propagating horizontally. The resulting wave–particle association, called a walker, was shown previously to have remarkable dynamical properties, reminiscent of quantum behaviours. In the present article, the nature of a walker's wave field is investigated experimentally, numerically and theoretically. It is shown to result from the superposition of waves emitted by the droplet collisions with the interface. A single impact is studied experimentally and in a fluid mechanics theoretical approach. It is shown that each shock emits a radial travelling wave, leaving behind a localized mode of slowly decaying Faraday standing waves. As it moves, the walker keeps generating waves and the global structure of the wave field results from the linear superposition of the waves generated along the recent trajectory. For rectilinear trajectories, this results in a Fresnel interference pattern of the global wave field. Since the droplet moves due to its interaction with the distorted interface, this means that it is guided by a pilot wave that contains a path memory. Through this wave-mediated memory, the past as well as the environment determines the walker's present motion.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : On a vertically vibrating fluid interface, a droplet can remain bouncing indefinitely. When approaching the Faraday instability onset, the droplet couples to the wave it generates and starts propagating horizontally. The resulting wave–particle association, called a walker, was shown previously to have remarkable dynamical properties, reminiscent of quantum behaviours. In the present article, the nature of a walker's wave field is investigated experimentally, numerically and theoretically. It is shown to result from the superposition of waves emitted by the droplet collisions with the interface. A single impact is studied experimentally and in a fluid mechanics theoretical approach. It is shown that each shock emits a radial travelling wave, leaving behind a localized mode of slowly decaying Faraday standing waves. As it moves, the walker keeps generating waves and the global structure of the wave field results from the linear superposition of the waves generated along the recent trajectory. For rectilinear trajectories, this results in a Fresnel interference pattern of the global wave field. Since the droplet moves due to its interaction with the distorted interface, this means that it is guided by a pilot wave that contains a path memory. Through this wave-mediated memory, the past as well as the environment determines the walker's present motion.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Lydiane Agier, Xavier Basagana, Jose Urquiza, Ibon Tamayo-Uria, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Oliver Robinson, Valérie Siroux, Léa Maitre, Montserrat de Castro, Antonia Valentin, David Donaire, Payam Dadvand, Gunn Marit Aasvang, Krog Norun Hjertager Krog, Per E. Schwarze, Leda Chatzi, Regina Grazuleviciene, Sandra Andrusaityte, Audrius Dedele, Rosie Mceachan, John Wright, Jane West, Jesus Ibarluzea, Ferran Ballester, Martine Vrijheid, Rémy Slama
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02492187
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Lydiane Agier, Xavier Basagana, Jose Urquiza, Ibon Tamayo-Uria, et al.. Influence of the Urban Exposome on Birth Weight. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2019, 127 (4), 14 p. ⟨10.1289/EHP3971⟩. ⟨hal-02492187v2⟩
DOI : 10.1289/EHP3971
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: The exposome is defined as the totality of environmental exposures from conception onwards. It calls for providing a holistic view of environmental exposures and their effects on human health by evaluating multiple environmental exposures simultaneously during critical periods of life.Objective:We evaluated the association of the urban exposome with birth weight.Methods:We estimated exposure to the urban exposome, including the built environment, air pollution, road traffic noise, meteorology, natural space, and road traffic (corresponding to 24 environmental indicators and 60 exposures) for nearly 32,000 pregnant women from six European birth cohorts. To evaluate associations with either continuous birth weight or term low birth weight (TLBW) risk, we primarily relied on the Deletion-Substitution-Addition (DSA) algorithm, which is an extension of the stepwise variable selection method. Second, we used an exposure-by-exposure exposome-wide association studies (ExWAS) method accounting for multiple hypotheses testing to report associations not adjusted for coexposures.Results:The most consistent statistically significant associations were observed between increasing green space exposure estimated as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and increased birth weight and decreased TLBW risk. Furthermore, we observed statistically significant associations among presence of public bus line, land use Shannon's Evenness Index, and traffic density and birth weight in our DSA analysis.Conclusion:This investigation is the first large urban exposome study of birth weight that tests many environmental urban exposures. It confirmed previously reported associations for NDVI and generated new hypotheses for a number of built-environment exposures.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: The exposome is defined as the totality of environmental exposures from conception onwards. It calls for providing a holistic view of environmental exposures and their effects on human health by evaluating multiple environmental exposures simultaneously during critical periods of life.Objective:We evaluated the association of the urban exposome with birth weight.Methods:We estimated exposure to the urban exposome, including the built environment, air pollution, road traffic noise, meteorology, natural space, and road traffic (corresponding to 24 environmental indicators and 60 exposures) for nearly 32,000 pregnant women from six European birth cohorts. To evaluate associations with either continuous birth weight or term low birth weight (TLBW) risk, we primarily relied on the Deletion-Substitution-Addition (DSA) algorithm, which is an extension of the stepwise variable selection method. Second, we used an exposure-by-exposure exposome-wide association studies (ExWAS) method accounting for multiple hypotheses testing to report associations not adjusted for coexposures.Results:The most consistent statistically significant associations were observed between increasing green space exposure estimated as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and increased birth weight and decreased TLBW risk. Furthermore, we observed statistically significant associations among presence of public bus line, land use Shannon's Evenness Index, and traffic density and birth weight in our DSA analysis.Conclusion:This investigation is the first large urban exposome study of birth weight that tests many environmental urban exposures. It confirmed previously reported associations for NDVI and generated new hypotheses for a number of built-environment exposures.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Etienne Javouhey, Florent Baudin, L Hees, Y Gillet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01825850
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Etienne Javouhey, Florent Baudin, L Hees, Y Gillet. Infections invasives à méningocoque. Pédiatrie - Maladies infectieuses, 2017, pp.4-283-B-10. ⟨10.1016/S1637-5017(17)65452-8⟩. ⟨hal-01825850⟩
DOI : 10.1016/S1637-5017(17)65452-8
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Invasive meningococcal infections (MSI) include meningitis, septicemia and septic shock associated with Neisseria meningitidis. In France, serogroup B dominates, followed by serogroups C, Y and W. Their lethality is 10%, or even 25% if septic shock. The diagnosis is evoked in front of a fever associated with meningeal signs (headache, bulging fontanelle, vomiting, meningeal stiffness) and / or signs of poor peripheral perfusion (mottling, prolonged skin recollection, cold extremities) and / or limb pain, and secondarily an eruption (morbilliform erythema) or purpura).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Invasive meningococcal infections (MSI) include meningitis, septicemia and septic shock associated with Neisseria meningitidis. In France, serogroup B dominates, followed by serogroups C, Y and W. Their lethality is 10%, or even 25% if septic shock. The diagnosis is evoked in front of a fever associated with meningeal signs (headache, bulging fontanelle, vomiting, meningeal stiffness) and / or signs of poor peripheral perfusion (mottling, prolonged skin recollection, cold extremities) and / or limb pain, and secondarily an eruption (morbilliform erythema) or purpura).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nathalie Havet, Alexis Penot, Morgane Plantier, Barbara Charbotel, Magali Morelle, Béatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01862797
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nathalie Havet, Alexis Penot, Morgane Plantier, Barbara Charbotel, Magali Morelle, et al.. Inequalities in the control of the occupational exposure in France to carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic chemicals. European Journal of Public Health, 2019, 29 (1), pp.140-147. ⟨10.1093/eurpub/cky130⟩. ⟨hal-01862797⟩
DOI : 10.1093/eurpub/cky130
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Idlir Licaj, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Mireille Chiron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00657323
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Idlir Licaj, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Mireille Chiron. Individual and contextual socioeconomic disadvantages and car driving between 16 and 24 years of age: a multilevel study in the Rhône Département (France). Journal of Transport Geography, 2012, 22, pp.19-27. ⟨10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2011.11.018⟩. ⟨halshs-00657323⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2011.11.018
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This paper sets out to highlight and quantify the effect of individual and contextual deprivation on both access to a car driving licence and on actual driving of a car among young licence-holders in the Rhône département (France). The three stages by which adolescents and very young adults become autonomous with regard to driving have been subjected to multilevel analyses, using a Household Travel Survey: i) whether young persons participate in the early driving scheme at 16-17 years of age, ii) whether young persons of 18-24 years of age hold a driving licence, and iii) whether young licence-holders actually drive a car. At these three stages, social inequalities can be observed. This study highlights the considerable impact socioeconomic (individual but also contextual) factors and gender have on inequalities of access to car driving. Underprivileged groups suffer from disadvantages that accumulate at each stage (driving licence and car driving). The multilevel analysis of access to the car among young persons shows that considering the effects of the geographical context improves our understanding of travel inequalities.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This paper sets out to highlight and quantify the effect of individual and contextual deprivation on both access to a car driving licence and on actual driving of a car among young licence-holders in the Rhône département (France). The three stages by which adolescents and very young adults become autonomous with regard to driving have been subjected to multilevel analyses, using a Household Travel Survey: i) whether young persons participate in the early driving scheme at 16-17 years of age, ii) whether young persons of 18-24 years of age hold a driving licence, and iii) whether young licence-holders actually drive a car. At these three stages, social inequalities can be observed. This study highlights the considerable impact socioeconomic (individual but also contextual) factors and gender have on inequalities of access to car driving. Underprivileged groups suffer from disadvantages that accumulate at each stage (driving licence and car driving). The multilevel analysis of access to the car among young persons shows that considering the effects of the geographical context improves our understanding of travel inequalities.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Victor Wang, Emmanuel Fort, Maude Beaudoin-Gobert, Amina Ndiaye, Catherine Fischer, Alain Bergeret, Barbara Charbotel, Jacques Luaute
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02491666
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Victor Wang, Emmanuel Fort, Maude Beaudoin-Gobert, Amina Ndiaye, Catherine Fischer, et al.. Indicators of long-term return to work after severe traumatic brain injury: A cohort study. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2019, 62 (1), pp. 28-34. ⟨10.1016/⟩. ⟨hal-02491666⟩
DOI : 10.1016/
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Return to work (RTW) is a major objective in the rehabilitation of individuals with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Implications for long-term occupational integration (beyond 5 years) have rarely been studied. Objective The objective was to assess long-term RTW and the associated factors after severe TBI. Material and methods Retrospective analysis of a cohort of individuals 16 to 60 years old admitted to hospital after severe TBI from 2005 to 2009 and followed prospectively. Medical and occupational data were collected from medical files and by systematic telephone interview to assess outcome at a minimum of 6 years post-trauma. Factors associated with RTW were investigated by multivariable regression analysis, estimating prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). A proportional hazards model was used to study RTW delay, estimating hazard ratios (HRs). Results Among the 91 individuals included (mean [SD] age 28.5 [11.3] years; 79% male), 63.7% returned to work after a mean of about 20 months, and 57.1% were still working at the time of the survey. Factors significantly associated with RTW on multivariable analysis were higher educational level (adjusted PR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.15 to 2.03), absence of motor disability (adjusted PR, 1.82; 1.12 to 2.95) and behavioural disorder (adjusted PR, 1.26; 1.01 to 1.60), as well as disabled worker status (adjusted PR, 1.26; 1.01 to 1.60) (likelihood of the multivariate analysis model 53.1). Delayed RTW was associated with health insurance payments (adjusted HR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.71), motor disability (adjusted HR, 0.34; 0.15 to 0.76), low educational level (adjusted HR, 2.20; 1.06 to 4.56) and moderate disability on the Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale (adjusted HR, 0.49; 0.27 to 0.91) (likelihood of the multivariate analysis model 335.5). Conclusion Individuals with the most severe TBI are able to RTW and remain in work. This study highlights the multiple determinants involved in RTW and the role of socioenvironmental factors.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Return to work (RTW) is a major objective in the rehabilitation of individuals with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Implications for long-term occupational integration (beyond 5 years) have rarely been studied. Objective The objective was to assess long-term RTW and the associated factors after severe TBI. Material and methods Retrospective analysis of a cohort of individuals 16 to 60 years old admitted to hospital after severe TBI from 2005 to 2009 and followed prospectively. Medical and occupational data were collected from medical files and by systematic telephone interview to assess outcome at a minimum of 6 years post-trauma. Factors associated with RTW were investigated by multivariable regression analysis, estimating prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). A proportional hazards model was used to study RTW delay, estimating hazard ratios (HRs). Results Among the 91 individuals included (mean [SD] age 28.5 [11.3] years; 79% male), 63.7% returned to work after a mean of about 20 months, and 57.1% were still working at the time of the survey. Factors significantly associated with RTW on multivariable analysis were higher educational level (adjusted PR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.15 to 2.03), absence of motor disability (adjusted PR, 1.82; 1.12 to 2.95) and behavioural disorder (adjusted PR, 1.26; 1.01 to 1.60), as well as disabled worker status (adjusted PR, 1.26; 1.01 to 1.60) (likelihood of the multivariate analysis model 53.1). Delayed RTW was associated with health insurance payments (adjusted HR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.71), motor disability (adjusted HR, 0.34; 0.15 to 0.76), low educational level (adjusted HR, 2.20; 1.06 to 4.56) and moderate disability on the Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale (adjusted HR, 0.49; 0.27 to 0.91) (likelihood of the multivariate analysis model 335.5). Conclusion Individuals with the most severe TBI are able to RTW and remain in work. This study highlights the multiple determinants involved in RTW and the role of socioenvironmental factors.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aboud Kourieh, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03622044
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aboud Kourieh, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, et al.. Incident hypertension in relation to aircraft noise exposure: results of the DEBATS longitudinal study in France. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2022, 49p. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2021-107921⟩. ⟨hal-03622044⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2021-107921
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Although several cross-sectional studies have shown that aircraft noise exposure was associated with an increased risk of hypertension, a limited number of longitudinal studies have addressed this issue. This study is part of the DEBATS (Discussion on the health effect of aircraft noise) research program and aimed to investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure and the incidence of hypertension. Methods: In 2013, 1,244 adults living near three major French airports were included in this longitudinal study. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as demographic and lifestyle factors, were collected at baseline and after two and four years of follow-up during face-to-face interviews. Exposure to aircraft noise was estimated for each participant's home address using noise maps. Statistical analyses were performed using mixed Poisson and linear regression models adjusted for potential confounding factors. Results: A 10 dB(A) increase in aircraft noise levels in terms of Lden was associated with a higher incidence of hypertension (incidence rate ratio (IRR) =1.36, 95% CI: 1.02; 1.82). The association was also significant for Lday (IRR=1.41, 95% CI: 1.07; 1.85) and Lnight (IRR=1.31, 95% CI: 1.01; 1.71). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure increased with all noise indicators. Conclusion: These results strengthen those obtained from the cross-sectional analysis of the data collected at the time of inclusion in DEBATS, as well as those from previous studies conducted in other countries. Hence, they support the hypothesis that aircraft noise exposure may be considered as a risk factor for hypertension.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Although several cross-sectional studies have shown that aircraft noise exposure was associated with an increased risk of hypertension, a limited number of longitudinal studies have addressed this issue. This study is part of the DEBATS (Discussion on the health effect of aircraft noise) research program and aimed to investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure and the incidence of hypertension. Methods: In 2013, 1,244 adults living near three major French airports were included in this longitudinal study. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as demographic and lifestyle factors, were collected at baseline and after two and four years of follow-up during face-to-face interviews. Exposure to aircraft noise was estimated for each participant's home address using noise maps. Statistical analyses were performed using mixed Poisson and linear regression models adjusted for potential confounding factors. Results: A 10 dB(A) increase in aircraft noise levels in terms of Lden was associated with a higher incidence of hypertension (incidence rate ratio (IRR) =1.36, 95% CI: 1.02; 1.82). The association was also significant for Lday (IRR=1.41, 95% CI: 1.07; 1.85) and Lnight (IRR=1.31, 95% CI: 1.01; 1.71). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure increased with all noise indicators. Conclusion: These results strengthen those obtained from the cross-sectional analysis of the data collected at the time of inclusion in DEBATS, as well as those from previous studies conducted in other countries. Hence, they support the hypothesis that aircraft noise exposure may be considered as a risk factor for hypertension.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Naim Ouldali, Corinne Levy, Emmanuelle Varon, Stéphane Bonacorsi, Stéphane Bechet, Robert Cohen, François Angoulvant, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02051033
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Naim Ouldali, Corinne Levy, Emmanuelle Varon, Stéphane Bonacorsi, Stéphane Bechet, et al.. Incidence of paediatric pneumococcal meningitis and emergence of new serotypes: a time-series analysis of a 16-year French national survey. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2018, 18 (9), pp. 983-991. ⟨10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30349-9⟩. ⟨hal-02051033⟩
DOI : 10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30349-9
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Summary Background Successive implementation of seven-valent then 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) led to a marked decrease in pneumococcal disease burden, including pneumococcal meningitis. We assessed the long-term effect of implementation of PCVs on incidence of pneumococcal meningitis in children in France over a 16-year period. Methods We did a quasi-experimental, population-based interrupted time-series analysis with a nationwide prospective survey over 16 years in France, recruiting children aged younger than 15 years from 227 paediatric wards from January, 2001, to December, 2016. The main outcome by the time-series model was the estimated incidence of pneumococcal meningitis per 100?000 children (of a population of 12·6 million children in 2017) before and after PCV7 and PCV13 implementation. The time-series model was based on segmented regression with autoregressive error. Findings We enrolled 1778 children with pneumococcal meningitis. PCV13 implementation led to a significant reduction in monthly incidence of pneumococcal meningitis from 0·12 per 100?000 children before PCV13 to a nadir of 0·07 in December, 2014 (?38%, 95% CI ?56·1 to ?20·4; p
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Summary Background Successive implementation of seven-valent then 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) led to a marked decrease in pneumococcal disease burden, including pneumococcal meningitis. We assessed the long-term effect of implementation of PCVs on incidence of pneumococcal meningitis in children in France over a 16-year period. Methods We did a quasi-experimental, population-based interrupted time-series analysis with a nationwide prospective survey over 16 years in France, recruiting children aged younger than 15 years from 227 paediatric wards from January, 2001, to December, 2016. The main outcome by the time-series model was the estimated incidence of pneumococcal meningitis per 100?000 children (of a population of 12·6 million children in 2017) before and after PCV7 and PCV13 implementation. The time-series model was based on segmented regression with autoregressive error. Findings We enrolled 1778 children with pneumococcal meningitis. PCV13 implementation led to a significant reduction in monthly incidence of pneumococcal meningitis from 0·12 per 100?000 children before PCV13 to a nadir of 0·07 in December, 2014 (?38%, 95% CI ?56·1 to ?20·4; p
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alexandre Ponsin, Emmanuel Fort, Martine Hours, Barbara Charbotel, Marie-Agnès Denis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04061304
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alexandre Ponsin, Emmanuel Fort, Martine Hours, Barbara Charbotel, Marie-Agnès Denis. Incidence of commuting accidents among non-physician staff in a large French university hospital centre from 2012 to 2016. Work, 2023, 22 p. ⟨10.3233/WOR-210815⟩. ⟨hal-04061304⟩
DOI : 10.3233/WOR-210815
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Traffic road crashes are the leading cause of fatal crashes at work. The circumstances of work-related road accidents have been a regular focus of study, but there is still a lack of knowledge about commuting accidents.OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to estimate the overall incidence of commuting accidents for non-physician professionals in a major French university hospital, by gender and different professional categories, and to assess its evolution over a 5-year period.METHODS: A descriptive analysis was performed on 390 commuting accidents from 2012 to 2016 extracted from the university hospital's occupational health service. Incidences of commuting accidents were calculated according to gender, occupational categories, and years. Crude relative risk (RR) for the association of commuting accidents with gender, occupational categories, and year of the accident was also estimated using log-binomial regressions.RESULTS: The annual incidence ranged from 354 to 581 accidents per 100,000 employees. Compared with administrative staff, the relative risk (RR) for commuting accidents for service agents was 1.6 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.1-2.4) and for auxiliary nurses and childcare assistants was 1.3 (95% CI: 1.0-1.9). Nursing executives had a non-significantly lower RR of 0.6 (95% CI: 0.3-1.5).CONCLUSION: The increased risk observed for the auxiliary nurses and childcare assistants and for the service agents may be related in part to the fatigue caused by work schedules, long commuting distances, physical work, and psychological burden.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Traffic road crashes are the leading cause of fatal crashes at work. The circumstances of work-related road accidents have been a regular focus of study, but there is still a lack of knowledge about commuting accidents.OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to estimate the overall incidence of commuting accidents for non-physician professionals in a major French university hospital, by gender and different professional categories, and to assess its evolution over a 5-year period.METHODS: A descriptive analysis was performed on 390 commuting accidents from 2012 to 2016 extracted from the university hospital's occupational health service. Incidences of commuting accidents were calculated according to gender, occupational categories, and years. Crude relative risk (RR) for the association of commuting accidents with gender, occupational categories, and year of the accident was also estimated using log-binomial regressions.RESULTS: The annual incidence ranged from 354 to 581 accidents per 100,000 employees. Compared with administrative staff, the relative risk (RR) for commuting accidents for service agents was 1.6 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.1-2.4) and for auxiliary nurses and childcare assistants was 1.3 (95% CI: 1.0-1.9). Nursing executives had a non-significantly lower RR of 0.6 (95% CI: 0.3-1.5).CONCLUSION: The increased risk observed for the auxiliary nurses and childcare assistants and for the service agents may be related in part to the fatigue caused by work schedules, long commuting distances, physical work, and psychological burden.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Barnabé Berger, Pierre-Julien Cungi, Ségolène Arzalier, Thomas Lieutaud, Lionel Velly, Pierre Simeone, Nicolas Bruder
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04050286
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Barnabé Berger, Pierre-Julien Cungi, Ségolène Arzalier, Thomas Lieutaud, Lionel Velly, et al.. Incidence of Burnout Syndrome among Anesthesiologists and Intensivists in France: The REPAR Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20 (3), 14 p. ⟨10.3390/ijerph20031771⟩. ⟨hal-04050286⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph20031771
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Burnout syndrome (BOS) impacts health workers and has become a real public health issue. The primary objective of this observational study was to re-evaluate the incidence of BOS among anesthesiologists and intensivists (AI) in France, ten years after the SESMAT study, a French Physician Health Survey carried out among burnout salaried AI. The secondary objective was to investigate risks factors. Methods: The REPAR survey is an observational study carried in France among AI, residents, and seniors, whatever their main mode of practice, in the framework of a self-questionnaire distributed on the Internet from 11 April 2018 to 1 July 2018. BOS was assessed using the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). A score above 50% on two of the dimensions (personal burnout and work-related burnout) indicated BOS, as a main criterion. In order to investigate risks factors, questions were about sociodemographic characteristics, professional and extraprofessional environments, personality and mood using the Major Depression Inventory (MDI). A significance threshold of p < 0.05 was retained. Results: Among 1519 questionnaires received, 1500 completed questionnaires were analyzed. There were 775 men (52%) and 721 women (48%), aged 23 to 74 years. Among those, 24% suffered from BOS, 9% showed depressive symptoms (MDI > 25) and 35% were considering changing jobs or stopping their studies. There was no significant difference with the SESMAT study for the general BOS score. After multivariate analysis, 12 variables were significantly associated with the main criterion. Conclusions: Ten years after the SESMAT study, the incidence of BOS in AI has not decreased in the largest cohort of AI studied to date in France.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Burnout syndrome (BOS) impacts health workers and has become a real public health issue. The primary objective of this observational study was to re-evaluate the incidence of BOS among anesthesiologists and intensivists (AI) in France, ten years after the SESMAT study, a French Physician Health Survey carried out among burnout salaried AI. The secondary objective was to investigate risks factors. Methods: The REPAR survey is an observational study carried in France among AI, residents, and seniors, whatever their main mode of practice, in the framework of a self-questionnaire distributed on the Internet from 11 April 2018 to 1 July 2018. BOS was assessed using the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). A score above 50% on two of the dimensions (personal burnout and work-related burnout) indicated BOS, as a main criterion. In order to investigate risks factors, questions were about sociodemographic characteristics, professional and extraprofessional environments, personality and mood using the Major Depression Inventory (MDI). A significance threshold of p < 0.05 was retained. Results: Among 1519 questionnaires received, 1500 completed questionnaires were analyzed. There were 775 men (52%) and 721 women (48%), aged 23 to 74 years. Among those, 24% suffered from BOS, 9% showed depressive symptoms (MDI > 25) and 35% were considering changing jobs or stopping their studies. There was no significant difference with the SESMAT study for the general BOS score. After multivariate analysis, 12 variables were significantly associated with the main criterion. Conclusions: Ten years after the SESMAT study, the incidence of BOS in AI has not decreased in the largest cohort of AI studied to date in France.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Thomas Bénet, Sélilah Amour, Martine Valette, Mitra Saadatian-Elahi, Ludwig Serge Aho-Glélé, Philippe Berthelot, Marie-Agnès Denis, Jacqueline Grando, Caroline Landelle, Karine Astruc, Adeline Paris, Sylvie Pillet, Bruno Lina, Philippe Vanhems, Marc Bardou, Jean-Baptiste Bour, Luc Fontana, Marie-Reine Mallaret, Julien Lupo, Patrice Morand, Pierre Pothier, Bruno Pozzetto, Olivier Robert, Henri Jacques Smolik
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04779539
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Thomas Bénet, Sélilah Amour, Martine Valette, Mitra Saadatian-Elahi, Ludwig Serge Aho-Glélé, et al.. Incidence of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Influenza Among Healthcare Workers: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2021, 72 (9), pp.e311-e318. ⟨10.1093/cid/ciaa1109⟩. ⟨hal-04779539⟩
DOI : 10.1093/cid/ciaa1109
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Abstract Background Influenza is an important cause of viral hospital-acquired infection involving patients, healthcare workers (HCW), and visitors. The frequency of asymptomatic influenza among HCW with possible subsequent transmission is poorly described. The objective is to determine the cumulative incidence of asymptomatic, paucisymptomatic, and symptomatic influenza among HCW. Method A multicenter prospective cohort study was done in 5 French university hospitals, including 289 HCW during the 2016–2017 influenza season. HCW had 3 physical examinations (time [T] 0, before epidemic onset; T.1, before epidemic peak; T.2, T.3, after epidemic peak). A blood sample was taken each time for influenza serology and a nasal swab was collected at T1 and T2 for influenza detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive influenza was defined as either a positive influenza PCR, and/or virus-specific seroconversion against influenza A, the only circulating virus, with no vaccination record during follow-up. Symptoms were self-reported daily between T1 and T2. Cumulative incidence of influenza was stratified by clinical presentation per 100 HCW. Results Of the 289 HCW included, 278 (96%) completed the entire follow-up. Overall, 62 HCW had evidence of influenza of whom 46.8% were asymptomatic, 41.9% were paucisymptomatic, and 11.3% were symptomatic. Cumulative influenza incidence was 22.3% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 17.4%–27.2%). Cumulative incidence of asymptomatic influenza was 5.8% (95% CI: 3.3%–9.2%), 13.7% (95% CI: 9.9%–18.2%) for paucisymptomatic influenza, and 2.9% (95% CI: 1.3%–5.5%) for symptomatic influenza. Conclusions Asymptomatic and paucisymptomatic influenza were frequent among HCW, representing 47% and 42% of the influenza burden, respectively. These findings highlight the importance of systematic implementation of infection control measures among HCW regardless of respiratory symptoms from preventing nosocomial transmission of influenza. Clinical Trials Registration NCT02868658.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Abstract Background Influenza is an important cause of viral hospital-acquired infection involving patients, healthcare workers (HCW), and visitors. The frequency of asymptomatic influenza among HCW with possible subsequent transmission is poorly described. The objective is to determine the cumulative incidence of asymptomatic, paucisymptomatic, and symptomatic influenza among HCW. Method A multicenter prospective cohort study was done in 5 French university hospitals, including 289 HCW during the 2016–2017 influenza season. HCW had 3 physical examinations (time [T] 0, before epidemic onset; T.1, before epidemic peak; T.2, T.3, after epidemic peak). A blood sample was taken each time for influenza serology and a nasal swab was collected at T1 and T2 for influenza detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive influenza was defined as either a positive influenza PCR, and/or virus-specific seroconversion against influenza A, the only circulating virus, with no vaccination record during follow-up. Symptoms were self-reported daily between T1 and T2. Cumulative incidence of influenza was stratified by clinical presentation per 100 HCW. Results Of the 289 HCW included, 278 (96%) completed the entire follow-up. Overall, 62 HCW had evidence of influenza of whom 46.8% were asymptomatic, 41.9% were paucisymptomatic, and 11.3% were symptomatic. Cumulative influenza incidence was 22.3% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 17.4%–27.2%). Cumulative incidence of asymptomatic influenza was 5.8% (95% CI: 3.3%–9.2%), 13.7% (95% CI: 9.9%–18.2%) for paucisymptomatic influenza, and 2.9% (95% CI: 1.3%–5.5%) for symptomatic influenza. Conclusions Asymptomatic and paucisymptomatic influenza were frequent among HCW, representing 47% and 42% of the influenza burden, respectively. These findings highlight the importance of systematic implementation of infection control measures among HCW regardless of respiratory symptoms from preventing nosocomial transmission of influenza. Clinical Trials Registration NCT02868658.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Mouloud Haddak, Francis Papon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00924292
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Mouloud Haddak, Francis Papon. Incidence des traumatismes chez les piétons, cyclistes, usagers de deux-roues motorisés et automobilistes. Congrès ADELF-SFSP. Santé Publique et Prévention, Oct 2013, Bordeaux, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-00924292⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les taux d’incidence de blessés de la route sont estimés en général par rapport à la taille de la population ou celle du parc de véhicules, ce qui n’est pas adapté pour comparer les principaux usagers de la route. Nous estimons ici des taux d’incidence par le ratio entre le nombre de blessés et une quantité d’exposition au risque, mesurée par la mobilité. Les blessés sont recensés par le Registre du Rhône des victimes d’accidents de la circulation Routière. Quatre niveaux de gravité sont utilisés : blessés toutes gravités, blessés sérieux, blessés hospitalisés, et tués. La mobilité est mesurée grâce à l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements de Lyon et exprimée en nombre d’usagers, nombre de trajets, nombre de kilomètres parcourus, et nombre d’heures passées. Cette enquête ayant lieu de novembre à avril, et uniquement les jours de semaine, nous corrigeons les estimations de mobilité par des ratios de saisonnalité, qui sont estimés à partir de l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. Pour un million d’heures passées, critère le plus comparable entre les types d’usagers, le risque d’être blessé est, par rapport aux automobilistes, 2 fois moins élevé chez les piétons, 8 fois plus élevé à vélo, et 42 fois plus élevé chez les deux-roues motorisés. Le risque d’être blessé sérieux, est, par rapport aux automobilistes, 2 fois plus élevé chez les piétons, 16 fois plus chez les cyclistes et 121 fois plus chez les usagers de deux-roues motorisé. Âge et sexe influent aussi sur les risques. Des mesures de prévention existent, mais ne permettront pas de réduire drastiquement le sur-risque majeur des deux-roues motorisés (intrinsèquement lié à la combinaison vitesse - absence de carrosserie) ; il convient donc se poser la question de dissuader l’usage de ce mode de transport.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les taux d’incidence de blessés de la route sont estimés en général par rapport à la taille de la population ou celle du parc de véhicules, ce qui n’est pas adapté pour comparer les principaux usagers de la route. Nous estimons ici des taux d’incidence par le ratio entre le nombre de blessés et une quantité d’exposition au risque, mesurée par la mobilité. Les blessés sont recensés par le Registre du Rhône des victimes d’accidents de la circulation Routière. Quatre niveaux de gravité sont utilisés : blessés toutes gravités, blessés sérieux, blessés hospitalisés, et tués. La mobilité est mesurée grâce à l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements de Lyon et exprimée en nombre d’usagers, nombre de trajets, nombre de kilomètres parcourus, et nombre d’heures passées. Cette enquête ayant lieu de novembre à avril, et uniquement les jours de semaine, nous corrigeons les estimations de mobilité par des ratios de saisonnalité, qui sont estimés à partir de l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. Pour un million d’heures passées, critère le plus comparable entre les types d’usagers, le risque d’être blessé est, par rapport aux automobilistes, 2 fois moins élevé chez les piétons, 8 fois plus élevé à vélo, et 42 fois plus élevé chez les deux-roues motorisés. Le risque d’être blessé sérieux, est, par rapport aux automobilistes, 2 fois plus élevé chez les piétons, 16 fois plus chez les cyclistes et 121 fois plus chez les usagers de deux-roues motorisé. Âge et sexe influent aussi sur les risques. Des mesures de prévention existent, mais ne permettront pas de réduire drastiquement le sur-risque majeur des deux-roues motorisés (intrinsèquement lié à la combinaison vitesse - absence de carrosserie) ; il convient donc se poser la question de dissuader l’usage de ce mode de transport.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Francis Papon, Mouloud Haddak
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01066938
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Francis Papon, Mouloud Haddak. Incidence de blessés chez les piétons, cyclistes, automobilistes, et usagers de deux-roues motorisés, Rhône. ADELF-EPITER - VIe Congrès International d'Épidémiologie, Sep 2014, Nice, France. 1p. ⟨hal-01066938⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les taux d’incidence de blessés de la route ont d’abord été estimés par rapport à la taille de la population ou celle du parc de véhicules, ce qui n’est pas adapté pour comparer les types d’usagers. Les taux d’incidence sont le ratio entre le nombre de blessés et l’exposition, mesurée par la mobilité. Les blessés sont recensés par le Registre du Rhône des victimes d’accidents de la circulation Routière, et trois critères de gravité sont utilisés : blessés toutes gravités, blessés sérieux, blessés hospitalisés. La mobilité est mesurée par l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements de Lyon, par mode de transport, en nombre d’usagers, de trajets, de kilomètres parcourus, ou d’heures passées. Cette enquête ayant lieu de novembre à avril, nous corrigeons les estimations de mobilité par des ratios de saisonnalité, estimés à partir de l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. En heures passées, critère le plus comparable entre les types d’usagers, le risque d’être blessé est, par rapport aux automobilistes, 8 fois plus élevé à vélo, et 42 fois plus élevé chez les deux-roues motorisés. Le risque d’être blessé sérieux, est, par rapport aux automobilistes, 2 fois plus élevé chez les piétons, 16 fois plus chez les cyclistes et 121 fois plus chez les usagers de deux-roues motorisé. Les 18-25 ans sont les plus à risque. Pour les deux-roues motorisés, le sur-risque majeur est intrinsèque à la combinaison vitesse et absence de carrosserie, et les mesures de protection ne peuvent suffire. Pour les vélos, le sur-risque est moins marqué, et le casque et/ou les couleurs voyantes sont encore peu utilisés.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les taux d’incidence de blessés de la route ont d’abord été estimés par rapport à la taille de la population ou celle du parc de véhicules, ce qui n’est pas adapté pour comparer les types d’usagers. Les taux d’incidence sont le ratio entre le nombre de blessés et l’exposition, mesurée par la mobilité. Les blessés sont recensés par le Registre du Rhône des victimes d’accidents de la circulation Routière, et trois critères de gravité sont utilisés : blessés toutes gravités, blessés sérieux, blessés hospitalisés. La mobilité est mesurée par l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements de Lyon, par mode de transport, en nombre d’usagers, de trajets, de kilomètres parcourus, ou d’heures passées. Cette enquête ayant lieu de novembre à avril, nous corrigeons les estimations de mobilité par des ratios de saisonnalité, estimés à partir de l’Enquête Nationale Transports et Déplacements. En heures passées, critère le plus comparable entre les types d’usagers, le risque d’être blessé est, par rapport aux automobilistes, 8 fois plus élevé à vélo, et 42 fois plus élevé chez les deux-roues motorisés. Le risque d’être blessé sérieux, est, par rapport aux automobilistes, 2 fois plus élevé chez les piétons, 16 fois plus chez les cyclistes et 121 fois plus chez les usagers de deux-roues motorisé. Les 18-25 ans sont les plus à risque. Pour les deux-roues motorisés, le sur-risque majeur est intrinsèque à la combinaison vitesse et absence de carrosserie, et les mesures de protection ne peuvent suffire. Pour les vélos, le sur-risque est moins marqué, et le casque et/ou les couleurs voyantes sont encore peu utilisés.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : K. Perez, W. Weijermars, N. Bos, A.J. Filtness, R. Bauer, H. Johannsen, N. Nuyttens, Léa Pascal, P. Thomas, M. Olabarria
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01822890
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : K. Perez, W. Weijermars, N. Bos, A.J. Filtness, R. Bauer, et al.. Implications of estimating road traffic serious injuries from hospital data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2018, pp.In Press, Corrected Proof. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2018.04.005⟩. ⟨hal-01822890⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2018.04.005
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : To determine accurately the number of serious injuries at EU level and to compare serious injury rates between different countries it is essential to use a common definition. In January 2013, the High Level Group on Road Safety established the definition of serious injuries as patients with an injury level of MAIS3+(Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : To determine accurately the number of serious injuries at EU level and to compare serious injury rates between different countries it is essential to use a common definition. In January 2013, the High Level Group on Road Safety established the definition of serious injuries as patients with an injury level of MAIS3+(Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Julie Kalecinski, Solène Brochaye, Claire Tissot, Jean-Michel Vergnon, Pierre Fournel, Franck Chauvin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02476111
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Julie Kalecinski, Solène Brochaye, Claire Tissot, Jean-Michel Vergnon, et al.. Implementation of a self-administered questionnaire to detect lung carcinogens. Occupational Medicine, 2019, 69 (4), pp. 266-271. ⟨10.1093/occmed/kqz065⟩. ⟨hal-02476111⟩
DOI : 10.1093/occmed/kqz065
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Between 10 and 20% of lung cancers are of occupational origin. Screening for occupational risk factors is part of the diagnostic workup. A self-administered questionnaire to detect lung carcinogens of occupational origin, the RECAP questionnaire, was drawn up and validated with a view to limiting under-declaration of lung cancer as an occupational disease (OD). Aims: Optimal administration conditions were investigated, to facilitate systematic use in the management of patients admitted to hospital with lung cancer. Methods : The various care pathways of lung cancer patients were first studied in two centres, to identify the health-care professionals involved in medical management, the various care sites and the stages of treatment. A focus group of health-care professionals was set up, and semi-directive interviews were conducted with 24 patients. Results : Caregivers tended to suggest that a physician or nurse should present the RECAP questionnaire, whereas patients rather chose non-caregiver staff, seeing the undertaking as being ?administrative' in nature. Some caregivers and patients thought the questionnaire should not be administered at the outset of treatment, due to the psychological trauma entailed by diagnosis. Administration during chemotherapy was recommended by patients, as they are more freely available at that time, and by caregivers, who thought patients better able to pay attention then. Conclusions :The study highlighted patients' lack of information on how lung cancer can be recognized as an OD. Implementing the RECAP questionnaire should facilitate patients' claims for insurance cover for lung cancer as an OD.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Between 10 and 20% of lung cancers are of occupational origin. Screening for occupational risk factors is part of the diagnostic workup. A self-administered questionnaire to detect lung carcinogens of occupational origin, the RECAP questionnaire, was drawn up and validated with a view to limiting under-declaration of lung cancer as an occupational disease (OD). Aims: Optimal administration conditions were investigated, to facilitate systematic use in the management of patients admitted to hospital with lung cancer. Methods : The various care pathways of lung cancer patients were first studied in two centres, to identify the health-care professionals involved in medical management, the various care sites and the stages of treatment. A focus group of health-care professionals was set up, and semi-directive interviews were conducted with 24 patients. Results : Caregivers tended to suggest that a physician or nurse should present the RECAP questionnaire, whereas patients rather chose non-caregiver staff, seeing the undertaking as being ?administrative' in nature. Some caregivers and patients thought the questionnaire should not be administered at the outset of treatment, due to the psychological trauma entailed by diagnosis. Administration during chemotherapy was recommended by patients, as they are more freely available at that time, and by caregivers, who thought patients better able to pay attention then. Conclusions :The study highlighted patients' lack of information on how lung cancer can be recognized as an OD. Implementing the RECAP questionnaire should facilitate patients' claims for insurance cover for lung cancer as an OD.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Lélia Dreyfus, Etienne Javouhey, Angélique Denis, Sandrine Touzet, Fabienne Bordet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01823081
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Lélia Dreyfus, Etienne Javouhey, Angélique Denis, Sandrine Touzet, Fabienne Bordet. Implementation and evaluation of a paediatric nurse-driven sedation protocol in a paediatric intensive care unit. Annals of Intensive Care, 2017, 36 (7), 13 p. ⟨10.1186/s13613-017-0256-7⟩. ⟨hal-01823081⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s13613-017-0256-7
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Optimal sedation and analgesia is a challenge in paediatric intensive care units (PICU) because of difficulties in scoring systems and specific metabolism inducing tolerance and withdrawal. Excessive sedation is associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation and hospitalisation. Adult and paediatric data suggest that goal-directed sedation algorithms reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Optimal sedation and analgesia is a challenge in paediatric intensive care units (PICU) because of difficulties in scoring systems and specific metabolism inducing tolerance and withdrawal. Excessive sedation is associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation and hospitalisation. Adult and paediatric data suggest that goal-directed sedation algorithms reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana, Emmanuel Fort, M Vohito, B Sellier, C Perrier, V Glerant, F Couprie, Jp Agard, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01808861
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana, Emmanuel Fort, M Vohito, B Sellier, et al.. Impaired mental well-being and psychosocial risk: a cross-sectional study in female nursing home direct staff. BMJ Open, 2015, 5 (4), pp.e007190. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007190⟩. ⟨hal-01808861⟩
DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007190
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The present study sought to quantify the impaired mental well-being and psychosocial stress experienced by nursing home staff and to determine the relationship between impaired mental well-being assessed on the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and exposure to psychosocial stress assessed on Siegrist's effort/reward and overcommitment model.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The present study sought to quantify the impaired mental well-being and psychosocial stress experienced by nursing home staff and to determine the relationship between impaired mental well-being assessed on the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and exposure to psychosocial stress assessed on Siegrist's effort/reward and overcommitment model.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Constance d'Aubarede, Philippe Sarnin, Pierre-Loïc Cornut, Sandrine Touzet, Antoine Duclos, Carole Burillon, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01559188
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Constance d'Aubarede, Philippe Sarnin, Pierre-Loïc Cornut, Sandrine Touzet, Antoine Duclos, et al.. Impacts of users' antisocial behaviors in an ophthalmologic emergency department - a qualitative study. Journal of Occupational Health, 2015, 58, pp.96 - 106. ⟨10.1539/joh.15-0184-FS⟩. ⟨halshs-01559188⟩
DOI : 10.1539/joh.15-0184-FS
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Health-care workers in emergency departments are frequently exposed to risk of antisocial behavior and violence (ABV) by users. Underreporting of ABV by health-care professionals has been identified. In order to understand this phenomenon, we explored the experience of ABV in 30 health workers in an ophthalmology emergency department in the Rhône-Alpes administrative region of France. Methods: A grounded theory qualitative approach was followed. Data were collected from field observations, 30 semistructured individual interviews, violence report forms, and 364 patient satisfaction questionnaires. Qualitative thematic content analysis of the interviews was performed with qualitative data analysis software. Results: Third-party antisocial behaviors and violence were an everyday occurrence, with varying levels of seriousness: impoliteness, vulgarity, nonrecognition, insults, verbal threats, and aggressive gestures. Health-care workers adopted various strategies to adapt to such violence: proactive and reactive attitudes and the political and economic context, hospital work organization, and health workers’ behavior were identified as potentially contributing to ABV. Excessive waiting times, lack of user information, and understaffing emerged as factors contributing to users’ ABV. Conclusions: Antisocial behaviors by hospital users are underreported by professionals and under-recognized. They appear to be like continuous occupational exposure leading to delayed adverse consequences either on workers’ health or motivation. However, violence in hospitals is not the result of only the action of users, and it may be related to work organization and workers’ own behaviors. Only a grounded analysis of the causes of violence in the local work context can uncover relevant solutions.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Health-care workers in emergency departments are frequently exposed to risk of antisocial behavior and violence (ABV) by users. Underreporting of ABV by health-care professionals has been identified. In order to understand this phenomenon, we explored the experience of ABV in 30 health workers in an ophthalmology emergency department in the Rhône-Alpes administrative region of France. Methods: A grounded theory qualitative approach was followed. Data were collected from field observations, 30 semistructured individual interviews, violence report forms, and 364 patient satisfaction questionnaires. Qualitative thematic content analysis of the interviews was performed with qualitative data analysis software. Results: Third-party antisocial behaviors and violence were an everyday occurrence, with varying levels of seriousness: impoliteness, vulgarity, nonrecognition, insults, verbal threats, and aggressive gestures. Health-care workers adopted various strategies to adapt to such violence: proactive and reactive attitudes and the political and economic context, hospital work organization, and health workers’ behavior were identified as potentially contributing to ABV. Excessive waiting times, lack of user information, and understaffing emerged as factors contributing to users’ ABV. Conclusions: Antisocial behaviors by hospital users are underreported by professionals and under-recognized. They appear to be like continuous occupational exposure leading to delayed adverse consequences either on workers’ health or motivation. However, violence in hospitals is not the result of only the action of users, and it may be related to work organization and workers’ own behaviors. Only a grounded analysis of the causes of violence in the local work context can uncover relevant solutions.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Mireille Chiron, Heikki Jahi, Bernard Laumon, Laure Barthelemy, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00994606
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Mireille Chiron, Heikki Jahi, Bernard Laumon, Laure Barthelemy, et al.. Impacts du bruit sur la santé, présentation du projet DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé).. Séminaire " Transport-santé " de l’Alliance Carnot Transport Terrestre, May 2011, France. 15 p. ⟨hal-00994606⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION – Dans une enquête nationale sur les nuisances environnementales des transports menée en 2005, 6,6% de la population française se déclare gênée par le bruit des avions (Lambert et Philipps-Bertin 2009). Les enjeux sanitaires relatifs à ces nuisances sont devenus au fil du temps une des question-clés que les politiques publiques souhaitent davantage prendre en compte. OBJECTIF – L’objectif de DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d’aéroports français. MÉTHODES – DEBATS consiste en un programme de recherche national auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Il comprend : • Une étude écologique consistant à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l’échelle de la commune (consommations de soins prescrits et remboursés par l’assurance maladie, vente de médicaments par les pharmacies hors remboursements, mortalité toutes causes et pour certaines causes spécifiques) avec le niveau moyen d’exposition au bruit des avions des communes concernées. • Une étude individuelle longitudinale incluant de l’ordre de 1 200 sujets et portant sur l’existence d’un lien entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et d'une part la gêne et l’état de santé (actuel et passé) évalués par questionnaires (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), d’autre part des variables physiopathologiques mesurées (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress)). Les sujets de cette étude seront suivis pendant quatre années au cours desquelles des mesures répétées de l’exposition au bruit des avions et de l’état de santé seront réalisées non seulement lors de leur inclusion dans l’étude à t0 mais aussi deux ans après (t0+2) et quatre ans après (t0+4). • Une étude individuelle complémentaire incluant une centaine de sujets sélectionnés parmi les 1 200 de l’étude précédente, et dont l’objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l’exposition au bruit. Les sujets inclus dans les deux études individuelles seront sélectionnés dans des zones où des données macroscopiques agrégées sont disponibles pour l’étude écologique. La confrontation des résultats issus de ces deux types d’approches méthodologiques et la confirmation de leur cohérence permettra de conforter la réalité des associations que l’on aura mises en évidence. RÉSULTATS ATTENDUS – DEBATS fournira des éléments supplémentaires aux politiques de prévention pour améliorer les dispositifs d’action existants autour des principaux aéroports français, en vue de mieux prendre en compte la santé des populations survolées dans les politiques nationales et locales.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION – Dans une enquête nationale sur les nuisances environnementales des transports menée en 2005, 6,6% de la population française se déclare gênée par le bruit des avions (Lambert et Philipps-Bertin 2009). Les enjeux sanitaires relatifs à ces nuisances sont devenus au fil du temps une des question-clés que les politiques publiques souhaitent davantage prendre en compte. OBJECTIF – L’objectif de DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d’aéroports français. MÉTHODES – DEBATS consiste en un programme de recherche national auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Il comprend : • Une étude écologique consistant à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l’échelle de la commune (consommations de soins prescrits et remboursés par l’assurance maladie, vente de médicaments par les pharmacies hors remboursements, mortalité toutes causes et pour certaines causes spécifiques) avec le niveau moyen d’exposition au bruit des avions des communes concernées. • Une étude individuelle longitudinale incluant de l’ordre de 1 200 sujets et portant sur l’existence d’un lien entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et d'une part la gêne et l’état de santé (actuel et passé) évalués par questionnaires (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), d’autre part des variables physiopathologiques mesurées (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress)). Les sujets de cette étude seront suivis pendant quatre années au cours desquelles des mesures répétées de l’exposition au bruit des avions et de l’état de santé seront réalisées non seulement lors de leur inclusion dans l’étude à t0 mais aussi deux ans après (t0+2) et quatre ans après (t0+4). • Une étude individuelle complémentaire incluant une centaine de sujets sélectionnés parmi les 1 200 de l’étude précédente, et dont l’objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l’exposition au bruit. Les sujets inclus dans les deux études individuelles seront sélectionnés dans des zones où des données macroscopiques agrégées sont disponibles pour l’étude écologique. La confrontation des résultats issus de ces deux types d’approches méthodologiques et la confirmation de leur cohérence permettra de conforter la réalité des associations que l’on aura mises en évidence. RÉSULTATS ATTENDUS – DEBATS fournira des éléments supplémentaires aux politiques de prévention pour améliorer les dispositifs d’action existants autour des principaux aéroports français, en vue de mieux prendre en compte la santé des populations survolées dans les politiques nationales et locales.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Laure Barthelemy, Patricia Champelovier, Mireille Chiron, Heikki Jahi, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00985896
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Laure Barthelemy, Patricia Champelovier, Mireille Chiron, Heikki Jahi, et al.. Impacts du bruit sur la santé, présentation du projet DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé).. 4ème colloque de l'ARPEnv - Association pour la Recherche en Psychologie Environnementale, Jun 2011, BRON, France. 6 p. ⟨hal-00985896v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans une enquête nationale sur les nuisances environnementales des transports menée en 2005, 6,6% de la population française se déclare gênée par le bruit des avions (Lambert et Philipps-Bertin 2009). Les enjeux sanitaires relatifs à ces nuisances sont devenus au fil du temps une des question-clés que les politiques publiques souhaitent davantage prendre en compte. OBJECTIF - L'objectif de DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports français. MÉTHODES - DEBATS consiste en un programme de recherche national auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Il comprend : Une étude écologique consistant à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l'échelle de la commune (consommations de soins prescrits et remboursés par l'assurance maladie, vente de médicaments par les pharmacies hors remboursements, mortalité toutes causes et pour certaines causes spécifiques) avec le niveau moyen d'exposition au bruit des avions des communes concernées. " Une étude individuelle longitudinale incluant de l'ordre de 1 200 sujets et portant sur l'existence d'un lien entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et d'une part la gêne et l'état de santé (actuel et passé) évalués par questionnaires (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), d'autre part des variables physiopathologiques mesurées (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress)). Les sujets de cette étude seront suivis pendant quatre années au cours desquelles des mesures répétées de l'exposition au bruit des avions et de l'état de santé seront réalisées non seulement lors de leur inclusion dans l'étude à t0 mais aussi deux ans après (t0+2) et quatre ans après (t0+4). Une étude individuelle complémentaire incluant une centaine de sujets sélectionnés parmi les 1 200 de l'étude précédente, et dont l'objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit. Les sujets inclus dans les deux études individuelles seront sélectionnés dans des zones où des données macroscopiques agrégées sont disponibles pour l'étude écologique. La confrontation des résultats issus de ces deux types d'approches méthodologiques et la confirmation de leur cohérence permettra de conforter la réalité des associations que l'on aura mises en évidence. RÉSULTATS ATTENDUS - DEBATS fournira des éléments supplémentaires aux politiques de prévention pour améliorer les dispositifs d'action existants autour des principaux aéroports français, en vue de mieux prendre en compte la santé des populations survolées dans les politiques nationales et locales. RÉFÉRENCE Lambert J et Philipps-Bertin C (2009). Les nuisances environnementales des transports : résultats d'une enquête nationale. Rapport INRETS (278). INRETS.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans une enquête nationale sur les nuisances environnementales des transports menée en 2005, 6,6% de la population française se déclare gênée par le bruit des avions (Lambert et Philipps-Bertin 2009). Les enjeux sanitaires relatifs à ces nuisances sont devenus au fil du temps une des question-clés que les politiques publiques souhaitent davantage prendre en compte. OBJECTIF - L'objectif de DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports français. MÉTHODES - DEBATS consiste en un programme de recherche national auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. Il comprend : Une étude écologique consistant à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l'échelle de la commune (consommations de soins prescrits et remboursés par l'assurance maladie, vente de médicaments par les pharmacies hors remboursements, mortalité toutes causes et pour certaines causes spécifiques) avec le niveau moyen d'exposition au bruit des avions des communes concernées. " Une étude individuelle longitudinale incluant de l'ordre de 1 200 sujets et portant sur l'existence d'un lien entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et d'une part la gêne et l'état de santé (actuel et passé) évalués par questionnaires (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), d'autre part des variables physiopathologiques mesurées (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress)). Les sujets de cette étude seront suivis pendant quatre années au cours desquelles des mesures répétées de l'exposition au bruit des avions et de l'état de santé seront réalisées non seulement lors de leur inclusion dans l'étude à t0 mais aussi deux ans après (t0+2) et quatre ans après (t0+4). Une étude individuelle complémentaire incluant une centaine de sujets sélectionnés parmi les 1 200 de l'étude précédente, et dont l'objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit. Les sujets inclus dans les deux études individuelles seront sélectionnés dans des zones où des données macroscopiques agrégées sont disponibles pour l'étude écologique. La confrontation des résultats issus de ces deux types d'approches méthodologiques et la confirmation de leur cohérence permettra de conforter la réalité des associations que l'on aura mises en évidence. RÉSULTATS ATTENDUS - DEBATS fournira des éléments supplémentaires aux politiques de prévention pour améliorer les dispositifs d'action existants autour des principaux aéroports français, en vue de mieux prendre en compte la santé des populations survolées dans les politiques nationales et locales. RÉFÉRENCE Lambert J et Philipps-Bertin C (2009). Les nuisances environnementales des transports : résultats d'une enquête nationale. Rapport INRETS (278). INRETS.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Bernard Laumon, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00985882
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Bernard Laumon, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert. Impacts du bruit sur la santé, présentation du projet DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé).. Atelier Transport et Santé des Journées Transports Déplacements du Réseau Scientifique et Technique du Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l'Énergie., Jun 2012, France. ⟨hal-00985882⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l’Acnusa a donc sollicité l’Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. L'objectif est de mieux connaître et mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé en adoptant une approche globale caractérisant les relations entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et les états de santé à la fois sur le plan physique et mental mais aussi en termes de gêne ressentie. Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude écologique consistant à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l’échelle de la commune (consommations de soins prescrits et remboursés par l’assurance maladie, vente de médicaments par les pharmacies hors remboursements, mortalité toutes causes et pour certaines causes spécifiques) avec le niveau moyen d’exposition au bruit des avions des communes concernées. Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 200 sujets. La gêne et l’état de santé seront évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). Une étude complémentaire portant sur un sous-échantillon d’une centaine de sujets et dont l’objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l’exposition au bruit. DEBATS fournira des éléments supplémentaires aux politiques de prévention pour améliorer les dispositifs d’action existants autour des principaux aéroports français, en vue de mieux prendre en compte la santé des populations survolées dans les politiques nationales et locales.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l’Acnusa a donc sollicité l’Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. L'objectif est de mieux connaître et mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé en adoptant une approche globale caractérisant les relations entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et les états de santé à la fois sur le plan physique et mental mais aussi en termes de gêne ressentie. Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude écologique consistant à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l’échelle de la commune (consommations de soins prescrits et remboursés par l’assurance maladie, vente de médicaments par les pharmacies hors remboursements, mortalité toutes causes et pour certaines causes spécifiques) avec le niveau moyen d’exposition au bruit des avions des communes concernées. Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 200 sujets. La gêne et l’état de santé seront évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). Une étude complémentaire portant sur un sous-échantillon d’une centaine de sujets et dont l’objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l’exposition au bruit. DEBATS fournira des éléments supplémentaires aux politiques de prévention pour améliorer les dispositifs d’action existants autour des principaux aéroports français, en vue de mieux prendre en compte la santé des populations survolées dans les politiques nationales et locales.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01475344
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard. Impacts du bruit des avions sur la santé : premiers résultats du programme de recherche DEBATS.. Groupe de suivi PATHOLOGIES du PNSE3, Feb 2017, PARIS, France. 30 p. ⟨hal-01475344⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans le cadre du 3ème Plan National Santé Environnement (PNSE3), des groupes de suivi ont été mis en place sur des thématiques spécifiques afin de suivre la mise en oeuvre du plan. Le groupe de suivi n°3 "Pathologies en lien avec l'environnement" est composé de plusieurs organisations (collectivités, associations, partenaires sociaux...) et est assisté par la Direction Générale de la Santé. Une réunion de ce groupe a abordé la thématique "Nuisances sonores et effets sanitaires". Les premiers résultats de DEBATS ont été présentés et des recommandations ont été proposées pour le prochain PNSE.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans le cadre du 3ème Plan National Santé Environnement (PNSE3), des groupes de suivi ont été mis en place sur des thématiques spécifiques afin de suivre la mise en oeuvre du plan. Le groupe de suivi n°3 "Pathologies en lien avec l'environnement" est composé de plusieurs organisations (collectivités, associations, partenaires sociaux...) et est assisté par la Direction Générale de la Santé. Une réunion de ce groupe a abordé la thématique "Nuisances sonores et effets sanitaires". Les premiers résultats de DEBATS ont été présentés et des recommandations ont été proposées pour le prochain PNSE.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Corinne Gaudart, Johann Petit, Bernard Dugué, François Daniellou, Philippe Davezies, Laurence Thery
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00674119
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Corinne Gaudart, Johann Petit, Bernard Dugué, François Daniellou, Philippe Davezies, et al.. Impacting working conditions through trade union training.. WORK, 2012, 41 (2), pp.165-175. ⟨10.3233/WOR-2012-1281⟩. ⟨hal-00674119⟩
DOI : 10.3233/WOR-2012-1281
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This article presents a training course in work analysis via an understanding of real work. The course was aimed at trade unionists and was produced by researchers in ergonomics and occupational medicine. Designing this type of training is closely associated with the history of ergonomics in France and goes back to the basic principles: training by and for action, focusing on the concept of activity and the co-construction of knowledge, involving all actors in the relevant area of work. Participants: One hundred and fifty trade unionists were trained over a period of 18 months, successfully completing company projects in the field of occupational health. Methods: The course was organised into seven 3-day modules. Each module included plenary sessions on fundamental topics relating to health/work, and small work groups where the trade union projects were prepared, based on gaining an understanding of the real work involved. Results: There were two types of results: an understanding of the way work is currently changing and of the consequences of these changes for workers' health; transformations in trade unionists' representations of work, giving them a better awareness of health/work relationships, new ways of transforming work, and also information about the teaching content required when designing training programmes for trade unionists. Conclusion: Understanding the notion of activity and constructing interaction with employees are crucial elements for carrying out this type of project successfully.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This article presents a training course in work analysis via an understanding of real work. The course was aimed at trade unionists and was produced by researchers in ergonomics and occupational medicine. Designing this type of training is closely associated with the history of ergonomics in France and goes back to the basic principles: training by and for action, focusing on the concept of activity and the co-construction of knowledge, involving all actors in the relevant area of work. Participants: One hundred and fifty trade unionists were trained over a period of 18 months, successfully completing company projects in the field of occupational health. Methods: The course was organised into seven 3-day modules. Each module included plenary sessions on fundamental topics relating to health/work, and small work groups where the trade union projects were prepared, based on gaining an understanding of the real work involved. Results: There were two types of results: an understanding of the way work is currently changing and of the consequences of these changes for workers' health; transformations in trade unionists' representations of work, giving them a better awareness of health/work relationships, new ways of transforming work, and also information about the teaching content required when designing training programmes for trade unionists. Conclusion: Understanding the notion of activity and constructing interaction with employees are crucial elements for carrying out this type of project successfully.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Kobto Ghislain Koura, Pierrette Charnay, Charlène Tournier, Etienne Javouhey, Jacques Luaute, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00930072
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Kobto Ghislain Koura, Pierrette Charnay, Charlène Tournier, Etienne Javouhey, Jacques Luaute, et al.. Impact of traumatic brain injury on the evolution of quality of life during the first five years following a road accident. North American Brain Injury Society 11th Annual Conference on Brain Injury, Sep 2013, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-00930072⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Conflicting results are reported on the relationship between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and quality of life (QoL). In addition, very few studies have investigated the impact of TBI on QoL over time. The main goal of the present study was to evaluate the impact of TBI on QoL during the first five years following a road accident. Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out with 957 road accident victims, aged ≥ 16 years and living in the Rhône administrative Département of France. The exposed group was composed of 222 participants who presented TBI with or without other injuries. The non-exposed group was composed of 735 subjects who suffered any other injuries without TBI. QoL was measured at 1, 3 and 5 years post-accident using the World Health Organization Quality of Life – brief questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). Results: TBI was associated with lower Overall QoL (β=-0.49, p=0.03) and Social Relationships scores (β=-0.46, p=0.01). Other factors were related to overall QoL: the occurrence of a further accident (β=-0.85, p=0.002) or new disease (β=-0.77, p<10-3) had negative impact, while regular sport activity before the accident (β=0.73, p<10-3) and return to work after the accident (β=1.48, p<10-3) were associated with better QoL. TBI did not influence the Physical, Psychological and Environment scores, while previous medical history was associated with lower scores in these domains. Conclusion: These results suggest that subjects with TBI had poorer Overall QoL during the first 5 years after the road accident. This impact was greatest in the Social relationships domain.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Conflicting results are reported on the relationship between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and quality of life (QoL). In addition, very few studies have investigated the impact of TBI on QoL over time. The main goal of the present study was to evaluate the impact of TBI on QoL during the first five years following a road accident. Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out with 957 road accident victims, aged ≥ 16 years and living in the Rhône administrative Département of France. The exposed group was composed of 222 participants who presented TBI with or without other injuries. The non-exposed group was composed of 735 subjects who suffered any other injuries without TBI. QoL was measured at 1, 3 and 5 years post-accident using the World Health Organization Quality of Life – brief questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). Results: TBI was associated with lower Overall QoL (β=-0.49, p=0.03) and Social Relationships scores (β=-0.46, p=0.01). Other factors were related to overall QoL: the occurrence of a further accident (β=-0.85, p=0.002) or new disease (β=-0.77, p<10-3) had negative impact, while regular sport activity before the accident (β=0.73, p<10-3) and return to work after the accident (β=1.48, p<10-3) were associated with better QoL. TBI did not influence the Physical, Psychological and Environment scores, while previous medical history was associated with lower scores in these domains. Conclusion: These results suggest that subjects with TBI had poorer Overall QoL during the first 5 years after the road accident. This impact was greatest in the Social relationships domain.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Junaid A. Bhatti, Aymery Constant, Louis-Rachid Salmi, Mireille Chiron, Sylviane Lafont, Marie Zins, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00290181
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Junaid A. Bhatti, Aymery Constant, Louis-Rachid Salmi, Mireille Chiron, Sylviane Lafont, et al.. Impact of retirement on risky driving behavior and attitudes towards road safety among a large cohort of French drivers (the GAZEL cohort).. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 2008, 34 (4), pp.307-15. ⟨inserm-00290181⟩
pubmedId_s : 18815717
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: This study investigated changes in driving behavior and attitudes towards road safety, following retirement, in a large cohort of road users. METHODS: In 2001, 14 226 participants of the GAZEL cohort in France reported their attitudes towards road safety and driving behavior using a self-administered driving behavior and road safety questionnaire. In 2004, 82% of the group (N=11 706) responded to the same questionnaire. Two complementary logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the association of (i) retirement with change in safe driving behavior and attitudes towards road safety between 2001 and 2004 and (ii) time since retirement with risky driving behavior and negative attitudes towards road safety in 2001. RESULTS: Among the participants who were active in 2001 (N=3927), those retiring between 2001 and 2004 (66%) were more likely to have discontinued sleepy driving [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.12, P<0.001] and phone use while driving (aOR 1.74, P=0.006) than those who remained professionally active. The second analysis showed that the likelihood of sleepy driving and phone use while driving decreased soon after retirement, whereas that of speedy driving decreased over a longer interval. Retirement had no influence on driving while intoxicated or attitudes towards road safety. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that any professional activity may account for some risky road behavior. As work-related road traffic accidents are responsible for one out of every four road casualties in France, the monitoring and prevention of sleepy driving and phoning while driving among workers should be further considered.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: This study investigated changes in driving behavior and attitudes towards road safety, following retirement, in a large cohort of road users. METHODS: In 2001, 14 226 participants of the GAZEL cohort in France reported their attitudes towards road safety and driving behavior using a self-administered driving behavior and road safety questionnaire. In 2004, 82% of the group (N=11 706) responded to the same questionnaire. Two complementary logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the association of (i) retirement with change in safe driving behavior and attitudes towards road safety between 2001 and 2004 and (ii) time since retirement with risky driving behavior and negative attitudes towards road safety in 2001. RESULTS: Among the participants who were active in 2001 (N=3927), those retiring between 2001 and 2004 (66%) were more likely to have discontinued sleepy driving [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.12, P<0.001] and phone use while driving (aOR 1.74, P=0.006) than those who remained professionally active. The second analysis showed that the likelihood of sleepy driving and phone use while driving decreased soon after retirement, whereas that of speedy driving decreased over a longer interval. Retirement had no influence on driving while intoxicated or attitudes towards road safety. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that any professional activity may account for some risky road behavior. As work-related road traffic accidents are responsible for one out of every four road casualties in France, the monitoring and prevention of sleepy driving and phoning while driving among workers should be further considered.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Touzet, Pauline Occelli, Angelique Denis, Pierre-Loïc Cornut, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marie-Annick Le Pogam, Antoine Duclos, Carole Burillon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03187919
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Touzet, Pauline Occelli, Angelique Denis, Pierre-Loïc Cornut, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, et al.. Impact of a comprehensive prevention programme aimed at reducing incivility and verbal violence against healthcare workers in a French ophthalmic emergency department: an interrupted time-series study. BMJ Open, 2019, 9 (9), pp.e031054. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031054⟩. ⟨hal-03187919⟩
DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031054
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective and setting Primary prevention, comprising patient-oriented and environmental interventions, is considered to be one of the best ways to reduce violence in the emergency department (ED). We assessed the impact of a comprehensive prevention programme aimed at preventing incivility and verbal violence against healthcare professionals working in the ophthalmology ED (OED) of a university hospital. Intervention The programme was designed to address long waiting times and lack of information. It combined a computerised triage algorithm linked to a waiting room patient call system, signage to assist patients to navigate in the OED, educational messages broadcast in the waiting room, presence of a mediator and video surveillance. Participants All patients admitted to the OED and those accompanying them. Design Single-centre prospective interrupted time-series study conducted over 18 months.Primary outcome Violent acts self-reported by healthcare workers committed by patients or those accompanying them against healthcare workers.Secondary outcomes Waiting time and length of stay. Results There were a total of 22?107 admissions, including 272 (1.4%) with at least one act of violence reported by the healthcare workers. Almost all acts of violence were incivility or verbal harassment. The rate of violence significantly decreased from the pre-intervention to the intervention period (24.8, 95%?CI 20.0 to 29.5, to 9.5, 95%?CI 8.0 to 10.9, acts per 1000 admissions, pp<0.001). An immediate 53% decrease in the violence rate (incidence rate ratio=0.47, 95%CI 0.27 to 0.82, p=0.0121) was observed in the first month of the intervention period, after implementation of the triage algorithm. Conclusion A comprehensive prevention programme targeting patients and environment can reduce selfreported incivility and verbal violence against healthcare workers in an OED.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective and setting Primary prevention, comprising patient-oriented and environmental interventions, is considered to be one of the best ways to reduce violence in the emergency department (ED). We assessed the impact of a comprehensive prevention programme aimed at preventing incivility and verbal violence against healthcare professionals working in the ophthalmology ED (OED) of a university hospital. Intervention The programme was designed to address long waiting times and lack of information. It combined a computerised triage algorithm linked to a waiting room patient call system, signage to assist patients to navigate in the OED, educational messages broadcast in the waiting room, presence of a mediator and video surveillance. Participants All patients admitted to the OED and those accompanying them. Design Single-centre prospective interrupted time-series study conducted over 18 months.Primary outcome Violent acts self-reported by healthcare workers committed by patients or those accompanying them against healthcare workers.Secondary outcomes Waiting time and length of stay. Results There were a total of 22?107 admissions, including 272 (1.4%) with at least one act of violence reported by the healthcare workers. Almost all acts of violence were incivility or verbal harassment. The rate of violence significantly decreased from the pre-intervention to the intervention period (24.8, 95%?CI 20.0 to 29.5, to 9.5, 95%?CI 8.0 to 10.9, acts per 1000 admissions, pp<0.001). An immediate 53% decrease in the violence rate (incidence rate ratio=0.47, 95%CI 0.27 to 0.82, p=0.0121) was observed in the first month of the intervention period, after implementation of the triage algorithm. Conclusion A comprehensive prevention programme targeting patients and environment can reduce selfreported incivility and verbal violence against healthcare workers in an OED.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01207723
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. Impact du bruit des transports sur la santé et impacts du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains autour de trois aéroports français (DEBATS). MiniLab Prospective Acoustique de SNCF Innovation et Recherche, Oct 2014, Paris, France. 47 p. ⟨hal-01207723⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les transports constituent une source majeure d'exposition à des nuisances environnementales pour la population. L'exposition à ces nuisances pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé mais celles-ci sont insuffisamment évaluées en France. C'est la raison pour laquelle le programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) a été mis en place.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les transports constituent une source majeure d'exposition à des nuisances environnementales pour la population. L'exposition à ces nuisances pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé mais celles-ci sont insuffisamment évaluées en France. C'est la raison pour laquelle le programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) a été mis en place.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bruno Pozzetto, Vincent Legros, Sophia Djebali, Véronique Barateau, Nicolas Guibert, Marine Villard, Loïc Peyrot, Omran Allatif, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Melyssa Yaugel-Novoa, Solène Denolly, Bertrand Boson, Thomas Bourlet, Antonin Bal, Martine Valette, Thibault Andrieu, Bruno Lina, François-Loïc Cosset, Stéphane Paul, Thierry Defrance, Jacqueline Marvel, Thierry Walzer, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03773083
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bruno Pozzetto, Vincent Legros, Sophia Djebali, Véronique Barateau, Nicolas Guibert, et al.. Immunogenicity and efficacy of heterologous ChAdOx1-BNT162b2 vaccination. Nature, 2021, 600 (7890), pp.701-706. ⟨10.1038/s41586-021-04120-y⟩. ⟨hal-03773083⟩
DOI : 10.1038/s41586-021-04120-y
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Following severe adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S-nCoV-19 vaccine1,2, European health authorities recommended that patients under the age of 55?years who received one dose of ChAdOx1-S-nCoV-19 receive a second dose of the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine as a booster. However, the effectiveness and the immunogenicity of this vaccination regimen have not been formally tested. Here we show that the heterologous ChAdOx1-S-nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 combination confers better protection against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus?2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection than the homologous BNT162b2 and BNT162b2 combination in a real-world observational study of healthcare workers (n?=?13,121). To understand the underlying mechanism, we conducted a longitudinal survey of the anti-spike immunity conferred by each vaccine combination. Both combinations induced strong anti-spike antibody responses, but sera from heterologous vaccinated individuals displayed a stronger neutralizing activity regardless of the SARS-CoV-2 variant. This enhanced neutralizing potential correlated with increased frequencies of switched and activated memory B cells that recognize the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain. The ChAdOx1-S-nCoV-19 vaccine induced a weaker IgG response but a stronger T cell response than the BNT162b2 vaccine after the priming dose, which could explain the complementarity of both vaccines when used in combination. The heterologous vaccination regimen could therefore be particularly suitable for immunocompromised individuals.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Following severe adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S-nCoV-19 vaccine1,2, European health authorities recommended that patients under the age of 55?years who received one dose of ChAdOx1-S-nCoV-19 receive a second dose of the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine as a booster. However, the effectiveness and the immunogenicity of this vaccination regimen have not been formally tested. Here we show that the heterologous ChAdOx1-S-nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 combination confers better protection against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus?2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection than the homologous BNT162b2 and BNT162b2 combination in a real-world observational study of healthcare workers (n?=?13,121). To understand the underlying mechanism, we conducted a longitudinal survey of the anti-spike immunity conferred by each vaccine combination. Both combinations induced strong anti-spike antibody responses, but sera from heterologous vaccinated individuals displayed a stronger neutralizing activity regardless of the SARS-CoV-2 variant. This enhanced neutralizing potential correlated with increased frequencies of switched and activated memory B cells that recognize the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain. The ChAdOx1-S-nCoV-19 vaccine induced a weaker IgG response but a stronger T cell response than the BNT162b2 vaccine after the priming dose, which could explain the complementarity of both vaccines when used in combination. The heterologous vaccination regimen could therefore be particularly suitable for immunocompromised individuals.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : François Daniellou, Philippe Davezies, François Desriaux, Laurence Théry
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00980706
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : François Daniellou, Philippe Davezies, François Desriaux, Laurence Théry. Il faut adapter le travail à l'homme, pas l'inverse. 2009. ⟨hal-00980706⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aude Lacourt, Elisabeth Cardis, Javier Pintos, Lesley Richardson, Laurel Kincl, Geza Benke, Sarah Fleming, Martine Hours, Daniel Krewski, Dave Mc Lean, Marie-Elise Parent, Siegal Sadetzki, Klaus Schlaefer, Brigitte Schlehofer, Jérome Lavoue, Martie van Tongeren, Jack Siemiatycki
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00927551
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aude Lacourt, Elisabeth Cardis, Javier Pintos, Lesley Richardson, Laurel Kincl, et al.. INTEROCC case-control study: lack of association between glioma tumors and occupational exposure to selected combustion products, dusts and other chemical agents.. BMC Public Health, 2013, 13 (1), 11 p. ⟨10.1186/1471-2458-13-340⟩. ⟨hal-00927551⟩
DOI : 10.1186/1471-2458-13-340
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif était d'évaluer la relation pouvant exister entre une exposition professionnelle antérieure à une sélection d'agents chimiques (produits de combustion de type essence, diesel, gaz d'échappement , benzo(a)pyrène; poussières d'amiante ou de bois, formaldéhyde, dioxyde de soufre) et les tumeurs de la tête, en utilisant les données récoltées dans le cadre de l'étude internationale INTERPHONE. 1800 cas de gliomes et 5160 témoins non atteints de gliomes ont été étudiés. Aucune relation n'apparait entre ces divers composés chimiques et les gliomes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif était d'évaluer la relation pouvant exister entre une exposition professionnelle antérieure à une sélection d'agents chimiques (produits de combustion de type essence, diesel, gaz d'échappement , benzo(a)pyrène; poussières d'amiante ou de bois, formaldéhyde, dioxyde de soufre) et les tumeurs de la tête, en utilisant les données récoltées dans le cadre de l'étude internationale INTERPHONE. 1800 cas de gliomes et 5160 témoins non atteints de gliomes ont été étudiés. Aucune relation n'apparait entre ces divers composés chimiques et les gliomes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04809800
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. How cyclist behavior affects bicycle accident configurations?. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2016, 41 part B, pp.261-276. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2015.10.007⟩. ⟨hal-04809800⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.trf.2015.10.007
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In many major cities, bicycle usage is on the increase and cycling safety is becoming a critical issue. Most of the existing studies are based on police data which understate both single-bicycle accidents as well as cyclist victims. In France, an estimation based on a road trauma database reveals that cyclists are 8 times more likely to be injured per hour spent on the road compared to motorists. To give a full picture of cycling accidents, as well as to understand how cyclist behavior interacts with other factors in causing accidents, we surveyed all injured cyclists in the period 2009–2011, as identified in a medical database of road trauma victims in a French territorial “départment” (the Rhône, capital city Lyon). Using classification methods we build a typology of 17 recurring configurations of cycling collisions and single-bicycle accidents: 7 concern utilitarian riding (commuting…), 3 concern recreational riding and 7 concern cycling as a sporting activity. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) is then used to check the consistency of this typology, and to gain additional insight on road user behavior by projection of supplementary variables. External factors contributing to cycling accidents, such as “bad weather” (13%) or “riding at night” (14%), roadway configuration such as “cycling infrastructure” (16%) or “intersections” (25%), and cyclist behavior such as “alcohol consumption” (5%) or “speed” (25%) are discriminatory variables that interact in many accident configurations. This study shows how road user behavior-influences each step in the chain of events leading to an accident. In the discussion of study results, some recommendations are made to public authorities aimed at improving cyclist safety.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In many major cities, bicycle usage is on the increase and cycling safety is becoming a critical issue. Most of the existing studies are based on police data which understate both single-bicycle accidents as well as cyclist victims. In France, an estimation based on a road trauma database reveals that cyclists are 8 times more likely to be injured per hour spent on the road compared to motorists. To give a full picture of cycling accidents, as well as to understand how cyclist behavior interacts with other factors in causing accidents, we surveyed all injured cyclists in the period 2009–2011, as identified in a medical database of road trauma victims in a French territorial “départment” (the Rhône, capital city Lyon). Using classification methods we build a typology of 17 recurring configurations of cycling collisions and single-bicycle accidents: 7 concern utilitarian riding (commuting…), 3 concern recreational riding and 7 concern cycling as a sporting activity. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) is then used to check the consistency of this typology, and to gain additional insight on road user behavior by projection of supplementary variables. External factors contributing to cycling accidents, such as “bad weather” (13%) or “riding at night” (14%), roadway configuration such as “cycling infrastructure” (16%) or “intersections” (25%), and cyclist behavior such as “alcohol consumption” (5%) or “speed” (25%) are discriminatory variables that interact in many accident configurations. This study shows how road user behavior-influences each step in the chain of events leading to an accident. In the discussion of study results, some recommendations are made to public authorities aimed at improving cyclist safety.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01353506
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. How cyclist behavior affects bicycle accident configuration?. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2016, 41, pp. 261-276. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2015.10.007⟩. ⟨hal-01353506⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.trf.2015.10.007
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In many major cities, bicycle usage is on the increase and cycling safety is becoming a critical issue. Most of the existing studies are based on police data which understate both single-bicycle accidents as well as cyclist victims. In France, an estimation based on a road trauma database reveals that cyclists are 8 times more likely to be injured per hour spent on the road compared to motorists. To give a full picture of cycling accidents, as well as to understand how cyclist behavior interacts with other factors in causing accidents, we sur-veyed all injured cyclists in the period 2009-2011, as identified in a medical database of road trauma victims in a French territorial 'départment' (the Rhône, capital city Lyon). Using classification methods we build a typology of 17 recurring configurations of cycling collisions and single-bicycle accidents: 7 concern utilitarian riding (commuting ...), 3 concern recreational riding and 7 concern cycling as a sporting activity. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) is then used to check the consistency of this typology, and to gain additional insight on road user behavior by projection of supplementary variables. External factors contributing to cycling accidents, such as 'bad weather' (13%) or 'riding at night' (14%), roadway configuration such as 'cycling infrastructure' (16%) or 'intersections' (25%), and cyclist behavior such as 'alcohol consumption' (5%) or 'speed' (25%) are discriminatory variables that interact in many accident configurations. This study shows how road user behavior-influences each step in the chain of events leading to an accident. In the discussion of study results, some recommendations are made to public authorities aimed at improving cyclist safety.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In many major cities, bicycle usage is on the increase and cycling safety is becoming a critical issue. Most of the existing studies are based on police data which understate both single-bicycle accidents as well as cyclist victims. In France, an estimation based on a road trauma database reveals that cyclists are 8 times more likely to be injured per hour spent on the road compared to motorists. To give a full picture of cycling accidents, as well as to understand how cyclist behavior interacts with other factors in causing accidents, we sur-veyed all injured cyclists in the period 2009-2011, as identified in a medical database of road trauma victims in a French territorial 'départment' (the Rhône, capital city Lyon). Using classification methods we build a typology of 17 recurring configurations of cycling collisions and single-bicycle accidents: 7 concern utilitarian riding (commuting ...), 3 concern recreational riding and 7 concern cycling as a sporting activity. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) is then used to check the consistency of this typology, and to gain additional insight on road user behavior by projection of supplementary variables. External factors contributing to cycling accidents, such as 'bad weather' (13%) or 'riding at night' (14%), roadway configuration such as 'cycling infrastructure' (16%) or 'intersections' (25%), and cyclist behavior such as 'alcohol consumption' (5%) or 'speed' (25%) are discriminatory variables that interact in many accident configurations. This study shows how road user behavior-influences each step in the chain of events leading to an accident. In the discussion of study results, some recommendations are made to public authorities aimed at improving cyclist safety.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Baudin, Robin Pouyau
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02159523
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Baudin, Robin Pouyau. High-Flow Nasal Cannula in the Pediatric ICU: Popular or Efficient?. Respiratory Care, 2017, 62 (8), pp. 1116-1117. ⟨10.4187/respcare.05720⟩. ⟨hal-02159523⟩
DOI : 10.4187/respcare.05720
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) delivers a heated and humidified gas mixture at a flow greater than patient inspiratory flow demand. Several physiological studies have evaluated HFNC in neonates, infants, children, and adults. These found that HFNC improves gas exchange, applies positive pressure, flushes anatomical dead space, and decreases work of breathing. In adults, the FLORALI trial3 was the first to provide evidence of HFNC superiority over noninvasive ventilation (NIV) and standard oxygenation, which places the HFNC as the primary respiratory support for adults with hypoxemic acute respiratory failure.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) delivers a heated and humidified gas mixture at a flow greater than patient inspiratory flow demand. Several physiological studies have evaluated HFNC in neonates, infants, children, and adults. These found that HFNC improves gas exchange, applies positive pressure, flushes anatomical dead space, and decreases work of breathing. In adults, the FLORALI trial3 was the first to provide evidence of HFNC superiority over noninvasive ventilation (NIV) and standard oxygenation, which places the HFNC as the primary respiratory support for adults with hypoxemic acute respiratory failure.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Khalis, Véronique Chajes, Aurelie Moskal, Carine Biessy, Inge Huybrechts, Sabina Rinaldi, Laure Dossus, Hafida Charaka, Nawfel Mellas, Chakib Nejjari, Joan Dorn, Amr S. Soliman, Isabelle Romieu, Karima El Rhazi, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02159067
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Khalis, Véronique Chajes, Aurelie Moskal, Carine Biessy, Inge Huybrechts, et al.. Healthy lifestyle and breast cancer risk: A case-control study in Morocco. Cancer Epidemiology, 2019, 58, pp. 160-166. ⟨10.1016/j.canep.2018.12.012⟩. ⟨hal-02159067⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.canep.2018.12.012
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Some modifiable risk factors have been independently associated with breast cancer (BC) risk in Moroccan women, but no studies have investigated their joint association. This study aimed to investigate the association between a Healthy Lifestyle Index (HLI) score and BC risk among Moroccan women. Methods In this case-control study, 300 incident BC cases and 300 controls, matched by age and area of residence were recruited. Cases were women newly-diagnosed with histopathologically-confirmed BC at the University Hospital in Fez, Morocco. Controls were randomly selected healthy women recruited from 6 primary health centers in Fez. HLI scores developed within this study were assigned to participants based on 11 factors (red and processed meat, white meat, cream, cheese, fish, fruit and vegetables, physical activity, BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption, and breastfeeding), where 0 was given to unhealthy and 0.5 or 1 to healthy levels of each factor. Conditional and unconditional logistic regression models were used to assess the association between HLI scores and BC risk. Results Mean of HLI scores were 8.1 (±1.1) and 9.0 (±0.9) in cases and controls, respectively, p?
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Some modifiable risk factors have been independently associated with breast cancer (BC) risk in Moroccan women, but no studies have investigated their joint association. This study aimed to investigate the association between a Healthy Lifestyle Index (HLI) score and BC risk among Moroccan women. Methods In this case-control study, 300 incident BC cases and 300 controls, matched by age and area of residence were recruited. Cases were women newly-diagnosed with histopathologically-confirmed BC at the University Hospital in Fez, Morocco. Controls were randomly selected healthy women recruited from 6 primary health centers in Fez. HLI scores developed within this study were assigned to participants based on 11 factors (red and processed meat, white meat, cream, cheese, fish, fruit and vegetables, physical activity, BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption, and breastfeeding), where 0 was given to unhealthy and 0.5 or 1 to healthy levels of each factor. Conditional and unconditional logistic regression models were used to assess the association between HLI scores and BC risk. Results Mean of HLI scores were 8.1 (±1.1) and 9.0 (±0.9) in cases and controls, respectively, p?
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pierre Batailler, Martine Hours, Maud Maza, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Charlène Tournier, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01068249
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pierre Batailler, Martine Hours, Maud Maza, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, et al.. Health status recovery at one year in children injured in a road accident: A cohort study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2014, 71, pp. 267-272. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2014.06.001⟩. ⟨hal-01068249⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2014.06.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Despite the frequency of traumatic injuries due to road accidents and potential importance of identifying children at risk of impaired recovery one year after a road accident, there is a lack of data on long-term recovery of health status, except in children with severe traumatic brain injury. The aim of the present study was to evaluate predictive factors of recovery in children one year after road traffic injuries. The prospective cohort study was composed of children aged <16 years, admitted to public or private sector hospitals in the Rhone administrative area of France following a road accident. Recovery of health status one year after the accident and information concerning quality of life and the consequences of the accident for the child or family 1 year after the accident were collected by questionnaire, usually completed by the parents. Victims were in majority male (64.6%) and had mild or moderate injuries (81.9% with Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale (M-AIS) <3). One year after the accident, 75.0% of the mild-to-moderate and 34.8% of the severe cases estimated health status as fully recovered. After adjustment, severity score (M-AIS>/=3) and lower limb injury (AIS>1) were associated with incomplete recovery of health status: weighted odds ratio (ORw), 4.3 [95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.3-14.6] and ORw, 6.5 [95% CI, 1.9-21.7], respectively. Recovery status correlated significantly with quality of life physical scores (r=0.46), especially body pain (r=0.48) and role/social-physical (r=0.50) and, to a lesser extent, quality of life psychosocial scores (r=0.21). In a cohort of children injured in a road accident, those with high injury severity score and those with lower limb injuries are less likely to recover full health status by 1 year. Impaired health status was associated with a lower physical quality of life score at 1 year.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Despite the frequency of traumatic injuries due to road accidents and potential importance of identifying children at risk of impaired recovery one year after a road accident, there is a lack of data on long-term recovery of health status, except in children with severe traumatic brain injury. The aim of the present study was to evaluate predictive factors of recovery in children one year after road traffic injuries. The prospective cohort study was composed of children aged <16 years, admitted to public or private sector hospitals in the Rhone administrative area of France following a road accident. Recovery of health status one year after the accident and information concerning quality of life and the consequences of the accident for the child or family 1 year after the accident were collected by questionnaire, usually completed by the parents. Victims were in majority male (64.6%) and had mild or moderate injuries (81.9% with Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale (M-AIS) <3). One year after the accident, 75.0% of the mild-to-moderate and 34.8% of the severe cases estimated health status as fully recovered. After adjustment, severity score (M-AIS>/=3) and lower limb injury (AIS>1) were associated with incomplete recovery of health status: weighted odds ratio (ORw), 4.3 [95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.3-14.6] and ORw, 6.5 [95% CI, 1.9-21.7], respectively. Recovery status correlated significantly with quality of life physical scores (r=0.46), especially body pain (r=0.48) and role/social-physical (r=0.50) and, to a lesser extent, quality of life psychosocial scores (r=0.21). In a cohort of children injured in a road accident, those with high injury severity score and those with lower limb injuries are less likely to recover full health status by 1 year. Impaired health status was associated with a lower physical quality of life score at 1 year.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Anthony Cadene, David Ecotiere, Anne Sophie Evrard, Frédérique Moati, Esko Topilla
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01635752
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Anthony Cadene, David Ecotiere, Anne Sophie Evrard, et al.. Health effects of low frequency noise and infrasound from wind farms: results from an independent collective expertise in France. 12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Jun 2017, ZURICH, Switzerland. 9 p. ⟨hal-01635752⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Several complaints were expressed by some residents of French wind farms, putting forward infrasound and low frequency noise (ILFN) as a potential source of annoyance. Since available information on this subject are multiple and often contradictory, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) was mandated by the French Ministry of Environment to conduct an independent collective expertise on the evaluation of the health effects related to ILFN from wind farms. The objective was first to produce a complete review on auditory and non auditory health effects due to WTN, focusing on ILFN ; then, to collect experimental ILFN data from some wind farms in order to compare with data from the literature ; and finally to propose some improvements in the process of wind farm assessment or of impact studies, concerning ILFN. This paper presents the main results and conclusions of this expertise.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Several complaints were expressed by some residents of French wind farms, putting forward infrasound and low frequency noise (ILFN) as a potential source of annoyance. Since available information on this subject are multiple and often contradictory, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) was mandated by the French Ministry of Environment to conduct an independent collective expertise on the evaluation of the health effects related to ILFN from wind farms. The objective was first to produce a complete review on auditory and non auditory health effects due to WTN, focusing on ILFN ; then, to collect experimental ILFN data from some wind farms in order to compare with data from the literature ; and finally to propose some improvements in the process of wind farm assessment or of impact studies, concerning ILFN. This paper presents the main results and conclusions of this expertise.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Anthony Cadene, David Ecotière, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Frédérique Moati, Esko Topilla
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03618372
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Anthony Cadene, David Ecotière, Anne-Sophie Evrard, et al.. Health effects of low frequency noise and infrasound from wind farms: results from an independent collective expertise in France. Workshop Techniques - Expérimentations - Outils à Basses et Très Basses Fréquences, 2018, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-03618372⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Anthony Cadène, David Ecotière, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Frédérique Moati, Esko Topilla
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03616887
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Anthony Cadène, David Ecotière, Anne-Sophie Evrard, et al.. Health effects of low frequency noise and infrasound from wind farms. Proceeding of 8th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. ⟨hal-03616887⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00950519
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, et al.. Health effects of aircraft noise near three French airports: the DEBATS research program. RIVM Workshop NATO Airbase, Oct 2013, UTRECHT, France. 29 p. ⟨hal-00950519⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A national survey carried out in 2005 shows that 6.6% of the French population are annoyed by aircraft noise. DEBATS aims to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of residents around airports. It is an on-going epidemiological research program including: An ecological study based on drug prescriptions, and on nonprescription drug sales, A longitudinal field study consisting in following-up approximately 1,200 of the Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry airports residents during four years. Annoyance and health status are assessed by questionnaires. Physiological variables like blood-pressure or salivary cortisol are also considered within the frame of this study. A complementary study aiming to characterize specifically acute effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality using precise noise exposure measurements. Sleep quality of a sub-sample of 100 individuals will be evaluated using a wrist actimeter. Simultaneously, a sonometer located in their bedroom will record their noise exposure. A second sonometer set up outside (at the bedroom façade) will allow us to identify the aircraft noises and to investigate a link with sleep quality.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A national survey carried out in 2005 shows that 6.6% of the French population are annoyed by aircraft noise. DEBATS aims to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of residents around airports. It is an on-going epidemiological research program including: An ecological study based on drug prescriptions, and on nonprescription drug sales, A longitudinal field study consisting in following-up approximately 1,200 of the Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry airports residents during four years. Annoyance and health status are assessed by questionnaires. Physiological variables like blood-pressure or salivary cortisol are also considered within the frame of this study. A complementary study aiming to characterize specifically acute effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality using precise noise exposure measurements. Sleep quality of a sub-sample of 100 individuals will be evaluated using a wrist actimeter. Simultaneously, a sonometer located in their bedroom will record their noise exposure. A second sonometer set up outside (at the bedroom façade) will allow us to identify the aircraft noises and to investigate a link with sleep quality.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01073481
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon. Health effects of aircraft noise near three French airports: results from pilot epidemiological study of the DEBATS study.. AUN-2014 'Airports in Urban Networks' European Conference, Apr 2014, France. 8 p. ⟨hal-01073481⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : While many surveys carried out both in France and abroad address aircraft noise annoyance or report adverse effects on sleep quality, much fewer consider at the same time the physiological effects of this noise exposure. The largest study to date, the HYENA study, has evidenced an association between aircraft noise exposure and hypertension. DEBATS is a research program (2011-2018) aiming to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and the health status of the French population living in the vicinity of airports.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : While many surveys carried out both in France and abroad address aircraft noise annoyance or report adverse effects on sleep quality, much fewer consider at the same time the physiological effects of this noise exposure. The largest study to date, the HYENA study, has evidenced an association between aircraft noise exposure and hypertension. DEBATS is a research program (2011-2018) aiming to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and the health status of the French population living in the vicinity of airports.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Bernard Laumon, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00985926
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Bernard Laumon, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert. Health effects of aircraft noise near three French airports: results from a pilot epidemiological study of the DEBATS study.. 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2012, Aug 2012, New York, United States. 10 p. ⟨hal-00985926⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A national survey carried out in 2005 shows that 6.6% of the French population are annoyed by aircraft noise. DEBATS aims to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of residents around airports. It is an on-going epidemiological research program including: A longitudinal field study consisting in following-up approximately 1,200 of the Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry airports residents during four years. Annoyance and health status are assessed by questionnaires. Physiological variables like blood-pressure or salivary cortisol are also considered within the frame of this study. A complementary study aiming to characterize specifically acute effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality using precise noise exposure measurements. Sleep quality of a sub-sample of 100 individuals will be evaluated using a wrist actimeter. Simultaneously, a sonometer located in their bedroom will record their noise exposure. A second sonometer set up outside (at the bedroom façade) will allow us to identify the aircraft noises and to investigate a link with sleep quality. A pilot study was performed in 2011 in order to test and validate the protocols on 100 residents around Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport. The results of this pilot study will be presented and discussed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A national survey carried out in 2005 shows that 6.6% of the French population are annoyed by aircraft noise. DEBATS aims to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of residents around airports. It is an on-going epidemiological research program including: A longitudinal field study consisting in following-up approximately 1,200 of the Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry airports residents during four years. Annoyance and health status are assessed by questionnaires. Physiological variables like blood-pressure or salivary cortisol are also considered within the frame of this study. A complementary study aiming to characterize specifically acute effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality using precise noise exposure measurements. Sleep quality of a sub-sample of 100 individuals will be evaluated using a wrist actimeter. Simultaneously, a sonometer located in their bedroom will record their noise exposure. A second sonometer set up outside (at the bedroom façade) will allow us to identify the aircraft noises and to investigate a link with sleep quality. A pilot study was performed in 2011 in order to test and validate the protocols on 100 residents around Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport. The results of this pilot study will be presented and discussed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie-Agnès Denis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00945870
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie-Agnès Denis. HTAP et Travail. Congrès Patients HTAP France, Oct 2013, France. 17 p. ⟨hal-00945870⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La moitié des patients souffrant d’HTAP ne sont pas aptes au travail ou ont besoin d’aide pour l’accomplir. Le médecin du travail peut être confronté à cette pathologie dans trois situations professionnelles : A l’embauche d’un salarié. Il doit l’écarter des postes à risque pour sa santé (manutention, station debout, travail au froid ou à la chaleur) ; Pendant sa vie professionnelle et il doit l’accompagner et éviter toute altération de sa santé supplémentaire en lien avec le travail. En cas d’inaptitude, il doit l’orienter vers les dispositifs d’accompagnement de la fonction publique ou du régime général afin que le salarié bénéficie d’un poste aménagé, d’une reconversion ou d’une invalidité dans des conditions financières acceptables.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La moitié des patients souffrant d’HTAP ne sont pas aptes au travail ou ont besoin d’aide pour l’accomplir. Le médecin du travail peut être confronté à cette pathologie dans trois situations professionnelles : A l’embauche d’un salarié. Il doit l’écarter des postes à risque pour sa santé (manutention, station debout, travail au froid ou à la chaleur) ; Pendant sa vie professionnelle et il doit l’accompagner et éviter toute altération de sa santé supplémentaire en lien avec le travail. En cas d’inaptitude, il doit l’orienter vers les dispositifs d’accompagnement de la fonction publique ou du régime général afin que le salarié bénéficie d’un poste aménagé, d’une reconversion ou d’une invalidité dans des conditions financières acceptables.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : R Cruchet, J Brousse, Marie-Agnès Denis, S Poutrel, L Hees, M Marie, A Marchetti, A Duvermy, C Haond, J Grando, P Girardo, S Brisse, E Badell-Ocando, E Munier-Marion, T Benet, Philippe Vanhems
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01777440
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : R Cruchet, J Brousse, Marie-Agnès Denis, S Poutrel, L Hees, et al.. Gestion du risque nosocomial autour de cinq cas de diphtérie diagnostiqués au sein d'un CHU. XXVIIIème Congrès de la Société Française d'Hygiène Hospitalière (SF2H), Jun 2017, NICE, France. ⟨hal-01777440⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cinq cas de diphtérie ont été signalés à l'ARS au sein d'un CHU en 2016. L'objectif est de présenter les mesures de contrôle mises en place pour les patients et soignants contacts. Matériel et Méthodes Les précautions « contacts » et « gouttelettes » ont été préconisées durant l'hospitalisation des cas selon les recommandations du HCSP et de la DGS de 2011. Toute personne exposée aux sécrétions pharyngées ou à des plaies était considérée comme contact. La recherche de patients et soignants contacts a été menée avec les services impliqués, celle des soignants contacts réalisée par le service de médecine du personnel. Les contacts avaient des prélèvements pharyngés, une antibioprophylaxie de 10 jours et un rappel vaccinal (diphtérie tétanos poliomyélite +/- coqueluche) si le dernier datait de plus de 5 ans. La recherche de la toxigénicité a été réalisée au CNR sur la présence du gène tox par PCR. Résultats Un 1er cas, passé par les urgences, présentait un portage cutané (tableau). Aucun patient contact n'était retenu, 9 soignants ayant pris en charge la plaie avaient bénéficié des mesures. Sept ont eu un prélèvement pharyngé, 8 une antibioprophylaxie de 10 jours et 2 un rappel vaccinal. Le 2nd cas, diagnostiqué au niveau cutané, admis aux urgences puis en médecine interne où il avait été placé en chambre seule, n'a pas généré de patients contacts. Trente-quatre soignants ont été en contact avec les plaies, 32 ont eu un prélèvement pharyngé, 29 une antibioprophylaxie et 1 un rappel vaccinal. Deux des frères de ce cas, hospitalisés pour suspicion de portage cutané, présentaient finalement un portage pharyngé. Hospitalisés d'emblée avec les précautions recommandées, ils n'ont pas généré de contacts. Un de ces cas était passé par le service d'oncohématologie dans les deux semaines précédentes générant 64 soignants contacts dont 41 ont eu un prélèvement pharyngé, 31 une antibioprophylaxie et 9 un rappel vaccinal. Aucun patient contact n'a été retenu devant la découverte tardive de cette hospitalisation. Le 5ème cas, diagnostiqué porteur au niveau pharyngé lors d'une hospitalisation en réanimation pour un autre motif n'a pas été en contact avec d'autres patients. Parmi les soignants, 73 ont été en contact, 72 ont eu un prélèvement pharyngé, 73 une antibioprophylaxie et 44 un rappel vaccinal.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cinq cas de diphtérie ont été signalés à l'ARS au sein d'un CHU en 2016. L'objectif est de présenter les mesures de contrôle mises en place pour les patients et soignants contacts. Matériel et Méthodes Les précautions « contacts » et « gouttelettes » ont été préconisées durant l'hospitalisation des cas selon les recommandations du HCSP et de la DGS de 2011. Toute personne exposée aux sécrétions pharyngées ou à des plaies était considérée comme contact. La recherche de patients et soignants contacts a été menée avec les services impliqués, celle des soignants contacts réalisée par le service de médecine du personnel. Les contacts avaient des prélèvements pharyngés, une antibioprophylaxie de 10 jours et un rappel vaccinal (diphtérie tétanos poliomyélite +/- coqueluche) si le dernier datait de plus de 5 ans. La recherche de la toxigénicité a été réalisée au CNR sur la présence du gène tox par PCR. Résultats Un 1er cas, passé par les urgences, présentait un portage cutané (tableau). Aucun patient contact n'était retenu, 9 soignants ayant pris en charge la plaie avaient bénéficié des mesures. Sept ont eu un prélèvement pharyngé, 8 une antibioprophylaxie de 10 jours et 2 un rappel vaccinal. Le 2nd cas, diagnostiqué au niveau cutané, admis aux urgences puis en médecine interne où il avait été placé en chambre seule, n'a pas généré de patients contacts. Trente-quatre soignants ont été en contact avec les plaies, 32 ont eu un prélèvement pharyngé, 29 une antibioprophylaxie et 1 un rappel vaccinal. Deux des frères de ce cas, hospitalisés pour suspicion de portage cutané, présentaient finalement un portage pharyngé. Hospitalisés d'emblée avec les précautions recommandées, ils n'ont pas généré de contacts. Un de ces cas était passé par le service d'oncohématologie dans les deux semaines précédentes générant 64 soignants contacts dont 41 ont eu un prélèvement pharyngé, 31 une antibioprophylaxie et 9 un rappel vaccinal. Aucun patient contact n'a été retenu devant la découverte tardive de cette hospitalisation. Le 5ème cas, diagnostiqué porteur au niveau pharyngé lors d'une hospitalisation en réanimation pour un autre motif n'a pas été en contact avec d'autres patients. Parmi les soignants, 73 ont été en contact, 72 ont eu un prélèvement pharyngé, 73 une antibioprophylaxie et 44 un rappel vaccinal.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Etienne Terrier, Philippe Paparel, Blandine Gadegbeku, Alain Ruffion, Lawrence C. Jenkins, Amina Ndiaye
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01544574
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Etienne Terrier, Philippe Paparel, Blandine Gadegbeku, Alain Ruffion, Lawrence C. Jenkins, et al.. Genitourinary injuries following traffic accidents: analysis of a registry of 162,690 victims. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Surgery, 2017, 82 (6), pp.1087-1093. ⟨10.1097/TA.0000000000001448⟩. ⟨hal-01544574⟩
DOI : 10.1097/TA.0000000000001448
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND Traffic accidents are the most frequent cause of genitourinary injuries (GUI). Kidney injuries after trauma have been well described. However, there exists a paucity of data on other traumatic GUI after traffic accidents. The objective of this study was to analyze the frequency and type of all GUI, by user category, after traffic accidents. METHODS: Patient cases were extracted from the trauma registry of the French department of Rhone from 1996 to 2013. We assessed the urogenital injuries presented by each of road user’s categories. Severity injuries were coded with the Abbreviated Injury Scale and the Injury Severity Score. Kidney trauma was mapped with the classification of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Multivariate prediction models were used for analysis of data. RESULTS: Of 162,690 victims, 963 presented with GUI (0.59%). 47% were motorcyclists, 22% were in a car, 18% on bicycles, and 9% were pedestrians. The most common organ injury was kidney (41%) followed by testicular (23%). Among the 208 motorists with a GUI, kidney (70%), bladder (10%), and adrenal gland (9%) were the most frequent lesions. Among the 453 motorcyclist victims with GUI, kidney (35%) and testicular (38%) traumas were the most frequent and 62% of injuries involved external genitalia. There were 175 cyclists with GUI, 70% of injuries involved external genitalia; penile traumas (23%) were the most frequent. In total, there were 395 kidney injuries, most being low grade. According to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma kidney injuries were grade I, 59%; grade II, 11%; grade III, 16%; grade IV, 9%; grade V, 3%; and indeterminate, 2%. CONCLUSION: GUI is an infrequent trauma after traffic accidents, with kidneys being the most commonly injured. Physicians must maintain a high awareness for external genitalia injuries in motorcyclists and cyclists. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Prognostic and epidemiologic study, level III.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND Traffic accidents are the most frequent cause of genitourinary injuries (GUI). Kidney injuries after trauma have been well described. However, there exists a paucity of data on other traumatic GUI after traffic accidents. The objective of this study was to analyze the frequency and type of all GUI, by user category, after traffic accidents. METHODS: Patient cases were extracted from the trauma registry of the French department of Rhone from 1996 to 2013. We assessed the urogenital injuries presented by each of road user’s categories. Severity injuries were coded with the Abbreviated Injury Scale and the Injury Severity Score. Kidney trauma was mapped with the classification of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Multivariate prediction models were used for analysis of data. RESULTS: Of 162,690 victims, 963 presented with GUI (0.59%). 47% were motorcyclists, 22% were in a car, 18% on bicycles, and 9% were pedestrians. The most common organ injury was kidney (41%) followed by testicular (23%). Among the 208 motorists with a GUI, kidney (70%), bladder (10%), and adrenal gland (9%) were the most frequent lesions. Among the 453 motorcyclist victims with GUI, kidney (35%) and testicular (38%) traumas were the most frequent and 62% of injuries involved external genitalia. There were 175 cyclists with GUI, 70% of injuries involved external genitalia; penile traumas (23%) were the most frequent. In total, there were 395 kidney injuries, most being low grade. According to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma kidney injuries were grade I, 59%; grade II, 11%; grade III, 16%; grade IV, 9%; grade V, 3%; and indeterminate, 2%. CONCLUSION: GUI is an infrequent trauma after traffic accidents, with kidneys being the most commonly injured. Physicians must maintain a high awareness for external genitalia injuries in motorcyclists and cyclists. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Prognostic and epidemiologic study, level III.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charlotte Nivon, Luc Fontana, Béatrice Trombert-Paviot, Jean Noel Bally, Carole Pelissier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04094078
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charlotte Nivon, Luc Fontana, Béatrice Trombert-Paviot, Jean Noel Bally, Carole Pelissier. General practitioners' management of patients consulting for "mental distress at work". Work, 2022, 72 (1), pp.343-350. ⟨10.3233/WOR-213633⟩. ⟨hal-04094078⟩
DOI : 10.3233/WOR-213633
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Mental distress at work is a complex multifactorial phenomenon liable to impact health and personal life.OBJECTIVE: To assess the proportion of general practice consultations for mental distress at work and determine how general practitioners (GPs) manage these patients and the factors leading to consultation.METHODS: The frequency of consultations for mental distress at work was assessed on a self-administered questionnaire sent to the general practitioners (GPs) of the Loire administrative Département (France). Information on factors leading to consultation on management was obtained by a self-administered questionnaire in a sample of GPs and patients.RESULTS: Twenty-two patients were included by 16 GPs. 27% of patients were referred to an occupational physician. The frequency of consultations for mental distress at work was about 2%. Patients may wait several weeks or months before consulting, although a majority reported an impact on family life and health. A triggering event was often present, but no work accident procedure was undertaken.CONCLUSION: This study highlights the importance of better identifying adverse experience of working conditions and impaired mental health and reporting this to an occupational physician who can undertake preventive measures. Communication between occupational physician, employee and GP needs to be improved.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Mental distress at work is a complex multifactorial phenomenon liable to impact health and personal life.OBJECTIVE: To assess the proportion of general practice consultations for mental distress at work and determine how general practitioners (GPs) manage these patients and the factors leading to consultation.METHODS: The frequency of consultations for mental distress at work was assessed on a self-administered questionnaire sent to the general practitioners (GPs) of the Loire administrative Département (France). Information on factors leading to consultation on management was obtained by a self-administered questionnaire in a sample of GPs and patients.RESULTS: Twenty-two patients were included by 16 GPs. 27% of patients were referred to an occupational physician. The frequency of consultations for mental distress at work was about 2%. Patients may wait several weeks or months before consulting, although a majority reported an impact on family life and health. A triggering event was often present, but no work accident procedure was undertaken.CONCLUSION: This study highlights the importance of better identifying adverse experience of working conditions and impaired mental health and reporting this to an occupational physician who can undertake preventive measures. Communication between occupational physician, employee and GP needs to be improved.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Colette Fabrigoule, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Claudine Berr, Olivier Rouaud, Sophie Auriacombe, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01367654
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Colette Fabrigoule, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Claudine Berr, et al.. Gender effect on driving cessation in pre-dementia and dementia phases: results of the 3C population-based study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2016, 26 p. ⟨10.1002/gps.4565⟩. ⟨hal-01367654v2⟩
DOI : 10.1002/gps.4565
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: Aging entails deterioration in sensory, physical, and cognitive functions, raising doubt in the driving capacity of older drivers, especially when the deficits are severe, as in dementia. Many older drivers, especially women, adapt their driving habits in order to compensate for these deficits and eventually stop driving. The present prospective study assessed driving cessation in men and women throughout the dementia process, including a 2-year pre-dementia phase. Methods: The study was based on a three-city cohort of subjects who were aged 65 years and older in 2000 and followed for more than 10 years. Active dementia detection was conducted at each followup. The probability of driving cessation was assessed in men and women during the 2-year predementia phase and until 5 years after diagnosis. Results: In the 2-year pre-dementia phase, both men and women ceased driving earlier than drivers with no central nervous system pathology (p
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: Aging entails deterioration in sensory, physical, and cognitive functions, raising doubt in the driving capacity of older drivers, especially when the deficits are severe, as in dementia. Many older drivers, especially women, adapt their driving habits in order to compensate for these deficits and eventually stop driving. The present prospective study assessed driving cessation in men and women throughout the dementia process, including a 2-year pre-dementia phase. Methods: The study was based on a three-city cohort of subjects who were aged 65 years and older in 2000 and followed for more than 10 years. Active dementia detection was conducted at each followup. The probability of driving cessation was assessed in men and women during the 2-year predementia phase and until 5 years after diagnosis. Results: In the 2-year pre-dementia phase, both men and women ceased driving earlier than drivers with no central nervous system pathology (p
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : René de Seze, Martine Hours, Elisabeth Cardis, Patrice Cagnon, Dominique Charpentier, Jean-François Viel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : ineris-00970227
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : René de Seze, Martine Hours, Elisabeth Cardis, Patrice Cagnon, Dominique Charpentier, et al.. French FR-expometry study. 8. International Congress of the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Apr 2007, Bordeaux, France. ⟨ineris-00970227⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Vivian Viallon, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00860846
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Vivian Viallon, Bernard Laumon. Fractions of fatal crashes attributable to speeding: Evolution for the period 2001–2010 in France. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2013, 52, pp. 250-256. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2012.12.024⟩. ⟨hal-00860846⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2012.12.024
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Road safety is a major concern in the West, especially in France. Among all the established risk factors for fatal crashes, speed is specific in two ways: every road-user is exposed to it, and it increases not only crash rates but also the severity of crashes. Thus, speed regulation is of primary importance in road-safety policy and has also generated much public debate. To contribute to this debate, we constructed a power-model which relates the number of fatal crashes to speed raised to the power four. Despite its simplicity, this model fitted the data well. Notably, it enabled the fractions of fatal crashes attributable to various levels of speeding to be estimated. Data for secondary roads over the period 2001–2010 showed that the fraction of fatal crashes attributable to high-level speeding (>20 kph over the speed limit) decreased from 25% to 6% and that attributable to medium-level speeding (10–20 kph over the speed limit) decreased from 13% to 9%, whereas that attributable to low-level speeding progressively increased from 7% to 13%. Similar trends were observed on main roads. These results highlight the effectiveness of the speed regulation policies introduced during the study period with respect to high-level speeding. They also suggest that future policy should focus on low and medium-level speeding in order further to reduce road deaths significantly, since these levels now correspond to the major fraction of fatal crashes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Road safety is a major concern in the West, especially in France. Among all the established risk factors for fatal crashes, speed is specific in two ways: every road-user is exposed to it, and it increases not only crash rates but also the severity of crashes. Thus, speed regulation is of primary importance in road-safety policy and has also generated much public debate. To contribute to this debate, we constructed a power-model which relates the number of fatal crashes to speed raised to the power four. Despite its simplicity, this model fitted the data well. Notably, it enabled the fractions of fatal crashes attributable to various levels of speeding to be estimated. Data for secondary roads over the period 2001–2010 showed that the fraction of fatal crashes attributable to high-level speeding (>20 kph over the speed limit) decreased from 25% to 6% and that attributable to medium-level speeding (10–20 kph over the speed limit) decreased from 13% to 9%, whereas that attributable to low-level speeding progressively increased from 7% to 13%. Similar trends were observed on main roads. These results highlight the effectiveness of the speed regulation policies introduced during the study period with respect to high-level speeding. They also suggest that future policy should focus on low and medium-level speeding in order further to reduce road deaths significantly, since these levels now correspond to the major fraction of fatal crashes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charlène Tournier, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01278179
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charlène Tournier, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy. Five years after the accident, whiplash casualties still have poorer quality of life in the physical domain than other mildly injured casualties: analysis of the ESPARR cohort.. BMC Public Health, 2016, 16, pp.13. ⟨10.1186/s12889-015-2647-8⟩. ⟨hal-01278179⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12889-015-2647-8
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: This study aims to compare health status and quality of life five years after a road accident between casualties with whiplash versus other mild injuries, to compare evolution of quality of life at 1 and 5 years after the accident, and to explore the relation between initial injury (whiplash vs. other) and quality of life. METHODS: The study used data from the ESPARR cohort (a representative cohort of road accident casualties) and included 167 casualties with "pure" whiplash and a population of 185 casualties with other mild injuries (MAIS-1). All subjects with lesions classified as cervical contusion (AIS code 310402) or neck sprain (AIS code 640278) were considered as whiplash casualties. Diagnosis was made by physicians, at the outset of hospital care, based on interview, clinical findings and X-ray. Whiplash injuries were then classified following the Quebec classification (grades 1 and 2). Quality of life was assessed on the WHOQoL-Bref questionnaire. Correlations between explanatory variables and quality of life were explored by Poisson regression and variance analysis. RESULTS: Between 1 and 5 years, global QoL improved for both whiplash and non-whiplash casualties; but, considering the two whiplash groups separately, improvement in grade 2 was much less than in grade 1. At 5 years, grade-2 whiplash casualties were more dissatisfied with their health (39.4 %; p < 0.05) than non-whiplash (24.3 %) or grade-1 whiplash casualties (27.0 %). Deteriorated quality of life in the mental, social and environmental domains was mainly related to psychological and socioeconomic factors for both whiplash and other mildly injured road-accident casualties. While PTSD was a major factor for the physical domain, whiplash remained a predictive factor after adjustment on PTSD; unsatisfactory health at 5 years, with deteriorated quality of life in the physical domain, was observed specifically in the whiplash group, pain playing a predominant intermediate role. CONCLUSIONS: Deteriorated quality of life in the physical domain remained 5 years after the accident, specifically in the grade-2 whiplash group, pain playing a predominant intermediate role, which may be in line with the hypothesis of neuropathic pain.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: This study aims to compare health status and quality of life five years after a road accident between casualties with whiplash versus other mild injuries, to compare evolution of quality of life at 1 and 5 years after the accident, and to explore the relation between initial injury (whiplash vs. other) and quality of life. METHODS: The study used data from the ESPARR cohort (a representative cohort of road accident casualties) and included 167 casualties with "pure" whiplash and a population of 185 casualties with other mild injuries (MAIS-1). All subjects with lesions classified as cervical contusion (AIS code 310402) or neck sprain (AIS code 640278) were considered as whiplash casualties. Diagnosis was made by physicians, at the outset of hospital care, based on interview, clinical findings and X-ray. Whiplash injuries were then classified following the Quebec classification (grades 1 and 2). Quality of life was assessed on the WHOQoL-Bref questionnaire. Correlations between explanatory variables and quality of life were explored by Poisson regression and variance analysis. RESULTS: Between 1 and 5 years, global QoL improved for both whiplash and non-whiplash casualties; but, considering the two whiplash groups separately, improvement in grade 2 was much less than in grade 1. At 5 years, grade-2 whiplash casualties were more dissatisfied with their health (39.4 %; p < 0.05) than non-whiplash (24.3 %) or grade-1 whiplash casualties (27.0 %). Deteriorated quality of life in the mental, social and environmental domains was mainly related to psychological and socioeconomic factors for both whiplash and other mildly injured road-accident casualties. While PTSD was a major factor for the physical domain, whiplash remained a predictive factor after adjustment on PTSD; unsatisfactory health at 5 years, with deteriorated quality of life in the physical domain, was observed specifically in the whiplash group, pain playing a predominant intermediate role. CONCLUSIONS: Deteriorated quality of life in the physical domain remained 5 years after the accident, specifically in the grade-2 whiplash group, pain playing a predominant intermediate role, which may be in line with the hypothesis of neuropathic pain.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Khalis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01518513
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Khalis. Female Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Morocco: comparison with other countries. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2016, 17 (12), pp. 5211-5216. ⟨10.22034/APJCP.2016.17.12.5211⟩. ⟨hal-01518513⟩
DOI : 10.22034/APJCP.2016.17.12.5211
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy and the leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. In Morocco, there have been few recent descriptive studies on female breast cancer. The aim of this study was to describe the latest available incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer among Moroccan women and to compare them with rates in other regional and Western countries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy and the leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. In Morocco, there have been few recent descriptive studies on female breast cancer. The aim of this study was to describe the latest available incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer among Moroccan women and to compare them with rates in other regional and Western countries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : I. Chaillot, R. Ecochard, M.A. Denis, J. Iwaz, P. Khoueiry, A. Bergeret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00539530
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : I. Chaillot, R. Ecochard, M.A. Denis, J. Iwaz, P. Khoueiry, et al.. Fast and specific detection of moderate long-term changes in occupational blood exposures. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2010, 67 (11), pp.785-791. ⟨10.1136/oem.2010.055699⟩. ⟨hal-00539530⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oem.2010.055699
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Frédéric V. Valla, Julien Berthiller, Bénédicte Gaillard-Le-Roux, Carole Ford-Chessel, Tiphanie Ginhoux, Shancy Rooze, Fleur Cour-Andlauer, Rosan Meyer, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01823111
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Frédéric V. Valla, Julien Berthiller, Bénédicte Gaillard-Le-Roux, Carole Ford-Chessel, Tiphanie Ginhoux, et al.. Faltering growth in the critically ill child: prevalence, risk factors, and impaired outcome. European Journal of Pediatrics, 2018, 177 (3), pp 345-353. ⟨10.1007/s00431-017-3062-1⟩. ⟨hal-01823111⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s00431-017-3062-1
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Low body mass index (BMI) z score is commonly used to define undernutrition, but faltering growth allows for a complementary dynamic assessment of nutritional status. We studied the prevalence of undernutrition and faltering growth at admission in the pediatric intensive care (PICU) setting and their impacts on outcome. All (685) consecutive children (aged 0 to 18 years old) admitted in a single-center PICU over a 1-year period were prospectively enrolled. Nutritional status assessment was based on anthropometric measurements performed at admission and collected from medical files. Undernutrition was considered when z score BMI for age was < ? 2SD. Faltering growth was considered when the weight for age curve presented a deceleration of > ? 1 z score in the previous 3 months. Undernutrition was diagnosed in 13% of children enrolled, and faltering growth in 13.7% mostly in children with a normal BMI. Faltering growth was significantly associated with a history of underlying chronic disease, and independently with extended length of PICU stay in a multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Assessment of nutritional status in critically ill children should include both undernutrition and faltering growth. This study highlights that faltering growth is independently associated with suboptimal outcome in PICU. What is Known: ? Malnutrition, defined according to BMI-for-age z score, is correlated with poor outcome in the critically ill child. ? In this setting, nutritional assessment should consist not only of a static assessment based on BMI-for-age z score but also of a dynamic assessment to identify recent faltering growth. What is New: ? Critically ill children frequently present with faltering growth at admission. ? Faltering growth is a newly identified independent associated factor of suboptimal outcome in this setting (extended length of stay).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Low body mass index (BMI) z score is commonly used to define undernutrition, but faltering growth allows for a complementary dynamic assessment of nutritional status. We studied the prevalence of undernutrition and faltering growth at admission in the pediatric intensive care (PICU) setting and their impacts on outcome. All (685) consecutive children (aged 0 to 18 years old) admitted in a single-center PICU over a 1-year period were prospectively enrolled. Nutritional status assessment was based on anthropometric measurements performed at admission and collected from medical files. Undernutrition was considered when z score BMI for age was < ? 2SD. Faltering growth was considered when the weight for age curve presented a deceleration of > ? 1 z score in the previous 3 months. Undernutrition was diagnosed in 13% of children enrolled, and faltering growth in 13.7% mostly in children with a normal BMI. Faltering growth was significantly associated with a history of underlying chronic disease, and independently with extended length of PICU stay in a multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Assessment of nutritional status in critically ill children should include both undernutrition and faltering growth. This study highlights that faltering growth is independently associated with suboptimal outcome in PICU. What is Known: ? Malnutrition, defined according to BMI-for-age z score, is correlated with poor outcome in the critically ill child. ? In this setting, nutritional assessment should consist not only of a static assessment based on BMI-for-age z score but also of a dynamic assessment to identify recent faltering growth. What is New: ? Critically ill children frequently present with faltering growth at admission. ? Faltering growth is a newly identified independent associated factor of suboptimal outcome in this setting (extended length of stay).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat, Bernard Laumon, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01305072
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat, Bernard Laumon, Colette Fabrigoule. Faisabilité d'un protocole cognitif pour aider les médecins généralistes dans leurs conseils aux conducteurs seniors. In : Vieillissement et mobilité. Faisabilité d'un protocole cognitif pour aider les médecins généralistes dans leurs conseils aux conducteurs seniors. In : Vieillissement et mobilité, La Documentation Française, pp. 103-119, 2015, 978-2-11-010114-3. ⟨hal-01305072⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte : la conduite automobile est une activité complexe qui requiert, en plus des capacités sensorielles et fonctionnelles de l'appareil locomoteur, des capacités cognitives qui peuvent diminuer avec l'âge et perturber la conduite automobile. En France où il n'existe pas de procédure spécifique de suivi des conducteurs âgés, les médecins ont une obligation de conseil en matière de contre-indications médicales à la conduite. Or ils ne disposent pas d'outils cognitifs validés leur permettant d'apprécier les répercussions éventuelles des troubles cognitifs sur l'aptitude à la conduite automobile. Objectifs : étudier la faisabilité par les médecins et l'acceptation par les conducteurs âgés d'un protocole permettant de détecter des déficits cognitifs pouvant perturber la conduite automobile. Méthodes : 92 médecins généralistes tirés au sort sur des listes professionnelles ont accepté de participer à l'étude. Ils ont inclus 541 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans ou plus. Les médecins ont proposé à leurs patients un questionnaire de mobilité routière, deux tests cognitifs, le TMT A et B et le test des Codes de Wechsler, l'échelle des 4-IADL et le test de Up and Go. Résultats : les outils cognitifs proposés ont été jugés satisfaisants quant à leur faisabilité (75 à 99 % selon le test jugé) et à leur utilité clinique (83 à 86 % selon le test). Une bonne validité de la passation des tests cognitifs a été observée et 70% des médecins se sont déclarés prêts à utiliser ce protocole dans leur pratique courante. Conclusion : au final, ces résultats montrent la faisabilité par les médecins et l'acceptation par les patients d'un protocole permettant de détecter des déficits cognitifs pouvant perturber la conduite automobile chez les conducteurs âgés.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte : la conduite automobile est une activité complexe qui requiert, en plus des capacités sensorielles et fonctionnelles de l'appareil locomoteur, des capacités cognitives qui peuvent diminuer avec l'âge et perturber la conduite automobile. En France où il n'existe pas de procédure spécifique de suivi des conducteurs âgés, les médecins ont une obligation de conseil en matière de contre-indications médicales à la conduite. Or ils ne disposent pas d'outils cognitifs validés leur permettant d'apprécier les répercussions éventuelles des troubles cognitifs sur l'aptitude à la conduite automobile. Objectifs : étudier la faisabilité par les médecins et l'acceptation par les conducteurs âgés d'un protocole permettant de détecter des déficits cognitifs pouvant perturber la conduite automobile. Méthodes : 92 médecins généralistes tirés au sort sur des listes professionnelles ont accepté de participer à l'étude. Ils ont inclus 541 conducteurs âgés de 70 ans ou plus. Les médecins ont proposé à leurs patients un questionnaire de mobilité routière, deux tests cognitifs, le TMT A et B et le test des Codes de Wechsler, l'échelle des 4-IADL et le test de Up and Go. Résultats : les outils cognitifs proposés ont été jugés satisfaisants quant à leur faisabilité (75 à 99 % selon le test jugé) et à leur utilité clinique (83 à 86 % selon le test). Une bonne validité de la passation des tests cognitifs a été observée et 70% des médecins se sont déclarés prêts à utiliser ce protocole dans leur pratique courante. Conclusion : au final, ces résultats montrent la faisabilité par les médecins et l'acceptation par les patients d'un protocole permettant de détecter des déficits cognitifs pouvant perturber la conduite automobile chez les conducteurs âgés.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aymery Constant, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Marie Zins, Emmanuel Lagarde, Antoine Messiah
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00400390
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aymery Constant, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Marie Zins, Emmanuel Lagarde, et al.. Failure to reduce drinking and driving in France: a 6-year prospective study in the GAZEL cohort.. Addiction/British Journal of Addictions, 2010, 105 (1), pp.57-61. ⟨10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02725.x⟩. ⟨inserm-00400390⟩
DOI : 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02725.x
pubmedId_s : 19922521
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : AIM: An unprecedented decline in alcohol consumption and road mortality has been observed recently in France, but it is still unclear whether or not these changes affected driving while alcohol-intoxicated (DWI). The objective of the study was to estimate prospectively trends of excessive speed on the roads, alcohol consumption and DWI between 2001 and 2007 in a large cohort of experienced drivers. METHODS: Participants were current employees or recent retirees of the French national electricity and gas company, who volunteered to participate in a research cohort established in 1989 under strict conditions of anonymity. An annual cohort questionnaire is sent to participants that includes two questions about overall alcohol consumption. In 2001 and 2007, 10,684 participants reported their driving behaviours using the same self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Between 2001 and 2007, the proportion of participants (n = 10,684) who reported having driven at speeds at least 20 km/hour above the limit decreased from 23.7% to 4.1% in built-up areas (P < 0.001), from 34.3% to 9.3% on rural roads (P < 0.001) and from 24.3% to 2.7% on highways (P < 0.001). Regular and non-regular excessive alcohol consumption decreased from 22.7% to 19.7% and from 18.0% to 14.9%, respectively, whereas DWI increased from 22.9% to 25.3% over the same period (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: A recent crackdown on road violations by the French government has failed to deter DWI. Given that DWI seems to be a sporadic and rarely punished behaviour, its prevention requires more coercive measures, such as using a breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : AIM: An unprecedented decline in alcohol consumption and road mortality has been observed recently in France, but it is still unclear whether or not these changes affected driving while alcohol-intoxicated (DWI). The objective of the study was to estimate prospectively trends of excessive speed on the roads, alcohol consumption and DWI between 2001 and 2007 in a large cohort of experienced drivers. METHODS: Participants were current employees or recent retirees of the French national electricity and gas company, who volunteered to participate in a research cohort established in 1989 under strict conditions of anonymity. An annual cohort questionnaire is sent to participants that includes two questions about overall alcohol consumption. In 2001 and 2007, 10,684 participants reported their driving behaviours using the same self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Between 2001 and 2007, the proportion of participants (n = 10,684) who reported having driven at speeds at least 20 km/hour above the limit decreased from 23.7% to 4.1% in built-up areas (P < 0.001), from 34.3% to 9.3% on rural roads (P < 0.001) and from 24.3% to 2.7% on highways (P < 0.001). Regular and non-regular excessive alcohol consumption decreased from 22.7% to 19.7% and from 18.0% to 14.9%, respectively, whereas DWI increased from 22.9% to 25.3% over the same period (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: A recent crackdown on road violations by the French government has failed to deter DWI. Given that DWI seems to be a sporadic and rarely punished behaviour, its prevention requires more coercive measures, such as using a breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana, Franck Chauvin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01492684
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana, Franck Chauvin. Factors influencing return to work after illness in France. Occupational Medicine, 2014, 64 (1), pp. 56-63. ⟨10.1093/occmed/kqt142⟩. ⟨hal-01492684⟩
DOI : 10.1093/occmed/kqt142
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Few studies have been published about the factors influencing return to work after sickness absence. Aims To identify medical and occupational factors influencing the type of fitness certificate given by occupational physicians before employees return to work after sickness absence.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Few studies have been published about the factors influencing return to work after sickness absence. Aims To identify medical and occupational factors influencing the type of fitness certificate given by occupational physicians before employees return to work after sickness absence.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Olivier Karam, O. Demaret, P. Duhamel, A. Shefler, A. Spinella, P. C. Tucci, M. Leteurtre, S. Stanworth, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01823078
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Olivier Karam, O. Demaret, P. Duhamel, A. Shefler, A. Spinella, et al.. Factors influencing plasma transfusion practices in paediatric intensive care units around the world. Vox Sanguinis, 2017, 112 (2), pp. 140-149. ⟨10.1111/vox.12490⟩. ⟨hal-01823078⟩
DOI : 10.1111/vox.12490
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Plasma transfusions are a frequent treatment worldwide, but many studies have reported a wide variation in the indications to transfuse. Recently, an international paediatric study also showed wide variation in frequency in the use of plasma transfusions: 25% of the centres transfused plasma to >5% of their patients, whereas another 25% transfused plasma to
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Plasma transfusions are a frequent treatment worldwide, but many studies have reported a wide variation in the indications to transfuse. Recently, an international paediatric study also showed wide variation in frequency in the use of plasma transfusions: 25% of the centres transfused plasma to >5% of their patients, whereas another 25% transfused plasma to
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aymery Constant, Gaëlle Encrenaz, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Emmanuel Lagarde, Antoine Messiah
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00999393
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aymery Constant, Gaëlle Encrenaz, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Emmanuel Lagarde, et al.. Factors associated with the adoption of drinking and driving during a zero tolerance period: Results from a 6-year study in the GAZEL cohort. Safety World Conference 2010, Sep 2010, London, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-00999393⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Emmanuel Fort, Luc Fontana, Barbara Charbotel, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01598100
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Emmanuel Fort, Luc Fontana, Barbara Charbotel, Martine Hours. Factors associated with non-return to work in the severely injured victims 3 years after a road accident: A prospective study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017, 106, pp. 411-419. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2017.06.020⟩. ⟨hal-01598100⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2017.06.020
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Road accidents may impact victims' physical and/or mental health and socio-occupational life, particularly the capacity to return to work. The purpose of our study is to assess socio-occupational and medical factors of non-return to work in the severely injured 3 years after a road accident. Methods: Among 1,168 road accidents casualties in the Rhône administrative Département of France followed for five years, 141 (63.5%) of the 222 severely injured (Maximal Abbreviated Injury Scale ³3) aged more than 16 years who were in work at the time of the accident, reported whether they had returned to work in the 3 years following the accident. The subgroups of those who had (n=113; 79.1%) and had not returned to work (n=28; 19.9%) were compared for socio-occupational (gender, age, educational level, marital status, socio-occupational group, tiring work, strenuous work) accident-related medical factors (type of road user, type of journey, responsibility in the accident, initial care) and post-accident medical factors (pain intensity, post-traumatic stress disorder, physical sequelae, quality of life) by using standardized tools. Results: Severity of initial head, face and lower-limb injury, intense persistent pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, poor self-assessed quality of life and health status at 3 years were associated with non-return to work on univariate analysis. On multivariate analysis, severity of initial head (Relative Risk [RR] = 7.5 ; 95% Confidence Interval [CI], 2.8-19.6) and lower-limb injury (RR = 1.9 ;95% CI,1.2-3.0), intense persistent pain at 3 years (RR = 8.3 ;95% CI, 2.6-26.9) and post-traumatic stress disorder (RR = 2.2 ;95% CI, 1.2-3.7) were significantly associated with non-return to work 3 years following severe road-accident injury. Conclusions: Post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain were essential medical determinants of non-return to work in the severely injured after a road accident, on which it is possible to act: early adapted management could promote return to work in the severely injured.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Road accidents may impact victims' physical and/or mental health and socio-occupational life, particularly the capacity to return to work. The purpose of our study is to assess socio-occupational and medical factors of non-return to work in the severely injured 3 years after a road accident. Methods: Among 1,168 road accidents casualties in the Rhône administrative Département of France followed for five years, 141 (63.5%) of the 222 severely injured (Maximal Abbreviated Injury Scale ³3) aged more than 16 years who were in work at the time of the accident, reported whether they had returned to work in the 3 years following the accident. The subgroups of those who had (n=113; 79.1%) and had not returned to work (n=28; 19.9%) were compared for socio-occupational (gender, age, educational level, marital status, socio-occupational group, tiring work, strenuous work) accident-related medical factors (type of road user, type of journey, responsibility in the accident, initial care) and post-accident medical factors (pain intensity, post-traumatic stress disorder, physical sequelae, quality of life) by using standardized tools. Results: Severity of initial head, face and lower-limb injury, intense persistent pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, poor self-assessed quality of life and health status at 3 years were associated with non-return to work on univariate analysis. On multivariate analysis, severity of initial head (Relative Risk [RR] = 7.5 ; 95% Confidence Interval [CI], 2.8-19.6) and lower-limb injury (RR = 1.9 ;95% CI,1.2-3.0), intense persistent pain at 3 years (RR = 8.3 ;95% CI, 2.6-26.9) and post-traumatic stress disorder (RR = 2.2 ;95% CI, 1.2-3.7) were significantly associated with non-return to work 3 years following severe road-accident injury. Conclusions: Post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain were essential medical determinants of non-return to work in the severely injured after a road accident, on which it is possible to act: early adapted management could promote return to work in the severely injured.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Josephine Lemaitre, Hubert Marotte, Vincent Bonneterre, Barbara Charbotel, Frédéric Dutheil, Paul Vercherin, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03184550
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Josephine Lemaitre, Hubert Marotte, Vincent Bonneterre, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. Factors associated with back complaints among French medical students. Joint Bone Spine, 2021, 88 (2), pp.105110. ⟨10.1016/j.jbspin.2020.105110⟩. ⟨hal-03184550⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbspin.2020.105110
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Manon Viale, Philippe Berthelot, Brigitte Poizat, Catherine Massoubre, Theophile Tiffet, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03772409
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Manon Viale, Philippe Berthelot, Brigitte Poizat, Catherine Massoubre, et al.. Factors Associated with Psychological Distress in French Medical Students during the COVID-19 Health Crisis: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (24), pp.12951. ⟨10.3390/ijerph182412951⟩. ⟨hal-03772409⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph182412951
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of psychological distress in medical students during the COVID-19 health crisis and to identify factors associated with psychological distress. METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was presented to 1814 medical students (from first to sixth year) in a French university hospital center. Sociodemographic, occupational and medical information (psychological distress measured on the French GHQ12 scale) were collected via an online anonymous self-administered questionnaire. Variables associated with psychological distress were investigated using univariate analysis and multivariate analysis (modified Poisson regression). RESULTS: In total, 832 medical students responded (46%) and 699 completed the questionnaire in full (39%); 625 (75%) showed signs of psychological distress and 109 (15%) reported suicidal ideation. Female gender, psychological trauma during the COVID-19 health crisis, change in alcohol consumption, and difficulties with online learning emerged as risk factors for psychological distress, whereas a paid activity, a feeling of mutual aid and cooperation within the studies framework, and recognition of work appeared to be protective factors. CONCLUSIONS: Mental health care or suicide prevention should be provided to students at risk in the aftermath of the pandemic. Knowing the educational and medical factors associated with psychological distress enables areas for prevention to be identified.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of psychological distress in medical students during the COVID-19 health crisis and to identify factors associated with psychological distress. METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was presented to 1814 medical students (from first to sixth year) in a French university hospital center. Sociodemographic, occupational and medical information (psychological distress measured on the French GHQ12 scale) were collected via an online anonymous self-administered questionnaire. Variables associated with psychological distress were investigated using univariate analysis and multivariate analysis (modified Poisson regression). RESULTS: In total, 832 medical students responded (46%) and 699 completed the questionnaire in full (39%); 625 (75%) showed signs of psychological distress and 109 (15%) reported suicidal ideation. Female gender, psychological trauma during the COVID-19 health crisis, change in alcohol consumption, and difficulties with online learning emerged as risk factors for psychological distress, whereas a paid activity, a feeling of mutual aid and cooperation within the studies framework, and recognition of work appeared to be protective factors. CONCLUSIONS: Mental health care or suicide prevention should be provided to students at risk in the aftermath of the pandemic. Knowing the educational and medical factors associated with psychological distress enables areas for prevention to be identified.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Franck Chauvin, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01518539
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Franck Chauvin, Luc Fontana. Facteurs prédictifs d'une restriction d'aptitude ou d'inaptitude au poste de travail antérieur en visite de reprise : élaboration d'un score. Références en santé au travail, 2016, 145, pp. 29-42. ⟨hal-01518539⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The objective is to study factors bound to the decision of capacity given by the occupational doctor during the visit of return to work of an employee after a sick leave for disease.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The objective is to study factors bound to the decision of capacity given by the occupational doctor during the visit of return to work of an employee after a sick leave for disease.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01228413
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours. Facteurs prédictifs d'une mauvaise qualité de vie des traumatisés Crâniens trois ans après l'accident. résultats à partir de la cohorte ESPARR. Peut-on anticiper le devenir médical, professionnel et familal des traumatismes crâniens sévères ? Journée annuelle de France Trauma crânien, Nov 2014, PARIS, France. 17 p. ⟨hal-01228413⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans le cadre de la cohorte ESPARR, 324 blessés graves (M-AIS3+) ont répondu au questionnaire de suivi à trois ans (taux de réponse 71%); parmi eux, 70 ont souffert de TC grave, et 72 ont souffert de TC léger/modéré. 68% de la population de référence (blessés graves sans TC ; n=131), 69% des TC2 (blessés graves avec TC2 ; n=51) et 65% des TC3 (blessés graves avec TC3+ ; n=49) ont déclaré ne pas avoir un état de santé rentré dans l'ordre 3 ans après l'accident. Les patients avec TC lors de l'analyse univariée n'estiment pas leur qualité de vie moins bonne que les autres blessés graves sans TC. Toutefois, après ajustement sur l'âge et le sexe, le jugement sur la qualité de vie globale ou sur la santé est plus péjoratif (différence significative pour les blessés graves avec TC modéré/léger, différence non significative pour les TC graves, ce qui peut s'expliquer vraisemblablement par un manque de puissance statistique). Les scores moyens dans les quatre domaines de la qualité de vie sont relativement proches entre les trois groupes d'études (tests statistiques non significatifs), bien que les blessés graves sans TC aient des scores moyens plus élevés dans les domaines physique, psychique et social que ceux obtenus par les blessés graves avec léger, ou par les blessés graves avec TC grave. Inversement, le score du domaine environnemental est, en moyenne, plus élevé chez les blessés graves avec TC3+ que dans les deux autres groupes de l'étude. Les blessés avec TC graves ont un peu plus un sentiment de dépression et d'être moins capable de prendre une décision, sans toutefois que cette différence ne soit significative. Les blessés avec TC grave sont moins nombreux à avoir repris le travail trois ans après l'accident (1 patient /3) que les blessés avec Tc modéré (1/4) ou que les blessés graves sans TC (1/5). Les blessés graves, ayant eu un TC, particulièrement si celui-ci a été grave, sont plus nombreux à dire que leur entourage ressent encore un impact de l'accident trois ans après: cet impact est essentiellement lié à un sentiment d'anxiété (qui se traduit notamment par la présence de l'accident dans les pensées et discussions de l'entourage) quel que soit le groupe considéré. Par contre, les blessés graves avec TC léger signalent plus fréquemment que le groupe de référence que leur entourage est impacté par leur changement de caractère. Les blessés graves avec TC grave disent que leur entourage est impacté par leur changement de caractère et dans l'organisation de la vie quotidienne. Les traumatisés crâniens (quelle que soit la gravité des lésions à la tête) ne semblent pas plus perturbés dans leur vie affective et relationnelle que les autres victimes sans TC (tests non significatifs). Cependant, quel que soit le groupe de blessés graves, un quart des blessés disent avoir des relations sociales et familiales perturbées depuis l'accident.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans le cadre de la cohorte ESPARR, 324 blessés graves (M-AIS3+) ont répondu au questionnaire de suivi à trois ans (taux de réponse 71%); parmi eux, 70 ont souffert de TC grave, et 72 ont souffert de TC léger/modéré. 68% de la population de référence (blessés graves sans TC ; n=131), 69% des TC2 (blessés graves avec TC2 ; n=51) et 65% des TC3 (blessés graves avec TC3+ ; n=49) ont déclaré ne pas avoir un état de santé rentré dans l'ordre 3 ans après l'accident. Les patients avec TC lors de l'analyse univariée n'estiment pas leur qualité de vie moins bonne que les autres blessés graves sans TC. Toutefois, après ajustement sur l'âge et le sexe, le jugement sur la qualité de vie globale ou sur la santé est plus péjoratif (différence significative pour les blessés graves avec TC modéré/léger, différence non significative pour les TC graves, ce qui peut s'expliquer vraisemblablement par un manque de puissance statistique). Les scores moyens dans les quatre domaines de la qualité de vie sont relativement proches entre les trois groupes d'études (tests statistiques non significatifs), bien que les blessés graves sans TC aient des scores moyens plus élevés dans les domaines physique, psychique et social que ceux obtenus par les blessés graves avec léger, ou par les blessés graves avec TC grave. Inversement, le score du domaine environnemental est, en moyenne, plus élevé chez les blessés graves avec TC3+ que dans les deux autres groupes de l'étude. Les blessés avec TC graves ont un peu plus un sentiment de dépression et d'être moins capable de prendre une décision, sans toutefois que cette différence ne soit significative. Les blessés avec TC grave sont moins nombreux à avoir repris le travail trois ans après l'accident (1 patient /3) que les blessés avec Tc modéré (1/4) ou que les blessés graves sans TC (1/5). Les blessés graves, ayant eu un TC, particulièrement si celui-ci a été grave, sont plus nombreux à dire que leur entourage ressent encore un impact de l'accident trois ans après: cet impact est essentiellement lié à un sentiment d'anxiété (qui se traduit notamment par la présence de l'accident dans les pensées et discussions de l'entourage) quel que soit le groupe considéré. Par contre, les blessés graves avec TC léger signalent plus fréquemment que le groupe de référence que leur entourage est impacté par leur changement de caractère. Les blessés graves avec TC grave disent que leur entourage est impacté par leur changement de caractère et dans l'organisation de la vie quotidienne. Les traumatisés crâniens (quelle que soit la gravité des lésions à la tête) ne semblent pas plus perturbés dans leur vie affective et relationnelle que les autres victimes sans TC (tests non significatifs). Cependant, quel que soit le groupe de blessés graves, un quart des blessés disent avoir des relations sociales et familiales perturbées depuis l'accident.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00924369
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hélène Tardy, et al.. Facteurs pronostiques du devenir à un an des victimes d’accidents de la route – Cohorte ESPARR. Congrès ADELF-SFSP. Santé Publique et Prévention, Oct 2011, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-00924369⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectifs Les conséquences d’un accident de la route sont variées, cependant peu d’études ont pris en compte leur aspect multidimensionnel. Notre objectif est d’analyser cet aspect et de déterminer les facteurs prédisant le devenir à un an des victimes d’accident de la route. Méthodes L’analyse a porté sur 616 victimes d’accident de la route de la cohorte ESPARR, de 16 ans et plus, qui ont complété un an après l’accident, un questionnaire sur leur état de santé, leur statut familial, social, émotionnel, financier. Par une mise en ½uvre conjointe d’analyse des correspondances multiples et de classification ascendante hiérarchique, ces sujets sont classés dans des groupes homogènes en fonction des conséquences observées à un an. Ces groupes sont ensuite comparés sur leur qualité de vie à un an (WHOQol-Bref). Les facteurs prédictifs d’appartenir à un groupe sont analysés à partir de modèles de régression logistique multinomiale pondérée. Résultats Cinq groupes de victimes ont été identifiés : dans le groupe 1 les sujets ont une bonne récupération ; les sujets du groupe 2 ont des conséquences physiques uniquement ; les sujets des 3 autres groupes ont des conséquences multiples (physiques, sociales, environnementales). Des différences significatives entre les groupes apparaissent en matière de statut familial, de fragilité socioéconomique initiale, de gravité des lésions initiales, et du territoire anatomique des lésions (thorax, colonne, membres inférieurs). La qualité de vie est dégradée dans les groupes présentant des conséquences multiples. Outre la gravité initiale, la fragilité socioéconomique est un élément prédisant le fait d’être dans un groupe vivant de multiples conséquences. Conclusions Un an après l’accident, les victimes subissent encore de multiples conséquences en termes de santé physique, mais aussi mentale, dans leur vie sociale et leur environnement quotidien, conséquences qui peuvent être prédites tant par des caractéristiques accidentelles que par des facteurs socioéconomiques.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectifs Les conséquences d’un accident de la route sont variées, cependant peu d’études ont pris en compte leur aspect multidimensionnel. Notre objectif est d’analyser cet aspect et de déterminer les facteurs prédisant le devenir à un an des victimes d’accident de la route. Méthodes L’analyse a porté sur 616 victimes d’accident de la route de la cohorte ESPARR, de 16 ans et plus, qui ont complété un an après l’accident, un questionnaire sur leur état de santé, leur statut familial, social, émotionnel, financier. Par une mise en ½uvre conjointe d’analyse des correspondances multiples et de classification ascendante hiérarchique, ces sujets sont classés dans des groupes homogènes en fonction des conséquences observées à un an. Ces groupes sont ensuite comparés sur leur qualité de vie à un an (WHOQol-Bref). Les facteurs prédictifs d’appartenir à un groupe sont analysés à partir de modèles de régression logistique multinomiale pondérée. Résultats Cinq groupes de victimes ont été identifiés : dans le groupe 1 les sujets ont une bonne récupération ; les sujets du groupe 2 ont des conséquences physiques uniquement ; les sujets des 3 autres groupes ont des conséquences multiples (physiques, sociales, environnementales). Des différences significatives entre les groupes apparaissent en matière de statut familial, de fragilité socioéconomique initiale, de gravité des lésions initiales, et du territoire anatomique des lésions (thorax, colonne, membres inférieurs). La qualité de vie est dégradée dans les groupes présentant des conséquences multiples. Outre la gravité initiale, la fragilité socioéconomique est un élément prédisant le fait d’être dans un groupe vivant de multiples conséquences. Conclusions Un an après l’accident, les victimes subissent encore de multiples conséquences en termes de santé physique, mais aussi mentale, dans leur vie sociale et leur environnement quotidien, conséquences qui peuvent être prédites tant par des caractéristiques accidentelles que par des facteurs socioéconomiques.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : F. Letri-Mann, Christine Denis-Vatant, Paul Vercherin, C. Vergnon, Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02441800
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : F. Letri-Mann, Christine Denis-Vatant, Paul Vercherin, C. Vergnon, Carole Pelissier, et al.. Facteurs professionnels de rechute tabagique dans les 6 premiers mois après une consultation hospitalière anti-tabac. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2016, 77 (1), p. 3-9. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2015.11.006⟩. ⟨hal-02441800⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2015.11.006
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Déterminer les facteurs liés au travail, associés à une rechute tabagique parmi une cohorte de patients, suivis par une consultation hospitalière anti-tabac et qui avaient arrêté de fumer. Méthode Au total, 155 patients, occupant un emploi stable au moment du sevrage, ont été contactés par téléphone 6 mois après l'arrêt du tabac. Il leur a été demandé s'ils ont rechuté au cours des 6 derniers mois et des données socioprofessionnelles ont été recueillies. Pour les patients qui avaient rechuté, les questions ont été posées pour la période qui précédait la rechute. Le groupe d'abstinents à 6 mois du jour de l'arrêt et le groupe de personnes qui avaient rechuté ont été comparés. Les facteurs personnels et professionnels significativement liés à la rechute et certains facteurs d'importance (comme le résultat du test de Fagerström) ont été inclus dans une analyse multivariée par régression logistique. Résultats Parmi les 94 participants, 51 déclaraient avoir rechuté et 43 être abstinents. En analyse multivariée, un travail dans une entreprise de taille moyenne (10-50 salariés) par rapport au travail dans une entreprise de plus de 50 salariés (OR=4,55 ; IC : 1,35-15,39), un travail à temps plein (OR=9,17 ; IC : 1,56-53,86), un travail de nuit (OR=5,84 ; IC : 1,22-27,98) ont été démontrés comme des facteurs de risque indépendants de rechute à 6 mois dans la population étudiée. Conclusion Ces résultats suggèrent que l'échec d'un sevrage tabagique peut être influencé par des facteurs liés au travail. Summary Aim To assess the occupational determinants of smoking relapse in a population of patients followed up by a smoking cessation consultation, who had stopped smoking. Methods A total of 155 patients, holding a stable job at the time of cessation, were contacted by telephone 6months after smoking cessation. They were asked if they had relapsed during the last 6months and social and occupational data were collected. For the patients who had relapsed, questions were asked about the period which preceded the relapse. The group of abstinents 6months after cessation and the one of patients who had relapsed were compared. Personal and occupational factors for which there was a significant difference between both groups as well as factors used in common analytic models in the literature (such as results of the Fagerström test) were included using a logistic regression model. Results Among the 94 included patients, 51 had relapsed and 43 were abstinent. After logistic regression analysis, working in a medium-sized company (OR=4.55; CI: 1.35-15.39), full-time job (OR=9.17; IC: 1.56-53.86) and night shift (OR=5.84; IC: 1.22-27.95) were risk factors for smoking relapse in a studied population. Conclusion These results support the view that some occupational factors can play a role in the failure of smoking cessation.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Déterminer les facteurs liés au travail, associés à une rechute tabagique parmi une cohorte de patients, suivis par une consultation hospitalière anti-tabac et qui avaient arrêté de fumer. Méthode Au total, 155 patients, occupant un emploi stable au moment du sevrage, ont été contactés par téléphone 6 mois après l'arrêt du tabac. Il leur a été demandé s'ils ont rechuté au cours des 6 derniers mois et des données socioprofessionnelles ont été recueillies. Pour les patients qui avaient rechuté, les questions ont été posées pour la période qui précédait la rechute. Le groupe d'abstinents à 6 mois du jour de l'arrêt et le groupe de personnes qui avaient rechuté ont été comparés. Les facteurs personnels et professionnels significativement liés à la rechute et certains facteurs d'importance (comme le résultat du test de Fagerström) ont été inclus dans une analyse multivariée par régression logistique. Résultats Parmi les 94 participants, 51 déclaraient avoir rechuté et 43 être abstinents. En analyse multivariée, un travail dans une entreprise de taille moyenne (10-50 salariés) par rapport au travail dans une entreprise de plus de 50 salariés (OR=4,55 ; IC : 1,35-15,39), un travail à temps plein (OR=9,17 ; IC : 1,56-53,86), un travail de nuit (OR=5,84 ; IC : 1,22-27,98) ont été démontrés comme des facteurs de risque indépendants de rechute à 6 mois dans la population étudiée. Conclusion Ces résultats suggèrent que l'échec d'un sevrage tabagique peut être influencé par des facteurs liés au travail. Summary Aim To assess the occupational determinants of smoking relapse in a population of patients followed up by a smoking cessation consultation, who had stopped smoking. Methods A total of 155 patients, holding a stable job at the time of cessation, were contacted by telephone 6months after smoking cessation. They were asked if they had relapsed during the last 6months and social and occupational data were collected. For the patients who had relapsed, questions were asked about the period which preceded the relapse. The group of abstinents 6months after cessation and the one of patients who had relapsed were compared. Personal and occupational factors for which there was a significant difference between both groups as well as factors used in common analytic models in the literature (such as results of the Fagerström test) were included using a logistic regression model. Results Among the 94 included patients, 51 had relapsed and 43 were abstinent. After logistic regression analysis, working in a medium-sized company (OR=4.55; CI: 1.35-15.39), full-time job (OR=9.17; IC: 1.56-53.86) and night shift (OR=5.84; IC: 1.22-27.95) were risk factors for smoking relapse in a studied population. Conclusion These results support the view that some occupational factors can play a role in the failure of smoking cessation.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Camille Combarnous, Barbara Charbotel, Adrien Didelot, Alain Bergeret, Pierre-Marie Gonnaud
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01524898
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Camille Combarnous, Barbara Charbotel, Adrien Didelot, Alain Bergeret, Pierre-Marie Gonnaud. Facteurs d'insertion professionnelle des personnes souffrant d'épilepsie : revue de la littérature. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2016, 77 (1), pp.33-43. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2015.10.007⟩. ⟨hal-01524898⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2015.10.007
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans un monde du travail compétitif, l'accompagnement dans l'emploi des personnes souffrant d'épilepsie (PSE) doit être de plus en plus performant. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de ce travail était d'identifier à partir des données de la littérature les facteurs d'insertion professionnelle et d'analyser leur retentissement afin de proposer des pistes de stratégie de prise en charge pluriprofessionnelle adaptée. Une recherche sur PubMed et ScienceDirect à partir des mots clés epilepsy, employment, employer, workplace ou work status a été réalisée en ciblant les données récentes publiées entre 2000 et 2014 et s'intéressant à des adultes vivant en Amérique du Nord, en Europe ou en Australie. Les facteurs recueillis ont été classés en trois thématiques. La première s'intéresse au ressenti des PSE, leur estime d'elles-mêmes, leur perception du regard des autres et leurs éventuelles croyances ou craintes vis-à-vis du travail. Ces sentiments font écho à la perception de l'épilepsie par l'entourage du malade, que nous développerons dans notre deuxième partie, réÎlant les préjugés persistants du grand public et la stigmatisation dans le monde du travail. Les crises et leur traitement sont abordés dans une dernière partie, notamment leur caractère imprévisible qui impressionne et dérange, ainsi que les contraintes et effets secondaires des médicaments. Les multiples facteurs d'insertion professionnelle peuvent être représentés comme un cercle inextricable impliquant les trois thématiques touchant le malade, son entourage et sa maladie ; chacune appelle à un type de prise en charge spécifique. L'identification des facteurs à l'origine des difficultés de la PSE devrait permettre une articulation optimale des compétences des différents partenaires afin de faciliter son intégration professionnelle.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans un monde du travail compétitif, l'accompagnement dans l'emploi des personnes souffrant d'épilepsie (PSE) doit être de plus en plus performant. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de ce travail était d'identifier à partir des données de la littérature les facteurs d'insertion professionnelle et d'analyser leur retentissement afin de proposer des pistes de stratégie de prise en charge pluriprofessionnelle adaptée. Une recherche sur PubMed et ScienceDirect à partir des mots clés epilepsy, employment, employer, workplace ou work status a été réalisée en ciblant les données récentes publiées entre 2000 et 2014 et s'intéressant à des adultes vivant en Amérique du Nord, en Europe ou en Australie. Les facteurs recueillis ont été classés en trois thématiques. La première s'intéresse au ressenti des PSE, leur estime d'elles-mêmes, leur perception du regard des autres et leurs éventuelles croyances ou craintes vis-à-vis du travail. Ces sentiments font écho à la perception de l'épilepsie par l'entourage du malade, que nous développerons dans notre deuxième partie, réÎlant les préjugés persistants du grand public et la stigmatisation dans le monde du travail. Les crises et leur traitement sont abordés dans une dernière partie, notamment leur caractère imprévisible qui impressionne et dérange, ainsi que les contraintes et effets secondaires des médicaments. Les multiples facteurs d'insertion professionnelle peuvent être représentés comme un cercle inextricable impliquant les trois thématiques touchant le malade, son entourage et sa maladie ; chacune appelle à un type de prise en charge spécifique. L'identification des facteurs à l'origine des difficultés de la PSE devrait permettre une articulation optimale des compétences des différents partenaires afin de faciliter son intégration professionnelle.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Michèle Koleck, Amandine Coquillat, Pierrette Charnay, Bouchara Bejaoui, Jean-Michel Mazaux, Jean-Marc Destaillats, Christian Belio, Vivian Viallon, Jean-Michel Grandguillotte
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01353374
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Michèle Koleck, Amandine Coquillat, Pierrette Charnay, Bouchara Bejaoui, et al.. Facteurs associés à la qualité de vie et au sentiment de fardeau des aidants de traumatisés graves de la route. 1ères assises internationales de recherche sur l'Aidance, Jul 2016, BORDEAUX, France. 18 p. ⟨hal-01353374⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Justification : la qualité de vie des aidants de personnes ayant eu un grave accident de la route est peu étudiée [1]. Les victimes d'accident de la route sont enregistrées depuis 1995 dans le Rhône. Une étude de suivi de ces victimes (ESPARR)[2] montre que les aidants familiaux 3 ans après l'accident ont une qualité de vie dégradée. Méthodologie : 959 victimes enregistrées de 2002 à 2012, ayant souffert de lésions graves (MAISe4) ont été contactées par courrier. 137 ont accepté de participer à un entretien et 100 proches ont participé après accord de la victime. Le questionnaire de l'aidant comportait le WHOQOL, la MPAI4, le FRI, le Bref Cope, la CES-D-10, le CRA ainsi que diverses questions sociodémographiques, et des données sur les lésions initiales. Résultats : les proches aidants d'âge moyen égal à 56,6 ans (SD=14,7) sont majoritairement des femmes (81%). Ce sont essentiellement des conjoints (58%) ou des parents (29%) qui accompagnent surtout des traumatisés crâniens graves (48%). 36% présentent une symptomatologie dépressive. 25% déclarent un sentiment de fardeau, notamment en lien avec le manque de temps ; malgré tout ils présentent une bonne estime de soi liée au fait de s'occuper de leur proche. Les hommes ont une qualité de vie psychique plus dégradée que les femmes. Les régressions montrent que les facteurs les plus souvent associés à une meilleure qualité de vie sont le niveau d'étude, la cohésion familiale, l'expression familiale, les capacités physiques et d'adaptation, et la participation sociale de la victime. Les facteurs associés à une moins bonne qualité de vie sont l'âge, la dépression de l'aidant, les conflits familiaux et les problèmes comportementaux séÏres de la victime. Le temps ne joue pas de rôle particulier. Discussion : Nos résultats montrent que la qualité de vie des aidants est associée à la fois à des facteurs individuels, familiaux et aux séquelles de l'accident. Ils soulignent le rôle de la cohésion familiale et de la participation sociale des victimes. Les résultats seront discutés en tenant compte de la représentativité des participants.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Justification : la qualité de vie des aidants de personnes ayant eu un grave accident de la route est peu étudiée [1]. Les victimes d'accident de la route sont enregistrées depuis 1995 dans le Rhône. Une étude de suivi de ces victimes (ESPARR)[2] montre que les aidants familiaux 3 ans après l'accident ont une qualité de vie dégradée. Méthodologie : 959 victimes enregistrées de 2002 à 2012, ayant souffert de lésions graves (MAISe4) ont été contactées par courrier. 137 ont accepté de participer à un entretien et 100 proches ont participé après accord de la victime. Le questionnaire de l'aidant comportait le WHOQOL, la MPAI4, le FRI, le Bref Cope, la CES-D-10, le CRA ainsi que diverses questions sociodémographiques, et des données sur les lésions initiales. Résultats : les proches aidants d'âge moyen égal à 56,6 ans (SD=14,7) sont majoritairement des femmes (81%). Ce sont essentiellement des conjoints (58%) ou des parents (29%) qui accompagnent surtout des traumatisés crâniens graves (48%). 36% présentent une symptomatologie dépressive. 25% déclarent un sentiment de fardeau, notamment en lien avec le manque de temps ; malgré tout ils présentent une bonne estime de soi liée au fait de s'occuper de leur proche. Les hommes ont une qualité de vie psychique plus dégradée que les femmes. Les régressions montrent que les facteurs les plus souvent associés à une meilleure qualité de vie sont le niveau d'étude, la cohésion familiale, l'expression familiale, les capacités physiques et d'adaptation, et la participation sociale de la victime. Les facteurs associés à une moins bonne qualité de vie sont l'âge, la dépression de l'aidant, les conflits familiaux et les problèmes comportementaux séÏres de la victime. Le temps ne joue pas de rôle particulier. Discussion : Nos résultats montrent que la qualité de vie des aidants est associée à la fois à des facteurs individuels, familiaux et aux séquelles de l'accident. Ils soulignent le rôle de la cohésion familiale et de la participation sociale des victimes. Les résultats seront discutés en tenant compte de la représentativité des participants.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Joséphine Lemaitre, Paul Vercherin, Frédéric Dutheil, Anne Maitre, Vincent Bonneterre, Alain Bergeret, Barbara Charbotel, Luc Fontana
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02062806
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Joséphine Lemaitre, Paul Vercherin, Frédéric Dutheil, Anne Maitre, et al.. Facteurs associés aux plaintes rachidiennes des étudiants hospitaliers en médecine. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2018, 79 (3), pp.354-355. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.311⟩. ⟨hal-02062806⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.311
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Sabrina Rouat, Laure Guittard, Guillaume Broc, Julien Carretier, Julien Peron, Philippe Sarnin, Béatrice Fervers, Laurent Letrilliart, Léa Lancelot, Selma Baka, Marion Lamort Bouche
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03773235
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Sabrina Rouat, Laure Guittard, Guillaume Broc, Julien Carretier, et al.. Faciliter et soutenir le retour au travail après un cancer du sein : partenariat chercheurs-acteurs dans un processus de modélisation d'une intervention. Global Health Promotion, 2021, 28, pp.15-23. ⟨10.1177/1757975921993358⟩. ⟨hal-03773235⟩
DOI : 10.1177/1757975921993358
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction :La reprise du travail après un cancer favorise le rétablissement de la participation sociale mais se heurte à différents obstacles. Le projet FASTRACS vise à développer, implanter et évaluer une intervention pour faciliter le maintien en emploi après un cancer du sein. Le développement de l?intervention repose sur le protocole de l?Intervention Mapping. L?objectif de cet article est de décrire les contributions du partenariat chercheurs-acteurs dans le processus de modélisation de l?intervention durant les étapes du protocole de l?Intervention Mapping.Méthodes :Le processus de développement de l?intervention est reconstitué de façon chronologique en décrivant les méthodes mobilisées et les résultats obtenus à chaque étape du protocole grâce au partenariat chercheurs-acteurs.Résultats :Les membres du Comité stratégique (COS) ont été choisis par échantillonnage théorique parmi quatre catégories d?acteurs concernées. Une charte a été coécrite pour structurer durablement le partenariat. Les membres du COS ont contribué à l?échantillonnage des participants à l?enquête qualitative d?évaluation des besoins et à l?interprétation des résultats. Les objectifs de l?intervention ont été hiérarchisés selon leur importance et leur faisabilité perçues. Les chercheurs et membres du COS ont évalué les outils de l?intervention et débattu sur le modèle logique de l?intervention. Les professionnels de santé participant au COS ont facilité l?adhésion des équipes d?oncologie participant à l?intervention.Discussion :La construction du partenariat a permis de modifier les représentations des chercheurs. L?établissement de relations de confiance a nécessité du temps et de partager ses limites. Il a été difficile d?intégrer des patientes socialement défavorisées. Le recours accru à des patientes-expertes devrait être encouragé.Conclusion :La construction d?un partenariat de recherche collaborative entre chercheurs et acteurs nécessite du temps, des méthodes, et des financements dédiés. Cet investissement est de nature à améliorer la pertinence, l?acceptabilité, la légitimité et la pérennité des interventions développées.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction :La reprise du travail après un cancer favorise le rétablissement de la participation sociale mais se heurte à différents obstacles. Le projet FASTRACS vise à développer, implanter et évaluer une intervention pour faciliter le maintien en emploi après un cancer du sein. Le développement de l?intervention repose sur le protocole de l?Intervention Mapping. L?objectif de cet article est de décrire les contributions du partenariat chercheurs-acteurs dans le processus de modélisation de l?intervention durant les étapes du protocole de l?Intervention Mapping.Méthodes :Le processus de développement de l?intervention est reconstitué de façon chronologique en décrivant les méthodes mobilisées et les résultats obtenus à chaque étape du protocole grâce au partenariat chercheurs-acteurs.Résultats :Les membres du Comité stratégique (COS) ont été choisis par échantillonnage théorique parmi quatre catégories d?acteurs concernées. Une charte a été coécrite pour structurer durablement le partenariat. Les membres du COS ont contribué à l?échantillonnage des participants à l?enquête qualitative d?évaluation des besoins et à l?interprétation des résultats. Les objectifs de l?intervention ont été hiérarchisés selon leur importance et leur faisabilité perçues. Les chercheurs et membres du COS ont évalué les outils de l?intervention et débattu sur le modèle logique de l?intervention. Les professionnels de santé participant au COS ont facilité l?adhésion des équipes d?oncologie participant à l?intervention.Discussion :La construction du partenariat a permis de modifier les représentations des chercheurs. L?établissement de relations de confiance a nécessité du temps et de partager ses limites. Il a été difficile d?intégrer des patientes socialement défavorisées. Le recours accru à des patientes-expertes devrait être encouragé.Conclusion :La construction d?un partenariat de recherche collaborative entre chercheurs et acteurs nécessite du temps, des méthodes, et des financements dédiés. Cet investissement est de nature à améliorer la pertinence, l?acceptabilité, la légitimité et la pérennité des interventions développées.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mouloud Haddak
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01823578
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mouloud Haddak. Exposure-based Road Traffic Fatality Rates by Mode of Travel in France. Transport Research Arena Conference 2016 (TRA 2016), Apr 2016, VARSOVIE, Poland. pp. 2025-2034, ⟨10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.170⟩. ⟨hal-01823578⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.170
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Travel practices are changing: bicycle and motorized two-wheeler (MTW) use are rising in some of France's large cities. These are cheaper modes of transport and therefore attractive at a time of economic crisis, but they also allow their users to avoid traffic congestion. At the same time, active transport modes such as walking and cycling are encouraged because they are beneficial to health and reduce pollution. It is therefore important to find out more about the road crash risks of the different modes of transport. To do this, we need to take account of the number of individuals who use each, and, even better, their travel levels.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Travel practices are changing: bicycle and motorized two-wheeler (MTW) use are rising in some of France's large cities. These are cheaper modes of transport and therefore attractive at a time of economic crisis, but they also allow their users to avoid traffic congestion. At the same time, active transport modes such as walking and cycling are encouraged because they are beneficial to health and reduce pollution. It is therefore important to find out more about the road crash risks of the different modes of transport. To do this, we need to take account of the number of individuals who use each, and, even better, their travel levels.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Isabelle Deltour, Brigitte Schlehofer, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Klaus Schlaefer, Bruce Armstrong, Graham G. Giles, Jack Siemiatycki, Marie-Elise Parent, Daniel Krewski, Mary Mcbride, Christoffer Johansen, Anssi Auvinen, Tiina Salminen, Martine Hours, Lucile Montestrucq, Maria Blettner, Gabriele Berg-Beckhoff, Siegal Sadetzki, Angela Chetrit, Susanna Lagorio, Ivano Lavarone, Naohito Yamaguchi, Toru Takebayashi, Alistair Woodward, Angus Cook, Tore Tynes, Lars Klaeboe, Maria Feychting Maria Feychting, Stefan Lonn, Sarah Fleming, Anthony J. Swerdlow, Minouk J. Schoemaker, Monika Moissonnier, Ausrele Kesminiene, Elisabeth Cardis, Joachim Schuz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01975378
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Isabelle Deltour, Brigitte Schlehofer, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Klaus Schlaefer, Bruce Armstrong, et al.. Exposure to loud noise and risk of vestibular schwannoma: results from the INTERPHONE international case?control study. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2018, 12 p. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.3781⟩. ⟨hal-01975378⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.3781
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective Studies of loud noise exposure and vestibular schwannomas (VS) have shown conflicting results. The population-based INTERPHONE casecontrol study was conducted in 13 countries during 2000-2004. In this paper, we report the results of analyses on the association between VS and self-reported loud noise exposure. Methods Self-reported noise exposure was analyzed in 1024 VS cases and 1984 matched controls. Life-long noise exposure was estimated through detailed questions. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using adjusted conditional logistic regression for matched sets. Results The OR for total work and leisure noise exposure was 1.6 (95% CI 1.4-1.9). OR were 1.5 (95% CI 1.3-1.9) for only occupational noise, 1.9 (95% CI 1.4-2.6) for only leisure noise and 1.7 (95% CI 1.2-2.2) for exposure in both contexts. OR increased slightly with increasing lag-time. For occupational exposures, duration, time since exposure start and a metric combining lifetime duration and weekly exposure showed significant trends of increasing risk with increasing exposure. OR did not differ markedly by source or other characteristics of noise. Conclusion The consistent associations seen are likely to reflect either recall bias or a causal association, or potentially indicate a mixture of both.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective Studies of loud noise exposure and vestibular schwannomas (VS) have shown conflicting results. The population-based INTERPHONE casecontrol study was conducted in 13 countries during 2000-2004. In this paper, we report the results of analyses on the association between VS and self-reported loud noise exposure. Methods Self-reported noise exposure was analyzed in 1024 VS cases and 1984 matched controls. Life-long noise exposure was estimated through detailed questions. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using adjusted conditional logistic regression for matched sets. Results The OR for total work and leisure noise exposure was 1.6 (95% CI 1.4-1.9). OR were 1.5 (95% CI 1.3-1.9) for only occupational noise, 1.9 (95% CI 1.4-2.6) for only leisure noise and 1.7 (95% CI 1.2-2.2) for exposure in both contexts. OR increased slightly with increasing lag-time. For occupational exposures, duration, time since exposure start and a metric combining lifetime duration and weekly exposure showed significant trends of increasing risk with increasing exposure. OR did not differ markedly by source or other characteristics of noise. Conclusion The consistent associations seen are likely to reflect either recall bias or a causal association, or potentially indicate a mixture of both.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie-Agnès Denis, Charlotte Pete-Bonneton, Benjamin Riche, Robert Cadot, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Jean Iwaz, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03772208
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie-Agnès Denis, Charlotte Pete-Bonneton, Benjamin Riche, Robert Cadot, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, et al.. Exposure of paediatric healthcare personnel to nitrous oxide in paediatric care units. Industrial Health, 2021, 60 (3), pp.276-283. ⟨10.2486/indhealth.2021-0067⟩. ⟨hal-03772208⟩
DOI : 10.2486/indhealth.2021-0067
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Nitrous oxide (N2O) was found responsible for genetic and reproductive toxicities, whereas it is widely used in paediatric care units where most healthcare providers are women of childbearing age. This motivated investigating occupational overexposure and overexposure factors in several paediatric hospital units. A cross-sectional study was carried out in seven healthcare units. On each of 34 healthcare providers, air samples were extracted (portable pumps and Tedlar® bags) and N2O quantified (gas chromatography, pulsed discharge ionization detection, and infrared spectrometry). The data allowed calculating mean instantaneous exposures. The mean instantaneous exposure was: i) four times higher in closed vs. open treatment rooms; ii) two times higher in case of use vs. non-use of N2O; iii) significantly higher in junior vs. senior healthcare providers (by 12%); and, iv) higher during presumably short vs. presumably long procedures (by 20%). Overexposures to N2O were mainly seen in the emergency unit and in day hospitals for thoracic/abdominal diseases and nephrology. Overexposures were frequent during short-duration procedures; among 88 N2O measurements, 77 (87.5%) exceeded the 200 ppm threshold over 15 minutes. The overexposures call for dedicated treatment rooms (with adequate equipment and ventilation), more efficient anaesthetic practices, appropriate training, and regular checks.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Nitrous oxide (N2O) was found responsible for genetic and reproductive toxicities, whereas it is widely used in paediatric care units where most healthcare providers are women of childbearing age. This motivated investigating occupational overexposure and overexposure factors in several paediatric hospital units. A cross-sectional study was carried out in seven healthcare units. On each of 34 healthcare providers, air samples were extracted (portable pumps and Tedlar® bags) and N2O quantified (gas chromatography, pulsed discharge ionization detection, and infrared spectrometry). The data allowed calculating mean instantaneous exposures. The mean instantaneous exposure was: i) four times higher in closed vs. open treatment rooms; ii) two times higher in case of use vs. non-use of N2O; iii) significantly higher in junior vs. senior healthcare providers (by 12%); and, iv) higher during presumably short vs. presumably long procedures (by 20%). Overexposures to N2O were mainly seen in the emergency unit and in day hospitals for thoracic/abdominal diseases and nephrology. Overexposures were frequent during short-duration procedures; among 88 N2O measurements, 77 (87.5%) exceeded the 200 ppm threshold over 15 minutes. The overexposures call for dedicated treatment rooms (with adequate equipment and ventilation), more efficient anaesthetic practices, appropriate training, and regular checks.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Dominique Chouanière, Christine Cohidon, Claire Edey Gamassou, France Kittel, Annie Lafferrerie, Valérie Langevin, Marie-Pierre Moisan, Isabelle Niedhammer, Laurence Weibel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00668132
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Dominique Chouanière, Christine Cohidon, Claire Edey Gamassou, France Kittel, Annie Lafferrerie, et al.. Expositions psychosociales et santé : état des connaissances épidémiologiques. Documents pour le Médecin du Travail, 2011, Expositions psychosociales et santé : état des connaissances épidémiologiques, 127, pp.509-517. ⟨hal-00668132⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le document présenté ici a pour objectif de synthétiser l'ensemble des connaissances épidémiologiques disponibles sur les relations entre contraintes au travail perçues par les opérateurs ou facteurs organisationnels objectivables dans une situation de travail donnée et l'ensemble des problèmes de santé étudiés. Il s'appuie sur les résultats d'une revue de la littérature réalisée dans le cadre d'une expertise collective INSERM* (publiée en 2011) et sur le travail du groupe " Risques Psychosociaux " du RFFST (Réseau Francophone de Formation en Santé au Travail). Sur la base des données disponibles, recensées et analysées par ces deux groupes de travail, un tableau à double entrée a été élaboré avec une entrée pour les contraintes au travail perçues par les opérateurs ou les facteurs organisationnels objectivables et une entrée pour les pathologies étudiées. L'ensemble des concepts utilisés dans les études ont fait l'objet de définitions détaillées. Sur la base du nombre d'études épidémiologiques disponibles et de leur qualité, un degré de certitude a été attribuée aux relations observées. Les résultats sont présentés selon un dégradé de couleur dont la plus grande intensité marque un haut degré de certitude sur la relation entre la contrainte ou le facteur organisationnel et le marqueur de santé. * Stress au travail et santé, situation chez les indépendants. Editions INSERM, Collection Expertise Collective, 2011, 483 p.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le document présenté ici a pour objectif de synthétiser l'ensemble des connaissances épidémiologiques disponibles sur les relations entre contraintes au travail perçues par les opérateurs ou facteurs organisationnels objectivables dans une situation de travail donnée et l'ensemble des problèmes de santé étudiés. Il s'appuie sur les résultats d'une revue de la littérature réalisée dans le cadre d'une expertise collective INSERM* (publiée en 2011) et sur le travail du groupe " Risques Psychosociaux " du RFFST (Réseau Francophone de Formation en Santé au Travail). Sur la base des données disponibles, recensées et analysées par ces deux groupes de travail, un tableau à double entrée a été élaboré avec une entrée pour les contraintes au travail perçues par les opérateurs ou les facteurs organisationnels objectivables et une entrée pour les pathologies étudiées. L'ensemble des concepts utilisés dans les études ont fait l'objet de définitions détaillées. Sur la base du nombre d'études épidémiologiques disponibles et de leur qualité, un degré de certitude a été attribuée aux relations observées. Les résultats sont présentés selon un dégradé de couleur dont la plus grande intensité marque un haut degré de certitude sur la relation entre la contrainte ou le facteur organisationnel et le marqueur de santé. * Stress au travail et santé, situation chez les indépendants. Editions INSERM, Collection Expertise Collective, 2011, 483 p.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : K. Wei, Emmanuel Fort, L.Aetitia Rollin, A. Leroyer, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04061136
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : K. Wei, Emmanuel Fort, L.Aetitia Rollin, A. Leroyer, Barbara Charbotel. Expositions professionnelles et santé des conducteurs professionnels, quelles spécificités pour les chauffeurs de bus urbains?. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2022, 83 (5), pp.458-471. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2022.03.001⟩. ⟨hal-04061136⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2022.03.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : RésuméIntroductionLes expositions professionnelles des chauffeurs de bus urbain et leurs conséquences sur la santé restent mal caractérisées et l'imputabilité de certaines pathologies est parfois plus difficile à établir que pour d'autres catégories de conducteurs de véhicules lourds. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire les expositions professionnelles et d'état de santé des chauffeurs de bus urbains en les comparant à d'autres catégories de conducteurs de véhicules lourds.MéthodesUne étude épidémiologique descriptive à partir des données des enquêtes Evrest (n=2494), Sumer 2010 (n=566) et Sumer 2017 (n=387) a permis de comparer les expositions professionnelles et la santé de différentes catégories de conducteurs de véhicules lourds (bus urbain, bus interurbain, fret interurbain et frets urbain).RésultatsUne prévalence supérieure d'atteintes du rachis cervical ainsi que de troubles d'ordre psychologique est mise en évidence chez les chauffeurs de bus urbains comparativement aux trois autres métiers de la conduite étudiés. Aucune différence n'est retrouvée en termes de prévalence des lombalgies avec les chauffeurs poids lourds qui peuvent bénéficier d'une reconnaissance en maladie professionnelle des radiculalgies sur hernies discales lombaires. Le métier de chauffeur de bus urbains offre une faible latitude décisionnelle ainsi qu'une pression psychologique importante en lien avec les impératifs horaires et le contact avec le public. Ces constatations pourraient expliquer les atteintes à l'état de santé des chauffeurs de bus urbains retrouvées dans cette étude.DiscussionIl est nécessaire d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les expositions professionnelles des chauffeurs de bus urbains par la réalisation d'études ciblées afin d'identifier les facteurs de risque d'altération de la santé et d'améliorer la prévention.SummaryIntroductionThe occupational exposure of urban bus drivers and their consequences on health remain poorly studied and the imputability of occupational pathologies is sometimes more difficult to establish than for other categories of heavy vehicle drivers. The aim of this study was to describe the occupational exposure and health status of urban bus drivers by comparing them to other categories of heavy vehicle drivers.MethodsA descriptive epidemiological study using data from the EVREST (n=2494), Sumer 2010 (n=566) and Sumer 2017 (n=387) surveys compared the occupational exposure and health of different categories of heavy vehicle drivers (urban bus, intercity bus, intercity freight and urban freight).ResultsA higher prevalence of cervical spine disorders and psychological disorders was found among urban bus drivers compared to the other three driving occupations studied. No difference was found in terms of prevalence of low back pain with truck drivers, who can benefit from compensation of lumbar radiculopathy due to disc herniation as an occupational disease. Urban bus driver activity offers low decisional latitude combined with significant psychological demand due to the time constraints and contact with the public. These findings could explain the prevalence of health impairment among urban bus drivers identified in this study.DiscussionThere is a need to improve knowledge of the occupational exposure of urban bus drivers through specific studies to identify risk factors for health impairment and to improve prevention.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : RésuméIntroductionLes expositions professionnelles des chauffeurs de bus urbain et leurs conséquences sur la santé restent mal caractérisées et l'imputabilité de certaines pathologies est parfois plus difficile à établir que pour d'autres catégories de conducteurs de véhicules lourds. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire les expositions professionnelles et d'état de santé des chauffeurs de bus urbains en les comparant à d'autres catégories de conducteurs de véhicules lourds.MéthodesUne étude épidémiologique descriptive à partir des données des enquêtes Evrest (n=2494), Sumer 2010 (n=566) et Sumer 2017 (n=387) a permis de comparer les expositions professionnelles et la santé de différentes catégories de conducteurs de véhicules lourds (bus urbain, bus interurbain, fret interurbain et frets urbain).RésultatsUne prévalence supérieure d'atteintes du rachis cervical ainsi que de troubles d'ordre psychologique est mise en évidence chez les chauffeurs de bus urbains comparativement aux trois autres métiers de la conduite étudiés. Aucune différence n'est retrouvée en termes de prévalence des lombalgies avec les chauffeurs poids lourds qui peuvent bénéficier d'une reconnaissance en maladie professionnelle des radiculalgies sur hernies discales lombaires. Le métier de chauffeur de bus urbains offre une faible latitude décisionnelle ainsi qu'une pression psychologique importante en lien avec les impératifs horaires et le contact avec le public. Ces constatations pourraient expliquer les atteintes à l'état de santé des chauffeurs de bus urbains retrouvées dans cette étude.DiscussionIl est nécessaire d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les expositions professionnelles des chauffeurs de bus urbains par la réalisation d'études ciblées afin d'identifier les facteurs de risque d'altération de la santé et d'améliorer la prévention.SummaryIntroductionThe occupational exposure of urban bus drivers and their consequences on health remain poorly studied and the imputability of occupational pathologies is sometimes more difficult to establish than for other categories of heavy vehicle drivers. The aim of this study was to describe the occupational exposure and health status of urban bus drivers by comparing them to other categories of heavy vehicle drivers.MethodsA descriptive epidemiological study using data from the EVREST (n=2494), Sumer 2010 (n=566) and Sumer 2017 (n=387) surveys compared the occupational exposure and health of different categories of heavy vehicle drivers (urban bus, intercity bus, intercity freight and urban freight).ResultsA higher prevalence of cervical spine disorders and psychological disorders was found among urban bus drivers compared to the other three driving occupations studied. No difference was found in terms of prevalence of low back pain with truck drivers, who can benefit from compensation of lumbar radiculopathy due to disc herniation as an occupational disease. Urban bus driver activity offers low decisional latitude combined with significant psychological demand due to the time constraints and contact with the public. These findings could explain the prevalence of health impairment among urban bus drivers identified in this study.DiscussionThere is a need to improve knowledge of the occupational exposure of urban bus drivers through specific studies to identify risk factors for health impairment and to improve prevention.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Robin Lagarrigue, Marie Houot, Mounia El Yamani, Corinne Pilorget
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160582
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Robin Lagarrigue, Marie Houot, Mounia El Yamani, Corinne Pilorget. Expositions professionnelles aux solvants oxygénés, pétroliers et chlorés des femmes en âge de procréer en France en 2013. Résultats du programme Matgéné. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire - BEH, 2019, 7, pp. 137-143. ⟨hal-02160582⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cette étude s'intéresse à l'exposition professionnelle aux solvants oxygénés, pétroliers et chlorés dans une population vulnérable de travailleurs, les femmes en âge de procréer définies par la classe d'âge 15-44 ans. Cette exposition est déclinée selon l'âge, la catégorie socioprofessionnelle et le statut des travailleuses (salariées ou non-salariées). Les expositions ont été évaluées par les matrices emplois-expositions du programme Matgéné. Les données de population issues du recensement de 2013 ont été croisées avec les matrices pour estimer les prévalences d'exposition ainsi que la part des femmes exposées à ces solvants. Les solvants les plus fréquemment utilisés en milieu professionnel en 2013 par les femmes en âge de procréer sont les solvants oxygénés (15,0% de ces travailleuses), devant les solvants pétroliers (1,0%) et les solvants chlorés (0,1%). Les plus jeunes (15-29 ans) sont plus exposées que leurs aînées aux solvants oxygénés. À l'inverse, les plus âgées (35-44 ans) sont plus exposées aux solvants pétroliers et chlorés. Les non-salariées sont plus exposées aux trois familles de solvants que les salariées. Cette étude est la première à présenter l'exposition professionnelle à trois grandes familles de solvants pour l'ensemble des travailleuses en âge de procréer en France, quels que soient leur statut et leur activité professionnelle. Une analyse plus fine de ces prévalences, notamment par secteur d'activité, permettrait d'orienter et cibler au mieux les actions de prévention à mettre en place pour les femmes en âge de procréer en activité professionnelle.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cette étude s'intéresse à l'exposition professionnelle aux solvants oxygénés, pétroliers et chlorés dans une population vulnérable de travailleurs, les femmes en âge de procréer définies par la classe d'âge 15-44 ans. Cette exposition est déclinée selon l'âge, la catégorie socioprofessionnelle et le statut des travailleuses (salariées ou non-salariées). Les expositions ont été évaluées par les matrices emplois-expositions du programme Matgéné. Les données de population issues du recensement de 2013 ont été croisées avec les matrices pour estimer les prévalences d'exposition ainsi que la part des femmes exposées à ces solvants. Les solvants les plus fréquemment utilisés en milieu professionnel en 2013 par les femmes en âge de procréer sont les solvants oxygénés (15,0% de ces travailleuses), devant les solvants pétroliers (1,0%) et les solvants chlorés (0,1%). Les plus jeunes (15-29 ans) sont plus exposées que leurs aînées aux solvants oxygénés. À l'inverse, les plus âgées (35-44 ans) sont plus exposées aux solvants pétroliers et chlorés. Les non-salariées sont plus exposées aux trois familles de solvants que les salariées. Cette étude est la première à présenter l'exposition professionnelle à trois grandes familles de solvants pour l'ensemble des travailleuses en âge de procréer en France, quels que soient leur statut et leur activité professionnelle. Une analyse plus fine de ces prévalences, notamment par secteur d'activité, permettrait d'orienter et cibler au mieux les actions de prévention à mettre en place pour les femmes en âge de procréer en activité professionnelle.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Loïc Garras, Laurène Delabre, Marie Houot, Corinne Pilorget
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02266070
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Loïc Garras, Laurène Delabre, Marie Houot, Corinne Pilorget. Exposition professionnelle au formaldéhyde en France en 2013. 35e congrès national de médecine et santé au travail, Jun 2018, PARIS, France. p. 396, ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.418⟩. ⟨hal-02266070⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.418
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le formaldéhyde est utilisé dans de nombreux secteurs pour ses différentes propriétés depuis de nombreuses années. Il a été classé « cancérogène avéré pour l'homme » par le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer en 2004 et « cancérogène supposé pour l'être humain » par l'Union européenne en 2014. L'objectif de ce travail est de décrire l'exposition professionnelle au formaldéhyde en France en 2013 et d'identifier les secteurs et professions les plus exposants. Méthodes Dans le cadre du programme Matgéné, une matrice emplois-expositions (MEE) au formaldéhyde a été conçue par expertise. Cette MEE attribue pour chacun des emplois exposés (profession dans un secteur d'activité) entre 1950 et 2017 des indices d'exposition (probabilité, intensité, fréquence). Le croisement de cette MEE avec les données du recensement de la population de 2013 a permis d'estimer la prévalence d'exposition professionnelle au formaldéhyde en France selon la profession et le secteur d'activité. Résultats En 2013, 290000 travailleurs étaient exposés professionnellement au formaldéhyde en France, soit 1,3 % de la population au travail. Les secteurs d'activité dont la prévalence est la plus élevée sont les secteurs de l'habillement (18,4 % d'exposés), la fabrication de textile (18,2 %) et l'industrie du cuir et de la chaussure (12,8 %). Par ailleurs, les secteurs présentant le plus grand nombre d'exposés sont les activités pour la santé humaine (environ 81 000 exposés), la fabrication de produits métalliques (29 000) et les autres services personnels comprenant les services funéraires et les manucures (28 700). Les ouvriers qualifiés de type artisanal et les artisans du textile, de l'habillement, et du cuir et les ouvriers qualifiés de type industriel du travail des métaux ont les prévalences d'exposition les plus élevées (respectivement 35 %, 35 % et 30 %). Les professions avec le plus grand nombre de travailleurs exposés sont les ouvriers qualifiés de type industriel du travail des métaux (40 200), les aides-soignants et professions assimilées (32 900) et les techniciens médicaux (24 000). Conclusions Ces résultats sont les seuls à ce jour qui documentent l'exposition au formaldéhyde en France pour l'ensemble des travailleurs quel que soit leur statut (salariés ou indépendants). Ils permettent d'identifier les professions et les secteurs d'activité contribuant le plus à l'exposition au formaldéhyde (prévalences les plus élevées) mais également les professions et secteur dans lesquels le nombre de personnes exposées est le plus important. Ces informations sont utiles pour la surveillance de ce risque professionnel et la priorisation des actions de prévention à mettre en place.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le formaldéhyde est utilisé dans de nombreux secteurs pour ses différentes propriétés depuis de nombreuses années. Il a été classé « cancérogène avéré pour l'homme » par le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer en 2004 et « cancérogène supposé pour l'être humain » par l'Union européenne en 2014. L'objectif de ce travail est de décrire l'exposition professionnelle au formaldéhyde en France en 2013 et d'identifier les secteurs et professions les plus exposants. Méthodes Dans le cadre du programme Matgéné, une matrice emplois-expositions (MEE) au formaldéhyde a été conçue par expertise. Cette MEE attribue pour chacun des emplois exposés (profession dans un secteur d'activité) entre 1950 et 2017 des indices d'exposition (probabilité, intensité, fréquence). Le croisement de cette MEE avec les données du recensement de la population de 2013 a permis d'estimer la prévalence d'exposition professionnelle au formaldéhyde en France selon la profession et le secteur d'activité. Résultats En 2013, 290000 travailleurs étaient exposés professionnellement au formaldéhyde en France, soit 1,3 % de la population au travail. Les secteurs d'activité dont la prévalence est la plus élevée sont les secteurs de l'habillement (18,4 % d'exposés), la fabrication de textile (18,2 %) et l'industrie du cuir et de la chaussure (12,8 %). Par ailleurs, les secteurs présentant le plus grand nombre d'exposés sont les activités pour la santé humaine (environ 81 000 exposés), la fabrication de produits métalliques (29 000) et les autres services personnels comprenant les services funéraires et les manucures (28 700). Les ouvriers qualifiés de type artisanal et les artisans du textile, de l'habillement, et du cuir et les ouvriers qualifiés de type industriel du travail des métaux ont les prévalences d'exposition les plus élevées (respectivement 35 %, 35 % et 30 %). Les professions avec le plus grand nombre de travailleurs exposés sont les ouvriers qualifiés de type industriel du travail des métaux (40 200), les aides-soignants et professions assimilées (32 900) et les techniciens médicaux (24 000). Conclusions Ces résultats sont les seuls à ce jour qui documentent l'exposition au formaldéhyde en France pour l'ensemble des travailleurs quel que soit leur statut (salariés ou indépendants). Ils permettent d'identifier les professions et les secteurs d'activité contribuant le plus à l'exposition au formaldéhyde (prévalences les plus élevées) mais également les professions et secteur dans lesquels le nombre de personnes exposées est le plus important. Ces informations sont utiles pour la surveillance de ce risque professionnel et la priorisation des actions de prévention à mettre en place.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurent Gagnepain, Aurélie Charron, Cécile Ducros, Virginie Dunez, Williams Esteve, Bénédicte Jacquemin, Salah Khardi, Claire Le Galliot, Fabrice Michiels, Christelle Monteil, Clémence Fourneau, Marion Keirsbulck, Matteo Redaelli, Margaux Sanchez
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-04859543
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurent Gagnepain, Aurélie Charron, Cécile Ducros, Virginie Dunez, Williams Esteve, et al.. Exposition des travailleurs à la pollution de l'air à proximité du trafic routier et conséquences sur leur santé. Saisine n°2021-SA-0039, Anses. 2024, 197 p. ⟨anses-04859543⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’évolution des connaissances scientifiques met en évidence une présence significative dans l’air extérieur de certains polluants, qu’il s’agisse de substances chimiques, de biocontaminants, de particules ou de fibres pouvant nuire à l’environnement mais aussi à la santé. Ces polluants peuvent être d’origine naturelle ou liés à l’activité humaine. Les transports, et plus particulièrement le trafic routier, constitue une source majeure de pollution atmosphérique. L’évaluation de l’exposition des travailleurs qui exercent leurs activités professionnelles sur les voies de circulation ou à proximité du trafic routier, constitue un enjeu fort de santé au travail. Cette exposition soulève de nombreuses préoccupations chez ces travailleurs. Elle concerne les employés des secteurs privé et public (par exemple, les agents des Directions Interdépartementales des Routes), quel que soit leur statut, lesquels travaillent régulièrement à proximité du trafic routier : personnels d’exploitation, agents en charge du contrôle des transports routiers, etc. Il est cependant difficile d’objectiver les niveaux d’exposition à la pollution issue du trafic routier dans un contexte professionnel donné par rapport à la population générale et d’identifier les polluants et les situations pouvant présenter le plus de risques, appelant ainsi des mesures de prévention particulières. Certains polluants atmosphériques ou leurs combinaisons peuvent être préoccupants au regard de leur impact potentiel sur la santé des personnels travaillant au sein ou à proximité du trafic routier. Le comité d'hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail (CHSCT) ministériel s’est donc saisi de cette problématique, à la demande des représentants du personnel.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’évolution des connaissances scientifiques met en évidence une présence significative dans l’air extérieur de certains polluants, qu’il s’agisse de substances chimiques, de biocontaminants, de particules ou de fibres pouvant nuire à l’environnement mais aussi à la santé. Ces polluants peuvent être d’origine naturelle ou liés à l’activité humaine. Les transports, et plus particulièrement le trafic routier, constitue une source majeure de pollution atmosphérique. L’évaluation de l’exposition des travailleurs qui exercent leurs activités professionnelles sur les voies de circulation ou à proximité du trafic routier, constitue un enjeu fort de santé au travail. Cette exposition soulève de nombreuses préoccupations chez ces travailleurs. Elle concerne les employés des secteurs privé et public (par exemple, les agents des Directions Interdépartementales des Routes), quel que soit leur statut, lesquels travaillent régulièrement à proximité du trafic routier : personnels d’exploitation, agents en charge du contrôle des transports routiers, etc. Il est cependant difficile d’objectiver les niveaux d’exposition à la pollution issue du trafic routier dans un contexte professionnel donné par rapport à la population générale et d’identifier les polluants et les situations pouvant présenter le plus de risques, appelant ainsi des mesures de prévention particulières. Certains polluants atmosphériques ou leurs combinaisons peuvent être préoccupants au regard de leur impact potentiel sur la santé des personnels travaillant au sein ou à proximité du trafic routier. Le comité d'hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail (CHSCT) ministériel s’est donc saisi de cette problématique, à la demande des représentants du personnel.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Johan Spinosi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01701449
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Johan Spinosi. Exposition des travailleurs agricoles aux pesticides : focus sur les effets des perturbateurs endocriniens. Les Rencontres de Santé publique France, May 2017, PARIS, France. 41 p. ⟨hal-01701449⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les expositions environnementales survenant à certaines étapes de la vie, y compris à faibles doses, peuvent avoir des effets biologiques et sanitaires importants. Parmi ces expositions figure l'exposition aux agents chimiques interférant avec le fonctionnement des glandes endocrines, agents appelés «perturbateurs endocriniens », ou PE. Certains pesticides ont des effets avérés ou suspectés de perturbation endocrinienne. Nous avons caractérisé les effets PE des pesticides utilisés en agriculture (84 dénombrés en 2014) et étudié plus précisément leurs usages en viticulture (37 dénombrés en 2014).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les expositions environnementales survenant à certaines étapes de la vie, y compris à faibles doses, peuvent avoir des effets biologiques et sanitaires importants. Parmi ces expositions figure l'exposition aux agents chimiques interférant avec le fonctionnement des glandes endocrines, agents appelés «perturbateurs endocriniens », ou PE. Certains pesticides ont des effets avérés ou suspectés de perturbation endocrinienne. Nous avons caractérisé les effets PE des pesticides utilisés en agriculture (84 dénombrés en 2014) et étudié plus précisément leurs usages en viticulture (37 dénombrés en 2014).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard, David Ecotiere, Patrick Demizieux, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Gwenaël Guillaume
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04061993
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard, David Ecotiere, Patrick Demizieux, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Gwenaël Guillaume. Exposition de la population au bruit émis par les éoliennes en France métropolitaine. Environnement, Risques & Santé, 2022, 21 (5), pp.355-360. ⟨10.1684/ers.2022.1675⟩. ⟨hal-04061993⟩
DOI : 10.1684/ers.2022.1675
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte - Les lignes directrices de l'OMS relatives au bruit environnemental soulignent que les preuves concernant les effets sur la santé du bruit émis par les éoliennes sont soit inexistantes soit de faible qualité. Dans ce contexte, une étude de faisabilité a été conduite en France en 2017. Objectif - L'objectif était de proposer une méthodologie de calcul du bruit éolien pour déterminer le nombre de riverains exposés à différents niveaux de bruit audibles d'éoliennes et estimer ainsi les enjeux en termes de santé publique si des effets sur la santé venaient à être démontrés. Matériel et méthodes - Le choix du modèle de prévision du bruit Harmonoise a été validé en comparant des prévisions issues de ce modèle avec des mesures réalisées au cours d'une campagne sur un parc éolien. Les niveaux d'exposition déterminés à partir de ce modèle ont ensuite été croisés avec le nombre de personnes habitant à proximité des parcs éoliens. Le nombre de personnes exposées pour des conditions de propagation typiques de périodes diurne et nocturne a ainsi été déterminé à l'échelle de la métropole, et de chaque région française. Résultats - Comparativement à d'autres sources de bruit environnemental (les transports notamment), l'exposition au bruit des éoliennes est très modérée, avec plus de 80% de la population exposée qui l'est à des niveaux inférieurs à 40 dBA. Le nombre total de personnes exposées à plus de 30 dBA est d'environ 686 000 personnes pour des conditions de propagation diurne, et 722 000 personnes pour celles nocturnes, soit 1% de la population française métropolitaine en 2017. Conclusion - Ces résultats constituent la première évaluation de l'exposition des populations au bruit produit par les éoliennes en France métropolitaine.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte - Les lignes directrices de l'OMS relatives au bruit environnemental soulignent que les preuves concernant les effets sur la santé du bruit émis par les éoliennes sont soit inexistantes soit de faible qualité. Dans ce contexte, une étude de faisabilité a été conduite en France en 2017. Objectif - L'objectif était de proposer une méthodologie de calcul du bruit éolien pour déterminer le nombre de riverains exposés à différents niveaux de bruit audibles d'éoliennes et estimer ainsi les enjeux en termes de santé publique si des effets sur la santé venaient à être démontrés. Matériel et méthodes - Le choix du modèle de prévision du bruit Harmonoise a été validé en comparant des prévisions issues de ce modèle avec des mesures réalisées au cours d'une campagne sur un parc éolien. Les niveaux d'exposition déterminés à partir de ce modèle ont ensuite été croisés avec le nombre de personnes habitant à proximité des parcs éoliens. Le nombre de personnes exposées pour des conditions de propagation typiques de périodes diurne et nocturne a ainsi été déterminé à l'échelle de la métropole, et de chaque région française. Résultats - Comparativement à d'autres sources de bruit environnemental (les transports notamment), l'exposition au bruit des éoliennes est très modérée, avec plus de 80% de la population exposée qui l'est à des niveaux inférieurs à 40 dBA. Le nombre total de personnes exposées à plus de 30 dBA est d'environ 686 000 personnes pour des conditions de propagation diurne, et 722 000 personnes pour celles nocturnes, soit 1% de la population française métropolitaine en 2017. Conclusion - Ces résultats constituent la première évaluation de l'exposition des populations au bruit produit par les éoliennes en France métropolitaine.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Francois Dore, Martine Hours, Joel Lelong, Thierry Letertre, Frederique Moati, Mustapha Nadi, Fabien Ndagijimana, Anne Pereira de Vasconcelos, Catherine Yardin, Francine Behar-Cohen, Pierre Ducimetiere, Jean-Marc Bertho, Jean-Marc Bertho, Jean-Pierre Cesarini, Frederic Couturier, Aicha El Khatib, Nicolas Feltin, Alexandre Bounouh, Brigitte Debuire, Emmanuel Flahaut, Alain Muzet, Murielle Lafaye, Philippe Lepoutre, Christophe Martinsons, Catherine Mouneyrac, Yves Sicard, Alain Soyez, Esko Toppila, Laurent Beugnet, Thierry Douki, Olivia Roth-Delgado, Johanna Fite, Olivier Merckel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04815651
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Francois Dore, Martine Hours, Joel Lelong, Thierry Letertre, Frederique Moati, et al.. Exposition aux radiofréquences et santé des enfants. Saisine n°2012-SA-0091, Anses. 2016, 274 p. ⟨hal-04815651⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En 2009, dans son rapport d’expertise « Mise à jour de l’expertise relative aux radiofréquences » (Afsset, 2009), l’Agence précisait que la caractérisation de l’exposition des enfants aux radiofréquences et les effets sanitaires éventuels restaient méconnus. En 2013, l’Agence insistait à nouveau sur la nécessité de surveiller les effets éventuels des radiofréquences sur la santé des enfants (Anses, 2013). Il existe de nombreux appareils radioélectriques à destination des enfants. Ceux-ci peuvent être à usage récréatif, tels que les jouets radiocommandés, ou à usage de surveillance, tels que les veille-bébés. Ces appareils doivent être conformes aux directives 1999/5/CE1 (dite « R&TTE ») et 2006/95/CE2 (dite « basse tension ») pour être placés sur le marché européen et ainsi porter obligatoirement un marquage de conformité « CE 3». Les États membres de l’Union européenne ne peuvent à ce jour interdire, restreindre, ou entraver la libre circulation de ces produits dès lors qu’ils sont conformes aux prescriptions réglementaires, à moins de justifier de leur dangerosité. Dans le contexte du Grenelle de l’environnement, une controverse scientifique et sociétale sur le niveau de protection qu’apportent ces directives eu égard à l’exposition des enfants a abouti à l’introduction, par la loi du 10 juillet 2010, de l’article L.5231-4 du code de la santé publique (CSP) stipulant que « la distribution à titre onéreux ou gratuit d'objets contenant un équipement radioélectrique dont l'usage est spécifiquement dédié aux enfants de moins de six ans peut être interdite par arrêté du ministre chargé de la santé, afin de limiter l'exposition excessive des enfants ». La saisine soulève ainsi la question de savoir si les directives « R&TTE » et « basse tension » sont suffisamment protectrices en matière de santé et de sécurité vis-à-vis des enfants de moins de six ans. Dès lors que certains équipements radioélectriques à destination des enfants présenteraient un danger pour eux, une application de l’article L.5231-4 du CSP pourrait alors être justifiée.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En 2009, dans son rapport d’expertise « Mise à jour de l’expertise relative aux radiofréquences » (Afsset, 2009), l’Agence précisait que la caractérisation de l’exposition des enfants aux radiofréquences et les effets sanitaires éventuels restaient méconnus. En 2013, l’Agence insistait à nouveau sur la nécessité de surveiller les effets éventuels des radiofréquences sur la santé des enfants (Anses, 2013). Il existe de nombreux appareils radioélectriques à destination des enfants. Ceux-ci peuvent être à usage récréatif, tels que les jouets radiocommandés, ou à usage de surveillance, tels que les veille-bébés. Ces appareils doivent être conformes aux directives 1999/5/CE1 (dite « R&TTE ») et 2006/95/CE2 (dite « basse tension ») pour être placés sur le marché européen et ainsi porter obligatoirement un marquage de conformité « CE 3». Les États membres de l’Union européenne ne peuvent à ce jour interdire, restreindre, ou entraver la libre circulation de ces produits dès lors qu’ils sont conformes aux prescriptions réglementaires, à moins de justifier de leur dangerosité. Dans le contexte du Grenelle de l’environnement, une controverse scientifique et sociétale sur le niveau de protection qu’apportent ces directives eu égard à l’exposition des enfants a abouti à l’introduction, par la loi du 10 juillet 2010, de l’article L.5231-4 du code de la santé publique (CSP) stipulant que « la distribution à titre onéreux ou gratuit d'objets contenant un équipement radioélectrique dont l'usage est spécifiquement dédié aux enfants de moins de six ans peut être interdite par arrêté du ministre chargé de la santé, afin de limiter l'exposition excessive des enfants ». La saisine soulève ainsi la question de savoir si les directives « R&TTE » et « basse tension » sont suffisamment protectrices en matière de santé et de sécurité vis-à-vis des enfants de moins de six ans. Dès lors que certains équipements radioélectriques à destination des enfants présenteraient un danger pour eux, une application de l’article L.5231-4 du CSP pourrait alors être justifiée.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-01718582
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Barbara Charbotel. Exposition aux fibres d'amiante et cancer de l'ovaire. Les cahiers de la Recherche : Santé, Environnement, Travail, 2014, Cancer et environnement, 5, pp.44-45. ⟨anses-01718582⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En 2009, le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (Circ) a classé l’amiante comme agent cancérogène certain pour l’ovaire. En effet, plusieurs études épidémiologiques, réalisées dans différents pays industrialisés, ont mis en évidence un excès de risque de cancer de l’ovaire chez des femmes qui avaient été exposées à l’amiante personnellement ou par le biais de leur conjoint. Différentes hypothèses ont été émises concernant les professions à risque ou des expositions professionnelles susceptibles d’accroître le risque de cancer de l’ovaire, mais les données disponibles ne sont pas homogènes et ne permettent pas de tirer des conclusions. Aucune donnée française n’étant disponible sur le sujet, l’objectif de l'étude Evamovaire est d’évaluer la fréquence de l’exposition aux fibres d’amiante chez les femmes présentant un cancer de l’ovaire.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En 2009, le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (Circ) a classé l’amiante comme agent cancérogène certain pour l’ovaire. En effet, plusieurs études épidémiologiques, réalisées dans différents pays industrialisés, ont mis en évidence un excès de risque de cancer de l’ovaire chez des femmes qui avaient été exposées à l’amiante personnellement ou par le biais de leur conjoint. Différentes hypothèses ont été émises concernant les professions à risque ou des expositions professionnelles susceptibles d’accroître le risque de cancer de l’ovaire, mais les données disponibles ne sont pas homogènes et ne permettent pas de tirer des conclusions. Aucune donnée française n’étant disponible sur le sujet, l’objectif de l'étude Evamovaire est d’évaluer la fréquence de l’exposition aux fibres d’amiante chez les femmes présentant un cancer de l’ovaire.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A. Massardier-Pilonchery, S. Croidieu, F. Gaudaire, Christophe Martinsons, F. Ndagijimana, E. Nerriere, N. Noé, T. Tho
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04691430
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A. Massardier-Pilonchery, S. Croidieu, F. Gaudaire, Christophe Martinsons, F. Ndagijimana, et al.. Exposition aux champs électromagnétiques au travail. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2017, 78 (4), pp.365-366. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2017.06.024⟩. ⟨hal-04691430⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2017.06.024
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La caractérisation des expositions aux ondes électromagnétiques est indispensable dans le cadre de l’évaluation d’un possible risque et pour assurer le suivi adéquat des populations de travailleurs possiblement exposées. L’objectif de ce projet est de décrire les conditions d’exposition aux champs électromagnétiques pour différents postes de travail en bibliothèques et médiathèques. Méthodes Le protocole permet des mesures discriminant les multiples fréquences aux-quelles les travailleurs sont exposés au cours d’une journée. Sur chacun des sites, 2 types de mesures sont réalisées de manière simultanée : l’une au moyen d’exposimètres portés par les travailleurs eux même tout au long de leur journée de travail, l’autre par sonde fixe en de nombreux points du site. L’exploitation de ces données est faite en parallèle d’un questionnaire Budget Espace-Temps complété par les travailleurs investigués. Résultats Ce travail permet de fournir des éléments descriptifs des niveaux d’exposition des travailleurs et de comparer les sites. Les personnels de médiathèque et bibliothèque présentent des expositions multiples (wifi, téléphonie, portique de sécurité…). Les sources prépondérantes dans l’exposition locale des salariés sont les portiques antivol, les bornes d’identification et de gestion des prêts par technologie RFID (bandes de fréquences autour de 13 MHz). Les niveaux restent relativement faibles et bien en dessous des normes en vigueur. Conclusion Cette étude permet l’évaluation en conditions réelles de travail d’exposition à de multiples sources de champs électromagnétiques. Ce travail aboutira à une méthodologie combinant mesures et simulation numérique spécifiquement dédiée aux études de l’exposition à l’intérieur des bâtiments.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La caractérisation des expositions aux ondes électromagnétiques est indispensable dans le cadre de l’évaluation d’un possible risque et pour assurer le suivi adéquat des populations de travailleurs possiblement exposées. L’objectif de ce projet est de décrire les conditions d’exposition aux champs électromagnétiques pour différents postes de travail en bibliothèques et médiathèques. Méthodes Le protocole permet des mesures discriminant les multiples fréquences aux-quelles les travailleurs sont exposés au cours d’une journée. Sur chacun des sites, 2 types de mesures sont réalisées de manière simultanée : l’une au moyen d’exposimètres portés par les travailleurs eux même tout au long de leur journée de travail, l’autre par sonde fixe en de nombreux points du site. L’exploitation de ces données est faite en parallèle d’un questionnaire Budget Espace-Temps complété par les travailleurs investigués. Résultats Ce travail permet de fournir des éléments descriptifs des niveaux d’exposition des travailleurs et de comparer les sites. Les personnels de médiathèque et bibliothèque présentent des expositions multiples (wifi, téléphonie, portique de sécurité…). Les sources prépondérantes dans l’exposition locale des salariés sont les portiques antivol, les bornes d’identification et de gestion des prêts par technologie RFID (bandes de fréquences autour de 13 MHz). Les niveaux restent relativement faibles et bien en dessous des normes en vigueur. Conclusion Cette étude permet l’évaluation en conditions réelles de travail d’exposition à de multiples sources de champs électromagnétiques. Ce travail aboutira à une méthodologie combinant mesures et simulation numérique spécifiquement dédiée aux études de l’exposition à l’intérieur des bâtiments.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Christophe Paris, Giovanni Prete, Dominique Bailleux, Patrick Brochard, Barbara Charbotel, Emilie Counil, Jean Dominique Dewitte, Orianne Dumas, Loïc Garras, Alain Garrigou, Antoine Gislard, Emmanuel Henry, Annette Leclerc, Fabrice Leray, Danièle Luce, Jorge Munoz, Michaël Rioux, Ludovic Tuduri, Alexandra Papadopoulos, Miora Andrianjafimasy, Céline Bittar, Dominique Brunet, Fanny Debil, Marion Keirsbulck, Diane Le Bayon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-04860003
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Christophe Paris, Giovanni Prete, Dominique Bailleux, Patrick Brochard, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. Expertise préalable à la création d’un tableau de maladie professionnelle ou à l’élaboration de recommandations aux comités régionaux de reconnaissance des maladies professionnelles - Expertise sur les tableaux de maladies professionnelles existants nécessitant une mise à jour. Saisine n°2023-SA-0061, Anses. 2024, 113 p. ⟨anses-04860003⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La commission chargée d'évaluer le coût de la sous-déclaration des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles pour la branche maladie instituée par l’article L. 176-2 du code de la Sécurité Sociale (CSS), a régulièrement souligné que la non-reconnaissance de certaines maladies professionnelles pouvait être due notamment « à l’obsolescence de certains tableaux de maladies professionnelles qui n’intègrent pas l’état des connaissances scientifiques et épidémiologiques, et, d’autre part, à la limitation des pathologies qu’ils peuvent prendre en compte pour ce qui est des durées d’exposition et des produits et substances prévus ». Le dernier rapport issu des travaux de la commission sur la sous-déclaration des AT-MP, remis au Parlement en juillet 2021 (Commission sur la sous-déclaration des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles 2021), mettait ainsi en avant le caractère inadapté ou incomplet de certains tableaux de maladies professionnelles (TMP), s’agissant notamment de la désignation de la maladie ou des travaux associés. Compte tenu des évolutions des connaissances relatives aux modalités diagnostiques des maladies indiquées dans les TMP mais aussi aux travaux en lien avec ces maladies, la Direction générale du travail, la Direction de la Sécurité sociale et le Secrétariat général du ministère de l’agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire ont saisi l’Anses le 16 mars 2023 pour réaliser un travail d’expertise visant à étudier d’une part l’opportunité scientifique et médicale d’actualiser les différents tableaux, et d’autre part de disposer, pour chaque tableau, des raisons justifiant ou non une évolution des conditions d’accès à ces tableaux.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La commission chargée d'évaluer le coût de la sous-déclaration des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles pour la branche maladie instituée par l’article L. 176-2 du code de la Sécurité Sociale (CSS), a régulièrement souligné que la non-reconnaissance de certaines maladies professionnelles pouvait être due notamment « à l’obsolescence de certains tableaux de maladies professionnelles qui n’intègrent pas l’état des connaissances scientifiques et épidémiologiques, et, d’autre part, à la limitation des pathologies qu’ils peuvent prendre en compte pour ce qui est des durées d’exposition et des produits et substances prévus ». Le dernier rapport issu des travaux de la commission sur la sous-déclaration des AT-MP, remis au Parlement en juillet 2021 (Commission sur la sous-déclaration des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles 2021), mettait ainsi en avant le caractère inadapté ou incomplet de certains tableaux de maladies professionnelles (TMP), s’agissant notamment de la désignation de la maladie ou des travaux associés. Compte tenu des évolutions des connaissances relatives aux modalités diagnostiques des maladies indiquées dans les TMP mais aussi aux travaux en lien avec ces maladies, la Direction générale du travail, la Direction de la Sécurité sociale et le Secrétariat général du ministère de l’agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire ont saisi l’Anses le 16 mars 2023 pour réaliser un travail d’expertise visant à étudier d’une part l’opportunité scientifique et médicale d’actualiser les différents tableaux, et d’autre part de disposer, pour chaque tableau, des raisons justifiant ou non une évolution des conditions d’accès à ces tableaux.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuel Fort, Mouloud Mohamed Haddak, Carole Pelissier, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04583408
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuel Fort, Mouloud Mohamed Haddak, Carole Pelissier, Barbara Charbotel. Evolution of work conditions for employees driving for work in France based on data from the 2003, 2010 and 2017 SUMER surveys (Surveillance Médicale des expositions aux risques Professionnels). Journal of Safety Research, 2024, 89, pp.288-298. ⟨10.1016/j.jsr.2024.04.002⟩. ⟨hal-04583408⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.jsr.2024.04.002
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Kobto Ghislain Koura, Pierrette Charnay, Charlène Tournier, Etienne Javouhey, Jacques Luaute, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00926914
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Kobto Ghislain Koura, Pierrette Charnay, Charlène Tournier, Etienne Javouhey, Jacques Luaute, et al.. Evolution de la qualité de vie après un traumatisme crânien. 28ème congrès de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation (SOFMER), Oct 2011, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-00926914⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’objectif de notre étude était d’évaluer la qualité de vie durant les cinq premières années après un traumatisme crânien. Une étude de cohorte a été conduite auprès de 957 sujets, victimes d’un accident de la route, âgés d’au moins 16 ans et vivant dans le département du Rhône en France. La version courte du World Health Organization Quality Of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) a été utilisée pour évaluer la qualité de vie des sujets à 1, 3 et 5 ans après l’accident. Chacun des six scores bruts dérivant de cet outil variait de 4 à 20. Plusieurs autres variables ont été collectées à l’inclusion et au cours du suivi. Les analyses ont été réalisées en utilisant les modèles hiérarchiques mixtes. Au total 22,7% des sujets avaient un traumatisme crânien à l’inclusion. La qualité de vie était significativement mauvaise chez les traumatisés crâniens durant les cinq premières années après l’accident. Nous avons également montré que plusieurs antécédents médicaux diminuaient significativement la qualité de vie des accidentés de la route. Durant le suivi des accidentés de la route, la survenue d’une pathologie ou d’un nouvel accident avaient également un impact négatif sur la qualité de vie. Enfin nos analyses ont montré que les sujets pratiquant régulièrement une activité sportive avant l’accident, les sujets ayant repris une activité professionnelle après l’accident et les sujets ayant reçu une indemnisation avaient une meilleure qualité de vie. Nos résultats soulignent la nécessité d’accroître les efforts pour l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des traumatisés crâniens par accident de la route. Il est également important de prendre en compte les antécédents médicaux dans les différents modèles de prédiction du devenir d’un traumatisé crânien.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’objectif de notre étude était d’évaluer la qualité de vie durant les cinq premières années après un traumatisme crânien. Une étude de cohorte a été conduite auprès de 957 sujets, victimes d’un accident de la route, âgés d’au moins 16 ans et vivant dans le département du Rhône en France. La version courte du World Health Organization Quality Of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) a été utilisée pour évaluer la qualité de vie des sujets à 1, 3 et 5 ans après l’accident. Chacun des six scores bruts dérivant de cet outil variait de 4 à 20. Plusieurs autres variables ont été collectées à l’inclusion et au cours du suivi. Les analyses ont été réalisées en utilisant les modèles hiérarchiques mixtes. Au total 22,7% des sujets avaient un traumatisme crânien à l’inclusion. La qualité de vie était significativement mauvaise chez les traumatisés crâniens durant les cinq premières années après l’accident. Nous avons également montré que plusieurs antécédents médicaux diminuaient significativement la qualité de vie des accidentés de la route. Durant le suivi des accidentés de la route, la survenue d’une pathologie ou d’un nouvel accident avaient également un impact négatif sur la qualité de vie. Enfin nos analyses ont montré que les sujets pratiquant régulièrement une activité sportive avant l’accident, les sujets ayant repris une activité professionnelle après l’accident et les sujets ayant reçu une indemnisation avaient une meilleure qualité de vie. Nos résultats soulignent la nécessité d’accroître les efforts pour l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des traumatisés crâniens par accident de la route. Il est également important de prendre en compte les antécédents médicaux dans les différents modèles de prédiction du devenir d’un traumatisé crânien.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Dominique Boisson, Jacques Luaute, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00874503
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu, Martine Hours, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Dominique Boisson, et al.. Evaluation of the Injury Impairment Scale, a tool to predict road crash sequelae, in a French cohort of road crash survivors. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2012, 13 (3), pp. 239-248. ⟨10.1080/15389588.2011.6471⟩. ⟨hal-00874503⟩
DOI : 10.1080/15389588.2011.6471
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective The objective of the present study was to validate sequela prediction by the Maximal Injury Impairment Score (M-IIS), in comparison with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) assessed at 1 year's follow-up of severe road crash victims. Methods The study population came from the ESPARR cohort: 178 victims (with Maximal Abbreviated Injury Scale ≥3) of road crashes in the Rhône administrative département of France, aged ≥16 years and with medical examination including FIM scoring 1 year post-accident. Two thresholds were tested for both scores. Firstly, the relation between FIM and M-IIS was assessed on logistic regression models adjusted on age and presence of complications at 1 year post-accident. The predictive capacity of M-IIS was expressed as its negative and positive predictive values, and considered as good when ≥80%. Results Sixty-three of the 178 adult subjects (mean age = 37.7 years; range = 16.1–82.9 yrs) showed post-accident complications. One-year sequela prediction on M-IIS was greater in head, spine and limb lesions, but limited to slight impairments (M-IIS = 1). There was a significant correlation between FIM and M-IIS, although “age” and “medical complications” were confounding factors on certain multivariate models. The predictive capacity of M-IIS was low, for whatever type of sequela. Conclusions M-IIS, in this severely injured population, failed to predict sequelae at 1 year as measured by the FIM, despite a good correlation between the two. Complications are to be taken into account in assessing the M-IIS's capacity to predict sequelae. Further evaluation will be needed on larger series or assessment of other indicators and measures of sequelae at 1 year, to obtain a robust tool to predict road crash sequelae.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective The objective of the present study was to validate sequela prediction by the Maximal Injury Impairment Score (M-IIS), in comparison with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) assessed at 1 year's follow-up of severe road crash victims. Methods The study population came from the ESPARR cohort: 178 victims (with Maximal Abbreviated Injury Scale ≥3) of road crashes in the Rhône administrative département of France, aged ≥16 years and with medical examination including FIM scoring 1 year post-accident. Two thresholds were tested for both scores. Firstly, the relation between FIM and M-IIS was assessed on logistic regression models adjusted on age and presence of complications at 1 year post-accident. The predictive capacity of M-IIS was expressed as its negative and positive predictive values, and considered as good when ≥80%. Results Sixty-three of the 178 adult subjects (mean age = 37.7 years; range = 16.1–82.9 yrs) showed post-accident complications. One-year sequela prediction on M-IIS was greater in head, spine and limb lesions, but limited to slight impairments (M-IIS = 1). There was a significant correlation between FIM and M-IIS, although “age” and “medical complications” were confounding factors on certain multivariate models. The predictive capacity of M-IIS was low, for whatever type of sequela. Conclusions M-IIS, in this severely injured population, failed to predict sequelae at 1 year as measured by the FIM, despite a good correlation between the two. Complications are to be taken into account in assessing the M-IIS's capacity to predict sequelae. Further evaluation will be needed on larger series or assessment of other indicators and measures of sequelae at 1 year, to obtain a robust tool to predict road crash sequelae.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Kahina Saker, Vanessa Escuret, Virginie Pitiot, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, Stéphane Paul, Bouchra Mokdad, Carole Langlois-Jacques, Muriel Rabilloud, David Goncalves, Nicole Fabien, Nicolas Guibert, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Antonin Bal, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Mary-Anne Trabaud
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03453530
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Kahina Saker, Vanessa Escuret, Virginie Pitiot, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, Stéphane Paul, et al.. Evaluation of commercial anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody assays and comparison of standardized titers in vaccinated healthcare workers.. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2021, ⟨10.1128/JCM.01746-21⟩. ⟨hal-03453530⟩
DOI : 10.1128/JCM.01746-21
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : With the availability of vaccines, commercial assays detecting anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (Ab) evolved towards quantitative assays directed to the spike glycoprotein or its receptor binding domain (RBD). The main objective of the present study was to compare the Ab titers obtained with quantitative commercial binding Ab assays, after 1 dose (convalescent individuals) or 2 doses (naïve individuals) of vaccine, in healthcare workers (HCW). Antibody titers were measured in 255 sera (from 150 HCW) with 5 quantitative immunoassays (Abbott RBD IgG II quant, bioMérieux RBD IgG, DiaSorin Trimeric spike IgG, Siemens Healthineers RBD IgG, Wantai RBD IgG). One qualitative total antibody anti RBD detection assay (Wantai) was used to detect previous infection before vaccination. The results are presented in binding Ab units (BAU)/mL after application, when possible, of a conversion factor provided by the manufacturers and established from a World Health Organization (WHO) internal standard. There was a 100% seroconversion with all assays evaluated after two doses of vaccine. With assays allowing BAU/ml correction, Ab titers were correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient, ρ, range: 0.85-0.94). The titer differences varied by a mean of 10.6% between Siemens and bioMérieux assays to 60.9% between Abbott and DiaSorin assays. These results underline the importance of BAU conversion for the comparison of Ab titer obtained with the different quantitative assays. However, significant differences persist, notably, between kits detecting Ab against the different antigens. A true standardization of the assays would be to include the International Standard in the calibration of each assays to express the results in IU/mL
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : With the availability of vaccines, commercial assays detecting anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (Ab) evolved towards quantitative assays directed to the spike glycoprotein or its receptor binding domain (RBD). The main objective of the present study was to compare the Ab titers obtained with quantitative commercial binding Ab assays, after 1 dose (convalescent individuals) or 2 doses (naïve individuals) of vaccine, in healthcare workers (HCW). Antibody titers were measured in 255 sera (from 150 HCW) with 5 quantitative immunoassays (Abbott RBD IgG II quant, bioMérieux RBD IgG, DiaSorin Trimeric spike IgG, Siemens Healthineers RBD IgG, Wantai RBD IgG). One qualitative total antibody anti RBD detection assay (Wantai) was used to detect previous infection before vaccination. The results are presented in binding Ab units (BAU)/mL after application, when possible, of a conversion factor provided by the manufacturers and established from a World Health Organization (WHO) internal standard. There was a 100% seroconversion with all assays evaluated after two doses of vaccine. With assays allowing BAU/ml correction, Ab titers were correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient, ρ, range: 0.85-0.94). The titer differences varied by a mean of 10.6% between Siemens and bioMérieux assays to 60.9% between Abbott and DiaSorin assays. These results underline the importance of BAU conversion for the comparison of Ab titer obtained with the different quantitative assays. However, significant differences persist, notably, between kits detecting Ab against the different antigens. A true standardization of the assays would be to include the International Standard in the calibration of each assays to express the results in IU/mL
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Alain De Cheveigne, David Ecotiere, Anne Sophie Evrard, Frédérique Moati, David Michaud, Esko Toppila
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01590506
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Philippe Lepoutre, Paul Avan, Alain De Cheveigne, David Ecotiere, Anne Sophie Evrard, et al.. Evaluation des effets sanitaires des basses fréquences sonores et infrasons dus aux parcs éoliens. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 304 p. ⟨hal-01590506⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'Anses a réalisé plusieurs travaux d'expertise scientifique sur la thématique des impacts sanitaires potentiels du bruit éolien. L'Agence avait été saisie une première fois en 2006 par les Ministères en charge de la santé et de l'environnement afin de réaliser une analyse critique du rapport publié par l'Académie nationale de médecine recommandant l'implantation des éoliennes à une distance minimale de 1 500 mètres des habitations, pour les machines les plus puissantes (supérieures à 2,5 Mégawatts) en raison des nuisances sonores liées à ces infrastructures. Au terme de cette première expertise publiée en 2008, l'Anses rappelait dans ses conclusions la nécessité d'étudier au cas par cas les distances d'implantation des éoliennes, par le biais notamment de modélisations acoustiques considérant les spécificités des configurations locales. À la suite notamment de différentes plaintes de riverains de parcs éoliens, les Ministères de la santé et de l'environnement ont à nouveau saisi l'Agence en 2013, afin d'évaluer les effets sanitaires potentiels des infrasons et bruits basses fréquences émis par les parcs éoliens. À ce jour, si des hypothèses de mécanismes d'effets sanitaires demeurent à explorer, l'examen des données expérimentales et épidémiologiques disponibles ne met pas en évidence d'arguments scientifiques suffisants en faveur de l'existence d'effets sanitaires pour les riverains spécifiquement liés à leur exposition à la part non audible des émissions sonores des éoliennes (infrasons notamment). L'état des connaissances disponibles ne justifie donc pas d'étendre le périmètre des études d'impact sanitaire du bruit éolien à d'autres problématiques que celles liées à l'audibilité du bruit, pour lesquelles les effets sont aÎrés, complexes et documentés par ailleurs.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'Anses a réalisé plusieurs travaux d'expertise scientifique sur la thématique des impacts sanitaires potentiels du bruit éolien. L'Agence avait été saisie une première fois en 2006 par les Ministères en charge de la santé et de l'environnement afin de réaliser une analyse critique du rapport publié par l'Académie nationale de médecine recommandant l'implantation des éoliennes à une distance minimale de 1 500 mètres des habitations, pour les machines les plus puissantes (supérieures à 2,5 Mégawatts) en raison des nuisances sonores liées à ces infrastructures. Au terme de cette première expertise publiée en 2008, l'Anses rappelait dans ses conclusions la nécessité d'étudier au cas par cas les distances d'implantation des éoliennes, par le biais notamment de modélisations acoustiques considérant les spécificités des configurations locales. À la suite notamment de différentes plaintes de riverains de parcs éoliens, les Ministères de la santé et de l'environnement ont à nouveau saisi l'Agence en 2013, afin d'évaluer les effets sanitaires potentiels des infrasons et bruits basses fréquences émis par les parcs éoliens. À ce jour, si des hypothèses de mécanismes d'effets sanitaires demeurent à explorer, l'examen des données expérimentales et épidémiologiques disponibles ne met pas en évidence d'arguments scientifiques suffisants en faveur de l'existence d'effets sanitaires pour les riverains spécifiquement liés à leur exposition à la part non audible des émissions sonores des éoliennes (infrasons notamment). L'état des connaissances disponibles ne justifie donc pas d'étendre le périmètre des études d'impact sanitaire du bruit éolien à d'autres problématiques que celles liées à l'audibilité du bruit, pour lesquelles les effets sont aÎrés, complexes et documentés par ailleurs.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : David Ecotière, Patrick Demizieux, Gwenaël Guillaume, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03847865
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : David Ecotière, Patrick Demizieux, Gwenaël Guillaume, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Anne-Sophie Evrard. Evaluation de l’exposition de la population de France métropolitaine au bruit des éoliennes. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-03847865⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les lignes directrices de l'OMS sur le bruit dans l'environnement indiquent que les preuves des effets sur la santé de l’exposition au bruit des éoliennes sont inexistantes par absence d'étude de bonne qualité. Dans ce contexte, une étude de faisabilité a été menée en France à partir de 2017, dont un des objectifs était de proposer une méthodologie de calcul des niveaux sonores dûs aux éoliennes afin de quantifier le nombre de riverains de parcs éoliens exposés. Sur la base d'une analyse bibliographique, le modèle Harmonoise a été retenu pour le calcul de l'exposition sonore et a été validé en quantifiant ses incertitudes. Il a ensuite été utilisé pour estimer la population exposée au bruit des éoliennes à l’échelle de l’ensemble du territoire de la France métropolitaine. Par rapport à d'autres sources de bruit environnementales (par exemple les transports), l'exposition sonore est très modérée, avec une contribution sonore des éoliennes inférieure à 40 dBA pour plus de 80% des personnes exposées. Le nombre total de personnes exposées à plus de 30 dBA est d'environ 686 000 et 722 000 personnes pour des conditions météorologiques typiques de jour et de nuit respectivement, soit environ 1% de la population française de l’année 2017. Ces résultats constituent la toute première évaluation de l'exposition sonore aux éoliennes à l'échelle de l'ensemble de la France métropolitaine, et plus généralement d’un territoire national.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les lignes directrices de l'OMS sur le bruit dans l'environnement indiquent que les preuves des effets sur la santé de l’exposition au bruit des éoliennes sont inexistantes par absence d'étude de bonne qualité. Dans ce contexte, une étude de faisabilité a été menée en France à partir de 2017, dont un des objectifs était de proposer une méthodologie de calcul des niveaux sonores dûs aux éoliennes afin de quantifier le nombre de riverains de parcs éoliens exposés. Sur la base d'une analyse bibliographique, le modèle Harmonoise a été retenu pour le calcul de l'exposition sonore et a été validé en quantifiant ses incertitudes. Il a ensuite été utilisé pour estimer la population exposée au bruit des éoliennes à l’échelle de l’ensemble du territoire de la France métropolitaine. Par rapport à d'autres sources de bruit environnementales (par exemple les transports), l'exposition sonore est très modérée, avec une contribution sonore des éoliennes inférieure à 40 dBA pour plus de 80% des personnes exposées. Le nombre total de personnes exposées à plus de 30 dBA est d'environ 686 000 et 722 000 personnes pour des conditions météorologiques typiques de jour et de nuit respectivement, soit environ 1% de la population française de l’année 2017. Ces résultats constituent la toute première évaluation de l'exposition sonore aux éoliennes à l'échelle de l'ensemble de la France métropolitaine, et plus généralement d’un territoire national.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Claude Normand, Jean-Claude Duclos, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, Léon Thiéry
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00534651
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Claude Normand, Jean-Claude Duclos, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, Léon Thiéry. Evaluation de la nuisance acoustique professionnelle par analyse collective du déficit auditif. 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2010, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-00534651⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le déficit auditif induit par l'exposition au bruit professionnel reste préoccupant. Pour prévenir ce risque, deux approches sont utilisables : le mesurage des niveaux d'exposition au bruit et le suivi audiométrique des travailleurs exposés. Ces approches ont cependant des limites. Compte tenu des parcours professionnels, il n'est souvent pas possible d'extrapoler à la totalité d'une carrière le résultat de mesures d'exposition au bruit effectuées dans des circonstances spécifiques. Quant à l'interprétation des pertes auditives des travailleurs, elle reste toujours difficile, et les effets attribuables à l'âge ou à des facteurs extraprofessionnels s'opposent à une interprétation collective aisée des résultats. Pour remédier à ces difficultés, des méthodes d'analyse de données audiométriques ont été élaborées pour évaluer le risque collectif, par usine et par atelier : - dénombrement du pourcentage constaté des atteintes auditives excédant un seuil spécifié, - analyse sous contrôle de l'effet de l'âge, par classement en zones de « perte auditive moyenne standard » et en stades de « pertes auditives significatives » liées au bruit professionnel. Le logiciel AudioGT® permet de mettre en œuvre ces différentes approches de l'analyse collective du déficit auditif et de caractériser la nocivité sonore des ateliers. Ces méthodes ont été appliquées à plusieurs groupes de travailleurs et les résultats sont discutés en vue de montrer en quoi ce type d'analyse de données médicales peut inciter à la prévention collective du risque lié au bruit professionnel.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le déficit auditif induit par l'exposition au bruit professionnel reste préoccupant. Pour prévenir ce risque, deux approches sont utilisables : le mesurage des niveaux d'exposition au bruit et le suivi audiométrique des travailleurs exposés. Ces approches ont cependant des limites. Compte tenu des parcours professionnels, il n'est souvent pas possible d'extrapoler à la totalité d'une carrière le résultat de mesures d'exposition au bruit effectuées dans des circonstances spécifiques. Quant à l'interprétation des pertes auditives des travailleurs, elle reste toujours difficile, et les effets attribuables à l'âge ou à des facteurs extraprofessionnels s'opposent à une interprétation collective aisée des résultats. Pour remédier à ces difficultés, des méthodes d'analyse de données audiométriques ont été élaborées pour évaluer le risque collectif, par usine et par atelier : - dénombrement du pourcentage constaté des atteintes auditives excédant un seuil spécifié, - analyse sous contrôle de l'effet de l'âge, par classement en zones de « perte auditive moyenne standard » et en stades de « pertes auditives significatives » liées au bruit professionnel. Le logiciel AudioGT® permet de mettre en œuvre ces différentes approches de l'analyse collective du déficit auditif et de caractériser la nocivité sonore des ateliers. Ces méthodes ont été appliquées à plusieurs groupes de travailleurs et les résultats sont discutés en vue de montrer en quoi ce type d'analyse de données médicales peut inciter à la prévention collective du risque lié au bruit professionnel.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Elise Verot, Robin Chaux, Julie Gagnaire, Paul Bonjean, Amandine Gagneux-Brunon, Philippe Berthelot, Carole Pelissier, Billal Boulamail, Franck Chauvin, Bruno Pozzetto, Elisabeth Botelho-Nevers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04748431
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Elise Verot, Robin Chaux, Julie Gagnaire, Paul Bonjean, Amandine Gagneux-Brunon, et al.. Evaluating the Knowledge of and Behavior Toward COVID-19 and the Possibility of Isolating at a City Level: Survey Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2024, 10, pp.e47170. ⟨10.2196/47170⟩. ⟨hal-04748431⟩
DOI : 10.2196/47170
pubmedId_s : 38602767
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Mass testing campaigns were proposed in France during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic to detect and isolate asymptomatic individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2. During mass testing in Saint-Étienne (February 2021), we performed a survey of the general population. Objective We evaluated, on the scale of a city’s population, the literacy level about SARS-CoV-2 transmission, barrier gesture respect, and isolation acceptability or possibility in case of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods We used the validated CovQuest-CC questionnaire. Data were analyzed and correlated with volunteer characteristics and their SARS-CoV-2 screening results using multivariate analysis. Results In total, 4707 participants completed the CovQuest-CC questionnaire. Multivariate analysis revealed that female sex was a determinant of a higher score of knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 transmission (adjusted β coefficient=0.14, 95% CI 0.04-0.23; corrected P=.02). Older ages of 50-59 years (adjusted β coefficient=0.25, 95% CI 0.19-0.31; corrected P<.001) and ≥60 years (adjusted β coefficient=0.25, 95% CI 0.15-0.34; corrected P<.001) were determinants of a higher score on barrier gesture respect compared to ages 20-49 years considered as reference. Female sex was also a determinant of a higher score on barrier gesture respect (adjusted β coefficient=0.10, 95% CI 0.02-4.63; corrected P<.001). The knowledge score was correlated with the score on barrier gesture respect measures (adjusted β coefficient=0.03, 95% CI 0.001-0.004; corrected P=.001). Older ages of 50-59 years (adjusted β coefficient=0.21, 95% CI 0.13-0.29; corrected P<.001) and ≥60 years (adjusted β coefficient=0.25, 95% CI 0.1-0.38; corrected P<.001) were determinants of a higher score on isolation acceptability or possibility compared to the age of 20-49 years considered as reference. Finally, the knowledge score regarding SARS-CoV-2 transmission was significantly associated with a lower risk of RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction) positivity (adjusted odds ratio 0.80, 95% CI 0.69-0.94; corrected P<.03), implying that a 1-point increase in the knowledge score lowers the risk of positivity by 20% on average. Conclusions This study identified factors associated with health literacy regarding SARS-CoV-2 infection in asymptomatic individuals in a large French city’s population. We can confirm that in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the determinants of better health literacy are not the same as those in other contexts. It seems critical to obtain a more detailed understanding of the determinants of individual citizens’ behavior, as part of a strategy to combat the large-scale spread of the virus. The harsh experience of this pandemic should teach us how to nurture research to structure customized interventions to encourage the adoption of ad hoc behaviors to engage citizens in adapting behaviors more favorable to their health.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Mass testing campaigns were proposed in France during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic to detect and isolate asymptomatic individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2. During mass testing in Saint-Étienne (February 2021), we performed a survey of the general population. Objective We evaluated, on the scale of a city’s population, the literacy level about SARS-CoV-2 transmission, barrier gesture respect, and isolation acceptability or possibility in case of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods We used the validated CovQuest-CC questionnaire. Data were analyzed and correlated with volunteer characteristics and their SARS-CoV-2 screening results using multivariate analysis. Results In total, 4707 participants completed the CovQuest-CC questionnaire. Multivariate analysis revealed that female sex was a determinant of a higher score of knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 transmission (adjusted β coefficient=0.14, 95% CI 0.04-0.23; corrected P=.02). Older ages of 50-59 years (adjusted β coefficient=0.25, 95% CI 0.19-0.31; corrected P<.001) and ≥60 years (adjusted β coefficient=0.25, 95% CI 0.15-0.34; corrected P<.001) were determinants of a higher score on barrier gesture respect compared to ages 20-49 years considered as reference. Female sex was also a determinant of a higher score on barrier gesture respect (adjusted β coefficient=0.10, 95% CI 0.02-4.63; corrected P<.001). The knowledge score was correlated with the score on barrier gesture respect measures (adjusted β coefficient=0.03, 95% CI 0.001-0.004; corrected P=.001). Older ages of 50-59 years (adjusted β coefficient=0.21, 95% CI 0.13-0.29; corrected P<.001) and ≥60 years (adjusted β coefficient=0.25, 95% CI 0.1-0.38; corrected P<.001) were determinants of a higher score on isolation acceptability or possibility compared to the age of 20-49 years considered as reference. Finally, the knowledge score regarding SARS-CoV-2 transmission was significantly associated with a lower risk of RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction) positivity (adjusted odds ratio 0.80, 95% CI 0.69-0.94; corrected P<.03), implying that a 1-point increase in the knowledge score lowers the risk of positivity by 20% on average. Conclusions This study identified factors associated with health literacy regarding SARS-CoV-2 infection in asymptomatic individuals in a large French city’s population. We can confirm that in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the determinants of better health literacy are not the same as those in other contexts. It seems critical to obtain a more detailed understanding of the determinants of individual citizens’ behavior, as part of a strategy to combat the large-scale spread of the virus. The harsh experience of this pandemic should teach us how to nurture research to structure customized interventions to encourage the adoption of ad hoc behaviors to engage citizens in adapting behaviors more favorable to their health.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01208575
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours. Etude de cas : Expertise sur les radiofréquences. Méthodologie de l'expertise et de l'évaluation des risques, Apr 2015, MAISONS-ALFORT, France. 6 p. ⟨hal-01208575⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Il s'agit de présenter la démarche d'évaluation du risque utilisée par le Comité d'experts sur les risques sanitaires liés aux agents physiques auprès de l'ANSES, ainsi que par le groupe de travail dans le cadre de la saisine du Ministère de la Santé sur les risques sanitaires liés aux Radofréquences
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Il s'agit de présenter la démarche d'évaluation du risque utilisée par le Comité d'experts sur les risques sanitaires liés aux agents physiques auprès de l'ANSES, ainsi que par le groupe de travail dans le cadre de la saisine du Ministère de la Santé sur les risques sanitaires liés aux Radofréquences
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Mouloud Haddak, Francis Papon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00941167
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Stéphanie Blaizot, Mouloud Haddak, Francis Papon. Etude AVER, Accidentalité à Vélo et Exposition au Risque, risque de traumatismes selon quatre types d’usagers de la route : piétons, cyclistes, usagers de deux-roues motorisés et automobilistes. Journées Transports et Déplacements du Réseau Scientifique et Technique, RST, 2013, Jun 2013, France. 26 p. ⟨hal-00941167⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La part modale du vélo se stabilise au plan national et augmente dans certaines grandes villes. Ce mode actif est encouragé dans le cadre du développement durable, et dans la lutte contre la sédentarité ; il importe donc de mieux connaître les risques d’accident du vélo, et ce, en regard des autres modes de déplacement. Nous avons estimé des taux d’incidence d’accident corporel en calculant le ratio entre le nombre de blessés et la quantité d’exposition au risque, mesurée par la mobilité. Les blessés sont recensés par le Registre du Rhône des victimes d’accidents de la circulation Routière ; ils se déclinent selon quatre niveaux de gravité. La mobilité est estimée à partir de l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements de Lyon, et se mesure en nombre de trajets, kilomètres parcourus ou temps passé. Pour un million d’heures passées, le risque d’être blessé toutes gravités confondues, est par rapport aux automobilistes 8 fois plus élevé chez les cyclistes, 0,5 fois moins élevé chez les piétons, et 42 fois plus élevé chez les usagers de deux-roues motorisés. Cela confirme et quantifie l’énorme sur-risque de la pratique du deux-roues motorisés. Le risque d’accident à vélo est plus élevé qu’en voiture mais d’après des études coûts-bénéfices, la pratique du vélo a des effets bénéfiques sur la santé compensant largement les aspects négatifs que sont l’accident (et la pollution). En termes d’évolution, les cyclistes semblent enregistrer une baisse du risque d’être blessé entre 1996-1997 et 2005-2006 plus forte que celle des automobilistes. Cela plaide en faveur de la " sécurité par le nombre ".
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La part modale du vélo se stabilise au plan national et augmente dans certaines grandes villes. Ce mode actif est encouragé dans le cadre du développement durable, et dans la lutte contre la sédentarité ; il importe donc de mieux connaître les risques d’accident du vélo, et ce, en regard des autres modes de déplacement. Nous avons estimé des taux d’incidence d’accident corporel en calculant le ratio entre le nombre de blessés et la quantité d’exposition au risque, mesurée par la mobilité. Les blessés sont recensés par le Registre du Rhône des victimes d’accidents de la circulation Routière ; ils se déclinent selon quatre niveaux de gravité. La mobilité est estimée à partir de l’Enquête Ménages Déplacements de Lyon, et se mesure en nombre de trajets, kilomètres parcourus ou temps passé. Pour un million d’heures passées, le risque d’être blessé toutes gravités confondues, est par rapport aux automobilistes 8 fois plus élevé chez les cyclistes, 0,5 fois moins élevé chez les piétons, et 42 fois plus élevé chez les usagers de deux-roues motorisés. Cela confirme et quantifie l’énorme sur-risque de la pratique du deux-roues motorisés. Le risque d’accident à vélo est plus élevé qu’en voiture mais d’après des études coûts-bénéfices, la pratique du vélo a des effets bénéfiques sur la santé compensant largement les aspects négatifs que sont l’accident (et la pollution). En termes d’évolution, les cyclistes semblent enregistrer une baisse du risque d’être blessé entre 1996-1997 et 2005-2006 plus forte que celle des automobilistes. Cela plaide en faveur de la " sécurité par le nombre ".
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01211399
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. Etat d'avancement de la phase d'inclusion de l'étude sommeil. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2014, 27 p. ⟨hal-01211399⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif de l'étude sommeil de DEBATS est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit. Cette étude permettra également de comparer la pertinence d'indicateurs évènementiels (nombre de survols dépassant 65 dB(A) par exemple) à celle des indicateurs énergétiques (Lden par exemple) pour caractériser plus finement l'exposition au bruit des avions et sa relation avec la qualité du sommeil. Le présent rapport fait le point sur l'état d'avancement de la phase d'inclusion de cette étude sommeil.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif de l'étude sommeil de DEBATS est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit. Cette étude permettra également de comparer la pertinence d'indicateurs évènementiels (nombre de survols dépassant 65 dB(A) par exemple) à celle des indicateurs énergétiques (Lden par exemple) pour caractériser plus finement l'exposition au bruit des avions et sa relation avec la qualité du sommeil. Le présent rapport fait le point sur l'état d'avancement de la phase d'inclusion de cette étude sommeil.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Grégory Soler, Léa Pascal, Jean-Louis Martin, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, B. Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02173144
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Grégory Soler, Léa Pascal, Jean-Louis Martin, Amina Ndiaye, et al.. Estimation of the number of seriously injured road users in France, 2006-2015. European Congress of Epidemiology, Jul 2018, LYON, France. Elsevier, European Congress of Epidemiology, 66 (Suppl 5), pp.S334, 2018, ⟨10.1016/j.respe.2018.05.258⟩. ⟨hal-02173144v2⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2018.05.258
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background The European Commission requests its member states to provide the number of serious road injuries, according to MAIS 3+=Maximum AIS 3+, where AIS=Abbreviated Injury Scale. This challenges in all countries the issue of under-reporting of road injuries in the official police data and the issue of using a medical trauma scale. Methods In France, as in most countries, police data provide the frequency of road casualties, but they suffer from large under-reporting and strong selection bias (on severity, mode of transport, etc). In the Rhone county (pop 1.6M inhabitants). Other data are available: a road trauma registry has been set up in 1996. It covers fatalities, hospitalized, and those attending the Emergency departments only. All injuries are directly coded into the Abbreviated Injury Scale, by the registry physician. At the Rhône county level, both databases are linked. Annually, on the 2006-2012 period, the police reports 2800 casualties, the road trauma registry 7400 by the registry and 1700 are identified as common to both sources. A capture-recapture approach is then used, so that we can estimate the real number of road casualties (in the Rhône). More importantly the corrections factors between the police data and the estimated real subgroup of road causalities in the Rhône. In particular, to account for some conditions for applying capture-recapture, a multivariate model is used, including the variables that are associated with lower probability of reporting by the police: type of police, road network, severity measured by hospitalised (yes/no), MAIS3+, road user type (pedestrian, cyclist, car occupant...), whether the crash involved a crash opponent or not, etc. The police correction factors are finally applied to the national police data with the assumption that police recording practices are rather homogenous across France, by type of police force, and type of road casualties, This corresponds to indirect standardization, not on age and sex as usual but on the characteristics influencing police reporting. Results The national number of injured road casualties, respectively for all severity, and for MAIS3+, are estimated at 285,000 and 24,000 resp. in 2015. The 2015 frequency of sMAIS3+ roadusers consists of 6850 motorized two-wheel users, 6500 car occupants, 3550 cyclists, 3500 pedestrians and 800 others (van, bus, truck users). This confirms the heavy burden suffered by Motorized two-wheel users. Moreover, they only account for 2% of traveled kilometers whereas car occupants account for 70% of traveled kilometers. Also, these results show a different pattern than the number of fatalities, where it is the number of killed car occupants that is the highest. Conclusions The frequency of injured road users, all severities, has been confirmed by other sources, namely: the French national Travel Survey, and by the annual firemen data (they provide first aid on crash scene). Concerning the number of seriously injured road users, the ratio of the number of MAIS3+ casualties divided by the number of fatalities enables country to country comparison.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background The European Commission requests its member states to provide the number of serious road injuries, according to MAIS 3+=Maximum AIS 3+, where AIS=Abbreviated Injury Scale. This challenges in all countries the issue of under-reporting of road injuries in the official police data and the issue of using a medical trauma scale. Methods In France, as in most countries, police data provide the frequency of road casualties, but they suffer from large under-reporting and strong selection bias (on severity, mode of transport, etc). In the Rhone county (pop 1.6M inhabitants). Other data are available: a road trauma registry has been set up in 1996. It covers fatalities, hospitalized, and those attending the Emergency departments only. All injuries are directly coded into the Abbreviated Injury Scale, by the registry physician. At the Rhône county level, both databases are linked. Annually, on the 2006-2012 period, the police reports 2800 casualties, the road trauma registry 7400 by the registry and 1700 are identified as common to both sources. A capture-recapture approach is then used, so that we can estimate the real number of road casualties (in the Rhône). More importantly the corrections factors between the police data and the estimated real subgroup of road causalities in the Rhône. In particular, to account for some conditions for applying capture-recapture, a multivariate model is used, including the variables that are associated with lower probability of reporting by the police: type of police, road network, severity measured by hospitalised (yes/no), MAIS3+, road user type (pedestrian, cyclist, car occupant...), whether the crash involved a crash opponent or not, etc. The police correction factors are finally applied to the national police data with the assumption that police recording practices are rather homogenous across France, by type of police force, and type of road casualties, This corresponds to indirect standardization, not on age and sex as usual but on the characteristics influencing police reporting. Results The national number of injured road casualties, respectively for all severity, and for MAIS3+, are estimated at 285,000 and 24,000 resp. in 2015. The 2015 frequency of sMAIS3+ roadusers consists of 6850 motorized two-wheel users, 6500 car occupants, 3550 cyclists, 3500 pedestrians and 800 others (van, bus, truck users). This confirms the heavy burden suffered by Motorized two-wheel users. Moreover, they only account for 2% of traveled kilometers whereas car occupants account for 70% of traveled kilometers. Also, these results show a different pattern than the number of fatalities, where it is the number of killed car occupants that is the highest. Conclusions The frequency of injured road users, all severities, has been confirmed by other sources, namely: the French national Travel Survey, and by the annual firemen data (they provide first aid on crash scene). Concerning the number of seriously injured road users, the ratio of the number of MAIS3+ casualties divided by the number of fatalities enables country to country comparison.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Léa Pascal, Jean-Louis Martin, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02116085
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Léa Pascal, Jean-Louis Martin, Bernard Laumon. Estimation nationale du nombre de blessés graves de la route, 2006-2014, France. Congrès Adelf-Epiter, Sep 2016, RENNES, France. pp. S183-S184, ⟨10.1016/j.respe.2016.06.033⟩. ⟨hal-02116085⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2016.06.033
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction - La Commission Européenne demande à ses Etats Membres d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves de la route, au sens de l'AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale), score international de gravité traumatologique. Le PMSI ne peut pas être utilisé car la cause externe (tel l'accident de la route) n'est renseignée qu'à 20 %. Les BAAC (données nationales des forces de l'ordre) sont non exhaustifs et biaisés. Aucune des deux bases ne code l'AIS. Reste le Registre des victimes d'accidents de la route du Rhône. Objectif - À partir de ce Registre et des BAAC, il s'agit de fournir une estimation du nombre de blessés de la route en France selon leur niveau de gravité AIS. Méthode - Le rapprochement des deux bases permet, par capture-recapture, d'estimer des coefficients de correction des BAAC (régression logit multinomiale selon les facteurs de biais de sélection). Sur les blessés communs aux deux sources est estimé un modèle de prédiction de l'AIS selon les caractéristiques de l'accident et du blessé. Résultats - L'ensemble des blessés de la route est estimé à environ 300 000 en 2012, et les blessés graves à 30 000. Les blessés graves en deux-roues motorisé sont plus nombreux que les automobilistes, alors qu'ils ne représentent que 2 % des kilomètres parcourus (vs 70 % pour les automobilistes). Les blessés graves cyclistes sont aussi nombreux que les blessés graves piétons. Discussion - Le nombre total de blessés est conforté par une estimation de l'Enquête Nationale Transport et Déplacements INSEE-Ifsttar. Conclusion - La France est aujourd'hui en capacité de répondre aux attentes de la Commission Européenne en matière de dénombrement des blessés de la route. Le dispositif doit cependant être amélioré par une connaissance géographiquement plus étendue de la gravité AIS des blessés.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction - La Commission Européenne demande à ses Etats Membres d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves de la route, au sens de l'AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale), score international de gravité traumatologique. Le PMSI ne peut pas être utilisé car la cause externe (tel l'accident de la route) n'est renseignée qu'à 20 %. Les BAAC (données nationales des forces de l'ordre) sont non exhaustifs et biaisés. Aucune des deux bases ne code l'AIS. Reste le Registre des victimes d'accidents de la route du Rhône. Objectif - À partir de ce Registre et des BAAC, il s'agit de fournir une estimation du nombre de blessés de la route en France selon leur niveau de gravité AIS. Méthode - Le rapprochement des deux bases permet, par capture-recapture, d'estimer des coefficients de correction des BAAC (régression logit multinomiale selon les facteurs de biais de sélection). Sur les blessés communs aux deux sources est estimé un modèle de prédiction de l'AIS selon les caractéristiques de l'accident et du blessé. Résultats - L'ensemble des blessés de la route est estimé à environ 300 000 en 2012, et les blessés graves à 30 000. Les blessés graves en deux-roues motorisé sont plus nombreux que les automobilistes, alors qu'ils ne représentent que 2 % des kilomètres parcourus (vs 70 % pour les automobilistes). Les blessés graves cyclistes sont aussi nombreux que les blessés graves piétons. Discussion - Le nombre total de blessés est conforté par une estimation de l'Enquête Nationale Transport et Déplacements INSEE-Ifsttar. Conclusion - La France est aujourd'hui en capacité de répondre aux attentes de la Commission Européenne en matière de dénombrement des blessés de la route. Le dispositif doit cependant être amélioré par une connaissance géographiquement plus étendue de la gravité AIS des blessés.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Laura Turbatu, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02109294
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Laura Turbatu, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Jean-Louis Martin. Estimation du nombre de blessés graves de la route, au sens MAIS3+, en Ile de France. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2018, 15 p. ⟨hal-02109294⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En termes de blessés de la route, la Commission Européenne demande dorénavant à ses États Membres d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves selon un critère médical, le MAIS3+ (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score). Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation fournit directement ce critère, et permet par modélisations successives, basées sur la coexistence de ce Registre et des données des forces de l'ordre, d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves MAIS3+ au niveau national. Il est ainsi estimé à 25 400 en 2016, au niveau national, et à 5000 en Ile de France. Les estimations sur l'Ile de France, et encore plus sur Paris, sont à lire avec prudence, car les pratiques d'enregistrement des forces de l'ordre, notamment de la préfecture de Police de Paris, peuvent différer de celles du Rhône. Il ressort un fort effectif de blessés graves des usagers de deux-roues motorisés, et un effectif important de blessés graves piétons et cyclistes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En termes de blessés de la route, la Commission Européenne demande dorénavant à ses États Membres d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves selon un critère médical, le MAIS3+ (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score). Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation fournit directement ce critère, et permet par modélisations successives, basées sur la coexistence de ce Registre et des données des forces de l'ordre, d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves MAIS3+ au niveau national. Il est ainsi estimé à 25 400 en 2016, au niveau national, et à 5000 en Ile de France. Les estimations sur l'Ile de France, et encore plus sur Paris, sont à lire avec prudence, car les pratiques d'enregistrement des forces de l'ordre, notamment de la préfecture de Police de Paris, peuvent différer de celles du Rhône. Il ressort un fort effectif de blessés graves des usagers de deux-roues motorisés, et un effectif important de blessés graves piétons et cyclistes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Laura Turbatu, Grégory Soler, Léa Pascal, Blandine Gadegbeku, Amina Ndiaye, Bernard Laumon, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02110133
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Laura Turbatu, Grégory Soler, Léa Pascal, Blandine Gadegbeku, et al.. Estimation du nombre de blessés graves de la route, au sens MAIS3+, France métropolitaine, 2006-2016. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2019, 105 p. ⟨hal-02110133⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En termes de blessés de la route, la Commission Européenne demande dorénavant à ses États Membres d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves selon un critère médical, le MAIS3+ (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score). Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation fournit directement ce critère, et permet par modélisations successives, basées sur la coexistence de ce Registre et des données des forces de l'ordre, d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves MAIS3+ au niveau national. Il est ainsi estimé à 25 400 en 2016, et correspond à 7 fois le nombre de tués en moyenne chaque année (sur 2006-2016). Le nombre de blessés graves à deux-roues motorisé est depuis 2004 supérieur à celui des automobilistes : ils sont respectivement 10 000/an et 6 500/an sur 2013-2016, alors que les tués sont au nombre de 800/an et 1 800/an respectivement. Les piétons et cyclistes blessés MAIS3+ sont tous les deux au nombre de 3 500 /an (sur 2013-2016), alors que les tués sont respectivement 500/an et 150/an. Le nombre de blessés, tous usagers et toutes gravités, est estimé à 298 300 (2016). L'estimation des blessés toutes gravités est confirmée par l'Enquête Nationale Transport et Déplacements (ENTD 2007-2008), basée sur 23000 enquêtés, et par ailleurs, par les chiffres des Services Départementaux d'Incendie et de Secours (SDIS).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En termes de blessés de la route, la Commission Européenne demande dorénavant à ses États Membres d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves selon un critère médical, le MAIS3+ (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score). Le Registre du Rhône des victimes d'accidents de la circulation fournit directement ce critère, et permet par modélisations successives, basées sur la coexistence de ce Registre et des données des forces de l'ordre, d'estimer le nombre de blessés graves MAIS3+ au niveau national. Il est ainsi estimé à 25 400 en 2016, et correspond à 7 fois le nombre de tués en moyenne chaque année (sur 2006-2016). Le nombre de blessés graves à deux-roues motorisé est depuis 2004 supérieur à celui des automobilistes : ils sont respectivement 10 000/an et 6 500/an sur 2013-2016, alors que les tués sont au nombre de 800/an et 1 800/an respectivement. Les piétons et cyclistes blessés MAIS3+ sont tous les deux au nombre de 3 500 /an (sur 2013-2016), alors que les tués sont respectivement 500/an et 150/an. Le nombre de blessés, tous usagers et toutes gravités, est estimé à 298 300 (2016). L'estimation des blessés toutes gravités est confirmée par l'Enquête Nationale Transport et Déplacements (ENTD 2007-2008), basée sur 23000 enquêtés, et par ailleurs, par les chiffres des Services Départementaux d'Incendie et de Secours (SDIS).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anabelle Gilg Soit Llg, Marie Houot, Sabyne Audignon-Durand, Patrick Brochard, Mounia El Yamani, Ellen Imbernon, Daniele Luce, Corinne Pilorget
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02158055
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anabelle Gilg Soit Llg, Marie Houot, Sabyne Audignon-Durand, Patrick Brochard, Mounia El Yamani, et al.. Estimation de parts de cancers attribuables à certaines expositions professionnelles en France - Utilisation des matrices emplois-expositions développées dans le cadre du programme Matgéné. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2016, 77 (3), p. 509. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2016.03.357⟩. ⟨hal-02158055⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2016.03.357
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le poids des pathologies d'origine professionnelle, pour la plupart non-spécifiques, est important en France et pourtant, on ne dispose que de peu de travaux français récents permettant de l'objectiver quantitativement. C'est dans ce contexte que des outils spécifiques à la situation française ont été développés, au travers du programme Matgéné, afin d'évaluer les expositions professionnelles aux cancérogènes et l'impact de ces dernières sur la santé de la population. Objectifs La présente étude illustre l'utilisation de ces outils pour quantifier, selon deux scénarii, la part de certains cancers attribuable à une exposition professionnelle à quatre cancérogènes classés groupe 1 par le Circ : l'amiante, la silice, le benzène et le trichloréthylène. Ce travail donne également une estimation du taux de réparation en maladie professionnelle. Méthodes La part attribuable a été calculée à partir de la formule de Levin. Les risques relatifs sont issus de la littérature scientifique nationale et internationale et la prévalence de l'exposition sur l'ensemble de la vie professionnelle est estimée à partir du croisement des matrices emplois-expositions et d'un échantillon d'histoires professionnelles représentatif de la population française. Le nombre de cas attribuable a été calculé pour chacune des pathologies et comparé au nombre de cas de reconnaissance en maladie professionnelle lorsque cela était possible. Résultats Les résultats obtenus pour chacune des 4 nuisances seront présentés. Pour exemple, au total, le nombre de cas (mésothéliome pleural, cancer du poumon, larynx et ovaire) attribuable à une exposition professionnelle à l'amiante est estimé, en 2012, entre 2439 et 6184 chez les hommes et entre 250 et 437 chez les femmes; ainsi, 7,7 % à 19,4 % des cas de ces cancers seraient attribuables à une exposition professionnelle à l'amiante chez les hommes et 1,5 % à 2,6 % chez les femmes. Par ailleurs, on note une sous-réparation : - notable pour les pathologies pour lesquelles un tableau de maladie professionnelle existe (i.e. cancer du poumon en lien avec une exposition à la silice) ; - totale pour les pathologies pour lesquelles il n'existe pas de tableau à ce jour, et ce, alors même que le lien avec une exposition professionnelle est avéré (i.e. cancer du larynx et exposition à l'amiante). Conclusion Nonobstant les limites méthodologiques inhérentes à cet exercice, ces estimations sont importantes pour améliorer les connaissances en santé travail et en santé publique. Elles confirment le poids considérable des expositions professionnelles dans la survenue de certains cancers dans la population française et par là même l'importance de la sous-réparation des pathologies qui leur sont attribuables.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le poids des pathologies d'origine professionnelle, pour la plupart non-spécifiques, est important en France et pourtant, on ne dispose que de peu de travaux français récents permettant de l'objectiver quantitativement. C'est dans ce contexte que des outils spécifiques à la situation française ont été développés, au travers du programme Matgéné, afin d'évaluer les expositions professionnelles aux cancérogènes et l'impact de ces dernières sur la santé de la population. Objectifs La présente étude illustre l'utilisation de ces outils pour quantifier, selon deux scénarii, la part de certains cancers attribuable à une exposition professionnelle à quatre cancérogènes classés groupe 1 par le Circ : l'amiante, la silice, le benzène et le trichloréthylène. Ce travail donne également une estimation du taux de réparation en maladie professionnelle. Méthodes La part attribuable a été calculée à partir de la formule de Levin. Les risques relatifs sont issus de la littérature scientifique nationale et internationale et la prévalence de l'exposition sur l'ensemble de la vie professionnelle est estimée à partir du croisement des matrices emplois-expositions et d'un échantillon d'histoires professionnelles représentatif de la population française. Le nombre de cas attribuable a été calculé pour chacune des pathologies et comparé au nombre de cas de reconnaissance en maladie professionnelle lorsque cela était possible. Résultats Les résultats obtenus pour chacune des 4 nuisances seront présentés. Pour exemple, au total, le nombre de cas (mésothéliome pleural, cancer du poumon, larynx et ovaire) attribuable à une exposition professionnelle à l'amiante est estimé, en 2012, entre 2439 et 6184 chez les hommes et entre 250 et 437 chez les femmes; ainsi, 7,7 % à 19,4 % des cas de ces cancers seraient attribuables à une exposition professionnelle à l'amiante chez les hommes et 1,5 % à 2,6 % chez les femmes. Par ailleurs, on note une sous-réparation : - notable pour les pathologies pour lesquelles un tableau de maladie professionnelle existe (i.e. cancer du poumon en lien avec une exposition à la silice) ; - totale pour les pathologies pour lesquelles il n'existe pas de tableau à ce jour, et ce, alors même que le lien avec une exposition professionnelle est avéré (i.e. cancer du larynx et exposition à l'amiante). Conclusion Nonobstant les limites méthodologiques inhérentes à cet exercice, ces estimations sont importantes pour améliorer les connaissances en santé travail et en santé publique. Elles confirment le poids considérable des expositions professionnelles dans la survenue de certains cancers dans la population française et par là même l'importance de la sous-réparation des pathologies qui leur sont attribuables.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Anthony Zullo, Mélanie Yvroud, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04298089
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Anthony Zullo, Mélanie Yvroud, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, et al.. Estimating the number of seriously injured road users using the national hospital data, France, 2010-2019. 7th IRTAD conference - Better road safety data for better safety outcomes, Sep 2022, Vaulx en Velin, France. 15 p. ⟨hal-04298089⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: Many countries use hospital discharge data to estimate the number of hospitalized road users, and among them those seriously injured. However, in France, the external cause of the ICD classification-which enables to distinguish road traffic injuries from sport or occupational injuries-is missing at 70%. Method: To overcome this issue, we use the inverse probability weighting method. First, we modelled among all hospitalized patients having a traumatic injury, the probability that the external cause was completed, using a logistic multinomial model. Covariates were either characteristics of the patients (duration of stay, age, nature of injury…) or characteristics of the hospital (public/private, …). Secondly, using the estimated inverse probabilities as weights, we obtained the estimated number of hospitalized patients following a road crash. Finally, using a mapping from AAAM between ICD 10 codes and MAIS 3+ (yes/no), we could estimate the number of seriously injured road users. Results: It is estimated that in France, about 100 000 road users are hospitalized each year, between 2010 and 2019, and among them, about 18 000 are seriously injured (MAIS3+), with an incidence of 28.3 per 100 000 inhabitants. There are about 2300 seriously injured pedestrians per year, 4000 cyclists, 5800 users of motorized two-wheel, 5500 car occupants and 200 occupants of vans or heavy vehicles. Conclusion: The estimated number of seriously injured road users is similar to the one estimated by another approach in France (capture-recapture on the Rhone road trauma registry and police data, followed by projection over France). Furthermore, it leads to a ratio of 5.3 MAIS3+/killed whereas it is around 3-4 in Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden (Safetycube), but no country accounted for missing external cause (which is 17 % in two of these countries, and not provided in the other three).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: Many countries use hospital discharge data to estimate the number of hospitalized road users, and among them those seriously injured. However, in France, the external cause of the ICD classification-which enables to distinguish road traffic injuries from sport or occupational injuries-is missing at 70%. Method: To overcome this issue, we use the inverse probability weighting method. First, we modelled among all hospitalized patients having a traumatic injury, the probability that the external cause was completed, using a logistic multinomial model. Covariates were either characteristics of the patients (duration of stay, age, nature of injury…) or characteristics of the hospital (public/private, …). Secondly, using the estimated inverse probabilities as weights, we obtained the estimated number of hospitalized patients following a road crash. Finally, using a mapping from AAAM between ICD 10 codes and MAIS 3+ (yes/no), we could estimate the number of seriously injured road users. Results: It is estimated that in France, about 100 000 road users are hospitalized each year, between 2010 and 2019, and among them, about 18 000 are seriously injured (MAIS3+), with an incidence of 28.3 per 100 000 inhabitants. There are about 2300 seriously injured pedestrians per year, 4000 cyclists, 5800 users of motorized two-wheel, 5500 car occupants and 200 occupants of vans or heavy vehicles. Conclusion: The estimated number of seriously injured road users is similar to the one estimated by another approach in France (capture-recapture on the Rhone road trauma registry and police data, followed by projection over France). Furthermore, it leads to a ratio of 5.3 MAIS3+/killed whereas it is around 3-4 in Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden (Safetycube), but no country accounted for missing external cause (which is 17 % in two of these countries, and not provided in the other three).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mouloud Haddak
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01824303
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mouloud Haddak. Estimating the Willingness-to-pay for Road Safety Improvement. Transport Research Arena TRA2016, Apr 2016, VARSOVIE, Poland. pp. 293-302, ⟨10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.084⟩. ⟨hal-01824303⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.084
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Few studies have explored, to date, the issue of the monetary valuation of non-fatal injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The present contribution seeks to raise interest in this question and to estimate, by contingent valuation, French households' willingness-to-pay (WTP) to improve their road safety level and reduce their risk of non-fatal injuries following a road accident.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Few studies have explored, to date, the issue of the monetary valuation of non-fatal injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The present contribution seeks to raise interest in this question and to estimate, by contingent valuation, French households' willingness-to-pay (WTP) to improve their road safety level and reduce their risk of non-fatal injuries following a road accident.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anthony Zullo, Maxime Large, Emmanuelle Amoros, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03184511
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anthony Zullo, Maxime Large, Emmanuelle Amoros, Jean-Louis Martin. Estimated number of seriously injured road users admitted to hospital in France between 2010 and 2017, based on medico-administrative data. BMC Public Health, 2021, 21 ((1)), p469. ⟨10.1186/s12889-021-10437-0⟩. ⟨hal-03184511⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12889-021-10437-0
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In France, like in most developed countries, the number of road accident fatalities is estimated from police data. These estimates are considered to be good-quality, unlike estimates of road injuries admitted to hospital, and especially serious injuries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In France, like in most developed countries, the number of road accident fatalities is estimated from police data. These estimates are considered to be good-quality, unlike estimates of road injuries admitted to hospital, and especially serious injuries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Claire Pilet, Céline Vernet, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03773414
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Claire Pilet, Céline Vernet, Jean-Louis Martin. Estimated crash avoidance with the hypothetical introduction of automated vehicles: a simulation based on experts' assessment from French in-depth data. European Transport Research Review, 2021, 13 (1), pp.65. ⟨10.1186/s12544-021-00521-2⟩. ⟨hal-03773414⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12544-021-00521-2
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We aimed to quantify, through simulations using real crash data, the number of potentially avoided crashes following different replacement levels of light vehicles by level-5 automated light vehicles (AVs).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We aimed to quantify, through simulations using real crash data, the number of potentially avoided crashes following different replacement levels of light vehicles by level-5 automated light vehicles (AVs).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Yiannakis Georgiades, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01253793
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Yiannakis Georgiades, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard. Establishment of atmospheric pollution standards for motor vehicles. Science of the Total Environment, 1988, 77, pp.215-230. ⟨10.1016/0048-9697(88)90057-5⟩. ⟨hal-01253793⟩
DOI : 10.1016/0048-9697(88)90057-5
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : First we classify the various emission standards applying to light vehicles, the conditions under which the emissions are measured and the environmental standards. We then describe the way in which a standard is established according to the basic principles and procedures involved in determining acceptable environmental concentrations in practice. We refer to the economic and political considerations involved in deciding on a standard and, as an example, to the positions adopted by the various parties concerned in France when drafting the 15.05 standard. In response to the atmospheric pollution caused by motor vehicles, all the industrial countries have, some earlier than others, drawn up regulations designed to limit the extent of this pollution, to protect the environment and reduce the public health risk. Both environmental and emission standards are aimed at reducing the risks to the environment and in particular to man, arising from the presence of particular pollutants. The procedure concerned in establishing these standards is a complicated one involving scientific, economic and political considerations; furthermore, there is a great diversity of standards.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : First we classify the various emission standards applying to light vehicles, the conditions under which the emissions are measured and the environmental standards. We then describe the way in which a standard is established according to the basic principles and procedures involved in determining acceptable environmental concentrations in practice. We refer to the economic and political considerations involved in deciding on a standard and, as an example, to the positions adopted by the various parties concerned in France when drafting the 15.05 standard. In response to the atmospheric pollution caused by motor vehicles, all the industrial countries have, some earlier than others, drawn up regulations designed to limit the extent of this pollution, to protect the environment and reduce the public health risk. Both environmental and emission standards are aimed at reducing the risks to the environment and in particular to man, arising from the presence of particular pollutants. The procedure concerned in establishing these standards is a complicated one involving scientific, economic and political considerations; furthermore, there is a great diversity of standards.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : B. Abbott, R. Abbott, T. Abbott, R. Abernathy, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, C. Adams, T. Adams, P. Addesso, R. Adhikari, B. Adya, C. Affeldt, M. Agathos, K. Agatsuma, N. Aggarwal, O. Aguiar, L. Aiello, A. Ain, P. Ajith, B. Allen, A. Allocca, P. Altin, A. Ananyeva, B. Anderson, W. Anderson, S. Appert, K. Arai, M. Araya, S. Areeda, N. Arnaud, K. Arun, S. Ascenzi, G. Ashton, M. Ast, P. Ast, P. Aufmuth, C. Aulbert, A. Avila-Alvarez, S. Babak, P. Bacon, M. Bader, T. Baker, F. Baldaccini, G. Ballardin, S. Ballmer, C. Barayoga, S. Barclay, B. Barish, D. Barker, F. Barone, B. Barr, L. Barsotti, M. Barsuglia, D. Barta, J. Bartlett, I. Bartos, R. Bassiri, A. Basti, C. Batch, C. Baune, V. Bavigadda, M. Bazzan, C. Beer, M. Bejger, I. Belahcene, M. Belgin, A. Bell, B. Berger, G. Bergmann, C. Berry, D. Bersanetti, A. Bertolini, J. Betzwieser, S. Bhagwat, R. Bhandare, A. Bilenko, G. Billingsley, R. Billman, J. Birch, R. Birney, O. Birnholtz, S. Biscans, A. Bisht, M. Bitossi, C. Biwer, M. Bizouard, K. Blackburn, J. Blackman, C. Blair, G. Blair, R. Blair, S. Bloemen, O. Bock, M. Boer, G. Bogaert, A. Bohe, François Bondu, R. Bonnand, B. Boom, R. Bork, V. Boschi, S. Bose, Y. Bouffanais, A. Bozzi, C. Bradaschia, R. Brady, B. Braginsky, M. Branchesi, J. E. Brau, T. Briant, A. Brillet, M. Brinkmann, V. Brisson, P. Brockill, J. Broida, F. Brooks, A. Brown, D. Brown, M. Brown, S. Brunett, C. Buchanan, A. Buikema, T. Bulik, J. Bulten, A. Buonanno, D. Buskulic, C. Buy, R. Byer, M. Cabero, L. Cadonati, G. Cagnoli, C. Cahillane, J. Bustillo, T. Callister, E. Calloni, B. Camp, M. Canepa, K. Cannon, H. Cao, J. Cao, C. Capano, E. Capocasa, F. Carbognani, S. Caride, J. M. Díaz, C. Casentini, S. Caudill, M. Cavaglià, F. Cavalier, R. Cavalier, G. Cella, B. Cepeda, L. Baiardi, G. Cerretani, E. Cesarini, S. Chamberlin, M. Chan, S. Chao, P. Charlton, E. Chassande-Mottin, B. Cheeseboro, Y. Chen, P. Chen, A. Chincarini, A. Chiummo, T. Chmiel, S. Cho, M. Cho, J. Cho, N. 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Ma, L. Ma, N. Ma, R. Mccarthy, D. Mcclelland, S. Mccormick, C. Mcgrath, C. Mcguire, G. Mcintyre, J. Mciver, J. Ma, T. Mcrae, T. Mcwilliams, D. Meacher, G. Meadors, J. Meidam, A. Melatos, G. Mendell, D. Mendoza-Gandara, R. Mercer, L. Merilh, M. Merzougui, S. Meshkov, C. Messenger, C. Messick, R. Metzdorff, M. Meyers, F. Mezzani, H. Miao, C. Michel, H. Middleton, E. Mikhailov, L. Milano, L. Miller, A. Miller, B. Miller, J. Miller, M. Millhouse, Y. Minenkov, J. Ming, S. Mirshekari, C. Mishra, S. Mitra, P. Mitrofanov, G. Mitselmakher, R. Mittleman, A. Moggi, M. Mohan, R. Mohapatra, M. Montani, B. Moore, C. Moore, D. Moraru, G. Moreno, R. Morriss, B. Mours, M. Mow-Lowry, G. Mueller, A. Muir, Arunava Arun, D. Mukherjee, S. Mukherjee, N. Mukund, A. Mullavey, J. Munch, M. Muniz, P. Murray, A. Mytidis, K. Napier, I. Nardecchia, L. Naticchioni, G. Nelemans, T. Nelson, M. Neri, M. Nery, A. Neunzert, M. Newport, G. Newton, T. Nguyen, B. Nielsen, S. Nissanke, A. Nitz, A. Noack, F. Nocera, D. Nolting, M. Normandin, K. Nuttall, J. Oberling, E. Ochsner, E. Oelker, G. Ogin, J. Oh, S. Oh, F. Oh, M. Oliver, P. Oppermann, J. Oram, B. O’reilly, R. O’shaughnessy, J. Ottaway, H. Overmier, B. Owen, A. Pace, J. Page, A. Pai, R. Palamos, O. Palashov, C. Palomba, A. Pal-Singh, H. Pan, C. Pan, F. Pan, B. Pan, F. Paoletti, A. Paoli, M. Papa, R. Paris, W. Parker, D. Pascucci, A. Pasqualetti, R. Passaquieti, D. Passuello, B. Patricelli, B. Pearlstone, M. Pedraza, R. Pedurand, L. Pekowsky, A. Pele, S. Penn, C. Perez, A. Perreca, M. Perri, P. Pfeiffer, M. Phelps, O. Piccinni, M. Pichot, F. Piergiovanni, V. Pierro, G. Pillant, L. Pinard, M. Pinto, M. Pitkin, M. Poe, R. Poggiani, P. Popolizio, A. Post, J. Powell, J. Prasad, W. Pratt, V. Predoi, T. Prestegard, M. Prijatelj, M. Principe, S. Privitera, R. Prix, A. Prodi, L. Prokhorov, O. Puncken, M. Punturo, P. Puppo, M. Pürrer, H. Qi, J. Qi, S. Qi, V. Quetschke, A. Quintero, R. Quitzow-James, F. Raab, S. Rabeling, H. Radkins, P. Raffai, S. Raja, C. Raja, M. Rakhmanov, P. Rapagnani, V. Raymond, M. Razzano, V. Re, J. Re, T. Re, L. Re, D. Re, H. Re, S. Re, E. Rhoades, F. Ricci, K. Riles, M. Rizzo, N. Robertson, R. Robie, F. Robinet, A. Rocchi, L. Rolland, J. Rollins, V. Roma, R. Roma, J. Romie, D. Rosińska, S. Rowan, A. Rüdiger, P. Ruggi, K. Ryan, S. Sachdev, T. Sadecki, L. Sadeghian, M. Sakellariadou, L. Salconi, M. Saleem, F. Salemi, A. Samajdar, L. Sammut, M. Sampson, J. Sanchez, V. Sandberg, R. Sanders, B. Sassolas, B. Sathyaprakash, R. Saulson, O. Sauter, R. Savage, A. Sawadsky, P. Schale, J. Scheuer, E. Schmidt, J. Schmidt, P. Schmidt, R. Schnabel, R. Schofield, A. Schönbeck, E. Schreiber, D. Schuette, B. Schutz, S. Schwalbe, J. Scott, M. Scott, D. Sellers, A. Sengupta, D. Sentenac, V. Sequino, A. Sergeev, Y. Setyawati, A. Shaddock, T. Shaffer, M. Shahriar, B. Shapiro, P. Shawhan, A. Sheperd, D. Shoemaker, M. Shoemaker, K. Siellez, X. Siemens, M. Sieniawska, D. Sigg, A. Silva, A. Singer, P. Singer, R. Singh, A. Singh, M. Sintes, B. Slagmolen, B. Smith, R. Smith, J. Son, B. Sorazu, F. Sorrentino, T. Souradeep, P. Spencer, K. Strain, K. Srivastava, A. Staley, M. Steinke, J. Steinlechner, S. Steinlechner, D. Steinmeyer, B. Stephens, P. Stevenson, R. Stone, N. Straniero, G. Stratta, S. Strigin, R. Sturani, L. Stuver, T. Summerscales, L. Sun, S. Sun, P. Sutton, B. Swinkels, M. Szczepańczyk, M. Tacca, D. Talukder, B. Tanner, M. Tápai, A. Taracchini, R. Taylor, T. Theeg, G. Thomas, M. Thomas, P. Thomas, K. Thorne, E. Thrane, T. Tippens, S. Tiwari, V. Tiwari, K. Tokmakov, K. Toland, C. Tomlinson, M. Tonelli, Z. Tornasi, C. Torrie, D. Töyrä, F. Travasso, G. Traylor, D. Trifirò, J. Trinastic, M. Tringali, L. Trozzo, M. Tse, R. Tso, M. Turconi, D. Tuyenbayev, D. Ugolini, C. Unnikrishnan, L. Urban, A. Usman, H. Vahlbruch, G. Vajente, G. Valdes, N. Bakel, M. Beuzekom, F. Brand, C. De, C. Vander-Hyde, L. Schaaf, V. Heijningen, A. Veggel, M. Vardaro, V. Varma, S. Vass, M. Vasúth, A. Vecchio, G. Vedovato, J. Veitch, P. Veitch, K. Venkateswara, G. Venugopalan, D. Verkindt, F. Vetrano, A. Viceré, A. Viets, S. Vinciguerra, J. Vine, S. Vitale, T. Vo, H. Vo, C. Vo, V. Vo, W. Vo, P. Vyatchanin, R. Wade, L. Wade, M. Wade, M. Walker, L. Wallace, S. Walsh, Gang Wang, H. Wang, M. Wang, Y. Wang, R. Ward, J. Warner, M. Was, J. Watchi, B. Weaver, Lumei Wei, M. Wei, A. Wei, R. Wei, L. Wen, P. Wessels, T. Westphal, K. Wette, T. Whelan, B. Whiting, C. Whittle, D. Williams, R. J. Williams, L. Willis, B. Willke, M. Wimmer, W. Winkler, C. Wipf, H. Wittel, G. Woan, J. Woehler, J. Worden, L. Wright, S. Wu, G. Wu, W. Yam, H. Yam, C. Yancey, M. Yap, Hang Yu, Haocun Yu, M. Yvert, A. Zadrożny, L. Zangrando, M. Zanolin, P. Zendri, M. Zevin, L. Zhang, M. Zhang, Tiantian Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Zhao, M. Zhou, Z. Zhou, S. Zhu, J. Zhu, M. Zucker, J. Zweizig, S. Buchner, Ismaël Cognard, A. Corongiu, C. Frei, Lucas Guillemot, B. Hobbs, M. Kerr, A. Lyne, A. Possenti, A. Ridolfi, R. Shannon, B. Stappers, P. Weltevrede
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02191238
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : B. Abbott, R. Abbott, T. Abbott, R. Abernathy, F. Acernese, et al.. Erratum: “First Search for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars with Advanced LIGO” (2017, ApJ, 839, 12). The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 851 (1), pp.71. ⟨10.3847/1538-4357/aa9aee⟩. ⟨hal-02191238⟩
DOI : 10.3847/1538-4357/aa9aee
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A. Moskal
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-00544028
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A. Moskal. Epidémiologie du traumatisme routier chez les deux-roues motorisés. Autre [q-bio.OT]. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2009. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00544028⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif de cette recherche était d'actualiser et d'affiner les connaissances épidémiologiques sur les usagers de deux-roues motorisés accidentés qui représentent un enjeu majeur de sécurité routière et de santé publique. Les principales bases de données françaises ont été utilisées : les données nationales des forces de l'ordre, les données de l'enquête « Stupéfiants et Accidents Mortels » et celles du Registre des Victimes d'accident du Rhône. Nous avons d'abord dressé le bilan des connaissances épidémiologiques à partir des résultats de la littérature internationale sur les usagers de deux-roues motorisés et leurs accidents, et précisé les besoins en matière de recherches. En terme de sécurité primaire, nous avons étudié un certain nombre de facteurs de risque d'accidents de deux-roues motorisés, et particulièrement la dimension conduite sous l'influence de l'alcool et de stupéfiants. En terme de sécurité secondaire, nous avons présenté la typologie lésionnelle des usagers de deux-roues motorisés accidentés puis étudié les facteurs de gravité. Nous avons completécomplété nos recherches par une analyse spécifique sur l'évaluation de l'efficacité du casque et de ses éventuels effets lésionnels indésirables et terminé par l'étude des mécanismes lésionnels selon le type d'accident et le type de deux-roues motorisé. A la suite de nos travaux, nous avons proposé des recommandations pour prévenir les accidents de deux-roues motorisés et à défaut réduire leur gravité
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif de cette recherche était d'actualiser et d'affiner les connaissances épidémiologiques sur les usagers de deux-roues motorisés accidentés qui représentent un enjeu majeur de sécurité routière et de santé publique. Les principales bases de données françaises ont été utilisées : les données nationales des forces de l'ordre, les données de l'enquête « Stupéfiants et Accidents Mortels » et celles du Registre des Victimes d'accident du Rhône. Nous avons d'abord dressé le bilan des connaissances épidémiologiques à partir des résultats de la littérature internationale sur les usagers de deux-roues motorisés et leurs accidents, et précisé les besoins en matière de recherches. En terme de sécurité primaire, nous avons étudié un certain nombre de facteurs de risque d'accidents de deux-roues motorisés, et particulièrement la dimension conduite sous l'influence de l'alcool et de stupéfiants. En terme de sécurité secondaire, nous avons présenté la typologie lésionnelle des usagers de deux-roues motorisés accidentés puis étudié les facteurs de gravité. Nous avons completécomplété nos recherches par une analyse spécifique sur l'évaluation de l'efficacité du casque et de ses éventuels effets lésionnels indésirables et terminé par l'étude des mécanismes lésionnels selon le type d'accident et le type de deux-roues motorisé. A la suite de nos travaux, nous avons proposé des recommandations pour prévenir les accidents de deux-roues motorisés et à défaut réduire leur gravité
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat, Fanny Conte, Cécilia Gabel, Chantal Chavoix, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01287104
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat, Fanny Conte, Cécilia Gabel, et al.. Epidemiological results about profiles of cognitive over and under estimators; Experimental results about relationship between cognitive and driving self-awareness. Seminar on ageing society. Lindholmen Conference Centre, Nov 2015, Göteborg, France. 25 p. ⟨hal-01287104⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le projet SAFE MOVE for older drivers (2011-2015), a été financé par l'ANR. Il impliquait des partenaires industriels (Continental, PSA et OKTAL), le CNRS, l'INSERM le LESCOT, l'UMRESTTE et le LEPSIS et comportait un projet « jumeau » en Suède avec le VTI et Volvo Cars. Il visait à identifier les déterminants d'une mobilité sure et durable chez les conducteurs âgés et à proposer des solutions appropriées en matière de formation et d'assistance à la conduite. Avec une approche de type cohorte conjuguée à une approche expérimentale, les résultats obtenus ont confirmé que l'auto-estimation cognitive était déterminée par des variables de personnalité, de genre, de mode de vie et qu'elle était bien associée à l'auto-estimation de la performance de conduite.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le projet SAFE MOVE for older drivers (2011-2015), a été financé par l'ANR. Il impliquait des partenaires industriels (Continental, PSA et OKTAL), le CNRS, l'INSERM le LESCOT, l'UMRESTTE et le LEPSIS et comportait un projet « jumeau » en Suède avec le VTI et Volvo Cars. Il visait à identifier les déterminants d'une mobilité sure et durable chez les conducteurs âgés et à proposer des solutions appropriées en matière de formation et d'assistance à la conduite. Avec une approche de type cohorte conjuguée à une approche expérimentale, les résultats obtenus ont confirmé que l'auto-estimation cognitive était déterminée par des variables de personnalité, de genre, de mode de vie et qu'elle était bien associée à l'auto-estimation de la performance de conduite.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Patrice Mestayer, Abdelhamid Abidi, Michel André, Erwan Bocher, Jacques Bougnol, Bernard Bourges, Dorothée Brécard, Jean-Sébastien Broc, Julie Bulteau, Mireille Chiron, Pierre Yves Fadet, Guillaume Faburel, Jacques Fialaire, Nicolas Fortin, Anne Freneau, Bernard Fritsch, Nathalie Gourlot, Patricia Herbez, Robert Joumard, Thomas Leduc, Yannick Le Pen, Valérie Lépicier, Sylvie Leveaux, Jean–pierre Orfeuil, Frédéric Penven, Gwendall Petit, Judicaël Picaut, Arnaud Rebours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01347313
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Patrice Mestayer, Abdelhamid Abidi, Michel André, Erwan Bocher, Jacques Bougnol, et al.. Environmental impact assessment of urban mobility plan: a methodology including socio-economic consequences. Sébastien Rauch; Gregory M. Morrison. Urban Environment - Proceedings of the 10th Urban Environment Symposium, 19, Springer Netherlands, pp.15-26, 2011, Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries, 978-94-007-2539-3. ⟨10.1007/978-94-007-2540-9_2⟩. ⟨hal-01347313⟩
DOI : 10.1007/978-94-007-2540-9_2
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The project objective is to develop an optimized methodology to assess the environmental impacts of urban mobility plans (UMP, in French PDU), taking into account their social and economic consequences. The main proposed methodology is based on a systemic approach: multi factor (air quality, noise, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emission) numerical simulations with a chain of physically-based models, based on alternative and comparative scenarios. The social and economic consequences of these alternative simulations are assessed by means of econometric models. Two alternative approaches are explored: (i) the use of composite environmental indicators to correlate the sources to the impacts, especially health impacts, and (ii) the analysis of sample surveys on what makes inhabitants’ quality of life, well-being and territorial satisfaction and on citizens’ behavioral changes linked to transport offer changes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The project objective is to develop an optimized methodology to assess the environmental impacts of urban mobility plans (UMP, in French PDU), taking into account their social and economic consequences. The main proposed methodology is based on a systemic approach: multi factor (air quality, noise, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emission) numerical simulations with a chain of physically-based models, based on alternative and comparative scenarios. The social and economic consequences of these alternative simulations are assessed by means of econometric models. Two alternative approaches are explored: (i) the use of composite environmental indicators to correlate the sources to the impacts, especially health impacts, and (ii) the analysis of sample surveys on what makes inhabitants’ quality of life, well-being and territorial satisfaction and on citizens’ behavioral changes linked to transport offer changes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Patrice Mestayer, Judicaël Picaut, Abdelhamid Abidi, Michel Andre, Erwan Bocher, Jacques Bougnol, Bernard Bourges, Dorothée Brécard, Jean-Sébastien Broc, Julie Bulteau, Mireille Chiron, Pierre Yves Fadet, Guillaume Faburel, Jacques Fialaire, Nicolas Fortin, Anne Freneau, Bernard Fritsch, Nathalie Gourlot, Patricia Herbez, Robert Joumard, Thomas Leduc, Yannick Le Pen, Valérie Lepicier, Sylvie Leveaux, Jean Pierre Orfeuil, Frédéric Penven, Gwendall Petit, Arnaud Rebours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00635714
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Patrice Mestayer, Judicaël Picaut, Abdelhamid Abidi, Michel Andre, Erwan Bocher, et al.. Environmental impact assessment of urban mobility plan : a methodology including socio-economic consequences. 10th Urban Environnement Symposium Urban Futures for a Sustainable World, Jun 2010, Göteborg, Sweden. 11 p. ⟨hal-00635714⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Unlabelled - The ability to optically interact with cells on both an individual and collective level has applications from wound healing to cancer treatment. Building systems that can facilitate both localised light illumination and visualisation of cells can, however, be challenging and costly. This work takes the Dynamic Optical MicroEnvironment (DOME), an existing platform for the closed-loop optical control of microscale agents, and adapts the design to support live-cell imaging. Through modifications made to the imaging and projection systems within the DOME, a significantly higher resolution, alternative imaging channels and the ability to customise light wavelengths are achieved (Bio-DOME). This is accompanied by an interactive calibration procedure that is robust to changes in the hardware configuration and provides fluorescence imaging (Fluoro-DOME). These alterations to the fundamental design allow for long-term use of the DOME in an environment of higher temperature and humidity. Thus, long-term imaging of living cells in a wound, with closed-loop control of real-time frontier illumination via projected light patterns, is facilitated. Supplementary information - The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12213-024-00165-0.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Unlabelled - The ability to optically interact with cells on both an individual and collective level has applications from wound healing to cancer treatment. Building systems that can facilitate both localised light illumination and visualisation of cells can, however, be challenging and costly. This work takes the Dynamic Optical MicroEnvironment (DOME), an existing platform for the closed-loop optical control of microscale agents, and adapts the design to support live-cell imaging. Through modifications made to the imaging and projection systems within the DOME, a significantly higher resolution, alternative imaging channels and the ability to customise light wavelengths are achieved (Bio-DOME). This is accompanied by an interactive calibration procedure that is robust to changes in the hardware configuration and provides fluorescence imaging (Fluoro-DOME). These alterations to the fundamental design allow for long-term use of the DOME in an environment of higher temperature and humidity. Thus, long-term imaging of living cells in a wound, with closed-loop control of real-time frontier illumination via projected light patterns, is facilitated. Supplementary information - The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12213-024-00165-0.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Lisa Brelet, Ladislav Moták, Magali Ginet, Nathalie Huet, Marie Izaute, Catherine Gabaude
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01584247
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Lisa Brelet, Ladislav Moták, Magali Ginet, Nathalie Huet, Marie Izaute, et al.. Enhancing Older Drivers' Safety: On Effects Induced by Stereotype Threat to Older Adults' Driving Performance, Working Memory and Self-Regulation. BMC Geriatrics, 2016, 7, pp.117 - 117. ⟨10.1111/j.0956-7976.2005.00799.x⟩. ⟨halshs-01584247⟩
DOI : 10.1111/j.0956-7976.2005.00799.x
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In a study concerned with driving behaviors of older drivers (mean age 70 years) in a driving simulator, our findings indicate that telling older drivers that they are more at risk of accidents because of their age and their driving performance-related decline (i.e., exposing them to a stereotype threat concerning older drivers) severely impairs their self-regulatory skills. Moreover, our results show that this is at least partly due to exhaustion of the executive resources (older drivers under stereotype threat tended to contradict the stereotype of being slow by driving faster), appearing also through working memory overload (older drivers under stereotype threat performed markedly less well in a modular arithmetic task than drivers in the control condition). We thus complete the existing evidence that older drivers' performance may be affected by socially-grounded factors, suggesting that simply being investigated may be enough to tax many capabilities in older people. We also propose that stereotype threat might be at least a partial explanation for why older drivers sometimes have poorer self-regulation performances after attending rehabilitation programs designed to make older drivers safer ones.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In a study concerned with driving behaviors of older drivers (mean age 70 years) in a driving simulator, our findings indicate that telling older drivers that they are more at risk of accidents because of their age and their driving performance-related decline (i.e., exposing them to a stereotype threat concerning older drivers) severely impairs their self-regulatory skills. Moreover, our results show that this is at least partly due to exhaustion of the executive resources (older drivers under stereotype threat tended to contradict the stereotype of being slow by driving faster), appearing also through working memory overload (older drivers under stereotype threat performed markedly less well in a modular arithmetic task than drivers in the control condition). We thus complete the existing evidence that older drivers' performance may be affected by socially-grounded factors, suggesting that simply being investigated may be enough to tax many capabilities in older people. We also propose that stereotype threat might be at least a partial explanation for why older drivers sometimes have poorer self-regulation performances after attending rehabilitation programs designed to make older drivers safer ones.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Morgan Recher, Caroline Bertrac, Camille Guillot, Jean Benoit Baudelet, Yasemin Karaca-Altintas, Hervé Hubert, Francis Leclerc, Stéphane Leteurtre, Denis Devictor, Laurent Chevret, Etienne Javouhey, Blandine Vanel, Frédéric Valla, Gilles Cambonie, Christophe Milesi, Jeanmichel Liet, Nicolas Joram, Philippe Hubert, Laurent Dupic, Bruno Ozanne, Olivier Tirel, Stéphane Dauger, Philippe Desprez, Julie Chantreuil
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02049793
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Morgan Recher, Caroline Bertrac, Camille Guillot, Jean Benoit Baudelet, Yasemin Karaca-Altintas, et al.. Enhance quality care performance: Determination of the variables for establishing a common database in French paediatric critical care units. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2018, Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 24 (4), pp. 767-771. ⟨10.1111/jep.12984⟩. ⟨hal-02049793⟩
DOI : 10.1111/jep.12984
pubmedId_s : 29987866
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Selected variables for the French Paediatric Intensive Care registry. Providing quality care requires follow-up in regard to clinical and economic activities. Over the past decade, medical databases and patient registries have expanded considerably, particularly in paediatric critical care medicine (eg, the Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet) in the UK, the Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Intensive Care (ANZPIC) Registry in Australia and New Zealand, and the Virtual Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Performance System (VPS) in the USA). Such a registry is not yet available in France. The aim of this study was to determine variables that ought to be included in a French paediatric critical care registry. Variables, items, and subitems from 3 foreign registries and 2 French local databases were used. Items described each variable, and subitems described items. The Delphi method was used to evaluate and rate 65 variables, 90 items, and 17 subitems taking into account importance or relevance based on input from 28 French physicians affiliated with the French Paediatric Critical Care Group. Two ratings were used between January and May 2013. Fifteen files from 10 paediatric intensive care units were included. Out of 65 potential variables, 48 (74%) were considered to be indispensable, 16 (25%) were considered to be optional, and 1 (2%) was considered to be irrelevant. Out of 90 potential items, 62 (69%) were considered to be relevant, 23 (26%) were considered to be of little relevance, and 5 (6%) were considered to be irrelevant. Out of 17 potential subitems, 9 (53%) were considered to be relevant, 6 (35%) were considered to be of little relevance, and 2 (12%) were considered to be irrelevant. The necessary variables that ought to be included in a French paediatric critical care registry were identified. The challenge now is to develop the French registry for paediatric intensive care units.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Selected variables for the French Paediatric Intensive Care registry. Providing quality care requires follow-up in regard to clinical and economic activities. Over the past decade, medical databases and patient registries have expanded considerably, particularly in paediatric critical care medicine (eg, the Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet) in the UK, the Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Intensive Care (ANZPIC) Registry in Australia and New Zealand, and the Virtual Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Performance System (VPS) in the USA). Such a registry is not yet available in France. The aim of this study was to determine variables that ought to be included in a French paediatric critical care registry. Variables, items, and subitems from 3 foreign registries and 2 French local databases were used. Items described each variable, and subitems described items. The Delphi method was used to evaluate and rate 65 variables, 90 items, and 17 subitems taking into account importance or relevance based on input from 28 French physicians affiliated with the French Paediatric Critical Care Group. Two ratings were used between January and May 2013. Fifteen files from 10 paediatric intensive care units were included. Out of 65 potential variables, 48 (74%) were considered to be indispensable, 16 (25%) were considered to be optional, and 1 (2%) was considered to be irrelevant. Out of 90 potential items, 62 (69%) were considered to be relevant, 23 (26%) were considered to be of little relevance, and 5 (6%) were considered to be irrelevant. Out of 17 potential subitems, 9 (53%) were considered to be relevant, 6 (35%) were considered to be of little relevance, and 2 (12%) were considered to be irrelevant. The necessary variables that ought to be included in a French paediatric critical care registry were identified. The challenge now is to develop the French registry for paediatric intensive care units.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : E. Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-00544001
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : E. Javouhey. Enfants victimes de l'insécurité routière : épidémiologie des traumatismes et séquelles. Autre [q-bio.OT]. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2007. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00544001⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cette recherche avait pour objectif de mieux connaître l'épidémiologie des traumatismes par accident de la route chez l'enfant. Pour cela, des analyses ont été réalisées à partir des données d'une grande qualité : le Registre du Rhône. Les incidences de traumatismes routiers chez les enfants ont été calculées. La localisation et la nature des lésions ont été finement décrites, en fonction du type d'usager de la route. Le deuxième objectif était d'identifier des facteurs de risque de traumatisme sévère et de séquelles. Les handicaps secondaires aux traumatismes routiers ont été étudiés à partir d'une étude de cohorte prospective multicentrique conduite dans douze villes françaises, incluant 139 enfants sévèrement traumatisés de la route et admis en réanimation pédiatrique. Les déficiences fonctionnelles, comportementales et cognitives ainsi que les degrés d'incapacités et les retentissements sur la famille et la scolarité, ont été évalués six mois et un an après l'accident. Les différents outils d'évaluation ont montré leur complémentarité pour apprécier la réalité des handicaps. Des facteurs de risque de séquelles à un an ont été identifiés permettant de cibler les enfants qui devraient bénéficier d'une prise en charge et d'un suivi particuliers. Des recommandations pour la prévention ont pu être élaborées, concernant particulièrement l'utilisation des dispositifs de protection en voiture, à deux-roues, les modalités de prise en charge en fonction des facteurs de gravité et les modalités de traitement en phase aiguë.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cette recherche avait pour objectif de mieux connaître l'épidémiologie des traumatismes par accident de la route chez l'enfant. Pour cela, des analyses ont été réalisées à partir des données d'une grande qualité : le Registre du Rhône. Les incidences de traumatismes routiers chez les enfants ont été calculées. La localisation et la nature des lésions ont été finement décrites, en fonction du type d'usager de la route. Le deuxième objectif était d'identifier des facteurs de risque de traumatisme sévère et de séquelles. Les handicaps secondaires aux traumatismes routiers ont été étudiés à partir d'une étude de cohorte prospective multicentrique conduite dans douze villes françaises, incluant 139 enfants sévèrement traumatisés de la route et admis en réanimation pédiatrique. Les déficiences fonctionnelles, comportementales et cognitives ainsi que les degrés d'incapacités et les retentissements sur la famille et la scolarité, ont été évalués six mois et un an après l'accident. Les différents outils d'évaluation ont montré leur complémentarité pour apprécier la réalité des handicaps. Des facteurs de risque de séquelles à un an ont été identifiés permettant de cibler les enfants qui devraient bénéficier d'une prise en charge et d'un suivi particuliers. Des recommandations pour la prévention ont pu être élaborées, concernant particulièrement l'utilisation des dispositifs de protection en voiture, à deux-roues, les modalités de prise en charge en fonction des facteurs de gravité et les modalités de traitement en phase aiguë.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Vivian Viallon, Onureena Banerjee, Eric Jougla, Grégoire Rey, Joël Coste
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00923614
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Vivian Viallon, Onureena Banerjee, Eric Jougla, Grégoire Rey, Joël Coste. Empirical comparison study of approximate methods for structure selection in binary graphical models. Biometrical Journal, 2014, 56 (2), p307-331. ⟨10.1002/bimj.201200253⟩. ⟨hal-00923614⟩
DOI : 10.1002/bimj.201200253
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Looking for associations among multiple variables is a topical issue in statistics due to the increasing amount of data encountered in biology, medicine, and many other domains involving statistical applications. Graphical models have recently gained popularity for this purpose in the statistical literature. In the binary case, however, exact inference is generally very slow or even intractable because of the form of the so-called log-partition function. In this paper, we review various approximate methods for structure selection in binary graphical models that have recently been proposed in the literature and compare them through an extensive simulation study. We also propose a modification of one existing method, that is shown to achieve good performance and to be generally very fast. We conclude with an application in which we search for associations among causes of death recorded on French death certificates.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Looking for associations among multiple variables is a topical issue in statistics due to the increasing amount of data encountered in biology, medicine, and many other domains involving statistical applications. Graphical models have recently gained popularity for this purpose in the statistical literature. In the binary case, however, exact inference is generally very slow or even intractable because of the form of the so-called log-partition function. In this paper, we review various approximate methods for structure selection in binary graphical models that have recently been proposed in the literature and compare them through an extensive simulation study. We also propose a modification of one existing method, that is shown to achieve good performance and to be generally very fast. We conclude with an application in which we search for associations among causes of death recorded on French death certificates.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Barthélémy-Claude Tavernier, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Marie Izaute, Laetitia Silvert, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03375150
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Barthélémy-Claude Tavernier, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Marie Izaute, et al.. Emotional experiences one year after a traffic accident: An exploratory study of verbatim accounts of the ESPARR cohort. Injury, 2017, 48 (3), pp.659-670. ⟨10.1016/j.injury.2017.01.011⟩. ⟨hal-03375150⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.injury.2017.01.011
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The aim of this study was to characterize different possible profiles of emotional experiences of victims of traffic accident based on verbatim accounts collected one year after the accident, and to relate these profiles to various socio-demographic and health data. A hierarchical cluster analysis of the emotional lexicon was made by categorizing and quantifying the EMOTAIX© lexicon using Tropes© text analysis software. Out of the 751 selected subjects, 328 expressed one or more emotional experiences. A link appeared between quality of life (QoL), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the valence of expressed emotions. Injury severity and history distinguished two sets expressing negative-valence emotional experience. Paradoxically, a group also emerged with a large proportion of severely injured persons, associated with the expression of positive-valence emotional experiences and with domains of QoL and PTSD. The analysis of subjective data sheds light on the experience of traffic accident victims and shows a way forward for research and clinical intervention.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The aim of this study was to characterize different possible profiles of emotional experiences of victims of traffic accident based on verbatim accounts collected one year after the accident, and to relate these profiles to various socio-demographic and health data. A hierarchical cluster analysis of the emotional lexicon was made by categorizing and quantifying the EMOTAIX© lexicon using Tropes© text analysis software. Out of the 751 selected subjects, 328 expressed one or more emotional experiences. A link appeared between quality of life (QoL), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the valence of expressed emotions. Injury severity and history distinguished two sets expressing negative-valence emotional experience. Paradoxically, a group also emerged with a large proportion of severely injured persons, associated with the expression of positive-valence emotional experiences and with domains of QoL and PTSD. The analysis of subjective data sheds light on the experience of traffic accident victims and shows a way forward for research and clinical intervention.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Barthélémy-Claude Tavernier, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Marie Izaute, Laetitia Silvert, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01491439
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Barthélémy-Claude Tavernier, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Marie Izaute, et al.. Emotional experiences one year after a traffic accident: An exploratory study of verbatim accounts of the ESPARR cohort. Injury, 2017, 48 (3), pp. 659-670. ⟨10.1016/j.injury.2017.01.011⟩. ⟨hal-01491439v2⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.injury.2017.01.011
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The aim of this study was to characterize different possible profiles of emotional experiences of victims of traffic accident based on verbatim accounts collected one year after the accident, and to relate these profiles to various socio-demographic and health data. A hierarchical cluster analysis of the emotional lexicon was made by categorizing and quantifying the EMOTAIX© lexicon using Tropes© text analysis software. Out of the 751 selected subjects, 328 expressed one or more emotional experiences. A link appeared between quality of life (QoL), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the valence of expressed emotions. Injury severity and history distinguished two sets expressing negative-valence emotional experience. Paradoxically, a group also emerged with a large proportion of severely injured persons, associated with the expression of positive-valence emotional experiences and with domains of QoL and PTSD. The analysis of subjective data sheds light on the functioning of traffic accident victims and shows a way forward for research and clinical intervention.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The aim of this study was to characterize different possible profiles of emotional experiences of victims of traffic accident based on verbatim accounts collected one year after the accident, and to relate these profiles to various socio-demographic and health data. A hierarchical cluster analysis of the emotional lexicon was made by categorizing and quantifying the EMOTAIX© lexicon using Tropes© text analysis software. Out of the 751 selected subjects, 328 expressed one or more emotional experiences. A link appeared between quality of life (QoL), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the valence of expressed emotions. Injury severity and history distinguished two sets expressing negative-valence emotional experience. Paradoxically, a group also emerged with a large proportion of severely injured persons, associated with the expression of positive-valence emotional experiences and with domains of QoL and PTSD. The analysis of subjective data sheds light on the functioning of traffic accident victims and shows a way forward for research and clinical intervention.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Claire Colas, Julie Goutte, Christelle Creac'h, Luc Fontana, Marie-Pierre Vericel, Jessica Manzanares, Marie Peuriere, Madjid Akrour, Charly Martin, Emilie Presles, Nathalie Barth, Jessica Guyot, Maël Garros, Béatrice Trombert, Catherine Massoubre, Frédéric Roche, Léonard Feasson, Hubert Marotte, Pascal Cathebras, David Hupin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03372712
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Claire Colas, Julie Goutte, Christelle Creac'h, Luc Fontana, Marie-Pierre Vericel, et al.. Efficiency of an Optimized Care Organization in Fibromyalgia Patients: The From Intent to Move (FIMOUV) Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Public Health, 2021, 9, pp.554291. ⟨10.3389/fpubh.2021.554291⟩. ⟨hal-03372712⟩
DOI : 10.3389/fpubh.2021.554291
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by multiple symptoms including pain, fatigue, and sleep disorders, altering patient's quality of life. In the absence of effective pharmacological therapy, the last European guidelines recommend a multidisciplinary management based on exercise and education. Thus, our main objective was to measure the effectiveness of a healthcare organization offering a specific program of adapted physical activity combined with a therapeutic education program for FM patients. Methods and Analysis: The From Intent To Move (FIMOUV) study will recruit 330 FM patients randomized into two groups: test and control. The test group will benefit from a 1-month mixed exercise training program supervised at the hospital, followed by 2 months in a community-based relay in a health-sport structure. In addition, each of the two groups will benefit from therapeutic patient education sessions. The main endpoint is the measurement of the level of physical activity by accelerometry at 1 year. The secondary endpoints concern adherence to the practice of physical activity, impact on lifestyle, state of health, and physical capacity, as well as an estimate of the budgetary impact of this management strategy. Discussion: This interventional research will allow us to assess the evolution of behaviors in physical activity after an FM syndrome management based solely on patient education or based on a supervised and adapted practice of physical activity associated with this same therapeutic education program. It seems to be the first study evaluating the impact of its intervention on objective data for measuring physical activity and sedentary behavior via accelerometry among FM patients. Trial registration: NCT04107948.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by multiple symptoms including pain, fatigue, and sleep disorders, altering patient's quality of life. In the absence of effective pharmacological therapy, the last European guidelines recommend a multidisciplinary management based on exercise and education. Thus, our main objective was to measure the effectiveness of a healthcare organization offering a specific program of adapted physical activity combined with a therapeutic education program for FM patients. Methods and Analysis: The From Intent To Move (FIMOUV) study will recruit 330 FM patients randomized into two groups: test and control. The test group will benefit from a 1-month mixed exercise training program supervised at the hospital, followed by 2 months in a community-based relay in a health-sport structure. In addition, each of the two groups will benefit from therapeutic patient education sessions. The main endpoint is the measurement of the level of physical activity by accelerometry at 1 year. The secondary endpoints concern adherence to the practice of physical activity, impact on lifestyle, state of health, and physical capacity, as well as an estimate of the budgetary impact of this management strategy. Discussion: This interventional research will allow us to assess the evolution of behaviors in physical activity after an FM syndrome management based solely on patient education or based on a supervised and adapted practice of physical activity associated with this same therapeutic education program. It seems to be the first study evaluating the impact of its intervention on objective data for measuring physical activity and sedentary behavior via accelerometry among FM patients. Trial registration: NCT04107948.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Jean-Louis Martin, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00941190
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Jean-Louis Martin, Bernard Laumon. Efficacité du casque à vélo sur les blessures à la tête, au visage, et au cou, Rhône, France. Séminaire du GERI vélo 2013, Jun 2013, France. 20 p. ⟨hal-00941190⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Plusieurs études cas-témoins ont étudié l’effet du casque sur les blessures à la tête et au visage. Celle-ci est la première en France. La population d’étude est basée sur le registre des victimes d’accidents de la circulation dans le Rhône, qui contient 13 797 cyclistes blessés (traités aux urgences, hospitalisés, ou tués) entre 1998 et 2008. L’information sur le casque au moment de l’accident est renseignée en routine. Les blessures sont codées avec l’AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale). Les groupes de cas étudiés sont les blessés à la tête (toutes gravités, et blessés sérieux), les blessés au visage, et les blessés au cou. Ils sont comparés au groupe témoins des blessés en dehors de la zone tête-face-cou. Une analyse logistique multivariée est conduite, ajustant sur les facteurs de confusion connus et potentiels : âge, sexe, type d’antagoniste (aucun/ obstacle fixe/ animal, piéton, cyclistes/ véhicule motorisé), gravité lésionnelle hors tête-face-cou, et si significatif : en ville / hors ville, et type de route. Le port du casque lors de l’accident, divise le risque de blessures toutes gravités à la tête, par 1,4, IC à 95%=[1,2-1,7], par 1,4 aussi, IC à 95%=[1,2-1,6], le risque de blessures au visage, par 3, IC à 95%=[1,5-6,7], le risque de lésions AIS3+ (sérieuses) à la tête en ville, par 14, IC à 95%=[4-50] hors ville. Il multiplie mais de façon non significative par 1,16, IC à 95%=[0,93-1,45], le risque de lésions au cou. L’effet protecteur du casque semble identique selon que l’accident soit un accident de cycliste seul ou contre un antagoniste motorisé. Cette étude confirme un effet protecteur du casque sur les blessures à la tête et au visage. L’effet est plus marqué pour les blessures sérieuses à la tête. Il n’est pas mis en évidence d’effet néfaste au cou.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Plusieurs études cas-témoins ont étudié l’effet du casque sur les blessures à la tête et au visage. Celle-ci est la première en France. La population d’étude est basée sur le registre des victimes d’accidents de la circulation dans le Rhône, qui contient 13 797 cyclistes blessés (traités aux urgences, hospitalisés, ou tués) entre 1998 et 2008. L’information sur le casque au moment de l’accident est renseignée en routine. Les blessures sont codées avec l’AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale). Les groupes de cas étudiés sont les blessés à la tête (toutes gravités, et blessés sérieux), les blessés au visage, et les blessés au cou. Ils sont comparés au groupe témoins des blessés en dehors de la zone tête-face-cou. Une analyse logistique multivariée est conduite, ajustant sur les facteurs de confusion connus et potentiels : âge, sexe, type d’antagoniste (aucun/ obstacle fixe/ animal, piéton, cyclistes/ véhicule motorisé), gravité lésionnelle hors tête-face-cou, et si significatif : en ville / hors ville, et type de route. Le port du casque lors de l’accident, divise le risque de blessures toutes gravités à la tête, par 1,4, IC à 95%=[1,2-1,7], par 1,4 aussi, IC à 95%=[1,2-1,6], le risque de blessures au visage, par 3, IC à 95%=[1,5-6,7], le risque de lésions AIS3+ (sérieuses) à la tête en ville, par 14, IC à 95%=[4-50] hors ville. Il multiplie mais de façon non significative par 1,16, IC à 95%=[0,93-1,45], le risque de lésions au cou. L’effet protecteur du casque semble identique selon que l’accident soit un accident de cycliste seul ou contre un antagoniste motorisé. Cette étude confirme un effet protecteur du casque sur les blessures à la tête et au visage. L’effet est plus marqué pour les blessures sérieuses à la tête. Il n’est pas mis en évidence d’effet néfaste au cou.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Baudin, Bernard Floccard, Francois-Pierrick Desgranges, Sonia Courtil-Teyssedre, Mathilde de Queiroz, N. Richard, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01488311
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Baudin, Bernard Floccard, Francois-Pierrick Desgranges, Sonia Courtil-Teyssedre, Mathilde de Queiroz, et al.. Efficacité de la prise en charge des traumatismes graves de l'enfant en salle d'accueil des urgences vitales adulte ou pédiatrique : une étude avant-après. Archives de Pédiatrie, 2016, 23 (4), pp. 367-372. ⟨10.1016/j.arcped.2015.12.023⟩. ⟨hal-01488311⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.arcped.2015.12.023
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif était, dans le cadre d'une évaluation des pratiques professionnelles, de comparer la prise en charge en salle d'accueil des urgences vitales (SAUV) d'enfants gravement traumatisés dans un centre de traumatologie pour adultes à compétence pédiatrique et un centre exclusivement pédiatrique. Type d'étude. Etude rétrospective mono centrique comparative sur un modèle avant-après. Patients et méthodes. Cinquante-neuf enfants âgés de1 à 15 ans, gravement traumatisés, admis dans le centre pour adultes (2005-2007) ont été comparés à 56 enfants admis dans le centre pédiatrique (2010-2012). Les données épidémiologiques et accidentologiques, les scores de gravité, le devenir et la durée en SAUV ont été recueillis et comparés. Résultats, Il n'y avait pas de différence de prise en charge des enfants entre le centre pédiatrique et le centre pour adultes ayant un haut volume d'activité et une compétence pédiatrique en termes de durée en SAUV (28min [18-40]vs26, 5min[21-36], p = 0,89)et de mortalité précoce (8 enfants [13,5%] vs 10 enfants [17,8%], p = 0,35).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif était, dans le cadre d'une évaluation des pratiques professionnelles, de comparer la prise en charge en salle d'accueil des urgences vitales (SAUV) d'enfants gravement traumatisés dans un centre de traumatologie pour adultes à compétence pédiatrique et un centre exclusivement pédiatrique. Type d'étude. Etude rétrospective mono centrique comparative sur un modèle avant-après. Patients et méthodes. Cinquante-neuf enfants âgés de1 à 15 ans, gravement traumatisés, admis dans le centre pour adultes (2005-2007) ont été comparés à 56 enfants admis dans le centre pédiatrique (2010-2012). Les données épidémiologiques et accidentologiques, les scores de gravité, le devenir et la durée en SAUV ont été recueillis et comparés. Résultats, Il n'y avait pas de différence de prise en charge des enfants entre le centre pédiatrique et le centre pour adultes ayant un haut volume d'activité et une compétence pédiatrique en termes de durée en SAUV (28min [18-40]vs26, 5min[21-36], p = 0,89)et de mortalité précoce (8 enfants [13,5%] vs 10 enfants [17,8%], p = 0,35).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Murielle Lafaye, Ariane Adam-Poupart, Karine Chalvet-Monfray, Jean-Claude Cohen, Thierry Gauquelin, Colette Le Bacle, Fabrice Michiels, Caroline Norrant, Serge Planton, Nicolas Viovy, Martine Hours, Francine Behar-Cohen, Jean-Marc Bertho, Jean-Pierre Cesarini, Frederic Couturier, Jean-Francois Dore, Pierre Ducimetiere, Aicha El Khatib, Nicolas Feltin, Emmanuel Flahaut, Eric Gaffet, Philippe Lepoutre, Christophe Martinsons, Catherine Mouneyrac, Alain Muzet, Yves Sicard, Alain Soyez, Esko Toppila, Catherine Yardin, Alexandre Bounouh, Brigitte Debuire, Thierry Douki, Joel Lelong, Frederique Moati, Fabien Ndagijimana, Remi Poirier, Anthony Cadene, Clemence Fourneau, Aurelie Niaudet, Olivier Merckel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04815275
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Murielle Lafaye, Ariane Adam-Poupart, Karine Chalvet-Monfray, Jean-Claude Cohen, Thierry Gauquelin, et al.. Effets sanitaires induits par le changement climatique sur la santé des travailleurs. Saisine n°2013-SA-0216, Anses. 2018, 240 p. ⟨hal-04815275⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le changement global, parfois qualifié de « changement environnemental global », concerne l’ensemble des modifications majeures perceptibles à l’échelle mondiale, produites aussi bien par les facteurs naturels que par les activités anthropiques. Le terme changement global fait référence à la fois à l’échelle planétaire des changements et à la dimension sociale des activités humaines au sein des composantes physico-chimiques et biologiques de l’environnement (atmosphère, hydrosphère, cryosphère, biosphère, sols...). Il englobe des changements environnementaux perceptibles à une échelle plus locale, comme les changements d’usage des terres et des milieux aquatiques. Ces changements environnementaux affectent tous les niveaux de la biodiversité (biodiversité des gènes, des espèces, des habitats, des paysages) et tous les compartiments de la biosphère (pédosphère, hydrosphère et atmosphère). Le changement climatique, qui se définit par une modification du climat qui persiste pendant de longues périodes de temps (moyennes et autres caractéristiques statistiques), fait partie du « changement global ». La loi de programmation n° 2009-967 du 3 août 2009 relative à la mise en œuvre du « Grenelle de l’environnement » prévoyait la préparation d’un plan national d’adaptation au changement climatique (PNACC) dans le cadre de l’engagement de l’État pour l’adaptation du territoire national face à ce changement. La fiche-action du PNACC concernant les questions de santé comporte une action relative au développement d’actions de prévention sanitaire prenant en compte les conséquences des évènements extrêmes et l’adaptation des systèmes de vigilance et d’alerte. Dans ce cadre, une mesure spécifique visant au renforcement de la gestion des risques professionnels induits par le changement climatique (action 4, mesure 4.2) est prévue. Dans ce contexte, la Direction générale de la santé (DGS) et la Direction générale du travail (DGT) ont chargé l’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (Anses), par saisine du 28 octobre 2013, de conduire une expertise relative à l’évaluation des risques induits par le changement climatique sur la santé des travailleurs dans le cadre du renforcement de la gestion des risques professionnels induits par le changement climatique prévue dans le cadre du plan national d’adaptation au changement climatique.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le changement global, parfois qualifié de « changement environnemental global », concerne l’ensemble des modifications majeures perceptibles à l’échelle mondiale, produites aussi bien par les facteurs naturels que par les activités anthropiques. Le terme changement global fait référence à la fois à l’échelle planétaire des changements et à la dimension sociale des activités humaines au sein des composantes physico-chimiques et biologiques de l’environnement (atmosphère, hydrosphère, cryosphère, biosphère, sols...). Il englobe des changements environnementaux perceptibles à une échelle plus locale, comme les changements d’usage des terres et des milieux aquatiques. Ces changements environnementaux affectent tous les niveaux de la biodiversité (biodiversité des gènes, des espèces, des habitats, des paysages) et tous les compartiments de la biosphère (pédosphère, hydrosphère et atmosphère). Le changement climatique, qui se définit par une modification du climat qui persiste pendant de longues périodes de temps (moyennes et autres caractéristiques statistiques), fait partie du « changement global ». La loi de programmation n° 2009-967 du 3 août 2009 relative à la mise en œuvre du « Grenelle de l’environnement » prévoyait la préparation d’un plan national d’adaptation au changement climatique (PNACC) dans le cadre de l’engagement de l’État pour l’adaptation du territoire national face à ce changement. La fiche-action du PNACC concernant les questions de santé comporte une action relative au développement d’actions de prévention sanitaire prenant en compte les conséquences des évènements extrêmes et l’adaptation des systèmes de vigilance et d’alerte. Dans ce cadre, une mesure spécifique visant au renforcement de la gestion des risques professionnels induits par le changement climatique (action 4, mesure 4.2) est prévue. Dans ce contexte, la Direction générale de la santé (DGS) et la Direction générale du travail (DGT) ont chargé l’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (Anses), par saisine du 28 octobre 2013, de conduire une expertise relative à l’évaluation des risques induits par le changement climatique sur la santé des travailleurs dans le cadre du renforcement de la gestion des risques professionnels induits par le changement climatique prévue dans le cadre du plan national d’adaptation au changement climatique.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Anthony Cadène
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04069927
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Anthony Cadène. Effets du bruit sur la santé. Webinaire de formation pour les Autorités environnementales - nuisances sonores, Apr 2023, Virtuel, France. ⟨hal-04069927⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Webinaire de formation pour les Autorités environnementales organisé par le Commissariat Général au Développement Durable
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Webinaire de formation pour les Autorités environnementales organisé par le Commissariat Général au Développement Durable
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04067932
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard. Effets du bruit sur la santé. Séminaire Plan stratégique 2023-2027 de Bruitparif, Nov 2022, PARIS, France. 8 p. ⟨hal-04067932⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation des effets du bruit sur la santé au Séminaire « Plan stratégique 2023-2027 » de Bruitparif.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation des effets du bruit sur la santé au Séminaire « Plan stratégique 2023-2027 » de Bruitparif.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00950559
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. Effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains des aéroports français. Journée du sommeil - Sommeil et Environnement, Mar 2013, LYON, France. 31 p. ⟨hal-00950559⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l'Acnusa a donc sollicité l'Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. L'objectif est de mieux connaître et d'évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude écologique qui consiste à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l'échelle de la commune avec le niveau moyen pondéré d'exposition au bruit des avions des communes. concernées. Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 200 sujets. La gêne et l'état de santé seront évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). - Une étude complémentaire dite "étude sommeil" portant sur un sous-échantillon d'une centaine de sujets et dont l'objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l'Acnusa a donc sollicité l'Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. L'objectif est de mieux connaître et d'évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude écologique qui consiste à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l'échelle de la commune avec le niveau moyen pondéré d'exposition au bruit des avions des communes. concernées. Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 200 sujets. La gêne et l'état de santé seront évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). - Une étude complémentaire dite "étude sommeil" portant sur un sous-échantillon d'une centaine de sujets et dont l'objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00946191
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. Effets du bruit des avions sur la santé : présentation de DEBATS.. Commission consultative de l'Environnement de l'aéroport de Lyon-Saint Exupéry, Dec 2013, LYON, France. 23 p. ⟨hal-00946191⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l'Acnusa a donc sollicité l'Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. L'objectif est de mieux connaître et d'évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude écologique qui consiste à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l'échelle de la commune avec le niveau moyen pondéré d'exposition au bruit des avions des communes. concernées. Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 200 sujets. La gêne et l'état de santé seront évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). Une étude complémentaire portant sur un sous-échantillon d'une centaine de sujets et dont l'objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'exposition au bruit des avions pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. La DGS en collaboration avec l'Acnusa a donc sollicité l'Ifsttar pour mettre en place un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS. L'objectif est de mieux connaître et d'évaluer les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Menée auprès de riverains de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac), DEBATS comprend : Une étude écologique qui consiste à mettre en relation des indicateurs de santé agrégés à l'échelle de la commune avec le niveau moyen pondéré d'exposition au bruit des avions des communes. concernées. Une étude longitudinale incluant 1 200 sujets. La gêne et l'état de santé seront évalués par questionnaire (perturbations du sommeil, troubles cardiaques ischémiques, hypertension, troubles anxio-dépressifs), et par la mesure de variables physiopathologiques (tension artérielle, fréquence cardiaque, et cortisol salivaire). Une étude complémentaire portant sur un sous-échantillon d'une centaine de sujets et dont l'objectif est de caractériser de manière détaillée et spécifique les effets aigus du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil tout en affinant la mesure de l'exposition au bruit.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Clémence Baudin, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Ali-Mohamed Nassur, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03847935
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Clémence Baudin, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Ali-Mohamed Nassur, et al.. Effets du bruit des avions sur la santé : aperçu des résultats du programme de recherche DEBATS. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-03847935⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : DEBATS est le premier programme de recherche à s'intéresser aux effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des personnes vivant à proximité des aéroports en France. Un total de 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac ont été inclus en 2013, puis suivis en 2015 et 2017. Des informations sur des facteurs de santé, socio-économiques et de mode de vie ont été recueillies par le biais d'un questionnaire administré par un enquêteur, en face à face et à domicile. Des échantillons de salive ont également été prélevés. L'exposition au bruit des avions en extérieur a été évaluée en reliant l'adresse du domicile à des cartes de bruit. Les résultats de l'étude DEBATS confirment ceux de précédentes études menées à l'étranger. En effet, ils suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions diminue la qualité subjective et objective du sommeil, et augmente le risque d'hypertension et de détresse psychologique. Ils suggèrent également une association entre cette exposition et une moindre variation des niveaux de cortisol salivaire (également appelée « hormone de stress ») au cours de la journée. En outre, ils fournissent des preuves supplémentaires montrant que la gêne occasionnée par le bruit des avions dans les communautés a augmenté au cours des dernières décennies.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : DEBATS est le premier programme de recherche à s'intéresser aux effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des personnes vivant à proximité des aéroports en France. Un total de 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac ont été inclus en 2013, puis suivis en 2015 et 2017. Des informations sur des facteurs de santé, socio-économiques et de mode de vie ont été recueillies par le biais d'un questionnaire administré par un enquêteur, en face à face et à domicile. Des échantillons de salive ont également été prélevés. L'exposition au bruit des avions en extérieur a été évaluée en reliant l'adresse du domicile à des cartes de bruit. Les résultats de l'étude DEBATS confirment ceux de précédentes études menées à l'étranger. En effet, ils suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions diminue la qualité subjective et objective du sommeil, et augmente le risque d'hypertension et de détresse psychologique. Ils suggèrent également une association entre cette exposition et une moindre variation des niveaux de cortisol salivaire (également appelée « hormone de stress ») au cours de la journée. En outre, ils fournissent des preuves supplémentaires montrant que la gêne occasionnée par le bruit des avions dans les communautés a augmenté au cours des dernières décennies.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Mc Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01347063
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Mc Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, et al.. Effets de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la concentration de cortisol salivaire des riverains des aéroports en France.. VIIème Congrès international d'Epidémiologie ADELF-EPITER, Epidémiologie et Santé Publique, Sep 2016, RENNES, France. 2 p. ⟨hal-01347063⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION - Le cortisol est un marqueur possible du stress induit par l'exposition au bruit. Il pourrait être un facteur intermédiaire dans la relation entre l'exposition au bruit des transports et la survenue de pathologies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, les études sur le sujet sont peu nombreuses. OBJECTIF - L'objectif de notre étude est de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre la concentration de cortisol salivaire et l'exposition au bruit des avions chez des riverains des aéroports français. MÉTHODES - 1244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry ont répondu à un questionnaire décrivant leurs éventuels troubles de santé supposés en lien avec le bruit (perturbations du sommeil, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles anxio-dépressifs et gêne due au bruit des avions). Ils ont également préleÎ un échantillon de leur salive au lever et au coucher (la sécrétion physiologique de cortisol étant maximale entre 6h et 8h du matin, diminuant ensuite pour être presque nulle vers minuit). La concentration en cortisol de ces prélèvements a été déterminée par technique immunoenzymatique. L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. Des modèles de régressions linéaires ont été ajustés sur le logarithme de la variation horaire du cortisol avec prise en compte de facteurs de confusion potentiels. RÉSULTATS - Une baisse significative de la variation horaire du cortisol a été obserÎe lorsque l'exposition au bruit des avions augmente de 10 dBA (0,90, IC95%=0,74-1,00). DISCUSSION - La présente étude suggère une variation nycthémérale du taux de cortisol moins prononcée chez les individus les plus exposés au bruit des avions. Ceux-ci réguleraient donc moins bien leur sécrétion de cortisol, signature d'un stress généré par leur exposition au bruit des avions. Ces résultats restent cependant à être confirmés par des études de plus grande ampleur.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION - Le cortisol est un marqueur possible du stress induit par l'exposition au bruit. Il pourrait être un facteur intermédiaire dans la relation entre l'exposition au bruit des transports et la survenue de pathologies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, les études sur le sujet sont peu nombreuses. OBJECTIF - L'objectif de notre étude est de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre la concentration de cortisol salivaire et l'exposition au bruit des avions chez des riverains des aéroports français. MÉTHODES - 1244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry ont répondu à un questionnaire décrivant leurs éventuels troubles de santé supposés en lien avec le bruit (perturbations du sommeil, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles anxio-dépressifs et gêne due au bruit des avions). Ils ont également préleÎ un échantillon de leur salive au lever et au coucher (la sécrétion physiologique de cortisol étant maximale entre 6h et 8h du matin, diminuant ensuite pour être presque nulle vers minuit). La concentration en cortisol de ces prélèvements a été déterminée par technique immunoenzymatique. L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. Des modèles de régressions linéaires ont été ajustés sur le logarithme de la variation horaire du cortisol avec prise en compte de facteurs de confusion potentiels. RÉSULTATS - Une baisse significative de la variation horaire du cortisol a été obserÎe lorsque l'exposition au bruit des avions augmente de 10 dBA (0,90, IC95%=0,74-1,00). DISCUSSION - La présente étude suggère une variation nycthémérale du taux de cortisol moins prononcée chez les individus les plus exposés au bruit des avions. Ceux-ci réguleraient donc moins bien leur sécrétion de cortisol, signature d'un stress généré par leur exposition au bruit des avions. Ces résultats restent cependant à être confirmés par des études de plus grande ampleur.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01073480
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon. Effets de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la concentration de cortisol salivaire des riverains de l'aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle. VIème Congrès International d'Epidémiologie - ADELF -EPITER, Sep 2014, NICE, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-01073480⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION - Le cortisol salivaire est un marqueur possible du stress induit par l'exposition au bruit. Il pourrait se positionner comme un facteur intermédiaire dans la relation entre l'exposition au bruit des transports et la survenue de pathologies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, cette association n'est toujours pas claire. OBJECTIF - L'objectif de notre étude est de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre la concentration de cortisol salivaire et l'exposition au bruit des avions chez les riverains des aéroports français. MÉTHODES - Une étude pilote du programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) a été réalisée en 2011 afin de tester le protocole auprès d'une centaine de riverains de l'aéroport de Paris-Charles de Gaulle. Des instructions étaient données aux participants afin qu'ils prélèvent un échantillon de leur salive trente minutes après leur lever afin d'en déterminer la concentration en cortisol. Cette dernière atteint en effet un maximum trente minutes après le lever. L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. RÉSULTATS - Une élévation de la concentration de cortisol salivaire a été obserÎe chez les participants exposés à des niveaux de bruit d'avions supérieurs à 55 dB(A) en termes de Lden comparativement à ceux exposés à des niveaux inférieurs à 50 dB(A). DISCUSSION - Les résultats de cette étude pilote suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions augmenterait la concentration de cortisol salivaire au lever. Mais ils doivent être confirmés sur un plus grand nombre de sujets.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION - Le cortisol salivaire est un marqueur possible du stress induit par l'exposition au bruit. Il pourrait se positionner comme un facteur intermédiaire dans la relation entre l'exposition au bruit des transports et la survenue de pathologies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, cette association n'est toujours pas claire. OBJECTIF - L'objectif de notre étude est de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre la concentration de cortisol salivaire et l'exposition au bruit des avions chez les riverains des aéroports français. MÉTHODES - Une étude pilote du programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) a été réalisée en 2011 afin de tester le protocole auprès d'une centaine de riverains de l'aéroport de Paris-Charles de Gaulle. Des instructions étaient données aux participants afin qu'ils prélèvent un échantillon de leur salive trente minutes après leur lever afin d'en déterminer la concentration en cortisol. Cette dernière atteint en effet un maximum trente minutes après le lever. L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. RÉSULTATS - Une élévation de la concentration de cortisol salivaire a été obserÎe chez les participants exposés à des niveaux de bruit d'avions supérieurs à 55 dB(A) en termes de Lden comparativement à ceux exposés à des niveaux inférieurs à 50 dB(A). DISCUSSION - Les résultats de cette étude pilote suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions augmenterait la concentration de cortisol salivaire au lever. Mais ils doivent être confirmés sur un plus grand nombre de sujets.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Paul Avan, Philippe Lepoutre, Anthony Cadène, David Ecotiere, Anne Sophie Evrard, Esko Topilla
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03618371
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Paul Avan, Philippe Lepoutre, Anthony Cadène, David Ecotiere, Anne Sophie Evrard, et al.. Effets allégués de l'exposition aux infrasons inaudibles, réalité ou effet nocebo ?. Workshop Techniques - Expérimentations - Outils à Basses et Très Basses Fréquences, Jan 2018, MARSEILLE, France. ⟨hal-03618371⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie Lefevre, Marie-Christine Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01669238
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie Lefevre, Marie-Christine Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, et al.. Effects of aircraft noise exposure on saliva cortisol near airports in France. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2017, 74 (8), pp. 612-618. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2016-104208⟩. ⟨hal-01669238⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2016-104208
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Saliva cortisol is a possible marker of noise-induced stress and could then mediate the relation observed between exposure to aircraft or road traffic noise and cardiovascular diseases. However, the association between transportation noise and cortisol levels is still unclear. The objective of the study was to investigate the variability of saliva cortisol concentration as an indicator of disturbed hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulation in relation to long-term aircraft noise exposure. Methods Saliva samples were taken when awakening and before going to bed for 1244 participants older than 18 years of age. Information about health, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was also collected by means of a face-to-face questionnaire performed at home by an interviewer. Aircraft noise exposure was assessed for each participant's home address using noise maps. Linear regression models were used to evaluate the effects of aircraft noise exposure on the morning and evening cortisol levels and on the daily variation of cortisol per hour. Results This study suggests a modification of the cortisol circadian rhythm in relation to aircraft noise exposure. This exposure was associated with a smaller variation of cortisol levels over the day, with unchanged morning cortisol levels, but higher cortisol levels in the evening. Conclusions These findings provide some support for a psychological stress induced by aircraft noise exposure, resulting in HPA dysregulation and a flattened cortisol rhythm, thus contributing to cardiovascular diseases.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Saliva cortisol is a possible marker of noise-induced stress and could then mediate the relation observed between exposure to aircraft or road traffic noise and cardiovascular diseases. However, the association between transportation noise and cortisol levels is still unclear. The objective of the study was to investigate the variability of saliva cortisol concentration as an indicator of disturbed hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulation in relation to long-term aircraft noise exposure. Methods Saliva samples were taken when awakening and before going to bed for 1244 participants older than 18 years of age. Information about health, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was also collected by means of a face-to-face questionnaire performed at home by an interviewer. Aircraft noise exposure was assessed for each participant's home address using noise maps. Linear regression models were used to evaluate the effects of aircraft noise exposure on the morning and evening cortisol levels and on the daily variation of cortisol per hour. Results This study suggests a modification of the cortisol circadian rhythm in relation to aircraft noise exposure. This exposure was associated with a smaller variation of cortisol levels over the day, with unchanged morning cortisol levels, but higher cortisol levels in the evening. Conclusions These findings provide some support for a psychological stress induced by aircraft noise exposure, resulting in HPA dysregulation and a flattened cortisol rhythm, thus contributing to cardiovascular diseases.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Damien Leger, Marie Lefevre, Maxime Elbaz, Fanny Mietlicki, Philippe Nguyen, Carlos Ribeiro, Matthieu Sineau, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02158073
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Damien Leger, Marie Lefevre, Maxime Elbaz, Fanny Mietlicki, et al.. Effects of Aircraft Noise Exposure on Heart Rate during Sleep in the Population Living Near Airports. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16 (2), p. 269. ⟨10.3390/ijerph16020269⟩. ⟨hal-02158073⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph16020269
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Noise in the vicinity of airports is a public health problem. Many laboratory studies have shown that heart rate is altered during sleep after exposure to road or railway noise. Fewer studies have looked at the effects of exposure to aircraft noise on heart rate during sleep in populations living near airports. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the sound pressure level (SPL) of aircraft noise and heart rate during sleep in populations living near airports in France. Methods In total, 92 people living near the Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Toulouse-Blagnac airports participated in this study. Heart rate was recorded every 15 s during one night, using an Actiheart monitor, with simultaneous measurements of SPL of aircraft noise inside the participants' bedrooms. Energy and event-related indicators were then estimated. Mixed linear regression models were applied, taking into account potential confounding factors, to investigate the relationship between energy indicators and heart rate during sleep measured every 15 s. Event-related analyses were also carried out in order to study the effects of an acoustic event associated with aircraft noise on heart rate during sleep. Results The more the SPL from all sources (LAeq,15s) and the SPL exceeded for 90% of the measurement period (LA90,15s) increased, the more heart rate also increased. No significant associations were observed between the maximum 1-s equivalent SPL associated with aircraft overflight (LAmax,1s) and differences between the heart rate recorded during or 15 or 30 s after an aircraft noise event and that recorded before the event. On the other hand, a positive and significant association was found between LAmax,1s and the heart rate amplitude calculated during an aircraft noise event. Results were unchanged when analyses were limited to participants who had lived more than five years in their present dwelling. Conclusion Our study shows that exposure to the maximum SPL linked to aircraft overflight affect the heart rate during sleep of residents near airports. However, further studies on a larger number of participants over several nights are needed to confirm these results.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Noise in the vicinity of airports is a public health problem. Many laboratory studies have shown that heart rate is altered during sleep after exposure to road or railway noise. Fewer studies have looked at the effects of exposure to aircraft noise on heart rate during sleep in populations living near airports. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the sound pressure level (SPL) of aircraft noise and heart rate during sleep in populations living near airports in France. Methods In total, 92 people living near the Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Toulouse-Blagnac airports participated in this study. Heart rate was recorded every 15 s during one night, using an Actiheart monitor, with simultaneous measurements of SPL of aircraft noise inside the participants' bedrooms. Energy and event-related indicators were then estimated. Mixed linear regression models were applied, taking into account potential confounding factors, to investigate the relationship between energy indicators and heart rate during sleep measured every 15 s. Event-related analyses were also carried out in order to study the effects of an acoustic event associated with aircraft noise on heart rate during sleep. Results The more the SPL from all sources (LAeq,15s) and the SPL exceeded for 90% of the measurement period (LA90,15s) increased, the more heart rate also increased. No significant associations were observed between the maximum 1-s equivalent SPL associated with aircraft overflight (LAmax,1s) and differences between the heart rate recorded during or 15 or 30 s after an aircraft noise event and that recorded before the event. On the other hand, a positive and significant association was found between LAmax,1s and the heart rate amplitude calculated during an aircraft noise event. Results were unchanged when analyses were limited to participants who had lived more than five years in their present dwelling. Conclusion Our study shows that exposure to the maximum SPL linked to aircraft overflight affect the heart rate during sleep of residents near airports. However, further studies on a larger number of participants over several nights are needed to confirm these results.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Dan Wu, Martine Hours, Amina Ndiaye, Amandine Coquillat, Jean-Louis Martin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02170016
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Dan Wu, Martine Hours, Amina Ndiaye, Amandine Coquillat, Jean-Louis Martin. Effectiveness of protective clothing for motorized 2-wheeler riders. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2019, 20 (2), pp. 196-203. ⟨10.1080/15389588.2018.1545090⟩. ⟨hal-02170016⟩
DOI : 10.1080/15389588.2018.1545090
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: This study assesses the effectiveness of protective clothing (motorcycle jacket, trousers, gloves, knee-high or ankle boots, back protection) for motorized 2-wheeler (MTW) riders. Methods: This retrospective observational study used injury data from the Rhône Registry of Road Accident Victims, plus a postal survey conducted in 2016. Seven thousand one hundred forty-eight MTW riders involved in accidents between 2010 and 2014 were identified from the Registry and were invited to complete a questionnaire. Nine hundred seventy-nine individuals returned the questionnaire with relevant information; 951 with complete injury descriptions and clothing information were included in the study. The impact of protective clothing on injury risk was estimated using Poisson regression, with weighting for nonrespondents. Results: Sixty-seven percent of MTW riders sustained upper limb injuries and 47% sustained lower limb injuries. Gloves were the most frequent gear worn (76%), followed by jackets (59%) and knee-high or ankle boots (37%). Only 23% had back protection and 0.3% had an airbag. Wearing protective clothing was associated with a lower risk of soft tissue injury to upper and lower limbs: For upper limbs, the risk was lower when one of 2 items (a motorcycle jacket or gloves) was worn (relative risk [RR]=0.36; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.18-0.75) and was lowest when both were worn (RR = 0.28; 95% CI, 0.12-0.69); for lower limbs, risk was reduced by wearing both motorcycle trousers and boots (RR = 0.60; 95% CI, 0.40-0.91) but was not significantly reduced when only one of these items was worn (RR = 0.90; 95% CI, 0.67-1.21). This protective effect was mainly due to a reduction in abrasions/lacerations rather than contusions. However, protective clothing did not reduce the risk of fracture, dislocation, or sprain, except for knee-high or ankle boots, which were associated with lower risk of ankle or foot fracture (RR = 0.43; 95% CI, 0.24-0.75). No effect of back protectors was shown. Conclusions: This study confirms the potential for motorcycle clothing to protect users from injury, in particular abrasions and lacerations. However, it did not show any significant protective effect against more serious injuries, such as fracture, dislocation, or sprain, except for knee-high or ankle boots, which reduced foot and ankle fracture risk. Our results argue for more widespread use of protective clothing by MTW users.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: This study assesses the effectiveness of protective clothing (motorcycle jacket, trousers, gloves, knee-high or ankle boots, back protection) for motorized 2-wheeler (MTW) riders. Methods: This retrospective observational study used injury data from the Rhône Registry of Road Accident Victims, plus a postal survey conducted in 2016. Seven thousand one hundred forty-eight MTW riders involved in accidents between 2010 and 2014 were identified from the Registry and were invited to complete a questionnaire. Nine hundred seventy-nine individuals returned the questionnaire with relevant information; 951 with complete injury descriptions and clothing information were included in the study. The impact of protective clothing on injury risk was estimated using Poisson regression, with weighting for nonrespondents. Results: Sixty-seven percent of MTW riders sustained upper limb injuries and 47% sustained lower limb injuries. Gloves were the most frequent gear worn (76%), followed by jackets (59%) and knee-high or ankle boots (37%). Only 23% had back protection and 0.3% had an airbag. Wearing protective clothing was associated with a lower risk of soft tissue injury to upper and lower limbs: For upper limbs, the risk was lower when one of 2 items (a motorcycle jacket or gloves) was worn (relative risk [RR]=0.36; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.18-0.75) and was lowest when both were worn (RR = 0.28; 95% CI, 0.12-0.69); for lower limbs, risk was reduced by wearing both motorcycle trousers and boots (RR = 0.60; 95% CI, 0.40-0.91) but was not significantly reduced when only one of these items was worn (RR = 0.90; 95% CI, 0.67-1.21). This protective effect was mainly due to a reduction in abrasions/lacerations rather than contusions. However, protective clothing did not reduce the risk of fracture, dislocation, or sprain, except for knee-high or ankle boots, which were associated with lower risk of ankle or foot fracture (RR = 0.43; 95% CI, 0.24-0.75). No effect of back protectors was shown. Conclusions: This study confirms the potential for motorcycle clothing to protect users from injury, in particular abrasions and lacerations. However, it did not show any significant protective effect against more serious injuries, such as fracture, dislocation, or sprain, except for knee-high or ankle boots, which reduced foot and ankle fracture risk. Our results argue for more widespread use of protective clothing by MTW users.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Chloe Quentin, Reza Bagheri, Ukadike C. Ugbolue, Emmanuel Coudeyre, Carole Pelissier, Alexis Descatha, Thibault Menini, Jean-Baptiste Bouillon-Minois, Frederic Dutheil
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03341388
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Chloe Quentin, Reza Bagheri, Ukadike C. Ugbolue, Emmanuel Coudeyre, Carole Pelissier, et al.. Effect of Home Exercise Training in Patients with Nonspecific Low-Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (16), pp.8430. ⟨10.3390/ijerph18168430⟩. ⟨hal-03341388⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph18168430
pubmedId_s : 34444189
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Exercise therapy is recommended to treat non-specific low back pain (LBP). Home-based exercises are promising way to mitigate the lack of availability of exercise centers. In this paper, we conducted a systemic review and meta-analysis on the effects of home-based exercise on pain and functional limitation in LBP.Method: PubMed, Cochrane, Embase and ScienceDirect were searched until April 20th, 2021. In order to be selected, studies needed to report the pain and functional limitation of patients before and after home-based exercise or after exercise both in a center and at-home. Random-effect meta-analyses and meta-regressions were conducted.Results: We included 33 studies and 9588 patients. We found that pain intensity decreased in the exclusive home exercise group (Effect size = -0.89. 95% CI -0.99 to -0.80) and in the group which conducted exercise both at-home and at another setting (-0.73. -0.86 to -0.59). Similarly, functional limitation also decreased in both groups (-0.75. -0.91 to -0.60, and -0.70, -0.92 to -0.48, respectively). Relaxation and postural exercise seemed to be ineffective in decreasing pain intensity, whereas trunk, pelvic or leg stretching decreased pain intensity. Yoga improved functional limitation. Supervised training was the most effective method to improve pain intensity. Insufficient data precluded robust conclusions around the duration and frequency of the sessions and program.Conclusion: Home-based exercise training improved pain intensity and functional limitation parameters in LBP.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Exercise therapy is recommended to treat non-specific low back pain (LBP). Home-based exercises are promising way to mitigate the lack of availability of exercise centers. In this paper, we conducted a systemic review and meta-analysis on the effects of home-based exercise on pain and functional limitation in LBP.Method: PubMed, Cochrane, Embase and ScienceDirect were searched until April 20th, 2021. In order to be selected, studies needed to report the pain and functional limitation of patients before and after home-based exercise or after exercise both in a center and at-home. Random-effect meta-analyses and meta-regressions were conducted.Results: We included 33 studies and 9588 patients. We found that pain intensity decreased in the exclusive home exercise group (Effect size = -0.89. 95% CI -0.99 to -0.80) and in the group which conducted exercise both at-home and at another setting (-0.73. -0.86 to -0.59). Similarly, functional limitation also decreased in both groups (-0.75. -0.91 to -0.60, and -0.70, -0.92 to -0.48, respectively). Relaxation and postural exercise seemed to be ineffective in decreasing pain intensity, whereas trunk, pelvic or leg stretching decreased pain intensity. Yoga improved functional limitation. Supervised training was the most effective method to improve pain intensity. Insufficient data precluded robust conclusions around the duration and frequency of the sessions and program.Conclusion: Home-based exercise training improved pain intensity and functional limitation parameters in LBP.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : J. Bacchetta, Emmanuel Fort, N. Peretti, C. Ohlmann, M. Mosca, E. Masson, M.-A. Denis, H. Desombre
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04583488
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : J. Bacchetta, Emmanuel Fort, N. Peretti, C. Ohlmann, M. Mosca, et al.. Editorial pour Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie (français) et Archives de Pédiatrie (anglais) 1 La pédiatrie est en crise, mais les pédiatres le sont aussi !. Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie, 2023, 6 (1), pp.1-4. ⟨10.1016/j.perped.2023.01.011⟩. ⟨hal-04583488⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.perped.2023.01.011
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : L. Genere, J. Bacchetta, Y. Bertrand, Etienne Javouhey, N. Cheikh, A.-L. Sellier-Leclerc
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02050039
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : L. Genere, J. Bacchetta, Y. Bertrand, Etienne Javouhey, N. Cheikh, et al.. Eculizumab and thrombotic microangiopathy after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A report on its efficacy and safety in two pediatric patients. Archives de Pédiatrie, 2018, 25 (8), pp. 485-488. ⟨10.1016/j.arcped.2018.09.011⟩. ⟨hal-02050039⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.arcped.2018.09.011
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is a severe complication after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), with the reported mortality rate in such cases usually reaching 90%. Cases We report on two pediatric cases of patients successfully treated by eculizumab for severe HSCT-TMA, occurring in two girls (8.4 and 3.6 years). The first patient developed TMA with hematologic abnormalities and renal/pulmonary lesions after allogeneic HSCT for Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia; she received eculizumab 7 months after HSCT, with a dramatic improvement of renal function. The second patient developed severe TMA (cardiac tamponade, renal failure requiring dialysis, gastritis) after autologous HSCT for metastatic neuroblastoma. She received eculizumab for 7 months, with a dramatic improvement of renal function. No side effects were observed. Conclusion The use of eculizumab as first-line therapy in pediatric patients with severe HSCT-TMA with multisystemic lesions appears promising. Larger international studies are required to confirm its benefit and safety for this specific indication.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is a severe complication after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), with the reported mortality rate in such cases usually reaching 90%. Cases We report on two pediatric cases of patients successfully treated by eculizumab for severe HSCT-TMA, occurring in two girls (8.4 and 3.6 years). The first patient developed TMA with hematologic abnormalities and renal/pulmonary lesions after allogeneic HSCT for Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia; she received eculizumab 7 months after HSCT, with a dramatic improvement of renal function. The second patient developed severe TMA (cardiac tamponade, renal failure requiring dialysis, gastritis) after autologous HSCT for metastatic neuroblastoma. She received eculizumab for 7 months, with a dramatic improvement of renal function. No side effects were observed. Conclusion The use of eculizumab as first-line therapy in pediatric patients with severe HSCT-TMA with multisystemic lesions appears promising. Larger international studies are required to confirm its benefit and safety for this specific indication.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Annelies Schoeters, Maxime Large, Martin Koning, Laurent Carnis, Stjin Daniels, Dominique Mignot, Raschid Urmeew, Wim Wijnen, Frits Bijleveld, Martin van der Horst
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03782320
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Annelies Schoeters, Maxime Large, Martin Koning, Laurent Carnis, Stjin Daniels, et al.. Economic valuation of preventing fatal and serious road injuries. Results of a Willingness-To-Pay study in four European countries. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2022, 173, 13p. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2022.106705⟩. ⟨hal-03782320⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2022.106705
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This paper presents the results of a stated choice study for estimating the Willingness-To-Pay of respondents in four European countries (Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands) to reduce the risk of fatal and serious injuries in road crashes. Respondents were confronted with hypothetical route choices that differ in respect of travel costs, travel time and crash risk. The survey was completed by 8,002 respondents, equally spread over the four participating countries and representative for each country with regards to gender, age and region. Possible biases caused by problematic choice behaviour such as inconsistent, irrational or lexicographic answers were addressed. The resulting values were estimated by means of a mixed logit model allowing to account for the panel nature of the data. The Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) was estimated at 6.2 Mill EUR, the Value of a Statistical Serious Injury (VSSI) at 950,000 EUR, and the Value of Time (VoT) at 16.1 EUR/h. Consequently, the relative value of avoiding a fatal injury is estimated to be around 7 times higher than the value of an avoided serious injury. The study revealed differences between countries with France showing values that are significantly lower than the average and Germany showing values that are significantly higher. The estimated VSL values are considerably higher than the values currently used in the four countries, but they are within the range of values found in similar stated choice studies. The results can be used as an input in a broad range of socioeconomic studies including cost-benefit analysis and assessments of socioeconomic costs of road crashes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This paper presents the results of a stated choice study for estimating the Willingness-To-Pay of respondents in four European countries (Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands) to reduce the risk of fatal and serious injuries in road crashes. Respondents were confronted with hypothetical route choices that differ in respect of travel costs, travel time and crash risk. The survey was completed by 8,002 respondents, equally spread over the four participating countries and representative for each country with regards to gender, age and region. Possible biases caused by problematic choice behaviour such as inconsistent, irrational or lexicographic answers were addressed. The resulting values were estimated by means of a mixed logit model allowing to account for the panel nature of the data. The Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) was estimated at 6.2 Mill EUR, the Value of a Statistical Serious Injury (VSSI) at 950,000 EUR, and the Value of Time (VoT) at 16.1 EUR/h. Consequently, the relative value of avoiding a fatal injury is estimated to be around 7 times higher than the value of an avoided serious injury. The study revealed differences between countries with France showing values that are significantly lower than the average and Germany showing values that are significantly higher. The estimated VSL values are considerably higher than the values currently used in the four countries, but they are within the range of values found in similar stated choice studies. The results can be used as an input in a broad range of socioeconomic studies including cost-benefit analysis and assessments of socioeconomic costs of road crashes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jonathan Lopez, Marine Mommert, William Mouton, Andrés Pizzorno, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Mehdi Mezidi, Marine Villard, Bruno Lina, Jean-Christophe Richard, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Valérie Cheynet, Blandine Padey, Victoria Duliere, Thomas Julien, Stéphane Paul, Paul Bastard, Alexandre Belot, Antonin Bal, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Manuel Rosa-Calatrava, Florence Morfin, Thierry Walzer, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03537904
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jonathan Lopez, Marine Mommert, William Mouton, Andrés Pizzorno, Karen Brengel-Pesce, et al.. Early nasal type I IFN immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is compromised in patients with autoantibodies against type I IFNs. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2021, 218 (10), ⟨10.1084/jem.20211211⟩. ⟨hal-03537904⟩
DOI : 10.1084/jem.20211211
pubmedId_s : 34357402
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : IFN-I and IFN-III immunity in the nasal mucosa is poorly characterized during SARS-CoV-2 infection. We analyze the nasal IFN-I/III signature, namely the expression of ISGF-3–dependent IFN-stimulated genes, in mildly symptomatic COVID-19 patients and show its correlation with serum IFN-α2 levels, which peak at symptom onset and return to baseline from day 10 onward. Moreover, the nasal IFN-I/III signature correlates with the nasopharyngeal viral load and is associated with the presence of infectious viruses. By contrast, we observe low nasal IFN-I/III scores despite high nasal viral loads in a subset of critically ill COVID-19 patients, which correlates with the presence of autoantibodies (auto-Abs) against IFN-I in both blood and nasopharyngeal mucosa. In addition, functional assays in a reconstituted human airway epithelium model of SARS-CoV-2 infection confirm the role of such auto-Abs in abrogating the antiviral effects of IFN-I, but not those of IFN-III. Thus, IFN-I auto-Abs may compromise not only systemic but also local antiviral IFN-I immunity at the early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : IFN-I and IFN-III immunity in the nasal mucosa is poorly characterized during SARS-CoV-2 infection. We analyze the nasal IFN-I/III signature, namely the expression of ISGF-3–dependent IFN-stimulated genes, in mildly symptomatic COVID-19 patients and show its correlation with serum IFN-α2 levels, which peak at symptom onset and return to baseline from day 10 onward. Moreover, the nasal IFN-I/III signature correlates with the nasopharyngeal viral load and is associated with the presence of infectious viruses. By contrast, we observe low nasal IFN-I/III scores despite high nasal viral loads in a subset of critically ill COVID-19 patients, which correlates with the presence of autoantibodies (auto-Abs) against IFN-I in both blood and nasopharyngeal mucosa. In addition, functional assays in a reconstituted human airway epithelium model of SARS-CoV-2 infection confirm the role of such auto-Abs in abrogating the antiviral effects of IFN-I, but not those of IFN-III. Thus, IFN-I auto-Abs may compromise not only systemic but also local antiviral IFN-I immunity at the early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Michèle Koleck, Pierrette Charnay, Bouchara Bejaoui, Guillaume Broc, Amandine Coquillat, Jean-Michel Mazaux, Jean- Marc Destaillats, Christian Belio, Vivian Viallon, Barthélémy Tavernier, Aboud Kourieh, Céline Jocteur
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01575216
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Michèle Koleck, Pierrette Charnay, Bouchara Bejaoui, Guillaume Broc, et al.. ESPARR 2 : Accompagner un « proche » accidenté grave Une évaluation des dimensions positives et négatives du vécu des accidentés de la route du Rhône et de leur « aidant » familial (proche accompagnant).. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 118 p. ⟨hal-01575216⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Peu d'étude sur les aidants de blessés graves sont disponibles dans la littérature ; ils concernent essentiellement des proches de traumatisés crâniens. Notre étude avait pour objectif d'étudier les répercussions de l'accompagnement d'un proche séÏrement accidenté de la route sur l'aidant familial principal (quelle que soit la lésion initiale), tant en termes d'impacts négatifs que positifs, et en particulier le retentissement sur la qualité de vie. Un second objectif était de voir si cet impact variait dans le temps. La population d'étude était représentée par les victimes graves d'accident enregistrées dans le registre des victimes d'accidents de la circulation du Rhône entre 2002 et 2012 et leur aidant principal. La qualité de vie de l'accidenté est impacté par son état de santé, le fait de se sentir une charge et son niveau de scolarité. Les aidants familiaux de personnes accidentées ont une prévalence de symptômes dépressifs plus importante que la population adulte française. Cette dépression est très liée à la présence de conflits familiaux, ou au fait que l'accidenté ne travaille pas. En ce qui concerne la qualité de vie de son aidant, la présence d'une symptomatologie dépressive est un facteur prépondérant dans la dégradation de celle-là. Par ailleurs, l'analyse des domaines de la qualité de vie montre que c'est la baisse des capacités participatives de l'accidenté qui affecte la qualité de vie dans le domaine environnemental ; Pour ce qui est du domaine social les incapacités fonctionnelles et adaptatives de l'accidenté dégrade cette qualité de vie. Une bonne cohésion familiale et la satisfaction de l'aidant quant au soutien social reçu est un facteur d'amélioration de sa qualité de vie. Les capacités participatives de l'accidenté impacte sur le temps disponible de son proche aidant, alors que ce sont plutôt les incapacités adaptatives de l'accidenté qui ont un impact sur la santé du proche ou sur la solidarité familiale. L'amélioration de l'estime de soi pour le proche est plutôt liée à la qualité du soutien social perçu par eux. Certaines stratégies de coping utilisées par les aidants modulent également la qualité de vie et le fardeau ressenti par l'aidant. Enfin, la qualité de vie de l'aidant est très liée à son ressenti d'un fardeau. Une analyse fine de la représentation de l'aidant par le proche, entreprise via l'inspection des éléments sémantiques en périphérie, réÏle ce que pensent les proches des qualités requises pour assumer pleinement ces fonctions d'aidant. L'amour n'est ainsi pas quelque chose d'inné, mais un construit, le fruit de la « PerséÎrance », du « Dévouement » et de la « Patience » de l'aidant. Cette patience, assimilée ici au « Courage », semble agir comme une soupape de sécurité face aux épreuves (« Temps », « Fatigue ») risquant à terme d'éroder cet amour que voue l'aidant à la victime. En définitive, notre étude montre que le handicap qui affecte une personne ayant eu un accident grave de la route est bien lié à une interaction entre des capacités diminuées, et un environnement social et personnel qui vont générer des difficultés de participation sociale, affecte aussi le proche aidant dans sa qualité de vie et dans son Îcu de l'accompagnement. Nous retiendrons en particulier le rôle de la famille (cohésion familiale, solidarité, absence de conflits...), et plus généralement du soutien social de l'aidant et du proche accidenté.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Peu d'étude sur les aidants de blessés graves sont disponibles dans la littérature ; ils concernent essentiellement des proches de traumatisés crâniens. Notre étude avait pour objectif d'étudier les répercussions de l'accompagnement d'un proche séÏrement accidenté de la route sur l'aidant familial principal (quelle que soit la lésion initiale), tant en termes d'impacts négatifs que positifs, et en particulier le retentissement sur la qualité de vie. Un second objectif était de voir si cet impact variait dans le temps. La population d'étude était représentée par les victimes graves d'accident enregistrées dans le registre des victimes d'accidents de la circulation du Rhône entre 2002 et 2012 et leur aidant principal. La qualité de vie de l'accidenté est impacté par son état de santé, le fait de se sentir une charge et son niveau de scolarité. Les aidants familiaux de personnes accidentées ont une prévalence de symptômes dépressifs plus importante que la population adulte française. Cette dépression est très liée à la présence de conflits familiaux, ou au fait que l'accidenté ne travaille pas. En ce qui concerne la qualité de vie de son aidant, la présence d'une symptomatologie dépressive est un facteur prépondérant dans la dégradation de celle-là. Par ailleurs, l'analyse des domaines de la qualité de vie montre que c'est la baisse des capacités participatives de l'accidenté qui affecte la qualité de vie dans le domaine environnemental ; Pour ce qui est du domaine social les incapacités fonctionnelles et adaptatives de l'accidenté dégrade cette qualité de vie. Une bonne cohésion familiale et la satisfaction de l'aidant quant au soutien social reçu est un facteur d'amélioration de sa qualité de vie. Les capacités participatives de l'accidenté impacte sur le temps disponible de son proche aidant, alors que ce sont plutôt les incapacités adaptatives de l'accidenté qui ont un impact sur la santé du proche ou sur la solidarité familiale. L'amélioration de l'estime de soi pour le proche est plutôt liée à la qualité du soutien social perçu par eux. Certaines stratégies de coping utilisées par les aidants modulent également la qualité de vie et le fardeau ressenti par l'aidant. Enfin, la qualité de vie de l'aidant est très liée à son ressenti d'un fardeau. Une analyse fine de la représentation de l'aidant par le proche, entreprise via l'inspection des éléments sémantiques en périphérie, réÏle ce que pensent les proches des qualités requises pour assumer pleinement ces fonctions d'aidant. L'amour n'est ainsi pas quelque chose d'inné, mais un construit, le fruit de la « PerséÎrance », du « Dévouement » et de la « Patience » de l'aidant. Cette patience, assimilée ici au « Courage », semble agir comme une soupape de sécurité face aux épreuves (« Temps », « Fatigue ») risquant à terme d'éroder cet amour que voue l'aidant à la victime. En définitive, notre étude montre que le handicap qui affecte une personne ayant eu un accident grave de la route est bien lié à une interaction entre des capacités diminuées, et un environnement social et personnel qui vont générer des difficultés de participation sociale, affecte aussi le proche aidant dans sa qualité de vie et dans son Îcu de l'accompagnement. Nous retiendrons en particulier le rôle de la famille (cohésion familiale, solidarité, absence de conflits...), et plus généralement du soutien social de l'aidant et du proche accidenté.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Michèle Koleck, Pierrette Charnay, Jean-Michel Mazaux, Bouchara Bejaoui, Jean-Marc Destaillats, Christian Belio, Amandine Coquillat, Guillaume Broc
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01701444
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Michèle Koleck, Pierrette Charnay, Jean-Michel Mazaux, Bouchara Bejaoui, et al.. ESPARR 2 : Accompagner un « proche » accidenté grave Une évaluation des dimensions positives et négatives du vécu de "l'aidant" familial.. 10 Ans de l'IRESP, Nov 2017, PARIS, France. 29 p. ⟨hal-01701444⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les familles sont les acteurs essentiels et discrets de l'accompagnement des patients en situation de handicap, de dépendance et de souffrance, suite à un accident de la route. Prendre soin d'une « victime » d'accident grave entraine souvent des perturbations dans la vie familiale, dans les relations sociales, ... qui peuvent retentir sur la santé des aidants familiaux. Notre objectif était de connaître les conséquences positives et négatives de l'accompagnement sur le long terme d'un accidenté grave de la circulation pour ses proches. L'étude s'est basée sur le Registre des victimes d'accidents corporels de la circulation routière du Rhône : 137 personnes gravement accidentées et 100 aidants ont accepté de participer. Plus de 50% des aidants estiment que leur proche accidenté ne représente jamais ou rarement une charge lourde pour eux. Seuls 10% d'entre eux ressentent souvent ou assez souvent cette charge comme lourde ; ce chiffre concerne principalement les aidants de traumatisés crâniens graves (7% d'entre eux ressentent 'souvent' une charge lourde). Les éléments qui sont le plus souvent cités par l'aidant comme ayant un impact sur lui sont les modifications de caractère du proche accidenté dues à l'accident, les troubles du sommeil de celui-ci, une conduite capricieuse et des conduites sociales négligées. Quelques aidants signalent que le fait de ne plus partager les mêmes centres d'intérêt que la personne accidentée, sa jalousie et ses essais de domination ont un impact important sur eux. Les aidants familiaux de personnes accidentées font état de symptômes dépressifs plus importants que la population adulte française. Cet état dépressif est très lié à la présence de conflits familiaux, ou au fait que la personne accidentée ne travaille pas. Certains aidants rapportent avoir moins de temps disponible pour eux-mêmes. Ce manque de temps est d'autant plus ressenti par le proche que les incapacités participatives de la personne accidentée sont importantes (perte d'initiative, incapacité à travailler, incapacité à s'assumer de façon autonome,...). Les incapacités adaptatives de l'accidenté (troubles cognitifs, fatigue, irritabilité,...) ont un impact négatif sur la santé du proche. Les proches les plus affectés par le « fardeau » de l'accompagnement sont ceux qui sont le moins satisfaits du soutien que leur procure leur entourage. Plus d'un aidant sur 2 exprime des sentiments positifs quant à ce que l'aide qu'il fournit à son proche accidenté lui apporte. Ils estiment ainsi que l'accident a été l'occasion de porter un autre regard sur leur proche, d'être plus uni à lui et de se découvrir des compétences qu'il ne pensait pas avoir jusque-là. L'accompagnement peut également renforcer l'estime de soi de l'aidant ; celle-ci sera d'autant plus importante que l'aidant se dit satisfait du soutien social qu'il reçoit. Dans l'ensemble, la qualité de vie globale des aidants interrogés est satisfaisante : 68% la qualifient comme bonne ou très bonne. La qualité de vie de l'aidant est plus dégradée lorsqu'il ressent l'accompagnement comme une charge lourde et lorsqu'il présente un état dépressif. Une bonne cohésion familiale et la satisfaction de l'aidant quant au soutien social reçu sont inversement des facteurs d'amélioration de sa qualité de vie. Des incapacités importantes de l'accidenté affectent les différentes dimensions de la qualité de vie de l'aidant. Lorsque l'aidant est le conjoint de la personne accidentée, c'est la cohésion familiale qui prime dans la relation (s'aider et se soutenir, avoir le sentiment de former une famille unie,...). Cette cohésion familiale perçue à la fois par la personne accidentée et par l'aidant impacte positivement la qualité de vie de la personne accidentée dans les dimensions psychique (sentiments négatifs, croyances personnelles,...) et sociale (satisfaction concernant les relations personnelles). Le temps écoulé depuis l'accident ne semble pas jouer de rôle dans le vécu de l'accompagnement du proche. Conclusion : En définitive, notre étude montre que le handicap qui affecte une personne ayant eu un accident grave de la route est bien lié à une interaction entre des capacités diminuées, et un environnement social et personnel qui vont générer des difficultés de participation sociale.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les familles sont les acteurs essentiels et discrets de l'accompagnement des patients en situation de handicap, de dépendance et de souffrance, suite à un accident de la route. Prendre soin d'une « victime » d'accident grave entraine souvent des perturbations dans la vie familiale, dans les relations sociales, ... qui peuvent retentir sur la santé des aidants familiaux. Notre objectif était de connaître les conséquences positives et négatives de l'accompagnement sur le long terme d'un accidenté grave de la circulation pour ses proches. L'étude s'est basée sur le Registre des victimes d'accidents corporels de la circulation routière du Rhône : 137 personnes gravement accidentées et 100 aidants ont accepté de participer. Plus de 50% des aidants estiment que leur proche accidenté ne représente jamais ou rarement une charge lourde pour eux. Seuls 10% d'entre eux ressentent souvent ou assez souvent cette charge comme lourde ; ce chiffre concerne principalement les aidants de traumatisés crâniens graves (7% d'entre eux ressentent 'souvent' une charge lourde). Les éléments qui sont le plus souvent cités par l'aidant comme ayant un impact sur lui sont les modifications de caractère du proche accidenté dues à l'accident, les troubles du sommeil de celui-ci, une conduite capricieuse et des conduites sociales négligées. Quelques aidants signalent que le fait de ne plus partager les mêmes centres d'intérêt que la personne accidentée, sa jalousie et ses essais de domination ont un impact important sur eux. Les aidants familiaux de personnes accidentées font état de symptômes dépressifs plus importants que la population adulte française. Cet état dépressif est très lié à la présence de conflits familiaux, ou au fait que la personne accidentée ne travaille pas. Certains aidants rapportent avoir moins de temps disponible pour eux-mêmes. Ce manque de temps est d'autant plus ressenti par le proche que les incapacités participatives de la personne accidentée sont importantes (perte d'initiative, incapacité à travailler, incapacité à s'assumer de façon autonome,...). Les incapacités adaptatives de l'accidenté (troubles cognitifs, fatigue, irritabilité,...) ont un impact négatif sur la santé du proche. Les proches les plus affectés par le « fardeau » de l'accompagnement sont ceux qui sont le moins satisfaits du soutien que leur procure leur entourage. Plus d'un aidant sur 2 exprime des sentiments positifs quant à ce que l'aide qu'il fournit à son proche accidenté lui apporte. Ils estiment ainsi que l'accident a été l'occasion de porter un autre regard sur leur proche, d'être plus uni à lui et de se découvrir des compétences qu'il ne pensait pas avoir jusque-là. L'accompagnement peut également renforcer l'estime de soi de l'aidant ; celle-ci sera d'autant plus importante que l'aidant se dit satisfait du soutien social qu'il reçoit. Dans l'ensemble, la qualité de vie globale des aidants interrogés est satisfaisante : 68% la qualifient comme bonne ou très bonne. La qualité de vie de l'aidant est plus dégradée lorsqu'il ressent l'accompagnement comme une charge lourde et lorsqu'il présente un état dépressif. Une bonne cohésion familiale et la satisfaction de l'aidant quant au soutien social reçu sont inversement des facteurs d'amélioration de sa qualité de vie. Des incapacités importantes de l'accidenté affectent les différentes dimensions de la qualité de vie de l'aidant. Lorsque l'aidant est le conjoint de la personne accidentée, c'est la cohésion familiale qui prime dans la relation (s'aider et se soutenir, avoir le sentiment de former une famille unie,...). Cette cohésion familiale perçue à la fois par la personne accidentée et par l'aidant impacte positivement la qualité de vie de la personne accidentée dans les dimensions psychique (sentiments négatifs, croyances personnelles,...) et sociale (satisfaction concernant les relations personnelles). Le temps écoulé depuis l'accident ne semble pas jouer de rôle dans le vécu de l'accompagnement du proche. Conclusion : En définitive, notre étude montre que le handicap qui affecte une personne ayant eu un accident grave de la route est bien lié à une interaction entre des capacités diminuées, et un environnement social et personnel qui vont générer des difficultés de participation sociale.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana, Emmanuel Fort, Barbara Charbotel, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01586994
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Luc Fontana, Emmanuel Fort, Barbara Charbotel, Martine Hours. Déterminants de l'absence de reprise du travail de blessés graves après accident de la voie publique : résultat de la cohorte prospective ESPARR. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2016, 59, pp.e168 - e168. ⟨10.1016/⟩. ⟨hal-01586994⟩
DOI : 10.1016/
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectifs : Déterminer, chez des blessés graves après accident de la voie publique, les facteurs socioprofessionnels et médicaux associés à une absence de reprise de l'activité professionnelle 3 ans après un accident . Matériels et Méthodes: ESPARR est une cohorte prospective sur 5 ans de 1 168 blessés de la route du département du Rhône, âgés de plus de 16 ans. Sur les 222 sujets gravement blessés (Maximal Abbreviated Injury Scale ³ 3) et en activité professionnelle au moment de l'accident, 141 sujets (63.5%) ont indiqué s'ils avaient repris une activité professionnelle au cours des 3 années après l'accident. Deux groupes ont été distingués : ceux qui avaient repris le travail au cours des 3 années (N=113 ; 79.1%) et ceux qui n'avaient jamais repris le travail (N=28 ; 19.9%). Les groupes ont été comparés sur des facteurs socioprofessionnels et des facteurs médicaux liés à l'accident et sur des facteurs médicaux à 3 ans de l'accident (analyse univariée : test du chi2 ou de fisher ; analyse multivariée : modèle linéaire généralisé). Résultats : Etre séparé veuf ou divorcé au moment de l'accident, la gravité des lésions initiales de la tête, de la face, des membres inférieurs, la séÎrité des lésions initiales (New Injury Severity Score³16), la survenue d'un état de stress post-traumatique la persistance de douleurs intenses, une mauvaise perception de la qualité de vie et de l'état de santé à 3 ans de l'accident, apparaissent comme des facteurs associés à l'absence de reprise du travail après analyse univariée. La gravité des lésions initiales de la tête, la persistance de douleurs intenses à 3 ans de l'accident et la survenue d'un état de stress post-traumatiques restent significativement associés après analyse multivariée à l'absence de reprise du travail à 3 ans à la suite de l'accident corporel chez les blessés graves. Discussion : La douleur chronique et l'état de stress post-traumatique apparaissent, dans cette étude, comme des déterminants essentiels sur lesquels il est possible d'agir. Ainsi une prise en charge précoce et adaptée de ces facteurs devrait favoriser la reprise du travail chez les blessés graves.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectifs : Déterminer, chez des blessés graves après accident de la voie publique, les facteurs socioprofessionnels et médicaux associés à une absence de reprise de l'activité professionnelle 3 ans après un accident . Matériels et Méthodes: ESPARR est une cohorte prospective sur 5 ans de 1 168 blessés de la route du département du Rhône, âgés de plus de 16 ans. Sur les 222 sujets gravement blessés (Maximal Abbreviated Injury Scale ³ 3) et en activité professionnelle au moment de l'accident, 141 sujets (63.5%) ont indiqué s'ils avaient repris une activité professionnelle au cours des 3 années après l'accident. Deux groupes ont été distingués : ceux qui avaient repris le travail au cours des 3 années (N=113 ; 79.1%) et ceux qui n'avaient jamais repris le travail (N=28 ; 19.9%). Les groupes ont été comparés sur des facteurs socioprofessionnels et des facteurs médicaux liés à l'accident et sur des facteurs médicaux à 3 ans de l'accident (analyse univariée : test du chi2 ou de fisher ; analyse multivariée : modèle linéaire généralisé). Résultats : Etre séparé veuf ou divorcé au moment de l'accident, la gravité des lésions initiales de la tête, de la face, des membres inférieurs, la séÎrité des lésions initiales (New Injury Severity Score³16), la survenue d'un état de stress post-traumatique la persistance de douleurs intenses, une mauvaise perception de la qualité de vie et de l'état de santé à 3 ans de l'accident, apparaissent comme des facteurs associés à l'absence de reprise du travail après analyse univariée. La gravité des lésions initiales de la tête, la persistance de douleurs intenses à 3 ans de l'accident et la survenue d'un état de stress post-traumatiques restent significativement associés après analyse multivariée à l'absence de reprise du travail à 3 ans à la suite de l'accident corporel chez les blessés graves. Discussion : La douleur chronique et l'état de stress post-traumatique apparaissent, dans cette étude, comme des déterminants essentiels sur lesquels il est possible d'agir. Ainsi une prise en charge précoce et adaptée de ces facteurs devrait favoriser la reprise du travail chez les blessés graves.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Dan Wu, Vivian Viallon, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01713539
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Dan Wu, Vivian Viallon, Bernard Laumon. Drugs and fatal crashes. IRTAD 24th meeting, Apr 2017, PARIS, France. 17 p. ⟨hal-01713539⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Estimation of the risk of being responsible for a fatal crash when driving while impaired by drugs (alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, opiates)
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Estimation of the risk of being responsible for a fatal crash when driving while impaired by drugs (alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, opiates)
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Bernard Laumon, Catherine Helmer, Jean-François Dartigues, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00173083
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Bernard Laumon, Catherine Helmer, Jean-François Dartigues, Colette Fabrigoule. Driving cessation and self-reported car crashes in older drivers: the impact of cognitive impairment and dementia in a population-based study.. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 2008, 21 (3), pp.171-82. ⟨10.1177/0891988708316861⟩. ⟨inserm-00173083⟩
DOI : 10.1177/0891988708316861
pubmedId_s : 18503033
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The complexity of driving activity has incited numerous developed countries to initiate evaluative procedures in elderly people, varying according to first evaluation age, frequency, and screening tools. The objective of this paper is to improve the knowledge of the driving cessation process regarding factors associated with crash involvement. Driving cessation and self-reported crashes during the past 5 years were analyzed with multivariate models, in a cross-sectional study including a population-based sample of 1051 drivers aged 65 years and more. Visual trouble, Parkinson disease, dementia, and stroke history were associated with driving cessation. Future dementia was associated with self-reported crashes only. Attentional and executive deficits were associated with both outcomes. The detection of attentional and executive deficits should be included in driving evaluation procedures to improve awareness of these deficits by older drivers.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The complexity of driving activity has incited numerous developed countries to initiate evaluative procedures in elderly people, varying according to first evaluation age, frequency, and screening tools. The objective of this paper is to improve the knowledge of the driving cessation process regarding factors associated with crash involvement. Driving cessation and self-reported crashes during the past 5 years were analyzed with multivariate models, in a cross-sectional study including a population-based sample of 1051 drivers aged 65 years and more. Visual trouble, Parkinson disease, dementia, and stroke history were associated with driving cessation. Future dementia was associated with self-reported crashes only. Attentional and executive deficits were associated with both outcomes. The detection of attentional and executive deficits should be included in driving evaluation procedures to improve awareness of these deficits by older drivers.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuel Fort, Mireille Chiron, Philippe Davezies, Alain Bergeret, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00867078
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuel Fort, Mireille Chiron, Philippe Davezies, Alain Bergeret, Barbara Charbotel. Driving Behaviors and On-Duty Road Accidents: A French Case-Control Study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2013, 14 (4), pp. 353-359. ⟨10.1080/15389588.2012.719091⟩. ⟨hal-00867078⟩
DOI : 10.1080/15389588.2012.719091
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: A case-control study was carried out to identify driving behaviors associated with the risk of on-duty road accident and to compare driving behaviors according to the type of journey (on duty, commuting, and private) for on-duty road accident victims. Methods: Cases were recruited from the Rhône Road Trauma Registry between January 2004 and October 2005 and were on duty at the time of the accident. Control subjects were recruited from the electoral rolls of the case subjects’ constituencies of residence. Cases’ and controls’ driving behavior data were collected by self-administered questionnaire. A logistic regression was performed to identify behavioral risk factors for on-duty road accidents, taking into account age, sex, place of residence, road accident risk exposure, socio-occupational category, and type of road user. A second analysis focused specifically on the case subjects, comparing their self-assessed usual behaviors according to the type of journey. Results: Significant factors for multivariate analysis of on-duty road accidents were female gender, history of on-duty road accidents during the previous 10 years, severe time pressure at work, and driving a vehicle not belonging to the driver. On-duty road accident victims reported behavioral risk factors more frequently in relation to driving for work than driving for private reasons or commuting: nonsystematic seat belt use, cell phone use at least once daily while driving, and history of accidents with injury during the previous 10 years. Conclusions: This study provides knowledge on behavioral risk factors for on-duty road accidents and differences in behavior according to the type of journey for subjects who have been on-duty road accident victims. These results will be useful for the design of on-duty road risk prevention.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: A case-control study was carried out to identify driving behaviors associated with the risk of on-duty road accident and to compare driving behaviors according to the type of journey (on duty, commuting, and private) for on-duty road accident victims. Methods: Cases were recruited from the Rhône Road Trauma Registry between January 2004 and October 2005 and were on duty at the time of the accident. Control subjects were recruited from the electoral rolls of the case subjects’ constituencies of residence. Cases’ and controls’ driving behavior data were collected by self-administered questionnaire. A logistic regression was performed to identify behavioral risk factors for on-duty road accidents, taking into account age, sex, place of residence, road accident risk exposure, socio-occupational category, and type of road user. A second analysis focused specifically on the case subjects, comparing their self-assessed usual behaviors according to the type of journey. Results: Significant factors for multivariate analysis of on-duty road accidents were female gender, history of on-duty road accidents during the previous 10 years, severe time pressure at work, and driving a vehicle not belonging to the driver. On-duty road accident victims reported behavioral risk factors more frequently in relation to driving for work than driving for private reasons or commuting: nonsystematic seat belt use, cell phone use at least once daily while driving, and history of accidents with injury during the previous 10 years. Conclusions: This study provides knowledge on behavioral risk factors for on-duty road accidents and differences in behavior according to the type of journey for subjects who have been on-duty road accident victims. These results will be useful for the design of on-duty road risk prevention.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aurélie Danjou, Olivia Pérol, Astrid Coste, Elodie Faure, Rémi Béranger, Helen Boyle, Elodie Belladame, Lény Grassot, Matthieu Dubuis, Johan Spinosi, Liacine Bouaoun, Aude Fléchon, Louis Bujan, Véronique Drouineaud, Florence Eustache, Isabelle Berthaut, Jeanne Perrin, Florence Brugnon, Barbara Charbotel, Joachim Schüz, Béatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03421589
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aurélie Danjou, Olivia Pérol, Astrid Coste, Elodie Faure, Rémi Béranger, et al.. Domestic use of pesticides during early periods of development and risk of testicular germ cell tumors in adulthood: a French nationwide case-control study. Environmental Health, 2021, 20, pp.111. ⟨10.1186/s12940-021-00795-y⟩. ⟨hal-03421589⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12940-021-00795-y
pubmedId_s : 34706722
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background - Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most frequent cancers in young men in developed countries and their incidence rate has doubled worldwide over the past 40 years. Early life exposures to pesticides are suspected to increase TGCT risk. Our research aimed at estimating adult TGCT risk associated with parental domestic use of pesticides during early periods of child development. Methods - We conducted a case-control study of 304 TGCT cases, aged 18-45 years old, recruited in 20 French university hospitals, and 274 controls frequency-matched on hospital and birth year. Participants' mothers provided information on their domestic use of pesticides from 1 year before start of pregnancy to 1 year after their son's birth, for gardening activities, treatment of indoor plants, pets, wood and mold, and pest control. Odds ratios (OR) for TGCT (overall and by histological subtype) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using conditional logistic regression. Results - Prevalence of reported domestic use of pesticides was 77.3% for insecticides, 15.9% for fungicides and 12.1% for herbicides. While no association was found for any use of insecticides (OR = 1.27, CI = 0.80-2.01) or herbicides (OR = 1.15, CI = 0.67-2.00), elevated risks of TGCT overall (OR = 1.73, CI = 1.04-2.87) and non-seminoma subtype (OR = 2.44, CI = 1.26-4.74) were observed for any use of fungicides. When specific purposes were examined, using fungicides and/or insecticides for woodwork (OR = 2.35, CI = 1.06-5.20) and using insecticides on cats and dogs (OR = 1.95, CI = 1.12-3.40) were associated with increased risk of non-seminoma subtype. We found no association for seminoma subtype. Conclusions - Although recall bias may partially explain the elevated ORs, our study provides some evidence of a positive association between domestic use of pesticides during early periods of development, particularly fungicides and risk of adult TGCT and non-seminoma. Given the common domestic use of pesticides in France, further research on TGCT risk is warranted.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background - Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most frequent cancers in young men in developed countries and their incidence rate has doubled worldwide over the past 40 years. Early life exposures to pesticides are suspected to increase TGCT risk. Our research aimed at estimating adult TGCT risk associated with parental domestic use of pesticides during early periods of child development. Methods - We conducted a case-control study of 304 TGCT cases, aged 18-45 years old, recruited in 20 French university hospitals, and 274 controls frequency-matched on hospital and birth year. Participants' mothers provided information on their domestic use of pesticides from 1 year before start of pregnancy to 1 year after their son's birth, for gardening activities, treatment of indoor plants, pets, wood and mold, and pest control. Odds ratios (OR) for TGCT (overall and by histological subtype) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using conditional logistic regression. Results - Prevalence of reported domestic use of pesticides was 77.3% for insecticides, 15.9% for fungicides and 12.1% for herbicides. While no association was found for any use of insecticides (OR = 1.27, CI = 0.80-2.01) or herbicides (OR = 1.15, CI = 0.67-2.00), elevated risks of TGCT overall (OR = 1.73, CI = 1.04-2.87) and non-seminoma subtype (OR = 2.44, CI = 1.26-4.74) were observed for any use of fungicides. When specific purposes were examined, using fungicides and/or insecticides for woodwork (OR = 2.35, CI = 1.06-5.20) and using insecticides on cats and dogs (OR = 1.95, CI = 1.12-3.40) were associated with increased risk of non-seminoma subtype. We found no association for seminoma subtype. Conclusions - Although recall bias may partially explain the elevated ORs, our study provides some evidence of a positive association between domestic use of pesticides during early periods of development, particularly fungicides and risk of adult TGCT and non-seminoma. Given the common domestic use of pesticides in France, further research on TGCT risk is warranted.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01215765
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon. Does exposure to aircraft noise increase the mortality from cardiovascular disease in the population living in the vicinity of airports? Results of an ecological study in France. Noise and Health, 2015, 17 (78), pp. 328-336. ⟨10.4103/1463-1741.165058⟩. ⟨hal-01215765⟩
DOI : 10.4103/1463-1741.165058
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The impact of aircraft noise on health is of growing concern. We investigated the relationship between this exposure and mortality from cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. We performed an ecological study on 161 communes (commune being the smallest administrative unit in France) close to the following three major French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry, and Toulouse-Blagnac. The mortality data were provided by the French Center on Medical Causes of Death for the period 2007-2010. Based on the data provided by the French Civil Aviation Authority, a weighted average exposure to aircraft noise (LdenAEI) was computed at the commune level. A Poisson regression model with commune-specific random intercepts, adjusted for potential confounding factors including air pollution, was used to investigate the association between mortality rates and LdenAEI. Positive associations were observed between LdenAEI and mortality from cardiovascular disease [adjusted mortality rate ratio (MRR) per 10 dB(A) increase in LdenAEI = 1.18; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.11-1.25], coronary heart disease [MRR = 1.24 (1.12-1.36)], and myocardial infarction [MRR = 1.28 (1.11-1.46]. Stroke mortality was more weakly associated with LdenAEI [MRR = 1.08 (0.97-1.21]. These significant associations were not attenuated after the adjustment for air pollution. The present ecological study supports the hypothesis of an association between aircraft noise exposure and mortality from cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and myocardial infarction. However, the potential for ecological bias and the possibility that this association could be due to residual confounding cannot be excluded.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The impact of aircraft noise on health is of growing concern. We investigated the relationship between this exposure and mortality from cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. We performed an ecological study on 161 communes (commune being the smallest administrative unit in France) close to the following three major French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry, and Toulouse-Blagnac. The mortality data were provided by the French Center on Medical Causes of Death for the period 2007-2010. Based on the data provided by the French Civil Aviation Authority, a weighted average exposure to aircraft noise (LdenAEI) was computed at the commune level. A Poisson regression model with commune-specific random intercepts, adjusted for potential confounding factors including air pollution, was used to investigate the association between mortality rates and LdenAEI. Positive associations were observed between LdenAEI and mortality from cardiovascular disease [adjusted mortality rate ratio (MRR) per 10 dB(A) increase in LdenAEI = 1.18; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.11-1.25], coronary heart disease [MRR = 1.24 (1.12-1.36)], and myocardial infarction [MRR = 1.28 (1.11-1.46]. Stroke mortality was more weakly associated with LdenAEI [MRR = 1.08 (0.97-1.21]. These significant associations were not attenuated after the adjustment for air pollution. The present ecological study supports the hypothesis of an association between aircraft noise exposure and mortality from cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and myocardial infarction. However, the potential for ecological bias and the possibility that this association could be due to residual confounding cannot be excluded.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marion Hay, Nicolas Adam, Daniel Ndiaye, Bertrand Richard, Marie-Laure Bocca, Catherine Gabaude
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01367178
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marion Hay, Nicolas Adam, Daniel Ndiaye, Bertrand Richard, Marie-Laure Bocca, et al.. Does cognitive training improve older drivers' self-regulation and self-assessment?. Metacog 2014 The 2nd International Conference on Metacognition, Sep 2014, CLERMONT FERRAND, France. 24 p. ⟨hal-01367178⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : To maintain quality of life and autonomy, a safe mobility is needed for older people. Depending on the self-assessment of their cognitive abilities, some older people stop driving prematurely and others expose themselves at risky situations (under estimators and over estimators, respectively). This study is based on the hypothesis that a correct estimation of cognitive abilities is required to reach a correct driving self-regulation (defined as a behavioral adaptation for continuing to drive safely despite age-related functional decline). The aim of the study is to know if a cognitive training can help older drivers whom do not properly estimate their cognitive abilities by influencing their choices and helping them to better self-assess their abilities. Eighty drivers aged 70 and over are included and assigned among two groups (two cognitive training groups associated or not with a driving simulator experience). Both training programs last 36 hours spread out over 3 months. Each group contains as many over as under estimators. The cognitive training is focused on the cognitive functions required while driving (i.e. attention, visuo-spatial abilities, executive functions and working memory). Three hours of simulated driving (composed by situations described as complex, dangerous or avoided by older drivers) are performed. Over and under estimators are specified by comparing subjective and objective performances to cognitive competencies (TMT A&B, DSST). The training succeeds if participant improve the self-assessment of his/her abilities. Self-regulation abilities are evaluated according to the evolution of training choices done before and after the cognitive training. They are also evaluated regarding the driving performance evaluated on open road. Expected results are: i) an improvement of self-regulation and self-assessment of cognitive abilities after the training and ii) a better self-regulation while driving after the simulator driving experience.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : To maintain quality of life and autonomy, a safe mobility is needed for older people. Depending on the self-assessment of their cognitive abilities, some older people stop driving prematurely and others expose themselves at risky situations (under estimators and over estimators, respectively). This study is based on the hypothesis that a correct estimation of cognitive abilities is required to reach a correct driving self-regulation (defined as a behavioral adaptation for continuing to drive safely despite age-related functional decline). The aim of the study is to know if a cognitive training can help older drivers whom do not properly estimate their cognitive abilities by influencing their choices and helping them to better self-assess their abilities. Eighty drivers aged 70 and over are included and assigned among two groups (two cognitive training groups associated or not with a driving simulator experience). Both training programs last 36 hours spread out over 3 months. Each group contains as many over as under estimators. The cognitive training is focused on the cognitive functions required while driving (i.e. attention, visuo-spatial abilities, executive functions and working memory). Three hours of simulated driving (composed by situations described as complex, dangerous or avoided by older drivers) are performed. Over and under estimators are specified by comparing subjective and objective performances to cognitive competencies (TMT A&B, DSST). The training succeeds if participant improve the self-assessment of his/her abilities. Self-regulation abilities are evaluated according to the evolution of training choices done before and after the cognitive training. They are also evaluated regarding the driving performance evaluated on open road. Expected results are: i) an improvement of self-regulation and self-assessment of cognitive abilities after the training and ii) a better self-regulation while driving after the simulator driving experience.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01492874
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon. Does aircraft noise exposure increase the risk of hypertension in the population living near airports in France?. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2017, 74, pp. 123-129. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2016-103648⟩. ⟨hal-01492874⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2016-103648
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: The largest study to date around six major European airports, the HYENA study (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports) reported an excess risk of hypertension related to long-term aircraft noise exposure. The DEBATS study (Discussion on the health effects of aircraft noise) investigated the relationship between this exposure and the risk of hypertension in men and in women near French airports. Methods: Blood pressure of 1,244 participants older than 18 years of age was measured. Information about health, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected by means of a face-to-face questionnaire performed at home by an interviewer. Aircraft noise exposure was assessed for each participant's home address using noise maps. They were calculated with the integrated noise model (INM) with a 1 dB-resolution. The major potential confounders being risk factors for hypertension were included in the logistic regression models: age, occupational activity, body mass index, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. Results: After adjustment for the main potential confounders, an exposure-response relationship was evidenced between the risk of hypertension and aircraft noise exposure at night for men only. A 10-dB(A) increase in Lnight was associated with an odds-ratio of 1.34 (95%CI=1.00-1.97). Conclusions: These findings contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that aircraft noise exposure at night-time may increase the risk of hypertension in men. Hypertension being a well-known and established risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the association reported in the present study implies that aircraft noise might be a risk factor also for cardiovascular diseases.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: The largest study to date around six major European airports, the HYENA study (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports) reported an excess risk of hypertension related to long-term aircraft noise exposure. The DEBATS study (Discussion on the health effects of aircraft noise) investigated the relationship between this exposure and the risk of hypertension in men and in women near French airports. Methods: Blood pressure of 1,244 participants older than 18 years of age was measured. Information about health, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected by means of a face-to-face questionnaire performed at home by an interviewer. Aircraft noise exposure was assessed for each participant's home address using noise maps. They were calculated with the integrated noise model (INM) with a 1 dB-resolution. The major potential confounders being risk factors for hypertension were included in the logistic regression models: age, occupational activity, body mass index, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. Results: After adjustment for the main potential confounders, an exposure-response relationship was evidenced between the risk of hypertension and aircraft noise exposure at night for men only. A 10-dB(A) increase in Lnight was associated with an odds-ratio of 1.34 (95%CI=1.00-1.97). Conclusions: These findings contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that aircraft noise exposure at night-time may increase the risk of hypertension in men. Hypertension being a well-known and established risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the association reported in the present study implies that aircraft noise might be a risk factor also for cardiovascular diseases.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01355778
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, et al.. Does air pollution modify the impact of aircraft noise on mortality from cardiovascular disease? Results of an ecological study in France.. TAP 2016, 21st International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, May 2016, LYON, France. 6 p. ⟨hal-01355778⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The health impact of living in the vicinity of an airport has been of growing concern. The reduction of aircraft noise nuisance has been considered to be the main issue for a long time but in recent years, the question of air pollution around airports has been raised. Air pollution has been found to be associated with cardiovascular disease (Brook et al (2010)). As several studies have shown an association between aircraft noise exposure and hypertension (Babisch and van Kamp (2009)) or mortality from cardiovascular disease (Huss et al (2010), Hansell et al (2013)), concerns for disentangling the effects of air pollution and of noise on cardiovascular outcomes have increased. We performed an ecological study addressing the issue of an association between exposure to aircraft noise and mortality for cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke. A secondary aim was to examine if this association was modified when air pollution was taken into account. The study was based on 161 communes (the smallest administrative unit in France) close to three major French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry and Toulouse-Blagnac. The mortality data were provided by the French Center on Medical Causes of Death. Based on noise maps produced by the French Civil Aviation Authority with the 'Integrated Noise Model', a population-weighted average exposure to aircraft noise was computed at the commune level. The average air pollution exposure for both NO2 and PM10 indicators was estimated with dispersion modelling by Airparif institute for the Paris area, and by Air Rhône-Alpes institute for the Lyon area (data for the Toulouse area were missing). The average concentration in NO2 was estimated to 22.3 mg/m3, the average concentration in PM10 to 23.9 mg/m3 and the average exposure to aircraft noise to 49.6 dBA, as shown in Table 1. NO2 and PM10 concentrations were positively correlated. NO2 concentrations were moderately correlated to aircraft noise levels while PM10 concentrations were not. Regardless of aircraft noise, neither NO2 nor PM10 concentrations were significantly associated with mortality. However, positive associations were observed between exposure to aircraft noise and mortality for all causes of interest except stroke. These associations were not attenuated when air pollution was taken into account. The present study seems to confirm the findings of recent studies suggesting that air pollution does not appear to be a confounding factor in the relationship between aircraft noise and mortality from cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. However, the potential for ecological bias and the possibility that this association could be due to unmeasured factors cannot be excluded. Further individual studies are necessary in order to better understand this association. This work was supported by funds from the French Ministry of Health, the French Ministry of Environment, and the French Civil Aviation Authority.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The health impact of living in the vicinity of an airport has been of growing concern. The reduction of aircraft noise nuisance has been considered to be the main issue for a long time but in recent years, the question of air pollution around airports has been raised. Air pollution has been found to be associated with cardiovascular disease (Brook et al (2010)). As several studies have shown an association between aircraft noise exposure and hypertension (Babisch and van Kamp (2009)) or mortality from cardiovascular disease (Huss et al (2010), Hansell et al (2013)), concerns for disentangling the effects of air pollution and of noise on cardiovascular outcomes have increased. We performed an ecological study addressing the issue of an association between exposure to aircraft noise and mortality for cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke. A secondary aim was to examine if this association was modified when air pollution was taken into account. The study was based on 161 communes (the smallest administrative unit in France) close to three major French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry and Toulouse-Blagnac. The mortality data were provided by the French Center on Medical Causes of Death. Based on noise maps produced by the French Civil Aviation Authority with the 'Integrated Noise Model', a population-weighted average exposure to aircraft noise was computed at the commune level. The average air pollution exposure for both NO2 and PM10 indicators was estimated with dispersion modelling by Airparif institute for the Paris area, and by Air Rhône-Alpes institute for the Lyon area (data for the Toulouse area were missing). The average concentration in NO2 was estimated to 22.3 mg/m3, the average concentration in PM10 to 23.9 mg/m3 and the average exposure to aircraft noise to 49.6 dBA, as shown in Table 1. NO2 and PM10 concentrations were positively correlated. NO2 concentrations were moderately correlated to aircraft noise levels while PM10 concentrations were not. Regardless of aircraft noise, neither NO2 nor PM10 concentrations were significantly associated with mortality. However, positive associations were observed between exposure to aircraft noise and mortality for all causes of interest except stroke. These associations were not attenuated when air pollution was taken into account. The present study seems to confirm the findings of recent studies suggesting that air pollution does not appear to be a confounding factor in the relationship between aircraft noise and mortality from cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. However, the potential for ecological bias and the possibility that this association could be due to unmeasured factors cannot be excluded. Further individual studies are necessary in order to better understand this association. This work was supported by funds from the French Ministry of Health, the French Ministry of Environment, and the French Civil Aviation Authority.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01213665
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon. Does Exposure to Aircraft Noise Increase the Risk of Hypertension near French Airports?. Euronoise 2015, the 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Jun 2015, MAASTRICHT, France. 5 p. ⟨hal-01213665⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: The HYENA study (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports) has evidenced an association between aircraft noise exposure and hypertension. Objective: The objective of our study was to investigate the relationship between the risk of hypertension and aircraft noise exposure around French airports. Methods: The longitudinal study included in the DEBATS research program aims to follow-up during four years 1,244 esidents around three French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry. Overall annoyance and health status (in terms of sleep disturbances, cardiovascular diseases, and anxiety and depressive disorders) were assessed by a face-to-face questionnaire performed at the place of residence of the participants. The interviewer also measured the systolic (SBP) and the diastolic (DBP) blood-pressure (BP) of the participants. The individuals were classified as hypertensive if they had either BP levels above the World Health Organization cut-off points (a SBP e 140 or a DBP e 90) or a diagnosis of hypertension by a physician in conjunction with the use of antihypertensive medication, as reported in the interview questionnaire. Aircraft noise exposure was evaluated in terms of Lden for each participant's home address using noise maps calculated with the Integrated Noise Model (INM). The major potential confounders being risk factors for hypertension were included in the logistic regression models: age, gender, body mass index, physical activity, occupational activity and alcohol consumption. Results: After adjustment for major confounders, an exposure-response relationship was found between the risk of hypertension and aircraft noise exposure for men only, not for women. Conclusions: A slight increase in risk of hypertension due to aircraft noise exposure was evidenced for men. This result confirms the findings of the HYENA study suggesting that the effect of aircraft noise on the risk of hypertension is stronger in men than in women.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: The HYENA study (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports) has evidenced an association between aircraft noise exposure and hypertension. Objective: The objective of our study was to investigate the relationship between the risk of hypertension and aircraft noise exposure around French airports. Methods: The longitudinal study included in the DEBATS research program aims to follow-up during four years 1,244 esidents around three French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry. Overall annoyance and health status (in terms of sleep disturbances, cardiovascular diseases, and anxiety and depressive disorders) were assessed by a face-to-face questionnaire performed at the place of residence of the participants. The interviewer also measured the systolic (SBP) and the diastolic (DBP) blood-pressure (BP) of the participants. The individuals were classified as hypertensive if they had either BP levels above the World Health Organization cut-off points (a SBP e 140 or a DBP e 90) or a diagnosis of hypertension by a physician in conjunction with the use of antihypertensive medication, as reported in the interview questionnaire. Aircraft noise exposure was evaluated in terms of Lden for each participant's home address using noise maps calculated with the Integrated Noise Model (INM). The major potential confounders being risk factors for hypertension were included in the logistic regression models: age, gender, body mass index, physical activity, occupational activity and alcohol consumption. Results: After adjustment for major confounders, an exposure-response relationship was found between the risk of hypertension and aircraft noise exposure for men only, not for women. Conclusions: A slight increase in risk of hypertension due to aircraft noise exposure was evidenced for men. This result confirms the findings of the HYENA study suggesting that the effect of aircraft noise on the risk of hypertension is stronger in men than in women.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, Mireille Chiron, Yves Crozet, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01706813
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, et al.. Dix ans de monétarisation des effets locaux de la pollution atmosphérique. Tome 2 - 21 études représentatives de la recherche scientifique dans les années 1990. [Rapport de recherche] CERTU; LTE, INRETS; UMRETTE, INRETS; LET. 2002, pp.156. ⟨halshs-01706813⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le premier tome de ce travail a été l’occasion de faire le point sur les méthodes existantes pour évaluer le coût économique de la pollution atmosphérique (Cf. Cependant, selon nous, l’idée de l’existence, dans l’absolu, d’un coût de la pollution atmosphérique ne va pas de soi. Sans même considérer la forte contingence du lieu des évaluations (avec des pollutions, un nombre de personnes concernées, des niveaux de revenus et des cultures différents), chaque résultat reste susceptible d’être discuté. Chaque méthode propose un éclairage particulier des effets ressentis de cette pollution, fournissant parfois des images complémentaires mais aussi des résultats concurrents, non forcément convergents. Ceci étant dit, le travail d’évaluation des chercheurs et des économistes, en amont, garde toute son importance pour guider la construction de valeurs « tutélaires ». Et, dans cette optique, la réflexion sur la pertinence des différentes méthodes en fonction des objectifs de l’évaluation est primordiale. Pour illustrer les pratiques en la matière, nous avons choisi de présenter dans ce second tome une série de 21 synthèses d’études représentatives des recherches menées de 1991 à 2001. Nous renvoyons le lecteur au tome 1 pour une présentation détaillées des méthodes. Rappelons simplement que 5 ou 6 familles de méthodes se trouvent plus particulièrement sollicitées pour évaluer les coûts de la pollution atmosphérique.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le premier tome de ce travail a été l’occasion de faire le point sur les méthodes existantes pour évaluer le coût économique de la pollution atmosphérique (Cf. Cependant, selon nous, l’idée de l’existence, dans l’absolu, d’un coût de la pollution atmosphérique ne va pas de soi. Sans même considérer la forte contingence du lieu des évaluations (avec des pollutions, un nombre de personnes concernées, des niveaux de revenus et des cultures différents), chaque résultat reste susceptible d’être discuté. Chaque méthode propose un éclairage particulier des effets ressentis de cette pollution, fournissant parfois des images complémentaires mais aussi des résultats concurrents, non forcément convergents. Ceci étant dit, le travail d’évaluation des chercheurs et des économistes, en amont, garde toute son importance pour guider la construction de valeurs « tutélaires ». Et, dans cette optique, la réflexion sur la pertinence des différentes méthodes en fonction des objectifs de l’évaluation est primordiale. Pour illustrer les pratiques en la matière, nous avons choisi de présenter dans ce second tome une série de 21 synthèses d’études représentatives des recherches menées de 1991 à 2001. Nous renvoyons le lecteur au tome 1 pour une présentation détaillées des méthodes. Rappelons simplement que 5 ou 6 familles de méthodes se trouvent plus particulièrement sollicitées pour évaluer les coûts de la pollution atmosphérique.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, Mireille Chiron, Yves Crozet, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01703156
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, et al.. Dix ans de monétarisation des effets locaux de la pollution atmosphérique. Tome 1 - des évaluations scientifiques aux décisions politiques. [Rapport de recherche] LET; CERTU; LTE, INRETS; UMRETTE, INRETS. 2002, pp.199. ⟨halshs-01703156⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cette recherche tente d'établir un état de l'art sur la question des méthodes de monétarisation des effets de la pollution atmosphérique en milieu urbain. La démarche adoptée passe par un recensement bibliographique et une analyse détaillée des principales études menées dans le courant des années 90, ainsi que par une réflexion sur les usages des résultats par les pouvoirs publics. Le propos de cette étude est d’amener le lecteur à s’interroger sur les processus qui conduisent à l’élaboration de ces chiffres, d'un point de vue scientifique d’abord (que mesure-t-on, comment, pourquoi ?) et politique ensuite (par quels mécanismes institutionnels les valeurs construites par les chercheurs -ingénieurs, économistes, épidémiologistes, etc.- vont aider à l’élaboration de valeurs “tutélaires”, qui fournissent une base assumée et explicite aux prises de décision dans la gestion des affaires publiques ?).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cette recherche tente d'établir un état de l'art sur la question des méthodes de monétarisation des effets de la pollution atmosphérique en milieu urbain. La démarche adoptée passe par un recensement bibliographique et une analyse détaillée des principales études menées dans le courant des années 90, ainsi que par une réflexion sur les usages des résultats par les pouvoirs publics. Le propos de cette étude est d’amener le lecteur à s’interroger sur les processus qui conduisent à l’élaboration de ces chiffres, d'un point de vue scientifique d’abord (que mesure-t-on, comment, pourquoi ?) et politique ensuite (par quels mécanismes institutionnels les valeurs construites par les chercheurs -ingénieurs, économistes, épidémiologistes, etc.- vont aider à l’élaboration de valeurs “tutélaires”, qui fournissent une base assumée et explicite aux prises de décision dans la gestion des affaires publiques ?).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, Mireille Chiron, Yves Crozet, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00097868
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Pierre Nicolas, Fabien Duprez, Sandrine Durand, Fabrice Poisson, Pierre-Louis Aubert, et al.. Dix ans de monétarisation des effets locaux de la pollution atmosphérique : des évaluations scientifiques aux décisions politiques. Robert Joumard. Transports et pollution de l'air : 12ème colloque, Avignon, 16-18 juin / Transports and air pollution : 12th symposium: June 2003, 1 (92), INRETS, pp.209-216, 2003, Actes INRETS, 2-85782-588-9. ⟨halshs-00097868⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cette communication s'intéresse à la valorisation monétaire des impacts environnementaux de la pollution atmosphérique locale. Comment, d'un côté, ces chiffres sont-ils construits par les économistes, et comment, de l'autre, sont-ils repris et utilisés pour établir des valeurs officielles dans le cadre des politiques publiques ? Nous mettons en lumière les écarts existant entre les deux et proposons des solutions pour les réduire.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cette communication s'intéresse à la valorisation monétaire des impacts environnementaux de la pollution atmosphérique locale. Comment, d'un côté, ces chiffres sont-ils construits par les économistes, et comment, de l'autre, sont-ils repris et utilisés pour établir des valeurs officielles dans le cadre des politiques publiques ? Nous mettons en lumière les écarts existant entre les deux et proposons des solutions pour les réduire.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01212434
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. Discussion sur les effets du bruit des aéronefs touchant la santé : état d'avancement de la phase d'inclusion de l'étude longitudinale fin 2013. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2013, 21 p. ⟨hal-01212434⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'étude individuelle longitudinale de DEBATS inclura approximativement 1 200 sujets. Lors de leur inclusion dans l'étude, puis deux et quatre ans après, l'information concernant leur état de santé sera obtenue par des enquêteurs de l'Ifsttar au domicile des participants, d'une part par l'administration d'un questionnaire (effets du bruit des avions sur le sommeil et sur le système cardiovasculaire, troubles anxio-dépressifs, et gêne ressentie due au bruit des avions), d'autre part par des mesures de la tension artérielle, de la fréquence cardiaque et de la concentration de cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress). Le présent rapport fait le point sur l'état d'avancement de la phase d'inclusion de cette étude longitudinale fin 2013.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'étude individuelle longitudinale de DEBATS inclura approximativement 1 200 sujets. Lors de leur inclusion dans l'étude, puis deux et quatre ans après, l'information concernant leur état de santé sera obtenue par des enquêteurs de l'Ifsttar au domicile des participants, d'une part par l'administration d'un questionnaire (effets du bruit des avions sur le sommeil et sur le système cardiovasculaire, troubles anxio-dépressifs, et gêne ressentie due au bruit des avions), d'autre part par des mesures de la tension artérielle, de la fréquence cardiaque et de la concentration de cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress). Le présent rapport fait le point sur l'état d'avancement de la phase d'inclusion de cette étude longitudinale fin 2013.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01346656
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. Discussion sur les effets du bruit des aéronefs touchant la santé : état d'avancement. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2015, 13 p. ⟨hal-01346656⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Etat d'avancement des études écologiques, longitudinales et sommeil dans le cadre de la Convention DGS/Ifsttar, novembre 2015.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Etat d'avancement des études écologiques, longitudinales et sommeil dans le cadre de la Convention DGS/Ifsttar, novembre 2015.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01072155
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre. Discussion sur les effets du bruit des aéronefs touchant la santé : rapport-bilan de la phase d'inclusion de l'étude longitudinale.. 2014. ⟨hal-01072155⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce rapport dresse un bilan de la phase d'inclusion de l'étude longitudinale de DEBATS.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce rapport dresse un bilan de la phase d'inclusion de l'étude longitudinale de DEBATS.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03128947
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre. Discussion sur les effets du bruit des aéronefs touchant la santé : rapport-bilan de la phase d'inclusion et du suivi à deux ans de l'étude longitudinale. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 34p. ⟨hal-03128947⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce rapport rappelle les objectifs et la méthodologie de l'étude longitudinale de DEBATS, présente les premiers résultats issus du traitement des données recueillies à l'inclusion, en 2013, et décrit les participants au suivi 2 ans après leur inclusion.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce rapport rappelle les objectifs et la méthodologie de l'étude longitudinale de DEBATS, présente les premiers résultats issus du traitement des données recueillies à l'inclusion, en 2013, et décrit les participants au suivi 2 ans après leur inclusion.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01208286
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. Discussion sur les effets du bruit des aéronefs touchant la santé : protocole. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2013, 72 p. ⟨hal-01208286⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'exposition au bruit des avions a pris un caractère de plus en plus conflictuel dans l'entourage des aéroports dans presque tous les pays industrialisés et fait l'objet de nombreux débats et mesures réglementaires. Cette exposition pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. Il n'existe pas dans notre pays de larges études prospectives permettant de mesurer un effet de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la santé des populations exposées. C'est la raison pour laquelle le projet DEBATS a été proposé. L'objectif est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports français. Il s'agit d'adopter une approche globale en caractérisant les relations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les états de santé des riverains d'aéroport à la fois sur le plan physique et mental mais aussi en termes de gêne ressentie. Le présent rapport présente le protocole de ce programme de recherche.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'exposition au bruit des avions a pris un caractère de plus en plus conflictuel dans l'entourage des aéroports dans presque tous les pays industrialisés et fait l'objet de nombreux débats et mesures réglementaires. Cette exposition pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes pour la santé. Toutefois, celles-ci sont actuellement insuffisamment évaluées, tout du moins en France. Il n'existe pas dans notre pays de larges études prospectives permettant de mesurer un effet de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la santé des populations exposées. C'est la raison pour laquelle le projet DEBATS a été proposé. L'objectif est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports français. Il s'agit d'adopter une approche globale en caractérisant les relations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les états de santé des riverains d'aéroport à la fois sur le plan physique et mental mais aussi en termes de gêne ressentie. Le présent rapport présente le protocole de ce programme de recherche.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Vivian Viallon, Aurélien Latouche
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00547205
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Vivian Viallon, Aurélien Latouche. Discrimination measures for survival outcomes: connection between the AUC and the predictiveness curve. Biometrical Journal, 2011, ⟨10.1002/bimj.201000153⟩. ⟨hal-00547205⟩
DOI : 10.1002/bimj.201000153
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Finding out biomarkers and building risk scores to predict the occurrence of survival outcomes is a major concern of clinical epidemiology, and so is the evaluation of prognostic models. In this paper, we are concerned with the estimation of the time-dependent AUC -- area under the receiver operating curve -- which naturally extends standard AUC to the setting of survival outcomes and enables to evaluate the discriminative power of prognostic models. We establish a simple and useful relation between the predictiveness curve and the time-dependent AUC -- AUC(t). This relation confirms that the predictiveness curve is the key concept for evaluating calibration and discrimination of prognostic models. It also highlights that accurate estimates of the conditional absolute risk function should yield accurate estimates for AUC(t). From this observation, we derive several estimators for AUC(t) relying on distinct estimators of the conditional absolute risk function. An empirical study was conducted to compare our estimators with existing ones and assess the effect of model misspecification -- when estimating the conditional absolute risk function-- on the AUC(t) estimation. We further illustrate the methodology on the Mayo PBC and the VA lung cancer data sets.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Finding out biomarkers and building risk scores to predict the occurrence of survival outcomes is a major concern of clinical epidemiology, and so is the evaluation of prognostic models. In this paper, we are concerned with the estimation of the time-dependent AUC -- area under the receiver operating curve -- which naturally extends standard AUC to the setting of survival outcomes and enables to evaluate the discriminative power of prognostic models. We establish a simple and useful relation between the predictiveness curve and the time-dependent AUC -- AUC(t). This relation confirms that the predictiveness curve is the key concept for evaluating calibration and discrimination of prognostic models. It also highlights that accurate estimates of the conditional absolute risk function should yield accurate estimates for AUC(t). From this observation, we derive several estimators for AUC(t) relying on distinct estimators of the conditional absolute risk function. An empirical study was conducted to compare our estimators with existing ones and assess the effect of model misspecification -- when estimating the conditional absolute risk function-- on the AUC(t) estimation. We further illustrate the methodology on the Mayo PBC and the VA lung cancer data sets.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Guillaume Mortamet, Noella Lode, Nadia Roumeliotis, Florent Baudin, Etienne Javouhey, François Dubos, Julien Naud
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02944031
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Guillaume Mortamet, Noella Lode, Nadia Roumeliotis, Florent Baudin, Etienne Javouhey, et al.. Disaster preparedness in French paediatric hospitals 2 years after terrorist attacks of 2015. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2019, 104 (4), p322 LP - 327. ⟨10.1136/archdischild-2017-314658⟩. ⟨hal-02944031⟩
DOI : 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314658
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective We aimed to determine paediatric hospital preparedness for a mass casualty disaster involving children in both prehospital and hospital settings. The study findings will serve to generate recommendations, guidelines and training objectives.Design and setting The AMAVI-PED study is a cross-sectional survey. An electronic questionnaire was sent to French physicians with key roles in specialised paediatric acute care.Results In total, 81% (26 of 32) of French University Hospitals were represented in the study. A disaster plan AMAVI with a specific paediatric emphasis was established in all the paediatric centres. In case of a mass casualty event, paediatric victims would be initially admitted to the paediatric emergency department for most centres (n=21; 75%). Paediatric anaesthesiologists, paediatric surgeons and paediatric radiologists were in-house in 20 (71%), 5 (18%) and 12 (43%) centres, respectively. Twenty-three (82%) hospitals had a paediatric specialised mobile intensive care unit and seven (25%) of these could provide a prehospital emergency response. Didactic teaching and simulation exercises were implemented in 20 (71%) and 22 (79%) centres, respectively. Overall, physician participants rated the level of readiness of their hospital as 6 (IQR: 5-7) on a 10-point readiness scale.Conclusion Paediatric preparedness is very heterogeneous between the centres. Based on the study findings, we suggest that a national programme must be defined and guidelines generated.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective We aimed to determine paediatric hospital preparedness for a mass casualty disaster involving children in both prehospital and hospital settings. The study findings will serve to generate recommendations, guidelines and training objectives.Design and setting The AMAVI-PED study is a cross-sectional survey. An electronic questionnaire was sent to French physicians with key roles in specialised paediatric acute care.Results In total, 81% (26 of 32) of French University Hospitals were represented in the study. A disaster plan AMAVI with a specific paediatric emphasis was established in all the paediatric centres. In case of a mass casualty event, paediatric victims would be initially admitted to the paediatric emergency department for most centres (n=21; 75%). Paediatric anaesthesiologists, paediatric surgeons and paediatric radiologists were in-house in 20 (71%), 5 (18%) and 12 (43%) centres, respectively. Twenty-three (82%) hospitals had a paediatric specialised mobile intensive care unit and seven (25%) of these could provide a prehospital emergency response. Didactic teaching and simulation exercises were implemented in 20 (71%) and 22 (79%) centres, respectively. Overall, physician participants rated the level of readiness of their hospital as 6 (IQR: 5-7) on a 10-point readiness scale.Conclusion Paediatric preparedness is very heterogeneous between the centres. Based on the study findings, we suggest that a national programme must be defined and guidelines generated.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pascal Pochet, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Idlir Licaj, Judit Vari, Eliette Randriantovomanana, Dominique Mignot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00668549
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pascal Pochet, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Idlir Licaj, Judit Vari, Eliette Randriantovomanana, et al.. Différenciations et inégalités sociales de mobilité chez les jeunes. Analyses de l'enquête ménages déplacements de Lyon 2005-2006. 2010. ⟨halshs-00668549⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce 3ème rapport intermédiaire analyse les principaux traits de la mobilité des jeunes, à partir de l'enquête ménages déplacements (EMD) lyonnaise de 2005-2006 et étudie les effets sur la mobilité des caractéristiques socio-économiques et d'autres facteurs, comme la localisation géographique, l'âge ou le genre. Cette enquête, réalisée dans un périmètre élargi intégrant les communes périurbaines et certaines communes rurales, recueille les déplacements de semaine dans des lieux de vie très différents quant à la densité résidentielle, à la distance au centre et à la desserte par les transports publics. Les caractéristiques de l'EMD, ainsi que les indicateurs construits pour " enrichir " les fichiers de base, sont présentés dans une 1ère partie. Sont ensuite analysées dans une 2ème partie les différenciations de niveaux de mobilité, de motifs de déplacements et d'usage des modes de transport selon des catégories d'âge détaillées, le niveau scolaire atteint (collège / lycée), le genre et le lieu de résidence. Cette approche permet de pointer les changements de mobilité intervenant entre 10 et 20 ans. Ces grands facteurs de différenciation mieux connus, il est possible d'appréhender les inégalités de mobilités existant parmi les populations adolescentes (3ème partie) : disparités d'accès à la voiture et d'usage des modes de transport liées aux revenus par unité de consommation (UC) du ménage et au type socio-économique de zone de résidence (communes / zones précises avec ou sans ZUS - Zone Urbaine Sensible). S'intéresser à la mobilité à l'adolescence se traduit par un intérêt particulier pour les 14-17 ans, mais amène aussi à préciser " ce qui se passe " juste avant et juste après. Des modèles logit de l'usage habituel des modes de transport permettent de tester la significativité des effets ajustés (une fois contrôlés les effets des autres facteurs), des facteurs démographiques (âge, sexe), géographiques, socio-économiques (revenu par UC), socio-territoriaux (Zone avec / sans ZUS) et de motorisation du ménage.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce 3ème rapport intermédiaire analyse les principaux traits de la mobilité des jeunes, à partir de l'enquête ménages déplacements (EMD) lyonnaise de 2005-2006 et étudie les effets sur la mobilité des caractéristiques socio-économiques et d'autres facteurs, comme la localisation géographique, l'âge ou le genre. Cette enquête, réalisée dans un périmètre élargi intégrant les communes périurbaines et certaines communes rurales, recueille les déplacements de semaine dans des lieux de vie très différents quant à la densité résidentielle, à la distance au centre et à la desserte par les transports publics. Les caractéristiques de l'EMD, ainsi que les indicateurs construits pour " enrichir " les fichiers de base, sont présentés dans une 1ère partie. Sont ensuite analysées dans une 2ème partie les différenciations de niveaux de mobilité, de motifs de déplacements et d'usage des modes de transport selon des catégories d'âge détaillées, le niveau scolaire atteint (collège / lycée), le genre et le lieu de résidence. Cette approche permet de pointer les changements de mobilité intervenant entre 10 et 20 ans. Ces grands facteurs de différenciation mieux connus, il est possible d'appréhender les inégalités de mobilités existant parmi les populations adolescentes (3ème partie) : disparités d'accès à la voiture et d'usage des modes de transport liées aux revenus par unité de consommation (UC) du ménage et au type socio-économique de zone de résidence (communes / zones précises avec ou sans ZUS - Zone Urbaine Sensible). S'intéresser à la mobilité à l'adolescence se traduit par un intérêt particulier pour les 14-17 ans, mais amène aussi à préciser " ce qui se passe " juste avant et juste après. Des modèles logit de l'usage habituel des modes de transport permettent de tester la significativité des effets ajustés (une fois contrôlés les effets des autres facteurs), des facteurs démographiques (âge, sexe), géographiques, socio-économiques (revenu par UC), socio-territoriaux (Zone avec / sans ZUS) et de motorisation du ménage.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Camille Ponce, Flora Kaczorowski, Thomas Perpoint, Patrick Miailhes, Alain Sigal, Etienne Javouhey, Yves Gillet, Laurent Jacquin, Marion Douplat, Karim Tazarourte, Véronique Potinet, Bruno Simon, Adeline Lavoignat, Guillaume Bonnot, Fatimata Sow, Anne-Lise Bienvenu, Stéphane Picot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01823860
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Camille Ponce, Flora Kaczorowski, Thomas Perpoint, Patrick Miailhes, Alain Sigal, et al.. Diagnostic accuracy of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for screening patients with imported malaria in a non-endemic setting. Parasite, 2017, 24 (53), 10 p. ⟨10.1051/parasite/2017054⟩. ⟨hal-01823860⟩
DOI : 10.1051/parasite/2017054
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Sensitive and easy-to-perform methods for the diagnosis of malaria are not yet available. Improving the limit of detection and following the requirements for certification are issues to be addressed in both endemic and non-endemic settings. The aim of this study was to test whether loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA (LAMP) may be an alternative to microscopy or real-time PCR for the screening of imported malaria cases in non-endemic area. Results: 310?blood samples associated with 829 suspected cases of imported malaria were tested during a one year period. Microscopy (thin and thick stained blood slides, reference standard) was used for the diagnosis. Real-time PCR was used as a standard of truth, and LAMP (Meridian Malaria Plus) was used as an index test in a prospective study conducted following the Standards for Reporting Diagnosis Accuracy Studies. In the 83 positive samples, species identification was P. falciparum (n?=?66), P. ovale (n?=?9), P. vivax (n?=?3) P. malariae (n?=?3) and 2?co-infections with P. falciparum?+?P.malariae. Using LAMP methods, 93?samples gave positive results, including 4?false-positives. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for LAMP tests were 100%, 98.13%, 95.51%, and 100% compared to PCR. Conclusion: High negative predictive value, and limit of detection suggest that LAMP can be used for screening of imported malaria cases in non-endemic countries when expert microscopists are not immediately available. However, the rare occurrence of non-valid results and the need for species identification and quantification of positive samples preclude the use of LAMP as a single reference method.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Sensitive and easy-to-perform methods for the diagnosis of malaria are not yet available. Improving the limit of detection and following the requirements for certification are issues to be addressed in both endemic and non-endemic settings. The aim of this study was to test whether loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA (LAMP) may be an alternative to microscopy or real-time PCR for the screening of imported malaria cases in non-endemic area. Results: 310?blood samples associated with 829 suspected cases of imported malaria were tested during a one year period. Microscopy (thin and thick stained blood slides, reference standard) was used for the diagnosis. Real-time PCR was used as a standard of truth, and LAMP (Meridian Malaria Plus) was used as an index test in a prospective study conducted following the Standards for Reporting Diagnosis Accuracy Studies. In the 83 positive samples, species identification was P. falciparum (n?=?66), P. ovale (n?=?9), P. vivax (n?=?3) P. malariae (n?=?3) and 2?co-infections with P. falciparum?+?P.malariae. Using LAMP methods, 93?samples gave positive results, including 4?false-positives. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for LAMP tests were 100%, 98.13%, 95.51%, and 100% compared to PCR. Conclusion: High negative predictive value, and limit of detection suggest that LAMP can be used for screening of imported malaria cases in non-endemic countries when expert microscopists are not immediately available. However, the rare occurrence of non-valid results and the need for species identification and quantification of positive samples preclude the use of LAMP as a single reference method.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Matthias Jacquet-Lagreze, Nicolas Tiberghien, Jean-Noël Evain, N. Hanna, Sonia Courtil-Teyssedre, Marc Lilot, Florent Baudin, Laurent Chardonnal, Dominique Bompard, C. Koffel, A. Portefaix, Etienne Javouhey, Jean-Luc Fellahi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02441333
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Matthias Jacquet-Lagreze, Nicolas Tiberghien, Jean-Noël Evain, N. Hanna, Sonia Courtil-Teyssedre, et al.. Diagnostic accuracy of a calibrated abdominal compression to predict fluid responsiveness in children. Congrès de la Société de Réanimation de Langue Française, Jan 2018, PARIS, France. pp. 1323-1331, ⟨10.1016/j.bja.2018.06.030⟩. ⟨hal-02441333⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.bja.2018.06.030
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Fluid administration to increase stroke volume index (SVi) is a cornerstone of haemodynamic resuscitation. We assessed the accuracy of SVi variation during a calibrated abdominal compression manoeuvre (?SVi-CAC) to predict fluid responsiveness in children. Methods Patients younger than 8 yr with acute circulatory failure, regardless of their ventilation status, were selected. SVi, calculated as the average of five velocity-time integrals multiplied by the left ventricular outflow tract surface area, was recorded at four different steps: baseline, after an abdominal compression with a calibrated pressure of 25 mm Hg, after return to baseline, and then after a volume expansion (VE) of 10 ml kg?1 lactated Ringer solution over 10 min. Patients were classified as responders if SVi variation after volume expansion (?SVi-VE) increased by at least 15%. Results The 39 children included had a median [inter-quartile range (IQR)] age of 9 [5-31] months. Twenty patients were fluid responders and 19 were non-responders. ?SVi-CAC correlated with ?SVi-VE (r=0.829; P
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Fluid administration to increase stroke volume index (SVi) is a cornerstone of haemodynamic resuscitation. We assessed the accuracy of SVi variation during a calibrated abdominal compression manoeuvre (?SVi-CAC) to predict fluid responsiveness in children. Methods Patients younger than 8 yr with acute circulatory failure, regardless of their ventilation status, were selected. SVi, calculated as the average of five velocity-time integrals multiplied by the left ventricular outflow tract surface area, was recorded at four different steps: baseline, after an abdominal compression with a calibrated pressure of 25 mm Hg, after return to baseline, and then after a volume expansion (VE) of 10 ml kg?1 lactated Ringer solution over 10 min. Patients were classified as responders if SVi variation after volume expansion (?SVi-VE) increased by at least 15%. Results The 39 children included had a median [inter-quartile range (IQR)] age of 9 [5-31] months. Twenty patients were fluid responders and 19 were non-responders. ?SVi-CAC correlated with ?SVi-VE (r=0.829; P
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Baptiste Deletombe, Thibaut Trouve-Buisson, Alexandre Godon, Dominique Falcon, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Pierre Bouzat, Jean-Luc Bosson, Jean-Francois Payen
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04866188
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Baptiste Deletombe, Thibaut Trouve-Buisson, Alexandre Godon, Dominique Falcon, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, et al.. Dexmedetomidine to facilitate non-invasive ventilation after blunt chest trauma: A randomised, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled pilot study. Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine, 2019, 38 (5), pp.477-483. ⟨10.1016/j.accpm.2019.06.012⟩. ⟨hal-04866188⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.accpm.2019.06.012
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01305717
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours. Devenir des victimes d'accident de la route atteintes de traumatisme crânien léger : un suivi sur 5 ans de la cohorte Esparr. Deuxième séminaire EPAC-ORAT, May 2015, SAINT-MAURICE, France. 25 p. ⟨hal-01305717⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif de cette étude était d'explorer le retentissement d'un traumatisme crânien à moyen terme sur la victime d'accident de la route. Pour cela, les données de la cohorte ESPARR ont été analysées. La cohorte ESPARR est une cohorte de victimes d'accidents corporels de la route qui a été suivie pendant 5 ans. Deux populations de victimes ayant eu uune lésion à la tête sont considérées: d'une part, les traumatisés crâniens légers (AIS=2) de la cohorte ESPARR , d'autre part les victimes ayant eu une lésion mineure à la tête de type abrasion cutanée, ou contusion cutanée (AIS=1); ces victimes ont été comparées à un autre groupe de blessés légers de la cohorte n'ayant pas eu de traumatisme crânien, considéré comme population témoin. L'état de santé des traumatisés crâniens légers est, à tous les suivis, moins bien récupéré que celui du groupe de blessés légers de comparaison ; ce groupe est caractérisé par la persistance de troubles psycho-cognitifs (essentiellement des troubles de la concentration et de la mémoire). Ces troubles affectent d'une façon durable (sur les 5 ans de suivi) la vie sociale et familiale d'une grande partie d'entre eux (25% vs 10%), alors que la vie professionnelle n'est pas plus perturbée à 5 ans que celle de la population de comparaison. Ce groupe souffre un peu plus que la population de comparaison de dépression nerveuse à 5 ans. Il juge sa qualité de vie à 5 ans comme étant ni bonne ni mauvaise. Les blessés de la tête sans traumatisme crânien (AIS=1) ont un devenir après l'accident de la route très semblable à celui des blessés légers sans lésion à la tête ; que ce soit en termes de qualité de vie ou en termes de dépression, une lésion mineure à la tête n'est pas un facteur explicatif d'une dégradation de la qualité de vie après l'accident.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif de cette étude était d'explorer le retentissement d'un traumatisme crânien à moyen terme sur la victime d'accident de la route. Pour cela, les données de la cohorte ESPARR ont été analysées. La cohorte ESPARR est une cohorte de victimes d'accidents corporels de la route qui a été suivie pendant 5 ans. Deux populations de victimes ayant eu uune lésion à la tête sont considérées: d'une part, les traumatisés crâniens légers (AIS=2) de la cohorte ESPARR , d'autre part les victimes ayant eu une lésion mineure à la tête de type abrasion cutanée, ou contusion cutanée (AIS=1); ces victimes ont été comparées à un autre groupe de blessés légers de la cohorte n'ayant pas eu de traumatisme crânien, considéré comme population témoin. L'état de santé des traumatisés crâniens légers est, à tous les suivis, moins bien récupéré que celui du groupe de blessés légers de comparaison ; ce groupe est caractérisé par la persistance de troubles psycho-cognitifs (essentiellement des troubles de la concentration et de la mémoire). Ces troubles affectent d'une façon durable (sur les 5 ans de suivi) la vie sociale et familiale d'une grande partie d'entre eux (25% vs 10%), alors que la vie professionnelle n'est pas plus perturbée à 5 ans que celle de la population de comparaison. Ce groupe souffre un peu plus que la population de comparaison de dépression nerveuse à 5 ans. Il juge sa qualité de vie à 5 ans comme étant ni bonne ni mauvaise. Les blessés de la tête sans traumatisme crânien (AIS=1) ont un devenir après l'accident de la route très semblable à celui des blessés légers sans lésion à la tête ; que ce soit en termes de qualité de vie ou en termes de dépression, une lésion mineure à la tête n'est pas un facteur explicatif d'une dégradation de la qualité de vie après l'accident.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie-Agnès Denis, V Gatellier, M-P Sassine, M-M Mantha-Beslisle, M Pelletier, M Vezina
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01778083
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie-Agnès Denis, V Gatellier, M-P Sassine, M-M Mantha-Beslisle, M Pelletier, et al.. Development of a Toolbox through exploration of the Internet for managerial practices that promote mental health at work.. 6th ICOH-WOPS Congress (WOPS 2017), Aug 2017, MEXICO, Mexico. 15 p. ⟨hal-01778083⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This document, which we will call "toolbox", provides an overview of the different approaches to counteract Psychosocial Risks (PSR). From the study of various Internet sites, our work has made it possible to establish this toolbox grouping managerial practices favorable to mental health in primary prevention. This summary work lists about 50 Internet links from 24 different sites. We thus analyzed these sites by interesting us particularly for each one with the part RPS and managerial practices favorable to the mental health.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This document, which we will call "toolbox", provides an overview of the different approaches to counteract Psychosocial Risks (PSR). From the study of various Internet sites, our work has made it possible to establish this toolbox grouping managerial practices favorable to mental health in primary prevention. This summary work lists about 50 Internet links from 24 different sites. We thus analyzed these sites by interesting us particularly for each one with the part RPS and managerial practices favorable to the mental health.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Thomas Remen, Lesley Richardson, Corinne Pilorget, Gilles Palmer, Jack Siemiatycki, Jérôme Lavoue
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02265857
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Thomas Remen, Lesley Richardson, Corinne Pilorget, Gilles Palmer, Jack Siemiatycki, et al.. Development of a Coding and Crosswalk Tool for Occupations and Industries. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2018, 62 (7), pp. 796-807. ⟨10.1093/annweh/wxy052⟩. ⟨hal-02265857v2⟩
DOI : 10.1093/annweh/wxy052
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: Job coding into a standard occupation or industry classification is commonly performed in occupational epidemiology and occupational health. Sometimes, it is necessary to code jobs into multiple classifications or to convert job codes from one classification to another. We developed a generic tool, called CAPS-Canada (, that combines a computer-assisted coding tool covering seven International, Canadian and US occupation and industry classifications and an assistant facilitating crosswalks from one classification to another. The objectives of this paper are to present the different functions of the CAPS-Canada tool and to assess their contribution through an inter-rater reliability study. Method: The crosswalk assistant was built based on a database of >30,000 jobs coded during a previous project. We evaluated to what extent it would allow automatic translation between pairs of classifications. The influence of CAPS-Canada on agreement between coders was assessed through an inter-rater reliability study comparing three approaches: manual coding, coding with CAPS-Canada without the crosswalk assistant, and coding with the complete tool. The material for this trial consisted of a random sample of 1000 jobs extracted from a case-control study and divided into three subgroups of equivalent size. Results: Across the classification systems, the crosswalk assistant would provide useful information for 83-99% of jobs (median 95%) in a population similar to ours. Eighteen to eighty-one percent of jobs (median 56%) could be entirely automatically recoded. Based on our sample of 1000 jobs, inter-rater reliability in occupation coding ranged from 35.7 to 66.5% (median 53.7%) depending on the combination of classification/resolution. Compared with manual coding, the use of CAPS-Canada substantially improved inter-rater reliability. Conclusion: CAPS-Canada is an attractive alternative to manual coding and is particularly relevant for coding a job into multiple classifications or for recoding jobs into other classifications.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: Job coding into a standard occupation or industry classification is commonly performed in occupational epidemiology and occupational health. Sometimes, it is necessary to code jobs into multiple classifications or to convert job codes from one classification to another. We developed a generic tool, called CAPS-Canada (, that combines a computer-assisted coding tool covering seven International, Canadian and US occupation and industry classifications and an assistant facilitating crosswalks from one classification to another. The objectives of this paper are to present the different functions of the CAPS-Canada tool and to assess their contribution through an inter-rater reliability study. Method: The crosswalk assistant was built based on a database of >30,000 jobs coded during a previous project. We evaluated to what extent it would allow automatic translation between pairs of classifications. The influence of CAPS-Canada on agreement between coders was assessed through an inter-rater reliability study comparing three approaches: manual coding, coding with CAPS-Canada without the crosswalk assistant, and coding with the complete tool. The material for this trial consisted of a random sample of 1000 jobs extracted from a case-control study and divided into three subgroups of equivalent size. Results: Across the classification systems, the crosswalk assistant would provide useful information for 83-99% of jobs (median 95%) in a population similar to ours. Eighteen to eighty-one percent of jobs (median 56%) could be entirely automatically recoded. Based on our sample of 1000 jobs, inter-rater reliability in occupation coding ranged from 35.7 to 66.5% (median 53.7%) depending on the combination of classification/resolution. Compared with manual coding, the use of CAPS-Canada substantially improved inter-rater reliability. Conclusion: CAPS-Canada is an attractive alternative to manual coding and is particularly relevant for coding a job into multiple classifications or for recoding jobs into other classifications.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie Viprey, Blandine Merle, Benjamin Riche, Julie Freyssenge, Pascal Rippert, Mohammed-Amine Chakir, Thierry Thomas, Sandrine Malochet-Guinamand, Bernard Cortet, Véronique Breuil, Roland Chapurlat, Marie-Hélène Lafage Proust, Marie-Christine Carlier, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Julie Haesebaert, Pascal Caillet, Muriel Rabilloud, Anne-Marie Schott
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03364364
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie Viprey, Blandine Merle, Benjamin Riche, Julie Freyssenge, Pascal Rippert, et al.. Development and Validation of a Predictive Model of Hypovitaminosis D in General Adult Population: SCOPYD Study. Nutrients, 2021, 13 ((8)), 16 p. ⟨10.3390/nu13082526⟩. ⟨hal-03364364⟩
DOI : 10.3390/nu13082526
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The worldwide global increase in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) measurements has led some countries to restrict reimbursement for certain clinical situations only. Another approach could consist in providing physicians with screening tools in order to better target blood test prescription. The objective of the SCOPYD study was to identify the best combination of predictors of serum VitD concentration among adults aged 18-70 years. Potential risk factors for VitD deficiency were collected using a comprehensive self-administered questionnaire. A multivariable linear regression was used to build a predictive model of serum 25(OH)D concentration. Among 2488 participants, 1080 (43.4%) had VitD deficiency (
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The worldwide global increase in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) measurements has led some countries to restrict reimbursement for certain clinical situations only. Another approach could consist in providing physicians with screening tools in order to better target blood test prescription. The objective of the SCOPYD study was to identify the best combination of predictors of serum VitD concentration among adults aged 18-70 years. Potential risk factors for VitD deficiency were collected using a comprehensive self-administered questionnaire. A multivariable linear regression was used to build a predictive model of serum 25(OH)D concentration. Among 2488 participants, 1080 (43.4%) had VitD deficiency (
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Véronique Lepicier, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00916521
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Véronique Lepicier, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard. Developing an indicator for the chronic health impact of traffic-related pollutant emissions. Environ. Impact Asses. Rev.,, 2013, 38, pp.35-43. ⟨10.1016/j.eiar.2012.05.001⟩. ⟨hal-00916521⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.eiar.2012.05.001
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The goal of this study is to develop an emission based indicator for the health impact of the air pollution caused by traffic. This indicator must make it possible to compare different situations, for example different Urban Travel Plans, or technical innovations. Our work is based on a literature survey of methods for evaluating health impacts and, more particularly, those which relate to the atmospheric pollution caused by transport. We then define a health impact indicator based on the traffic emissions, named IISCEP for Chronic health impact indicator of pollutant emission. Here health is understood in a restricted meaning, excluding well-being. Only primary pollutants can be considered, as the inputs are emission data and an indicator must be simple. The indicator is calculated as the sum of each pollutant emission multiplied by a dispersion and exposition factor and a substance specific toxicity factor taking account of the severity. Last, two examples are shown using the IISCEP: comparison between petrol and diesel vehicles, and Nantes urban district in 2008 vs 2002. Even if it could still be improved, IISCEP is a straightforward indicator which can be used to gauge the chronic effects of inhaling primary pollutants. It can only be used in comparisons, between different scenarios or different technologies. The quality of the emissions data and the choice of the pollutants that are considered are the two essential factors that determine its validity and reliability.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The goal of this study is to develop an emission based indicator for the health impact of the air pollution caused by traffic. This indicator must make it possible to compare different situations, for example different Urban Travel Plans, or technical innovations. Our work is based on a literature survey of methods for evaluating health impacts and, more particularly, those which relate to the atmospheric pollution caused by transport. We then define a health impact indicator based on the traffic emissions, named IISCEP for Chronic health impact indicator of pollutant emission. Here health is understood in a restricted meaning, excluding well-being. Only primary pollutants can be considered, as the inputs are emission data and an indicator must be simple. The indicator is calculated as the sum of each pollutant emission multiplied by a dispersion and exposition factor and a substance specific toxicity factor taking account of the severity. Last, two examples are shown using the IISCEP: comparison between petrol and diesel vehicles, and Nantes urban district in 2008 vs 2002. Even if it could still be improved, IISCEP is a straightforward indicator which can be used to gauge the chronic effects of inhaling primary pollutants. It can only be used in comparisons, between different scenarios or different technologies. The quality of the emissions data and the choice of the pollutants that are considered are the two essential factors that determine its validity and reliability.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marion Lamort-Bouché, Guillaume Broc, Laure Guittard, Julien Peron, Sabrina Rouat, Julien Carretier, Béatrice Fervers, Laurent Letrilliart, Philippe Sarnin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03068172
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marion Lamort-Bouché, Guillaume Broc, Laure Guittard, Julien Peron, et al.. Developing a return to work intervention for breast cancer survivors with the Intervention Mapping protocol. Frontiers in Public Health, 2018, 6 (35), pp.1-13. ⟨10.3389/fpubh.2018.00035⟩. ⟨hal-03068172⟩
DOI : 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00035
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Yvan Levy, Angélique Denis, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Nadir Kellou, Anne-Marie Schott, Laurent Letrilliart
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01522632
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Yvan Levy, Angélique Denis, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Nadir Kellou, Anne-Marie Schott, et al.. Determinants of sick-leave length: still limited to diagnosis elements. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2016, pp.1-6. ⟨10.1080/09638288.2016.1242175⟩. ⟨hal-01522632⟩
DOI : 10.1080/09638288.2016.1242175
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Sickness certification implies that a health problem impairs ability to work. However, its assessment is seldom performed by physicians. Our objective was, therefore, to assess the specific influence of functional and environmental limitations on the length of sick-leave prescriptions. We conducted a cross-sectional study in French general teaching practices and recorded 353 initial sick-leave certifications. For each of them, the functional and environmental limitations were collected using the ATCIF questionnaire, derived from the International Classification of Functioning. Data analysis was based on a linear regression multivariate model. Among the functional limitations, 'pain' was the main body function impairment (22% of impairments) and 'mobility' the main activity limitation (48%). An environmental barrier was identified in 39% of sick-listed patients, mainly relating to 'products and technology' (20%), which refers to workplace factors. The prescription was longer in cases of activity limitations relating to 'mobility' and in cases of environmental barriers relating to 'products and technology'. The multivariate model explained 27% of the variability of sick-leave length through diagnosis elements and only 7% through functional and contextual elements. In sick-leave prescription, a functional and contextual approach, in addition to the traditional diagnosis-based approach, could better support patients' shared understanding and follow-up, and accountability towards health authorities.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Sickness certification implies that a health problem impairs ability to work. However, its assessment is seldom performed by physicians. Our objective was, therefore, to assess the specific influence of functional and environmental limitations on the length of sick-leave prescriptions. We conducted a cross-sectional study in French general teaching practices and recorded 353 initial sick-leave certifications. For each of them, the functional and environmental limitations were collected using the ATCIF questionnaire, derived from the International Classification of Functioning. Data analysis was based on a linear regression multivariate model. Among the functional limitations, 'pain' was the main body function impairment (22% of impairments) and 'mobility' the main activity limitation (48%). An environmental barrier was identified in 39% of sick-listed patients, mainly relating to 'products and technology' (20%), which refers to workplace factors. The prescription was longer in cases of activity limitations relating to 'mobility' and in cases of environmental barriers relating to 'products and technology'. The multivariate model explained 27% of the variability of sick-leave length through diagnosis elements and only 7% through functional and contextual elements. In sick-leave prescription, a functional and contextual approach, in addition to the traditional diagnosis-based approach, could better support patients' shared understanding and follow-up, and accountability towards health authorities.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Catherine Gabaude, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01474938
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Catherine Gabaude, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont. Determinants of driving errors in older adults. 2016 GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Nov 2016, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, United States. 1 p. ⟨hal-01474938⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective 1: (Required) "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better describe driving errors made by older adults. Objective 2: (Required) "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better understand driving errors determinants. Objective 3: "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better discuss the different facets of driver safety. Abstract Body (Required; Limit 250 words) : The extent to which personality, deficits in specific cognitive domains, and self-assessment of cognitive and driving abilities contribute to older drivers' safety in complex real-world driving tasks is not well understood. In order to better understand driving errors made by adults being 70 years old and over a predriving assessment and an on-road test was conducted. We hypothesized that drivers over-estimating their own abilities will commit more driving errors. A convenience sample of 145 older drivers (mean age = 76 ± 4.1) completed a standardized road course conducted with a driving instructor and a human factors specialist who rated driving behaviors as well as driving performance. Participants also completed cognitive tests (UFOV, TMT A&B, Digit Symbol). They answered french versions of the big five inventory (20 items) and the CES-d depression scale (20 items) and rated their own cognitive and driving abilities. Relationships between the four domains previously described with the on-road performance will be studied through correlational analyses. Multivariate analyses will be conducted to explore the domains that can best predicted driving errors. Distinct facets of driver safety on road will be discussed. These findings will present preliminary evidence for the utility of personality assessments in identifying bias in driving self-evaluations, essential for safe self-regulation of driving.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective 1: (Required) "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better describe driving errors made by older adults. Objective 2: (Required) "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better understand driving errors determinants. Objective 3: "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better discuss the different facets of driver safety. Abstract Body (Required; Limit 250 words) : The extent to which personality, deficits in specific cognitive domains, and self-assessment of cognitive and driving abilities contribute to older drivers' safety in complex real-world driving tasks is not well understood. In order to better understand driving errors made by adults being 70 years old and over a predriving assessment and an on-road test was conducted. We hypothesized that drivers over-estimating their own abilities will commit more driving errors. A convenience sample of 145 older drivers (mean age = 76 ± 4.1) completed a standardized road course conducted with a driving instructor and a human factors specialist who rated driving behaviors as well as driving performance. Participants also completed cognitive tests (UFOV, TMT A&B, Digit Symbol). They answered french versions of the big five inventory (20 items) and the CES-d depression scale (20 items) and rated their own cognitive and driving abilities. Relationships between the four domains previously described with the on-road performance will be studied through correlational analyses. Multivariate analyses will be conducted to explore the domains that can best predicted driving errors. Distinct facets of driver safety on road will be discussed. These findings will present preliminary evidence for the utility of personality assessments in identifying bias in driving self-evaluations, essential for safe self-regulation of driving.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Catherine Gabaude, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01720006
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Catherine Gabaude, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont. Determinants of driving errors in older adults. 2016 GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Nov 2016, NEW ORLEANS, United States. p. 571, ⟨10.1093/geront/gnw162.2294⟩. ⟨hal-01720006⟩
DOI : 10.1093/geront/gnw162.2294
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The extent to which personality, deficits in specific cognitive domains, and self-assessment of cognitive and driving abilities contribute to older drivers' safety in complex realworld driving tasks is not well understood. In order to better understand driving errors made by adults being 70 years old and over a predriving assessment and an on-road test was conducted. We hypothesized that drivers over-estimating their own abilities will commit more driving errors. A convenience sample of 145 older drivers (mean age = 76 ± 4.1) completed a standardized road course conducted with a driving instructor and a human factors specialist who rated driving behaviors as well as driving performance. Participants also completed cognitive tests (UFOV, TMT A&B, Digit Symbol). They answered french versions of the big five inventory (20 items) and the CES-d depression scale (20 items) and rated their own cognitive and driving abilities. Relationships between the four domains previously described with the on-road performance will be studied through correlational analyses. Multivariate analyses will be conducted to explore the domains that can best predicted driving errors. Distinct facets of driver safety on road will be discussed. These findings will present preliminary evidence for the utility of personality assessments in identifying bias in driving self-evaluations, essential for safe self-regulation of driving.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The extent to which personality, deficits in specific cognitive domains, and self-assessment of cognitive and driving abilities contribute to older drivers' safety in complex realworld driving tasks is not well understood. In order to better understand driving errors made by adults being 70 years old and over a predriving assessment and an on-road test was conducted. We hypothesized that drivers over-estimating their own abilities will commit more driving errors. A convenience sample of 145 older drivers (mean age = 76 ± 4.1) completed a standardized road course conducted with a driving instructor and a human factors specialist who rated driving behaviors as well as driving performance. Participants also completed cognitive tests (UFOV, TMT A&B, Digit Symbol). They answered french versions of the big five inventory (20 items) and the CES-d depression scale (20 items) and rated their own cognitive and driving abilities. Relationships between the four domains previously described with the on-road performance will be studied through correlational analyses. Multivariate analyses will be conducted to explore the domains that can best predicted driving errors. Distinct facets of driver safety on road will be discussed. These findings will present preliminary evidence for the utility of personality assessments in identifying bias in driving self-evaluations, essential for safe self-regulation of driving.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Johann Petit, Bernard Dugué, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, Fabien Coutarel, Nadine Poussin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01302754
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Johann Petit, Bernard Dugué, Aurélie Landry, Philippe Davezies, et al.. Designing work organization based on ''profession'' collectives and ''inter-profession'' relations. 46th Annual Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference/11th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management, Aug 2014, København V, Denmark. pp.507-513, ⟨10.4122/dtu:2360⟩. ⟨hal-01302754⟩
DOI : 10.4122/dtu:2360
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The aim is to show that the design of organizational structure can be enhanced through debates about work among profession-specific collectives and through the development of relations between several professions. We are carrying out several ergonomic interventions in projects with multidisciplinary teams working in occupational health departments. We shall present two cases of occupational health departments whose contexts, in terms of multidisciplinary team composition are different. The intervention- related difficulties encountered during organizational design projects based on collective activity lead us to question future methodologies.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The aim is to show that the design of organizational structure can be enhanced through debates about work among profession-specific collectives and through the development of relations between several professions. We are carrying out several ergonomic interventions in projects with multidisciplinary teams working in occupational health departments. We shall present two cases of occupational health departments whose contexts, in terms of multidisciplinary team composition are different. The intervention- related difficulties encountered during organizational design projects based on collective activity lead us to question future methodologies.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sandrine Caroly, Johann Petit, Bernard Dugué, Fabien Coutarel, Philippe Davezies, Aurélie Landry, Marie Bellemare
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01302742
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sandrine Caroly, Johann Petit, Bernard Dugué, Fabien Coutarel, Philippe Davezies, et al.. Designing work organization based on ''occupational'' collectives and ''inter-occupational'' relations: methodological implications of ergonomic interventions to prevent psychosocial disorders. IEA Congress, 2015, Melbourne, Australia. ⟨hal-01302742⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : no abstract
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : no abstract
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, Vanessa Dutertre, Pierre Fournel, I. Gendre, Michel Vergnon, Julie Kalecinski, Fabien Tinquaut, L. Fontana, Frank Chauvin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01522633
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, Vanessa Dutertre, Pierre Fournel, I. Gendre, Michel Vergnon, et al.. Design and validation of a self-administered questionnaire as an aid to detection of occupational exposure to lung carcinogens. Public Health, 2017, 143, pp44-51. ⟨10.1016/j.puhe.2016.10.026⟩. ⟨hal-01522633⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.puhe.2016.10.026
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ten to thirty percent of lung cancer is thought to be of occupational origin. Lung cancer is under-declared as an occupational disease in Europe, and most declarations of occupational disease concern asbestos. The purpose of this study was to design and validate a short, sensitive self-administered questionnaire, as an aid for physicians in detecting occupational exposure to asbestos and other lung carcinogens in order to remedy occupational lung cancer under-declaration. A short self-administered questionnaire was drawn up by oncologist-pneumologists and occupational physicians, covering situations of exposure to proven and probable lung carcinogens. Understanding and acceptability were assessed on 15 lung cancer patients. Validity and reliability were assessed on 70 lung cancer patients by comparison against a semi-directive questionnaire considered as gold standard. Sensitivity and specificity were assessed by comparing responses to items on the two questionnaires. Reliability was assessed by analysing the kappa concordance coefficient for items on the two questionnaires. Sensitivity was 0.85 and specificity 0.875. Concordance between responses on the two questionnaires was 85.7%, with a kappa coefficient of 0.695 [0.52e0.87]. Mean self-administration time was 3.1 min (versus 8.12 min to administer the gold-standard questionnaire). In 16 patients, the self-administered questionnaire detected lung carcinogen exposure meeting the criteria for occupational disease.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ten to thirty percent of lung cancer is thought to be of occupational origin. Lung cancer is under-declared as an occupational disease in Europe, and most declarations of occupational disease concern asbestos. The purpose of this study was to design and validate a short, sensitive self-administered questionnaire, as an aid for physicians in detecting occupational exposure to asbestos and other lung carcinogens in order to remedy occupational lung cancer under-declaration. A short self-administered questionnaire was drawn up by oncologist-pneumologists and occupational physicians, covering situations of exposure to proven and probable lung carcinogens. Understanding and acceptability were assessed on 15 lung cancer patients. Validity and reliability were assessed on 70 lung cancer patients by comparison against a semi-directive questionnaire considered as gold standard. Sensitivity and specificity were assessed by comparing responses to items on the two questionnaires. Reliability was assessed by analysing the kappa concordance coefficient for items on the two questionnaires. Sensitivity was 0.85 and specificity 0.875. Concordance between responses on the two questionnaires was 85.7%, with a kappa coefficient of 0.695 [0.52e0.87]. Mean self-administration time was 3.1 min (versus 8.12 min to administer the gold-standard questionnaire). In 16 patients, the self-administered questionnaire detected lung carcinogen exposure meeting the criteria for occupational disease.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Guillaume Broc, Julien Carretier, Sabrina Rouat, Laure Guittard, Julien Peron, Beatrice Fervers, Laurent Letrilliart, Philippe Sarnin, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marion Lamort-Bouché
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04615963
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Guillaume Broc, Julien Carretier, Sabrina Rouat, Laure Guittard, Julien Peron, et al.. Design and Production of a Patient Guide to Support Return to Work after Breast Cancer: An Application of Intervention MappingConception et production d’un guide patient pour accompagner la reprise du travail après un cancer du sein : une application de l’Intervention Mapping. Psycho-Oncologie, 2023, 17 (3), pp.167 - 179. ⟨10.32604/po.2023.044730⟩. ⟨hal-04615963⟩
DOI : 10.32604/po.2023.044730
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Aims. Return to work (RTW) after breast cancer is a complex process that questions the individual trajectories of patients and stakeholders. Program planning in this context requires to rely on appropriate method like Intervention Mapping (IM) which encompasses such complexity. Aim of the methodological study is to describe an application of IM for both the design and production of a patient guide supporting RTW after breast cancer. Procedure. According IM, the guide was co-constructed with a Community Advisory Board (CAB) of stakeholders (patients/ associations, health professionals, companies, institutions) after considering other options (interactive website, application mobile). The design was done with empirical and theoretical anchoring, guided here by an Ecosystem Process of Change model. A communication agency was chosen to produce the document. Pre-tests were conducted with a representative panel of the target audience to assess the different prototypes elaborated, using questionnaires and a focus group. Results. The final structure of the guide is presented with comments in order to concretely illustrate the management of IM steps 3 and 4. The final structure of the guide is presented, along with a description of its components that target women (according Prochaska et Di Clemente’s stages of change) and their environment (by use of levers they may activate). The results of the pre-test led to the simplification of the guide and its structure. Conclusion. IM allows a rich integration of experiential knowledge in the planning of complex health and public health programs. The development of the guide has attempted to integrate its aspects, in particular to promote both its implementation and its effects. Reflections are brought about the realistic evaluation of such complex interventions.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Aims. Return to work (RTW) after breast cancer is a complex process that questions the individual trajectories of patients and stakeholders. Program planning in this context requires to rely on appropriate method like Intervention Mapping (IM) which encompasses such complexity. Aim of the methodological study is to describe an application of IM for both the design and production of a patient guide supporting RTW after breast cancer. Procedure. According IM, the guide was co-constructed with a Community Advisory Board (CAB) of stakeholders (patients/ associations, health professionals, companies, institutions) after considering other options (interactive website, application mobile). The design was done with empirical and theoretical anchoring, guided here by an Ecosystem Process of Change model. A communication agency was chosen to produce the document. Pre-tests were conducted with a representative panel of the target audience to assess the different prototypes elaborated, using questionnaires and a focus group. Results. The final structure of the guide is presented with comments in order to concretely illustrate the management of IM steps 3 and 4. The final structure of the guide is presented, along with a description of its components that target women (according Prochaska et Di Clemente’s stages of change) and their environment (by use of levers they may activate). The results of the pre-test led to the simplification of the guide and its structure. Conclusion. IM allows a rich integration of experiential knowledge in the planning of complex health and public health programs. The development of the guide has attempted to integrate its aspects, in particular to promote both its implementation and its effects. Reflections are brought about the realistic evaluation of such complex interventions.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sanae Afquir, Anthony Melot, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Hammad, Jean-Louis Martin, Pierre-Jean Arnoux
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03228526
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sanae Afquir, Anthony Melot, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Hammad, Jean-Louis Martin, et al.. Descriptive analysis of the effect of back protector on the prevention of vertebral and thoracolumbar injuries in serious motorcycle accident. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2020, 135, pp.105331. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2019.105331⟩. ⟨hal-03228526⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2019.105331
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Context and objective Among the different products and protective gear used by riders of two-wheeled motorized vehicles, back protectors that are designed to prevent damage to the spinal column are widely used today compared other protections. However, few studies measure their effectiveness. Can their effectiveness be measured? How do they help decrease or change the nature of thoracolumbar traumas that occur? To address these questions and remedy the lack of objective data regarding these products, an epidemiological, clinical, and biomechanical analysis of motorcycle riders who were admitted to a French trauma center after an accident was performed. So, this study investigates the effectiveness of back protectors, including their ability to prevent specific mechanisms of thoracic and lumbar spinal injuries related to TWMV accidents. Method A questionnaire was administered to victims of accidents involving two-wheeled motorized vehicles who were admitted to the trauma room at the Marseille trauma center over the course of 2016. Collect data are related to the victim, the accident scenario, and a detailed description of the observed injuries using AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) coding and Magerl classification. Univariate analyses and Fisher tests were performed for victims who were or were not wearing back protectors. Results This study collected data from 124 victims. Almost half of the victims were wearing a back protector at the time of the accident (53 victims, thus 43% of riders). Collectively, twenty-nine victims who were wearing back protectors had 57 thoracolumbar injuries, and twenty eight victims who were not wearing back protectors had 75 thoracolumbar lesions. The results from this study show that there is no significant difference in the nature and mechanism of thoracolumbar injuries as a function of back protection. The majority of the thoracolumbar injuries were not severe. They were primarily bone injuries, essentially compression fractures, regardless of whether a back protector was worn. Conclusion This study shows that the use of back protection does not decrease the number, type, or mechanism of thoracolumbar injuries associated with accidents involving two-wheeled motorized vehicles. However, it suggests that lumbar vertebral injuries are deflected towards the thoracic vertebrae when back protectors are worn. Finally, it suggests that the design of back protectors should be reconsidered to better protect riders from what are referred to as compression fractures (craniocaudal force), which remain the primary form of fracture regardless of the rider’s characteristics, based on the data analyzed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Context and objective Among the different products and protective gear used by riders of two-wheeled motorized vehicles, back protectors that are designed to prevent damage to the spinal column are widely used today compared other protections. However, few studies measure their effectiveness. Can their effectiveness be measured? How do they help decrease or change the nature of thoracolumbar traumas that occur? To address these questions and remedy the lack of objective data regarding these products, an epidemiological, clinical, and biomechanical analysis of motorcycle riders who were admitted to a French trauma center after an accident was performed. So, this study investigates the effectiveness of back protectors, including their ability to prevent specific mechanisms of thoracic and lumbar spinal injuries related to TWMV accidents. Method A questionnaire was administered to victims of accidents involving two-wheeled motorized vehicles who were admitted to the trauma room at the Marseille trauma center over the course of 2016. Collect data are related to the victim, the accident scenario, and a detailed description of the observed injuries using AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) coding and Magerl classification. Univariate analyses and Fisher tests were performed for victims who were or were not wearing back protectors. Results This study collected data from 124 victims. Almost half of the victims were wearing a back protector at the time of the accident (53 victims, thus 43% of riders). Collectively, twenty-nine victims who were wearing back protectors had 57 thoracolumbar injuries, and twenty eight victims who were not wearing back protectors had 75 thoracolumbar lesions. The results from this study show that there is no significant difference in the nature and mechanism of thoracolumbar injuries as a function of back protection. The majority of the thoracolumbar injuries were not severe. They were primarily bone injuries, essentially compression fractures, regardless of whether a back protector was worn. Conclusion This study shows that the use of back protection does not decrease the number, type, or mechanism of thoracolumbar injuries associated with accidents involving two-wheeled motorized vehicles. However, it suggests that lumbar vertebral injuries are deflected towards the thoracic vertebrae when back protectors are worn. Finally, it suggests that the design of back protectors should be reconsidered to better protect riders from what are referred to as compression fractures (craniocaudal force), which remain the primary form of fracture regardless of the rider’s characteristics, based on the data analyzed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sanae Afquir, Anthony Melot, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Hammad, Jean-Louis Martin, Pierre-Jean Arnoux
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02906217
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sanae Afquir, Anthony Melot, Amina Ndiaye, Emmanuelle Hammad, Jean-Louis Martin, et al.. Descriptive analysis of the effect of back protector on the prevention of vertebral and thoracolumbar injuries in serious motorcycle accident. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2020, 135, p105331. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2019.105331⟩. ⟨hal-02906217⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2019.105331
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Context and objective Among the different products and protective gear used by riders of two-wheeled motorized vehicles, back protectors that are designed to prevent damage to the spinal column are widely used today compared other protections. However, few studies measure their effectiveness. Can their effectiveness be measured? How do they help decrease or change the nature of thoracolumbar traumas that occur? To address these questions and remedy the lack of objective data regarding these products, an epidemiological, clinical, and biomechanical analysis of motorcycle riders who were admitted to a French trauma center after an accident was performed. So, this study investigates the effectiveness of back protectors, including their ability to prevent specific mechanisms of thoracic and lumbar spinal injuries related to TWMV accidents. Method A questionnaire was administered to victims of accidents involving two-wheeled motorized vehicles who were admitted to the trauma room at the Marseille trauma center over the course of 2016. Collect data are related to the victim, the accident scenario, and a detailed description of the observed injuries using AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) coding and Magerl classification. Univariate analyses and Fisher tests were performed for victims who were or were not wearing back protectors. Results This study collected data from 124 victims. Almost half of the victims were wearing a back protector at the time of the accident (53 victims, thus 43% of riders). Collectively, twenty-nine victims who were wearing back protectors had 57 thoracolumbar injuries, and twenty eight victims who were not wearing back protectors had 75 thoracolumbar lesions. The results from this study show that there is no significant difference in the nature and mechanism of thoracolumbar injuries as a function of back protection. The majority of the thoracolumbar injuries were not severe. They were primarily bone injuries, essentially compression fractures, regardless of whether a back protector was worn. Conclusion This study shows that the use of back protection does not decrease the number, type, or mechanism of thoracolumbar injuries associated with accidents involving two-wheeled motorized vehicles. However, it suggests that lumbar vertebral injuries are deflected towards the thoracic vertebrae when back protectors are worn. Finally, it suggests that the design of back protectors should be reconsidered to better protect riders from what are referred to as compression fractures (craniocaudal force), which remain the primary form of fracture regardless of the rider's characteristics, based on the data analyzed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Context and objective Among the different products and protective gear used by riders of two-wheeled motorized vehicles, back protectors that are designed to prevent damage to the spinal column are widely used today compared other protections. However, few studies measure their effectiveness. Can their effectiveness be measured? How do they help decrease or change the nature of thoracolumbar traumas that occur? To address these questions and remedy the lack of objective data regarding these products, an epidemiological, clinical, and biomechanical analysis of motorcycle riders who were admitted to a French trauma center after an accident was performed. So, this study investigates the effectiveness of back protectors, including their ability to prevent specific mechanisms of thoracic and lumbar spinal injuries related to TWMV accidents. Method A questionnaire was administered to victims of accidents involving two-wheeled motorized vehicles who were admitted to the trauma room at the Marseille trauma center over the course of 2016. Collect data are related to the victim, the accident scenario, and a detailed description of the observed injuries using AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) coding and Magerl classification. Univariate analyses and Fisher tests were performed for victims who were or were not wearing back protectors. Results This study collected data from 124 victims. Almost half of the victims were wearing a back protector at the time of the accident (53 victims, thus 43% of riders). Collectively, twenty-nine victims who were wearing back protectors had 57 thoracolumbar injuries, and twenty eight victims who were not wearing back protectors had 75 thoracolumbar lesions. The results from this study show that there is no significant difference in the nature and mechanism of thoracolumbar injuries as a function of back protection. The majority of the thoracolumbar injuries were not severe. They were primarily bone injuries, essentially compression fractures, regardless of whether a back protector was worn. Conclusion This study shows that the use of back protection does not decrease the number, type, or mechanism of thoracolumbar injuries associated with accidents involving two-wheeled motorized vehicles. However, it suggests that lumbar vertebral injuries are deflected towards the thoracic vertebrae when back protectors are worn. Finally, it suggests that the design of back protectors should be reconsidered to better protect riders from what are referred to as compression fractures (craniocaudal force), which remain the primary form of fracture regardless of the rider's characteristics, based on the data analyzed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Idlir Licaj, Mouloud Haddak, Martine Hours, Mireille Chiron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00851113
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Idlir Licaj, Mouloud Haddak, Martine Hours, Mireille Chiron. Deprived neighbourhoods and risk of road trauma (incidence and severity) among under 25 year-olds in the Rhone Departement (France). Journal of Safety Research, 2011, 42 (3), pp. 171-176. ⟨10.1016/j.jsr.2011.05.004⟩. ⟨hal-00851113⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.jsr.2011.05.004
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Previous research has shown that there are inequalities with regard to traffic accident risk between different social categories. This study describes the influence of the type of residential municipality (with or without deprived urban areas, "ZUS, zones urbaines sensibles"), used as an indicator of contextual deprivation, on the incidence and severity of road trauma involving people of under 25years of age in the Rhône. METHOD: Injury data were taken from The Rhône Road Trauma Registry. The study covers the 2004-2007 period, with 13,589 young casualties. The incidence of traffic injury of all severities were computed according to the type of municipality and the age, gender, and type of road user. The ratios of the incidences of deprived municipalities, compared with others were calculated. Subsequently the severity factors and incidences according to the severity level (ISS 1-8, ISS 9+) were studied. RESULTS: For the main types of road users except motorized two-wheeler users, the incidences were higher in the deprived municipalities: the greatest difference was for pedestrians, where the incidences were almost twice those of other municipalities. This excess risk, constituting a health inequality topic rarely considered, was even greater in municipalities with two or three ZUSs. It was essentially observed for minor injuries among motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. CONCLUSIONS: While the incidence increased among people less than 25years of age, the severity of road injuries was lower in deprived neighborhoods, contrary to what is suggested by other studies. This lower severity disappeared when taking into account the crash characteristics. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The incidence of injuries as a pedestrian, cyclist or motorist is higher among young people living in deprived municipalities. These areas should therefore be the targets of dedicated education programs, as well as further investigations about urban planning.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Previous research has shown that there are inequalities with regard to traffic accident risk between different social categories. This study describes the influence of the type of residential municipality (with or without deprived urban areas, "ZUS, zones urbaines sensibles"), used as an indicator of contextual deprivation, on the incidence and severity of road trauma involving people of under 25years of age in the Rhône. METHOD: Injury data were taken from The Rhône Road Trauma Registry. The study covers the 2004-2007 period, with 13,589 young casualties. The incidence of traffic injury of all severities were computed according to the type of municipality and the age, gender, and type of road user. The ratios of the incidences of deprived municipalities, compared with others were calculated. Subsequently the severity factors and incidences according to the severity level (ISS 1-8, ISS 9+) were studied. RESULTS: For the main types of road users except motorized two-wheeler users, the incidences were higher in the deprived municipalities: the greatest difference was for pedestrians, where the incidences were almost twice those of other municipalities. This excess risk, constituting a health inequality topic rarely considered, was even greater in municipalities with two or three ZUSs. It was essentially observed for minor injuries among motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. CONCLUSIONS: While the incidence increased among people less than 25years of age, the severity of road injuries was lower in deprived neighborhoods, contrary to what is suggested by other studies. This lower severity disappeared when taking into account the crash characteristics. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The incidence of injuries as a pedestrian, cyclist or motorist is higher among young people living in deprived municipalities. These areas should therefore be the targets of dedicated education programs, as well as further investigations about urban planning.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Klaus Machata, Robert Bauer, Jo Barnes, Rachel Talbot, Pete Thomas, Nicole Muhlrad, Heikki Jahi, Gilles Vallet, Emmanuelle Dupont, Heike Martensen, Eleonora Papadimitriou, George Yannis, Gabriele Giustiniani, Charlotte Bax, Wim Wijnen, Ilona Butler, Victoria Gitelman
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01218609
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Klaus Machata, Robert Bauer, Jo Barnes, Rachel Talbot, Pete Thomas, et al.. Deliverable 1.3 Stakeholder's contribution. [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2011, 35 p. ⟨hal-01218609⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The aim of DaCoTA's Work Package 1 is to shed light on road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe and to explore how these can be better supported by data and knowledge. This was done by assessing demands and views of stakeholders as well as by building a good practice model for road safety management investigation. Future versions of the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO, are envisaged to be built on the findings of this project. This report describes the methodology and presents the first aggregated results of an on-line stakeholder consultation carried out in Task 1.3. The survey was successfully carried out among more than 3000 road safety stakeholders in Europe and beyond. The assessment was conducted along four dimensions of road safety management: Fact finding, Road safety programme development, Preparing implementation, and Monitoring and evaluation. The questionnaire was built on the results of an expert panel consultation carried out earlier in the project and was dedicated to bring in the viewpoints of stakeholders who may not be directly involved in decision-making. Circa 3150 stakeholder contacts were collected from the European Commission, the ETSC (European Transport Safety Council) as well as its PIN Panel members and the FERSI (Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes). The questionnaire was launched in February 2011 and open for one month, resulting in a satisfactory response rate of more than 16%. Response rates were specifically high for national statistics bureaus, research institutes and consultancies. Also the health sector and associations / interest groups / European (umbrella) organisations responded at above-average rates. Stakeholders expressed significant demand for data and knowledge in road safety-related decision making. They also expressed discontent about the current poor availability of such information. The following issues scored highest with regard to priority for road safety work: ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The aim of DaCoTA's Work Package 1 is to shed light on road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe and to explore how these can be better supported by data and knowledge. This was done by assessing demands and views of stakeholders as well as by building a good practice model for road safety management investigation. Future versions of the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO, are envisaged to be built on the findings of this project. This report describes the methodology and presents the first aggregated results of an on-line stakeholder consultation carried out in Task 1.3. The survey was successfully carried out among more than 3000 road safety stakeholders in Europe and beyond. The assessment was conducted along four dimensions of road safety management: Fact finding, Road safety programme development, Preparing implementation, and Monitoring and evaluation. The questionnaire was built on the results of an expert panel consultation carried out earlier in the project and was dedicated to bring in the viewpoints of stakeholders who may not be directly involved in decision-making. Circa 3150 stakeholder contacts were collected from the European Commission, the ETSC (European Transport Safety Council) as well as its PIN Panel members and the FERSI (Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes). The questionnaire was launched in February 2011 and open for one month, resulting in a satisfactory response rate of more than 16%. Response rates were specifically high for national statistics bureaus, research institutes and consultancies. Also the health sector and associations / interest groups / European (umbrella) organisations responded at above-average rates. Stakeholders expressed significant demand for data and knowledge in road safety-related decision making. They also expressed discontent about the current poor availability of such information. The following issues scored highest with regard to priority for road safety work: ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Dupont, Heike Martensen, Eleonora Papadimitriou, George Yannis, Nicole Muhlrad, Heikki Jahi, Gilles Vallet, Gabriele Giustiniani, Luca Persia, Charlotte Bax, Wim Wijnen, Klaus Machata, Ilona Buttler, Malgorzata Zysinska, Jo Barnes, Victoria Gitelman, Shalom Hakkert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01218606
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Dupont, Heike Martensen, Eleonora Papadimitriou, George Yannis, Nicole Muhlrad, et al.. Deliverable 1.2 Road safety management investigation model and questionnaire. [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2011, 78 p. ⟨hal-01218606⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The aim of the DaCoTA Work Package 1 is to investigate road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. In the Deliverables released previously, the Work Package 1 assessed the experts' needs in terms of road safety knowledge, data and decision support tools (Deliverable 1.1/4.1), as well as the road safety stakeholders' views (Deliverable 1.3). These two Deliverables contain information on the present and future needs and the actual availability of various types of road safety data and knowledge, which the experts and the stakeholders might find useful for their work. As for the Deliverable 1.2 at hand; it presents the theoretical background for the Work Package 1 'investigation model', as well as the model itself and the questionnaire derived from it. The 'investigation model' was designed for the study of the different aspects of actual road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. Its objective is to allow describing concrete road safety policy-making and management practices. Therefore, it is not a 'good practice' model in the normative sense. Rather, it aims at discovering good practices that exist, whether they conform to a normative 'good practice' model designed by experts or not. In designing the investigation model, the group relied on an extensive review of recent literature. Some of the references the group reviewed contain only a small number of case studies. A number of these are limited to well performing developed countries and nevertheless prescribe the implementation of similar structures for road safety decision-making and management in quite different situations and contexts. A few other references, however, advocate a more analytical approach, backing their claim with case studies from a more varied set of countries. In any case, the group decided to draw on elements from all available models, thus ensuring that while the investigation model is now used to study road safety policymaking and management processes in European countries, its use is by no means restricted to Europe or to the developed countries. The investigation model inquires of course about the actors, processes and components of road safety management that can all probably, but not necessarily, be found in well-performing countries, and that quite certainly cannot all be found elsewhere. The results to the questionnaire will allow a first assessment of the idea that a good road safety record is necessarily linked to certain components of road safety management system. Road safety management, understood as an area of public action destined to reduce road un-safety, includes policy-making tasks and transversal processes, as well as the organisation necessary for these tasks and processes to take place. Policymaking tasks form a cycle, going from agenda setting to policy formulation, then to policy adaption, implementation and finally evaluation, before the cycle begins again-and there are of course feedback loops going from evaluation to policy formulation and implementation stages. In order to accomplish these policy-making tasks, some management processes are necessary. The group has identified four such processes. As road safety policymaking is an inter-sectoral activity (i.e. it involves several sectors of governmental action) there is a need for inter-sectoral coordination. Likewise, the diversity of actors involved in road safety call for the involvement of stakeholders. Knowledge must be produced and used to justify the need for a road safety policy and the priority status given to it, as well as to identify available options and arbitrate between them. Finally, there must be a process for capacity building. A road safety management system can function if the institutional and organisational arrangements are adequate; if Road safety management investigation model and questionnaire DaCoTA_WP1_D1.2_final_2011-09-21 5 responsibilities are allocated along with sufficient resources; if knowledge transfers between different positions and between generations are effective. Furthermore, there are two immaterial ingredients in an operative road safety management system, that may precede it to some extent, but which are also outputs of the system: the political will and the road safety culture. The model was then used for formulating a series of 69 questions, which assess the different aspects of a road safety management system. After eliminating redundancies, the finalised questionnaire contains 50 closed questions as well as some room for comments from the interviewees. The questionnaires will be used for collecting data from policy-makers and road safety experts in at least 13 European countries in the summer and autumn 2011. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The aim of the DaCoTA Work Package 1 is to investigate road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. In the Deliverables released previously, the Work Package 1 assessed the experts' needs in terms of road safety knowledge, data and decision support tools (Deliverable 1.1/4.1), as well as the road safety stakeholders' views (Deliverable 1.3). These two Deliverables contain information on the present and future needs and the actual availability of various types of road safety data and knowledge, which the experts and the stakeholders might find useful for their work. As for the Deliverable 1.2 at hand; it presents the theoretical background for the Work Package 1 'investigation model', as well as the model itself and the questionnaire derived from it. The 'investigation model' was designed for the study of the different aspects of actual road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. Its objective is to allow describing concrete road safety policy-making and management practices. Therefore, it is not a 'good practice' model in the normative sense. Rather, it aims at discovering good practices that exist, whether they conform to a normative 'good practice' model designed by experts or not. In designing the investigation model, the group relied on an extensive review of recent literature. Some of the references the group reviewed contain only a small number of case studies. A number of these are limited to well performing developed countries and nevertheless prescribe the implementation of similar structures for road safety decision-making and management in quite different situations and contexts. A few other references, however, advocate a more analytical approach, backing their claim with case studies from a more varied set of countries. In any case, the group decided to draw on elements from all available models, thus ensuring that while the investigation model is now used to study road safety policymaking and management processes in European countries, its use is by no means restricted to Europe or to the developed countries. The investigation model inquires of course about the actors, processes and components of road safety management that can all probably, but not necessarily, be found in well-performing countries, and that quite certainly cannot all be found elsewhere. The results to the questionnaire will allow a first assessment of the idea that a good road safety record is necessarily linked to certain components of road safety management system. Road safety management, understood as an area of public action destined to reduce road un-safety, includes policy-making tasks and transversal processes, as well as the organisation necessary for these tasks and processes to take place. Policymaking tasks form a cycle, going from agenda setting to policy formulation, then to policy adaption, implementation and finally evaluation, before the cycle begins again-and there are of course feedback loops going from evaluation to policy formulation and implementation stages. In order to accomplish these policy-making tasks, some management processes are necessary. The group has identified four such processes. As road safety policymaking is an inter-sectoral activity (i.e. it involves several sectors of governmental action) there is a need for inter-sectoral coordination. Likewise, the diversity of actors involved in road safety call for the involvement of stakeholders. Knowledge must be produced and used to justify the need for a road safety policy and the priority status given to it, as well as to identify available options and arbitrate between them. Finally, there must be a process for capacity building. A road safety management system can function if the institutional and organisational arrangements are adequate; if Road safety management investigation model and questionnaire DaCoTA_WP1_D1.2_final_2011-09-21 5 responsibilities are allocated along with sufficient resources; if knowledge transfers between different positions and between generations are effective. Furthermore, there are two immaterial ingredients in an operative road safety management system, that may precede it to some extent, but which are also outputs of the system: the political will and the road safety culture. The model was then used for formulating a series of 69 questions, which assess the different aspects of a road safety management system. After eliminating redundancies, the finalised questionnaire contains 50 closed questions as well as some room for comments from the interviewees. The questionnaires will be used for collecting data from policy-makers and road safety experts in at least 13 European countries in the summer and autumn 2011. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Dupont, Heike Martensen, Eleonora Papadimitriou, George Yannis, Nicole Muhlrad, Heikki Jahi, Gilles Vallet, Gabriele Giustiniani, Antonino Tripodi, Davide Usami, Charlotte Bax, Wim Wijnen, Maria-Luise Schone, Klaus Machata, Ilona Butler, Malgorzata Zysinska, Rachel Talbot, Victoria Gitelman, Shalom Hakkert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01218605
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Dupont, Heike Martensen, Eleonora Papadimitriou, George Yannis, Nicole Muhlrad, et al.. Deliverable 1.1/4.1 Consultation of a panel of experts on the needs for data and technical tools in road safety policy-making : EC FP7 project DaCoTA. [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2010, 93 p. ⟨hal-01218605⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Within the framework of DaCoTA WP1, an Experts Panel was created and a consultation was launched for the preliminary assessment of knowledge, data and analysis needs within road safety management. The objective of the consultation of this Experts Panel was the assessment of current needs for evidence-based road safety decision making in the European countries, to be used also by other DaCoTA activities. In particular, it was intended to identify specific needs for knowledge, data and tools, which will be taken into account for the development of a data warehouse (DaCoTA WP3) and for the creation of useful and relevant road safety decision support tools (DaCoTA WP4). Moreover, this preliminary consultation of the Experts Panel serves as a first step towards the full assessment of current practices and future needs of knowledge-based road safety management, which will be carried out later on within DaCoTA WP1 by means of a broader consultation of stakeholders. The members of the Experts Panel included members of the CARE National Experts group of the European Commission, as well as persons within the national road safety administration or scientific community of each country suggested by the National Experts. The Panel was complemented with additional persons suggested by the DaCoTA partners. The Panel eventually covers 20 EU Member States and 3 other European countries with different histories and experiences of RS management. The Experts have in-depth knowledge of road safety management processes and needs in their country, being either directly involved in decision making, or working closely with decision makers as advisors. Two parallel consultation methods were implemented; the first concerned semi-directive interviews carried out by members of the DaCoTA WP1 partners with members of the Panel mainly from their own countries, and the second concerned a request for written contributions in case of language or time constraints. Particular emphasis was given to the open nature of the questions, both within the interviews and the written contributions, allowing the experts to describe their own experiences, views and messages and to put emphasis on the issues they consider themselves important, without being "directed" by a detailed questionnaire to specific judgments. The consultation provided a wealth of information on all aspects of road safety management in the European countries. A synthesis of the results of this open consultation was carried out by means of a predefined matrix. In this matrix, the basic road safety management tasks were decomposed into their particular components, and were then cross-tabulated with distinct categories of needs (knowledge needs, data needs, methodological needs, tools needs etc.), allowing the linking of specific aspects of road safety policy making to specific benefits from using the necessary knowledge, data, methods and tools. The matrix allowed for a classification of the opinions provided by the experts in the written contributions as well as in the interviews. Overall, the consultation of the Experts Panel provided valuable information about the current practices and future needs and priorities for evidence-based road safety management in Europe. It was stressed that only through the establishment of appropriate structures and procedures can evidence-based road safety management be achieved. Specific recommendations on such structures and procedures include the institutional arrangements for road safety management to be carried out centrally (at national level) by a single dedicated organization, the establishment of links and processes for smooth and efficient interaction between national and local road safety policies, and the introduction of compulsory consideration of scientific evidence for each road safety decision. Several useful remarks and recommendations on the various road safety management tasks, from fact-finding and assessment of problems to the development of road safety strategies and programmes, and from the planning and implementation of these programmes to the monitoring and evaluation of their effectiveness, were also derived from this preliminary consultation. First of all, the need for setting ambitious yet realistic targets for the improvement of road safety was confirmed. As regards the development of road safety programmes and the selection of measures, a need for methodological advances was identified, including the improvement of cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses, so that they can serve both for setting priorities and for assessing the combined effects of road safety measures. Moreover, the creation of handbooks and databases with accumulated international experience on these questions was proposed, with emphasis on the country-specific conditions necessary to take into account in order to reach the maximum benefit of each measure. With respect to the planning and implementation of road safety programmes and measures, the need to gather and harmonise the available information from the international experience of measures implementation was frequently expressed. In particular, the information and data on the procedures, the conditions, the time frame and the costs for implementing the measures need to be made available at European level. Furthermore, the monitoring and evaluation task is considered to be most essential, not only for assessing the effectiveness of road safety measures, but also for identifying needs for further improvement. Several methodological needs were also mentioned, including the need for standardized assessment tools (statistical models, analysis techniques etc.), that will allow for the identification of the reasons and mechanisms leading to the observed safety effect of the measures. Finally, a number of issues concerning the availability and quality of data for knowledge-based road safety management were outlined. They include the need to address the injury under-reporting problem at European level, the need for improved methods for determining accident locations by means of GIS technologies and tools, the need for improved exposure data, for increasingly reliable behavioural data and the need to promote the collection and use of in-depth accident investigation data. The Experts also stressed the need for road safety databases of different types (accident data, health data, exposure data etc.) to be linked and to be made more accessible. The synthesis of the results of the consultation may serve as a first overview of experiences with road safety management in the European countries. Furthermore, it may serve as an outline of expert opinions on the needs and priorities for knowledge, data and tools to support road safety management, as well as on the related needs for better processes and structures, allowing the integration of knowledge and decision support tools into policy making. It is noted that such a consultation was launched for the first time at European level. The main directions and priorities identified for knowledge-based road safety management are presented in detail in the present report. These can be useful not only for the collection (WP3) and analysis (WP4) of data and information intended to support road safety decision making, but they can also be used as a broader guide towards the improvement of road safety management processes and practices both by individual countries and at European Union level (WP1). Finally, the information gathered in this consultation is also relevant for further developments of the ERSO, given the many suggestions made concerning the type of information and tools that should be made available at a European level. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Within the framework of DaCoTA WP1, an Experts Panel was created and a consultation was launched for the preliminary assessment of knowledge, data and analysis needs within road safety management. The objective of the consultation of this Experts Panel was the assessment of current needs for evidence-based road safety decision making in the European countries, to be used also by other DaCoTA activities. In particular, it was intended to identify specific needs for knowledge, data and tools, which will be taken into account for the development of a data warehouse (DaCoTA WP3) and for the creation of useful and relevant road safety decision support tools (DaCoTA WP4). Moreover, this preliminary consultation of the Experts Panel serves as a first step towards the full assessment of current practices and future needs of knowledge-based road safety management, which will be carried out later on within DaCoTA WP1 by means of a broader consultation of stakeholders. The members of the Experts Panel included members of the CARE National Experts group of the European Commission, as well as persons within the national road safety administration or scientific community of each country suggested by the National Experts. The Panel was complemented with additional persons suggested by the DaCoTA partners. The Panel eventually covers 20 EU Member States and 3 other European countries with different histories and experiences of RS management. The Experts have in-depth knowledge of road safety management processes and needs in their country, being either directly involved in decision making, or working closely with decision makers as advisors. Two parallel consultation methods were implemented; the first concerned semi-directive interviews carried out by members of the DaCoTA WP1 partners with members of the Panel mainly from their own countries, and the second concerned a request for written contributions in case of language or time constraints. Particular emphasis was given to the open nature of the questions, both within the interviews and the written contributions, allowing the experts to describe their own experiences, views and messages and to put emphasis on the issues they consider themselves important, without being "directed" by a detailed questionnaire to specific judgments. The consultation provided a wealth of information on all aspects of road safety management in the European countries. A synthesis of the results of this open consultation was carried out by means of a predefined matrix. In this matrix, the basic road safety management tasks were decomposed into their particular components, and were then cross-tabulated with distinct categories of needs (knowledge needs, data needs, methodological needs, tools needs etc.), allowing the linking of specific aspects of road safety policy making to specific benefits from using the necessary knowledge, data, methods and tools. The matrix allowed for a classification of the opinions provided by the experts in the written contributions as well as in the interviews. Overall, the consultation of the Experts Panel provided valuable information about the current practices and future needs and priorities for evidence-based road safety management in Europe. It was stressed that only through the establishment of appropriate structures and procedures can evidence-based road safety management be achieved. Specific recommendations on such structures and procedures include the institutional arrangements for road safety management to be carried out centrally (at national level) by a single dedicated organization, the establishment of links and processes for smooth and efficient interaction between national and local road safety policies, and the introduction of compulsory consideration of scientific evidence for each road safety decision. Several useful remarks and recommendations on the various road safety management tasks, from fact-finding and assessment of problems to the development of road safety strategies and programmes, and from the planning and implementation of these programmes to the monitoring and evaluation of their effectiveness, were also derived from this preliminary consultation. First of all, the need for setting ambitious yet realistic targets for the improvement of road safety was confirmed. As regards the development of road safety programmes and the selection of measures, a need for methodological advances was identified, including the improvement of cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses, so that they can serve both for setting priorities and for assessing the combined effects of road safety measures. Moreover, the creation of handbooks and databases with accumulated international experience on these questions was proposed, with emphasis on the country-specific conditions necessary to take into account in order to reach the maximum benefit of each measure. With respect to the planning and implementation of road safety programmes and measures, the need to gather and harmonise the available information from the international experience of measures implementation was frequently expressed. In particular, the information and data on the procedures, the conditions, the time frame and the costs for implementing the measures need to be made available at European level. Furthermore, the monitoring and evaluation task is considered to be most essential, not only for assessing the effectiveness of road safety measures, but also for identifying needs for further improvement. Several methodological needs were also mentioned, including the need for standardized assessment tools (statistical models, analysis techniques etc.), that will allow for the identification of the reasons and mechanisms leading to the observed safety effect of the measures. Finally, a number of issues concerning the availability and quality of data for knowledge-based road safety management were outlined. They include the need to address the injury under-reporting problem at European level, the need for improved methods for determining accident locations by means of GIS technologies and tools, the need for improved exposure data, for increasingly reliable behavioural data and the need to promote the collection and use of in-depth accident investigation data. The Experts also stressed the need for road safety databases of different types (accident data, health data, exposure data etc.) to be linked and to be made more accessible. The synthesis of the results of the consultation may serve as a first overview of experiences with road safety management in the European countries. Furthermore, it may serve as an outline of expert opinions on the needs and priorities for knowledge, data and tools to support road safety management, as well as on the related needs for better processes and structures, allowing the integration of knowledge and decision support tools into policy making. It is noted that such a consultation was launched for the first time at European level. The main directions and priorities identified for knowledge-based road safety management are presented in detail in the present report. These can be useful not only for the collection (WP3) and analysis (WP4) of data and information intended to support road safety decision making, but they can also be used as a broader guide towards the improvement of road safety management processes and practices both by individual countries and at European Union level (WP1). Finally, the information gathered in this consultation is also relevant for further developments of the ERSO, given the many suggestions made concerning the type of information and tools that should be made available at a European level. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : P. A. Beuria, Etienne Javouhey, A. Szathmari, S. Courtil-Tesseydre, F. P. Desgranges, B. Grassiot, O. Hequet, C. Mottolese
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160508
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : P. A. Beuria, Etienne Javouhey, A. Szathmari, S. Courtil-Tesseydre, F. P. Desgranges, et al.. Decompressive craniectomy in the treatment of post-traumatic intracranial hypertension in children: our philosophy and indications. Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 2015, 59 (4), pp. 405-428. ⟨hal-02160508⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Decompressive craniotomy (DC) in children is a life-saving procedure for the treatment of refractory intracranial hypertension related to traumatic, ischemic and infectious lesions. Different surgical procedures have been proposed including uni or bilateral hemicraniectomy, bi-frontal, bi-temporal, or bi-parietal craniotomies. DC can avoid the cascade of events related to tissue hypoxia, brain perfusion reduction, hypotension and the evolution of brain edema that can be responsible for brain herniation. The monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) is very important to take a decision as well as the value of Trans cranial Doppler (TCD). Repeated TCD in the intensive care unit give important information about the decrease of the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and facilitates the decision making. The important question is about how long time we have to wait before to perform the DC. Three conditions can be distinguished: 1) ICP stable and TCD with good parameters: the decision can be postponed; 2) ICP>20 mmHg with good TCD and without clinical signs of deterioration: the decision can be postponed; 3) ICP>20 mmHg with altered CPP and degraded TCD value and clinical signs of brain herniation: the surgical procedure is indicated. The decision of a ventricular drainage can also be discussed but in cases of slit ventricles it is preferable to realize a DC to avoid the problems of multiple taps without finding the ventricular system. In some very specific situations, DC has to be contraindicated. The first one is a prolonged cardiopulmonary arrest with a no-flow longer than 15 minutes and irreversible lesions on the TCD or on the CT-scan. The second most common situation is a patient with GCS of 3 on admission associated with bilaterally fixed dilated pupils. In this case TCD is very useful to document the decrease or the absence of diastolic flux that indicates a very poor cerebral perfusion. In case of severe polytraumatism with multiorgan failure, especially in very severe hemorrhagic shock with incontrollable coagulopathy, the realization of DC is definitely hazardous with y a high risk of cardiac arrest during the surgical procedure. The decision to realize a hemicraniectomy or a bi-frontal craniotomy is related to the presence or not of associated traumatic lesions as hemorrhagic contusions or a sub-dural or extradural hematoma. In cases of diffuse cerebral edema the bi-frontal bone flap is indicated. In all cases a closure of the dura mater with a large dural patch has to be performed avoiding compression of the nervous system. Our results showed a mortality rate of 18%. Eighty percent of the survivors have a good quality of life but only 43% in a scholar age could attend a normal program. Patients treated with DC need a long follow-up and an important rehabilitation program to improve their quality of life. Our report shows that DC in children is effective to control the post-traumatic intracranial hypertension but a long follow-up is recommended to access the sequels and quality of life of these patients.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Decompressive craniotomy (DC) in children is a life-saving procedure for the treatment of refractory intracranial hypertension related to traumatic, ischemic and infectious lesions. Different surgical procedures have been proposed including uni or bilateral hemicraniectomy, bi-frontal, bi-temporal, or bi-parietal craniotomies. DC can avoid the cascade of events related to tissue hypoxia, brain perfusion reduction, hypotension and the evolution of brain edema that can be responsible for brain herniation. The monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) is very important to take a decision as well as the value of Trans cranial Doppler (TCD). Repeated TCD in the intensive care unit give important information about the decrease of the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and facilitates the decision making. The important question is about how long time we have to wait before to perform the DC. Three conditions can be distinguished: 1) ICP stable and TCD with good parameters: the decision can be postponed; 2) ICP>20 mmHg with good TCD and without clinical signs of deterioration: the decision can be postponed; 3) ICP>20 mmHg with altered CPP and degraded TCD value and clinical signs of brain herniation: the surgical procedure is indicated. The decision of a ventricular drainage can also be discussed but in cases of slit ventricles it is preferable to realize a DC to avoid the problems of multiple taps without finding the ventricular system. In some very specific situations, DC has to be contraindicated. The first one is a prolonged cardiopulmonary arrest with a no-flow longer than 15 minutes and irreversible lesions on the TCD or on the CT-scan. The second most common situation is a patient with GCS of 3 on admission associated with bilaterally fixed dilated pupils. In this case TCD is very useful to document the decrease or the absence of diastolic flux that indicates a very poor cerebral perfusion. In case of severe polytraumatism with multiorgan failure, especially in very severe hemorrhagic shock with incontrollable coagulopathy, the realization of DC is definitely hazardous with y a high risk of cardiac arrest during the surgical procedure. The decision to realize a hemicraniectomy or a bi-frontal craniotomy is related to the presence or not of associated traumatic lesions as hemorrhagic contusions or a sub-dural or extradural hematoma. In cases of diffuse cerebral edema the bi-frontal bone flap is indicated. In all cases a closure of the dura mater with a large dural patch has to be performed avoiding compression of the nervous system. Our results showed a mortality rate of 18%. Eighty percent of the survivors have a good quality of life but only 43% in a scholar age could attend a normal program. Patients treated with DC need a long follow-up and an important rehabilitation program to improve their quality of life. Our report shows that DC in children is effective to control the post-traumatic intracranial hypertension but a long follow-up is recommended to access the sequels and quality of life of these patients.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Guillaume Broc, B. Denis, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, I. Gendre, P. Perrin, B. Quintard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01687676
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Guillaume Broc, B. Denis, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, I. Gendre, P. Perrin, et al.. Decision-making in fecal occult blood test compliance: A quali-quantitative study investigating motivational processes. Preventive Medicine, 2017, 105 (4), pp. 58-65. ⟨10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.08.023⟩. ⟨hal-01687676⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.08.023
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The qualitative-quantitative study investigates the co-existence of barriers and levers to FOBT creening in 5894 individuals reluctant to be creened, identifying operational motivational patterns that may increase screening compliance. Co-occurrence analysis was performed according to three motivational conditions (barriers, levers, or both).Cluster analysis then identified motivational predictors of effective screening. One quarter of the individuals who had refused screening nevertheless expressed at least one motivation towards FOBT. As such, coexistence of barriers and levers within the same individual demonstrates ambivalence tendencies. Intrinsic motivations appear to be the most likely to increase FOBT compliance. This study finds that certain factors wellknown to improve CRC screening compliance generally, may not have much impact on reluctant individuals due to ambivalence and contextual nuances. Several practical recommendations to encourage screening participation are offered, such as focusing on levers rather barriers, providing tailored education to improve awareness and readiness, and fostering intrinsic motivation with relevant approaches.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The qualitative-quantitative study investigates the co-existence of barriers and levers to FOBT creening in 5894 individuals reluctant to be creened, identifying operational motivational patterns that may increase screening compliance. Co-occurrence analysis was performed according to three motivational conditions (barriers, levers, or both).Cluster analysis then identified motivational predictors of effective screening. One quarter of the individuals who had refused screening nevertheless expressed at least one motivation towards FOBT. As such, coexistence of barriers and levers within the same individual demonstrates ambivalence tendencies. Intrinsic motivations appear to be the most likely to increase FOBT compliance. This study finds that certain factors wellknown to improve CRC screening compliance generally, may not have much impact on reluctant individuals due to ambivalence and contextual nuances. Several practical recommendations to encourage screening participation are offered, such as focusing on levers rather barriers, providing tailored education to improve awareness and readiness, and fostering intrinsic motivation with relevant approaches.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : P Thomas, J Hill, Ap Morris, Jr Welsh, Rachel Talbot, Nicole Muhlrad, Gilles Vallet, G Yannis, E Papadimitriou, P Evgenikos, E Dupont, H Martensen, T Hermitte, N Bos, L Aarts
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01068641
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : P Thomas, J Hill, Ap Morris, Jr Welsh, Rachel Talbot, et al.. Dacota: Road Safety Data, Collection, Transfer and Analysis Deliverable 0.1-Final Project Report. 2013. ⟨hal-01068641⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The European Road Safety Observatory was established European Commission and first announced in the 2001 Transport White Paper1. It was further developed in the 2003 Road Safety Action Plan 2 where the Commission announced it was to establish a new European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) to "co-ordinate all Community activities in the fields of road accident and injury data collection and analysis". The framework of ERSO was established within the EU FP 6 funded project SafetyNet (2004 – 2008) which developed and validated standard protocols for core data and knowledge tools. At the completion of the project the data and knowledge developed by SafetyNet ERSO had been incorporated within the website of DG-MOVE. The DaCoTA project has been established with the support of DG-MOVE to further develop the content of the Observatory with additional data types and output tools. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The European Road Safety Observatory was established European Commission and first announced in the 2001 Transport White Paper1. It was further developed in the 2003 Road Safety Action Plan 2 where the Commission announced it was to establish a new European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) to "co-ordinate all Community activities in the fields of road accident and injury data collection and analysis". The framework of ERSO was established within the EU FP 6 funded project SafetyNet (2004 – 2008) which developed and validated standard protocols for core data and knowledge tools. At the completion of the project the data and knowledge developed by SafetyNet ERSO had been incorporated within the website of DG-MOVE. The DaCoTA project has been established with the support of DG-MOVE to further develop the content of the Observatory with additional data types and output tools. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne Sophie Evrard, Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Ali Mohamed Nassur, Bernard Laumon, Patricia Champelovier, Agnès Chaumond
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01833555
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne Sophie Evrard, Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Ali Mohamed Nassur, Bernard Laumon, et al.. DEBATS: Discussion sur les effets du bruit des aéronefs touchant la santé. Conseil national du bruit 2018, Jun 2018, PARIS, France. 44 p. ⟨hal-01833555⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation des premiers résultats de la phase d'inclusion de DEBATS au Conseil National du Bruit
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation des premiers résultats de la phase d'inclusion de DEBATS au Conseil National du Bruit
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Clémence Baudin, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Marie Lefevre, Ali Mohamed Nassur, Bernard Laumon, Patricia Champelovier, Agnès Chaumond, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02415602
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Clémence Baudin, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Marie Lefevre, Ali Mohamed Nassur, et al.. DEBATS Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé. Atelier technique sur les cohortes environnementales, Nov 2019, BIVIERS, France. 29 p. ⟨hal-02415602⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif de DEBATS est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports français. Il s'agit d'adopter une approche globale en caractérisant les relations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les états de santé des riverains d'aéroport à la fois sur le plan physique et mental mais aussi en termes de gêne ressentie. En 2013, 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry ont répondu à un questionnaire administré par un enquêteur à leur domicile concernant leur état de santé (perturbations du sommeil, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles anxio-dépressifs et gêne ressentie due au bruit des avions). L'enquêteur a également mesuré la pression artérielle et la fréquence cardiaque des participants et leur a demandé de prélever un échantillon de leur salive pour déterminer la concentration de cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress). Ces participants ont été réinterrogés en 2015 et en 2017. Un sous-échantillon de 100 riverains a participé à une deuxième étude plus spécifique sur le sommeil avec des mesures acoustiques.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif de DEBATS est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports français. Il s'agit d'adopter une approche globale en caractérisant les relations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les états de santé des riverains d'aéroport à la fois sur le plan physique et mental mais aussi en termes de gêne ressentie. En 2013, 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry ont répondu à un questionnaire administré par un enquêteur à leur domicile concernant leur état de santé (perturbations du sommeil, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles anxio-dépressifs et gêne ressentie due au bruit des avions). L'enquêteur a également mesuré la pression artérielle et la fréquence cardiaque des participants et leur a demandé de prélever un échantillon de leur salive pour déterminer la concentration de cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress). Ces participants ont été réinterrogés en 2015 et en 2017. Un sous-échantillon de 100 riverains a participé à une deuxième étude plus spécifique sur le sommeil avec des mesures acoustiques.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Clémence Baudin, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Marie Lefevre, Ali Mohamed Nassur, Bernard Laumon, Patricia Champelovier, Agnès Chaumond, Jacques Lambert
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02415593
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Clémence Baudin, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Marie Lefevre, Ali Mohamed Nassur, et al.. DEBATS : Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé.. Atelier technique sur les cohortes environnementales, Nov 2019, BIVIERS, France. Atelier technique sur les cohortes environnementales, 1 p, 2019. ⟨hal-02415593⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif de DEBATS est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports français. Il s'agit d'adopter une approche globale en caractérisant les relations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les états de santé des riverains d'aéroport à la fois sur le plan physique et mental mais aussi en termes de gêne ressentie. En 2013, 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry ont répondu à un questionnaire administré par un enquêteur à leur domicile concernant leur état de santé (perturbations du sommeil, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles anxio-dépressifs et gêne ressentie due au bruit des avions). L'enquêteur a également mesuré la pression artérielle et la fréquence cardiaque des participants et leur a demandé de prélever un échantillon de leur salive pour déterminer la concentration de cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress). Ces participants ont été réinterrogés en 2015 et en 2017. Un sous-échantillon de 100 riverains a participé à une deuxième étude plus spécifique sur le sommeil avec des mesures acoustiques.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif de DEBATS est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports français. Il s'agit d'adopter une approche globale en caractérisant les relations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les états de santé des riverains d'aéroport à la fois sur le plan physique et mental mais aussi en termes de gêne ressentie. En 2013, 1 244 riverains des aéroports de Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry ont répondu à un questionnaire administré par un enquêteur à leur domicile concernant leur état de santé (perturbations du sommeil, pathologies cardiovasculaires, troubles anxio-dépressifs et gêne ressentie due au bruit des avions). L'enquêteur a également mesuré la pression artérielle et la fréquence cardiaque des participants et leur a demandé de prélever un échantillon de leur salive pour déterminer la concentration de cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress). Ces participants ont été réinterrogés en 2015 et en 2017. Un sous-échantillon de 100 riverains a participé à une deuxième étude plus spécifique sur le sommeil avec des mesures acoustiques.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02349673
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. DEBATS : Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé.. Atelier « air, bruit et santé » de la concertation préalable Terminal T4 - Roissy Charles de Gaulle, Apr 2019, PARIS, France. 2 p. ⟨hal-02349673⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation des premiers résultats de DEBATS à l'Atelier « air, bruit et santé » de la concertation préalable Terminal T4 - Roissy Charles de Gaulle. Maison de l'Environnement de l'aéroport Roissy-CDG (France), 29 avril 2019.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation des premiers résultats de DEBATS à l'Atelier « air, bruit et santé » de la concertation préalable Terminal T4 - Roissy Charles de Gaulle. Maison de l'Environnement de l'aéroport Roissy-CDG (France), 29 avril 2019.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Clémence Baudin, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Marie Lefevre, Ali Mohamed Nassur, Bernard Laumon, Patricia Champelovier, Agnès Chaumond
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02349771
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Clémence Baudin, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Marie Lefevre, Ali Mohamed Nassur, et al.. DEBATS : Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé. Réunion AdP, Jul 2019, PARIS, France. 46 p. ⟨hal-02349771⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation de la méthodologie adoptée dans DEBATS et des premiers résultats au Groupe Aéroports de Paris
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation de la méthodologie adoptée dans DEBATS et des premiers résultats au Groupe Aéroports de Paris
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Lucie Letinturier, Sabine Meleze, M. Lefevre, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01734616
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Lucie Letinturier, Sabine Meleze, M. Lefevre, Anne Sophie Evrard. DEBATS -Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé- Bilan méthodologique. Décembre 2013. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2014, 69 p. ⟨hal-01734616⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En 2012, l'Ifsttar a souhaité débuter la phase d'inclusion de l'étude individuelle longitudinale du programme de recherche DEBATS. Cette phase d'inclusion s'est déroulée en deux étapes sur une période d'un an. La première étape a consisté à recruter des volontaires, riverains des aéroports Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. La seconde étape a consisté en la passation d'un questionnaire en face-à-face et la réalisation de mesures physiologiques et acoustiques. Fin 2012, l'Ifsttar a confié à GfK ISL la première étape du protocole d'inclusion, c'est-à-dire le recrutement par téléphone de 1 236 volontaires acceptant de participer à l'enquête individuelle longitudinale. Le présent rapport décrit la méthodologie utilisée et les résultats obtenus par GfK ISL concernant la phase de recrutement téléphonique des 1 236 volontaires qui a été menée entre novembre 2012 et octobre 2013.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En 2012, l'Ifsttar a souhaité débuter la phase d'inclusion de l'étude individuelle longitudinale du programme de recherche DEBATS. Cette phase d'inclusion s'est déroulée en deux étapes sur une période d'un an. La première étape a consisté à recruter des volontaires, riverains des aéroports Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. La seconde étape a consisté en la passation d'un questionnaire en face-à-face et la réalisation de mesures physiologiques et acoustiques. Fin 2012, l'Ifsttar a confié à GfK ISL la première étape du protocole d'inclusion, c'est-à-dire le recrutement par téléphone de 1 236 volontaires acceptant de participer à l'enquête individuelle longitudinale. Le présent rapport décrit la méthodologie utilisée et les résultats obtenus par GfK ISL concernant la phase de recrutement téléphonique des 1 236 volontaires qui a été menée entre novembre 2012 et octobre 2013.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Rachel Talbot, Pete Thomas, Emmanuelle Dupont, Victoria Gitelman, Nicole Muhlrad, Gilles Vallet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01228100
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Rachel Talbot, Pete Thomas, Emmanuelle Dupont, Victoria Gitelman, Nicole Muhlrad, et al.. D1.4 An investigation of Policy Makers' priorities for data and tools and their availability. [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2012, 57 p. ⟨hal-01228100⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This report is part of the 'Policy' Work Package of the DaCoTA project ( The 'Policy' Work Package is designed to fill in a gap in knowledge on road safety policy making processes, their institutional framework and the data, methods and technical tools needed to base policy formulation and adoption on scientifically-established evidence. Building on previous work conducted by the Policy Work Package, this report aims to identify which data and tools Policy Makers regard as a priority and how available they think these are to themselves. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This report is part of the 'Policy' Work Package of the DaCoTA project ( The 'Policy' Work Package is designed to fill in a gap in knowledge on road safety policy making processes, their institutional framework and the data, methods and technical tools needed to base policy formulation and adoption on scientifically-established evidence. Building on previous work conducted by the Policy Work Package, this report aims to identify which data and tools Policy Makers regard as a priority and how available they think these are to themselves. ; RAPPORT DE CONTRAT
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Amina Ndiaye, Bertrand Thélot, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00511698
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Amina Ndiaye, Bertrand Thélot, Bernard Laumon. Cyclistes Victimes d'Accidents (CVA), Partie 2 : Effet du casque sur les blessures à la tête, à la face, et au cou. 2009, pp.52. ⟨hal-00511698v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: several case-control studies have assessed the effectiveness of the bicycle helmet against head and face injuries. This is the first case-control study in a non anglo-saxon setting; it is based on recent years, when foam helmets are the most common helmets. Material and methods: The study is based on a road trauma registry that covers fatalities, inpatients and outpatients. Some 14,000 injured or killed cyclists are included. Helmet wearing was routinely collected as part of the registry notification form. All injuries are recorded and coded with the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). Cases are respectively defined as being AIS3+ head injured, AIS1+ head injured, AIS1+ face injured, AIS2+ neck injured and AIS1+ neck injured. A first analysis is similar to the analyses selected in the Cochrane review, adjusting for age, sex, motorised antagonist (yes/no). A second analysis restricts the dataset to cyclists who are at least injured in a body region other than head, face or neck (n=11889), to sidestep the bias due to missing crash-involved non-injured cyclists. This analysis moreover adjusts for more crash-force related variables. Results : Fully adjusted OR on the restricted dataset for wearing a helmet is 0.29, 95% IC=[0.13-0.56] for AIS3+ head injuries, 0.75, IC=[0.62-0.91] for AIS1+ head injuries, 0.71, IC=[0.58-0.86] for AIS1+ face injuries, 1.51, IC=[0.56-3.82] for AIS2+ neck injuries and 1.34, IC=[1.01-1.77] for AIS1+ neck injuries. The Cochrane-like analyses lead to the same conclusions except for the risk of AIS1+ neck injuries. Conclusion: The bicycle helmet protects against head and face injuries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: several case-control studies have assessed the effectiveness of the bicycle helmet against head and face injuries. This is the first case-control study in a non anglo-saxon setting; it is based on recent years, when foam helmets are the most common helmets. Material and methods: The study is based on a road trauma registry that covers fatalities, inpatients and outpatients. Some 14,000 injured or killed cyclists are included. Helmet wearing was routinely collected as part of the registry notification form. All injuries are recorded and coded with the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). Cases are respectively defined as being AIS3+ head injured, AIS1+ head injured, AIS1+ face injured, AIS2+ neck injured and AIS1+ neck injured. A first analysis is similar to the analyses selected in the Cochrane review, adjusting for age, sex, motorised antagonist (yes/no). A second analysis restricts the dataset to cyclists who are at least injured in a body region other than head, face or neck (n=11889), to sidestep the bias due to missing crash-involved non-injured cyclists. This analysis moreover adjusts for more crash-force related variables. Results : Fully adjusted OR on the restricted dataset for wearing a helmet is 0.29, 95% IC=[0.13-0.56] for AIS3+ head injuries, 0.75, IC=[0.62-0.91] for AIS1+ head injuries, 0.71, IC=[0.58-0.86] for AIS1+ face injuries, 1.51, IC=[0.56-3.82] for AIS2+ neck injuries and 1.34, IC=[1.01-1.77] for AIS1+ neck injuries. The Cochrane-like analyses lead to the same conclusions except for the risk of AIS1+ neck injuries. Conclusion: The bicycle helmet protects against head and face injuries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Amina Ndiaye, Bertrand Thélot, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00511692
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Amina Ndiaye, Bertrand Thélot, Bernard Laumon. Cyclistes Victimes d'Accidents (CVA), Partie 1 : caractéristiques et bilan lésionnel. 2009, pp.80. ⟨hal-00511692v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The first part of the CVA study describes cyclists injured or killed in an accident. It is based on the Rhône Road Trauma Registry. Study period: 1996-2006. This study uses a categorisation of injured cyclists in 3 groups : injured children / teens and adults injured in towns / teens and adults injured outside towns. This allows a generalisation of the results.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The first part of the CVA study describes cyclists injured or killed in an accident. It is based on the Rhône Road Trauma Registry. Study period: 1996-2006. This study uses a categorisation of injured cyclists in 3 groups : injured children / teens and adults injured in towns / teens and adults injured outside towns. This allows a generalisation of the results.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier, V. Dutertre, I. Gendre, Luc Fontana, P. Fournel, J. M. Vergnon, J. Kalecinski, F. Tinquaut, F. Chauvin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01824666
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier, V. Dutertre, I. Gendre, Luc Fontana, P. Fournel, et al.. Création et modalités de validation d'un auto-questionnaire de repérage des expositions professionnelles antérieures à des agents cancérigènes du poumon. 11ème Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique (EPICLIN) et les 24èmes Journées des statisticiens de Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC), May 2017, SAINT ETIENNE, France. pp. S85-S86, ⟨10.1016/j.respe.2017.03.082⟩. ⟨hal-01824666⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2017.03.082
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ten to thirty percent of lung cancer is thought to be of occupational origin. Lung cancer is under-declared as an occupational disease in Europe, and most declarations of occupational disease concern asbestos. The purpose of this study was to design and vali- date a short, sensitive self-administered questionnaire, as an aid for physicians in detecting occupational exposure to asbestos and other lung carcinogens in order to remedy occupational lung cancer under-declaration.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ten to thirty percent of lung cancer is thought to be of occupational origin. Lung cancer is under-declared as an occupational disease in Europe, and most declarations of occupational disease concern asbestos. The purpose of this study was to design and vali- date a short, sensitive self-administered questionnaire, as an aid for physicians in detecting occupational exposure to asbestos and other lung carcinogens in order to remedy occupational lung cancer under-declaration.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Vy Sok, Nastassia Tvardik, Emilie Cordina, Emilie Pelletan, Marie Houot, Corinne Pilorget, Pascal Guenel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02266149
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Vy Sok, Nastassia Tvardik, Emilie Cordina, Emilie Pelletan, Marie Houot, et al.. Création d'une matrice emplois-expositions sur le travail à horaires atypiques. 35e congrès national de médecine et santé au travail, Jun 2018, MARSEILLE, France. p. 400, ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.427⟩. ⟨hal-02266149⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2018.03.427
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Depuis plusieurs années, le travail à horaires atypiques, et le travail de nuit en particulier, suscite de fortes inquiétudes liées à ses effets avérés ou supposés sur la santé. En 2007, le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC) classait le travail posté comme probablement cancérogène pour l'homme (2A) par son rôle de perturbateur du rythme circadien. Dans ce contexte, nous avons souhaité développer un outil permettant une évaluation exhaustive et rétrospective des emplois à horaires atypiques en distinguant les différents types d'horaires ainsi que son évolution au cours du temps. La construction de la matrice est basée sur les données des Enquêtes emploi (EE) de l'Institut national des statistiques et des études économiques (INSEE). Ces enquêtes transversales répétées au cours du temps, contiennent des informations sur l'emploi et les conditions de travail recueillies au niveau individuel sur un échantillon représentatif de la population française en métropole et dans les DOM. La matrice, basée sur les professions et les branches d'activités, est construite à partir d'une méthode de segmentation des données, dite méthode d'inférence conditionnelle. Les contraintes organisationnelles évaluées dans la matrice sont l'existence d'un travail du soir entre 20heures et minuit (régulier, occasionnel, jamais), d'un travail de nuit entre minuit et 5heures (régulier, occasionnel, jamais), ou d'un travail à alternance régulière ou irrégulière. Cette matrice indique la probabilité de travailler de soir, de nuit ou d'avoir un travail posté en fonction de la profession, du secteur d'activité en France et de l'année de l'emploi. Elle permettra l'évaluation et la mesure de la perturbation du rythme circadien en milieu de travail ainsi que l'étude des liens entre le travail à horaires décalés et la santé.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Depuis plusieurs années, le travail à horaires atypiques, et le travail de nuit en particulier, suscite de fortes inquiétudes liées à ses effets avérés ou supposés sur la santé. En 2007, le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC) classait le travail posté comme probablement cancérogène pour l'homme (2A) par son rôle de perturbateur du rythme circadien. Dans ce contexte, nous avons souhaité développer un outil permettant une évaluation exhaustive et rétrospective des emplois à horaires atypiques en distinguant les différents types d'horaires ainsi que son évolution au cours du temps. La construction de la matrice est basée sur les données des Enquêtes emploi (EE) de l'Institut national des statistiques et des études économiques (INSEE). Ces enquêtes transversales répétées au cours du temps, contiennent des informations sur l'emploi et les conditions de travail recueillies au niveau individuel sur un échantillon représentatif de la population française en métropole et dans les DOM. La matrice, basée sur les professions et les branches d'activités, est construite à partir d'une méthode de segmentation des données, dite méthode d'inférence conditionnelle. Les contraintes organisationnelles évaluées dans la matrice sont l'existence d'un travail du soir entre 20heures et minuit (régulier, occasionnel, jamais), d'un travail de nuit entre minuit et 5heures (régulier, occasionnel, jamais), ou d'un travail à alternance régulière ou irrégulière. Cette matrice indique la probabilité de travailler de soir, de nuit ou d'avoir un travail posté en fonction de la profession, du secteur d'activité en France et de l'année de l'emploi. Elle permettra l'évaluation et la mesure de la perturbation du rythme circadien en milieu de travail ainsi que l'étude des liens entre le travail à horaires décalés et la santé.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-00878236
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu. Contribution à une meilleure compréhension du devenir des blessés de la route: évaluation à un an dans la cohorte ESPARR. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2012. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00878236⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte : il est possible qu’une victime subisse de multiples conséquences d’accident de la route, conséquences pouvant retentir durablement sur sa vie. Cependant, peu d’études permettent de connaitre le profil du blessé grave ainsi que les facteurs prédictifs de son devenir. De plus, il existe peu d'outils prédictifs servant à prédire les conséquences post-accidentelles. L’objectif de la thèse est de caractériser ces conséquences, de chercher les éléments pronostiques de gravité des conséquences un an après l’accident et de donner une évaluation, à partir de données réelles, de la qualité de prédiction de l’indicateur de déficience à un an appelé IISa (l’IIS est un indice de déficience - défini a priori à partir des lésions- et utilisé fréquemment). Méthodes : la thèse est réalisée dans le cadre de la cohorte ESPARR (Étude et Suivi d’une Population d’Accidentés de la Route dans le Rhône), qui s’appuie sur les données du Registre des accidents de la circulation du Rhône, et qui inclut 1372 sujets blessés dans des accidents de la route dont 1168 sujets âgés de 16 ans et plus. Parmi ces sujets, 886 adultes ont répondu à un questionnaire de suivi à un an, 616 sujets ont des données complètes et sont classés dans des groupes homogènes en fonction de leur devenir à un an par l'analyse des correspondances multiples et la méthode de classification hiérarchique. L’analyse des facteurs prédictifs de leur appartenance à un de ces groupes de victimes, mesurés à la date de l'accident, a été effectuée à l’aide de modèles de régressions logistiques multinomiales pondérés. L'évaluation de l'IIS sur les données réelles est réalisée en regardant la cohérence entre l'IIS et les différents facteurs mesurés à un an. Résultats : cinq groupes homogènes au niveau des conséquences de l’accident à un an ont été identifiés : le groupe-1, contenant les sujets considérés en bonne récupération, sert de référence pour les autres groupes. Les groupes 2, 3, et 4 concernent des sujets ayant des niveaux de conséquences intermédiaires, certains plus en lien avec des déficits ou difficultés physiques (groupe-2), d’autres en lien avec des difficultés mentales ou sociales (groupe-3), et environnementales (groupe-4). Le groupe-5 classe les sujets qui souffrent de très nombreux problèmes, en particulier de syndrome post-commotionnel. Il est donc considéré comme le groupe d’accidentés ayant le moins bien récupéré. Après avoir ajusté sur plusieurs variables recueillies lors de l'accident, notre étude montre que, en plus des facteurs déjà évoqués dans la littérature (âge, gravité…), le niveau de fragilité socioéconomique et le fait d'avoir un proche blessé dans l'accident sont également des facteurs prédisant le devenir des victimes d’un accident. En ce qui concerne l'évaluation de l'IIS sur les données réelles, nous trouvons que le niveau des conséquences prédites par l’IIS ne correspond pas parfaitement à celui observé en réalité à un an quels que soient les facteurs mesurés. Conclusion : un an après l’accident, de nombreuses victimes d'accident de la route, même parmi celles souffrant de lésions légères, continuent de présenter de multiples problèmes tant sur leur santé physique que mentale, sur le plan social ainsi que sur leur environnement. Dans une perspective de réadaptation à la vie quotidienne, ces résultats peuvent être utiles à l’amélioration de la prise en charge des accidentés de la route.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte : il est possible qu’une victime subisse de multiples conséquences d’accident de la route, conséquences pouvant retentir durablement sur sa vie. Cependant, peu d’études permettent de connaitre le profil du blessé grave ainsi que les facteurs prédictifs de son devenir. De plus, il existe peu d'outils prédictifs servant à prédire les conséquences post-accidentelles. L’objectif de la thèse est de caractériser ces conséquences, de chercher les éléments pronostiques de gravité des conséquences un an après l’accident et de donner une évaluation, à partir de données réelles, de la qualité de prédiction de l’indicateur de déficience à un an appelé IISa (l’IIS est un indice de déficience - défini a priori à partir des lésions- et utilisé fréquemment). Méthodes : la thèse est réalisée dans le cadre de la cohorte ESPARR (Étude et Suivi d’une Population d’Accidentés de la Route dans le Rhône), qui s’appuie sur les données du Registre des accidents de la circulation du Rhône, et qui inclut 1372 sujets blessés dans des accidents de la route dont 1168 sujets âgés de 16 ans et plus. Parmi ces sujets, 886 adultes ont répondu à un questionnaire de suivi à un an, 616 sujets ont des données complètes et sont classés dans des groupes homogènes en fonction de leur devenir à un an par l'analyse des correspondances multiples et la méthode de classification hiérarchique. L’analyse des facteurs prédictifs de leur appartenance à un de ces groupes de victimes, mesurés à la date de l'accident, a été effectuée à l’aide de modèles de régressions logistiques multinomiales pondérés. L'évaluation de l'IIS sur les données réelles est réalisée en regardant la cohérence entre l'IIS et les différents facteurs mesurés à un an. Résultats : cinq groupes homogènes au niveau des conséquences de l’accident à un an ont été identifiés : le groupe-1, contenant les sujets considérés en bonne récupération, sert de référence pour les autres groupes. Les groupes 2, 3, et 4 concernent des sujets ayant des niveaux de conséquences intermédiaires, certains plus en lien avec des déficits ou difficultés physiques (groupe-2), d’autres en lien avec des difficultés mentales ou sociales (groupe-3), et environnementales (groupe-4). Le groupe-5 classe les sujets qui souffrent de très nombreux problèmes, en particulier de syndrome post-commotionnel. Il est donc considéré comme le groupe d’accidentés ayant le moins bien récupéré. Après avoir ajusté sur plusieurs variables recueillies lors de l'accident, notre étude montre que, en plus des facteurs déjà évoqués dans la littérature (âge, gravité…), le niveau de fragilité socioéconomique et le fait d'avoir un proche blessé dans l'accident sont également des facteurs prédisant le devenir des victimes d’un accident. En ce qui concerne l'évaluation de l'IIS sur les données réelles, nous trouvons que le niveau des conséquences prédites par l’IIS ne correspond pas parfaitement à celui observé en réalité à un an quels que soient les facteurs mesurés. Conclusion : un an après l’accident, de nombreuses victimes d'accident de la route, même parmi celles souffrant de lésions légères, continuent de présenter de multiples problèmes tant sur leur santé physique que mentale, sur le plan social ainsi que sur leur environnement. Dans une perspective de réadaptation à la vie quotidienne, ces résultats peuvent être utiles à l’amélioration de la prise en charge des accidentés de la route.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Idlir Licaj, Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Mireille Chiron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00579719
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Idlir Licaj, Mouloud Haddak, Pascal Pochet, Mireille Chiron. Contextual deprivation, daily travel and road traffic injuries among the young in the Rhône Département (France). Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2011, 43 (5), pp.1617-1623. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2011.02.003⟩. ⟨halshs-00579719⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2011.02.003
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This study investigated the effect of the socioeconomic level of the municipality of residence on personal injury road traffic accident risk among young persons of 10-24 years of agein the Rhône Département. This effect was assessed by comparing incidences of injuries (n=2792 casualties) on the basis of three denominators: the resident population of young people, the number of users of each mode and the distances covered by each mode. The results are presented for each type of road users(pedestrians, car passengers, car drivers, motorised two-wheeler riders, cyclists, public transport users). Young persons from deprived municipalities use motorised-two wheelers, bicycles and the car (as passengers and drivers) less frequently, they walk more and take public transports more often than those from other municipalities. When considering injury risk, motorised two wheeler injuries among adolescent males, for example, are significantly less frequent in deprived municipalities. But the motorised two-wheeler riders as well as car passengers from deprived municipalities are characterized by an excess injury risk, whether the selected denominator is the number of users or the kilometres travelled by this mode. This study has enabled a comparison of the effects of a contextual socioe-conomic indicator (the type of municipality of residence, deprived, or not) on daily travel practices and injury incidences among the population, among the users of each mode and per km of travel.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This study investigated the effect of the socioeconomic level of the municipality of residence on personal injury road traffic accident risk among young persons of 10-24 years of agein the Rhône Département. This effect was assessed by comparing incidences of injuries (n=2792 casualties) on the basis of three denominators: the resident population of young people, the number of users of each mode and the distances covered by each mode. The results are presented for each type of road users(pedestrians, car passengers, car drivers, motorised two-wheeler riders, cyclists, public transport users). Young persons from deprived municipalities use motorised-two wheelers, bicycles and the car (as passengers and drivers) less frequently, they walk more and take public transports more often than those from other municipalities. When considering injury risk, motorised two wheeler injuries among adolescent males, for example, are significantly less frequent in deprived municipalities. But the motorised two-wheeler riders as well as car passengers from deprived municipalities are characterized by an excess injury risk, whether the selected denominator is the number of users or the kilometres travelled by this mode. This study has enabled a comparison of the effects of a contextual socioe-conomic indicator (the type of municipality of residence, deprived, or not) on daily travel practices and injury incidences among the population, among the users of each mode and per km of travel.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : J. Brousse, R. Cruchet, M.A. Denis, L. Hees, J. Grando, P. Girardo, P. Primat, D. Floret, Philippe Vanhems, Alain Bergeret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01824649
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : J. Brousse, R. Cruchet, M.A. Denis, L. Hees, J. Grando, et al.. Contact du personnel soignant avec des enfants atteints de diphtérie : Conduite à tenir. 18es Journées nationales d'infectiologie, Jun 2017, SAINT-MALO, France. p. S78, ⟨10.1016/j.medmal.2017.03.191⟩. ⟨hal-01824649⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.medmal.2017.03.191
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le service de santé au travail (SST) d'un CHU a été informé de l'hospitalisation de 2 enfants suspects de diphtérie. Au vu de son inexistence dans la bibliographie, l'équipe du SST a mis en place une Conduite à tenir simplifiée, basée sur le guide du HCSP du 4 Mars 2011, pour la prise en charge du personnel face à une diphtérie, permettant une réponse rapidement applicable pour tous les SST. Cette CAT a fait l'objet d'un logigramme. Matériel et Méthodes : deux enfants présentant une suspicion de diphtérie cutanée sont hospitalisés en isolement contact et gouttelettes. L'un d'eux a été hospitalisé à deux reprises, sans mesures d'isolement, durant le mois précédent. Leur grande soeur, qui est probablement le patient source, est hospitalisée dans l'hôpital voisin pour diphtérie cutanée à Corynebacterium diphteriae (Cd) tox+. Après contact avec médecins et cadres des unités, notre démarche a consisté à lister les professionnels contacts sans protection lors des passages des enfants, pour une surveillance clinique, systématiquement réaliser des écouvillonnages nasaux et pharyngés et délivrer une antibioprophylaxie (ABP), puis effectuer un rappel de vaccination antidiphtérique si le dernier date de plus de 5 ans. L'ABP est nécessaire pour rompre la chaîne de transmission, quel que soit le statut vaccinal (le vaccin est une anatoxine qui prévient la maladie mais n'empêche pas la circulation du germe) et le résultat de la culture. Résultats :nous avons contacté 78 agents tous métiers confondus. Soixante-quatre ont été définis comme sujets contacts. Parmi eux 15 n'ont pas répondu. Sur les 49 qui ont donné suite, 43 ont eu des écouvillonnages nasaux et pharyngés (87%) (2 présentant des symptômes d'angines, qui se sont avérées banales, ont nécessité d'être adressés aux urgences), 31 ont reçu une ABP (63%) et 9 ont bénéficié d'un rappel vaccinal (18%). Trois jours après l'alerte, les prélèvements cutanés des frères sont revenus négatifs mais les écouvillonnages oropharyngés positifs à Cd. Au 6ème jour nous avons appris que les souches de Cd retrouvées dans les gorges des enfants étaient tox- et au 11ème jour, 3 semaines après les derniers contacts, après avis pluridisciplinaire, nous avons décidé d'arrêter notre démarche. Les résultats des prélèvements des soignants sont revenus négatifs permettant de les rassurer.Conclusion : l'hôpital voisin a reçu deux autres cas de diphtérie durant les 6 derniers mois : un cas cutané à Cd tox+, et trois mois plus tard un cas oropharyngé à Cd tox-, avec prise en charge respectivement de 9 et 73 cas contacts parmi les personnels. Pour chaque situation, il n'y a jamais eu de cas secondaire. Ces épisodes inattendus rappellent l'importance du respect du calendrier vaccinal, la vigilance et les précautions à mettre en oeuvre vis-à-vis de pathologies infectieuses devenues rares et de ce fait méconnues.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le service de santé au travail (SST) d'un CHU a été informé de l'hospitalisation de 2 enfants suspects de diphtérie. Au vu de son inexistence dans la bibliographie, l'équipe du SST a mis en place une Conduite à tenir simplifiée, basée sur le guide du HCSP du 4 Mars 2011, pour la prise en charge du personnel face à une diphtérie, permettant une réponse rapidement applicable pour tous les SST. Cette CAT a fait l'objet d'un logigramme. Matériel et Méthodes : deux enfants présentant une suspicion de diphtérie cutanée sont hospitalisés en isolement contact et gouttelettes. L'un d'eux a été hospitalisé à deux reprises, sans mesures d'isolement, durant le mois précédent. Leur grande soeur, qui est probablement le patient source, est hospitalisée dans l'hôpital voisin pour diphtérie cutanée à Corynebacterium diphteriae (Cd) tox+. Après contact avec médecins et cadres des unités, notre démarche a consisté à lister les professionnels contacts sans protection lors des passages des enfants, pour une surveillance clinique, systématiquement réaliser des écouvillonnages nasaux et pharyngés et délivrer une antibioprophylaxie (ABP), puis effectuer un rappel de vaccination antidiphtérique si le dernier date de plus de 5 ans. L'ABP est nécessaire pour rompre la chaîne de transmission, quel que soit le statut vaccinal (le vaccin est une anatoxine qui prévient la maladie mais n'empêche pas la circulation du germe) et le résultat de la culture. Résultats :nous avons contacté 78 agents tous métiers confondus. Soixante-quatre ont été définis comme sujets contacts. Parmi eux 15 n'ont pas répondu. Sur les 49 qui ont donné suite, 43 ont eu des écouvillonnages nasaux et pharyngés (87%) (2 présentant des symptômes d'angines, qui se sont avérées banales, ont nécessité d'être adressés aux urgences), 31 ont reçu une ABP (63%) et 9 ont bénéficié d'un rappel vaccinal (18%). Trois jours après l'alerte, les prélèvements cutanés des frères sont revenus négatifs mais les écouvillonnages oropharyngés positifs à Cd. Au 6ème jour nous avons appris que les souches de Cd retrouvées dans les gorges des enfants étaient tox- et au 11ème jour, 3 semaines après les derniers contacts, après avis pluridisciplinaire, nous avons décidé d'arrêter notre démarche. Les résultats des prélèvements des soignants sont revenus négatifs permettant de les rassurer.Conclusion : l'hôpital voisin a reçu deux autres cas de diphtérie durant les 6 derniers mois : un cas cutané à Cd tox+, et trois mois plus tard un cas oropharyngé à Cd tox-, avec prise en charge respectivement de 9 et 73 cas contacts parmi les personnels. Pour chaque situation, il n'y a jamais eu de cas secondaire. Ces épisodes inattendus rappellent l'importance du respect du calendrier vaccinal, la vigilance et les précautions à mettre en oeuvre vis-à-vis de pathologies infectieuses devenues rares et de ce fait méconnues.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Martine Hours, Laurent Carnis, Hélène Tardy, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, Hoang-Thy Nhac-Vu
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01218145
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Martine Hours, Laurent Carnis, Hélène Tardy, Pierrette Charnay, Laetitia Chossegros, et al.. Conséquences socioéconomiques pour les victimes un an après l'accident de la route : résultats de la cohorte ESPARR
. ADELF épidémiologie sociale et inégalités de santé, May 2012, TOULOUSE, France. ⟨hal-01218145⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En accidentologie routière, peu d'études se sont penchées sur les conséquences post-accidentelles (physiques, psychologiques, professionnelles, etc.) du traumatisme. En particulier, les répercussions socioéconomiques ont été très peu étudiées en France. Notre objectif est d'étudier la relation entre une situation socioéconomique dégradée un après l'accident et une situation de vulnérabilité sociale avant l'accident. Matériel et méthodes : l'étude s'est appuyée sur les données de la cohorte prospective ESPARR (cohorte représentative des victimes corporelles d'accidents du département du Rhône). 1168 personnes (âgées >15 ans) ont accepté, lors de l'accident, de participer à un suivi sur cinq ans par auto-questionnaires. Á partir des données d'inclusion, nous avons réalisé une ACM suivie d'une classification hiérarchique ascendante qui a permis de classer les victimes en six groupes de vulnérabilité socioéconomique. Puis les conséquences à un an en termes d'emploi, de logement, de retentissement financier, etc. ont été décrites. Une analyse en régression logistique multivariée a été réalisée pour étudier 4 types de conséquences socioéconomiques. Résultats : à un an, 10 % des répondants n'ont pas repris leur activité (4 % ont perdu leur emploi). Près d'¼ des répondants ont dû changer d'employeur et/ou d'emploi. ¼ des victimes subissent encore des répercussions financières de l'accident à un an. La gravité est toujours le facteur qui prédit de façon prépondérante les conséquences socioéconomiques. Toutefois, le fait d'être vulnérable socialement avant l'accident est également un facteur associé aux conséquences : après ajustement, le groupe des plus vulnérables a ainsi plus de risque d'avoir des difficultés financières immédiatement après l'accident que le groupe des « insérés » (OR=3,1 ; 1,7-5,7). La même observation est faite si l'on regarde le fait de ne pas travailler à un an (OR= 4,1 ; 1,7-10,0). Conclusions : la fragilité socioéconomique initiale que connait la victime accroit la dégradation socioéconomique engendrée par l'accident.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En accidentologie routière, peu d'études se sont penchées sur les conséquences post-accidentelles (physiques, psychologiques, professionnelles, etc.) du traumatisme. En particulier, les répercussions socioéconomiques ont été très peu étudiées en France. Notre objectif est d'étudier la relation entre une situation socioéconomique dégradée un après l'accident et une situation de vulnérabilité sociale avant l'accident. Matériel et méthodes : l'étude s'est appuyée sur les données de la cohorte prospective ESPARR (cohorte représentative des victimes corporelles d'accidents du département du Rhône). 1168 personnes (âgées >15 ans) ont accepté, lors de l'accident, de participer à un suivi sur cinq ans par auto-questionnaires. Á partir des données d'inclusion, nous avons réalisé une ACM suivie d'une classification hiérarchique ascendante qui a permis de classer les victimes en six groupes de vulnérabilité socioéconomique. Puis les conséquences à un an en termes d'emploi, de logement, de retentissement financier, etc. ont été décrites. Une analyse en régression logistique multivariée a été réalisée pour étudier 4 types de conséquences socioéconomiques. Résultats : à un an, 10 % des répondants n'ont pas repris leur activité (4 % ont perdu leur emploi). Près d'¼ des répondants ont dû changer d'employeur et/ou d'emploi. ¼ des victimes subissent encore des répercussions financières de l'accident à un an. La gravité est toujours le facteur qui prédit de façon prépondérante les conséquences socioéconomiques. Toutefois, le fait d'être vulnérable socialement avant l'accident est également un facteur associé aux conséquences : après ajustement, le groupe des plus vulnérables a ainsi plus de risque d'avoir des difficultés financières immédiatement après l'accident que le groupe des « insérés » (OR=3,1 ; 1,7-5,7). La même observation est faite si l'on regarde le fait de ne pas travailler à un an (OR= 4,1 ; 1,7-10,0). Conclusions : la fragilité socioéconomique initiale que connait la victime accroit la dégradation socioéconomique engendrée par l'accident.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Véronique Lepicier, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00976013
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Véronique Lepicier, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard. Construction d'un indicateur d'impact sanitaire des transports routiers à l'échelle d'une agglomération – application au PDU de Nantes.. Séminaire final Éval-PDU, L'évaluation environnementale des plans de déplacements urbains, Jun 2012, France. ⟨hal-00976013⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Qu'est-ce qu'un indicateur ? Définition de l'indicateur sanitaire IISCEP Applications : impact de technologies véhicule Impact du PDU sur la santé Évaluation de l'indicateur sanitaire
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Qu'est-ce qu'un indicateur ? Définition de l'indicateur sanitaire IISCEP Applications : impact de technologies véhicule Impact du PDU sur la santé Évaluation de l'indicateur sanitaire
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marina Touillaud, Baptiste Fournier, Olivia Pérol, Lidia Delrieu, Aurélia Maire, Elodie Belladame, David Pérol, Lionel Perrier, Marie Preau, Tanguy Leroy, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Florie Fillol, Sébastien Pascal, Thierry Durand, Béatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-03428061
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marina Touillaud, Baptiste Fournier, Olivia Pérol, Lidia Delrieu, Aurélia Maire, et al.. Connected device and therapeutic patient education to promote physical activity among women with localised breast cancer (DISCO trial): protocol for a multicentre 2×2 factorial randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 2023, 11, pp.e045448. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045448⟩. ⟨halshs-03428061⟩
DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045448
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: Despite safety and benefits of physical activity during treatment of localised breast cancer, successful exercise strategies remain to be determined. The primary objective of the 'dispositif connecté', that is, connected device in English trial is to evaluate the efficacy of two 6-month exercise interventions, either single or combined, concomitant to adjuvant treatments, on the physical activity level of patients with breast cancer, compared with usual care: an exercise programme using a connected device (activity tracker, smartphone application, website) and a therapeutic patient education intervention. Secondary objectives are to evaluate adherence to interventions, their impact at 6 and 12 months, representations and acceptability of interventions, and to assess the cost-effectiveness of the interventions using quality-adjusted life-years. Methods and analysis: This is a 2×2 factorial, multicentre, phase III randomised controlled trial. The study population (with written informed consent) will consist of 432 women diagnosed with primary localised invasive breast carcinoma and eligible for adjuvant chemotherapy, hormonotherapy and/or radiotherapy. They will be randomly allocated between one of four arms: (1) web-based connected device (evolving target number of daily steps and an individualised, semisupervised, adaptive programme of two walking and one muscle strengthening sessions per week in autonomy), (2) therapeutic patient education (one educational diagnosis, two collective educational sessions, one evaluation), (3) combination of both interventions and (4) control. All participants will receive the international physical activity recommendations. Assessments (baseline, 6 and 12 months) will include physical fitness tests, anthropometrics measures, body composition (CT scan, bioelectrical impedance), self-administered questionnaires (physical activity profile (Recent Physical Activity Questionnaire), quality of life (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-Of-Life Questionnaire-30, EQ-5D-5L), fatigue (Piper Fatigue Scale-12), social deprivation (Evaluation of Deprivation and Inequalities in Health Examination Centres), lifestyle, physical activity barriers, occupational status) and biological parameters (blood draw). Ethics and dissemination: This study was reviewed and approved by the French Ethics Committee. The findings will be disseminated to the scientific and medical community via publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations. Trial registration number: NCT03529383; Pre-results.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: Despite safety and benefits of physical activity during treatment of localised breast cancer, successful exercise strategies remain to be determined. The primary objective of the 'dispositif connecté', that is, connected device in English trial is to evaluate the efficacy of two 6-month exercise interventions, either single or combined, concomitant to adjuvant treatments, on the physical activity level of patients with breast cancer, compared with usual care: an exercise programme using a connected device (activity tracker, smartphone application, website) and a therapeutic patient education intervention. Secondary objectives are to evaluate adherence to interventions, their impact at 6 and 12 months, representations and acceptability of interventions, and to assess the cost-effectiveness of the interventions using quality-adjusted life-years. Methods and analysis: This is a 2×2 factorial, multicentre, phase III randomised controlled trial. The study population (with written informed consent) will consist of 432 women diagnosed with primary localised invasive breast carcinoma and eligible for adjuvant chemotherapy, hormonotherapy and/or radiotherapy. They will be randomly allocated between one of four arms: (1) web-based connected device (evolving target number of daily steps and an individualised, semisupervised, adaptive programme of two walking and one muscle strengthening sessions per week in autonomy), (2) therapeutic patient education (one educational diagnosis, two collective educational sessions, one evaluation), (3) combination of both interventions and (4) control. All participants will receive the international physical activity recommendations. Assessments (baseline, 6 and 12 months) will include physical fitness tests, anthropometrics measures, body composition (CT scan, bioelectrical impedance), self-administered questionnaires (physical activity profile (Recent Physical Activity Questionnaire), quality of life (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-Of-Life Questionnaire-30, EQ-5D-5L), fatigue (Piper Fatigue Scale-12), social deprivation (Evaluation of Deprivation and Inequalities in Health Examination Centres), lifestyle, physical activity barriers, occupational status) and biological parameters (blood draw). Ethics and dissemination: This study was reviewed and approved by the French Ethics Committee. The findings will be disseminated to the scientific and medical community via publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations. Trial registration number: NCT03529383; Pre-results.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Joana Brousse, R. Cruchet, Marie-Agnès Denis, L. Hees, J. Grando, P. Girardo, P. Primat, D. Floret, K. Tarabit, Philippe Vanhems, Alain Bergeret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02089379
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Joana Brousse, R. Cruchet, Marie-Agnès Denis, L. Hees, J. Grando, et al.. Conduite à tenir pour le personnel soignant en contact avec des patients atteints de diphtérie. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2018, 80 (1), pp. 58-66. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2018.10.005⟩. ⟨hal-02089379⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2018.10.005
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le service de santé au travail (SST) a mis en place une conduite à tenir simplifiée (CATS) basée sur le guide du Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique du 4 Mars 2011, en cas de contact du personnel avec un patient atteint de diphtérie ORL ou cutanée. L'objectif de cet article est de décrire l'hospitalisation de 2 enfants suspects de diphtérie cutanée et la prise en charge pour les soignants. Matériel et méthodes La démarche a consisté à lister les professionnels contacts sans protection lors des passages des enfants pour instituer une surveillance clinique, réaliser des écouvillonnages nasaux et pharyngés, délivrer une antibioprophylaxie (ABP) indépendamment du statut vaccinal et du résultat de la culture, et effectuer un rappel antidiphtérique si le dernier datait de plus de 5 ans. Résultats Nous avons identifié 64 agents contacts. Quarante trois ont eu des prélèvements, 31 ont reçu une ABP et 9 un rappel vaccinal. Trois jours après l'alerte, les prélèvements cutanés des 2 enfants sont revenus négatifs mais les écouvillonnages oropharyngés positifs à Corynebacterium diphtheriae (Cd). Au 6e jour nous avons appris que les isolats de Cd retrouvés dans les gorges des enfants n'étaient pas porteurs du gène tox, codant pour la toxine diphtérique (tox?) et au 11e jour, nous avons arrêté notre démarche. Cette CATS est présentée sous forme de logigramme. Conclusion Cette enquête fait suite à un dépistage dans l'hôpital voisin de 34 soignants contacts avec les plaies de la soeur de nos deux patients, infectée par un isolat de Cd porteur du gène tox (tox+). Ce même hôpital a eu à gérer 2 autres cas de diphtérie cutanée (tox+) puis oropharyngée (tox?) sans cas secondaire identifié. Ces épisodes inattendus rappellent l'importance du respect du calendrier vaccinal et des précautions standard et complémentaires. Summary Introduction The Occupational health Service has implemented a Simplified Code of Conduct based on the High Council of Public Health ?guide dated March 4th 2011 in case medical staff comes in contact with a patient suffering from diphtheria, ORL or cutaneous. This article describes the hospitalization of two children suspected of cutaneous diphtheria and the support provided to the staff. Material and method The approach was to list the caregivers without protection while in contact with the children to set up a clinical surveillance, to do nose and throat swabbing, to give a prophylactic antibiotic treatment regardless of the immunization status and the result of the culture, and perform a diphtheria booster if the last was more than 5 years. Results We identified 64 caregivers in contact. 43 were sampled, 31 received a prophylactic antibiotic treatment and 9 a vaccination reminder. Three days after the alert, the two children's skin samples came back negative, but the pharyngeal swabs positive for Corynebacterium diphteriae (Cd). On the 6th day we learned that Cd isolates found in the children's throats did not carry the tox gene, coding for diphtheria toxin (tox?) and on the 11th day we decided to stop our approach. This simplified Code of Conduct is presented as a flow chart. Conclusion This investigation follows a 34 caregivers' screening performed in an Adults' Hospital. This staff was in contact with the wounds of the sister of our two patients infected with an isolate of Cd carrier of the tox gene (tox+). This same Hospital has had to manage two other cases of cutaneous diphtheria (tox+), then oropharyngeal (tox?) without secondary case identified. These unexpected episodes must remind everyone of the importance of the respect for immunization schedules and of the standard and additional precautions to be taken.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le service de santé au travail (SST) a mis en place une conduite à tenir simplifiée (CATS) basée sur le guide du Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique du 4 Mars 2011, en cas de contact du personnel avec un patient atteint de diphtérie ORL ou cutanée. L'objectif de cet article est de décrire l'hospitalisation de 2 enfants suspects de diphtérie cutanée et la prise en charge pour les soignants. Matériel et méthodes La démarche a consisté à lister les professionnels contacts sans protection lors des passages des enfants pour instituer une surveillance clinique, réaliser des écouvillonnages nasaux et pharyngés, délivrer une antibioprophylaxie (ABP) indépendamment du statut vaccinal et du résultat de la culture, et effectuer un rappel antidiphtérique si le dernier datait de plus de 5 ans. Résultats Nous avons identifié 64 agents contacts. Quarante trois ont eu des prélèvements, 31 ont reçu une ABP et 9 un rappel vaccinal. Trois jours après l'alerte, les prélèvements cutanés des 2 enfants sont revenus négatifs mais les écouvillonnages oropharyngés positifs à Corynebacterium diphtheriae (Cd). Au 6e jour nous avons appris que les isolats de Cd retrouvés dans les gorges des enfants n'étaient pas porteurs du gène tox, codant pour la toxine diphtérique (tox?) et au 11e jour, nous avons arrêté notre démarche. Cette CATS est présentée sous forme de logigramme. Conclusion Cette enquête fait suite à un dépistage dans l'hôpital voisin de 34 soignants contacts avec les plaies de la soeur de nos deux patients, infectée par un isolat de Cd porteur du gène tox (tox+). Ce même hôpital a eu à gérer 2 autres cas de diphtérie cutanée (tox+) puis oropharyngée (tox?) sans cas secondaire identifié. Ces épisodes inattendus rappellent l'importance du respect du calendrier vaccinal et des précautions standard et complémentaires. Summary Introduction The Occupational health Service has implemented a Simplified Code of Conduct based on the High Council of Public Health ?guide dated March 4th 2011 in case medical staff comes in contact with a patient suffering from diphtheria, ORL or cutaneous. This article describes the hospitalization of two children suspected of cutaneous diphtheria and the support provided to the staff. Material and method The approach was to list the caregivers without protection while in contact with the children to set up a clinical surveillance, to do nose and throat swabbing, to give a prophylactic antibiotic treatment regardless of the immunization status and the result of the culture, and perform a diphtheria booster if the last was more than 5 years. Results We identified 64 caregivers in contact. 43 were sampled, 31 received a prophylactic antibiotic treatment and 9 a vaccination reminder. Three days after the alert, the two children's skin samples came back negative, but the pharyngeal swabs positive for Corynebacterium diphteriae (Cd). On the 6th day we learned that Cd isolates found in the children's throats did not carry the tox gene, coding for diphtheria toxin (tox?) and on the 11th day we decided to stop our approach. This simplified Code of Conduct is presented as a flow chart. Conclusion This investigation follows a 34 caregivers' screening performed in an Adults' Hospital. This staff was in contact with the wounds of the sister of our two patients infected with an isolate of Cd carrier of the tox gene (tox+). This same Hospital has had to manage two other cases of cutaneous diphtheria (tox+), then oropharyngeal (tox?) without secondary case identified. These unexpected episodes must remind everyone of the importance of the respect for immunization schedules and of the standard and additional precautions to be taken.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Colette Fabrigoule, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01436722
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Colette Fabrigoule, Sylviane Lafont. Conduite automobile,vieillissement cognitif et maladie d'Alzheimer. La Presse Médicale, 2015, 44 (10), pp. 1034-1041. ⟨10.1016/j.lpm.2015.04.006⟩. ⟨hal-01436722⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.lpm.2015.04.006
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Il s'agit d'une mise au point de la revue sur la question de la conduite automobile, du vieillissement cognitif et de la maladie d'Alzheimer
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Il s'agit d'une mise au point de la revue sur la question de la conduite automobile, du vieillissement cognitif et de la maladie d'Alzheimer
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01366737
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Amandine Coquillat. Conducteurs âgés : quel risque pour autrui ?. VIIème Congrès international d'Epidémiologie ADELF-EPITER, Epidémiologie et Santé Publique, Sep 2016, Rennes, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-01366737⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les personnes âgées sont lourdement représentées dans le bilan de la mortalité routière. A choc égal, elles meurent plus et ont des blessures plus graves que des usagers plus jeunes. Mais qu'en est-il de la dangerosité des conducteurs âgés vis-à-vis des autres usagers ? Objectif : évaluer la dangerosité des conducteurs âgés pour eux-mêmes et pour les autres impliqués en prenant en compte l'âge de tous les impliqués dans l'accident, et donc leur propre vulnérabilité à la mort, et en comparant deux méthodes d'estimation de la responsabilité dans l'accident. Méthode : la population d'étude est constituée des 7635 impliqués dans un accident mortel en France en 2011 (Projet ANR VOIESUR). La responsabilité dans l'accident a été déterminée par des experts indépendants (Expert) et comparée à une méthode qui attribue un même niveau de responsabilité à tous les conducteurs motorisés impliqués dans l'accident (ECM). Le taux d'année de vie perdue est utilisé comme critère de dangerosité. Résultats : dans les accidents mortels, la méthode ECM tend à sous-estimer la responsabilité des conducteurs âgés de 70 ans et plus par rapport à la responsabilité EXPERT. Le risque des conducteurs de 70 + pour eux-mêmes est significativement plus éleÎ que celui des conducteurs de 30-59 ans, en revanche le risque pour autrui baisse significativement avec l'âge du conducteur. Conclusion : la comparaison des deux estimations de la responsabilité, EXPERT et ECM, montre que la sous-estimation de la responsabilité par ECM chez les conducteurs de 70+ n'induit pas un biais de sous-estimation du risque pour autrui. Avec les deux méthodes, les conducteurs âgés sont moins dangereux pour les autres que les conducteurs plus jeunes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les personnes âgées sont lourdement représentées dans le bilan de la mortalité routière. A choc égal, elles meurent plus et ont des blessures plus graves que des usagers plus jeunes. Mais qu'en est-il de la dangerosité des conducteurs âgés vis-à-vis des autres usagers ? Objectif : évaluer la dangerosité des conducteurs âgés pour eux-mêmes et pour les autres impliqués en prenant en compte l'âge de tous les impliqués dans l'accident, et donc leur propre vulnérabilité à la mort, et en comparant deux méthodes d'estimation de la responsabilité dans l'accident. Méthode : la population d'étude est constituée des 7635 impliqués dans un accident mortel en France en 2011 (Projet ANR VOIESUR). La responsabilité dans l'accident a été déterminée par des experts indépendants (Expert) et comparée à une méthode qui attribue un même niveau de responsabilité à tous les conducteurs motorisés impliqués dans l'accident (ECM). Le taux d'année de vie perdue est utilisé comme critère de dangerosité. Résultats : dans les accidents mortels, la méthode ECM tend à sous-estimer la responsabilité des conducteurs âgés de 70 ans et plus par rapport à la responsabilité EXPERT. Le risque des conducteurs de 70 + pour eux-mêmes est significativement plus éleÎ que celui des conducteurs de 30-59 ans, en revanche le risque pour autrui baisse significativement avec l'âge du conducteur. Conclusion : la comparaison des deux estimations de la responsabilité, EXPERT et ECM, montre que la sous-estimation de la responsabilité par ECM chez les conducteurs de 70+ n'induit pas un biais de sous-estimation du risque pour autrui. Avec les deux méthodes, les conducteurs âgés sont moins dangereux pour les autres que les conducteurs plus jeunes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01277744
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Colette Fabrigoule. Conducteurs seniors, In : Ligue contre la Violence Routière, Objectif Zéro Accident, Chapitre 3 : Les usagers. Conducteurs seniors, In : Ligue contre la Violence Routière, Objectif Zéro Accident, Chapitre 3 : Les usagers, Les Petits Matins, pp. 200-202, 2015, 978-2-363-83123-1. ⟨hal-01277744⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contribution à l'ouvrage collectif de la la ligue contre la violence routière
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contribution à l'ouvrage collectif de la la ligue contre la violence routière
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Monéger Ferdinand, Fabien Coutarel, Patrick Chambres, Ladislav Motak, Marie Izaute, Michel Dhome
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01578919
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Monéger Ferdinand, Fabien Coutarel, Patrick Chambres, Ladislav Motak, Marie Izaute, et al.. Conception et acceptation d'un service de transport par navettes autonomes : approche ergonomique par l'analyse des expériences vécues de la part des accompagnants en phase d'expérimentation. 9ème conférence de Psychologie Ergonomique (EPIQUE) 2017, Jul 2017, Dijon, France. ⟨halshs-01578919⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pierre Philip, Cyril Chaufton, Ludivine Orriols, Emmanuel Lagarde, Emmanuelle Amoros, Bernard Laumon, Torbjorn Akerstedt, Jacques Taillard, Patricia Sagaspe
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01421095
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pierre Philip, Cyril Chaufton, Ludivine Orriols, Emmanuel Lagarde, Emmanuelle Amoros, et al.. Complaints of poor sleep and risk of traffic accidents: a population-based case-control study. PLoS ONE, 2014, 12 (9), pp.14. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0114102⟩. ⟨hal-01421095⟩
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0114102
pubmedId_s : 25494198
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : This study aimed to determine the sleepiness-related factors associated with road traffic accidents. Methods : A population based case-control study was conducted in 2 French agglomerations. 272 road accident cases hospitalized in emergency units and 272 control drivers matched by time of day and randomly stopped by police forces were included in the study. Odds ratios were calculated for the risk of road traffic accidents. Results : As expected, the main predictive factor for road traffic accidents was having a sleep episode at the wheel just before the accident (OR 9.97, CI 95%: 1.57–63.50, p<0.05). The increased risk of traffic accidents was 3.35 times higher in subjects who reported very poor quality sleep during the last 3 months (CI 95%: 1.30–8.63, p<0.05), 1.69 times higher in subjects reporting sleeping 6 hours or fewer per night during the last 3 months (CI 95%: 1.00–2.85, p<0.05), 2.02 times higher in subjects reporting symptoms of anxiety or nervousness in the previous day (CI 95%: 1.03–3.97, p<0.05), and 3.29 times higher in subjects reporting taking more than 2 medications in the last 24 h (CI 95%: 1.14–9.44, p<0.05). Chronic daytime sleepiness measured by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, expressed heavy snoring and nocturnal leg movements did not explain traffic accidents. Conclusion : Physicians should be attentive to complaints of poor sleep quality and quantity, symptoms of anxiety-nervousness and/or drug consumption in regular car drivers.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : This study aimed to determine the sleepiness-related factors associated with road traffic accidents. Methods : A population based case-control study was conducted in 2 French agglomerations. 272 road accident cases hospitalized in emergency units and 272 control drivers matched by time of day and randomly stopped by police forces were included in the study. Odds ratios were calculated for the risk of road traffic accidents. Results : As expected, the main predictive factor for road traffic accidents was having a sleep episode at the wheel just before the accident (OR 9.97, CI 95%: 1.57–63.50, p<0.05). The increased risk of traffic accidents was 3.35 times higher in subjects who reported very poor quality sleep during the last 3 months (CI 95%: 1.30–8.63, p<0.05), 1.69 times higher in subjects reporting sleeping 6 hours or fewer per night during the last 3 months (CI 95%: 1.00–2.85, p<0.05), 2.02 times higher in subjects reporting symptoms of anxiety or nervousness in the previous day (CI 95%: 1.03–3.97, p<0.05), and 3.29 times higher in subjects reporting taking more than 2 medications in the last 24 h (CI 95%: 1.14–9.44, p<0.05). Chronic daytime sleepiness measured by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, expressed heavy snoring and nocturnal leg movements did not explain traffic accidents. Conclusion : Physicians should be attentive to complaints of poor sleep quality and quantity, symptoms of anxiety-nervousness and/or drug consumption in regular car drivers.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Michelle Ramet, Robert Bouquet, Mouloud Haddak, François Bermond, Dominique Ham
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02451044
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Michelle Ramet, Robert Bouquet, Mouloud Haddak, François Bermond, Dominique Ham. Comparison of human facial tolerance and mechanical models. 14th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, May 1994, MUNICH, Germany. pp. 128-135. ⟨hal-02451044⟩
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alexandre Ponsin, Emmanuel Fort, Martine Hours, Barbara Charbotel, Marie-Agnès Denis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02906252
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alexandre Ponsin, Emmanuel Fort, Martine Hours, Barbara Charbotel, Marie-Agnès Denis. Commuting Accidents among Non-Physician Staff of a Large University Hospital Center from 2012 to 2016: A Case-Control Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17 (2982), 13 p. ⟨10.3390/ijerph17092982⟩. ⟨hal-02906252⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph17092982
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Road risks (commuting and on-duty accidents) have been responsible for 44% of work-related fatalities compensated by the French system of Social Security in 2012 and still represented 37% in 2018. Our objective was to assess risk factors for commuting accidents among the non-physician staff in a French university hospital. We conducted a case-control study of commuting accidents from 2012 to 2016. Cases were identified and controls were randomly selected from the hospital's personnel file with matches by year of the accident, gender and age. Risk factors were assessed using conditional logistic regression analysis. An increased risk was observed for 2 × 8 hour shifts, crude OR = 1.40 (95% CI = 1.05-1.86) compared to daytime schedules, but not confirmed in the multiple model. Being a duty officer and not working the day before the accident were associated with increased risk of accidents with adjusted OR = 1.9 (95% CI = 1.1; 3.3) and OR = 1.5, (95% CI = 1.1; 2.1), respectively. The risk increased as the distance between home and work increased, such as adjusted OR = 2.2 (95% CI = 1.4; 3.4) for a distance of >3.6 to 9 km, OR = 2.6, (95% CI = 1.7; 4.0) for a distance of >9 km to 19 km, and OR = 4.2, (95% CI = 2.8; 6.2) for >19 km vs.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Road risks (commuting and on-duty accidents) have been responsible for 44% of work-related fatalities compensated by the French system of Social Security in 2012 and still represented 37% in 2018. Our objective was to assess risk factors for commuting accidents among the non-physician staff in a French university hospital. We conducted a case-control study of commuting accidents from 2012 to 2016. Cases were identified and controls were randomly selected from the hospital's personnel file with matches by year of the accident, gender and age. Risk factors were assessed using conditional logistic regression analysis. An increased risk was observed for 2 × 8 hour shifts, crude OR = 1.40 (95% CI = 1.05-1.86) compared to daytime schedules, but not confirmed in the multiple model. Being a duty officer and not working the day before the accident were associated with increased risk of accidents with adjusted OR = 1.9 (95% CI = 1.1; 3.3) and OR = 1.5, (95% CI = 1.1; 2.1), respectively. The risk increased as the distance between home and work increased, such as adjusted OR = 2.2 (95% CI = 1.4; 3.4) for a distance of >3.6 to 9 km, OR = 2.6, (95% CI = 1.7; 4.0) for a distance of >9 km to 19 km, and OR = 4.2, (95% CI = 2.8; 6.2) for >19 km vs.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : William Mouton, Guy Oriol, Christelle Compagnon, Carla Saade, Kahina Saker, Priscille Franc, Bouchra Mokdad, Aurore Fleurie, Xavier Lacoux, Soizic Daniel, Franck Berthier, Cécile Barnel, Bruno Pozzetto, Jean‐baptiste Fassier, Valérie Dubois, Sophia Djebali, Maxence Dubois, Thierry Walzer, Jacqueline Marvel, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04891410
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : William Mouton, Guy Oriol, Christelle Compagnon, Carla Saade, Kahina Saker, et al.. Combining SARS‐CoV‐2 interferon‐gamma release assay with humoral response assessment to define immune memory profiles. European Journal of Immunology, 2024, 54 (7), ⟨10.1002/eji.202451035⟩. ⟨hal-04891410⟩
DOI : 10.1002/eji.202451035
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Abstract Objectives In the post‐SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic era, “breakthrough infections” are still documented, due to variants of concerns (VoCs) emergence and waning humoral immunity. Despite widespread utilization, the definition of the anti‐Spike (S) immunoglobulin‐G (IgG) threshold to define protection has unveiled several limitations. Here, we explore the advantages of incorporating T‐cell response assessment to enhance the definition of immune memory profile. Methods SARS‐CoV‐2 interferon‐gamma release assay test (IGRA) was performed on samples collected longitudinally from immunocompetent healthcare workers throughout their immunization by infection and/or vaccination, anti‐receptor‐binding domain IgG levels were assessed in parallel. The risk of symptomatic infection according to cellular/humoral immune capacities during Omicron BA.1 wave was then estimated. Results Close to 40% of our samples were exclusively IGRA‐positive, largely due to time elapsed since their last immunization. This suggests that individuals have sustained long‐lasting cellular immunity, while they would have been classified as lacking protective immunity based solely on IgG threshold. Moreover, the Cox regression model highlighted that Omicron BA.1 circulation raises the risk of symptomatic infection while increased anti‐receptor‐binding domain IgG and IGRA levels tended to reduce it. Conclusion The discrepancy between humoral and cellular responses highlights the significance of assessing the overall adaptive immune response. This integrated approach allows the identification of vulnerable subjects and can be of interest to guide antiviral prophylaxis at an individual level.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Abstract Objectives In the post‐SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic era, “breakthrough infections” are still documented, due to variants of concerns (VoCs) emergence and waning humoral immunity. Despite widespread utilization, the definition of the anti‐Spike (S) immunoglobulin‐G (IgG) threshold to define protection has unveiled several limitations. Here, we explore the advantages of incorporating T‐cell response assessment to enhance the definition of immune memory profile. Methods SARS‐CoV‐2 interferon‐gamma release assay test (IGRA) was performed on samples collected longitudinally from immunocompetent healthcare workers throughout their immunization by infection and/or vaccination, anti‐receptor‐binding domain IgG levels were assessed in parallel. The risk of symptomatic infection according to cellular/humoral immune capacities during Omicron BA.1 wave was then estimated. Results Close to 40% of our samples were exclusively IGRA‐positive, largely due to time elapsed since their last immunization. This suggests that individuals have sustained long‐lasting cellular immunity, while they would have been classified as lacking protective immunity based solely on IgG threshold. Moreover, the Cox regression model highlighted that Omicron BA.1 circulation raises the risk of symptomatic infection while increased anti‐receptor‐binding domain IgG and IGRA levels tended to reduce it. Conclusion The discrepancy between humoral and cellular responses highlights the significance of assessing the overall adaptive immune response. This integrated approach allows the identification of vulnerable subjects and can be of interest to guide antiviral prophylaxis at an individual level.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Jacques Luaute, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01068042
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Jacques Luaute, Martine Hours. Cohorte ESPARR : facteurs associés à l’état de santé des victimes 3 ans après l’accident.. VIe Congrès International d'Épidémiologie - ADELF - EPITER, Sep 2014, France. 13 p. ⟨hal-01068042⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction Peu d’études longitudinales ont étudié le devenir à long terme des victimes d’accidents de la route. Outre la gravité des lésions, la question de l’impact d’autres facteurs sur le devenir de l’état de santé à trois ans se pose. L’objectif est d’étudier les facteurs associés à un état de santé subjectif dégradé à trois ans, des victimes. Méthodes 755 victimes âgées de 16 ans et plus, ont répondu aux questionnaires à 1, 2 et 3 ans après l’accident. En considérant tous les suivis, 399 victimes sont classées en bon état de santé, 277 en mauvais état de santé et 79 sont instables. Des modèles multinomiaux de régression logistique (ajustés sur l’âge et le sexe) ont été construits pour expliquer ces groupes. Les variables explicatives introduites dans les modèles caractérisent l’accident, les données sociodémographiques initiales, les pathologies intercurrentes. Résultats Les sujets en mauvais état de santé sont plus âgés au moment de l’accident (38.4±15.9 ans) et plus gravement blessés (NISS≥16 : 36%) que les deux autres groupes. La gravité des blessures est le facteur de risque principal d’un état de santé mauvais ou instable à trois ans. La présence d’autres pathologies (ORL/pneumologie) est également un facteur de risque associé un mauvais état de santé. Les facteurs socio-économiques ne sont pas associés à l’état de santé à 3 ans. Discussion La gravité des blessures occasionnées par l’accident et la présence de pathologies concomitantes sont les facteurs principaux expliquant un mauvais état de santé persistant 3 ans après l’accident.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction Peu d’études longitudinales ont étudié le devenir à long terme des victimes d’accidents de la route. Outre la gravité des lésions, la question de l’impact d’autres facteurs sur le devenir de l’état de santé à trois ans se pose. L’objectif est d’étudier les facteurs associés à un état de santé subjectif dégradé à trois ans, des victimes. Méthodes 755 victimes âgées de 16 ans et plus, ont répondu aux questionnaires à 1, 2 et 3 ans après l’accident. En considérant tous les suivis, 399 victimes sont classées en bon état de santé, 277 en mauvais état de santé et 79 sont instables. Des modèles multinomiaux de régression logistique (ajustés sur l’âge et le sexe) ont été construits pour expliquer ces groupes. Les variables explicatives introduites dans les modèles caractérisent l’accident, les données sociodémographiques initiales, les pathologies intercurrentes. Résultats Les sujets en mauvais état de santé sont plus âgés au moment de l’accident (38.4±15.9 ans) et plus gravement blessés (NISS≥16 : 36%) que les deux autres groupes. La gravité des blessures est le facteur de risque principal d’un état de santé mauvais ou instable à trois ans. La présence d’autres pathologies (ORL/pneumologie) est également un facteur de risque associé un mauvais état de santé. Les facteurs socio-économiques ne sont pas associés à l’état de santé à 3 ans. Discussion La gravité des blessures occasionnées par l’accident et la présence de pathologies concomitantes sont les facteurs principaux expliquant un mauvais état de santé persistant 3 ans après l’accident.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Stuart Nash, Jacques Luaute, Jean-Yves Bar, Pierre-Olivier Sancho, Martine Hours, Laetitia Chossegros, Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Jean-Michel Mazaux, Dominique Boisson
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01073727
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Stuart Nash, Jacques Luaute, Jean-Yves Bar, Pierre-Olivier Sancho, Martine Hours, et al.. Cognitive and behavioural post-traumatic impairments: What is the specificity of a brain injury ? A study within the ESPARR cohort. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2014, 817, 17 p. ⟨10.1016/⟩. ⟨hal-01073727⟩
DOI : 10.1016/
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectif : La diversité et l'étendue des déficits observés après un traumatisme crânien varient suivant la nature des lésions et leur gravité. Afin de mieux comprendre les interactions et leurs conséquences à long terme, nous avons étudié et comparé le profil cognitif et neurocomportemental d’une cohorte de victimes d’accidents de la voie publique avec ou sans traumatisme crânien, un an après l'accident. Méthode : La population d’étude est constituée de 207 blessés graves de La cohorte ESPARR. Cette cohorte de 1168 accidentés de la route dans le Rhône âgés de 16 ans et plus, et de toute gravité inclus selon critères : résidant dans le Rhône, victime d'un accident de la circulation impliquant au moins un véhicule à roues, ayant eu lieu dans le Rhône, vivant au moment de son arrivée à l'hôpital, et se présentant dans l'un des différents services d'urgences du Rhône. La représentativité de cette cohorte en termes de critères sociogéographiques et de caractéristiques de l'accident a été assurée par la nature spécifique du recrutement. Les plaintes et déficiences cognitivo-comportementales ont été évaluées un an après l’accident avec la Neurobehavioral Rating Scale-Revised et le Trail-Making-Test. Nous avons distingué, dans notre population d'étude de blessés graves, trois catégories de patients : les traumatisés crâniens modérés/graves (n=48), les traumatisés crâniens légers (n=89) et les blessés graves sans traumatisme crânien (n=70), basés sur le score de Glasgow, la présence de signes de déficits neurologiques, d'une aggravation de l'état neurologique dans les 72 heures et/ou d'une imagerie anormale. Résultats : Les symptômes les plus fréquemment observés étaient l’anxiété, l’irritabilité, les troubles mnésiques et attentionnels, la dépression et la labilité de l’humeur. L’humeur dépressive et l’irritabilité sont relevées aussi fréquemment dans les trois groupes. Les troubles de mémoire, d’attention, l’anxiété et la diminution des initiatives sont plus spécifiques au traumatisme crânien et les troubles exécutifs sont typiques d’un traumatisme crânien modéré/grave. Discussion-conclusion : La présence et la sévérité initiale du TC conditionnent la nature et la fréquence des séquelles à un an d’évolution. Certains troubles comme l'irritabilité, habituellement associée à un traumatisme crânien, n'apparaissent pas comme spécifiques à cette population, tout comme l'humeur dépressive. Ainsi, les interactions entre troubles cognitifs, émotivo-affectifs et neuro-comportementaux sont mises en avant.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectif : La diversité et l'étendue des déficits observés après un traumatisme crânien varient suivant la nature des lésions et leur gravité. Afin de mieux comprendre les interactions et leurs conséquences à long terme, nous avons étudié et comparé le profil cognitif et neurocomportemental d’une cohorte de victimes d’accidents de la voie publique avec ou sans traumatisme crânien, un an après l'accident. Méthode : La population d’étude est constituée de 207 blessés graves de La cohorte ESPARR. Cette cohorte de 1168 accidentés de la route dans le Rhône âgés de 16 ans et plus, et de toute gravité inclus selon critères : résidant dans le Rhône, victime d'un accident de la circulation impliquant au moins un véhicule à roues, ayant eu lieu dans le Rhône, vivant au moment de son arrivée à l'hôpital, et se présentant dans l'un des différents services d'urgences du Rhône. La représentativité de cette cohorte en termes de critères sociogéographiques et de caractéristiques de l'accident a été assurée par la nature spécifique du recrutement. Les plaintes et déficiences cognitivo-comportementales ont été évaluées un an après l’accident avec la Neurobehavioral Rating Scale-Revised et le Trail-Making-Test. Nous avons distingué, dans notre population d'étude de blessés graves, trois catégories de patients : les traumatisés crâniens modérés/graves (n=48), les traumatisés crâniens légers (n=89) et les blessés graves sans traumatisme crânien (n=70), basés sur le score de Glasgow, la présence de signes de déficits neurologiques, d'une aggravation de l'état neurologique dans les 72 heures et/ou d'une imagerie anormale. Résultats : Les symptômes les plus fréquemment observés étaient l’anxiété, l’irritabilité, les troubles mnésiques et attentionnels, la dépression et la labilité de l’humeur. L’humeur dépressive et l’irritabilité sont relevées aussi fréquemment dans les trois groupes. Les troubles de mémoire, d’attention, l’anxiété et la diminution des initiatives sont plus spécifiques au traumatisme crânien et les troubles exécutifs sont typiques d’un traumatisme crânien modéré/grave. Discussion-conclusion : La présence et la sévérité initiale du TC conditionnent la nature et la fréquence des séquelles à un an d’évolution. Certains troubles comme l'irritabilité, habituellement associée à un traumatisme crânien, n'apparaissent pas comme spécifiques à cette population, tout comme l'humeur dépressive. Ainsi, les interactions entre troubles cognitifs, émotivo-affectifs et neuro-comportementaux sont mises en avant.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Maxime Pichon, Caroline Picard, Bruno Simon, Alexandre Gaymard, Cécile Renard, Bruno Massenavette, Christophe Malcus, Guillaume Monneret, Florence Morfin-Sherpa, Martine Valette, Etienne Javouhey, Gilles Millat, Bruno Lina, Laurence Josset, Vanessa Escuret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02050564
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Maxime Pichon, Caroline Picard, Bruno Simon, Alexandre Gaymard, Cécile Renard, et al.. Clinical management and viral genomic diversity analysis of a child's influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 infection in the context of a severe combined immunodeficiency. Antiviral Research, 2018, 160, pp. 1-9. ⟨10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.10.009⟩. ⟨hal-02050564⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.10.009
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction A child with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) had an influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 infection with viral excretion longer than 6 months, during 2013-2014 influenza season, despite cord blood transplantation and antiviral treatments. Methods Conventional real-time RT-PCR methods were used to estimate viral load and to detect the presence of the common N1 neuraminidase (NA) H275Y substitution responsible for oseltamivir resistance. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of influenza viruses was performed retrospectively to characterize viral quasispecies in specimens. Results The patient was first treated with oral oseltamivir, leading to detection of low-levels of NA-H275Y substitution. Concomitant cord blood cell transplantation, intravenous administration of zanamivir and immunoglobulins led to an increase in white blood cells and influenza viral load decrease. A viral rebound occurred as soon as the antiviral treatment was discontinued. Eventually, influenza viral load was negated with immune reconstitution. NGS found influenza quasispecies harboring NA-E119A substitution (10.3%). Moreover, NGS showed that viral genomic diversity evolved under antiviral treatment and immune status. Conclusions Conventional virological techniques were sufficient for influenza infection follow-up but NGS performances allowed characterization of viral variants evolution in this specific case of prolonged influenza virus infection. New and efficient treatments against influenza in immunocompromised patients are needed.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction A child with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) had an influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 infection with viral excretion longer than 6 months, during 2013-2014 influenza season, despite cord blood transplantation and antiviral treatments. Methods Conventional real-time RT-PCR methods were used to estimate viral load and to detect the presence of the common N1 neuraminidase (NA) H275Y substitution responsible for oseltamivir resistance. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of influenza viruses was performed retrospectively to characterize viral quasispecies in specimens. Results The patient was first treated with oral oseltamivir, leading to detection of low-levels of NA-H275Y substitution. Concomitant cord blood cell transplantation, intravenous administration of zanamivir and immunoglobulins led to an increase in white blood cells and influenza viral load decrease. A viral rebound occurred as soon as the antiviral treatment was discontinued. Eventually, influenza viral load was negated with immune reconstitution. NGS found influenza quasispecies harboring NA-E119A substitution (10.3%). Moreover, NGS showed that viral genomic diversity evolved under antiviral treatment and immune status. Conclusions Conventional virological techniques were sufficient for influenza infection follow-up but NGS performances allowed characterization of viral variants evolution in this specific case of prolonged influenza virus infection. New and efficient treatments against influenza in immunocompromised patients are needed.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Antonin Bal, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Alexandre Gaymard, Grégory Quéromès, Nicolas Guibert, Emilie Frobert, Maude Bouscambert, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Florence Allantaz-Frager, Guy Oriol, Valérie Cheynet, Constance d'Aubarede, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Marlyse Buisson, Julien Lupo, Bruno Pozzetto, Pascal Poignard, Bruno Lina, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Florence Morfin, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Jerôme Adnot, Dulce Alfaiate, Alain Bergeret, André Boibieux, Florent Bonnet, Florence Brunel-Dalmas, Eurydice Caire, Barbara Charbotel, Pierre Chiarello, Laurent Cotte, François Durupt, Vanessa Escuret, Pascal Fascia, Juliette Fontaine, Lucie Gaillot-Durand, Myriam Gillet, Matthieu Godinot, François Gueyffier, Laurence Josset, Matthieu Lahousse, Hélène Lozano, Djamila Makhloufi, Marie-Paule Milon, Frédéric Moll, David Narbey, Julie-Anne Nazare, Fatima Oria, Marielle Perry, Virginie Pitiot, Mélanie Prudent, Muriel Rabilloud, Audrey Samperiz, Isabelle Schlienger, Chantal Simon, Martine Valette
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04411150
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Antonin Bal, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Alexandre Gaymard, Grégory Quéromès, Nicolas Guibert, et al.. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of symptomatic healthcare workers with suspected COVID-19: a prospective cohort study. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11 (1), pp.14977. ⟨10.1038/s41598-021-93828-y⟩. ⟨hal-04411150⟩
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-021-93828-y
pubmedId_s : 34294751
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A comprehensive clinical and microbiological assessments of COVID-19 in front-line healthcare workers (HCWs) is needed. Between April 10th and May 28th, 2020, 319 HCWs with acute illness were reviewed. In addition to SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR screening, a multiplex molecular panel was used for testing other respiratory pathogens. For SARS-CoV-2 positive HCWs, the normalized viral load, viral culture, and virus neutralization assays were performed weekly. For SARS-CoV-2 negative HCWs, SARS-CoV-2 serological testing was performed one month after inclusion. Among the 319 HCWs included, 67 (21.0%) were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2; 65/67 (97.0%) developed mild form of COVID-19. Other respiratory pathogens were found in 6/66 (9.1%) SARS-CoV-2 positive and 47/241 (19.5%) SARS-Cov-2 negative HCWs ( p = 0.07). The proportion of HCWs with a viral load > 5.0 log 10 cp/mL (Ct value < 25) was less than 15% at 8 days after symptom onset; 12% of HCWs were positive after 40 days (Ct > 37). More than 90% of cultivable virus had a viral load > 4.5 log 10 cp/mL (Ct < 26) and were collected within 10 days after symptom onset. Among negative HCWs, 6/190 (3.2%) seroconverted. Our data suggest that the determination of viral load can be used for appreciating the infectiousness of infected HCWs. These data could be helpful for facilitating their return to work.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A comprehensive clinical and microbiological assessments of COVID-19 in front-line healthcare workers (HCWs) is needed. Between April 10th and May 28th, 2020, 319 HCWs with acute illness were reviewed. In addition to SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR screening, a multiplex molecular panel was used for testing other respiratory pathogens. For SARS-CoV-2 positive HCWs, the normalized viral load, viral culture, and virus neutralization assays were performed weekly. For SARS-CoV-2 negative HCWs, SARS-CoV-2 serological testing was performed one month after inclusion. Among the 319 HCWs included, 67 (21.0%) were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2; 65/67 (97.0%) developed mild form of COVID-19. Other respiratory pathogens were found in 6/66 (9.1%) SARS-CoV-2 positive and 47/241 (19.5%) SARS-Cov-2 negative HCWs ( p = 0.07). The proportion of HCWs with a viral load > 5.0 log 10 cp/mL (Ct value < 25) was less than 15% at 8 days after symptom onset; 12% of HCWs were positive after 40 days (Ct > 37). More than 90% of cultivable virus had a viral load > 4.5 log 10 cp/mL (Ct < 26) and were collected within 10 days after symptom onset. Among negative HCWs, 6/190 (3.2%) seroconverted. Our data suggest that the determination of viral load can be used for appreciating the infectiousness of infected HCWs. These data could be helpful for facilitating their return to work.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charles-Hugo Marquette, Jacques Boutros, Jonathan Benzaquen, Marion Ferreira, Jean Pastre, Christophe M. Pison, Bernard Padovani, Faiza Bettayeb, Vincent Fallet, Nicolas Guibert, Damien Basille, Marius I. Ilie, Véronique Hofman, Paul Hofman, Dominique Israël-Biet, François Chabot, Anne Guillaumot, Gaetan Deslée, Jeanne-Marie Perotin, Sandra Dury, Hervé Mal, Armelle Marceau, Romain Kessler, Jean-Michel Vergnon, Carole Pelissier, Fabrice Di Palma, Antoine Cuvelier, Maxime Patout, Arnaud Bourdin, Anne Sophie Gamez, Claire Andréjak, Claire Poulet, Géraldine François, Vincent Jounieaux, Nicolas Roche, Stéphane Jouneau, Graziella Brinchault, Philippe Bonniaud, Ayoub Zouak, Arnaud Scherpereel, Simon Baldacci, Alexis Cortot, Jean François Mornex, François Steenhouwer, Sylvie Leroy, Jean-Philippe Berthet, Eric Fontas, Julie Bulsei, Coralie Cruzel, Johanna Pradelli, Maureen Fontaine, Charlotte Maniel, Jennifer Griffonnet, Catherine Butori, Eric Selva, Michel Poudenx, Bernard Aguilaniu, Gilbert Ferreti, François Arbib, Amandine Briault, Anne-Claire Toffart, Raissa Dahalani, Marie Destors, Pascal Chanez, Laurent Greillier, Philippe Astoul, Fabrice Barlesi, Jean-Yves Gaubert, Julien Mazières, Sylvain Marchand-Adam, Jacques Cadranel, Nouha Chaabane, Armine Izadifar, Lise Rosencher, Anne-Marie Ruppert, Thibault Vieira, Nathalie Mathiot
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02897076
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charles-Hugo Marquette, Jacques Boutros, Jonathan Benzaquen, Marion Ferreira, Jean Pastre, et al.. Circulating tumour cells as a potential biomarker for lung cancer screening: a prospective cohort study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2020, 8 (7), pp.709-716. ⟨10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30081-3⟩. ⟨hal-02897076⟩
DOI : 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30081-3
pubmedId_s : 32649919
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Lung cancer screening with low-dose chest CT (LDCT) reduces the mortality of eligible individuals. Blood signatures might act as a standalone screening tool, refine the selection of patients at risk, or help to classify undetermined nodules detected on LDCT. We previously showed that circulating tumour cells (CTCs) could be detected, using the isolation by size of epithelial tumour cell technique (ISET), long before the cancer was diagnosed radiologically. We aimed to test whether CTCs could be used as a biomarker for lung cancer screening. Methods We did a prospective, multicentre, cohort study in 21 French university centres. Participants had to be eligible for lung cancer screening as per National Lung Screening Trial criteria and have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with a fixed airflow limitation defined as post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 0∙7. Any cancer, other than basocellular skin carcinomas, detected within the previous 5 years was the main exclusion criterion. Participants had three screening rounds at 1-year intervals (T0 [baseline], T1, and T2), which involved LDCT, clinical examination, and a blood test for CTCs detection. Participants and investigators were masked to the results of CTC detection, and cytopathologists were masked to clinical and radiological findings. Our primary objective was to test the diagnostic performance of CTC detection using the ISET technique in lung cancer screening, compared with cancers diagnosed by final pathology, or follow up if pathology was unavailable as the gold standard. This study is registered with identifier, number NCT02500693. Findings Between Oct 30, 2015, and Feb 2, 2017, we enrolled 614 participants, predominantly men (437 [71%]), aged 65∙1 years (SD 6∙5), and heavy smokers (52∙7 pack-years [SD 21∙5]). 81 (13%) participants dropped out between baseline and T1, and 56 (11%) did between T1 and T2. Nodules were detected on 178 (29%) of 614 baseline LDCTs. 19 participants (3%) were diagnosed with a prevalent lung cancer at T0 and 19 were diagnosed with incident lung cancer (15 (3%) of 533 at T1 and four (1%) of 477 at T2). Extrapulmonary cancers were diagnosed in 27 (4%) of participants. Overall 28 (2%) of 1187 blood samples were not analysable. At baseline, the sensitivity of CTC detection for lung cancer detection was 26∙3% (95% CI 11∙8–48∙8). ISET was unable to predict lung cancer or extrapulmonary cancer development.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Lung cancer screening with low-dose chest CT (LDCT) reduces the mortality of eligible individuals. Blood signatures might act as a standalone screening tool, refine the selection of patients at risk, or help to classify undetermined nodules detected on LDCT. We previously showed that circulating tumour cells (CTCs) could be detected, using the isolation by size of epithelial tumour cell technique (ISET), long before the cancer was diagnosed radiologically. We aimed to test whether CTCs could be used as a biomarker for lung cancer screening. Methods We did a prospective, multicentre, cohort study in 21 French university centres. Participants had to be eligible for lung cancer screening as per National Lung Screening Trial criteria and have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with a fixed airflow limitation defined as post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 0∙7. Any cancer, other than basocellular skin carcinomas, detected within the previous 5 years was the main exclusion criterion. Participants had three screening rounds at 1-year intervals (T0 [baseline], T1, and T2), which involved LDCT, clinical examination, and a blood test for CTCs detection. Participants and investigators were masked to the results of CTC detection, and cytopathologists were masked to clinical and radiological findings. Our primary objective was to test the diagnostic performance of CTC detection using the ISET technique in lung cancer screening, compared with cancers diagnosed by final pathology, or follow up if pathology was unavailable as the gold standard. This study is registered with identifier, number NCT02500693. Findings Between Oct 30, 2015, and Feb 2, 2017, we enrolled 614 participants, predominantly men (437 [71%]), aged 65∙1 years (SD 6∙5), and heavy smokers (52∙7 pack-years [SD 21∙5]). 81 (13%) participants dropped out between baseline and T1, and 56 (11%) did between T1 and T2. Nodules were detected on 178 (29%) of 614 baseline LDCTs. 19 participants (3%) were diagnosed with a prevalent lung cancer at T0 and 19 were diagnosed with incident lung cancer (15 (3%) of 533 at T1 and four (1%) of 477 at T2). Extrapulmonary cancers were diagnosed in 27 (4%) of participants. Overall 28 (2%) of 1187 blood samples were not analysable. At baseline, the sensitivity of CTC detection for lung cancer detection was 26∙3% (95% CI 11∙8–48∙8). ISET was unable to predict lung cancer or extrapulmonary cancer development.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Turado Narredo, Ludivine Orriols, Benamin Contrand, Rachid Salmi, Marie Zins, Sylviane Lafont, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03235507
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Turado Narredo, Ludivine Orriols, Benamin Contrand, Rachid Salmi, Marie Zins, et al.. Chronic medical conditions and their association with crash risk and changes in driving habits: a prospective study of the GAZEL cohort. Injury Prevention, 2018, 27 (1), 40p. ⟨10.1136/injuryprev-2019-043460⟩. ⟨hal-03235507⟩
DOI : 10.1136/injuryprev-2019-043460
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives To assess crash risk and driving habits associated with chronic medical conditions among drivers entering old age. Design Prospective cohort study. Setting French cohort GAZEL. Participants 12,460 drivers in the analysis of road traffic crash, among whom 11,670 completed the follow-up period (2007-2014). We assessed driving cessation among 11,633 participants over the same period, and mileage and driving avoidance among the 4,973 participants who returned a road safety questionnaire in 2015. Main outcome measures Yearly occurrence of at least one road crash as a driver; time to driving cessation; mileage; driving avoidance: at night, with bad weather, in heavy traffic, with glare conditions, over long distances.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives To assess crash risk and driving habits associated with chronic medical conditions among drivers entering old age. Design Prospective cohort study. Setting French cohort GAZEL. Participants 12,460 drivers in the analysis of road traffic crash, among whom 11,670 completed the follow-up period (2007-2014). We assessed driving cessation among 11,633 participants over the same period, and mileage and driving avoidance among the 4,973 participants who returned a road safety questionnaire in 2015. Main outcome measures Yearly occurrence of at least one road crash as a driver; time to driving cessation; mileage; driving avoidance: at night, with bad weather, in heavy traffic, with glare conditions, over long distances.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Laure Badin, Lucie Anzivino, Magali Venzac, Xavier Olny
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04868503
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Laure Badin, Lucie Anzivino, Magali Venzac, Xavier Olny. Characterizing territorial environmental, social, and health inequalities in Lyon metropolis. Environnement, Risques & Santé, 2020, 19 (4), pp.273-280. ⟨10.1684/ers.2020.1457⟩. ⟨hal-04868503⟩
DOI : 10.1684/ers.2020.1457
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Aiming to define its policy for dealing with health inequalities and environmental impacts on public health, the Grand Lyon Metropole (Lyon metropolis) needed a clear picture of its environmental and health issues. More than 100 environmental, behavioral, social, and health indicators were produced in consultation with all GLM departments. Social, environmental, and health inequalities were highlighted within the territory, by using multivariate analyses based on composite indicators, including a deprivation index and two original indexes relating to the residential setting. This work resulted in 80 thematic maps and synthetic analyses of the territory, dividing it into five profile types. Eleven urban districts were shown to be disadvantaged for health, social status, and environment.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Aiming to define its policy for dealing with health inequalities and environmental impacts on public health, the Grand Lyon Metropole (Lyon metropolis) needed a clear picture of its environmental and health issues. More than 100 environmental, behavioral, social, and health indicators were produced in consultation with all GLM departments. Social, environmental, and health inequalities were highlighted within the territory, by using multivariate analyses based on composite indicators, including a deprivation index and two original indexes relating to the residential setting. This work resulted in 80 thematic maps and synthetic analyses of the territory, dividing it into five profile types. Eleven urban districts were shown to be disadvantaged for health, social status, and environment.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Axel Benhamed, Amaury Gossiome, Amina Ndiaye, Karim Tazarourte
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03866899
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Axel Benhamed, Amaury Gossiome, Amina Ndiaye, Karim Tazarourte. Characteristics and comparison between e-scooters and bicycle-related trauma: a multicentre cross-sectional analysis of data from a road collision registry. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2022, 22 (1), pp.164. ⟨10.1186/s12873-022-00719-0⟩. ⟨hal-03866899⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12873-022-00719-0
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Urban mobility has drastically evolved over the last decade and micromobility rapidly became an expanding segment of contemporary daily transportation routines. E-scooter riders and bicyclists may share similar trauma characteristics, but this has been little explored. The objective was to describe and compare the characteristics of e-scooter and bicycle-related trauma.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Urban mobility has drastically evolved over the last decade and micromobility rapidly became an expanding segment of contemporary daily transportation routines. E-scooter riders and bicyclists may share similar trauma characteristics, but this has been little explored. The objective was to describe and compare the characteristics of e-scooter and bicycle-related trauma.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Paul Avan, Anthony Cadène, Catherine Guastavino, Richard Martin, Fanny Mietlicki
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-04158044
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Paul Avan, Anthony Cadène, Catherine Guastavino, Richard Martin, et al.. Chapitre 28. Bruit. Environnement et santé publique, Presses de l’EHESP, pp.737-768, 2023, 9782810910076. ⟨10.3917/ehesp.goupi.2023.01.0737⟩. ⟨anses-04158044⟩
DOI : 10.3917/ehesp.goupi.2023.01.0737
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) définit le bruit environnemental comme le bruit émis par toutes les sources, à l’exception de celles en milieu de travail. Il inclut donc le bruit provenant des transports (routiers, ferroviaires et aériens), celui émis par des industries, des commerces, des chantiers de construction, et des activités de loisirs, ainsi que le bruit provenant de l’intérieur des logements et du voisinage. Le bruit environnemental représente un problème majeur pour la santé publique puisque, selon l’OMS, il constitue le deuxième facteur de risque environnemental le plus important en termes de morbidité en Europe, derrière la pollution de l’air. En Europe occidentale, plus d’un million d’années de vie vécues avec de l’incapacité sont ainsi comptabilisées chaque année à cause du bruit des transports (WHO, 2011). Généralement, les effets sanitaires du bruit sont scindés en deux catégories en distinguant les atteintes au système auditif des autres types d’effets : - les effets auditifs, conséquences d’une exposition brève à des niveaux très élevés ou d’une exposition prolongée à des niveaux élevés de bruit (généralement rencontrés en milieu professionnel ou lors d’activités de loisirs) ; - les effets extra-auditifs qui se manifestent lors d’expositions chroniques ou répétées à des niveaux sonores plus faibles. Cette approche délaisse toutefois la vision globale des multiples effets, de plus en plus documentés, associés au bruit environnemental, et ne considère pas certains effets positifs associés à des environnements sonores favorables ou sains. L’ensemble de ces effets sera couvert dans ce chapitre où nous traiterons principalement des conséquences sur la santé du bruit des transports, domaine qui a fait l’objet de la majeure partie des études scientifiques publiées sur le sujet et dont les effets sont davantage avérés. La connaissance des conséquences d’une exposition à plusieurs autres sources de bruit (éoliennes, voisinage, activités industrielles ou commerciales, et multi-exposition à plusieurs sources), même si elle s’améliore, mérite davantage de recherche.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) définit le bruit environnemental comme le bruit émis par toutes les sources, à l’exception de celles en milieu de travail. Il inclut donc le bruit provenant des transports (routiers, ferroviaires et aériens), celui émis par des industries, des commerces, des chantiers de construction, et des activités de loisirs, ainsi que le bruit provenant de l’intérieur des logements et du voisinage. Le bruit environnemental représente un problème majeur pour la santé publique puisque, selon l’OMS, il constitue le deuxième facteur de risque environnemental le plus important en termes de morbidité en Europe, derrière la pollution de l’air. En Europe occidentale, plus d’un million d’années de vie vécues avec de l’incapacité sont ainsi comptabilisées chaque année à cause du bruit des transports (WHO, 2011). Généralement, les effets sanitaires du bruit sont scindés en deux catégories en distinguant les atteintes au système auditif des autres types d’effets : - les effets auditifs, conséquences d’une exposition brève à des niveaux très élevés ou d’une exposition prolongée à des niveaux élevés de bruit (généralement rencontrés en milieu professionnel ou lors d’activités de loisirs) ; - les effets extra-auditifs qui se manifestent lors d’expositions chroniques ou répétées à des niveaux sonores plus faibles. Cette approche délaisse toutefois la vision globale des multiples effets, de plus en plus documentés, associés au bruit environnemental, et ne considère pas certains effets positifs associés à des environnements sonores favorables ou sains. L’ensemble de ces effets sera couvert dans ce chapitre où nous traiterons principalement des conséquences sur la santé du bruit des transports, domaine qui a fait l’objet de la majeure partie des études scientifiques publiées sur le sujet et dont les effets sont davantage avérés. La connaissance des conséquences d’une exposition à plusieurs autres sources de bruit (éoliennes, voisinage, activités industrielles ou commerciales, et multi-exposition à plusieurs sources), même si elle s’améliore, mérite davantage de recherche.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Colette Fabrigoule, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01428744
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Colette Fabrigoule, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Sylviane Lafont. Changes in driving restriction with aging among women. WIiT Paris 2014 : Women's Issues in Transportation - 5ème Conférence Internationale sur les Femmes et le Transport - Construire les ponts, Apr 2014, PARIS, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-01428744⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In aging populations, maintaining the well-being and the health status of the elderly people is crucial. For drivers, this requires the maintenance of driving in safely way as long as possible. Sensory, functional, and minor cognitive changes appear in the course of normal aging, and are more severe in dementia-inducing brain pathologies. They may profoundly affect driving [1], which is a complex task involving all of these functions, particularly attention and decision-making which are necessary for the selection of relevant information and situation-specific action. Many studies show that older drivers modify their driving habits [2, 3]. Any driving regulation will have the positive impact of decreasing the risk of accident. Conversely, the absence of, or insufficient driving regulation can have negative consequences in terms of road safety, and excessive regulation could increase the risk of social exclusion, depression, loss of autonomy and pathological brain aging [4, 5]. When this regulation process occurs in later life, gender differences have been reported in non-prospective studies [6-10]. Women regulate their driving more than men and do so earlier. Choi et al. think that these differences can be understood in the context of 'gender roles' [11] with the car occupying a more important place for men than women, in a context of masculinity, speed than women [12, 13] . Women could also have shorter "career" as drivers than men. They may obtain their license at an older age and stop driving for longer periods [14] . From an organizational point of view, women could also be less dependent on their car for mobility than men [11]. This difference in daily car use could facilitate driving regulation. These gender differences in images and roles could also lead women to enjoy driving less than men or to doubt in their driving abilities and this could lead to premature loss of mobility [15] and cause more men to make insufficient driving regulation. However the results of prospective studies are controversial. Some show that women are more likely to regulate than men [3, 16-18], while others have found no evidence of greater regulation in women [19-24]. These discrepancies can be partly explained by age, observation periods and different measures of regulation. As for the factors which might explain regulation, to our knowledge, only one prospective study has examined driving cessation factors in men and women separately [25]. However, this study did not include people with low global cognitive score. Nor did it take into account CNS pathologies which are known to change driving habits significantly and possibly differently in men and women. A study by Seiler et al. showed, that in demented people , women were more likely to cease driving than men at a pre-demential stage [26]. It is important to understand the regulation process in men and women, in the general population, in order to identify the factors of this regulation, factors due to pathological aging or not. In order to do so, we decided to study regulatory processes in men and in women, taking into account cognitive performance and CNS pathologies, based on prospective data providing information on changes in mobility, living arrangements, health status, cognitive performances and CNS pathologies over time. The 490 drivers of this study, 253 men and 237 women with a mean age of 76 years, were drawn from the Three-City Cohort of Bordeaux, a longitudinal study of people aged 65 years and older [27]. The participants were interviewed at home by a psychologist in 2003, 2006 and 2009 on a range of topics including socio-demographic characteristics, health (measures of motor and sensorial functions and several medical conditions) a cognitive evaluation and driving habits. A dementia diagnosis was also conducted for all participants by a neurologist. Driving restriction covers both driving cessation and a kilometer reduction. To study driving restriction factors, we used several Cox proportional hazard models with time dependent covariables. In this prospective study, the rate of driving restriction is high. Fifty seven percent of participants had restricted their driving over the follow-up. Women restricted their driving more frequently than men: 54% of men and 63% of women were reduced their distance driven or ceased to drive over six years. Pre-dementia, Parkinson's disease, advanced age and high initial mobility by car were common restriction factors in both genders. Prevalent dementia, depressive symptomatology, a decline in at least one Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and poor visual working memory performance were specific factors in men. In women, a low income, fear of falling, a slow execution time or a severe decline in global cognitive performance explain a regulation. This study confirmed that in later life women restrict their driving more than men, and that restriction factors differ according to gender. The pattern of results suggests that, when cognitive deficits are present, women restrict their driving at an earlier stage than men. It remains to be seen if excessive restriction in women could have negative consequences
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In aging populations, maintaining the well-being and the health status of the elderly people is crucial. For drivers, this requires the maintenance of driving in safely way as long as possible. Sensory, functional, and minor cognitive changes appear in the course of normal aging, and are more severe in dementia-inducing brain pathologies. They may profoundly affect driving [1], which is a complex task involving all of these functions, particularly attention and decision-making which are necessary for the selection of relevant information and situation-specific action. Many studies show that older drivers modify their driving habits [2, 3]. Any driving regulation will have the positive impact of decreasing the risk of accident. Conversely, the absence of, or insufficient driving regulation can have negative consequences in terms of road safety, and excessive regulation could increase the risk of social exclusion, depression, loss of autonomy and pathological brain aging [4, 5]. When this regulation process occurs in later life, gender differences have been reported in non-prospective studies [6-10]. Women regulate their driving more than men and do so earlier. Choi et al. think that these differences can be understood in the context of 'gender roles' [11] with the car occupying a more important place for men than women, in a context of masculinity, speed than women [12, 13] . Women could also have shorter "career" as drivers than men. They may obtain their license at an older age and stop driving for longer periods [14] . From an organizational point of view, women could also be less dependent on their car for mobility than men [11]. This difference in daily car use could facilitate driving regulation. These gender differences in images and roles could also lead women to enjoy driving less than men or to doubt in their driving abilities and this could lead to premature loss of mobility [15] and cause more men to make insufficient driving regulation. However the results of prospective studies are controversial. Some show that women are more likely to regulate than men [3, 16-18], while others have found no evidence of greater regulation in women [19-24]. These discrepancies can be partly explained by age, observation periods and different measures of regulation. As for the factors which might explain regulation, to our knowledge, only one prospective study has examined driving cessation factors in men and women separately [25]. However, this study did not include people with low global cognitive score. Nor did it take into account CNS pathologies which are known to change driving habits significantly and possibly differently in men and women. A study by Seiler et al. showed, that in demented people , women were more likely to cease driving than men at a pre-demential stage [26]. It is important to understand the regulation process in men and women, in the general population, in order to identify the factors of this regulation, factors due to pathological aging or not. In order to do so, we decided to study regulatory processes in men and in women, taking into account cognitive performance and CNS pathologies, based on prospective data providing information on changes in mobility, living arrangements, health status, cognitive performances and CNS pathologies over time. The 490 drivers of this study, 253 men and 237 women with a mean age of 76 years, were drawn from the Three-City Cohort of Bordeaux, a longitudinal study of people aged 65 years and older [27]. The participants were interviewed at home by a psychologist in 2003, 2006 and 2009 on a range of topics including socio-demographic characteristics, health (measures of motor and sensorial functions and several medical conditions) a cognitive evaluation and driving habits. A dementia diagnosis was also conducted for all participants by a neurologist. Driving restriction covers both driving cessation and a kilometer reduction. To study driving restriction factors, we used several Cox proportional hazard models with time dependent covariables. In this prospective study, the rate of driving restriction is high. Fifty seven percent of participants had restricted their driving over the follow-up. Women restricted their driving more frequently than men: 54% of men and 63% of women were reduced their distance driven or ceased to drive over six years. Pre-dementia, Parkinson's disease, advanced age and high initial mobility by car were common restriction factors in both genders. Prevalent dementia, depressive symptomatology, a decline in at least one Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and poor visual working memory performance were specific factors in men. In women, a low income, fear of falling, a slow execution time or a severe decline in global cognitive performance explain a regulation. This study confirmed that in later life women restrict their driving more than men, and that restriction factors differ according to gender. The pattern of results suggests that, when cognitive deficits are present, women restrict their driving at an earlier stage than men. It remains to be seen if excessive restriction in women could have negative consequences
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marine Dufournet, Emilie Lanoy, Jean-Louis Martin, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02354511
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marine Dufournet, Emilie Lanoy, Jean-Louis Martin, Vivian Viallon. Causal inference to formalize responsibility analyses in road safety epidemiology. Journées GDR/SFB, Oct 2017, Bordeaux, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-02354511v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The last few decades have seen the Structural Causal Model framework provide valuable tools to assess causal effects from observational data. In this article, we briefly review recent results regarding the recoverability of causal effects from selection biased data, and apply them to the case of responsibility analyses in road safety epidemiology. Our objective is to formally determine whether causal effects can be unbiasedly estimated through this type of analyses, when available data are restricted to severe accidents, as it is commonly the case in practice. However, because speed has a direct effect on the severity of the accident, we show that the causal odds-ratio of exposures that influence speed, such as alcohol, is not estimable. We present numerical results to illustrate our arguments, the magnitude of the bias and to discuss some recent results from real data.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The last few decades have seen the Structural Causal Model framework provide valuable tools to assess causal effects from observational data. In this article, we briefly review recent results regarding the recoverability of causal effects from selection biased data, and apply them to the case of responsibility analyses in road safety epidemiology. Our objective is to formally determine whether causal effects can be unbiasedly estimated through this type of analyses, when available data are restricted to severe accidents, as it is commonly the case in practice. However, because speed has a direct effect on the severity of the accident, we show that the causal odds-ratio of exposures that influence speed, such as alcohol, is not estimable. We present numerical results to illustrate our arguments, the magnitude of the bias and to discuss some recent results from real data.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : B. Charbotel, J. Fevotte, M. Hours, Jl Martin, A. Bergeret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00545980
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : B. Charbotel, J. Fevotte, M. Hours, Jl Martin, A. Bergeret. Case-control study on renal cell cancer and occupational trichloroethylene exposure, in the Arve valley (France). Final report. 2005, 97p. ⟨hal-00545980⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A case-control study was performed in a geographic area with a high frequency and degree of exposure to trichloroethylene (TRI), to test the effect of such exposure on Renal Cell Cancer (RCC) risk. A method for a semi quantitative retrospective assessment of exposure to trichloroethylene (TRI) was implemented using the large quantity of well-documented measurements collected by teams of occupational physicians from the Arve Valley
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A case-control study was performed in a geographic area with a high frequency and degree of exposure to trichloroethylene (TRI), to test the effect of such exposure on Renal Cell Cancer (RCC) risk. A method for a semi quantitative retrospective assessment of exposure to trichloroethylene (TRI) was implemented using the large quantity of well-documented measurements collected by teams of occupational physicians from the Arve Valley
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00854633
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Inès Khati, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon. Cardiovascular effects of aircraft noise near Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport: results from the pilot study of the DEBATS research program. INTER-NOISE 2013, the 42st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering., Sep 2013, Austria. 8 p. ⟨hal-00854633⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : DEBATS is an on-going research program (2011-2018) involving adult residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry. It aims to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of the French population living in the vicinity of airports, both physically and mentally but also in terms of annoyance. In particular, it includes a longitudinal field study whose objective is to follow-up approximately 1,200 of the above-mentioned airports residents during four years. At inclusion and two and four years later, annoyance and health status (in terms of sleep disturbances, cardiovascular diseases and anxiety and depressive disorders) are assessed by a questionnaire asked by an interviewer at the place of residence of participants. Physiological variables like blood-pressure, heart rate or salivary cortisol are also considered within the frame of this study. A pilot study was performed in 2011 in order to test and validate the protocol on 100 residents around Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport. The results of this pilot study will be presented and discussed. They will concern self-reported doctor-diagnosed hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, and measured blood-pressure, heart rate and salivary cortisol.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : DEBATS is an on-going research program (2011-2018) involving adult residents around three French airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac, and Lyon Saint-Exupéry. It aims to characterize the relations between aircraft noise exposure and health status of the French population living in the vicinity of airports, both physically and mentally but also in terms of annoyance. In particular, it includes a longitudinal field study whose objective is to follow-up approximately 1,200 of the above-mentioned airports residents during four years. At inclusion and two and four years later, annoyance and health status (in terms of sleep disturbances, cardiovascular diseases and anxiety and depressive disorders) are assessed by a questionnaire asked by an interviewer at the place of residence of participants. Physiological variables like blood-pressure, heart rate or salivary cortisol are also considered within the frame of this study. A pilot study was performed in 2011 in order to test and validate the protocol on 100 residents around Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport. The results of this pilot study will be presented and discussed. They will concern self-reported doctor-diagnosed hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, and measured blood-pressure, heart rate and salivary cortisol.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Dan Wu, Vivian Viallon, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01644331
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Dan Wu, Vivian Viallon, Bernard Laumon. Cannabis, alcohol and fatal road accidents. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12, pp.e0187320. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0187320⟩. ⟨hal-01644331⟩
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0187320
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: This research aims to estimate the relative risks of responsibility for a fatal accident linked to driving under the influence of cannabis or alcohol, the prevalence of these influences among drivers and the corresponding attributable risk ratios. A secondary goal is to estimate the same items for three other groups of illicit drugs (amphetamines, cocaine and opiates), and to compare the results to a similar study carried out in France between 2001 and 2003. Methodology: Police procedures for fatal accidents in Metropolitan France during 2011 were analyzed and 300 characteristics encoded to provide a database of 4,059 drivers. Information on alcohol and four groups of illicit drugs derived from tests for positivity and potential confirmation through blood analysis. The study compares drivers responsible for causing the accident, that is to say having directly contributed to its occurrence, to drivers involved in an accident for which they were not responsible, and who can be assimilated to drivers in general. Results: The proportion of persons driving under the influence of alcohol is estimated at 2.1% (95% CI: 1.4–2.8) and under the influence of cannabis at 3.4% (2.9%-3.9%). Drivers under the influence of alcohol are 17.8 times (12.1–26.1) more likely to be responsible for a fatal accident, and the proportion of fatal accidents which would be prevented if no drivers ever exceeded the legal limit for alcohol is estimated at 27.7% (26.0%-29.4%). Drivers under the influence of cannabis multiply their risk of being responsible for causing a fatal accident by 1.65 (1.16–2.34), and the proportion of fatal accidents which would be prevented if no drivers ever drove under the influence of cannabis is estimated at 4.2% (3.7%-4.8%). An increased risk linked to opiate use has also been found to be significant, but with low prevalence, requiring caution in interpreting this finding. Other groups of narcotics have even lower prevalence, and the associated extra risks cannot be assessed. Conclusion: Almost a decade separates the present study from a similar one previously conducted in France, and there have been numerous developments in the intervening years. Even so, the prevalence of drivers responsible for causing fatal accidents under the influence of alcohol or narcotics has stayed remarkably stable, as have the proportion of fatal accidents which could in theory be prevented if no drivers ever exceeded the legal limits. The overall number of deaths from traffic accidents has dropped sharply during this period, and the number of victims attributable to alcohol and/or cannabis declined proportionally. Alcohol remains the main problem in France. It is just as important to note that one in two drivers considered to be under the influence of cannabis was also under the influence of alcohol. With risks cumulating between the two, it is particularly important to point out the danger of consuming them together.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: This research aims to estimate the relative risks of responsibility for a fatal accident linked to driving under the influence of cannabis or alcohol, the prevalence of these influences among drivers and the corresponding attributable risk ratios. A secondary goal is to estimate the same items for three other groups of illicit drugs (amphetamines, cocaine and opiates), and to compare the results to a similar study carried out in France between 2001 and 2003. Methodology: Police procedures for fatal accidents in Metropolitan France during 2011 were analyzed and 300 characteristics encoded to provide a database of 4,059 drivers. Information on alcohol and four groups of illicit drugs derived from tests for positivity and potential confirmation through blood analysis. The study compares drivers responsible for causing the accident, that is to say having directly contributed to its occurrence, to drivers involved in an accident for which they were not responsible, and who can be assimilated to drivers in general. Results: The proportion of persons driving under the influence of alcohol is estimated at 2.1% (95% CI: 1.4–2.8) and under the influence of cannabis at 3.4% (2.9%-3.9%). Drivers under the influence of alcohol are 17.8 times (12.1–26.1) more likely to be responsible for a fatal accident, and the proportion of fatal accidents which would be prevented if no drivers ever exceeded the legal limit for alcohol is estimated at 27.7% (26.0%-29.4%). Drivers under the influence of cannabis multiply their risk of being responsible for causing a fatal accident by 1.65 (1.16–2.34), and the proportion of fatal accidents which would be prevented if no drivers ever drove under the influence of cannabis is estimated at 4.2% (3.7%-4.8%). An increased risk linked to opiate use has also been found to be significant, but with low prevalence, requiring caution in interpreting this finding. Other groups of narcotics have even lower prevalence, and the associated extra risks cannot be assessed. Conclusion: Almost a decade separates the present study from a similar one previously conducted in France, and there have been numerous developments in the intervening years. Even so, the prevalence of drivers responsible for causing fatal accidents under the influence of alcohol or narcotics has stayed remarkably stable, as have the proportion of fatal accidents which could in theory be prevented if no drivers ever exceeded the legal limits. The overall number of deaths from traffic accidents has dropped sharply during this period, and the number of victims attributable to alcohol and/or cannabis declined proportionally. Alcohol remains the main problem in France. It is just as important to note that one in two drivers considered to be under the influence of cannabis was also under the influence of alcohol. With risks cumulating between the two, it is particularly important to point out the danger of consuming them together.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Claire Marant Micallef, Kevin D. Shield, Jérôme Vignat, Isabelle Baldi, Barbara Charbotel, Béatrice Fervers, Anabelle Gilg Soit Iig, Pascal Guenel, Ann Olsson, Lesley Rushton, Sally J. Hutchings, Enora Clero, Dominique Laurier, Pascale Scanff, Freddie Bray, Kurt Straif, Isabelle Soerjomataram
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02159287
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Claire Marant Micallef, Kevin D. Shield, Jérôme Vignat, Isabelle Baldi, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. Cancers in France in 2015 attributable to occupational exposures. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2019, 222 (1), pp. 22-29. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheh.2018.07.015⟩. ⟨hal-02159287⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijheh.2018.07.015
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background Recent and comprehensive estimates for the number of new cancer cases in France attributable to occupational exposures are lacking. Objectives To estimate the number of new cancer cases attributable to occupational exposures, using a newly developed methodology and the most recent data, for a comprehensive set of occupational carcinogens in France in 2015. Methods Surveys among employees, the national labor force data, a cohort of agricultural workers, national monitoring of workers exposed to ionizing radiation and job-exposure matrix in France were used. The number and proportion of new cancer cases attributable to established occupational carcinogens (Group 1) was estimated using estimation of lifetime exposure and risk estimates from cohort studies. Cancer data were obtained from the French Cancer Registries Network. Results In France in 2015, an estimated 7905 new cancer cases, 7336 among men and 569 among women, were attributable to occupational exposures, representing 2.3% of all new cancer cases (3.9% and 0.4% among men and women respectively). Among men and women, lung cancer was impacted the most, followed by mesothelioma and bladder cancer in men, and by mesothelioma and ovary in women. These cancers contributed to 89% of the total cancers attributable to occupational carcinogens in men, and to 80% in women. The main contributing occupational agent was asbestos among men (45%) and women (60%). Conclusions Currently, occupational exposures contribute to a substantial burden of cancer in France. Enhanced monitoring and implementation of protective labor policies could potentially prevent a large proportion of these cancers.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background Recent and comprehensive estimates for the number of new cancer cases in France attributable to occupational exposures are lacking. Objectives To estimate the number of new cancer cases attributable to occupational exposures, using a newly developed methodology and the most recent data, for a comprehensive set of occupational carcinogens in France in 2015. Methods Surveys among employees, the national labor force data, a cohort of agricultural workers, national monitoring of workers exposed to ionizing radiation and job-exposure matrix in France were used. The number and proportion of new cancer cases attributable to established occupational carcinogens (Group 1) was estimated using estimation of lifetime exposure and risk estimates from cohort studies. Cancer data were obtained from the French Cancer Registries Network. Results In France in 2015, an estimated 7905 new cancer cases, 7336 among men and 569 among women, were attributable to occupational exposures, representing 2.3% of all new cancer cases (3.9% and 0.4% among men and women respectively). Among men and women, lung cancer was impacted the most, followed by mesothelioma and bladder cancer in men, and by mesothelioma and ovary in women. These cancers contributed to 89% of the total cancers attributable to occupational carcinogens in men, and to 80% in women. The main contributing occupational agent was asbestos among men (45%) and women (60%). Conclusions Currently, occupational exposures contribute to a substantial burden of cancer in France. Enhanced monitoring and implementation of protective labor policies could potentially prevent a large proportion of these cancers.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-01924647
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Barbara Charbotel. Cancer de l’ovaire et exposition à l’amiante. Les cahiers de la Recherche : Santé, Environnement, Travail, 2018, Cancer et environnement, 12, pp.19-20. ⟨anses-01924647⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : En France, les évaluations disponibles sur la prévalence de l’exposition aux fibres d’amiante concernent généralement les retraités et se concentrent sur les hommes. Considérant le peu de données disponibles chez la femme, l’étude descriptive EVAMOVAIRE (conduite entre 2010 et 2013) a permis de quantifier la prévalence de l’exposition à l’amiante chez les patientes atteintes d’un cancer ovarien. Au regard des connaissances épidémiologiques et mécanistiques qui restent incomplètes sur le lien entre l’exposition à l’amiante et le cancer de l’ovaire, l’étude EVAMOVAIRE 2 est une étude comprenant une composante épidémiologique et une composante mécanistique permettant d'affiner les connaissances sur l’association entre l’exposition à l’amiante et un sous-type histologique de cancer ovarien , et, d'étudier si l’exposition à l’amiante induit des signatures mutationnelles spécifiques au niveau du génome.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : En France, les évaluations disponibles sur la prévalence de l’exposition aux fibres d’amiante concernent généralement les retraités et se concentrent sur les hommes. Considérant le peu de données disponibles chez la femme, l’étude descriptive EVAMOVAIRE (conduite entre 2010 et 2013) a permis de quantifier la prévalence de l’exposition à l’amiante chez les patientes atteintes d’un cancer ovarien. Au regard des connaissances épidémiologiques et mécanistiques qui restent incomplètes sur le lien entre l’exposition à l’amiante et le cancer de l’ovaire, l’étude EVAMOVAIRE 2 est une étude comprenant une composante épidémiologique et une composante mécanistique permettant d'affiner les connaissances sur l’association entre l’exposition à l’amiante et un sous-type histologique de cancer ovarien , et, d'étudier si l’exposition à l’amiante induit des signatures mutationnelles spécifiques au niveau du génome.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Francis Leclerc, Alain Duhamel, Valérie Deken, Bruno Grandbastien, Stéphane Leteurtre, D Biarent, R Cremer, D Dauger, M Dobrzynski, G Emeriaud, S Renolleau, M Roque-Gineste, D Stamm, Etienne Javouhey, I Wroblewski, G Thiriez
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01943157
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Francis Leclerc, Alain Duhamel, Valérie Deken, Bruno Grandbastien, Stéphane Leteurtre, et al.. Can the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction (PELOD)-2 Score on Day 1 Be Used in Clinical Criteria for Sepsis in Children?. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2017, 18 (8), pp. 758-763. ⟨10.1097/PCC.0000000000001182⟩. ⟨hal-01943157⟩
DOI : 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001182
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A recent task force has proposed the use of Sequential Organ Failure Assessment in clinical criteria for sepsis in adults. We sought to evaluate the predictive validity for PICU mortality of the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 and of the ?quick? Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 scores on day 1 in children with suspected infection. Secondary analysis of the database used for the development and validation of the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2. Nine university-affiliated PICUs in Europe. Only children with hypotension?low systolic blood pressure or low mean blood pressure using age-adapted cutoffs?and lactatemia greater than 2 mmol/L were considered in shock. We developed the quick Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 including tachycardia, hypotension, and altered mentation (Glasgow < 11): one point for each variable (range, 0-3). Outcome was mortality at PICU discharge. Discrimination (Area under receiver operating characteristic curve-95% CI) and calibration (goodness of fit test) of the scores were studied. This study included 862 children with suspected infection (median age: 12.3 mo; mortality: n = 60 [7.0%]). Area under the curve of the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 was 0.91 (0.86-0.96) in children with suspected infection, 0.88 (0.79-0.96) in those with low systolic blood pressure and hyperlactatemia, and 0.91 (0.85-0.97) in those with low mean blood pressure and hyperlactatemia; calibration p value was 0.03, 0.36, and 0.49, respectively. A Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 greater than or equal to 8 reflected an overall risk of mortality greater than or equal to 9.3% in children with suspected infection. Area under the curve of the quick Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 was 0.82 (0.76-0.87) with systolic blood pressure or mean blood pressure; calibration p value was 0.89 and 0.72, respectively. A score greater than or equal to 2 reflected a mortality risk greater than or equal to 19.8% with systolic blood pressure and greater than or equal to 15.9% with mean blood pressure. Among children admitted to PICU with suspected infection, Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 was highly predictive of PICU mortality suggesting its use to standardize definitions and diagnostic criteria of pediatric sepsis. Further studies are needed to determine the usefulness of the quick Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 outside of the PICU.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A recent task force has proposed the use of Sequential Organ Failure Assessment in clinical criteria for sepsis in adults. We sought to evaluate the predictive validity for PICU mortality of the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 and of the ?quick? Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 scores on day 1 in children with suspected infection. Secondary analysis of the database used for the development and validation of the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2. Nine university-affiliated PICUs in Europe. Only children with hypotension?low systolic blood pressure or low mean blood pressure using age-adapted cutoffs?and lactatemia greater than 2 mmol/L were considered in shock. We developed the quick Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 including tachycardia, hypotension, and altered mentation (Glasgow < 11): one point for each variable (range, 0-3). Outcome was mortality at PICU discharge. Discrimination (Area under receiver operating characteristic curve-95% CI) and calibration (goodness of fit test) of the scores were studied. This study included 862 children with suspected infection (median age: 12.3 mo; mortality: n = 60 [7.0%]). Area under the curve of the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 was 0.91 (0.86-0.96) in children with suspected infection, 0.88 (0.79-0.96) in those with low systolic blood pressure and hyperlactatemia, and 0.91 (0.85-0.97) in those with low mean blood pressure and hyperlactatemia; calibration p value was 0.03, 0.36, and 0.49, respectively. A Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 greater than or equal to 8 reflected an overall risk of mortality greater than or equal to 9.3% in children with suspected infection. Area under the curve of the quick Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 was 0.82 (0.76-0.87) with systolic blood pressure or mean blood pressure; calibration p value was 0.89 and 0.72, respectively. A score greater than or equal to 2 reflected a mortality risk greater than or equal to 19.8% with systolic blood pressure and greater than or equal to 15.9% with mean blood pressure. Among children admitted to PICU with suspected infection, Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 was highly predictive of PICU mortality suggesting its use to standardize definitions and diagnostic criteria of pediatric sepsis. Further studies are needed to determine the usefulness of the quick Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction-2 score on day 1 outside of the PICU.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Jean-Christophe Thalabard, Lyliane Rosetta, Valérie Siroux, Jean Bouyer, Rémy Slama
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02459532
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Jean-Christophe Thalabard, Lyliane Rosetta, Valérie Siroux, Jean Bouyer, et al.. Can atmospheric pollutants influence menstrual cycle function? Supplementary material. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 257 (113605), 7 p. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113605⟩. ⟨hal-02459532⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113605
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A few experimental studies suggest that atmospheric pollutants could affect the endocrine system, and in particular stress hormones and the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian axis, which could in turn influence menstrual cycle function. We aimed to study the possible short-term effects of atmospheric pollutants on the length of the follicular and luteal phases and on the duration of the menstrual cycle in humans. To do so, from a nation-wide study on couples' fecundity, we recruited 184 women not using contraception who collected urine samples at least every other day during one menstrual cycle, from which a progesterone metabolite was assayed, allowing estimation of the duration of the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle. Atmospheric pollution (nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter with an aerodynamical diameter below 10?m, PM10) levels were estimated from a dispersion model with a 1-km resolution combined with permanent monitoring stations measurements, allowing to estimate exposures in the 30-day, 1-10 and 11-30-day periods before the start of the menstrual cycle. Regression models allowed to quantify the change in cycle duration associated with atmospheric pollutants and adjusted for potential confounders. Follicular phase duration increased on average by 0.7 day (95% confidence interval, CI, 0.2; 1.3) for each increase by 10?g/m3 in NO2 concentration averaged over the 30 days before the cycle and by 1.6 day (95% CI, 0.3; 2.9) for each increase by 10?g/m3 in PM10. There was no strong evidence of associations of exposures in this time window with luteal phase or with total menstrual cycle durations (p>0.2). Exposures in the 1-10 day period before the cycle start were also associated with increased follicular phase duration. This study is one of the first prospective studies to suggest short-term alterations in follicular phase duration following atmospheric pollutants exposure.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A few experimental studies suggest that atmospheric pollutants could affect the endocrine system, and in particular stress hormones and the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian axis, which could in turn influence menstrual cycle function. We aimed to study the possible short-term effects of atmospheric pollutants on the length of the follicular and luteal phases and on the duration of the menstrual cycle in humans. To do so, from a nation-wide study on couples' fecundity, we recruited 184 women not using contraception who collected urine samples at least every other day during one menstrual cycle, from which a progesterone metabolite was assayed, allowing estimation of the duration of the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle. Atmospheric pollution (nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter with an aerodynamical diameter below 10?m, PM10) levels were estimated from a dispersion model with a 1-km resolution combined with permanent monitoring stations measurements, allowing to estimate exposures in the 30-day, 1-10 and 11-30-day periods before the start of the menstrual cycle. Regression models allowed to quantify the change in cycle duration associated with atmospheric pollutants and adjusted for potential confounders. Follicular phase duration increased on average by 0.7 day (95% confidence interval, CI, 0.2; 1.3) for each increase by 10?g/m3 in NO2 concentration averaged over the 30 days before the cycle and by 1.6 day (95% CI, 0.3; 2.9) for each increase by 10?g/m3 in PM10. There was no strong evidence of associations of exposures in this time window with luteal phase or with total menstrual cycle durations (p>0.2). Exposures in the 1-10 day period before the cycle start were also associated with increased follicular phase duration. This study is one of the first prospective studies to suggest short-term alterations in follicular phase duration following atmospheric pollutants exposure.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : L. Giorgis-Allemand, J.C. Thalabard, L. Rosetta, V. Siroux, J. Bouyer
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04042483
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : L. Giorgis-Allemand, J.C. Thalabard, L. Rosetta, V. Siroux, J. Bouyer. Can atmospheric pollutants influence menstrual cycle function?. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 257, pp.113605. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113605⟩. ⟨hal-04042483⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113605
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A few experimental studies suggest that atmospheric pollutants could affect the endocrine system, and in particular stress hormones and the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian axis, which could in turn influence menstrual cycle function. We aimed to study the possible short-term effects of atmospheric pollutants on the length of the follicular and luteal phases and on the duration of the menstrual cycle in humans. To do so, from a nation-wide study on couples' fecundity, we recruited 184 women not using contraception who collected urine samples at least every other day during one menstrual cycle, from which a progesterone metabolite was assayed, allowing estimation of the duration of the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle. Atmospheric pollution (nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter with an aerodynamical diameter below 10 μm, PM10) levels were estimated from a dispersion model with a 1-km resolution combined with permanent monitoring stations measurements, allowing to estimate exposures in the 30-day, 1-10 and 11-30-day periods before the start of the menstrual cycle. Regression models allowed to quantify the change in cycle duration associated with atmospheric pollutants and adjusted for potential confounders. Follicular phase duration increased on average by 0.7 day (95% confidence interval, CI, 0.2; 1.3) for each increase by 10 μg/m3 in NO2 concentration averaged over the 30 days before the cycle and by 1.6 day (95% CI, 0.3; 2.9) for each increase by 10 μg/m3 in PM10. There was no strong evidence of associations of exposures in this time window with luteal phase or with total menstrual cycle durations (p > 0.2). Exposures in the 1-10 day period before the cycle start were also associated with increased follicular phase duration. This study is one of the first prospective studies to suggest short-term alterations in follicular phase duration following atmospheric pollutants exposure.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A few experimental studies suggest that atmospheric pollutants could affect the endocrine system, and in particular stress hormones and the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian axis, which could in turn influence menstrual cycle function. We aimed to study the possible short-term effects of atmospheric pollutants on the length of the follicular and luteal phases and on the duration of the menstrual cycle in humans. To do so, from a nation-wide study on couples' fecundity, we recruited 184 women not using contraception who collected urine samples at least every other day during one menstrual cycle, from which a progesterone metabolite was assayed, allowing estimation of the duration of the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle. Atmospheric pollution (nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter with an aerodynamical diameter below 10 μm, PM10) levels were estimated from a dispersion model with a 1-km resolution combined with permanent monitoring stations measurements, allowing to estimate exposures in the 30-day, 1-10 and 11-30-day periods before the start of the menstrual cycle. Regression models allowed to quantify the change in cycle duration associated with atmospheric pollutants and adjusted for potential confounders. Follicular phase duration increased on average by 0.7 day (95% confidence interval, CI, 0.2; 1.3) for each increase by 10 μg/m3 in NO2 concentration averaged over the 30 days before the cycle and by 1.6 day (95% CI, 0.3; 2.9) for each increase by 10 μg/m3 in PM10. There was no strong evidence of associations of exposures in this time window with luteal phase or with total menstrual cycle durations (p > 0.2). Exposures in the 1-10 day period before the cycle start were also associated with increased follicular phase duration. This study is one of the first prospective studies to suggest short-term alterations in follicular phase duration following atmospheric pollutants exposure.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Bertrand Thélot, Karine Supernant, Anne-Céline Guérin, Mireille Chiron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00511764
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Bertrand Thélot, Karine Supernant, Anne-Céline Guérin, Mireille Chiron. CVA- 3 : Enquête auprès de 900 usagers de vélo. Utilisation du casque et des équipements de conspicuité. 2009, pp.68. ⟨hal-00511764v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : What is the behaviour of cyclists towards their own safety equipment: helmet and conspicuity equipment (being highly visible)? Method: a survey was conducted in a big city (Lyon) and its surroundings. Three types of cyclists were used: children, sports cyclists and commuting cyclists. Results: helmet wearing is strongly related to cyclist type: the helmet is "always" worn by 49% of riding children, by 68% of sports cyclists and by 17% of commuting cyclists. Commuting cyclists are less likely to wear a helmet if they are female, riding mostly in urban areas, driving a car "everyday" or "never", judging the helmet to be cumbersome (after parking the bike), and not feeling "fragile". Bright coloured clothes are "always used" by 9% of commuting cyclists only. At night, the rear mandatory light is "always" used by 64% of commuting cyclists. Reasons for non-use are mostly "out of order" and "oversight". A reflective jacket is "always" worn at night by 10% of adult cyclists. Conclusion: there is much room for increasing the use of safety equipments by cyclists. Helmet wearing is put forward but conspicuity (pre-crash prevention) should not be overlooked ; additionally, cyclists' compliance with conspicuity recommendations might be easier to increase. Finally, prevention campaigns should take cyclists types into account.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : What is the behaviour of cyclists towards their own safety equipment: helmet and conspicuity equipment (being highly visible)? Method: a survey was conducted in a big city (Lyon) and its surroundings. Three types of cyclists were used: children, sports cyclists and commuting cyclists. Results: helmet wearing is strongly related to cyclist type: the helmet is "always" worn by 49% of riding children, by 68% of sports cyclists and by 17% of commuting cyclists. Commuting cyclists are less likely to wear a helmet if they are female, riding mostly in urban areas, driving a car "everyday" or "never", judging the helmet to be cumbersome (after parking the bike), and not feeling "fragile". Bright coloured clothes are "always used" by 9% of commuting cyclists only. At night, the rear mandatory light is "always" used by 64% of commuting cyclists. Reasons for non-use are mostly "out of order" and "oversight". A reflective jacket is "always" worn at night by 10% of adult cyclists. Conclusion: there is much room for increasing the use of safety equipments by cyclists. Helmet wearing is put forward but conspicuity (pre-crash prevention) should not be overlooked ; additionally, cyclists' compliance with conspicuity recommendations might be easier to increase. Finally, prevention campaigns should take cyclists types into account.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Autre publication scientifique
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Cédric Dananche, Christelle Elias, Nicolas Guibert, Sophie Gardes, Christine Barreto, Marie-Agnès Denis, Pascal Fascia, Solweig Gerbier, Béatrice Grisi, Nagham Khanafer, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Élodie Munier-Marion, Claudine Pasquet, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Philippe Vanhems
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04059738
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Cédric Dananche, Christelle Elias, Nicolas Guibert, Sophie Gardes, Christine Barreto, et al.. COVID-19 clusters in a teaching hospital during the second wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in France: a descriptive study and lessons learned for waves to come. American Journal of Infection Control, 2022, 50 (9), pp.1060-1063. ⟨10.1016/j.ajic.2022.06.018⟩. ⟨hal-04059738⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.06.018
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : A total of 92 COVID-19 clusters involving 1,156 individuals (729 patients and 427 healthcare workers) occurred in Lyon University Hospital between 1st September 2020 and 31st March 2021, mostly on medical and geriatric wards. The number of clusters was closely correlated to the trend in COVID-19 community incidence over time; in-hospital clusters did not persist when community incidence decreased. Recommended preventive measures were not fully applicable due to specific ward-associated determinants and patient characteristics.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : A total of 92 COVID-19 clusters involving 1,156 individuals (729 patients and 427 healthcare workers) occurred in Lyon University Hospital between 1st September 2020 and 31st March 2021, mostly on medical and geriatric wards. The number of clusters was closely correlated to the trend in COVID-19 community incidence over time; in-hospital clusters did not persist when community incidence decreased. Recommended preventive measures were not fully applicable due to specific ward-associated determinants and patient characteristics.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03026608
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard. CIBÉLIUS N°EST-2016/1/007 : Rapport Final. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2019, 25p. ⟨hal-03026608⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les lignes directrices de l'OMS relatives au bruit environnemental soulignent que les preuves concernant les effets sur la santé du bruit émis par les éoliennes sont soit inexistantes soit de faible qualité. Dans ce contexte, une étude de faisabilité d'une étude épidémiologique appelée Cibélius (Connaître l'Impact du Bruit des ÉoLIennes sUr la Santé, 2017-2019) a été conduite en France. Cette étude, financée par l'Anses a été coordonnée par l'Umrestte et menée en collaboration avec DCM et l'Umrae (UMR Cerema-Univ.Gustave Eiffel ). L'objectif était de proposer une méthodologie de calcul du bruit éolien pour recenser le nombre de riverains exposés à différents niveaux de bruit d'éoliennes. Le modèle Harmonoise a finalement été retenu à partir d'une revue de la littérature. Globalement, les niveaux relevés pour la contribution d'un parc éolien varient de 35 dB(A) à 45 dB(A) pour des distances de 500m à 1500m, selon les conditions météorologiques. Ils sont assez modérés comparativement à d'autres sources de bruit (transports par exemple) et le nombre total de personnes exposées représente environ 0,4% et 0,5% de la population française de 2017. Près de 85% de la population exposée au bruit éolien l'est à des niveaux inférieurs à 40 dB(A), de jour comme de nuit. Ces résultats constituent la toute première évaluation de l'exposition des populations au bruit produit par des éoliennes en France métropolitaine.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les lignes directrices de l'OMS relatives au bruit environnemental soulignent que les preuves concernant les effets sur la santé du bruit émis par les éoliennes sont soit inexistantes soit de faible qualité. Dans ce contexte, une étude de faisabilité d'une étude épidémiologique appelée Cibélius (Connaître l'Impact du Bruit des ÉoLIennes sUr la Santé, 2017-2019) a été conduite en France. Cette étude, financée par l'Anses a été coordonnée par l'Umrestte et menée en collaboration avec DCM et l'Umrae (UMR Cerema-Univ.Gustave Eiffel ). L'objectif était de proposer une méthodologie de calcul du bruit éolien pour recenser le nombre de riverains exposés à différents niveaux de bruit d'éoliennes. Le modèle Harmonoise a finalement été retenu à partir d'une revue de la littérature. Globalement, les niveaux relevés pour la contribution d'un parc éolien varient de 35 dB(A) à 45 dB(A) pour des distances de 500m à 1500m, selon les conditions météorologiques. Ils sont assez modérés comparativement à d'autres sources de bruit (transports par exemple) et le nombre total de personnes exposées représente environ 0,4% et 0,5% de la population française de 2017. Près de 85% de la population exposée au bruit éolien l'est à des niveaux inférieurs à 40 dB(A), de jour comme de nuit. Ces résultats constituent la toute première évaluation de l'exposition des populations au bruit produit par des éoliennes en France métropolitaine.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Guillaume Broc, Rebecca Shankland, Charles Martin-Krumm, S Carter, Evelyne Bouteyre Verdier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02096883
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Guillaume Broc, Rebecca Shankland, Charles Martin-Krumm, S Carter, Evelyne Bouteyre Verdier. Burnout académique en doctorat. Validation d’une échelle de burnout adaptée aux étudiants francophones en doctorat. Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique, 2020, 178 (5), pp.517-524. ⟨10.1016/j.amp.2019.01.011⟩. ⟨hal-02096883⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.amp.2019.01.011
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : ObjectifsL’épuisement académique est un problème majeur de santé publique, a fortiori chez les étudiants en thèse qui font figure de population particulièrement vulnérable au syndrome. Si un repérage précoce du burnout préviendrait ses effets sur la santé mentale et la performance académique, la validation d’un tel instrument en langue française adapté aux particularités des doctorants restait encore à établir.Matériel et méthodesLa présente étude propose la validation d’une échelle d’épuisement académique doctorant (la MBI-SS-D) adaptée de la version française de la Maslach Burnout Inventory–Student Survey (MBI-SS). Pas moins de 1150 doctorants issus de plus d’une dizaine de cursus en France ont répondu au questionnaire en ligne. Ils étaient encore 862 au retest six mois plus tard.RésultatsLes analyses factorielles exploratoires et confirmatoires aux deux temps ont invariablement permis de retrouver la structure tridimensionnelle du burnout (épuisement émotionnel, cynisme, auto-efficacité académique). Les indices alpha et oméga proches de .80 et les coefficients split-half entre .70 et .89 renforçaient cette observation. Par ailleurs, les tests d’invariance métrique et structurale prouvaient la grande stabilité test-retest du MBI-SS-D jusqu’au critère le plus strict. Concernant la validité divergente, la mesure du burnout était liée négativement avec aussi bien l’optimisme (rs = − .41 ; p < .001) que la résilience (rs = − .32 ; p < .001).ConclusionsLe MBI-SS-D démontre de réelles qualités psychométriques. Il constitue à l’heure actuelle le seul outil en langue française permettant une mesure valide de l’épuisement académique à des fins de recherche ou de pratique clinique chez les doctorants.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : ObjectifsL’épuisement académique est un problème majeur de santé publique, a fortiori chez les étudiants en thèse qui font figure de population particulièrement vulnérable au syndrome. Si un repérage précoce du burnout préviendrait ses effets sur la santé mentale et la performance académique, la validation d’un tel instrument en langue française adapté aux particularités des doctorants restait encore à établir.Matériel et méthodesLa présente étude propose la validation d’une échelle d’épuisement académique doctorant (la MBI-SS-D) adaptée de la version française de la Maslach Burnout Inventory–Student Survey (MBI-SS). Pas moins de 1150 doctorants issus de plus d’une dizaine de cursus en France ont répondu au questionnaire en ligne. Ils étaient encore 862 au retest six mois plus tard.RésultatsLes analyses factorielles exploratoires et confirmatoires aux deux temps ont invariablement permis de retrouver la structure tridimensionnelle du burnout (épuisement émotionnel, cynisme, auto-efficacité académique). Les indices alpha et oméga proches de .80 et les coefficients split-half entre .70 et .89 renforçaient cette observation. Par ailleurs, les tests d’invariance métrique et structurale prouvaient la grande stabilité test-retest du MBI-SS-D jusqu’au critère le plus strict. Concernant la validité divergente, la mesure du burnout était liée négativement avec aussi bien l’optimisme (rs = − .41 ; p < .001) que la résilience (rs = − .32 ; p < .001).ConclusionsLe MBI-SS-D démontre de réelles qualités psychométriques. Il constitue à l’heure actuelle le seul outil en langue française permettant une mesure valide de l’épuisement académique à des fins de recherche ou de pratique clinique chez les doctorants.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Wendy Weijermars, Niels Bos, Ashleigh Filtness, Laurie Brown, Robert Bauer, Emmanuelle Dupont, Jean-Louis Martin, Katherine Perez, Pete Thomas
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01664341
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Wendy Weijermars, Niels Bos, Ashleigh Filtness, Laurie Brown, Robert Bauer, et al.. Burden of injury of serious road injuries in six EU countries. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2018, 111, pp. 184 - 192. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2017.11.040⟩. ⟨hal-01664341⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2017.11.040
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : AbstractBackground Information about the burden of (non-fatal) road traffic injury is very useful to further improve road safety policy. Previous studies calculated the burden of injury in individual countries. This paper estimates and compares the burden of non-fatal serious road traffic injuries in six EU countries/regions: Austria, Belgium, England, The Netherlands, the Rhône region in France and Spain. Methods It is a cross-sectional study based on hospital discharge databases. Population of study are patients hospitalized with MAIS3+ due to road traffic injuries. The burden of injury (expressed in years lived with disability (YLD)) is calculated applying a method that is developed within the INTEGRIS study. The method assigns estimated disability information to the casualties using the EUROCOST injury classification. Results The average burden per MAIS3+ casualty varies between 2.4 YLD and 3.2 YLD per casualty. About 90% of the total burden of injury of MAIS3+ casualties is due to lifelong consequences that are experienced by 19% to 33% of the MAIS3+ casualties. Head injuries, spinal cord injuries and injuries to the lower extremities are responsible for more than 90% of the total burden of MAIS3+ road traffic injuries. Results per transport mode differ between the countries. Differences between countries are mainly due to differences in age distribution and in the distribution over EUROCOST injury groups of the casualties. Conclusion The analyses presented in this paper can support further improvement of road safety policy. Countermeasures could for example be focused at reducing skull and brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and injuries to the lower extremities, as these injuries are responsible for more than 90% of the total burden of injury of MAIS3+ casualties.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : AbstractBackground Information about the burden of (non-fatal) road traffic injury is very useful to further improve road safety policy. Previous studies calculated the burden of injury in individual countries. This paper estimates and compares the burden of non-fatal serious road traffic injuries in six EU countries/regions: Austria, Belgium, England, The Netherlands, the Rhône region in France and Spain. Methods It is a cross-sectional study based on hospital discharge databases. Population of study are patients hospitalized with MAIS3+ due to road traffic injuries. The burden of injury (expressed in years lived with disability (YLD)) is calculated applying a method that is developed within the INTEGRIS study. The method assigns estimated disability information to the casualties using the EUROCOST injury classification. Results The average burden per MAIS3+ casualty varies between 2.4 YLD and 3.2 YLD per casualty. About 90% of the total burden of injury of MAIS3+ casualties is due to lifelong consequences that are experienced by 19% to 33% of the MAIS3+ casualties. Head injuries, spinal cord injuries and injuries to the lower extremities are responsible for more than 90% of the total burden of MAIS3+ road traffic injuries. Results per transport mode differ between the countries. Differences between countries are mainly due to differences in age distribution and in the distribution over EUROCOST injury groups of the casualties. Conclusion The analyses presented in this paper can support further improvement of road safety policy. Countermeasures could for example be focused at reducing skull and brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and injuries to the lower extremities, as these injuries are responsible for more than 90% of the total burden of injury of MAIS3+ casualties.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Clémence Baudin, Ali Mohamed Nassur, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie-Christine Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Aboud Kourieh, Jacques Lambert, Damien Leger, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03113175
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Anne-Sophie Evrard, Marie Lefevre, Clémence Baudin, Ali Mohamed Nassur, Liacine Bouaoun, et al.. Bruit des avions et santé des riverains d'aéroport. L'étude nationale Debats. Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé.
Résultats à l'inclusion.
Convention Acnusa/Ifsttar, octobre 2020, 43 pages.. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2020, 46p. ⟨hal-03113175⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectif général - Piloté par l'Acnusa et confié à l'Université Gustave Eiffel, Debats est le premier programme de recherche d'ampleur, en France, dont l'objectif est d'évaluer les effets éventuels de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Matériel et méthodes - Ce programme est mis en place aux abords de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac). Il associe trois approches méthodologiques complémentaires (écologique , individuelle longitudinale et « clinique »). Chacune prend en compte tous les facteurs de confusion connus ou suspectés. L'étude écologique met en relation le niveau moyen d'exposition au bruit des avions, dans chacune des 161 communes situées à proximité de ces aéroports, et leur mortalité, communiquée par le CépiDc , par maladie cardiovasculaire en général, par maladie cardiaque ischémique en particulier, notamment par infarctus du myocarde, et par accident vasculaire cérébral. L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions est estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par AdP pour Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle et par la DGAC pour Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. L'étude individuelle longitudinale inclut, en 2013, 1244 habitants représentatifs des habitants de ces mêmes communes . Ils font l'objet d'un suivi deux et quatre ans après . La passation d'un questionnaire en face à face permet de renseigner leurs caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques, leur mode de vie et leur état de santé (état de santé perçu, troubles psychologiques, gêne ressentie, effets potentiels sur leur sommeil et leurs systèmes endocrinien et cardiovasculaire). L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants est estimée à partir des mêmes cartes que dans l'étude écologique. L'étude clinique « sommeil » porte sur 112 individus sélectionnés parmi les participants à l'étude précédente. Ils font aussi l'objet d'un suivi deux et quatre ans après . Des mesures actimétriques et du rythme cardiaque, analysées par le Centre du sommeil et de la vigilance de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, permettent de déterminer les paramètres objectifs du sommeil de ces participants. Par ailleurs, afin de caractériser précisément leur exposition au bruit des avions, des mesures acoustiques sont concomitamment réalisées, par Bruitparif , pendant sept jours et sept nuits à l'extérieur et à l'intérieur de leur chambre à coucher. Résultats L'étude écologique suggère qu'une augmentation de l'exposition au bruit des avions de 10 dB(A) est associée à un risque de mortalité plus élevé de 18 % pour l'ensemble des maladies cardiovasculaires, de 24 % pour les seules maladies cardiaques ischémiques et de 28 % pour les seuls infarctus du myocarde. En revanche, il n'a pas été mis en évidence d'association avec la mortalité par accident vasculaire cérébral. L'étude individuelle longitudinale suggère plusieurs associations avec une augmentation du niveau de bruit de 10 dB(A) : un risque de « dégradation de l'état de santé perçu » augmenté de 55 % chez les hommes, sans qu'aucune augmentation ne soit mise en évidence chez les femmes ; une « gêne » plus importante que ce que prévoit l'ancienne courbe de référence de l'Union Européenne (appelée courbe de Miedema), mais plus faible que ce que prévoit la nouvelle courbe de l'Union Européenne fournie par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, en mars 2020 ; un risque de dormir moins de six heures par nuit augmenté de 60 %, et un risque de sentiment de fatigue le matin au réveil de 20 % ; un risque de stress chronique, objectivé par une perturbation du rythme circadien du cortisol (diminution de 15 % de la variation absolue horaire du cortisol, augmentation de 16 % du niveau de cortisol au coucher, mais sans variation significative au lever) ; un risque d'hypertension artérielle augmenté de 34 % chez les hommes, sans qu'aucune augmentation ne soit mise en évidence chez les femmes ; enfin, un risque de détresse psychologique augmenté de 80 % chez les participants légèrement gênés par le bruit des avions et multiplié par 4 chez ceux qui déclarent être fortement gênés , par rapport à ceux qui ne sont pas du tout gênés. L'étude clinique « sommeil » suggère que l'exposition au bruit des avions dégrade les paramètres objectifs du sommeil. Ainsi : l'augmentation du niveau de bruit des avions de 10 dB(A) ou de 10 événements de bruits d'avions est associée à une probabilité, de dormir moins de six heures par nuit (court sommeil), 1,1 à 1,8 fois plus élevée ; et à une probabilité, de passer plus de neuf heures au lit, 1,1 à 1,6 fois plus élevée ;l'augmentation du niveau de bruit des avions de 10 dB(A) est associée à la probabilité, d'une insomnie d'endormissement (ie une latence d'endormissement supérieure à trente minutes), 1,1 à 1,3 plus élevée ;l'augmentation de 10 événements de bruits d'avions est associée à une probabilité, d'une insomnie de maintien de sommeil (ie une durée totale des éveils intra-sommeil supérieure à trente minutes), 1,1 à 1,3 fois plus élevée ;enfin, l'augmentation de 10 dB(A) du niveau maximum de bruit d'un évènement associé au passage d'un avion (LAmax,1s) est associée à une augmentation de l'amplitude de la fréquence cardiaque pendant cet événement (de 0,34 battement par minute).Conclusion L'étude écologique confirme les résultats d'autres études qui suggèrent qu'une augmentation de l'exposition au bruit des avions est associée à une mortalité plus élevée par maladie cardiovasculaire. Il est cependant imprudent d'extrapoler ces résultats au niveau individuel. C'est pourquoi deux études individuelles ont également été mises en place. L'étude individuelle longitudinale et l'étude clinique « sommeil » confirment les résultats d'études antérieures réalisées à l'étranger. Ils suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions, en France comme ailleurs, a des effets délétères sur l'état de santé perçu, la santé psychologique, la gêne, la quantité et la qualité du sommeil et les systèmes endocrinien et cardiovasculaire. La validité de ces résultats est pour le moins renforcée par ceux de l'analyse longitudinale de l'ensemble des données recueillies en 2013, 2015 et 2017 .
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectif général - Piloté par l'Acnusa et confié à l'Université Gustave Eiffel, Debats est le premier programme de recherche d'ampleur, en France, dont l'objectif est d'évaluer les effets éventuels de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Matériel et méthodes - Ce programme est mis en place aux abords de trois aéroports français (Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac). Il associe trois approches méthodologiques complémentaires (écologique , individuelle longitudinale et « clinique »). Chacune prend en compte tous les facteurs de confusion connus ou suspectés. L'étude écologique met en relation le niveau moyen d'exposition au bruit des avions, dans chacune des 161 communes situées à proximité de ces aéroports, et leur mortalité, communiquée par le CépiDc , par maladie cardiovasculaire en général, par maladie cardiaque ischémique en particulier, notamment par infarctus du myocarde, et par accident vasculaire cérébral. L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions est estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par AdP pour Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle et par la DGAC pour Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. L'étude individuelle longitudinale inclut, en 2013, 1244 habitants représentatifs des habitants de ces mêmes communes . Ils font l'objet d'un suivi deux et quatre ans après . La passation d'un questionnaire en face à face permet de renseigner leurs caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques, leur mode de vie et leur état de santé (état de santé perçu, troubles psychologiques, gêne ressentie, effets potentiels sur leur sommeil et leurs systèmes endocrinien et cardiovasculaire). L'exposition au bruit des avions au domicile des participants est estimée à partir des mêmes cartes que dans l'étude écologique. L'étude clinique « sommeil » porte sur 112 individus sélectionnés parmi les participants à l'étude précédente. Ils font aussi l'objet d'un suivi deux et quatre ans après . Des mesures actimétriques et du rythme cardiaque, analysées par le Centre du sommeil et de la vigilance de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, permettent de déterminer les paramètres objectifs du sommeil de ces participants. Par ailleurs, afin de caractériser précisément leur exposition au bruit des avions, des mesures acoustiques sont concomitamment réalisées, par Bruitparif , pendant sept jours et sept nuits à l'extérieur et à l'intérieur de leur chambre à coucher. Résultats L'étude écologique suggère qu'une augmentation de l'exposition au bruit des avions de 10 dB(A) est associée à un risque de mortalité plus élevé de 18 % pour l'ensemble des maladies cardiovasculaires, de 24 % pour les seules maladies cardiaques ischémiques et de 28 % pour les seuls infarctus du myocarde. En revanche, il n'a pas été mis en évidence d'association avec la mortalité par accident vasculaire cérébral. L'étude individuelle longitudinale suggère plusieurs associations avec une augmentation du niveau de bruit de 10 dB(A) : un risque de « dégradation de l'état de santé perçu » augmenté de 55 % chez les hommes, sans qu'aucune augmentation ne soit mise en évidence chez les femmes ; une « gêne » plus importante que ce que prévoit l'ancienne courbe de référence de l'Union Européenne (appelée courbe de Miedema), mais plus faible que ce que prévoit la nouvelle courbe de l'Union Européenne fournie par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, en mars 2020 ; un risque de dormir moins de six heures par nuit augmenté de 60 %, et un risque de sentiment de fatigue le matin au réveil de 20 % ; un risque de stress chronique, objectivé par une perturbation du rythme circadien du cortisol (diminution de 15 % de la variation absolue horaire du cortisol, augmentation de 16 % du niveau de cortisol au coucher, mais sans variation significative au lever) ; un risque d'hypertension artérielle augmenté de 34 % chez les hommes, sans qu'aucune augmentation ne soit mise en évidence chez les femmes ; enfin, un risque de détresse psychologique augmenté de 80 % chez les participants légèrement gênés par le bruit des avions et multiplié par 4 chez ceux qui déclarent être fortement gênés , par rapport à ceux qui ne sont pas du tout gênés. L'étude clinique « sommeil » suggère que l'exposition au bruit des avions dégrade les paramètres objectifs du sommeil. Ainsi : l'augmentation du niveau de bruit des avions de 10 dB(A) ou de 10 événements de bruits d'avions est associée à une probabilité, de dormir moins de six heures par nuit (court sommeil), 1,1 à 1,8 fois plus élevée ; et à une probabilité, de passer plus de neuf heures au lit, 1,1 à 1,6 fois plus élevée ;l'augmentation du niveau de bruit des avions de 10 dB(A) est associée à la probabilité, d'une insomnie d'endormissement (ie une latence d'endormissement supérieure à trente minutes), 1,1 à 1,3 plus élevée ;l'augmentation de 10 événements de bruits d'avions est associée à une probabilité, d'une insomnie de maintien de sommeil (ie une durée totale des éveils intra-sommeil supérieure à trente minutes), 1,1 à 1,3 fois plus élevée ;enfin, l'augmentation de 10 dB(A) du niveau maximum de bruit d'un évènement associé au passage d'un avion (LAmax,1s) est associée à une augmentation de l'amplitude de la fréquence cardiaque pendant cet événement (de 0,34 battement par minute).Conclusion L'étude écologique confirme les résultats d'autres études qui suggèrent qu'une augmentation de l'exposition au bruit des avions est associée à une mortalité plus élevée par maladie cardiovasculaire. Il est cependant imprudent d'extrapoler ces résultats au niveau individuel. C'est pourquoi deux études individuelles ont également été mises en place. L'étude individuelle longitudinale et l'étude clinique « sommeil » confirment les résultats d'études antérieures réalisées à l'étranger. Ils suggèrent que l'exposition au bruit des avions, en France comme ailleurs, a des effets délétères sur l'état de santé perçu, la santé psychologique, la gêne, la quantité et la qualité du sommeil et les systèmes endocrinien et cardiovasculaire. La validité de ces résultats est pour le moins renforcée par ceux de l'analyse longitudinale de l'ensemble des données recueillies en 2013, 2015 et 2017 .
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie Lefevre, Marie-Christine Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02349726
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie Lefevre, Marie-Christine Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, et al.. Bruit des avions et cortisol salivaire chez les riverains des aéroports en France. Environnement, Risques & Santé, 2019, Volume 18, issue 5, September-October 2019, pp. 401-410. ⟨hal-02349726⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte : Le cortisol, reflet de l'activité de l'axe hypothalamo-pituito-surrénalien (HPS), est un marqueur possible du stress induit par l'exposition au bruit des transports et pourrait se positionner comme un facteur intermédiaire dans la relation entre cette exposition et la survenue de pathologies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, les effets de l'exposition au bruit des transports sur la sécrétion de cortisol sont encore largement discutés. Objectif : L'objectif de l'étude est de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la variation journalière du cortisol salivaire. Méthodes : En 2013, 954 participants âgés de 18 ans et plus ont prélevé deux échantillons de leur salive, un au lever et un au coucher. Des informations relatives à leur état de santé, leur statut socioéconomique et leurs habitudes de vie ont été collectées grâce à un questionnaire administré en face-à-face par un enquêteur à leur domicile. L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir de cartes de bruit. Des modèles de régression log-linéaire ont été ajustés afin d'évaluer l'effet de cette exposition sur la variation horaire journalière des niveaux de cortisol salivaire. Résultats : L'exposition au bruit des avions serait associée à une diminution statistiquement significative de la variation horaire du cortisol salivaire au cours de la journée, avec des niveaux de cortisol inchangés au lever, mais plus élevés au coucher. Cette exposition engendrerait ainsi une modification du cycle physiologique de la sécrétion du cortisol. Conclusion: Ces résultats soutiennent l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'exposition au bruit des avions serait génératrice d'un stress psychologique induisant une perturbation du fonctionnement endocrinien et du cycle circadien du cortisol. Cette relation pourrait contribuer à favoriser l'émergence de pathologies cardiovasculaires.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte : Le cortisol, reflet de l'activité de l'axe hypothalamo-pituito-surrénalien (HPS), est un marqueur possible du stress induit par l'exposition au bruit des transports et pourrait se positionner comme un facteur intermédiaire dans la relation entre cette exposition et la survenue de pathologies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, les effets de l'exposition au bruit des transports sur la sécrétion de cortisol sont encore largement discutés. Objectif : L'objectif de l'étude est de rechercher l'existence d'une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la variation journalière du cortisol salivaire. Méthodes : En 2013, 954 participants âgés de 18 ans et plus ont prélevé deux échantillons de leur salive, un au lever et un au coucher. Des informations relatives à leur état de santé, leur statut socioéconomique et leurs habitudes de vie ont été collectées grâce à un questionnaire administré en face-à-face par un enquêteur à leur domicile. L'exposition moyenne au bruit des avions au domicile des participants a été estimée à partir de cartes de bruit. Des modèles de régression log-linéaire ont été ajustés afin d'évaluer l'effet de cette exposition sur la variation horaire journalière des niveaux de cortisol salivaire. Résultats : L'exposition au bruit des avions serait associée à une diminution statistiquement significative de la variation horaire du cortisol salivaire au cours de la journée, avec des niveaux de cortisol inchangés au lever, mais plus élevés au coucher. Cette exposition engendrerait ainsi une modification du cycle physiologique de la sécrétion du cortisol. Conclusion: Ces résultats soutiennent l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'exposition au bruit des avions serait génératrice d'un stress psychologique induisant une perturbation du fonctionnement endocrinien et du cycle circadien du cortisol. Cette relation pourrait contribuer à favoriser l'émergence de pathologies cardiovasculaires.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marion Lamort-Bouche, Julien Peron, Guillaume Broc, Angélika Kochan, Clémentine Jordan, Laurent Letrilliart, Béatrice Fervers, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02431248
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marion Lamort-Bouche, Julien Peron, Guillaume Broc, Angélika Kochan, Clémentine Jordan, et al.. Breast cancer specialists' perspective on their role in their patients' return to work: A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2019, 12 p. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.3847⟩. ⟨hal-02431248⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.3847
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to explore the views of breast cancer (BC) specialists as to their role in the return-to-work (RTW) process of their BC patients. METHODS: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted in a sample of 20 BC specialists selected according to age, gender, medical specialty (medical oncology, radiation oncology, gynecological surgery), and healthcare organization (regional cancer center, university or private hospital). All interviews were audiotaped and transcribed for qualitative thematic content analysis. RESULTS: BC specialists had heterogeneous representations and practices regarding their role in their patients` RTW process, ranging from non-involvement to frequent discussion. Most BC specialists had concerns regarding the ?right time and right way? to address patient`s RTW. They hardly mentioned workplace and job factors as potential barriers but rather stressed motivation. The main reported barriers to involvement in the RTW process were lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of skills, and a professional attitude exclusively focused on cancer care issues. CONCLUSION: While our study showed varying representations and practices among BC specialists, participants consistently identified barriers in supporting BC survivors` RTW. The results will guide the development of an intervention to facilitate the role of BC specialists in the RTW process as part of a multicomponent intervention to facilitate BC survivors` RTW.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to explore the views of breast cancer (BC) specialists as to their role in the return-to-work (RTW) process of their BC patients. METHODS: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted in a sample of 20 BC specialists selected according to age, gender, medical specialty (medical oncology, radiation oncology, gynecological surgery), and healthcare organization (regional cancer center, university or private hospital). All interviews were audiotaped and transcribed for qualitative thematic content analysis. RESULTS: BC specialists had heterogeneous representations and practices regarding their role in their patients` RTW process, ranging from non-involvement to frequent discussion. Most BC specialists had concerns regarding the ?right time and right way? to address patient`s RTW. They hardly mentioned workplace and job factors as potential barriers but rather stressed motivation. The main reported barriers to involvement in the RTW process were lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of skills, and a professional attitude exclusively focused on cancer care issues. CONCLUSION: While our study showed varying representations and practices among BC specialists, participants consistently identified barriers in supporting BC survivors` RTW. The results will guide the development of an intervention to facilitate the role of BC specialists in the RTW process as part of a multicomponent intervention to facilitate BC survivors` RTW.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Khalis, Laure Dossus, Sabina Rinaldi, Carine Biessy, Aurélie Moskal, Hafida Charaka, Emmanuel Fort, Mathilde His, Nawfel Mellas, Chakib Nejjari, Barbara Charbotel, Amr S. Soliman, Isabelle Romieu, Véronique Chajes, Marc J. Gunter, Inge Huybrechts, Karima El Rhazi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03224302
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Khalis, Laure Dossus, Sabina Rinaldi, Carine Biessy, Aurélie Moskal, et al.. Body size, silhouette trajectory and the risk of breast cancer in a Moroccan case-control study. Breast Cancer, 2020, 27 (4), pp750-758. ⟨10.1007/s12282-020-01072-5⟩. ⟨hal-03224302⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s12282-020-01072-5
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: There is convincing evidence demonstrating that body size characteristics such as adiposity and height are associated with breast cancer in westernized countries. However, little is known about this relationship in North African countries currently undergoing nutritional transition and industrialization. The aim of this study was to explore associations between various body size characteristics, silhouette trajectories and the risk of breast cancer among Moroccan women. METHODS: In this case-control study conducted in the Fez region (2016-2017), detailed measures of body size were collected for 300 cases of breast cancer and 300 matched controls. Unconditional logistic regression was used to assess the association between body size and breast cancer risk adjusting for confounding factors. RESULTS: Higher waist circumference and hip circumference were positively associated with breast cancer risk in pre- (highest [T3] vs. lowest tertile [T1]: OR?=?2.92, 95% confidence intervals [CI]: 1.33-6.42; OR?=?3.00, 95% CI: 1.42-6.33, respectively) and post-menopausal women (T3 vs. T1: OR?=?4.46, 95% CI: 1.86-10.66; OR?=?4.08, 95% CI: 1.76-9.42, respectively). Body shape at younger ages (6-11years) was inversely associated with the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women (large vs. lean silhouette: OR?=?0.31, 95% CI: 0.12-0.80). Women with the greatest increase in body shape trajectory had higher risk for both pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer (T3 vs. T1: OR?=?2.74, 95% CI: 1.03-7.26; OR?=?3.56, 95% CI: 1.34-9.44, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that adiposity, body shape at younger ages, and silhouette trajectory may play a role in the development of pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer among Moroccan women. Larger-scale prospective studies are needed to confirm our findings and to explore these associations with breast cancer subtypes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: There is convincing evidence demonstrating that body size characteristics such as adiposity and height are associated with breast cancer in westernized countries. However, little is known about this relationship in North African countries currently undergoing nutritional transition and industrialization. The aim of this study was to explore associations between various body size characteristics, silhouette trajectories and the risk of breast cancer among Moroccan women. METHODS: In this case-control study conducted in the Fez region (2016-2017), detailed measures of body size were collected for 300 cases of breast cancer and 300 matched controls. Unconditional logistic regression was used to assess the association between body size and breast cancer risk adjusting for confounding factors. RESULTS: Higher waist circumference and hip circumference were positively associated with breast cancer risk in pre- (highest [T3] vs. lowest tertile [T1]: OR?=?2.92, 95% confidence intervals [CI]: 1.33-6.42; OR?=?3.00, 95% CI: 1.42-6.33, respectively) and post-menopausal women (T3 vs. T1: OR?=?4.46, 95% CI: 1.86-10.66; OR?=?4.08, 95% CI: 1.76-9.42, respectively). Body shape at younger ages (6-11years) was inversely associated with the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women (large vs. lean silhouette: OR?=?0.31, 95% CI: 0.12-0.80). Women with the greatest increase in body shape trajectory had higher risk for both pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer (T3 vs. T1: OR?=?2.74, 95% CI: 1.03-7.26; OR?=?3.56, 95% CI: 1.34-9.44, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that adiposity, body shape at younger ages, and silhouette trajectory may play a role in the development of pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer among Moroccan women. Larger-scale prospective studies are needed to confirm our findings and to explore these associations with breast cancer subtypes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01213472
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont. Bilan épidémiologique de l'insécurité routière des personnes âgées. Journée scientifique du Collège Français de Médecine du Trafic, Mar 2014, PARIS, France. 21 p. ⟨hal-01213472⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Présentation du bilan épidémiologique de l'insécurité routière des personnes âgées
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Présentation du bilan épidémiologique de l'insécurité routière des personnes âgées
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Bertrand Thelot, Jean-Louis Martin, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00937528
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Mireille Chiron, Bertrand Thelot, Jean-Louis Martin, Bernard Laumon. Bicycle helmet efficacy: first case-control study in France. 15th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, May 2013, France. 10 p. ⟨hal-00937528⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background. Previous case-control studies on bicycle helmet efficacy are mostly Anglo-Saxon, and based on data from the early 1990’s when hard-shell helmets were common. Methods. In France, the Rhône county (1.6 million inhabitants) is covered by a road trauma registry that includes ED visits, inpatients and fatalities. Over the 1998-2008 period, 13,797 cyclist casualties were identified (outpatients, inpatients and deceased). The injuries sustained were coded using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) for injuries to the head (AIS1+ and AIS3+), face (AIS 1+) or neck (AIS1+). The study uses a case-control design where the control group includes cyclists injured below the neck, i.e. not injured in the region associated with the helmet. We adjusted for age, gender and crash severity. Results. The adjusted odds ratios of helmeted vs. unhelmeted cyclists are: for AIS1+ head injuries 0.69, 95% CI=[0.59-0.81], i.e. reduction of risk by 31%; for AIS3+ head injuries, 0.30, 95% CI=[0.16-0.50] i.e. reduction of risk by 70%; for AIS1+ facial injuries, 0.72, 95% CI=[ 0.62-0.83], i.e. reduction of risk by 28%; and for AIS1+ neck injuries, 1.18, 95% CI=[0.94-1.47], non significant. Conclusion. This study confirms the protective effect for head and facial injuries, even though soft-shell helmets have now become more common. The reduction of risk is greater for serious head injuries. The study is inconclusive about the risk of neck injuries.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background. Previous case-control studies on bicycle helmet efficacy are mostly Anglo-Saxon, and based on data from the early 1990’s when hard-shell helmets were common. Methods. In France, the Rhône county (1.6 million inhabitants) is covered by a road trauma registry that includes ED visits, inpatients and fatalities. Over the 1998-2008 period, 13,797 cyclist casualties were identified (outpatients, inpatients and deceased). The injuries sustained were coded using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) for injuries to the head (AIS1+ and AIS3+), face (AIS 1+) or neck (AIS1+). The study uses a case-control design where the control group includes cyclists injured below the neck, i.e. not injured in the region associated with the helmet. We adjusted for age, gender and crash severity. Results. The adjusted odds ratios of helmeted vs. unhelmeted cyclists are: for AIS1+ head injuries 0.69, 95% CI=[0.59-0.81], i.e. reduction of risk by 31%; for AIS3+ head injuries, 0.30, 95% CI=[0.16-0.50] i.e. reduction of risk by 70%; for AIS1+ facial injuries, 0.72, 95% CI=[ 0.62-0.83], i.e. reduction of risk by 28%; and for AIS1+ neck injuries, 1.18, 95% CI=[0.94-1.47], non significant. Conclusion. This study confirms the protective effect for head and facial injuries, even though soft-shell helmets have now become more common. The reduction of risk is greater for serious head injuries. The study is inconclusive about the risk of neck injuries.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Elsa Botokeky, N. Freymond, F. Gormand, P. Le Cam, G. Chatte, J. Kuntz, M. N. Liegeon, M. Gaillot-Drevon, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, A. Fiquemont, Emmanuel Fort, M. Marcu, T. Petitjean, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160572
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Elsa Botokeky, N. Freymond, F. Gormand, P. Le Cam, G. Chatte, et al.. Benefit of continuous positive airway pressure on work quality in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Breathing, 2019, pp. 1-7. ⟨10.1007/s11325-018-01773-4⟩. ⟨hal-02160572⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s11325-018-01773-4
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The objective of this prospective study was to assess the effect of CPAP therapy on job productivity and work quality for patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The objective of this prospective study was to assess the effect of CPAP therapy on job productivity and work quality for patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Pellichero, Sylviane Lafont, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Colette Fabrigoule, Chantal Chavoix
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02953865
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Pellichero, Sylviane Lafont, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Colette Fabrigoule, Chantal Chavoix. Barriers and facilitators to social participation after driving cessation among older adults: a cohort study. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2020, 64 (2), pp.101373. ⟨10.1016/⟩. ⟨hal-02953865⟩
DOI : 10.1016/
pubmedId_s : 32272286
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BackgroundDriving cessation is a challenging transition for older drivers. It is indeed often associated with reduced mobility, loss of autonomy and poor quality of life, as in individuals with acquired disabilities. We examined factors that inhibit or facilitate out-of-home occupations after driving cessation (shopping, visiting/helping friends/family, leisure, and associative activities) in older adults, with particular focus on the role of anticipation.MethodsThis longitudinal study was conducted with the SAFE MOVE cohort (n = 1014 drivers aged ≥ 70 years). Socio-demographic, health, cognitive, mobility and out-of-home occupations data were collected at home at baseline and by a postal questionnaire at 2-year follow-up.ResultsIn total, 48 (5%) participants stopped driving between baseline and follow-up, at a mean age of 81.8 years; 71% of drivers who stopped reported that driving cessation affected their out-of-home occupations. Participation in social occupations started to decline before driving cessation. Retired drivers were older, had poorer health, poorer cognitive abilities, drove less at baseline but used more public transportation than active drivers. As compared with participants who did not consider driving cessation at baseline, those who did were more likely to expect a better quality of life in the event of driving cessation and to use public transportation at baseline and follow-up despite their older age and poorer health.ConclusionSome factors associated with reduced social participation and driving cessation are inevitable, such as health status. However, other factors may facilitate maintenance of social participation, including anticipation of driving cessation and mobility habits. Our findings highlight the need for appropriate interventions that are widely available to older drivers before driving cessation occurs and for public policy actions facilitating alternative transport systems.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BackgroundDriving cessation is a challenging transition for older drivers. It is indeed often associated with reduced mobility, loss of autonomy and poor quality of life, as in individuals with acquired disabilities. We examined factors that inhibit or facilitate out-of-home occupations after driving cessation (shopping, visiting/helping friends/family, leisure, and associative activities) in older adults, with particular focus on the role of anticipation.MethodsThis longitudinal study was conducted with the SAFE MOVE cohort (n = 1014 drivers aged ≥ 70 years). Socio-demographic, health, cognitive, mobility and out-of-home occupations data were collected at home at baseline and by a postal questionnaire at 2-year follow-up.ResultsIn total, 48 (5%) participants stopped driving between baseline and follow-up, at a mean age of 81.8 years; 71% of drivers who stopped reported that driving cessation affected their out-of-home occupations. Participation in social occupations started to decline before driving cessation. Retired drivers were older, had poorer health, poorer cognitive abilities, drove less at baseline but used more public transportation than active drivers. As compared with participants who did not consider driving cessation at baseline, those who did were more likely to expect a better quality of life in the event of driving cessation and to use public transportation at baseline and follow-up despite their older age and poorer health.ConclusionSome factors associated with reduced social participation and driving cessation are inevitable, such as health status. However, other factors may facilitate maintenance of social participation, including anticipation of driving cessation and mobility habits. Our findings highlight the need for appropriate interventions that are widely available to older drivers before driving cessation occurs and for public policy actions facilitating alternative transport systems.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hermann Nabi, Alice Guéguen, Marie Zins, Emmanuel Lagarde, Mireille Chiron, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00086741
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hermann Nabi, Alice Guéguen, Marie Zins, Emmanuel Lagarde, Mireille Chiron, et al.. Awareness of driving while sleepy and road traffic accidents: prospective study in GAZEL cohort.. BMJ / BMJ (CLINICAL RESEARCH ED); Br Med J; British Medical Journal; Brit Med J, 2006, 333 (7558), pp.75. ⟨10.1136/bmj.38863.638194.AE⟩. ⟨inserm-00086741⟩
DOI : 10.1136/bmj.38863.638194.AE
pubmedId_s : 16798754
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: To examine the association between self assessed driving while sleepy and the risk of serious road traffic accidents (RTAs). DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: France. PARTICIPANTS: 13 299 of the 19 894 living members of the GAZEL cohort, workers and recent retirees of a French national utility company followed up since 1989. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Frequency of driving while sleepy in the previous 12 months, reported in 2001; rate ratios for serious RTAs in 2001-3, estimated by using generalised linear Poisson regression models with time dependent covariates. RESULTS: The risk of serious RTAs increased proportionally with the frequency of self reported driving while sleepy. After adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics, driving behaviour variables, work conditions, retirement, medical conditions and treatments, depressive symptoms, and sleep disorders, the adjusted rate ratios of serious RTAs for participants who reported driving while sleepy in the previous 12 months "a few times" or "once a month or more often" were 1.5 (95% confidence interval 1.2 to 2.0) and 2.9 (1.3 to 6.3) respectively compared with those who reported not driving while sleepy over the same period. These associations were not explained by any reported sleep disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Self assessed driving while sleepy was a powerful predictor of serious RTAs, suggesting that drivers' awareness of their sleepiness while driving is not sufficient to prevent them from having RTAs. Messages on prevention should therefore focus on convincing sleepy drivers to stop driving and sleep before resuming their journey.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: To examine the association between self assessed driving while sleepy and the risk of serious road traffic accidents (RTAs). DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: France. PARTICIPANTS: 13 299 of the 19 894 living members of the GAZEL cohort, workers and recent retirees of a French national utility company followed up since 1989. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Frequency of driving while sleepy in the previous 12 months, reported in 2001; rate ratios for serious RTAs in 2001-3, estimated by using generalised linear Poisson regression models with time dependent covariates. RESULTS: The risk of serious RTAs increased proportionally with the frequency of self reported driving while sleepy. After adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics, driving behaviour variables, work conditions, retirement, medical conditions and treatments, depressive symptoms, and sleep disorders, the adjusted rate ratios of serious RTAs for participants who reported driving while sleepy in the previous 12 months "a few times" or "once a month or more often" were 1.5 (95% confidence interval 1.2 to 2.0) and 2.9 (1.3 to 6.3) respectively compared with those who reported not driving while sleepy over the same period. These associations were not explained by any reported sleep disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Self assessed driving while sleepy was a powerful predictor of serious RTAs, suggesting that drivers' awareness of their sleepiness while driving is not sufficient to prevent them from having RTAs. Messages on prevention should therefore focus on convincing sleepy drivers to stop driving and sleep before resuming their journey.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alexandra Fort, Boris Collette, Myriam Evennou, Christophe Jallais, Barbara Charbotel, A.N Stephens, Antonio R. Hidalgo-Munoz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03209193
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alexandra Fort, Boris Collette, Myriam Evennou, Christophe Jallais, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. Avoidance and personal and occupational quality of life in French people with driving anxiety. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2021, 80, pp 49-60. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2021.03.019⟩. ⟨hal-03209193⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.trf.2021.03.019
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Driving anxiety can have a significant impact on one's quality of life, particularly for those who experience intense levels. However, to date there are limited data about the perceived impact of driving anxiety on occupational life, and driving anxiety remains under-researched in France. To address this gap, an online survey assessing self-reported driving anxiety, how it manifests and its links with some aspects of personal and occupational life was designed. The survey was administered in France to respondents who identified as experiencing driving anxiety. Responses were obtained from 304 people aged 18 years or older. In the sample, 32.2%, 44.7% and 23% respectively reported mild, moderate and extreme levels of driving anxiety. In the extremely anxious group, males were under-represented, whereas people aged 35-44 and unlicensed drivers were over-represented. People who were unemployed (excluding students and retired people), reported that their anxiety had been a barrier to getting a job and a high percentage of these respondents had also previously considered leaving a position because of their anxiety. Respondents also reported their anxiety had a negative impact on their perceived quality of life in general. People who categorised as extremely anxious reported a negative impact four times higher than those in the mildly anxious group.The results highlight for the first time the perceived impact of driving anxiety on daily and occupational life in a French population. Further, the results demonstrate the importance of distinguishing between moderately and extremely anxious drivers as the intensity level has differential impacts on personal and work life quality.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Driving anxiety can have a significant impact on one's quality of life, particularly for those who experience intense levels. However, to date there are limited data about the perceived impact of driving anxiety on occupational life, and driving anxiety remains under-researched in France. To address this gap, an online survey assessing self-reported driving anxiety, how it manifests and its links with some aspects of personal and occupational life was designed. The survey was administered in France to respondents who identified as experiencing driving anxiety. Responses were obtained from 304 people aged 18 years or older. In the sample, 32.2%, 44.7% and 23% respectively reported mild, moderate and extreme levels of driving anxiety. In the extremely anxious group, males were under-represented, whereas people aged 35-44 and unlicensed drivers were over-represented. People who were unemployed (excluding students and retired people), reported that their anxiety had been a barrier to getting a job and a high percentage of these respondents had also previously considered leaving a position because of their anxiety. Respondents also reported their anxiety had a negative impact on their perceived quality of life in general. People who categorised as extremely anxious reported a negative impact four times higher than those in the mildly anxious group.The results highlight for the first time the perceived impact of driving anxiety on daily and occupational life in a French population. Further, the results demonstrate the importance of distinguishing between moderately and extremely anxious drivers as the intensity level has differential impacts on personal and work life quality.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Dina Attia, Marion Boyer, Olivier Merckel, Aurélie Niaudet, Francine Behar-Cohen, Olivier Enouf, Alicia Torriglia, Anne Pereira de Vasconcelos, Thomas Claudepierre, Brigitte Debuire, Jean-François Doré, Thierry Douki, Jack Falcón, Emmanuel Flahaut, François Gaudaire, Martine Hours, Chaker Larabi, Joël Lelong, Frédérique Moati, Catherine Mouneyrac, Fabien Ndagijimana, Anne-Lise Paradis, Marie-Pierre Rols, Valérie Simonneaux, Alain Soyez, Esko Toppila, Françoise Viénot, Catherine Yardin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : anses-04860282
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Dina Attia, Marion Boyer, Olivier Merckel, Aurélie Niaudet, Francine Behar-Cohen, et al.. Avis de l’Anses relatif aux « valeurs limites d’exposition à la lumière bleue pour la population générale ». Saisine n°2019-SA-0139, Anses. 2020, 16 p. ⟨anses-04860282⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le comité scientifique européen sur la santé, l’environnement et les risques émergents (Scheer) a publié le 12 juillet 20183 un rapport relatif aux risques potentiels pour la santé humaine liés aux systèmes à diodes électroluminescentes (LED). En ce qui concerne les effets toxiques de la lumière émise par les systèmes à LED, le Scheer: - souligne l’existence d’études chez l’animal (in vivo et in vitro) mettant en évidence des effets phototoxiques liés à l’exposition à ces systèmes, ce qui suscite des inquiétudes, notamment en matière d’effets sur la vision pour les populations sensibles (enfants, adolescents et personnes âgées) ; - précise néanmoins que les conditions d'exposition dans ces études sont peu réalistes, les niveaux d'exposition étant supérieurs à ceux susceptibles d'être atteints avec des systèmes d'éclairage domestique à LED. Ainsi, le Scheer conclut qu’en matière de phototoxicité, il n’existe pas de preuve d’effets sanitaires indésirables directs liés à l’exposition aux LED lorsqu’elles sont utilisées en conditions normales par la population générale, et ajoute que les éclairages domestiques à LED sont conformes à la réglementation actuelle (limitation de la mise sur le marché en fonction du groupe de risque photobiologique, déterminé à partir des valeurs limites d’exposition rétinienne établies par l’Icnirp (International Commission on Non Ionising Radiation Protection)). Cependant, l’évaluation du risque photobiologique lié à l’exposition aux LED a été réalisée par le Scheer sur la base des valeurs limites d’exposition à la lumière mises à jour par l’Icnirp en 2013, et celui-ci n’a pas questionné leur pertinence au regard des nouvelles données scientifiques disponibles. L’Anses, saisie afin de mettre à jour son précédent avis sur les effets sanitaires liés aux LED, a publié le 14 mai 2019 un avis relatif aux « effets sur la santé humaine et sur l’environnement (faune et flore) des systèmes utilisant des diodes électroluminescentes (LED) ». L’Anses note, dans le même esprit que le Scheer, que les éclairages domestiques à LED doivent être conformes à la réglementation en vigueur limitant l’accès du public aux lampes de groupes de risque 0 ou 1. L’Agence a par ailleurs élargi son expertise à la lumière bleue, au-delà des éclairages LED, en s’intéressant aux effets de l’exposition de l’humain à cette lumière bleue, dans ses aspects phototoxiques comme dans ceux liés à la perturbation des rythmes circadiens, à court et long terme. En ce qui concerne les effets phototoxiques de la lumière bleue, l’Anses a conclu : - à un effet phototoxique avéré d’une exposition aigüe à une lumière riche en bleu sur la rétine. L’effet de l’exposition chronique de la rétine (plusieurs années) à la lumière riche en bleu sur la contribution à la survenue d’une dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) est également avéré ; - à la nécessaire révision des valeurs limites d’exposition aux rayonnements optiques proposées par l’Icnirp, de façon à les rendre suffisamment protectrices vis-à-vis du risque phototoxique (pour la population générale et les travailleurs). En effet, de nouvelles études identifiées par la revue des connaissances effectuée introduisent un doute quant à la validité des valeurs limites retenues par l’Icnirp pour la toxicité rétinienne de la lumière. Certains auteurs (Hunter et al., 2012) ont estimé que ces valeurs limites étaient supérieures d’un facteur 20 par rapport à des valeurs protectrices. De plus, l’expertise a souligné que ces VLE ne sont proposées que pour une exposition aiguë (exposition inférieure à 8 heures) et éludent la question des conséquences liées à une exposition à long terme. Ainsi, au regard des apparentes divergences concernant l’appréciation du risque phototoxique lié à l’exposition à la lumière bleue entre les avis exprimés par le Scheer et l’Anses, la Direction générale de la santé a saisi l’Anses afin qu’elle lui transmette un argumentaire scientifique permettant d’étayer une demande de révision des valeurs limites d’exposition auprès de la Commission européenne.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le comité scientifique européen sur la santé, l’environnement et les risques émergents (Scheer) a publié le 12 juillet 20183 un rapport relatif aux risques potentiels pour la santé humaine liés aux systèmes à diodes électroluminescentes (LED). En ce qui concerne les effets toxiques de la lumière émise par les systèmes à LED, le Scheer: - souligne l’existence d’études chez l’animal (in vivo et in vitro) mettant en évidence des effets phototoxiques liés à l’exposition à ces systèmes, ce qui suscite des inquiétudes, notamment en matière d’effets sur la vision pour les populations sensibles (enfants, adolescents et personnes âgées) ; - précise néanmoins que les conditions d'exposition dans ces études sont peu réalistes, les niveaux d'exposition étant supérieurs à ceux susceptibles d'être atteints avec des systèmes d'éclairage domestique à LED. Ainsi, le Scheer conclut qu’en matière de phototoxicité, il n’existe pas de preuve d’effets sanitaires indésirables directs liés à l’exposition aux LED lorsqu’elles sont utilisées en conditions normales par la population générale, et ajoute que les éclairages domestiques à LED sont conformes à la réglementation actuelle (limitation de la mise sur le marché en fonction du groupe de risque photobiologique, déterminé à partir des valeurs limites d’exposition rétinienne établies par l’Icnirp (International Commission on Non Ionising Radiation Protection)). Cependant, l’évaluation du risque photobiologique lié à l’exposition aux LED a été réalisée par le Scheer sur la base des valeurs limites d’exposition à la lumière mises à jour par l’Icnirp en 2013, et celui-ci n’a pas questionné leur pertinence au regard des nouvelles données scientifiques disponibles. L’Anses, saisie afin de mettre à jour son précédent avis sur les effets sanitaires liés aux LED, a publié le 14 mai 2019 un avis relatif aux « effets sur la santé humaine et sur l’environnement (faune et flore) des systèmes utilisant des diodes électroluminescentes (LED) ». L’Anses note, dans le même esprit que le Scheer, que les éclairages domestiques à LED doivent être conformes à la réglementation en vigueur limitant l’accès du public aux lampes de groupes de risque 0 ou 1. L’Agence a par ailleurs élargi son expertise à la lumière bleue, au-delà des éclairages LED, en s’intéressant aux effets de l’exposition de l’humain à cette lumière bleue, dans ses aspects phototoxiques comme dans ceux liés à la perturbation des rythmes circadiens, à court et long terme. En ce qui concerne les effets phototoxiques de la lumière bleue, l’Anses a conclu : - à un effet phototoxique avéré d’une exposition aigüe à une lumière riche en bleu sur la rétine. L’effet de l’exposition chronique de la rétine (plusieurs années) à la lumière riche en bleu sur la contribution à la survenue d’une dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) est également avéré ; - à la nécessaire révision des valeurs limites d’exposition aux rayonnements optiques proposées par l’Icnirp, de façon à les rendre suffisamment protectrices vis-à-vis du risque phototoxique (pour la population générale et les travailleurs). En effet, de nouvelles études identifiées par la revue des connaissances effectuée introduisent un doute quant à la validité des valeurs limites retenues par l’Icnirp pour la toxicité rétinienne de la lumière. Certains auteurs (Hunter et al., 2012) ont estimé que ces valeurs limites étaient supérieures d’un facteur 20 par rapport à des valeurs protectrices. De plus, l’expertise a souligné que ces VLE ne sont proposées que pour une exposition aiguë (exposition inférieure à 8 heures) et éludent la question des conséquences liées à une exposition à long terme. Ainsi, au regard des apparentes divergences concernant l’appréciation du risque phototoxique lié à l’exposition à la lumière bleue entre les avis exprimés par le Scheer et l’Anses, la Direction générale de la santé a saisi l’Anses afin qu’elle lui transmette un argumentaire scientifique permettant d’étayer une demande de révision des valeurs limites d’exposition auprès de la Commission européenne.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Rémy Badoc, Agnès Batt, Frank Bellivier, Michel Debout, Benoît Delatte, Françoise Facy, Claude Got, Eric Jougla, Odile Spreux-Varoquaux, Jean-Louis Terra
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01570633
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Rémy Badoc, Agnès Batt, Frank Bellivier, Michel Debout, Benoît Delatte, et al.. Autopsie psychologique : mise en oeuvre et démarches associées. [Rapport de recherche] Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale(INSERM). 2008, 156 p., références bibliographiques, tableaux, graphiques. ⟨hal-01570633⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les données les plus récentes de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS)font apparaître que la France est l’un des pays les plus touchés, avec près de 11 000 décès par suicide déclarés chaque année. Ce phénomène représente la deuxième cause de mortalité chez les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans après les accidents de la route et touche un nombre élevé de personnes âgées.Une stratégie nationale d’actions face au suicide a été mise en place en 2000 par la Direction générale de la santé pour la période 2000-2005. Cette politique publique a été construite autour de 4 axes d’intervention prioritaires :• favoriser la prévention par un dépistage accru des risques suicidaires ;• diminuer l’accès aux moyens létaux ;• améliorer la prise en charge ;• améliorer la connaissance épidémiologique.Par ailleurs, la volonté politique de développer des actions de prévention dusuicide a été réaffirmée à de nombreuses reprises. À cet égard, on peut citer :• la loi n° 806-2004 relative à la politique de santé publique du 9 août 2004.Elle inscrit, dans le cadre de ses objectifs pluriannuels, un objectif de réduction de 20 % du nombre de suicides à l’horizon 2008. L’article 3 de la loi prescrit par ailleurs l’établissement d’un Plan régional de santé publique (PRSP) tenant compte à la fois des objectifs nationaux et des spécificités régionales.Tout plan régional développe la thématique « santé mentale et suicide » ;• le Plan de psychiatrie et de santé mentale (2005-2008). Il prévoit la poursuitede la stratégie nationale d’actions face au suicide et son évaluation en2006. De plus, il fixe des actions en matière de dépistage et de traitement dela dépression qui est un facteur de risque important pour la crise suicidaire ;• la deuxième version du manuel de certification (dénommée auparavantaccréditation) des établissements de santé. La prévention du suicide y est identifiée comme « vigilance à construire ». Les établissements de santé sont incités à mettre en place des revues de la morbi-mortalité qui peuvent donc inclure les tentatives de suicide et les suicides qui surviennent au cours de l’hospitalisation ou des prises en charge ambulatoires. L’évaluation de la prise en charge hospitalière des suicidants est le thème le plus développé actuellement avec le soutien de la Haute autorité de santé (HAS) ;• la réunion périodique de la Commission centrale de suivi des actes suicidairesen milieu carcéral mise en place par la Direction de l’administration pénitentiaire, commission au sein de laquelle la Direction générale de la santé est représentée ;• le soutien apporté par la Direction générale de la santé à des associationsde prévention du suicide. Notamment, les journées nationales pour la prévention du suicide, moment fort de la sensibilisation du public à cette question, sont organisées chaque année par l’Union nationale pour la prévention du suicide (UNPS) avec le soutien du ministère chargé de la Santé.L’effort de recherche se poursuit, afin de faire progresser les connaissances sur le suicide.Ainsi, les principales conclusions de l’expertise collective, réalisée sousl’égide de l’Inserm en 2005, à la demande de la DGS font apparaître que l’autopsie psychologique par la reconstitution du parcours psychologique, social et médical d’une personne décédée par suicide constitue un outil d’intérêt pour la mise en évidence de facteurs de risque et de facteurs précipitants pouvant aboutir au suicide dans des populations spécifiques. Cette méthode permet également de mieux appréhender les interactions complexes entre les différents facteurs susceptibles d’être impliqués dans le geste suicidaire. De plus, la prise de contact avec les informants endeuillés etl’entretien qui s’ensuit, s’il est mené par une personne compétente, peut avoir un retentissement psychologique positif pour ces personnes, apportant une dimension de postvention à l’autopsie psychologique.Pour compléter sa démarche, la DGS a sollicité l’Inserm pour la réalisationd’une « expertise opérationnelle » dont le but est de définir les grands principespour le développement de recherches utilisant l’autopsie psychologique et d’établir un cahier des charges pour une bonne pratique de la méthode.Le groupe de travail réunissant des médecins, psychiatres, épidémiologistes,biologistes représentants d’associations ayant une expérience dans le domaine du suicide a pris en considération les points suivants :• l’état des lieux des décès par suicide et les limites inhérentes à la statistiquenationale des causes médicales de décès ;• les aspects pratiques et juridiques de l’autopsie médicolégale ;• les principes et méthodologie de l’autopsie psychologique : définition des« proches », définition des « cas » et des « témoins », choix des échelles psychométriques;• les modes de recueil des informations (type de questionnaire, modalités d’approche de l’entourage) et les aspects psychologiques ;• les compétences requises pour collecter les informations auprès des informants,l’évaluation des besoins de formation des différents participants à l’étude ;• l’apport de l’autopsie psychologique dans la caractérisation phénotypique indispensable à l’étude des facteurs biologiques et leurs interactions ;• les pré-requis éthiques, déontologiques et de confidentialité des études s’appuyant sur l’autopsie psychologique ;• une réflexion sur les populations d’intérêt susceptibles d’être étudiées enpriorité.Le groupe de travail a bénéficié de l’expérience développée au Québec dans lecadre d’un vaste projet de recherche faisant appel à l’autopsie psychologique pour étudier les décès par suicide au Nouveau-Brunswick.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les données les plus récentes de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS)font apparaître que la France est l’un des pays les plus touchés, avec près de 11 000 décès par suicide déclarés chaque année. Ce phénomène représente la deuxième cause de mortalité chez les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans après les accidents de la route et touche un nombre élevé de personnes âgées.Une stratégie nationale d’actions face au suicide a été mise en place en 2000 par la Direction générale de la santé pour la période 2000-2005. Cette politique publique a été construite autour de 4 axes d’intervention prioritaires :• favoriser la prévention par un dépistage accru des risques suicidaires ;• diminuer l’accès aux moyens létaux ;• améliorer la prise en charge ;• améliorer la connaissance épidémiologique.Par ailleurs, la volonté politique de développer des actions de prévention dusuicide a été réaffirmée à de nombreuses reprises. À cet égard, on peut citer :• la loi n° 806-2004 relative à la politique de santé publique du 9 août 2004.Elle inscrit, dans le cadre de ses objectifs pluriannuels, un objectif de réduction de 20 % du nombre de suicides à l’horizon 2008. L’article 3 de la loi prescrit par ailleurs l’établissement d’un Plan régional de santé publique (PRSP) tenant compte à la fois des objectifs nationaux et des spécificités régionales.Tout plan régional développe la thématique « santé mentale et suicide » ;• le Plan de psychiatrie et de santé mentale (2005-2008). Il prévoit la poursuitede la stratégie nationale d’actions face au suicide et son évaluation en2006. De plus, il fixe des actions en matière de dépistage et de traitement dela dépression qui est un facteur de risque important pour la crise suicidaire ;• la deuxième version du manuel de certification (dénommée auparavantaccréditation) des établissements de santé. La prévention du suicide y est identifiée comme « vigilance à construire ». Les établissements de santé sont incités à mettre en place des revues de la morbi-mortalité qui peuvent donc inclure les tentatives de suicide et les suicides qui surviennent au cours de l’hospitalisation ou des prises en charge ambulatoires. L’évaluation de la prise en charge hospitalière des suicidants est le thème le plus développé actuellement avec le soutien de la Haute autorité de santé (HAS) ;• la réunion périodique de la Commission centrale de suivi des actes suicidairesen milieu carcéral mise en place par la Direction de l’administration pénitentiaire, commission au sein de laquelle la Direction générale de la santé est représentée ;• le soutien apporté par la Direction générale de la santé à des associationsde prévention du suicide. Notamment, les journées nationales pour la prévention du suicide, moment fort de la sensibilisation du public à cette question, sont organisées chaque année par l’Union nationale pour la prévention du suicide (UNPS) avec le soutien du ministère chargé de la Santé.L’effort de recherche se poursuit, afin de faire progresser les connaissances sur le suicide.Ainsi, les principales conclusions de l’expertise collective, réalisée sousl’égide de l’Inserm en 2005, à la demande de la DGS font apparaître que l’autopsie psychologique par la reconstitution du parcours psychologique, social et médical d’une personne décédée par suicide constitue un outil d’intérêt pour la mise en évidence de facteurs de risque et de facteurs précipitants pouvant aboutir au suicide dans des populations spécifiques. Cette méthode permet également de mieux appréhender les interactions complexes entre les différents facteurs susceptibles d’être impliqués dans le geste suicidaire. De plus, la prise de contact avec les informants endeuillés etl’entretien qui s’ensuit, s’il est mené par une personne compétente, peut avoir un retentissement psychologique positif pour ces personnes, apportant une dimension de postvention à l’autopsie psychologique.Pour compléter sa démarche, la DGS a sollicité l’Inserm pour la réalisationd’une « expertise opérationnelle » dont le but est de définir les grands principespour le développement de recherches utilisant l’autopsie psychologique et d’établir un cahier des charges pour une bonne pratique de la méthode.Le groupe de travail réunissant des médecins, psychiatres, épidémiologistes,biologistes représentants d’associations ayant une expérience dans le domaine du suicide a pris en considération les points suivants :• l’état des lieux des décès par suicide et les limites inhérentes à la statistiquenationale des causes médicales de décès ;• les aspects pratiques et juridiques de l’autopsie médicolégale ;• les principes et méthodologie de l’autopsie psychologique : définition des« proches », définition des « cas » et des « témoins », choix des échelles psychométriques;• les modes de recueil des informations (type de questionnaire, modalités d’approche de l’entourage) et les aspects psychologiques ;• les compétences requises pour collecter les informations auprès des informants,l’évaluation des besoins de formation des différents participants à l’étude ;• l’apport de l’autopsie psychologique dans la caractérisation phénotypique indispensable à l’étude des facteurs biologiques et leurs interactions ;• les pré-requis éthiques, déontologiques et de confidentialité des études s’appuyant sur l’autopsie psychologique ;• une réflexion sur les populations d’intérêt susceptibles d’être étudiées enpriorité.Le groupe de travail a bénéficié de l’expérience développée au Québec dans lecadre d’un vaste projet de recherche faisant appel à l’autopsie psychologique pour étudier les décès par suicide au Nouveau-Brunswick.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Colette Fabrigoule, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01428747
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Colette Fabrigoule, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Sylviane Lafont. Automobile driving in seniors: Factors affecting driving restriction in men and women. ICAP 2014, 28TH International congress of applied psychology, Jul 2014, PARIS, France. 14 p. ⟨hal-01428747⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background/Objectives: Independence for older people is linked to driving, this being their main mode of travel. Even in normal aging, sensory, functional, and cognitive deficits appear, and are more severe in brain pathology leading to dementia. These may profoundly affect driving, which is a complex task involving all of these functions. Many studies show that older drivers modify their driving habits (reduced distance, avoiding certain driving situations ...). When this regulation process occurs in later life, gender differences have been reported. Women regulate their driving more than men and do so earlier. Gender differences in image and roles could lead women to loss mobility prematurely and lead men to make insufficient driving regulation. The purpose of the study was to investigate driving regulation with a focus on gender, cognitive deficits and Central Nervous System pathologies. Design: Longitudinal Study over six years. Setting: the Three-City Cohort of Bordeaux, a longitudinal study of 2104 people aged 65 years and above. Participants: 523 drivers, 273 men and 250 women. Measurements: Our range of measurements included socio-demographic characteristics, driving habits, health variables, cognitive evaluation and dementia diagnosis. Results: Fifty seven percent of the population aged 76 years on average restricted their driving over six years. In gender specific models, pre-dementia, Parkinson's disease, advanced age and high initial mobility by car were common factors of restriction in both genders. But other restriction factors were gender specific. In men, prevalent dementia, depressive symptomatology and a decline in at least one Instrumental Activities in Daily Living were specific factors. The only cognitive factor was low performance in the Benton Visual Retention Test. Specific restriction factors in women were low income and fear of falling. Slow Trail Making Test A execution time or a severe decline in Mini Mental Status Examination performance were the cognitive factors specifically associated with female restriction. Conclusion: The results could allow advising certain persons to make changes in driving behavior, in order to conciliate mobility and security in older drivers.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background/Objectives: Independence for older people is linked to driving, this being their main mode of travel. Even in normal aging, sensory, functional, and cognitive deficits appear, and are more severe in brain pathology leading to dementia. These may profoundly affect driving, which is a complex task involving all of these functions. Many studies show that older drivers modify their driving habits (reduced distance, avoiding certain driving situations ...). When this regulation process occurs in later life, gender differences have been reported. Women regulate their driving more than men and do so earlier. Gender differences in image and roles could lead women to loss mobility prematurely and lead men to make insufficient driving regulation. The purpose of the study was to investigate driving regulation with a focus on gender, cognitive deficits and Central Nervous System pathologies. Design: Longitudinal Study over six years. Setting: the Three-City Cohort of Bordeaux, a longitudinal study of 2104 people aged 65 years and above. Participants: 523 drivers, 273 men and 250 women. Measurements: Our range of measurements included socio-demographic characteristics, driving habits, health variables, cognitive evaluation and dementia diagnosis. Results: Fifty seven percent of the population aged 76 years on average restricted their driving over six years. In gender specific models, pre-dementia, Parkinson's disease, advanced age and high initial mobility by car were common factors of restriction in both genders. But other restriction factors were gender specific. In men, prevalent dementia, depressive symptomatology and a decline in at least one Instrumental Activities in Daily Living were specific factors. The only cognitive factor was low performance in the Benton Visual Retention Test. Specific restriction factors in women were low income and fear of falling. Slow Trail Making Test A execution time or a severe decline in Mini Mental Status Examination performance were the cognitive factors specifically associated with female restriction. Conclusion: The results could allow advising certain persons to make changes in driving behavior, in order to conciliate mobility and security in older drivers.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Colette Fabrigoule, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01436720
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Colette Fabrigoule, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Sylviane Lafont. Automobile Driving in Older Adults: Factors Affecting Driving Restriction in Men and Women. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2014, 11 (62), pp. 2071-2078. ⟨10.1111/jgs.13077⟩. ⟨hal-01436720⟩
DOI : 10.1111/jgs.13077
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: To identify factors associated with driving restriction in elderly men and women. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study of French drivers from 2003 to 2009. SETTING: The Three-City Cohort of Bordeaux, a prospective study of 2,104 people aged 65 and older. PARTICIPANTS: Five hundred twenty-three drivers with a mean age of 76 (273 male, 250 female). MEASUREMENTS: Sociodemographic characteristics, driving habits, health variables, cognitive evaluation and dementia diagnosis. Predementia was defined as no dementia at one follow-up and dementia at the next follow-up. RESULTS: Over the 6-year period, 54% of men and 63% of women stopped driving or reduced the distance they drove. Predementia, Parkinson's disease, older age, and a high number of kilometers previously driven were common restriction factors in both sexes. Prevalent dementia, depressive symptomatology, a decline in one or more instrumental activities of daily living, and poor visual working memory were specific factors in men. In women, low income, fear of falling, slow processing speed, and severe decline in global cognitive performance all affected driving restriction. CONCLUSION: Older women restricted their driving activity more than older men, regardless of the number of kilometers previously driven, physical health, and cognitive status. Factors affecting driving restriction differed according to sex, and women were more likely to stop driving than men in the period preceding a dementia diagnosis.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: To identify factors associated with driving restriction in elderly men and women. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study of French drivers from 2003 to 2009. SETTING: The Three-City Cohort of Bordeaux, a prospective study of 2,104 people aged 65 and older. PARTICIPANTS: Five hundred twenty-three drivers with a mean age of 76 (273 male, 250 female). MEASUREMENTS: Sociodemographic characteristics, driving habits, health variables, cognitive evaluation and dementia diagnosis. Predementia was defined as no dementia at one follow-up and dementia at the next follow-up. RESULTS: Over the 6-year period, 54% of men and 63% of women stopped driving or reduced the distance they drove. Predementia, Parkinson's disease, older age, and a high number of kilometers previously driven were common restriction factors in both sexes. Prevalent dementia, depressive symptomatology, a decline in one or more instrumental activities of daily living, and poor visual working memory were specific factors in men. In women, low income, fear of falling, slow processing speed, and severe decline in global cognitive performance all affected driving restriction. CONCLUSION: Older women restricted their driving activity more than older men, regardless of the number of kilometers previously driven, physical health, and cognitive status. Factors affecting driving restriction differed according to sex, and women were more likely to stop driving than men in the period preceding a dementia diagnosis.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Dominique Mignot, Philippe Beillas, Philippe Chauvel, Philippe Chretien, Vincent Judalet, Reakka Kroger-Kkrishnakumar, Sylviane Lafont, Vincent Ledoux, Jean-Louis Martin, Thierry Serre, Hélène Tattegrain-Veste
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03379674
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Dominique Mignot, Philippe Beillas, Philippe Chauvel, Philippe Chretien, Vincent Judalet, et al.. Automated vehicles and road safety: first results of the surca project. Technical Communication -Washington-, 2020, 1 (1), pp89-102. ⟨hal-03379674⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The SURCA project (Road user safety and automated driving) has two main objectives. The first is to identify scenarios for interactions between autonomous vehicles and other road users (non-autonomous vehicles, motorised two-whcelers, pedcstrians and cyclists. The second objective is to study how the posture of the occupants (driver and passengers) of a vehicle in autonomous mode affects injury risk. This paper focuses on a description of the project (which is still ongoing) and on its first results, mainly concerning the first objective. The first findings allow us, first of ail, to identify the most relevant accident scenarios (cspecially in terms of accidents) for the introduction of automatcd driving. We have performed a preliminary quantification of the effects of the graduai deployment of autonomous vehicles in traffic on the occurrence of persona! injury accidents. Finally, we will present some initial results on the modelling of how the posture of occupants in vchicles operating in autonomous mode affects their injury risk, and on the analysis of the nccds of eldcrly uscrs and their acceptance of automated vehiclcs.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The SURCA project (Road user safety and automated driving) has two main objectives. The first is to identify scenarios for interactions between autonomous vehicles and other road users (non-autonomous vehicles, motorised two-whcelers, pedcstrians and cyclists. The second objective is to study how the posture of the occupants (driver and passengers) of a vehicle in autonomous mode affects injury risk. This paper focuses on a description of the project (which is still ongoing) and on its first results, mainly concerning the first objective. The first findings allow us, first of ail, to identify the most relevant accident scenarios (cspecially in terms of accidents) for the introduction of automatcd driving. We have performed a preliminary quantification of the effects of the graduai deployment of autonomous vehicles in traffic on the occurrence of persona! injury accidents. Finally, we will present some initial results on the modelling of how the posture of occupants in vchicles operating in autonomous mode affects their injury risk, and on the analysis of the nccds of eldcrly uscrs and their acceptance of automated vehiclcs.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Javier Vila, Michelle Turner, Esther Gracia-Lavedan, Jordi Figuerola, Joseph Bowman, Laurel Kincl, Lesley Richardson, Geza Benke, Martine Hours, Daniel Krewski, Dave Mclean, Marie-Elise Parent, Siegal Sadetzki, Klaus Schlaefer, Brigitte Schlehofer, Joachim Schüz, Jack Siemiatycki, Martie van Tongeren, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : pasteur-02136228
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Javier Vila, Michelle Turner, Esther Gracia-Lavedan, Jordi Figuerola, Joseph Bowman, et al.. Authors' response to the Comments from S.M.J. Mortazavi regarding: “Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach”. Environment International, 2018, 121 (Pt 1), pp.1025-1026. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.007⟩. ⟨pasteur-02136228⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.007
pubmedId_s : 30170868
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hermann Nabi, Louis Rachid Salmi, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Marie Zins, Emmanuel Lagarde
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00168580
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hermann Nabi, Louis Rachid Salmi, Sylviane Lafont, Mireille Chiron, Marie Zins, et al.. Attitudes associated with behavioral predictors of serious road traffic crashes: results from the GAZEL cohort.. Injury Prevention, 2007, 13 (1), pp.26-31. ⟨10.1136/ip.2006.013342⟩. ⟨inserm-00168580⟩
DOI : 10.1136/ip.2006.013342
pubmedId_s : 17296685
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: To test the hypothesis that behavioral predictors of serious road traffic crashes (RTC) are correlated with unfavorable attitudes towards traffic safety. DESIGN: Prospective and cross-sectional cohort study. SETTING: France PARTICIPANTS: 13,447 of the 19,894 living members of the GAZEL cohort, workers and recent retirees of a French national utility company followed up since 1989. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: Driving behavior and attitudes towards traffic safety in 2001 by questionnaire. Serious RTCs were recorded over the subsequent 3 years using the cohort annual questionnaire. Behavioral predictors of serious RTCs were assessed using generalized linear Poisson regression models with time-dependent covariates. Factor scores extracted from the first four attitudinal factors of principal component analysis were saved and then regressed on behavioral predictors as independent variables. RESULTS: After controlling for potential confounders, the best predictors of serious RTCs were: "exceeding speed limits on rural roads", "risky use of cellular phone", and "sleepy driving". The adjusted rate ratio ranged from 1.47 to 2.16. Predictors of contravention of the highway code (the first two predictors) were found to be strongly associated with negative attitudes towards "enforcement" and "speed limitations" with an adjusted odds ratio ranging from 1.31 to 2.02. CONCLUSION: Our study supports the view that individuals with a high propensity for driving behaviors associated with an increased risk of RTCs were more likely to have negative attitudes towards traffic safety. Changing drivers' negative or distorted opinions of traffic "enforcement" as well as "speed limitations" and "alcohol prohibition on roads" could improve their compliance with road traffic rules.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: To test the hypothesis that behavioral predictors of serious road traffic crashes (RTC) are correlated with unfavorable attitudes towards traffic safety. DESIGN: Prospective and cross-sectional cohort study. SETTING: France PARTICIPANTS: 13,447 of the 19,894 living members of the GAZEL cohort, workers and recent retirees of a French national utility company followed up since 1989. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: Driving behavior and attitudes towards traffic safety in 2001 by questionnaire. Serious RTCs were recorded over the subsequent 3 years using the cohort annual questionnaire. Behavioral predictors of serious RTCs were assessed using generalized linear Poisson regression models with time-dependent covariates. Factor scores extracted from the first four attitudinal factors of principal component analysis were saved and then regressed on behavioral predictors as independent variables. RESULTS: After controlling for potential confounders, the best predictors of serious RTCs were: "exceeding speed limits on rural roads", "risky use of cellular phone", and "sleepy driving". The adjusted rate ratio ranged from 1.47 to 2.16. Predictors of contravention of the highway code (the first two predictors) were found to be strongly associated with negative attitudes towards "enforcement" and "speed limitations" with an adjusted odds ratio ranging from 1.31 to 2.02. CONCLUSION: Our study supports the view that individuals with a high propensity for driving behaviors associated with an increased risk of RTCs were more likely to have negative attitudes towards traffic safety. Changing drivers' negative or distorted opinions of traffic "enforcement" as well as "speed limitations" and "alcohol prohibition on roads" could improve their compliance with road traffic rules.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Brigitte Schlehofer, Maria Blettner, Monika Moissonnier, Isabelle Deltour, Graham G. Giles, Bruce Armstrong, Jack Siemiatycki, Marie-Elise Parent, Daniel Krewski, Christoffer Johansen, Anssi Auvinen, Anna Lahkolal, Martine Hours, Gabriele Berg-Beckhoff, Siegal Sadetzki, Susanna Lagorio, Toru Takebayashi, Naohito Yamaguchi, Alistair Woodward, Angus Cook, Tore Tynes, Lars Klaboe, Maria Feychting, Richard Feltbower, Anthony Swerdlow, Minouk Schoemaker, Elisabeth Cardis, Joachim Schuz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04060209
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Brigitte Schlehofer, Maria Blettner, Monika Moissonnier, Isabelle Deltour, Graham G. Giles, et al.. Association of allergic diseases and epilepsy with risk of glioma, meningioma and acoustic neuroma: results from the INTERPHONE international case-control study. European Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, 37 (5), pp.503-512. ⟨10.1007/s10654-022-00843-y⟩. ⟨hal-04060209⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10654-022-00843-y
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We investigated the association of allergic diseases and epilepsy with risk of brain tumours, in Interphone, a 13-country case-control study. Data were obtained from 2693 glioma cases, 2396 meningioma cases, and 1102 acoustic neuroma cases and their 6321 controls. Conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate pooled odds ratios (ORs) and their respective 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusted for education and time at interview. Reduced ORs were observed for glioma in relation to physician-diagnosed asthma (OR?=?0.73; CI 0.58-0.92), hay fever (OR 0.72; CI 0.61-0.86), and eczema (OR 0.78, CI 0.64-0.94), but not for meningioma or acoustic neuroma. Previous diagnosis of epilepsy was associated with an increased OR for glioma (2.94; CI 1.87-4.63) and for meningioma (2.12; CI 1.27-3.56), but not for acoustic neuroma. This large-scale case-control study adds to the growing evidence that people with allergies have a lower risk of developing glioma, but not meningioma or acoustic neuroma. It also supports clinical observations of epilepsy prior to the diagnosis of glioma and meningioma.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We investigated the association of allergic diseases and epilepsy with risk of brain tumours, in Interphone, a 13-country case-control study. Data were obtained from 2693 glioma cases, 2396 meningioma cases, and 1102 acoustic neuroma cases and their 6321 controls. Conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate pooled odds ratios (ORs) and their respective 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusted for education and time at interview. Reduced ORs were observed for glioma in relation to physician-diagnosed asthma (OR?=?0.73; CI 0.58-0.92), hay fever (OR 0.72; CI 0.61-0.86), and eczema (OR 0.78, CI 0.64-0.94), but not for meningioma or acoustic neuroma. Previous diagnosis of epilepsy was associated with an increased OR for glioma (2.94; CI 1.87-4.63) and for meningioma (2.12; CI 1.27-3.56), but not for acoustic neuroma. This large-scale case-control study adds to the growing evidence that people with allergies have a lower risk of developing glioma, but not meningioma or acoustic neuroma. It also supports clinical observations of epilepsy prior to the diagnosis of glioma and meningioma.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Frédéric Moisan, Johan Spinosi, Laurène Delabre, Véronique Gourlet, Jean-Louis Mazurie, Isabelle Bénatru, Marcel Goldberg, Marc G Weisskopf, Ellen Imbernon, Christophe Tzourio, Alexis Elbaz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-01160057
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Frédéric Moisan, Johan Spinosi, Laurène Delabre, Véronique Gourlet, Jean-Louis Mazurie, et al.. Association of Parkinson's Disease and Its Subtypes with Agricultural Pesticide Exposures in Men: A Case-Control Study in France.. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2015, ⟨10.1289/ehp.1307970⟩. ⟨inserm-01160057⟩
DOI : 10.1289/ehp.1307970
pubmedId_s : 25815770
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Pesticides have been associated with Parkinson's disease (PD), but there are few data on important exposure characteristics such as dose-effect relations. It is unknown whether associations depend on clinical PD subtypes. We examined quantitative aspects of occupational pesticide exposure associated with PD and investigated whether associations were similar across PD subtypes. As part of a French population-based case-control study including men enrolled in the health insurance plan for farmers and agricultural workers, cases with clinically confirmed PD were identified through antiparkinsonian drug claims. Two controls were matched to each case. Using a comprehensive occupational questionnaire, we computed indicators for different dimensions of exposure (duration, cumulative exposure, intensity). We used conditional logistic regression to compute odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) among exposed male farmers (133 cases, 298 controls). We examined the relation between pesticides and PD subtypes (tremor dominant/non-tremor dominant) using polytomous logistic regression. There appeared to be a stronger association with intensity than duration of pesticide exposure based on separate models and a synergistic interaction between duration and intensity (p-interaction = 0.04). High intensity exposure to insecticides was positively associated with PD among those with low intensity exposure to fungicides and vice versa, suggesting independent effects. Pesticide exposure in farms specialized in vineyards was associated with PD (OR = 2.56; 95% CI: 1.31, 4.98). The association with intensity of pesticide use was stronger, although not significantly (p-heterogeneity = 0.60), for tremor dominant (p--trend < 0.01) than for non-tremor dominant PD (p--trend = 0.24). This study helps to better characterize different aspects of pesticide exposure associated with PD, and shows a significant association of pesticides with tremor dominant PD in men, the most typical PD presentation.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Pesticides have been associated with Parkinson's disease (PD), but there are few data on important exposure characteristics such as dose-effect relations. It is unknown whether associations depend on clinical PD subtypes. We examined quantitative aspects of occupational pesticide exposure associated with PD and investigated whether associations were similar across PD subtypes. As part of a French population-based case-control study including men enrolled in the health insurance plan for farmers and agricultural workers, cases with clinically confirmed PD were identified through antiparkinsonian drug claims. Two controls were matched to each case. Using a comprehensive occupational questionnaire, we computed indicators for different dimensions of exposure (duration, cumulative exposure, intensity). We used conditional logistic regression to compute odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) among exposed male farmers (133 cases, 298 controls). We examined the relation between pesticides and PD subtypes (tremor dominant/non-tremor dominant) using polytomous logistic regression. There appeared to be a stronger association with intensity than duration of pesticide exposure based on separate models and a synergistic interaction between duration and intensity (p-interaction = 0.04). High intensity exposure to insecticides was positively associated with PD among those with low intensity exposure to fungicides and vice versa, suggesting independent effects. Pesticide exposure in farms specialized in vineyards was associated with PD (OR = 2.56; 95% CI: 1.31, 4.98). The association with intensity of pesticide use was stronger, although not significantly (p-heterogeneity = 0.60), for tremor dominant (p--trend < 0.01) than for non-tremor dominant PD (p--trend = 0.24). This study helps to better characterize different aspects of pesticide exposure associated with PD, and shows a significant association of pesticides with tremor dominant PD in men, the most typical PD presentation.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Liacine Bouaoun, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01073552
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Liacine Bouaoun, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard. Association entre exposition au bruit des avions et mortalité par maladies de l'appareil circulatoire en France. Congrès de l’Association des Epidémiologistes de Langue Française ADELF, Sep 2014, Nice, France. 2 p. ⟨hal-01073552⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction : En France, peu d’études se sont intéressés aux effets du bruit des avions sur la santé, et en particulier sur la mortalité. L’objectif de l’étude écologique du programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) est d’étudier l’association entre le niveau d’exposition au bruit des avions et le risque de mortalité par maladies de l’appareil circulatoire. Méthodes : La zone d’étude comprend 161 communes riveraines de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry. L’exposition moyenne au bruit des avions de chaque commune a été estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. Les données de mortalité par maladies de l’appareil circulatoire (CIM-10 : I00-I99) proviennent du CépiDc de l’Inserm pour la période 2007-2010. Afin d’estimer le risque de mortalité par niveau d’exposition au bruit, un modèle de Poisson à effets aléatoires ajusté sur l’âge moyen de la population, le pourcentage de femmes, le niveau socio-économique, le niveau de pollution, la densité de population et la zone géographique de la commune a été utilisé. Résultats : La mortalité par maladies de l’appareil circulatoire augmente significativement avec le niveau d’exposition au bruit : RR = 1,23 pour une augmentation de 10 dB(A), IC95% = (1,10 – 1,38) ; RR (>=60 dB(A) vs <45 dB(A)) = 2,01, IC95% = (1,48 – 2,74). Discussion : L’exposition au bruit des avions est associée à la mortalité par maladies de l’appareil circulatoire. Les résultats nécessitent cependant d’être confirmé au niveau individuel par l’étude longitudinale de DEBATS qui est en cours.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction : En France, peu d’études se sont intéressés aux effets du bruit des avions sur la santé, et en particulier sur la mortalité. L’objectif de l’étude écologique du programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) est d’étudier l’association entre le niveau d’exposition au bruit des avions et le risque de mortalité par maladies de l’appareil circulatoire. Méthodes : La zone d’étude comprend 161 communes riveraines de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Toulouse-Blagnac et Lyon-Saint-Exupéry. L’exposition moyenne au bruit des avions de chaque commune a été estimée à partir des cartes de bruit produites par les aéroports. Les données de mortalité par maladies de l’appareil circulatoire (CIM-10 : I00-I99) proviennent du CépiDc de l’Inserm pour la période 2007-2010. Afin d’estimer le risque de mortalité par niveau d’exposition au bruit, un modèle de Poisson à effets aléatoires ajusté sur l’âge moyen de la population, le pourcentage de femmes, le niveau socio-économique, le niveau de pollution, la densité de population et la zone géographique de la commune a été utilisé. Résultats : La mortalité par maladies de l’appareil circulatoire augmente significativement avec le niveau d’exposition au bruit : RR = 1,23 pour une augmentation de 10 dB(A), IC95% = (1,10 – 1,38) ; RR (>=60 dB(A) vs <45 dB(A)) = 2,01, IC95% = (1,48 – 2,74). Discussion : L’exposition au bruit des avions est associée à la mortalité par maladies de l’appareil circulatoire. Les résultats nécessitent cependant d’être confirmé au niveau individuel par l’étude longitudinale de DEBATS qui est en cours.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : E. Faure, A. Houeto, A. Boileau, C. Perrin, A. Gelot, E. Correia, F. Artaud, P. Jamard, A. Perez Munoz, F. Mietlicki, M. Quenez, V. Gissinger, C. Domergue, V. Janillon, B. Vincent, F. Mohamed, K. Godet, L. Giorgis-Allemand, J. Leduc, A.-S. Evrard, G. Severi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04425196
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : E. Faure, A. Houeto, A. Boileau, C. Perrin, A. Gelot, et al.. Association between transportation noise exposure ans hypertension risk in the french E3N cohort. 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum 2023), Sep 2023, Turin (Italie), France. pp.4651-4654, ⟨10.61782/fa.2023.0789⟩. ⟨hal-04425196⟩
DOI : 10.61782/fa.2023.0789
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : S. Trouillet-Assant, C. Albert Vega, A. Bal, J. A. Nazare, P. Fascia, A. Paul, A. Massardier-Pilonchery, D. Aubarede C, N. Guibert, V. Pitiot, M. Lahousse, A. Boibieux, D. Makhloufi, C. Simon, Muriel Rabilloud, M. A. Trabaud, F. Gueyffier, J. B. Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-03268243
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : S. Trouillet-Assant, C. Albert Vega, A. Bal, J. A. Nazare, P. Fascia, et al.. Assessment of serological techniques for screening patients for COVID-19 (COVID-SER): a prospective, multicentric study. BMJ Open, 2020, 10 (11), pp.e041268. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041268⟩. ⟨inserm-03268243⟩
DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041268
pubmedId_s : 33234651
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 threatens global public health, and there is an urgent public health need to assess acquired immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Serological tests might provide results that can be complementary to or confirm suspected COVID-19 cases and reveal previous infection. The performance of serological assays (sensitivity and specificity) has to be evaluated before their use in the general population. The neutralisation capacity of the produced antibodies also has to be evaluated. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We set up a prospective, multicentric clinical study to evaluate the performance of serological kits among a population of healthcare workers presenting mild symptoms suggestive of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Four hundred symptomatic healthcare workers will be included in the COVID-SER study. The values obtained from a control cohort included during the prepandemic time will be used as reference. A workflow was set up to study serological response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and to evaluate antibody neutralisation capacity in patients with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. The sensitivity and specificity of the tests will be assessed using molecular detection of the virus as a reference. The measurement of IgM and IgG antibodies will be performed once per week for 6 consecutive weeks and then at 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months after the diagnosis. The kinetics of IgM and IgG will determine the optimal period to perform serological testing. The proportion of false negative PCR tests in symptomatic subjects will be determined on the basis of subsequent seroconversions. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval has been obtained from the national review board for biomedical research in April 2020 (Comité de Protection des Personnes Sud Méditerranée I, Marseille, France) (ID RCB 2020-A00932-37). Results will be disseminated through presentations at scientific meetings and publications in peer-reviewed journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04341142.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 threatens global public health, and there is an urgent public health need to assess acquired immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Serological tests might provide results that can be complementary to or confirm suspected COVID-19 cases and reveal previous infection. The performance of serological assays (sensitivity and specificity) has to be evaluated before their use in the general population. The neutralisation capacity of the produced antibodies also has to be evaluated. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We set up a prospective, multicentric clinical study to evaluate the performance of serological kits among a population of healthcare workers presenting mild symptoms suggestive of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Four hundred symptomatic healthcare workers will be included in the COVID-SER study. The values obtained from a control cohort included during the prepandemic time will be used as reference. A workflow was set up to study serological response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and to evaluate antibody neutralisation capacity in patients with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. The sensitivity and specificity of the tests will be assessed using molecular detection of the virus as a reference. The measurement of IgM and IgG antibodies will be performed once per week for 6 consecutive weeks and then at 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months after the diagnosis. The kinetics of IgM and IgG will determine the optimal period to perform serological testing. The proportion of false negative PCR tests in symptomatic subjects will be determined on the basis of subsequent seroconversions. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval has been obtained from the national review board for biomedical research in April 2020 (Comité de Protection des Personnes Sud Méditerranée I, Marseille, France) (ID RCB 2020-A00932-37). Results will be disseminated through presentations at scientific meetings and publications in peer-reviewed journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04341142.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-François Gehanno, Isabelle Thaon, Carole Pelissier, Laetitia Rollin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04733656
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-François Gehanno, Isabelle Thaon, Carole Pelissier, Laetitia Rollin. Assessment of search strategies in Medline to identify studies on the impact of long COVID on workability. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 2024, 9, pp.1300533. ⟨10.3389/frma.2024.1300533⟩. ⟨hal-04733656⟩
DOI : 10.3389/frma.2024.1300533
pubmedId_s : 38495828
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives Studies on the impact of long COVID on work capacity are increasing but are difficult to locate in bibliographic databases, due to the heterogeneity of the terms used to describe this new condition and its consequences. This study aims to report on the effectiveness of different search strategies to find studies on the impact of long COVID on work participation in PubMed and to create validated search strings. Methods We searched PubMed for articles published on Long COVID and including information about work. Relevant articles were identified and their reference lists were screened. Occupational health journals were manually scanned to identify articles that could have been missed. A total of 885 articles potentially relevant were collected and 120 were finally included in a gold standard database. Recall, Precision, and Number Needed to Read (NNR) of various keywords or combinations of keywords were assessed. Results Overall, 123 search-words alone or in combination were tested. The highest Recalls with a single MeSH term or textword were 23 and 90%, respectively. Two different search strings were developed, one optimizing Recall while keeping Precision acceptable (Recall 98.3%, Precision 15.9%, NNR 6.3) and one optimizing Precision while keeping Recall acceptable (Recall 90.8%, Precision 26.1%, NNR 3.8). Conclusions No single MeSH term allows to find all relevant studies on the impact of long COVID on work ability in PubMed. The use of various MeSH and non-MeSH terms in combination is required to recover such studies without being overwhelmed by irrelevant articles.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives Studies on the impact of long COVID on work capacity are increasing but are difficult to locate in bibliographic databases, due to the heterogeneity of the terms used to describe this new condition and its consequences. This study aims to report on the effectiveness of different search strategies to find studies on the impact of long COVID on work participation in PubMed and to create validated search strings. Methods We searched PubMed for articles published on Long COVID and including information about work. Relevant articles were identified and their reference lists were screened. Occupational health journals were manually scanned to identify articles that could have been missed. A total of 885 articles potentially relevant were collected and 120 were finally included in a gold standard database. Recall, Precision, and Number Needed to Read (NNR) of various keywords or combinations of keywords were assessed. Results Overall, 123 search-words alone or in combination were tested. The highest Recalls with a single MeSH term or textword were 23 and 90%, respectively. Two different search strings were developed, one optimizing Recall while keeping Precision acceptable (Recall 98.3%, Precision 15.9%, NNR 6.3) and one optimizing Precision while keeping Recall acceptable (Recall 90.8%, Precision 26.1%, NNR 3.8). Conclusions No single MeSH term allows to find all relevant studies on the impact of long COVID on work ability in PubMed. The use of various MeSH and non-MeSH terms in combination is required to recover such studies without being overwhelmed by irrelevant articles.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amelie Massardier-Pilonchery, Elena Nerriere, Sophie Croidieu, Fabien Ndagijimana, François Gaudaire, Christophe Martinsons, Nicolas Noe, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02509497
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amelie Massardier-Pilonchery, Elena Nerriere, Sophie Croidieu, Fabien Ndagijimana, François Gaudaire, et al.. Assessment of Personal Occupational Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields in Libraries and Media Libraries, Using Calibrated On-Body Exposimeters. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16 (12), pp.2087. ⟨10.3390/ijerph16122087⟩. ⟨hal-02509497⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph16122087
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background and Objectives: With the spread of Wifi networks, safety concerns have arisen, with complaints of somatic disorders, notably in traditional libraries and media libraries. The aim of the present study was to describe the conditions and levels of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in the real-life occupational conditions of those working in traditional libraries and media libraries. Methods: Dynamic measurements, using an exposimeter, were taken in 20 radiofrequency bands from 88 to 5850 MHz. The activity of 28 library workers was analyzed on a space-time budget. An audit of exposure sources and static measurements enabled the work-places to be mapped. Results: In seven libraries, 78,858 samples were taken over the 20 radiofrequency bands from 88 to 5850 MHz. Exposure was described for 28 working days. The median total field was 0.071 V/m (10th percentile: 0.022 V/m, 90th percentile: 0.534 V/m) and for Wifi the median field was 0.005 V/m (10th percentile: 0.005 V/m, 90th percentile: 0.028 V/m). Median individual exposure to Wifi frequency waves ranged from 0.005 to 0.040 V/m. Conclusions: Overall, the occupational exposure in this sector was close to the exposure in the general population. Peaks were due to the use of walkie-talkies by security staff. Exposure due to external sources depended on geographic location. Exposure in this occupation is well below the general occupational exposure levels, notably as regards Wifi.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background and Objectives: With the spread of Wifi networks, safety concerns have arisen, with complaints of somatic disorders, notably in traditional libraries and media libraries. The aim of the present study was to describe the conditions and levels of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in the real-life occupational conditions of those working in traditional libraries and media libraries. Methods: Dynamic measurements, using an exposimeter, were taken in 20 radiofrequency bands from 88 to 5850 MHz. The activity of 28 library workers was analyzed on a space-time budget. An audit of exposure sources and static measurements enabled the work-places to be mapped. Results: In seven libraries, 78,858 samples were taken over the 20 radiofrequency bands from 88 to 5850 MHz. Exposure was described for 28 working days. The median total field was 0.071 V/m (10th percentile: 0.022 V/m, 90th percentile: 0.534 V/m) and for Wifi the median field was 0.005 V/m (10th percentile: 0.005 V/m, 90th percentile: 0.028 V/m). Median individual exposure to Wifi frequency waves ranged from 0.005 to 0.040 V/m. Conclusions: Overall, the occupational exposure in this sector was close to the exposure in the general population. Peaks were due to the use of walkie-talkies by security staff. Exposure due to external sources depended on geographic location. Exposure in this occupation is well below the general occupational exposure levels, notably as regards Wifi.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pierre Bourgoin, Florent Baudin, David Brossier, Guillaume Emeriaud, Marc Wysocki, Philippe Jouvet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160472
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pierre Bourgoin, Florent Baudin, David Brossier, Guillaume Emeriaud, Marc Wysocki, et al.. Assessment of Bohr and Enghoff Dead Space Equations in Mechanically Ventilated Children. Respiratory Care, 2017, 62 (4), pp. 468-474. ⟨10.4187/respcare.05108⟩. ⟨hal-02160472⟩
DOI : 10.4187/respcare.05108
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Recent findings suggest that using alveolar PCO2 (PACO2) estimated by volumetric capnography in the Bohr equation instead of PaCO2 (Enghoff modification) could be appropriate for the calculation of physiological dead space to tidal volume ratio (VD/VT Bohr and VD/VT Enghoff, respectively). We aimed to describe the relationship between these 2 measurements in mechanically ventilated children and their significance in cases of ARDS.METHODS: From June 2013 to December 2013, mechanically ventilated children with various respiratory conditions were included in this study. Demographic data, medical history, and ventilatory parameters were recorded. Volumetric capnography indices (NM3 monitor) were obtained over a period of 5 min preceding a blood sample. Bohr's and Enghoff's dead space, S2 and S3 slopes, and the S2/S3 ratio were calculated breath-by-breath using dedicated software (FlowTool). This study was approved by Ste-Justine research ethics review board.RESULTS: Thirty-four subjects were analyzed. Mean VD/VT Bohr was 0.39 ± 0.12, and VD/VT Enghoff was 0.47 ± 0.13 (P = .02). The difference between VD/VT Bohr and VD/VT Enghoff was correlated with PaO2/FIO2 and with S2/S3. In subjects without lung disease (PaO2/FIO2 ? 300), mean VD/VT Bohr was 0.36 ± 0.11, and VD/VT Enghoff was 0.39 ± 0.11 (P = .056). Two children with status asthmaticus had a major difference between VD/VT Bohr and VD/VT Enghoff in the absence of a low PaO2/FIO2.CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that VD/VT Bohr and VD/VT Enghoff are not different when there is no hypoxemia (PaO2/FIO2 > 300) except in the case of status asthmaticus. In subjects with a low PaO2/FIO2, the method to measure VD/VT must be reported, and results cannot be easily compared if the measurement methods are not the same.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Recent findings suggest that using alveolar PCO2 (PACO2) estimated by volumetric capnography in the Bohr equation instead of PaCO2 (Enghoff modification) could be appropriate for the calculation of physiological dead space to tidal volume ratio (VD/VT Bohr and VD/VT Enghoff, respectively). We aimed to describe the relationship between these 2 measurements in mechanically ventilated children and their significance in cases of ARDS.METHODS: From June 2013 to December 2013, mechanically ventilated children with various respiratory conditions were included in this study. Demographic data, medical history, and ventilatory parameters were recorded. Volumetric capnography indices (NM3 monitor) were obtained over a period of 5 min preceding a blood sample. Bohr's and Enghoff's dead space, S2 and S3 slopes, and the S2/S3 ratio were calculated breath-by-breath using dedicated software (FlowTool). This study was approved by Ste-Justine research ethics review board.RESULTS: Thirty-four subjects were analyzed. Mean VD/VT Bohr was 0.39 ± 0.12, and VD/VT Enghoff was 0.47 ± 0.13 (P = .02). The difference between VD/VT Bohr and VD/VT Enghoff was correlated with PaO2/FIO2 and with S2/S3. In subjects without lung disease (PaO2/FIO2 ? 300), mean VD/VT Bohr was 0.36 ± 0.11, and VD/VT Enghoff was 0.39 ± 0.11 (P = .056). Two children with status asthmaticus had a major difference between VD/VT Bohr and VD/VT Enghoff in the absence of a low PaO2/FIO2.CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that VD/VT Bohr and VD/VT Enghoff are not different when there is no hypoxemia (PaO2/FIO2 > 300) except in the case of status asthmaticus. In subjects with a low PaO2/FIO2, the method to measure VD/VT must be reported, and results cannot be easily compared if the measurement methods are not the same.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont, Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Claudine Berr, Jean Marc Rouaud, Sophie Auriacombe, Colette Fabrigoule
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01342491
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont, Laetitia Marie-Dit-Asse, Catherine Helmer, Bernard Laumon, Claudine Berr, et al.. Arrêt de la conduite automobile dans la pré-démence et dans la démence. RFMASA 2016, 13ème Réunion francophone sur la Maladie d'Alzheimer et les syndromes apparentés, Jun 2016, LYON, France. 12 p. ⟨hal-01342491⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La conduite automobile est une activité de la vie quotidienne complexe qui nécessite des capacités visuelles, motrices, et cognitives. Il existe au cours du vieillissement normal une baisse légère de ces capacités. Au plan cognitif on note un ralentissement de la vitesse de traitement de l'information et des perturbations des processus attentionnels qui vont s'aggraver chez les personnes atteintes de pathologies cérébrales. Face à ces modifications, beaucoup de conducteurs âgés modifient leurs habitudes de conduite, en particulier les femmes, mais l'arrêt de la conduite reste une étape parfois difficile à franchir. L'étude proposée estime la probabilité d'arrêt de la conduite au cours du processus démentiel, incluant la phase pré-démentielle. Elle repose sur la cohorte des 3Cités, avec 7203 titulaires du permis de conduire âgés de 65 ans et plus. A l'inclusion et à chaque suivi, les participants suspectés de démence suite à l'évaluation neuropsychologique sont examinés par un comité de neurologues et gériatres qui confirment le diagnostic selon les critères du DSM IV. Au cours des 10 ans de suivi, 512 titulaires du permis ont eu un diagnostic de démence. Cette procédure permet aussi d'identifier des personnes non démentes à un suivi et qui remplissent les critères de démence 2.5 ans plus tard, les « futurs déments ». Dans la phase pré-démentielle, les personnes cessent de conduire plus tôt que celles qui ne présentent pas de pathologie du système nerveux central, et les femmes cessent de conduire plus tôt que les hommes. Au moment du diagnostic, 45% des hommes et 74% des femmes avaient cessé de conduire. Aucune différence de probabilité d'arrêt entre hommes et femmes ne subsistent 3 ans après le diagnostic. L'étude montre que peu de conducteurs déments conduisent après le diagnostic et ceux qui conduisent 3 ans après présentent tous une démence de type Alzheimer, dans laquelle les troubles des fonctions exécutives sont moins marqués que dans les autres types de démence. Même s'ils sont peu nombreux, il est important que les médecins accompagnent ces patients dans le processus d'arrêt de la conduite.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La conduite automobile est une activité de la vie quotidienne complexe qui nécessite des capacités visuelles, motrices, et cognitives. Il existe au cours du vieillissement normal une baisse légère de ces capacités. Au plan cognitif on note un ralentissement de la vitesse de traitement de l'information et des perturbations des processus attentionnels qui vont s'aggraver chez les personnes atteintes de pathologies cérébrales. Face à ces modifications, beaucoup de conducteurs âgés modifient leurs habitudes de conduite, en particulier les femmes, mais l'arrêt de la conduite reste une étape parfois difficile à franchir. L'étude proposée estime la probabilité d'arrêt de la conduite au cours du processus démentiel, incluant la phase pré-démentielle. Elle repose sur la cohorte des 3Cités, avec 7203 titulaires du permis de conduire âgés de 65 ans et plus. A l'inclusion et à chaque suivi, les participants suspectés de démence suite à l'évaluation neuropsychologique sont examinés par un comité de neurologues et gériatres qui confirment le diagnostic selon les critères du DSM IV. Au cours des 10 ans de suivi, 512 titulaires du permis ont eu un diagnostic de démence. Cette procédure permet aussi d'identifier des personnes non démentes à un suivi et qui remplissent les critères de démence 2.5 ans plus tard, les « futurs déments ». Dans la phase pré-démentielle, les personnes cessent de conduire plus tôt que celles qui ne présentent pas de pathologie du système nerveux central, et les femmes cessent de conduire plus tôt que les hommes. Au moment du diagnostic, 45% des hommes et 74% des femmes avaient cessé de conduire. Aucune différence de probabilité d'arrêt entre hommes et femmes ne subsistent 3 ans après le diagnostic. L'étude montre que peu de conducteurs déments conduisent après le diagnostic et ceux qui conduisent 3 ans après présentent tous une démence de type Alzheimer, dans laquelle les troubles des fonctions exécutives sont moins marqués que dans les autres types de démence. Même s'ils sont peu nombreux, il est important que les médecins accompagnent ces patients dans le processus d'arrêt de la conduite.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Susan R. Stock, N Nicolakakis, M Vezina, N Vezina, L Gilbert, A Turcot, H Sultan-Taieb, K Sinden, Marie-Agnès Denis, C Delga, C Beaucage
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01701420
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Susan R. Stock, N Nicolakakis, M Vezina, N Vezina, L Gilbert, et al.. Are work organization interventions effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review of the literature. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, In press, ⟨10.5271/sjweh.3696⟩. ⟨hal-01701420⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.3696
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: We sought to determine whether interventions that target work organization or the psychosocial work environment are effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) compared to usual work. Methods: We systematically reviewed the 2000–2015 English and French language scientific literature, including studies evaluating the effectiveness of an organizational or psychosocial work intervention on incidence, prevalence or intensity of work-related musculoskeletal pain or disorders in the neck, shoulders, upper limbs and/or back or of work absence due to such problems, among non-sick-listed workers. We excluded rehabilitation and individual-level behavioral interventions and studies with >50% attrition. We analyzed medium- and high-quality studies and synthesized the evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development & Evaluation (GRADE) approach. An analysis of key workplace intervention elements supplemented interpretation of results. Results: We identified 884 articles; 28 met selection criteria, yielding 2 high-quality, 10 medium-quality and 16 low-quality studies. There was moderate evidence that supplementary breaks, compared to conventional break schedules, are effective in reducing symptom intensity in various body regions. Evidence was low- to very low-quality for other interventions, primarily due to risk of bias related to study design, high attrition rates, co-interventions, and insensitive indicators. Most interventions lacked key intervention elements, such as work activity analysis and ergonomist guidance during implementation, but the relation of these elements to intervention effectiveness or ineffectiveness remains to be demonstrated. Conclusions: Targeting work–rest cycles may reduce WMSD. Better quality studies are needed to allow definitive conclusions to be drawn on the effectiveness of other work organizational or psychosocial interventions to prevent or reduce WMSD.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: We sought to determine whether interventions that target work organization or the psychosocial work environment are effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) compared to usual work. Methods: We systematically reviewed the 2000–2015 English and French language scientific literature, including studies evaluating the effectiveness of an organizational or psychosocial work intervention on incidence, prevalence or intensity of work-related musculoskeletal pain or disorders in the neck, shoulders, upper limbs and/or back or of work absence due to such problems, among non-sick-listed workers. We excluded rehabilitation and individual-level behavioral interventions and studies with >50% attrition. We analyzed medium- and high-quality studies and synthesized the evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development & Evaluation (GRADE) approach. An analysis of key workplace intervention elements supplemented interpretation of results. Results: We identified 884 articles; 28 met selection criteria, yielding 2 high-quality, 10 medium-quality and 16 low-quality studies. There was moderate evidence that supplementary breaks, compared to conventional break schedules, are effective in reducing symptom intensity in various body regions. Evidence was low- to very low-quality for other interventions, primarily due to risk of bias related to study design, high attrition rates, co-interventions, and insensitive indicators. Most interventions lacked key intervention elements, such as work activity analysis and ergonomist guidance during implementation, but the relation of these elements to intervention effectiveness or ineffectiveness remains to be demonstrated. Conclusions: Targeting work–rest cycles may reduce WMSD. Better quality studies are needed to allow definitive conclusions to be drawn on the effectiveness of other work organizational or psychosocial interventions to prevent or reduce WMSD.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nada Assi, Duncan C. Thomas, Michael Leitzmann, Magdalena Stepien, Véronique Chajes, Thierry Philip, Paolo Vineis, Christina Bamia, Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault, Torkjel M. Sandanger, Amaia Molinuevo, Hendriek C. Boshuizen, Anneli Sundkvist, Tilman Kuhn, Ruth C. Travis, Kim Overvad, Elio Riboli, Marc J. Gunter, Augustin Scalbert, Mazda Jenab, Pietro Ferrari, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02502370
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nada Assi, Duncan C. Thomas, Michael Leitzmann, Magdalena Stepien, Véronique Chajes, et al.. Are Metabolic Signatures Mediating the Relationship between Lifestyle Factors and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk? Results from a Nested Case-Control Study in EPIC. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 2018, 27 (5), pp. 531-540. ⟨10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-17-0649⟩. ⟨hal-02502370⟩
DOI : 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-17-0649
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: The "meeting-in-the-middle" ( (MITM) is a principle to identify exposure biomarkers that are also predictors of disease. The MITM statistical framework was applied in a nested case-control study of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) within European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), where healthy lifestyle index (HLI) variables were related to targeted serum metabolites. Methods: Lifestyle and targeted metabolomic data were available from 147 incident HCC cases and 147 matched controls. Partial least squares analysis related 7 lifestyle variables from a modified HLI to a set of 132 serum-measured metabolites and a liver function score. Mediation analysis evaluated whether metabolic profiles mediated the relationship between each lifestyle exposure and HCC risk. Results: Exposure-related metabolic signatures were identified. Particularly, the body mass index (BMI)-associated metabolic component was positively related to glutamic acid, tyrosine, PC aaC38:3, and liver function score and negatively to lysoPC aC17:0 and aC18:2. The lifetime alcohol-specific signature had negative loadings on sphingomyelins (SM C16:1, C18:1, SM(OH) C14:1, C16:1 and C22:2). Both exposures were associated with increased HCC with total effects (TE) = 1.23 (95% confidence interval = 0.93-1.62) and 1.40 (1.14-1.72), respectively, for BMI and alcohol consumption. Both metabolic signatures mediated the association between BMI and lifetime alcohol consumption and HCC with natural indirect effects, respectively, equal to 1.56 (1.24-1.96) and 1.09 (1.03-1.15), accounting for a proportion mediated of 100% and 24%. Conclusions: In a refined MITM framework, relevant metabolic signatures were identified as mediators in the relationship between lifestyle exposures and HCC risk. Impact: The understanding of the biological basis for the relationship between modifiable exposures and cancer would pave avenues for clinical and public health interventions on metabolic mediators.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: The "meeting-in-the-middle" ( (MITM) is a principle to identify exposure biomarkers that are also predictors of disease. The MITM statistical framework was applied in a nested case-control study of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) within European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), where healthy lifestyle index (HLI) variables were related to targeted serum metabolites. Methods: Lifestyle and targeted metabolomic data were available from 147 incident HCC cases and 147 matched controls. Partial least squares analysis related 7 lifestyle variables from a modified HLI to a set of 132 serum-measured metabolites and a liver function score. Mediation analysis evaluated whether metabolic profiles mediated the relationship between each lifestyle exposure and HCC risk. Results: Exposure-related metabolic signatures were identified. Particularly, the body mass index (BMI)-associated metabolic component was positively related to glutamic acid, tyrosine, PC aaC38:3, and liver function score and negatively to lysoPC aC17:0 and aC18:2. The lifetime alcohol-specific signature had negative loadings on sphingomyelins (SM C16:1, C18:1, SM(OH) C14:1, C16:1 and C22:2). Both exposures were associated with increased HCC with total effects (TE) = 1.23 (95% confidence interval = 0.93-1.62) and 1.40 (1.14-1.72), respectively, for BMI and alcohol consumption. Both metabolic signatures mediated the association between BMI and lifetime alcohol consumption and HCC with natural indirect effects, respectively, equal to 1.56 (1.24-1.96) and 1.09 (1.03-1.15), accounting for a proportion mediated of 100% and 24%. Conclusions: In a refined MITM framework, relevant metabolic signatures were identified as mediators in the relationship between lifestyle exposures and HCC risk. Impact: The understanding of the biological basis for the relationship between modifiable exposures and cancer would pave avenues for clinical and public health interventions on metabolic mediators.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pierrine Didier, Pascal Pochet, Louafi Bouzouina, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Ayman Zoubir
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-03221029
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pierrine Didier, Pascal Pochet, Louafi Bouzouina, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Ayman Zoubir. Appréhender les pratiques et la mobilité quotidienne des soignants effectuant des visites à domicile : apports d’une collecte mixte. 1er Colloque Virtuel de la Communauté Méthodes Mixtes Francophonies (MMF) "Théories et pratiques en méthodes mixtes", May 2021, Montréal, Canada. , 2021. ⟨halshs-03221029⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans un contexte de vieillissement démographique, le « virage ambulatoire » et la plus grande domiciliation des soins amènent à se pencher sur les conditions de travail et de mobilité quotidiennes des soignants qui effectuent les visites à domicile. C’est l’objet du projet pluridisciplinaire Santé-Mobilité, qui s’intéresse à cinq professions dans la région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (France) : aide-ssoignant·e·s, infirmier·e·s, kinésithérapeutes, médecins et sages-femmes. Portant sur des pratiques de mobilité et d’activité peu connues, ce projet s’appuie sur un travail exploratoire de recueil de données relevant des méthodes mixtes qui fait l'objet de cette affiche.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans un contexte de vieillissement démographique, le « virage ambulatoire » et la plus grande domiciliation des soins amènent à se pencher sur les conditions de travail et de mobilité quotidiennes des soignants qui effectuent les visites à domicile. C’est l’objet du projet pluridisciplinaire Santé-Mobilité, qui s’intéresse à cinq professions dans la région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (France) : aide-ssoignant·e·s, infirmier·e·s, kinésithérapeutes, médecins et sages-femmes. Portant sur des pratiques de mobilité et d’activité peu connues, ce projet s’appuie sur un travail exploratoire de recueil de données relevant des méthodes mixtes qui fait l'objet de cette affiche.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amira Harrache, Kahina Saker, Bouchra Mokdad, Laurence Generenaz, Carla Saade, Sylvie Pons, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Antonin Bal, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Muriel Rabilloud, Amna Abichou-Klich, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04786537
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amira Harrache, Kahina Saker, Bouchra Mokdad, Laurence Generenaz, Carla Saade, et al.. Anti-RBD IgG dynamics following infection or vaccination. Vaccine, 2024, 42 (26), pp.126464. ⟨10.1016/j.vaccine.2024.126464⟩. ⟨hal-04786537⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.vaccine.2024.126464
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Guillaume Pouessel, F. Chagnon, C. Trochu, J. Labreuche, S. Lejeune, M. Recher, A. Deschildre, S. Leteurtre, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02051456
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Guillaume Pouessel, F. Chagnon, C. Trochu, J. Labreuche, S. Lejeune, et al.. Anaphylaxis admissions to pediatric intensive care units in France. Allergy, 2018, 73 (9), pp. 1902-1905. ⟨10.1111/all.13483⟩. ⟨hal-02051456⟩
DOI : 10.1111/all.13483
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Hospitalizations for anaphylaxis have been increasing steadily in many countries, whereas the anaphylaxis mortality rate has remained low and stable over the past 20 years.1-3 A small proportion of patients experiencing anaphylactic reactions are hospitalized in an intensive care unit (ICU). In the United States, this proportion was 5% of the patients seen in the emergency department for anaphylaxis.4 In the United Kingdom, 81 pediatric anaphylaxis cases were collected between 2005 and 2009, with a steady yearonyear increase.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Hospitalizations for anaphylaxis have been increasing steadily in many countries, whereas the anaphylaxis mortality rate has remained low and stable over the past 20 years.1-3 A small proportion of patients experiencing anaphylactic reactions are hospitalized in an intensive care unit (ICU). In the United States, this proportion was 5% of the patients seen in the emergency department for anaphylaxis.4 In the United Kingdom, 81 pediatric anaphylaxis cases were collected between 2005 and 2009, with a steady yearonyear increase.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Guillaume Pouessel, Valentine Cerbelle, Stéphanie Lejeune, Stéphane Leteurtre, Nassima Ramdane, Antoine Deschildre, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02266019
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Guillaume Pouessel, Valentine Cerbelle, Stéphanie Lejeune, Stéphane Leteurtre, Nassima Ramdane, et al.. Anaphylaxis admissions in pediatric intensive care units: follow up and risk of recurrence. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 2018, 30 (3), pp. 341-347. ⟨10.1111/pai.13015⟩. ⟨hal-02266019⟩
DOI : 10.1111/pai.13015
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Abstract Background Data about the risk of anaphylaxis recurrence in children are lacking. We assessed anaphylaxis recurrence and medical follow-up in a cohort of children previously hospitalized in a French pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for anaphylaxis. Methods We conducted a telephone survey of 166 children (?18y) hospitalized from 2003 to 2013. Results In all, 106 (64%) completed the survey [boys, 59%; mean age (SD):15.3y (5.5)]. The main index triggers were drugs (45%) and foods (37%). The mean duration follow-up was of 7.7y (SD: 2.4). Thirty-eight (36%) children experienced 399 new allergic reactions during a follow-up period of 282 patient-years (incidence rate: 1.4/100 patients/year; 95% CI: 0.64?2.04). Twelve children experienced 19 anaphylaxis reactions including five requiring PICU admission (anaphylaxis recurrence rate: 0.20/100 patients/year; 95%CI non-calculable). Food was the trigger for 79% of recurrent reactions, drugs for 8%. The food trigger was previously known in 83%, the same as the index trigger in 69%. Overall, 1.5% of the recurrent reactions were treated with adrenaline injection and 8% an emergency hospital admission. Patients with recurrence had more likely a history of food allergy (p
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Abstract Background Data about the risk of anaphylaxis recurrence in children are lacking. We assessed anaphylaxis recurrence and medical follow-up in a cohort of children previously hospitalized in a French pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for anaphylaxis. Methods We conducted a telephone survey of 166 children (?18y) hospitalized from 2003 to 2013. Results In all, 106 (64%) completed the survey [boys, 59%; mean age (SD):15.3y (5.5)]. The main index triggers were drugs (45%) and foods (37%). The mean duration follow-up was of 7.7y (SD: 2.4). Thirty-eight (36%) children experienced 399 new allergic reactions during a follow-up period of 282 patient-years (incidence rate: 1.4/100 patients/year; 95% CI: 0.64?2.04). Twelve children experienced 19 anaphylaxis reactions including five requiring PICU admission (anaphylaxis recurrence rate: 0.20/100 patients/year; 95%CI non-calculable). Food was the trigger for 79% of recurrent reactions, drugs for 8%. The food trigger was previously known in 83%, the same as the index trigger in 69%. Overall, 1.5% of the recurrent reactions were treated with adrenaline injection and 8% an emergency hospital admission. Patients with recurrence had more likely a history of food allergy (p
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Oscar Cherta Ballester, Maxime Llari, Sanae Afquir, Jean-Louis Martin, Nicolas Bourdet, Valentin Honore, Catherine Masson, Pierre-Jean Arnoux
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02862282
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Oscar Cherta Ballester, Maxime Llari, Sanae Afquir, Jean-Louis Martin, Nicolas Bourdet, et al.. Analysis of trunk impact conditions in motorcycle road accidents based on epidemiological, accidentological data and multibody simulations. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2019, 127, pp.223-230. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2019.03.006⟩. ⟨hal-02862282⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2019.03.006
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Motorcycle accidents lead to a high rate of traffic mortality and morbidity. While helmet development and mandatory wearing have reduced head injuries, little progress has been made regarding trunk protection. Wearable airbag devices represent a promising solution to prevent trunk injuries. Nevertheless, research investigations need to be performed to assess and optimise the efficiency of such devices. This work consisted in the analysis of motorcyclist trunk impact conditions involved in various crash configurations to provide critical information in order to evaluate and improve the performances of airbag devices. First, an epidemiological and an accidentological analysis of data collection related to 252 real accidents, focusing on victims admitted into the shock rooms of two French trauma centres were performed. The data obtained was combined with numerical multibody parametric investigations, allowing the reproduction of 240 accident situations. An original and representative analysis of motorcyclists' impact conditions was provided, weighting the numerical study output data according to the real accident database. The impacted regions of the human body, the impact velocity and the accident chronology obtained in this work made it possible to define critical information for airbag efficiency assessment: the zones and levels of protection, the impacted surfaces as well as the airbag intervention time and the duration of maintained inflation of the airbag.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Motorcycle accidents lead to a high rate of traffic mortality and morbidity. While helmet development and mandatory wearing have reduced head injuries, little progress has been made regarding trunk protection. Wearable airbag devices represent a promising solution to prevent trunk injuries. Nevertheless, research investigations need to be performed to assess and optimise the efficiency of such devices. This work consisted in the analysis of motorcyclist trunk impact conditions involved in various crash configurations to provide critical information in order to evaluate and improve the performances of airbag devices. First, an epidemiological and an accidentological analysis of data collection related to 252 real accidents, focusing on victims admitted into the shock rooms of two French trauma centres were performed. The data obtained was combined with numerical multibody parametric investigations, allowing the reproduction of 240 accident situations. An original and representative analysis of motorcyclists' impact conditions was provided, weighting the numerical study output data according to the real accident database. The impacted regions of the human body, the impact velocity and the accident chronology obtained in this work made it possible to define critical information for airbag efficiency assessment: the zones and levels of protection, the impacted surfaces as well as the airbag intervention time and the duration of maintained inflation of the airbag.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nicole Muhlrad, Gilles Vallet, Ilona Butler, Victoria Gitelman, Etti Doveh, Emmanuelle Dupont, Pete Thomas, Rachel Talbot, Eleonora Papadimitriou, George Yannis, Luca Persia, Gabriele Giustiniani, Klaus Machata, Charlotte Bax
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01275003
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nicole Muhlrad, Gilles Vallet, Ilona Butler, Victoria Gitelman, Etti Doveh, et al.. Analysis of road safety management systems in Europe. TRA 2014 - Transport Research Arena : 5th Conference: Transport Solutions from Research to Deployment, Apr 2014, PARIS, France. 10 p. ⟨hal-01275003⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The objective of this paper is the analysis of road safety management in European countries and the identification of 'good practice'. A road safety management investigation model was created, based on several 'good practice' criteria. Road safety management systems have been thoroughly investigated in 14 European countries on 2010, by means of interviews with both governmental representatives and independent experts, who filled in an extensive questionnaire. A reliable and accurate picture ('profile') was created for each country, allowing country comparisons. Then, statistical methods were used to make rankings of countries, and analyse the relationship between road safety management and road safety performance. The results of the analyses suggest that it is not possible to identify one single 'good practice'. Nevertheless, there were several elements that emerged as 'good practice' criteria. On the basis of the results, recommendations are proposed at national and European level.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The objective of this paper is the analysis of road safety management in European countries and the identification of 'good practice'. A road safety management investigation model was created, based on several 'good practice' criteria. Road safety management systems have been thoroughly investigated in 14 European countries on 2010, by means of interviews with both governmental representatives and independent experts, who filled in an extensive questionnaire. A reliable and accurate picture ('profile') was created for each country, allowing country comparisons. Then, statistical methods were used to make rankings of countries, and analyse the relationship between road safety management and road safety performance. The results of the analyses suggest that it is not possible to identify one single 'good practice'. Nevertheless, there were several elements that emerged as 'good practice' criteria. On the basis of the results, recommendations are proposed at national and European level.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Elodie Moutengou, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-00669174
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Mouloud Haddak, Elodie Moutengou, Pascal Pochet, Idlir Licaj. Analyse de l'enquête cas-témoins " Mobilité, style de vie et risque accidentel ". [Rapport de recherche] UMRESTTE-LET. 2011. ⟨halshs-00669174⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les analyses présentées dans ce 5ème rapport intermédiaire portent sur une enquête de type cas-témoins " (" case-control study ") élaborée spécifiquement pour le projet. Sa particularité est de cibler la population des jeunes accidentés de 14 à 17 ans inclus en 2008 et 2009 dans le registre Arvac des accidentés du Rhône (" cas "), en les mettant en perspective avec un échantillon " témoin " de garçons et de filles, de structure d'âge à priori identique, et n'ayant pas subi d'accident corporel en 2008-2009. L'enquête a été réalisée fin 2009 début 2010 auprès de 675 jeunes résidant dans le Rhône (203 cas et 472 témoins). Nous présentons dans un premier temps la méthodologie de l'enquête et la représentativité des échantillons des cas et des témoins. Une analyse descriptive des données fait l'objet de la seconde partie sous forme de tris croisés, puis d'une ACM (Analyse factorielle des Correspondances Multiples). Les liens entre fréquence d'usage des modes en semaine et le week-end et risque d'accidents, puis l'influence de facteurs tels que le genre, la situation sociale et les comportements vis-à-vis du fait d'avoir ou non été accidenté, et des pratiques modales, sont mis en évidence par les plans factoriels. La 3ème partie présente une modélisation logistique du risque routier à partir des échantillons appariés, à travers le risque tous modes de transport, de façon globale et en distinguant jours de semaine ordinaires et week-ends ou vacances, puis en se focalisant sur les modes de transport qui se révèlent les plus accidentogènes au sein de l'échantillon, les deux-roues à moteur et les modes non motorisés (vélo, skate, roller, et marche à pied). Venant compléter et approfondir les analyses antérieures croisant enquête ménages déplacements et registre des accidents corporels du Rhône, ces différentes analyses multivariées éclairent les liens multiples existant entre co-facteurs et risques d'accidents. En particulier, elles confirment l'importance du milieu social de l'adolescent et de l'environnement spatial du lieu d'habitat, à la fois sur les pratiques de mobilité, les comportements et attitudes, et le risque d'accidents. En revanche, la dimension sociale de l'environnement du lieu de résidence ne voit pas son influence confirmée à travers cette enquête. Le fait d'habiter dans une zone ou dans une commune avec Zone Urbaine Sensible n'apparaît pas comme facteur principal de l'accidentologie routière à l'adolescence par rapport à différentes variables plus ou moins corrélées entre elles : catégorie sociale du ménage, caractéristiques géographiques du lieu de résidence (densité et éloignement du centre), type et intensité d'usage des modes de transport en semaine et le week-end, et enfin dimension comportementale et attitudes vis-à-vis du risque.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les analyses présentées dans ce 5ème rapport intermédiaire portent sur une enquête de type cas-témoins " (" case-control study ") élaborée spécifiquement pour le projet. Sa particularité est de cibler la population des jeunes accidentés de 14 à 17 ans inclus en 2008 et 2009 dans le registre Arvac des accidentés du Rhône (" cas "), en les mettant en perspective avec un échantillon " témoin " de garçons et de filles, de structure d'âge à priori identique, et n'ayant pas subi d'accident corporel en 2008-2009. L'enquête a été réalisée fin 2009 début 2010 auprès de 675 jeunes résidant dans le Rhône (203 cas et 472 témoins). Nous présentons dans un premier temps la méthodologie de l'enquête et la représentativité des échantillons des cas et des témoins. Une analyse descriptive des données fait l'objet de la seconde partie sous forme de tris croisés, puis d'une ACM (Analyse factorielle des Correspondances Multiples). Les liens entre fréquence d'usage des modes en semaine et le week-end et risque d'accidents, puis l'influence de facteurs tels que le genre, la situation sociale et les comportements vis-à-vis du fait d'avoir ou non été accidenté, et des pratiques modales, sont mis en évidence par les plans factoriels. La 3ème partie présente une modélisation logistique du risque routier à partir des échantillons appariés, à travers le risque tous modes de transport, de façon globale et en distinguant jours de semaine ordinaires et week-ends ou vacances, puis en se focalisant sur les modes de transport qui se révèlent les plus accidentogènes au sein de l'échantillon, les deux-roues à moteur et les modes non motorisés (vélo, skate, roller, et marche à pied). Venant compléter et approfondir les analyses antérieures croisant enquête ménages déplacements et registre des accidents corporels du Rhône, ces différentes analyses multivariées éclairent les liens multiples existant entre co-facteurs et risques d'accidents. En particulier, elles confirment l'importance du milieu social de l'adolescent et de l'environnement spatial du lieu d'habitat, à la fois sur les pratiques de mobilité, les comportements et attitudes, et le risque d'accidents. En revanche, la dimension sociale de l'environnement du lieu de résidence ne voit pas son influence confirmée à travers cette enquête. Le fait d'habiter dans une zone ou dans une commune avec Zone Urbaine Sensible n'apparaît pas comme facteur principal de l'accidentologie routière à l'adolescence par rapport à différentes variables plus ou moins corrélées entre elles : catégorie sociale du ménage, caractéristiques géographiques du lieu de résidence (densité et éloignement du centre), type et intensité d'usage des modes de transport en semaine et le week-end, et enfin dimension comportementale et attitudes vis-à-vis du risque.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Jean-Luc Novella, Rachid Mahmoudi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01768818
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Jean-Luc Novella, Rachid Mahmoudi. Analyse de l'activité de conduite de personnes présentant une démence de type Alzheimer.. Entertiens Jacques Cartier, Oct 2017, QUEBEC, Canada. 18 p. ⟨hal-01768818⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Because cognitive processes decline in the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease, the driving abilities are often affected. The naturalistic driving approach is relevant to study the driving habits and behaviors in normal or critical situations in a familiar environment of participants. OBJECTIVE: This pilot study analyzed in-car video recordings of naturalistic driving in patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease and in healthy controls, with a special focus on tactical self-regulation behavior. METHODS: Twenty patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease (Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-IV] criteria), and 21 healthy older adults were included in the study. Data collection equipment was installed in their personal vehicles. Two expert psychologists assessed driving performance using a specially designed Naturalistic Driving Assessment Scale (NaDAS), paying particular attention to tactical self-regulation behavior, and they recorded all critical safety events. RESULTS: Poorer driving performance was observed among Alzheimer's disease drivers: their tactical self-regulation behavior was of lower quality. AD patients had also twice as many critical events as healthy drivers and three times more 'unaware' critical events. CONCLUSION: This pilot study using a naturalistic approach to accurately show that Alzheimer's disease drivers have poorer tactical self-regulation behavior than healthy older drivers. Future deployment of assistance systems in vehicles should specifically target tactical self-regulation components.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Because cognitive processes decline in the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease, the driving abilities are often affected. The naturalistic driving approach is relevant to study the driving habits and behaviors in normal or critical situations in a familiar environment of participants. OBJECTIVE: This pilot study analyzed in-car video recordings of naturalistic driving in patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease and in healthy controls, with a special focus on tactical self-regulation behavior. METHODS: Twenty patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease (Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-IV] criteria), and 21 healthy older adults were included in the study. Data collection equipment was installed in their personal vehicles. Two expert psychologists assessed driving performance using a specially designed Naturalistic Driving Assessment Scale (NaDAS), paying particular attention to tactical self-regulation behavior, and they recorded all critical safety events. RESULTS: Poorer driving performance was observed among Alzheimer's disease drivers: their tactical self-regulation behavior was of lower quality. AD patients had also twice as many critical events as healthy drivers and three times more 'unaware' critical events. CONCLUSION: This pilot study using a naturalistic approach to accurately show that Alzheimer's disease drivers have poorer tactical self-regulation behavior than healthy older drivers. Future deployment of assistance systems in vehicles should specifically target tactical self-regulation components.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amandine Coquillat, Sylviane Lafont, Jean-Louis Martin, Dan Wu
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01436724
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amandine Coquillat, Sylviane Lafont, Jean-Louis Martin, Dan Wu. Analyse de l'accidentologie des séniors. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2015, 50 p. ⟨hal-01436724⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le contexte démographique est connu de tous, les populations occidentales vieillissent et avec elles, leurs conducteurs. Or la conduite automobile est une activité complexe qui implique de nombreuses fonctions, perceptives, motrices, et cognitives, qui sont légèrement détériorées dans le vieillissement normale, mais qui le sont beaucoup plus en présence de pathologies cérébrales. L'accidentalité des conducteurs âgés fait souvent débat car les indicateurs comparés sont rarement les mêmes. En résumé, les conducteurs âgés ont une accidentalité plus importante au kilomètre conduit que les conducteurs plus jeunes, mais en population ils sont moins souvent impliqués dans un accident. En revanche et là il y a consensus, ils paient le prix fort, puisqu'à choc égal, ils meurent plus et ont des blessures plus graves. Des spécificités dans leurs accidents sont souvent rapportées dans la littérature, ils ont plus souvent un accident en intersection et d'une façon générale, dans des situations connues pour être exigeantes au plan cognitif. Un dernier point, non des moindres, est celui de la dangerosité des conducteurs âgés vis-à-vis des autres usagers. La littérature n'est pas consensuelle sur ce point. Le projet Voiesur permet ici de caractériser les accidents des seniors et de travailler sur une responsabilité déterminée par des experts, afin d'estimer le risque pour autrui.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le contexte démographique est connu de tous, les populations occidentales vieillissent et avec elles, leurs conducteurs. Or la conduite automobile est une activité complexe qui implique de nombreuses fonctions, perceptives, motrices, et cognitives, qui sont légèrement détériorées dans le vieillissement normale, mais qui le sont beaucoup plus en présence de pathologies cérébrales. L'accidentalité des conducteurs âgés fait souvent débat car les indicateurs comparés sont rarement les mêmes. En résumé, les conducteurs âgés ont une accidentalité plus importante au kilomètre conduit que les conducteurs plus jeunes, mais en population ils sont moins souvent impliqués dans un accident. En revanche et là il y a consensus, ils paient le prix fort, puisqu'à choc égal, ils meurent plus et ont des blessures plus graves. Des spécificités dans leurs accidents sont souvent rapportées dans la littérature, ils ont plus souvent un accident en intersection et d'une façon générale, dans des situations connues pour être exigeantes au plan cognitif. Un dernier point, non des moindres, est celui de la dangerosité des conducteurs âgés vis-à-vis des autres usagers. La littérature n'est pas consensuelle sur ce point. Le projet Voiesur permet ici de caractériser les accidents des seniors et de travailler sur une responsabilité déterminée par des experts, afin d'estimer le risque pour autrui.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Paul Schepers, Niels Agerholm, Emmanuelle Amoros, Rob Benington, Torkel Bjornskau, Stijn Dhondt, Bas de Geus, Carmen Hagemeister, Becky P.Y. Loo, Anna Niska
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00930261
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Paul Schepers, Niels Agerholm, Emmanuelle Amoros, Rob Benington, Torkel Bjornskau, et al.. An international review of the frequency of single-bicycle crashes (SBCs) and their relation to bicycle modal share. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2014, 22 p. ⟨10.1136/injuryprev-2013-040964⟩. ⟨hal-00930261⟩
DOI : 10.1136/injuryprev-2013-040964
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives: To study cyclists share of transport modes (modal share) and Single Bicycle Crashes (SBCs) in different countries, in order to investigate if the proportion of cyclist-injuries resulting from SBCs is affected by variation in modal share. Methods: A literature search identified figures (largely from western countries) on SBC casualties who are fatally injured, hospitalized or treated at an Emergency Department. Correlation and regression analyses were used to investigate how bicycle modal share is related to SBCs. Results: On average, 17% of fatal injuries to cyclists are caused by SBCs. Different countries show a range of values between 5% and 30%. Between 60% and 95% of cyclists admitted to hospitals or treated at Emergency Departments, are victims of SBCs. The proportion of all injured cyclists who are injured in SBCs is unrelated to the share of cycling in the modal split. The share of SBC casualties among the total number of road crash casualties increases proportionally less than the increase in bicycle modal share. Conclusions: While most fatal injuries among cyclists are due to motor vehicle-bicycle crashes, most hospital admissions and Emergency Department attendances result from SBCs. As found in previous studies of cyclists injured in collisions, this study found that the increase in the number of SBC casualties is proportionally less than the increase in bicycle modal share.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives: To study cyclists share of transport modes (modal share) and Single Bicycle Crashes (SBCs) in different countries, in order to investigate if the proportion of cyclist-injuries resulting from SBCs is affected by variation in modal share. Methods: A literature search identified figures (largely from western countries) on SBC casualties who are fatally injured, hospitalized or treated at an Emergency Department. Correlation and regression analyses were used to investigate how bicycle modal share is related to SBCs. Results: On average, 17% of fatal injuries to cyclists are caused by SBCs. Different countries show a range of values between 5% and 30%. Between 60% and 95% of cyclists admitted to hospitals or treated at Emergency Departments, are victims of SBCs. The proportion of all injured cyclists who are injured in SBCs is unrelated to the share of cycling in the modal split. The share of SBC casualties among the total number of road crash casualties increases proportionally less than the increase in bicycle modal share. Conclusions: While most fatal injuries among cyclists are due to motor vehicle-bicycle crashes, most hospital admissions and Emergency Department attendances result from SBCs. As found in previous studies of cyclists injured in collisions, this study found that the increase in the number of SBC casualties is proportionally less than the increase in bicycle modal share.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Claire Marant Micallef, Adèle Paul, Hadrien Charvat, Jérôme Vignat, Marie Houot, Corinne Pilorget, Kurt Straif, Mounia El Yamani, Isabelle Soerjomataram
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03598046
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Claire Marant Micallef, Adèle Paul, Hadrien Charvat, Jérôme Vignat, Marie Houot, et al.. An innovative method to estimate lifetime prevalence of carcinogenic occupational circumstances: the example of painters and workers of the rubber manufacturing industry in France. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2021, 31 (4), pp.769-776. ⟨10.1038/s41370-020-00272-7⟩. ⟨hal-03598046⟩
DOI : 10.1038/s41370-020-00272-7
pubmedId_s : 33144638
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND - Existing methods to estimate lifetime exposure to occupational carcinogenic agents could be improved. OBJECTIVE - We propose a new method to estimate the lifetime prevalence of exposure to occupational carcinogens using the example of painters and workers of the rubber industry in France. METHODS - From census, we calculated the proportion of painters and rubber industry workers using predefined occupational codes related to each occupation by sex and 10-year age group in 1982, 1990, 1999, 2007, and 2013. Using a beta-regression model, we obtained the yearly prevalence of exposure by 10-year age group over the period 1967–2007. We estimated the age- and sex-specific lifetime prevalence of exposure of the population in 2017 over 1967–2007, summing up the estimated prevalence of exposure for years 1967, 1977, 1987, 1997, and 2007 combined with a sex- and age-specific turnover factor. Corresponding population-attributable fractions were estimated for lung and bladder cancers in 2017. RESULTS - In 2017, we estimated that 5.6 and 0.2% of men in France had ever worked as a painter or in the rubber industry, respectively, during their working time. The lifetime prevalence of ever having worked as a painter or in the rubber industry was much lower in women: 1.8% and 0.1%, respectively. We estimated that 950 lung cancer and 40 bladder cancer cases were attributable to these occupations in 2017. SIGNIFICANCE - Based on accurate data and taking into account evolution of specific jobs over time, the proposed method provides good estimates of lifetime prevalence of exposure to occupational carcinogens. It could be applied in any other country with similar data.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND - Existing methods to estimate lifetime exposure to occupational carcinogenic agents could be improved. OBJECTIVE - We propose a new method to estimate the lifetime prevalence of exposure to occupational carcinogens using the example of painters and workers of the rubber industry in France. METHODS - From census, we calculated the proportion of painters and rubber industry workers using predefined occupational codes related to each occupation by sex and 10-year age group in 1982, 1990, 1999, 2007, and 2013. Using a beta-regression model, we obtained the yearly prevalence of exposure by 10-year age group over the period 1967–2007. We estimated the age- and sex-specific lifetime prevalence of exposure of the population in 2017 over 1967–2007, summing up the estimated prevalence of exposure for years 1967, 1977, 1987, 1997, and 2007 combined with a sex- and age-specific turnover factor. Corresponding population-attributable fractions were estimated for lung and bladder cancers in 2017. RESULTS - In 2017, we estimated that 5.6 and 0.2% of men in France had ever worked as a painter or in the rubber industry, respectively, during their working time. The lifetime prevalence of ever having worked as a painter or in the rubber industry was much lower in women: 1.8% and 0.1%, respectively. We estimated that 950 lung cancer and 40 bladder cancer cases were attributable to these occupations in 2017. SIGNIFICANCE - Based on accurate data and taking into account evolution of specific jobs over time, the proposed method provides good estimates of lifetime prevalence of exposure to occupational carcinogens. It could be applied in any other country with similar data.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Yuriko Iwatsubo, Laetitia Benezet, Odile Boutou-Kempf, Joëlle Fevotte, Loïc Garras, Marcel Goldberg, Danièle Luce, Corinne Pilorget, Ellen Imbernon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02160353
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Yuriko Iwatsubo, Laetitia Benezet, Odile Boutou-Kempf, Joëlle Fevotte, Loïc Garras, et al.. An extensive epidemiological investigation of a kidney cancer cluster in a chemical plant: what have we learned?. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2014, 71 (1), 4 p. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2013-101477⟩. ⟨hal-02160353⟩
DOI : 10.1136/oemed-2013-101477
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : In 2003, a cluster of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cases was reported among men working at a French chemical plant using a proprietary process to produce vitamin A. The 10 index cases yielded a standardised incidence ratio of 13.1 for 1994-2002. Nine of these 10 cases were diagnosed by a plant-specific abdominal ultrasonography screening programme that targeted exposure to an intermediate chemical, 4-chloro-1,1-dimethoxy-3-methyl-2-butene, commonly named ?chloracetal C5', suspected as the cause by some experts. Epidemiological investigations sought to examine the relations between occupational exposures and RCC. Methods A retrospective cohort mortality study and a nested case-control study were conducted. The cohort study included all workers who had been employed at the plant for at least 6?months between 1960 and 2003. The case-control study included an extensive search within the region for other kidney cancer cases among the cohort members. Industrial hygienists assessed occupational exposure. Results From 1968 to 2006, no significant excess mortality was observed for all causes of death or for all cancers. We found excess mortality for kidney cancer only among women. The nested case-control study showed a dose-response relation for cumulative exposure to chloracetal C5: the OR rose from 2.5 in the low-exposure category to 10.5 in the high-exposure group. Adjustment for screening attenuated this relation. Conclusions The results of the case-control study were consistent with the positive results of in vivo genotoxic tests and suggest that chloracetal C5 can have a causal role in RCC.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : In 2003, a cluster of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cases was reported among men working at a French chemical plant using a proprietary process to produce vitamin A. The 10 index cases yielded a standardised incidence ratio of 13.1 for 1994-2002. Nine of these 10 cases were diagnosed by a plant-specific abdominal ultrasonography screening programme that targeted exposure to an intermediate chemical, 4-chloro-1,1-dimethoxy-3-methyl-2-butene, commonly named ?chloracetal C5', suspected as the cause by some experts. Epidemiological investigations sought to examine the relations between occupational exposures and RCC. Methods A retrospective cohort mortality study and a nested case-control study were conducted. The cohort study included all workers who had been employed at the plant for at least 6?months between 1960 and 2003. The case-control study included an extensive search within the region for other kidney cancer cases among the cohort members. Industrial hygienists assessed occupational exposure. Results From 1968 to 2006, no significant excess mortality was observed for all causes of death or for all cancers. We found excess mortality for kidney cancer only among women. The nested case-control study showed a dose-response relation for cumulative exposure to chloracetal C5: the OR rose from 2.5 in the low-exposure category to 10.5 in the high-exposure group. Adjustment for screening attenuated this relation. Conclusions The results of the case-control study were consistent with the positive results of in vivo genotoxic tests and suggest that chloracetal C5 can have a causal role in RCC.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Michelle C. Turner, Daniel Krewski, Bruce K. Armstrong, Angela Chetrit, Graham G Giles, Martine Hours, Mary L. Mcbride, Marie-Elise Parent, S Sadetzki, Jack Siemiatycki, Alistair Woodward, Elisabeth Cardis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00926795
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Michelle C. Turner, Daniel Krewski, Bruce K. Armstrong, Angela Chetrit, Graham G Giles, et al.. Allergy and Brain Tumors in the INTERPHONE study: Pooled Results from Australia, Canada, France, Israel, and New Zealand. Cancer Causes and Control, 2013, 24 (5), pp 949-960. ⟨10.1007/s10552-013-0171-7⟩. ⟨hal-00926795⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10552-013-0171-7
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le fait d'avoir des antécédents d'allergie a été décrit dans la littérature comme pouvant être un facteur "protecteur" dans la genèse de différents cancer; toutefois, cette relation n'est pas définitivement prouvée. les auteurs ont profité des données récoltées ds le cadre de l'étude internationale INTERPHONE sur les relations entre tumeurs de la tête et usage du téléphone mobile, pour analyser la relation entre des antécédents d'allergie et la survenue de telles pathologies. les résultats de cette analyse vont ds le sens de ce qui a déjà été montré dans d'autres études, à savoir un risque diminué de gliome (OR=0.73; 0.63-0.88), de méningiome (OR=0.77;0.63-0.93) et de neurinome (OR=0.64;0.49-0.83) lors d'antécédents allergiques. La question de la possibilité de biais de sélection ou d'information reste cependant posée.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le fait d'avoir des antécédents d'allergie a été décrit dans la littérature comme pouvant être un facteur "protecteur" dans la genèse de différents cancer; toutefois, cette relation n'est pas définitivement prouvée. les auteurs ont profité des données récoltées ds le cadre de l'étude internationale INTERPHONE sur les relations entre tumeurs de la tête et usage du téléphone mobile, pour analyser la relation entre des antécédents d'allergie et la survenue de telles pathologies. les résultats de cette analyse vont ds le sens de ce qui a déjà été montré dans d'autres études, à savoir un risque diminué de gliome (OR=0.73; 0.63-0.88), de méningiome (OR=0.77;0.63-0.93) et de neurinome (OR=0.64;0.49-0.83) lors d'antécédents allergiques. La question de la possibilité de biais de sélection ou d'information reste cependant posée.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Céline Lamouroux, Léa Bertolotti-Potachin, Barbara Charbotel, Audrey Nosbaum, Jean-François Nicolas
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04148667
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Céline Lamouroux, Léa Bertolotti-Potachin, Barbara Charbotel, Audrey Nosbaum, Jean-François Nicolas. Allergic contact dermatitis to diclofenac gel due to propylene glycol sensitization: usefulness of repeated open application tests to determine safer alternatives. European Journal of Dermatology, 2023, 33 (1), pp.42-43. ⟨10.1684/ejd.2023.4409⟩. ⟨hal-04148667⟩
DOI : 10.1684/ejd.2023.4409
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) and photocontact dermatitis. Although topical diclofenac is associated with fewer side effects than other topical NSAIDs, rare cases of contact dermatitis have been reported.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) and photocontact dermatitis. Although topical diclofenac is associated with fewer side effects than other topical NSAIDs, rare cases of contact dermatitis have been reported.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : B Abbott, R Abbott, T Abbott, M Abernathy, F Acernese, K Ackley, C. Adams, T. Adams, P Addesso, R Adhikari, V Adya, C Affeldt, M Agathos, K Agatsuma, N Aggarwal, O Aguiar, L Aiello, A Ain, P Ajith, B. Allen, A Allocca, P Altin, A Ananyeva, S Anderson, W Anderson, S Appert, K Arai, M Araya, J Areeda, N. Arnaud, K. Arun, S Ascenzi, G Ashton, M Ast, S Aston, P Astone, P Aufmuth, C. Aulbert, A Avila-Alvarez, S. Babak, P. Bacon, M Bader, P Baker, F Baldaccini, G Ballardin, S Ballmer, J Barayoga, S Barclay, B Barish, D Barker, F Barone, B Barr, L Barsotti, M. Barsuglia, D Barta, J. Bartlett, I Bartos, R Bassiri, A Basti, J Batch, C Baune, V Bavigadda, M. Bazzan, C. Beer, M. Bejger, I. Belahcene, M Belgin, A. Bell, B Berger, G Bergmann, C Berry, D Bersanetti, A Bertolini, J Betzwieser, S Bhagwat, R Bhandare, I Bilenko, G Billingsley, C Billman, J Birch, R Birney, O Birnholtz, S Biscans, A Bisht, M Bitossi, C Biwer, M. Bizouard, J Blackburn, J Blackman, C Blair, D Blair, R Blair, S. Bloemen, O. Bock, M. Boër, G. Bogaert, A. Bohe, F Bondu, R. Bonnand, B Boom, R Bork, V Boschi, S Bose, Y. Bouffanais, A Bozzi, C Bradaschia, P Brady, V Braginsky, M Branchesi, J. E. Brau, T. Briant, A. Brillet, M. Brinkmann, V. Brisson, P Brockill, J Broida, A Brooks, D Brown, N Brown, S Brunett, C Buchanan, A Buikema, T Bulik, H Bulten, A. Buonanno, D. Buskulic, C. Buy, R Byer, M Cabero, L. Cadonati, G. Cagnoli, C Cahillane, J Calderón Bustillo, T Callister, E Calloni, J. Camp, M Canepa, K Cannon, H. Cao, J Cao, C Capano, E. Capocasa, F Carbognani, S Caride, J. Casanueva Diaz, C Casentini, S Caudill, M Cavaglià, F. Cavalier, R Cavalieri, G Cella, C Cepeda, L Cerboni Baiardi, G Cerretani, E Cesarini, S Chamberlin, M Chan, S Chao, P Charlton, E. Chassande-Mottin, B Cheeseboro, H Chen, Y. Chen, H-P Cheng, A Chincarini, A Chiummo, T Chmiel, H Cho, M Cho, J Chow, N. Christensen, Q Chu, A Chua, S. Chua, S Chung, G Ciani, F Clara, J Clark, F. Cleva, C Cocchieri, E. Coccia, P-F Cohadon, A Colla, C. Collette, L Cominsky, M Constancio, L. Conti, S Cooper, T Corbitt, N Cornish, A. Corsi, S. Cortese, C Costa, M Coughlin, S Coughlin, J-P Coulon, S Countryman, P Couvares, P Covas, E Cowan, D Coward, M Cowart, D Coyne, R Coyne, J Creighton, T Creighton, J Cripe, S Crowder, T Cullen, A Cumming, L Cunningham, E Cuoco, T Dal Canton, S Danilishin, S D’antonio, K Danzmann, A Dasgupta, C da Silva Costa, V Dattilo, I Dave, M. Davier, G Davies, D Davis, E Daw, B Day, R. Day, S De, D Debra, G Debreczeni, J. Degallaix, M. de Laurentis, S. Deléglise, W del Pozzo, T Denker, T. Dent, V Dergachev, R de Rosa, R Derosa, R Desalvo, R Devine, S. Dhurandhar, M Díaz, L Di Fiore, M Di Giovanni, T Di Girolamo, A Di Lieto, S. Di Pace, I. Di Palma, A. Di Virgilio, Z Doctor, V. Dolique, F Donovan, K Dooley, S Doravari, I Dorrington, R Douglas, M Dovale Álvarez, T Downes, M Drago, R Drever, J Driggers, Z Du, M. Ducrot, S Dwyer, T Edo, M Edwards, A Effler, H-B Eggenstein, P Ehrens, J Eichholz, S Eikenberry, R Eisenstein, R Essick, Z Etienne, T Etzel, M Evans, T Evans, R Everett, M Factourovich, V Fafone, H Fair, S Fairhurst, X. Fan, S. Farinon, B Farr, W Farr, E Fauchon-Jones, M Favata, M Fays, H. Fehrmann, M Fejer, A Fernández Galiana, I Ferrante, E Ferreira, F Ferrini, F Fidecaro, I Fiori, D. Fiorucci, R Fisher, R. Flaminio, M Fletcher, H Fong, S Forsyth, J-D Fournier, S Frasca, F Frasconi, Z Frei, A Freise, R Frey, V Frey, E Fries, P. Fritschel, V Frolov, P Fulda, M Fyffe, H Gabbard, B Gadre, S Gaebel, J Gair, L Gammaitoni, S Gaonkar, F Garufi, G Gaur, V Gayathri, N. Gehrels, G Gemme, E. Genin, A Gennai, J George, L. Gergely, V. Germain, S Ghonge, Abhirup Ghosh, Archisman Ghosh, S. Ghosh, J Giaime, K Giardina, A Giazotto, K Gill, A Glaefke, E Goetz, R Goetz, L Gondan, G. Gonzalez, J Gonzalez Castro, A Gopakumar, M Gorodetsky, S Gossan, M. Gosselin, R. Gouaty, A Grado, C. Graef, M. Granata, A Grant, S Gras, C. Gray, G Greco, A Green, P Groot, H Grote, S. Grunewald, G Guidi, X. Guo, A Gupta, M.K. Gupta, K Gushwa, E Gustafson, R Gustafson, J. Hacker, B Hall, E Hall, G Hammond, M. Haney, M Hanke, J Hanks, C Hanna, J Hanson, T Hardwick, J. Harms, G Harry, M Heintze, I Harry, M Hart, M Hartman, C-J Haster, K Haughian, J. Healy, A. Heidmann, H. Heitmann, P. Hello, G Hemming, M Hendry, I Heng, J Hennig, J. Henry, A Heptonstall, M Heurs, S Hild, D. Hoak, D Hofman, K Holt, D Holz, P Hopkins, J. Hough, E Houston, E Howell, Y. Hu, E Huerta, D Huet, B Hughey, S. Husa, S Huttner, T Huynh-Dinh, N Indik, D Ingram, R Inta, H Isa, J-M Isac, M Isi, T Isogai, B Iyer, K. Izumi, T. Jacqmin, K Jani, P Jaranowski, S Jawahar, F Jiménez-Forteza, W Johnson, D Jones, R Jones, R Jonker, L Ju, J Junker, C Kalaghatgi, V Kalogera, S. Kandhasamy, G Kang, J Kanner, S Karki, K Karvinen, M. Kasprzack, E Katsavounidis, W Katzman, S Kaufer, T Kaur, K. Kawabe, F. 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Tonelli, Z Tornasi, C Torrie, D Töyrä, F Travasso, G Traylor, D Trifirò, J Trinastic, M Tringali, L Trozzo, M Tse, R Tso, M. Turconi, D Tuyenbayev, D Ugolini, C Unnikrishnan, A Urban, S Usman, H Vahlbruch, G Vajente, G Valdes, N van Bakel, M van Beuzekom, J van den Brand, C van den Broeck, D Vander-Hyde, L van Der Schaaf, J van Heijningen, A van Veggel, M Vardaro, V Varma, S Vass, M Vasúth, A. Vecchio, G Vedovato, J Veitch, P Veitch, K. Venkateswara, G Venugopalan, D. Verkindt, F Vetrano, A. Vicere, A Viets, S. Vinciguerra, D Vine, J-y Vinet, S Vitale, T Vo, H Vocca, C Vorvick, D Voss, W Vousden, S Vyatchanin, A. Wade, L Wade, M. Wade, M Walker, L Wallace, S Walsh, G Wang, H Wang, M. Wang, Y. Wang, R Ward, J Warner, M. Was, J Watchi, B Weaver, L-W Wei, M Weinert, A Weinstein, R Weiss, L Wen, P Wessels, T Westphal, K Wette, J Whelan, B Whiting, C Whittle, D Williams, R. J. Williams, A Williamson, J Willis, B Willke, M Wimmer, W Winkler, C Wipf, H Wittel, G Woan, J Woehler, J. Worden, J Wright, D Wu, G Wu, W Yam, H Yamamoto, C Yancey, M. Yap, Hang Yu, Haocun Yu, M. Yvert, A Zadrożny, L. Zangrando, M Zanolin, J-P Zendri, M Zevin, L Zhang, M. Zhang, Tiantian Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Zhao, M Zhou, Z. Zhou, S Zhu, X Zhu, M Zucker, J Zweizig
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02296318
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : B Abbott, R Abbott, T Abbott, M Abernathy, F Acernese, et al.. All-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the first Advanced LIGO observing run. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2018, 35 (6), pp.065009. ⟨10.1088/1361-6382/aaab76⟩. ⟨hal-02296318⟩
DOI : 10.1088/1361-6382/aaab76
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : We present the results of a search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the data of the LIGO Hanford and LIGO Livingston second generation detectors between September 2015 and January 2016, with a total observational time of 49 days. The search targets gravitational wave transients of 10 – 500 s duration in a frequency band of 24 – 2048 Hz, with minimal assumptions about the signal waveform, polarization, source direction, or time of occurrence. No significant events were observed. As a result we set 90% confidence upper limits on the rate of long-duration gravitational wave transients for different types of gravitational wave signals. We also show that the search is sensitive to sources in the Galaxy emitting at least ∼ 10−8 M⊙c2 in gravitational waves.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : We present the results of a search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the data of the LIGO Hanford and LIGO Livingston second generation detectors between September 2015 and January 2016, with a total observational time of 49 days. The search targets gravitational wave transients of 10 – 500 s duration in a frequency band of 24 – 2048 Hz, with minimal assumptions about the signal waveform, polarization, source direction, or time of occurrence. No significant events were observed. As a result we set 90% confidence upper limits on the rate of long-duration gravitational wave transients for different types of gravitational wave signals. We also show that the search is sensitive to sources in the Galaxy emitting at least ∼ 10−8 M⊙c2 in gravitational waves.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ali-Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Bernard Laumon, Damien Léger, Anne Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01704804
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ali-Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Bernard Laumon, Damien Léger, Anne Sophie Evrard. Aircraft noise exposure and subjective sleep quality: the results of the DEBATS study in France. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, In press, ⟨10.1080/15402002.2017.1409224⟩. ⟨hal-01704804⟩
DOI : 10.1080/15402002.2017.1409224
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: Exposure to aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health, particularly on sleep. Exposure to nighttime aircraft noise clearly affects sleep architecture, as well as subjective sleep quality. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and subjective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France. Methods: A total of 1,244 individuals older than 18 and living near three French airports (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry and Toulouse-Blagnac) were randomly selected to participate in the study. Information on sleep as well as health, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected by means of a face-to-face questionnaire performed at their place of residence by an interviewer. For each participant, aircraft noise exposure was estimated at home using noise maps. Logistic regression models were used with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: Aircraft noise exposure was significantly associated with a short total sleep time (TST) (£ 6 h) and with the feeling of tiredness while awakening in the morning. An increase of 10 dB(A) in aircraft noise level at night was associated with an OR of 1.63 (95%CI: 1.15-2.32) for a short TST and an OR of 1.23 (95%CI: 1.00-1.54) for the feeling of tiredness while awakening in the morning. Conclusions: These findings contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that aircraft noise exposure at nighttime may decrease the subjective amount and quality of sleep.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: Exposure to aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health, particularly on sleep. Exposure to nighttime aircraft noise clearly affects sleep architecture, as well as subjective sleep quality. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and subjective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France. Methods: A total of 1,244 individuals older than 18 and living near three French airports (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry and Toulouse-Blagnac) were randomly selected to participate in the study. Information on sleep as well as health, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected by means of a face-to-face questionnaire performed at their place of residence by an interviewer. For each participant, aircraft noise exposure was estimated at home using noise maps. Logistic regression models were used with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: Aircraft noise exposure was significantly associated with a short total sleep time (TST) (£ 6 h) and with the feeling of tiredness while awakening in the morning. An increase of 10 dB(A) in aircraft noise level at night was associated with an OR of 1.63 (95%CI: 1.15-2.32) for a short TST and an OR of 1.23 (95%CI: 1.00-1.54) for the feeling of tiredness while awakening in the morning. Conclusions: These findings contribute to the overall evidence suggesting that aircraft noise exposure at nighttime may decrease the subjective amount and quality of sleep.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Jenny Selander, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, Marie-Christine Carlier, Patricia Champelovier, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Danny Huithuijs, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Goran Pershagen, Tores Theorell, Venetia Velonaki, Anna Hansell, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02349637
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Jenny Selander, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, et al.. Aircraft noise exposure and saliva cortisol in a pooled-analysis from seven European countries. 23rd International congress on acoustics 9 - 13 septembre 2019 Aachen, Allemagne, Sep 2019, AIX LA CHAPELLE, Germany. 4 p. ⟨hal-02349637⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : HYENA (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports), a well-known study on the health effects of aircraft noise, involved 4,861 participants from six European countries (except France). DEBATS (Discussion on the health effects of aircraft noise), a study with a similar protocol, included 1,244 participants from France. Saliva samples were obtained for 439 and 954 participants in HYENA and DEBATS respectively, to determine cortisol concentration as a possible marker of noise-induced stress. Associations were found between aircraft noise and cortisol levels in each study separately, but they were not consistent between the two studies. The objective of the present study was to combine datasets to improve statistical power. Methods : We investigated the associations between aircraft noise levels and, the log-cortisol levels in the morning and in the evening, and the log-relative variation per hour, adjusted for relevant confounders. Results : We found evidence in women for an increase in the log-evening cortisol level ?=0.09 (95%CI 0.01;0.17), and for flattening of the log-relative variation per hour ?=-0.09 (95%CI -0.16;-0.02), with a LDEN 10-dB(A) increase, but no significant effects in men. Conclusions : These findings provide some support for psychological stress induced by aircraft noise exposure, resulting in disruption of hormonal rhythms.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : HYENA (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports), a well-known study on the health effects of aircraft noise, involved 4,861 participants from six European countries (except France). DEBATS (Discussion on the health effects of aircraft noise), a study with a similar protocol, included 1,244 participants from France. Saliva samples were obtained for 439 and 954 participants in HYENA and DEBATS respectively, to determine cortisol concentration as a possible marker of noise-induced stress. Associations were found between aircraft noise and cortisol levels in each study separately, but they were not consistent between the two studies. The objective of the present study was to combine datasets to improve statistical power. Methods : We investigated the associations between aircraft noise levels and, the log-cortisol levels in the morning and in the evening, and the log-relative variation per hour, adjusted for relevant confounders. Results : We found evidence in women for an increase in the log-evening cortisol level ?=0.09 (95%CI 0.01;0.17), and for flattening of the log-relative variation per hour ?=-0.09 (95%CI -0.16;-0.02), with a LDEN 10-dB(A) increase, but no significant effects in men. Conclusions : These findings provide some support for psychological stress induced by aircraft noise exposure, resulting in disruption of hormonal rhythms.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Jenny Selander, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02349740
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Jenny Selander, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, et al.. Aircraft noise exposure and saliva cortisol in a pooled-analysis from seven European countries. 59th ERSA, Aug 2019, LYON, France. 25 p. ⟨hal-02349740⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction : HYENA (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports), a well-known study on the health effects of aircraft noise, involved 4,861 participants from six European countries (except France). DEBATS (Discussion on the health effects of aircraft noise), a study with a similar protocol, included 1,244 participants from France. Saliva samples were obtained for 439 and 954 participants in HYENA and DEBATS respectively, to determine cortisol concentration as a possible marker of noise-induced stress. Associations were found between aircraft noise and cortisol levels in each study separately, but they were not consistent between the two studies. The objective of the present study was to combine datasets to improve statistical power. Methods : We investigated the associations between aircraft noise levels and, the log-cortisol levels in the morning and in the evening, and the log-relative variation per hour, adjusted for relevant confounders. Results : We found evidence in women for an increase in the log-evening cortisol level ?=0.09 (95%CI 0.01;0.17), and for flattening of the log-relative variation per hour ?=-0.09 (95%CI -0.16;-0.02), with a LDEN 10-dB(A) increase, but no significant effects in men. Conclusions : These findings provide some support for psychological stress induced by aircraft noise exposure, resulting in disruption of hormonal rhythms.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction : HYENA (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports), a well-known study on the health effects of aircraft noise, involved 4,861 participants from six European countries (except France). DEBATS (Discussion on the health effects of aircraft noise), a study with a similar protocol, included 1,244 participants from France. Saliva samples were obtained for 439 and 954 participants in HYENA and DEBATS respectively, to determine cortisol concentration as a possible marker of noise-induced stress. Associations were found between aircraft noise and cortisol levels in each study separately, but they were not consistent between the two studies. The objective of the present study was to combine datasets to improve statistical power. Methods : We investigated the associations between aircraft noise levels and, the log-cortisol levels in the morning and in the evening, and the log-relative variation per hour, adjusted for relevant confounders. Results : We found evidence in women for an increase in the log-evening cortisol level ?=0.09 (95%CI 0.01;0.17), and for flattening of the log-relative variation per hour ?=-0.09 (95%CI -0.16;-0.02), with a LDEN 10-dB(A) increase, but no significant effects in men. Conclusions : These findings provide some support for psychological stress induced by aircraft noise exposure, resulting in disruption of hormonal rhythms.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Maxime Elbaz, Damien Leger, Fanny Mietlicki, Philippe Nguyen, Carlos Ribeiro, Matthieu Sineau, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01833445
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ali Mohamed Nassur, Marie Lefevre, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Maxime Elbaz, Damien Leger, et al.. Aircraft noise exposure and objective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France.. 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (inter-noise 2018), Aug 2018, CHICAGO, United States. 7 p. ⟨hal-01833445⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health and particularly on sleep. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure and objective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France. Methods: Actimetric measurements were performed during eight nights to evaluate sleep quality of 112 participants in terms of total sleep time, sleep onset latency, wake time and sleep efficiency. Simultaneously, acoustic measurements were performed inside and outside (at the façade) the participants' bedroom in order to estimate integrated indicators as well as the number of noise events. Logistic regression models were used with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: Integrated indicators as well as the number of noise events were significantly associated with objective sleep quality: increased levels or numbers of aircraft noise events increased time to fall asleep and total wake time, but decreased sleep efficiency. Unexpectedly, they also increased total sleep time, and time in bed, and delayed get up time. These latter results can be interpreted as an adaptation mechanism to sleep deprivation. Conclusion: Noise event indicators have been shown to be more often associated with sleep disturbances than integrated indicators.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Aircraft noise has been shown to have adverse effects on health and particularly on sleep. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure and objective sleep quality in the population living near airports in France. Methods: Actimetric measurements were performed during eight nights to evaluate sleep quality of 112 participants in terms of total sleep time, sleep onset latency, wake time and sleep efficiency. Simultaneously, acoustic measurements were performed inside and outside (at the façade) the participants' bedroom in order to estimate integrated indicators as well as the number of noise events. Logistic regression models were used with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: Integrated indicators as well as the number of noise events were significantly associated with objective sleep quality: increased levels or numbers of aircraft noise events increased time to fall asleep and total wake time, but decreased sleep efficiency. Unexpectedly, they also increased total sleep time, and time in bed, and delayed get up time. These latter results can be interpreted as an adaptation mechanism to sleep deprivation. Conclusion: Noise event indicators have been shown to be more often associated with sleep disturbances than integrated indicators.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01877387
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, et al.. Aircraft Noise and Psychological Ill-Health: The Results of a Cross-Sectional Study in France. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15 (8), 14 p. ⟨10.3390/ijerph15081642⟩. ⟨hal-01877387⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph15081642
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: The effects of aircraft noise on psychological ill-health have not been largely investigated and remain to be discussed. No study has been performed in France on the health effects of aircraft noise. Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between aircraft noise in dB and in terms of annoyance and psychological ill-health in populations living near airports in France. Methods: A total of 1244 individuals older than 18 and living near three French airports (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry and Toulouse-Blagnac) were randomly selected to participate in the study. Information about their personal medical history and socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected by means of a face-to-face questionnaire performed at their place of residence by an interviewer. Psychological ill-health was evaluated with the 12-item version of the General Heath Questionnaire (GHQ-12). For each participant, outdoor aircraft noise exposure in dBwas estimated by linking their home address to noise maps. Objective noise exposure in dB was considered to be the primary exposure of interest. Four noise indicators referring to three different periods of the day were derived and used for the statistical analyses: Lden, LAeq,24hr, LAeq,6hr-22hr, and Lnight. Noise annoyance and noise sensitivity were the secondary risk factors of interest. Logistic regression models were used with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: The participation rate in the study was 30%. Approximately 22% of the participants were considered to have psychological ill-health according to the GHQ-12. No direct association was found between exposure to aircraft noise in dB and psychological ill-health. However, annoyance due to aircraft noise and noise sensitivity were both significantly associated with psychological ill-health. Moreover, a gradient was evidenced between annoyance and psychological ill-health, with increasing ORs from 1.79 (95% CI 1.06-3.03) for people who were not all annoyed to 4.00 (95% CI 1.67-9.55) for extremely annoyed people. Conclusions: These findings confirm the results of previous studies, suggesting there is no direct association between aircraft noise exposure in dB and psychological ill-health, but there is a significant relationship between noise sensitivity or annoyance due to aircraft noise and psychological ill-health. This supports the hypothesis that psychological aspects, such as noise annoyance and noise sensitivity, play important roles in the association between environmental noise and adverse effects on health. However, further studies are necessary in order to better understand the links between these variables.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: The effects of aircraft noise on psychological ill-health have not been largely investigated and remain to be discussed. No study has been performed in France on the health effects of aircraft noise. Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between aircraft noise in dB and in terms of annoyance and psychological ill-health in populations living near airports in France. Methods: A total of 1244 individuals older than 18 and living near three French airports (Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry and Toulouse-Blagnac) were randomly selected to participate in the study. Information about their personal medical history and socioeconomic and lifestyle factors was collected by means of a face-to-face questionnaire performed at their place of residence by an interviewer. Psychological ill-health was evaluated with the 12-item version of the General Heath Questionnaire (GHQ-12). For each participant, outdoor aircraft noise exposure in dBwas estimated by linking their home address to noise maps. Objective noise exposure in dB was considered to be the primary exposure of interest. Four noise indicators referring to three different periods of the day were derived and used for the statistical analyses: Lden, LAeq,24hr, LAeq,6hr-22hr, and Lnight. Noise annoyance and noise sensitivity were the secondary risk factors of interest. Logistic regression models were used with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: The participation rate in the study was 30%. Approximately 22% of the participants were considered to have psychological ill-health according to the GHQ-12. No direct association was found between exposure to aircraft noise in dB and psychological ill-health. However, annoyance due to aircraft noise and noise sensitivity were both significantly associated with psychological ill-health. Moreover, a gradient was evidenced between annoyance and psychological ill-health, with increasing ORs from 1.79 (95% CI 1.06-3.03) for people who were not all annoyed to 4.00 (95% CI 1.67-9.55) for extremely annoyed people. Conclusions: These findings confirm the results of previous studies, suggesting there is no direct association between aircraft noise exposure in dB and psychological ill-health, but there is a significant relationship between noise sensitivity or annoyance due to aircraft noise and psychological ill-health. This supports the hypothesis that psychological aspects, such as noise annoyance and noise sensitivity, play important roles in the association between environmental noise and adverse effects on health. However, further studies are necessary in order to better understand the links between these variables.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Catherine Perrot, Carole Pelissier, Georges Arbuz, Aurélie Buisson, Régis Gonthier, Etienne Ojardias, Thomas Celarier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03491622
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Catherine Perrot, Carole Pelissier, Georges Arbuz, Aurélie Buisson, Régis Gonthier, et al.. Aider les internes à mieux accompagner les patients en fin de vie grâce à un atelier d’expression. Médecine Palliative, 2020, 19, pp.223 - 228. ⟨10.1016/j.medpal.2019.06.006⟩. ⟨hal-03491622⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.medpal.2019.06.006
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sofiane Kab, Johan Spinosi, Laura Chaperon, Aline Dugravot, Archana Singh-Manoux, Frédéric Moisan, Alexis Elbaz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01704741
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sofiane Kab, Johan Spinosi, Laura Chaperon, Aline Dugravot, Archana Singh-Manoux, et al.. Agricultural activities and the incidence of Parkinson's disease in the general French population. European Journal of Epidemiology, 2017, 32 (3), pp. 203-216. ⟨10.1007/s10654-017-0229-z⟩. ⟨hal-01704741⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s10654-017-0229-z
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Most studies on pesticides and Parkinson's disease (PD) focused on occupational exposure in farmers. Whether non-occupational exposure is associated with PD has been little explored. We investigated the association between agricultural characteristics and PD incidence in a French nationwide ecologic study. We hypothesized that persons living in regions with agricultural activities involving more intensive pesticide use would be at higher risk. We identified incident PD cases from French National Health Insurance databases (2010-2012). The proportion of land dedicated to 18 types of agricultural activities was defined at the canton of residence level. We examined the association between agricultural activities and PD age/sex-standardized incidence ratios using multivariable multilevel Poisson regression adjusted for smoking, deprivation index, density of neurologists, and rurality (proportion of agricultural land); we used a false discovery rate approach to correct for multiple comparisons and compute q-values. We also compared incidence in clusters of cantons with similar agricultural characteristics (k-means algorithm). We identified 69,010 incident PD cases. Rurality was associated with higher PD incidence (p < 0.001). Cantons with higher density of vineyards displayed the strongest association (RRtop/bottom quartile = 1.102, 95% CI = 1.049-1.158; q-trend = 0.040). This association was similar in men, women, and non-farmers, stronger in older than younger persons, and present in all French regions. Persons living in the cluster with greatest vineyards density had 8.5% (4.4-12.6%) higher PD incidence (p < 0.001). In France, vineyards rank among the crops that require most intense pesticide use. Regions with greater presence of vineyards are characterized by higher PD risk; non-professional pesticides exposure is a possible explanation.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Most studies on pesticides and Parkinson's disease (PD) focused on occupational exposure in farmers. Whether non-occupational exposure is associated with PD has been little explored. We investigated the association between agricultural characteristics and PD incidence in a French nationwide ecologic study. We hypothesized that persons living in regions with agricultural activities involving more intensive pesticide use would be at higher risk. We identified incident PD cases from French National Health Insurance databases (2010-2012). The proportion of land dedicated to 18 types of agricultural activities was defined at the canton of residence level. We examined the association between agricultural activities and PD age/sex-standardized incidence ratios using multivariable multilevel Poisson regression adjusted for smoking, deprivation index, density of neurologists, and rurality (proportion of agricultural land); we used a false discovery rate approach to correct for multiple comparisons and compute q-values. We also compared incidence in clusters of cantons with similar agricultural characteristics (k-means algorithm). We identified 69,010 incident PD cases. Rurality was associated with higher PD incidence (p < 0.001). Cantons with higher density of vineyards displayed the strongest association (RRtop/bottom quartile = 1.102, 95% CI = 1.049-1.158; q-trend = 0.040). This association was similar in men, women, and non-farmers, stronger in older than younger persons, and present in all French regions. Persons living in the cluster with greatest vineyards density had 8.5% (4.4-12.6%) higher PD incidence (p < 0.001). In France, vineyards rank among the crops that require most intense pesticide use. Regions with greater presence of vineyards are characterized by higher PD risk; non-professional pesticides exposure is a possible explanation.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hermann Nabi, Silla M. Consoli, Mireille Chiron, Sylviane Lafont, Marie Zins, Emmanuel Lagarde, Jean-François Chastang
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : inserm-00000027
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hermann Nabi, Silla M. Consoli, Mireille Chiron, Sylviane Lafont, Marie Zins, et al.. Aggressive/hostile personality traits and injury accidents: an eight-year prospective study of a large cohort of French employees -- the GAZEL cohort.. Psychological Medicine, 2006, 36 (3), pp.365-73. ⟨10.1017/S0033291705006562⟩. ⟨inserm-00000027⟩
DOI : 10.1017/S0033291705006562
pubmedId_s : 16332284
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Aggressiveness on the roads and/or anger behind the wheel are considered to be a major traffic safety problem in several countries. However, the psychological mechanisms of anger and/or aggression on the roads remain largely unclear. This study examines a large cohort of French employees followed over the period 1994-2001 to establish whether psychometric measures of aggression/hostility were significantly associated with an increased risk of an injury accident (I-A). An I-A was defined as a traffic accident in which someone was injured, that is required medical care. METHOD: A total of 11,754 participants aged from 39 to 54 years in 1993 were included in this study. Aggression/hostility was measured in 1993 using the French version of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI). Driving behaviors and I-A were recorded in 2001. Sociodemographic and alcohol consumption data were available from annual follow-up of the cohort. The relationship between aggression/hostility scores and I-A was assessed using negative binomial regression models with time-dependent covariates. RESULTS: The overall BDHI scoring was not statistically predictive of subsequent I-A: adjusted rate ratio (aRR) 1.02, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.81-1.28, for participants with intermediate scores and aRR 1.25, 95% CI 0.98-1.61 for those with high scores, both compared to those with low scores. The only BDHI subscales found to be associated with I-A were 'irritability' (aRR 1.33, 95% CI 1.02-1.75 for participants with high scores) and 'negativism' (aRR 1.32, 95% CI 1.01-1.71 for participants with high scores). CONCLUSION: Overall aggression/hostility personality traits did not predict I-A in this large cohort of French employees, suggesting that aggressiveness on the roads and/or anger behind the wheel extend beyond the individual's general propensity for aggression.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Aggressiveness on the roads and/or anger behind the wheel are considered to be a major traffic safety problem in several countries. However, the psychological mechanisms of anger and/or aggression on the roads remain largely unclear. This study examines a large cohort of French employees followed over the period 1994-2001 to establish whether psychometric measures of aggression/hostility were significantly associated with an increased risk of an injury accident (I-A). An I-A was defined as a traffic accident in which someone was injured, that is required medical care. METHOD: A total of 11,754 participants aged from 39 to 54 years in 1993 were included in this study. Aggression/hostility was measured in 1993 using the French version of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI). Driving behaviors and I-A were recorded in 2001. Sociodemographic and alcohol consumption data were available from annual follow-up of the cohort. The relationship between aggression/hostility scores and I-A was assessed using negative binomial regression models with time-dependent covariates. RESULTS: The overall BDHI scoring was not statistically predictive of subsequent I-A: adjusted rate ratio (aRR) 1.02, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.81-1.28, for participants with intermediate scores and aRR 1.25, 95% CI 0.98-1.61 for those with high scores, both compared to those with low scores. The only BDHI subscales found to be associated with I-A were 'irritability' (aRR 1.33, 95% CI 1.02-1.75 for participants with high scores) and 'negativism' (aRR 1.32, 95% CI 1.01-1.71 for participants with high scores). CONCLUSION: Overall aggression/hostility personality traits did not predict I-A in this large cohort of French employees, suggesting that aggressiveness on the roads and/or anger behind the wheel extend beyond the individual's general propensity for aggression.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Leticia Sanz-Trepiana, Emmanuelle Bost, Camille Jégo, David Lucas, Emmanuel Fort
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04632338
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Leticia Sanz-Trepiana, Emmanuelle Bost, Camille Jégo, David Lucas, Emmanuel Fort. Aggression, psychological violence and sexual harassment in seafarers in France. International maritime health, 2024, 75 (2), pp.121. ⟨10.5603/imh.99382⟩. ⟨hal-04632338⟩
DOI : 10.5603/imh.99382
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background: In a working environment that is predominantly male, very tough physically, with a difficult working environment, occupational exposures and working, verbal and physical aggression can be more frequent than in other sectors. Fishing, merchant shipping and yachting are all sectors where fitness to sail is reassessed every year by doctors in the Seafarers' Health Service. Seafarers are increasingly reporting insulting, violent or sexist behaviour. The main types of abuse seen on board can be verbal and/or physical aggression, humiliation, whether in private or in front of others. Sexual harassment of women is a very worrying subject. Materials and methods: It was a retrospective observational study which is part of the professional monitoring of seafarers. The target population was adult seafarers coming for a fitness to sail visit. The group was recruited from seafarers aged over 18 who were being monitored by one of the seafarers' health services (or local centres). The inclusion period was 4 months between January and April 2023. All the information was collected using a self-questionnaire developed from the questionnaires of the Surveillance Médicale des Expositions des Salariés au Risques Professionnels (SUMER) for health status, job satisfaction and the European mini-module, verbal and physical aggression and psychological violence at work (based on the Leymann questionnaire), sexual violence and aggression based on the sexual harassment questionnaire and the PCLS-5 scale validated and translated into French to assess post-traumatic stress. The population studied was therefore 788 sailors. Results: The study population was predominantly male (82.3%). The average age was 41.4 years (standard deviation = 11.7). 46.7% of seafarers estimate being in very good health. During the past 12 months, overall, 24.5% of seafarers disclaimed having been victim in work-related context of a verbal aggression, with a significant difference according to the gender (21.1% for men and 41.0% for women). During the last 12 months, overall, 3.2% of seafarers have been victim in work-related context of a physical aggression (2.6% for men and 5.8% for women, NS), whereas 10.9% of seafarers reported hostile behaviour at present. Twenty per cent of seafarers reported sexual harassment in the last 12 months. During the entire working life of seafarers, 65.5% of women and 38.2% of men reported sexual harassment, and 38.8% of seafarers stated that they had experienced at least one traumatic event in the last 12 months. Discussion: A quarter of seafarers say they have been the victim of verbal or physical aggression at work in the last twelve months. These figures are high, and higher than those of the global survey on violence and harassment at work carried out by the International Labour Organization. One of the most alarming results of our study is the overexposure of women working in the maritime industry to the risk of physical, verbal or sexual assault of any kind. Indeed, in all the questions concerning the experience of verbal and physical aggression, the number of women victims is twice as high as that of their male colleagues, and this difference is statistically significant. As far as prevention is concerned, it seems that an effort is needed in terms of information, since only one seafarer in two knows the procedure to follow in the event of aggression within their shipyard. Communication between shipowners and seafarers needs to be stepped up to ensure that everyone is familiar with the procedures.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background: In a working environment that is predominantly male, very tough physically, with a difficult working environment, occupational exposures and working, verbal and physical aggression can be more frequent than in other sectors. Fishing, merchant shipping and yachting are all sectors where fitness to sail is reassessed every year by doctors in the Seafarers' Health Service. Seafarers are increasingly reporting insulting, violent or sexist behaviour. The main types of abuse seen on board can be verbal and/or physical aggression, humiliation, whether in private or in front of others. Sexual harassment of women is a very worrying subject. Materials and methods: It was a retrospective observational study which is part of the professional monitoring of seafarers. The target population was adult seafarers coming for a fitness to sail visit. The group was recruited from seafarers aged over 18 who were being monitored by one of the seafarers' health services (or local centres). The inclusion period was 4 months between January and April 2023. All the information was collected using a self-questionnaire developed from the questionnaires of the Surveillance Médicale des Expositions des Salariés au Risques Professionnels (SUMER) for health status, job satisfaction and the European mini-module, verbal and physical aggression and psychological violence at work (based on the Leymann questionnaire), sexual violence and aggression based on the sexual harassment questionnaire and the PCLS-5 scale validated and translated into French to assess post-traumatic stress. The population studied was therefore 788 sailors. Results: The study population was predominantly male (82.3%). The average age was 41.4 years (standard deviation = 11.7). 46.7% of seafarers estimate being in very good health. During the past 12 months, overall, 24.5% of seafarers disclaimed having been victim in work-related context of a verbal aggression, with a significant difference according to the gender (21.1% for men and 41.0% for women). During the last 12 months, overall, 3.2% of seafarers have been victim in work-related context of a physical aggression (2.6% for men and 5.8% for women, NS), whereas 10.9% of seafarers reported hostile behaviour at present. Twenty per cent of seafarers reported sexual harassment in the last 12 months. During the entire working life of seafarers, 65.5% of women and 38.2% of men reported sexual harassment, and 38.8% of seafarers stated that they had experienced at least one traumatic event in the last 12 months. Discussion: A quarter of seafarers say they have been the victim of verbal or physical aggression at work in the last twelve months. These figures are high, and higher than those of the global survey on violence and harassment at work carried out by the International Labour Organization. One of the most alarming results of our study is the overexposure of women working in the maritime industry to the risk of physical, verbal or sexual assault of any kind. Indeed, in all the questions concerning the experience of verbal and physical aggression, the number of women victims is twice as high as that of their male colleagues, and this difference is statistically significant. As far as prevention is concerned, it seems that an effort is needed in terms of information, since only one seafarer in two knows the procedure to follow in the event of aggression within their shipyard. Communication between shipowners and seafarers needs to be stepped up to ensure that everyone is familiar with the procedures.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Vivian Viallon, Sophie Lambert-Lacroix, Holger Höfling, Franck Picard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00813281
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Vivian Viallon, Sophie Lambert-Lacroix, Holger Höfling, Franck Picard. Adaptive Generalized Fused-Lasso: Asymptotic Properties and Applications. 2013. ⟨hal-00813281⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : The Lasso has been widely studied and used in many applications over the last decade. It has also been extended in various directions in particular to ensure asymptotic oracle properties through adaptive weights (Zou, 2006). Another direction has been to incorporate additional knowledge within the penalty to account for some structure among features. Among such strategies the Fused-Lasso (Tibshirani et al., 2005) has recently been extended to penalize differences of coefficients corresponding to features organized along a network, through the Generalized Fused-Lasso. In this work we investigate the theoretical and empirical properties of the Adaptive Generalized Fused-Lasso in the context of Generalized Linear Models, with emphasis on Logistic Regression. More precisely, we establish its asymptotic oracle properties and propose an extensive simulation study to explore its empirical properties. We especially show that it compares favorably with other strategies. We also propose an adaptation of the Relaxed Lasso (Meinshausen, 2007). Finally we present an original application of the Generalized Fused-Lasso to the Joint Modeling framework where the design itself suggests the graph to be used in the penalty; an illustration is provided on road safety data.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : The Lasso has been widely studied and used in many applications over the last decade. It has also been extended in various directions in particular to ensure asymptotic oracle properties through adaptive weights (Zou, 2006). Another direction has been to incorporate additional knowledge within the penalty to account for some structure among features. Among such strategies the Fused-Lasso (Tibshirani et al., 2005) has recently been extended to penalize differences of coefficients corresponding to features organized along a network, through the Generalized Fused-Lasso. In this work we investigate the theoretical and empirical properties of the Adaptive Generalized Fused-Lasso in the context of Generalized Linear Models, with emphasis on Logistic Regression. More precisely, we establish its asymptotic oracle properties and propose an extensive simulation study to explore its empirical properties. We especially show that it compares favorably with other strategies. We also propose an adaptation of the Relaxed Lasso (Meinshausen, 2007). Finally we present an original application of the Generalized Fused-Lasso to the Joint Modeling framework where the design itself suggests the graph to be used in the penalty; an illustration is provided on road safety data.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación :
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Dan Wu, Vivian Viallon, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01574768
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Dan Wu, Vivian Viallon, Bernard Laumon. Actualisation des connaissances sur les risques de la conduite sous l'influence du cannabis. Actualisation résultats SAM, Colloque « Santé et sécurité routière », Sep 2016, PARIS, France. 21 p. ⟨hal-01574768⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Estimation du risque d'accident mortel provoqué par une conduite sous influence des drogues illicites et de l'alcool, et des fractions de risque attribuables à ces facteurs, à partir des procès verbaux d'accident renseignés par les forces de l'ordre en 2011.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Estimation du risque d'accident mortel provoqué par une conduite sous influence des drogues illicites et de l'alcool, et des fractions de risque attribuables à ces facteurs, à partir des procès verbaux d'accident renseignés par les forces de l'ordre en 2011.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Amina Ndiaye, Etienne Javouhey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01220959
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Amina Ndiaye, Etienne Javouhey. Accidents de piétons dans le Rhône : aspects épidémiologiques et traumatiques. Congrès SFMU Urgences 2015, Jun 2015, PARIS, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-01220959⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Poster dans le cadre du projet Urgences 2015 sur les accidents de piétons dans le Rhône, à partir du Registre.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Poster dans le cadre du projet Urgences 2015 sur les accidents de piétons dans le Rhône, à partir du Registre.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuelle Amoros, Audrey Lardy, Barbara Charbotel, Bernard Laumon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01428745
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuelle Amoros, Audrey Lardy, Barbara Charbotel, Bernard Laumon. Accidents de la route en lien avec le travail : Enjeux, nature et gravité des lésions. 2ème séminaire EPAC-ORAT, May 2015, SAINT-MAURICE, France. 15 p. ⟨hal-01428745⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Communication sur les accidents de la route en lien avec le travail dans le cadre du 2è séminaire EPAC-ORAT (Enquête permanente sur les accidents de la vie courante de l'InVS et l'Observatoire Rhône-Alpes du Traumatisme de l'Ifsttar).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Communication sur les accidents de la route en lien avec le travail dans le cadre du 2è séminaire EPAC-ORAT (Enquête permanente sur les accidents de la vie courante de l'InVS et l'Observatoire Rhône-Alpes du Traumatisme de l'Ifsttar).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Vivian Viallon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04809865
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Vivian Viallon, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. Accidents cyclistes : apports des données médicales, construction et exploitation d’une typologie. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2014, 62, pp.S200. ⟨10.1016/j.respe.2014.06.094⟩. ⟨hal-04809865⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2014.06.094
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alexandre Fanjas, Emmanuel Fort, Carole Pelissier, Pierrette Charnay, Barbara Charbotel, Alain Bergeret, Luc Fontana, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00867001
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alexandre Fanjas, Emmanuel Fort, Carole Pelissier, Pierrette Charnay, Barbara Charbotel, et al.. Accidents corporels de la route, avec et sans lien avec le travail, et leurs conséquences. Résultats à partir de la cohorte ESPARR. 25ème journées franco-Suisses de Médecine du Travail, Jun 2013, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-00867001⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Une étude de Suivi d’une Population d’Accidentés de la Route dans le Rhône (la cohorte ESPARR) a été mise en place en 2004, en lien avec le registre des victimes d’accidents de la Route dans le Rhône. L’un des objectifs de ce suivi prospectif est de déterminer les conséquences des accidents de la route, en particulier sur la santé et la vie professionnelle. Objectif : évaluer si les victimes d’un accident de route survenu dans le cadre du travail, issues de la cohorte ESPARR, présentent des conséquences professionnelles différentes de celles d’un accident survenu dans le cadre de vie privée. Matériel et méthodes : 778 adultes (66,6% de la cohorte ESPARR) qui avaient un travail ou étaient en formation professionnelles au moment de l’accident ont été étudiés. Deux groupes ont été distingués : 354 (45,5%) victimes d’un accident de route survenu dans le cadre du travail (groupe 1) et 424 (54,5%) dans le cadre de la vie privée (groupe 2). Les deux groupes ont été comparés sur les données médicales et professionnelles recueillies lors du suivi prospectif, à 6 mois, 1 an, 2 ans et 3 ans. Des analyses multivariées pour rechercher les facteurs associés à un arrêt de travail après l’accident et à une absence de reprise du travail ont été menées à partir des statuts à 6 mois, 1 an et en tenant compte de l’ensemble des questionnaires. Résultats : aucune différence significative entre les deux groupes n’a été observée sur les données démographiques. Dans le groupe 2 il y a plus de victimes qui présentent des lésions sévères (MAIS ≥3) que dans le groupe 1 (32,6% vs 23,7%, p=0,007 ). Aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les deux groupes sur les données recueillies sur les conséquences professionnelles au cours du suivi, en particulier sur la durée de l’arrêt de travail à la suite de l’accident, le nombre de victimes ayant repris le travail 3 ans après et le nombre de victimes ne travaillant pas à cause d’une décision d’inaptitude au poste de travail. Les conditions du retour au travail sont plutôt meilleures pour le groupe 1 (aménagement du poste de travail….). A 1 an, l’arrêt de travail est significativement associé au type d’accident ; l’odds ratio ajusté augmente pour les accidents en lien avec le travail (OR=2,0 IC95% = [1,1-3,7]). Le type d’accident n’est en revanche pas associé à une absence de reprise du travail. Conclusion : dans la cohorte ESPARR, le fait que l’accident de la route soit survenu dans le cadre du travail ne semble pas avoir d’influence sur les conséquences professionnelles.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Une étude de Suivi d’une Population d’Accidentés de la Route dans le Rhône (la cohorte ESPARR) a été mise en place en 2004, en lien avec le registre des victimes d’accidents de la Route dans le Rhône. L’un des objectifs de ce suivi prospectif est de déterminer les conséquences des accidents de la route, en particulier sur la santé et la vie professionnelle. Objectif : évaluer si les victimes d’un accident de route survenu dans le cadre du travail, issues de la cohorte ESPARR, présentent des conséquences professionnelles différentes de celles d’un accident survenu dans le cadre de vie privée. Matériel et méthodes : 778 adultes (66,6% de la cohorte ESPARR) qui avaient un travail ou étaient en formation professionnelles au moment de l’accident ont été étudiés. Deux groupes ont été distingués : 354 (45,5%) victimes d’un accident de route survenu dans le cadre du travail (groupe 1) et 424 (54,5%) dans le cadre de la vie privée (groupe 2). Les deux groupes ont été comparés sur les données médicales et professionnelles recueillies lors du suivi prospectif, à 6 mois, 1 an, 2 ans et 3 ans. Des analyses multivariées pour rechercher les facteurs associés à un arrêt de travail après l’accident et à une absence de reprise du travail ont été menées à partir des statuts à 6 mois, 1 an et en tenant compte de l’ensemble des questionnaires. Résultats : aucune différence significative entre les deux groupes n’a été observée sur les données démographiques. Dans le groupe 2 il y a plus de victimes qui présentent des lésions sévères (MAIS ≥3) que dans le groupe 1 (32,6% vs 23,7%, p=0,007 ). Aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les deux groupes sur les données recueillies sur les conséquences professionnelles au cours du suivi, en particulier sur la durée de l’arrêt de travail à la suite de l’accident, le nombre de victimes ayant repris le travail 3 ans après et le nombre de victimes ne travaillant pas à cause d’une décision d’inaptitude au poste de travail. Les conditions du retour au travail sont plutôt meilleures pour le groupe 1 (aménagement du poste de travail….). A 1 an, l’arrêt de travail est significativement associé au type d’accident ; l’odds ratio ajusté augmente pour les accidents en lien avec le travail (OR=2,0 IC95% = [1,1-3,7]). Le type d’accident n’est en revanche pas associé à une absence de reprise du travail. Conclusion : dans la cohorte ESPARR, le fait que l’accident de la route soit survenu dans le cadre du travail ne semble pas avoir d’influence sur les conséquences professionnelles.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Louis Martin, Dan Wu
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01349342
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Louis Martin, Dan Wu. Accidentologie des piétons. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2015, 59 p. ⟨hal-01349342⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'essentiel de ce rapport étudie les facteurs liés à la survenue et à la gravité des accidents impliquant un Îhicule et un piéton. Sont ainsi analysés la répartition des configurations accidentelles, les manoeuvres d'urgence effectuées par les conducteurs, la répartition des "responsabilités" entre les deux impliqués et des défaillances identifiées en termes d'erreur de détection, de décision, de diagnostic, ou de pronostic. Le risque d'être tué pour le piéton est montré comme dépendant du carré de la vitesse au choc, ainsi que de son âge et, dans une moindre mesure, de la localisation de l'impact. Si certains résultats sont limités par la précision des informations "PV", surtout corporels, ils sont néanmoins en faveur de certaines contre-mesures envisagées ou en cours de déploiement pour les Îhicules (aide à la détection, dispositif limitant les franchissements PL), l'infrastructure (amélioration de la détection, aménagement zones "communes", régulation de vitesse) ainsi que pour les conducteurs et les piétons (éducation à l'autre).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'essentiel de ce rapport étudie les facteurs liés à la survenue et à la gravité des accidents impliquant un Îhicule et un piéton. Sont ainsi analysés la répartition des configurations accidentelles, les manoeuvres d'urgence effectuées par les conducteurs, la répartition des "responsabilités" entre les deux impliqués et des défaillances identifiées en termes d'erreur de détection, de décision, de diagnostic, ou de pronostic. Le risque d'être tué pour le piéton est montré comme dépendant du carré de la vitesse au choc, ainsi que de son âge et, dans une moindre mesure, de la localisation de l'impact. Si certains résultats sont limités par la précision des informations "PV", surtout corporels, ils sont néanmoins en faveur de certaines contre-mesures envisagées ou en cours de déploiement pour les Îhicules (aide à la détection, dispositif limitant les franchissements PL), l'infrastructure (amélioration de la détection, aménagement zones "communes", régulation de vitesse) ainsi que pour les conducteurs et les piétons (éducation à l'autre).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Stéphanie Blaizot, Emmanuelle Amoros, Francis Papon, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00768484
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Stéphanie Blaizot, Emmanuelle Amoros, Francis Papon, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak. Accidentalité à Vélo et Exposition au Risque (AVER) - Risque de traumatismes routiers selon quatre types d'usagers. 2012. ⟨hal-00768484⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background. Risk of road crash injuries is unclear, partly because of under-reporting and bias in the police crash data, partly because of lack of mobility (exposure) data. Methods. Injury incidence rates were estimated. Accident data come from a road trauma Registry, including outpatients and inpatients, on the Rhône county (1.6 M inhab.). Mobility comes from a travel survey. It was carried out from November 2005 to April 2006, on weekdays; this seasonality was corrected using the 2007-2008 national travel survey. Results. Compared with car occupants and with regards to time spent travelling, the all-injury rate was 8 times higher for cyclists, twice lower for pedestrians and 42 times higher for PTW riders; the hospitalization rate was the same for pedestrians, 12 times higher for cyclists and 80 times higher for PTW riders; the fatal-injury rate was the same for pedestrians, 3 times higher for cyclists and 34 times higher for PTW riders. Cyclists had lower injury rates in towns than outside towns. Between 1996-1997 and 2005-2006 and with regards to time spent travelling, the all-injury rate was multiplied by 0.9 for car occupants, by 0.4 for cyclists and by 1.3 for PTW riders. Conclusion. The higher risk for PTW riders is confirmed and quantified; it is very high. Decrease in injury rates was more marked for cyclists; this indicates the "safety in numbers" effect.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background. Risk of road crash injuries is unclear, partly because of under-reporting and bias in the police crash data, partly because of lack of mobility (exposure) data. Methods. Injury incidence rates were estimated. Accident data come from a road trauma Registry, including outpatients and inpatients, on the Rhône county (1.6 M inhab.). Mobility comes from a travel survey. It was carried out from November 2005 to April 2006, on weekdays; this seasonality was corrected using the 2007-2008 national travel survey. Results. Compared with car occupants and with regards to time spent travelling, the all-injury rate was 8 times higher for cyclists, twice lower for pedestrians and 42 times higher for PTW riders; the hospitalization rate was the same for pedestrians, 12 times higher for cyclists and 80 times higher for PTW riders; the fatal-injury rate was the same for pedestrians, 3 times higher for cyclists and 34 times higher for PTW riders. Cyclists had lower injury rates in towns than outside towns. Between 1996-1997 and 2005-2006 and with regards to time spent travelling, the all-injury rate was multiplied by 0.9 for car occupants, by 0.4 for cyclists and by 1.3 for PTW riders. Conclusion. The higher risk for PTW riders is confirmed and quantified; it is very high. Decrease in injury rates was more marked for cyclists; this indicates the "safety in numbers" effect.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Rapport
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mathilde White, Barbara Charbotel, Emmanuel Fort, Hélène Bastuji, Patricia Franco, Benjamin Putois, Stéphanie Mazza, Laure Peter-Derex
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02509455
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mathilde White, Barbara Charbotel, Emmanuel Fort, Hélène Bastuji, Patricia Franco, et al.. Academic and professional paths of narcoleptic patients: the Narcowork study. Sleep Medicine, 2020, 65, pp.96-104. ⟨10.1016/j.sleep.2019.07.020⟩. ⟨hal-02509455⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.sleep.2019.07.020
pubmedId_s : 31739232
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective/background: To study educational and professional pathways of narcoleptic patients and examine demographic, disease-related and environmental factors associated with a better academic and professional prognosis. Patients/methods: In sum, 69 narcoleptic patients (51 narcolepsy type 1 and 18 narcolepsy type 2, age 42.5 ± 18.2 years) were enrolled in this pilot monocentric cross-sectional study with a comparison group (80 age- and sex-matched controls) between October 2017 and July 2018 in Lyon Center for Sleep Medicine. They completed questionnaires about their academic and professional trajectories and specific scales of quality of life (EuroQol quality of life scale EQ-5D-3L), depression (beck depression inventory, BDI), sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale, ESS) and narcoleptic symptoms severity (narcolepsy severity scale, NSS). Results: No difference in grade repetition or final obtained diploma was observed between patients and controls, but patients evaluated their academic curricula as more difficult (45.5% vs 16.9%, p = 0.0007), complained for more attentional deficits (75% vs 22.1%, p < 0.0001), and had needed more educational reorientation (28.6% vs 9.9%, p = 0.01). Even if no difference was observed in occupational category and professional status, patients expressed significantly less satisfaction about their work. Patients had more signs of depression [OR severe depression = 4.4 (1.6-12.6), p = 0.02] and their quality of life was significantly decreased (67.3 ± 18.4 vs 80.6 ± 13.2, p = 0.0007) as compared to controls. Multivariate analysis showed that a more favorable professional career was associated with a better quality of life. Conclusions: Educational and professional pathways do not seem to be significantly impaired in narcoleptic patients, but their experience and quality of life are affected. These findings may allow to reassure patients and should lead to a more comprehensive management of the disease. Clinical trial registration: Narcowork,, N° NCT03173378.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective/background: To study educational and professional pathways of narcoleptic patients and examine demographic, disease-related and environmental factors associated with a better academic and professional prognosis. Patients/methods: In sum, 69 narcoleptic patients (51 narcolepsy type 1 and 18 narcolepsy type 2, age 42.5 ± 18.2 years) were enrolled in this pilot monocentric cross-sectional study with a comparison group (80 age- and sex-matched controls) between October 2017 and July 2018 in Lyon Center for Sleep Medicine. They completed questionnaires about their academic and professional trajectories and specific scales of quality of life (EuroQol quality of life scale EQ-5D-3L), depression (beck depression inventory, BDI), sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale, ESS) and narcoleptic symptoms severity (narcolepsy severity scale, NSS). Results: No difference in grade repetition or final obtained diploma was observed between patients and controls, but patients evaluated their academic curricula as more difficult (45.5% vs 16.9%, p = 0.0007), complained for more attentional deficits (75% vs 22.1%, p < 0.0001), and had needed more educational reorientation (28.6% vs 9.9%, p = 0.01). Even if no difference was observed in occupational category and professional status, patients expressed significantly less satisfaction about their work. Patients had more signs of depression [OR severe depression = 4.4 (1.6-12.6), p = 0.02] and their quality of life was significantly decreased (67.3 ± 18.4 vs 80.6 ± 13.2, p = 0.0007) as compared to controls. Multivariate analysis showed that a more favorable professional career was associated with a better quality of life. Conclusions: Educational and professional pathways do not seem to be significantly impaired in narcoleptic patients, but their experience and quality of life are affected. These findings may allow to reassure patients and should lead to a more comprehensive management of the disease. Clinical trial registration: Narcowork,, N° NCT03173378.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Tristan Monchal, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Etienne Javouhey, Olivier Monneuse
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01833422
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Tristan Monchal, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Etienne Javouhey, Olivier Monneuse. Abdominopelvic injuries due to road traffic accidents: Characteristics in a registry of 162,695 victims. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2018, 19 (5), pp. 529-534. ⟨10.1080/15389588.2018.1447669⟩. ⟨hal-01833422⟩
DOI : 10.1080/15389588.2018.1447669
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective Road traffic accidents (RTA) are the first cause of abdominopelvic injuries (API). The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics and severity of API due to traffic accidents in a large French trauma registry and to identify risk factors for API. Methods All victims from the French Rhône registry of victims of RTA were analyzed from 1996 to 2013. This registry contained data that were issued over a 20-year period from 245 medical departments, from prehospital care until re-adaptation, and forensic medicine departments. All API, defined as an injury between the diaphragm and the pelvic bone, were extracted and studied. Results Among 162,695 victims, 10,165 had an API (6.7%).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective Road traffic accidents (RTA) are the first cause of abdominopelvic injuries (API). The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics and severity of API due to traffic accidents in a large French trauma registry and to identify risk factors for API. Methods All victims from the French Rhône registry of victims of RTA were analyzed from 1996 to 2013. This registry contained data that were issued over a 20-year period from 245 medical departments, from prehospital care until re-adaptation, and forensic medicine departments. All API, defined as an injury between the diaphragm and the pelvic bone, were extracted and studied. Results Among 162,695 victims, 10,165 had an API (6.7%).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nada Assi, Aurelie Maskal, Nadia Slimani, Vivian Viallon, Veronique Chajes, Heinz Freisling, Stefano Monni, Sven Knueppel, Jana Forster, Elisabete Weiderpass, Leila Lujan-Barroso, Pilar Amiano, Eva Ardanaz, Esther Molina-Montes, Diego Salmeron, José Ramón Quiros, Anja Olsen, Anne Tjonneland, Christina C. Dahm, Kim Overvad, Laure Dossus, Agnès Fournier, Laura Baglietto, Renee Turzanski Fortner, Rudolf Kaaks, Antonia Trichopoulou, Christina Bamia, Philippos Orfanos, Maria Santucci de Magistris, Giovanna Masala, Claudia Agnoli, Fulvio Ricceri, Rosario Tumino, H Bas Bueno de Mesquita, Marije F Bakker, Petra Hm Peeters, Guri Skeie, Tonje Braaten, Anna Winkvist, Ingegerd Johansson, Kay-Tee Khaw, Nicholas J Wareham, Tim Key, Ruth Travis, Julie A Schmidt, Melissa Merritt, Elio Riboli, Isabelle Romieu, Pietro Ferrari
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01825892
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nada Assi, Aurelie Maskal, Nadia Slimani, Vivian Viallon, Veronique Chajes, et al.. A treelet transform analysis to relate nutrient patterns to the risk of hormonal receptor-defined breast cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Public Health Nutrition, 2016, 19 (2), pp. 242-254. ⟨10.1017/S1368980015000294⟩. ⟨hal-01825892⟩
DOI : 10.1017/S1368980015000294
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Abstract Objective Pattern analysis has emerged as a tool to depict the role of multiple nutrients/foods in relation to health outcomes. The present study aimed at extracting nutrient patterns with respect to breast cancer (BC) aetiology. Design Nutrient patterns were derived with treelet transform (TT) and related to BC risk. TT was applied to twenty-three log-transformed nutrient densities from dietary questionnaires. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95 % confidence intervals computed using Cox proportional hazards models quantified the association between quintiles of nutrient pattern scores and risk of overall BC, and by hormonal receptor and menopausal status. Principal component analysis was applied for comparison. Setting The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Subjects Women (n 334 850) from the EPIC study. Results The first TT component (TC1) highlighted a pattern rich in nutrients found in animal foods loading on cholesterol, protein, retinol, vitamins B12 and D, while the second TT component (TC2) reflected a diet rich in ?-carotene, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamins C and B6, fibre, Fe, Ca, K, Mg, P and folate. While TC1 was not associated with BC risk, TC2 was inversely associated with BC risk overall (HRQ5 v. Q1=0·89, 95 % CI 0·83, 0·95, P trend
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Abstract Objective Pattern analysis has emerged as a tool to depict the role of multiple nutrients/foods in relation to health outcomes. The present study aimed at extracting nutrient patterns with respect to breast cancer (BC) aetiology. Design Nutrient patterns were derived with treelet transform (TT) and related to BC risk. TT was applied to twenty-three log-transformed nutrient densities from dietary questionnaires. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95 % confidence intervals computed using Cox proportional hazards models quantified the association between quintiles of nutrient pattern scores and risk of overall BC, and by hormonal receptor and menopausal status. Principal component analysis was applied for comparison. Setting The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Subjects Women (n 334 850) from the EPIC study. Results The first TT component (TC1) highlighted a pattern rich in nutrients found in animal foods loading on cholesterol, protein, retinol, vitamins B12 and D, while the second TT component (TC2) reflected a diet rich in ?-carotene, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamins C and B6, fibre, Fe, Ca, K, Mg, P and folate. While TC1 was not associated with BC risk, TC2 was inversely associated with BC risk overall (HRQ5 v. Q1=0·89, 95 % CI 0·83, 0·95, P trend
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nicolas Guibert, Kylian Trepat, Bruno Pozzetto, Laurence Josset, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Omran Allatif, Kahina Saker, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Thierry Walzer, Philippe Vanhems, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04146056
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nicolas Guibert, Kylian Trepat, Bruno Pozzetto, Laurence Josset, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, et al.. A third vaccine dose equalises the levels of effectiveness and immunogenicity of heterologous or homologous COVID-19 vaccine regimens, Lyon, France, December 2021 to March 2022. Eurosurveillance, 2023, 28 (15), ⟨10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.15.2200746⟩. ⟨hal-04146056⟩
DOI : 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.15.2200746
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background To cope with the persistence of the COVID-19 epidemic and the decrease in antibody levels following vaccination, a third dose of vaccine has been recommended in the general population. However, several vaccine regimens had been used initially for the primary vaccination course, and the heterologous Vaxzevria/Comirnaty regimen had shown better efficacy and immunogenicity than the homologous Comirnaty/Comirnaty regimen. Aim We wanted to determine if this benefit was retained after a third dose of an mRNA vaccine. Methods We combined an observational epidemiological study of SARS-CoV-2 infections among vaccinated healthcare workers at the University Hospital of Lyon, France, with a prospective cohort study to analyse immunological parameters before and after the third mRNA vaccine dose. Results Following the second vaccine dose, heterologous vaccination regimens were more protective against infection than homologous regimens (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 1.88; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.18-3.00; p = 0.008), but this was no longer the case after the third dose (adjusted HR = 0.86; 95% CI: 0.72-1.02; p = 0.082). Receptor-binding domain-specific IgG levels and serum neutralisation capacity against different SARS-CoV-2 variants were higher after the third dose than after the second dose in the homologous regimen group, but not in the heterologous group. Conclusion The advantage conferred by heterologous vaccination was lost after the third dose in terms of both protection and immunogenicity. Immunological measurements 1 month after vaccination suggest that heterologous vaccination induces maximal immunity after the second dose, whereas the third dose is required to reach the same level in individuals with a homologous regimen.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background To cope with the persistence of the COVID-19 epidemic and the decrease in antibody levels following vaccination, a third dose of vaccine has been recommended in the general population. However, several vaccine regimens had been used initially for the primary vaccination course, and the heterologous Vaxzevria/Comirnaty regimen had shown better efficacy and immunogenicity than the homologous Comirnaty/Comirnaty regimen. Aim We wanted to determine if this benefit was retained after a third dose of an mRNA vaccine. Methods We combined an observational epidemiological study of SARS-CoV-2 infections among vaccinated healthcare workers at the University Hospital of Lyon, France, with a prospective cohort study to analyse immunological parameters before and after the third mRNA vaccine dose. Results Following the second vaccine dose, heterologous vaccination regimens were more protective against infection than homologous regimens (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 1.88; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.18-3.00; p = 0.008), but this was no longer the case after the third dose (adjusted HR = 0.86; 95% CI: 0.72-1.02; p = 0.082). Receptor-binding domain-specific IgG levels and serum neutralisation capacity against different SARS-CoV-2 variants were higher after the third dose than after the second dose in the homologous regimen group, but not in the heterologous group. Conclusion The advantage conferred by heterologous vaccination was lost after the third dose in terms of both protection and immunogenicity. Immunological measurements 1 month after vaccination suggest that heterologous vaccination induces maximal immunity after the second dose, whereas the third dose is required to reach the same level in individuals with a homologous regimen.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nicolas Guibert, Kylian Trepat, Bruno Pozzetto, Laurence Josset, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Omran Allatif, Kahina Saker, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Thierry Walzer, Philippe Vanhems, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04892571
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nicolas Guibert, Kylian Trepat, Bruno Pozzetto, Laurence Josset, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, et al.. A third vaccine dose equalises the levels of effectiveness and immunogenicity of heterologous or homologous COVID-19 vaccine regimens, Lyon, France, December 2021 to March 2022. Eurosurveillance, 2023, 28 (15), ⟨10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.15.2200746⟩. ⟨hal-04892571⟩
DOI : 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.15.2200746
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Background To cope with the persistence of the COVID-19 epidemic and the decrease in antibody levels following vaccination, a third dose of vaccine has been recommended in the general population. However, several vaccine regimens had been used initially for the primary vaccination course, and the heterologous Vaxzevria/Comirnaty regimen had shown better efficacy and immunogenicity than the homologous Comirnaty/Comirnaty regimen. Aim We wanted to determine if this benefit was retained after a third dose of an mRNA vaccine. Methods We combined an observational epidemiological study of SARS-CoV-2 infections among vaccinated healthcare workers at the University Hospital of Lyon, France, with a prospective cohort study to analyse immunological parameters before and after the third mRNA vaccine dose. Results Following the second vaccine dose, heterologous vaccination regimens were more protective against infection than homologous regimens (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 1.88; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.18–3.00; p = 0.008), but this was no longer the case after the third dose (adjusted HR = 0.86; 95% CI: 0.72–1.02; p = 0.082). Receptor-binding domain-specific IgG levels and serum neutralisation capacity against different SARS-CoV-2 variants were higher after the third dose than after the second dose in the homologous regimen group, but not in the heterologous group. Conclusion The advantage conferred by heterologous vaccination was lost after the third dose in terms of both protection and immunogenicity. Immunological measurements 1 month after vaccination suggest that heterologous vaccination induces maximal immunity after the second dose, whereas the third dose is required to reach the same level in individuals with a homologous regimen.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Background To cope with the persistence of the COVID-19 epidemic and the decrease in antibody levels following vaccination, a third dose of vaccine has been recommended in the general population. However, several vaccine regimens had been used initially for the primary vaccination course, and the heterologous Vaxzevria/Comirnaty regimen had shown better efficacy and immunogenicity than the homologous Comirnaty/Comirnaty regimen. Aim We wanted to determine if this benefit was retained after a third dose of an mRNA vaccine. Methods We combined an observational epidemiological study of SARS-CoV-2 infections among vaccinated healthcare workers at the University Hospital of Lyon, France, with a prospective cohort study to analyse immunological parameters before and after the third mRNA vaccine dose. Results Following the second vaccine dose, heterologous vaccination regimens were more protective against infection than homologous regimens (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 1.88; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.18–3.00; p = 0.008), but this was no longer the case after the third dose (adjusted HR = 0.86; 95% CI: 0.72–1.02; p = 0.082). Receptor-binding domain-specific IgG levels and serum neutralisation capacity against different SARS-CoV-2 variants were higher after the third dose than after the second dose in the homologous regimen group, but not in the heterologous group. Conclusion The advantage conferred by heterologous vaccination was lost after the third dose in terms of both protection and immunogenicity. Immunological measurements 1 month after vaccination suggest that heterologous vaccination induces maximal immunity after the second dose, whereas the third dose is required to reach the same level in individuals with a homologous regimen.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : A. L. Bienvenu, L. Argaud, F. Aubrun, J. L. Fellahi, C. Guerin, Etienne Javouhey, V. Piriou, T. Rimmele, C. Chidiac, G. Leboucher
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01714438
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : A. L. Bienvenu, L. Argaud, F. Aubrun, J. L. Fellahi, C. Guerin, et al.. A systematic review of interventions and performance measures for antifungal stewardship programmes. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2017, 73 (2), pp. 297-305. ⟨10.1093/jac/dkx388⟩. ⟨hal-01714438⟩
DOI : 10.1093/jac/dkx388
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objectives : Antifungal resistance is a significant and emerging threat. Stewardship programmes (SPs) have been proposed as an opportunity to optimize antifungal use. While examples of antifungal SP implementation have been recently described, there is yet to be an overview of interventions and their impacts on performance measures. Methods We systematically reviewed published articles using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses check-list 2009. MEDLINE was searched using the term 'antifungal stewardship' on 15 February 2017. Eligible studies were those that described an antifungal SP and included an intervention and an evaluation of performance measures. Results : A total of 97 studies were identified and 14 were included. Only five studies reported an antifungal stewardship team composed of all the recommended members. The main intervention was the formulation of recommendations to change treatment (12 of 14). The main performance measure collected was antifungal consumption (10 of 14), followed by antifungal expenditure (7 of 14), adherence to therapeutic advice (4 of 14) and impact on mortality (4 of 14). Antifungal consumption was reduced by 11.8% to 71% and antifungal expenditure by as much as 50%. Adherence to therapeutic advice ranged from 40% to 88%, whereas antifungal SPs had no impact on mortality. Conclusions : All antifungal SPs had an impact, in particular on antifungal consumption and antifungal expenditure. Active intervention including a review of prescriptions seems to have more impact than implementation of treatment guidelines only. According to available published studies, antifungal consumption appears to be the most achievable performance measure to evaluate the impact of an antifungal SP.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objectives : Antifungal resistance is a significant and emerging threat. Stewardship programmes (SPs) have been proposed as an opportunity to optimize antifungal use. While examples of antifungal SP implementation have been recently described, there is yet to be an overview of interventions and their impacts on performance measures. Methods We systematically reviewed published articles using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses check-list 2009. MEDLINE was searched using the term 'antifungal stewardship' on 15 February 2017. Eligible studies were those that described an antifungal SP and included an intervention and an evaluation of performance measures. Results : A total of 97 studies were identified and 14 were included. Only five studies reported an antifungal stewardship team composed of all the recommended members. The main intervention was the formulation of recommendations to change treatment (12 of 14). The main performance measure collected was antifungal consumption (10 of 14), followed by antifungal expenditure (7 of 14), adherence to therapeutic advice (4 of 14) and impact on mortality (4 of 14). Antifungal consumption was reduced by 11.8% to 71% and antifungal expenditure by as much as 50%. Adherence to therapeutic advice ranged from 40% to 88%, whereas antifungal SPs had no impact on mortality. Conclusions : All antifungal SPs had an impact, in particular on antifungal consumption and antifungal expenditure. Active intervention including a review of prescriptions seems to have more impact than implementation of treatment guidelines only. According to available published studies, antifungal consumption appears to be the most achievable performance measure to evaluate the impact of an antifungal SP.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nada Assi, Anne Fages, Paolo Vineis, Marc Chadeau-Hyam, Magdalena Stepien, Talita Duarte-Salles, Graham Byrnes, Houda Boumaza, Sven Knüppel, Tilman Kühn, Domenico Palli, Christina Bamia, Hendriek Boshuizen, Catalina Bonet, Kim Overvad, Mattias Johansson, Ruth Travis, Marc J. Gunter, Eiliv Lund, Laure Dossus, Bénédicte Elena-Herrmann, Elio Riboli, Mazda Jenab, Vivian Viallon, Pietro Ferrari
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01212769
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nada Assi, Anne Fages, Paolo Vineis, Marc Chadeau-Hyam, Magdalena Stepien, et al.. A statistical framework to model the meeting-in-the-middle principle using metabolomic data: application to hepatocellular carcinoma in the EPIC study. Mutagenesis, 2015, pp.1-11. ⟨10.1093/mutage/gev045⟩. ⟨hal-01212769⟩
DOI : 10.1093/mutage/gev045
pubmedId_s : 26130468
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Metabolomics is a potentially powerful tool for identification of biomarkers associated with lifestyle exposures and risk of various diseases. This is the rationale of the 'meeting-in-the-middle' concept, for which an analytical framework was developed in this study. In a nested case-control study on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC), serum 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra (800 MHz) were acquired for 114 cases and 222 matched controls. Through partial least square (PLS) analysis, 21 lifestyle variables (the 'predictors', including information on diet, anthropometry and clinical characteristics) were linked to a set of 285 metabolic variables (the 'responses'). The three resulting scores were related to HCC risk by means of conditional logistic regressions. The first PLS factor was not associated with HCC risk. The second PLS metabolomic factor was positively associated with tyrosine and glucose, and was related to a significantly increased HCC risk with OR = 1.11 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.22, P = 0.02) for a 1SD change in the responses score, and a similar association was found for the corresponding lifestyle component of the factor. The third PLS lifestyle factor was associated with lifetime alcohol consumption, hepatitis and smoking, and had negative loadings on vegetables intake. Its metabolomic counterpart displayed positive loadings on ethanol, glutamate and phenylalanine. These factors were positively and statistically significantly associated with HCC risk, with 1.37 (1.05, 1.79, P = 0.02) and 1.22 (1.04, 1.44, P = 0.01), respectively. Evidence of mediation was found in both the second and third PLS factors, where the metabolomic signals mediated the relation between the lifestyle component and HCC outcome. This study devised a way to bridge lifestyle variables to HCC risk through NMR metabolomics data. This implementation of the 'meeting-in-the-middle' approach finds natural applications in settings characterised by high-dimensional data, increasingly frequent in the omics generation.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Metabolomics is a potentially powerful tool for identification of biomarkers associated with lifestyle exposures and risk of various diseases. This is the rationale of the 'meeting-in-the-middle' concept, for which an analytical framework was developed in this study. In a nested case-control study on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC), serum 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra (800 MHz) were acquired for 114 cases and 222 matched controls. Through partial least square (PLS) analysis, 21 lifestyle variables (the 'predictors', including information on diet, anthropometry and clinical characteristics) were linked to a set of 285 metabolic variables (the 'responses'). The three resulting scores were related to HCC risk by means of conditional logistic regressions. The first PLS factor was not associated with HCC risk. The second PLS metabolomic factor was positively associated with tyrosine and glucose, and was related to a significantly increased HCC risk with OR = 1.11 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.22, P = 0.02) for a 1SD change in the responses score, and a similar association was found for the corresponding lifestyle component of the factor. The third PLS lifestyle factor was associated with lifetime alcohol consumption, hepatitis and smoking, and had negative loadings on vegetables intake. Its metabolomic counterpart displayed positive loadings on ethanol, glutamate and phenylalanine. These factors were positively and statistically significantly associated with HCC risk, with 1.37 (1.05, 1.79, P = 0.02) and 1.22 (1.04, 1.44, P = 0.01), respectively. Evidence of mediation was found in both the second and third PLS factors, where the metabolomic signals mediated the relation between the lifestyle component and HCC outcome. This study devised a way to bridge lifestyle variables to HCC risk through NMR metabolomics data. This implementation of the 'meeting-in-the-middle' approach finds natural applications in settings characterised by high-dimensional data, increasingly frequent in the omics generation.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Javier Vila, Joseph D. Bowman, Lesley Richardson, Laurel Kincl, Dave L. Conover, Dave Mclean, Simon Mann, Paolo Vecchia, Martie van Tongeren, Elisabeth Cardis, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01221281
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Javier Vila, Joseph D. Bowman, Lesley Richardson, Laurel Kincl, Dave L. Conover, et al.. A source-based measurement database for occupational exposure assessment of electromagnetic fields in the INTEROCC study: A literature review approach. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2015, 21 p. ⟨10.1093/annhyg/mev076⟩. ⟨hal-01221281⟩
DOI : 10.1093/annhyg/mev076
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: To date, occupational exposure assessment of electromagnetic fields (EMF) has relied on occupation-based measurements and exposure estimates. However, misclassification due to between-worker variability remains an unsolved challenge. A source-based approach, supported by detailed subject data on determinants of exposure, may allow for a more individualized exposure assessment. Detailed information on the use of occupational sources of exposure to EMF was collected as part of the INTERPHONE-INTEROCC study. To support a source-based exposure assessment effort within this study, this work aimed to construct a measurement database for the occupational sources of EMF exposure identified, assembling available measurements from the scientific literature. Methods: First, a comprehensive literature search was performed for published and unpublished documents containing exposure measurements for the EMF sources identified, a priori as well as from answers of study subjects. Then, the measurements identified were assessed for quality and relevance to the study objectives. Finally, the measurements selected and complementary information were compiled into an occupational exposure measurement database (OEMD). Results: Currently, the OEMD contains 1,624 sets of measurements (more than 3,000 entries) for 285 sources of EMF exposure, organized by frequency band (0 Hz to 300 GHz) and dosimetry type. Ninety five documents were selected from the literature (almost 35% of them are unpublished technical reports), containing measurements which were considered informative and valid for our purpose. Measurement data and complementary information collected from these documents came from 16 different countries and cover the time period between 1974 and 2013. Conclusion: We have constructed a database with measurements and complementary information for the most common sources of exposure to EMF in the workplace, based on the responses to the INTERPHONE-INTEROCC study questionnaire. This database covers the entire EMF frequency range and represents the most comprehensive resource of information on occupational EMF exposure. It is available at
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: To date, occupational exposure assessment of electromagnetic fields (EMF) has relied on occupation-based measurements and exposure estimates. However, misclassification due to between-worker variability remains an unsolved challenge. A source-based approach, supported by detailed subject data on determinants of exposure, may allow for a more individualized exposure assessment. Detailed information on the use of occupational sources of exposure to EMF was collected as part of the INTERPHONE-INTEROCC study. To support a source-based exposure assessment effort within this study, this work aimed to construct a measurement database for the occupational sources of EMF exposure identified, assembling available measurements from the scientific literature. Methods: First, a comprehensive literature search was performed for published and unpublished documents containing exposure measurements for the EMF sources identified, a priori as well as from answers of study subjects. Then, the measurements identified were assessed for quality and relevance to the study objectives. Finally, the measurements selected and complementary information were compiled into an occupational exposure measurement database (OEMD). Results: Currently, the OEMD contains 1,624 sets of measurements (more than 3,000 entries) for 285 sources of EMF exposure, organized by frequency band (0 Hz to 300 GHz) and dosimetry type. Ninety five documents were selected from the literature (almost 35% of them are unpublished technical reports), containing measurements which were considered informative and valid for our purpose. Measurement data and complementary information collected from these documents came from 16 different countries and cover the time period between 1974 and 2013. Conclusion: We have constructed a database with measurements and complementary information for the most common sources of exposure to EMF in the workplace, based on the responses to the INTERPHONE-INTEROCC study questionnaire. This database covers the entire EMF frequency range and represents the most comprehensive resource of information on occupational EMF exposure. It is available at
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alexandra Fort, Myriam Evennou, Christophe Jallais, Barbara Charbotel, Antonio Hidalgo-Muñoz
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04182467
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alexandra Fort, Myriam Evennou, Christophe Jallais, Barbara Charbotel, Antonio Hidalgo-Muñoz. A prevalence study of driving anxiety in France. Journal of Transport and Health, 2023, 32, pp.101657. ⟨10.1016/j.jth.2023.101657⟩. ⟨hal-04182467⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.jth.2023.101657
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: Driving anxiety can be deleterious for individual mobility, driving behaviour, and well-being. This phenomenon seems to be relatively common in all industrialized societies but its extent is still poorly estimated. New Zealand studies report a prevalence of driving anxiety from 25 to 69% according to the age range of the population considered (18-87; 55-72; or over 65). In addition, these data agree on an over-representation of women among people concerned by this anxiety. Up to now, no data exists on the prevalence of this phenomenon in France. The major aim of this study is to quantify the proportion of the French population concerned by driving anxiety. Methods: For that, a cross-sectional study using an online survey has been conducted among 5000 French adults (from 18 to 89 years old) in June 2021. The sample is representative of the French population in gender, age, occupational categories, and place of residence. Results: The main results reveal that nearly 80 % of our sample express at least a minimal level of driving anxiety (on a scale from 0 to 10). The mean intensity of reported driving anxiety is higher for women than for men. Moreover, the intensity is negatively correlated with age. Finally, the intensity of reported driving anxiety is on average higher for people living in large urban areas (e. g Paris) and for people belonging to low-qualified occupational categories. Conclusions: These results highlighted the extent of driving anxiety in France. Future studies should assess its impact on quality of life as well as on skills and driving behavior according to its intensity.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: Driving anxiety can be deleterious for individual mobility, driving behaviour, and well-being. This phenomenon seems to be relatively common in all industrialized societies but its extent is still poorly estimated. New Zealand studies report a prevalence of driving anxiety from 25 to 69% according to the age range of the population considered (18-87; 55-72; or over 65). In addition, these data agree on an over-representation of women among people concerned by this anxiety. Up to now, no data exists on the prevalence of this phenomenon in France. The major aim of this study is to quantify the proportion of the French population concerned by driving anxiety. Methods: For that, a cross-sectional study using an online survey has been conducted among 5000 French adults (from 18 to 89 years old) in June 2021. The sample is representative of the French population in gender, age, occupational categories, and place of residence. Results: The main results reveal that nearly 80 % of our sample express at least a minimal level of driving anxiety (on a scale from 0 to 10). The mean intensity of reported driving anxiety is higher for women than for men. Moreover, the intensity is negatively correlated with age. Finally, the intensity of reported driving anxiety is on average higher for people living in large urban areas (e. g Paris) and for people belonging to low-qualified occupational categories. Conclusions: These results highlighted the extent of driving anxiety in France. Future studies should assess its impact on quality of life as well as on skills and driving behavior according to its intensity.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Fanny Conte, Amandine Coquillat, Colette Fabrigoule, Joël Ankri, Frédéric Blanc, Cécilia Gabel, Jean-Luc Novella, Isabella Morronne, Rachid Mahmoudi
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01801844
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont, Fanny Conte, Amandine Coquillat, Colette Fabrigoule, et al.. A naturalistic driving study investigating self-regulation behavior in early Alzheimer's disease: a pilot study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2018, ⟨10.3233/JAD-171031⟩. ⟨hal-01801844⟩
DOI : 10.3233/JAD-171031
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BACKGROUND: Because cognitive processes decline in the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease, the driving abilities are often affected. The naturalistic driving approach is relevant to study the driving habits and behaviors in normal or critical situations in a familiar environment of participants. OBJECTIVE: This pilot study analyzed in-car video recordings of naturalistic driving in patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease and in healthy controls, with a special focus on tactical self-regulation behavior. METHODS: Twenty patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease (Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-IV] criteria), and 21 healthy older adults were included in the study. Data collection equipment was installed in their personal vehicles. Two expert psychologists assessed driving performance using a specially designed Naturalistic Driving Assessment Scale (NaDAS), paying particular attention to tactical self-regulation behavior, and they recorded all critical safety events. RESULTS: Poorer driving performance was observed among Alzheimer's disease drivers: their tactical self-regulation behavior was of lower quality. AD patients had also twice as many critical events as healthy drivers and three times more 'unaware' critical events. CONCLUSION: This pilot study using a naturalistic approach to accurately show that Alzheimer's disease drivers have poorer tactical self-regulation behavior than healthy older drivers. Future deployment of assistance systems in vehicles should specifically target tactical self-regulation components.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BACKGROUND: Because cognitive processes decline in the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease, the driving abilities are often affected. The naturalistic driving approach is relevant to study the driving habits and behaviors in normal or critical situations in a familiar environment of participants. OBJECTIVE: This pilot study analyzed in-car video recordings of naturalistic driving in patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease and in healthy controls, with a special focus on tactical self-regulation behavior. METHODS: Twenty patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease (Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-IV] criteria), and 21 healthy older adults were included in the study. Data collection equipment was installed in their personal vehicles. Two expert psychologists assessed driving performance using a specially designed Naturalistic Driving Assessment Scale (NaDAS), paying particular attention to tactical self-regulation behavior, and they recorded all critical safety events. RESULTS: Poorer driving performance was observed among Alzheimer's disease drivers: their tactical self-regulation behavior was of lower quality. AD patients had also twice as many critical events as healthy drivers and three times more 'unaware' critical events. CONCLUSION: This pilot study using a naturalistic approach to accurately show that Alzheimer's disease drivers have poorer tactical self-regulation behavior than healthy older drivers. Future deployment of assistance systems in vehicles should specifically target tactical self-regulation components.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Hélène Charreire, Benoit Conti, Lucile Bauchard, Ndèye Aïta Cissé, Marlène Perignon, Pascaline Rollet, Coline Perrin, Sophie Blanchard, Céline Roda, Thierry Feuillet, Malika Madelin, Vincent Dupuis, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Anne-Peggy Hellequin, Isabelle Coll, Corinne Larrue, Sophie Baudet-Michel, Gabrielle Vernouillet, Fernande Ntsame-Abegue, Isabelle Fabre, Caroline Méjean, Jean‐michel Oppert, Urbasanté Study Group
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04032915
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Hélène Charreire, Benoit Conti, Lucile Bauchard, Ndèye Aïta Cissé, Marlène Perignon, et al.. A natural experiment to assess how urban interventions in lower socioeconomic areas influence health behaviors: the UrbASanté study. BMC Public Health, 2023, 23 (1), 9 p. ⟨10.1186/s12889-023-15388-2⟩. ⟨hal-04032915⟩
DOI : 10.1186/s12889-023-15388-2
pubmedId_s : 36922807
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : BackgroundMechanisms underlying the associations between changes in the urban environment and changes in health-related outcomes are complex and their study requires specific approaches. We describe the protocol of the interdisciplinary UrbASanté study, which aims to explore how urban interventions can modify environmental exposures (built, social, and food environments; air quality; noise), health-related behaviors, and self-reported health using a natural experiment approach. MethodsThe study is based on a natural experiment design using a before/after protocol with a control group to assess changes in environmental exposures, health-risk behaviors, and self-reported health outcomes of a resident adult population before and after the implementation of a time series of urban interventions in four contiguous neighborhoods in Paris (France). The changes in environmental exposures, health-related behaviors, and self-reported health outcomes of a resident adult population will be concurrently monitored in both intervention and control areas. We will develop a mixed-method framework combining substantial fieldwork with quantitative and qualitative analytical approaches. This study will make use of (i) data relating to exposures and health-related outcomes among all participants and in subsamples and (ii) interviews with residents regarding their perceptions of their neighborhoods and with key stakeholders regarding the urban change processing, and (iii) existing geodatabases and field observations to characterize the built, social, and food environments. The data collected will be analyzed with a focus on interrelationships between environmental exposures and health-related outcomes using appropriate approaches (e.g., interrupted time series, difference–in-differences method). DiscussionRelying on a natural experiment approach, the research will provide new insights regarding issues such as close collaboration with urban/local stakeholders, recruitment and follow-up of participants, identification of control and intervention areas, timing of the planned urban interventions, and comparison of subjective and objective measurements. Through the collaborative work of a consortium ensuring complementarity between researchers from different disciplines and stakeholders, the UrbASanté study will provide evidence-based guidance for designing future urban planning and public health policies. Trial registrationThis research was registered at the (NCT05743257)
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : BackgroundMechanisms underlying the associations between changes in the urban environment and changes in health-related outcomes are complex and their study requires specific approaches. We describe the protocol of the interdisciplinary UrbASanté study, which aims to explore how urban interventions can modify environmental exposures (built, social, and food environments; air quality; noise), health-related behaviors, and self-reported health using a natural experiment approach. MethodsThe study is based on a natural experiment design using a before/after protocol with a control group to assess changes in environmental exposures, health-risk behaviors, and self-reported health outcomes of a resident adult population before and after the implementation of a time series of urban interventions in four contiguous neighborhoods in Paris (France). The changes in environmental exposures, health-related behaviors, and self-reported health outcomes of a resident adult population will be concurrently monitored in both intervention and control areas. We will develop a mixed-method framework combining substantial fieldwork with quantitative and qualitative analytical approaches. This study will make use of (i) data relating to exposures and health-related outcomes among all participants and in subsamples and (ii) interviews with residents regarding their perceptions of their neighborhoods and with key stakeholders regarding the urban change processing, and (iii) existing geodatabases and field observations to characterize the built, social, and food environments. The data collected will be analyzed with a focus on interrelationships between environmental exposures and health-related outcomes using appropriate approaches (e.g., interrupted time series, difference–in-differences method). DiscussionRelying on a natural experiment approach, the research will provide new insights regarding issues such as close collaboration with urban/local stakeholders, recruitment and follow-up of participants, identification of control and intervention areas, timing of the planned urban interventions, and comparison of subjective and objective measurements. Through the collaborative work of a consortium ensuring complementarity between researchers from different disciplines and stakeholders, the UrbASanté study will provide evidence-based guidance for designing future urban planning and public health policies. Trial registrationThis research was registered at the (NCT05743257)
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Christophe Milesi, Anne-Florence Pierre, Anna Deho, Robin Pouyau, Jean-Michel Liet, Camille Guillot, Anne-Sophie Guilbert, Jérôme Rambaud, Astrid Millet, Mickael Afanetti, Julie Guichoux, Mathieu Genuini, Thierry Mansir, Jean Bergounioux, Fabrice Michel, Marie-Odile Marcoux, Julien Baleine, Sabine Durand, Philippe Durand, Stéphane Dauger, Etienne Javouhey, Stéphane Leteurtre, Olivier Brissaud, Sylvain Renolleau, Aurélie Portefaix, Aymeric Douillard, Gilles Cambonie, For The Gfrup Respiratory Study Group For The Gfrup Respiratory Study Group
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-02050422
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Christophe Milesi, Anne-Florence Pierre, Anna Deho, Robin Pouyau, Jean-Michel Liet, et al.. A multicenter randomized controlled trial of a 3-L/kg/min versus 2-L/kg/min high-flow nasal cannula flow rate in young infants with severe viral bronchiolitis (TRAMONTANE 2). Intensive Care Medicine, 2018, 44 (11), pp. 1870-1878. ⟨10.1007/s00134-018-5343-1⟩. ⟨hal-02050422⟩
DOI : 10.1007/s00134-018-5343-1
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy is increasingly proposed as first-line respiratory support for infants with acute viral bronchiolitis (AVB). Most teams use 2 L/kg/min, but no study compared different flow rates in this setting. We hypothesized that 3 L/kg/min would be more efficient for the initial management of these patients.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy is increasingly proposed as first-line respiratory support for infants with acute viral bronchiolitis (AVB). Most teams use 2 L/kg/min, but no study compared different flow rates in this setting. We hypothesized that 3 L/kg/min would be more efficient for the initial management of these patients.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Laetitia Chossegros, Laurent Carnis, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01066284
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Charlène Tournier, Pierrette Charnay, Hélène Tardy, Laetitia Chossegros, Laurent Carnis, et al.. A few seconds to have an accident, a long time to recover. Consequences for road accident victims from the ESPARR cohort two years after the accident. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2014, 72, pp. 422-432. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2014.07.011⟩. ⟨hal-01066284⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.aap.2014.07.011
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Objective: The aim of the present study was to describe the consequences of a road accident in adults, taking account of the type of road user, and to determine predictive factors for consequences at two years. Design: Prospective follow-up study. Methods: The cohort was composed of 1,168 victims of road traffic accidents, aged ≥16 years. Two years after the accident, 912 victims completed a self-administered questionnaire. Weighted logistic regression models were implemented to compare casualties still reporting impact related to the accident versus those reporting no residual impact. Five outcomes were analysed: unrecovered health status, impact on occupation or studies, on familial or affective life, on leisure or sport activities and but also the financial difficulties related to the accident. Results: 46.1% of respondents were motorised four-wheel users, 29.6% motorised two-wheel (including quad) users, 13.3% pedestrians (including inline skate and push scooter users) and 11.1% cyclists. 53.3% reported unrecovered health status, 32.0% persisting impact on occupation or studies, 25.2% on familial or affective life, 46.9% on leisure or sport activities and 20.2% still had accident-related financial difficulties. Type of user, adjusted on age and gender, was linked to unrecovered health status and to impact on leisure or sport activities. When global severity (as measured by NISS) was integrated in the previous model, type of user was also associated with impact on occupation or studies. Type of user was further associated with impact on occupation or studies and on leisure or sport activities when global severity and the sociodemographic data obtained at inclusion were taken into account. It was not, however, related to any of the outcomes studied here, when the models focused on the injured body region. Finally, type of road user did not seem, on the various predictive models, to be related to financial difficulties due to the accident or to impact on familial or affective life. Conclusions: Overall, victims were affected by their accident even two years after it occurred. The severity of lesions induced by the accident was the main predictive factor. However, considering lesion as intermediary factors between the accident and the recovery status at two year post-accident, impact on health status was lower for cyclists than M4W users or M2W users.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Objective: The aim of the present study was to describe the consequences of a road accident in adults, taking account of the type of road user, and to determine predictive factors for consequences at two years. Design: Prospective follow-up study. Methods: The cohort was composed of 1,168 victims of road traffic accidents, aged ≥16 years. Two years after the accident, 912 victims completed a self-administered questionnaire. Weighted logistic regression models were implemented to compare casualties still reporting impact related to the accident versus those reporting no residual impact. Five outcomes were analysed: unrecovered health status, impact on occupation or studies, on familial or affective life, on leisure or sport activities and but also the financial difficulties related to the accident. Results: 46.1% of respondents were motorised four-wheel users, 29.6% motorised two-wheel (including quad) users, 13.3% pedestrians (including inline skate and push scooter users) and 11.1% cyclists. 53.3% reported unrecovered health status, 32.0% persisting impact on occupation or studies, 25.2% on familial or affective life, 46.9% on leisure or sport activities and 20.2% still had accident-related financial difficulties. Type of user, adjusted on age and gender, was linked to unrecovered health status and to impact on leisure or sport activities. When global severity (as measured by NISS) was integrated in the previous model, type of user was also associated with impact on occupation or studies. Type of user was further associated with impact on occupation or studies and on leisure or sport activities when global severity and the sociodemographic data obtained at inclusion were taken into account. It was not, however, related to any of the outcomes studied here, when the models focused on the injured body region. Finally, type of road user did not seem, on the various predictive models, to be related to financial difficulties due to the accident or to impact on familial or affective life. Conclusions: Overall, victims were affected by their accident even two years after it occurred. The severity of lesions induced by the accident was the main predictive factor. However, considering lesion as intermediary factors between the accident and the recovery status at two year post-accident, impact on health status was lower for cyclists than M4W users or M2W users.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Edouard Ollier, Adeline Samson, Xavier Delavenne, Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01157555
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Edouard Ollier, Adeline Samson, Xavier Delavenne, Vivian Viallon. A SAEM Algorithm for Fused Lasso Penalized NonLinear Mixed Effect Models: Application to Group Comparison in Pharmacokinetics. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2015, 95, pp.207-221. ⟨10.1016/j.csda.2015.10.006⟩. ⟨hal-01157555v2⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.csda.2015.10.006
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Nonlinear mixed effect models are classical tools to analyze nonlinear longitudinal data in many fields such as population pharmacokinetics. Groups of observations are usually compared by introducing the group affiliations as binary covariates with a reference group that is stated among the groups. This approach is relatively limited as it allows only the comparison of the reference group to the others. The proposed method compares groups using a penalized likelihood approach. Groups are described by the same structural model but with parameters that are group specific. The likelihood is penalized with a fused lasso penalty that induces sparsity in the differences between groups for both fixed effects and variances of random effects. A penalized Stochastic Approximation EM algorithm is proposed that is coupled to Alternating Direction Method Multipliers to solve the maximization step. An extensive simulation study illustrates the performance of this algorithm when comparing more than two groups. Then the approach is applied to real data from two pharmacokinetic drug–drug interaction trials.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Nonlinear mixed effect models are classical tools to analyze nonlinear longitudinal data in many fields such as population pharmacokinetics. Groups of observations are usually compared by introducing the group affiliations as binary covariates with a reference group that is stated among the groups. This approach is relatively limited as it allows only the comparison of the reference group to the others. The proposed method compares groups using a penalized likelihood approach. Groups are described by the same structural model but with parameters that are group specific. The likelihood is penalized with a fused lasso penalty that induces sparsity in the differences between groups for both fixed effects and variances of random effects. A penalized Stochastic Approximation EM algorithm is proposed that is coupled to Alternating Direction Method Multipliers to solve the maximization step. An extensive simulation study illustrates the performance of this algorithm when comparing more than two groups. Then the approach is applied to real data from two pharmacokinetic drug–drug interaction trials.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Olivia Perol, Nadège Lepage, Hugo Noelle, Pierre Lebailly, Benoit de Labrusse, Bénédicte Clin, Mathilde Boulanger, Delphine Praud, Françoise Fournie, Géraud Galvaing, Frédéric Dutheil, Brigitte Le Meur, Daniel Serin, Eric Dansin, Catherine Nisse, Barbara Charbotel, Beatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04142227
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Olivia Perol, Nadège Lepage, Hugo Noelle, Pierre Lebailly, Benoit de Labrusse, et al.. A Multicenter Study to Assess a Systematic Screening of Occupational Exposures in Lung Cancer Patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20 (6), pp.5068. ⟨10.3390/ijerph20065068⟩. ⟨hal-04142227⟩
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph20065068
pubmedId_s : 36981979
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Occupational lung cancer cases remain largely under-reported and under-compensated worldwide. In order to improve the detection and compensation of work-related lung cancers, we implemented a systematic screening of occupational exposures, combining a validated self-administered questionnaire to assess occupational exposures and a specialized occupational cancer consultation. After a pilot study, the present prospective, open-label, scale-up study aimed to assess this systematic screening of occupational exposures in lung cancer patients in five sites in France by associating university hospitals with cancer centers. Patients with lung cancer were sent a self-administered questionnaire to collect their job history and potential exposure to lung carcinogens. The questionnaire was assessed by a physician to determine if a specialized occupational cancer consultation was required. During the consultation, a physician assessed if the lung cancer was occupation-related and, if it was, delivered a medical certificate to claim for compensation. Patients were offered help from a social worker for the administrative procedure. Over 15 months, 1251 patients received the questionnaire and 462 returned it (37%). Among them, 176 patients (38.1%) were convened to the occupational cancer consultation and 150 patients attended the consultation. An exposure to occupational lung carcinogen was identified in 133 patients and a claim for compensation was judged possible for 90 patients. A medical certificate was delivered to 88 patients and 38 patients received compensation. Our national study demonstrated that a systematic screening of occupational exposures is feasible and will bring a significant contribution to improve the detection of occupational exposures in lung cancer patients.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Occupational lung cancer cases remain largely under-reported and under-compensated worldwide. In order to improve the detection and compensation of work-related lung cancers, we implemented a systematic screening of occupational exposures, combining a validated self-administered questionnaire to assess occupational exposures and a specialized occupational cancer consultation. After a pilot study, the present prospective, open-label, scale-up study aimed to assess this systematic screening of occupational exposures in lung cancer patients in five sites in France by associating university hospitals with cancer centers. Patients with lung cancer were sent a self-administered questionnaire to collect their job history and potential exposure to lung carcinogens. The questionnaire was assessed by a physician to determine if a specialized occupational cancer consultation was required. During the consultation, a physician assessed if the lung cancer was occupation-related and, if it was, delivered a medical certificate to claim for compensation. Patients were offered help from a social worker for the administrative procedure. Over 15 months, 1251 patients received the questionnaire and 462 returned it (37%). Among them, 176 patients (38.1%) were convened to the occupational cancer consultation and 150 patients attended the consultation. An exposure to occupational lung carcinogen was identified in 133 patients and a claim for compensation was judged possible for 90 patients. A medical certificate was delivered to 88 patients and 38 patients received compensation. Our national study demonstrated that a systematic screening of occupational exposures is feasible and will bring a significant contribution to improve the detection of occupational exposures in lung cancer patients.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01073620
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Alice Billot-Grasset, Emmanuelle Amoros, Martine Hours. A Cyclist Accidents Typology: survey methodology using a medical registry. TRB 2014 - Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Jan 2014, WASHINGTON, United States. 15 p. ⟨hal-01073620v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Bicycle is promoted in many major cities as an healthy and eco-friendly transportation mode. However, cycling is risky and safety issues concern a few thousands of victims every year. In France we estimate an annual incidence rate of 70 road injuries per 100,000 inhabitants. Most of the existing studies focus on particular accident factors and are based on police registry. However, police data are biased and non-representative of cyclist crash circumstances. In this work, we propose to improve knowledge of accident circumstances by surveying 3337 cyclists injured in 2009-2011 and identified from a road trauma registry around Lyon in France. The main objective is to build a cycling accident configuration typology from detailed collisions or falls circumstances. To do so, we built up a questionnaire and tested it. The pilot survey response rate was 18%. Respondents were older, more often women, having more serious accidents, more often in urban areas. We observed that 1/3 accident occurred on a non-business trip, 1/3 on a commuting trip and 1/4 while practicing a cycling sport. A third party was involved in 45% of crashes whereas 37% declared that an obstacle, a loss of control (19%) or/and a mechanical failure (13%) was one of the crash factors. Learning from the pilot stage, the questionnaire design improvement is detailed, enabling a reduction of the selection bias. The final response rate reached 43%. Overall, the survey is successful and improves knowledge in comparison with existing studies.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Bicycle is promoted in many major cities as an healthy and eco-friendly transportation mode. However, cycling is risky and safety issues concern a few thousands of victims every year. In France we estimate an annual incidence rate of 70 road injuries per 100,000 inhabitants. Most of the existing studies focus on particular accident factors and are based on police registry. However, police data are biased and non-representative of cyclist crash circumstances. In this work, we propose to improve knowledge of accident circumstances by surveying 3337 cyclists injured in 2009-2011 and identified from a road trauma registry around Lyon in France. The main objective is to build a cycling accident configuration typology from detailed collisions or falls circumstances. To do so, we built up a questionnaire and tested it. The pilot survey response rate was 18%. Respondents were older, more often women, having more serious accidents, more often in urban areas. We observed that 1/3 accident occurred on a non-business trip, 1/3 on a commuting trip and 1/4 while practicing a cycling sport. A third party was involved in 45% of crashes whereas 37% declared that an obstacle, a loss of control (19%) or/and a mechanical failure (13%) was one of the crash factors. Learning from the pilot stage, the questionnaire design improvement is detailed, enabling a reduction of the selection bias. The final response rate reached 43%. Overall, the survey is successful and improves knowledge in comparison with existing studies.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Pierrette Charnay, Martine Hours
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01064169
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Pierrette Charnay, Martine Hours. 6 years after a whiplash injury : measurement of functional outome. Use of the French version of Neck pain and disability Scale in a French Cohort of Road crash survivor, the ESPARR cohort. 19th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, May 2014, France. 1 p. ⟨hal-01064169⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction : Parmi les conséquences de l’accident de la route, le coup du lapin, classé d’ordinaire comme lésion mineure, peut être responsable d’une invalidité persistante. Cette pathologie est fréquente (40% de la population aura des cervicalgies), et le retentissement psychosocial est si important que l’évaluation précise des patients s’impose. ESPARR est une cohorte de victimes d’accidents de la route ; chaque étape a fait l’objet d’un questionnaire. Le Neck Pain and Disability Scale (NPDS) a été développé aux USA comme une mesure globale d’invalidité et douleur du cou. Nous avons intégré la version française du NPDS, l’INDIC, dans l’évaluation pratiquée au cours du suivi à 6 ans. Cette échelle est composée d’EVA, cotées de 0 à 100 avec 3 subdivisions : la Fonction et handicap, la Douleur en position statique et la Douleur en mouvement. Le score total obtenu par addition varie de 0 (pas d’incapacité) à 100 (incapacité totale).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction : Parmi les conséquences de l’accident de la route, le coup du lapin, classé d’ordinaire comme lésion mineure, peut être responsable d’une invalidité persistante. Cette pathologie est fréquente (40% de la population aura des cervicalgies), et le retentissement psychosocial est si important que l’évaluation précise des patients s’impose. ESPARR est une cohorte de victimes d’accidents de la route ; chaque étape a fait l’objet d’un questionnaire. Le Neck Pain and Disability Scale (NPDS) a été développé aux USA comme une mesure globale d’invalidité et douleur du cou. Nous avons intégré la version française du NPDS, l’INDIC, dans l’évaluation pratiquée au cours du suivi à 6 ans. Cette échelle est composée d’EVA, cotées de 0 à 100 avec 3 subdivisions : la Fonction et handicap, la Douleur en position statique et la Douleur en mouvement. Le score total obtenu par addition varie de 0 (pas d’incapacité) à 100 (incapacité totale).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Communication dans un congrès
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros, Karine Supernant, Bertrand Thélot, Mireille Chiron
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04324406
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros, Karine Supernant, Bertrand Thélot, Mireille Chiron. What are the cyclists' safety behaviours? a survey on 900 cyclists (sports, commuting cyclists and children). Safety 2010 World Conference, Sep 2010, Londres, United Kingdom. 16 Suppl 1, 2010. ⟨hal-04324406⟩
pubmedId_s : 21381238
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Introduction: in the context of increasing cycle use, what is the current behaviour of cyclists towards their own safety equipment: helmet and conspicuity equipment? Material and methods: a survey was conducted in a big city (Lyon) and its surroundings. Three main types of cyclists were distinguished: children, sports cyclists and commuting cyclists. Some 900 cyclists responded. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify factors related to helmet wearing. Results: helmet wearing is strongly related to cyclist types: the helmet is “always” worn by 49% of riding children, by 68% of sports cyclists and by 17% of commuting cyclists. Commuting cyclists are less likely to wear a helmet if they are female, riding mostly in rural areas, driving a car “everyday” or “never”, judging the helmet to be cumbersome (after leaving the bike), and not feeling “fragile”. Bright coloured clothes are “always used” by 49% of sports cyclists and by 9% of commuting cyclists. Among cyclists riding at nighttime, the rear mandatory light is “always” used by 57% of sports cyclists and by 64% of commuting cyclists. Reasons for non-use are mostly “out of order” and “oversight”. A reflective jacket is “always” worn at night by 10% of adult cyclists. Conclusion: there is much room for increasing the use of safety equipments by cyclists. Helmet wearing is put forward but conspicuity (pre-crash prevention) should not be overlooked ; additionally, cyclists’ compliance with conspicuity recommendations might be easier to increase. Finally, prevention campaigns should take cyclists types into account.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Introduction: in the context of increasing cycle use, what is the current behaviour of cyclists towards their own safety equipment: helmet and conspicuity equipment? Material and methods: a survey was conducted in a big city (Lyon) and its surroundings. Three main types of cyclists were distinguished: children, sports cyclists and commuting cyclists. Some 900 cyclists responded. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify factors related to helmet wearing. Results: helmet wearing is strongly related to cyclist types: the helmet is “always” worn by 49% of riding children, by 68% of sports cyclists and by 17% of commuting cyclists. Commuting cyclists are less likely to wear a helmet if they are female, riding mostly in rural areas, driving a car “everyday” or “never”, judging the helmet to be cumbersome (after leaving the bike), and not feeling “fragile”. Bright coloured clothes are “always used” by 49% of sports cyclists and by 9% of commuting cyclists. Among cyclists riding at nighttime, the rear mandatory light is “always” used by 57% of sports cyclists and by 64% of commuting cyclists. Reasons for non-use are mostly “out of order” and “oversight”. A reflective jacket is “always” worn at night by 10% of adult cyclists. Conclusion: there is much room for increasing the use of safety equipments by cyclists. Helmet wearing is put forward but conspicuity (pre-crash prevention) should not be overlooked ; additionally, cyclists’ compliance with conspicuity recommendations might be easier to increase. Finally, prevention campaigns should take cyclists types into account.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Poster de conférence
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sarah Mahdjoub-Assaad
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-02062646
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sarah Mahdjoub-Assaad. Les nuisances liées au trafic routier (bruit, pollution de l’air et insécurité) : de la gêne à la perception du risque sanitaire sous l’angle des inégalités sociales. Santé. Université de Lyon, 2018. Français. ⟨NNT : 2018LYSE1252⟩. ⟨tel-02062646⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le transport est un facteur important de la croissance urbaine et de la viabilité des centres urbains mais il est également responsable de nombreuses nuisances telles que le bruit, la pollution de l'air et les accidents de la route, qui causent aujourd'hui de nombreux impacts sur la santé, telles que la gêne. L'objectif principal de notre thèse était d'identifier les déterminants (sociodémographiques, socioéconomiques, liés à la mobilité quotidienne) d'une gêne ressentie vis-à-vis du bruit, de la pollution de l'air et des accidents de la route. L'objectif secondaire était d'identifier les déterminants de la perception du risque sanitaire vis-à-vis de ces trois nuisances et du ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé ou celle de son entourage ; dans le but in fine de voir si des inégalités sociales se dessinaient dans le champ de cette problématique. Pour ce faire, deux études transversales ont été menées en population générale, dans le département du Rhône en 2013 puis en 2014 respectivement. La principale conclusion de notre étude est que le milieu socioéconomique ne joue un rôle prédominant ni dans l'expression de la gêne ni dans la perception du risque sanitaire. En revanche, les usagers des modes doux (marche, vélo) et des transports publics sont plus gênés par la pollution de l'air et le bruit du trafic routier comparés aux usagers motorisés. Par ailleurs, la gêne liée à la pollution de l'air influencerait le ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé. Nos résultats devraient être utiles aux décideurs politiques dans le cadre des politiques urbaines. Créer un environnement plus « friendly » en réduisant l'utilisation des voitures, en promouvant l'utilisation des modes doux, en améliorant les transports en commun et leur utilisation, en développant des installations pour les piétons et pour les cyclistes - toutes ces mesures sont autant de mesures nécessaires pour réduire les nuisances dus au trafic routier et ainsi le sentiment de gêne et d'insécurité
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le transport est un facteur important de la croissance urbaine et de la viabilité des centres urbains mais il est également responsable de nombreuses nuisances telles que le bruit, la pollution de l'air et les accidents de la route, qui causent aujourd'hui de nombreux impacts sur la santé, telles que la gêne. L'objectif principal de notre thèse était d'identifier les déterminants (sociodémographiques, socioéconomiques, liés à la mobilité quotidienne) d'une gêne ressentie vis-à-vis du bruit, de la pollution de l'air et des accidents de la route. L'objectif secondaire était d'identifier les déterminants de la perception du risque sanitaire vis-à-vis de ces trois nuisances et du ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé ou celle de son entourage ; dans le but in fine de voir si des inégalités sociales se dessinaient dans le champ de cette problématique. Pour ce faire, deux études transversales ont été menées en population générale, dans le département du Rhône en 2013 puis en 2014 respectivement. La principale conclusion de notre étude est que le milieu socioéconomique ne joue un rôle prédominant ni dans l'expression de la gêne ni dans la perception du risque sanitaire. En revanche, les usagers des modes doux (marche, vélo) et des transports publics sont plus gênés par la pollution de l'air et le bruit du trafic routier comparés aux usagers motorisés. Par ailleurs, la gêne liée à la pollution de l'air influencerait le ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé. Nos résultats devraient être utiles aux décideurs politiques dans le cadre des politiques urbaines. Créer un environnement plus « friendly » en réduisant l'utilisation des voitures, en promouvant l'utilisation des modes doux, en améliorant les transports en commun et leur utilisation, en développant des installations pour les piétons et pour les cyclistes - toutes ces mesures sont autant de mesures nécessaires pour réduire les nuisances dus au trafic routier et ainsi le sentiment de gêne et d'insécurité
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marion Lamort-Bouché, Philippe Sarnin, Christine Durif-Bruckert, Julien Péron, Laurent Letrilliart, Marie-José Durand
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01426800
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marion Lamort-Bouché, Philippe Sarnin, Christine Durif-Bruckert, Julien Péron, et al.. Le protocole de l’intervention mapping : un processus méthodique pour élaborer, implanter et évaluer des programmes en promotion de la santé. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2016, 64 (1), pp.33-44. ⟨10.1016/j.respe.2015.10.002⟩. ⟨halshs-01426800⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2015.10.002
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Position du problème Les programmes en promotion de la santé sont supposés améliorer la santé de la population et réduire les inégalités sociales de santé. Cependant, leur développement repose souvent sur des bases théoriques insuffisantes et leur implantation se heurte à de nombreux obstacles. L’objectif de cet article est de décrire le protocole de l’intervention mapping de planification de programmes en promotion de la santé, utilisé récemment dans plusieurs pays. Méthodes Les enjeux de la planification des programmes en promotion de la santé sont présentés et les six étapes du protocole de l’intervention mapping sont décrites avec un exemple. À partir d’une revue de la littérature, différentes utilisations et les contraintes de ce protocole sont discutées, ainsi que ses limitations possibles. Résultats Le protocole de l’intervention mapping présente quatre caractéristiques essentielles : la perspective écologique (personne–environnement), la participation des acteurs, le recours aux cadres théoriques appropriés en sciences humaines et sociales et le recours aux données scientifiques valides. Il comprend six étapes : conduire une évaluation des besoins, formuler des objectifs de changement, choisir les théories appropriées en sciences humaines et sociales et les méthodes d’intervention, développer le modèle logique de programme, planifier l’adoption, l’implantation et la pérennisation du programme, et planifier son évaluation. Ce protocole a été utilisé dans plusieurs pays et dans des domaines aussi variés que la lutte contre l’obésité, le tabagisme, la sédentarité, le cancer et dans le domaine de la santé au travail. Bien que son utilisation soit contraignante et nécessite un regard critique, il a permis de développer plusieurs interventions dont l’efficacité a été documentée. Conclusion Le protocole de l’intervention mapping est un processus permettant de répondre aux enjeux scientifiques et pratiques de la promotion de la santé. Utilisé dans d’autres pays, cet outil pourrait être testé en France, notamment pour réduire les inégalités sociales de santé.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Position du problème Les programmes en promotion de la santé sont supposés améliorer la santé de la population et réduire les inégalités sociales de santé. Cependant, leur développement repose souvent sur des bases théoriques insuffisantes et leur implantation se heurte à de nombreux obstacles. L’objectif de cet article est de décrire le protocole de l’intervention mapping de planification de programmes en promotion de la santé, utilisé récemment dans plusieurs pays. Méthodes Les enjeux de la planification des programmes en promotion de la santé sont présentés et les six étapes du protocole de l’intervention mapping sont décrites avec un exemple. À partir d’une revue de la littérature, différentes utilisations et les contraintes de ce protocole sont discutées, ainsi que ses limitations possibles. Résultats Le protocole de l’intervention mapping présente quatre caractéristiques essentielles : la perspective écologique (personne–environnement), la participation des acteurs, le recours aux cadres théoriques appropriés en sciences humaines et sociales et le recours aux données scientifiques valides. Il comprend six étapes : conduire une évaluation des besoins, formuler des objectifs de changement, choisir les théories appropriées en sciences humaines et sociales et les méthodes d’intervention, développer le modèle logique de programme, planifier l’adoption, l’implantation et la pérennisation du programme, et planifier son évaluation. Ce protocole a été utilisé dans plusieurs pays et dans des domaines aussi variés que la lutte contre l’obésité, le tabagisme, la sédentarité, le cancer et dans le domaine de la santé au travail. Bien que son utilisation soit contraignante et nécessite un regard critique, il a permis de développer plusieurs interventions dont l’efficacité a été documentée. Conclusion Le protocole de l’intervention mapping est un processus permettant de répondre aux enjeux scientifiques et pratiques de la promotion de la santé. Utilisé dans d’autres pays, cet outil pourrait être testé en France, notamment pour réduire les inégalités sociales de santé.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Aïssata Diakite
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-01225709
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Aïssata Diakite. Rôle de l'alcool et des substances psychoactives dans les accidents de la voie publique à Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Étude ASMA-CI). Toxicologie. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I; Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire), 2015. Français. ⟨NNT : 2015LYO10064⟩. ⟨tel-01225709⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'objectif de notre thèse est d'évaluer le rôle de l'alcool et autres substances psychoactives dans la survenue et la gravité des traumatismes dus aux Accidents de la Voie Publique (AVP) en Côte d'Ivoire. Nous avons initié un recueil de données sur 893 victimes tuées ou blessées suite à un AVP, et admises aux urgences ou à l'Institut de Médecine Légale d'Abidjan. Ces données hospitalières ont été couplées aux données policières et aux résultats d'analyses toxicologiques. La méthode de dosage de l'alcoolémie par CPG-FID a démontré qu'elle répond parfaitement aux critères de performances analytiques recommandés en termes de fidélité, d'exactitude, de linéarité, de stabilité et de limite de quantification. Les niveaux d'alcoolémie chez les victimes au moment de l'AVP, sont élevés et compatibles avec un profil d'alcoolisation excessive. Plus de 75% des conducteurs alcoolisés ont une alcoolémie supérieure à 1g/L. Les prévalences d'alcoolémie au-delà de 0,8g/L sont de 41% chez les conducteurs de véhicules légers 4 roues, 35% chez les 2-roues, 17% chez les piétons et 13% chez les passagers. L'usage des autres substances psychoactives est moins fréquent chez les victimes (11%) et souvent associé à une alcoolémie supérieure à 0,8g/L. L'évaluation du risque de blessures graves (NISS9+) en fonction du degré d'alcoolisation suggère que les victimes avec une alcoolémie modérée ont un risque de blessures graves plus élevé en comparaison avec les victimes sobres (OR = 7,7; IC95% : 2,5-24,2). Au terme de cette thèse, nous proposons une procédure fiable de dosage de l'alcoolémie chez les victimes d'AVP et des mesures concrètes pour la prévention des traumatismes par AVP en Côte d'Ivoire
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'objectif de notre thèse est d'évaluer le rôle de l'alcool et autres substances psychoactives dans la survenue et la gravité des traumatismes dus aux Accidents de la Voie Publique (AVP) en Côte d'Ivoire. Nous avons initié un recueil de données sur 893 victimes tuées ou blessées suite à un AVP, et admises aux urgences ou à l'Institut de Médecine Légale d'Abidjan. Ces données hospitalières ont été couplées aux données policières et aux résultats d'analyses toxicologiques. La méthode de dosage de l'alcoolémie par CPG-FID a démontré qu'elle répond parfaitement aux critères de performances analytiques recommandés en termes de fidélité, d'exactitude, de linéarité, de stabilité et de limite de quantification. Les niveaux d'alcoolémie chez les victimes au moment de l'AVP, sont élevés et compatibles avec un profil d'alcoolisation excessive. Plus de 75% des conducteurs alcoolisés ont une alcoolémie supérieure à 1g/L. Les prévalences d'alcoolémie au-delà de 0,8g/L sont de 41% chez les conducteurs de véhicules légers 4 roues, 35% chez les 2-roues, 17% chez les piétons et 13% chez les passagers. L'usage des autres substances psychoactives est moins fréquent chez les victimes (11%) et souvent associé à une alcoolémie supérieure à 0,8g/L. L'évaluation du risque de blessures graves (NISS9+) en fonction du degré d'alcoolisation suggère que les victimes avec une alcoolémie modérée ont un risque de blessures graves plus élevé en comparaison avec les victimes sobres (OR = 7,7; IC95% : 2,5-24,2). Au terme de cette thèse, nous proposons une procédure fiable de dosage de l'alcoolémie chez les victimes d'AVP et des mesures concrètes pour la prévention des traumatismes par AVP en Côte d'Ivoire
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Jean-Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-01370638
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Jean-Baptiste Fassier. Evaluation de programmes et étude des pratiques professionnelles en santé au travail. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2016. ⟨tel-01370638⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L'évolution de la médecine et santé au travail en France est marquée par le développement de la planification par objectifs déclinés dans les plans en santé au travail successifs. Cette évolution nécessite le développement de nouvelles approches en recherche évaluative dont l'objet est de développer, d'implanter et d'évaluer des interventions visant des objectifs déterminés. La première partie de ce mémoire est consacrée à décrire l'évaluation de programmes dans le champ de la santé au travail. Il y est abordé les résultats de l'étude de faisabilité en France du modèle de Sherbrooke développé au Québec (réadaptation professionnelle des travailleurs lombalgiques), l'évaluation du programme PRESLO du point de vue de ses usagers (prévention secondaire des lombalgies en milieu hospitalier) et l'exploration de l'expérience du personnel hospitalier de la violence et de sa prévention aux urgences ophtalmologiques (programme PREVURGO). Il est présenté en synthèse une revue descriptive de la littérature sur l'analyse de l'implantation des interventions en santé et sécurité au travail. Pour conclure cette première partie et l'ouvrir sur les enjeux actuels, le protocole de l'intervention mapping de planification de programmes en promotion de la santé est décrit dans ses principes, ses modalités et ses applications en santé au travail. La seconde partie de ce mémoire est consacrée à l'étude de pratiques professionnelles dans le champ de la santé au travail, selon la logique suivante : l'élaboration de revues systématiques de la littérature, l'élaboration de recommandations de bonnes pratiques, et l'étude des pratiques professionnelles dans leur contexte. Les deux revues systématiques de la littérature conduites selon la méthodologie de la collaboration Cochrane portent sur l'efficacité des examens systématiques à l'embauche pour prévenir les lésions professionnelles et l'efficacité de l'évaluation des capacités fonctionnelles pour planifier la reprise du travail après un accident. Les recommandations de la Société française de médecine du travail portent sur la surveillance médico-professionnelle du risque rachidien des travailleurs exposés au port de charges. Les études des pratiques dans leur contexte portent sur la prescription des arrêts de travail par les chirurgiens après une intervention urologique et par les médecins généralistes devant une lombalgie aiguë. Elles abordent également l'impact des restrictions médicales d'aptitude du point de vue de l'encadrement hospitalier, et le processus de formulation de ces restrictions par les médecins du travail du personnel hospitalier. Pour conclure cette seconde partie, deux bandes dessinées élaborées pour le transfert des connaissances sur la prévention du handicap au travail sont présentées, ainsi que leur évaluation par les praticiens concernés. La conclusion de ce mémoire souligne l'importance de développer des approches populationnelles en santé au travail à l'instar de celles développées en santé publique, notamment pour contribuer à réduire les inégalités sociales devant la santé.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L'évolution de la médecine et santé au travail en France est marquée par le développement de la planification par objectifs déclinés dans les plans en santé au travail successifs. Cette évolution nécessite le développement de nouvelles approches en recherche évaluative dont l'objet est de développer, d'implanter et d'évaluer des interventions visant des objectifs déterminés. La première partie de ce mémoire est consacrée à décrire l'évaluation de programmes dans le champ de la santé au travail. Il y est abordé les résultats de l'étude de faisabilité en France du modèle de Sherbrooke développé au Québec (réadaptation professionnelle des travailleurs lombalgiques), l'évaluation du programme PRESLO du point de vue de ses usagers (prévention secondaire des lombalgies en milieu hospitalier) et l'exploration de l'expérience du personnel hospitalier de la violence et de sa prévention aux urgences ophtalmologiques (programme PREVURGO). Il est présenté en synthèse une revue descriptive de la littérature sur l'analyse de l'implantation des interventions en santé et sécurité au travail. Pour conclure cette première partie et l'ouvrir sur les enjeux actuels, le protocole de l'intervention mapping de planification de programmes en promotion de la santé est décrit dans ses principes, ses modalités et ses applications en santé au travail. La seconde partie de ce mémoire est consacrée à l'étude de pratiques professionnelles dans le champ de la santé au travail, selon la logique suivante : l'élaboration de revues systématiques de la littérature, l'élaboration de recommandations de bonnes pratiques, et l'étude des pratiques professionnelles dans leur contexte. Les deux revues systématiques de la littérature conduites selon la méthodologie de la collaboration Cochrane portent sur l'efficacité des examens systématiques à l'embauche pour prévenir les lésions professionnelles et l'efficacité de l'évaluation des capacités fonctionnelles pour planifier la reprise du travail après un accident. Les recommandations de la Société française de médecine du travail portent sur la surveillance médico-professionnelle du risque rachidien des travailleurs exposés au port de charges. Les études des pratiques dans leur contexte portent sur la prescription des arrêts de travail par les chirurgiens après une intervention urologique et par les médecins généralistes devant une lombalgie aiguë. Elles abordent également l'impact des restrictions médicales d'aptitude du point de vue de l'encadrement hospitalier, et le processus de formulation de ces restrictions par les médecins du travail du personnel hospitalier. Pour conclure cette seconde partie, deux bandes dessinées élaborées pour le transfert des connaissances sur la prévention du handicap au travail sont présentées, ainsi que leur évaluation par les praticiens concernés. La conclusion de ce mémoire souligne l'importance de développer des approches populationnelles en santé au travail à l'instar de celles développées en santé publique, notamment pour contribuer à réduire les inégalités sociales devant la santé.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : HDR
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marie-Agnès Denis, Robert Cadot, Alain Bergeret
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01309522
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marie-Agnès Denis, Robert Cadot, Alain Bergeret. Exposition du personnel soignant au protoxyde d'azote. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2016, 10 p. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2015.12.007⟩. ⟨hal-01309522⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2015.12.007
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les études portant sur l'exposition des personnels soignants au protoxyde d'azote lors de l'utilisation du MEOPA (mélange équimoléculaire d'oxygène et de protoxyde d'azote) à titre antalgique, sont peu nombreuses. Durant ce travail, des mesurages atmosphériques de protoxyde d'azote ont été réalisés dans différentes unités de pédiatrie d'un hôpital ancien puis, après leur transfert, dans celles d'un hôpital de conception récente, afin de suivre l'évolution des niveaux d'exposition et des conditions sur-exposantes. Matériel et méthode : Des prélèvements d'air individuels et ambiants ont été réalisés, l'air étant capté en sacs tedlar par l'intermédiaire de pompes portables. Ils ont été séquencés dans la durée en fonction des différentes phases de travail. Les échantillonnages d'air ont été analysés par chromatographie en phase gazeuse, avec détecteur à décharge ionisante pulsée (GC-PDID) et par spectrométrie infrarouge. Les pratiques et les moyens de travail des soignants et paramètres aérauliques ont parallèlement été relevés. Résultats : Sur les deux hôpitaux, la valeur limite moyenne d'exposition recommandée de 25ppm sur la journée est dépassée dans 4 des 6 services (2,5 à 164ppm, soit des indices d'exposition de 0,1 à 6,56) et la valeur limite préconisée de 200ppm sur les courtes durées est dépassée dans 5 des 6 unités (74 à 2911ppm, soit des indices d'exposition de 0,37 à 14,6). Pratiques des soignants et paramètres aérauliques se sont avérés assez similaires dans les 2 hôpitaux et donc peu pertinents dans l'interprétation. Conclusion : Les surexpositions au protoxyde d'azote sont certaines, principalement sur les courtes durées. L'étude devra être poursuivie. Outre l'utilisation appropriée des matériels de distribution du MEOPA et le respect des protocoles de délivrance des gaz, les axes de prévention doivent privilégier une optimisation du brassage d'air. Enfin, il conviendrait d'utiliser le MEOPA dans des locaux adaptés, bénéficiant d'un système d'extraction d'air efficace afin de réduire les surexpositions.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les études portant sur l'exposition des personnels soignants au protoxyde d'azote lors de l'utilisation du MEOPA (mélange équimoléculaire d'oxygène et de protoxyde d'azote) à titre antalgique, sont peu nombreuses. Durant ce travail, des mesurages atmosphériques de protoxyde d'azote ont été réalisés dans différentes unités de pédiatrie d'un hôpital ancien puis, après leur transfert, dans celles d'un hôpital de conception récente, afin de suivre l'évolution des niveaux d'exposition et des conditions sur-exposantes. Matériel et méthode : Des prélèvements d'air individuels et ambiants ont été réalisés, l'air étant capté en sacs tedlar par l'intermédiaire de pompes portables. Ils ont été séquencés dans la durée en fonction des différentes phases de travail. Les échantillonnages d'air ont été analysés par chromatographie en phase gazeuse, avec détecteur à décharge ionisante pulsée (GC-PDID) et par spectrométrie infrarouge. Les pratiques et les moyens de travail des soignants et paramètres aérauliques ont parallèlement été relevés. Résultats : Sur les deux hôpitaux, la valeur limite moyenne d'exposition recommandée de 25ppm sur la journée est dépassée dans 4 des 6 services (2,5 à 164ppm, soit des indices d'exposition de 0,1 à 6,56) et la valeur limite préconisée de 200ppm sur les courtes durées est dépassée dans 5 des 6 unités (74 à 2911ppm, soit des indices d'exposition de 0,37 à 14,6). Pratiques des soignants et paramètres aérauliques se sont avérés assez similaires dans les 2 hôpitaux et donc peu pertinents dans l'interprétation. Conclusion : Les surexpositions au protoxyde d'azote sont certaines, principalement sur les courtes durées. L'étude devra être poursuivie. Outre l'utilisation appropriée des matériels de distribution du MEOPA et le respect des protocoles de délivrance des gaz, les axes de prévention doivent privilégier une optimisation du brassage d'air. Enfin, il conviendrait d'utiliser le MEOPA dans des locaux adaptés, bénéficiant d'un système d'extraction d'air efficace afin de réduire les surexpositions.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sarah Mahdjoub, Martine Hours, Luc Baumstark, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01899822
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sarah Mahdjoub, Martine Hours, Luc Baumstark, Mohamed Mouloud Haddak. Active travel mode users: the least polluting, and the most annoyed by noise, air pollution and road insecurity?. RTS. Recherche, transports, sécurité, 2018, 2018, 13p. ⟨10.25578/RTS_ISSN1951-6614_2018-04⟩. ⟨hal-01899822⟩
DOI : 10.25578/RTS_ISSN1951-6614_2018-04
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Purpose: Exposure to road traffic nuisance, such as noise, air pollution and traffic accidents, can lead to feelings of annoyance or road insecurity. Annoyance is defined as a feeling of displeasure claimed by an individual or group to be adversely affecting them, diminishing long-term quality of life; road insecurity is recognized as affecting welfare. The aim of this study was to identify the determinants (sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and related to daily mobility) of annoyance by noise and air pollution and of road insecurity. Methods: A sample of 720 subjects, aged 18 years and over, living in the Rhône Département (France) in 2013 was interviewed by questionnaire. Annoyance and feeling of road insecurity were estimated on a 10-point scale from 1 (not annoyed) to 10 (highly annoyed) for each nuisance, with a threshold of 8. Results: The main finding was that active travel mode users experienced greater annoyance, whatever the nuisance than motorized users. Conclusions: The least polluting are the most annoyed. These results are very interesting. Active travel mode users help improve air quality, alleviate traffic congestion and minimize the risk of road-accidents, as well as improving their own health. In a context in which active travel modes and public transport are being promoted, active travelers might be protected against such annoyance, liable to hinder the development of such a practice.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Purpose: Exposure to road traffic nuisance, such as noise, air pollution and traffic accidents, can lead to feelings of annoyance or road insecurity. Annoyance is defined as a feeling of displeasure claimed by an individual or group to be adversely affecting them, diminishing long-term quality of life; road insecurity is recognized as affecting welfare. The aim of this study was to identify the determinants (sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and related to daily mobility) of annoyance by noise and air pollution and of road insecurity. Methods: A sample of 720 subjects, aged 18 years and over, living in the Rhône Département (France) in 2013 was interviewed by questionnaire. Annoyance and feeling of road insecurity were estimated on a 10-point scale from 1 (not annoyed) to 10 (highly annoyed) for each nuisance, with a threshold of 8. Results: The main finding was that active travel mode users experienced greater annoyance, whatever the nuisance than motorized users. Conclusions: The least polluting are the most annoyed. These results are very interesting. Active travel mode users help improve air quality, alleviate traffic congestion and minimize the risk of road-accidents, as well as improving their own health. In a context in which active travel modes and public transport are being promoted, active travelers might be protected against such annoyance, liable to hinder the development of such a practice.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Margot Guth, Marie Lefevre, Corinne Pilorget, Astrid Coste, Shukrullah Ahmadi, Aurélie Danjou, Brigitte Dananché, Delphine Praud, Isabelle Koscinski, Aline Papaxanthos, Oxana Blagosklonov, Patricia Fauque, Olivia Pérol, Joachim Schüz, Louis Bujan, Ann Olsson, Béatrice Fervers, Barbara Charbotel
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04314966
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Margot Guth, Marie Lefevre, Corinne Pilorget, Astrid Coste, Shukrullah Ahmadi, et al.. Parental occupational exposure to solvents and risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors among sons: a French nationwide case-control study (TESTIS study). Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2023, 49 (6), pp.405-418. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.4102⟩. ⟨hal-04314966⟩
DOI : 10.5271/sjweh.4102
pubmedId_s : 37649372
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : OBJECTIVES: The etiology of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) is suspected to be related to prenatal environmental risk factors. Some solvents have potential endocrine disrupting or carcinogenic properties and may disrupt male genital development in utero. The aim of this study was to examine the association between parental occupational exposure to solvents and TGCT risk among their offspring. METHODS: A French nationwide case–control study, TESTIS included 454 TGCT cases and 670 controls frequency-matched on region and 5-year age strata. Participants were interviewed via telephone and provided information on parental occupations at birth. Job-exposure matrices (JEM) developed in the French Matgéné program were used to assign exposure to five petroleum-based solvents, five solvents or groups of oxygenated solvents, and five chlorinated solvents. Odds ratios (OR) for TGCT and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using conditional logistic regression, adjusting for TGCT risk factors. RESULTS: Occupational exposure to at least one solvent during the year of their son’s birth was 41% among fathers and 21% among mothers. Paternal exposure to at least one solvent showed OR 0.89 (95% CI 0.68–1.15). Exposure to perchloroethylene (OR 1.41, 95% CI 0.55–3.61), methylene chloride (OR 1.13, 95% CI 0.54–2.34) and diesel/kerosene/fuel oil (OR 1.17, 95% CI 0.80–1.73) disclosed OR >1 but with low precision. Our results suggest a possible modest increase in non-seminoma risk for sons whose fathers were highly exposed to trichloroethylene (OR 1.44, 95% CI 0.79–2.63). Maternal exposure to at least one solvent showed OR 0.90 (95% CI 0.65–1.24). When stratifying by birth year, men born in the 1970s experienced an increased TGCT risk following maternal exposure to fuels and petroleum-based solvents (OR 2.74, 95% CI 1.11–6.76). CONCLUSION: Overall, no solid association was found between parental occupational exposure to solvents and TGCT risk. The association found with maternal occupational exposure to fuels and petroleum solvents among older men needs further investigation.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : OBJECTIVES: The etiology of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) is suspected to be related to prenatal environmental risk factors. Some solvents have potential endocrine disrupting or carcinogenic properties and may disrupt male genital development in utero. The aim of this study was to examine the association between parental occupational exposure to solvents and TGCT risk among their offspring. METHODS: A French nationwide case–control study, TESTIS included 454 TGCT cases and 670 controls frequency-matched on region and 5-year age strata. Participants were interviewed via telephone and provided information on parental occupations at birth. Job-exposure matrices (JEM) developed in the French Matgéné program were used to assign exposure to five petroleum-based solvents, five solvents or groups of oxygenated solvents, and five chlorinated solvents. Odds ratios (OR) for TGCT and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using conditional logistic regression, adjusting for TGCT risk factors. RESULTS: Occupational exposure to at least one solvent during the year of their son’s birth was 41% among fathers and 21% among mothers. Paternal exposure to at least one solvent showed OR 0.89 (95% CI 0.68–1.15). Exposure to perchloroethylene (OR 1.41, 95% CI 0.55–3.61), methylene chloride (OR 1.13, 95% CI 0.54–2.34) and diesel/kerosene/fuel oil (OR 1.17, 95% CI 0.80–1.73) disclosed OR >1 but with low precision. Our results suggest a possible modest increase in non-seminoma risk for sons whose fathers were highly exposed to trichloroethylene (OR 1.44, 95% CI 0.79–2.63). Maternal exposure to at least one solvent showed OR 0.90 (95% CI 0.65–1.24). When stratifying by birth year, men born in the 1970s experienced an increased TGCT risk following maternal exposure to fuels and petroleum-based solvents (OR 2.74, 95% CI 1.11–6.76). CONCLUSION: Overall, no solid association was found between parental occupational exposure to solvents and TGCT risk. The association found with maternal occupational exposure to fuels and petroleum solvents among older men needs further investigation.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mohamed Khalis
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-02881688
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mohamed Khalis. Les facteurs de risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes marocaines dans la région Fès, Maroc. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université de Lyon, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019LYSE1038⟩. ⟨tel-02881688⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme dans le monde. Au Maroc, comme dans de nombreux pays en voie de développement, l'incidence du cancer du sein a considérablement augmenté ces dernières années. Le rôle des facteurs de risque reconnus et suspectés dans la survenue du cancer du sein est peu étudié au Maroc. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de déterminer les principaux facteurs de risque du cancer du sein chez les femmes marocaines dans la région de Fès- Maroc. Méthodes : Ce travail porte sur les données de deux études cas-témoins réalisées dans la région de Fès- Maroc : l'étude "Fez Breast Cancer Study" (2014-2015) incluant 237 cas et 237 témoins appariés sur l'âge, et l'étude "BreCaFez Study " (2016-2017) incluant 300 cas et 300 témoins appariés sur l'âge et le milieu de résidence. Des informations détaillées sur les facteurs de risque du cancer du sein ont été recueillies au cours d'entretiens en face-à-face. Les odds ratios et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% ont été estimés à partir de régressions logistiques, en ajustant sur les variables de confusion. Résultats : Nos résultats montrent que (1) l'âge précoce de la ménarche et la nulliparité étaient significativement associés à une augmentation de risque de cancer du sein, tandis que l'âge précoce à la première grossesse à terme est associé à une diminution de ce risque ; (2) un score de mode de vie sain élevé était associé significativement à une réduction du risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes de notre population ; (3) un excès d'adiposité abdominale et une forte évolution de trajectoire de la silhouette étaient associés à une augmentation de risque du cancer de sein chez les femmes en pré- et en postménopause. En revanche, une large silhouette à l'enfance (6–11 ans) était associée à une diminution significative de risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes en préménopause et à la limite de la signification statistique chez les femmes en postménopause ; (4) les femmes ayant travaillées dans certaines professions du secteur de l'agriculture, en particulier celles employées comme ouvrière agricole, avaient un risque élevé de cancer du sein, une augmentation significative de ce risque en fonction de la durée de l'emploi a été également observée. Conclusion : Ce travail suggère l'existence d'associations entre certains facteurs de risque et la survenue de cancer du sein chez les femmes de notre région. Les résultats de nos études peuvent orienter les mesures et les activités de prévention de cancer du sein dans notre pays. Par ailleurs, des études à plus grande échelle sont nécessaires pour confirmer et compléter nos résultats
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme dans le monde. Au Maroc, comme dans de nombreux pays en voie de développement, l'incidence du cancer du sein a considérablement augmenté ces dernières années. Le rôle des facteurs de risque reconnus et suspectés dans la survenue du cancer du sein est peu étudié au Maroc. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de déterminer les principaux facteurs de risque du cancer du sein chez les femmes marocaines dans la région de Fès- Maroc. Méthodes : Ce travail porte sur les données de deux études cas-témoins réalisées dans la région de Fès- Maroc : l'étude "Fez Breast Cancer Study" (2014-2015) incluant 237 cas et 237 témoins appariés sur l'âge, et l'étude "BreCaFez Study " (2016-2017) incluant 300 cas et 300 témoins appariés sur l'âge et le milieu de résidence. Des informations détaillées sur les facteurs de risque du cancer du sein ont été recueillies au cours d'entretiens en face-à-face. Les odds ratios et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% ont été estimés à partir de régressions logistiques, en ajustant sur les variables de confusion. Résultats : Nos résultats montrent que (1) l'âge précoce de la ménarche et la nulliparité étaient significativement associés à une augmentation de risque de cancer du sein, tandis que l'âge précoce à la première grossesse à terme est associé à une diminution de ce risque ; (2) un score de mode de vie sain élevé était associé significativement à une réduction du risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes de notre population ; (3) un excès d'adiposité abdominale et une forte évolution de trajectoire de la silhouette étaient associés à une augmentation de risque du cancer de sein chez les femmes en pré- et en postménopause. En revanche, une large silhouette à l'enfance (6–11 ans) était associée à une diminution significative de risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes en préménopause et à la limite de la signification statistique chez les femmes en postménopause ; (4) les femmes ayant travaillées dans certaines professions du secteur de l'agriculture, en particulier celles employées comme ouvrière agricole, avaient un risque élevé de cancer du sein, une augmentation significative de ce risque en fonction de la durée de l'emploi a été également observée. Conclusion : Ce travail suggère l'existence d'associations entre certains facteurs de risque et la survenue de cancer du sein chez les femmes de notre région. Les résultats de nos études peuvent orienter les mesures et les activités de prévention de cancer du sein dans notre pays. Par ailleurs, des études à plus grande échelle sont nécessaires pour confirmer et compléter nos résultats
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Nadim Ballout
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-03281593
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Nadim Ballout. Approches pénalisées pour les analyses en sous-groupes : application en épidémiologie. Bio-Informatique, Biologie Systémique [q-bio.QM]. Université de Lyon, 2020. Français. ⟨NNT : 2020LYSE1057⟩. ⟨tel-03281593⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dans un contexte où les cancers et l'insécurité routière font partie des principales causes de décès en France et dans le monde, chercher à en étudier les risques et aider à la prise en charge des malades et des victimes constituent un enjeu majeur de santé publique. Les études épidémiologiques mises en place pour répondre à ces besoins requièrent la disponibilité de nombreuses données qui deviennent de plus en plus détaillées et complexes. Certaines des méthodes statistiques utilisées classiquement ne satisfont pas pleinement aux exigences imposées par la taille et les caractéristiques de ces bases de données. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc de développer des méthodes statistiques mieux adaptées, motivées par deux applications particulières : 1) la description des associations entre lésions chez les victimes d'accident de la route en fonction du type d’usager; et 2) l’étude du rôle de certains métabolites dans le développement du cancer du sein, en fonction du sous-type de cancer du sein.D'un point de vue méthodologique, les analyses stratifiées, ou en sous-groupes, constituent le cœur de nos recherches. En notant K le nombre de sous-groupes considérés, l’inférence statistique dans le contexte de ces analyses en sous-groupes revient en général à l’estimation de K vecteurs de paramètres, un vecteur par sous-groupe. Or, on s'attend généralement à une certaine homogénéité entre les K vrais vecteurs de paramètres. Nos méthodes reposent sur des pénalités de type fused lasso ou data shared lasso, et permettent de tirer profit de cette homogénéité pour réduire la complexité de la tâche d'apprentissage et améliorer la performance statistique de l’estimation. Par ailleurs, elles permettent l’identification des hétérogénéités éventuelles parmi les K vecteurs.Dans le projet concernant la description des associations entre lésions chez les victimes d'accident de la route, nous nous sommes placés dans le cadre de l’estimation de modèles graphiques binaires stratifiés. Nous avons développé deux méthodes d’estimation basées chacune sur des régressions logistiques multiples en utilisant soit une pénalité de type fused lasso généralisé soit une pénalité de type data shared lasso. Dans le second projet, nous nous sommes placés dans le cadre général des études cas-témoins (appariées ou non), lorsque plusieurs sous-types de malades existent. Dans le cas des données appariées, nous avons étendu le data shared lasso au modèle de régression logistique conditionnelle, et avons montré la supériorité de l’approche par rapport à d’autres stratégies plus classiques. Dans le cas des données non-appariées, nous avons travaillé sous le modèle de régression logistique multinomial, pour lequel deux formulations pénalisées par la norme L1 ont été proposées dans la littérature. Nous montrons que l’une de ses formulations correspond en fait à la version data shared lasso de l’autre: nos résultats nous permettent ainsi de comparer formellement les deux formulations, et fournir des recommandations sur le choix de la formulation à utiliser en pratique.Globalement, nos résultats confirment que les méthodes tirant profit de l’homogénéité entre les K vecteurs, telles que celles reposant sur la pénalité data shared lasso, conduisent à des améliorations substantielles en termes d'efficacité d'estimation, lorsque cette homogénéité existe. Elles ciblent en effet une paramétrisation plus parcimonieuse lorsque des similarités existent entre les sous-groupes. De plus, leur implémentation est relativement aisée, et en tout cas comparable à celle de méthodes plus classiques. Nous avons développé des codes permettant leur implémentation sous le logiciel R, qui sont accessible via la plateforme Github. Nous recommandons leur utilisation, en complément des approches plus classiques
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dans un contexte où les cancers et l'insécurité routière font partie des principales causes de décès en France et dans le monde, chercher à en étudier les risques et aider à la prise en charge des malades et des victimes constituent un enjeu majeur de santé publique. Les études épidémiologiques mises en place pour répondre à ces besoins requièrent la disponibilité de nombreuses données qui deviennent de plus en plus détaillées et complexes. Certaines des méthodes statistiques utilisées classiquement ne satisfont pas pleinement aux exigences imposées par la taille et les caractéristiques de ces bases de données. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc de développer des méthodes statistiques mieux adaptées, motivées par deux applications particulières : 1) la description des associations entre lésions chez les victimes d'accident de la route en fonction du type d’usager; et 2) l’étude du rôle de certains métabolites dans le développement du cancer du sein, en fonction du sous-type de cancer du sein.D'un point de vue méthodologique, les analyses stratifiées, ou en sous-groupes, constituent le cœur de nos recherches. En notant K le nombre de sous-groupes considérés, l’inférence statistique dans le contexte de ces analyses en sous-groupes revient en général à l’estimation de K vecteurs de paramètres, un vecteur par sous-groupe. Or, on s'attend généralement à une certaine homogénéité entre les K vrais vecteurs de paramètres. Nos méthodes reposent sur des pénalités de type fused lasso ou data shared lasso, et permettent de tirer profit de cette homogénéité pour réduire la complexité de la tâche d'apprentissage et améliorer la performance statistique de l’estimation. Par ailleurs, elles permettent l’identification des hétérogénéités éventuelles parmi les K vecteurs.Dans le projet concernant la description des associations entre lésions chez les victimes d'accident de la route, nous nous sommes placés dans le cadre de l’estimation de modèles graphiques binaires stratifiés. Nous avons développé deux méthodes d’estimation basées chacune sur des régressions logistiques multiples en utilisant soit une pénalité de type fused lasso généralisé soit une pénalité de type data shared lasso. Dans le second projet, nous nous sommes placés dans le cadre général des études cas-témoins (appariées ou non), lorsque plusieurs sous-types de malades existent. Dans le cas des données appariées, nous avons étendu le data shared lasso au modèle de régression logistique conditionnelle, et avons montré la supériorité de l’approche par rapport à d’autres stratégies plus classiques. Dans le cas des données non-appariées, nous avons travaillé sous le modèle de régression logistique multinomial, pour lequel deux formulations pénalisées par la norme L1 ont été proposées dans la littérature. Nous montrons que l’une de ses formulations correspond en fait à la version data shared lasso de l’autre: nos résultats nous permettent ainsi de comparer formellement les deux formulations, et fournir des recommandations sur le choix de la formulation à utiliser en pratique.Globalement, nos résultats confirment que les méthodes tirant profit de l’homogénéité entre les K vecteurs, telles que celles reposant sur la pénalité data shared lasso, conduisent à des améliorations substantielles en termes d'efficacité d'estimation, lorsque cette homogénéité existe. Elles ciblent en effet une paramétrisation plus parcimonieuse lorsque des similarités existent entre les sous-groupes. De plus, leur implémentation est relativement aisée, et en tout cas comparable à celle de méthodes plus classiques. Nous avons développé des codes permettant leur implémentation sous le logiciel R, qui sont accessible via la plateforme Github. Nous recommandons leur utilisation, en complément des approches plus classiques
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Idlir Licaj
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-00860926
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Idlir Licaj. Inégalités sociales et territoriales de mobilité et d’accidents corporels de la route chez les jeunes. Médecine humaine et pathologie. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2011. Français. ⟨NNT : 2011LYO10065⟩. ⟨tel-00860926⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’objectif de la thèse est de mesurer en France l’influence des inégalités socioéconomiques individuelles et contextuelles sur la mobilité, l’incidence et la gravité des accidents corporels chez les enfants et les jeunes de moins de 25 ans. Des analyses originales sont effectuées à partir des bases de données suivantes : le Registre des Victimes d’accidents corporels de la circulation du Rhône, l’enquête ménage déplacement (EMD) de 2005-06 et une enquête épidémiologique de type cas-témoins réalisée durant la thèse. Excepté pour les victimes à deux-roues à moteur les incidences d’accidents lors de l’usage des différents modes de transports (voiture, vélo, marche et rollers) sont plus élevées chez les habitants des communes d’habitation défavorisées. Le sexe est également un facteur déterminant et très variable selon les modes de transport. L’effet de facteurs socioéconomiques sur la gravité des blessures d’accidents des jeunes, les différences socioéconomiques individuelles et contextuelles d’usage des modes de transports, de motorisation des ménages et d’accès au permis de conduire sont également étudiés. L’enquête de type cas témoins permet ensuite de pousser l’investigation en s’intéressant simultanément aux accidents, à la mobilité et à certains facteurs intermédiaires comme les comportements à risques (routier et non routiers) des jeunes. La reconnaissance des inégalités sociales de mobilité et d’accidents corporels peut permettre d’orienter les campagnes de prévention sur l’existence de zones et de groupes à risques
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’objectif de la thèse est de mesurer en France l’influence des inégalités socioéconomiques individuelles et contextuelles sur la mobilité, l’incidence et la gravité des accidents corporels chez les enfants et les jeunes de moins de 25 ans. Des analyses originales sont effectuées à partir des bases de données suivantes : le Registre des Victimes d’accidents corporels de la circulation du Rhône, l’enquête ménage déplacement (EMD) de 2005-06 et une enquête épidémiologique de type cas-témoins réalisée durant la thèse. Excepté pour les victimes à deux-roues à moteur les incidences d’accidents lors de l’usage des différents modes de transports (voiture, vélo, marche et rollers) sont plus élevées chez les habitants des communes d’habitation défavorisées. Le sexe est également un facteur déterminant et très variable selon les modes de transport. L’effet de facteurs socioéconomiques sur la gravité des blessures d’accidents des jeunes, les différences socioéconomiques individuelles et contextuelles d’usage des modes de transports, de motorisation des ménages et d’accès au permis de conduire sont également étudiés. L’enquête de type cas témoins permet ensuite de pousser l’investigation en s’intéressant simultanément aux accidents, à la mobilité et à certains facteurs intermédiaires comme les comportements à risques (routier et non routiers) des jeunes. La reconnaissance des inégalités sociales de mobilité et d’accidents corporels peut permettre d’orienter les campagnes de prévention sur l’existence de zones et de groupes à risques
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Bertrand Porro, Audrey Petit, Emmanuelle Bourbouloux, Philippe Colombat, Magalie Le-Blanc Onfroy, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Yves Roquelaure
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-03477334
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Bertrand Porro, Audrey Petit, Emmanuelle Bourbouloux, Philippe Colombat, Magalie Le-Blanc Onfroy, et al.. Traduction et adaptation française du « Return to Work Self-Efficacy’ scale – 11 items » chez des patients diagnostiqués d’un cancer. Bulletin du Cancer, 2022, 109 (4), pp.465-476. ⟨10.1016/j.bulcan.2021.06.016⟩. ⟨hal-03477334⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.bulcan.2021.06.016
pubmedId_s : 34656298
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : INTRODUCTION: The self-efficacy to return to work is a major psychological factor of the return to work of patients diagnosed with a cancer. However, french investigations in this field do not take this dimension into account due to the lack of a suitable tool for its assessment. The objective of this study was to provide a french translation and adaptation of the \"Return to Work Self-Efficacy’ scale - 11 items\" (RTWSE-11), validated in dutch language in its original version. METHODS: After translation-back translation steps, completed by experts’ consensus meetings, interviews were conducted with thirteen patients diagnosed with cancer in order to evaluate the degree of clarity, simplicity and ambiguity or the various elements of the french version of the RTW-SE-11. RESULTS: The main modifications inherent to the french adaptation of the questionnaire concerned the modalities of the Likert scale and the inversion of three negative items into positive items. DISCUSSION: The french translation and adaptation of the RTWSE-11 was particularly faithful to the semantic, idiomatic, functional, experiential, conceptual and operational aspects of the original version. Future work can therefore focus on the psychometrics evaluations of the questionnaire. However, this tool can already be used in clinical practice to establish an initial assessment of the ability of patients diagnosed with cancer to return to work.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : INTRODUCTION: The self-efficacy to return to work is a major psychological factor of the return to work of patients diagnosed with a cancer. However, french investigations in this field do not take this dimension into account due to the lack of a suitable tool for its assessment. The objective of this study was to provide a french translation and adaptation of the \"Return to Work Self-Efficacy’ scale - 11 items\" (RTWSE-11), validated in dutch language in its original version. METHODS: After translation-back translation steps, completed by experts’ consensus meetings, interviews were conducted with thirteen patients diagnosed with cancer in order to evaluate the degree of clarity, simplicity and ambiguity or the various elements of the french version of the RTW-SE-11. RESULTS: The main modifications inherent to the french adaptation of the questionnaire concerned the modalities of the Likert scale and the inversion of three negative items into positive items. DISCUSSION: The french translation and adaptation of the RTWSE-11 was particularly faithful to the semantic, idiomatic, functional, experiential, conceptual and operational aspects of the original version. Future work can therefore focus on the psychometrics evaluations of the questionnaire. However, this tool can already be used in clinical practice to establish an initial assessment of the ability of patients diagnosed with cancer to return to work.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sophie Fantoni-Quinton, Anne-Sophie Tellart, Evodie Cambier-Langrand, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Claire Mounier-Vehier, Jean Baptiste Fassier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-01488182
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sophie Fantoni-Quinton, Anne-Sophie Tellart, Evodie Cambier-Langrand, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Claire Mounier-Vehier, et al.. Risque cardiovasculaire et maintien en emploi. La Presse Médicale, 2016, 45 (5), pp. 515-521. ⟨10.1016/j.lpm.2016.02.013⟩. ⟨hal-01488182⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.lpm.2016.02.013
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le retour au travail du patient, parce qu'il favorise un meilleur niveau de qualité de vie, doit être une préoccupation précoce dans le parcours de soins dans les suites d'un éÎnement cardiovasculaire. L'anticipation, notamment par une visite de pré-reprise auprès du médecin du travail, est primordiale. Les échanges, dans le respect du secret médical, entre le cardiologue, le médecin généraliste et le médecin du travail, doivent permettre un meilleur retour au travail. La reconnaissance de la qualité de travailleur handicapé est un outil clé de la prévention de la désinsertion socioprofessionnelle. Même en cas d'arrêt de travail prolongé, de séquelles fonctionnelles ou de perte d'emploi, l'accompagnement du patient vers les interlocuteurs appropriés peut favoriser le retour au travail et le maintien dans l'emploi à plus long terme.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le retour au travail du patient, parce qu'il favorise un meilleur niveau de qualité de vie, doit être une préoccupation précoce dans le parcours de soins dans les suites d'un éÎnement cardiovasculaire. L'anticipation, notamment par une visite de pré-reprise auprès du médecin du travail, est primordiale. Les échanges, dans le respect du secret médical, entre le cardiologue, le médecin généraliste et le médecin du travail, doivent permettre un meilleur retour au travail. La reconnaissance de la qualité de travailleur handicapé est un outil clé de la prévention de la désinsertion socioprofessionnelle. Même en cas d'arrêt de travail prolongé, de séquelles fonctionnelles ou de perte d'emploi, l'accompagnement du patient vers les interlocuteurs appropriés peut favoriser le retour au travail et le maintien dans l'emploi à plus long terme.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Emmanuelle Amoros
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-00511718
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Emmanuelle Amoros. Les blessés par accidents de la route : estimation de leur nombre et de leur gravité lésionnelle, France, 1996-2004. Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2007. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00511718⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les victimes d'accident de la route sont recensées par les forces de l'ordre, en France, et dans la plupart des pays. L'enregistrement des blessés non-décédés est incomplet et biaisé (biais de sélection et de classement de la gravité). Un registre médical couvre le département du Rhône. La coexistence des recensements policier et médical permet par capture-recapture d'estimer un bilan exhaustif au niveau rhodanien, et ainsi d'estimer les facteurs de correction des données policières. En faisant l'hypothèse d'homogénéité, sur le territoire national, des pratiques policières d'enregistrement des blessés, nous appliquons les coefficients de correction aux données policières nationales, en redressant sur les facteurs de biais. Les effectifs annuels moyens sur 1996-2004 sont alors estimés à 514 000 blessés dont 61 000 blessés graves, soit 3,7 et 2,2 fois les décomptes des forces de l'ordre. Les blessés avec séquelles lourdes sont estimés à 8000 annuellement, soit autant que les tués.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les victimes d'accident de la route sont recensées par les forces de l'ordre, en France, et dans la plupart des pays. L'enregistrement des blessés non-décédés est incomplet et biaisé (biais de sélection et de classement de la gravité). Un registre médical couvre le département du Rhône. La coexistence des recensements policier et médical permet par capture-recapture d'estimer un bilan exhaustif au niveau rhodanien, et ainsi d'estimer les facteurs de correction des données policières. En faisant l'hypothèse d'homogénéité, sur le territoire national, des pratiques policières d'enregistrement des blessés, nous appliquons les coefficients de correction aux données policières nationales, en redressant sur les facteurs de biais. Les effectifs annuels moyens sur 1996-2004 sont alors estimés à 514 000 blessés dont 61 000 blessés graves, soit 3,7 et 2,2 fois les décomptes des forces de l'ordre. Les blessés avec séquelles lourdes sont estimés à 8000 annuellement, soit autant que les tués.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : N. Nallet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-00544915
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : N. Nallet. Profils de personnalité en lien avec les infractions et/ou les accidents de la route. Qui sont les stagiaires permis à points ?. Droit. Université Lumière - Lyon II, 2009. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00544915⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : « L'observable est-il calculable » constitue le leitmotiv de cette recherche qui trouve son origine dans une pratique d'animateur psychologue lors de nombreux stages de Permis à Points, dits stages PAP. La sécurité routière, enjeu de santé publique et préoccupation mondiale, en est le terrain d'application. L'idéologie du système repose sur l'existence d'un lien entre infractions et accidents. La question de l'éducation à la route se pose en termes de traitement cognitif et de rapport au social et à la loi. Or le fait de commettre des infractions est un acte complexe et situé, sous l'influence de plusieurs paramètres, notamment : l'âge, le genre, la personnalité, la prise de risque, la recherche de sensations, les représentations mentales et le comportement ainsi que les influences sociales et sociétales. Une revue de la littérature permet de faire le lien entre les facteurs de risque individuel et l'infraction, voire l'accidentologie. Une approche d'un échantillon de 854 stagiaires (PAP), dans le cadre d'une enquête cas/témoins sur un effectif total de 2014 sujets, permet de définir la population des stagiaires PAP et d'invalider l'hypothèse selon laquelle le stagiaire s'assimilerait à Monsieur tout le monde. Tout comme il a été démontré que dans l'enfance la petite fille est plus sensible à la sanction alors que le petit garçon, l'est plus aux encouragements ; le stagiaire PAP, pour une grande partie de sexe masculin (90 % d'entre eux) est peu sensible à la sanction. Il reste donc à imaginer un système d'éducation/prévention qui prenne en compte la récompense. Le principe de la récompense ne doit pas permettre une thésaurisation des points, puis ensuite un déstockage à volonté permettant ainsi au sujet de « s'offrir » une infraction. Les spécificités sociales, de mode de vie et de personnalité des stagiaires permettent d'éclairer les préceptes en matière de formation. Des mesures post-permis permettant de faire entrer les préoccupations individuelles dans un enjeu collectif de santé publique pourraient favoriser le passage du curatif au préventif. La pédagogie développée avec les récidivistes en stage PAP devra aujourd'hui plus qu'hier s'orienter sur le mode de vie plus que sur l'aspect technique. Le rapport européen Dan sur les mesures post-permis a déjà souligné que plus l'accent est mis sur la personnalité dans ce genre d'animation, plus le taux de récidive est faible (DAN 2000). Reste à savoir s'il s'agit d'animation ou de thérapeutique, auquel cas la durée du stage ainsi qu'une absence d'évaluation et de suivi posent problème.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : « L'observable est-il calculable » constitue le leitmotiv de cette recherche qui trouve son origine dans une pratique d'animateur psychologue lors de nombreux stages de Permis à Points, dits stages PAP. La sécurité routière, enjeu de santé publique et préoccupation mondiale, en est le terrain d'application. L'idéologie du système repose sur l'existence d'un lien entre infractions et accidents. La question de l'éducation à la route se pose en termes de traitement cognitif et de rapport au social et à la loi. Or le fait de commettre des infractions est un acte complexe et situé, sous l'influence de plusieurs paramètres, notamment : l'âge, le genre, la personnalité, la prise de risque, la recherche de sensations, les représentations mentales et le comportement ainsi que les influences sociales et sociétales. Une revue de la littérature permet de faire le lien entre les facteurs de risque individuel et l'infraction, voire l'accidentologie. Une approche d'un échantillon de 854 stagiaires (PAP), dans le cadre d'une enquête cas/témoins sur un effectif total de 2014 sujets, permet de définir la population des stagiaires PAP et d'invalider l'hypothèse selon laquelle le stagiaire s'assimilerait à Monsieur tout le monde. Tout comme il a été démontré que dans l'enfance la petite fille est plus sensible à la sanction alors que le petit garçon, l'est plus aux encouragements ; le stagiaire PAP, pour une grande partie de sexe masculin (90 % d'entre eux) est peu sensible à la sanction. Il reste donc à imaginer un système d'éducation/prévention qui prenne en compte la récompense. Le principe de la récompense ne doit pas permettre une thésaurisation des points, puis ensuite un déstockage à volonté permettant ainsi au sujet de « s'offrir » une infraction. Les spécificités sociales, de mode de vie et de personnalité des stagiaires permettent d'éclairer les préceptes en matière de formation. Des mesures post-permis permettant de faire entrer les préoccupations individuelles dans un enjeu collectif de santé publique pourraient favoriser le passage du curatif au préventif. La pédagogie développée avec les récidivistes en stage PAP devra aujourd'hui plus qu'hier s'orienter sur le mode de vie plus que sur l'aspect technique. Le rapport européen Dan sur les mesures post-permis a déjà souligné que plus l'accent est mis sur la personnalité dans ce genre d'animation, plus le taux de récidive est faible (DAN 2000). Reste à savoir s'il s'agit d'animation ou de thérapeutique, auquel cas la durée du stage ainsi qu'une absence d'évaluation et de suivi posent problème.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-01701341
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont. Les recherches sur le vieillissement et la conduite automobile : une approche pluridisciplinaire. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2017. ⟨tel-01701341⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le vieillissement et en particulier les aspects neuropsychologiques du vieillissement des personnes constituent l'axe principal autour duquel se déclinent beaucoup de mes travaux de recherche. A l'Inserm tout d'abord, je contribue à la recherche de facteurs qui caractérisent le vieillissement respiratoire et fonctionnel, de facteurs de risque de démence, et sur des travaux portant sur des aspects neuropsychologiques du vieillissement. Pour cela, des approches épidémiologiques et expérimentales sont associées et contribuent à une meilleure connaissance du vieillissement normal et pathologique. En arrivant à l'Inrets, je prends en charge la thématique du vieillissement et de l'insécurité routière. J'explore ce nouveau champ en m'appuyant sur des bases de données existantes et sur de nouveaux projets. Dès lors, mon activité de recherche portera essentiellement sur la problématique du vieillissement et de l'activité de conduite automobile. Je contribue dans un premier à temps à quantifier les enjeux de sécurité routière liés au vieillissement des conducteurs. Je m'intéresse plus particulièrement au risque pour autrui que je quantifie en années de vie perdues attribuées aux conducteurs selon leur responsabilité dans l'accident. J'utilise deux méthodes d'estimation de la responsabilité et les deux démontrent une moindre dangerosité des conducteurs âgés vis-à-vis des autres usagers, et cela par rapport à des conducteurs plus jeunes. L'ensemble du bilan sur l'accidentalité des conducteurs âgés ne justifient pas la mise en place d'une procédure de contrôle systématique de l'aptitude à la conduite basé sur le critère de l'âge. Néanmoins, plusieurs fonctions et processus sont fréquemment touchés dans le vieillissement : les fonctions sensorielles, la vitesse de traitement des informations, les capacités d'attention, les fonctions exécutives, et les processus d'inhibition. Même s'ils sont plus sévèrement touchés dans certaines pathologies comme la démence, ils sont susceptibles d'altérer l'aptitude à la conduite dans un vieillissement normal, et augmenter le risque d'accident. Pour comprendre les facteurs de risque d'accident des conducteurs âgés, il est nécessaire de les expliquer au regard des facteurs qui modifient l'activité de conduite. La diminution de l'exposition au risque se manifeste souvent par une réduction des distances conduites, des évitements de situations de conduite jugées difficiles, ou encore par l'arrêt complet de l'activité. Ces changements peuvent être des réponses aux changements sensori-moteurs et cognitifs liés au vieillissement. Ainsi, l'autorégulation de l'activité de conduite devient peu à peu ma principale question de recherche. J'encadre une thèse sur l'impact des pathologies neurodégénératives telles que la démence sur la régulation de la conduite et sur l'effet spécifique du sexe dans celle-ci. En parallèle, j'explore dans le cadre d'un vaste projet ANR une hypothèse de recherche sur l'existence d'une autorégulation de la conduite, hypothèse qui s'est construite sur nos travaux antérieurs. Les personnes régulent leur activité de conduite si elles ont une auto-estimation correcte de leurs capacités cognitives. Une surestimation de ces dernières les amènerait à surestimer aussi leurs capacités de conduite, ne pas modifier leurs habitudes de conduite, ce qui les exposeraient à un plus grand risque d'accident. Inversement, une sous-estimation des capacités cognitives auraient pour effet un arrêt prématuré de la conduite ce qui les exposeraient à un risque de perte de mobilité, d'autonomie, ou de lien social, et «également au risque de dépression. Je constitue une équipe pour mettre en place une cohorte de 1200 conducteurs âgés. En mettant en regard une évaluation objective des capacités cognitives par des tests neuropsychologiques, et une évaluation subjective par des questions d'auto-estimation des habiletés cognitives dans les activités de la vie quotidienne, trois groupes de conducteurs sont constitués : des sur-estimateurs, des estimateurs corrects, et des sous-estimateurs de leurs capacités cognitives. Chacun des groupes présente des caractéristiques spécifiques en âge, sexe, mode de vie, symptomatologie dépressive, et traits de personnalité. Le volet expérimental du projet démontre une relation significative entre l'auto-évaluation cognitive et l'auto-évaluation de la conduite. D'autres résultats sont attendus, en particulier l'existence d'une autorégulation différente dans les trois profils d'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives. En parallèle, je travaille sur une meilleure compréhension du faible risque d'accident des déments, malgré des déficits qui impactent les capacités de conduite. La connaissance du processus d'arrêt de la conduite dans le processus démentiel et même dans la phase pré-diagnostique est essentielle pour mieux accompagner l'arrêt de cette activité. Par ailleurs, l'hétérogénéité observée grâce à des études expérimentales nous amène à conclure à l'insuffisance du seul diagnostic pour interdire la conduite. La question du vieillissement de la population et de l'insécurité routière entre dans le « Thème 1. Facteurs de risque dans les champs du transport, de l'environnement et du travail » du projet quinquennal de l'Umrestte, et plus précisément dans le sous-thème des facteurs de risque individuels. Dans leur rapport d'évaluation, le Comité d'experts du HCERES juge ces travaux pertinents. Du point de vue de l'Ifsttar, ces travaux contribuent à l'axe 1 du nouveau COP (2017-2020), «Transporter efficacement et se déplacer en sécurité », et plus précisément à l'objectif 2 qui est de « Renforcer la sécurité et l'ergonomie des déplacements, pour une mobilité sereine et respectueuse de la vie humaine ». Enfin au plan national et institutionnel, les travaux sur ce thème s'inscrivent dans la Loi 2015-1776 du 28 décembre 2015 relative à l'adaptation de la société vieillissante et qui vise à organiser les effets de l'allongement de la vie et du vieillissement des personnes âgées, notamment pour permettre l'accessibilité et la sécurité de leurs déplacements. Je viens d'être nommée pour trois ans au Comité des experts placé auprès du Délégué interministériel à la sécurité routière et du Président du Conseil national de la sécurité routière.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le vieillissement et en particulier les aspects neuropsychologiques du vieillissement des personnes constituent l'axe principal autour duquel se déclinent beaucoup de mes travaux de recherche. A l'Inserm tout d'abord, je contribue à la recherche de facteurs qui caractérisent le vieillissement respiratoire et fonctionnel, de facteurs de risque de démence, et sur des travaux portant sur des aspects neuropsychologiques du vieillissement. Pour cela, des approches épidémiologiques et expérimentales sont associées et contribuent à une meilleure connaissance du vieillissement normal et pathologique. En arrivant à l'Inrets, je prends en charge la thématique du vieillissement et de l'insécurité routière. J'explore ce nouveau champ en m'appuyant sur des bases de données existantes et sur de nouveaux projets. Dès lors, mon activité de recherche portera essentiellement sur la problématique du vieillissement et de l'activité de conduite automobile. Je contribue dans un premier à temps à quantifier les enjeux de sécurité routière liés au vieillissement des conducteurs. Je m'intéresse plus particulièrement au risque pour autrui que je quantifie en années de vie perdues attribuées aux conducteurs selon leur responsabilité dans l'accident. J'utilise deux méthodes d'estimation de la responsabilité et les deux démontrent une moindre dangerosité des conducteurs âgés vis-à-vis des autres usagers, et cela par rapport à des conducteurs plus jeunes. L'ensemble du bilan sur l'accidentalité des conducteurs âgés ne justifient pas la mise en place d'une procédure de contrôle systématique de l'aptitude à la conduite basé sur le critère de l'âge. Néanmoins, plusieurs fonctions et processus sont fréquemment touchés dans le vieillissement : les fonctions sensorielles, la vitesse de traitement des informations, les capacités d'attention, les fonctions exécutives, et les processus d'inhibition. Même s'ils sont plus sévèrement touchés dans certaines pathologies comme la démence, ils sont susceptibles d'altérer l'aptitude à la conduite dans un vieillissement normal, et augmenter le risque d'accident. Pour comprendre les facteurs de risque d'accident des conducteurs âgés, il est nécessaire de les expliquer au regard des facteurs qui modifient l'activité de conduite. La diminution de l'exposition au risque se manifeste souvent par une réduction des distances conduites, des évitements de situations de conduite jugées difficiles, ou encore par l'arrêt complet de l'activité. Ces changements peuvent être des réponses aux changements sensori-moteurs et cognitifs liés au vieillissement. Ainsi, l'autorégulation de l'activité de conduite devient peu à peu ma principale question de recherche. J'encadre une thèse sur l'impact des pathologies neurodégénératives telles que la démence sur la régulation de la conduite et sur l'effet spécifique du sexe dans celle-ci. En parallèle, j'explore dans le cadre d'un vaste projet ANR une hypothèse de recherche sur l'existence d'une autorégulation de la conduite, hypothèse qui s'est construite sur nos travaux antérieurs. Les personnes régulent leur activité de conduite si elles ont une auto-estimation correcte de leurs capacités cognitives. Une surestimation de ces dernières les amènerait à surestimer aussi leurs capacités de conduite, ne pas modifier leurs habitudes de conduite, ce qui les exposeraient à un plus grand risque d'accident. Inversement, une sous-estimation des capacités cognitives auraient pour effet un arrêt prématuré de la conduite ce qui les exposeraient à un risque de perte de mobilité, d'autonomie, ou de lien social, et «également au risque de dépression. Je constitue une équipe pour mettre en place une cohorte de 1200 conducteurs âgés. En mettant en regard une évaluation objective des capacités cognitives par des tests neuropsychologiques, et une évaluation subjective par des questions d'auto-estimation des habiletés cognitives dans les activités de la vie quotidienne, trois groupes de conducteurs sont constitués : des sur-estimateurs, des estimateurs corrects, et des sous-estimateurs de leurs capacités cognitives. Chacun des groupes présente des caractéristiques spécifiques en âge, sexe, mode de vie, symptomatologie dépressive, et traits de personnalité. Le volet expérimental du projet démontre une relation significative entre l'auto-évaluation cognitive et l'auto-évaluation de la conduite. D'autres résultats sont attendus, en particulier l'existence d'une autorégulation différente dans les trois profils d'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives. En parallèle, je travaille sur une meilleure compréhension du faible risque d'accident des déments, malgré des déficits qui impactent les capacités de conduite. La connaissance du processus d'arrêt de la conduite dans le processus démentiel et même dans la phase pré-diagnostique est essentielle pour mieux accompagner l'arrêt de cette activité. Par ailleurs, l'hétérogénéité observée grâce à des études expérimentales nous amène à conclure à l'insuffisance du seul diagnostic pour interdire la conduite. La question du vieillissement de la population et de l'insécurité routière entre dans le « Thème 1. Facteurs de risque dans les champs du transport, de l'environnement et du travail » du projet quinquennal de l'Umrestte, et plus précisément dans le sous-thème des facteurs de risque individuels. Dans leur rapport d'évaluation, le Comité d'experts du HCERES juge ces travaux pertinents. Du point de vue de l'Ifsttar, ces travaux contribuent à l'axe 1 du nouveau COP (2017-2020), «Transporter efficacement et se déplacer en sécurité », et plus précisément à l'objectif 2 qui est de « Renforcer la sécurité et l'ergonomie des déplacements, pour une mobilité sereine et respectueuse de la vie humaine ». Enfin au plan national et institutionnel, les travaux sur ce thème s'inscrivent dans la Loi 2015-1776 du 28 décembre 2015 relative à l'adaptation de la société vieillissante et qui vise à organiser les effets de l'allongement de la vie et du vieillissement des personnes âgées, notamment pour permettre l'accessibilité et la sécurité de leurs déplacements. Je viens d'être nommée pour trois ans au Comité des experts placé auprès du Délégué interministériel à la sécurité routière et du Président du Conseil national de la sécurité routière.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : HDR
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Laetitia Marie Dit Asse
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-01212862
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Laetitia Marie Dit Asse. Régulation de la conduite automobile chez les femmes et les hommes âgés. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2015. Français. ⟨NNT : 2015LYO10042⟩. ⟨tel-01212862v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le vieillissement de la population conduit à de nouveaux enjeux sociétaux. Une des implications de ce vieillissement concerne la question du maintien de la mobilité des plus âgés afin de préserver leur autonomie le plus longtemps possible. Jusqu'à présent et pour quelques décennies encore, l'essentiel de la mobilité est assurée par l'usage de la voiture. La conduite automobile est une activité complexe qui requiert des capacités sensorielles, fonctionnelles mais aussi des capacités cognitives. Or le vieillissement, même normal, s'accompagne d'une légère détérioration de ces différentes fonctions. Les personnes âgées sont toutefois peu impliquées dans les accidents corporels de la route. En effet, pour beaucoup de conducteurs, la mise en place de stratégies de régulation de la conduite leur permet de continuer à conduire de manière sécuritaire. Ces stratégies consistent en une diminution de leur exposition routière, en diminuant le nombre de kilomètres qu'ils parcourent ou en évitant certaines situations de conduite, avec à terme un arrêt définitif de la conduite. La littérature montre que ce processus de régulation se met en place progressivement dans l'âge et s'accentue avec l'aggravation des déficits. Elle montre également que ce processus se met en place différemment chez les hommes et chez les femmes. Le but de cette thèse est d'approfondir les recherches déjà menées sur le processus de régulation chez les hommes et les femmes âgés, en prenant en compte des déficits sensoriels, physiques et cognitifs, et en s'intéressant particulièrement à la pré-démence et à la démence. Ainsi, nous montrons que les femmes régulent plus, plus tôt, et pour des raisons difficiles à appréhender, alors que les hommes régulent davantage leur conduite en fonction de leur état de santé. Du fait que plus de femmes s'arrêtent de conduire à un stade pré-démentiel, la démence ne joue pas sur la restriction de leur activité de conduite, en distance parcourue ou en évitements de situations de conduite. Elle impacte directement l'arrêt de la conduite. En revanche, chez les hommes qui s'arrêtent moins en phase pré-démentielle, la démence impacte tout le processus de régulation de la conduite, de la restriction à l'arrêt. Concernant les déficits cognitifs, ils ont un effet sur le début du processus de régulation de la conduite des hommes comme des femmes, mais pas sur l'arrêt de la conduite des femmes car elles s'arrêtent avant une dégradation de ces fonctions. D'autres facteurs vont impacter la régulation de la conduite des hommes comme celle des femmes, et d'autres facteurs ont un effet spécifique chez les hommes ou chez les femmes. Notre travail aura contribué à mieux comprendre le processus de régulation dans son ensemble chez les hommes et chez les femmes séparément. Une des perspectives de ce travail sera d'étudier les conséquences de l'arrêt de la conduite avec des conséquences probablement différentes chez les hommes et les femmes. démence ; pré-démence ; facteurs associés ; 3-Cités ; MG-Cog CAPA ; SAFEMOVE
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le vieillissement de la population conduit à de nouveaux enjeux sociétaux. Une des implications de ce vieillissement concerne la question du maintien de la mobilité des plus âgés afin de préserver leur autonomie le plus longtemps possible. Jusqu'à présent et pour quelques décennies encore, l'essentiel de la mobilité est assurée par l'usage de la voiture. La conduite automobile est une activité complexe qui requiert des capacités sensorielles, fonctionnelles mais aussi des capacités cognitives. Or le vieillissement, même normal, s'accompagne d'une légère détérioration de ces différentes fonctions. Les personnes âgées sont toutefois peu impliquées dans les accidents corporels de la route. En effet, pour beaucoup de conducteurs, la mise en place de stratégies de régulation de la conduite leur permet de continuer à conduire de manière sécuritaire. Ces stratégies consistent en une diminution de leur exposition routière, en diminuant le nombre de kilomètres qu'ils parcourent ou en évitant certaines situations de conduite, avec à terme un arrêt définitif de la conduite. La littérature montre que ce processus de régulation se met en place progressivement dans l'âge et s'accentue avec l'aggravation des déficits. Elle montre également que ce processus se met en place différemment chez les hommes et chez les femmes. Le but de cette thèse est d'approfondir les recherches déjà menées sur le processus de régulation chez les hommes et les femmes âgés, en prenant en compte des déficits sensoriels, physiques et cognitifs, et en s'intéressant particulièrement à la pré-démence et à la démence. Ainsi, nous montrons que les femmes régulent plus, plus tôt, et pour des raisons difficiles à appréhender, alors que les hommes régulent davantage leur conduite en fonction de leur état de santé. Du fait que plus de femmes s'arrêtent de conduire à un stade pré-démentiel, la démence ne joue pas sur la restriction de leur activité de conduite, en distance parcourue ou en évitements de situations de conduite. Elle impacte directement l'arrêt de la conduite. En revanche, chez les hommes qui s'arrêtent moins en phase pré-démentielle, la démence impacte tout le processus de régulation de la conduite, de la restriction à l'arrêt. Concernant les déficits cognitifs, ils ont un effet sur le début du processus de régulation de la conduite des hommes comme des femmes, mais pas sur l'arrêt de la conduite des femmes car elles s'arrêtent avant une dégradation de ces fonctions. D'autres facteurs vont impacter la régulation de la conduite des hommes comme celle des femmes, et d'autres facteurs ont un effet spécifique chez les hommes ou chez les femmes. Notre travail aura contribué à mieux comprendre le processus de régulation dans son ensemble chez les hommes et chez les femmes séparément. Une des perspectives de ce travail sera d'étudier les conséquences de l'arrêt de la conduite avec des conséquences probablement différentes chez les hommes et les femmes. démence ; pré-démence ; facteurs associés ; 3-Cités ; MG-Cog CAPA ; SAFEMOVE
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Véronique Lepicier, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-00639415
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Véronique Lepicier, Mireille Chiron, Robert Joumard. Mise au point d'un indicateur d'impact sanitaire chronique des émissions de polluants. INRETS. pp.224, 2012. ⟨hal-00639415v2⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Ce travail vise à élaborer un indicateur des impacts sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic, basé sur les émissions des véhicules. Pour cela, une revue bibliographique a été réalisée pour identifier les actuels indicateurs et méthodes d'évaluation des risques sanitaires liés à l'environnement, et plus particulièrement ceux liés à la pollution atmosphérique. Dans un premier temps, nous définissons les différentes notions fondamentales relatives à la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic et à ses impacts sur la santé, ainsi que la notion d'indicateur. Nous présentons en outre les critères d'évaluation des indicateurs. La synthèse bibliographique traite d'une part des méthodes d'évaluations (évaluation des risques sanitaires, évaluation des impacts sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique urbaine, analyse du cycle de vie...), et d'autre part des méthodes d'agrégation des impacts sanitaires (masse équivalente de substance, années de vie ajustées sur les incapacités...). Enfin, après avoir évalué dans quelle mesure ces méthodes sont applicables à la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic, nous proposons un indicateur des impacts sanitaires chroniques des émissions de polluants (IISCEP). Il correspond aux émissions des polluants pondérées par un facteur de toxicité propre à chaque substance et par un facteur prenant en compte la dispersion et l'exposition des personnes. Cet indicateur se limite aux effets sanitaires directs chroniques par inhalation. Nous proposons une liste des substances qui peuvent être prises en compte grâce à la disponibilité des données les concernant. Deux exemples illustrent l'application de l'indicateur d'impact sanitaire : l'évaluation de différents scénarios du plan de déplacement urbain (PDU) de Nantes Métropole et la comparaison de deux types de carburants des véhicules particuliers (essence et gazole).
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Ce travail vise à élaborer un indicateur des impacts sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic, basé sur les émissions des véhicules. Pour cela, une revue bibliographique a été réalisée pour identifier les actuels indicateurs et méthodes d'évaluation des risques sanitaires liés à l'environnement, et plus particulièrement ceux liés à la pollution atmosphérique. Dans un premier temps, nous définissons les différentes notions fondamentales relatives à la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic et à ses impacts sur la santé, ainsi que la notion d'indicateur. Nous présentons en outre les critères d'évaluation des indicateurs. La synthèse bibliographique traite d'une part des méthodes d'évaluations (évaluation des risques sanitaires, évaluation des impacts sanitaires de la pollution atmosphérique urbaine, analyse du cycle de vie...), et d'autre part des méthodes d'agrégation des impacts sanitaires (masse équivalente de substance, années de vie ajustées sur les incapacités...). Enfin, après avoir évalué dans quelle mesure ces méthodes sont applicables à la pollution atmosphérique liée au trafic, nous proposons un indicateur des impacts sanitaires chroniques des émissions de polluants (IISCEP). Il correspond aux émissions des polluants pondérées par un facteur de toxicité propre à chaque substance et par un facteur prenant en compte la dispersion et l'exposition des personnes. Cet indicateur se limite aux effets sanitaires directs chroniques par inhalation. Nous proposons une liste des substances qui peuvent être prises en compte grâce à la disponibilité des données les concernant. Deux exemples illustrent l'application de l'indicateur d'impact sanitaire : l'évaluation de différents scénarios du plan de déplacement urbain (PDU) de Nantes Métropole et la comparaison de deux types de carburants des véhicules particuliers (essence et gazole).
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Ouvrages
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Vivian Viallon
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-01366359
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Vivian Viallon. Approches pénalisées et autres développements statistiques pour l'épidémiologie. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2016. ⟨tel-01366359⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Mes travaux portent principalement sur des développements statistiques théoriques, méthodologiques ou appliqués, en lien avec des problématiques rencontrées en épidémiologie et en recherche biomédicale. Les questions soulevées dans ces domaines d'application s'interprètent souvent comme un problème de sélection de variables. Celui-ci est des plus classiques en statistique, et des approches dérivées de critères pénalisés sont connues pour le résoudre sous certaines hypothèses. Sous des modèles paramétriques, ces approches encouragent des structures particulières dans le vecteur des paramètres telles que la parcimonie ou l'égalité de certaines composantes, etc. Une part importante de mes recherches porte sur des résultats généraux pour les approches pénalisées par la norme L1 des paramètres ou des dérivées de cette norme. Nous avons notamment développé une méthode de présélection qui permet l'élimination a priori de covariables dans les problèmes de type lasso. L'objectif des méthodes de présélection est de travailler avec des matrices de taille plus faible afin d'accélérer la résolution numérique du lasso, ou de pouvoir tout simplement le résoudre dans les cas où la matrice originale est trop grande. Notre approche était la première à bénéficier de la propriété suivante : les covariables éliminées n'auraient de toute façon pas figuré dans le support de la solution du lasso et notre approche ne modifie donc pas cette solution. Je me suis par ailleurs intéressé aux propriétés asymptotiques des estimateurs dérivés du fused lasso généralisé dans les modèles linéaires généralisés. Le fused lasso généralisé est particulièrement adapté lorsque les covariables d'un modèle de régression sont naturellement organisées en réseau (protéines, gènes, etc.), et s'il est raisonnable d'attendre de covariables connectées dans le réseau qu'elles partagent des effets similaires sur la variable d'intérêt. Le fused lasso généralisé repose sur un graphe qui décrit le réseau (et donc la structure attendue dans le vecteur des paramètres), et nous avons étudié les propriétés des estimateurs du fused lasso généralisé en fonction de l'adéquation entre ce graphe et la véritable structure du vecteur des paramètres du modèle de régression. Par la suite, nous avons étendu le fused lasso généralisé au contexte des modèles non linéaires à effets mixtes, qui sont utilisés en pharmacocinétique pour modéliser les concentrations de médicament dans le sang au cours du temps, en fonction de paramètres individuels inconnus (volume sanguin, taux d'absorption, etc.). Je me suis également intéressé au contexte spécifique des données stratifiées. Dans ce contexte, la question principale est de déterminer si le niveau d'association entre deux variables est identique chez tous les individus d'une population ou si au contraire il varie à travers des sous-groupes prédéfinis de cette population (ou strates). Le fused lasso généralisé est adapté à ce contexte, mais souffre de certaines limites. J'ai travaillé au développement d'une nouvelle approche, et étudié ses propriétés théoriques, reposant sur une pénalité spécialement adaptée à l'identification des hétérogénéités entre les paramètres de modèles de régression définis dans différentes strates. Outre les modèles de régression, je me suis intéressé aux approches pénalisées dans le cadre de l'estimation des modèles graphiques binaires, qui permettent l'étude des relations d'indépendance conditionnelle parmi un ensemble de variables binaires. Enfin, les études épidémiologiques soulèvent le plus souvent la question de l'inférence des effets causaux des facteurs de risque étudiés, et je me suis dernièrement intéressé à l'application des principes de l'inférence causale en épidémiologie du risque routier.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Mes travaux portent principalement sur des développements statistiques théoriques, méthodologiques ou appliqués, en lien avec des problématiques rencontrées en épidémiologie et en recherche biomédicale. Les questions soulevées dans ces domaines d'application s'interprètent souvent comme un problème de sélection de variables. Celui-ci est des plus classiques en statistique, et des approches dérivées de critères pénalisés sont connues pour le résoudre sous certaines hypothèses. Sous des modèles paramétriques, ces approches encouragent des structures particulières dans le vecteur des paramètres telles que la parcimonie ou l'égalité de certaines composantes, etc. Une part importante de mes recherches porte sur des résultats généraux pour les approches pénalisées par la norme L1 des paramètres ou des dérivées de cette norme. Nous avons notamment développé une méthode de présélection qui permet l'élimination a priori de covariables dans les problèmes de type lasso. L'objectif des méthodes de présélection est de travailler avec des matrices de taille plus faible afin d'accélérer la résolution numérique du lasso, ou de pouvoir tout simplement le résoudre dans les cas où la matrice originale est trop grande. Notre approche était la première à bénéficier de la propriété suivante : les covariables éliminées n'auraient de toute façon pas figuré dans le support de la solution du lasso et notre approche ne modifie donc pas cette solution. Je me suis par ailleurs intéressé aux propriétés asymptotiques des estimateurs dérivés du fused lasso généralisé dans les modèles linéaires généralisés. Le fused lasso généralisé est particulièrement adapté lorsque les covariables d'un modèle de régression sont naturellement organisées en réseau (protéines, gènes, etc.), et s'il est raisonnable d'attendre de covariables connectées dans le réseau qu'elles partagent des effets similaires sur la variable d'intérêt. Le fused lasso généralisé repose sur un graphe qui décrit le réseau (et donc la structure attendue dans le vecteur des paramètres), et nous avons étudié les propriétés des estimateurs du fused lasso généralisé en fonction de l'adéquation entre ce graphe et la véritable structure du vecteur des paramètres du modèle de régression. Par la suite, nous avons étendu le fused lasso généralisé au contexte des modèles non linéaires à effets mixtes, qui sont utilisés en pharmacocinétique pour modéliser les concentrations de médicament dans le sang au cours du temps, en fonction de paramètres individuels inconnus (volume sanguin, taux d'absorption, etc.). Je me suis également intéressé au contexte spécifique des données stratifiées. Dans ce contexte, la question principale est de déterminer si le niveau d'association entre deux variables est identique chez tous les individus d'une population ou si au contraire il varie à travers des sous-groupes prédéfinis de cette population (ou strates). Le fused lasso généralisé est adapté à ce contexte, mais souffre de certaines limites. J'ai travaillé au développement d'une nouvelle approche, et étudié ses propriétés théoriques, reposant sur une pénalité spécialement adaptée à l'identification des hétérogénéités entre les paramètres de modèles de régression définis dans différentes strates. Outre les modèles de régression, je me suis intéressé aux approches pénalisées dans le cadre de l'estimation des modèles graphiques binaires, qui permettent l'étude des relations d'indépendance conditionnelle parmi un ensemble de variables binaires. Enfin, les études épidémiologiques soulèvent le plus souvent la question de l'inférence des effets causaux des facteurs de risque étudiés, et je me suis dernièrement intéressé à l'application des principes de l'inférence causale en épidémiologie du risque routier.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : HDR
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-02506133
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin. Effets de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université de Lyon, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019LYSE1291⟩. ⟨tel-02506133⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : L’exposition au bruit des avions, dont le trafic est en constante augmentation, n'est pas sans risque pour la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports. Ce travail vise à mieux connaître et mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Il cible des événements de santé suspectés d’être associés à l’exposition au bruit des avions mais peu étudiés dans la littérature : état de santé perçu, consommation de médicaments, détresse psychologique, et concentration de cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress). Ce travail propose aussi d'étudier les effets de la gêne due au bruit des avions et de la sensibilité au bruit sur le risque d'hypertension (effet du bruit bien établi), et la consommation de médicaments, mais aussi sur l'état de santé perçu, et la détresse psychologique. Il a aussi cherché à déterminer le rôle joué par la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit dans les associations entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et les événements de santé ciblés. Ce travail repose sur les données recueillies dans le cadre des programmes de recherche DEBATS et HYENA. DEBATS porte sur 1244 riverains de trois aéroports français. HYENA inclut 4861 riverains de sept aéroports européens majeurs (Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Suède, Italie et Grèce). Les analyses ont porté soit sur les données de DEBATS uniquement, soit sur les données groupées de DEBATS et de HYENA. Ce regroupement a été possible car la méthodologie utilisée dans les deux études est similaire : l'exposition au bruit des avions a été estimée à partir de niveaux de bruit modélisés ; des informations sociodémographiques ou relatives à l’état de santé, à la gêne due au bruit et à la sensibilité au bruit ont été recueillies à l’aide d’un questionnaire administré en face-à-face au domicile des participants ; la pression artérielle et des échantillons de salive ont été recueillis en suivant le même protocole. Une association a été observée entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et la dégradation de l’état de santé perçu. Elle est positive et statistiquement significative uniquement chez les hommes. Aucune relation n’a été trouvée entre cette exposition et la détresse psychologique évaluée par le GHQ-12. En revanche, une association significative a été montrée entre la gêne due au bruit des avions et la détresse psychologique. Il existe également une augmentation significative du risque de détresse psychologique avec la sensibilité au bruit. Par ailleurs, des relations significatives sont retrouvées entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et le risque d'hypertension d’une part, et la consommation de certains médicaments d’autre part. En outre, ces deux événements de santé sont également associés à la gêne due au bruit des avions et à la sensibilité au bruit. Enfin, uniquement chez les femmes, une diminution significative de la variation journalière de la concentration de cortisol, avec une augmentation significative le soir, ont été trouvées lorsque l’exposition au bruit des avions augmente. Finalement, la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit modifient les relations entre cette exposition et les événements de santé investigués. Ces résultats confirment ceux des études, peu nombreuses, suggérant des associations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la dégradation de l'état de santé perçu, la consommation de médicaments, et des modifications de la sécrétion de cortisol. Ils vont également dans le même sens que ceux n’évoquant aucune association entre cette exposition et la détresse psychologique. Le rôle de modificateur et/ou de médiateur joué par la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit dans les relations entre cette exposition et la plupart des événements de santé investigués a été retrouvé. Il semble donc primordial de prendre en compte ces deux facteurs dans des études futures afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en en jeu
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : L’exposition au bruit des avions, dont le trafic est en constante augmentation, n'est pas sans risque pour la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports. Ce travail vise à mieux connaître et mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Il cible des événements de santé suspectés d’être associés à l’exposition au bruit des avions mais peu étudiés dans la littérature : état de santé perçu, consommation de médicaments, détresse psychologique, et concentration de cortisol salivaire (marqueur des états de stress). Ce travail propose aussi d'étudier les effets de la gêne due au bruit des avions et de la sensibilité au bruit sur le risque d'hypertension (effet du bruit bien établi), et la consommation de médicaments, mais aussi sur l'état de santé perçu, et la détresse psychologique. Il a aussi cherché à déterminer le rôle joué par la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit dans les associations entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et les événements de santé ciblés. Ce travail repose sur les données recueillies dans le cadre des programmes de recherche DEBATS et HYENA. DEBATS porte sur 1244 riverains de trois aéroports français. HYENA inclut 4861 riverains de sept aéroports européens majeurs (Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Suède, Italie et Grèce). Les analyses ont porté soit sur les données de DEBATS uniquement, soit sur les données groupées de DEBATS et de HYENA. Ce regroupement a été possible car la méthodologie utilisée dans les deux études est similaire : l'exposition au bruit des avions a été estimée à partir de niveaux de bruit modélisés ; des informations sociodémographiques ou relatives à l’état de santé, à la gêne due au bruit et à la sensibilité au bruit ont été recueillies à l’aide d’un questionnaire administré en face-à-face au domicile des participants ; la pression artérielle et des échantillons de salive ont été recueillis en suivant le même protocole. Une association a été observée entre l’exposition au bruit des avions et la dégradation de l’état de santé perçu. Elle est positive et statistiquement significative uniquement chez les hommes. Aucune relation n’a été trouvée entre cette exposition et la détresse psychologique évaluée par le GHQ-12. En revanche, une association significative a été montrée entre la gêne due au bruit des avions et la détresse psychologique. Il existe également une augmentation significative du risque de détresse psychologique avec la sensibilité au bruit. Par ailleurs, des relations significatives sont retrouvées entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et le risque d'hypertension d’une part, et la consommation de certains médicaments d’autre part. En outre, ces deux événements de santé sont également associés à la gêne due au bruit des avions et à la sensibilité au bruit. Enfin, uniquement chez les femmes, une diminution significative de la variation journalière de la concentration de cortisol, avec une augmentation significative le soir, ont été trouvées lorsque l’exposition au bruit des avions augmente. Finalement, la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit modifient les relations entre cette exposition et les événements de santé investigués. Ces résultats confirment ceux des études, peu nombreuses, suggérant des associations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la dégradation de l'état de santé perçu, la consommation de médicaments, et des modifications de la sécrétion de cortisol. Ils vont également dans le même sens que ceux n’évoquant aucune association entre cette exposition et la détresse psychologique. Le rôle de modificateur et/ou de médiateur joué par la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit dans les relations entre cette exposition et la plupart des événements de santé investigués a été retrouvé. Il semble donc primordial de prendre en compte ces deux facteurs dans des études futures afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en en jeu
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Q. Gicquel, E. Augé, A.B. Beau, J. Benevent, B. Charbotel, P. Denormandie, A. Descatha, E. Fery-Lemonier, C. Fournier, J. Legrand, Julien Mousquès, S. Sanchez, A. Singier, Nicolas Sirven, M. Viprey
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : hal-04811892
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Q. Gicquel, E. Augé, A.B. Beau, J. Benevent, B. Charbotel, et al.. Mise au point sur les travaux de recherche en France sur la santé des soignants : soutenir l’émergence de l’usage des bases de données (ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention, Paris 19 mars 2024). Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2024, 85 (6), pp.102790. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2024.102790⟩. ⟨hal-04811892⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.admp.2024.102790
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Cet article propose une synthèse des recherches récentes en France sur la santé des professionnels de santé, issues de l’appel à manifestation d’intérêt de 2023 par la Fondation MNH et la DREES. Utilisant des données du Système national des données de santé (SNDS) et de l’échantillon démographique permanent, les projets WOCAPREG, TRAILSS, Capessa, et Soignances font état des connaissances sur la santé maternelle, la santé mentale, les cancers professionnels, et l’exposome des soignants. L’article met également en avant les efforts d’organisations nationales comme la DREES et la HAS pour améliorer les conditions de travail des soignants, soulignant l’importance d’une réponse coordonnée.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Cet article propose une synthèse des recherches récentes en France sur la santé des professionnels de santé, issues de l’appel à manifestation d’intérêt de 2023 par la Fondation MNH et la DREES. Utilisant des données du Système national des données de santé (SNDS) et de l’échantillon démographique permanent, les projets WOCAPREG, TRAILSS, Capessa, et Soignances font état des connaissances sur la santé maternelle, la santé mentale, les cancers professionnels, et l’exposome des soignants. L’article met également en avant les efforts d’organisations nationales comme la DREES et la HAS pour améliorer les conditions de travail des soignants, soulignant l’importance d’une réponse coordonnée.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Clémence Baudin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-02513254
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Clémence Baudin. Effets de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports. Santé publique et épidémiologie. UNIVERSITE DE LYON 1 CLAUDE BERNR£ARD, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-02513254⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte : L'exposition au bruit des avions, dont le trafic est en constante augmentation, n'est pas sans risque pour la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports. Des effets sont déjà bien établis, alors que d'autres sont moins documentés et davantage débattus dans la littérature. Objectifs : Ce travail de thèse vise à mieux connaître et mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports, en France en particulier où peu d'études ont été menées. Il cible des événements de santé suspectés d'être associés à l'exposition au bruit des avions mais peu étudiés dans la littérature : état de santé perçu, consommation de médicaments, détresse psychologique, et concentration de cortisol salivaire (en tant que marqueur des états de stress). Par ailleurs, alors que les effets du bruit des avions sur le risque d'hypertension sont bien connus, ce travail de thèse propose d'étudier les effets de la gêne due au bruit des avions et de la sensibilité au bruit sur le risque d'hypertension, et la consommation de médicaments, mais aussi sur l'état de santé perçu, et la détresse psychologique. Il a en outre cherché à déterminer le rôle joué par la gêne due au bruit des avions et par la sensibilité au bruit dans les associations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les événements de santé précédemment investigués. Méthodes : Pour répondre aux objectifs de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé les données recueillies dans le cadre du programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) et de l'étude HYENA (Hypertension and Environmental Noise near Airports). DEBATS porte sur 1 244 riverains de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. HYENA inclut 4 861 riverains de sept aéroports européens majeurs (Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Suède, Italie et Grèce). Les analyses ont porté soit sur les données de DEBATS uniquement, soit sur les données groupées de DEBATS et de HYENA. Ce regroupement a été possible car la méthodologie utilisée dans les deux études est relativement similaire : l'exposition au bruit des avions a été estimée à partir de niveaux de bruit modélisés, puis assignée par géolocalisation à l'adresse de chaque participant, des informations démographiques, socio-économiques et relatives au mode de vie, à l'état de santé, à la gêne due au bruit et à la sensibilité au bruit ont été recueillies à l'aide d'un questionnaire administré en face-à-face au domicile des participants, la pression artérielle de ces derniers a été mesurée en suivant le même protocole, et enfin, des échantillons de salive ont été collectés avec des protocoles similaires afin de déterminer la concentration de cortisol. Résultats : Une association a été observée entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la dégradation de l'état de santé perçu. Elle est positive et statistiquement significative uniquement chez les hommes. Aucune relation n'a été trouvée entre cette exposition et la détresse psychologique évaluée grâce au GHQ-12. En revanche, une association significative a été montrée entre la gêne due au bruit des avions et la détresse psychologique : plus le niveau de gêne déclarée est élevé, plus le risque de détresse psychologique est important. Il existe également une augmentation significative du risque de détresse psychologique avec le niveau de sensibilité au bruit. Par ailleurs, des relations significatives sont retrouvées entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et le risque d'hypertension d'une part, et la consommation de médicaments - d'antihypertenseurs et d'anxiolytiques notamment - d'autre part. En outre, ces deux événements de santé sont également associés avec la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit. D'un autre côté, nous avons montré, uniquement chez les femmes, une diminution significative des variations journalières - absolue et relative - de la concentration de cortisol, lorsque l'exposition au bruit des avions augmente, avec une augmentation significative de la concentration de cortisol le soir. Finalement, nous avons observé que la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit modifient les relations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et l'état de santé perçu, la détresse psychologique, la consommation de médicaments, le risque d'hypertension, et la sécrétion de cortisol. Conclusion : Ces résultats confirment ceux des études, peu nombreuses dans la littérature, suggérant des associations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la dégradation de l'état de santé perçu, la consommation de médicaments, et des modifications de la sécrétion de cortisol, signature d'un stress engendré par cette exposition. Ils vont également dans le même sens que ceux n'évoquant aucune association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la détresse psychologique évaluée par le GHQ-12. Nous avons par ailleurs retrouvé le rôle de modificateur et/ou de médiateur joué par la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit dans les relations entre cette exposition et la détresse psychologique, la consommation de médicaments, le risque d'hypertension, et la sécrétion de cortisol. Il semble donc primordial que les études futures prennent compte ces deux facteurs afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en en jeu.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte : L'exposition au bruit des avions, dont le trafic est en constante augmentation, n'est pas sans risque pour la santé des populations riveraines des aéroports. Des effets sont déjà bien établis, alors que d'autres sont moins documentés et davantage débattus dans la littérature. Objectifs : Ce travail de thèse vise à mieux connaître et mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la santé des riverains d'aéroports, en France en particulier où peu d'études ont été menées. Il cible des événements de santé suspectés d'être associés à l'exposition au bruit des avions mais peu étudiés dans la littérature : état de santé perçu, consommation de médicaments, détresse psychologique, et concentration de cortisol salivaire (en tant que marqueur des états de stress). Par ailleurs, alors que les effets du bruit des avions sur le risque d'hypertension sont bien connus, ce travail de thèse propose d'étudier les effets de la gêne due au bruit des avions et de la sensibilité au bruit sur le risque d'hypertension, et la consommation de médicaments, mais aussi sur l'état de santé perçu, et la détresse psychologique. Il a en outre cherché à déterminer le rôle joué par la gêne due au bruit des avions et par la sensibilité au bruit dans les associations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les événements de santé précédemment investigués. Méthodes : Pour répondre aux objectifs de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé les données recueillies dans le cadre du programme de recherche DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé) et de l'étude HYENA (Hypertension and Environmental Noise near Airports). DEBATS porte sur 1 244 riverains de trois aéroports français : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. HYENA inclut 4 861 riverains de sept aéroports européens majeurs (Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Suède, Italie et Grèce). Les analyses ont porté soit sur les données de DEBATS uniquement, soit sur les données groupées de DEBATS et de HYENA. Ce regroupement a été possible car la méthodologie utilisée dans les deux études est relativement similaire : l'exposition au bruit des avions a été estimée à partir de niveaux de bruit modélisés, puis assignée par géolocalisation à l'adresse de chaque participant, des informations démographiques, socio-économiques et relatives au mode de vie, à l'état de santé, à la gêne due au bruit et à la sensibilité au bruit ont été recueillies à l'aide d'un questionnaire administré en face-à-face au domicile des participants, la pression artérielle de ces derniers a été mesurée en suivant le même protocole, et enfin, des échantillons de salive ont été collectés avec des protocoles similaires afin de déterminer la concentration de cortisol. Résultats : Une association a été observée entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la dégradation de l'état de santé perçu. Elle est positive et statistiquement significative uniquement chez les hommes. Aucune relation n'a été trouvée entre cette exposition et la détresse psychologique évaluée grâce au GHQ-12. En revanche, une association significative a été montrée entre la gêne due au bruit des avions et la détresse psychologique : plus le niveau de gêne déclarée est élevé, plus le risque de détresse psychologique est important. Il existe également une augmentation significative du risque de détresse psychologique avec le niveau de sensibilité au bruit. Par ailleurs, des relations significatives sont retrouvées entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et le risque d'hypertension d'une part, et la consommation de médicaments - d'antihypertenseurs et d'anxiolytiques notamment - d'autre part. En outre, ces deux événements de santé sont également associés avec la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit. D'un autre côté, nous avons montré, uniquement chez les femmes, une diminution significative des variations journalières - absolue et relative - de la concentration de cortisol, lorsque l'exposition au bruit des avions augmente, avec une augmentation significative de la concentration de cortisol le soir. Finalement, nous avons observé que la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit modifient les relations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et l'état de santé perçu, la détresse psychologique, la consommation de médicaments, le risque d'hypertension, et la sécrétion de cortisol. Conclusion : Ces résultats confirment ceux des études, peu nombreuses dans la littérature, suggérant des associations entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la dégradation de l'état de santé perçu, la consommation de médicaments, et des modifications de la sécrétion de cortisol, signature d'un stress engendré par cette exposition. Ils vont également dans le même sens que ceux n'évoquant aucune association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et la détresse psychologique évaluée par le GHQ-12. Nous avons par ailleurs retrouvé le rôle de modificateur et/ou de médiateur joué par la gêne due au bruit des avions et la sensibilité au bruit dans les relations entre cette exposition et la détresse psychologique, la consommation de médicaments, le risque d'hypertension, et la sécrétion de cortisol. Il semble donc primordial que les études futures prennent compte ces deux facteurs afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en en jeu.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Florent Baudin
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-02303044
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Florent Baudin. Ventilation mécanique dans les pathologies obstructives de l'enfant : physiopathologie des interventions ventilatoires et non ventilatoires. Autre [q-bio.OT]. Université de Lyon, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019LYSE1056⟩. ⟨tel-02303044⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les pathologies respiratoires obstructives de l’enfant (asthme et broncho-alvéolites) sont l’une des principales causes d’admission en réanimation pédiatrique. Depuis plusieurs années, des progrès ont été faits pour réduire l’invasivité des soins se traduisant par une réduction de la morbidité. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de s’appuyer sur des mécanismes physiopathologiques pour proposer des stratégies d’optimisation ventilatoire et non ventilatoire chez ces enfants. Nous avons évalué l’impact du décubitus ventral couplé à la ventilation non invasive chez les nourrissons atteints de bronchiolite grave. Le décubitus ventral permet de réduire significativement l’effort inspiratoire et d’améliorer le couplage électromécanique du diaphragme. Ensuite nous avons évalué la « neurally adjusted ventilatory assist » (NAVA) qui est un mode ventilatoire proportionnel basé sur l’activité électrique du diaphragme. Nous avons démontré que la NAVA améliorait la synchronisation patient-respirateur et réduisait le travail respiratoire en comparaison à la « nasal continuous positive airway pressure » (nCPAP). Enfin, dans la pathologie asthmatique nous avons également décrit la faisabilité du haut débit nasal dans cette population. Ces stratégies nécessitent maintenant d’être validées sur des critères cliniques et feront l’objet de deux études multicentriques randomisées
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les pathologies respiratoires obstructives de l’enfant (asthme et broncho-alvéolites) sont l’une des principales causes d’admission en réanimation pédiatrique. Depuis plusieurs années, des progrès ont été faits pour réduire l’invasivité des soins se traduisant par une réduction de la morbidité. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de s’appuyer sur des mécanismes physiopathologiques pour proposer des stratégies d’optimisation ventilatoire et non ventilatoire chez ces enfants. Nous avons évalué l’impact du décubitus ventral couplé à la ventilation non invasive chez les nourrissons atteints de bronchiolite grave. Le décubitus ventral permet de réduire significativement l’effort inspiratoire et d’améliorer le couplage électromécanique du diaphragme. Ensuite nous avons évalué la « neurally adjusted ventilatory assist » (NAVA) qui est un mode ventilatoire proportionnel basé sur l’activité électrique du diaphragme. Nous avons démontré que la NAVA améliorait la synchronisation patient-respirateur et réduisait le travail respiratoire en comparaison à la « nasal continuous positive airway pressure » (nCPAP). Enfin, dans la pathologie asthmatique nous avons également décrit la faisabilité du haut débit nasal dans cette population. Ces stratégies nécessitent maintenant d’être validées sur des critères cliniques et feront l’objet de deux études multicentriques randomisées
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Ali Mohamed Nassur
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-02069624
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Ali Mohamed Nassur. Effets de l’exposition au bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil des riverains des aéroports français. Gestion et management. Université de Lyon, 2018. Français. ⟨NNT : 2018LYSE1295⟩. ⟨tel-02069624⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte : Le trafic aérien, en constante augmentation au cours de ces dernières décennies, n'est pas sans impact sur l'environnement et la population. En particulier, le bruit émis par les avions constitue une nuisance importante et un problème majeur de santé publique, notamment en termes de perturbations du sommeil. Pour autant, en France surtout, les conséquences de l'exposition au bruit des avions restent insuffisamment évaluées. Objectif : L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil des riverains des aéroports en France, en distinguant qualité subjective et qualité objective. Méthodes : Pour répondre aux objectifs de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé les données recueillies dans un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé). L'étude principale, dite « étude longitudinale », a inclus 1244 participants vivant à proximité de trois aéroports français d'importance : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. La qualité subjective du sommeil a été évaluée grâce à un questionnaire administré par des enquêteurs au domicile des sujets. Le niveau d'exposition au bruit des avions a été estimé à l'adresse du domicile de chaque participant à partir des cartes de bruit produites par la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile. Une étude complémentaire dite « étude sommeil » a permis d'évaluer la qualité objective du sommeil de 112 des 1244 participants à l'étude longitudinale grâce au port d'un actimètre pendant huit jours et d'un Actiheart (enregistreur de la fréquence cardiaque) pendant une nuit. Des mesures acoustiques ont été réalisées pendant ces huit jours en façade et à l'intérieur de la chambre à coucher des participants, afin de caractériser leur exposition au bruit des avions à l'aide d'indicateurs non seulement énergétiques (LAeq, LA90) mais aussi événementiels (nombre d'événements et niveau maximum de bruit de l'évènement ou LAmax). Résultats : L'analyse de « l'étude longitudinale » a permis de montrer une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions la nuit (Lnight) et la qualité subjective du sommeil caractérisée par un risque de déclarer dormir moins de 6 heures par nuit (OR=1,63 pour 10 dB(A) ; IC 95% : 1,15-2,32) et de se sentir fatigué au réveil (OR=1,23 pour 10 dB(A) ; IC 95% : 1,00-1,54). Nous n'avons pas trouvé de relation significative avec les autres paramètres subjectifs de la qualité du sommeil rapportés par les sujets eux-mêmes, tels que le temps d'endormissement, les éveils nocturnes, la satisfaction du sommeil et la prise de médicaments pour dormir. Nous avons également montré une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les paramètres objectifs de la qualité du sommeil avec une augmentation du temps d'endormissement et de la durée des éveils intra-sommeil, une diminution de l'efficacité du sommeil, mais aussi une augmentation du temps total de sommeil et du temps passé au lit (cette dernière pouvant être interprétée comme un mécanisme d'adaptation à la privation de sommeil). Les indicateurs énergétiques, mais plus encore les indicateurs liés aux événements de bruit, sont significativement associés aux paramètres objectifs de la qualité du sommeil. Par exemple, les événements de bruit d'avions détectés à l'intérieur de la chambre à coucher sont associés à une augmentation de la durée totale des éveils intra-sommeil supérieure à 30 minutes (OR=1,10 pour 10 événements ; IC 95% : 1,03-1,16). Enfin, nous avons observé une augmentation significative de l'amplitude de la fréquence cardiaque pendant un évènement sonore associé au passage d'un avion et le niveau maximum de bruit de cet évènement (LAmax) [etc...]
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte : Le trafic aérien, en constante augmentation au cours de ces dernières décennies, n'est pas sans impact sur l'environnement et la population. En particulier, le bruit émis par les avions constitue une nuisance importante et un problème majeur de santé publique, notamment en termes de perturbations du sommeil. Pour autant, en France surtout, les conséquences de l'exposition au bruit des avions restent insuffisamment évaluées. Objectif : L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de mieux connaître et de mieux quantifier les effets du bruit des avions sur la qualité du sommeil des riverains des aéroports en France, en distinguant qualité subjective et qualité objective. Méthodes : Pour répondre aux objectifs de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé les données recueillies dans un programme de recherche épidémiologique appelé DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé). L'étude principale, dite « étude longitudinale », a inclus 1244 participants vivant à proximité de trois aéroports français d'importance : Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Lyon-Saint Exupéry et Toulouse-Blagnac. La qualité subjective du sommeil a été évaluée grâce à un questionnaire administré par des enquêteurs au domicile des sujets. Le niveau d'exposition au bruit des avions a été estimé à l'adresse du domicile de chaque participant à partir des cartes de bruit produites par la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile. Une étude complémentaire dite « étude sommeil » a permis d'évaluer la qualité objective du sommeil de 112 des 1244 participants à l'étude longitudinale grâce au port d'un actimètre pendant huit jours et d'un Actiheart (enregistreur de la fréquence cardiaque) pendant une nuit. Des mesures acoustiques ont été réalisées pendant ces huit jours en façade et à l'intérieur de la chambre à coucher des participants, afin de caractériser leur exposition au bruit des avions à l'aide d'indicateurs non seulement énergétiques (LAeq, LA90) mais aussi événementiels (nombre d'événements et niveau maximum de bruit de l'évènement ou LAmax). Résultats : L'analyse de « l'étude longitudinale » a permis de montrer une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions la nuit (Lnight) et la qualité subjective du sommeil caractérisée par un risque de déclarer dormir moins de 6 heures par nuit (OR=1,63 pour 10 dB(A) ; IC 95% : 1,15-2,32) et de se sentir fatigué au réveil (OR=1,23 pour 10 dB(A) ; IC 95% : 1,00-1,54). Nous n'avons pas trouvé de relation significative avec les autres paramètres subjectifs de la qualité du sommeil rapportés par les sujets eux-mêmes, tels que le temps d'endormissement, les éveils nocturnes, la satisfaction du sommeil et la prise de médicaments pour dormir. Nous avons également montré une association entre l'exposition au bruit des avions et les paramètres objectifs de la qualité du sommeil avec une augmentation du temps d'endormissement et de la durée des éveils intra-sommeil, une diminution de l'efficacité du sommeil, mais aussi une augmentation du temps total de sommeil et du temps passé au lit (cette dernière pouvant être interprétée comme un mécanisme d'adaptation à la privation de sommeil). Les indicateurs énergétiques, mais plus encore les indicateurs liés aux événements de bruit, sont significativement associés aux paramètres objectifs de la qualité du sommeil. Par exemple, les événements de bruit d'avions détectés à l'intérieur de la chambre à coucher sont associés à une augmentation de la durée totale des éveils intra-sommeil supérieure à 30 minutes (OR=1,10 pour 10 événements ; IC 95% : 1,03-1,16). Enfin, nous avons observé une augmentation significative de l'amplitude de la fréquence cardiaque pendant un évènement sonore associé au passage d'un avion et le niveau maximum de bruit de cet évènement (LAmax) [etc...]
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Erik Lenguerrand
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-00544856
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Erik Lenguerrand. L'exposition au risque routier et sa prise en compte dans les analyses épidémiologiques des accidents del la route selon la disponibilité de l'information. Autre [q-bio.OT]. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2008. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00544856⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : La détermination des risques relatifs d'insécurité primaire nécessite de connaître la population à risque d'être accidentée. L'exposition au risque routier est difficile à analyser : elle est multidimensionnelle et rarement renseignée. Un état de l'art du concept d'exposition est tout d'abord dressé pour préciser ses spécificités. La détermination des risques d'accident, lorsque l'information sur l'exposition est disponible, est présentée à travers les approches de cohorte, cas-témoins et celle accidentologique estimant des taux d'accidents. Les méthodes d'exposition induite et de quasi exposition-induite, utilisées pour déterminer les risques d'accident en l'absence d'information d'exposition, sont ensuite comparées à l'approche castémoins. Enfin, la portée, en termes de sécurité routière primaire, de résultats obtenus uniquement sur données de sécurité secondaire est discutée. Ce travail décrit les forces et faiblesses des différentes méthodes utilisées pour prendre en compte le rôle de l'exposition au risque routier dans les analyses observationnelles des accidents de la route
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : La détermination des risques relatifs d'insécurité primaire nécessite de connaître la population à risque d'être accidentée. L'exposition au risque routier est difficile à analyser : elle est multidimensionnelle et rarement renseignée. Un état de l'art du concept d'exposition est tout d'abord dressé pour préciser ses spécificités. La détermination des risques d'accident, lorsque l'information sur l'exposition est disponible, est présentée à travers les approches de cohorte, cas-témoins et celle accidentologique estimant des taux d'accidents. Les méthodes d'exposition induite et de quasi exposition-induite, utilisées pour déterminer les risques d'accident en l'absence d'information d'exposition, sont ensuite comparées à l'approche castémoins. Enfin, la portée, en termes de sécurité routière primaire, de résultats obtenus uniquement sur données de sécurité secondaire est discutée. Ce travail décrit les forces et faiblesses des différentes méthodes utilisées pour prendre en compte le rôle de l'exposition au risque routier dans les analyses observationnelles des accidents de la route
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Sylviane Lafont
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-01701321
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Sylviane Lafont. Les recherches sur le vieillissement et la conduite automobile : une approche pluridisciplinaire. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2017. ⟨tel-01701321⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Le vieillissement et en particulier les aspects neuropsychologiques du vieillissement des personnes constituent l'axe principal autour duquel se déclinent beaucoup de mes travaux de recherche. A l'Inserm tout d'abord, je contribue à la recherche de facteurs qui caractérisent le vieillissement respiratoire et fonctionnel, de facteurs de risque de démence, et sur des travaux portant sur des aspects neuropsychologiques du vieillissement. Pour cela, des approches épidémiologiques et expérimentales sont associées et contribuent à une meilleure connaissance du vieillissement normal et pathologique. En arrivant à l'Inrets, je prends en charge la thématique du vieillissement et de l'insécurité routière. J'explore ce nouveau champ en m'appuyant sur des bases de données existantes et sur de nouveaux projets. Dès lors, mon activité de recherche portera essentiellement sur la problématique du vieillissement et de l'activité de conduite automobile. Je contribue dans un premier à temps à quantifier les enjeux de sécurité routière liés au vieillissement des conducteurs. Je m'intéresse plus particulièrement au risque pour autrui que je quantifie en années de vie perdues attribuées aux conducteurs selon leur responsabilité dans l'accident. J'utilise deux méthodes d'estimation de la responsabilité et les deux démontrent une moindre dangerosité des conducteurs âgés vis-à-vis des autres usagers, et cela par rapport à des conducteurs plus jeunes. L'ensemble du bilan sur l'accidentalité des conducteurs âgés ne justifient pas la mise en place d'une procédure de contrôle systématique de l'aptitude à la conduite basé sur le critère de l'âge. Néanmoins, plusieurs fonctions et processus sont fréquemment touchés dans le vieillissement : les fonctions sensorielles, la vitesse de traitement des informations, les capacités d'attention, les fonctions exécutives, et les processus d'inhibition. Même s'ils sont plus sévèrement touchés dans certaines pathologies comme la démence, ils sont susceptibles d'altérer l'aptitude à la conduite dans un vieillissement normal, et augmenter le risque d'accident. Pour comprendre les facteurs de risque d'accident des conducteurs âgés, il est nécessaire de les expliquer au regard des facteurs qui modifient l'activité de conduite. La diminution de l'exposition au risque se manifeste souvent par une réduction des distances conduites, des évitements de situations de conduite jugées difficiles, ou encore par l'arrêt complet de l'activité. Ces changements peuvent être des réponses aux changements sensori-moteurs et cognitifs liés au vieillissement. Ainsi, l'autorégulation de l'activité de conduite devient peu à peu ma principale question de recherche. J'encadre une thèse sur l'impact des pathologies neurodégénératives telles que la démence sur la régulation de la conduite et sur l'effet spécifique du sexe dans celle-ci. En parallèle, j'explore dans le cadre d'un vaste projet ANR une hypothèse de recherche sur l'existence d'une autorégulation de la conduite, hypothèse qui s'est construite sur nos travaux antérieurs. Les personnes régulent leur activité de conduite si elles ont une auto-estimation correcte de leurs capacités cognitives. Une surestimation de ces dernières les amènerait à surestimer aussi leurs capacités de conduite, ne pas modifier leurs habitudes de conduite, ce qui les exposeraient à un plus grand risque d'accident. Inversement, une sous-estimation des capacités cognitives auraient pour effet un arrêt prématuré de la conduite ce qui les exposeraient à un risque de perte de mobilité, d'autonomie, ou de lien social, et «également au risque de dépression. Je constitue une équipe pour mettre en place une cohorte de 1200 conducteurs âgés. En mettant en regard une évaluation objective des capacités cognitives par des tests neuropsychologiques, et une évaluation subjective par des questions d'auto-estimation des habiletés cognitives dans les activités de la vie quotidienne, trois groupes de conducteurs sont constitués : des sur-estimateurs, des estimateurs corrects, et des sous-estimateurs de leurs capacités cognitives. Chacun des groupes présente des caractéristiques spécifiques en âge, sexe, mode de vie, symptomatologie dépressive, et traits de personnalité. Le volet expérimental du projet démontre une relation significative entre l'auto-évaluation cognitive et l'auto-évaluation de la conduite. D'autres résultats sont attendus, en particulier l'existence d'une autorégulation différente dans les trois profils d'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives. En parallèle, je travaille sur une meilleure compréhension du faible risque d'accident des déments, malgré des déficits qui impactent les capacités de conduite. La connaissance du processus d'arrêt de la conduite dans le processus démentiel et même dans la phase pré-diagnostique est essentielle pour mieux accompagner l'arrêt de cette activité. Par ailleurs, l'hétérogénéité observée grâce à des études expérimentales nous amène à conclure à l'insuffisance du seul diagnostic pour interdire la conduite. La question du vieillissement de la population et de l'insécurité routière entre dans le « Thème 1. Facteurs de risque dans les champs du transport, de l'environnement et du travail » du projet quinquennal de l'Umrestte, et plus précisément dans le sous-thème des facteurs de risque individuels. Dans leur rapport d'évaluation, le Comité d'experts du HCERES juge ces travaux pertinents. Du point de vue de l'Ifsttar, ces travaux contribuent à l'axe 1 du nouveau COP (2017-2020), «Transporter efficacement et se déplacer en sécurité », et plus précisément à l'objectif 2 qui est de « Renforcer la sécurité et l'ergonomie des déplacements, pour une mobilité sereine et respectueuse de la vie humaine ». Enfin au plan national et institutionnel, les travaux sur ce thème s'inscrivent dans la Loi 2015-1776 du 28 décembre 2015 relative à l'adaptation de la société vieillissante et qui vise à organiser les effets de l'allongement de la vie et du vieillissement des personnes âgées, notamment pour permettre l'accessibilité et la sécurité de leurs déplacements. Je viens d'être nommée pour trois ans au Comité des experts placé auprès du Délégué interministériel à la sécurité routière et du Président du Conseil national de la sécurité routière.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Le vieillissement et en particulier les aspects neuropsychologiques du vieillissement des personnes constituent l'axe principal autour duquel se déclinent beaucoup de mes travaux de recherche. A l'Inserm tout d'abord, je contribue à la recherche de facteurs qui caractérisent le vieillissement respiratoire et fonctionnel, de facteurs de risque de démence, et sur des travaux portant sur des aspects neuropsychologiques du vieillissement. Pour cela, des approches épidémiologiques et expérimentales sont associées et contribuent à une meilleure connaissance du vieillissement normal et pathologique. En arrivant à l'Inrets, je prends en charge la thématique du vieillissement et de l'insécurité routière. J'explore ce nouveau champ en m'appuyant sur des bases de données existantes et sur de nouveaux projets. Dès lors, mon activité de recherche portera essentiellement sur la problématique du vieillissement et de l'activité de conduite automobile. Je contribue dans un premier à temps à quantifier les enjeux de sécurité routière liés au vieillissement des conducteurs. Je m'intéresse plus particulièrement au risque pour autrui que je quantifie en années de vie perdues attribuées aux conducteurs selon leur responsabilité dans l'accident. J'utilise deux méthodes d'estimation de la responsabilité et les deux démontrent une moindre dangerosité des conducteurs âgés vis-à-vis des autres usagers, et cela par rapport à des conducteurs plus jeunes. L'ensemble du bilan sur l'accidentalité des conducteurs âgés ne justifient pas la mise en place d'une procédure de contrôle systématique de l'aptitude à la conduite basé sur le critère de l'âge. Néanmoins, plusieurs fonctions et processus sont fréquemment touchés dans le vieillissement : les fonctions sensorielles, la vitesse de traitement des informations, les capacités d'attention, les fonctions exécutives, et les processus d'inhibition. Même s'ils sont plus sévèrement touchés dans certaines pathologies comme la démence, ils sont susceptibles d'altérer l'aptitude à la conduite dans un vieillissement normal, et augmenter le risque d'accident. Pour comprendre les facteurs de risque d'accident des conducteurs âgés, il est nécessaire de les expliquer au regard des facteurs qui modifient l'activité de conduite. La diminution de l'exposition au risque se manifeste souvent par une réduction des distances conduites, des évitements de situations de conduite jugées difficiles, ou encore par l'arrêt complet de l'activité. Ces changements peuvent être des réponses aux changements sensori-moteurs et cognitifs liés au vieillissement. Ainsi, l'autorégulation de l'activité de conduite devient peu à peu ma principale question de recherche. J'encadre une thèse sur l'impact des pathologies neurodégénératives telles que la démence sur la régulation de la conduite et sur l'effet spécifique du sexe dans celle-ci. En parallèle, j'explore dans le cadre d'un vaste projet ANR une hypothèse de recherche sur l'existence d'une autorégulation de la conduite, hypothèse qui s'est construite sur nos travaux antérieurs. Les personnes régulent leur activité de conduite si elles ont une auto-estimation correcte de leurs capacités cognitives. Une surestimation de ces dernières les amènerait à surestimer aussi leurs capacités de conduite, ne pas modifier leurs habitudes de conduite, ce qui les exposeraient à un plus grand risque d'accident. Inversement, une sous-estimation des capacités cognitives auraient pour effet un arrêt prématuré de la conduite ce qui les exposeraient à un risque de perte de mobilité, d'autonomie, ou de lien social, et «également au risque de dépression. Je constitue une équipe pour mettre en place une cohorte de 1200 conducteurs âgés. En mettant en regard une évaluation objective des capacités cognitives par des tests neuropsychologiques, et une évaluation subjective par des questions d'auto-estimation des habiletés cognitives dans les activités de la vie quotidienne, trois groupes de conducteurs sont constitués : des sur-estimateurs, des estimateurs corrects, et des sous-estimateurs de leurs capacités cognitives. Chacun des groupes présente des caractéristiques spécifiques en âge, sexe, mode de vie, symptomatologie dépressive, et traits de personnalité. Le volet expérimental du projet démontre une relation significative entre l'auto-évaluation cognitive et l'auto-évaluation de la conduite. D'autres résultats sont attendus, en particulier l'existence d'une autorégulation différente dans les trois profils d'auto-estimation des capacités cognitives. En parallèle, je travaille sur une meilleure compréhension du faible risque d'accident des déments, malgré des déficits qui impactent les capacités de conduite. La connaissance du processus d'arrêt de la conduite dans le processus démentiel et même dans la phase pré-diagnostique est essentielle pour mieux accompagner l'arrêt de cette activité. Par ailleurs, l'hétérogénéité observée grâce à des études expérimentales nous amène à conclure à l'insuffisance du seul diagnostic pour interdire la conduite. La question du vieillissement de la population et de l'insécurité routière entre dans le « Thème 1. Facteurs de risque dans les champs du transport, de l'environnement et du travail » du projet quinquennal de l'Umrestte, et plus précisément dans le sous-thème des facteurs de risque individuels. Dans leur rapport d'évaluation, le Comité d'experts du HCERES juge ces travaux pertinents. Du point de vue de l'Ifsttar, ces travaux contribuent à l'axe 1 du nouveau COP (2017-2020), «Transporter efficacement et se déplacer en sécurité », et plus précisément à l'objectif 2 qui est de « Renforcer la sécurité et l'ergonomie des déplacements, pour une mobilité sereine et respectueuse de la vie humaine ». Enfin au plan national et institutionnel, les travaux sur ce thème s'inscrivent dans la Loi 2015-1776 du 28 décembre 2015 relative à l'adaptation de la société vieillissante et qui vise à organiser les effets de l'allongement de la vie et du vieillissement des personnes âgées, notamment pour permettre l'accessibilité et la sécurité de leurs déplacements. Je viens d'être nommée pour trois ans au Comité des experts placé auprès du Délégué interministériel à la sécurité routière et du Président du Conseil national de la sécurité routière.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : HDR
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Mélanie Varin, Barbara Charbotel, Olivia Pérol, Lionel Perrier, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, Sandrine Bonnand, Elodie Belladame, Emmanuel Fort, Virginie Avrillon, Paul Rebattu, Maurice Pérol, Béatrice Fervers
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : halshs-01526744
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Mélanie Varin, Barbara Charbotel, Olivia Pérol, Lionel Perrier, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, et al.. Évaluation d’un auto-questionnaire de repérage des expositions professionnelles chez les patients atteints de cancer bronchopulmonaire. Bulletin du Cancer, 2017, 104 (6), pp. 559-564. ⟨10.1016/j.bulcan.2017.03.014⟩. ⟨halshs-01526744⟩
DOI : 10.1016/j.bulcan.2017.03.014
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Dix à 29 % des cancers bronchopulmonaires seraient d’origine professionnelle dont 60 % ne seraient pas indemnisés. Le projet Propoumon vise à améliorer le repérage, la reconnaissance et l’indemnisation des cancers bronchopulmonaires d’origine professionnelle en maladie professionnelle à partir d’un auto-questionnaire (AQREP). Un des objectifs était d’évaluer sa capacité à détecter les patients pouvant bénéficier d’une consultation « cancers professionnels », en le comparant avec le questionnaire de la Société de pneumologie de langue française (Q-SPLF). De mars 2014 à septembre 2015, 90 patients suivis au centre Léon-Bérard pour un cancer bronchopulmonaire ont répondu aux deux questionnaires. Les deux médecins responsables de la consultation évaluaient de façon indépendante, sur la base de l’AQREP ou du Q-SPLF, l’indication d’une consultation. Si à l’issue de la consultation des arguments en faveur d’une origine professionnelle étaient réunis, une démarche de déclaration était proposée. L’analyse des questionnaires par les médecins était concordante à 73 %. L’AQREP a une sensibilité de 72 % et une spécificité de 73 %. Ses valeurs prédictives positive et négative sont de 62 et 82 %. Les informations renseignées par 24 patients étaient discordantes entre les questionnaires. Pour deux patients ayant une évaluation discordante (AQREP+/Q-SPLF- ; AQREP-/Q-SPLF+), un « Certificat médical initial » a été rédigé. Le premier a été refusé par l’Assurance maladie, le second est en cours d’instruction. Cette étude a permis de conclure en la capacité de l’AQREP à repérer les cancers bronchopulmonaires potentiellement d’origine professionnelle. Une réunion de concertation pour discuter des cas complexes pourrait être envisagée. Le projet s’élargit actuellement à d’autres centres et aux lymphomes.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Dix à 29 % des cancers bronchopulmonaires seraient d’origine professionnelle dont 60 % ne seraient pas indemnisés. Le projet Propoumon vise à améliorer le repérage, la reconnaissance et l’indemnisation des cancers bronchopulmonaires d’origine professionnelle en maladie professionnelle à partir d’un auto-questionnaire (AQREP). Un des objectifs était d’évaluer sa capacité à détecter les patients pouvant bénéficier d’une consultation « cancers professionnels », en le comparant avec le questionnaire de la Société de pneumologie de langue française (Q-SPLF). De mars 2014 à septembre 2015, 90 patients suivis au centre Léon-Bérard pour un cancer bronchopulmonaire ont répondu aux deux questionnaires. Les deux médecins responsables de la consultation évaluaient de façon indépendante, sur la base de l’AQREP ou du Q-SPLF, l’indication d’une consultation. Si à l’issue de la consultation des arguments en faveur d’une origine professionnelle étaient réunis, une démarche de déclaration était proposée. L’analyse des questionnaires par les médecins était concordante à 73 %. L’AQREP a une sensibilité de 72 % et une spécificité de 73 %. Ses valeurs prédictives positive et négative sont de 62 et 82 %. Les informations renseignées par 24 patients étaient discordantes entre les questionnaires. Pour deux patients ayant une évaluation discordante (AQREP+/Q-SPLF- ; AQREP-/Q-SPLF+), un « Certificat médical initial » a été rédigé. Le premier a été refusé par l’Assurance maladie, le second est en cours d’instruction. Cette étude a permis de conclure en la capacité de l’AQREP à repérer les cancers bronchopulmonaires potentiellement d’origine professionnelle. Une réunion de concertation pour discuter des cas complexes pourrait être envisagée. Le projet s’élargit actuellement à d’autres centres et aux lymphomes.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Article dans une revue
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Marine Dufournet
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-01739521
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Marine Dufournet. Quantification du biais de sélection en sécurité routière : apport de l’inférence causale. Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université de Lyon, 2017. Français. ⟨NNT : 2017LYSE1244⟩. ⟨tel-01739521⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Les principaux facteurs de l'insécurité routière sont connus, et l'enjeu réside aujourd'hui dans la mesure de l'effet d'un facteur, et la hiérarchisation de l'ensemble des causes intervenant dans la survenue de l'accident. Toutefois, les données disponibles concernent généralement que des accidentés. En l'absence de non-accidentés, l'épidémiologiste du risque routier se heurte à une sélection extrême. Une des solutions classiques est d'utiliser des analyses en responsabilité, et de mesurer l'effet causal d'un facteur sur le risque d'être responsable d'un accident. Néanmoins, la validité des analyses en responsabilité repose sur l'hypothèse, discutable, que les non-responsables sont représentatifs des circulants. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc de déterminer si les données disponibles d'accidentés permettent de fournir, via les analyses en responsabilité, des estimations des effets causaux sans biais, et notamment sans un biais de sélection résiduel. Nous montrons dans cette thèse que, dès lors que l'inclusion dépend de la gravité de l'accident, et que le facteur étudié a un impact sur la vitesse, il est impossible d'estimer l'effet causal du facteur sur le risque d'être responsable de l'accident grave sans un biais de sélection résiduel. Ce résultat est tout d'abord démontré de manière formelle, grâce à l'utilisation des modèles causaux structuraux. Ces modèles sont fondés sur une structure graphique, le DAG, qui représente les différentes relations entre les variables. Ce DAG permet la description des variables réellement observées, mais également des variables contrefactuelles, variables observables dans un monde contrefactuel où l'on aurait fixé l'exposition à une certaine valeur. L'effet causal étant défini à partir de ces variables contrefactuelles partiellement observées, c'est la structure du DAG qui permet de déterminer si l'effet causal peut être estimé en fonction des variables observées. Or, la structure du DAG conduisant à la survenue d'un accident grave ne permet pas d'exprimer l'effet causal du facteur étudié sur la responsabilité de l'accident grave en fonction des distributions observées sur les accidentés graves. Conditionner les estimations sur les accidentés graves correspond à ajuster sur une variable du DAG appelée « collider », et ainsi à introduire un biais dit de collision. En générant un modèle relativement simple, nous donnons à nos résultats théoriques une illustration numérique. En effet, lorsque les données ne dépendent pas de la gravité de l'accident, ou que le facteur étudié n'a pas d'effet sur la vitesse, la mesure estimable à partir des analyses en responsabilité est une mesure sans biais de l'effet causal, sous certaines hypothèses de prévalences faibles. Lorsque l'inclusion dépend de la gravité de l'accident, il existe un biais et ce biais induit par les analyses en responsabilité est d'autant plus grand que l'intensité de la relation entre le facteur et la vitesse, et celle entre la vitesse et l'accident est grand. Les schémas d'étude présentés permettent d'approcher des situations où le facteur étudié serait l'alcool ou le cannabis. Dans le cas de l'alcool, il apparait que sous le modèle simple considéré, la mesure d'association estimable serait une sous-estimation de l'effet causal. En revanche, dans le cas du cannabis, la mesure d'association correspondrait à une sur-estimation de l'effet causal. D'autre part, les outils de l'inférence causale nous ont permis de fournir une description formelle de la validité externe et interne, ainsi qu'une description formelle de la mesure d'association estimable via les analyses en responsabilité. Cette question de la validité interne d'une mesure se pose dans d'autres champs d'application que la sécurité routière. Elle se pose notamment dans le cas du paradoxe de l'obésité [etc...]
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Les principaux facteurs de l'insécurité routière sont connus, et l'enjeu réside aujourd'hui dans la mesure de l'effet d'un facteur, et la hiérarchisation de l'ensemble des causes intervenant dans la survenue de l'accident. Toutefois, les données disponibles concernent généralement que des accidentés. En l'absence de non-accidentés, l'épidémiologiste du risque routier se heurte à une sélection extrême. Une des solutions classiques est d'utiliser des analyses en responsabilité, et de mesurer l'effet causal d'un facteur sur le risque d'être responsable d'un accident. Néanmoins, la validité des analyses en responsabilité repose sur l'hypothèse, discutable, que les non-responsables sont représentatifs des circulants. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc de déterminer si les données disponibles d'accidentés permettent de fournir, via les analyses en responsabilité, des estimations des effets causaux sans biais, et notamment sans un biais de sélection résiduel. Nous montrons dans cette thèse que, dès lors que l'inclusion dépend de la gravité de l'accident, et que le facteur étudié a un impact sur la vitesse, il est impossible d'estimer l'effet causal du facteur sur le risque d'être responsable de l'accident grave sans un biais de sélection résiduel. Ce résultat est tout d'abord démontré de manière formelle, grâce à l'utilisation des modèles causaux structuraux. Ces modèles sont fondés sur une structure graphique, le DAG, qui représente les différentes relations entre les variables. Ce DAG permet la description des variables réellement observées, mais également des variables contrefactuelles, variables observables dans un monde contrefactuel où l'on aurait fixé l'exposition à une certaine valeur. L'effet causal étant défini à partir de ces variables contrefactuelles partiellement observées, c'est la structure du DAG qui permet de déterminer si l'effet causal peut être estimé en fonction des variables observées. Or, la structure du DAG conduisant à la survenue d'un accident grave ne permet pas d'exprimer l'effet causal du facteur étudié sur la responsabilité de l'accident grave en fonction des distributions observées sur les accidentés graves. Conditionner les estimations sur les accidentés graves correspond à ajuster sur une variable du DAG appelée « collider », et ainsi à introduire un biais dit de collision. En générant un modèle relativement simple, nous donnons à nos résultats théoriques une illustration numérique. En effet, lorsque les données ne dépendent pas de la gravité de l'accident, ou que le facteur étudié n'a pas d'effet sur la vitesse, la mesure estimable à partir des analyses en responsabilité est une mesure sans biais de l'effet causal, sous certaines hypothèses de prévalences faibles. Lorsque l'inclusion dépend de la gravité de l'accident, il existe un biais et ce biais induit par les analyses en responsabilité est d'autant plus grand que l'intensité de la relation entre le facteur et la vitesse, et celle entre la vitesse et l'accident est grand. Les schémas d'étude présentés permettent d'approcher des situations où le facteur étudié serait l'alcool ou le cannabis. Dans le cas de l'alcool, il apparait que sous le modèle simple considéré, la mesure d'association estimable serait une sous-estimation de l'effet causal. En revanche, dans le cas du cannabis, la mesure d'association correspondrait à une sur-estimation de l'effet causal. D'autre part, les outils de l'inférence causale nous ont permis de fournir une description formelle de la validité externe et interne, ainsi qu'une description formelle de la mesure d'association estimable via les analyses en responsabilité. Cette question de la validité interne d'une mesure se pose dans d'autres champs d'application que la sécurité routière. Elle se pose notamment dans le cas du paradoxe de l'obésité [etc...]
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse
Auteur(s) : Author(s) : Autor(es) : Carole Pelissier
Identifiant HAL : HAL identifier : HAL identificar : tel-01366424
Références bibliographiques : References : Referencias : Carole Pelissier. Conditions de travail et état de santé physique et psychique du personnel non médical des établissements d'hébergements pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD). Santé publique et épidémiologie. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2015. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-01366424⟩
Début de résumé : Short abstract : Breve resumen : Contexte : Le personnel non médical des Etablissements d'Hébergements pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes (EHPAD) est exposé à des contraintes physiques et psychiques éleÎes du fait de la prise en charge de résidents de plus en plus dépendants et polypathologiques. Notre démarche de recherche s'appuie sur le modèle de santé publique de Green et Kreuter. Il s'agit de préciser l'état de santé physique et psychique du personnel (diagnostic épidémiologique) et d'explorer les conditions de travail perçues par les salariés (diagnostic comportemental et environnemental). Matériels et Méthode : Une étude transversale a été menée par 78 médecins du travail auprès 2649 salariés (706 agents de service, 1565 agents de soins et 378 infirmiers) provenant de 105 maisons de retraite de la Région Rhône Alpes. Plusieurs questionnaires standardisés validés ont été utilisés pour recueillir des informations auprès des salariés. Les analyses statistiques ont été réalisées à partir du logiciel SAS, version 9.3. Résultats : Le personnel interrogé exprime un fort niveau de pénibilité et souhaite recevoir plus fréquemment une formation continue aux soins palliatifs. Il est fortement exposé aux contraintes psychosociales (efforts éleÎs, récompenses faibles, déséquilibre effort/récompense et surinvestissement). Les plaintes musculo-squelettiques du cou et des membres supérieurs et les signes de détresse psychique de ce personnel sont significativement liées à l'exposition aux contraintes psychosociales. Conclusions : La prochaine étape de recherche consisterait à établir le diagnostic éducationnel en précisant les facteurs organisationnels associés aux contraintes psychosociales de ce personnel.
Résumé : Abstract : Resumen : Contexte : Le personnel non médical des Etablissements d'Hébergements pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes (EHPAD) est exposé à des contraintes physiques et psychiques éleÎes du fait de la prise en charge de résidents de plus en plus dépendants et polypathologiques. Notre démarche de recherche s'appuie sur le modèle de santé publique de Green et Kreuter. Il s'agit de préciser l'état de santé physique et psychique du personnel (diagnostic épidémiologique) et d'explorer les conditions de travail perçues par les salariés (diagnostic comportemental et environnemental). Matériels et Méthode : Une étude transversale a été menée par 78 médecins du travail auprès 2649 salariés (706 agents de service, 1565 agents de soins et 378 infirmiers) provenant de 105 maisons de retraite de la Région Rhône Alpes. Plusieurs questionnaires standardisés validés ont été utilisés pour recueillir des informations auprès des salariés. Les analyses statistiques ont été réalisées à partir du logiciel SAS, version 9.3. Résultats : Le personnel interrogé exprime un fort niveau de pénibilité et souhaite recevoir plus fréquemment une formation continue aux soins palliatifs. Il est fortement exposé aux contraintes psychosociales (efforts éleÎs, récompenses faibles, déséquilibre effort/récompense et surinvestissement). Les plaintes musculo-squelettiques du cou et des membres supérieurs et les signes de détresse psychique de ce personnel sont significativement liées à l'exposition aux contraintes psychosociales. Conclusions : La prochaine étape de recherche consisterait à établir le diagnostic éducationnel en précisant les facteurs organisationnels associés aux contraintes psychosociales de ce personnel.
Type de publication : Publication type : Tipo de publicación : Thèse